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File: 88 KB, 400x400, tumblr_m0h9cr1CjD1rp5jfvo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6298207 No.6298207[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where did the "shit SJ people on tumblr say" thread go?

>> No.6298225
File: 141 KB, 615x567, transage!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's right here bb.

>> No.6298242

I think it 404'd

>> No.6298248

This has to be a troll

>> No.6298272

Sounds like pedophile reasoning lol

>> No.6298278

Oh god. If that ever catches on (please tell me it hasn't already), think of how many people will have an excuse for not being responsible for their actions.

>> No.6298280
File: 60 KB, 538x509, carnists!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wish.
Seriously, Tumblr is a fucking asylum.

>> No.6298287


god forbid we enjoy what life gives us.

>> No.6298292
File: 249 KB, 640x440, 1324671786517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no way this is real
it just can't be
this is like WBC level crazy

>> No.6298295

>There are children dying in Africa as we speak.

Fuck anyone who even says this.

>> No.6298321
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>> No.6298325

You know, a vitamin b deficiency can cause mental problems

Maybe that's why vegans are often fucking bonkers

>> No.6298326
File: 165 KB, 525x525, 1330574032962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there are children dying in Africa why don't they do something? Just saying, when people call me selfish and don't do shit for people I ask them what they did. Because I spent my last three summers building care/education packets and fixing computers to make them usable in schools in Africa and other impoverished nations.

If they're such bleeding hearts, why don't they get off their fucking asses, turn off the goddamned computer and do something for once besides fucking bitching.

I'm sorry, I come from a backwater shit hole of a country and I would never say something as fucking retarded as these people.

>> No.6298327
File: 39 KB, 501x455, queer!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight chick and her straight boyfriend talking about how OPPRESSED! they are.

>> No.6298343
File: 178 KB, 290x385, 1306158585930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, here's the thing that get's me about these people. If they spent even a fraction of the amount of time they use to sit behind a computer attacking and accusing others of who knows what privilege checking bullshit club of the month douchebagery and actually DID something, think of what they could accomplish. I bet you not a single one of those ignorant self-absorbed children have volunteered at a shelter or done any number of things that would help further whatever cause they're trying for. Wallowing in comfortable lives? Wow, you sure are showing those starving children in Africa how much you care from behind your computer. In your air conditioned home. Where you eat regular meals. YUP. Yes, I mad. I very, very mad.

Disgusting example of how to do it wrong.

>> No.6298347

they'll just turn it back around and say "No you"

>> No.6298352
File: 18 KB, 516x227, otherkin!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's how I know you don't spend time on Tumblr. Volunteering in a shelter is a CLASS issue. Tumblr doesn't give a fuck about class. Poverty does not fucking blip for them. These people have their heads jammed so far up their asses they think gray-asexuality is a more real, serious crisis than homelessness.

They are seriously the scum of the earth. If you think, "Well at least their heart's in the right place," you could not be more wrong.

>> No.6298358

Welp. You must be seeing a very sad side of tumblr. Class issues are always a hot item on my dash.

>> No.6298359
File: 11 KB, 353x378, 1329357538920.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is like all the shit I see in people's about mes on tumblr saying shit like
"demisexual panromantic gender fluid transgender with homosexual tendencies and preferred pronouns of xi"
like seriously do these people just make up his shit or what? Its like every day I see some new label being tossed around and then defended like the holy grail
or like the shit where homestuck fans think they are the reincarnation of homestuck characters or have the characters living in their head.

>> No.6298366
File: 28 KB, 450x268, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're absolutely right. I try to avoid Tumblr as much as possible. Volunteering at a shelter is a class issue? What the absolute fuck all does that even mean?

They bitch about doing something proactive. Volunteering is proactive, but not really since it's actually bad? I...fuck. Whatever man. How does that even happen?

>> No.6298368

headmates are hilarious and not contained to homestuck fans
there are people who seriously think that they have characters in their heads who take over now and then
it's comedy gold i tell ya what

>> No.6298371

makes me think of those posts on facebook about child cancer patients saying "1 like = 1 prayer" or something like that.
your likes won't do shit to help that kid.
same with most "signal boosting" posts on tumblr. especially when a lot of them are hoaxes posted for notes.

>> No.6298376

Wasn't there a Hitler factive or some bullshit like that at one point?

>> No.6298375


aren't most of them spoiled rich kids who have never had to put their own food on the table?

>> No.6298380

>implying there was only one

>> No.6298391

what the fuck

Captcha: crazy rearguard

you bet i'm going to protect my butthole from these fuckers.

>> No.6298393
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>> No.6298398
File: 32 KB, 440x417, waxing!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you've experienced a nicer corner of Tumblr.


>> No.6298401

I'm glad i never see or follow any of this crazy sj bullshit.

>> No.6298404

that;s it im leaving this thread.

>> No.6298407

I still see a massive amount of DERP on mine, but it's more politics and DONATE TO THIS kind of things. I have no issue putting my money where my mouth is. Never volunteered in any place but a museum, though.

>> No.6298411 [DELETED] 

Tumblr - Transgoodwin's law.

>> No.6298412

Tumblr - TransPoe's law.

>> No.6298416
File: 26 KB, 586x359, spd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6298420

Lol, I'm Irish, don't know what the fuck the holiday's for... besides Guinness and corned beef.

>> No.6298426

I follow most people for their art and a very few for what they have to say

and ne'er the twain shall meet. I NEVER read wordy posts by the artists I follow

>> No.6298425

stahp doing mai thanggggggg. you cant do thaaaaaaaat

>> No.6298431


I wonder if it's birthday appropriation when other people at your birthday party wear hats and eat cake

>> No.6298435
File: 43 KB, 577x622, 131239708511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please explain what a "headmate" or "headcanon" means. I keep seeing these words pop up.

>> No.6298439

Headcanon: Used by followers of various media of entertainment, such as television shows, movies, books, etc. to note a particular belief which has not been used in the universe of whatever program or story they follow, but seems to make sense to that particular individual, and as such is adopted as a sort of "personal canon".

>> No.6298442

I mean. Don't get me wrong... It's still retarded...
But I can KIND OF see where this guy is annoyed as opposed to all the "transpatriarchal nongendernormative cistriarchy-fighting xi-queer otherkin".

I mean if I found out in kazakhstan or whatever they were using the fourth of july to as a gluttonous circlejerk of "LOL AMERICA IS FAT AND I'M 2/38ths AMERICAN SO THIS IS HOW WE DO IT! 50 MORE CHEESEBURGERS FOR EVERYBODY!" and actually believed they were celebrating... I could see how I might be /slightly/ miffed.

>> No.6298452
File: 5 KB, 139x112, 131239705668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. Thank you for the explanation.

>> No.6298466


I actually don't particularly disagree with that one, but that's mainly because I'm just a surly old grouch with a real peeve for people saying shit like "hey, it's an EXCUSE to get drunk".
You've gotten drunk the last 12 weekends in a row, why the fuck do you suddenly need an excuse you stupid tosser? Screw you and your half-assed holiday, I'm staying home alone to watch Pixar movies and eat popcorn and ice cream.
>how I spent my last New Years
>and it was the best goddamn New Years ever

>> No.6298471

>I'm staying home to watch Pixar movies and eat popcorn and ice cream.
Sounds like my kind of party! I'd join you if I could.

>> No.6298484

"Headmate" is code for "I'm an attention whore with imaginary friends who likes to pretend they have multiple personalities"
Their headmate is one of their "other personalities", and is usually blamed for every bad thing they have ever done - which is a lot, since having someone to blame their actions on means these people have no sense of responsibility.

>> No.6298495


the funny thing is that none of these obsessive assholes can ever keep their imaginary friends in character

I remember when someone I knew on livejournal started posting conversations between her head characters or whatever, each with his own set of avatars

and people humor them for some fucking reason

>> No.6298501

I'd be more worried if they could...

>> No.6298531

You guys ever browse the Columbine tag?


But right now everyone is flipping their shit over Jake Evans too. Half of them adore him, half of them are freaked out that people adore him.


>> No.6298541


Oh shit, I lost it.
I just can't, holy shit.

>> No.6298547

C-can't.. Read.. Thread.. Too.. Much.. Rage..

What in the actual fuck, Tumblr. Why do these people exist?

>> No.6298575


This chick makes just no sense. It's like the angriest SJ teen ever, she browses the afro/dreads tag and reblogs every white girl just to insult and yell at them for WHITE CRACKER BITCHES USING OUR TAGS SHUT THE FUCK UP THAT'S NOT A FUCKING AFRO YOU RACIST WHITE BITCH and actually claims it's racist to tag your pictures with "afro" or "dreads" if you aren't black. She's incredibly racist towards white people and seems to be really insecure about herself because seriously no sane person does this shit. When confronted about it she just responds with racist slurs and insults and in a very rude way in general. I always wonder if these type of people realize that the way they're acting only makes people get on their toes with black people.

>> No.6298581

I have a plan. For every different mood I am in, I will have a persona. Like when I'm happy, I'm person A, when sad, person B and so on. Because I behave in different ways then, so I have to have multiple personalities, right?

