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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 466 KB, 622x840, 1348140988776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6299880 No.6299880[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is here: >>6298207
Starting with some anti-rage.

>> No.6299890

I think we said everything there were to be said on the last thread.

>> No.6299892

I hate the word "trigger"

It's just so stupid how people let a fucking picture like that ruin their whole day. Sorry you're so insecure, but no one should have to cater to you. Kindly grow a tougher skin.

>> No.6299898

Lol It's time to lose weight when your belly button turns into a ":|" face.

>> No.6299912

bulking only counts when you're going to lose it later
and we know that bitch isn't going to even try to lose it

>> No.6299925
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Sure you are dear. Sure you are.

>> No.6299929


It reminds me of tons of puppies panicking and running around and peeing on the floor. That's what I picture when people say they're "triggered".

>> No.6299936

People who need trigger warnings should not go on the Internet.

>> No.6299939
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The original also has "I'm beautiful" across her stomach, that one is shooped.

>> No.6299947

Oh, dude, she and I go way back, till I funny decided to be the better person and block her a few months ago.
Funny thing is, she'd always stop responding when I told her stuff about how her skin color and her facial structure is that of a Europoid, make fun of her for probably only being 1/33rd Inuit, only spending all her time on a stupid blog insulting 'SKINNY WHITE BITCHES' rather than taking care of her fucking kid, and pointing out that she always fucks up her stories. For example, She told me once that she had a very well-paying full-time(yet she still runs a blog 24/7?) job thanks to her English major, and the month later she says she's so poor that she has two part-time jobs she has to do in order to make ends meet.
She's fucking hilarious. And my comments actually got under her skin enough that she started making posts trying to "prove" she's Inuit, that she has a kid, etc.

>> No.6299963

I am really getting tired of seeing this crap on tumblr. When did it become social acceptable to love your fat. Sure OP's pic isn't too bad, she's a little over weight but probably not even border line unhealthy. But I'm talking about those really fat chicks who post pictures of their half naked body with their skinny boyfriend saying "I LOVE MY BODY". And then you have someone saying " You may love your body but you're not healthy at all. You should be HEALTHY and Love your body". And then they flip out about how that person knows nothing at all and that their not their doctor. Chances are when you are 60+ pounds you are unhealthy.

Like I'm not saying this to come off bitchy but it really bothers me because I'm 200 pounds and I can admit I'm unhealthy and I'm at working on it but if I mention this at all to these people they go on about how I'm not. I'm sorry but if I can't walk up the stairs in a house without being almost out of breath than something is wrong.

>> No.6299974

Are you talking about that one picture that was going around yesterday where the girl had the stretchmarks and she was standing with her boyfriend? (I think) Because oh my GOD seriously.

>> No.6299977
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Here, I got a couple from a /fit/ thread a few weeks back. I'll post some.

Be warned, idk if some of these are parodies or not, but I really hope they are.

>> No.6299978

Did she have like black hair and her boyfriend was holding a cat? Because I think that may be it.

>> No.6299981
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>> No.6299983

If you're browsing the tags and a post someone made someone offends you, feel to free to be a bitch. Get offensive, post those sassy .gifs, make personal attacks and tell people to kill themselves all you want.

But don't turn around and act SURPRISED when the people that you SOUGHT TO START AN ARGUMENT WITH get pissed.

"AHAHA did your poor white fee fees seriously get hurt because I found your blog by searching the 'dreadlocks' tag and told you to cut off your whitegirl shitlocks? Lololol your white tears are delicious.I guess it's too much to ask for whitey to educate themselves and stop appropriating other cultures. Seriously though, fuck you. Never speak again. You are essentially an oxygen thief."

>>several posts back and forth and a whole lot of escalation later

"WHELP. The fact that you're being rude and acting like a jerk has nothing to do with my telling you to kill yourself, thereby proving my point that all cis-gendered whites are ignorant scum. sherlockgtfoanderson.gif #fucking cissies #lol white people"

No, simple bitch. The only thing this proved was that people don't respond well to something that offends them. You would think this would have occurred to you when you saw whatever it was that pissed you off enough to make you feel compelled to reblog it with a catty response. It might have even occurred to you when the person you made the conscious decision to attack responded likewise. Hell, you might have even been aware that this was common knowledge when you started the argument.

How did you think they were going to react to a random person coming out of nowhere and spewing vitriol at them?

>> No.6299984
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>> No.6299986

That's exactly what I was asking about. She threw the biggest fit I've ever seen.

>> No.6299988
File: 5 KB, 140x134, 1249329419708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat pride

>> No.6299989

My favorite is when cosplayers on Tumblr who are over weight and everyone is all. "ahhh my god! You're PERFECT for this cosplay!" "So headcanon because of your weight!!" "Awww no don't feel ashamed of your body! it's perfect for this cosplay!!"

>NO. shut the fuck up. They really should loose wait, and you should really get off their dick.

>> No.6299993
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>> No.6299995

Jelly fatties all over the place.

>> No.6300001
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I think this one is a poe, I really hope it is.

>> No.6300002

Tumblr is fucking hilarious. People decide to post something controversy. People respond with 10 page essays about how much YOU JUST. DONT. UNDERSTAND. OK?! Seriously. why.

>> No.6300004
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>> No.6300007
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>Thin Privilage


>> No.6300012
File: 985 KB, 1277x963, wowooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting her here anyway.

This is an example of "No matter how much you delude yourself, anyone from a mile away can see how unhealthy you are".

>> No.6300014
File: 234 KB, 745x581, 1348140319588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more from this blog, I think it's a parody. It has to be.

>> No.6300018

It seems to have been taken down. Do you have more or a mirror?

>> No.6300019

I really fucking hate this "Love yourself so you don't have to actually better yourself" movement. More than anything.

>> No.6300020

The thing that bothers me about the fat pride is that all this women are hypocrites. They are exactly like those skinny girls who made fun of them. It's disgusting and I hate it.

>> No.6300023

Its true, only fatties drink soda. I stopped drinking soda months ago and now I'm dancing like a delicate fox on my thin privilege.

>> No.6300026

Those fucking guys should just die. I really hate how they are instigating this shit.

>> No.6300028
File: 246 KB, 761x646, 1348141171679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, man. I just have what's left from that /fit/ thread. I guess it was a parody after all.

>> No.6300037

The worst part is, she'd probably be really beautiful if she lost some weight. Like maybe even 10-20 pounds and it's not like it's that hard to do that at that weight.

>> No.6300038

I always feel sorry for those guys since I'm sure they don't remember having sex cause they blackout from asphyxiation.

I wonder how many near death experiences skinny guys have when they are doing fat chicks...we need this data for science.

>> No.6300041


>> No.6300042

>impossible to loose...

WTF am I reading? Oh, Tumblr. You make me rage too easily.

>> No.6300045

hell Im fat and I dislike this whole fat acceptance. It's fucking ridiculous, if you are fat you should try and lose weight because it is not healthy.

And you can clearly tell these women are not happy with themselves if they keep putting down thinner people.

And off-topic, but that picture earlier, how can people even DRINK a 16 oz. of soda? Sweet Jesus.

>> No.6300046
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, 1315895632028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't the men just sit on top, or doggy style it? I mean, I've always wonder this too it seems so surreal to have a obviously skinny man copulate sex with an obese woman and not have problems.

>> No.6300050
File: 110 KB, 461x523, 1345090620656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be thin and small
>work out in the gym
>at the mall buying some thing
>go to the food court to buy some stuff
>sit down
>suddenly hear whispering from a table with three fat girls
>"OMG do you see how skinny she is?"
>"She probably starves herself everyday, to make up for her lack of character."
>"Haha, bet she's going to puke that sandwhich when she's done."
>goes on for a while
>finally get tired of it and get up to leave
>"Ohhhhhhahahaha! There she goes! She's going to throw it up!"
>mfw as I just leave the mall

Fat girls are really fucking mean. All I wanted to do was spend a pleasant evening at the mall. I don't see why I should have to feel guilty for being healthy.

>> No.6300051
File: 445 KB, 586x394, trufax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember reading this blog post where this girl was bitching about her mother being a privilege denying fuck or something to that effect. The mother had badly injured her hands and was talking about the pain, the doctors, how her medicine wasn't working and just the experience itself. Hand injuries apparently trigger the girl and when she told her mother to stop talking about it, her mother had to tell her that it wasn't always about her comfort.

She was accusing her mother of being selfish and not caring about her when she was basically doing the same. That, to me is true self-centeredness.

>> No.6300055

You know some women like to ride it and fat bitches are always freaking crazy cause they think that they have to prove they are just as good as skinny bitches in bed.

>> No.6300057

From my experience, the sex lives of couples like that are generally shit and virtually non existent, so it doesn't matter.

>> No.6300060

Don't let that happen to you. Not all of us are like that, just that ones that post half naked pictures of themselves with their "skinny boyfriends"

>> No.6300061

Agreed. Triggering is the absolute worst thing to to come out of tumblr. The worst.

It's enables people to be special snowflakes and to ignore their problems as opposed to dealing with them as an adult. I have panic disorder and seeing certain things or being exposed to certain situations "triggers" my disorder and can cause me to go through a lot of pain. But it's my job as a fucking adult human being to own up to the fact that I can't let the things that scare me or make me uncomfortable dictate how I live my life. It's fucking disgusting that as a society we've progressed from accommodating people so that they can gradually get back on the right track to enabling people to hide away from their problems. You have the obligation to yourself to do everything in your power to heal and move forward and crying like a little bitch because you saw something that hurt your feelings and demanding people accomodate your bitch tears is the absolute most shameful thing I've ever heard.

>> No.6300063
File: 45 KB, 682x551, 1348139726619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's one specially for you, anon.

>> No.6300066

Not Tumblr but a chick came into where I work wearing a shirt that said 'Fat Pride' and some tiny gym shorts. I overheard her complaining to my coworker because the display cases were too close together and she had to walk around them to see the other side. I was really expecting for her to sprout some thin privilege bullshit.

>> No.6300067

I pitty these fools. They will never know the joys of picking up their women, and tossing them on the bed, or rolling them over, tossing them, and bending them all during sex. Seriously, sex with a fat chick must be like sex with a fucking futon. Not to mention birth defects with fat chick pregnancies is like ten times the rate of skinny girl.

>> No.6300071

And everything you have said is one of the biggest reasons I am losing weight.

>> No.6300072

t-this isn't real r-right?

>> No.6300078

I don't even know what's real anymore. Ever been to a rage thread on /v/? Shit is eye opening.

>> No.6300082

I think for these couples, it's the other way around.

Those poor boys get used like an old ragdoll.

>> No.6300086
File: 24 KB, 378x438, 1347564115431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6300087

What you should have done
>finish your meal peacefully
>get up and buy a second portion
>casually drop it onto their table
>"You should really eat more, I could hear your stomachs growling from over there!"
>smile sweetly

>> No.6300088

Has anyone actually met one of these SJW in real life? One of those who is not passive aggressive and actually spews all the tumblrspeek without any sense of irony?

The closest I've been - well, two cases really. One is secondhand, and involves a girl I fell out of touch with a while ago, so I'm learning all about it from her ex-friend's FB feed. Basically, she used to be nice girl, sort of weaboo-ish, really into anime, liked cute maid dresses and dat shit. Apparently after she moved, she went through this rebellious phase and never came out. She now runs a tumblr called gender-queer and holy shit, is she ever so angry. She's apparently that angry in real life too - called some gay guy out for not being gay enough, and then ditched my friend because my friend refers to animals with gender pronouns and apparently is appropriating cis culture to them.

The one time I physically got close to an SJ wanker was on the bus on the way back to my university. Two people, one obviously gay guy and some fugly 'androgynous' bitch were talking behind me. I truly felt sorry for the guy, constantly putting up with her putting down every piece of media he tried to bring up. He likes a rock band. "Oh, I hate how rock is male dominated." He likes a movie. "That movie is obviously cis-hetero-biased." That was all the fucking conversation was about, other than her dream job being wanting to work with ~gender dysmorphic~ kids after she graduates.

This is literally how these people live. I'm so fucking glad I left LGBT when I did, because apparently it's shitted up with all these sorts of people now.

