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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 242 KB, 441x422, horrible_weeaboo_id_by_Doomfool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6258729 No.6258729 [Reply] [Original]

new weeaboo/con horror story thread.

old thread >>6238980

>> No.6258764
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I shat my pants at a con once.

It all went downhill from there.

>wore cat ears to a con, and a cat tail, and a shitty ita lolita outfit thinking I was so cool. suddenly don't feel so good.

>realized I sharded myself.

>> No.6258766


>> No.6258778

gambled and lost. its a shame.

>> No.6258801
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> be in artist alley, selling my lolita creepy-cute shit,
>ita comes up, landwhale + hambeast + ugh I don't know
>tells me my shit isn't "kawaii desu"
>grabs all my stuff and throws it away and storms out of them artist alley
> call security, have a shit flip
> her excuse
> spent 400$ on an AA table and all my shit is now dirty and the lace is stained with coffee from the trach
>get ita's information
>make her mother pay me back for ruining my stuff
> 500 dollars yes

>> No.6258809

former ponyfag here
>be black
>cosplay pinkie pie
>fat neckbeard approaches me
> "Niggers can't be Pinkie Pie"
> scream at him "what happened to love and tolerance!?"

that was a year ago. left the pony fandom and am now sick of seeing pony cosplays so overdone.

>> No.6258816

sweet that you got her to pay you back. I've heard a handful of stories where no one ever catches these people again and they just get away with their bullshit

>> No.6258837

Yeah, but I only made a little less that 100$ in a 4 day convention, so it kind of stinks. And that was my first time selling.
All the other artists there at the beginning said I was going to get so many sales and I might run out of stuff because it was nice, and then that happened on the first day.
I was so heart broken.

>> No.6258843

That is very sad. I hope you get better luck next time.

>> No.6258845
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I remembered one from Otakon 2012!
(This is the Celty cosplayer from the last thread.)

>Sitting in Dealer's Room, enjoying some shopping.
>Buying one of those lolita pajama sets--just to have. Super comfortable, you know?
>Looking through different ones, I see hambeast looking guy, grease and all, looking through the costumes as well.
>Trying to be polite, I strike a conversation. "Buying these for a girl of yours?"
>"No, for myself."
>I look a bit surprised--this guy had to have been 200+ pounds and he was looking to buy skimpy nighties that were meant for young girls.
>He looks mad and asks, "What? Is there a problem?"
>"Not at all! Just surprised. You don't get many guys looking to buy these costumes."
>"I'm a woman."
>mfw he was a she.

>> No.6258849

omg i would of been so embarrassed and probably started crying saying sorry

>> No.6258851

>and a shitty ita lolita outfit

>> No.6258854

Would you have judged her differently if she was a he? (Because well, I'm a he, not fat and crossdressing is my fetish, although I would never admit it in public like that).

>> No.6258858

I had to go outside and get some air afterwards because I was so embarrassed--I thought she was mad at me, too, and I didn't want to deal with angry gazes.

Oh, absolutely not, dear. My boyfriend is into crossdressing as a hobby of sorts, but it was just the initial shock. Plus, when you heard her voice, you would have sworn it was a man's. I was just confused, not trying to be rude! Sorry if you interpreted it as that.

>> No.6258859

I think they were under the assumption they were a he the entire time.

>> No.6258877

god I would have cried too. this is why I don't strike up convos much

>> No.6258879

Jesus Fucking Christ.

>> No.6258897

>Shat myself
>Went downhill from there

>> No.6258929

This! I couldn't stop laughing when I noticed that.

>> No.6259267

old thread was great.
did anyone cap stories for when it 404s?

>> No.6259400

Oh my god....That is awful lol

>> No.6259405

Esp those neopet ones

>> No.6259407

Oh! somone Cap the Kate stuff!

>> No.6259433

I second this. a long story, but a good one. Jesus her FB made me want to puke

>> No.6259463

That in itself was awesome

>> No.6259470


>> No.6259493

Alright I have another from times long since passed! (Posted in the last thread a bit)
When I was in high school I had two buddies (both male) who were into anime and the rest of my friends...not so much- so every time there was a convention I’d accompany them. They were both very gag worthy in their own right but I had known them a long time and we didn’t hang out regularly enough for me to get annoyed and ditch them yet. Here are their stats:
The first was N, Tall and constantly slouched, balding from a young age- but he was really chilled out and a kind of go with the flow sort of guy…except later on his hygiene became putrid -but those are other tales to be told.
The second was R, More of N’s friend then mine but I tolerated him. He was small, overweight and pronounced his R’s as W’s. He was also obsessed with Halo and loved to argue… over the years he had unfortunately grown fond of me as well and his crush was not well hidden.
So R and I had one thing in common- our birthday was on the same day and coincidentally Anime expo (then in Anaheim) was always right around the corner.
R’s parents (Seemingly nice people) as a gift took note of this and for his birthday got the three of us tickets.
Here is what happened:

>> No.6259495

>enter con and behold its wonders
>N and I are having a great time when R calls us over
>he has spotted a poorly made stainless steel Plasma sword from Halo
>We try to convince him to hold off from buying it since we’ve just arrived and he’ll have to carry it around the convention
>He whines that it could be gone by then and buys it.
>We are now roaming the convention center with him huffing behind us and perpetually struggling with the box.
>He is pissed we are walking ahead of him and not helping when we’re here as “HIS GUEST”
>He constantly reminds us of this for the remainder of the expo.

>> No.6259497
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>Panel is coming up that N wants to go to.
>R whines that he doesn’t want to go and I agree to Keep R Company while N goes so he can enjoy himself
>There is an understanding that when he gets back I can do the same.
> He sits down and refuses to move
>N is already gone so he is now torturing me.
> He is on the verge of tears and starts to shout about how N has ditched us and he’s a bad friend
>My face when I can’t believe a 17 year old male is acting this way
>He mistakes my silence as consent to rant.
>He then calls his dad to pick us up early
>His dad obliges
>I’m in shock because if I had asked my mom to pick me up because my friend wouldn’t play with me she’d laugh
>We’ve only been at the con for 3 hours.
>Dad arrives.
>Dad apparently has pass and had planned on coming tomorrow with R alone
>Now instead of Calling N, Dad decides to track him down
>I follow flabbergasted as R’s Dad enters the panel and drags a Shocked N out like a child in front of everyone scolding him for not hanging out with his son.
>Most. Awkward. Car ride. Ever ensues.
>Most awkward conversation ever is heard and R’s Dad calls N’s parents and bitches about the situation as if they were four.
>R is proud of this.

SO many Stories about R’s crazy ass parents but that was my first encounter…This is how these crazy people are made- by their parents enabling it.

>> No.6259511

what a fucking man baby

>> No.6259519
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Bahhhhhh I feel bad for you just reading that. I don't blame you for leaving the fandom. I stay out of it myself for the most part.

>> No.6259522
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Didn't cap the kate stuff but here's a picture of her with that creepy KH cosplayer

>> No.6259530

I have a weeb in my fucking college art class. She is the worse, I just hate her so damn much. She talks in terribly shitty weeb 'japanese', like she can only most count up to nine and say stuff like "i dont know/I am.../I understand", in class and tries to practice it in class any time she can. She is a piss poor artist who makes the worse SD chibi animu art and then looks lovingly at her terrible at work like everyone in the class is suppose to praise her dumb ass. It's so embarrassing. And she has a terrible attitude to other people and gets snippy with other people. She constantly is interrupting class with her unfunny jokes or clever ideas, trying to get all the class attention on her.

>> No.6259587

Now for a Weeb Story. I’ve kept this chambered for a long, long time…
You know, CGL I’ve actually learned something from you…Weebs all have a lot of common “tells” (besides the Japanese crap) and I’ve realized this from reading others stories and thinking “Man that sounds just like S!”
Boy do I wish I had known about those tells…
S was my first close friend when I began high school. She was hyper and charismatic and told great stories (tell.) She had awesome friends I had never met (Tell.) and even a boyfriend who sounded really interesting and older (tell) – he was even a cosplayer of her favorite character from kingdom hearts! Axel (tell.) though she never had any pictures of them together (tell.)…He was also Asian. (Tell) and his name was Tsubasa (TELL!)

>> No.6259590

Ok so once I heard the name I didn’t quite believe her but I wanted to for her benefit…Hell all of our friends pretended to because hey, not many other people liked anime in our little group and she really was fun when she wasn’t crazy as a shit house rat.
But boy did tolerating those lies make it escalate.
S was a very needy person, she loved to hang on me and do gay shit like try to grab my boobs (tell) or just be physical and weird and possessive. It only got worse when she got into Japanese Class and started calling me by “Anon-Chan!” Or “Anon-Kun!”
It was in that class she made a friend, A.
A and I really hit it off from the Get go, she had all the good qualities of S without the bad.
She had a cool boyfriend whom I met, she was a great artist and all around sweet and laid back girl and we started hanging out as a trio.
S was not pleased by this and acted out by escaping into her fake boyfriend world further.
She started to tell us about how Tsubasa was sick- and had always been. That his mom had been poisoning him as a child and it had made him in constant bad health as a result.
This was annoying but we agreed to tolerate it and hope she’d…I don’t know grow out of it.
Of course it got worse.

>> No.6259593

Now Tsubasa was living with her because his horrible family was out to get him- her mom didn’t know because he was staying in her closet.
Ok now it was getting funny and we were almost intrigued.
Then Tsubasa made an account on a social media site we all frequented and began to harass us all about how we were bad friends to his girlfriend. She would later come on and pretend to be mad he did it.
…that thoroughly pissed us off enough to stop giving a crap and begin to ignore and even mock her stories- Then It got crazier. Her stories took a seriously cartoony turn- like she didn’t even give a shit about us believing her anymore. Tsubasa was now doing impossible shit like getting surgery on his bones to look more like Axel and I shit you not a Cat scratched out his fucking eye and it was replaced by a new BIONIC ONE!...then they played ping pong with the old one.
What the fuck…

>> No.6259596

It was around this time we’d had enough of S so she upped the crazy. We were all at lunch just chatting when we spotted her unoccupied- it was always when someone wasn’t talking to her she’d lose it- and with a quivering lip before she burst into embarrassing snotty tears. She was an ass but we went to comfort her anyway –it was then that she told us the news…
Tsubasa had committed suicide in her closet using his cosplay chakarams….
We couldn’t help it and the shit hit the fan. She disowned us for laughing and not taking it seriously and began and online crusade against us with all of her red Vs blue friends on her heels…My god it was glorious and hilarious.
I will never forget you Tsubasa….

>> No.6259612

Fan-fucking-tastic. I love this.

>> No.6259623

That's pretty great, maybe she had a mental problem or something.
What if fake bf was real and she was telling the truth the entire time

>> No.6259630

So many other stories about Tsubasa lol It was a part of my life I wish I could forget...and yet I find it hilarious now.

>> No.6259633

We makes jokes about that all the time now- like what fucking assholes we would be if it was actually true and we mocked some girl's boyfriend dying.

>> No.6259703
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I was a pretty bad weeb when I started getting into anime - tracing badly drawn yaoi, fighting with other girls online over who "owns" what character, pretending to speak japanese. While most girls were learning how to do their makeup or hanging out with friends, I was eating spaghetti o's and watching Toonami. Needless to day, I was an awkward loner for most of middle school, until I met my weeb soulmate Amiee.
Amiee was a loner too, but because her family was poor ("trailer park/white trash" poor) she was picked on. I stayed out of it, neither defending nor making fun of her. Then one day a girl in our band class found Amiee's notebook where she had written about how she was a snake/cat demon and proceeded to pass it around the school. Besides anime, my other loves were the typical shitty Hot Topic gawfik things and writing bad self-insert fanfiction, so when I read her notebook I knew I had found one of my own.
The chance came when we were both sent out of class to study in the hallways for a test we had missed. She started the conversation, asking about the horribly drawn Inuyasha picture I had put on the cover of my binder.

Pic related, we were ALL OVER that shit.

>> No.6259724

Quick summary of mine and Amiee's weeby times together:

>we would print out pictures of our favorite anime husbandos and put them on our binders
>mine were kouga and tsume, amiee's were inuyasha and sesshomaru
>fight, loudly, over which ones were "smexier"
>fight, loudly, over husbandos we both liked

>write awful fanfics about ourselves as "insert stereotypical gothic animal here" demons
>never finish any of them, thankfully

>no cons or anything in our area
>decide to cosplay to the store
>red shorts + white sweater = kikyou
>fake tinfoil ears + hastily made tinfoil sword = inuyasha
>get offended when we are told amiee's tinfoil tetsusaiga isn't allowed inside shop because it is too big
>leave it in managers office after huge scene
>pick it up as we leave, amiee screams about it being bent
>it was too big to go through the doorway, so they folded it in half

>spend all of our birthday/christmas money on anime merch
>proudly carry around plushies at school

>buy merch of characters we hated
>destroy them through various means
>whine to dad that it broke
>get money back

>add -kun and -sama to EVERYTHING

>spend hours on the phone talking about our adventures with our fictional anime boyfriends

>name any animal we get our hands on ~kawaii~ made up japanese names

>> No.6259731

Every day is a weeaboo horror story for me. In the cafeteria at my school there are at least three tables filled to capacity every day with loud weebs. A few of them will play YuGiOh every day while a bunch of others gather around to watch and scream and shit and some of them have paired off and suck eachothers faces off and then you have kids running around in cloaks and pony shirts and I just don't understand. Do these kids forget they're in a public place? For fuck's sake, they're in college and they act like I acted in maybe seventh grade. I made the mistake of wearing my fluttershy shirt one day and I had his disgustingly fat weeb bolt over to me wanting a high five. And the group just keeps growing. It's like a big, terrifying, tumor.

>> No.6259745

While these stories are embarrassing the bonds are almost adorable..

>> No.6259752

Same. Theres this girl that wears a cat hat all the time and you could hear her ugguuu voice clear across the room.