>> No.6298584
File: 21 KB, 516x132, she'swhite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah shit, I actually chuckled.
But only because of that whole Hunger Games drama.

>> No.6298585

You should actually do this. I bet you dollars to donuts some SJ warrior will defend you... Then we will laugh, we will laugh so hard.

>> No.6298597


I hate people like this sooo much. They think because they're black they get an exemption from being racist. No. If your first thought is, no matter what "i'm disregarding this argument because they're not my race" you're racist. Period. If you attack people for no reason other than the fact their skin is different, or they dont have the same hair texture then you're racist. Being black doesn't fucking stop that.

Those people are doing WAY more harm then good. It's a cycle, any time you make it an us vs them you're doing nothing but feeding the fires. But my opinion doesn't ever count unless I tell them that I'm black too. Then it becomes
"oh youre a poc, you've been brain washed by the media." well fuck me if equal rights and treatment for everyone isn't what i wanted. It's the same with those feminists who hate men for no reason other than being a man.

>> No.6298601
File: 53 KB, 505x761, huehuehue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a sensible young woman.

>> No.6298603

She's not even full black, she's mixed. Which probably donates a lot into her insecurity which is why she has the constant need to prove how fucking black and oppressed she is and how white people are privileged. Just.. you're probably living a completely normal life because your only concern is that someone on the internet tagged their messy hair with "afro", so how the hell are you NOT privileged as well? It's not the 50's anymore, damn.

>No. If your first thought is, no matter what "i'm disregarding this argument because they're not my race" you're racist.

And exactly this. Two wrongs don't make a right, especially when you can't assume that every white-skinned person is American (=a descendant of those EVIL OPPRESSING SLAVE DRIVERS FROM THE 1800'S). If anything, bitter people like this only make PoCs seem insensitive, rude and self-centered because instead of going after actual racists they're messing with innocent people who.never meant to offend.

>> No.6298604

Aside from this (understandable) rant you sound like a pretty chill person to be around. :3

Oh man what...

>> No.6298605

Resisting urge to punch screen...

>> No.6298606

I feel like these people have ruined Tumblr.

I'm glad I can cultivate my own space, though.

>> No.6298607

I'll cultivate your space anytime bby.

>> No.6298608

Okay, I love tumblr, but I have a friend who gets involved in these stupid SJ arguments a lot and it REALLY drives me crazy. Like, just fucking find a real battle to fight or something.

>> No.6298610

oh man look what I found guys

>> No.6298611
File: 10 KB, 546x97, derpydoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you white crackas worry tho; she is also condescending against her own black kind.

>> No.6298612


Haha, oh man.
This whole thing reminds me of ANOTHER story from when _I_ was a kid.
I was about 12 years old, out meandering about on my own because I'm so grown up I can do that, fuck yeah. And I'm at the corner shop, and I'm wearing really ratty clothes because, well, I'm 12.
And there's this little girl and her mother who line up behind me, she's probably about 4-6, and she sees me being alone and poorly dressed, looks up at me wide eyed and asks "ARE YOU AN ORPHAN?!".

Kids just fucking see things and say shit.
Hell, when I was that age, I was constantly asking my mum embarrassing questions in public. "Mummy, why has that man got no hair? Mummy, why is that woman so big and round? Mummy, why does that kid have no legs?"

Boo fucking hoo, a 4 year old kid gets curious when they see a black person, let's all bitch on the interent about how racist he is!
Not to mention how racist his parents are for not meticulously acquiring friends of all available colours and explaining to jr how to tell by someone's skin tone just how oppressed they are and how to then treat them with the required level of care. The nerve!

>> No.6298613


>> No.6298614
File: 11 KB, 512x154, firstworldproblemsahoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ.. Don't these people have friends, school or jobs to take care of instead of getting pissed about Halloween in tumblr?

I thought this tumblr was just full of bad trolling that was meant to be an obvious joke but now I realize it's 100% serious

>> No.6298615
File: 18 KB, 366x380, 33xueiw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat necklace

>> No.6298621
File: 196 KB, 264x269, 1335762412466.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Goddamn it, I'm so much better than this, but I can't help but find her just a little bit attractive.
Usually such a horrendous personality would instantly kill that for me, but something about the double negative of her horrible personality and horrible style just makes it work a little bit.

I need help.

>> No.6298623
File: 653 KB, 547x808, shitlocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an absolutely charming, polite person. I wish all PoCs were like her!

>> No.6298625
File: 5 KB, 569x510, that startled feel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could be that help, but some things are beyond even the best of us...

>> No.6298629


Somebody tell her that if she has an iPhone, or hell, anything that runs on electricity, she is therefore appropriating white culture because both of those things were invented by white men.

I wonder how buttmad she would get.

>> No.6298631
File: 191 KB, 536x437, lionking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn woman

>> No.6298633
File: 72 KB, 214x119, 1348463460629.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6298632

Holy shit that would be beautiful. Someone do it.

>> No.6298635


This, and then cap it and post it and the link here!

>> No.6298644

>I don't know for sure whether it's alright on the afro thing since you still are white passing enough for privelige

...How can you sit down and type a sentence like that, and not realise you're a fool?

>> No.6298646


Oh god, I hadn't even read the rest of it yet, it somehow gets so much fucking worse, oh my god.

>> No.6298652


This girl is seriously abusing her first amendment rights privilege.

>> No.6298655

isn't she practicing black privilege because she's saying only black people can have afros and dreads?

>> No.6298656

She should probably check that.

>> No.6298686

>Have a good friend of mine
>He's outgoing, happy-go-lucky, carefree, etc
>He starts visiting Tumblr
>Few months later, I meet him
>He is now obsessed with tumblr
>He's depressed, has become bulimic, slits his wrists and has tried to commit suicide
>All because he feels 'oppressed'
I know how dumb it sounds, but I truly believe that the SJ tumblr tirade has affected him at such a level (he always was susceptible to outside influences. Shame it had to be tumblr, of all fucking things).

>> No.6298698

Except, the Irish feel exactly the same way about you if you were born in America. If you weren't born in Ireland you're not Irish.

>> No.6298700

Implying that black privilege is worth two shits

>> No.6298726

I don't get it. What's wrong with drinking cool aid? Is it some kind of prejudice or somrthing?

>> No.6298749

But.... most Irish are drunks and St Patrick's day is an excuse for all of us to get drunk. Irish person here.

>> No.6298763

Are we talking about crazy dipshits on tumblr? Because I have the perfect one


You'll be so mad once you talk to her. Also, be careful because she's inuit you gaise

>> No.6298823

>religious garment

I always want to ask these people why it's okay for Japanese people to wear western clothing then. They need to go back to wearing traditional clothing according to that logic.

>> No.6298828
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>> No.6298830

I...I wonder if you can talk to people like this and try to convince them you are their soul mate...these people seem so easy to troll/abuse.

Also, I really wish we could just get them all together IRL and let them destroy themselves.

>> No.6298831

For some reason people seem to think that if you adhere to any sort of stereotype that you are being racist/sexist/discriminatory to yourself. Therefore, black people can't like koolaid, watermelon or fried chicken. It's stupid.

>> No.6298836

>white people wearing kimonos, native war bonnets, bindis
>racist, imperialist appropriation and an insult to the affected culture

>non-white people wearing kilts, lederhosen, matador uniform etc.
>not racist because whites don't have culture

Stellar logic.

>> No.6298842

but but but whites can't be victims of racial prejudice!

>> No.6298841
File: 23 KB, 282x390, UncleTomsCabin[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I really hope you two are kidding.

"Drinking the Koolaid" is a phrase/euphemism for being willingly duped by others.
In this case it means those uncle Tom negros who don't care about this Tumblr garbage and are uqite happy to get along with the cracker devil oppressors.

It has fuck all to do with culinary sterotypes of watermelon or grape drank etc.

(Fun fact, the term supposedly comes from the Jonestown cult, in which Jim Jones poisoned their kool aid and told their followers to drink it.)

>> No.6298843

oh haha I'm a columbiner, the girls can be pretty wacko but it's harmless hybristophilia.
i drew some jake evans porn to rustle sallie jimmies though, and it worked like a charm. best night of the month so far

>> No.6298849
File: 54 KB, 600x320, Holmies-Blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's nothing.

Did anyone see the Holmies?

>> No.6298856

oh yeah i used to run a true crime blog and of course a lot of my followers were holmies. most of them are all right tbh

>> No.6298858


>Eskimo is a racial slur


>> No.6298861


Serial killer fans are the least insane thing on that site.
Which isn't really saying much, beacuse mostly they're just people with a slightly gauche interest (according to some ...)

Some of the shit on there (as shown ITT) is poisonous though.

>> No.6298866

Not a SJ tumblrfag but yeah, 'eskimo' is a pejorative, that's nothing new....

>> No.6298870


This has been the case for a few years now.

that's why there's been an academic shift to name them Inuits instead.

>> No.6298874


If you would expect anything other than:

1) a complete evasion of the question
2) to be told that whites don't have culture
3) a black person actually made it
4) off the above

Then you're quite mistaken.

