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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10520981 No.10520981 [Reply] [Original]

are your parents supportive of your non mainstream hobbies i.e anime, cosplay, lolita etc?

>> No.10521002

No, they think it's a waste of money; and, although they don't straight up say they disapprove, it's pretty clear because they keep asking whether my friends are embarrassed when I dress up to go out. (My friends are not embarrassed, and I am doing quite well financially.)

>> No.10521003

My dad is pretty supportive of my weebeery, nerdery, cosplaying and going to cons. My dream cosplay is the character of the game we used to play a lot. I want to bring him to a small calm con some day with lots of gaming.

i love my old man

>> No.10521004

Who the hell is this?

And yeah, generally. My mom thinks its a little weird but likes that I have a constructive hobby.

>> No.10521006 [DELETED] 

my mom likes my lolita but complains about how much i spend even though i have a fat savings account and a good job. i literally havent been buying anything else during the pandemic so idgi

>> No.10521020

They thought it was a strange phase but didn't say much about it for a couple years.

My mom asked what was the point and I explained to her in normie terms that showing up to a con in something I made feels super rewarding and if you ever wanted to know what it feels like to walk a red carpet, a con will give you that feeling if you did a good job.

She used to sew when we were little kids so she understood that but then she was blown away at how much people enjoy other's work. Year and years later I got her to stop by DragonCon on day 0 just to see a toned down version and she really enjoyed it.

My dad also thought it strange but he's pretty thrifty so when I explained that I repaired my own clothing and sewed things for my apartment instead of forking over $$$ he was pretty happy about that.

Honestly, explain shit in terms your parents understand...and they might end up getting it.

>> No.10521021

My mother is. She grew up watching Gigantor and Speed Racer so is familiar with that realm. As a child, she'd watch DBZ and random anime I rented from video stores with me. She tried to show me off to people and my artwork out of pride even though I was pretty shitty at drawing back then. As an adult, she asks me to send her pics of me in lolita and she and her girlfriend are trying to buy me a dress this christmas.

>> No.10521024

Surprisingly my mom loves lolita, I thought she was going to hate it. She hates pretty much everything I like and swears I want to be white, which is just super ignorant shit. But she thinks lolita is cute, reminds her of when she was younger.

>> No.10521036

both of my parents are pretty supportive of it--they knew how amazing visiting the AP store for me was when i was 14, and they bought me my first brand dress ever. my mom was my coord photog when i lived at home, and my dad was just happy that i was being myself.

looking at present day, they still think it's cute but my mom thinks i'm insane for the number of dresses i've bought in 7 years. iT's nOt a PHaSE

>> No.10521044

It varies honestly, but I would say most of the time they don't like it but tolerate it.
I had to show the Sugar Coated documentary to both of them to explain that lolita has nothing to do with the Nabokov novel (especially for my dad).
A memory I had pretty much repressed from high school that I uncovered in old YouTube channel comments I exchanged with my internet friends at the time was when I used to check out manga from the school library (usually three volumes at a time) and for some ungodly reason my dad said I would be "severely punished" if I did that anymore. But my family is white and my parents are racists so it's really no surprise (my mother said two days ago that asians haven't done anything good...she's had brand loyalty to Toyota since 2003 and her oncologist is Vietnamese but ok mom). I think they've realized at this point that they can't really stop me though.
Honestly I'm more worried about telling them I'm gay and pagan than worried about them not liking me being a huge weeaboo.

>> No.10521047

Adding on to this...my dad actually paid for me to custom commission a cosplay of one of his favorite characters. Granted it was from an American-made live action show that takes place in Victorian England and the character is British while the actress is French, but...

>> No.10521149

When I got back into full sweet lolita this year my mom was like "Finally, I always liked those clothes and they suited well", Feels good man

>> No.10521213

My mom finally understood when she came to a performance I had at a con, and again when she saw me dress in Lolita for a stroll around town.
She saw how happy it made me, and the con helped her to feel what I felt: a sense of belonging when you don't belong.

She wants to go to another con, and I'm making sure this happens. Finally having a hobby to share with her is the best thing ever

>> No.10521230

I've been doing this shit for 10 years already and every time they see me do it they just say "again? you're still doing this?" and/or tell me to grow up. Part of me doesn't care since I'm an adult, but I do get jealous of people who have nerdier families.

>> No.10521290

My parents have supported all my weird hobbies since forever. I'm about 30 now, but they drove me to music festivals and cons as a teenager. My mom fixed my dreads when I was a cybergoth back in the days and helped me sew clothes. They've been really supportive of my 10+ years of lolita as well even though they don't always understand it.
Sorry for writing a sappy novel, I just really love my parents

>> No.10521291

My Mom has always been supportive. My Dad thought it was weird when I got into it as a teen but still bought me a weeb af maid costume.

