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6274098 No.6274098[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey Ladies

After the first appearance of fine lines (I'm only 21 :c ) on my forehead owing to weeks of stress after I lost/regained employment, I'm suddenly super worried about my skin.

I have always just used a bar of soap. I now know this is bad for you. I switched to St Ives blackhead clearing scrub and have gotten ok results. I have rosacea on my cheeks and keritosis pilarus over most of my normally exposed skin, so have been looking into moisturizers and retinoid creams, as I hear they have helped other KP women.

TL;DR What's the BEST skin care regimen for KP, Rosacea and preventing wrinkles?

>> No.6274128

>Used to use bar of soap

Please stop using that, it's really abrasive and damaging for your skin. Try using something more gentle. I don't have Rosacea, so I can't really recommend anything specific.

>> No.6274135


I am an idiot when it comes to skin care. Please correct me as much as you like. The rosacea isn't really curable I don't think, but I do have sensitive skin elsewhere on my body. My face doesn't seem to care what I do to it... but my back breaks out like a motherfucker. :(

>> No.6274162

I spent a long time trying to figure out the best regime for myself, haha. Sorry if my first comment came across as harsh, I just cringe whenever someone says they're using St. Ive's.

I'm not sure if you have the same issues, but I have really sensitive skin that gets red around my cheeks/nose area. The only moisturizer I've used that actually calms them down and doesn't make me break out or itch has been AVENE SKIN RECOVERY CREAM (or known as AVENE CREAM FOR INTOLERANT SKIN in the U.S.).

I used to have backne for the longest time, from the beginning of High School until my first year of college. I started using the IRISH SPRING soap bar (original version), and my back cleared up gradually. It's been 3 years now, and even though I still get a pimple or two on my back, it's otherwise flawless.

>> No.6274176

Not OP but oh god what's wrong with st. ive's? I use the generic target apricot facial scrub. I wash my face once a day in the shower. WHAT DO I DO D8

I don't get too many pimples (just a few around my period) and my skin doesn't get too oily either.

>> No.6274187

So I've had bad acne when I was younger and I always picked at it, now I have a bunch of ugly scars there.
I was my face every morning with a special cleanser that's supposed to get rid of it, but it's not really working.

Any other products I could try using to clear up the scars?

>> No.6274190

I dont know what's wrong with St. Ive's either. I need some kind of exfoliate for my acne face in the shower though. What else should I use? ST Ives feels good and seems to work

>> No.6274194

Can't help with the other stuff, but for basic wrinkles:

Sunblock or at least sunscreen. Every day. Reapply throughout day. Sun exposure wil damage your skin over the long run, even on cloudy days.

Hydrate: drink a decent amount of water, it will help your skin look better.

Wash & moisturize before going to bed, every day! Ideally use a gentle cleanser (I like the creamy, non-foaming kinds). Also change your pillowcase every night or two, so your face isn't spending all night pressed up against old skin cells / germs / facial oils from the night before.

>> No.6274211

It's very abrasive and that's no good for every day use, maybe once a week as an exfoliate.

The only thing that has shown amazing results for my skin is...... drum roll.... plain ass water. I wash my face with warm water every morning and before bed and I would say about 80% of my acne has cleared up (sometimes I even have a completely clear face which is amazing to me). I have very oily skin that is very sensitive. If I over-strip, it compensates by producing more oil, and excess oil equals blocked pores equals acne. Changing your pillow case often is also very important.

However right now I think due to weather changes and a humid climate I have broken out like a mofo... also eating junk food hasn't helped ;___; i wish there was a way to make acne wounds heal faster.

>> No.6274213

It depends on what your skin type is.
I have KP on my face and Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion seems to calm it down a fair amount. I wouldn't recommend it if you're prone to breakouts though, and you need sunscreen over it during the day. I also don't usually use it at night. Usually use sweet almond oil instead.

>> No.6274223
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It's harsher than you really need, and the scrub bits are big enough to scratch your skin. It's fine once in a while, but over the long run it will damage your skin.

I use a soft exfoliation brush (like the image attached) with my regular cream cleanser. There are more expensive ones you can get, but this is pretty cheap and works well for me.

>> No.6274238
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I feel you OP. I'm 21 and I'm starting to get those annoying fine lines underneath your eyes.

Oh and OP, for your facewash I would consider buying a gentle cleanser from the drug store meant for sensitive skin. I use Cetaphil. Because I'm using an Epiduo medication, anything with acid or anything abrasive makes my skin burn and puff up. This stuff is wonderful.

>> No.6274402

The only thing my skin seems to respond really well to is organic shit made with almost no chemicals that has an oil base.

I use an oil based cleanser, an oil and EO moisturizer, etc.

I think my acne was somewhat caused by dry skin. Now that I'm using a gentler cleanser it's not bothering me as much as when I used a stronger one.

That kind of shit can be expensive as fuck, though.

Right now I'm using Say Yes to Bluberries cleanser and makeup removing wipes, with their anti aging serum twice a week to tighten my pores. My daily moisturizer is this stuff, which is cheap as fuck


I've also had good luck with Sana hadanomy collegen spray and toner, and Progress in Health skincare products, which I'm not using right now because they smell like weirdness and tea tree oil.

I use the spray toner after I go to the gym, but it contains peroxide so I have to be careful.