>> No.6259760

Amiee isn't the typical hambeast weeb most horror stories are about, at least in looks. She was average height, skinnyfat and looked normal. Her hair was always cut really short because it was so curly, which made her look like a boy, but she claimed to be bi and seemed to like being mistaken for a guy. She was always wearing oversized ratty clothes, hand-me-downs from her mother and aunt, but wasn't dirty.
Amiee was the oldest of seven kids (she and a brother were the only two with the same father) and her mother was pregnant with an eighth when we became friends. She fought with her mother all the time and so stayed at my house a lot, which my dad didn't like. Amiee was loud and annoying, but I was so happy to have a friend with the same interests that I overlooked it. Even today I'm still fond of her in a nostalgic kind of way.
When we were around 15 Amiee had to move a few hours away to live with her father after a huge fight between her and her mother. We stayed in contact the whole time, but never saw each other. I was the typical mall goth/baby bat at that time, wearing baggy Tripp pants and ugly anime shirts, pretending to be ~*so rebellious u guise*~ but I somehow landed a boyfriend and, a bit after she left, when I was 16, I got pregnant and at 17 had twin boys.
Through the whole thing Amiee was amazing - sending me gifts, even if they were cheapy Walmart things, checking up on me, just generally being a good friend. My dad had kicked me out and I was living with me sister, so Amiee would mail boxes of cheap ramen to us every other month or so. I still have a box of crappy ~kawaii desu~ pictures she drew for me. But the moment I was out of the hospital she started acting completely different.
Suddenly she stopped answering my phone calls and emails, wouldn't let her family answer my calls, and I had no idea what happened for almost 3 years.

1 or 2 more parts left, typing as I go.

>> No.6259762

Minus the buying merch and cosplaying, this sounds like my high school days. Exactly.

>> No.6259774
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A weeb story.

>is a timid as fuck Asian girl in middle school, rode the bus with no friends
>black girl with very ashy lips and glasses notice my animu drawings
>befriended me, everything seem okay
>was naive, she ask if she can borrow my drawings for one class period
>did so

>> No.6259777
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>Art class with Kimberly, art teacher praises one of Kimberlys' new art
>notice the art
>mfw kimberly traced my drawings
>never confronted her of it, spent grade 6-8 with her bs.
>Attend HS with Kimberly
>Tells me she gets $500 allowance every week
>Tells me she owns a company in Japan
>Tells me her uncle is Michael Jackson
>Tells me she was in one of his music videos
>Tells me she is dating MJ, disregarding her previous claim that he is her uncle.
>Valentines day, Kimberly stroll into class with a couple of roses
>claims her Japanese boyfriend named Yuki gave her the roses
>On bus with Kimberly
>asked about her parents
>Kimberly show me a small print out of an Asian woman in her wallet, claiming its her mother
>Later claim she is half Japanese and can speak fluent Japanese
>Tried to have a normal convo with Kimberly, told her my sister "D" is attending (insert specific college here)
>Next day, Kimberly told me her sister (insert my sisters exact name here) is ALSO attending (insert that exact specific college name here)
>as always, just nod and reply with "ok..."
>On the bus again, Kimberly notice a Yuri drawing of OC's that a friend gave to me as reference (she commissioned me)
>Later on the day, Kimberly called my other friend, friend "B" and ask her on the phone, "what happen if you like a friend more than as a friend?"
>"B" ask Kimberly who is it
>Kimberly replied with my name.
>"B" flipped the fuck out, hung up and immediately told me of Kimberlys confession
>After awhile of all of this bullshit, decided to just avoid her completely
>Senior year
>Kimberly apologizes for lying to me from middle school throughout HS, and for tracing my art.
>apology accepted
>moving on

She claim many many off the wall things, but these were the ones that stuck out so much to me.

>> No.6259825

For some reason, reminds me of this girl.
I used to keep tabs on her. Last time I checked she was obsessed with Korea and becoming Korean to the point of lying about how popular she was in Korea. Seems like she's doing...better...But being a half mongrel Korean, I asked my mom about some of the pictures she had posted Korean text in and my mom said she clearly didn't know Korean and it wasn't very nice to pretend to know a language.

>> No.6259830


Evolved into a koreaboo? I wont be surprise if Kimberly is doing the same too...
At least this girl seem somewhat sane though...kinda.

>> No.6259842
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Three years later I got a phone call from Amiee, who had gotten my number from a cousin of mine that had recently married into her family. She apologized for cutting off contact, but wouldn't explain anything other than to say that she "couldn't deal" with me having kids and didn't "want to be a part of it". I was a little offended, but decided to forgive her. She was moving back in with her mother, despite being 19/20, but wanted to be friends again. We set up a date to meet at the mall to catch up and so she could meet the twins.

Needless to say, this meeting did not go well.

Amiee had changed a lot since I last saw her. Her hair was still short and curly, but bleached blonde and clearly damaged from the bleach. A whole portion in the back was crispy and breaking off. She had gotten much, much taller and more fit and had come out of her anime/weeb phase. She was wearing some sort of odd, striped dress, even though it was November, that looked like a prison uniform turned into a toga.
The first words she said were "Geez, you sound pretty retarded!", referring to my boyfriend's accent. She then regaled us with almost an hour of non-stop talk about how she was going to become a super famous fashion designer in France and that her dress was from an obscure, underground French fashion movement that of course I haven't heard about because it's super secret. She had also adopted a new French name, to better reflect her super original designer style - Dieudonne. She had to repeat it a few times before I could say it well enough to her standards.
After a while of this, my sister Kelly showed up with the kids. Amiee was quick to latch onto them, squeeing and squeezing, and it was honestly pretty cute (they're both shy which doubles the cuteness). I was just starting to remember why she had been my best friend and then -
"They're sooo cute! Even for a little jozzie!"


>> No.6259846

I've got one from high school:

>be sixteen and awkward as fuck around boys
>identical younger brother of friend sends me an invite on Facebook, let's call him R
>don't know him very well, so we start talking that day
>tells me that he's actually Hunny from Ouran and that his 'split personality' is Mori
> whatthefuck.jpg
>call bullshit immediately, but don't tell him
>he also tells me how he used to date this girl and she died and she told him to 'be happy' like one of those stereotypical anime death scenes
>he's very not-so-subtly implying that he wants me to date him so he can 'fulfill his gf's wish'
>don't believe a fucking word
>he's fourteen and an absolute creep so I delete him

Now all he does on FB is share a lot of Nice Guy posts and relationship bullshit. Seems like it runs in the family because his older sister is just about the same in terms of weebness.

>> No.6259848

What is a jozzie? Sorry, English isn't my first language.

>> No.6259854

English is my first language and I don't even know what a jozzie is

>> No.6259855
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>popular in Korea
>some nigger

lol no.jpg

>> No.6259856

> Annual local sci-fi con at my university
> Sunday morning, eating breakfast
> Get some salad dressing on my nice white shirt
> Go to the bathroom to wash it out
> Homestucks. Homestucks EVERYWHERE.
> Horribly mediocre Homestucks, but what else is new?
> They're crowding around the sinks
> They have a bucket
> A very large bucket
> Maniacal laughter from the crowd
> They are filling the bucket with water
> After two minutes, they notice that I'm waiting for the sinks
> They turn the water off, and let me clean my shirt
> I look in their bucket

I have no clue what the fuck was in that bucket, but it was murky and gross, and it REALLY creeped me out.

>> No.6259868


>> No.6259874

It was spit. Let's just not go into it further.

>> No.6259875

Short for josla. Guess they don't have that word everywhere then? I've never left my hometown so I just assumed.
I live in a tiny redneck town but since the mid 70's a lot of Russian and Ukrainian families have moved here. A josla is what people in my town call anyone from Russia/Ukraine/etc. as an insult. My kids are half Ukrainian.
The word means something like line or stripe and refers to whips used to beat dogs and small cattle. In my town its up there with 'cunt' on a list of words you don't want to call someones children.

>> No.6259880

Sorry, just assumed it was something everyone knew about, didn't realize it was specific to my area.

>> No.6259886

>Evolved into a koreaboo

Good god, I know a girl that seems to think it's okay to fetishize another culture just because it's not Japan.
>Uploads pictures of her half-asleep Korean roommate cooking Korean food in their kitchen
>States she is only attracted to Korean men
>Dream job is at a Korean game company
>Says that American and Japanese pop music are shit, spams K-pop videos
>Learning Korean, uploads tons of photos posing with her Korean language books
>Social circle is all Asians, mostly Koreans

>> No.6259889

Oh dear that's awful. I hope you don't hang out with her anymore if she's going to say things like that around your children :(

>> No.6259897

Sounds like my college cafeteria...disturbingly so. You wouldn't happen to live on the West Coast would you?

>> No.6259902

God damn Homosuck.

>> No.6259903

WAT. Woooooooow. Referring to someone's kids with a racial slur, no biggie. I hope you cut contact with her after that, that's unbelievable

>> No.6259910

What a fucking cunt!

>> No.6259927

Everyone flipped out, but my sister, who gives absolutely no fucks, took off her shoe and hit her in the face. Amiee fell out of her chair and hit her mouth/cheek on the side of a concrete platform. I didn't see how hurt she was, but her mouth was bleeding and she did chip part of a tooth. She made some little gasp noise and zombie shuffled a few feet away before she let loose with the wailing and screaming. Security showed up and they called the cops. Amiee had the nerve to scream to the cops that she couldn't believe Kelly had hit her "in front of the children!"
They were going to arrest Kelly, had the handcuffs ready and everything, but Amiee suddenly started insisting it was an accident, that she didn't want to press charges, and that it was just a misunderstanding. They still had Amiee fill out some kind of police report or something but they didn't arrest anyone. Still have no idea why Amiee changed her mind.
I got rude phone calls from Amiee and her family for about a week after that. Routine cussing and insults and namecalling, always in the early morning. I ignored it and it dropped off. Then, a month ago, I got my final email from Amiee with the subject "thought you should know". Inside was a nasty letter (of course) as well as numerous R-rated fanfics that paired my boyfriend with just about every male anime character ever invented. She said that she had been writing them even when we were still friends and that I should be devestated that he was cheating on me with so many other guys. Granted, they were fictional guys in fictional encounters that SHE had created, but I guess she thought it would still count or something?
I didn't respond, but I did foward the email to the police station that was on Kelly's incident report.
The kids, by the way, don't even seem to remember the event and we are planning on moving somewhere with a fewer amount of racist rednecks in a week.

>> No.6259959

>Everyone flipped out, but my sister, who gives absolutely no fucks, took off her shoe and hit her in the face.

Your sister is fucking awesome.

>> No.6259973
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It makes me sad to hear about best friends growing apart,; too many feels...

Putting that aside she sounds like she turned fucking nuts. What happened during that time do you think?

>> No.6259976


>by time I mean when you lost contact with her

>> No.6259985
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Oh, I know. This is the one story that describes her attitude perfectly.
And she was wearing those really thick rubber clogs, too.

>> No.6259995

> but my sister, who gives absolutely no fucks

I want your sister to be my sister. It would be nice for someone to defend me for a change.

>> No.6259998

>And she was wearing those really thick rubber clogs, too.

HAH! I'd love to hear more stories of your sister battling weeaboos and people that call children terrible things.

>> No.6260003

No idea, but her mom used to claim she was bipolar to get what Amiee called a "crazy check" each month. Don't know if she was or not.
Kelly thinks she's jealous that I have a family, whereas she jumps from distant relation to distant relation.

>> No.6260011

She gets into with everyone all the time, but this is the only time a weeaboo was involved. She can't help kicking ass for those who can't do it themselves.

I'm lucky to have her to stand up for me, I'm usually too awkward and shy.

>> No.6260012
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Your sister is fucking awesome.

>> No.6260016

>No idea, but her mom used to claim she was bipolar to get what Amiee called a "crazy check" each month.

Probably SSI. Which pisses me off, I have a lazy ass nearly 30 year old cousin with 2 toddlers that lives with her mom and collects it. She literally sleeps all day, only waking up with her phone alarm to drop her older kid off at the bus stop and pick her up again. The younger one just runs around the house while she sleeps all day.

Fuck bitches like that. /rant

>> No.6260020
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Your sis deserves some daps for that.
If I were her, I would have checked that bitch too.

>> No.6260641

Sounds like my mom.... ._.

>> No.6260842

Ok this is not a weaboo story, more a creeper story.
Has any of you ever encounterd someone with a fetish at a con? If so please share some stories ahahahaaaa
I did and it creeped the shit out of me (it's not something THAT bad, I was just freeked out at the moment).

>Be at a con
>It's REALLLLYYY hot that day and I wasn't cosplaying.
>Hanging around with friends, we decide to take of our shoes since we are outside and because it's so hot
>Suddenly an akward person 'joins' us (not really joining our group since none of us know the guy and he just sat there)
>Meh. Need to pee. Left my shoes off, get up to go to the bathroom.
>Walk out of bathroom, see this akward guy.
>'Can I take a picture of you?'
>(What I am not even cosplaying and this guy wants my pic? WAIT. HE FOLLOWED ME?)
>'Uh ok, sure'
>Guy takes casual pictures of me
>(Ok nothing to be scared off...)
>Suddenly I notice he's making pics of my bare feet AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>I say: 'Uhm, I think you've made enough photo's of me, I need to go back now since my friends and I where about to get something to eat (I made that up to get away)
>'Oh ok sure'
>'I think your feet are cute'
>He then tries to kiss my feetaAAAAAA
>I don't know what to do and get reaaaallyy creeped out
>He then looks at me and tries to kiss mee HDSVBWEFAHVAHAVJAAAAAA
>I push him away, get seriously pissed off and says he has to leave me alone.
>He just laughs, boops my nose and walks away.

I stood there like: Wtf just happened?

Right now I can just laugh about the whole feet thing, but what really annoys me is that this guy tried to kiss me, wich I absolutely didn't want to, and just laughs it off.

>> No.6260892

>going to the public bathroom

Nigger are you for real? Do you know how many germs are all over that goddamn floor?

>> No.6260929

Ahaha, I thought the same thing. I wouldn't attend a convention in general with bare feet. But seriously, that's pretty creepy. Goes from trying to kiss your feet to kissing you.

>> No.6260957

I've seen so many normalfags at six flags in bare feet. it just makes me shudder

>> No.6260965

Ugh, exactly what I was thinking. GROSS GROSS GROSS

>> No.6260968

Not that I don't agree about it being gross, but I'm pretty sure that if you aren't sucking your toes and don't have any open wounds, the floor germs aren't going to hurt you...

>> No.6260969

Want a con horror story?

Swedish convetions

Be glad for what you got, Murrikans

>> No.6261015

Go on. . . I'm always curious about the con-scene in other countries. Do you guys have creeps on the same level as ours, or is it just the entire convention?

>> No.6261024

Not the same anon as 6260842 but this might just be a cultural thing. I normally wouldn't go without shoes to the public bathroom but just about anywhere else is fair game, and is so for a lot if not most of people where i live.
Personally, i think it's super nasty when people wear shoes all the time. Especially in their homes, just yuck imagine all the shit you're dragging into the house. Normally you wash your feet before going into the house after being barefoot, but do you even do anything to your shoes before going inside?
sage for no contribution.

