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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>Kimber Brightheart (they/them/their) is a nonbinary, transmasculine, femme, demigoddex who thinks they came from outer space
>Kimber has an incredible cat named Lou that their boyfriend Ari likes to think belongs to him, and enjoys bacon, fashion, and bending the gender binary until it breaks

>Dommenique Dumptrux is a fat, fierce femme who got her start in costuming in high school drama class
>She is a proponent of fat positivity and wants to help QueersPlay in creating safe spaces for queer people of size in the cosplay community

>Ari Stanley is a queer and trans artist, cosplayer and crafter
>Ari creates various handmade wire wrapped jewelry, pendants and collage wall art pieces

>Leigh is a Chicago-based queer/genderqueer writer, cosplayer, general creative dabbler, and unabashed nerd. Their interests and work focus on exploring intersections of identities (e.g. gender, race, sexuality, etc.) and fluidity, particularly in pop cultural and/or genre media

>Malice (pronouns: sin/sinself) is a disabled, chronically ill, nonbinary transfemme digital illustrator, provocateur, and aspiring hellspawn
>sin's very eager to get back into crafting and cosplay after a long hiatus due to extraordinary circumstances in sins life, and thrilled to be contributing to the creation of better, safer queer spaces in nerd culture and participating in the ongoing dialogue about feminism, queer identities, body positivity, accessibility, and intersectionality in and out of cosplay


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