>> No.10521300
File: 13 KB, 209x241, crying lil cat w hearts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn b this is wholesome as fuck.

>> No.10521303

My mom was hysterical for a while that I wouldn't be able to find a boyfriend with my weird hobby, but then I started dating my current fiance and she became way more open after that. After I got my life together she started treating my weird hobbies as just hobbies rather than obstacles I had to get over to get into adulthood, which is nice. She likes how nice the fabrics are as well and she expressed interest in buying Axes Femme.

She apparently has a friend whose daughter-in-law is also into lolita and I always wonder if that person in a comm or something.

>> No.10521358

Yes. I’m with my parents now after almost a year apart and am feeling sappy about how supportive they’ve always been. They used to buy me a manga almost every time we went to the store and now they’re constantly hyping me up when I send them photos of my outfits. I feel lucky.

>> No.10521466

My mum really enjoys lolita, she has sent me pictures of lolita she has spotted in the wild. She was a fan of new romantic fashion and has always admired alternative fashion in general. She was supportive but less of a fan when I was interested in Visual Kei.

My nan likes it too but is very worried about me being harassed if I wear it out on my own.

>> No.10521482
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They were a little weirded out at first but did everything they could to help me and my sis out with our very first cosplays. They think its neat and love taking vids of us lmao. My mom thinks lolita and jfashion in general are really cute too. I think my parents just like seeing us express ourselves and have fun.

>> No.10521509

My mom was very marge simpson “hhhrrmmm” :/ about lolita for years but eventually she realised it was just cute clothes and now she owns some IW and wears a lot of axes femme, she said recently she’s disappointed she hasn’t been able to stock up on amavel blouses for a while. It’s cute as shit. She did worry I spent too much money on lolita but now I earn better money she doesn’t mention it as much.

I don’t think my dad really realises it’s a particular fashion style he’s just like “oh you girls and your clothes ha ha”, he’s very sweet

>> No.10521552

Yes, I started wearing lolita a couple of years after moving out of home and after a decade my parents don't really care even if they make comments since they recognise that I get to make my own choices as an adult. At the start they thought it was a bit of a weird phase, but I think they've come to realise it is just stuff that I'm into.

>> No.10521554

Thank you lol
After the first 26 years of being a weird little disappointment, it feels so good for her to see that I just march to a different beat is all.

>> No.10521555

I thought my dad was being supportive when he took me to cons when I asked when I was in middle school but now I realize he only wanted to go ACen to look at girls in sexy cosplay.
When it comes to Lolita and jfashion my mom loves it but my dad will sometimes ask when I’m going to stop dressing like a little kid lol.

>> No.10521558

My mom was also very Marge Simpson about it when I first started as a teen. She's from a very sheltered rural family and she just didn't get why I would want to be so different. It used to really upset me because I was a pretty good kid and I didn't understand why she was being so weird about me wanting to buy clothes that made me feel happy. I understand a little more now I'm older, though - she basically had no frame of reference for this, and the name "lolita" is not the most promising start. Not to mention she was deathly afraid of online shopping (she still makes me do it for her when she wants something).

She eventually came around when she saw that the people in my comm were all kind, sensible people and she's come to appreciate how high-quality the clothes are since she's interested in fashion. It's still a little awkward to talk about with her so I don't bring it up much, but it's not nearly as tense as it used to be, especially now that I have a good job and a nice boyfriend who doesn't mind how I dress.

My dad has never really said anything at all about it, I think he thinks it's none of his business.

>> No.10521560

My parents knew about my nerdy hobbies and habits since I was in middle school, I'm in my mid twenties now and I think they're panicking slightly because despite being a somewhat well-adjusted normalfag passing person, I didn't grow out of jfashion. Mom is tolerant and appears to appreciate the craftsmanship of the high quality pieces I own, but dad seems to think I need to stop dressing like a little kid. I'm not sure why it matters to them so much, since I have my own place and earn my own money. Although, I live in a country in which the concept of alternative fashion is not well known at all. You either dress like everyone else(evangelical fashion) or you dress like a weirdo.

>> No.10521584

Mom: Sort of. She thinks it's all weird. But when I accidentally post a picture of one of my cosplays on FB (I usually don't but some people will tag photos of me on my personal account) she will share it on her wall.
Dad: He's a fellow nerd so is generally accepting of my nerdy pursuits. I got a free extra ticket to a small sci-fi con last year so I invited him to attend and he had a blast. I dressed up in my most extravagant costume and Dad was floored when I showed him.