>> No.6261066
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The problerm isn't really creeps or stuff like that, it's just the overall lameness of the cons.

No parties (no rave, no alchohol, no nothing), pretty small in general (The biggest one closed its doors this year), all groups are clique as hell, the age of the average con-goer is like 14 (I have never met a lolita over the age of 16), nothing to do really unless you like 6 year old 4chan memes or akward "SO RANDOM XDXDXD" "humor" and an extreme lack of variety in cosplays.

Don't get me wrong, I've had some good times, but I can only imagine how amazing murrikan ones are. Even if there are more creepers there, I'm pretty sure the overall experience is a crap-ton better.

The only "good" thing about them is that theya re relativley cheap, but on the other hand, they don't exactly offer much.

>> No.6261170

One BotCon, about 2001. I was walking from dealer room (they split it into two rooms because of hotel space). I saw this morbidly obese man sitting leaning against the wall. He was wearing those prescription clothes they give to folks too big for regular clothes. Basically, really big scrubs. He had really long greasy hair and the typical unshaven neck beard thing going on. I remember he was breathing really hard and clutching a toy. Couldn't tell you what toy, as his hands were that big.

I just walked on as fat people are not too uncommon at cons, let alone greasy slobs.

A little later as I'm walking through the hall, I see him walking. Same kind of steps as Gilbert grapes mom. After passing him, I decided to look back and he had a cape on.

His back was so big, it just looked like a napkin hanging from his shoulders like a reverse rib. It wasn't even a regular con dork cape. It was one of those plastic Halloween Dracula capes you buy at Walgreens. A little later he was wearing a witch hat as well.

Later that day, I excused myself from my friends to find a bathroom only to be passed by White Dove (a member of the fandom known for her batshit crazy), who I never saw in person before. She had on a dirty nascar t shirt, dirty jeans, dirty white sneakers, and the brightest cleanest white cloak you'll ever see. She was walking with purpose, making her cloak blow in the breeze. Her hair would be blowing, if she ever washed it. I would say she could have been pretty despite her clothing, but her face had that same expression as a baby when pooping it's diaper. I had always seen her online, but this was the first time seeing her in public. The cloak was for some sun allergy, which confused me as she looked tan at first. Turns out that was just dirt.

Later I saw her lying on the floor sucking her fingers and wriggling around like some bug whilst mumbling something about anal sex. Later she was screaming at children for something.

>> No.6261189

Danish conventions used to be like that. If you're after parties and 'mature' individuals, but can't afford the trip to America, go to UK conventions instead. Only minus is that the biggest cons are only like, 1300 people or something like that, but it's still a lot better than the stuff in Scandinavia (In terms of drinking and no kids and junk)

I have no new horror stories, and I've posted everything I've got over and over again. So, sage for no contribution and all :C

>> No.6261190

You know there are many germs that can enter your body through the types of pores your hands and feet have. It's not just about it touching your mouth.

>> No.6261305

oh, botcon.
a friend of mine had some sperg lord from a transformers forum present her with a poem he'd written about her
that was fun

>> No.6261334

i was propositioned for sex in someones karkat vantas voice
it was terrible
i said no and barricaded myself in my room reading john dies at the end because

>> No.6261353


I lol'd.

Fucking fatties.

>> No.6261397
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I made out with this girl at a dance...and well other things after. I regretted all of it. Everything for me all went down hill after that.

>> No.6261409

those tittes look depressed

>> No.6261417

I want a photo of her without the damn wigs

>> No.6261441


>> No.6261448

That or homegirl doesnt know how to work a flat iron.

>> No.6261461
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Started Capping the Kate stories

>> No.6261468

Probably can't work a flat iron. I mean, even so, you know how to hide it with your hair schooling and stuff

>> No.6261529
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ahhhhhhhhhhh the old thread died

>> No.6261595
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I believe this was her profile picture before

>> No.6261617

did she lose weight or something? she looks huge.

>> No.6261643

It's not a horror story or anything, but more so just an annoying weeb that's in one of my classes at the college I go to.

She claims to be the department head of ALA, and today I overheard her bashing AX for whatever reason or just spouting nonsense like she knows everything. She wears the same black fur collared jacket every time she has come to class, and a few times has shown up with a white wig to class. I've come across her dA and just... bleh so much special snowflake radiating off of this girl. It's only been a month but I don't know how I'll last having to listen to this girls bs.

>> No.6261676
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part two!

I got lucky and had it in a different tab!

>> No.6261693
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I saw this girl at anime expo like 2 years ago and I didnt' want to go to another convention since. My Eyes are still suffering from the burns.

>> No.6261704

That's disgusting.

>> No.6261705
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>> No.6261708
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Oh god, I would have given almost anything to have been there when the mother hung up the phone from your conversation.

The rage. The wrath. The stare of pure death she must have given her daughter when she came bouncing home in her frilly ita get up.

I'm so happy for you that you got her to to pay up. I hope it fucking teaches that retard a lesson. I hope she suffered real good.

Her mother ripping her animu wall scrolls off the wall....tossing all her lolita outfits into a thriftstore donation bin....delicious. I can hear the tears flowing.

>> No.6261739

oh my god, what I could have given to get that video. dude, what if there were videos of each of these horror stories. I mean, what if we could upload memories in video form and holy shit..

>> No.6261746
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>> No.6261791

no, they won't, but anything left on the floor that could be sharp will, and it leaves an opening for infections.

>> No.6261888

You had sex with that? Dude ugh plz say you were drunk, on drugs nitquil extra drowsy whatever I dontgive a fuck. Plz say you were coherent

>> No.6261895


>> No.6261972

alright seagulls, a quick story
to be fair i guess i was kinda a bitch but i was 14
ok here we go
>am 14 and going to anime con for the first time oh boy!
>meet some people due to my horrible cosplay (sakura. yeah..i know..) having fun with my friends who are dressed as naruto and sasuke (a girl and guy couple)
>meet this one weird guy who is very large and fat (i have no sense of smell so i'm not sure if he did smell)
>always hugging me and saying "nee sakura chaaan~ kahwaii daysue"
>think oh this is totally normal
>before we leave we all exchange phone numbers
>not even left the parking lot when he blows up my phones with texts
>continues for a few weeks with him just complaining how his friend has a gf and hes forever alone, how i'm "just liek sakura chan omg", and just how america is a dick and japan is superior
>tell him to stop messaging me due to this and because he was getting annoying
>"baaaawww you girls are all the same thats why i'm alone because you ugly white women aren't capable of loving men like japanese girls and anime babes can!!"
>laugh about it with friends
>go to con next year and see him
>he has the ugliest girlfriend and i thought it was a man at first
>he notices me and follows me around con trying to get my attention
>every time he does he shoves his tongue down his gf's throat and has a smug look
i will never understand what he was trying to prove.

>> No.6262005

I was in the game room playing super smash when I saw a kid in the corner at the resident evil station jerking off while staring at the people playing DDR
Too many bathroom horror stories to count most include gutteral grunts and people washing there shit stained panties in the sink

>> No.6262012


that wasn't bitchy at all

>> No.6262016

So I've only been to 2 cons before and I've never seen any real horror story shit besides fat nurutu cosplayers. Exactly how often does this stuff happen to you guys?

>> No.6262046

I think it depends on where you live, I'm from the Midwest so the majority of people that go to cons here are over weight or Asian and the fatties shit themselves, the kid that was jerking off was black and had a plush wifu, but there's just a lot of odd people here, social retards if you will

>> No.6262062

I average 4 cons a year so maybe once a year something extremely odd happens but just keep your eyes open, hambeasts having PDA, practically fucking each other in the middle of the con, I've gotten handjobs in the middle of raves by girls I've never seen and they left me as I finished, walked in on people doing various drugs and once got my drink spiked with e lol cons can be interesting

>> No.6262110

Damn what cons do you go to? I've never even heard of this stuff happening before CGL.

>> No.6262144
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Not exactly weaboo, but wolfaboo

I used to be super obsessed with wolves, and would write shitty self-insert wolf stories and rped using my personal MySpace. A couple of friends found my RP stuff and for three consecutive years of early High School I was made fun of for it. People would say shit like "HEY ANON, TURN INTO A WOLF" "AWWWOOOO" "I ONCE SKINNED A WOLF ONCE LOL FAG"

I eventually got used to it and most of the people who made fun of me for it moved away.

I still enjoy wolves but I have most certainly grown up since then and have found interest in many other animals.

>> No.6262231

My only story with weabos was when i went to the big city! Saw a bunch running around in horrible costumes and ita shit pretending to be english with crappy accents.
Think it was asian day or something too, because there was a lot of asians at the train station. Some of the creepy weabos even came up to me and asked if I was japanese and could be their friend (I'm white and dressed gyaru-ish...)
Later that day I was in a public bathroom checking on my makeup, and one of them came in and pulled my hair, screamed she thought it was a wig then ran off.

>> No.6262263

In middle school I knew a weeby scene girl who tried to convince me on multiple occasions that Ikuto Tsukiyomi was real and sometimes he snuck into her room at night

>> No.6262360

>Small town in southern Ontario
>Middle school, spend every Thursday and Friday night at my FLGS
>Meet the only tolerable fellow weaboo
>Hilarious guy, curly hair, my age, but went to a different school
>Instant friendship. He lives near me.
>Go to his house every Friday night to watch anime and Monty Python, talk about D&D, Final Fantasy, etc. and play Dance Dance Revolution
>He moves to Manitoba after a couple of months and I have no idea what has happened to him since
Reading this thread just made me remember him and wonder how different (and likely better) being a teenager would have been if I had had one good friend who shared most of my interests.

>> No.6262630

I know Pokesue (I don't want to use her dA id because I'm fairly sure she googles herself) in real life

and while she's not a huge horror story she is a huge second hand embarassment story. She frequently posts "ecchi xD" art on her fb, is hugely spoiled by her rich dad, and was really a mean girl in highschool. (Though she's working on being nicer so points to her.)

Most of my stories about her are pretty tame exerpts from hanging out with her in our little "anime group"

>> No.6262752

I had a weeaboo friend in school (fanfiction etc.) I was quite shy and forever alone.

I wanted to have friends and fit in so started acting more weeb too. (animu drawing, fanfiction writing.)

Be laughed at/mocked by friend for being a weeaboo.

Felt bad. :( Was no where near their power level, just wanted to share interests/get along. Watched/got into fandoms they told me to, got mocked for it.

On the plus side, grew up to actually enjoy manga/anime/drawing, keep power level undercover, made simular friends who also dont approve of stupid weeby things. Turned out better than expected.

>> No.6262770

Just thought of another story, though it's not nearly as bad as some on here.

I went to a book store at our local mall with my mom and she was going to buy me a manga. This was when I was still really into anime. So I looked around and picked up the final volume of Rurouni Kenshin, and this huge neckbeard next to me looks at it and asks if I watched the OVA where Kenshin and Kaoru get married. I was a bit creeped out because I must've been fifteen at the time. I said no and the guy tried to talk about something else, but my mom called me away and asked who he was and she looked so freaked out. It seriously embarrassed me.

>> No.6262810

Animeworld Chicago, Anime Midwest, anime central, anime iowa

>> No.6262812

Why the hell do people do that? If it's a wig then they're going to mess up your styling and pinning. If it's your real hair then they're going to hurt you and also mess up your hair. Either way you're not going to be very happy with them and you know they want your attention.

>> No.6262835

More of a wolfaboo story than weaboo.

>I'm in life drawing class when I see one of my classmates drawing with a wacom tablet instead of newsprint and charcoal. I had never talked to her before but always noticed her due to her long blue hair.
>I'm curious as to how she got permission to use it since my previous life drawing teachers were sticklers about only using traditional media and decide to say hello to her during break.
>We talk for a bit and she seems friendly and nice then she asks if I want to see her DA. I say sure.
>Begins (very) quickly showing me every picture in her gallery (nearly all of which is furry art of her fersona, a white wolf with long blue hair) including several drawings of her and her boyfriend's fursona (a lizard) fucking and fondling each other.
> She asks afterwards if I was okay with her showing me her furry smut. I don't want make things more awkward then they already are so I say I don't care.
>Break ends and I go back to drawing. I don't speak to her again for the rest of the class.
>During our last class everyone puts up their final drawing to be critiqued in groups, her piece is the only one that is digital and she displays it using a projector.
>Her final drawing is of her naked fersona kneeling by the edge of a snowy cliff with the wind blowing through her hair.
>I don't see her again until graduation when she goes up to get her diploma wearing giant wolf-paw gloves.

>> No.6263038
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spiked with e?
yeah ok

>> No.6263106

I know a girl like this. Her sexuality and heritage change every four months or so, but last time I checked, she reckoned she was adopted from a Korean family.

< mfw she's Venezuelan.

>> No.6263184

not the person youre replying to, but it is possible to have your drink 'spiked with e'

unless you just doubted it happening at a con rave, then do ignore my butting in

>> No.6263208

It's not impossible however it's highly unlikely for a stranger to do, it's a waste of money. Pills don't grow on trees. So unless it was one of her friends doing it, it's hard to believe.

But even on the off chance someone did do it, the drink itself would be incredibly biter, like disgustingly biter, then on top of that, the water would also ruin a good chunk of it, making it not as effective unless the person put a lot in the drink, which would make it even more biter, and the dyes would color the water.
Maybe they're being honest and they really do believe it was E. If it actually did happen though, it probably wasn't E or any stimulant.

It sounds like a million and one stories though that people like to make up such as "Someone got stabbed outside the con" or one of the million made up stories people say at raves.

I've been to my fair share of cons and raves (actual ones not con ones) and it doesn't take much common sense once you've learned about the subject.

>> No.6263252

MAH NIGGA. You punped for spiders and the movie?

>> No.6263259

Though I have never personally gone to a con rave, I have been an attendee of many-a-'real' rave; both large and small; outdoor and indoor; week/days long, as well as hours long, and I must politely disagree with your perception of the drug (which I regrettably have ingested many times in the past and was once quite severely addicted to).

People seem more than willing to hand it out like it grows on trees, especially if they are already on e (making them sometimes generous to a fault).

From my personal experience, I do not see how the pill would significantly change the water color, or taste overly bitter, or even take lots of within water to get someone with no tolerance high. Assuming it is definitely in pressed pill form, even, and not powder.