> wow, coolstorybro. Now shut the fuck up and post moar tumblr fail

>> No.6300096

"I saw you eyeing my food the whole time I was eating, you must be really hungry!"

>> No.6300093

they see me rollin'
they hatin'

>> No.6300094

What the fuck am I reading?

/v/ finds the worst shit imaginable

>> No.6300097

>called some gay guy out for not being gay enough

I really hate that. Isn't the whole point that your sexual identify shouldn't define who you are?

What do you mean by >left LGBT?

>> No.6300098
File: 203 KB, 500x655, 1323846508889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's mean of them. I've gotta admit I've has something similar happen, but I'm on the fatter side of things. I don't like eating out in public so I just usually get a soda or something and just watch my friends eat at the mall. So many people stare and whisper, making assumptions of why the fat girl isn't eating but everyone else is.

I feel your pain anon, don't let it get to you. We all have to be strong in the face of adversity. You get 4 e-hugs in return.

>> No.6300099

My sister is extremely overweight. Once when we had to take a train somewhere, we were in line to get on the train, and she pointed out a very thin girl several heads in front of us, and started to say things about how had to have been anorexic, ect. It was so embarrassing, I didn't really know what to say.

That incident really reminds me of the stupid shit on tumblr right now.

>> No.6300102

you could easily replace this with religion

i was reading the bible at work and this girl sat next to me and was reading a book about atheism!!! how can people be so blatantly anti-christian

O HONEY she just hasnt accepted god into her life yet

they're all just mentally ill, its almost like a cult
people will take something that gives them hope and blow it up into something terrible.

>> No.6300121

We need a thread like this every day. I saw some great stuff today and I didn't bother to screencap it.

>> No.6300123


Whoops. I meant to say I left the LGBT club at my university. I just didn't jive well with its culture.

I support LGBT and I really feel deeply about its cause, but I've come to realise that the culture, at least on the campus club, really wasn't my thing at all.

>> No.6300129

Tonight's victory - One of these loser came here, saw what we were saying about her now feels sad :(


>> No.6300130

Post link

>> No.6300135

Actually mentally ill person here.

I'm kinda divided on the "trigger" thing.

I've got a couple actual things that are really small that really, really bug me and can cause me serious emotional discomfort. A big one for me is being touched by anyone I don't know, especially when that person is standing behind me. The idea that I could potentially ask people not to do those things without them judging me or disliking me is a new one. I kind of like the idea of this meme spreading throughout the culture so that I have a socially acceptable way someday to refuse to shake hands with people I just met or ask managers not to "pat" me on the shoulder in a way that they think is affirming or bonding or whatever.

But on another level it kind of offends me when people use it for stupid ass reasons. The average person under 18 should probably not have "triggers." Some people use it for stupid shit like I used to have a co-worker who would bitch whenever "someone like you" played on the radio because it reminded her of her ex bf.
Everyone goes through breakups, and you need to learn to get over it eventually.

I think there should be a line, but it might be kinda good that society is starting to explore this shit enough that it's catching the attention of stupid teens.

>> No.6300134



Top few posts, clearly visible.

>> No.6300137

Nope. These chicks have almost no strength and are so weighted down by their own fat that they lose stamina very quickly.

>> No.6300143

It's pretty much like that anywhere you go. I know gay guys who hate the LGBT culture because of how obnoxious they are.

>> No.6300140

I find this hilarious because these are the type of people who claim they don't get upset by things said on the internet but then they go ahead and let something like that get to them.

Maybe it'll make them think before they open their mouths.

>> No.6300141

does /cgl/ likes hygiene?
cause i've heard a lot of blood and period shit.

>> No.6300144

That's just women in general.

>> No.6300148

I think most SJW are using "trigger" as a replacement for "I don't like that." I've been through hell and back and when I see something that brings up bad memories, I ignore it and move on. It seems like they go out of their way to find things to bitch about.

>> No.6300155

I'm a 125lbs, 6'2" guy with 29 waist and 36 legs.

Why do people think this is a privilege?

>> No.6300157

I know that feel. I used to get so upset when larger women would talk not-so-discreetly about me when I was nearby. Now, it's become a joke to me.

I live in a primarily White area. As an Asian, I genetically am not quite as tall or large framed as many of the other women here. Usually these women would say shit like that I stunted my growth by being anorexic or must be too poor to eat anything but rice because I obviously "just came off the boat".

Some people just don't understand that being 5'6" and small framed is entirely possible and healthy for some of us. I do a lot of running, hiking, and mountain climbing. I guess that would be an example of me flaunting my privilege to make use of the state parks and nature trails that are FREE and OPEN TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC year round. Gosh, I'm so in with the elites.

>> No.6300166
File: 14 KB, 200x303, 200px-Anita_Sarkeesian_headshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does /cgl/ think of her?
any opinions? i know many of you like to play video gaems

>> No.6300164

So how the fuck DO they have sex? Can they even ride a guy without having a heart attack cause actually getting down and dirty on a guy isn't exactly a walk in the park in terms of work.

>> No.6300168

Because they're too lazy to get up and go exercise or slowly change their dietary habits to something healthier so they blame other people for problems that don't exist.

>> No.6300169

I agree with some of her positions, disagree with others. I mostly have an issue with her attention-whoring.

>> No.6300171

scammer who tricked idiots into giving her free money

>> No.6300173

...Being 5'6'' is small?

5'1'' here. I thought I was small.

>> No.6300175

Posting from another board, someone clarify - what the hell is thin privilege?

>> No.6300178

She's a scam artist, nothing more. Any proof you post of this is immediately deleted or misconstrued as you being a misogynist, no matter how professionally you act when posting it.

>> No.6300180

So I'm a bad person because I'm born with a metabolism that doesn't let me gain weight or muslce mass?

Man I can't even find pants that are 29x36's.

>> No.6300191
File: 57 KB, 625x469, spot_mgs3_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think she deserved $160,000 for a small series of videos that point out something that's already quite obvious.

Plus she doesn't even acknowledge in any of her videos The Boss from MGS3, who is probably the most reversed female stereotype in all of video games. You can tell she's just avoiding her so her arguments seem invalid.

>> No.6300197


no dude you just need to eat more and do strength training if you want to gain weight

>> No.6300198

Thin privilege is a term that fat people throw around because they think that just because someone is thin that they'll have the world handed to them on a silver platter, it's just a way to try and make people who are a normal, healthy weight feel bad for being healthy, and in doing so try to get people to accept their fatness.

Ha, no, fuck off and stop eating everything on the platter.

>> No.6300194

>Any proof you post of this is immediately deleted or misconstrued as you being a misogynist, no matter how professionally you act when posting it.
what are you on about?

>> No.6300202

In a nut shell, fat people complaining about thin people.

See a sign that encourages you to take the stairs instead of an elevator or escalator? Thin privilege.

>> No.6300203

she only lets through troll comments on her youtube videos to garner sympathy. any actual professional criticism is blocked or deleted

>> No.6300206


I probably shouldn't be saying this, but this one gynecologist who was teaching us one time basically said it was really hard to even manoevre fat people around during pregnancy, they needed C-sections more often, and the C-section itself is harder to perform on fat people. Problems all around, even for the fat chick herself.

I mentioned this on eljay and some chick was like "So docs just don't want to accomodate us, do you?" Yeah, except the problem is not that the hospital staff (and it's not just the doctor mind you, it's mostly the nurse and the orderlies who are woefully underpaid and overworked) don't want to accomodate you, it's that they physically can't.

>> No.6300208

Bullshit, I get laughed out of the gym because of my build. No fucking way fat people think like this, this is exclusive to Tumblr right? Just like that cisgender tripe.

>> No.6300210

I've tried that.

Doctor says I have a way over active metabolism. I've done weight lifting and everything but no weight gained after 3 months.

Also I eat about 5000 calories a day.

>> No.6300220

Pretty much. Do you have thyroid disease?

>> No.6300221

I never got "triggers" or "triggering".
I used to cut, and I read about all these cutters that talked about "triggering" texts and images, I never got that, it was always on my own initiative.

>> No.6300213

These "fat pride" people are what made me finally get off my ass and lose some weight. I didn't want to be associated with them, and I didn't want to find myself using the same bullshit excuses as they do, so I started losing weight. I was told that I had an eating disorder, that I'm just doing it because society tells me to, that I'll never be happy, etc. But here I am, 70 pounds lighter, and I love the fuck out of myself.

I think genuine triggers are out there, but they are not something that makes you feel a little uncomfortable or grosses you out. My best friend had a pretty awful childhood, and thinking about certain parts of it trigger massive panic attacks in her. But let's face it - people are going to put things on the internet that we don't like, or even that are really harmful to us. I agree that triggers are real and shouldn't be used for this inane bullshit though.

>> No.6300215

I KINDLY pointed out in multiple ways that she was wasting people's fucking money by buying new games instead of used ones or digital copies, that some of her games don't contain real characters, and that she was also wasting the money by buying a Wii /and/ a Gamecube despite the Wii being backwards compatible, and how she would'ved saved even more by finding a backwards compatible PS3 and Xbox. She also bought a 3DSXL instead of the original 3DS, which plays the games just fine.

>> No.6300225

she would probably STILL find something wrong with the Boss....

>> No.6300235

Apparently I live in the land of giants because I get called short etc. all the time. I thought I was decently tall for being Asian considering I'm pretty sure 5'4" was the US average for females, but there are a decent number of women who are 5'7"+ here... dunno. It's crazy up here. I think their nasty comments about my being small were more to the effect that I am not carrying an extra 40 lbs. and therefore must be anorexic or poor... lol because clearly rice is all people in Asia can ever eat.

>> No.6300231


Doctor couldn't figure out what was causing it but it runs in my family as my father was like this until he turned 30 and my mother's cooking caught up with him.

>> No.6300232

>Man I can't even find pants that are 29x36's.
Buy male designer jeans or ladies jeans?

>> No.6300233

Exclusive to Tumblr and whatever gatherings they go to. I doubt any of them would have the balls to say that shit they spew to someone in real life.

>> No.6300234

yeah i was the same way in high school

the key is repetition/consistency. you need to eat a shit ton of calories EVERY day and dont skip workouts for any reason. i used to be 6'4 and 145 pounds for a very long time until i just brute forced my metabolism for like a year until i finally started gaining weight. im at 200 pounds now and can literally destroy weaker males in a single punch

>> No.6300242

meaning it took like the better part of a year of me eating heavy/working out every day until i finally started gaining pounds

>> No.6300243

Huh, well that's odd. I hope things start to slow down for you soon so you can get some nice muscle visibility going on.

>> No.6300244
File: 361 KB, 500x319, tumblr_lpsb0w5cvL1qgykeoo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly? i don't ever remember her saying anything over the top, and the kickstarter mess wasn't her intention, either. the flash games people were playing to 'put her in her place' horrified me and really just kind of reaffirmed everything she has to say about women being oppressed for even having opinions. it's really depressing that someone has to fear for their life for not insulting another sex (iirc, she's never said anything about hating men, or overpowering men, or whatever guys who are afraid of feminists say) but for simply saying how they feel about society's treatment of their own. yikes.

>> No.6300249

I gave up on weight training but I have a 6 pack because I'm so skinny you can see my muscles.

Kinda funny though my sister can easily kick my ass.

>> No.6300259

Scam artist and general attention whoring hipster.

Nothing to see here.

>> No.6300253
File: 119 KB, 666x1000, Theboss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the only point she could attack is the part where she shoes Snake her scar down her chest and belly, but even then, it's intention is never in a sexualized way, it's a plot defining point.

Not that she'd ever take that into consideration though. She needs SOMETHING to bitch on.

>> No.6300257

I think you got lucky. The fat chicks I know usually abusively 'slut shame' any attractive female near them. Nevermind their jeans and shirts are so tight everyone's forced to witness their saggy/stretch marked skin fold out from them. Nasty on the outside and inside..

>> No.6300260

Aw, well I'm sure you'll get to where you want to be one day! In the meantime, enjoy not looking like the average first world fatass.

>> No.6300263

Doesn't help that girls don't like me cause I'm a blonde with blue eyes either.

