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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10602836 No.10602836 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>10597059

>> No.10602844

Obligatory >tfw no cosplay gf

>> No.10602846
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I went out with a friend recently and he mentioned he has never been to a convention before. I usually go to conventions alone because all my weeb friends have other friends they'd rather go with, so I was really excited to hear that this friend was in a similar situation. But then, thinking about it more, I realised we'll probably never be able to go together. Even if we're allowed to have in-person conventions at the end of this year, my friend is going to the US to study in a few months. So...I guess I'll continue to go to cons alone. I hope he meets some cool people at university and he gets to go to cons in the US with them. Cons in the US seem like such big and fun events, so I hope he'll enjoy his time there.

>> No.10602868

bought a dress and the print came in more faded than expected (it was advertised as such but it's hard to tell until you have it in your hands desu)

but instead of being sad i feel... strangely relieved? like i can just roll around in it and wear it super frequently because it's already damaged and there's no going back. if it were pristine and crisp still i'd probably treat it as something special, but now it can be a "workhorse" type dress. what a weird feeling.

>> No.10602870

x2. I started going on Tinder to search but holy shit, the amount of fattychans and people that just don't take care of themselves that are in nerd circles is i n s a n e. I think 99% of people can look good with the right routine, so why doesn't anyone do so? This isn't just knocking girls, most guys I see are also in shit shape. Like, what's up with that?

>> No.10602871 [DELETED] 

The older i get, the more I realize it only matters what an item is worth to ne personally, not to anyone else. I bought a normie item that I thought was a splurge for what it is, but it's my absolute go-to. I wear it more than any other piece of clothing I own. It has earned its keep many times over. Additionally, I bought a secondhand brand dress for only $40 total, and it's my most worn lolita main piece.

>> No.10602873

The older I get, the more I realize it only matters what an item is worth to me personally, not to anyone else. I bought a normie item that I thought was a splurge for what it is, but it's my absolute go-to. I wear it more than any other piece of clothing I own. It has earned its keep many times over. Additionally, I bought a secondhand brand dress for only $40 total, and it's my most worn lolita main piece.

>> No.10602943

terrible diet and life choices. Also tinder sucks, I uninstalled it and suggest you do the same.

>> No.10602948

Prior to the pandemic my partner felt apathetic towards lolita. They didn’t care for it, but understood it made me happy. I didn’t find this out until a few years in the relationship, so I decided to only dress up when I knew I could be alone (running personal errands, home alone, etc). During the pandemic they got into photography, and suddenly their feelings about lolita changed. It started with casual “this looks like a great place to shoot” while out on a walk in casual clothes. We’d take a few shots and go about our way. Now it’s “are you gonna dress up today? Wanna take a walk downtown? I saw this cool spot and thought it’d be a cool backdrop”

I’m positively thrilled, don’t get me wrong. It just feels...temporary. They go through these manic phases all the time where they’re like “THIS IS MY THING” I try my best to be supportive but... this is my forever thing. I’ve been wearing the fashion for years. I’m worried they’ll attach my thing with their thing and if they choose to move on from their thing, they’ll dislike mine even more later.

>> No.10603049

I don't want my kids to be born with a dent in their heads (if I ever decide to have kids) so I invested in a pair of iem. plus the cables look cool.

>> No.10603064

God damn it soup

>> No.10603120

I had been missing a white offbrand blouse for months and could not find it. It was the same color as my sheets pillowcases and blanket, so that did not help.

i just found it wedged under my bed and since it has been months now it has a small sweat stain. so i am annoyed at myself. I will be much neater in how i organize my shit

>> No.10603171

I need to stop spending money on Lolita when I damn well know I'm graduating soon and going to be hit with student loans.

>> No.10603231

I got to coordinate a dream dress for the first time yesterday, Dolly Cat low waist in pink, and I just can't stop vibrating from excitement. It fit so perfectly and the print is so much more beautiful in person than I ever imagined!! It fits well into my wardrobe too, I have so many things that match, and god I have never felt so much elation in my life besides when I got my first brand dress. Plus I snagged a really cheap but wrecked AP dress to use as loungewear and it showed up less damaged than I thought, and and it just feels like I'm the luckiest girl in the world.

>> No.10603244

What's the BEST app for nerds that care about their health and appearance then?

>> No.10603246

Just get a good job!

>> No.10603249

Tinder, but in a city with hotter people.

>> No.10603254
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but none of them will openly say they're nerds and you have to find out on accident.
>tfw decided not to hide my figurines because he seemed open minded. big mistake.

>> No.10603256

Open minded in men always means "willing to let you blow me in a new way" it's always yes to sexual experiences that do not involve their ass being penetrated

>> No.10603264

Jokes on him I never blew him the 6 months we were dating

>> No.10603266

That’s probably more a reason that he broke up with you than your anime dolls, anon.

>> No.10603271

He knew my rules, he didn't have to stick around for so long. Also we were just dating, not a couple

>> No.10603273

I don’t blame him for breaking up with you. Sex is a need, a right, and a necessity.

>> No.10603278

>this person suck dick

>> No.10603284

> acquaintance telling the group they bought a lolita dress
> cue me being excited
> ask them what they bought
> they post an amazon link
This is why I don’t tell people that I wear lolita. It’s uncomfortable when they talk about how expensive it was when it’s a 50$ replica dress.

>> No.10603285

Why don't major brands list on amazon anyway?

>> No.10603286

no idea but look here >>10603087

>> No.10603293

His loss, these figures are amazing. Find a man who can appreciate the supple difference in plastic on these boys' skin vs their clothes. The attention to detail ought to make any good man gasp in awe.

>nendoroids and funkopops however...

>> No.10603295

never lump nendoroids together with unko poops

>> No.10603311

I went a year without caring that cons were cancelled but for the last week I’ve wanted to attention whore hard.

>> No.10603345 [DELETED] 

Asexuals ruin everything and made me never trust dating again. I never want to risk dating a reverse rapist ever again.

>> No.10603365

I hate asexuals

>> No.10603370

My boyfriend once said he doesn't care for nendos because they remind him of Pops. I know he was just saying he doesn't like chibi style figures but at the time I really wanted to beat his ass.

>> No.10603371

I love asexuals

>> No.10603372

Kill yourself, sociopathic reverse rapist who tortures human beings with functioning emotions

>> No.10603381

Nendoroids aren't great but better than funko pops at least

>> No.10603391

Man, I just love lolita

>> No.10603393

lmao I'm in New York, the girls are plenty hot, but none of them have any hobbies or passions according to their bios, except for traveling, drinking, and eating good food. Then again, I think I'm blaming them pointlessly when that's just how Tinder operates.

>> No.10603425

t. an actual rapist.

>> No.10603430

I don't talk to anyone about the pieces I'm hunting for because I'm afraid of shining a spotlight on those items and creating competition for them. I know it's insignificant, but I consistently feel stupid and lonely over it.

