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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10645763 No.10645763 [Reply] [Original]

/c(gl)ancelled 4.0+1.0: You Can (Maybe) Go To Cons Now edition

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All cancelled con talk, doom talk and speculation shenanigans go here since it’s kinda gone out of hand.

>?????????????????? (TBD)
Anime Matsuri 2021, Kameha Con 2021, Pop Con Indy 2021, Blerdcon 2021, Delta H Con 2021, FrankfortCon 2021, Bold Matsuri 2021, Comicpalooza 2021, ATC Market - Lexington, KY 2021, Dream Con 2021, MechaCon 2021, Tiger Con 2021, Animanga 2021, Animatic Con 2021, Anime-zing! 2021, AnimeIowa 2021, Dokidokon 2021, Midessanime 2021, Ama-Con 2021, Anime Houston 2021, Anime-Sekai 2021, Omni Fandom Expo 2021, Otakon 2021, Dokomi 2021, MegaCon Orlando 2021, Anime-Magic 2021, Weebcon 2021, Anibash 2021, Superstar Anime 2021, Queen City Anime Convention 2021, KenTokyocon 2021, Texas Toy Show 9/21/2021, WasabiCon PDX 2021, Liberty City Anime Con 2021, My-Con 2021, PuchiCon AC 2021, Dragon Con 2021, Fan Expo Boston 2021, Nan Desu Kon 2021, SacAnime 2021, San Japan 2021, Saboten Con 2021, MizuCon 2021, ConnectiCon 2021, Florida Supercon 2021, Rose City Comic Con 2021, Ancient City Con 2021, ColossalCon East 2021, Fan Expo Dallas 2021, Incredible Con 2021, Ecchi Expo 2021, RamenCon 2021, Spa-Con 2021, NashvilleCon 2021, Unicon 2021, Kisetsucon 2021, Banzaicon 2021, Tsubasacon 2021, Anime Banzai 2021, Anime Senpai 2021, Dallas Fan Festival 2021; Tokyo, OK 2021; Texas Toy Show 10/16/2021, WasabiCon 2021, Anime Fusion 2021, Another Anime Convention 2021, Anime Weekend Atlanta 2021, Anime Halloween 2021, Derpycon 2021, Fan Expo Denver: Special Edition 2021, Lumicon 2021, Oni-Con 2021, SNAFU Con 2021, Anime Nebraskon 2021, Kumoricon 2021, Nekocon 2021, Coosacon 2021, Rocky Mountain Con 2021, Anime Iwai 2021, Schertz Super Duper Con 2021, Anime NYC 2021, ColossalCon Texas 2021, Kawaii Kon 2021, Philcon 2021, Anime Frontier 2021, Tekko 2021, Sin City Anime 2021, Yamacon 2021, Holiday Matsuri 2021, Texas Toy Show 12/18/2021

>> No.10645764
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Kitsune Kon 2021
Anime North 2021
Animethon 2021
KuroNekoCon 2021
ShikkariCon 2021
Kokorokon 2021

Tokyo In Tulsa 2021

>it’s a virtual con kek
Hazard Con 2021
Crunchyroll Expo 2021
Animefest 2021

>Most likely to cancel on Day Zero
Naka-Kon 2021

>> No.10646108
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>Most likely to cancel on Day Zero
>Naka-Kon 2021

>> No.10646116
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>all those TBD cons
No wonder you don’t post that list, holy shit.

>> No.10646190

Does anyone else have this slight dread in their stomach that they just can't shake? Like it seems like everything's going back to normal but I just can't relax as the news keeps trying to hype up these variants.
I'm so worried they'll rip everything away from us again come fall time when it "suddenly" gets really bad. The only thing that kept me sane during the Corona was knowing it'd have to end one day. It would be devastating if it happens a second time.

>> No.10646275
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Hello me, what brings you to /cgl/ today?
My friends only just started doing things in person again, and my plans for the future bank on cons being a thing again. I’ve felt my sanity slip a good deal this past year, I’m pretty sure COVID-20 would be the death of me.

>> No.10646596

>Most likely to cancel on Day Zero
I will never not be fucking mad about this

>> No.10646760

That shit is definitely something weebs will never let Naka-Con ever forget

>> No.10646814


Literally happening this week

>> No.10646820

Do you literally just search a list of upcoming cons and say they're all TBD?
>Anime Matsuri 2021
literally already happened
>Blerdcon 2021
100% confirmed happening, it's literally in 2 days
> Delta H Con 2021
100% confirmed happening, again literally 2 days from now
>MegaCon Orlando 2021
100% confirmed happening
>Florida Supercon 2021
100% confirmed happening
>DragonCon 2021
100% confirmed happening
>SacAnime 2021
100% confirmed happening
>Anime Weekend Atlanta 2021
100% confirmed happening
>Holiday Matsuri 2021
100% confirmed happening

None of those cons are saying "Maybe, we'll see how it goes." They are actively being planned, convention/hotel space reserved, guests booked, etc. Obviously I can't speak for every con on your list, but I'd wager the vast majority of those are already confirmed and you're calling them TBD for reasons??? Some sort of doomer psyop?
Get help weirdo.

>> No.10646836

I like how Blerdcon is point blank saying vax card and mask or GTFO and being completely unapologetic about it.

>> No.10646894

It will be interesting to see the numbers of attendees

>> No.10647003

if NakaCon cancelled its con on Day Zero last year, anything can happen.

>> No.10647006

Half of these cons will get cancelled thanks to the Delta variant.

>> No.10647334

I can probably see that happen

>> No.10647548

L.A. County will require masks indoors amid alarming rise in coronavirus cases

RIP Animanga and LA Comic Con.

>> No.10647604

Dragoncon and other cons coming up have their eyes on Blerdcon to see how practical the mask/card requirement plays out. This is why Dragoncon is waiting until August 1 to announce anything about masks.

>> No.10647611

>thanks to the Delta variant.
you mean thanks to the people, mostly conservatives, not getting the vaccine. Its only the states with low vaccine rate seeing a new wave of cases.

>> No.10647619

Well we all knew it was going to happen eventually. How long until the rest of the country gets locked down I wonder? How long will we be locked down for this time?
I can't do this again...
You know you'd think after 17 months of this blatant scam people would wise up to the fact that this is just a massive power trip by the people in charge. You're supposed to think its the "dirty trump supporters" at fault instead of seeing what's really going on. Sure though, keep falling for their plan to divide humanity and continue to hate your neighbors.

>> No.10647626

>How long will we be locked down for this time?
>I can't do this again...

>> No.10647631

>I can't do this again...
then get vaccinated and encourage others to get vaccinated. You sound like a fatty who complains about being fat and refuses to diet and exercise. You have no interest in solving problems, you just like to wallow in your own self pity.