I've literally got nothing going for me right now other than lots of chocolate.

>> No.6300266

Yes. I could tell several stories in fact; I'm in a discipline that has a lot of crossover classes with the anthropology and sociology departments and have thus have had several run-ins with this type. There's also a girl that's sort of connected to me through friends. I try to avoid her, but we have lots of mutual friends so sometimes it's hard. I have no idea why one or two friends insist that we all have to hang out ~*together*~ because she and I don't get along at all.

Most recently, this girl and I were invited by our mutual friends to go window shopping and grab some dinner. When we got to the restaurant, she proceeded to loudly talk about this very thin woman in her forties seated with a man two or three tables away. Of course, she started up the usual rigamarole about how the woman was probably anorexic and was probably going to throw up her meal, fat-shaming, body policing and the social constructs that normalize being super skinny as desirable and sexy. Basically, she was just b'awwwing and calling the woman names.

The problem?

From where I was sitting, I could tell that this woman was very obviously that thin because she was either on chemo or had something wrong with her medically.

She was talking loud enough that the woman and the man dining with her could definitely hear her.

I was never more disgusted with humanity than I was at that very moment.

>> No.6300275

Meh. It doesn't bug me so much if people want to be happy with themselves even if they are flawed. Sure, it's better to not be fat but you don't really know if there are life circumstances that make it difficult for someone to lose weight like medical issues that make it difficult to exercise, little free time, low income, whatever.

I really don't care what people do with their lives.

I just don't think anyone should get to harass people over stupid shit like how they look on the internet or IRL. Fat girls shouldn't be mean to skinny girls to make themselves feel better, skinny girls shouldn't harass fat girls with pseudo health concerns. It's a big world, and it's easier than ever to completely ignore anyone or anything that bothers you. I am carefully living in a world that has no top 40 music and pretending victoria's secret PINK doesn't exist, for example, and I'm successful around 90% of the time. The only time I'm exposed to those things is at work, and I'm getting paid to be there, at least.

If fat girls want to be happy, date chubby chasers, and acquire self esteem, it's really not my business.

>> No.6300273


She's a pointless scammer, he makes quite a few good points about it.

>> No.6300279

jesus christ

this is actually all pretty foreign for me. like, i know it exists but where i am there aren't that many people that are overweight. where i am its all skinny people, so i get called nasty names for being chubbier than them. and im not even that big ;_;

>> No.6300282


I liked her straw feminist video but she tries to hard to look for sexism that doesn't exist.

Oh yes, and he kickstarter is stupid.

>> No.6300284

I'm a 28" waist in the second fattest nation in the world at the age of nineteen, how the fuck do you think I feel.

>> No.6300285

Yeah, but I'm willing to give them some benefit of the doubt because most of them appear to be like 14.

When I was 14 I thought I was going insane and literally EVERYTHING pissed me off or made me miserable some days. I work with teens now and I think a big part of that perspective is just that they have no real basis for comparison a lot of the time.

Like if you're a typical sheltered upper middle class white girl, your first love breaking up with you does legitimately seem like it's the worst thing that ever happened to you.

I don't think it's an excuse but if my stupid journals from that age were visible to everyone on 4chan, I'd be just as stupid and annoying, you know?

Some of them are just stupid twats, though.

>> No.6300291


Do you even know what that word means?

>> No.6300295

Wow, I probably would've excused myself and left. If you stayed and listened to her drivel/made it through dinner, then you have far more tolerance than I do, and believe me, I put up with a lot of bullshit from adults and students where I work.

But wow, insulting someone who is obviously ill? That's disgustingly low. Did you say anything to this girl or was she one of those types that just gets louder to try and talk over anyone with a different viewpoint?

>> No.6300303

>I'm a 28" waist in the second fattest nation in the world at the age of nineteen, how the fuck do you think I feel.

Are you being serious? Unless you're like under 5', a 28" waist isn't rocketing you into hamplanet sizes by any means.

>> No.6300306

My best friend gets this shit all the time. She's tall and thin but she eats like a god damn horse.

She's actually had someone go up to her while she was working and say "Omg, do you EAT?!"

>> No.6300307

>>Fat girls shouldn't be mean to skinny girls to make themselves feel better, skinny girls shouldn't harass fat girls with pseudo health concerns

I agree. The problem is that a lot of tumblr SJWs use some pretty hypocritical logic to justify their behavior, though."It's okay for me to attack people on a personal basis if they belong to the majority since they're privileged because the traits they have are accepted as social norms! When I say die cis/fat/white/hetero/etc scum it's just catharsis! Check your privilege at the door and stop being so offendedddd!"

>> No.6300310

Out of morbid curiosity, I want to hear SJ weebs opinions about Japanese girls day(march 3) and boys day(may 5). I live in Hawaii, and it's been combined to childrens day, but there's still people who celebrate with dolls and fish kites. You see them referenced in video games too sometimes.

It's got sexism AND cultural appropriation! I'd go on about how I grew up with (excuse me, brainwashed by) the celebrations, but I want to hear how angr- er informed one can be after only 5 minutes on wikipedia. It's kinda too late to not look like troll bait though...

>> No.6300317

No, the point I'm making is that everyone here is at least a 32" and no 6'0

>> No.6300324

>girls don't like me cause I'm a blonde with blue eyes either.
They're probably shit-tier girls then. Blonde hair and blue eyes are delicious qualities in either sex, especially considering how rare it is to find someone who naturally possesses those traits these days.

>> No.6300325

yeah i was confused too
i'm under 5' with a 30" waist and most girls are just a few inches taller but they have like 25" waists

>> No.6300331

They wouldn't say anything; the Japanese are considered 'POCs' to tumblr SJWs.

>> No.6300338

>work every jiggling body part into our proud stride
I threw up a little bit, in my mouth

>> No.6300340

I'm fucking dying at that cat's face, though.

>> No.6300341
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>> No.6300343

Ever jump on a waterbed? It's kind of like that, you just ride the momentum.

>> No.6300348

That cat has seen some shit...

>> No.6300349

You've experienced this? Describe the sounds. Do it for science.

>> No.6300357

I posted a pic of myself in home wear once and got ragged on about how I must totally starve myself or throw up or have sort of eating disorder even though I wasn't even stick thin.

They then noticed an exercise bike in the picture background and proceeded to say that theres no way I use it and continue with the body hate.

Its like...I just...I dont even.

>> No.6300371

>eating another cultures food is appropriation


>> No.6300374
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Posted this on the old thread by mistake.

>> No.6300377


I know one.

I'm involved with a club on campus, and this chick loves to coerce the e-board. Or rather a "genderqueer individual". But she was clearly a chick when I first met her as a freshman. She still looks like one now too, only with a shitty haircut and illfitting dorky clothes on her overweight body.

When they were trying to get approval from campus to start the club, the (future) President wrote up a draft of everyone's ideal constitution to submit for approval.

Little Miss Tumblr took issue with it because he used "s/he" in the document. And that's not inclusive to ALL genders.

Now I'm fine with singular they. I actually use it quite often, as assuming people's gender was always hit or miss on the Internet, even before the whole Tumblr shit started. Plus I don't like the slash. Singular they flows better when dictated.

But in terms of legal serious documents, you got to follow tradition. The good old Elements of Style still say to use "s/he" and "his/her", and when people are trying to get a club approved by a big university, I don't want to risk anything. This wasn't a set of "community guidelines" for the club members, but more administrative outlining that detailed how it would be run, budgeted, and organized.

I don't know if Little Miss Tumblr got her way, but thankfully the club got approved.


>> No.6300390


So now we all finally could start working on the rules of the actual club, and our activities.

Little Miss Tumblr chimes in with all of her suggestions, all of which are laden with SJShit. Some could fit the theme of the club, but I doubt people would enjoy them. The president says he'd consider it if anyone else showed interest.

The president also suggests that at the start of each meeting, we choose a "question of the week" and have everyone answer it when we introduce ourselves. Everyone is happy, but Little Miss Tumblr wants something else.

She suggests we also do a "pronoun check" at the start of each meeting. So after we'd say our name, and answer a silly question, we'd say what pronouns we prefer.

The president gives into her whining, and adds it to shut her up. After all, what harm could a silly request like that do?

Well it wasn't fun for me.

I actually am a bit apathetically androgynous myself. I've been in gender confusion for over eight years, and I still don't know what to make of myself. (Hence my animosity and skepticism towards a girl who radically changed her life to suit her new identity in mere months.)

Neither do other people though. I use an abbreviated form of my long full name that's distinctly male, but sounds feminine. I dress pretty simple, and usually bind my chest. And my physical characteristics are kinda ambigious too (pretty tall, strong face, bold eyebrows, deeper voice, etc).

I'm not intending to pass though. I just want to feel comfortable in my own body. In fact, I'm very quiet about it all, and don't like to bring it up. I just let people assume my gender, and I don't care either way. They is a nice pronoun, but I really don't want to draw attention to my issues my asking people to use it.


>> No.6300395

Well, clearly exercise equipment is the newest trend in home fashions, don't you know?!

Gfdi, I can't think of a single reason someone would want equipment in their home unless they actually use it... oh people... I had hoped beyond hope that civilization could advance, sadly that day is not today.

>> No.6300396


So naturally telling an entire room full of strangers that I have gender issues pisses me the FUCK off. I know people assume my gender, and I don't care. But if I give a definite answer and it's not what they expected, it's going to feel awkward.

SJShits like to think they're helping trans people by giving them visibility. That's bullshit. Cultivating a culture where you are expected to give out your gender/sexual identity automatically is dangerous. Life isn't Tumblr, where everything is a giant hugbox. I've had friends deal with nasty shit because scumbags found out about their gender/sexuality issues. I don't want to be an easy target.

But eventually the meetings happen, and Little Miss Tumblr makes sure to remind the President about "pronoun checking".

People are confused, but oblige. Everyone pretty much says their apparent gender, many with the addition of not giving a fuck either way.

We get to Little Miss Tumblr, who says her Special Snowflake name, her answer (which is laden with a SJShit moral), and her pronoun of choice. I don't remember what it was exactly, but it was one of the more rare made-up ones that when pronounced, sounds like you're speaking Russian with a cold. Everyone stares.

I'm next.

So after the club is doused with an embarrassing caricature of ambigious gender, and no doubt have negative impressions about it. I sheepishly give my introduction, and say that "they" is cool, but anything is fine with me. I make a joke out of it, explaining my experiences of gender confusion on the Internet, hoping to hide the elephant in the room.

Thankfully no one gave me any shit for it. At least not to my face. But I'm still pissed.

Thankfully Little Miss Tumblr never showed up to another meeting after that. She claims she'll find the time one day though, but we all know she's too busy bitching on her Tumblr to even think about leaving her dorm.


>> No.6300400

Yeah... I mean, I have conflicted feeling about this whole issue. Since I started actually reading all of the fat acceptance stuff I did actually realize that I was assuming a lot of things about fat and health that weren't necessarily true (still going through research on this though, it kind of blew my mind). But surely, if you're really overweight, it's okay to admit that it's unhealthy or at the very least very inconvenient? I don't think people should be ashamed of themselves or hate themselves for their weight, but that's not the same as saying it a-okay and losing weight or at least changing unhealthy behaviors isn't necessary.

>> No.6300408


Hilariously enough, it reads just like pokemon.

Was that the point?


.... I've heard this done before. My friend had to do this, and he just got really confused, poor guy. Would be by chance be in Wisconsin?

>> No.6300409


I'll admit I do suspect some of it was straight vendetta. But the rest was just straight out ridiculous. One can only guess what sort of people the comments came from...

>> No.6300424
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You remind me so much of my awkward teenage self. I jsut want to give you a hug and a cookie and pop that bitch in the face with a right hook.

>> No.6300426

Wow... so this coworker was probably trying to be nice by sitting next her, and she throws a fit by reading into it as "shaming"?

Seriously, and maybe this is just the people I talk to, but I know almost no one who has any interest in making overweight people feel bad about themselves. There's douchey people, of course, and plenty of hate on the internet, and a general attitude of "that's unhealthy," but they don't generally gun for a certain individual just for the hell of it. There's obviously a lot of unconscious bias, but I highly doubt most people would sit next to an overweight person and eat a sandwich with the express purpose of making them feel bad.