>> No.10603433

No, I mean it's designed to milk as much money from you as possible. They use some very scummy tactics with their algorithms. I used it to meet a lot of people but I realized I was spending way too much time on it and being obsessive so I deleted it. Also I kind of got annoyed at just hooking up with random people I didn't actually like, but maybe that's just me.

I'm not sure there is one, desu. I'd say meet people in person but that's pretty hard right now. And I agree with you about people not taking care of themselves. Its insane. I lift and run but im at like 20% bodyfat rn, so firmly in thicc man status, and I'm still always the thinnest person at game stores or cons. Currently trying to cut down to like, 12-15% rn, btw. Drives me crazy when I see people guzzing down sodas and eating a whole pizza at game stores.

Funkopops are a huge redflag, unironically. Those figures are pretty cool, at least if they're displayed nicely. Would not make fun of them/10, I mean I paint 40k stuff so I have no room to judge people who collect anime boy figs.

>> No.10603438

i got a boyfriend here a few months ago. where were you guys?

>> No.10603489

Based boyfriend getter. I've only talked to a couple people from 4chan, on /soc/, and it was terrible. Glad it's working out for you.

>> No.10603491

>tfw no bf who tolerate my frilly dresses and anime figs

>> No.10603493

Make friends with lolitas that aren’t the same size as you. I have one friend who’s a few sizes larger than me, and even if we end up liking the same print, we never go for the same cut.

>> No.10603494

I wear mainly old school sweet and my two lolita friends wear classic and newer AP sweet, so it's fun to share dresses we find for each other and there's not any competition. Posting your DD on /cgl/ does seem retarded though

>> No.10603495

Same, on a different board but I met my bf in a friend finders thread. Have hope anons, it's possible

>> No.10603508

I would anon. I would.

>> No.10603563

I hide my mango shelf and wallscrolls in my closet whenever I bring someone over, need to hide your power level at all costs.

>> No.10603571

Low key sounds like gaslighting..

>> No.10603573

I also hide my weeb shit whenever I have people over. It's just easier that way. I don't act like a different person, I just don't want my normalfag friends to know and judge me.

>> No.10603600

I do, but obviously I want to save up for my future too- not just all on Lolita.

>> No.10603731

bruh in what fucking world-

>> No.10603747

Don’t use that word if you don’t know what it means

>> No.10603751

Real Stacys keep that shit in the open. Who cares if people know you're probably weird to them anyways.

>> No.10603905

good job gull
I'm happy for you two
don't fuck it up, make sure to post couples cosplay pics

>> No.10603949

I'll probably get hated on but here it goes -

Anyone else unemployed right now and dealing with their terrible state unemployment department? Are you in California? Want to be friends and cry together?

I have enough money to keep spending on jfashion, but it just feels bad because right now I've exhausted my normal benefits and I'm waiting on federal extensions. I hate spending money when I have no cash flow. The only thing keeping me happy right now is being able to buy cute things and I can't because I feel so guilty for it.

Waiting for my state department to apply the extensions is a complete shit show. This is the worst I've felt since the pandemic began. I feel so crushed and stupid (for anyone wanting to hate on me, I was unemployed due to company layoffs and I can't even think about getting another job that isn't 100% remote until everyone in my household is fully vaccinated).

>> No.10604027

I went to town today and decided to stop by Kinokuniya to buy some GLBs. I was out of luck, the GLBs have finally gone out of stock. I guess another local lolita got to them first. I kind of regret not buying up the GLBs up while they were still available. Kinokuniya also stopped importing the other weeb magazines I used to read, so I ended up buying a copy of Otome no Sewing even though I'm not good at sewing. Gonna have a comfy night doing my best to understand the OnS while enjoying the new tea I bought. I hope other anons had an equally comfy day today.

>> No.10604034

Sorry to hear you got laid off, best of luck with finding a new job soon. Are you able to get the vaccine and start searching? Im in AZ and I just got my second dose.

>> No.10604040
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Don’t judge me for my plushies and I won’t judge you for your figurines, simple as.

>> No.10604161

lucky gull, i can never find the OnS at my kinokuniya. they don't really sort the craft section so i have to look at every spine to try and recognize the characters 乙女 to no avail lmao. maybe this is your cue to take up a new craft though

>> No.10604178

Dude, California just sent y'all $600 in stimmy money. You're in the best fucking state for Covid.

>> No.10604201

It’s fucking great babyyy. I collected 40k so far and only had to pay $400 for taxes. Best part is I’m still collecting.

>> No.10604220

I hope everyone with a romantic partner in this thread enjoys the most loving, emotional, spiritual, romantic sex. :) There's truly no greater bond in the world than sex.

To all asexuals, however: You suck and will never know what love feels like. Don't force others to go without sex, you monsters.

>> No.10604222
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>> No.10604224

Fuck off asexual. Stop torturing healthy people who actually have emotions and need sex.

>> No.10604241

I'm a heterosexual and in a happy relationship with a guy who really loves having vanilla sex in missionary position just like I do. I just like calling out dumb bait.

>> No.10604246

Ok, well, how would you feel if you dated someone who refused to have loving sex with you? Or even just being around someone who somehow doesn't enjoy sex? Personally I don't like hanging around sociopaths, and it disturbs me that they even exist.

>> No.10604250

shut up you rapist

>> No.10604256

Tell me what you would do in my situation then? My only choice was to "rape". Imagine being with someone who won't even have sex.

>> No.10604263

nayrt, not gonna lie asexual-sperg-anon, i admire your dedication

maybe if you put that energy toward finding a partner who is not asexual you could be happy

>> No.10604264

It still disturbs me that asexuals are around, preying on innocent people who need sex.

>> No.10604275

>preying on innocent people who need sex

by...existing and not wanting to fuck them? does that mean a non-asexual person who doesn't want to fuck someone is also preying on them or did you not think that far ahead when you got up to troll today?

>> No.10604280

There's no such thing as not wanting to have sex with someone you love romantically if you're not a sociopath. I'm talking about asexuals who abuse people by dating them.

>> No.10604285

Are non asexual people who are abstinent equally as evil until they get married and fuck?

>> No.10604308

They could just date other asexual people. Also, no one is forcing you to date someone who is sexual you loon. Make better decisions.

>> No.10604310


>> No.10604356
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I see rapistanon is back

>> No.10604380

I have the first dose. Scheduled and waiting for the second. I feel like posting here gave me good luck though because I woke up today and had my extension! I'm so relieved.

I actually made too much money last year (before getting laid off) to get the Golden State Stimulus. The requirements were pretty low. But I do agree that CA is probably one of the better states to be in during COVID, simply because we've been taking it more seriously than others.

>> No.10604396

You absolute fucktard just break up with them if you’re not getting what you need out of the relationship.

>> No.10604525
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Spoonflower should have shipped my order already but they haven't even printed it.

>> No.10604538

Save up and go to the US when cons reopen

>> No.10604547

Anyone else feel like this shit has just totally ruined their ability to be happy in the company of other people?
I'm fully vaccinated but I still just get upset when I'm around a lot of other people, especially without space or masks or whatever.