>> No.6274443

Google "the oil cleansing method." most skin problems are caused by an overuse of detergents on the skin. In chemistry, like dissolves like, so oil will bond and get rid of any extra oils on your skin (which you are probably overproducing in areas at the moment after stripping the skin), and it's a good moisturizer.

I rub coconut oil into my face, and wipe off the excess with a warm, damp cloth, and my skin is perfect.

>> No.6274464

I went to the drugstore to buy St Ives apricot scrub once and the lady working in the makeup section freaked out at me. She said she had just been to a dermatology seminar or something and they showed her what it does to your skin. Apparently it leaves all these micro scratches and it's bad for you. She then said a lot of people buy it for their feet. So I never bought it again lol

>> No.6274465

I've heard amazing things about coconut oil. Do you do that once a day? Before bed? When exactly?

>> No.6274483


can it get makeup off?

>> No.6274488


the pinkdandy link isn't working for me :/

what's the name?

>> No.6274511

what have you been using to tighten your pores from them?

>> No.6274549

It also tastes fucking amazing on popcorn.

>> No.6274636

That's the loreal scrublet, isn't it? I have mine and I love it

>> No.6274643

Noooooo the oil cleansing method absolutely raped my face. I was using 1/3 grapeseed oil and 2/3 castor oil and I started experimenting in january, and I broke out so fucking bad after a week or two I still had the effects well into my wedding in March and finally started clearing up in June. I tried switching over to Jojoba oil and it just made it worse

>> No.6274645

yeah of course, pretty much any oil will, I use coconut oil or EVOO on my eye make up

>> No.6274651

Really hot water is totes bad for your skin, which the oil cleansing method tells you to use to open up pores and get the oil out. I think it works for some people but not others.

>> No.6274658
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>Early wrinkles
>Rosacea on cheeks

Holy fuck, are you me?

>> No.6274672

Not the one who suggested the OCM, but you're more than likely not wiping off enough of the oil. I used EVOO and castor oil and broke out. Bad. I rarely got pimples as a teen, so this was definitely from the oil. I noticed after I steamed and splashed cold water on my face that there'd still be a lot of residue. I continued to splash those areas with more cold water, wiping the extra off from that : pimples replaced with beautiful skin.

>> No.6274704

I've frequently heard that tea tree oil works magic for acne, but have not yet used it (I think Trader Joe's even sells a tea tree wash).

I have oily skin and use St. Ives green tea cleanser (not the scrub!!) morning and night, and it works decently. In the week leading up to a con or if I have a bad breakout, Neutrogena Stress Control once a day. I have a prescription for Epiduo cream, which I use every other night. Otherwise, it's either Mederma (to take care of scars) or aloe vera on my face.

With St Ives scrubs, it feels like they open up your pores to let more junk get in. I had longer-lasting acne and more blackheads when using exfoliating scrubs on a daily basis.

>> No.6274720

Ive had those since.. I was a baby. I'm pretty sure everyone has eyelid wrinkles.

>> No.6274751

My mother had severe rosacea. No, there is no cure, but there are ways to reduce to redness to the point that you can't tell.
First of all, (and NO ONE likes to hear this) your skin problems most likely originate in your diet. How to fix this?
1. Water, water, water. It's hard to drink enough water. My solution? I go nowhere without a waterbottle. Seriously, if you're not peeing at least every 2 hours, you're not drinking enough water. When you're dehydrated, your body will use what H20 is available for the most important things - skin isn't up there on the list, obviously.
2. Cut down your sugar intake immensely. High blood sugar changes the biochemical make-up within the cells in the body, causing inflammation and rapid aging (this will help with the wrinkles as well). When you cut out simple carbs (candy bars, chocolate, bread, pasta, etc) from your diet, you'll get awful cravings. To deal with this, drink green tea (NO ADDED SUGAR, use the damn tea bags) and protein. Both will help fight the cravings.
3. Sodium absorbs water, causing dehydration and bloat. Bloat happens everywhere: including in your face. Your face swelling and contracting will cause wrinkles, obviously. FDA recommends no more than 2300mg of sodium per day, I would recommend keeping it under 500. It's NOT EASY. It's not supposed to be, if it were, everyone would be beautiful. Be careful of less-obvious sources of sodium: cheese, bread, and yes, lunch meat.
4. Research food that has natural anti-inflammatory properties. Cinnamon, ginger, kelp, salmon, shiitake mushrooms, papaya, broccoli, blueberries, extra-virgin olive oil, and green tea are all amazing sources of fucoidan, omega-3s, papain, phytonutrients, etc that are known to minimize inflammation better than medications with none of the side effects. This will help treat your rosacea and the wrinkles.