I've gone to lots of 'real raves' where people have died at the rave, outside the rave, ambulances have had to have been called, people have been stabbed, hordes of drug dealers have been busted in plain sight well rave goes on, over doses, free drugs handed out, found on the ground, sex/sexual favors admist the scene, etc. so I can't imagine what your idea of a 'made up rave story' is, unless you're strictly refering to people who are in general habitual liars (something I must admit, a lot of rave-attendees/drug addicts and weebs both have in common).

It seems like your experience/understanding of 'the subject' comes off a bit limited. I will admit experiences may differ from area to area, but everything you said about 'e' contradicts my own first hand experiences, so I am confused where you're getting your knowledge from.

No offense intended, of course. I'm not saying that person didn't lie, just that much of your explanation of why seems really off.

>> No.6263295

>>prescription clothes they give to folks too big for regular clothes.

What the actual fuck.

Here's a fucked up con story:
>Anime Central, Thursday.
>Room mate invites some underage chick to stay in our room.
>She come in, starts drinking rum straight from the bottle.
>Opens iTunes on room mate's laptop.
>Call 911, ambulance comes, takes her away.

Who the fuck does that?? The convention hadn't even started yet.

>> No.6263323
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does anyone have the hambeast story in a actually readable size? that's the only one i got

>> No.6263325
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second part if anyone is interested in the tiny as fuck version.

>> No.6263328

That guy's pretentious, self-satisfied writing style put me off entirely.

>> No.6263634
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>Sharded myself


>> No.6263639

My best friend in 6th grade was a weeaboo.

Did a lot of shitty stuff and an awful thing that made me realize she was cuhrazzy. Never again.

>> No.6263651

Translation: you started humping squirrels

>> No.6263660

OMG a male TALKED to you about a mutual interest?!?!??! HOW HORRIBLE, thank goodness your mom saved you

>> No.6263666

Anime conventions, especially the raves are chock-full of stupid kids with more (of their parents) money than sense.

>> No.6263771

Your conventions are actually freaking expensive, at least compared to ours in Finland. Otherwise I feel what you're saying is pretty true, unfortunately.

>> No.6263776

forgot her FB. that is hilarious in itself.

>> No.6263804

Where the hell did you go to raves at? In all the time I went to parties, the only time anyone got killed during a rave was during the massacre.

I don't understand why you think my experience is limited, I went to events every weekend for around 3 years.

Go take a pill and put it in water, have a sip. That's not tasty. Not to mention not something someone normally does. I've seen it happen only a handful of times

>> No.6263938

When I was 15, I was a huge weeaboo.
I somehow ended up with two copies of deathnote.
I took my extra copy, whited out the speech bubbles, and wrote my own parody.
"STD note"
you write one's name down once to kill their sex life. you write it again to take thier life.

L would stay stuff like: "Ok guys, fuck this investigation, lets get some bitches and hoes"
and everyone would cheer
L: "sweet jesus I was kidding this is a goddamn murder case. oh my god, did you take your pants off? Jesus I'm surrounded by horny retards"
"sorry L, I just got excited"

I thought it was the most hilarious shit ever. Showed it to my Bipolar weeb friend. Everyone was passing it around the class and laughing.
She gets mad at me for god knows what reason. Shows it to the bitch of a princibal

>> No.6263942

Bitch of the princibal throws a hissy fit.
Bans anime from the entire school. goes to my locker, takes my Ipod shuffle, all of the figurines decorating my locker, Nendoroids, manga, drawings and fruits basket calender.
she even banned DRAWING anime, and took away the doujins I was working on with my weeb friends

and the princibal threw them away.
my parents said I deserved it. I never got any of those things back.

I'm still pissed.

and Jesus, she stole my Ipod. my fucking IPOD.

>> No.6263971
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those were some sad, sad days.

bumping for more stories

>> No.6264023

>female principal
Well, I see where the problem there lay.

>> No.6264067

Not the person your asking but I've been to plenty of raves where people are carried out on stretchers from pding and drug busts happen at every one of them, the ex is practically free if you're a girl I've had people offer to lick MDMA crystals off them, take my pick of any pill I want, given acid etc and when I refuse the people take it personally so to the person who got their drink spiked prolly said no, and who said she was drinking water? I've been to plenty of raves with bars

>> No.6264071

>during the massacre.

>> No.6264096
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>mfw this is a thing

>> No.6264108

What con rave has a bar though?


>> No.6264113

Oh god, it's definitely a thing. My sister knows someone on FB that had her icon as a wolf, her close friends list was her 'pack' (all horribly-named RP accounts), and her high school was 'Wolf High' or some really uncreative name.

>> No.6264185
File: 56 KB, 400x310, 1347942371194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please more stories.

stories from when you were a weeaboo, about weeaboos, con horror stories, even small things, I don't care.

>> No.6264198

>Melissa Moore, 14
>Suzanne Thorne, 15

What the actual fuck.

>> No.6264203

Ugh, fucking weirdos ruining fetishes for everyone else.

If you have a fetish, fine. Just don't be like furfags and demand everyone accept you and be okay with you doing shit in public around strangers.

>> No.6264208

You didn't pay much attention in class, huh?

Still, that punishment was way overboard.

>> No.6264212


14, 15 y.o.

it's their fault for being stupid fucks and attending a party meant for people OF age, they shouldn't have been there. it ain't shocking like your comment suggests.

>> No.6264216

sorry, half asleep.

not to mention when I asked for it back my she strutted her fat ass over with her mom jeans, and said "you're not getting it back" with a bitchy headbob. I then told her straight up to her face that I disliked her, then got suspended for a week.

In that week my parents took me to therapy to discuss that they were worried that I was becoming too sexual at the young age of 15 and told me those jokes were insulting and not funny.


>> No.6264266

I've been trying to post mine but 4chan keeps saying my post is spam. I probably gotta delete cookies or something.

>> No.6264363
File: 221 KB, 453x700, ahart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it bad that I hope to see horrifying shit like this when I go to my next convention.

Is it bad that I want to dodge a couple of glomps.

>> No.6264369

You're not alone there, while i have never really been jealous of peoples' bad con experiences it feels kinda bad not being able to contribute in these threads.
Also all these stories make my con experiences sound boring in comparison.

>> No.6264399

I'm actually fearful of these things happening to my honey...
>he looks like chris evans now..
But of course I know Im being paranoid/stupid- as if theyd want a white man and not a androgynous bishi

>> No.6264515

Hi, /cgl/, I have a story about a weeb girl I used to be friends with back in middle/high school. I haven't shared it with anyone except for a friend, who directed me here. Personally, I don't think it's TOO horrifying, but my friend really encouraged me to post it here for all of you.
Please just give me a moment to type it out in advance.

>> No.6264532

Tell it well, friend, tell it well.

>> No.6264538

I did this once, too.

I caught an earful of angry black-woman attitude for it.

>> No.6264719

>>6264532 I will do my best!

I apologize for taking so long, but I bring you now the story of the first and only weeb I ever met. I will call her Cece for simplicity's sake, although that wasn't her real name. I will also try to keep this short and include only the things which horrified me the most. Please note, however, that at the time I knew her, I'd just gotten out of a psych hospital after 6 months of major depression. I was very lonely and desperate for friends, which is the main reason I hung around with her. Once I realized how batshitty she truly was and that she was not going to be improving for a few years, I cut ties.
>Met her in middle school through a mutual friend. She asked me if I liked Inuyasha, never watched it, WATCH IT NAO IT'S THE BEST THING EVAR!
>Start watching Inuyasha, had only watched anime such as Sailor Moon, DBZ, Pokémon, Digimon prior. I think it's pretty good and we become friends over Inuyasha.


>> No.6264727

>Go to sleepover at her house one night, let me describe her room to you: Literally every square inch of visible wall in her room was covered with pictures of Inuyasha. I don't mean official posters or her own fanart (she couldn't draw for crap), but screenshots that she had blown up to cover a typical piece of printer paper, full-page and full-color. It was as if she had Inuyasha wallpaper. She had SO many pictures that she wanted up, even, that there were Inuyasha pictures on her ceiling! Of course a few of them would inevitably fall down every day, since they were held up by simple scotch tape.
>Aside from that, at first glance, her room was pretty typical. It was also pretty clean! She had a TV, a computer, and a PS2 in there. Down the road, her room gradually became more Inuyasha...ish. Inuyasha bedding, Inuyasha plushes on her bed (she had a giant Kilala pillow later), Inuyasha video games, ALL the CDs, ALL the Japanese DVDs (she also taped the dubbed episodes as they aired on adultswim), ALL the movies, a bunch of Inuyasha action figures, and ALL the manga. Well, as much of it that had come out at the time, anyway. This was early-to-mid 2000s.
>However, just the pictures on the walls really blew me away. I'd never (and still haven't) seen a room just plastered with low-quality screenshots.

>> No.6264734

>Cece's computer was LOADED with almost nothing but Inuyasha. I don't even want to take a guess at how many Inuyasha pictures were in that computer. This was before the advent of YouTube as well, so Cece would download and keep almost every Inuyasha AMV she came across. She also had a HUGE Inuyasha fanfic that she'd written. It was about 500,000-700,000 words and was written script-style. In it, she and her brother Sora (the Kingdom Hearts Sora) ended up going through the well and landing in feudal Japan. I don't remember too much (because I thought it was horrible and was mostly smiling and nodding and saying ok when she showed it to me), but I believe that it ended with her hooking up with Inuyasha and Sora being with Kagome. I really don't know how it got to be so long in script-style.
>Later on, she purchased chopsticks and would ONLY eat with chopsticks. Another night when I was sleeping over, her mother had put together some hamburgers for supper, and Cece threw a fit and refused to eat them. I shrugged and had one, of course, but Cece made herself some instant maruchan ramen in a huff.

>> No.6264739

>Something that really disturbed me about her is that she grew out her nails to ridiculous lengths. She filed them every day and sharpened them until they were pointy and clawlike, so that it was like she was trying to be Inuyasha. On this note, she had a habit of just grabbing me and dragging me wherever she wanted me to go (instead of just asking me to come with her like a normal person) and on at least two occassions, her nails pierced my arm so much that I bled. On one of those occassions, Cece's little 5-year-old sister came up to the front door to give me a hug as we walked in, and Cece just shoved her away, grabbed me, made me bleed, had to use her bathroom for medical attention on my own because Cece absolutely NEEDED to check in on the adultswim forums to see who'd replied to her whilst she was at school.

>She was VERY possessive of her things. She pretty much made me get an adultswim account, and yet she'd never let me log in at her house. When I expressed an interest in reading the manga, she refused to let me read her books. Like, she wouldn't even let me touch them. She'd play video games in front of me but would never let me have the controller unless she wanted to kick my butt in this one Inuyasha fighting game.


>> No.6264743

>In some ways, she got to be a little too possessive of me, too. Either that, or she really hated her little sister. One of the most horrifying things that happened at her house was when her and I were watching tv (against her will, but she had to look after her little sister until her brother got home from uni). Her little 5-year-old sister was bored with what Cece'd chosen to watch, so the little girl grabbed a ball (inflated like a beach ball) and started playing catch with me. After a handful of throws, when it was passed to me, Cece seized the ball out of my arms, stood up from the sofa, and literally hurled that thing as hard as she could at her little sister. The child was knocked flat on the floor, sobbing, I was in complete shock, and Cece just started yelling abuse at her. Looking back, I feel a lot of regret for not defending her, but this incident occurred early in our friendship and, as I said, I was immensely lonesome.

>> No.6264749

>I don't think there's too much else to tell, aside from the typical weebish things she did like wear cat ears (although she pretended they were dog ears) and speak bits of Japanese. Her favorite insult was 'kuso-tare', which she took to mean 'shit-head'. She also liked throwing around 'teme' in lieu of 'bastard.' Many a time I heard her growl at a person at our lunch table and say, "You teme!" or "Kuso-tare!" And when they'd be confused, she'd explain to them exactly what they'd just been called, but nobody really cared all that much.
>Physical appearance wise, she would have been pretty if it weren't for her acne-scarred face. She had long dark brown hair and blue eyes, and skin that looked more red than white on account of all the acne. She was also tall and fairly thin, just gaunt looking, and she walked strangely. I wasn't sure if her walk was a result of a medical problem because I was too timid to inquire.

>What finally made me stop being her friend was when I transferred to a different school and moved to a different part of town. I had only one true friend at that time (Rachael) and I begged her not to tell Cece, and she never did because she wasn't all that fond of Cece herself.


>> No.6264763

>The only other weird thing that happened was when Rachael and I went to the local fair and saw Cece strutting around in her cat/dog ears. She spotted us and we RAN LIKE DANTE TEARING OUT OF THE INFERNO! We managed to lose her in the crowd and hopped on the ferris wheel to go up and get out of her sights. She didn't see us board it, but we saw her stalking about on the ground. Just before we were about to get off the ferris wheel, my cell phone started blowing up with phone call after phone call after phone call. In total, she called me 21 times, and also bombarded me with about 65 or so texts.

That's about it, I believe. She has a baby son now and a local boyfriend, not sure if she still lives with her parents but it wouldn't surprise me. Just checking on her main adultswim account, she has over 46,000 posts (keep in mind she had several adultswim accounts, most of them with over a thousand posts, just to underline her batshittiness-factor) and the last was made in the early summer of 2012, so I'm guessing (hoping) that her son is keeping her from being as much of a rabid Inuyasha fangirl and that she has matured somewhat.
Haven't talked to her in over four years, and you could not pay me enough to initiate contact again, no matter how much she's mellowed out. She legitimately scared me sometimes.

I apologize that this isn't written as well as I'd hoped. I tend to write slowly, but I wrote this in a hurry. It's not as horrifying as some of the other stuff I've seen, but maybe it will entertain somebody out there.

>> No.6264769

woooow. I feel sorry for her poor sister.

>> No.6264779

>she has a son now

Holy shit, how do people like this manage to reproduce, and WHY ARE THE ALLOWED TO KEEP THEIR CHILDREN?

>> No.6264781

I do too! That little girl was, I hate to say it, an accident child. I mean, Cece was 14 at the time and the girl was 5. I always tried to be nice to her when I was over at their house. I think she really craved love and attention. The mom worked two jobs, dad had a full-time job...
It was not a very happy family to be around.

>> No.6264806

Ahh, maybe she had some resentment because her parents expected her to watch her little sister all the time? I've seen that occasionally.

>> No.6264828

I've been hesitating telling this story because I don't think it's particularly entertaining or extreme, but you guys might get a kick out of this one.

Anyway, to set this story up I've never been a "hide your powerlevel" sort of person. Generally I think that if you're not obsessive or obnoxious to other people there's no reason to hide your interests, whatever it might be.

So, first year of college I need to get a bookbag and decide to get a Fullmetal Alchemist bag, because why not?