I always had social anxiety and hated big crowds but now it's like next level. I don't think I'll be able to feel normal at a con for like another 10 years and by then will I even want to go to them?

Also, my wife will absolutely never put up the effort to cosplay at home for the sake of my dick. She might put on like part of an outfit and then complain and take it off an hour or two in. I've talked to her about it but it's just uncomfy I guess. She loves cosplaying at cons and then fucking in the hotel room but I guess just fucking isn't a good enough excuse to put it all on. By the time we can enjoy a full con again we will probably be out of shape and shit.

>> No.10604568

And he's gonna keep coming back until you dummies learn to ignore obvious bait. I used to leave bait comments in these threads all the time so I'd have something to look forward to, but seeing how even this low effort garbage gets them riled up, what's the point?

>> No.10604569

We're getting raided again, aren't we

>> No.10604715

Based taste anon, saiki is great

>> No.10604731

At least now you know better than to date people for their looks and you'll give nice nerds a chance. Right?

>> No.10604749

Ew lol

>> No.10604754

He was a manlet gamer tho

>> No.10604766

Why would you even in the first place?

>> No.10604798

I just wore Lolita for the first time in public and....it felt amazing? ; ; Im so happy to finally be able to wear the clothes I've coveted for over a decade. A couple of ladies even took a picture with me .

>> No.10604801

Hell yeah, sister. Ride that wave.

>> No.10604828

>A couple of ladies even took a picture with me
Who's gonna tell her?

>> No.10604957

Theres a reason he was single

>> No.10605006
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How do I complete my goal of becoming the larger than life yippee ki yay cavalier ultra whoopass American character from an '80s action OVA? I already own a revolver, live in a desert state, have a bit of a Southern drawl, and have handled radiation before.

>> No.10605015

There's a reason I'm single too

Thought this was soup for a second

>> No.10605017

>There's a reason I'm single too
Which is?

>> No.10605019

I suck at socializing and am that type of person who gets a crush immediately when someone is nice to me. No amount of good looks can counteract how off putting that kind of behavior is. I'll just stick to my 2D husbandos

>> No.10605024

What? No way, you're great! Let's get subway next tuesday.

>> No.10605031

god fucking damn I hate having fat tits
I have to look for shirred or "plus size" dresses only despite being a normal weight because my fucking tits are so big. I even lost 20 lbs trying to make them smaller... Lost maybe 1 cm off my tits and the rest of the weight dropped from my thighs and butt. If I cut them off, I would be able to fit unshirred old AP, MM, not just fatty clothes. I sincerely hope I get breast cancer so I can get a mastectomy covered by my insurance

>> No.10605032

pls don't play me like that anon

>> No.10605043
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>get into new thing
>thing has a few cute couples
>no one do to couple cosplays with
>forget about cosplays at all, corona still going strong

Hard times.

>> No.10605049

What's your bust size? You can try, boobs squash down. Also, compression tops

>> No.10605051

>Lost maybe 1 cm off my tits and the rest of the weight dropped from my thighs and butt.
Chances are you lost muscle and kept the fat. Are you lifting?

>> No.10605074

Play? Babe I'm just trying to give you a footlong. And then a 6".

>> No.10605081

t. snipped burger

>> No.10605088

97 cm bust. I use binders and compression tops a lot but they make an unflattering boob loaf
Damn, that would be unfortunate. I don't lift, lost all the weight by not eating

>> No.10605091

t. obsessed

>> No.10605093

>Damn, that would be unfortunate. I don't lift, lost all the weight by not eating
Yeah, that probably explains it.
However, you can get the body you want, anon! Lifting + a lot of cardio will definitely burn some fat from your boobs, and make the rest of your body look great.
Try to keep your diet in a healthy level.

>> No.10605095

I was unsure if I’d fit in my first MM dress bc I’m 3-5cm over the bust measurement on lolibrary but that back shirring saved me. It fits so nice ;-;

>> No.10605098

had an interest in cosplay for years, finally decided to go all out for a con RIGHT before the pandemic hit. it got cancelled and i have just been sitting here for a year itching to hang out with people and show off my cosplay

>> No.10605155
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what ARE your feelings abot this?
thankyou :3

>> No.10605157

someone is a charlatan and is taking money that could go to a endocrinologist or an actual fucking doctor. May this person rot in hell. I am making a sourjar as we speak

>> No.10605187
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Seethe 3dpd

>> No.10605199
File: 305 KB, 555x385, Ozz8tsY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm seething? That's news to me.

>> No.10605202

what is
Also get vaccinated that's a good way to put a stop to rona

>> No.10605319
File: 513 KB, 900x1291, 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umineko no Naku Koro ni
both the VN and the manga are god tier, and it's probably top 3 story I've ever seen, in any medium.
>Also get vaccinated that's a good way to put a stop to rona
if things keep going as fast as they are now, I'll be fully vaccinated in 2024 haha

>> No.10605338

nayrt but damn hell yes so good to see someone getting into umineko these days. the visual novel is a fucking masterpeice, good taste anon.

>> No.10605354

rant time. I am so sad. I wish there was a way to order directly from AP and actually get something if you're disabled. I've been having a hard time for years, but at least I used to be able to get some items I wanted. lately I have missed every single item I've tried to get that isn't just sitting in stock. I've tried with autofill, tried getting help from friends, and it seems I just can't move my hands fast enough. I have tried weekly for 8 months now and its getting so frustrating I think I may stop buying new from AP altogether. they probably won't miss my money anyway and I haven't been overly interested in a release since toy doll box. I'm just so sad, I always feel so left behind in everything. honestly this is just another pile of shit stuffed into the shit sandwhich that is my shit life. maybe I'll finally go an hero, im so tired of struggling constantly. but I'd probably fail at that too because of my stupid shit hands. i hate myself.

>> No.10605364

Do you really think you're entitled to hot selling items just because you're disabled?! What the actual fuck, you must be so full of yourself. Disabled, slow, and mentally deranged. AP doesn't owe you anything.

>> No.10605421


Imagine being such a pathetic weasel you let a fucking flu-like virus scare you this much. Grow a pair.

>> No.10605422
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>damn hell yes so good to see someone getting into umineko these days.
Yes! I've seen some people getting into it recently. Seems like Higurashi Gou had the side effect of reigniting the fan base.
>the visual novel is a fucking masterpeice, good taste anon.
it's a brilliant, severely underrated masterpiece. The only thing I remember making me like this was watching Evangelion a decade ago.
Sucks that I have to recommend people to read the manga, because they just don't play VNs. The manga is a masterpiece on its own, but you miss the godlike OST.
I feel dead inside, because I won't ever be able to play it for the first time again.

>> No.10605425

What is your problem? They never said AP should accommodate them specifically, they're just understandably upset over their limitations. Learn some compassion, you autistic fuck. Being sad is not the same as being entitled, you emotional idiot

>> No.10605432

don't be sad, anon-chan. I'd help you snag some AP if you'd trust a rando gull. Having more friends to help shop for items, the better chance of getting it.

