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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10335563 No.10335563 [Reply] [Original]

What is the Smallest Con/Event you attended?

For me it was a local comic event in San Diego (not the famous one). Held in a hotel where it barely occupied 1/4th of the first floor.

Artist alley only had 10-12 vendors. Exhibit hall had 10-13 merchants with stuff that looks straight from their attic

The amount of people in cosplay can be counted on one hand and it was small children

>> No.10335592

Really small one day local con had maybe 100~ attendees or so. It was at school and had few vendors and AA tables. It was kinda nice for hanging out with friends but otherwise it was kinda boring. It never came back.

>> No.10335594

Small local con in a school gymnasium, maybe 300 people? The fire alarm went off a bit before the cosplay contest and it was starting to rain so me and my friends bailed at that point but otherwise it was alright.

>> No.10335692

>magfest 1
>250+ people
>Consoles and LAN room were in the same room
>one DDR 3rd Mix machine
>Only 1 cosplayer.

>> No.10335847

The anime club at my high school organized a mini con and it was surprisingly good. There were no guest speakers or panels. It was just artist alley, a cosplay contest, smash tournament in the library, and some local anime stores selling goods. There was probably around 250 people and it was actually quite comfy desu. Some tryhard professional cosplayer who wasn't even in high school rolled up and won the cosplay contest. My Hetalia cosplay group didn't stand a chance.

>> No.10336302

Nezumi con, a mini con at a local college. It was worth the $10 or whatever entry fee. Maybe 200 people, but that feels high.

>> No.10336316

There was a local con in CO that ran into legal issues when Homestuck fan art wasn’t allowed to be sold and artist alley booths were caught with selling such things. One year they had a hotel that had a main hall/room that looked as big as my one bedroom apartment. Easily 100 people there at most, including staff and dealers room sellers. I had fun getting fucked up with friends, but we never heard about the con returning next years

>> No.10336387

I went to Anime Austin last year, which had 1500ish attendees. I hosted a panel that had all of 3 people show up, one of whom just kept asking if what I was talking about had English dubs

>> No.10336390

I went to a con with about 400 people once. Everyone played DnD and there was about ~20 cosplayers. The Vendor hall was just a small room. It wasn't that bad, but I wouldn't spend all 3 days at a small con.

>> No.10336424

My first con back in 2012 when I was just a little high school baby. I don’t think I would have a lot of fun at a con that small now, but I still look back on that con with a fond sense of nostalgia. It was so cozy and you could basically walk up to anyone around the same age and just be friends and hangout for the weekend. I kind of wish I could experience that con again, but they moved to a different location several years ago so it wouldn’t have the same feel unfortunately

>> No.10336491
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Seishun Con, maybe like 2k people?

Really chill atmosphere, it's officially only the bottom floor of the hotel, but people kind of hang out around the different levels.

It's just another excuse for me to daydrink in/around cosplay. But I really find it comfy.

It's been in the same hotel as Dragoncon for the past 2 years so that adds a neat feeling as well.

>> No.10336493

A con at OU campus in Oklahoma in 2004 or 05. The dealers room had about three tables. The best cosplayer was a fat wigless tokyo mew mew Ichigo, and nobody else really tried. I was still pumped though

>> No.10336623
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>> No.10336625

Saarcon in my case. Tiny convention, mainly aimed to tabletop stuff. They really can't be bothered with Cosplayers most of the time. Their contest sucks so much even with 20+ cosplayers attending every year. They just said fuck it, let the people decide. And now people vote for what Cosplay "just looks the best"
And they have massive organisation issues every year. This year, every sponsor dropped out 1 day before the convention started, as well as 5 other professional cosplayers with their panel.
The only good thing is that it's located in a massive university, so you can hang out wherever you want.

>> No.10336627

Smallest was also my first time in Lolita. Tiny con on a University campus. about 40 attendees. 8 stalls in a little tent. Many amateurs but it was fun and relaxed.

>> No.10336730

Hibanacon 2017, it felt like there were only 100-200 people there. For a first-year con it was pretty good and it's growing more every year now.

>> No.10336740

Atsuicon in Houston.

The artist alley had

one artist

>> No.10336804

Kikori Con in az
Could see the whole con in 20 minutes

>> No.10336827

I volunteered last year at a small comic con in a small town in the middle of the country. The proceeds went to children's charities. There were probably about 30-40 vendors which is pretty good for having been its first year, even though not all the vendors were comic/anime related. I got to judge the cosplay contest which was pretty fun. My favorite cosplayer was a Wonder Woman who had a cat stroller with a cat also dressed as Wonder Woman.

>> No.10337271

That's not even an Alley, that's the Artist Alcove or something.

>> No.10337363

Back in 2013 I attended a con run by the anime club at the high school I went to before graduating, a friend still in there had told me about it.
It felt like it had less than 100 people that year but was pretty spread out in the building. They had a decent artist/vendor hall in the cafeteria (probably 10 tables total), a maid cafe (no one was really dressed as a maid but the food was good), a few panels, and a masquerade. The masquerade was pretty entertaining and only an hour or so long.
I go any year I can now and it’s always a chill time. Great to go with old friends. It has stayed pretty small but is probably in the hundreds in attendance now.