That's when this guy in my Art History class noticed me. I can't remember his name, honestly, so let's just call him Bob to keep it easy.

So, Bob notices my FMA bag and immediately takes a liking to me since he's also an anime fan. At first I'm happy to meet a fellow fan so I don't mind talking to him and even sitting next to him in class. He seems a little awkward at first, but doesn't seem all that bad.

>> No.6264836

I was shocked when I found out, too, anon... Hearing that she'd had a son was what made me tell my friend about Cece who then told me to tell /cgl/. It's really hard for me to believe.

Oh yeah, definitely some resentment.

>> No.6264837

ikr right just how does that shit happen?

>> No.6264840

Anyway, after I've known him for maybe a few weeks, I come into class one day and he gives me a gift--fanart of Ed from FMA! At first I'm pretty impressed and thank him for the gift. Then I later figure out when I go home that it was either traced or copied from official art, which...makes it much less impressive. Still, whatever, I still think of him as well meaning.

That's when he starts to get a little annoying. He likes to "take notes" on his laptop in class, but he actually spends most of his time on DA and similar fanart sites looking at fanart for stuff like Naruto and FMA. I find that a little distracting--I'm a lazy student but I like to at least try to pay attention in class, so it's frustrating to me. Still, what REALLY gets my goat is when he starts doing stuff like opening up a word document and typing in large font (so I could read it) to 'pass a note' to me.


Uh...no, it's not cool, we're in college, we're too old for this. But I try to brush him off and pay attention to the teacher. Who, at this point, is starting to catch on that this dude isn't the most attentive student. (I should mention that we tended to sit up front at this point, so he was undoubtedly distracting the students behind me and our teacher could clearly see him poking me and trying to talk to me during class.)

>> No.6264850

Anyway, after we've known each other for...I don't know, probably three weeks or something he asks me out to a movie. I'm a little socially awkward (as is probably obvious by now) and I was trying to make friends at the new school so I went ahead and said yes, only realizing later that it was JUST us going (not a group of him and his friends) and this was probably supposed to be a sort of date. I'm uncomfortable by this, because at this point while I don't mind this guy as a friend he's DEFINITELY not the sort of guy I find attractive (I'm uptight about "following rules", to the point of it being a family joke). I mention it to a guy friend of mine and he suggest that I try to pay for my own ticket and, if he doesn't allow me to do that, insist on buying him a snack. I do, and he clearly resists me (cluing me in that he's DEFINITELY trying to make this a date) but relents. We have an OK time at the movie, enough that I try to be nice and agree to go to another one because maybe he's a nice guy, just awkward.

>> No.6264852


Whut. Why would anyone do that!? That's just crazy. Glad you got some money back though.

Do you have a web shop? I've been looking for creepy-cute stuff lately.

>> No.6264871


I think we all know how it happens, but what boggles my mind is how getting laid is tough enough for sane, rational normal people, yet batshit crazy weebs and fat slovenly lunatics pop out kids/get married like it's easy as breathing.

>> No.6264875

That's when he starts getting a little too clingy for my tastes. Immediately after I come home after the second movie he IMs me (I can't remember what possessed me to give him my contact info) and--after some of that halfway-roleplaying conversation stuff that I'd grown out of years before (You know stuff like "*runs up to you and gives you a big grin* Hi! I've been waiting for you!") confesses that he loves me.

Remember, we've known each other maybe three weeks, a month tops, exchanging only conversations before and after class two days a week for a few minutes at a time, and saw two movies together. I know barely anything about him, and he knows barely anything about me. Really, all he knows is that (a) I like FMA (and probably other anime), (b) I have tits and (c) I tolerate him.

So, as nicely as possible, I tell him that I appreciate how he feels but I don't know if he really knows me well enough to actually say he LOVES me, and it'd probably be better to get to know me at first (I have a grating personality when you get to know me better, and I'm painfully aware of this by the time I'm in college). But no, no, he really loves me!

"Okay" I say. "What's my favorite color?"

My username has a color in it, by the way.

"I don't know, but we can get to know each other better!"

>> No.6264887

Yeah, clearly he hasn't been paying enough attention to actually know who I am.

I'm really skittish around clingy guys, and at this point he just seems desperate so I REALLY don't like this, but he's clearly lonely enough at this point that I still don't want to cut off all ties with him. He just needs someone to talk to, I figure. So after a little argument over it I tell him I'm fine with still being friends, but I'm not really interested in him romantically. He still thinks that I'll totally fall for him the longer I get to know him and I stop arguing with him about it because I'm hoping he'll just let it go eventually.

Anyway, at this point I'm still talking to him but I'm finding him distracting enough in class that I purposefully arrive to class a little late so I have an excuse to quickly slide into a seat away from him so he can't do stuff like "pass notes in the 21st century."

That's when the approaching storm that had been building for a good month or two happens. See, the teacher of my Art History class--let's call her Ms. G--is pretty notorious for being strict, tough, and hard to please. (A few years after this I was on the staff of the student lit magazine, and trying to work with her (she's the head of the art department at my school) to let art students know that we were open for art submissions was a pain in the ass because she hated our advisor/teacher for some reason, probably an office politics thing.)

>> No.6264894

For some reason I've been reading this in the point of view of you being male. Realizing that assumption is wrong changes EVERYTHING.

>> No.6264902

i know right its making me think of this girl i knew in 10th grade was a huge creep on my friends bf and this one boy we called kitty. Baby girl was big like really big and super creepy but still got the sex and a baby boy

>> No.6264905

Anyway, Ms. G's got the lights off because she's showing a powerpoint about some artist or another, and I'm not sure what it is that finally makes her speak up, but it's clear he's goofing off on his laptop again and she's had enough. (I should note that this is a community college and the class is small, maybe 15-20 people, so he's distracting to everyone, her included.) She asks him--firmly and with a clear amount of irritation--to turn off his computer and listen to the lecture.

Bob: But I'm taking notes! (I never, not once, actually saw him taking notes on his computer. Maybe he was this time, but I honestly doubt this was the case.)
Ms. G: I don't believe that.
Bob: But I AM.
Ms. G: Please take notes on paper instead. The computer light is distracting.

At this point I'm just staring, dumbfounded by this. Both that he's actually getting into a shouting match with the teacher over something this stupid, and that he's actually stupid enough to try to use the first amendment as a defense for goofing off in class.

At this point, Ms. G is PISSED so she starts arguing back at him. (Honestly in hindsight she handled this nearly as poorly.) The entire class is just dumbfounded at this point watching this go on. It gets bad enough that Ms. G threatens to call campus police.

Bob: FINE. Call them! They'll take my side anyway.

She does.

>> No.6264924

For the better or the worst? I know at some points in this story I might've accidentally lead him on--I'm pretty bad with guys, although I think I've improved since this dude.

Campus police actually comes. Ms. G talks to them and explains her issue with Bob, Bob is taken out of class so he can give his side of the story. We've wasted a good half-hour or more on this drama at this point so Ms. G quickly finishes up the lesson and the rest of the class shuffles awkwardly out of the room.

When I get out of the building, Bob is there waiting for me. He gives me a smug look and says "Campus police sided with me!"

At this point, my patience is just GONE with this guy, and I find him incredibly immature, so I snap at him "Well, I don't care! I'M not on your side!"
Bob: What? Why?! I didn't do anything wrong!
Me: Dude, I sat right next to you for weeks and I NEVER saw you take notes in class. You only look at Naruto fanart and "pass virtual notes."
Bob: I was taking notes!
Me: Well if you were why didn't you turn off your computer and talk to her after class? You were being disrespectful and rude and immature.

At this point he just blows up at me and we're having a shouting match in front of the art building. He says I'm "shallow" for not taking his side, calls me a bitch, and I end up storming off.

I have some time until my next class, so I sit in the library and get on my laptop. It doesn't take long before he emails me.

>> No.6264936

Neither. It just made me infer that you were hinting at not being completely straight without actually saying so. I thought it was kind of strange you were okay with male attention of the romantic sort without explaining that, since usually guys tend to mention that on here.

>> No.6264951

This was years ago so I can't find the email--must've deleted it--but it's a really long block 'o words grovelling and begging for my forgiveness. I feel bad for him, but at this point I just can't deal with him anymore, so I send him an email back and thank him for the apology, but tell him I'm not comfortable with being friends anymore and I think we should part ways.

He gets mad at me again, once again accusing me of being shallow (to this day I can't imagine why he thinks I was "shallow" despite making what I thought to be a real effort to get to know him at not take his awkwardness at face value). I send him another short email back telling him my decision was final and how poorly he was handling this confirmed my feelings, and blocked him on email and IM.

He never showed up to art class again--I think another student asked Ms. G about it and she said he hadn't been kicked out and he didn't drop, either, he just never showed. I still feel a little bad for upsetting him but the way he handled himself I definitely didn't want to date him and I don't think he would've been interested in me any other way.

So the moral of the story is: if you think a girl will want to date you because you're both FMA fans, you might want to get to know her better. She may turn out to be an anal-retentive rules lover and will not to be turned on by you "fighting the man."

Gotcha, makes sense. I'm pretty straight so if he hadn't been so awkward and whiny...sigh.

>> No.6264965

As a side note, I've had several anime bookbags I've used at college and for whatever reason it was always the FMA bag that attracted the socially awkward weaboos. I also was wearing the bag when I had an overly enthusiastic yaoi fan (her favorite pairing being Sasuke/Naruto) try to strike up conversation and be friends with me. She didn't personally irritate me too badly--I just found her a little annoying--but my brother (who is pale, a little short, very skinny, has androgynous features and at this time period had longish shaggy hair that went to the bottom of his ears) got followed around by her a lot. She called him "Sasuke" and stalked him all over the school, apparently. (She thought he looked like Sasuke, but he REALLY doesn't--he's painfully white, with big blue eyes and brown hair that, at this time, was dyed auburn I believe. He just looks "bishounen"--he gets weaboos getting crushes on him a lot. Eventually married a lolita, too.)

>> No.6264975

...come to think of it, I think I was using the FMA bag when my college's most notorious weaboo struck up conversation with me, too. He saw my bag while I was pulling stuff out of my locker nearby him and went "Are you an anime fan??" When I said "Yes" he immediately pulled out his iPhone to show me his fanart collection.

Of Sakura from Naruto.

With barely any clothing on.

This was pre-time-skip so he was basically showing me stuff that was one step above child porn. In public. In a government building. And again, I'm a woman.

Turns out he went to the Japanese class that my brother and sister-in-law went to and he did this to them a lot, too. They had to dodge him at the local Borders when they were looking to buy manga, and eventually came up with a code word for whenever he was around so they could be prepared to avoid him as much as possible.

For whatever reason I've found that different anime bags attract different type of fans.
FMA: Weaboos, yaoi fangirls, Vic fangirls. Only time I had a decent conversation because of this bag was someone that looked at it and said to me "UGH! FMA is so overrated!"
Fruits Basket: Awkward shoujo/yaoi fangirls, but ones that are nice enough.
FLCL: Older fans that simply pump their fists and go "FUCK YEAH FLCL!" at me and walk past. My favorites.
Paranoia Agent: ...No reaction whatsoever.

I just got a Madoka Magica bag. We'll see how that goes, I guess.

>> No.6264992

With a Madoka brag you'll probably get /a/utists

>> No.6265003

I'm guessing. But hey, they probably won't try to date me since I'll be 3DPD.

>> No.6265030

i get harassed by older women when i have a NERV bag on me. what the christ.

>> No.6265060
File: 23 KB, 300x300, yhst-130739895128695_2226_4052037.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I currently have a sand village naruto headband tied onto my backpack but I also have a little word bubble with OMG over the sand hourglass symbol so from far away you can't tell the headband is under the OMG (pic related its the OMG pin)
Anyway someone in the cafeteria of the college i go came up to me and said i was disrespecting Naruto and the headband because I kept the OMG over the symbol
I just walked silently out of there

>> No.6265098

Not really a weeaboo story, but I just hated this guy.

>Be girl
>In 9th grade art class
>sitting at a table with this guy, who I will call T
>T is tall, lanky, skinny, has glasses, and likes to yell out anime-related phrases
>my art teacher leaves to get some supplies
>tells us to keep working on out art
>T gets up and sees my drawing
>all of a sudden, he takes it and tells me it's all wrong
>he starts drawing all over it
>I freak out and tell him to hand it back to me
>he won't, so the next thing I could do was throw his bookbag across the room
>He gets furious and picks up a pvc pipe that was piled up on the corner near our table
>points the pipe at my face and does this weird stance and says, "pick that back up or I'll go Sephiroth on you!"
>I sit down and just ignored him and try to draw something else
>he slams the pipe on the table making a loud sound
>at this point, the other students are quiet and just staring
>teacher gets back, assumes the worse, and we both get into trouble

>> No.6265111


Once, I had this weird otaku guy stop me in the street to take pictures of my feet in Japan. He said it was for some project of his (I didn't catch everything). I was a little suspicious, but I let him take pictures of my shoes. Then he asked me if I could take my shoes off so he could take pictures of my feet. In the middle of the street. Nope.jpg. I mumbled something about having to meet someone, and ran off.

Looking back now, I think I definitely met a foot fetishist. Luckily this was about the closest I got to meeting a creeper in Japan in the one year I was there. My friend was there for about a week, and she constantly got strange old men hitting on her.

>> No.6265134

Here's my story on a iPhone so won't green text
Be senior in high school, relatively popular and hiding my power level extremely well, literally no one in my hs knew I liked anime and comics, anyway there were a group of furries that wore tails to school and larped after school and were just anti socially and were obnoxious and shit, I had to pretend to not know what a furry was and just called them the tail kids, one girl Jennifer was in my gym class and never dressed out she just sat there in the same smelly ass hoodie everyday, I never dressed either and normally skipped the class all together and smoked pot in my friends truck anyway one day I showed up stoned and was sitting on the bleachers and Jennifer sat next to me for god knows what reason and looked at me and said "you smell funny" then proceeded to grab me and shove her tounge in my mouth and said "yep it's weed" and I was fucking stunned and everyone around was horrified and then I just nursed into laughter(still high) and every one around me soon followed, I have other stories of the tail kids of anyone's interested

>> No.6265146

Here's another one of T:

My 10th grade art teacher tells his students about this art contest. T and I join the art contest and it was hosted by this comic book store. The contest was to draw your own super hero or villain and the comic book owners was to pick out the best ones.
>I ended up winning first place, while T gets second
>my art teacher tells me and T that we both get an additional prize from the library for winning
>he tells us we have to go and pick it up
>I couldn't pick it up until the next day because I was busy with other things
>I get to the library
>librarian, who knows me, tells me that T was here earlier and actually took my prize
>she tells me that she gave T his real prize, but he didn't like it and asked to see my prize
>After he looks through it, he pretty much cons the librarian into giving him my prize
>he told librarian that I would benefit more from his prize because it has poses while mines had hands and feet and other details
>I ended up getting a stupid how to draw manga book that was crappy and I drew better than it. it also had like 5 poses that was useless to me.
>T ended up getting an art book that details many different poses, hands gestures, feet, facial anatomy, etc. It was also 100 pages more.
>I throw a fit and confront T about it
>at this point T was showing our art teacher his prize (which was actually mines)
>T tries to sly his way out of it, but I tell him to give me back my prize
>he says he really needs it and pleads
>no. not having it.
>he ends up ripping the book to shreds since he can't have it
>god what the hell is this shit
>I ended up donating my crappy art book

I already made my peace with him mentally. I hope he grew up.