>> No.10605433

what country do you live in anon? How do you earn enough on disability to afford burando?

>> No.10605445

You can be disabled without being on disability.

>> No.10605470

If anon is so disabled they can’t even do an order, when stuff sits for up to 10 minutes sometimes, they probably can’t do shit

>> No.10605481

All of my favorite styles only really look good on tall people with long legs. The things I want to wear make me look even stumpier.

>> No.10605484

There are jobs that don't require quick clicking or typing.

>> No.10605487


I'd advice against suicide. Your loved ones would be devastated.
People make fun of me for being slow and tell me to "hasten my hands". But they're always chasing after deadlines while I'm attending to matters carefully and as a side activity instead. This way my life isn't consumed momentarily by something I hate. What is the matter with your hands?


NTA and I have nothing against the disabled anon but

>They never said AP should accommodate them specifically
>I wish there was a way to order directly from AP and actually get something if you're disabled

>> No.10605514

i would help you but unfortunately i'm an APfag myself. my advice is to make some friends or see if the friends you already have won't help you. or pay someone to do it.

>> No.10605523

I just realized that I never paid my invoice for Kumya's Love Heart Embroidery. They invoiced me for something for the Classical Release at the same time but never this one.
Now I looked at the email to see when the heck I would get the bill. It says if I didn't get it by the beginning of April I should have emailed them. It says if I didn't pay they might black list me.
I feel like such an idiot and now I am worried I can't order through them anymore. I was so excited for this release and now I am worried I messed it up. I just assumed I would get an email when they needed it. Can I get black listed for their mess up?

>> No.10605524

they didn't mess up though. it probably got spam filtered by your inbox, and it was your responsibility to contact them ASAP if you didn't receive it. so yeah, you might get blacklisted.

>> No.10605526 [DELETED] 

Checked my spam. It isn't in my spam or deleted and I do not clear them out. I got an invoice from them from a reservation from the same weekend.
I can't really blame them too much because I should have contacted them, but I am certain I didn't get an email. I figured I would get it later since the dress doesn't come out till later and it mentioned possibly invoicing later for the second release. It just sucks all around.

>> No.10605528

Hmm. I see how that can come off as entitled but, I am not trying to be? just sad that I have literally never gotten something I was really hyped for... I'm not here screaming at the brand am I? don't need to be so fucking rude. I don't even really blame AP just...god it sucks a lot. I wish I wasn't born this way.

that's very sweet of you nonny, I'll give you my email if you're serious about helping me out!

I'm in the USA and not on disability, I work part time. I qualify for benefits but haven't fully applied for them, as I make more money doing my job. I don't worry about rent or bills as my wife pays them so I have nothing but expendable income personally, affording brand isn't a problem, I'm very priveleged besides the whole being disabled thing.

I can barely do shit you are right. my hands are fucked. I'm lucky that I can shovel food in my mouth sometimes.

thank you anon. you are right this isnt worth dying over, even if it really feels awful sometimes. I have severe arthritis and poor motor control since birth.
I do see how I could come off as entitled and wanting them to cater to me, but honestly I don't...I just wish I was born normal like every one else and could keep up. It hurts to always feel so left behind, especially when I so desperately love this fashion. I know I just have to become comfortable buying things on my own terms...I just wish I was normal and could compete with others and have fun too.

I am considering using a shopping service but I'm concerned after seeing so many bad reviews on nearly all of them lately...I'm gonna keep asking my friends for sure, thanks anyway anon

>> No.10605532

no shopping service can help you t b h. not with the way AP is going rn. if you have good expendable income then the high iq move is to pay a lolita who doesn't like AP to do it for you.

>> No.10605534

>my wife
please tell me you’re a dude I’m begging you

>> No.10605537

kinda figured. yeah now if only I could make friends with other lolitas....

ha no. I'm a lesbian.

>> No.10605541

I wear mostly classic so I’m not into AP either. I’m down to help you out as well anon

>> No.10605545

thanks anon, you're too kind. drooped my email for you and the other anon, I will gladly pay you gulls to help me out when more items I fall in love with inevitably get released!

>> No.10605550
File: 83 KB, 800x800, Finger-Brace-Support-Posture-Corrector-3-Sizes-Aluminium-Finger-Hand-Splint-Recovery-Injury-Pain-Bending-Deformation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I understand what it's like to have issues and damages follow you to your deathbed. But there are no stat rerolls or resets in life. We have no choice but to compensate with perspective, ingenuity and the help of others. Perhaps you could mount a pair of drumsticks on your wrists and type with them instead of your fingers. Or maybe a sort of hand brace? I'm assuming your digits are refusing to stay still and straight.

>> No.10605558

>ha no. I'm a lesbian.
dang, disabled and gay rough

>> No.10605559

You match.

>> No.10605569

you know I know a lot about lesbians. a wizard called sun tofu in a manhwa I read before once said "know thy enemy and you won't lose a hundred battles." and since I'm totally not gay lesbians were my number one enemy back then when I was out questing for a gf. you could probably guess this but my favorite food type is soup. in my research to learn more about my enemy I found out that lesbians favorite food type is finger-food. which is why I said it's rough for anon because her fingers are retarded.

>> No.10605639

>tfw no cute clingy gf
I would be nice to you and not realize you had a crush on me several months

>> No.10605646

What's stopping you from getting vaxxed? Are you in a depressed country? In America they're giving them away like candy, I got my 2nd shot yesterday

>> No.10605679

>tfw no Wallflower Blush gf to cuddle and look outside the window when it's raining

>> No.10605682


What did he say about your figurines?


Open minded means to entertain ideas. Not follow them blindly.

>> No.10605742
File: 94 KB, 960x526, 17108935-10B4-4008-B56A-563AB4A22CC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needed to vent on this for a bit.
I’ve been into EGL fashion for a while now, about 6 years and ongoing. I love it, but the fact that I’ve spent so much money on it to the point of living paycheck-to-paycheck is eating at me and making me more depressed. Its not like I’m maxing out my credit card for it or anything luckily, its just that. I don’t really want to leave the fashion because I love a lot of things about it, though. I love dressing up, meeting new people, and so much more but how much I spend on it is what’s killing me inside despite knowing I don’t have to be a tard about it & just not buy anything period.

Dunno, it’s just eating at me and making me more depressed at this point. I keep wanting to improve myself & actually trying, but I keep fucking it up all over again.

>> No.10605771

You just gotta budget. I know it is easier said then done, but go on Youtube and look up different ways to do it. See what makes sense to you.

I know people get annoyed when people mention it here but Konmari also helped me get my spending under control. I started looking through all my dresses and seeing what made the dresses I wore the most my favorites. What made the dresses and accessories I was super hype about and never wear less wearable for me was also important. It can help you spot what you will wear and what are just items you are on the hype train for. Sell off those items that make you feel guilty, because you don't want something than makes you feel worse. This might not be for everyone but you can read the book on https://b-ok.cc/ for free.