>> No.6300445

Holy shit. I know how you feel. I've been inhabiting the odd gender limbo for a while and it feels so awkward when people want a definitive answer and I don't have one for them. I don't make a big fucking deal about it either and claim speshul snowflake status, because that's not what I'm about, I don't really care if people know or don't know... not that I even know. But there's no reason for wearing a badge on your sleeve stating that you're unique or different, IMO. I just want to live my life, that's all.

I think the most awkward moment was a few years ago when I was asked to be in a friend's wedding. I was having some serious reservations about it because I'm not super comfortable at weddings surrounded by insane women or being smothered in flowers and a shitton of pink satin. Unfortunately, a mutual acquaintance, another bridesmaid, basically brought her SJ faggotry and ill-informed opinions into the situation... you know, which didn't even involve her at first and demanded that I tell her if I was one of "those transgendered people" and if I was that I shouldn't be allowed in the bridal party. I could tell the bride was really like "What the fuck is even going on? So confused."

I just bowed out completely and sent wedding gifts to the bride's house.

>> No.6300454

I usually have a pretty high tolerance for bullshit, but for some reason this chick pisses me off to no end. I pointed out to her in a low voice that the woman's thinness was probably the result of her being ill. I was operating under the assumption that she was so blinded by her insecurities that she didn't notice any dead giveaways like the thinning hair and the fact that she was wearing a headscarf. For all I know, this girl could have thought the woman was a culture appropriating white devil on top of everything else.

She didn't notice the other signs of illness but then had the gall to call me out on making assumptions about strangers. She then tried to bullshit some justification for talking shit about skinny bitches that WEREN'T probably cancer patients. Her line of thinking was basically that what she did was only wrong because the woman might be ill and that it was perfectly okay to "call out" other people because it was attacking some industrial complex or something. I don't remember her exact wording because I finally decided that I'd had enough and went off.

>> No.6300455


Wow, what a cunt move. Not you, I mean.

Usually when I run into the RARE situation where I am asked my gender in a non-legal setting, I just act suave as fuck and say "whichever you prefer". [spoiler]Because I'm a slut[/nospoilersoncgl]

>> No.6300458


I pointed out how hypocritical the statement she'd made about assumptions was and proceeded to further explain that she was also a hypocrite because she's always going on about how ~*oppressors*~ police people's bodies and identities when that's all she ever fucking does. Not just about weight, either. EVERYTHING. I kind of got stuck on that for a while because I was seriously sick of her telling people what race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality should mean to them, what is or isn't acceptable when you're ____ and other such bullshit.

Finally, I finished by telling her that UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES was it okay to publicly shame someone for the "reasons" she listed and making a person feel bad for something they can't help/being themselves or because of some social construct that they may or may not benefit from doesn't make her anything other than a cunt.

At one point in time the waiter started to come over to our table to take our drink orders but decided it wasn't worth it.

In hindsight, it was kind of embarrassing to go off on someone in public like that, but at the same time it was therapeutic. I had been trying to bottle it up because a girl that's friends with both of us hates it when we fight. She's angry with me right now because I made the other girl so mad she stormed out and I'm upset that she's unhappy with me because I like her as a person, but I'm not sorry. I think the girl deserved to get told off. I suppose I might feel more remorse if it ruined dinner or upset everyone else, but my other friends thought she had it coming too.

This girl is so sanctimonious and far-removed from everything. This is just the tip of the iceburg.

I used to be afraid of challenging these kinds of people publicly, but like I said I interact with them a lot in my classes so I guess I'm kind of desensitized. I sort of relish it, now.

>> No.6300459

Literally destroy them? So they like, explode when you punch them?


>> No.6300463

I like your style.

>> No.6300466


If the mutual friend is mad at you for telling a blatantly ignorant bitch that her behavior is not acceptable in public, you probably don't need to be friends with her.

>> No.6300467


I'm a little divided on it, too... but the thing is, EVERYONE has emotional triggers that can be upsetting, but are so unique that you can't possibly but a trigger warning on it. I think it's reasonable to put warning on more universal-triggers (like gore/violence), but for other things, honestly, it's just something you'll run into. I had some horrific stuff happen between my parents when I was a kid, and so much as seeing red paint can send me into a panic attack.

But guess what, shit happens. People say stupid, horrible things on the internet. I've encountered it myself at times, and when I was young it brought me to tears over and over again. And then, you just learn to deal with it as best you can. You HAVE to learn to develop coping mechanisms for it, and if you can't or are seriously mentally ill (for instance, recovering from an eating disorder), honestly, you probably shouldn't be on anonymous/open-discussion websites at all until you can handle what upsets you without being seriously affected.

Don't get me wrong, I feel great sympathy for people who ARE genuinely triggered by certain images/idea/hate/etc, but the fact of life is, even when searching certain tags you can't always isolated yourself from those painful ideas. It's insensitive of people to post them, but it's also not other people's responsibilities to protect you.

>> No.6300468


Why thank you sir.

It's funny because I've been training my voice for a few years so I almost sound passably male, so saying that in such a voice combined with my obviously female body tends to turn into quite the conversation starter.

>> No.6300472
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>>This isn't pokemon, dipshit.

>> No.6300470

Yeah. You have to understand, periods are one of those things that most women find a little gross, but since you HAVE to have it, the only real way to deal with it is to turn it into something laughable or an experience you can bond over with other women. It's like farting or pooping. It's awkward and uncomfortable and not very refined or clean at all, so for some people the best way to deal with it is to turn it into something funny.

>> No.6300480

Damn, dude. Well, you're in the same position as the overweight people who genuinely have metabolic disorders. That sucks. I hope you're able to slow it down somehow.

>> No.6300488


but remember, they get their own privilege. it's the special snowflake privileged that allows them to bitch anyone out for whatever reason they can make up.

>> No.6300504

Okay, so I'm not into tumblr or any of that shit, but what the fuck is a privilege and a trigger supposed to mean? I seem to have noticed these words popping up quite a few times around /cgl/ but they never seem to mean what their definitions in the dictionary would be.
Anyone willing to clarify that for me, please?

>> No.6300530

I applaud you sir or madam.

God, I want to hear more about this bitch.

>> No.6300536

Well, assuming you know what the words ACTUALLY mean, the tumblr redefinition isn't all that far from the general sense of the correct usage.

Essentially, your 'privileges' are the aspects of who you are that fit into the standard accepted majority of society. So, white privilege for being white, male privilege for being a guy, cis privilege for not being trans*, etc. This is used for the annual (read: 24/7) Oppression Olympics, wherein people compete to see who among them has the least privileges in order to attain the coveted title of Most Oppressed Snowflake Online. Somehow, people outside First World countries always fail to come up in any of these fictional-dickwaving contests.

Triggers, on the other hand, are pretty straightforward. If something upsets you in ANY way, shape, or form, and can by any sort of justification or twisting of words be linked back to a privilege, then it's a trigger. Triggers must be tagged wherever they appear, lest an errant picture of somebody's lunch cause an overwhelming rush of PTSD in the poor, maligned Beautiful Larger Womyn equivalent to (or possibly far worse than) that experienced by ex-PoW soldiers.

>> No.6300537

Tumblr has mangled it to be "anything that might possibly make someone the least bit uncomfortable"

so instead of putting a warning on say a youtube video of thousands of spiders covering someone they also put a warning on a 3 year old's stick figure spider

>> No.6300540


Privelidge is basically just saying "if you're -anything that I don't like or that I can view as negative- then you have no rights or opinions and you can't disagree or else you're a bigot because the world hands you everything for being thin/white/straight/cis/male/etc".

Triggers are just words that SJers use to keep people from talking about things they don't like to hear about.

>> No.6300555

Have you seen the posts saying what triggers actually are? Y'know, not just making someone mildly uncomfortable but giving panic attacks. People respond to that shit all the time by saying 'you can't police triggers!' or 'anything can be a trigger'. It's fucking great.

>> No.6300551

Thank you for taking time to respond... Seems like these are mostly words used by tumblr attention whores with the snowflake syndrome.

>> No.6300565

...I'm a retard, what does 'policing triggers' actually means?

>> No.6300574

>>"It's okay for me to attack people on a personal basis if they belong to the majority since they're privileged because the traits they have are accepted as social norms! When I say die cis/fat/white/hetero/etc scum it's just catharsis! Check your privilege at the door and stop being so offendedddd!"

I think this is what enrages me the most about their "logic". Also, I've never really gotten the whole 'check your privilege at the door' mantra they have going.

A phrase like that implies that privilege is something that you can give up just like you pass off your keys to the valet or hand your jacket to a cloakroom employee. But they describe privilege as something that impacts other people, is always with you and you CAN'T get rid of. To me, that sounds more like...I don't know, a set of huge antlers growing out of your head. They're a part of you that you can choose to either wield like a weapon or try your damnedest not to get them tangled up in anything or poke anyone with them, even though accidents might still happen.

Maybe they should start saying "You're hitting me with your antlers."

>> No.6300584

>Maybe they should start saying "You're hitting me with your antlers."
It would make as much sense than what they say now, really.

>> No.6300591

That is a thoughtful analogy, truly. It works.

However, you put way more thought into it than those idiots ever would.

>> No.6300592

This. There are real triggers, but generally I've rarely seen one that would work online other than something that would be really obvious like "This fanfiction contains a graphic description of non consensual sex."
or something.

I mentioned earlier, I'm triggered by people I don't know touching me unexpectedly, especially from behind, and by men suddenly having loud, angry outbursts, especially if their anger appears to be directed at a woman, child, or animal.

IRL, I probably could leave the room any time the second one happened, so the only time it comes up is with my bf, who knows that I may seem upset if he suddenly seems angry. He has a harmless but bad temper, so we had to compromise on that some and learn to live together. The touching thing sometimes causes me problems and makes me take early breaks at work, and I have breathing exercises. I fucking hate the moment in job interviews where you are supposed to shake hands to prove that you have a good handshake or whatever.

In the tumblrverse, a trigger might be someone posting an admiring comment about an attractive, thin redhead that ended up on Pixyteri's feed, or someone talking about how light their skin is in winter offending someone who is angry on behalf of "POCs" or some other retarded thing. It originally started being a "thing" online because of Thinspo, I think. Some crazy people really like it for one reason or another, but people with eating disorders should try to avoid seeing it.

>> No.6300596

Basically, 'policing' a trigger is saying 'don't tell me how I can and can't react to something'. So, in other words, they're saying that a trigger is something that just makes them uncomfortable, and not something that makes you have a fit.

I probably worded that in a dumb way, sorry about that.

>> No.6300601

When someone "polices" anything in the SJ world, be it identities, bodies or triggers, they are telling people what is and isn't considered appropriate/acceptable, what constitutes as [insert topic here] and what it means. It's often argue that this comes from someone who is so far removed from the topic that they don't know what they're talking about and by telling other people what to think/feel and what does and doesn't count, they're invalidating their opinions or experiences.

>> No.6300608

I remember when this SJW shit was still small time on sf_drama. Do any of the tumblfucks seek haven there? Shit is pretty unbearable.

>> No.6300613

So, if I tell them that they are ridiculous for attacking skinny-average girls for not being fat they would tell me that I am 'policing privileges' or something?
Tumblr sounds like a shithole, even worse than LJ, DeviantArt and Facebook put together.

>> No.6300622

they generally stick to their own circlejerks
i rarely actually see their shit appear on my dashboard

>> No.6300636

Well, like with LJ, FB, and DA, Tumblr greatly varies by who you follow. I only follow my close friends so I can see the silly shit they post. If you get drawn into the abyss that is SJW hell, then yea, tumblr is a cesspool of ill-informed faggotry.

>> No.6300644

Yeah. Plus they might come out and say something stupid about how it's empowering and they NEED to do it to subvert the dominant, opressive idea that they, overweight girls, can't be attractive.

I hate that idea so much. Just because one thing is attractive doesn't mean something very different can't also be attractive. They've proven that other than a handful of traits, with weight and race not being among them, that what a person is attracted to is cultural and personal. So if you're a pale blonde or something, and you're attractive, that doesn't mean a dark skinned, dark haired Indian girl can't also be attractive.