>> No.10521637

My mom actually posted a facebook memory of my first meet a few days ago. I looked like cheap ita trash but she was so excited for me, and the picture is super embarrassing since I don't post my coords on facebook.
I think she was just happy and excited that I was going to see people and hopefully make friends that can relate to me somehow. My parents don't necessarily like it when I go out by myself in lolita, I think they think it makes me a target for bullying, but people are pretty self centered here and if they have an issue they judge silently usually. But when i go out with friends or to a meet they're all for it. My dad also jumped on the supportiveness when I started dressing better instead of ita lol.

>> No.10522209

Flipside: I am a parent, and my daughter is into cosplay, medieval reenactment, and mermaiding. Guess who sewed her first costumes, teaches her swordplay, and maintains her monofins? You have two tries, and tge first one doesn't count.

>> No.10522216

did you give your daughter a weeb name?

>> No.10522266

nope. I gave her, however, a weeb nickname for when I have the need to enforce the parental prerogative of trolling one's offspring by using an embarrasing nickname, of course.

>> No.10522270

I'm over 18 so it doesn't matter.

But really, they're ambivalent.

>> No.10522274

how sweet, you sound like a wonderful parent

>> No.10522673

Mostly. He seems happy to see me take care of myself better. (I had terrible health and hygine habits before i got into lolita. Lolita made me want to be better to look better in it.) He'll want to take pictures occasionally. He'll shit on me once in a while for wearing frills but it's less that he doesn't support the hobbies, just that he wants to make me upset.

>> No.10523193

For what purpose? There is only one God.

>> No.10523200

my mom forbade me from wearing lolita when i was younger, said it’s fake and no way anybody dresses like that unironically (even though we went to baby sf together once). my dad bought me my first piece though. but i had to give up alt fashion for years until i started making enough money and am an adult now. my mom seems to have realized this is just who i am, and the fact that there’s so much lolita content online now has helped it feel a bit more normal. she says im pretty and helps me curate which photos to post. my dad loves it alittle too much honestly, but it makes me happy he’s not embarassed but rather enthusiastic to go out with me in lolita.

>> No.10523293

My parents hate lolita but are fine with cosplay because I learned how to sew and make stuff myself. They think lolita is ridiculously expensive and that I look like a child. I just don't wear it around them though. They ask to see pictures of my costumes.

>> No.10523442

I started getting into lolita when I was 12 and my mom hated it to the point that I would be grounded if I talked about it and believed it was weird fetish wear no matter what I told her. Same ish deal for cosplay except she just thought it was lame and told me she would have bullied me if we were in school together. My dad loved cosplay because he was a huge gamer and wanted to do it with me when it was something I still did. Now my mom and I have a better relationship and she would never ever say the name of the fashion but will politely smile when I talk about "my dresses" and went with me to the baby nyc store when I visited her a few years back. It's alright I guess, I think she realizes she can't stop me and I otherwise tick the boxes for respectable adult child

>> No.10523452

Yes. My mom used to buy me cosplays and help me out with taking pictures. When I stopped cosplaying and got into lolita, she was supportive but didn’t buy me any dresses and I’m glad she didn’t.

>> No.10523488

Who cares? Are you underage or why do you care what they think

>> No.10523491

Some people give a shit what the people they love think about their hobbies. Novel concept to the socially retarded, I'm sure.

>> No.10523520

It was half shitpost half wanting to be op but anon posted sappy stories that made me kinda jelly. I tried to delete the thread but I was too late.

>> No.10523613

Aren't you gonna finish the line with "...and Muhammad is His prophet", Anon?

>> No.10523665

No, Muhammad is a false prophet

>> No.10523677

Are you sure you weren't? Because 99% of times someone starts that line, he intents to finish it that way.

>> No.10523678

They are fine with it. They may secretly not respect it, though. That I don't know.

>> No.10523741

You know nothing about god. You only know your cult. And your cult most certainly is not anybody's god.

>> No.10523753

Fax all hail Chick-chan

>> No.10523760

This might not be the best thread to ask this, but OP’s picture was making me wonder if there’s any decent lolita lifestyler/casual TikToks to follow, or any people who showcase decent coords on the app? Any recommendations are appreciated.

>> No.10523784

My dad is a weeb who raised me on anime. He doesn't necessarily approved of me being a lolita, but he doesn't shame me for it either. My mom's super into it, and is happy for me that ive found something that makes me happy. She's more of a western nerd, but she will occasionally watch anime with me.