>> No.6298880


Except "Inuit" doesn't work either, that's only one group. It'd be like calling all Native Americans "Mohawk".

>> No.6298877


>4) all of the above

>> No.6298883
File: 348 KB, 1196x928, true beauty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Weetz... I remember when she visited /fit/. Someone posted copypasta and she immediately went to tumblr and cried how people on 4chin were threatening to rape and murder her and her kid. Good times.

>> No.6298884


But. Why? It's not derogatory at all. I don't see what the problem is?

>> No.6298888


I used to be obsessed with Columbine in highschool, as well as a few serial killers. It mostly was just out of morbid interest. I was your typical loner who dressed all in black, so I got the stereotype of being a potential homicidal timebomb. I guess my interest stemmed from trying to assure myself that I wasn't a sociopath. And damn did it ever. I may have had unresolved personal issues at the time, but people who commit heinous acts like murder are on a whole different level of fucked up.

I did run across the crazy fangirls though. They all just liked the idea of misunderstood bad boys. Or I guess maybe they fantasizes about someone so misanthropic being able to love them, to prove to themselves that they are special? Either way, it was pretty fucked up.

The fanboys were on a whole different level of crazy though. They never said they wanted to commit acts like that, but there were major red flags. Identifying with the killers, a strong interest in weaponry, hatred towards society... it was a creepy combination.

>> No.6298894


I know. They just prefer it for some reason.


I think it's to do with Eskimo/Esquimeaux having imperialist connotations, like how former Indians are trying to rebrand themselves as "First Nations" now (despite the fact that that phrase in itself is quite problematic)

>> No.6298897

> they fantasizes about someone so misanthropic being able to love them, to prove to themselves that they are special
that's pretty much it.

>> No.6298900

>hot dog shirt

I might be fat, but at least I don't wear food print anything. And she needs new shoes, floppy flats make wide feet look like oar paddles.

>> No.6298912


I never got the whole "whites don't have culture" thing. Yes they do. It's just harder to define because White American culture is so pervasive.

Russia, England, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Portugal; all white countries, all with fantastic cultures.

White Canadians have culture, hockey, maple syrup, farming and fishing and a hells of great musical tradition on the East coast.

White American culture seems to revolve around the ideal of mom and dad and kids, baseball and football, apple pie, barbecue, working hard to climb the ladder.

The culture just gets blurry because the original ideal for both America and Canada was that they would be places where anyone could be part of the national identity, regardless of origin. Obviously the means and the ends of this grand experiment were both rocky and morally questionable, but that was the ideal.

>> No.6298915

They can't find any actual racism, so then they invent it. I remember when some bitch here in Sweden said that calling a native American an "indian" is just as bad as saying nigger. I then asked my indian friend if that was true, and he just laughed and said she was retarded.

>> No.6298928

>It's just harder to define because White American culture is so pervasive
>White American culture

It's because all of this bs comes from the USA, people don't seem to remember that europe is also a white area of the world, and each european country has it's own different culture. My grandparents are from sweden and so I am exposed to swedish culture. I don't call myself white anymore because white is a color, it's like a blanket term for white people in america, I don't get why the USA doesn't just call all of their people "American" Black people in Canada are still Canadian, we don't differentiate up here nearly as much as Americans do. It's all because some politically correct SJ bs about how black people weren't ~from~ the US and how they got shipped over there, but I bet those people don't even know that there were plans to ship all the former slaves BACK to Africa and they didn't want to go.

>> No.6298926


It's funny, because even they disagree about it.
Some outright deny that there's such a thing as white culture, while others say that whites do have culture, but it's all stolen.

Very seldom will you find an SJer admit that (especially non-American) whites have culture without any reservations or "buts", because that would delegitimise their position. In their eyes anyway.

>> No.6298931

I have a friend who doesn't believe there's such a thing as Misandry or that you can truly insult a cis person with insults (like the 'die cis scum' shit).

They seriously swear that it's just a 'cathartic practice' to make women and transpeople feel better...

>> No.6298929




They're still butthurt that they nearly wiped out their own indigenous Saami population.

>> No.6298937

I see she claims to have /fit/ upon her.
Any /fit/izens who can confirm this?

>> No.6298935


The whole "Native American" term is really annoying in general.

My mother works at an elementary school, and one day they had a presentation by members from a local reservation for the students. They preformed some songs and dances, and then allowed for questions.

I think one of the kids used the word "Indian" and the teacher corrected them with "Native Amercan". The guy presenting said everyone he knew disliked the latter term more, as they were only "native" to Europeans. They were well aware that they traveled around, and just ended up in North America when the explorers arrived. Implying that they were native to the land supported Eurocentrism, while Indian was just a wrong assumption.

He said generally that "American Indian" was a decent term, if you didn't know a group's name, or were referring to the people in general.

>> No.6298936


>> No.6298944

the Saami get shat on everywhere. No one even remembers they exist.

>> No.6298947


She has a fucking child.
What the fuck

>> No.6298961


she's a fucking moron

>> No.6298970

That poor child.

>> No.6298977

That's because the Saami people don't really give a fuck. Their population is so small and centered they just live together in isolation with equal rights without whining about cultural racism, if anything they're admired for being exotic. They have their shit figured out I tell you.

>> No.6298988


Uh, isn't this a pisstake on the thin privilege shit?

>> No.6299027

that is the dumbest fucking thing i have ever read

and isn't the age restriction on alcohol because it really damages brain cells before a certain age? like, your body is still maturing mentally and physically.

>> No.6299033

Isn't everyone and their grandmother part-Irish these days?
Hell, I'm black, and I know I have some Irish in me from, perhaps, three-generations back, which is fairly recent compared to some white people.
Although, I suppose I can understand a bit why they're upset, they just worded it a bit too strongly.

>> No.6299042

Yes. Age itself is a construct based on scientific facts that teenaged brains haven't fully developed yet. Particularly in the sectors that control decision making and ones sense of moral conscious.

>> No.6299047

>has a tumblr
>sees this for the first time
dear lord this shit is never on my dash, how can people be so stupid?

>> No.6299061
File: 49 KB, 500x500, dearcispeople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6299063
File: 8 KB, 299x169, cool story horrible bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.jpg

Actually you know what?

The planet is fine. I even like it here; it's where I keep all my stuff. These sanctimonious, hypocritical armchair SJWs on tumblr the ones who need to gtfo. They're so far removed from anything resembling reality that they're already halfway there, anyway. Go build a utopia on mars or something where everyone is concerned about preferred pronouns and 'problematic' things in the media and leave the rest of us alone.

>> No.6299068
File: 83 KB, 500x500, dearcispeople1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6299071

>I don't like how you're acting so I'm going to accuse you of rape!
I agree that transpeople should be allowed to use the bathroom of the gender they identify with, but REALLY. Fucking REALLY.

>> No.6299073
File: 10 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6299077

I'm actually feeling rage for online posts

>> No.6299080


It's funny how divisive this issue actually is.

Some transfags think that binary toilets are a cause of rape or abuse, and that genderneutral toilets will prevent this.
Conversely others believe genderneutral toilets will actually increase rape because men and women are thrown in together.

>> No.6299081

Hispanic/Asian transpeople get preferential treatment to white transpeople all the time, though.

>> No.6299082

Oh lawdy! I love the stories about the mono-gender-binary rape lion bathrooms!

>> No.6299084

Or they compare it to the militarization of the black panther movement.

>> No.6299091

I personally think if I was a trans FtM I would feel weird as fuck going into the men's bathroom because they don't cater to the needs of the pre op FtM body as well as the women's bathrooms do. I still think it's better to offer single person 'any gender' bathrooms at most public places, as well as make existing single person bathrooms be non-gender specific. That way you can go in whatever bathroom you please. But I'm sure these fucks would find fault in that. "But I'm a post op MtF asexual blah blah blah and a pre op MtF transgaygenderfluid person just used that bathroom before me, and I'm afraid of pre op MtF transgaygenderfluid people!" Ugh.

>> No.6299096

Sorry, but this is a pet peeve of mine.
The Sami are not "indigenous". They came to Scandinavia from the north-east at the same point as the Germanic trbies came from the south. They've been there for more or less an equal amount of time.

As for the word "eskimo", I remember reading that it was a slur used by some nearby Native American tribe, meaning "eaters of raw fish".

>> No.6299106
File: 497 KB, 324x166, wtfcat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread...

>> No.6299111
File: 60 KB, 513x599, 1288191624681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>janky-assed lipstick application job
>>color of lipstick emphasizes yuck mouth teeth
>>shaved head not at all flattering for bone structure
>>that fucking necklace

I've tried watching this video countless times, but the speaker looks so fucking disgusting that I rage quite before the first five seconds. It's like they're willfully trying to make themselves as unattractive as possible.

I'm not even saying that from a place of "Everyone needs to look pretty and fashionable and normal" or whatever. I'm just saying you can challenge gender binaries without looking like a hot-assed mess.

>> No.6299124
File: 732 KB, 576x432, 1283158547334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is honestly the worst thing I have seen on Tumblr.