>> No.6300647

All this trigger shit reminds me of the time I posted a picture of a luna moth I found. I was pretty excited about it because they're rare here and we all know how much tumblr loves moths.

Within 30 seconds I got an angry message from someone about how I needed to tag my moths because they triggered her

>> No.6300651

*Reposted from the other thread:

This is the paradox of leftist attitudes towards race, or at least one of them.

On the one hand they encourage whites to be aracial (in other words, they encourage whites not to have a racial identity and instead espouse racial universalism), whilst encouraging minorities to have strong racial identities and nurse their grievances.

On the other hand, they then blame whites for thinking 'white is the default', without realizing that whites have no healthy outlet for racial identity, and thus transfer their racial consciousness over into the 'universalist' side of things.

If that makes any sense...

>> No.6300652


Sweden is batshit. We Europeans hate them. They are such fucking crazy leftists. They have the highest rate of refugee acceptance, and it shows in shitholes like Malmo.

Somalians in Sweden have something like a 90% unemployment rate, when some elements in the bureaucracy tried to limit immigration from Somalia, the overwhelmingly left wing press went berserk.

In all of Europe, the vast majority of white people think mass immigration has been a mistake.... Except in Sweden.

They're completely delusional fuckwits. Here's why:


>> No.6300656

Sweden = Ethnomasochism.


^ Jesse Jackson went to Sweden and told them they need to accept more Africans, even though they never had a colonial empire, lol.

Anti racism is a codeword for anti white.

>> No.6300664

But that is retarded. If everyone would do that, then it would mean that everyone would be doing it. Can you imagine that in real life? All men would attack men, all minorities would attack majorities, all children would attack adults, all working class would attack middle class, all classical music fans would attack pop music fans, all people wearing glasses would attack those with a good sight, there would be so much hatred and conflict in this world.
We cannot afford to be this individualistic, selfish and judgemental in a human society.

>> No.6300665

You're "tone policing" them, then. Basically, that's their way of saying that they don't like the fact that you're telling them they're being assholes. The argument is usually that they don't have to be ~*nice*~ about wanting rights and being oppressed. Basically, the tumblr logic outlined in these posts:


Granted, you shouldn't smile in the face of malicious ignorance, but being a dick on the internet because of a misunderstanding, genuine ignorance from a lack of education, or a misguided attempt to help or whatever, it seems like a huge cop out.

>> No.6300677

> If everyone would do that, then it would mean that everyone would be doing it.

Meant to say that if everyone would do that then the whole society would be chaotic.

>> No.6300681

This. I made a post about how much I think Macross 7 sucked and it got some dumb girl pissed. She went on about, "go suck my dick and get out of the Macross 7 tag, please." What did I do? I told her to go fuck herself and not take opinions so seriously. Bitch left me alone ever since.

Seriously, how retarded do people have to be to try starting fights over such trivial shit?

>> No.6300687

If you have dreadlocks as a white person you're pretty much a race traitor though.

This is coming from a Nationalist white european.

>> No.6300692

Of course it is. But Tumblr is generally not a site for emotionally mature, well adjusted people. It's mainly populated by females ages 13-23, and as far as I can tell most SJWs are young and come from sheltered backgrounds. Plus, you kind of have to be at least somewhat of an attentionwhore to be that into tumblr because so many people use it to post tons of photos of themselves. It's going to offend someone, and probably would start a flame war on tumblr, but generally if you constantly selfpost online I assume you're kind of insecure and a bit narcissistic.

>> No.6300703

If I'm not derailing the thread, I'd be glad to. One of my friends who also doesn't like her calls her Grape Ape because she's huge and for a long time had stringy, purple hair. I've mentioned her once or twice because she used to cosplay, but most of her good stories are not suitable for the horror story threads we usually have here.

She's had so many incidents where she's so eager to "call someone out" or tell someone what to do that she completely overlooks an important fact or detail invalidates whatever kind of bullshit point she's making (in my last story it was that the lady was sick). She's also irrational as fuck and makes broad, sweeping generalizations about almost everything. She is truly a burlesque of acceptance, so much so that she often swings right back around to prejudice.

Haha thanks, I guess? I don't pretend to know anything about the SJ movement, but that's always sort of been my take on it.

>> No.6300715

>if you selfpost online I assume you're kind of insecure and a bit narcissistic.
I already know that about Tumblr but I still follow some people, as it's quite decent fashion inspiration, but from posting pictures of yourself on a daily basis because you're narcissistic to shaming all people different from you simply for belonging to a majority is simply wrong. Sounds like these girls could benefit from having their computers/laptops/ipods/magic mirrors (or whatever they use to frequent these websites) taken away from them and a bunch of self-help books force-fed to them.
Either that, or a straw to sick it up.

>> No.6300721

*suck it up?

>> No.6300743

i just love, love, LOVE goobsyplz. whoever runs that tumblr, just let me tell you that i love you. have my babies.

>> No.6300747

There was this one chick I used to follow who made a post about how white girls trying to be kawaii/wearing Japanese subculture fashion felt iffy to her because of ~cultural appropriation~

>> No.6300790

>I think it's a parody. It has to be.
It was. The author revealed herself after a week or two. It seems to be gone, but if you google the name of it (stopthinprivilege) you might find a cached version of their last posts or reblogs of it.

>> No.6300792

I want to appropriate all the cultures. If I get a full set I think I win a prize.

>> No.6300800

>"So headcanon because of your weight!!"

What does "headcanon" mean? I just recently started following a couple of new Tumblrs and see this ALL OF THE TIME, yet I had never heard it before a month or so ago.

>> No.6300808

In this case, what the person believes a character would look like if they were a real person.

>> No.6300811


Basically headcannon means what YOU think is cannon in your own mind.

>> No.6300814


Canon is the actual events of the show. Headcanon is what you wish was true.

>> No.6300827
File: 42 KB, 149x362, Screen shot 2012-10-10 at 10.10.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6300852

>I think most SJW are using "trigger" as a replacement for "I don't like that."
I have been on various self help forums over the years and "this triggers me" was always a way to say, "I don't wish to continue this conversation because it could be doing me harm." I respect this. On tumblr, "this triggers me" means "oh fuck, someone's pointing out my flawed logic, do not want, better say I'm triggered to save face and gain some pity points."

One girl on Tumblr claimed to be triggered by the sight of the color red. How do these people function in real life, seriously?

>> No.6300864

Get a mohawk and dreadlock the hair that's left. Then walk down the street wearing a war bonnet, a bindi, a dashiki, a pair of mukluks and a hanbok skirt printed in dia de los muertos skulls.

Take lots of pictures of yourself holding dream catchers, sleds, statues of Buddha and/or Vishnu, an African medicine stick and the Mayan calender. Make sure you are doing a duckface in all of these photos or you will be disqualified from the bonus round.

>> No.6300869

>These "fat pride" people are what made me finally get off my ass and lose some weight.
same here.
i actually track the "fatspo" tag for that reason. i'm so scared i'll become one of them someday. i'm still overweight but slowly getting there. i can't believe these 200lbs-chicks are as happy as they claim. i just can't. if they are, great for them, but i honestly think their "confidence" is just the product of years of laziness and lying to themselves.

>> No.6300877

Most people who spout self-affirmation, "____ acceptance!", etc. 24/7 are trying to convince themselves more than anybody.

>> No.6300879
File: 102 KB, 450x408, toro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh wow.

It's common for people who identify themselves as Toro to be triggered by the color red. They can't help it and how dare you try to trigger police them. Sounds to me like you need to check your privilege. Your opinions are gross.

>> No.6300880

>On tumblr, "this triggers me" means "oh fuck, someone's pointing out my flawed logic
Oh, so that's how it works. I was wondering why the hell I had to put weird trigger warnings all over shit when I worked on a blog there.
Now it all makes sense...

>> No.6300882
File: 288 KB, 1366x1054, 1349921324040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck happened?

It was Jews right?

>> No.6300887
File: 76 KB, 521x521, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6300903

No, actually I think we can safely place the blame on the internet and the pseudo intellectualism often found in Liberal Arts colleges.

>> No.6300905


What the fuck even is that.

>> No.6300912


How the hell did they keep their suits so nice?

>> No.6300908


Fun fact, bulls actually don't give a shit about one colour more than any other, the use of red is purely for style.

>> No.6300918

This, they are enraged by the MOTION which is why you always have to be calm and smooth in their pens. If you keep in mind their *ahem* "triggers" they can be real sweethearts like all other bovines.

>> No.6300941

corrected fact:
the color red is to hide the bull's blood

>> No.6300942

That's the most ridiculous one I've heard yet! How do these people survive in the world?

>> No.6300955

So social justice warriors are all bovines. Check.

>> No.6300951

They're very creased/worn, but they look good because shit was made to last back then.

>> No.6300953

You guys just delete mail like this, right?

>> No.6300954

They don't. They never leave their computers and somehow have panic attacks there anyway.

>> No.6300959

>>When you are under 200 pounds you are deemed “healthy” you are not prejudiced against the same way a fat person 200 pounds or over would be. You are privileged, and therefore, you are not a part of our fight.

>>I know, I know it’s disappointing that being thin isn’t getting you into all the cool kid cliques now isn’t it, you just can’t imagine you’d be rejected for being thin, now can you. The thing is YOU ARE ACCEPTED EVERYWHERE ELSE, so please do not come into fatspo whining “Waaaah! The fat people won’t let me join their club, waaaah!”.

>>It’s the first time in your thin little life you’ve been rejected, and you can’t cope with it. Not our problem.

JFC. Really?

>> No.6300965

> called some gay guy out for not being gay enough, and then ditched my friend because my friend refers to animals with gender pronouns and apparently is appropriating cis culture to them.
How is that even fucking real.

>> No.6300976
File: 17 KB, 444x299, Laughing woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually meant BULLS... But you're probably not too far off either.

>> No.6300990

I'm 5'2" and have a 28" waist, so I know that feel. But really, so long as you keep it 30" or under, you're probably fine. The key is noticing whether those inches are made by your body structure (you might just be a "thick" person), muscle, or excess fat, and also keeping it proportionate: if you have a lot of fat on your waist but not on your hips/butt, then it can be unhealthy. If you've just got a thick waist and it's mostly not fat, though, don't worry about it. You're just a rectangle. Not the most flattering figure, but it's not the end of the world.

>> No.6301000

Where are you getting the idea that 28" is bad? I mean, if you're natural waist when you're thin is 24" or 25" then yeah, that's bad. But 28" really isn't anything to be upset about.

>> No.6301007

Except, wouldn't getting stabbed/stuck be another huge source of aggrivation + the fact that they are waving shit at them?

>> No.6301026

This, from what I've read so far, is correct. For some reason, the capote (the big cape used in the beginning) is yellow on one side and magenta on the other. I guess it's not as big of a concern at this juncture in the fight? He's only wounded once on the thickest part of the muscle at the top of his neck and that's towards the end

By the third act of the fight, the bull is often worn out and bloodied from the first two acts, so he's probably bleeding from the face. Also, I've read that matadors will sometimes prick the bull on the nose before he kills it to get him to lower his head, making it easier to get at his spinal column. So I guess when the matador is passing the little red cape (muleta) over the bull's face in the third act of the fight, it would be messier? I've only read one or two books about it, so I could be totally wrong.

/cgl/ of all places, is the last I would expect to find myself talking about bullfighting.

>> No.6301030

"You" as in a collective "you" or me personally? I was replying to the other anon >>6300284 who was saying they felt fat with a 28" waist and being from the 2nd fattest nation.

A 28" waist seems pretty normal to me. I am 5'6" and have a 28" waist, it works for me proportionally and I'm solidly in the middle of the healthy weight range for my height and frame size so, perhaps I didn't write very clearly, but a 28" waist is nothing to let your jimmies get rustled about which was what I was telling the other anon.

>> No.6301043

Rapid movement sets them off in general due to their herd mentality... If you are jerky while feeding them they get miffed but usually nothing comes of it. Biggest thing with them is if you panic you start acting jerky and weird (like something getting ready to pounce) which makes them worried, which makes you even more worried, which is a descending cycle until the bull rushes you in what it considers defense.
Obviously that instinct only escalates with the whole "lobbing spears" aspect.