>> No.6265162
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>he ends up ripping the book to shreds since he can't have it

what the fuuuuuck holy shit

tell me where this nigga lives ill fuck him up personally holy shit

that's a load of ass and bullshit

>> No.6265296

this is why i hate people

>> No.6265320

I've only been to one anime convention in my life, but it was fairly eventful.

-I'm not really into anime that much at this time, I just wear plainclothes to the convention.
-friend of a friend comes along (his dad drives us) and he tells us about how he aspires to be a professional halo player (I'm not exaggerating, and he wasn't even that good at halo), I think he was dressed up as an inuyasha character
-two closest friends dress up as the main characters from Death Note.
-Bring two "raver"-ish girls from the anime club at our high school. I was "dating" one of them at the time.

actual events at the convention
-friend's sister (who has aspergers) goes to the rave, finds a boy, and is loudly making out with him and bragging to us about it. I think she lost her virginity to him after getting drunk in his hotel room.
-one of "raver" girls' friends is found passed out naked in our hotel room with a passed out naked guy next to her the next morning
-lots of squees, glomps, yaoi paddlings, and 200 decibel blood curdling weeb screams
-I think the only thing I actually "did" at the convention besides walk around was play a round of Guitar Hero with this short sleazy looking dude about my age who told me my girlfriend was hot.

I don't know how you guys put up with that shit. I steer clear of cons as it is, but if I was a girl, I'd be especially concerned- as a guy, I'm ashamed of creepy guys approaching girls in completely inappropriate ways- makes me embarrassed for my gender.

>> No.6265325

see this is what I hate, the creepiest examples are all girls encounter, because most noncreepy guys feel it would be creepy to approach a girl out of nowhere (especially with something like that)

Anyway, about the foot fetish thing, yeah, that's completely disgusting and weird. I just don't like the stigma that guys who think feet are cute are going to approach you, ask you to take your shoes off, and take pics for the internet.

I have never told anyone in real life about my foot fetish, not even girlfriends, and have never acted on it in public.

>> No.6265395

quit trollan niggah. If you ever took e you would know it tastes like shit and there is no way you could cover that flavor up. I've been to many a rave myself and the worst that happened was a raid. The place got shut down a year later for being a drug den but no one ever died there. Get out of the basement

>> No.6265413

May I ask for some weeaboo horror videos? Please?

>> No.6265414


I honestly don't know where you or the other person lives, but the events listed are all really common occurrences at raves around here.

Beyond that, e may taste like shit alone, but I can easily see how a pill diluted in a bottle of water would be missed. I've dranken it with water and not suffered significant taste.

Just because your raves are tame or you weren't around when things went down doesn't mean they don't happen. What do you expect to happen in cramped places full of dysfunctional youth on a plethora of substances?

>> No.6265415



>> No.6265419

>I made the mistake of wearing my fluttershy shirt one day

This was a mistake but it starts way further back than just putting the shirt on your body mate~

>> No.6265425
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>> No.6265466
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> Walking to my house with group of friends when me and my friend (both dressed in lolita that day) decided to hide behind a fence and see how far they'd go before noticing we were gone
> Tall, awkward older guy from our school approaches us suddenly and asks "Hey, do you go this way home? I've never seen you walk this way before!"
> Uhhh do we know you

> Encounter him again in our art class when he suddenly moves to our table from the back corner (I assume, I never saw him in class before then)
> After about two days of knowing him, he becomes a permanent resident at our table. None of us even remember his name and mostly ignore him.
> Completely misogynistic, a creep, and has no sense of boundaries - a big mistake sitting at a table full of women

>> No.6265467
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A few examples;
> 1. Once came to class with a camera and started taking pictures underneath the table (I was wearing a skirt) and grinning at me. When everybody gives him disgusted, horrified looks, he claims it's "not a real camera" and gets insulted when we're still angry at him for even insuniating that sort of shit
> 2. Loli friend and I are feeling each others hair and talking about different shampoos, etc. When suddenly he comes up and groans about 'sexism against men' and how he's "not allowed to feel a girl's hair because everybody would call him creepy"
> 3. Made repeated butthurt comments on any statuses I made that even referred to feminism or equal rights; saying things like "well I don't dress slutty it's not that hard girls," and "I WISH I was female like you so I didn't have to deal with the shit guys get from you sexists"
> 4. Would then proceed to make a string of statuses each time where he could cry about how hard it was to be a guy and call me a "feminazi bitch" when I never even bothered to respond to his whining

>> No.6265484

Why in the world did you friend him on Facebook?!

>> No.6265489


Oh god I was at all of those but Anime Iowa. Please tell me you got handjobs in the rave at Anime World Chicago. That shit would be hilarious.

>> No.6265490

He friended me before he started acting majorly creepy. I don't really use facebook often, so I didn't see an issue with it. But after all that shit, I deleted and blocked him. Haven't seen him since.

>> No.6265507

>MTAC 2010
>It floods and stuck in Nashville for 2 extra days without a hotel room or a way home.

>> No.6265525


Where are you from?
What kind of pills did you have in water, please be as specific as memory serves. I'm betting you had a piperazine pill seeing how shitty wherever you're from seems.

It's hard not know what things are going down when you're working at one, it's something everything there needs to know (usually), and high kids tend to tell people wearing staff badges a lot

>> No.6265569

>it's their fault

no i'm pretty certain it's the shooter's fault

>> No.6265573

>e may taste like shit alone, but I can easily see how a pill diluted in a bottle of water would be missed

i honestly can't imagine how you wouldn't taste it
i'd be able to taste even 10mg mixed in a bottle of water

>> No.6265595

Everytime I see one of these Con Horror Story threads, I always have to check and see if the girl that I accidentally was a jerk to posts here with what I did....

>> No.6265596
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You should tell us. Get it off your chest. You know.

>> No.6265600
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It was basically all because I'm an idiot.

>At con with friends, serving as driver
>Decide to go get lunch
>Go outside to car and see it's raining
>Under the overhang of the hotel is a girl in a costume with elaborate body paint
>Talk to her and learn that she's waiting for the rain to stop so she can also head to lunch
>Offer to let her come along with my friends and I to the McDonalds down the street
>We all order first and quickly get our food
>She must have ordered food for friends or something because she was waiting for a bit longer than us
>Once we all get our food, completely space out and just leave
>Completely leave her there
>Don't realize what we've done for hours
>Oh god, I'm a terrible person!

I didn't see her for the rest of the whole con so I never even got to apologize.

>> No.6265612


>> No.6265614

Thats not too bad.

>> No.6265620

I lived in Tokyo for a year and have had a few creeper experiences, but this is the worst one
>out walking in a small street with no people
>salaryman crosses the street a few meters away and sees me, immediately turns around and walks straight up towards me
>says to me "you have big boobs"
>Ignores him, walks towards a big street close by
>he follows, pulling my headphones out, shouting stuff like "let me touch your boobs" and that I'm a disgusting foreigner and other words of abuse
>I'm creeped out, and even though I ingore him he still follows me and shout stuff at me >reaches the big street with lots of people, sees two really tall foreign guys and run up to them begging them to follow me to the train station
>salaryman still shouting and making disgusting hand gestures
>one of the foreigners starts walking towards the salaryman, he gets scared and runs away
>The guys turns out to be geman tourists, I show them around the area as a thank you
>forever thankful to those guys

>> No.6265626

Not quite as bad, but when I was on holiday in Japan I split up with my travel buddies in Tokyo. As soon as I was alone some guy started following me around on a bike. I'd go into stores for ages in hopes that he'd leave, but he followed me until I found a shop vendor that spoke english and pointed the guy out to him. As soon as he realised I knew he was there he left.
What is with that weird stalker behaviour? I thought that was just manga exaggerating.

>> No.6265631

sexually repressed population and traditionally conservative population. Ireland was like that when I was growing up,

>> No.6265639

That plus the whole concept of "foreigners are not like us" making it more acceptable to behave inappropriately to foreign women expecially. I think the guy who followed me was just plain psycho, but the scary thing is that a lot of my foreign (girl)friends in japan have had similar experiences.

>> No.6265641

One of mine from Tokyo:
>Guy comes up to me
>Are you interested in becoming a model?
>Nope. (Because nope.)
>"Why not? All you would have to do is dress up in a maid outfit and we would take pictures."

I late got scouted for a legit agency and still nope'd out. I'm very unphotogenic.

>> No.6265644

Another tokyo creeper story, but not as bad.
>just colored my hair red
>getting out of the train station, a homeless drunk older man sitting on the ground
>sees me
>the man get's to his feet "ARIEL GIVE ME SOME MONEY, YOU'RE A PRINCESS"
> starts running after me shouting "ARIEL YOU'RE REAL! TAKE ME TO YOUR CASTLE"
>japanese people laughing
>quickly walk into a crowded shop to disappear into the crowd, hear the man still shouting outside
I still laugh when I think about it

>> No.6265713


My German friend gets hit on a lot. Apparently Japanese guys have a thing for 'foreigners'?

I'm Asian, so I blend in really well. Most people assume that I'm Japanese, so I don't meet weirdos like that as much.

>> No.6265714


Oh god that is hilarious. Should have paid him in shells.

>> No.6265750

I've never been to a con before and I don't watch much anime or what have you. It sounds pretty fun though.

Would someone who knows nothing about anime be able to meet people at a con and have fun?

I'm sick today and just browsing different boards so please excuse my newness.

>> No.6265754

Yeah man, even if you're not into anime you should be able to have a decent time. Hell, I haven't watched anime in years, but it's still fun to check out the various booths and artists alley & stuff, hit up a pick up game of pretty much any sort of nerdy tabletop or card game, or just people watch and see the great cosplays and the pods of hambeasts as they echolocate their way to the snack bar.

>> No.6265759

Thanks man.

y-you too.

>> No.6265766

Damn it, I will take you to a con and make you have a wonderful time. Is your body ready?

>> No.6265769

>I'm sick today

Not at the moment.

Any cons you could recommend? I live in the southeast united states if that helps.

>> No.6265770

Not really, I'm a northeast chap, so I don't know. I've heard DragonCon in atlanta is pretty fucking intense though. It's one that I want to get to sometime or another myself.

>> No.6265810
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Reminds me a lot of a girl I know. Serious weeb. Just as insane.

>> No.6266131


>> No.6266166

I went to a Catholic school, and was the Co-president at an anime club. I wondered why the club hasn't started. the Co-president told me it would be this date. I find her in the library chatting with friends. everyone is in school uniform, and I'm in miku hatsune cosplay (for the club) She thinks its funny to randomly beat people up, throw math books at them, stab them with pencils, kick them in the chest, ect.

I ask "why aren't you at the club?"

she throws a BITCHFIT, stands up, puts on "angry blackgirl mode, and starts cussing me out on "THERE WAS NO CLUB TODAY YOU DUMBSHIT"
my friend Bridget, also in the library said: "you said there would be the club today though"

"SHUTUP FATASS" said the butthurt copresident.

I watch my friend burst into tears. She that angry black bitch was twice her weight too.

>> No.6266180


I reached to slap her. then stopped.
She grabbed my hand.
"you skinny little bitch, were you going to slap me? I could break you like a stick." she said.
then she shoved me back.

"What are you gonna do? sit on me fattass?" I said, thinking of my crying friend.

She went to punch me, but I blocked her punch, and then decked her in her fucking face shaving part of her eyebrow off. instead of eyebrow it was just blood. She freaks out and tries to pull my hair. It was a miku hatsune wig. congrats to her, she pulled it right off my head. I snatch her glasses, pop the lenses out, and crush them in my hand.

I got in shitloads of trouble with the school and it was all caught on security camera. they ignored that this other girl had a violent history and beat the shit out of her friends at least once a day for fun. She left everyone alone for the rest of the year until I graduated. everyone was so happy that they didn't have to get their ass wooped by her again and that I made her cry. Anime club was canceled by the school though.

>> No.6266196

nice fanfic buddy

>> No.6266200


Seriously happened though. Girl's name was Victoria. Jesus I have met so many bipolar black girls in my lifetime

>> No.6266213

>Highschool anime club
>I've been out since appendix surgery
>Using a cane so obviously injured
>Freshman girl in club run glomps me outta no where
>Thank god no stitches burst or anything
If only I could go back in time to tell myself anime clubs are terrible ideas. Oh fun fact, before they created that club, a year ago the previous club got banned for showing nudity. Isn't that always the case.

>> No.6266221
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>> No.6266222

Blah not worth the green txt plus. no idea. Here is my small weeb story.

I'm in full lolita, long pretty curly wig, decked out in brand. Not skinny not fat, a nice enough size. With friends in cosplay and pass one of the local hotels near the large con. Here a loud 'OMG I'M NOT THE ONLY LOLITA ANY MORE!!!!1111'

I turn around and see a very chubby girl in a shitty ita lace monster with arm warmers, cat ears, unwashed hair. Now I'm not a dick so I'm like 'OH HEY' and we chat, she then looks over my outfit.

"Your not a very good lolita are you?"
"I bet you spent alot of money on that dress from ebay of something. Everyone knows real lolita is black and white!"


>> No.6266227

Not a story but saw a very large girl in hot pants, the zip looked like it was bursting, just in her bra, big saggy tits swaying and FREE HUGS written on her tits.

So classy

>> No.6266228
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>> No.6266235

Speaking of classy, I went to an indie music festival recently and saw a fat girl in those shorts that are shorter than hotpants and a hollister vest with "cum on me here" written on her tits. Pretty sure she was about 13. Idk if she was a weeb, but she was a hipster, so probably. That, or an SJW.