>> No.10647659

Don't just assume things. I did get vaccinated. I ain't happy about it but I figured it was better than potential familial and social consequences of not. Besides it sounded nice to be able to go into places without a mask.
Look what my sacrifice has brought me. Nothing. We're going back under lockdowns, putting back on our masks, and I injected an experimental drug into my body for no fucking reason.

>> No.10647661

you can blame the other doofnozzles for not getting vaccinated and not taking measures to prevent getting infected.

>> No.10647670

>Look what my sacrifice has brought me. Nothing.
your entire post lists multiple things it brought you though. reduced "familial and social consequences", "able to go into places without a mask", and ending lockdowns.
If you want less lockdowns and masks, blame the people not getting vaccinated. They are literally *the* group slowing down positive change.

>> No.10647759

The only group slowing things down are those too afraid to go out and have fun.

>> No.10647765
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Yeah, I also can’t wait for a orange freak to go back into power in a few years as well.

>> No.10647770

if you guys really think getting vaxxed helps you, then why are you all so scared of the unvaxxed. literally makes no sense. you got vaxxed to supposedly protect yourself, then if it works you should not be afraid of those who are unvaxxed.

>> No.10647776

Big conventions want this country fully vaxxed. I won’t blame the folk that got vaccinated will be mad for all eternity if AX gets cancelled for the third year in a row.

>> No.10647777

It's the politicians. When numbers look bad they shut things down again.

>> No.10647820

Unvaccinated people aren't just left out to die when they get covid, they are sent to hospitals, its why covid has such a high survival rate, thanks to doctors. The problem is these idiots take up beds in hospital, so it negatively affects people in hospitals that are there for reason completely unrelated to covid.
When hospitals become overloaded with covid patients, EVERYONE there suffers, not just the unvaccinated people.

>> No.10647874

Kek. No.
A con the size of Dragon Con (over 80K) is not going to pay any mind to what a con the size of Blerdcon (around 3-5K, I believe) is doing.
I don't think we're going to see any large conventions have vaccine requirements. They simply aren't going to spend the time and resources to do that when it's far easier for them just to force everyone to mask up.
Dragon Con is waiting to announce restrictions because it's the smartest thing to do while state guidelines continue to change.

>> No.10647900

AHAHAHAHAHAH Blerdcon made their attendance badge an actual facemask.

>> No.10648010

That was an ingenious idea. Further feedback for future conventions is to put info on the nose part to make them go full mask

>> No.10648054

people aren't afraid of the unvaccinated. they're annoyed that the unvaccinated are catching covid and getting politicians to shut things down again. if all the unvaccinated did was catch covid and not fuck it up for everyone else, no one would care.

>> No.10648100
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>Blerdcon’s badge is literally a mask

>> No.10648107

Comicpalooza is tomorrow. Is anyone here going? I've only been to Matsuri before Covid.

>> No.10648247
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>> No.10648310

You laugh but that's actually a really slick idea that will reduce badge losses in the long run. Badge is on your faces vs "whoops my badge fell off my lanyard and i gotta pay full at the door price for a replacement"

>> No.10648351

Are we in Nazi Germany all of the sudden? Wearing a mask with your name seems the norm now? I need to breathe ffs! Fucking nog con ruining it all.

>> No.10648379

Yes. If you can't breathe through a mask, then you are too weak to partake in society.

>> No.10648398

you sound like the type that would love nazi germany

>> No.10648405

But on that note if you need a mask aren't you as weak, as well?

>> No.10648408

no? Getting sick from a virus has no baring on how strong or weak someone is. A strong immune system helps fight viruses, but doesn't prevent.
Strong, healthy people can be hurt or killed by a virus. No strong or healthy person has trouble breathing with a mask.

>> No.10648413

Seriously, even pathetic weaklings have no trouble breathing in a mask.

>> No.10648428

why are you so mad no one even wears masks anymore lol

>> No.10648436

Rent free

>> No.10648481

When this thread was first posted a week ago, my reaction was "All these cons are 100% happening, why are these doomer twats still hanging around?"
Over the past couple of days the reality that we're going to see a 4th wave has set in and I don't know what the fuck to think now.
I'm sure conventions scheduled within the next month such as Otakon will happen, but beyond that it's anybody's guess.

>> No.10648497
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>the AX Lite 2021 website is still up despite that you can’t watch the streams anymore
>not even a peep on AX 2022

>> No.10648504

>AX 2022
Don't you mean AX Lite 2022?

>> No.10648506 [DELETED] 


>> No.10648507
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AX Lite 2022

>> No.10648599

Did I stutter? It's happening.

>> No.10648618
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>You're supposed to think its the "dirty trump supporters" at fault instead of seeing what's really going on.

There is a direct correlation between areas that voted more for trump and less likely to be vaccinated. Which is sorta odd concidering Trump himself got vaccinated.

>> No.10648732

>tfw gotta wait another year before going to a proper convention
>tfw it might get cancelled again due to morons
I was hoping this year would be fine now that the vaccine is out, but delta niggers made sure we can't

>> No.10648743
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>> No.10648779

>most of /cgl/ is literally too white/racist to go to blerdcon

Literally one of the sexist, raunchiest conventions this side of the mississippi. Its practically an anime-themed erotica convention.

>> No.10648842

Liberal states/events will play the shutdown game. Others will move on. The case/deaths chain has completely broken with vaccines.

>> No.10648852
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>> No.10648872
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This is good news. Look at the UK's numbers (cases on top, deaths on bottom).

This is with a significant portion of the population using that shitty AZ vaccine.

Of course I expect a mildly increased death rate in America because of the.. antivaxxer problem.

>> No.10648998

literally what are you talking about? cases are rising with deaths following. How is that good news?

>> No.10649110

If you'd like to have another laugh at Blerdcon, a White person won their cosplay contest. Kek.
There's a thread on FB I just saw about it, and people are throwing around words like "colonization" and "gentrification" along with other words they don't know the definition of as they seethe.

>> No.10649118

The good news is that cases that result in death are seemingly making up a smaller percentage of overall cases thanks to vaccines reducing the chance of being hospitalized or dying compared to just catching it unvaxxed.

>> No.10649131

how are you possibly coming to that conclusion? Nearly everyone getting covid aren't vaccinated

>> No.10649139

I could be reading the graphs anon posted wrong, but even if it isn't directly related to the vaccine (I don't know as much about which ones and the details in the UK) it seems like the deaths are still making up way less than the cases compared to before even though case numbers have spiked recently which isn't ideal (the spike) but better than a lot of people dying.