On the fun side I don't feel bad when I blow a lot on one release because I would only buy it if I wasn't sure I would wear it a lot. If it doesn't fit right when I get it, I sell it. No guilt, just a whoops and move on.

Don't run away from a thing you love because you are out of control or you might just get the same way next time you find something you like. You see the problem now so you can work on setting yourself straight.

>> No.10605812

Get said “so are these dolls supposed to be gay, is is that just how you dressed them? I usually shoot Spider-Man ropes on my dolls so iono what a girl does with them. You are a girl, right? Can’t be caught making that mistake again.”

>> No.10605821

What a catch

>> No.10605836

Your boyfriend sounds like a woman trying to be funny.

>> No.10605837

A lot of it was in the tone but he tried to encourage me to sell them as we ended up talking about how they’re collectibles and all that. I didn’t even have my full collection out, just 4 sitting in their box because I was moving stuff around

>> No.10605907


You and I have been watching anime for years. We've acclimated and we often forget how much of an acquired taste they are. From our point of view the japanese are a lean people and a bishonen is a throwback to the feudal japanese nobility. For the uninitiated a bishonen is a sickly homosexual. The statues in your pic have a flirty sexual vibe to them. I think selling them would go too far. You bought them because you wanted them, not to make money. But your ex wasn't wrong to feel like he did. Even I feel kinda uncomfortable.
But a hobby is something you do because you like it, not because others do. Generally speaking you should enjoy this private thing in private like >>10603563. For relationships in particular you should keep in mind that you will have to give ground to your partner and also consider what kind of partner you want. Do you want another you who will provide you with comfort? Or do you want someone with other tastes who will teach you things or at least have something else to do when you want space?

>> No.10605908

Stuck in the eternal loop of "sew one thing long enough to get decent and improve a bit, then get tired of it", switch to something else, and spend enough time on that to have reverted to pretty much the original point on the first thing. It's an endless cycle of pain.

>> No.10605912

Wow, what an asshole.
>autistically bullies gf
>cums on figurines
Op needs to stop dating people from 4chan.

>> No.10605913

Sorry I need 2 vent kek

I've moved a lot in my life but the one I hate the most is when I was 16, it was right after I finished high school (eurofag so different school systems)
I had a lot of friends there, I liked the area and felt at home which I never really did before but now I live 2 hours away (In Europe that's a lot) and I have no friends in the area like zero. I had some friends at uni but now bc of covid I havent seen them in over a year
And I keep seeing ig posts of my old friends hanging out and it's so depressing even though I moved 7 years ago I fucking hate the place I live now and the worst part is even if I would move back it won't be the same anymore

>> No.10605916 [DELETED] 

We were not in a relationship, only dating. Also >>10605837 isn’t me but thanks for the advice anyway

>> No.10605917

10605907 #
We were not in a relationship, only dating. Also >>10605812 isn’t me but thanks for the advice anyway

>> No.10605919

Sorry, am phonefag. Meant to reply to >>10605907

>> No.10605935


My bad. Most guys see and experience dating as a one-at-a-time thing, so they regard it as a soft commitment. It'll come across better if you tell other guys "we weren't commited yet" instead.

>> No.10605944

Can't you limit your purchases to like, 1 outfit every 2 months?

>> No.10605945
File: 52 KB, 1111x1280, mar178778__23187.1494607038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's alright, but like I said, I'm gonna stay away from dating for a while. Even got a new fig because I deserve it. But I do realise I'm probably the woman equivalent of a shut in with shelves full of lewd Mikus

>> No.10605951

Why is this board so bitter? None of the posters seem like they're having fun, any of the attempts at banter just comes off as extra salty and from a place of anger.

>> No.10605957

It’s always someone’s time of the month

>> No.10605959

>We were not in a relationship, only dating.
Dating is a relationship

>> No.10605962

For what it's worth I do understand what AYRT means
They meant that they weren't a serious bf/gf yet

>> No.10605963

Yea, some other anon already corrected me. Where I'm from it goes dating > relationship > commited relationship > marriage. Such a burger move of me to assume it's the same everywhere.

>> No.10606007

Does anyone know how to make patterns for dolls and figures? I'd like to make little jackets and robes.


This one looks much more tame. Do you have a rotating base for him?

>> No.10606010

>But I do realise I'm probably the woman equivalent of a shut in with shelves full of lewd Mikus
Yah but if you're cute and we got along I'd still hit it

>> No.10606068

No way dude I saw her first, she is mine you can't have her

>> No.10606105

anon, a relationship is a neutral term. it just means any interaction between two people.

>> No.10606106

I'll fight you

>> No.10606120

tfw never went to cons with my nerd friends as a kid because I felt bad about myself and now my nerd friendgroup has fallen apart and I have no friends and will never go to a con in my life unless I go alone and also I still feel bad about myself and my body image

>> No.10606128

it's ok anon!! Usually gulls make threads/meetups at cons when they happen, and sometimes even host them at a hotel nearby, so if you want you could always try that first!

>> No.10606136

>Are you in a depressed country?
Good to hear things are proceeding well there, hope you guys have your cons asap.

>> No.10606137

>None of the posters seem like they're having fun
>cosplay and fashion board
>people are locked at home depressed because of the pandemic
>why arent you guys having fun???

>> No.10606144

i feel like I've ran out of places to talk to people online desu. i miss having go to online communities in which i could just drop by and chat to people but nowadays i feel so removed from everywhere... it sucks cause I know that people are still having fun out there but i have no idea of where to go myself. 4chan is the place i come back to when I don't know what to do.

>> No.10606147
File: 137 KB, 1440x810, spock_e_kirk_amok_time-565bcc225f9b5835e47023ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over for you

>> No.10606149
File: 404 KB, 500x410, 1613488939511.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same only this board is mostly dead too ugh

>> No.10606152

solidarity anon. i know that the default advice is to "try discord" but most servers either fester with cliquey behavior or simply aren't engaging enough. it's hard.

>> No.10606161

If you can stand my Little Witch Academia merch shrine I would be able to stand a few gay ice skating figs. Maybe even watch the show, I didn't hate Free desu.

>> No.10606179

God I feel this

>> No.10606184

Me too to a tee. I miss forums. I’m pretty autist so I don’t really want to be on a discord or group chat that talks about general topics, I just want to geek out about my interests. Less places to do that now.

>> No.10606195

have you tried making new nerdfriends?

>> No.10606196

Forums still exist they're just a bit more underground
For better or worse, leddit also exists

>> No.10606197 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 960x545, 817a7372e0b40ed64c70413a89eafefa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually think he's worse than the rest of them, very leather gay. I didn't even consider a rotating base, but that's a pretty neat idea.

Reverse harem when

>> No.10606198

what are some of your interests anon? Maybe we have a thing or two in common
op of the first post here, I usually try to participate in the discord servers I'm in, twitter and 4ch but nothing feels particularly fulfilling. i wish I knew how to RP or some shit to join dw communities at least.