>> No.10341902

I went to a few small events with fewer than 500 attendees. Some only had one or two vendors and no artist alley. They still had contests and other stuff going on and were fun to hang out at.
Price of admission was usually under 10€.

>> No.10342228

every fucking las vegas con here is small and can be done in an hour / a day. also a shit ton of babby's first cosplay like MHA but otherwise it's cool

>> No.10342265

I went to a really small convention in Denver maybe 7 years ago? Admission was like $10 bucks. The game "room" was like 2 TV's, and I'm sure they had an artist alley of like 5 booths. Not sure how many attendees there were, but I enjoyed my few hours there.

>> No.10342269

It was literally an artist alcove, you are very correct
poor dude was jammed in a corner

>> No.10342348

This. I think lvl up expo is suppose to be good, but dunno first time going this weekend so will report back if it's decent.

Thing that annoyed me about vegas cons is how fucking BULLSHIT the austimo staff is about shit.
>go to con in vegas, it's a complete shit show even for on the strip
>blow through the dealer hall in about 30 minutes and that was taking my time, AA I guess could be more but not a huge fan
>panels are all either canned or delayed due to issues one way or another
>decide to drink with friends for a bit to make the con not as shit
>come back with drink in hand from margaritaville or something to do cosplay pics outside and chill a bit with others
>exchange a few numbers for some meetups later try to go in to the con, actually meet a few cool girls to do photo ops with
>Paul Blart mall cop at the door who is on a power trip with his gopher status staring at us
>Uhh what? Sure we had some beers at lunch finished our drinks, but just keeping the cup for refill discount
>nani the fuck? There is a bar inside you can drink at dude...
>bruh it's the strip.. it's fine to drink on the strip till the riviera
bullshit about alcohol and stuff, fuck it and come back later through the other entrance
>sit down for drinks after a panel with some other cosplay we met
>mall cop blows a fuse we are inside at the bar
>tries to get us kicked out, bar tender bro covers says we just sat down from our rooms, staff fucks off
>mall cop throws a hissy fit about shit telling the girls we met to "be careful around drunks"

>> No.10342667

Anime USA, a fairly nice con in a hotel in DC. Pretty relaxed, more of a drink and cosplay type and area it's at is nice. I strongly recommend bringing friends

>> No.10342947

COAF or Dakucon maybe?

I went to Dakucon for the first time earlier this year. There were maybe ~200 people there. Still a pretty good time as it was 18+ and most people were in cosplay

>> No.10343122

jesus what a dick, what con was this and when

>> No.10343376

Don't remember exactly what one it was but It was in Greenville SC. Had (at most) 500 people there and only a handful of cosplayers (one of which was in a fursuit). Had a huge dealers room though and managed to get a Black Butler poster

>> No.10343385

HubCon 1. I think we got about 400 people through the door and that actually sounds generous. Had one room for art, one room for dealers, two video rooms, one big meeting room for panels. As conventions go from a business perspective it was a catastrophe, but it was super comfy, no issues with hotel rooms, parking, crowds, lines, cosplayers occupying multiple time zones-worth of space in the halls, LARPers getting in everyone's way, so from the public perspective everything was roses. The most drama we encountered was one of our Reg staff succumbing to appendicitis on Saturday morning and had to get ambulance'd out.

>> No.10346567

Anime Festival Wichita in...well, Wichita KS is pretty tiny. it peaked in about 2011 or 12 and that was at like 4,000 so its way less now, it's comfy.

>> No.10346570

Nihon Expo in Vancouver and a lesser extent Halloween expo. Felt more like an excuse to hang out with people than actually go to a con

>> No.10347074

After some digging, I believe it was Animeland Wasabi since it's the only con that fit the time frame.

>> No.10348202

>Kikori Con in az

Came here to post it, dunno why but I still like going to it. It's stupid, it's small, but damn if some of the panels are fun because the size.

Best way I found to enjoy it, is basically chill at the con mid day grab some goods, get back to the hotel drink with friends, come back in the evening for the +18 panels. Walking around down town in cosplay is also pretty fun to do.

>> No.10348225

"Come and Visit the Art Hole!"

>> No.10348412

Of course I read this as "Anime Autism"

>> No.10348468

I went to an event in a wedding venue that had three vendor and maybe 25 attendees. Most cons in this state are only slightly larger, unfortunately.

>> No.10348604

Any PNW people remember NewCon? It was pretty small and was surrounded by drama and fraud thanks to its organizer. No idea if it still exists, but the con itself was pretty boring. It's the only small con I've been to which I know isn't a great track record.

>> No.10349276

Anime Day Atlanta. 4 rooms in a tucked-away corner of a hotel. There was a tiny dealers room filled with bootlegs, one panel room, one screening room, and one video game room with a couple of artist tables stuck out in the hallway. I hope it grows bigger someday but I only went once, like 6 years ago.
Funny enough, the guy who's now my husband was at that con too, but we didn't interact at all because he spent all day in the video game room and I barely entered it.

>> No.10349303

there are already 4 fairly big cons in Atlanta

SeishonCon - Small con