>> No.10649176
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deaths and cases don't rise at the same time, people don't die as soon as they get covid, anon.....

>> No.10649196


some news sources were acting like they do desu, claiming healthy 30 year old athletes dropped dread 3 days after catching it

>> No.10649209

cool story?

>> No.10649229

There's now talk coming out of Sacramento that this could be statewide soon.

>> No.10649312

With Biden in charge I fear this could become nationwide at this point

>> No.10649378

Kek as if.

The red states will do whatever the fuck they please.

>> No.10649431

>Unvaccinated people aren't just left out to die when they get covid
Most everyone who gets it is told to stay home unless it gets bad, and most of the time, it doesnt get bad.

>> No.10649446

ok and? There are 34 confirmed million cases in the US, even just 10% is over 3 million people filling up hospitals that are already near capacity.

>> No.10649465

Good thing like it's nowhere near that bad..

There have been 34mil confirmed cases, and probably 100-200 mil actual total cases.

>> No.10649495

Things aren't as bad because the covid cases are UNDER counted? I heard lunatics say covid isn't that bad because the cases are OVER counted, but saying its not bad because its under counted is a new one.

>> No.10649571

Best part about blerdcon is that there were practically no funky and dirty people at the con with people actually smelling and dressing good. There's a whole thread on their FB mentioning this.

>> No.10649687

Guess where the most cases and least vaccinated areas are?

>> No.10649690

Yeah? I must've missed that among the 24385329 threads full of people seething about a White girl winning the cosplay contest. Kek.

>> No.10649783
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>> No.10650334

San Diego Comic Con is here! The first day was amazing and tiring.

>> No.10650496

AVCON 2021 just got cancelled

>> No.10650501

Seems normal.

>> No.10650645

It begins...

>> No.10650710

Meh. A convention in Australia got cancelled? No on cares.
Wake me up when cons in the USA start getting cancelled.
......shit, I can't even pretend to be cocky about this now that the 4th wave is happening.
All I want is to get one fucking con in before the shit hits the fan. Unfortunately, my next planned con isn't for another couple of months, and who knows what's going to happen by then.

>> No.10650737
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>> No.10651259

>Furry shit con gets canned
And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.10651291

The november SDCC is still habbening right?

>> No.10651294

Mechcon 2021 just finished today and forever. rip.

>> No.10651706

too bad delta hits vaxxed at a much higher rate than unvaxxed according to the uk india and israel numbers. cant wait for 2022 cons: if your in a hazxmat itll be ok!

>> No.10651707

>a year of no vaxx and no new strains
>6 "vaccines" come out
>new strains everywhere
>iTs tHe UnVaXxEd FaUlT!1

>> No.10651721

>then get vaccinated and encourage others to get vaccinated.
>start selling snake oil to people
Have fun with ADE retard. God I fucking hate normies
>"b-but the government said t-to! you have to! trust the science don't question it!! do what you're told by authority figures shitlord! absolute reduction? risk assessment? what's that! I can't wait to get my booster this winter uwu!"
Prove germ theory is correct first. Then we can start talking about the implications of Coronavirus that only kills 0.02% of people aged 18-35 who test positive for it with 28 days of dying.
>B-but muh long cover
Doesn't exist. Literally 70-80% women and most don't even have a positive COVID test, fuck, some even tested negative. It's literal hypochondria and astroturfing.
Where was the spike after Florida and Texas opened up months ago? Where was the spike after the superbowl? Where was the spike after one of the most populated sporting events in history? You never fucking learn.
>m-muh delta!
Literally has the same symptoms as hay fever.
The only people getting the vaxx are fucking fatties who have reason to be afraid of COVID. Maybe try eating a salad instead of forcing your bullshit nothing cure (that doesn't even prevent you from catching COVID 50% of the time) on regular people.
Actual fucking brainlets. I wouldn't be surprised if you're a bot or a glowie. You're a lemming either way and are the governments bitchlet. Worse than jannies, assuming you're just a retard you're doing the governments bidding FOR FREE.

>> No.10651722

>they're annoyed that the unvaccinated are catching covid and getting politicians to shut things down again.
BE MAD AT THE POLITICIANS WHO ARE SHUTTING THINGS DOWN THEN!? Fuck I hate woman dominated boards, absolutely filled to the brim with retards.

>> No.10651777

>Then we can start talking about the implications of Coronavirus that only kills 0.02% of people aged 18-35 who test positive for it with 28 days of dying.
whats the death rates of vaccines, anon?

>> No.10652304

>AX and SDCC announce their 2022 dates
>The entire state of California is one step closer to having an indoor mask mandate and eventually another round of lockdowns by the fall
Not so fast!

>> No.10652339

Atlanta just ordered a mask mandate.


>> No.10652344
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Stupidest take. Do you know why variants like delta are a thing? Because when unvaccinated people get covid, they are mutation factories that produce variants. While they have covid in their bodies, it reproduces with other viral diseases in their body, and produces mutations that vaccines are less effective against: vaccines only protect 92% against covid delta.

This is the same reason we have flu variants. Inb4 why doesn’t the flu go away with vaccines then? (Because the flu has lots of different vectors of mutations, such as birds, pigs, etc.) covid doesn’t. So yeah, your stupid selfish ass not getting vaccinated fucks it up for everyone.

>Learn some actual epistemology ffs

>> No.10652345
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>mfw I’m the stupid one

>> No.10652386

>Still a month before Dragon Con
It's getting cancelled.

>> No.10652409

Anon, you know the "vaccine" does not protect you from covid? You do know that the variants come from people who have the vaccine? The virus has a mutation because of the vax already in your body, it adapts so it can continue to spread. You can blame whoever you want, but every one isn't going to be safe even if you put an experimental drug into your body.

>> No.10652410

Covid variants appeared before vaccines even rolled out you absolute idiot

>> No.10652441

Go back to facebook, this isn't even reddit tier iq tier.
The delta variant came from poc (India) and most unvaxxed people are immigrants/poc.

When you say that unvaxxed people are a thread what you are really saying is that you are racist.

>> No.10652442

*reddit tier iq
forgot to delete second tier when editing

>> No.10652445

this is incorrect, they emerged from the highest vaccinated areas roughly two weeks after mass vaccinations.

>> No.10652470

I don't think Dragon Con is going to be cancelled, but it's not impossible. They're going to make a statement on August 1 (this Sunday), so we'll find out what's going on soon.
Something I noticed that seemed odd to me was that Dragon Con will not let us know how many memberships will be available this year "at the request of Public Health Officials and our government partners."
Is there any good reason for them to withhold that information?

>> No.10652483

If they plan to still go ahead I'm sure there won't be the traditional parade.