>> No.6274778

As far as cleansers, the oil cleansing method is wonderful for your skin. People who have experienced the sudden break-outs a couple weeks in were likely not removing the oil fully from their skin, or were experiencing a natural period of "purging". It happens, it passes, it's not fun, but whatever.
I'm assuming since you're asking for help on 4chan, you're not in a position to see a dermatologist. I'm a dermatologist. Aubrey's Organics has a sensitive skincare line (http://www.aubrey-organics.com/Category/129_1/Sensitive_Skin.aspx ) and all of their products are organic. Join a rosacea online support group: it's helpful to your emotional health (stress = inflammation, as you already know), and you can see what other people have found helpful. I have sensitive skin as well, and I always go by "the less ingredients the better". Also, stay away from harsh detergents, fragrances and perfumes. No benzyl alcohol, lactic acid, isopropyl palmitate, propylene glycol, glycolic acid and sodium hydroxide.La Roche-Posay actually has an incredible line of products for people with sensitive skin, including Active-C (contains vitamin C, which helps reduce inflammation by reducing free-radicals, something antioxidants are known for. Careful with this though, it does contain fragrances). Use sunblock consistently, even on cloudy days. A good rule of thumb is that if there's enough sunlight to read the text size of regular novel, your skin is absorbing UV rays. Using hats and simply avoiding being outside for long periods of time when the sun is out will definitely help. When you can't avoid being in the sun, try a titanium-dioxide sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher. Try Ombrelle by L'Oreal.
I've never used it personally, but I've seen and heard really good things about Herpanacine. It's a pill and you can get it for about $30 for 200 pills. Most people take between 3 and 6 pills a day and see results in 2 weeks.

>> No.6274809

I like to use straight up tea tree oil and lavender on my face. I know Tea tree straight up 100% and not mixed usually dries out and irritates for a lot of people, but my skin seems to freaking love it. The lady at the health food store though I was insane when I said that I don't mix it. Whatevs

Also do a honey mask REALLY often thanks to someone who mentioned it on CGL recently. I just put some straight up organic honey for however long I feel like. 30 minutes? It leaves my skin really soft and helps with scars!

>> No.6274845

OP and other St. Ives Apricot Scrub users--the grains of the scrub are too harsh to use on your face. I'd recommend trying their Green Tea scrub, which has a much finer grain.

>> No.6274909

Help for preventing wrinkles in the cleavage area? I try not to sleep on my side so they don't squish together but I can't help it. I try and use vitamin E moisturizer before bed and in the morning but I'm not sure if it's helping.

>> No.6274938

lemon juice. dab some on your face and leave it on for 20-30 minutes or all night. it doesnt matter.

>> No.6274945

>your skin problems most likely originate in your diet.
stopped reading here.
That is straight up broscience. Unless you're rubbing pizza on your face, your diet has little to do with your skin.
Drinking a goodly amount water and exercising daily, however, will help clear your complexion.

>> No.6274946

This anon knows what he's talking about.
Seriously the "skin problems are linked to diet" idea has been publicly debunked for about the last decade, so try getting your information from a more recent source.

>> No.6275010


OP here. Glad this is still up!

I exercise daily and shower off after every time, yet I believe it's making my bacne WORSE somehow. I also never go anywhere without my water bottle.

>> No.6275025

maybe you're not getting all the oils off, or maybe you're getting too much oil off.
You can't completely strip the oil from your body, or you're skin will overcompensate.

Also, <15 mins a day in the sun will help. Small doses of sun (with sunscreen) can help reduce breakouts.
Also maybe try taking some Zinc.

>> No.6275026

your* skin

>> No.6275084

I use tea tree oil from time to time, mixed with some water on a cotton ball to dab on my face and let it dry, after I've cleansed it/moisturized at night. Every time I do, my skin looks significantly better the next day. Red-ness is decreased acne-wise and dry-skin-wise, along with it being less dry. My skin is not so great. It's sensitive/dry and I break out a lot.

>> No.6275090

The only way that acne is linked to diet is if you have any food-related allergies. Which, most people are lactose-intolerant. That's why they claim dairy will break you out. You can have very small food-related allergies. It's hard to pin-point down specifically, that's why change in diet can sometimes clear you up. But that's not going to be the same for everyone. Personally when I stopped eating RED MEATS, most meats in general, dairy, and ate low calorie meals my skin was pretty much the best it ever was. I am for sure lactose intolerant, though. But shit's hard to stop eating/drinking permanently.

Relating things broken down to SUGAR breaking you out, that's just fucking retarded. Claiming diet will do it makes me stop reading if it's not related to a specific person's allergies.

>> No.6275092

This. Or just shower less, it will at least be better for your skin. Maybe not your hygiene though.

>> No.6275093

Anyone here suffer with eczema?
I've had it since i was a small child but recently i had a severe breakout and now i'm left with red patches all over me (fyi steroid creams dont seem to work when it's this bad).

Any tips on natural ways to reduce the redness?

>> No.6275105

I want to thank the anon that suggested honey to get rid of acne scars\pimples. I've been using honey on my face twice a week for some time now, and my skin looks brand new, all fresh and lighted up. I only get some really small, reddish pimple now and then, nothing of the huge cysts I used to have. Let me hug you.

>> No.6275159


This is pretty much my exact eye shape except a bit rounder and my hair is blonde. How do I put cute eye makeup on? My mom and sister tried to teach me but their eyes are really different than mine.

>> No.6275162


Ooh, do you have any before/after pics? And would it be bad to do it more than 2x/week?

>> No.6275175

I have had it since I was a child too. I think I mentioned this in the last thread but my derm made me start going to tanning beds when mine got really bad when I was like 11-12. It really helped. Now a days I just go outside and get like 15 minutes of sunshine when it gets bad. It really helps.

I was thinking about trying this too. You have to get a special type of organic honey, right?