Same thing with rodeos. They only buck like that because they instinctively hate having an animal on their backs (wolves/cougars) and there is a strap literally hitting them in the balls. Outside of flailing some fabric to trigger their general dislike of sudden movements, hitting them in the balls and acting as much like a predator as possible, bulls are pretty nice for literal slabs of beefcake.

I had one I would feed cut up apple too and he would follow me around the fence as I did other tasks. He loved nothing more than getting "head scratchies". Only problem was he would kind of move his head around where he wanted scratched which was KIND OF dangerous because of the horns... But he didn't mean anything by it and I'm a good dodger so whatever.

>> No.6301049

> You should be HEALTHY and Love your body
I think everyone can decide for themselves what they want to do with their lives. They can love themselves and stay fat, same way they can love themselves and smoke. People shouldn't be anything.

>> No.6301058

It doesn't help that most bulls in real bullfights from Mexico and Spain and the like usually aggravate and hurt the bulls first. Most bulls raised on farms are relatively chill if you don't act spastic or stupid. You think the tumblrtards who "identify as toro" would know this and try to do some research. After all, it could earn them social justice points by being against animal cruelty and stuff.

>> No.6301068

I've met a lot of great fat girls, a lot of mean fat girls, a lot of great thin girls, and a lot of mean thin girls.
People who are unsure of themselves have the worst attitude. It's not a size thing.

>> No.6301071

From what I've read and seen, the matador and his crew will make the bull do a series of passes with the big capote and they use the motion of the cape to get the bull to charge so they can get a sense of what kind of bull he is as well as any mannerisms he might have. (Most bulls tend to favor a horn when they are charging or trying to gore something.) After they've done that, two guys called picadores come in on horse back--the horses are heavily padded and blindfolded, although they didn't used to be--how the bull attacks the horse is very important for the same reason that doing the passes with the big cape are. It also strains the bulls neck and limits his range of motion so he is less dangerous. The picador also uses this opportunity to stab the bull in that big neck muscle I mentioned. This often makes his charging more reliable, though sometimes it can make him fearful or too angry and thus unpredictable. A bull that the fighters consider "good" or "brave" won't have that reaction, though.

tl;dr: Yes, both these things are used to put the bull in a fighting mood. But the stabbing and making them do passes by waving the cape also have other purposes.

Sage in all fields for totally irrelevant tangents

>> No.6301069

>if you panic you start acting jerky and weird (like something getting ready to pounce) which makes them worried, which makes you even more worried, which is a descending cycle until the bull rushes you in what it considers defense.
So basically just like everyone on cgl

>> No.6301082

Not saying that that person was justified, but I have lepidopteraphobia, it's possible that they had it too. Probably not though.

>> No.6301081

ITT: We learn that insecure people and bullfighters are assholes.

>> No.6301091

IKR? I love that this has turned into a discussion about the technical aspects of bullfighting. It's kind of interesting though since I always just assumed that they waved the cape to make the bull charge around, stab it a few times and eventually kill it.

>> No.6301093

I believe it's somebody crying tears of soda.

>> No.6301102


Polaroid photo being burned behind the eyes

>> No.6301107

I hate this misuse of the term "trigger" more than anything because I actually have a really stupid trigger and people tend to think it's bullshit because of the invasion of special snowflakes on tumblr.

When I was a little kid, I was playing outside when I somehow disturbed a rats nest in a hay pile. The whole goddamn nest came flying out of the hay, and I was so shocked I fell over backwards. Consequently, all the rats started running over my body, some of them biting me as I flailed and screamed at the top of my lungs. My dad came rushing over, snatched me away and took me straight to the doctor's office, but I was hysterical and traumatized. Since then, I get uncomfortable if I see a rat, and have a physical anxiety reaction if I see a rat on a person.

Usually this doesn't come up as an issue, and I've been given breathing exercises to calm down if I get panicked or start having a flashback. But I had a friend who kept posting pictures of her pet rat on her shoulder, or on her lap, or god forbid on her chest as she was laying down. I never ONCE told her to stop posting about her rat, because why the fuck should she? I just avoided those posts. But she actually noticed I never commented on them and asked why, since I usually commented all the time.

So I told her, and she basically accused me of being full of shit and misusing the word "trigger."

We've since made up after I told her what happened to me, but all my fucking rage, seagulls. ALL my fucking rage. I can't even blame her for her initial reaction because of some of the shit these people on tumblr go on about. It's a goddamn epidemic.

>> No.6301116


>> No.6301128

>all my fucking rage
Same here. I have legit anxiety and triggers as well. I really hate when they go on about how shit triggers them when really it's just that they don't want to hear anything about how they're wrong, and a little bit nuts.
Okay, more than a little bit.

>> No.6301136

so what's the difference between that and a phobia? my friends with phobias do essentially the same thing.

>> No.6301142

This so much.

IMO the word "trigger" is something that instantly relates back to a legitimately traumatic/disturbing event in a person's life. Triggers will be different for individuals e.g. Soldiers with PTSD hearing loud noises like cars backfiring, a person who was held captive hearing the click of a lock or a door squeaking, etc. Basically it's anything the person began mentally associating with some actual event be it smells, sounds, and/or visuals.

You guys are right, it's misused so often and now tumblr faggots use it to refer to anything they don't like with no actual deep emotional reaction.

>> No.6301144

A phobia is an anxiety disorder. It does sound like anon has a phobia for rats and that particular situation.

>> No.6301149

God my trigger really is stupid, though.
Fucking toasters.

When I was younger, we would make cinnamon raisin bread. I decided that I would cut myself a big slice and toast it. Well, turns out that when bread is stuffed in there it sort of burns a lot. Instead of doing the logical thing and unplugging it, I stuck a knife in there and ended up getting shocked.
I fell to my knees and started bawling right there. My mom ran in from the next room over to see what had happened, yadda yadda.

Anyways, so now I can't use a toaster without getting small anxiety attacks. When the toast pops out, it scares the shit out of me as well. So I actually have to be in another room when that happens, or I have to bribe my brother into toasting things for me.


>> No.6301155


My sister is triggered by loud situations, if that makes sense? She dealt with fucking abuse and so if you get really in her face, even if it's in a joking manner, and if she tells people to back off a little... They get all defensive and shit about how 'omg ur just whining to whine' and no. Fuck you.

>> No.6301166

LOL, I'm sorry anon, I had to laugh a little. But stupid or not, that's legit. And I doubt you're going to go around screaming at someone for posting a picture of a toaster.

>> No.6301169


Pardon my asking but why don't you just... not eat toast?

>> No.6301182

It is a phobia, but specifically a phobia caused by a situation I experienced that was traumatizing. The trigger is seeing a rat on someone, which causes flashbacks and mild to moderate anxiety/panic attacks. Does that make sense?

>> No.6301203

It's okay. It was long enough ago that I can look back at this and laugh at it a little too. And I think that helps me a little, being able to chuckle at it.
And no, I don't go around screaming at people for posting toasters, or toast, or poptart ads. Because that's stupid and why should I stress myself out over that when it has nothing to do with me? Now, if they were posting toasters with zappy sound effects on my page constantly.. Yeah, I would freak out a bit, but I think the best thing to do in that situation is to block them and ignore it, so you're not adding fuel to the fire.

I love toast. Plus, I'm gluten intolerant, and the gluten free bread I eat has to be refrigerated. Microwaving makes it mushy, and it's stupid to wait around for hours for that shit to get to room temperature on it's own. So my only option is toasting it, going out of the room for five minutes so I don't hear it pop up, and then I walk back and make my sandwich.

>> No.6301215

I guess. so phobias are not caused by a specific event, while triggers are? that does seem to jibe with my experience.

>> No.6301211

Phobia's can still technically have triggers, especially if they're connected to specific events rather than just a sudden happening.

>> No.6301217


Oh god I know your feels.

My house burned down ealier this year because of an electrical fire caused by a fault extension cord in the early morning, I was fast asleep and dreaming and was suddenly woken by a loud electrical buzz and then a POP sound. I almost went back to sleep but then I realized my mattress was on fire and that fucker with all my soft blankets and pillows on it went up like fucking paper.

Now any time the lights flicker or I hear a popping noise I can't identify I have to do rounds, day or night, to make sure it's not fire and I can't sleep without a fire extinguisher within arm's reach. I also freak out about too many things being left on at once or light bulbs/lamps feeling hot. I obsessively unplug EVERYTHING.

I fucking hate electricity sometimes, man.

>> No.6301250

Toaster anon here. I actually had a house fire from electrical crap two years ago, except it was from a brand new coffee brewer with faulty wiring. However, I was not at home when it happened, for reasons I think are too ridiculous to go into.
Although my dog was, and I came home to a mess of sooty everything and ruined shit.
The smell of soot is another trigger of mine.

>obsessively unplug EVERYTHING
Oh god I do that now, too. Did you know that cell phone chargers cause the most fires when they're left plugged in to the wall without a phone? The firemen told me about that. So the cell phone chargers are now plugged in to a power strip that can be shut off during the day.

As for appliances, every morning after coffee I unplug everything I can. It's probably a little obsessive. But I feel safer that way.
Anyways, just know you're not the only one, okay? It will eventually start fading off but it does take time so don't rush yourself.

>> No.6301266

>Although my dog was, and I came home to a mess of sooty everything and ruined shit.

I'm going to pretend that your dog is fine and not soot.

>> No.6301267

Yeah, pretty much. I actually have an intense fear of falling down stairs or anything that can possibly give out and make me fall a great distance. Nothing caused it to suddenly come up. I can't even walk down stairs without holding on to a railing or someone else, and even then I shake a ton and it takes ages. It's quite awful.

>> No.6301277

The fire was contained inside of the house and the windows never broke, so it was a slow burning fire which eventually put itself out due to lack of oxygen. He never did turn into soot.
I would like to think that he is off frolicking on clouds. And he did eat a whole box of pastries before that happened, so at least I know he was all fat and happy. They said he was most likely asleep when it happened and never noticed a thing.

>> No.6301289

Pretty much this.
I normally adore social situations, but if you put me in an area with a high density of people and talking everywhere, loudness and such... I break down and panic. No reason that I can imagine. I just do.
Never had any proper triggers, though? Unless dirty rooms count. Crazy roommate who was a slob, and now I'm panicky about even small things being on the floor.

>> No.6301295
File: 41 KB, 474x410, calf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sage in all fields for totally irrelevant tangents
I was having fun when we were talking about cowwies instead of us doing "catty hate-thread #8759473213".


>> No.6301296
File: 35 KB, 460x300, ears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fire was contained inside of the house


>> No.6301300


But the fire still killed him...?

>> No.6301307

The smoke or lack of oxygen or something, my dear. Either way it was related to the fire.

>> No.6301318


>> No.6301333

I like cows! And cows like me!

Hey seagulls when was the last time you hugged a cow? What kind of cow was it? My favorite part about cows is how they are still alive... ;_;

>> No.6301329

Kill yourself

>> No.6301342

Last time I hugged a baby bull and he was sooo cute! Kinda stupid, but still very cute. He licked my face and I was like daaaawww. And he was soooft~

>> No.6301353

I love calf-birthing. It's kinda gross with the huge placenta and the mommy chewing it and stuff... But then they get born and they are all stumbling everywhere and going "Mrrrrr!" and have that "just born" softness and the love only a newborn can possess. Plus their little eyes aren't open so they bump into stuff and just rub on you or their mommy for security...

[spoiler]I love cows and horses so much :3[/cglhasNOSPOILARZ]

>> No.6301354

I once saw a baby cow go to drink from its mother, and then the mother shat in its head. No joke. Cows are morons.

>> No.6301355

>My favorite part about cows is how they are still alive... ;_;

Fucking lost it.

>> No.6301371

A co-worker of mine from my last job had a pygmy goat. He would let him frolick in his giant backyard and always left the back door open so pygmy goat could get back inside. He snuggled you and and and would rest his head on your lap and hnghh, so cute.