>> No.10652499
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>> No.10652527

I'm thinking they want to try keep attendee numbers low. Cancelling Dragon Con for a second time outright will be a back breaker even for them.

>> No.10652556

Who ever told you this is lying to you to get money off you. You are being tricked, you aren't part of some elite class that "TRULY" know what going on, you are being conned by a bunch of grifters profiting off your gullibility.

>This variant is estimated to have first emerged in the UK during September 2020.
>Since December 20, 2020, several countries have reported cases of the B.1.1.7 lineage, including the United States.

>> No.10652619

But how does not announcing what the attendance limit is keep the attendee numbers low?

>> No.10652845

By next summer we'll have 20 different variants that will likely be immune to vaccinations. Making any physical social event impossible to hold.

>> No.10652847

Anything can happen in August that would either kill Dragon Con or make it an unenjoyable event. No way you're going to cram thousands of people inside hotel lobbies.

>> No.10653016
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>> No.10653044

>>Holiday Matsuri 2021
>100% confirmed happening

I want to believe, but all this delta variant news leads me to believe that they won’t have the option. If covid is going to be beaten it’s going to require federal level lockdowns and mandatory masking, with actual jail time being a consequence of non compliance.

>> No.10653047

>I can't do this again...

Stop being a pussy. If you were smart you would’ve spent the last 17 months making your house a comfy place to be forever, instead of whining about it. Lockdowns are the new reality and if you can’t handle that you should bite a bullet.

>> No.10653051
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Don’t fuck this up for all of us, Republicans

>> No.10653195
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Lmao still blaming Republicans

Why not just cancel the event? Why are they trying to ride this weird middle ground? Keeping attendees low = money lost..

I'm glad I got to go to one unmasked con this year, Metrocon was a blast

>> No.10653210

>Why not just cancel the event?
Cancelling Dragoncon will outright break them financially because of the contractual obligations to the host hotels and the Americasmart. Insurance companies are also reneging on "Act of god" clauses as well. Going through with the con is quite literally the "less bad option" of the bunch. Also take note that the host hotels desperately need Dragoncon to go on even with a reduced capacity as well as they were hit bad like all the other hotels out there.

>> No.10653226

>Lmao still blaming Republicans
so.. just a massive coincidence that states with the lowest vaccination rates also voted for trump the most? And that the most liberal cities in those states have the highest vaccination rates?

>> No.10653445

Also, January 6, 2021

>> No.10653464
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>Lmao still blaming Republicans
Get your head out of Tucker Carlson’s gaping asshole if you actually want Anime Expo to be a thing in 2022

>> No.10653472

The only mistake they made on that day is not being armed and having poor opsec so they got caught

>> No.10653484

That and them not taking things seriously, because if they had guns with that John Wick aim, it would’ve been a literal bloodbath

>> No.10655082
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>underestimating what kind of damage the Republicans can do to everyone this fucking hard

>> No.10655135

Holy shit you guys are so delusional thinking the republican MAGA meemaws are out to get you, the media has you traumatized lmao

Leave it to mentally unstable "woke" seagulls with daddy issues to blame old white people for their problems

>> No.10655152

republicans are refusing to vaccinate, which is causing covid to continue to spread, infecting thousands per day, killing hundreds per day, and shutting down events. There are republicans literally on their death bed, dying from covid, saying covid is a hoax or "just the flu". People claiming a virus is a hoax, while dying from that virus, are the delusional people.

>> No.10655174

Old boomers that refuse to adapt to change are why the US is shit. Affordable healthcare? Improved infrastructure? Oh and is much as retards like to memory hole it, Jan 6.

>> No.10655177

Man it blows. Literally just keep screaming MUH POLITICS. Some people just don't want to get an unnecessary, non fda approved cocktail dumped into them. Ive been told so many times ill be sorry when I'm gasping for breath in the ER. And I've just been like, cool. I'll wheeze you were right then. Until that time I'm just going to keep up with exercise and good eating habits.

>> No.10655188

So you trust a chinese created virus more than a american made vaccine? Sounds like tankie talk

>> No.10655202

New York International Auto Show just got cancelled. If this 4th wave isn't in a major decline by the end of the month, RIP NYCC. And probably others.
Shit is really starting to hit the fan now.
Depressing as fuck to think about how pointless this thread seemed when it was created just a month ago, because things were on track to getting back to normal.
Look at us now.

>> No.10655208

>So you trust a chinese created virus more than a american made vaccine?

Not him but unironically yes. I caught COVID and I was fuckin fine.

>> No.10655218

And I was fine after getting the vaccine, so the vaccine is nothing to worry about either then, right?

>> No.10655226

this lmao

>> No.10655325
File: 194 KB, 1008x1008, 231886550_4709836879044663_1570723264046033819_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AnimeNYC will require vaccine proof
Expect NYCC to do the same

>> No.10655377

I want to point out that in their post, they also mentioned "should vaccinations rise and COVID cases fall, we could see a relaxation of these guides before November."
If NYC does relax those restrictions, then Anime NYC and NYCC will almost certainly drop the vaccination requirement.
These cons only care about their profits, and checking vaccination records would cost them time and resources (money).
If they do have to end up checking vaccination cards, there will be a very lengthy wait to get in (probably 3-4 hours). Both cons have royally fucked up so many things in the past that anyone that thinks they could pull this off without a hitch is out of their damn mind.

>> No.10655485


I don't know if you guys have gone out lately but all this vaccine checking is theater. They just fucking glance at it. Sometimes ask for a ID to make sure the name/birthday matches but you can use a digital picture of your pass because only a retard would carry around that flimsy piece of shit paper.

That aside if you are an actual NY resident then you have the excelsior pass which is actually a legit thing, but there is no way they would require that considering anyone coming from outside NY wouldn't be in that sysrtem

>> No.10655598

This is true. But there's really not much more they can do other than glance at it, since there's not a barcode to scan or anything else on the cards to verify their authenticity. Vax cards are a fucking joke, at least here in the USA.
There's no point in doing anything but glancing at it, and spending extra time staring at it will do nothing but create longer wait times to get in.

>> No.10655620

>Crunchyroll Expo 2021
And nothing of value was lost

>> No.10655623

>people seething about a White girl winning the cosplay contest

>> No.10655624

>the phoneposter newniggers are Biden voters

>> No.10655626
File: 59 KB, 353x308, kek desu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not living your life because you're scared of the common cold
Lmao. Turn off the news you retarded fucking faggots

>> No.10655644

i'm scared of covid, not the common cold.
you need to actually watch the news and educate yourself. Ignorance is nothing to be proud of.