>> No.6266274

I had a friend in high school (in 2003) who thought all Japanese only eat instant ramen and Sushi.

>> No.6266418

They can get shorter than hotpants?

How does that even

>> No.6266503

(Names have been changed)
I spent my first year of college at a private university 5 hours from my hometown. This was the first time I'd ever lived away from home, in all-girl dorms with strict curfews, so most of my free time was spent in my room. I only knew one person at the school, a frat boy I had NO interest in hanging out with, so I was sort of on my own in terms of friends.
I was just coming out of my weeaboo phase, I would start cosplaying later that year, and on the whiteboard we'd attached to our door I drew a chibi version of myself saying "Hello! Can't wait to meet everyone!" The day after we'd moved in I heard a loud knock on the door. We'd had our neighbors coming by to introduce themselves and, so far, everyone was very sweet but all obsessed with sororities. It was kind of the most important thing at this university. I answered the door and was greeted by a heavy (but not hambeast) Chinese girl. She had long hair and was dressed pretty cute: polka dots, pink sweat pants, and fuzzy house slippers.
"Hi! I'm Ramona! I live a few rooms down and wanted to say hi! Your drawing is so kawaii, is it you?" Every time she finished a sentence, she coughed. Not a hacking, I'm-sick cough, but more of a "ahem" throat-clearing thing. After about the fourth or fifth time I realized it wasn't going to go away anytime soon.

>> No.6266505

I invited her in and she cooed over my Zojirushi hot water dispenser ("You can make ramen anytime you want!") and the handful of manga on my shelf (Crimson Hero, Hana-Kimi, a couple of Paranoia Agent DVDs.) We sat on my bed and chatted about the usual school introduction stuff and what anime we liked. She told me she did karaoke videos on Youtube and that she visited China twice a year but always wanted to go to Japan. I told her I was a Linguistics major and she told me I HAD to take Japanese classes. When she said her goodbyes and promised to introduce me to Mary, the Chinese exchange student next door to her, I felt like I'd made a wonderful new friend.
About halfway through the semester Ramona was coming to my room almost every day. She squeed (literally shouted "SQUEE") when I put up a Haruhi poster above my bed and eventually started dragging me to the anime club meetings. The club had its ups and downs, but that's another story. Her constant coughing got on my nerves, though. It seemed like something she did more out of habit than necessity. She could talk at length about anime or Chinese culture without coughing once, but when I would talk she'd cough almost every other word. She also got really clingy with me, constantly wanting to go to Barnes and Noble or Best Buy for manga and anime, or go to the dining hall for sweets and getting angry if I'd made other plans. She called me "Eune-chan" or "Eune-senpai" since I was a year older than her and described everything as either "kawaii" or "baka."

>> No.6266532

I'd made plenty of friends at this point, many who weren't into anime but were polite about my interest and involvement in the anime club. If Ramona saw me hanging out with someone she wouldn't know, she'd run up and glomp me, shouting "Who are your friends, Eune-chan?" While Ramona was my friend, she embarrassed me by how much of a weeb she was. I'd outgrown my obsession with Japan and only saw anime as a hobby. To Ramona, it was a way of life. She always had tons of Chinese and Japanese sweets in her room, constantly asked to borrow my Zojirushi for ramen. I would get knocks on my door at 1 or 2 in the morning only to open and find her smiling, coughing, with a large foam cup of Maruchan in hand.
When I came back from winter break, I'd decided to change my major to art. Ramona (and a couple other anime club members) thought this meant I would draw manga for them. Ramona had been taking Mandarin Chinese classes, and would mix and match Chinese and Japanese slang (often saying "Waahhhh~" for no reason or calling me things in Chinese and laughing at my confusion.)

t is now that I must point out that my roommates hated Ramona. She would show up at the room when I was out and insist on sitting on my bed until I got back. She erased notes and drawings left on our whiteboard and replaced it with awful scribbles of her own. I'd gradually stopped answering the door. Ramona responded to this by scheduling her showers to match up with mine and singing off-key karaoke while we bathed.
Then the moon cake happened.

>> No.6266553

Sometime in late February, I heard a loud knocking on the door, it sounded like someone was kicking it. My roommate was due back from the grocery store and I figured she had her hands full and was knocking with her foot. I was wrong. Ramona, sweaty and wearing the same clothes as the day before, stood beaming in our doorway. I hadn't talked to her in several days, a huge exam had kept me shut up in the library and I only came back to the dorm to sleep or eat. I hadn't gone to anime club that week, either.
"Eune-chan!" she wheezed. She'd caught a cold, and her constant coughing had given it to almost everyone on the floor. "Come to my room and have a party!"
"Uh, thanks Ramona but I'm a little busy..."
"Wahh~ but I haven't seen you in so long!" She crossed her arms and pouted. It made her look ridiculous. Before I could come up with an excuse, my roommate showed up, took one look at Ramona, and gave me a look that said "Get rid of her."
I ended up getting dragged back to Ramona's room. Her plushies, satiny cosplays, and cheap Chinese tourist souvenirs had taken over most of the room. I could see a large blue box sitting on her bed, which looked like it hadn't been made in days.
"We're going to have a Valentine's Lunar Festival!" Ramona declared and started changing into a kimono robe she'd bought at Earthbound. "I even saved you a moon cake!"

>> No.6266574
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I sat on her bed and asked where her roommate was. Ramona looked very annoyed by my question and casually replied, "She's dropping out." I asked why Mary wasn't joining us and Ramona put her hand to her cheek.
"Ho ho ho!" she cackled. "Mary has a boyfriendo~" Before I could say anything else, Ramona plopped onto the bed and opened her laptop. She opened a playlist of anime openings, I noticed Cardcaptor Sakura and Inuyasha on the list, then dramatically lifted the lid to the blue box.
There were two moon cakes inside, one of them looked burnt. Ramona opened one and began eating it with gusto, singing along with her mouth full. I took a few hesitant nibbles and nearly gagged. I'd been left the burnt one and, to my disgust, discovered it wasn't burnt but moldy.
"How old are these, Ramona?" I tried not to be rude but she seemed hurt.
"My oba-chan sent these to me from China, Eune-chan!" That didn't answer my question and I could see the inside of my moon cake was a little green. I wrapped it up in a paper towel, stood up, and came up with some excuse about redoing a research project. I went back to my room and washed my mouth out with Listerine.

I stopped answering the door for Ramona. My roommate said she came by all the time, even when I left a note on our board saying I'd gone home for the weekend.
I transferred schools the next year and didn't keep in contact with her much. She ended up engaged to the anime club president and I run into her at major Texas cons now and then. I've never eaten another moon cake.

>> No.6266675
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>Go to my local con
>Have a good time, people taking photos of me
>Nothing weird or horrific happens

Why can't my con adventures be more dramatic like yours?

>> No.6266684
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What if nothing bad happened to you because you
WERE the weeaboo that made everyone's con miserable and you just didn't know it?

>> No.6266701
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>> No.6266724
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>> No.6266730

No John, you are the weeaboo.
And then John was a Homosuck

>> No.6266744
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>> No.6266749
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>> No.6266799
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This is actually a long story that went on for a WHILE...so I'm going to do my best to shorten the shit out of it. (No promises...pretty long)
This is a story about her...Ashley. The weeaboo ass-hat that I'll NEVER forget...ever.

Ahem...so to start off:
>I come from kind of (and I mean WAY more then just "kind of") a dysfunctional family)
>Mom and step dad have lot's of issues.
>They were in another one of their fight and split up/let's move our kids across the united states spats for the billionth time.
>During 9th grade year, mom takes brother and I back to fucking Florida. Spend the rest of that school year, and 10th grade year there.
>Mom and step dad get back together...move back to Colorado before my 11th grade year.
>See all of my old best friends again. So happy...
>First day of school, I still feel so alone, because some of my old friends don't talk to me anymore.
>First class is choir...I see...HER. Ashley. I also see a guy next to her. Raymond (who I fucking love to death still).
>For the first few weeks, we say nothing to each other...but she gives me dirty looks some times. What the fucking fuck?
>Hear her talking about one of my best friends, Chrystina. Apparantly she and Ray are friends with her. I get a little excited.
>"Oh, Chrystina? She's one of my best friends! You know her?" nervously say.
> Receive the words biggest "Eat shit and die" look ever.
>the fuck?
>(Photo is Ashley)

moving on:

>> No.6266801
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>Still don't talk to Ashley for a while.
>Raymond and I start to talk a bit. I also became friends with his brother.
>Both Ray and his brother Zack are some pretty bad ass fuckers.
>I guess Ashley started to take interest in me (for some reason?)
>We started to talk, and WOW, wouldn't you know it...we both like anime.
>I was actually in just now entering the end of my weeaboo phase, so I wasn't as excited about it as her.
>She adds me on facebook and myspace (even though I didn't use that profile much).
>I also end up making friends with another of her friends; Nikki.
>Both of the two together are pretty fucking annoying...
>Loud, annoying as shit, AND ugly.
>Ashleys blond hair was disgusting and ratty. It looked like it was falling out of her head, and was stringy.
>She was a moderate ham-beast, with sagging titties, and some pretty gross pale skin with REALLY noticeable zits spread about her face.
>She was obviously ALWAYS retaining water REALLY bad.
>Blotchy red and white skin. Just gross looking.
>Let's not forget her tits that were saggy, giganticly disgusting, and she always wore an incredibly unflattering sports bra.
>Every day she wore a tang top, a short and raggedy skirt, and flipflops (my god, I'll never forget her constant dragon claw toe nails).
>And to top it off, she was the type to constantly glob HEAPING amounts of carmex to her lips, EVERY 3 minutes. ew...
>Photo is Ashley...not the worst I can find...you can imagine, she is worse up close.

>> No.6266812

>Moving on. We are friends now...I guess.
>We always talk about some anime, and games.
>She claims that she is learning Japanese, but she obviously has NO knowledge to it at all.
>She also tells me that she is a great animu artist, and that she is going to be a mangaka someday.
>ALL of her drawings are traced...traced as FUCK.
>I let it go, because I didn't really care, I guess.
>Everyone around us in choir absolutely HATES Ashley. People always talked shit about her.
>When she wasn't at school, they would say things how we sounded BETTER without her shreeky voice ruining our ensemble.
>I tried to be nice and stick up for her. "Just shut up guys, no one is perfect!" type of deal.
>I felt like I started to build a real friendship with her.
>That's rare because I have some MAJOR trust issues with people. I rarely make really close friends.
>So because I feel comfy around her and Nikki now, I started to kind of show my friendly, and fun side with them.
>Felt good to have people to interact with during choir, math, and lunch (because my best friend in the whole school had NO
classes or anything with me ALL day, every day.)

>> No.6266816
File: 24 KB, 604x483, 14769_1200619172008_1252546_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One day at lunch, Ashley starts talking about how she is going to get a Japanese husbando someday. Yeah...ok then.
>I don't say anything mean. Just sit there, nodding and smiling like a good friend would do (right?).
>Next day, she asks us at lunch why we think she doesn't have a boyfriend yet.
>I just try to be nice and tell her "be patient, it will happen..."
>This keeps happening for a few days, so I find it to be a little annoying.
>One day I thought it would be a good idea to change the subject, and did just that.
>I asked one of them if they could talk to me about my problems at home (because I started having some again)...
>I guess this didn't settle with that bitch all to well...
>(One of her halloween pics I think? Oh my god...)

>> No.6266818

(sorry this story is so fucking long)
>Lunch the next day.
>Ashley, Nikki, and two other friends are taking a long time to get to our little area in the lunch room.
>I'm sitting there waiting. Didn't know what was taking them so long.
>They all arrive.
>Keep in mind. At this point, I was going through a lot still. Even though my parents JUST got back together a year ago, they were
splitting up AGAIN, and I didn't talk to anyone about it. They always fought, and I was never happy at home. School felt like the
ONLY place I could feel happy, and laugh with friends and forget it all.
>So they sit with me, and I smile and start a conversation with them. I asked Ashley if she had gotten any further with D-gray man.
>She interrupts me and says that they were going to interveen on me, because I was acting incredibly selfish lately, and they were
sick to death of hearing me talk.
>I take it as a joke. Start to laugh and joke about it too.
>They were serious. All of them circling around me.
>I laugh again, because I still think it's a joke.
>"We're not joking. We're sick of hearing about your stupid problems at home...you're so starved for attention, but we don't
want to give it to you."
>Exact words.
>I start to cry, and ask again "are you joking?"
>They just kind of smirk and say "we would appreciate it if you just shut your fucking mouth."
>I walk to another side of the room, trying not to cry anymore. Zack was with them, but had no idea they were going to do that to me.
>He follows me, trying to console me. We hear them in the corner snickering and saying things like "oh my god, baka. So pathetic!"
>I cry on Zack constantly just muttering "I just wanted someone to talk to..."
>They all laugh, Ashley speaking in broken Japanese (I think she was trying to call me a stupid bitch? I have no fucking clue!)

>> No.6266822

>Nikki, being Ashleys best friend, ended up punching her fist into a wall. She tells everyone it's my fault, and that I forced her
to break her hand...are you fucking serious?
>I honestly have NO idea what the fuck that whole moment was about, so I stayed the fuck away from both of them after that.
>So let's just say, mutual friend Chrystina (one of my best friends in the whole world) found out what Ashley did...was not happy.
>She knew how I had trust issues. She knew my problems at home. She confronted Ashley about it.
>Ashley denies she did anything, and says that I started everything because I was just some gaijin baka who was jealous of her
drawing skills, and Japanese skills.
>Chrystina knew she was lying, and told her to fuck off and apologize to me.
>I tell Chrystina I don't want her apology and that I was done with her. Didn't want to talk to her at all. Just done.
>Ashley had some weirdo butt-fucking lesbo crush on Chrystina, so when she saw that Chrystina was taking my side, she was devistated.
>Chrystina tried to comfort me over the whole ordeal. That REALLY pissed off Ashley.

>> No.6266825

>Ashley became even MORE pissed when the Japanese exchange student Riko joined our choir class and began talking to me.
>Riko helped me with my Japanese a little bit, and taught me a few new tricks with the language.
>She also loved to talk to me about her life in Japan, and was excited that I had little knowledge of the country.
>She had no interest in Ashley because of her "bad Japanese, and otaku like behavior" (Rikos exact words).
>Riko even wanted me to do exchange in Japan next year, and offered to host me in her home.
>REALLY pissed Ashley off.She would glare daggers at me whenever Riko even smiled my way.
>I guess she got over it though, because at the end of the year, she tried to apologize to me.
>I smirked, spit on her feet, and said "Fuck you. I don't need your apology you piece of shit. Bye."
>We hadn't spoken for a good long while.

