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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10678029 No.10678029 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like cosplay.com is back up and (partially) running after a few years of being shut down. No clue why it ever got abandoned in the first place considering it was never really dead, but that’s besides the point. Oldfriends will remember that this site was a pretty popular place to talk about cosplay/cons online before the rise of social media, so it’s nice to see it functional again. With the cosplay side of /cgl/ having been completely overtaken by coomers and mods/jannies who enable this behavior, I’m cautiously optimistic that cosplay.com can grow back a healthy population and be a place for cosplayers to just talk cosplay. Long form discussions don’t lend themselves well to Twitter or Insta, which is where most cosplay stuff is nowadays, so I think there’s space for a traditional forum in the cosplay community (which USED to be filled by /cgl/, but we can all see what this place has become).
Anyone have plans to use this site? Any stories from its heyday you wanna share?

>> No.10678032

Oh dang, made my day anon.

>> No.10678033

This is such a fucking throwback. Reminds me of my first days cosplaying looking up tutorials for those naruto sandals lol. It really was a great resource and people were genuinely pretty helpful and get natured.

>> No.10678060

>returning user
I'm not even sure if I remember my password or email that I had at the time. Guess I'm making a new account

>> No.10678067

I don't really cosplay anymore and hadn't really paid attention enough lately to know it went offline, but coscom was amazing for crafting tutorials and resources all in one place back in the day and the user galleries were pretty well designed for their time, so glad to hear it's back. I hope it will get use and not end up a ghost town like forum-driven communities have in other hobbies over the last few years.

>> No.10678071

Does anybody know what happened that took them down to begin with?

>> No.10678079

wasn't it that their server got yeeted due to a ddos attack and they couldn't find a backup?

>> No.10678249

Right in the feels. I literally remember consulting this on my best friends living room floor while we building foam armor. It’s actually a bit sad because it reminds me how much has changed. Idk maybe I was just young and stupid but people seemed nicer and the craft seemed more genuine back then.

>> No.10678277

Tbh I don’t think you’re too far off. Peak cosplay.com was right before the commercial side really took off. Imho the moment cosplay went from a craft/hobby to a career it all started going downhill.

>> No.10678304

>Cosplay scene over-ran with COOMERS.

Golly gee, I wonder what could have enabled this, surely not a decade worth of rentawaifus and us not keeping horny Redditors in check. But no for real, I’ll hype bringing the hardcore DIY aspect back into cosplay. Shit is fun, like really really fun, I’m glad that the site is back up. I don’t really have any old cosplay.con stories to share but I remember it being an amazing archive for some Japanese cosplay patterns that I wish I was able to find, like the pilot suits from Gundam 00 for example.

>> No.10678328

The archives were honestly the best. It was like lolibrary but for cosplay patterns. It really does take you back to the good ole days.

>> No.10678341

Make cosplay great again

>> No.10678487
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It was nice to have a reference to niche articles explaining the material and make of costumes and props. I’ll take that over some Patreon grifter trying to sell me their non sliced pepakura model or some idiot trying to over charge me for a pdf file explaining how eva foam works.

>> No.10678536

Here's for hoping we still have access to those old posts

>> No.10678538

Awe I guess I just assumed it would all come back. Do you think it’s been purged? This ww fiasco has me paranoid

>> No.10678540

they had 20 years or so of old con photos, where are they?

>> No.10678752

One would hope if people still have access to their accounts the posts they made will still be up. But if it is it may be best to grab screenshots now Incase something happens

>> No.10678759

Cosplay.com is where I got my start in figuring out cosplay.

I remember posting about a potential first cosplay I wanted to do and some helpful rando straight-up offered to buy me the basic fabric and thread to get started with on it. They followed through, bought and shipped me a package with everything, and I really did use the stuff to make my first cosplay. Bless their heart.

>> No.10678834

Adella sucked Admins money dry and she had to turn tricks to get the server back on

>> No.10678840

Oh man. Time to throwback to my tenn cringe cosplay years. But hey. I had fun and that used to be the point.

>> No.10678850

Thank god. I’m happy I don’t have to rely on this board to discuss cosplay beyond “uwu I like ur wig Queen!!” And other overly nice surface level shit u see on most social media sites. Also sounds nice to be able to discuss cosplay without devolving into vague posting about how X famous cosplayer didn’t talk to me at a con and therefore they should be cancelled or some shit

>> No.10679058

I’m very excited, I prefer forum style discussion so I’ll do my best to re-register and participate.

>> No.10679405

Plus, having it only semi-anonymous will really keep things relevant and fairly sane.

>> No.10679442

I didn't even know this site died. I swear I was on it like a year ago

>> No.10679453

Kek same though. We’re getting old anon.

>> No.10679592

Yes. And she'll constantly remind EVERYONE that cosplay.com only existed because of her. She was such an odd person. Really weird. I remember her being so secretive of her "Aeris hair".
There were so many forum posts begging for tips on how to do her Aeris hair. Cracked me up because she would give some vague, snippy "it's hard to explain, can't tell you" answer and that it was all her real hair.

>> No.10682581

Don't remind me.

>> No.10682718

I got into cos after the "dedicated forum" internet era but this looks pretty cool. Cosplay talk on this board is dead anyways and the jannies do a dogshit job of keeping stalker threads up and deleting good threads so I might start browsing that instead

>> No.10682722 [DELETED] 
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I’m suing you for the distressing flashbacks your post gave me

>> No.10682746

This, I just want a searchable social forum where I don't have to wade through dozens of unhelpful threads or pay for bits of advice. There are plenty of other online venues for unfiltered cattiness.

>> No.10686822

Was cosplay.com really the only cosplay forum?

>> No.10687098

Can we turn this into a nostalgia thread?

>> No.10687104

Let's! I miss Usagi Kou. She was my favorite poster. I hope she'll make a comeback to the forum.

>> No.10687109

i have some bad news for you...

>> No.10687118

did she died?

>> No.10687136

It was the biggest one that had the widest coverage of anime/Japanese game-related fandoms/topics. Other sites like AnimeLab and ACP (god I think they were the "big 3" of 2005-2010?) had social forums but none was as big as Cosplay.com's. I might not even be recalling names correctly, it's been so long, but I remember AnimeLab (?)'s issue was the founders were using the money to fund their Christian missions and ACP had sponsored contests that disappeared by ~2010 and their coding is utter shit.

>> No.10687251

She's shilling on onlyfans and just got evicted. Still using men, her new bf is insane and extremely cringey

>> No.10687253

still causing dramu after 20 years

>> No.10687255

she shoops herself like a loli at 32 also