>> No.6275179

Also wondering what kind of honey it is! I have awful acne scarring from my early teens. I'm going to be starting the DIY acne/scar mask from bubz on YouTube tonight. I hope I can come back in a few weeks and say its helped! Also after reading the thread definitely going to look into getting some coconut or teetree oil. Thanks so much to everyone posting!!

>> No.6275186

I cleanse my face with an aveeno cleanser and whenever my face gets sweaty from a workout or just going out, I just wash my face with cool water. Make sure your hands were washed with liquid soap before washing your face with water. My acne scars have been fading after I used a coconut oil + olive oil + sugar mixture as a scrub after I get home from work. Make sure you wash thoroughly and gently. Don't forget to use a mask once or twice a week.

>> No.6275190

not the same anon, but i just use regular honey, and i'm achieving amazing results. My redness from acne scars has gone down, and my face feels fresh and smooth. Make sure it's 100% honey though. Like on the ingredients it should just have honey listed.

>> No.6275209

>Protip: I'm saying this as somebody who is mostly certainly NOT "oh mah gawsh everybody should be vegan and organic all the time. It MUST be better for you."

While drugstore washes will clear your skin temporarily, the chemicals used in them will almost certainly age your skin faster.

I use pure Teatree and Argan Oil and a Papaya/Vitamin E moisturizer on flaky/dry skin.

Rinse with hot/warm water, run over with Teatree oil, rinse, dry, apply a very small amount of Argan oil as a moisturizer (It's also bitchin' for your hair, nails and for shaving rash.)

Teatree is an antiseptic and clears up cystic acne while the Argan oil really helps blocked pores/blackheads - And, obviously, is a great moisturizer.

The Papaya and vitamin E is good if you have a habit of scratching/picking at your face and getting little cuts, because it'll heal them up without scarring.

>Can't speak for KP or Rosacea though, sorry.

>> No.6275217

Oh, and anywhere that tells you to cleanse using Castor oil is bullshitting you.

Teatree aside (Totally different thing), the only oils that you should be stickin' in your pores are Argan, Jojoba or Coconut.

>> No.6275260

Honey anon here. The original poster said organic honey, but I couldn't find any at the store, so I just made sure I got a pot of regular, 100% honey, and used that. I put it on twice a week because I'm still a bit of a noob and don't want to risk irritating my skin. Here's what I do:
1) Wash face with warm water, pat dry
2) Apply honey. Make sure to stir the honey a bit with your finger, then just put it on.
3) Use your finger and massage in little circles. This gets rid of extra honey and makes sure you cover all your face (and gives you something to do that's not attract bears.)
4) Leave for 10-15 minutes. I usually get it off when I notice some areas of my face getting a bit more red. (It's the honey sucking out pus and bacteria from the skin ). I shower and voilà, fresh face!

I don't have any pics, but I have some five or six deep red spots on my chin from all the zits I had in my teens. They have become quite a deal less red, and another couple of spots I had on my cheeks have also improved. My skin just feels smoother and nicer!

>> No.6275280

Look all this monkey babble is pointless. You either got good genetics or you don't. If you're young and getting lines, you probably don't. Best thing you can do is avoid prolonged sun exposure as a form of damage control.

>> No.6275336

I used to smear vitamin e oil on it until it was better enough to use steroids.

>> No.6275558


Man, now I don't know what to think. Every Oil Cleansing Method site tells me to use Castor oil and most tell me to stay away from coconut oil.

>> No.6275573

Been using castor oil for six months now and it works wonders for keeping my skin from getting dry or too oily, wipes out blackheads like a tacnuke and also works to keep inflammation down on spider and mosquito bites when there's nothing else around to use on them. Dunno what this nigger is smoking.

>> No.6275817

I've been using castor oil on my face and it gets rid of stubborn blackheads.
I've had an extremely large black head with a hard tip on the back of my shoulder for the longest time and couldn't get rid of it. I applied castor oil a few times and now it's gone.

>> No.6275876

I use EVOO and a little castor oil to get my makeup off. Massage it in, leave it while i brush my teeth, then wipe it off. Next i put raw honey on my face and leave it on for an hour. Wash it off. Finish with lemon as toner. Wake up every morning with beautiful, clear, glowing skin. Also, my skin has paled A LOT. I have got about 2 shades lighter. When i first started this method, it broke me out like a bitch, but now my face couldnt look better or smoother. Dont be scared of oil, girls.

>> No.6275953
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Ok for OCM use an oil that you like! Iook and see how comedogenic it is and avoid anyhting above a 1 on the list. I used safflower and hemp oil mixed together. I hated how much it stuck but I bought a emulsifier to mix in so that when I rinse the oil off of my face it does not leave a residue. You can use about 10% for the volume of your oil. I used either peg 7 olivate or Polysorbate 80 http://www.gardenofwisdom.com/catalog/item/4076644
both worked great. As a warning though I recommend only doing the OCM a few times a week. It stripped my skin because it drew out so many blackheads and made it not produce oil anymore (you would think this would be good but it just makes all your blackheads stick in your pores more)

Best skincare routine for me- Use gentle cleanser - spritz face with green tea/basil water- use oil free moisturizer- Exfoliate 2-3 times a week (I use mandelic acid 2x and physical exfoliant 1x) do a clay mask once a week (I use red clay it's the best!) and then sunscreen every day.