>> No.10655658
File: 2.82 MB, 345x324, wanchupen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0 conventions
>"yukai fest extra" pushed back over 10 times at this point

>> No.10655871
File: 1.02 MB, 1674x1125, EB6D0998-B84C-4369-A95C-5FFD3AD33B82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>simping for Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder this hard

>> No.10655872

Look, if the Cheeto stepped up to the plate and took care of it, this would never have happened and you would’ve also gotten 4 more years. You guys had a win win proposition and completely chucked it in the trash because of a piece of cloth over your face

>> No.10655873

are you a hasan piker simp anon

>> No.10655877

Covid is actually the common cold.

>> No.10655878

Meanwhile more people are leaving NY while Cuomo and Deblasio are about,to resign and everyone is screwing each other.

>> No.10655900

Its not. The people telling you it is are taking advantage of you and profiting off your gullibility.

>> No.10655920

The news doesn't "educate", it makes a profit off of fearmongering and sensationalism. Ignorance is bliss, no more dealing with /pol/tards and woke leftoids.

>> No.10655929

It is the cold you dipshit.

>> No.10655936

The common cold is caused by rhinitis

>> No.10655943

This is a lie and the people lying to you are profiting off your gullibility. Creating lies is free and easy, and saps like you will eat it up. Real journalism is expensive. Anyone offering news to you for free that isn't a nonprofit journalism organization shouldn't be trusted. They are just using useful idiots like you to further their agenda and rake in money.

>> No.10655952
File: 263 KB, 1556x1258, Screenshot 2021-08-06 122148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love how you sheep aren't even creative, just mindlessly repeating the exact same thing that your told by the scam artists. Have fun in your grave.

>> No.10655953

>scam artists
You're not wrong and it's a problem in our country, I hope we get rid of'em including you as well.

>> No.10655954

I didn't say anything about free vs paid news, I said that ALL news just puts you in a bad mood. That's what it did to me, whether it was CNN, FOX, MSNBC, Alex Jones, Styxhexenhammer666, or /pol/. I don't care about Trump, or Biden, or chinkflu, or any of that shit. I just wanna grill for god's sake! I want to play vidya, watch anime, tend to my plants, enjoy a nice day outside, beat my meat to 2D lolis, enjoy some good food, and be happy. Like the bald goatee dude from The Matrix said: ignorance is bliss.

>> No.10655978

The get a vaccine and encourage others to do the same? The anti-vaxxers are literally the reason we can't just return to normal and relax.

>> No.10656276
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>> No.10657985

The fuck?

>> No.10658159

>Real journalism is expensive.

>> No.10658161

>The anti-vaxxers are literally the reason we can't just return to normal and relax.
You and the delusional all around you are the reason why personal freedom is being taken away. Vaxxers like you deserve the rope.

>> No.10658195

wow, excellent retort. How much did that cost you?
Your freedoms end where another person's begin. You don't have the freedom to harm other people. You are a harm to society if you don't vaccinate.

>> No.10658203

Was anything of value lost?

>> No.10658226

They have no one to attend, RIP for that con.

>> No.10658227

>You and the delusional all around you are the reason why personal freedom is being taken away. Vaxxers like you deserve the rope.

kys or at least let someone cough on you so the rona can do it asap

>> No.10658228

You harm yourself and all others you contact by having taken those shots. Please stay home and don't infect anyone.

>> No.10658229

anon the smooth brain strikes again

>> No.10658231

Educate yourself, 3:35 if you're pressed for time.

>> No.10658279

yes, vaccinated people are very dangerous, 50% of americans are even vaccinated now! You should stay home and wear a mask if you ever feel brave enough to go out in public.

>> No.10658286
File: 70 KB, 1196x582, Screenshot 2021-08-11 at 14-42-33 Nate Silver on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is just a complete coincidence then, that higher vaccinated areas have fewer cases?

>> No.10658775

Spoilers: They will. Fucking plague rats.

>> No.10659274

Fun fact. 30% of deer taken in the eastern US tested positive for Covid antibodies. Deer arent getting vaccinated, there's always going to be plenty of hosts to provide variants. Enjoy your coof, its not going away no matter how much control you give the government.

>> No.10659287

except deer variants are more likely to cause more harm to.. you know... deer.

>> No.10659292

This and humans don't have regular contact with deer like they do with say dogs, cats, or farm animals which would be more worrying and a likely source for future zoonotic viruses (the farm animals specifically) to develop.

>> No.10659295
File: 293 KB, 1080x1855, E7P9d-LXEAI0MG7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to (((science))), people

>> No.10659299

I mean I was afraid to go outside during protests so as not to be mistaken for a protestor by the cops. Plus not wanting to be around if any shit went down in general. And I'm sure people who find the protestors scary or whatever were also incentivized to stay indoors since things in some places got violent and dangerous in some situations.

Pretty sure that's what they meant, not that the people walking in groups were stopping the spread, but that the non protestors who were scared into staying at home helped reduce spread because there was less foot traffic in stores or other enclosed places cause those were all boarded up or closed during late afternoon and evening which was often when the biggest clashes between cops and protestors, looting, rioting, or any of the bad stuff usually started.

Also people attending those protests were at minimum performatively woke enough to wear a face covering (and it'd prolly help reduce the effects of teargas or whatever other riot control stuff was thrown at them to have nose and mouth covered) and somewhat quarantine before or after, so yeah they were not going to spread as much as a packed concert where people are sucking face and getting drunk or an anti-masker rally in comparison.

>> No.10659307

farm animals, especially. If you want less viruses, eat less meat, especially from factory farms where they shove hundreds of animals into crowded pins, which are a breeding ground for viruses.

>> No.10659311

But also it's important to remember that even if a new virus jumps over to humans, we have effective tools to mitigate the spread. We just need to use them and not let retards fuck the rest of us over. If this was a zombie apocalypse we'd have all known what to do but when the illness is a slow burn that never affects you until it happens to you or someone you love people feel more apprehensive about what to sacrifice or put up with to deal with the threat which is sad because we could have easily been out of this or well on our way way it months ago.

>> No.10659927

people have died from colds.

>> No.10659946

ok and?

>> No.10659985

basically, the cold hasnt disappeared

>> No.10659986

ok and?

>> No.10659998

>Lumi-con cancelled right before I bought my tickets
>now I'm waffling over HolMat 2021
I want to get my tickets at the right price but damnit now I'm sketchy. Metro and Mega went off just fine, though.

>> No.10661593

ALA 2022 is close to being kill

>> No.10662133

Had fun at Otakon. Nothing happened. No ones granny got the coof.