>> No.6299128
File: 53 KB, 500x500, dearcispeople4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6299126

In rather amusing news, the thing from this video has decided to stop pursuing a transition because it's "too hard". Also, she tried to off herself a few months back, but the labels on the pill bottles only confused her.

>> No.6299132

Prime example right fucking here:

I want to be bffs with this guy. He's just so happy and comfortable with himself and seems to want everyone else to feel the same way.

>> No.6299148

He seems lovely! He's perfectly happy in his own skin and doesn't care who knows it. He seems to want everyone to feel good about themselves, which is a lot more than these SJs with their HATE YOUR PRIVILEGE seem to want.

>> No.6299151
File: 393 KB, 609x329, 1349813782787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol'd hard

That's not the real one, someone made that in the last thread

This, however, IS the original.

>> No.6299152

I honestly had no idea how deep this shit runs in various communities. You've gotta be shitting me that these people are for real

>> No.6299157


Lol what the actual fuck?

>> No.6299158

'privilege' is something that's really bothering me. I understand that it is a good way to measure socioeconomic differences based on race, gender, ect. BUT it was never ever EVER meant to be used in real life situations or in the way it's used on tumblr. The people doing it are ignorant as all hell and really really need a reality check.

>> No.6299161




>> No.6299163 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 470x336, 1347426077086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole "REBLOG IF YOU’D CARE IF I KILLED MYSELF" and "If this gets 10000 notes I won't kill myself tonight"

>> No.6299166
File: 21 KB, 470x336, 1347426077086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole "REBLOG IF YOU’D CARE IF I KILLED MYSELF" and "If this gets 10000 notes I won't kill myself tonight"thing

>> No.6299168
File: 105 KB, 400x400, tumblr_mbgh8fxEAd1rp5jfvo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't fucking give a shit how much prejudice you've experienced, if you're going around telling people to die it DOES NOT benefit your cause, it makes you look like an immature piece of shit.

Also, is this person supposed to be an FtM or ~*genderqueer*~ or what? If "she" is trying to pass as a transgender man... MAYBE PEOPLE WOULD TAKE YOUR BULLSHIT MADE UP IDENTITY MORE SERIOUSLY IF YOU DIDN'T PUT ON LIPSTICK LIKE A RETARDED 13 YEAR OLD IN HOT TOPIC. If "they" are trying to be a unique snowflake genderqueer unicorn - I didn't know that defying gender stereotypes also meant that you had to look butt-ugly.

Tumblr is seriously making me hate trans people because you can be as stupid and antisocial as you want and the community will give you nothing but asspats because DAMN GURL THAT BLACK LIPSTICK MAKES YOU LOOK FIERCE! and ROW RAH FIGHT THE POWAH DIE CIS SCUM CULTURAL APPROPRIATION CHECK UR PRIVILEGE!!!!!

Yes I mad.

>> No.6299173

This is a you rage you lose post.
I lost within the first five seconds of reading these posts.

Tumblr is a haven for special snowflakes who have abandoned reason and critical thinking in favour of the me first and child-like mentality.

I don't follow anything on Tumblr outside of a few TV shows and art that interests me. I'm glad I don't venture outside of it or else I'd quit it in a heartbeat.

>> No.6299182

You said it better than I could. I just start raging when I try to form coherent sentences.

>> No.6299195

Not to mention you don't have to prove your androgyny, or whatever gender, by dressing like a complete nutter.

It's like they're giving into the stupid stereotypes about trans people. I know people who are transitioning, and they get really pissed when people assume they walk around looking like a gaudy drag queen.

And now that all of the brats on Tumblr want to become the new face of trans-people, I suspect the ones that just want some respect and acceptance are going to get pissed.

Cis vs Trans shouldn't be a big deal. Trans people are normal people who take medications and get surgeries to help them feel more comfortable. Logically, if their transitioning goes according to plan, they should be able to be fully accepted into society. (Excluding issues in the medical system, sexual shit, and a few people giving them shit for height/face structure. But those are all either private, or things cis people can experience too.)

However, the Tumblr "trans-trenders" don't want to fit in. They want to make a spectacle of themselves, and cause drama. And it's a pain in the ass for legit trans people, because their immaturity is assumed to be part of the trans experience.

The trenders want to turn an unfortunate medical syndrome into a lifestyle and identity. Having support in what you go through is one thing, but making a big deal about it is kinda stupid. It's like if a bunch of people with diabetes ran around introducing themselves as a "Diabetic female". It's not nessesary, and makes everyone, including innocent people who are sane, look crazy.

>> No.6299213
File: 1.07 MB, 2048x1536, womanmyass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It comes down to the difference between trans people and trannies. If anyone here is familiar with the Philadelphia drama trainwreck (ADF, Robert Wayne Stiles, et al) the difference is pretty evident. Trans people are the ones who just want to live their lives. Trannies are the ones who congregate on tumblr and shriek "Die Cis Scum!" like banshees.

>> No.6299214

Yeah, she's like a fat Asajj Ventress and I'd like to pin her against the wall and fuck her sillier than she is now.
Also, girls with shaved heads and big tits.
Why, penis, why?

>> No.6299218
File: 15 KB, 527x230, whitepeople.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6299221


niggers gonna nig.

>> No.6299226

Ok, I need to know I'm not alone in thinking the term POC sound dumb as hell. Am I really the only person who thinks it sounds awful?

This girl I was talking to was referring to these international students as "Swedish boys of color" and it seemed...wrong. Why couldn't they have just been Swedish?

>> No.6299224

All the girly genderqueer "FTM" kids on Tumblr really make me laugh.

It's not even so much that they ID as a feminine guy or a gender-fucking androgyne, but in how they all look so fucking awful.

Everyone has the same short haircut, shitty sense of fashion, and can't apply make up AT ALL.

And when people laugh at them, oe ID them as female, they use that as an excuse to play the "oppression" card. Which is bullshit.

I know a cis guy at my uni who goes for an androgynous vibe, and he gets read as a guy without any shit. Why? Because he wears clothes and styles his hair in a flattering way, and looks pretty damn good. You can dress eccentrically without looking like an ass, but I doubt the "girly bois" actually want to get off their asses and try.

Also probably because he's actually a guy, and not some attention-whoring 13 year old who wants to feel special.

>> No.6299228

Not even just this, but making all of these non-heteronormative labels is just, well labeling yourself. If they make specific labels for the tiniest detail of how they act differently than others then all they are is a label and a stereotype.

I feel like they are just going to keep making pin-pointed labels for themselves and trying to act against the 'stereotypes' laid out for that label that they will eventually give up.

>> No.6299230

You aren't alone. It's very much Tumblr trying to insist that "POC" came up with the term to describe themselves. In reality, ask anyone and they laugh. Call a black person anything but black in most countries and they won't like it.

>> No.6299231

Only America does that.
North America
They caused it.
They promote it.
They are the reason why it seeps into the rest of the world.

>> No.6299232

Did you mean to say your friend dresses as a girl and doesn't get called out on it? Because you wrote he's a guy and dresses like a guy.

>> No.6299235
File: 108 KB, 900x600, meme_id_by_verganza_de_sasuke-d55frvq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6299241

See, this is why women didn't have the right to vote in the past.

Men don't do shit like this (unless there's pussy to be had for the Beta male scum).

>> No.6299237


These guys make me rage.

>> No.6299239

>Africa and other impoverished nations
>a nation
I agree with you, but dude

>> No.6299242

I like how tumblr's idea of "racial equality" is a long list of what different races can't do.

>> No.6299246


Here's a brief interview with ADF at an Occupy rally.

Try not to rage.


>> No.6299249

Though at least Robbie can be good for some laughs. https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Robert_Wayne_Stiles He's gone completely off the deep end as of late.

>> No.6299250


>> No.6299257
File: 195 KB, 500x550, tumblr_m94p6uQymm1r8o9e3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6299259

See, tumblr is also the reason why feminism is becoming fucking stupid. Feminism shouldn't be about trying to separate women from men, to elevate women higher than men just because women were lower in the past. It shouldn't be about trying to get attention for ignorance and stupidity. It shouldn't be about being offended over shit that happens on both sides of the genders. It should be about equality. Same with trans, homosexuality and race issues. This is the problem with this kind of thing. There are people ruining it when it would otherwise be something of worth and value.

>> No.6299264
File: 36 KB, 694x554, lovehandles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I was going through the fatspo tag and this made me curious.
Aren't the "love handles" those two bones on your hip?
Can fat people even feel them?

>> No.6299267
File: 115 KB, 493x657, ewwhitegirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The runner of that blog must have been dropped on her head as a child. That's the only way I can justify her belligerent bullshit.

>> No.6299268

LOL first world problems

>> No.6299269

Has anyone posted that blogpost of a kid saying his parents are horrible people because they can't accept that their son's true form is a genderqueer pansexual wolf?

>> No.6299273


I really don't get how POC applies to Asian people.

If you want a general word for people of Afro-Caribbean descent, I could see how it would work. Implying that everyone is a stereotypical dark shade could be offensive to some.

And if you wanted to include Hispanics, Indigenous, and Middle Eastern people, I guess they would be considered "colored" too.