>> No.6275975

I use coconut oil as a moisturizer for skin and scalp, and african black soap as a cleanser for face and body

Apparently coconut oil contains lots of lactic acid (which is found in breastmilk) and is the best oil to mimic our skin's natural moisture. Everyone who writes that it will make you break out doesn't know what they're talking about. One person says coconut oil is bad for skin and then suddenly they all repeat the same bullshit.

>> No.6275978


>> No.6276016

/cgl/ never fails to impress me with their knowledge of skincare. It's something you should all be proud of.

There should be a health and beauty board

>> No.6276055

I'm one of the anons who always stalks the skincare threads searching for the answer to getting rid of blackheads. I was at the chemist the other day and spotted one of those blackhead clearing tools and thought that since it was only a couple of bucks, it was worth a go.
To all you other anons with the same problem and was wondering if it worked, I have tried it for you. It works. It actually motherfucking works. My skin is clearer than it has been in years. I actually can't see the dirty pores a day later.
I will say that yes, it does hurt, but it's just another day at Pain Palace if you're like me and squeezed or used a sewing needle out of desperation just to clear the shit out. It does take a painstaking amount of time but if you do it little by little day by day, the end of the week will show the results. Yes, you will have little round marks on your face for an hour or so, or a little redness the rest of the day, but fuck it, you have great skin afterwards!
Thank you to all the anons who suggested using it! I can finally stop being so self-conscious!

>> No.6276059

Been sayin' it for years. It would be so much more helpful

>> No.6276060

What is it?

>> No.6276066
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Blackhead remover/extractor (google it, I'm bad at explaining things) that has a small loop on one side and a needle on the other, though I've seen pictures of them having a different sized loop on the needle end, or a round metal ball.

>> No.6276068
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Blackhead clearing tools? Which one? What brand? Tell me. For the love of god TELL ME!

>> No.6276079

is there any possible way to make your pores look smaller? I seem to have the biggest pores ever and it really makes me self-conscious ;_;

>> No.6276081

My love, get off your knees. We are no longer the dirty pored people of yesterday. We have fucking extractors now. Some people will say that they don't work, but I just think they don't know how to use it properly. After years of squeezing with my fingertips, I pretty much have it all mastered so it wasn't hard to angle the tool at all to the best advantage. It made it so much easier, you don't block out your eyesight with your hands trying to pop out one dirty motherfucker. I'm getting three cleared all in one scrape/press. There's tutorials on youtube that should help.
If you're in australia, I got mine from Priceline, just near the tweezers and nailclippers. It was less than $10 I think...I didn't really check the price tag to be honest, but it was fucking cheap. You can order them everywhere online, I think Amazon could be the way to go if you don't have a chemist/beauty shop.

>> No.6276091


I have one from Tweezerman. Got it at my local drugstore near the nail clippers. (I am from the US, if that helps.)

>> No.6276101


how do I get rid of my brown elbows.

They are driving me to DESPAIR!

I've tried moisturizing, lemon juice, exfoliating.. they're still brown.

I lean on my elbows a lot which I suppose doesn't help.

>> No.6276131

large pores are sexy
they must call you sexy-face

>> No.6276149

you may have hyper pigmentation I've had it Tyra Banks had it. Just put some sun block on them every day for awhile. They should even out to the rest of your skin

>> No.6276197
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This anon speaks truth.
I was watching some comedone extracting videos the other day (I landed on the weird part of Youtube), and the doctor said that squeezing with fingers is less effective than using an extractor. I haven't actually tried it yet, but hopefully soon.

>> No.6276217

inb4 underage ban, I really, REALLY need some help, and I want to start with a good skin routine while I'm young, not while it starts getting bad. I'm in my very young teens and have horrible hereditary dark circles and very pronounced lines on all areas of my face. Anything I can do to prevent them from worsening too much/ways to cover them? Also I get these things all the time, not pimples, but white barely raised dots on my face? They almost seem like a little lump way underneath my skin. What are they and how do I get rid of them? I have a few on my face that have been there since I was about 7, and now that I'm getting more and more I'm super worried that all of them will never go away. Thank you in advance!

>> No.6276222
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I always had a particularly large one on my forehead that I could never get. I used the tool on my nose, not thinking it would do much and it did the job pretty easily. I then did the forehead one and it just removed it like it was nothing. After all these years, struggling to pinch it just right, to have this tool just come along and just get rid of it so easily...I actually got tears in my eyes. That's how bad my blackheads made me feel and to have them just melt away was so shocking. Please try it. I have some large, clean pores left behind after the large amount of grit in them for so many years, but it's a lot easier to shrink pores than to clean them out. I would rather shrink pores than have dirty great big black ones all over my face.

>> No.6276229

How do you shrink pores?

>> No.6276235

You have milia.

You can't make dark circles go away. If you're super skinny, you just don't have enough fat. MUFE and Amazing Cosmetics have good concealers.

Use more moisturizer.

>> No.6276236
File: 9 KB, 225x225, collagen eye masks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you getting enough sleep?
Are you eating well?

As for dark circles, why don't you try collagen eye masks. They tighten, cool, and moisturize your circles and could eliminate the darkness. I have some pretty drastic circles and they're working so far for me! Pic related, they come in paperish or gel pairs.