>> No.10525542

They give me some flak for my anime/manga interests, and as someone who loved video games from an early age my mom was incredibly reluctant to let me even play them.
Ironically, it was my mom who became the biggest supporter of my cosplay. I think a good part of it was the two of us running into a bunch of cosplayers outside of Otakon once. She was incredibly amused by it all and wanted a ton of photos. It also helps that for years now, she's technically done her own cosplay as Gene Simmons from KISS every Halloween. Nowadays she always turns to me for tips on how to improve her costume since I've been becoming more elaborate with my costume designs over the years.
My dad was never the biggest fan of the cosplay stuff at first, and he still likes to take a few playful jabs, but when he sees what I make in person he's always impressed and likes to try the masks or props himself.

>> No.10525552

My mom is a doll collector, so she's very supportive of lolita and loves looking at dresses with me (mainly innocent world).

>> No.10525909

My parents does support me though my dad is embarrassed about me dressing in cosplay out in public and my mom wants to help me with managing my social media platforms from promotions and sponsorships. I feel like my parents support me a lot because they like watching some of the animes, cartoons and tv shows/movies i cosplay from.

>> No.10529412

That seems quite the suspiciously specific denial on his part. Towelhead spotted.

>> No.10541158

Mom has always been very supportive and she actually made my first few cosplays before I learnt how to sew (she teached me). She was the one buying manga for me and I think she is ok with lolita though she worries I catch the wrong type of attention (which is a logic fear can't blame her honestly). I think having an older brother with nerdy interests was what made it easier, watching anime was something usual at home.
My dad never paid any attention to me so I don't even know or care what he thinks.

>> No.10542587

my mom loves Lolita she's never really had a problem with the way I dress Wich outside of Lolita is bold loud colors, patterns, and comfort. So having a hobby where I don't look like a goblin is a plus. what bothers her is meetups or going out for long periods of times Wich is a hassle around con time. She's a bored lonely housewife so she wants to be dragged along to those things but I put a hard barrier on that.

>> No.10542596

You must be 18+ to post here.

>> No.10542598

My mum loves lolita, she thinks it's fun and different and she's always chuffed when I wear it when I'm out with her; I'd never tell her how much I've spent on dresses though, she'd probably have a heart attack on the spot.

>> No.10542621

My Mother hates both Cosplay and Lolita, she considers it a waste of time and money and tells me sewing is a waste of time.
I was a huge tomboy as a kid and she always wanted me to be more girly instead, when I started wearing Lolita this was also not okay, even the toned down stuff. She just wanted a normie daughter but I'm not give up sewing and costuming that ridiculous

>> No.10542625


>> No.10542626

My adoptive parents never understood it. I got into cosplay around 2009 and they thought it was a phase. Now they just tell me to stop playing dress up since I’m in my 20s. My birth mom is very supportive of it. She loves seeing my cosplays and my lolita coordinates and hypes me up when I talk about a new character that I want to do.

>> No.10542652

As someone both into cosplay and lolita since I was a minor, my parents had very different opinions on both.

Cosplay: They loved it because it required me to sew and make stuff myself, and they seemed to think it was good to develop those skills. It wasn't embarassing to them if anyone found out about it because they could simply brag to their friends and colleagues about how I made all that stuff myself for these special events and talk about how talented I was. I also never cosplay outside of events so they liked that it stayed 'contained'.

Lolita: They first believed it was a cosplay thing which they thought was cute. As soon as I clarified it was different and I would not be wearing it at cosplay events but in 'real life', they became radically against it. I've always been a lonelita so they didn't want me wearing it because I'd be labeled a freak for wearing such flashy outfits outside conventions and meets. And embarrass them by extention if they were seen with me or someone they knew recognised me. They also loved to repeat how fat I looked with my petticoats, and I should either get anorexia to look good in it or just not bother wearing it.

Nowadays they've toned that shit down because I'm an adult and can leave the house if I'm too fed up with their BS. They need me right now so they learned to bite their tongue.

>> No.10542660

Penny Dreadful?

>> No.10542662

My mom adores the Victorian/Edwardian eras and collects stuff resembling it like figurines, fine china, paintings, furniture etc. She use to do tea parties with me when I was little where we dressed up, so me being into lolita makes her ecstatic, especially the old school and sweet styles. As far as weeb shit goes, my mom didn’t understand but was supportive while my dad thought I was mentally challenged and behind my peers for liking cartoons. Now that I’m 30 I think they came to terms with me liking the stuff and collecting it so now they just don’t care anymore and are sometimes enthusiastic about my figures.