But Asians? They can be pasty motherfuckers. Especially East Asia where historically, they're obsessed with having pale white skin. And that's before those salty crackers came around. (And even when they did, Japan wasn't too keen on assimilating foreign cultures. Mostly because the Japanese were, and still are, self-centered douchebags to some degree.)

Plus the idea that they are "yellow skinned" was pretty much a racist stereotype. They have a yellow undertone, but those sort of things vary within the population of pale skin.

Not to mention many people considered "brown" can be considered

In the end, using POC only encourages people to look at superficial traits and to think in black and white. Or rather, colored and evil white Europeans.

>> No.6299279

>The runner of that blog must have been dropped on her head as a child.
That's the only explaination for why she would possibly think she can survive being knifed and having her throat crushed.

>> No.6299284

Lol love handles aren't bones. Those are pelvic bones. Love handles are when you have too much around the abdominal external oblique. Muffin tops and spare tires also fall into this category. Excessive fat around the midsection really.

>> No.6299283

>using POC only encourages people to look at superficial traits and to think in black and white. Or rather, colored and evil white Europeans.
This is exactly the problem. Racism becomes magnified when you mention race in any way, not just a negative way, because it becomes apparent when there are differences being pointed out and when people are defined and grouped by them.

>> No.6299289

I think the magic word here is "othering"

>> No.6299291

Holy cow do I love the fatspo tag on tumblr.
It makes me feel so good about myself, really.
Not because I'm fat and I looove my curves, but because I know I will never be fucking delusional like most of them are.
Seriously, the fact that they spend their time accepting being fat instead of getting healthier makes me sick, but makes me happy also.
It's good to love your body, yes. But jesus christ it's also good to care about your body properly and be healthy, fat is not healthy.

>> No.6299288

If they're called People of Colour now, don't white people also qualify?

>> No.6299293

Suddenly 140 doesn't seem so bad.

>> No.6299296



>> No.6299295
File: 19 KB, 261x329, garbage day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then what exactly do you think you're accomplishing??

>> No.6299298

>Assorted Vials of White Tears and Miscellaneous Antidotes


>> No.6299299

He dresses androgynously, but not crossdressing. Sorta modern minimalist punk? The most girly shit he wears includes elegant blouses and harem pants. But it's balanced nicely, so he still obviously looks male (and really good, unlike everyone on Tumblr).

>> No.6299311

he sounds hot. post pics

>> No.6299307

Hey, guys, what if the "SJ" warriors are just trolls?

>> No.6299313
File: 49 KB, 780x358, science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6299319


Southeast asian here (so.. a "POC") but I NEVER heard the word here ever and I've been to quite a lot of asian countries
we just call each other. y'know, by what we are. Chinese. Japanese. Taiwanese. Whatever.

also for the asian nations where POC WOULD BE valid like mine, we kind of have more pressing issues like poverty and corruption to care about instead of "omg minimal representation in internationally distributed media" bullshit

>> No.6299320
File: 87 KB, 608x596, bindirage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brb slitting my wrists because a white girl wore a piece of jewelry on her forehead.

>> No.6299321
File: 95 KB, 500x500, scenewolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6299323

Some of them have confessed to be trolls, such as that prince-konoyagi(?) the transracial koreaboo catboy, and I believe that others may also be faking for shits and giggles.

Though I would say that anyone who posts pictures of themself is probably legit. Especially if said pictures include god awful haircuts and clothes. I've done some deep trolling on the web, but I'd never embarass myself like that. (Plus I'm not an ugly lardass, so I'd never fit in.)

>> No.6299325

im not gonna lie, she does look pretty stupid.

>> No.6299327

Hum, I wore bindis BECAUSE my indian friends gave them to me! Like I said before, saying that is the same as saying that every person in the world can only wear clothing from their cultural background.

>> No.6299330
File: 89 KB, 432x576, 1348434441043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't people just fucking live their lives without putting labels on themselves to feel like a ~super special snowflake~ about their orientation? If love is love to them, why do they care so much...
whatever i'm out. tumblr is fucked

>> No.6299333

The person losing her shit does not realize that these things are for sale in <$1 packs all over every country in Asia, right next to the cheap nail decorations. Who wears them, I don't know, but they're there.

>> No.6299332

I can understand getting annoyed when people use cultural things incorrectly, or offensively. Like when New Age scam artists host ~*MYSTICAL INDIAN SHAMAN VISION QUESTS*~ or people who get kanji tattoos without knowing what they even mean.

But shitting on white people because they wear legitimate dreadlocks or a yukata is really stupid.

And as for the girl in the picture, I do not believe that's even a real bindi. And if it were, I think it would probably be a bit more offensive, as I think some of them have certain meanings to them(?) But sticking gems on your forehead is just inspiration, unless she's parading around declaring it to be a "MAGIKAL BUDDHIST THIRD EYE PORTAL OMFG CURRY". A bit like fusion cooking, perhaps.

>> No.6299335

>A bit like fusion cooking, perhaps.
>fusion cooking
Oh My God.

You just inspired me to become some sort of anti fusion cooking SJ troll.

>> No.6299336

In my elementary school, we had a "Multicultural Day" where parents and teachers would teach about the cultures that they were from (and also bring in tons of awesome food).

One year, an Indian family did a presentation and had some really prettty bindi's intended for the girls. However, all the boys wanted them too. The family just thought it was adorable, and gave them to everyone.

>> No.6299337

>Bindis are worn throughout South Asia, specifically India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, by women, men, girls and boys, and no longer signify age, marital status, religious background or ethnic affiliation.[5] The bindi has become a decorative item and is no longer restricted in colour or shape. [6] Self-adhesive bindis (also known as sticker bindis) are available, usually made of felt or thin metal and adhesive on the other side. These are simple to apply, disposable substitutes for older tilak bindis. Sticker bindis come in many colors, designs, materials, and sizes. Some are decorated with sequins, glass beads, or rhinestones.

>> No.6299338

Oh, I see. Yeah that does sound pretty neat. It makes me miss the goth boys who can rock the long skirts and makeup.

>> No.6299347


Call any white person who eats corn an oppressor because they stole it from the Native Americans.

aka call everyone an oppressor, because high-fructose corn syrup an corn oil is pretty much in everything.

You can also piss off 90% of Tumblr in one attack by reminding them that Nutella is appropriating South American cuisine by its use of chocolate.

>> No.6299349


It's so saddening to hear of beautiful roud desi families submitting to white oppression and internalised racism and self-hatred.

I only hoped they saw the light.
If you accepted one of those bindis or anny of their food, you are a horrible person. :(

>> No.6299353

Chinese people in North America are oppressing themselves and are self-hating because they serve Cantonese-style food(that the tumblr idiots think is all made up) that has too much salt and sauce! How degrading!

>> No.6299360

Oh, don't you know? These social warriors disregard anything written by the Western media. They claim the Dictionary definition of racism is incorrect because the Dictionary is compiled by White people. They have created their own definitions for words to suit their agenda.

>> No.6299362

There's some serious doublenonplusgood shit going on there .

>> No.6299363


They're also appropriating the culture of seadwelling Alternian trollkin by their use of salt and water.

My Eridan headmate is triggered at your ignorance, and urges you to check your privlege.

>> No.6299372


What you call “correct grammar” is a social construct which is useful to know specifically because people will equate it with your level of education when you are trying to, say, apply for jobs, or get a book published, or the like. It is otherwise mainly a tool to divide people with a certain level of education from people without.
What you call “incorrect grammar” is colloquial language, it is the native English learned by that speaker during childhood, and it follows complex rules of its own. NO NATIVE SPEAKER OF ENGLISH SPEAKS BAD OR STUPID ENGLISH. THAT’S NOT HOW LANGUAGE WORKS.
THEREFORE, when you call people on “incorrect grammar,” the effect is often that of drawing attention to speech patterns that are perceived as signifiers of a person’s social background or education level. It is particularly important to keep this in mind when you are addressing a person’s language when they are in a space where they feel more comfortable or safe, and thus might want to use their native grammar rather than the socially imposed standard.
I’m pretty sure that most of you don’t intentionally do that sort of thing, so you should probably be aware that that’s what you’re doing.

>> No.6299375
File: 133 KB, 515x449, screen-shot-2012-07-09-at-6-25-24-pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6299379

Next, I wonder if they will say there is no such thing as the right answer in Math equations. That's how fucking stupid this sounds to me. "Everyone has their own language!" FUCK OFF.

>> No.6299389
File: 17 KB, 628x307, afro nigga swag yolo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ

>> No.6299392


Haha that's that Lacey Green cunt.

As much as I hate her with a passion (I think she's a slimey cunt), that thing she got pulled up for is nothing short of ridiculous.
She used the word "tranny" in a video like three fucking years ago, som SJfag found it, got mad and alunched a crusade against her.

>> No.6299394


>> No.6299395

We need some kind of "mental eugenics". This is what I truely believe now.

>> No.6299402

Jesus. I mean, I know this is probably ironic to say on 4chan, but the whole "internet crusade" thing is incredibly disturbing. WHY anyone would feel the need to attempt to destroy the life of another person, no matter how ignorant or racist they are, is beyond me.