>> No.6276238
File: 7 KB, 257x196, 73636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FFFF- I'm super psyched now. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.6276239

DA with dark circles. What were your dark circles like before? Mine are recessed instead of puffy (I look like motherfucking Itachi) and most stuff on the market is for discoloration+puffiness.

>> No.6276250


What kind of extractor did you use? I googled pore extractor and got a bunch of different looking ones. Which one is the best?

>> No.6276251

They were dark grey/brown, had sleep lines and I guess were a bit puffy because they've receded.

>> No.6276262

Talking about those black head extractors. derp.

>> No.6276259

If it helps anyone, I saw that at Daiso, they sell them. And it's a $1.50, or 100 yen depending on where you live. I don't know how good they are, but assuming that it's just about the shape... then go to Daiso~

>> No.6276266

Can anybody recommend a good (preferably inexpensive) product for soothing the lady bits after shaving? I always get twin lines of irritation right where my panties sit. I've started sleeping commando, but what else can I use? Also, any shaving tips?

>> No.6276268
File: 67 KB, 640x480, 1328220074905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're also known as comedone extractors. I would suggest one with a needle/loop combo because the needle (while dangerous, pointy and sharp) is very handy for breaking open the pore and loosening everything up first which makes it a lot easier to use the loop to get everything out. It's a lot like the idea of squeezing out the blackhead, with the metal circle going around the black hole of doom and applying an even pressure from all areas, instead of the two fingered pinch. You just press the thing down on your skin then slowly scrape it until the blackthingofdeath is at the edge of the metal circle and you'll see it come out of your skin. I haven't used any other extractors so I can't really review or anything, but I'd suggest having a box of tissues handy and some alcohol wipes just to keep everything sterile and clean and prevent any infections. >>6276066
This is the one I'm using, the plastic cover is on the needle to prevent any stick injuries. They are cheap and they very much are worth it, and I'm generally a tight arsed scrooge.

>> No.6276270

On the subject of blackhead extractors: it doesn't matter where you buy them from; it's fine as long as it had a loop at an end. They're simple tools, really, not like epilators or something.

>> No.6276275

Go with the hair rather than against it like you normally do with your legs. Rinse the blade after every stroke if you have the willpower to resist the urge to just keep going. I use a Quattro For Women Trim Style Razor and Trimmer and it's fucking ridiculous to use the trimmer but it's better than nothing. Most of the time I keep a tightly trimmed hitler do down there, because that's where I get most of the itchy pain.

>> No.6276279

Exfoliate first, use shaving cream, shave with the hair, use a sharp blade, put conditioner or some other post-shave product on afterward.

>> No.6276298

Hmm. I will do some research on that then. And I am kinda skinny-average, so that makes sense. I will make sure to keep up on my moisturizing, and looking into some of those concealers, thank you!

I get enough to function, but probably not as much as I should, but that's something I realize. I try to catch up on the weekends, but with school it's so hard to get good rest. I eat fairly well. No soda, only occasional junkfood and sweets like around holidays/for parties. I will look into some of those eye masks, thanks!

>> No.6276330


Is it really hard/painful to use on your nose?

captcha: anon. eachja

>> No.6276343

I would say actually less than using your fingers, but still uncomfortable. But hey, pain is beauty

>> No.6276362

I find it easier and less painful than squeezing on my nose, especially on the side of my nose.

>> No.6276382

>made with almost no chemicals that has an oil base.

Every ingredient in everything is a chemical.

>> No.6276450

When I shave with the hair, I can't get a close shave- I wind up with 1/8 long stubble.

Also, any after-shave products that will help reduce the irritation? There's a million of them and I don't know where to start. Right now I just use my regular lotion.

>> No.6276459

Warm water? I hope you splash some tap/cold water after that, because that shit opens up your pores.

>> No.6276528

Hey guys - quick question about spf. Since the girl at the drugstore pretty much confused me.

She said that the spf in a skin cream is no where near the protection of an spf in an actual sunscreen. Even if they are the same spf's. When I asked about spf in makeup she said it would basically take the whole bottle slathered on my face to give me that spf of 15. Is that true?? Are skin creams and makeup with spf weaker etc even if they contain the same spf amount in an actual sunscreen?

If so.. that will definitely have me think over how I view makeup/skin care products.

>> No.6276565

Yeah, I'm not 100% on how it works, but the 30 or 15% SPF or whatever the heck is stronger in a sunscreen than in make-up. Especially if you spread your make-up on lightly if you don't want to be an oompa loompa. Some girls I know mix sunscreen with their foundation/skin creams ect.

>> No.6276578

That says no chemicals that have an oil base you non-fluent.

>> No.6276700

Its good to layer sunscreen products. Moisturizer with sunscreen, foundation with sunscreen, then SPF spray on top. I find US SPF spray to be kinda gross and heavy, especially on the face, but Japan makes the great SPF sprays. Reapply the spray throughout the day. This will be fine if you're going to be outside a little. If you're going to be outside a lot, then go for the full sunscreen lotion or spray, and reapply frequently especially it you are sweating or in water

>> No.6276742

Do these work well? I was actually looking at these yesterday and was tempted to buy some.
Any other (preferably cheap) eye masks you suggest, fellow seagulls?