(Next 2 posts are end of story, sorry guys. It's long, I know)

>> No.6266828
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>Next year comes around.
>I am in a new school because parents seperated (not surprising) and mom and I moved to the next town over.
>Find out that Ashley had posted a blog entry ENTIRELY about me online.
>In it, she describes a long as fucking story (I know, this one I'm telling now is pretty fucking long) about what happened that year
between she and I.
>However, in it she adds that I was the one who started the entire ordeal at lunch.
>I was a complete retarded, social outcast. I had absolutely no friends, so she took me in and introduced me to every friend I had
(complete fucking lie. I knew many people before I met her), and that I moved away because I was scared and jealous of her.
>I messaged her about it ASAP, and told her if she didn't take it down, I would find her at the large group choir festival in 2
weeks and beat the living shit out of her.
>Guess what was taken offline immdietly?
>However, it was followed by a blog going into long detail about how she was bieng censored by some white, gaijin, NIHON wanna-be.
>"For real ASHLEY? Are you still going on about how I'm a fucking gaijin baka desu? YOU'RE WHITE AS SHIT!"
>During our internet conversation, she actually says this to me:
>"You're just jealous because no man will EVER want you. Your tits are too small, and you're annoying as shit. If you want advice on
how to do your makeup, and how to find a real bra to have beautiful boobs, come to me. You're so disgusting. Compared to me, you're
>PHOTO posted is me (not the best image in the world) in my opinion, compared to Ashley, I'm a bombshell (and no, I don't really
have the highest opinion of myself. Also...I know, I'm kinda chubby...)

>> No.6266831

>With that being said, I laughed so fucking hard.
>I just sent her a message saying "ok yeah, keep telling yourself that..."
>I recieve one back in Japanese text. Just from some of my knowledge, I can tell it's obviously done from google translate...
>I swear to god, I almost pissed myself from laughing at this point, and couldn't help but feel sorry for Ashley.
>I stopped messaging her, but recieved another one from her saying "By the way, my Japanese boyfriend thinks that you're ugly."
>Blocked. Blocked her. Was so done. Trying not to die from laughing too hard. That was that.
>Months later, I found out she was working at a McDonalds, and gained like 50 or so pounds, while I had lost over 40,
>She apparantly is moving to Japan, and every once in a while I see her profiles on different websites still popping up (I think she made new ones?)
>She constantly brags about her tits (saggy as fuck), how she can't find the perfect man, and how she's the best author/mangaka since
anyone ever, and how anyone who disagrees is just some Twilight worshiping fuck tard.
>Here I am engaged, with child, working on my own music, and happy as fuck with my life.
>Damn I love Karma.

>> No.6266833

By the way, I apologize for all spelling errors, and grammar errors...

>> No.6266842


Not the poster, but it's an old copypasta variant, newfriend.

>> No.6266870

I think you're gorgeous! That weeaboo was just jelly, trust me. Sage for being OT.

>> No.6266878

JESUS Christ...this bitch sounds like the biggest cunt in the history of cunts.
Also, is she trying to be The Crow? Oh wow...

>> No.6266891
File: 38 KB, 500x345, 1341254756812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing a quick search of the words "homestuck bucket", it is revealed that buckets are a sexual icon for the certain Homestuck characters; thus, being a meme with the fanbase.

...who knows what was in that bucket...

>> No.6266914
File: 11 KB, 320x180, messages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit! just recieved this lovely jem from one of Kate's friends. what do you suggest I do?

They've left me alone for a while now but after hearing that I was fucking raped a couple weeks ago they were like "LOLOLOLOL U UGLY BITCH U LIE" and found a moment to rub it in. "SHE BELIEVES SHE GOT RAPED"

>> No.6266918
File: 5 KB, 219x168, 1267926907516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/izen here, you should've just punched her like how her dad should've punched her mom in the belly when she was pregnant with that hambeast. My primal urges are raging from reading that story.

>mfw that pic

>> No.6266996


>flipping off camera
That shit ain't cute.

I wish the old thread wasn't dead, you could've sent her the link so she could see everyone talking about how disgusting she is.

>> No.6267015


Right here. Although, she seems the type who would just say jealous fatty and let all her friends come after us instead.

>> No.6267016

How old are you now? I used to have a nasty friend like that, but I never had a best friend who helped me out.

>> No.6267017


I haven't studied French since middle school, so maybe I'm remembering it wrong but... Is this meant to mean "God-given"?
As if giving herself a French name wasn't pretentious enough.

>> No.6267020

I am now 20 years old. It happened when I was around 16.

>> No.6267060
File: 36 KB, 453x576, dude+hes+super+cereal+thats+no+shop+_867f2623d02ecb0cb2f9dba9e4517f56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god...you? YOU JEALOUS OF HER?
Wow, she is god damn DELUSIONAL. You have got to be fucking kidding me. God damn...

>> No.6267089

gurrrrrrl, you kawaii as shit.

but srsly. delusional bitches, I'm telling you.

>> No.6267098

I'm not even fat- I'm anorexic style thin though. but I see your point. and oh my god. its archived. today is a glorious day. Sending it to her right now

>> No.6267109

chubby or not, you're still actually pretty fucking beautiful

>> No.6267116
File: 48 KB, 558x409, just look how mad he is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, since we're on 4chan, the obvious answer is rape them.

Then say they lied about being raped.


Or in reality show them that everyone here thinks they're ugly and link them to the self-post cosplay thread to show that most of the seagulls here aren't even as half as hideous as they are. They're obviously invested enough in your life, and petty enough in general, that they'll be pissed off at people praising you and putting them down at the same time.

>> No.6267122

Turns out that she's her IDENTICAL TWIN SISTER who sent me that because Kate was boohooing about me.

and: fact

Kate suffered a birth defect.

>> No.6267131

what kind of birth defect? Tell us so we may laugh at her even more than we are now.

>> No.6267137

Anon, I hope you're saving whatever messages they send you so you can report them. If their profiles get deleted, that should be pretty entertaining watching them mourn the loss of their precious facebooks.

>> No.6267139

I called her a sick little whore.
this is what I get in response:

"Thank you! It's nice to hear from ya. Been a while. Good to hear you still think of me. I'm glad I can cause you so much joy without even trying. I'm not gonna lie, I think you're really pretty. Even though most of my other friends think you're ugly. I don't understand why. Pray tell, what inspired you to contact me after so much time?"

oh sweet jesus she's oozing fakeness out of those pimple pores

>> No.6267142

oh shit I should livestream this chat shouldn't I

>> No.6267152

my story i guess

>be Japanese guy in high school with not many asians
>chick with cat ears and some kind of belt tail would follow me around about once a week
>was never familiar with weebs so shrugged it off as some kind of goth thing
>after a while she would follow right behind me and say insults in butchered Japanese (bake-ah, dommeh, wakea naigh)
> i would walk faster thinking i was in the way or walking too slow
>shit escalates as she knows my name, my schedule, and has pictures of me when i never said a word to her other than hi.
> get wielded out and ask her to leave me alone
> girl starts crying however her sobs sound like wet farts and popcorn being microwaved making me chuckle
> 2 days later get called into office. i have been accused of raping the popcorn girl
> don't get in any trouble, however i was known as the fox rapist for a while.
> never saw her again

>> No.6267163
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>> No.6267183
File: 230 KB, 700x583, mydick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her sobs sound like wet farts and popcorn

you made my day anon-san

>> No.6267187
File: 487 KB, 240x176, sir....+thank+you.+so+much+_901c3f8412e8fefe85969f70e887f593.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit anon...dying over here.

>> No.6267191


I asked: "is Pedobear still living with you? what did you do that had your friends prank calling me?"

"You think I prank called you? That's funny. Who would waste their time sending you hate mail? Everyone except you has moved on from all that drama and grown up a little, as far as I know. If I'm the "biggest fake bitch in the world," at least I'm best at something.
Why does it matter to you if Pedobear is still living here or not?
Still jealous?"

"No I have a boyfriend. I was just wondering. you know the "ayo babe let me take you to japan " is just a pick up line right? he used it with me. its a pedo weeaboo thing."

>whatever she says to me next I want you guys to choose. my computer cant handle livestream unfortunately. but lets make this shit interactive

>> No.6267193
File: 403 KB, 166x133, OH+MY+GOD+IT+IS+SO+SWEET+_26bb40bfc6219502ace6980319dc84ff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6267204
File: 7 KB, 393x362, tumblr_lxmh5kUJHb1r3dyolo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alrighty, let's get some more weeb stories here.
>goes to Megacon
>wandering around b/c friend goes to dinner with other friends
> go from group to group until THEY came
>blond, white as fuck girl (let's call her Y because why not heh) with chain around her boyfriend's neck (will be known as F for this:
>watfuk (but maybe I shouldn't have been surprised in the first place)
>introduces herself as with -san at end and her boyfriend as her "slave"
>gives me chain and I just hold it not knowing what to do
>nice people, seemed harmless at first just kind of weeb-ish
>go around con and asks me if i'm japanese
>"no, i'm vietnamese"
>can't even pronounce it right
>says she just had sex with boyfriend in their hotel room
>she's 18 and he's 16
>meets up with their friends H and D
>pretty chill dudes, alright
>goes up the second floor into a dark part of the area
>literally the second we're there, F jumps Y and started humping each other in the corner
>obviously noticeable since her moans echo through like sirens
>sits there like awkward ducks
> "so... how's the weather" types of conversation starting
>when done we sit out on the benches outside the room
>Y starts making out H and I'm like what the fuck
>feels something pulling me down
>it was F pulling me to his lap
>starts grinding on me and whispering in my ear
>"tell me what you want, what you really really want"
>tries to get D to help but he's on the phone
>uncomfortable as fuck, trying to free myself but he'll all up on me in my ass
>stomach growls
>quick excuse to escape
>"gotta go and find some food, ehehe"
>hurries the hell out of there before they can catch up
god, megacon. I have a couple interesting from just one day. This is just one.

>> No.6267214

Got some mistakes there. sorry about that guys.

>> No.6267223
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>be Japanese guy in high school with not many asians
> get wielded out and ask her to leave me alone

I'm sorry I laughed at this and realized I'm terribly racist.

>> No.6267240
File: 66 KB, 299x395, 539316_4668918724995_567405373_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Good for you. I don't care. He and I are barely even friends now. I'm enjoying the single life."

she's on her phone and is quiet today. would make for a boring livestream. but now its up to you /CGL/

what do I say next

>> No.6267241
File: 86 KB, 790x604, Image89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was gonna point out the same thing.

>> No.6267248
File: 36 KB, 704x396, lucky-star1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell her about how awesome your life is without her and her petty bullshit drama and how your boyfriend fucks your pussy so good and crap and stuff and yeah.

>> No.6267250

Just ignore her. She is more trouble than she is worth

>> No.6267251

Ask her if she was beaten or does she just have an extra chromosome, and is that why she's so ugly AND a bitch at the same time.

Also jesus fuck tell her to moisturize her goddamn hair.

>> No.6267253
File: 3 KB, 133x200, Silly+comments+that+is+where+the+post+should+be+_266eeadccf251a555bbbccedfe219d92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of want OP to post that bitches facebook or something. Will you do it, OP?

>> No.6267259
File: 1.73 MB, 340x256, 1348300000529.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link her to this thread OP...

>> No.6267268

interesting choices. I was telling her how great my life was

"I'm enjoying having a boyfriend. not having your friends bully me for stupid shit you've started, started a small indie voiceacting business, met team4star and had them sign my drawings.."

but then she was like
"so you are badmouthing on (insert your rapist name's here) I thought you had a huge crush on him and he was doing you a favor"

....holy fucking shit.

>> No.6267274
File: 12 KB, 468x425, 1346771475323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus titty fucking christ, is she serious?

>> No.6267276


"you put yourself in the situation. it takes two to tango"

>> No.6267277

I kind of want to, but like I said in my post, it's done. Besides, it happened a long time ago. May as well just forget about it right?
(forget about it, yet I posted it here on cgl)

>> No.6267279
File: 2.26 MB, 900x3885, 1341984337364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have it in comic form.

>> No.6267305


>> No.6267321

Just reply with 'L O L' and leave it at there. Don't respond to ANY more messages.

>> No.6267325

oh. the other girl was a different anon.

for the one that I was having a convo witht his is her FB if you guys wanted it http://www.facebook.com/kate.clayborne

>> No.6267329
File: 67 KB, 608x640, Go time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6267347

warning: this girl is a really. really. really. really. REALLY good liar

>> No.6267378

CGL is a mess.

but we all hold hands and get together to hate on stupid weeaboos.

and its a beautiful thing. it really is.

>> No.6267461

I don't understand why she's SO FUCKING UGLY. And that's not just to be mean to her cause she's a bitch. She is one of the homeliest people I've ever seen.

>> No.6267613

I'm actually really happy to see your story ended nicely

>> No.6267615

I...think I know her. Could be a generic face. Is her name Kenzi?

>> No.6267891

Damn I want to hear how this dericious Kate Dramu ends...>>6266828

btw Me and my buddy agree that you seem pretty damn cool Anon, I would have kicked that pig bitches ass for treating you that way if I knew you in highschool

>> No.6267935

I almost never seem to run into any weebs. I keep my power level as well hidden as possible so maybe that's why I have so few head on collisions with them. But some time ago (about a year and a half I think) I went into Gamestop to see what they had.

The two guys working there were morbidly obese neckbeards. Both sporting plumbers cracks due to saggy pants that probably couldn't handle the strain of their girth. They were speaking broken Japanese to each other. I had to leave the store for a few minutes because I was afraid I'd start laughing. I could barely hold it in. I felt bad about that really. They were pathetic but I didn't want to make fun of them. So I came back a little later and bought some games. When the one guy bent down to get the discs out of the cabinet I got a nauseating view of more than half of his spread open butt crack. He was wheezing the whole time. I guess because bending down when you are that heavy really knocks the wind out of you.

>> No.6268108

Okay this probably sounds bad but I mean it as a compliment. When I first saw that picture I hadn't read your post and I thought it was Ashley, years down the road and all cleaned up. I thought she'd lost weight, took care of herself, and decided to stop being batshit crazy. But it turns out it's you and that makes sense now. You look much better than she does.

>> No.6268342


I think that is her name actually. She's in TN

>> No.6269825


Dude do you by any chance go to fucking HVCC?

>> No.6270174
File: 93 KB, 598x510, denim-short-shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.