>> No.10606199

I actually think he's worse than the rest of them, very leather gay. I didn't even consider a rotating base, it's a pretty neat idea.

Reverse harem when

>> No.10606207

I'm about to leave my house for what is essentially the first time I've done so since the Corona started. My sister's about to be in a (small) performance in a couple weeks and me and my parents are going to go watch her.
It's not like I'm afraid of the flu, but it seemed really scary and stressful out there with how panicked everyone is and all these social distancing and stuff so I just haven't gone out, at all. I kinda needed to go to the doctor for a few things but I just put everything off while waiting for "things to get better", didn't think I'd be placing my life on hold for THIS long though...
I've been putting together a coord over these past 15 months and it'll be not just my first time being outside in over a year, but also my first time in lolita. My sister inspired me to give lolita a go since it really does seem magnificent, I had no idea there was such a following for this style but I've always loved that aesthetic! I've been preparing for my first little "return to society" ever since and I'm both super excited and nervous!

I just hope it's not TOO bad out there. From what my family's told me things have calmed down a lot.

>> No.10606211

I've been thinking about this incident that happened a few years back at a local con

I'm over 30 and have younger friends that cosplay. Namely my friend's nephew and his friends. We were at a con where they were doing and Attack on Titan group cosplay. Me and my GF at the time were cosplaying as Kaito and Luka from Vocaloid. As we were talking in the hall, this awkward guy came up and was very vocal about how he thought Vocaloid and AoT were stupid. I have very low tolerance for this so I told him that no one asked him for his opinion nor cared about his opinion and he should leave. He started apologizing and asked if he could get a picture with the Mikasa from the AoT group. She told him to fuck off. Then he asked if he could have her number. WTF? I got between them and told him he needed to fuck off and no one wanted him here.

That's when some other older guy came in and started saying we needed to be nicer to him. This guy explained that he was the father of his adult son who had autism. Sorry, but I have no need to be nice to someone who insulted me and my friends nor should I excuse is behavior because of his condition. This attracted securities' attention. Security had already dealt with this autist causing problems with other people and eventually he and his father were removed from the con. What frustrates me so much about the entire situation is someone tried make me feel like the bad guy for protecting younger girls from a creeper.

I know this shouldn't bother me but it still does.

>> No.10606217

>doing the bare minimum
Encourage your fellow virgins to do the same, it'll make you feel better.

>> No.10606221

Fuck off covidlita

>> No.10606226

Why are the other boards more easygoing then?

>> No.10606234

It's just the lolita part of the board that is unpleasant

>> No.10606235

If what I said offended you, then you'll hate what else I have to say.
The last thing I'd want is to have to cover myself up after waiting all this time to go out again. I've heard the mask rules are pretty lax where I live so, if I can help it, I'll be going without.
If things go well, maybe I'll start going out more often. I do so miss the outside.

>> No.10606239

lol where are you from? you make it sound like it's a shit show

>> No.10606241

Florida. I remember going out to help get supplies back in March and it was hell and ever since I've stayed inside.
Now, though, my family says most places don't even enforce masks anymore which would be nice and that most people don't care. It's creepy not being able to see people's faces!

>> No.10606242

March 2020 by the way, it really looked like the end of the world back then.

>> No.10606299

im not a natural at public speaking but over the past few months ive felt more confident at it, so i put myself forward to do something a little like it at work. i thought it went well and felt good about it during and afterwards. today i got feedback on it and the feedback was just “you lacked confidence and everyone focused on that, you came across as stiff and you didn’t make people feel reassured or at ease”. i really thought i had gained confidence over the past few months and to me the experience felt relaxed (people laughed naturally and were attentive to what i was saying, i made eye contact and felt confident at the time) so now im just at a loss that my perception of it was at complete odds with how it was received. maybe i am an autist??? i really don’t know where to go from here if even when i think im finally doing a good job, im way off the mark. sucks man

>> No.10606345

Is that feedback an aggregate or from one person? My bf used to get feedback like this from one very autist supervisor who was really just projecting. (My bf is pretty much a popular chad, so no one else thought this.)

>> No.10606396

>My bf is pretty much a popular chad
aaaaaaaaa r9k was right again

>> No.10606406

wtf are you talking about autist

>> No.10606450

obsessed robot

>> No.10606462
File: 71 KB, 290x276, [001616].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent 100$ on fucking children's books today... I could have bought a new dress.

>> No.10606468

Post that haul

>> No.10606469


>> No.10606470

Yes, post haul. Even adults can appreciate children's books.

>> No.10606473

nyart but childrens books doesn't necessarily mean books for toddlers. They can be deep. eg. The golden compass, The search for Wondla, Alice in Wonderland, The secret garden ect

>> No.10606475

More than 60% of my wardrobe is items I've never worn. I've bought so many clothes since COVID hit despite having nowhere to go, no reason to dress in anything but my work uniform. I don't know what I'm doing with my life.

>> No.10606477

nta I know a ton of people who buy children's books for the art in them (they're all art students and teachers but still)

>> No.10606497

you can wear them after covid

>> No.10606510

these books aren't originally for children though, they're just easy to read. modern books for children are entirely different.

>> No.10606528

I thought about writing children's books before. I heard you can make bank doing it.

>> No.10606532
File: 174 KB, 568x303, Screen Shot 2016-08-26 at 2.10.46 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello? based?

i like picrel and i bought every book in the series as an adult.

>> No.10606548


>> No.10606589

Tf are you talking about, all of those are definitely children’s books and some of them are modern. You’re thinking of fairy tales.

>> No.10606613

What’s the name of this book?

>> No.10606641
File: 272 KB, 501x913, pneavg5va4z41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want nothing more than a female friend to talk to, but as soon as any opportunity arises for me to communicate with someone, I get paralyzed and bail. I'm a bad friend. Anyone want a long term friendship with someone who texts like they're sending letters, hates talking on the phone, and needs a night of vigorous drinking in order to feel comfortable interacting with another human being??? I feel so fucking alone and I'm gonna splurge on diamond honey tonight i just know it

>> No.10606646

This felt relatable, but then
>diamond honey
ruined it.

>> No.10606649

What can I say I have impeccable taste ;(

>> No.10606651

i was going to offer you my friendship but jesus anon, "splurging" on diamond honey lmfao. i get that taobao brands can sometimes have cute unique stuff (thinking of fluff mollie gingham overdresses or something) but really? that's a splurge?

>> No.10606656

Kekkles, it's a cute and cheap brand and I work a sad cheap job. Diamond honey cat dresses make me happy and is a simple pleasure. I am happy about this at least

>> No.10606661

Also very sad that I would be desperate enough to come here talking about friendship with very sad and shallow people like these!

>> No.10606673

don't offer to be friends with someone who says kekkles >>10606656

>> No.10606712

>fall in love with a pair of shoes
>the only size out of stock is my size

>> No.10606728

missed the random JCT restock on APUSA today

>> No.10606734

you are a sad, cheap person. i'd rather someone with class.