>> No.6299404


1T 15 4750 V3RY 0FF3N51V3 T0 M3 TW0 45 4 TR077K1N 4ND 15 4 W4Y 0F 3R451NG MY P74N3T'5 CU7TUR3

45 4 70W8700D3D N0N-487380D13D TR077, 1 47R34DY D0N'T H4V3 M4NY SP00N5

TR4N5-5P3C135T C15 5CUM WH0 3XP3CT M3 TW0 C4T3R MY T3XT T0 M4K3 1T "34513R T0 R34D" N33D T0 D13

>> No.6299406

>identify as black
Hold on, is it okay if I'm Trans-African?

>> No.6299412
File: 63 KB, 162x197, mfw checking muh privilige.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6299414
File: 71 KB, 531x679, tranny_twits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6299417

Wait wait wait.. Did this 20+ minute argument break out because someone used the wrong gender pronouns?

>> No.6299423

You know, when I was in Asia and taxi drivers kept called me "sir", I never got butthurt and took it as an assault on my gender. I figured they probably thought the term applied to both sexes. If not, (although I'm pretty confident in how feminine I look), I still don't give a fuck. I actually laughed about it afterwards.

>> No.6299421

What I think happened was that it was a dyke march, and they were arguing if trans-dykes could participate too

>> No.6299428

Then again, I'm "cis scum" so my opinion doesn't matter LOL

>> No.6299430



One of the transcunts (the skinny one in waistcoat) hit on the lesbian, the lesbian knocked her back, then the transcunt and her buddies got mad at the lesbian's cis oppression because she didn't want to bone this degenerate on a whim.

I'm not even kidding.

>> No.6299433
File: 23 KB, 375x375, Tony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a great world we live in.

>> No.6299439

I just unfollowed LGBT laughs, which I used to love, until I noticed they started posting more and more things that are pretty snarky towards straight people.
Surely being an advocate for LGBT, etc, should also mean you support equality for all sexualities? They of all people should realise that sexuality can be fluid. Whilst someone may have initially identified as straight, it could take years to realise they are gay/bi/identify as another gender. Straight people shouldn't be shamed for ignorance, just teach them instead of whining on tumblr you dickwads.

>> No.6299443


I actually lol'd

But I'm not sure if it's with humour or resignation.

>> No.6299451
File: 32 KB, 486x485, 1300550931198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her mouth does weird things when she talks. I guess she's over enunciating words or something? It bothers the fuck out of me with the faces she makes. I could only make it to like 1:30 before I shut the page. Also she said "looked at your baby genitals" with a straight face. How did she do this? I was giggling like a child at this. I need to check my cis privileges because I'm a bad person :\

>> No.6299456

There's no S in LGBT, buddy.

>> No.6299454

>the significance of the clover

Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.6299464
File: 831 KB, 225x144, 128903240163.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tumblr personified.
I'm cracking up so hard.

>> No.6299469

That one girl has a hilarious tumblr.

ye she keeps reblogging asian shit.
It's so obvious she wishes she was some sort of asian.

Also have you seen her picture? she's fat as fuck yet spends most of her time insulting other girls

>> No.6299467

For the LOVE of GOD woman put on a god damn shirt that's disgusting.

>> No.6299473

skinny privilege

>> No.6299474

Even if she was skinny with saggy tits I'd still not want to see them.

>> No.6299481

ohh but that's sexist and size-ist to say that BBW have to wear shirts, they should be allowed to mill around with their giant saggy tits swinging to and fro because men can go around shirtless.

Newsflash: UNLESS YOU'RE PRETTY NO ONE WANTS TO SEE YOU OR BE NEAR YOU EVER. When everyone in the world, fat, skinny, white, black, man, woman, trans, cis, learns this, then there will be peace on earth. No one wants to deal with a buncha cunts that are ugly both on the outside AND the inside.

>> No.6299485

>I just question why white folks would need to learn how to properly wer a religious or cultural garment they're going to
>have on for a day, then go home to take it off and indefinitely hang it in their closets.

But that's exacly wht real Japanese people do with yukata.

>> No.6299487
File: 19 KB, 123x127, 1316486237324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I just watched all of that

>> No.6299490

perky tits privilege

>> No.6299498

Can I scream appropriation at non-white people who go to renaissance fairs in costume?

>> No.6299508

Not if they're Moors!

>> No.6299509


the lesbian they're yelling at is so not my type at all but watching her snark at these idiots kinda made me go, hmm, she's kinda hot.

also holy flapjacks batman

>> No.6299513
File: 39 KB, 400x400, 1317784131458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why but I laughed at that for like 3 minutes.

>> No.6299518
File: 693 KB, 860x3510, Robbie_and_trannies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6299531
File: 77 KB, 945x945, 1333319749215.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that backfired

>> No.6299532

heisenberg is pretty hot

>> No.6299533


They wouldn't destroy themselves though. These kind of fucking people are such pathetic, cowardly little shits as soon as they're not behind their (Expensive, first-world privilege) laptop.

You really think any of them would approach a hard-looking white guy on the street with chains and a "Thug Life" tattoo and start railing him for "APPROPRIATING A NEGATIVE STEREOTYPE OF BLACK CULTURE!!!" ?

No, they would snivel and hide behind their Venti Starbucks pumpkin spice latte and whine later to Tumblr about it like the faux-big shots they are.

>> No.6299535

Just curious, why do you hate her?

>> No.6299558
File: 31 KB, 529x284, headmateslol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one has grown phantom wings.

>> No.6299560

I knew one of these crazy people, he found out where I lived after 10 years and tried to rape/kill me in my own apartment because apparently we were 'soul mates' and he needed to fuck me so we could save the world and unlock out power.

>> No.6299579

I love that all the people who tumblr retards expect to openly support them and their vitriolic shit turn it right back on them.

>> No.6299581

>Does anyone have any comments or thoughts?

Speaking in plural may indicate though that you (the plural of you, so as not to be triggering you see) may be part of the Borg or Legion.

I wouldn't be surprised if someone has already claimed to have a character like that in their heads. What I love about all this crap is that they sudden realize that this person was in their head all along right after a new episode or movie came out.

>> No.6299582

Robb's all about the PA requests. The most laughable part is the fact that he never learns from his past mistakes. You should see the one he tried to make on /mlp/ that's listed on his ED article. Unfortunately, it's too big to post here.

>> No.6299586


She's one of these YT Holier-than-thou athiest cunts, or was, but has now turned her hand to being some kind of Tumblr sexpert and writes kids books on sex and the like.
As someone who is more modest in their approach to this topic, it leaves me a little cold.

Also her personality leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

>> No.6299592

What is expected of allies is so inconsistent/poorly articulated, it's no wonder lots of people are confused and end up doing it “wrong”. Allies are expected to show support by listening and absorbing what they’re told without sharing opinions. They are also expected to be knowledgeable and to educate themselves on what some tumblr SJWs call “being a decent human being” without asking questions or requesting a point in the right direction. I'm not trying to argue that the tumblr SJWs are asking for too much or aren’t “allowed” to get mad. I’ll be the first person to agree that nothing sucks more than having someone weigh in on your experiences, talk about themselves or ask to be educated in a safe space for you and your peers. My point is this: the way some people are handling the issue is doing more harm than good when it comes to those who actually want to help and sincerely want to learn.

>> No.6299605


I agree with ALL OF THIS.

I joined tumblr in January because I thought I could make some FTM friends on there.

Nope. nopenopenope.

We need for there to be a forum that's not populated by mostly MTFs where the non crazy FTMs can group up and communicate. Somewhere that isn't just a forum on a gaming site like Gaia.

>> No.6299609
File: 453 KB, 160x120, 123456734567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know her in real life
small world...

>> No.6299620


Is she this much of a cunt IRL?

>> No.6299627
File: 21 KB, 535x449, lflds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The part I've omitted for the sake of space and concenience is a gif of a girl with difference celebrities.

Then this dull bitch tells everyone off for using pronouns which just might be improper, because the girl in question might identify as a non-girl.

>> No.6299626


"She has a non-African name, she's appropriating Arabic culture."

No wonder they do all this shit, it takes literally no effort.

>> No.6299632

Not at all. She's too afraid to say shit like that to someones face

>> No.6299635
File: 166 KB, 850x570, 1328240891171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I've gotten so scared to say anything that most of the time I try to avoid anyone that I could possibly offend by being near them or saying anything to, which I'm pretty sure can be considered segregation by tumblr SJW's and is probably racist/homophobic also. I don't know what the real world considers "offensive" anymore.

>That feel when you have to describe someone to a friend and you don't know their gender because they're kinda ugly to begin with and kinda pudgy so they could be either a fat guy with low testosterone or a fat girl with higher testosterone, and you have no idea what race they are other then kinda dark brown hair

>> No.6299638
File: 128 KB, 160x128, 1316465249719.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god

>> No.6299641
File: 390 KB, 436x939, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>What is expected of allies is so inconsistent/poorly articulated

Not according to some.
To picture related, you need to get your ass beat by an angry mob before your opinion counts

>> No.6299643

Cis is pronounced like sizzle, right?