>> No.10662138

I don’t even think democrats simp hard for Hasan

>> No.10662141

Getting nervous for CCE, fucking delta variant. All my roommates for the hotel are vaxxed and on the same page about masks, but obviously we can only control what goes on in our own hotel room, not the con at large. Not sure how the Kalahari is going to enforce masks, if at all, which I think is the more likely scenario. Reee.

>> No.10662217

The Kalahari wasn't even enforcing masks when PA had a mask mandate, so I would not expect that to change when the convention takes place.
I still haven't seen any sort of covid restrictions posted for the con yet, which is now less than a month away. I recall that at the Ohio convention, they stated that masks would be required in certain areas, but it wasn't enforced and only maybe a quarter of people were wearing their masks in those areas.
If you're worried about catchin' the coof, just plan to spend most of your time at the water park. It doesn't get particularly crowded there, so you can pretty much social distance as much as you feel the need to.
Honestly, if you aren't spending most of your weekend at the waterpark, you're doing it wrong. CCE is pretty much a shit-tier convention by itself, and is only popular because of the venue.

>> No.10662220

I'm left/democrat and think Hasan is a sniveling little twat. The guy is incredibly fucking annoying, and I can't see anything about his personality that could be appealing to anyone.
The only people that simp for Hasan are the dumb bitches (and guys, I guess) that find him attractive and want to suck his dick.
Basically the same sort of people that simp for Leon Chiro despite his history of sexual harassment/assault and the fact that he hates joggers.

>> No.10662221

basically stop worrying and live your life

>> No.10662499

Hasan is just basically a Democrat Paul Joseph Watson

>> No.10662679

Two weeks out from Otakon and no reports of it being a super-spreader event?

>> No.10663513

I'm sure it was, it's just that no one wants to get tested because they'll have to stay home from work and cause businesses to close and cons to cancel.

>> No.10666626

Least he’s better than Paul Joseph Watson

>> No.10666636

as is 99% of the people on earth

>> No.10666687

>so.. just a massive coincidence that states with the lowest vaccination rates also voted for trump the most?

They also have the most number of blacks to deal with, hence the low vaccination rate. Even when it comes to vaccines, the best indicator if you are unvaxxed is race. Just like the crime rate.

>> No.10666737

>They also have the most number of blacks
You think Idaho and Wyoming have a high % of black population? How stupid are you racists?

>> No.10666742

>the best indicator if you are unvaxxed is race
Actually it's political affiliation. Republican men are the least vaxxed group in the country

>> No.10667277

>Fall cons are still a go even though governments have already planned for another lockdown within the coming months

>> No.10668203

His voice singlehandedly proved that all brits are annoying

>> No.10668212

Ive never been to a con, but today I'll be going with my friend and his slightly popular cosplayer husband (I'm straight). I have a jinbei and gets from when I used to live in Japan, but I was thinking normal clothes are fine, maybe a Tokyo Disney shirt might be relatable for the shy nerds enough to strike up convos easily. How do I con this shit right bros?

>> No.10668214


>> No.10669257
File: 1.47 MB, 1642x1508, 1631040423543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get the jab
>go to a con where everyone else has the jab
>by doing this I'm spreading the coof
I don't get it. Why do people care at this point? Everyone who wanted it got it by now and they won't get sick or die if they do end up getting it. The only people in danger are the ones who don't want help so why should I care if some horse jizz chugging MIGAfag gets it because he want to the same con as me?

>> No.10669265

Because an unfortunate number of people are lying about having had the jab, and horse jizz will take up a valuable ventilator when he goes back on one when he gets home, as will the rest of his unvaxxed friends when he gives it to them.

>> No.10669280

>The people lying about it don't want it for whatever reason
>they get sick when they could have gotten the free jab
Again. Why should I worry about someone who literally doesn't want to be helped?

>> No.10669292

Because it’ll effect you if enough of them are around you and expose you to enough viral load that you get sick. I’m all for vax only cons, but enough people are still lying about being vaxxed (look through other threads) that masking is still a good idea.

>> No.10669317
File: 40 KB, 1730x250, Screenshot 2021-09-07 at 16-02-21 LA EMS workers told not to transport patients who likely won't survive to hospitals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better hope you don't have a heart attack. anti-vaxxers are crowding up hospitals, meaning people who get sick or injured are suffering too from lack or available ICU beds.

>> No.10669321

Some non-N95 mask will do practically nothing compared to a vaccine. If you're that paranoid, just don't go to conventions.

>> No.10669325

Ergo, wear an N95 mask, get vaxxed, and don’t take the mask off unless you're outside or in a well-ventilated area.

>> No.10669334

The vaccine itself will already make it so that, even if you do get sick, your symptoms are more mild. A well-fitted N95 mask will actually make it harder to breathe, and will probably look like shit. Not to mention you can't pull it off to eat or drink water because god forbid someone breathe on you. If you're that paranoid, why even subject yourself to a con?

>> No.10669457

So I imagine Royal Vegas Retreat is probably going to happen since Vegas has been a lot more lax on restrictions? I'd be gutted if it was cancelled last minute.

>> No.10669506

>same weekend as SinCity Anime

>> No.10669517

Anime cons are a dime a dozen. I doubt even a quarter of the people flying in for RVR would do so for SinCity Anime

>> No.10669588

>magfest requiring full vax
It's like they really want to be buried.

>> No.10669677

I think the goal of it is to make sure people AREN'T buried.

>> No.10672593


>> No.10672791

>SDCC November Edition to be limited only to professionals

>> No.10673316


>> No.10673324

Maybe they would for both.

>> No.10673451

Magfest is already six feet buried and about to go deeper.

>> No.10673709

What happened now?

>> No.10674096
File: 211 KB, 250x200, ursa wisp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tickets for the Thanksgiving SDCC will be sold next Saturday.I hope i can get one. I'll probably ask a coworker if he is also gunning
Hopefully alot of people will be filtered out because
>Biden's America make sure that International attendees wont come
>Most people broke from COVID

>> No.10674888

AnimeNEXT, which isn't being held until June 2022, just made a long post about their covid policy. Vaccine required, masks required at all times. No badges being mailed, so look forward to long wait times to get in.
I'm someone that is actually taking the pandemic seriously, but making policies for an event that's that far away is just fucking retarded.
Mind you, this is a con that's cancelled for two years in a row now. This might be the end for them.

>> No.10674897

>Giving up Thanksgiving family time to hang out with random nerds and weebs along with a chance to catch covid even though everyone is vaccinated or tested negative.

>> No.10675335

You can say the same thing for Otakon and they were fine.

>> No.10675761

Because they had no real choice. Of course the con was a shell of itself

>> No.10676918

Rumors coming out that Daisho Con has cancelled their contract with the Kalahari in Wi Dells.