>> No.6301378

When I was 6, I had a calf try to eat my dress at a petting zoo. I screamed and it moo'd at me.

>> No.6301380
File: 19 KB, 315x370, 1266718516810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh god, your poor dog ;-; I have a little dog, he was the first one out the back door when it got kicked open. I'm so glad he wasn't sleeping in my room that night...


>> No.6301382

You know what I love?


>> No.6301390

Reminds me of this time I saw a guy walking down the street in the middle of the city with a couple of goats in tow. Had a hand full of feed to keep them interested so they wouldn't wander off.

Goat did that to me once, it was the most hilarious thing my little mind could possibly conceive of, wouldn't shut up about it for years.

>> No.6301392
File: 341 KB, 300x231, omgsobootayful.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the whole birthing process, granted, but the elephant birth videos are amazing. And when they stumble around is so cute~

>> No.6301398

It's pretty amusing in retrospect, but having a cow try to yank my dress off me was a tad dismaying. I like going to the petting zoo now just to sit down and let the goats crawl on me and such. They're such cuties.

>> No.6301399

I like human toddlers :3

When I have babies, I want to have a girl first sooo badly.

>> No.6301406

-hugs back-

I just always think that had I been there, I could have done something. But when I think back, I remember being exhausted from something the day before. In all honesty, had I been there that day, I wouldn't be here right now.

Anyways, let's move on, alright? I don't really want to talk about this much more, if that's okay.

>> No.6301413

My bellybutton looks like that and I'm 32-23-31. Used to be 38-30-39 and I'm terrified I'll never get rid of the loose skin and the "fat girl bellybutton."

>> No.6301416
File: 113 KB, 960x800, g... goaaats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OhGosh! That sounds absolutely fantastic. I love goats, don't even know why since I've lived in the city all my life and only get to feed them at petting zoos. But I still love goats. When I'm old and successful, I shall buy a farm. And it'll only have goats.

>> No.6301418
File: 91 KB, 645x428, oh gosh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I.. I never knew...

...I don't know what to say.

>> No.6301423

Don't say anything. Let's not ruin this moment <3

>> No.6301425

Same. I think it's because we've probably only seen the petting zoo ones. But that's okay. They're fab creatures in general.

>> No.6301436

Just never let them out of their designated area and into your lawn. We had some, my mother did that, we could never catch them and they ate all of our grass. Now the lawn is mud when it rains. It sucks.

>> No.6301439
File: 527 KB, 586x441, 1346821531001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goats are adorable too.
But my ultimate favorite is PIGGIES!
They're so smart and loving, they're like a step up from dogs or cats but just shy of a older toddler.

Seagull, I...

>> No.6301444

aye, y... you can own half of my goat farm!

Hah, good advice. Pygmy goat guy had a fence that separated his actual yard from his backyard. Front of his house was all prim and proper, but the back was chewed out. Even the younger trees

>> No.6301445

At that point, it would be mindless nitpicking. I would be very interested to see what she would say about her, though.

That's the only see I can see that she would criticize, but you have a point. Also, I think it's empowering in of itself for a woman to be a confident badass fully aware of her sexuality. But that's just me though.

>> No.6301446

>the back was chewed out. Even the younger trees
That's because they climb and eat the shit out of the trees as well.

>> No.6301447
File: 20 KB, 400x273, cute-jumping-spiders-arachnology-27689861-400-273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we talking about cute critters now? are jumping spiders allowed?

>> No.6301451
File: 43 KB, 480x731, 1346821548001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this ITT: cute piggie time!

I'm indifferent to spiders, they kinda weird me out but nothing too bad. They don't (hehehe) "trigger" me or anything.

>> No.6301457
File: 199 KB, 1280x835, jumping_spider_12_by_macrojunkie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spiders really scare me but jumping spiders aren't so bad and have actually helped me be less of a weenie when it comes to encountering other kinds.

>> No.6301459
File: 35 KB, 531x411, 1256332931489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, okay.

Cute little critters thread instead!

>> No.6301467
File: 101 KB, 560x451, 1340619923418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I heard u liek kyute piggies

>> No.6301468



>> No.6301470
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Ehh I guess. They're cute but the thought of arachnids just gives me the heebie jeebies.

>> No.6301476
File: 454 KB, 1024x1024, Flickr_-_coniferconifer_-_Jumping_spider_on_SunPatiens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6301478
File: 45 KB, 576x439, 1324396310491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no cute babby animal pics, so I shall enjoy the dump! Here's a cat tree!

>> No.6301479

I can't drink alcohal and neither can I attend crowded parties in the dark. I can't even enjoy myself properly at con-raves because I'm paranoid someone will try to drag me off into their hotel room and I abstain from drinking because I watch out for my friends.

My first time drinking was with someone I trusted who gave me too much and dragged me off to a room at my first party. The absolute most painful experience I've ever had.

Anyways... I just felt like letting that out. I don't believe in plastering trigger warnings over minute things because that's fucking stupid.

I do wish I could just loosen up and allow myself some controlled drinks. I'm tired of being the sober one but it always seems like people I meet at cons can't drink reaponsibly.

>> No.6301485
File: 43 KB, 460x337, 174924_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds perfect, anon!

oops, cute animal thread?
I have a love for guinea pigs...

>> No.6301486
File: 46 KB, 468x376, 1346681939002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to be creepy but it sounds like you need a guy (or girl, I dunno who did it to you) you can trust enough to break back into drinking with. Face your fear some by being in a similar situation with a close friend/boyfriend/girlfriend. Maybe?

>> No.6301489



>> No.6301488
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>> No.6301493
File: 1.07 MB, 1600x1200, Jumping_Spider_1293_by_Twitch1977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fear actually developed from one year when we had a terrible camel cricket infestation when I was pretty young. My parents called them jumping spiders, so that cemented my spider fear even though I know better now. But if I saw a camel cricket today, I would go back to wherever I came from and stay put. Those fuckers are nasty.

>> No.6301495
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>> No.6301496
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Hedgehog time.

>> No.6301497
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It's okay, keep feeling them feels.

>> No.6301501
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>> No.6301502
File: 31 KB, 520x360, 1346821786001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok to have feels, bro/sis!

>> No.6301503
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>> No.6301504

I lost it.

I'm sorry, that's fucking hysterical.

>> No.6301506
File: 64 KB, 500x335, 1311465170595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay. It's one of my favorite stories of my childhood.

>> No.6301507

Ironically to all of this "trigger" shit, the way to treat anxiety, psychologically, is to approach it, and not avoid it. That's how people overcome phobias and triggers and disordered thinking. Avoiding is only extending the problem -- and the problem is conquerable. Panic attacks are actually one of the most treatable mental issues.

>> No.6301508
File: 103 KB, 500x334, tumblr_lx07xexPkZ1r4nd19o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay! Why don't you try a mixed drink to start off, like something that's mostly Sprite with only a wee amount of alcohol? As long as you limit yourself on that, you should remain of sound mind.

>> No.6301510
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>> No.6301511
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>> No.6301512
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>> No.6301514
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>> No.6301516
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>> No.6301518
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>> No.6301522
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>> No.6301520

How are jumping spiders so freaking adorable.

One of my cousins has a pet tarantula and she's lived for 12 years! I didn't know they could live that long until I looked it up. They're so adorable as long as they're pets.

>> No.6301523
File: 566 KB, 2560x1920, 1346820076001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only we had a seagull skype group or something where we could talk about cute baby animals all the time without derailing... That'd be great!

>> No.6301525
File: 90 KB, 428x680, 145288_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6301526

I kind of want to you explain it further.
Because I will screen cap it. And relive the funny for you as well.

I think it amuses me so much because I was obsessed with cows when I was little. I grew up in farm country, so I loved them. I still have a cow windchime too.

>> No.6301532
File: 38 KB, 469x381, 1314620743424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's alright. The tensions were running a bit high in this thread for a while there. It needed some cute derailment.

I'm sorry, Anon. There wasn't much to explain. I was petting a cow, it grabbed onto my dress and started chewing. I screamed, my dad plucked my from the cow, and the cow moo'd really loudly. It's funnier in short form.

>> No.6301535


Aw, thanks guys. I'm trying smaller things with my boyfriend. Maybe all cures should be accompanied by cute animals.

>> No.6301536
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>> No.6301539
File: 2 KB, 210x221, 1296342383853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tumblr bitch tried to jump on my case for being a 'whitey' because I was talking to a friend about how I've been taking salsa classes since a very young age.

>mfw I'm one hundred percent Hispanic

>> No.6301540
File: 65 KB, 600x450, xc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's those eyes, man! And I kind of want a tarantula but that's a little too scary for me. If it bit me while I was holding it, I'd probably drop it and if it died from that, I would cry.

>> No.6301544
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>> No.6301545

It still makes me giggle a bit though.

>> No.6301546
File: 32 KB, 250x373, dikdik1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piggies are on hold because I remembered how much I love DIKDIKS!


>> No.6301549
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>> No.6301550
File: 150 KB, 1032x774, 1299540061532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad it could be! I don't have tons of experience with farm animals, because I've lived in suburbia my entire life.

I mother fucking love dikdiks.

>> No.6301551
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>> No.6301554
File: 21 KB, 296x400, fennec11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6301559
File: 57 KB, 500x750, tumblr_maz4jxzWgE1ralbmoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if they'll never be real, I'm posting some joltiks. ;_;

>> No.6301562
File: 170 KB, 850x567, dikdik3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mother fucking love dikdiks.
High five! Normally when I talk about them people give me weird looks.

>You'll never meet anybody IRL who loves dikdiks too

>> No.6301567
File: 314 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lh7g8c6Fpk1qaemhko1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a friend for a while that loved them a lot, which is why I know about them. We're not friends anymore, but the dikdik legacy lives on.

>> No.6301568
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>> No.6301570
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>> No.6301571
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>> No.6301576
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>> No.6301577
File: 41 KB, 670x450, dikdik4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're not friends anymore, but the dikdik legacy lives on.
That's kind of sad... Anything you wanna talk about over adorable animals?

>> No.6301578
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>> No.6301581
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>> No.6301592
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It's getting to be an old (and fucking long) story, but it basically boils down to a friend of mine going pure bonkers on me, blocking me from everything... She proceeded to trash talk to every single one of my friends. She stole my best friend of several years (in a process that I'm still confused about) and now she wastes time lying about how successful she is to my friends, whining about how I'm 'stalking', all whilst stalking the fuck out of everything she can look at of mine. She was watching my facebook for a period of time and tried to interfere with a breakup I was having with my then girlfriend. When she couldn't do that anymore, she moved on to tumblr. I refuse to move usernames, because she does that every other week or so to "avoid me" (despite my not having her username??), and I don't want to lower myself to her level.

>> No.6301596
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>> No.6301597
File: 65 KB, 470x348, dikdik5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wut are these?

Awww... We'll I'll be your friend! (if you need one)

>> No.6301606
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>> No.6301608
File: 56 KB, 441x700, 1291266672523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're very sweet, Anon! I did manage to retain most of my friends... After a while of listening to her whine and bitch, most people realized she was batshit. She's dropped off the cosplay scene around here, although she's made a couple of threats to show up to the Lolita group- something I really don't need.

>> No.6301611
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>> No.6301617
File: 41 KB, 500x429, tumblr_m9sspvgRVK1qlnbpko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joltiks. They're an itty bitty electric bug pokemon.

>> No.6301618
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>> No.6301623
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>> No.6301624
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>> No.6301625
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Oceanpiggy loves the ocean.

>She's dropped off the cosplay scene around here, although she's made a couple of threats to show up to the Lolita group- something I really don't need.
Sound like a classic /cgl/ condrama thread horror story.
Well, my offer still stands. :3

>> No.6301629
File: 210 KB, 759x1143, 1304580737170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much. It's always fun to be reminded that she's there, probably leaving the shitty messages in my inbox on tumblr.
I'd love to be your friend, Anon!

>> No.6301631
File: 30 KB, 600x420, 1346821362001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like mareeps but I stopped following pokemon for the longest time so I don't know the latest ones...

>> No.6301633
File: 30 KB, 390x503, 384722_240849632637442_866612641_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody got any pic of their own cute critters/cute critters they've encountered?