>> No.6299644


Just think, this kid probably looks at people in the street and thinks "i'd better use Zhe or Xir, because they might not be male/female aligned ..."

>> No.6299645

You know the world has turned bad when 4chan is one of the last bastions of sanity.

>> No.6299646


>> No.6299648

Has the world gone insane? This thread makes me feel so much sorrow that people like this actually exist.

>> No.6299649


Fun fact:
This >>6298280 is the same girl.

I bet she's a laugh-a-minute to be with.

>> No.6299652

Who even thought of those pronouns? You want to be taken seriously so you choose the dumbest sci-fi sounding words you can?

>> No.6299656

My favorite is Thon. Sounds like a caveman.

>> No.6299657


Yes, like "Sis"

>> No.6299661

Have you tired calling her out IRL?

>> No.6299662
File: 140 KB, 553x622, sgfsdg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Jana!

We're not calling you out because of your mixed heritage. You were called out because you're rude, racist, immature and self-centered. That's got nothing to do with racial matters.

>> No.6299664

It doesn’t help that (in America, at least) we’re taught to show support through some kind of empathy or by somehow illustrating that you share the same opinion. Being supportive is shown through active means, so the thought of just listening--which is normally considered passive--isn’t always a first instinct and even then, people are usually expected to say or do SOMETHING to show they’re paying attention. While these responses are appropriate for taking sides in an argument or cheering up a friend who had a shitty day, they don’t work for oppression. A lot of people don’t seem to realize that and thus have no idea how to respond when faced with something they have not experienced. That being said, talking about something painful you really struggle with only to have the other person turn it around into something about themselves is probably among the most infuriating things in the world, especially in this context.

>> No.6299665

I don't really know her that well, she's a friend of a friend. Besides I don't really give a shit and it's hilarious to watch

>> No.6299666

>Anyone wanna point me in the direct of where in /cgl/ I was mentioned

Hi, you found us! Hopefully your faithful followers directed you to this thread!

>> No.6299667



That's a Scottish word, meaning, well, "that"

Thon house over there, thon laddie oo'r yond'r etc.


>> No.6299669

Again, I’m not saying it’s wrong to get irritated with the 495340958034985th person who posts an ask on your personal blog--especially if they’re trolling. I’m not saying that activists have to bend over backwards to accommodate or appease allies. However, there is a ton of bad, bad information out there. The majority doesn’t exactly have the best track record when it comes to producing educational material about the minority, either.

You can say your blog isn’t the appropriate place for this kind of discussion and you’re not up to educating them. Tell them the best thing they can do is take a sociology, anthropology or women’s studies class and seek out someone who’s job DOES involve educating them. The problem is that not everyone is lucky enough to go to college and there doesn’t appear to be any well-known vehicles such as blogs or forums where these people can go to have these kinds of discussions and learning experiences with willing participants. More harmful still about both of these trends is that by not allowing a variety of opinions--even and perhaps especially dissenting ones, intellectual discourse and analytical discussions are removed from the equation. This limits the education and advancement of not only allies, but the members of the movement themselves because of the ‘hivemind’ style of thinking that eventually develops.

I could go on about the logical fallacies in tumblr-style social justice, but I won't.

>> No.6299675

Uh, I'm scrawny as hell and I still press the wrong buttons on touch screens.

>> No.6299670

But she's an oppressed minority so it has to be about race and it can't be about anything else DIE RACIST CIS SCUM I BET YOU EAT MEAT

>> No.6299671
File: 28 KB, 500x126, 32101736638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good god

>> No.6299672


>> No.6299678

I don't even have a touch screen check your privilege asshole

>> No.6299676
File: 88 KB, 500x375, Bitch this IS my Loki cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you just describe Asherbee?

>> No.6299682
File: 415 KB, 705x665, sheiswolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a fitspo tumblr. I noticed someone "Liked" a text post I made so I went to see if she was someone I wanted to follow.

Picture very much related. wut

>> No.6299687

Oh god, so much self-loathing. I wonder if she cuts herself to make up for the sins of white people

>> No.6299688
File: 61 KB, 535x229, lulz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Someone call the WHAAAAAAMbulance

>> No.6299692

ono :o she must have seen that person who knows her IRL

>> No.6299693

She's probably one of those people who think only American people are white.

>> No.6299695
File: 16 KB, 425x399, 1327266451241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Privilege is owning a car that your fat ass can't even fit in
>Privilege is owning an iphone to mash with your sausage fingers

Bitch I have a buspass and a phone that looks like a horse suppository. People these days are so entitled it's ridiculous. Maybe if you walked to the store to buy your marshmallow fluff and stopped posting shitty tumblr posts with your iphone you wouldn't have those problems.

>> No.6299696
File: 262 KB, 501x571, meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Think le memes are the scourge of the net now?
You're just an elitist.

>> No.6299697

What a fucking dumb shit. I want to punch this bitch in the face. I wish I could be there to see her embarrassment a few years from now when she looks back on all this. Idiot.

>> No.6299700

Tumblr is the worst place for that kind of a thing. (I'm not really interested in "trans communities" since I don't feel like just because I'm trans makes me have anything other than a medical condition in common with them) so I'm probably not the best person to recommend any places, but...

/cd/ sometimes has a FTM thread or two and even the transgender community on reddit is better than most places. Pre-transition ago I went to Trueselves hoping it would be a rational place but it was all MTFs and asspats or drama depeding on the thread.

I made an account on the FTM forum for my country, there's a bunch of those tumblr type people in there as well but I just ignore them because they do have some valuable info there (mostly posted by the older members). That's probably the best way to go on any trans forum out there, there are bound to be special snowflakes everywhere. Just ignore them.

>> No.6299699
File: 135 KB, 507x257, noonedressesaswhitepeople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this post I saw on Tumblr recently:

I wanted to shoot my screen.

>> No.6299703


>> No.6299709
File: 94 KB, 530x305, antiblackness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The characters on boondocks have bigger lips than this and that show was made by an african american, just look at uncle ruckus for fuck's sake. Kids have it too easy these days if they actually have the time to bitch about shit like this

>> No.6299712


Somehow this is whitey's fault too, I guess.

>> No.6299720

>bitch about racial stereotypes in anime
>still admires Japanese animes and Japanese culture in general though they're much more racist than westerners

>bitch about white girls tagging their pictures with "afro"
>hate on white people every minute for being racist scumbags

tumblr logic

>> No.6299726


Yeah, but /cd/ is mostly MTFs and I don't like spending too much time around overly emotional women with anonymity. It's emotional and scary.

But seriously, /cgl/ is awesome for FTM stuff, there seem to be several that lurk here and every thread that turns into trans and gender stuff is full of awesome people with good information and very very little hatred or SJ bullshit.

As for forums that already exist, it's near impossible to find one that isn't populated by kids in their early teens, SJ warriors, or lunatics that think they have 5 different personalities all with different gender identities and pronouns that "talk to eachother" (yes, that is a real thing). I wish /cgl/ could invent a FTM paradise forum.

>> No.6299728

This thread. Jesus. I run a somewhat popular Lolita blog for black girls and a lot of these social justice nuts follow me. If I fucking say a word wrong I get an ask box filled with retarded hate.

My personal favorite was when somebody said
"You are racist peice of white scum"
I'm fucking black.

the sad thing is that that crazy ass bitch lurks CGL too. she used to stalk me from thread to thread full of unending social justice butthurt

>> No.6299729

And yet there are still many of them who would talk about the "white savior" complex, I'm sure. I think the problem is that many concepts in social justice are not clear cut and have no simple solutions. They function on gray areas and the tumblr SJWs are trying to work them like chessboards.

Take oppression itself, the very thing they are fighting against. Gender-based oppression is experienced differently than race-based oppression and within that, race-based oppression is experienced differently based on socioeconomic standing, geographical location and a number of other factors. Within THAT, how people experience race-based oppression varies depending on the racial or ethnic group and WITHIN THAT, based on how society values certain traits within that group. (EX: the "passing" argument.) It even varies on an individual basis. In short: oppression is a beast with many facets and layers, all of which intersect/interact with one another and none of which are comparable.

By that token, privilege--which is more or less the opposite--is equally complex. Take for instance, Mitt Romney: to some people, he is privilege incarnate. However, at some point in his life, he has probably felt oppressed because he is Mormon.

Maybe it's because I've only been shown the SJW fails, but I see very little of this kind of thinking going on.

>> No.6299734

tumblr is such a circlejerk that if you you piss one of these loonies off, they'll send out a PA request to the rest of them.

>> No.6299739

Its true.


>> No.6299744


Well they've now found a way to navigate that via this Kyriarchy bullshit.

I.e. when one group is oppressed, but has power over another, or one people is more privileged than some others etc. which, to you and I, is pretty much how society works in any fucking case.
But these retards probably wouldn't know that because they don't seem to be familiar with "real world" experiences.

>> No.6299752

I think this is bad enough on Tumblr, but it's seldom pretty when it manifests here.

For instance, those Sassy Black Cozplaya Gurl threads typically end up like that because someone gets butthurt about the apparent racism of the subject matter.

That said, this is the only board I've seen it manifest on.