>> No.6276778

The skin on my face cracks and peels off regularly, most especially on my forehead and eyebrows, but now it's beginning to spread over parts of my nose and just above my mouth, too. Most of my forehead is scar tissue and I have one blotchy bit especially at my right eyebrow where it's really obvious. I moisturise regularly but it never seems to help, and after just a few hours it's visibly dry again. On top of this, my cheeks are red and peppered with blotchy red acne, though I rarely get actual pimples. In summary, I look fucking terrible and even make up won't hide half of this shit.

But is there any way to help my skin be less...dry? The end of my nose can be kind of oily sometimes but overall it's all incredibly dry and flaky and I have no fucking clue how to help it.
Also, I was getting roaccutane for the acne, but I had to get taken off it after I freaked over the second required blood test. I'm working on somehow managing to find a way to handle those so I can get back on it and clear that problem up at least.

>> No.6276785

i have trouble getting make-up off, i guess?
make-up removers always seem to dry my skin out, is there any way to get all that stuff off my face without any products?

>> No.6276796

Dear CGL,

I have bad hormonal acne. Nothing I do works to make it go away, but I can try to help. I use straight up Tea tree oil, tea tree toner, "natural" scar gel, natural skin troubled moisturizer, 30$ spa spot trouble, honey masks, aspirin masks, changing pillow case every night.

I was thinking about going on spironolactone but I read about girls missing periods for 5 months, getting periods for 3 weeks, the initial break out and if you stopped you also get screwed.

I'm on ortho tri cyclen but it doesnt stop the "beard" styled acne I get (across lower cheeks on both sides). FUNNY ENOUGH I dont do crap to my forehead and it NEVER breaks out. Its just my jawline and cheeks

Pic related, I've been doing my usual BS, keeping my face cleaner than heck and it magically starts breaking out again (some of it is scars and shit that never go away)

how screwed am I?

>> No.6276797
File: 213 KB, 480x322, Screen Shot 2012-10-02 at 12.03.53 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picture, whoops

>> No.6276818

Anyone else use Say Yes to Carrots? I use the daily moisturizer with 15spf and I'm pretty happy with it. Perfect amount of moisture without feeling greasy. I have clear skin though, so I'm not sure how it'd react for one with acne.

>> No.6276917

you could try just using water and leaving your skin be for a bit, if your forehead is fine like that, and there are lots of people who swear that just water works wonders
but if absolutely nothing is helping you really should see a dermatologist about it

>> No.6276935

My face used to look like yours for a long time. It`s not perfect now, but a hell of a lot better. I can only offer you what I did, and maybe it`ll help you.

1. If you spend a lot of time on the computer and or touch your face a lot, buy a pair of those white cotton gloves people use for keeping cream on their hands. Wear regularly when you`re at home. It helped keep my hands off my face, transferring oils to my face, and curbed me from picking at my skin so much.

2. I (still) use the body shop`s Seaweed line, specifically the toner, cleanser, and matte moisturizer. Good for combination skin.

3. Most helpful & important part of my regimen was a SHIT TON of benzoyl peroxide. You can get it from any drug store- the offbrand is as good as the clean & clear stuff. Use a lot. More than the recommended dose if you stay out of the sun. Which brings me to 2 important points about this medication: It WILL dry your skin out, and make you much more photosensitive. Use sunscreen and moisturize after it dries. Also, it BLEACHES THE SHIT OUT OF EVERYTHING. Wash your hands very well, use white towels to pat your face & dry your hands after applying, and use a white pillow case. I`ve destroyed so many fabric things from my carelessness with it.

I have a before and after picture but I can`t find it anywhere at the moment. If I come across it, I`ll be sure to post it! Good luck!

>> No.6277097


>> No.6277225
File: 192 KB, 461x344, Picture3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Katie.

I've seen a derm in my past and both times it was usually a joke... they just give you the same BS creams that don't do anything. I had one guy even laugh at me, give me some dumb plain facial cleanser and told me that "I would just have to deal with it for a while"

I used BP in the past in drug store stuff and it just... ick. Ruined my face in multiple ways. I just stick with the more "natural" stuff I listed, Tea tree, honey, health food store stuff.

Also here's a REALLY fun picture. Its me 3 years ago or so during my huge first break out in the cheek/ jaw area and beyond. It was infected and getting it "picked at" at the spa was the worst experience in my life. The break out was so bad, I cried every day and it was so painful. The only thing that made it go away was the spa and using 100% pure tea tree oil. The break out was on both sides too

>> No.6277236

How old are you darling?

>> No.6277254

I just turned 21... I'm stressed out about my face. I dont know why its breaking out. It seems like its only been a few hours and its some how getting worse. And whats weirder is that I was looking close in the mirror and I have fine fair hairs on my freaking face.

Maybe I should see a doctor, I think maybe my hormones are messed up

>> No.6277256

perhaps it's hormonal, just throwing that out there.

some people find that birth control actually helps clear acne

>> No.6277259

I am in the EXACT same boat. My chin and forehead are fine and I only really splash them with water, but my lower cheeks have got small but very very dark pimply... things. They're almost like not pimples. dark spots maybe? I don't know.
No idea what to do... I've tried all types of different cleansers, I would try just washing with water but I want to be able to remove my makeup at least...

>> No.6277263

Do you think maybe it's the makeup itself that's causing the spots?

>> No.6277264

Birth control really helps with my cystic acne, but if my stress is very high, it comes back, but not as volatile.