>inb4 daisho dies in 2 years

>> No.10676924

Colossalcon North intensifies

>> No.10676929
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>> No.10676930

Maybe the Haitians will come.

>> No.10676973

is there anyone at all at ramencon

>> No.10677056

Thanksgiving isn't a "thing" in our Asian Family and 98% of the extended family is in another country that is under lockdown.

>> No.10677088


What the fuck? Ramencon still exists? I havnt been there since I was in college roughly.

>> No.10677442 [DELETED] 

They already canceled 2022 because of varient hysteria

>> No.10677445

They already canceled 2021 because of varient hysteria

>> No.10677474

I mean people are dropping like fucking flies but ok, call it hysteria.

>> No.10677502

>covid variant
>vending at a con

Constant anxiety on whether I should book a hotel

>> No.10677533

If you use a credit card you should be able to cancel the reservation and get your money back.

>> No.10677610

>people are dropping like flies.

Unfortunately not enough people are dropping like flies if I’m seeing posts like this still.

>> No.10678019

I was planning on vending there back when numbers weren't as high. I wonder if anyone showed up.

>> No.10678811

Anyone going to tekko? Are there any guests coming

>> No.10681851

I'm just gonna hit the casinos on Friday and then go pick up my badge late at night.
One of the grate things about AN is there's so much to do besides the con.

>> No.10681884
File: 89 KB, 640x360, ZomboMeme hahahhahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice when the government just invents things using fake statistics.

>> No.10681886
File: 198 KB, 636x960, ZomboMeme therapeutic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't even vaccines. The CDC, Webster, and others changed the definition of "vaccine" to no longer mean inoculating someone from a disease.

Now "vaccines" just protect people.... like insulin or aspirin or a pacemaker. And we're all supposed to just pretend that we never knew what the definition of "vaccine" used to be.

>> No.10681887 [DELETED] 
File: 270 KB, 952x538, fda 2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the death rates of vaccines anon?

According to the FDA, you're about 5 times more likely to die of any cause if you are vaccinated.

>> No.10681888 [DELETED] 
File: 603 KB, 720x900, 5455476567646535424342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Variants from viruses do occur naturally.... by becoming less deadly and less harmful to the host.

In nature, you want viruses to mutate because they eventually become non-harmful in almost all cases.

>> No.10681889 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 1200x675, IMG_20210813_095135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny thing is that roasties keep blaming "MAGA cultists" for not being vaccinated, when in reality the most unvaccinated group is black people.

>> No.10681891

>All the statistic are fake except for the ones that justify my white supremacy

>> No.10681941
File: 183 KB, 650x428, IMG_20210821_111830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you don't agree with our government, media, and trillion-dollar-pharmecutical companies then you must be a RACIST!

Have fun getting your 47th dose.

>> No.10681965

wow you asshole, Black people have been medically mistreated for years and its fucking well known. Stop minimizing their pain for your brownie points.

>> No.10681995

But you, too, agree with what their saying. Where else did you get this idea from that black people are least vaccinated?

>> No.10682122
File: 350 KB, 1152x814, IMG_20210831_220013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But you, too, agree with what [their] saying.
I do? Apparently not sweetiecakes. Those people are all liars (the media, government, and pharma-companies). The pharma companies aren't even doing "Science".

They are doing what is called "Marketing".

>Where else did you get this idea from that black people are least vaccinated?
Black people as a whole have been the least vaccinated group by percentage (with younger black men being the least of them). The media is of course spinning this now to say "oh but by the number, not percent, there is a bigger number of white Republicans who are unvaccinated." It's just the media being dishonest, which is pretty much what they think their primary job is.

Do you actually believe that the media is honest somehow? Really? For realz?

>> No.10682129

>Black people as a whole have been the least vaccinated group by percentage
According to who, anon?

>> No.10682305
File: 230 KB, 580x768, lies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>According to [who] anon?

Well you're right. That's according to the lying liars that lie. However, when the lairs say something and look guilty and ashamed, I feel like it's probably closer to the truth than when they act all giddy.

>> No.10682312

What the fuck is this thread even more? Half of it is normies trying to convince themselves that we need to take -THIS- many measures to go back to normal and the other half are schizos trying to push us into fed posting. You deal with this shit by going to cons that don’t have a retarded rule set. That’s literally it. Any other discourse is just going to turn into smug tranny tier bants and that’s a fucking waste of time to everyone.

>> No.10682318

So basically, its all lies except for the parts that are politically convenient for you

>> No.10682476
File: 63 KB, 796x960, EoA-iESWMAE3gHh.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the cut of your jib.

>[its] all lies

>except for the parts....
No! Where did you get that part? You think I watch Fox all day and think "these guys tell the trufe!"? No. Fuck no. They are all liars.

If you want to find truth somewhere, realize that it's going to be very difficult finding it from people who make money telling you lies.

>> No.10682487

Call sign Chopper?

>> No.10682635

>No! Where did you get that part?
please loop back to >>10682129

>> No.10683122
File: 1.06 MB, 1010x2048, Screenshot_20210901-073402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think I watch Fox News all day because I said something that you didn't like that was previously reported by CNN, MSNBC, NYT, Fox, WP, and WSJ?

Again, they are all liars. But you can sometimes spot a little truth when some place tells you something they look ashamed to say.

>> No.10683382

I never mentioned fox news. You are deranged.

>> No.10683521
File: 47 KB, 363x487, DDAE2100-BCC0-4058-B09C-D7E3A270EA9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people wanting to go to severely neutered cons
>people actually went to severely neutered cons

>> No.10683545

As much as I love cosplay, I’ll admit that the shit is NPC heavy

>> No.10683546
File: 1.35 MB, 886x896, Trash.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daisho dies in 2 years

>> No.10683702

I don't miss cons or any kind of social contact outside of internet, my family and neighbours. It's like we are in the beginning of the 2000's again. I'm ok with this.

I cosplay as a hobby, only for myself. Then I shared my work with cosplayers from the whole world online. Never cared about "fans", or "professional cosplayers". It was fun to me that way. There were no cons where I live in those times, so we met IRL at a square, a park or in our houses to watch anime or play vidya. We cosplayed at parks in the open and took photos. We used forums online to met each other. And I didn't need anything else.

This is an opportunity for us, because posers will flee from geeky things. Cons, Cosplay and J-Fashion should be niche hobbies like before. I was seriously starting to hate how much the geek scene has degenerated. People were already tired of shitty cons and there were less and less visitors each year. Actually our con dissappeared in 2019 and never felt more free in my fucking life.

>> No.10683769

What about cons like Anime Expo with god tier guests and concerts?

>> No.10685218

Anyone else going anime Dallas?