>> No.6299753

That black chick with her afro issues even used the word ''That is so kawaii'' to describe some sort of ridiculous white shoes with wings on them.

It's sad really.

>> No.6299757

U racist
U mus b whitey

I's even worse when you find out that really is their regular grammar and they are serious about it

>> No.6299764
File: 86 KB, 784x784, 1349043118811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>run a blog full of black lolitas
>people submit all sort of shit to you and get butthurt when you don't publish it
Bitch, that has nothing to do with lolita and it ugly as fuck.
I used to reblog itas just because it was so damn hard to find black lolitas I stopped giving shits. (but in the tags I would put stuff like: not my thing, use a damn petticoat")

I have an inbox full of pukeworthy submissions and I'm passing the baton of this blog to someone else. I can't deal with this shit.

>> No.6299773

Well true that, I mostly just idly scroll around there every now and then when I'm really bored. Don't really read much aside from the occasional ftm thread.

The ftm lj is pretty okay for information but there's a lot of those tl;dr "let me share my feelings" posts as well. Or at least used to be, I haven't visited in ages. I'd probably join an international no-bullshit ftm forum too but I doubt I'd post much, I'm more of a lurker and now that I've already transitioned I feel like I really have nothing to discuss anymore unless it's giving advice.

I just realized I haven't visited the forum I mentioned in a while either and just logged in to scroll through the recent posts... they were mostly decent but then there was this one post where somebody absolutely RAGED about being misgendered with his makeup and long pink hair that are "just his expression of masculinity". Oh well...

>> No.6299804

It's because the board is full of women, and women have flawed views about racism sexism and discrimination in general.

Making fun of stereotypes is not promoting them, it will never be the same thing, that's what people don't seem to understand. We shouldn't deny things like that, if we can't laugh at them then it's still a problem.

>> No.6299806

This shit's autosaging guys.

>> No.6299809
File: 187 KB, 500x333, jellyfatty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



All of this jelly, I can't even handle it.

>> No.6299852

we need a new thread, this shit is too perfect

>> No.6299868

>Stop yelling at me, teach me!
How is this one bad? Isn't that what we're supposed to do?

>> No.6299881

And all the girlies said I'm pretty fly for a white guy.

>> No.6299883


>> No.6299914

>somebody absolutely RAGED about being misgendered with his makeup and long pink hair that are "just his expression of masculinity". Oh well...

What a crock of shit. This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.6299932 [DELETED] 

Oh, dude, she and I go way back, till I funny decided to be the better person and block her a few months ago.
Funny thing is, she'd always stop responding when I told her stuff about how her skin color and her facial structure is that of a Europoid, make fun of her for probably only being 1/33rd Inuit, only spending all her time on a stupid blog insulting 'SKINNY WHITE BITCHES' rather than taking care of her fucking kid, and pointing out that she always fucks up her stories. For example, She told me once that she had a very well-paying full-time(yet she still runs a blog 24/7?) job thanks to her English major, and the month later she says she's so poor that she has two part-time jobs she has to do in order to make ends meet.
She's fucking hilarious. And my comments actually got under her skin enough that she started making posts trying to "prove" she's Inuit, that she has a kid, etc.

>> No.6300109

>condescending mutt
is this person a furry? is being mixed a bad thing among furries?

What if we made mutt into an un-pc word?ohohohoho.

>> No.6300117

>Men don't do shit like this

Have you ever seen radical MRAs or misogynist in action? It's just as stupid as this SJ nonsense.

>> No.6300187
File: 126 KB, 700x377, Smith&amp;WessonModel29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it comes from the Jonestown incident.
Fun fact, it was actually "Flavor-Aide", not "Cool-Aid".


/k/ here, there is nothing wrong with an interest in weapons.

Those people don't even know anything at all about weapons, they just look at a run of the mill AR-15, say to themselves "Oh man, look at that M16, I could kill so many people with that!", not even knowing it's semi-automatic and not an actual M16.

They don't care about legitimate uses of firearms (self-defense, hunting, recreation, sport, collecting, history), they just cling to it because they think it makes them badass and edgy.

They couldn't care less about something classic, like an old M1 Garand, or a Mosin Nagant.
They'll of course cling to old Mausers and MP-40's because "The Nazi's used those, that's so cool and edgy", without even caring about the design or heritage of these weapons.

If it doesn't have a detachable magazine, they scoff at it. They can't grasp shot-placement, or aiming, and don't even exorcise trigger-discipline.

These are people like James Holmes, who invested money in one of those 100 round drums for his rifle.
Anyone with any knowledge could have told right away that it would malfunction on him.

>> No.6300261

>SJ bs about how black people weren't ~from~ the US

Because white Americans are totally native.

>> No.6300298

>They couldn't care less about something classic, like an old M1 Garand, or a Mosin Nagant.

These are both my dream guns. Maybe I should start lurking around on /k/...

>> No.6300308


I don't know anything about that blogger, but it sounds to me like they're more just calling out all the bored, self-righteous suburbanites on the internet who act like it's their sacred duty to call other people mean for being allegedly insensitive to their pet cause of the month.

>> No.6300361
File: 59 KB, 498x149, pokeoppresion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6300368
File: 92 KB, 704x522, 0c9eff62fe3833ff7e525aa7da71f3f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're in luck with the Mosin Nagant, it's very cheap and available, and of decent quality to boot.

Pictured: One of the early auto-loading magnum pistols.

To the faggots I mentioned, this pistol is nothing, they think the only semi-automatic magnum is the Desert Eagle, which they think is an acceptable handgun (it is not, it's garbage).

>> No.6300416

>I used to be obsessed with Columbine in highschool, as well as a few serial killers. It mostly was just out of morbid interest. I was your typical loner who dressed all in black, so I got the stereotype of being a potential homicidal timebomb. I guess my interest stemmed from trying to assure myself that I wasn't a sociopath.

Dude, are you me?

Gotta say, not to stereotype but I'm glad I don't live in America; I probably would have gotten my ass expelled with how interested I was in that shooting, combined with my general demeanour and dress sense. After Virginia Tech, I even picked it as my topic for this big class assignment - wrote about the victims of post-Columbine hysteria, how regular oddball teenagers were suddenly being demonised by their peers and teachers, how the media's attempt to demonize such shooters really only aggrandizes and alienates them and perpetuates the problem, etc.
I was never actually sympathetic towards the shooters (though how clearly I expressed that was probably in the grey for anyone I spoke to about it), but I was pretty obsessed with the case for a while. It's just sort of the ultimate display of teenage angst, from so so many angles.

>> No.6300465

>still believing that an unhealthy diet is the only reason people get fat
>implying some "fat" people aren't actually healthier than most skinny people
I know I sound like a butthurt fattie, but I have friends who have gotten shit for being 'fat', and they exercise daily, eat a very balanced diet but because of their genetics they can't be "thin". And what enrages me most is that the "thin" people that usually mock them are the kind that sit in front of the playstation/computer all day chugging pizza like there's no tomorrow.
Ultimately, what they want to do with their lives is their own problem. I don't see why you care that someone unhealthy loves himself/herself, if they're aware of their unhealthy habits... because it's like saying you can't love yourself if you smoke.

>> No.6300561


ooh, really? Where could I get one that's both cheap and good? And would it be possible to get a black one? Black guns do it for me (inb4 black dick jokes).

>> No.6300595

This is the paradox of leftist attitudes towards race, or at least one of them.

On the one hand they encourage whites to be aracial (in other words, they encourage whites not to have a racial identity and instead espouse racial universalism), whilst encouraging minorities to have strong racial identities and nurse their grievances.

On the other hand, they then blame whites for thinking 'white is the default', without realizing that whites have no healthy outlet for racial identity, and thus transfer their racial consciousness over into the 'universalist' side of things.

If that makes any sense...

>> No.6300609

Sweden is batshit. We Europeans hate them. They are such fucking crazy leftists. They have the highest rate of refugee acceptance, and it shows in shitholes like Malmo.

Somalians in Sweden have something like a 90% unemployment rate, when some elements in the bureaucracy tried to limit immigration from Somalia, the overwhelmingly left wing press went berserk.

In all of Europe, the vast majority of white people think mass immigration has been a mistake.... Except in Sweden.

They're completely delusional fuckwits. Here's why:


>> No.6300929

Hey thanks for the screencap! I asked the question about the afro boyfriend and when I got back from work she password locked her tumblr.

>> No.6301014
File: 10 KB, 510x83, Mosin-Nagant_1891-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The price of a Mosin Nagant?
Well, it depends on the model, but a regular 91/30 would usually run you around 100 dollars.

As for "black", do you mean blued steel or what?

It is too leftist. It's too hard to get a gun here, and it's too restrictive. I seriously contemplate moving to the US.

>> No.6301374

These are just a bunch of teen girls on Tumblr who found a few critical blogs and decided that the goal of patriarchy/imperialism/racism is to insult each other over who is more privileged for eternity and not to actually end any kind of large scale suffering or alienation. But it's still kind of boring and very non-cosplay related to watch a bunch of liberal backlash and drama play out over it every day

>> No.6304657

thanks for the mad traffic today <3