>> No.6277266

I am taking birth control, fuuu

Also, this is the scar gel I use. It may help some other people!


>> No.6277273

I thought it might have been, but I went almost the entire summer without makeup and still had them.

>> No.6277317

Thin hair on your face is normal, sweetie.
Not that big of a deal, it's easy to get rif of it.

>> No.6277318


>> No.6277358

This is why you go on spiro + birth control. It's what I'm on, and it gives me normal periods and amazing skin. An initial breakout is not certain, never had one. Obviously if you stop you will break out again - your acne is hormonal. It will never go away unless your hormone levels change.

Similarly, this is why nothing you do to the surface of your skin will stop the acne - it's an internal problem.

You are screwed unless you get some medication that will adjust your hormones. There are some natural, but the best combo is spiro + BC.

>> No.6277666

>that feel
I've had an intern laugh at me when I said that I've used BP, Retin-A and Differin and gotten little results from long term use. I hope she never gets her license.

Speaking of hormonal acne though, what kind of blood test so you have to ask for when you go to the clinic?

>> No.6277715

I have a few dry patches on my face, mostly between my eyebrows, on my forehead and occasionally under my eyes. When I put foundation on, it 'clumps' around these areas and looks horrid. I don't moisturise everyday but when I do it doesnt make a difference to these spots. Anything I can do to get rid of these patches?

>> No.6277724

I've been looking at ebay store cosmetic.love has anyone bought any items from it? are their products authentic?

>> No.6277730

My hormones went all whack a noodle thanks to a cyst and the doctors screwing with my birth control so I had what I consider a bad breakout.
I've never had acne really of any sort throughout my life, just a pimple maybe once a month or so, so this was my first real time dealing with about 5 - 7 pimples (small number I know right) But I tried my usual benzoyl peroxide cream and it just dried out my skin to no end.
A few days later I just happened to go to the local farmers market where this family was selling their home made soaps from ingredients from their farm and stuff and I bought a lavender honey bar.
Wow, best thing I ever did. I dunno if its just a coincidence but a few days after using just that soap on my face and everything has pretty much gone away. All of my dry spots have cleared up and the pimples are gone.

>> No.6277732

I got mine from e-bay (the cheapest). I haven't tried the paper kind, but I think I'll stick with gel because it feels really nice. They work gradually. They don't instantly eliminate your circles.
I'm someone that has to set aside a week for sleep for even a slightest change, and since that's impossible due to my work schedule, these are wonderful.

>> No.6277736

Are you exfoliating?

>> No.6277748

I use the St. Ive's green tea scrub for my face, and the apricot for my body. The green tea one is fine for facial use, right? It doesn't seem abrasive at all to me, and the little exfoliating bits disappear as I rub my face, as opposed to the apricot ones which just stay and rip up my skin.

>> No.6277773

I can't help you much with the KP, but for the past couple of weeks I've been using a homemade toner out of apple cider vinegar and green tea at night. The apple cider vinegar has really helped my skin stay nice and clear and really faded my acne scars, and I think the green tea in it has helped calm my skin. I don't know if I had rocasea or not but this summer my skin would turn very red very easily, and I found that since I've started using this toner my skin is no longer red around my jawline/cheeks and instead a nice even color.


>> No.6277862

I don't have acne or anything but I do have endrometirosis and birth control pills are a treatment however I have to switch pills every so often to get a different balance of hormones. Maybe you should try switching to a different birth control pill, it might help. I would talk to your doctor thought and see if you can get your hormone levels checked out

>> No.6277871

I am pretty sure clindagel which u can get from a dermatologist would help treat rosacea( it is an antibiotic ointment and helped with my redness when I had bad acne when I was a bit younger, stopped recently and everythings fine now).

>> No.6278245

Yeah they've got their own store at cosmetic-love.com too. They're really nice, I bought my BB cream from them and they gave me a whole bunch of samples to go with it. They speak good english and have a really fast shipping time considering it comes from S. Korea.

Basically, they're pretty great. I've never ordered from their ebay store but I know they're the same entity.

>> No.6278478


Why would she laugh at you over that?

Also, I hate dermatologists, at least the ones around me. Most refuse to work with acne patients (when you tell them what you want the appt for, they always say "sorry, this practice is not taking new patients" or something), only rich old ladies wanting wrinkle stuff. I literally had to have my boyfriend's grandma call and make an appt in my name, using an old-lady voice and saying it was for aging stuff. Surprise surprise, they got me in the next week even though I was a new patient. Once I got there and they saw I was a acne-faced young girl, my shoved me off on a rn or something, who treated me like I was dirty and disgusting. But she was so unknowledgable in acne that she prescribed me accutane for mild acne. I had a four month long course (much shorter than normal) and literally have the skin of a porcelain doll now. I can leave makeup on for days without washing my face (gross, I know) and not get a single blackhead. my hair also gets less greasy. I finished the med about three years ago, btw.

>> No.6279675

In one of these threads a while back someone recommended Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque. I finally found it and have used it a few times. So far it hasn't irritated my skin at all (it's very sensitive) and leaves it bright and feeling soft.
How often should I use it though?

>> No.6279681

No, they don't. I have HORRIBLE eye wrinkles and I've had them my entire life.

>> No.6282180


I had a question but I forgot... I'll post it when I remember.