>> No.10686005

>Anime Expo with god tier guests and concerts
Those days are long gone. No North American con is getting anyone from Japan for a very long time.

>> No.10686010

Sorry to burst your doomer bubble, but AWA has two guests from Japan.

>> No.10686021



>> No.10686022

>Go to USA, especially Atlanta were it's the most racist city in America
>Have to isolate upon arrival
>Leave for Japan
>Have to isolate upon arrival
>Got Covid from being in the USA
>Get sick
>Make Japan's Covid situation worse

>> No.10686358

All I see is Miyavi. Who’s the other one?

>> No.10686407


>> No.10686760

Why does it look like all of these cons are pushing out cons because they can’t afford to cancel for the 2nd/3rd year in a row?

>> No.10686776

Anyone here going to Ohayocon?

>> No.10687020
File: 2 KB, 225x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10687090

Fuck off

>> No.10687091
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>They don't know

>> No.10687106

Fuck it, I’ll bite, what happened?

>> No.10687107

Those fuckers haven't decided to open up pre-reg for Premier holders to buy in again. Also LA County could go back into lockdown.

>> No.10687343

I have 2 badges now to Anime Frontier, but I moved here to Texas right before Covid became a thing so I don't have any friends to go with. The one Covid con I went to was total dogshit and I'm considering not going, but I'll feel retarded for wasting the $ on the ticket. If I don't think I will enjoy myself I know it's better to do it than having to drive to Fort Worth & needing to get a hotel, but the sunk cost fallacy is fucking with me.

>> No.10687358

I was but
>Vaccine Mandate
>Entire City is literally maskless aside from indoor masks.

I got better shit to do with my weekends and I'm down the street from the con center.

>> No.10687685

They're in a shit financial situation, that is all you need to know.

>> No.10687731

>vaccine mandates are a literal dealbreaker
Wow, I mean I get it but still, wow…

>> No.10688236

Detroits Youmacon just announced a vax mandate for the rave.

2 weeks before the con.

Because if you've been rubbing shoulders with those dirty unvaxtards all over for a few days, you need to ban them from your dance to or you might put yourself at risk.

>> No.10688311

I also planned on going to AF (I live local) but they just announced vax or test requirement along with mask. Not sure if I'd enjoy it at this point and plan to ask my group if we're going to bother or get refunds.

>> No.10688376
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I’m a local to the area. Let me tell you how things are in this city.

>Last Thursday I saw that they were opening a Blue Jackets Game, Season opener.
>Everyone is hyped. News reporters arnt wearing masks, folks in Blue Jackets Jerseys, team color face paint, the works.
>North Market has a mask on policy but the minute you sit down, everyone takes it off to eat, and keeps it off.
>OSU games have medal detectors but are still full house, there for disobeying 6ft apart.
>you get denied of service if you try and buy food without it on, however.
>There was a literal marathon being ran with several streets blocked off. Guess what? No fucking masks.
>Ohio is a Right to choose state, instead of a Religious exemption. Meaning vaccine is optional.
>No one at any job my friends or I work at take the mask mandate seriously. We only wear the muzzle to a certain extent.
>everyone in the open isn’t wearing a mask, aside from the obvious e girl, Redditor or Obese Shaniqua.
>Malls are operating normally.
>Literal convention I saw today on the way to North Market, no one really wearing masks.

It’s a deal breaker to me, because it’s a literal joke. I’m not whaling out for a con that’s been stale, requires a wrist band to access the party hotel, has Paul Blart tier security, and has gotten progressively worst with its community as its grown.

Got better cons to fly out to dude.

>> No.10689433
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>> No.10689641
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>> No.10689672

Convention organizations should just go under for the sake of humanity. We're now at a point that attending mass gatherings is now frowned upon.

>> No.10692076

I am hoping for some sense of normalcy by the time AX comes arou-
>people chanting “Let’s Go Brandon” now due to a piece of cloth and a jab in the arm
>cops are quitting the force over a jab in the arm

>> No.10692233
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Nerds getting their hopes up for a good con anytime soon or in the near future

>> No.10692248

Honestly? Good, it's too big for its britches

>> No.10692856

Aww, you angry because you couldn’t get Aqours tickets?

>> No.10696087
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>> No.10696318

I can be your friend

>> No.10701903

I know this post was made a long while ago, but Animefest says both on their site and on Twitter that it will be at the Sheraton and not online-only

>> No.10701912

Daisho-con officially dead. Pretty sad because the waterpark gave me something to do if I got tired of being at the con.

>> No.10702083

>New Covid variant discovered
>Can bypass all immunity and current vaccines are worthless against it
>Is very contagious and already has mutated 30 times over
RIP all 2022 conventions and maybe in-person gatherings in general

>> No.10702113

Ok doomer

>> No.10702123


>> No.10702125

The real reason it shut down because the conrunners paid themselves money while the convention was postponed twice.

>> No.10702129

Yes, lets just sit at home, do nothing, amd interact with no one.

>> No.10702165
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fucking hell.... why cant we all stop pretending this is anything more than a mild flu?

>> No.10702169

> maybe in-person gatherings in general

Definitely. I work for the US government and I can confirm that we’ll be implementing full martial law in February. Leaving your house will only be allowed with a proper permit for work and other approved individual activities. Delivery groceries will be subsidized by the government however.

>> No.10702174

>Delivery groceries will be subsidized by the government however.
that's how you know for sure he's lying

>> No.10702202

Isn't that what we have been doing the last 2 years? I have no issues if they lock down again. I'm use to it and it's so comfy.

>> No.10702206

I have an Oculus Quest 2. We need to find some way we can have a con in VR.

>> No.10702232

Say it with me now…


>> No.10702242

because its more deadly and contagious
groceries are already subsidized by the government though.
past 6 years for me

>> No.10702296
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>Like the legend of the penis
>Our ends were beginnings

>> No.10702382
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>Cancels all 2022 conventions because of omicron

>> No.10702389

>yfw Brandon and Kamala resigns after the government gets toppled again by angry people who are tired of this shit.

You know it's coming.

>> No.10702393


>> No.10702426

Yeah, they did that back in January and look how that turned out.

>> No.10702432
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>Implying anyone losing their minds about cancellations and muh new variant and more lockdowns went to a single thing this year
Fucking jej to the moon and back

>> No.10702448

>getting angry at Biden for something he hasn't even done

Literally deranged

>> No.10702504

I’ve been hoping for colossal to swiftly move in and save us all. What a fucking blessing. If they get the con going, I wonder what time of year they’ll host it. Daisho was always mid November, but colossal Texas is their mid November con now. Really hoping they’ll plan the Wisconsin one for July or August

>> No.10702531


>> No.10702581

AX is just itching to another lame virtual con.