>> No.10606738

Me too. I was 2 hours too late.

>> No.10606902
File: 25 KB, 500x355, c91eeb5764a738f865cb9795dfd056e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was anorexic or bulimic instead of being a binge eater, I'm so tired of being fat. I bought a meta skirt that doesn't fucking fit, chubby girls can put out an awesome coord and no one will give a shit, but some skinny ita can get all the ass pats for their mediocre AP coord. Atleast people are sympathetic to Anna-chans, but all I get is "eat less" thanks, I definitely didn't think of that, I'm cured! So I'm fat and gross and people treat me like shit cus of it... Urgh.

>> No.10606908

>people treat me like shit
You're the one treating yourself like shit in the first place.

>> No.10606910

What were you after?

>> No.10606929

Myfitnesspal has an open API, wouldn't be that hard to integrate it with some fujo bait bishonen game where the guy calls you a fat cow until you're a tight 90lb

>> No.10606930

How anon? Pls I need this

>> No.10606938

>I wish I was bulimic instead of being a binge eater
Well you're almost there already. You just need to learn how to purge and your dream will come true.

>> No.10606939

Ask underarmor for their API key the write the program. Whats your weight? I can use ms paint to put speech bubbles over some bishonen art.

>> No.10606941

that's already a thing you fucking retard.

>> No.10606949

I wouldn't know hamburglar

>> No.10606951

Do post, I know there was a ds game like that 15 years ago

>> No.10606954


>> No.10606957

>tfw only ver for men on ios
I don’t want encouragement from cute girls

>> No.10606962

>This guy explained that he was the father of his adult son who had autism. Sorry, but I have no need to be nice to someone who insulted me and my friends nor should I excuse is behavior because of his condition.
I’d cut him some slack personally

>> No.10606963

Being called a 'they/them' pisses me the fuck off. I'm clearly and unmistakably a woman. People changing the standard of language to not offend a tiny minority is retarded. Most people go by she or he. A tiny fraction of mentally ill people call themselves 'they'. Why are we punishing the majority because a select few are mentally ill.

Furthermore, I find being called 'they' or calling someone else 'they' to be dehumanizing. It's basically one step up from being called 'it'...

Why is it okay to misgender everyone by saying 'they'. But not okay to misgender a 'they/them' and call them he or she. The hypocrisy is undeniable.

>> No.10606968

This is why most people who actually care will ask you your pronouns or...y'know you could grow a spine and remind them yourself or keep crying about being called a harmless derivative

>> No.10606974

>most people who actually care will ask you your pronouns

most people don't need to do that because in 99,99% of cases it's pretty obvious what gender someone is

>> No.10606975


>> No.10606978

>harmless derivative

I thought misgendering was hate speech XD

>> No.10606997


As the alchemist seeks to hack reality and turn metal to gold, so does the dieter seek to create a filling food with few calories. I put on extra weight over the lockdowns too. So far I have found that you can make puree with water instead of milk and butter. I will be experimenting with yogurt, icecream and protein powder to make a food that fills you like lunch and tastes like dessert. I suggest you look up stevia sodas too. There is a local brand that has 70kcal per litre.

>> No.10607016

>see post about addressing the "rampant transphobia in lolita spaces" on Rufflechat
>Get curious about what prompted the post
>Look at OP's profile
>Click on featured photos
>See photo of them after top surgery, with the underbust stitches and pasted-back-on nipples
Why would you feature this. Why.

>> No.10607072

>I’d cut him some slack personally
If he was just being rude and obnoxious maybe. Being a creeper and not leaving when a woman tells you to fuck off is where I draw the line.

>> No.10607074

only idiots think that.

>> No.10607078

I've started using they/them more specifically because I know it pisses of trannies that want to pass 100%, and gendercrits that dislike neutral language.

>> No.10607106

I just call everyone as either fellas or broads, and if im not sure then I call them yous

>> No.10607112

When I get home ill get my fujo folder and draw you some inspiration. What are some weight milestones you want?

>> No.10607127
File: 127 KB, 443x907, a6fbd775e70fde4c9fb79fda854bf4f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are precious anon. My weight milestone are 75-70-65-60 and 57kg.
If it's not too much to ask, please make one with Seven from Dousei Yankee

>> No.10607154

You sure you don't mean 47kg?

>> No.10607159

I'm 175cm so no

>> No.10607172

Pretty sure there are a lot of idiots who think that....

>> No.10607177

Kill yourself

>> No.10607227

Why are lolitas so mean

>> No.10607231

We are lovely :-*

>> No.10607236

I want to make it through one cup of coffee without hearing about what thing someone else needs me to do next.

>> No.10607265

god same let's be friends

>> No.10607266

Leave them alone. They're just hungry.

>> No.10607271

soup is this you?

>> No.10607275

i miss soup rip

>> No.10607287

>Don't own a scale
>Usually only weigh myself at bathhouse
>Local bathhouse keeps making restrictions and booking weird
>Partner decided he'd rather not bother going swimming
>I agree since I'm also worn out by their bullshit
>Realise I will not know my weight unless I go
>Or buy a scale myself

I'm overthinking a simple household item that can be stored away easily, why am I like this?

>> No.10607292
File: 1.86 MB, 1440x2606, Screenshot_20200326-160428~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop acting like a fob and get a better phone

>> No.10607295

I get that. I hate buying unfun things. If you can get it somewhere else for free it would be fine. Might be worth waiting if you plan on going back after the scheduling gets better. If you count calories you won't really be in danger of ballooning up.

>> No.10607299


Anon a scale is like $20 on amazon. Just get one it makes life so much easier.

>> No.10607318

I'm masking up and heading to a store tomorrow. I've been needing a shoe rack as well.
>unfun things
That really hit the nail on the head. Unfun, functional things are awful.

>> No.10607321
File: 366 KB, 1285x1293, aids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl from my comm says she can't use tampons because they hurt. Turns out she doesn't know you're supposed to unwrap them.

>> No.10607324

My aunt told me when she was younger she hated them becasue she didnt know/was never told you had to take the applicator out. Poor girl probably had a conservative upbringing with a parent who didnt want to teach her anything at all

>> No.10607328

While I’m sure these stories are true, what I don’t understand about these people is that every box of tampons comes with a big packet of clear, illustrated instructions.

>> No.10607329

Not everyone gets them in a box! Pretty sure my first attempt, I was handed a random tampon and a wish and a prayer. Couldn’t get it in for the life of me.

>> No.10607331

my favorite streamer xqc aka felix got into a fight with his gf adapt on stream today sadge. not a very xqcL stream :(

>> No.10607356

>didn't think I had gained that much weight over Rona, but noticed thighs and stomach are squishier than before
>put on a pair of jeans that I wore all the time before Rona
>they're tight
>TIGHT tight
>remember most of my dresses were already a bit snug around the torso BEFORE Rona
I'm scared to try them on. I want to live in ignorance and lie to myself that they'll still fit.

>> No.10607511

Get on the scale and get on a diet, fatty-chan. You can't wish the weight away.

>> No.10607512

I'm gonna start tagging my CoF posts as he/him to see if my engagement improves kek

>> No.10607514

Report back

>> No.10607522

wait did he really? i don't keep up with him much lately

>> No.10607523

Yaaaas! So brave! So true to yourself! Kek

>> No.10607532

>Cool family owned cinema in a historic building in my area closed because Rona
>Chain coffee store and restaurant swooping in to rip it up
All the places I visited before covid are disappearing before I can get back to them.

>> No.10607534

it was a dumb argument they probably made up already. this dude pulled up coldplay after getting yelled at by his gf hah. i been enjoying the gtarp streams plus I got a free sub so

>> No.10607552
File: 14 KB, 300x300, agony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel this something awful. So many little family stores around me have closed down, while every fast food joint has a mile-long string of cars in the drive-thru. A bunch of my favorite little eateries are gone.
>tfw super cute cafe that made souffle pancakes and brick toast is gone

>> No.10607585

this is happening to me too thank fuck i can cook.

>> No.10607595

I hear about this happening all over the country and I see long lines at the fast food places here too, but actually in my city the restaurant spaces that have closed have already been taken over by new independent restaurants and a bunch of Subways and Dunkin type places have also closed and been taken over by independent spots (or at least local franchises). Everyone says California laws are bad for small businesses, and on paper that seems true to me, but having lived in most of the other regions of the country it seems more like that California business owners pay a premium in exchange for actually having a market.

>> No.10607598

I can cook too, but sometimes it's nice to go out and some things are such a pain to make at home that it's not worth it.

>> No.10607621
File: 1.01 MB, 1349x710, can't fucking take it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend doesn't dress up and go out with me any more because her boyfriend demands all of her free time and stresses her out so much that she's been overeating and putting on weight.

>> No.10607636

It sounds like she has ended up in an abusive relationship. Read up on Mate Renetion Behaviours and see that her bf is probably doing a lot of them. Her putting on weight from stress makes it sound super serious. I've also heard of abusive men enjoying when their girlfriends put on weight because it lowers their self esteem and thus makes them more likely to stay in the abusive relationship.

I hope you can reach out to your friends and express your concern in a way that makes her listen. That man is definitely not good for her.

>> No.10607641

I definitely know that her boyfriend is emotionally abusive. I know the guy and he's not 100% bad (which is partly why the friend remains devoted to him), but he's insanely needy and self-centered. I continuely point out when he's gaslighting her and express to her that I don't like how he's making her feel, but... here am I still without her company.

>> No.10607677

Someone's gotta tell him to quit acting like a girlfriend

>> No.10607718

After lurking here and looking at pretty dresses for like 6 years I finally decided to go for it, and spent almost all my stimmy and money I've been saving from working at home and not hanging out with friends on lolita. I don't have anywhere to wear it yet but putting on a full coord before work makes me incredibly happy and I hate that I waited so long to start wearing it. Looking at the prices pieces I want were selling for 6 years ago makes me sad kek

>> No.10607720

As long as IRL cons are banned, travelling abroad will be too probably

>> No.10607736


>> No.10607757

if any one has second sky tickets I will hang out with them free of charge

>> No.10607758
File: 15 KB, 225x225, 98C7C5BF-8741-426F-8353-4BB43264B294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re too kind

>> No.10607791

Somehow managed to nab two dresses that had been on my wishlist for the last couple of years in the same day. I overpaid for both, but in the current secondhand market it's nice knowing the search is finally over before prices get even more insane.

>> No.10607837

Same here anon!! May your dresses arrive safely and may you feel as cute as you imagined you would in them~

>> No.10607879

I basically completely left the "online community" meaning i stopped posting coords online, basically. My grandpa was in town and asked me to get lunch (we're both vaccinated) - I got dressed in casual lolita and it felt really nice to just view my lolita as clothes and, yknow, get dressed as if it was no big deal.

>> No.10607890

People that say "they" usually aren't even doing it for the enby apes, they're just saying it to not accidentally piss off a he/him lesbian or an unshaven she/her showing HER totally valid gender identity. People just want to play it safe so that they don't have to hear "Don't call anybody" while getting pepper sprayed by trans Ben Franklin.

>> No.10607894

I wish people did and posted their casual cords more. It’s a fashion and should be worn regularly and not always expected to be ott.

>> No.10607903

Is second sky good? I'm wary of the event because it's in Cali. Also worried about the usual issues at EDM concerts.
How big a group do you usually need to go with to have a good time? You go to them often soup? I'll grab us tickets.

>> No.10607937

I need thinspo but for guys, what’s good out there

>> No.10607939

just go to /fa/, they've literally have ongoing thin/weight loss/anorexia generals for years. truly our male equivalent

>> No.10607953

if you're too retarded to find it yourself you don't deserve it desu

>> No.10608000

/fit/ is pretty good for this too, but /fa/ does have dedicated thinspo threads yeah

>> No.10608032
File: 2.94 MB, 540x405, 6aa9260bcd9403bcaf213363bc3175960eefc0e8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the newbie who just outbid me on my dream dress: DO NOT

>> No.10608036 [DELETED] 

but anon she needs it for her new gothick wardrobe

>> No.10608037

Wait, so /fa/ can still have one but we can’t?

>> No.10608039

without giving away what dress ofc, how do you know the other person is a newbie?

>> No.10608040


>> No.10608042

Their profile is 9 days old
Doesn't necessarily mean they're new to lolita overall but still
I'm just puffed up about it

>> No.10608043

hah I get that though, when I get outbid a small part of me also checks out the others feedback as if that tells me if they're worthy of winning

>> No.10608048
File: 61 KB, 1080x940, FB_IMG_1619423169591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep lmao she could be the sweetest cutest lolita ever but she has bid against me (on a dream dress no less) thus declaring war and now she can either back down or pay with her blood

>> No.10608051

Beat them into submission, anon.

Seriously, chase them out of lolita.

>> No.10608052
File: 338 KB, 892x458, Mr Rococo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're bidding against a 7 year old account with +200 positive feedback and it feels like a boss battle

>> No.10608053

Looking at them outbidding you like "wow why you have to make it personal like that baka"

>> No.10608054

ugh I forgot it changes s.m.h to that atrocity

>> No.10608119

how are there this many anons who don’t recognize the btssb phone pouches? summer is eternal

>> No.10608177

Yeah it was meant to discourage Twitter/election tourists, but some retards just don't learn.

>> No.10608453

I dunno never been to one but since cons are closed thought it might be a fun alternative. tickets sold out super fast yesterday

>> No.10608509

In another life, the other bidders and I could have been friends. But this cannot be forgiven.

>> No.10608601

Stubhub still has them, probably resell scalpers and all that
What cons have you gone to before soup? I'm still working on getting to one but I'm super worried I'll end up sticking out.

As for the rest of you, what's the solo con experience like vs the con experience with friends? I've been to only a single con before, alone, and it was definitely fun, but how does that experience differ?