For some reason wounded/orphaned animals are drawn to me.

>> No.6301636
File: 1.50 MB, 2976x3968, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can do that too! This is Molly. She died back in May, since she was pretty ancient, but she was a goof.

>> No.6301638
File: 44 KB, 640x480, 215463_375733655832849_1212829577_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


(newborn baby squirrel)

>> No.6301639
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>> No.6301642
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omg she's so cute, and those ears and hat, awww<3


>> No.6301643
File: 56 KB, 500x467, 1346821720001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd love to be your friend, Anon!
I'm not sure how anonymous friendship works (I've never had a friend from here before)... Have a piggy?

>> No.6301644
File: 134 KB, 900x936, lucy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And my piggy, Lucy. She's also gone in the past year. My pets were pretty old.

>> No.6301647
File: 134 KB, 801x482, 1346821689001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww that is SO little. How did you find it? Did.. Did it live? Did you raise it?

>> No.6301648
File: 53 KB, 523x480, Snapshot_20120717_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Last but not least, my derpy dog Boogie/Booger; Jack Russel Terrier.

>> No.6301649
File: 27 KB, 640x480, Picture 046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually have no idea. Whoops.

Whoops. My ugly face in with that one.

>> No.6301651
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>> No.6301654
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And this is my current babe, Oliver.

>> No.6301655


I was sitting up on the internet (here on /cgl/,actually) at like 3am on a windy night and I started hearing this pitiful crying SCREECH SCREECH SCREECH SCREECH noise, and when I went outside to check it out, there was a huge squirrel nest in the tree by my window, and the poor baby was dangling on a twig holding on for dear life.

Eventually it fell and despite trying my best, I couldn't catch it and since it hit the ground from like 25 feet I thought it was a goner, so I took it inside and put it in a box with some old t-shirts and a bag of hot-ish water underneath to keep it warm. Well, he didn't die, so later that morning I made some calls and found a girl to take him.

>> No.6301658


This might sound really dumb but what are these things? Giant hamsters? Dey so cute tho~

>> No.6301657
File: 1.92 MB, 3968x2976, 100_7715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dog my girlfriend and I accidentally adopted for a while this summer.

>> No.6301666
File: 72 KB, 800x600, 1346821756001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awwwwwww. Do you know what happened to him? Have you ever kept any of the animals?

Do you keep guinea pigs? I've heard they're cranky and like to nibble...

>> No.6301668
File: 1.66 MB, 3968x2976, Picture 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guinea pigs! They're about my favorite critters ever. Mine was a super sweety and wouldn't bite even if you shoved your finger up in her mouth. Perpetually horrified of the world, though.
She hated the tub.
I did, for about 8 years. They're generally not cranky creatures. They're prone to being HORRIFIED of everything, but not cranky. They do like to nipple (never bite) and lick at the ends of fingers. Lucy also latched onto towels and my robe and yanked at the fabric. I think she was just being a turd.

>> No.6301676
File: 31 KB, 715x379, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this one in my inbox because I posted that whites do have a culture and quoted something from the previous thread.

So glad I don't follow any SJ tumblrs.

>> No.6301683


No, I don't, I was too tired from lack of sleep and driving across town at 8AM to get her contact info. She was just gushing over him though. And I made her promise not to kill him, throw him out, or eat him.

I have kept a few, but only baby birds, since I'm better with birds that anything. All the birds I've kept but one have been successfully released, the one that wasn't released died.

Usually when I keep animals I find, it's only long enough to find a safer place for them or until they're healthy again. I believe wild animals should be outside where they belong, especially birds. To me keeping a bird in a cage any longer than necessary is just cruel. /bleedingheart

But I gotta tell you, few things feel better than finding a lost little baby bird and making it warm, safe, and hand-feeding it softened puppy food and watering with a dropper until their feathers grow in and they can fly short distances across your living room... and poop on you.

>> No.6301686
File: 17 KB, 300x225, sandwichgrill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sounds to me like you could save yourself a lot of grief and stress by getting a sandwich grill.

>> No.6301689

>quoted something from the previous thread.

It was the electricity thing, wasn't it?

>> No.6301692

Well, in fairness: White has no culture. There is culture within the groups... Danish, German, Swedish, Italian, Russian- things like that have cultures. Not specifically white. But that's just semantics and that anon needs to pull their panties out of their ass.

>> No.6301693
File: 367 KB, 522x696, 1346821419001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You make them sound really fun! I think I prefer regular piggies, though..

>even validating that shit with a response

I have a deep and long-lasting fascination with corvids (not goth I swear) so I know exactly how you feel. What all birds do you keep? What is your favorite genus?

>> No.6301696

They are really fun. They make such cute noises and she tucked herself into little corners and such...and didn't move for long periods of time.

>> No.6301702
File: 297 KB, 1088x816, SAM_0134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Haha, I'm just a dumbass backwoods barefoot hippie, I dunno nothing about genuses and such. I know the last baby bird I had was a brown dove. I had tons of pics but they were lost on my last computer when it died. I like all birds, but hawks are my favorite; never fostered a hawk, though.

I've had a baby mockingbird, a baby dove, a juvenile bluejay that got attacked by something and lost most of the flight feathers from his left wing, baby squirrel, baby gecko, and a ground mole.

(this is how big the baby squirrel was)

>> No.6301707
File: 32 KB, 500x335, tumblr_mb2pk1rWPQ1r39wfj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Actually it was the time before tumblr as I was still in high school, but still. She was like the prototype of a SJW nut, every day she had a new topic to bitch about and she was offended for motherfucking EVERYTHING. Racial issues, gender issues, sexuality issues, political issues, meat eating, music, everything you could think of. She was your run-of-the-mill counter-culture stereotypical communist lesbian transgender vegetarian and she wanted everyone to acknowledge it. Eating meat is sick, not being ragingly communist means you want to kill poor people, cisgendered heterosexual people need to suffer and white people are the devil. She would go into fits of rage and scream about this shit in public with all the "I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS/I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU THINK THAT WAY" manners.

One time she was pretty much having dry sex with her girlfriend in public at school, like deliberately in front of the evil heterosexual's eyes and when a teacher confronted them she blew into full SJ war mode. WHY HETEROSEXUAL PEOPLE GET TO CUDDLE IN PUBLIC BUT WE GET TOLD NOT TO OMG HOMOPHOBIA I'LL SUE well probably because the heterosexual don't look like they're making babies with their clothes on or at least have the courtesy to go behind the school to do that shit.

>> No.6301717
File: 59 KB, 600x400, Raven1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haha, I'm just a dumbass backwoods barefoot hippie, I dunno nothing about genuses and such.
I dunno you sound pretty neat to me!

>I like all birds, but hawks are my favorite; never fostered a hawk, though.
Are you me? I've always wanted to keep ravens/falcons and have them land on my shoulder and AID ME IN THE HUNT and stuff...

It might sound cheezy but I always play a forest warden/archer with an animal companion in RPGs and a raven or eagle or hawk is always once of my companion (a boar is always in there too of course!).

Also, jays are corvids too! Teh moar you know.

>and didn't move for long periods of time.
Jesus christ how horrifying. How did you know she wasn't... y'know?

>> No.6301723

Sad story, that's how we realized she was dead. Dad comes in, goes 'Why isn't Lucy moving? She dead?" "Oh, she's probably being a butt. Lemme poke her." Poke her, she's cold. Welllll then.

>> No.6301725
File: 32 KB, 473x308, Red Tailed Hawk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aw, thanks!

Hawks are amazing. I used to have a pet chicken, but it got eaten by one, though of course I don't hold that against them, since that's what they do. Out where I live there are a few nests of Red Tailed Hawks and when the wind is high I go for walks and watch them glide. It's amazing.

>> No.6301729

maybe quoting will finally work for me...

I quoted this:
I never got the whole “whites don’t have culture” thing. Yes they do. It’s just harder to define because White American culture is so pervasive.

Russia, England, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Portugal; all white countries, all with fantastic cultures.

White Canadians have culture, hockey, maple syrup, farming and fishing and a hells of great musical tradition on the East coast.

White American culture seems to revolve around the ideal of mom and dad and kids, baseball and football, apple pie, barbecue, working hard to climb the ladder.

The culture just gets blurry because the original ideal for both America and Canada was that they would be places where anyone could be part of the national identity, regardless of origin. Obviously the means and the ends of this grand experiment were both rocky and morally questionable, but that was the ideal.

because it's my blog and I like having the last word in things

>> No.6301742
File: 35 KB, 645x773, that sad feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sad story, that's how we realized she was dead. Dad comes in, goes 'Why isn't Lucy moving? She dead?" "Oh, she's probably being a butt. Lemme poke her." Poke her, she's cold. Welllll then.
Oh... I'm sorry I asked...

>Out where I live there are a few nests of Red Tailed Hawks and when the wind is high I go for walks and watch them glide. It's amazing.
We have red and white tailed hawks here. I like to sit on the side of a hill here and watch them go in circles on cool days. (I live rurally too)

I'm needing to go to bed but I love talking animals with you two, do either of you seagulls have like emails or something if the thread gets deleted before I wake up? (janitors can be finnicky sometimes...)

>> No.6301749

What I mean is that there is no /white/ culture. The different countries with white people have countries. But blobbing all white people in as one 'culture' is silly, because one country does not have the same culture as another. So there's no 'white' culture. But there's American, Canadian, Russian, English, Irish, etc cultures.
The same is correct with any mass groupage of people. There is no 'asian' culture there is japanese, chinese, korean. There is no 'black' culture. There is one for each of the different groups of people in Africa.
Like I said before, it's semantics.

It's alright, anon. Email is in email field.

>> No.6301758

I agree, just thought you'd like to see what I had actually posted.

>> No.6301766

I'm sorry! It was sort of confusing.

>> No.6301774


Sure, here you go! (I'm the hawk/baby squirrel/baby birds/etc. anon)

>> No.6301784
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Kickin', we'll talk more about guinea piggies later!

Still waiting to hear from birdnonmous... I'll leave the thread to fetch replies to so I don't miss anything.

Night guys. Proud of how we went from raging about tumblr morons to having an awesome seagull animal hour!

>> No.6301878

Oh my god, look what just popped up on my dash a few minutes ago:


Check out the notes, too. Comedy gold.

>> No.6301901

>the comments

>> No.6301922

thread is autosaging. make a new one?

>> No.6301983

please tell me this isn't a real tattoo please tell me this isn't a real tattoo please tell me please please please?
(lol, now i know how lookoutpinkie felt when she had her meltdown haha)

>> No.6301987

Oh my God, I saw that "You're not fat enough for fat acceptance, get the hell out" drama when it went down. Ridiculous.

>> No.6302046
File: 24 KB, 549x471, 1342758261363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
I stopped reading when people started talking about bulls and matadors.

Seriously seagulls, what the fuck?

>> No.6302083
File: 12 KB, 560x407, shrug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're a board of chatty girls who love animals and above all get side-tracked easily, what do you want from us?

>> No.6302084

I would love it if someone could find this.

>> No.6302100

I just graduated from a small liberal arts school in Massachusetts where basically half of the students were tumblr SJ kids--if someone wants to start a new thread, hoo boy do I have stories.

My favorite is when my black friend wrote an article for the school paper about how she hated the pressure put upon her to "act black" and the more radical black students called a school-wide conference to eviscerate her. Someone compared her article to an international war crime. A ~white ally~ girl burst into tears because it just HURT SO MUCH TO READ THE ARTICLE A BLOO BLOO BLOO. She went on to deliver our class's graduation address, of course. Actually, over the course of like 7 speeches, I think the word "transphobic" was used around 8 times.

>> No.6302101

Stopped watching when he described Madison as a good female character.

>> No.6302219

new thread

>> No.6302260

Agreed. Like that whole drama over MCR's music making people kill themselves, or Marilyn Manson being the trigger for Columbine. No. I listen to MCR, and I used to cut because I felt shit, not because of them. I also listen to MM, and I've never shot anyone. People do things because of how they feel, not because of text/images/colours/sounds/whatever the fuck it is now.

>> No.6304354

Not if they don't have a discernable cause or the object of fear is too unethical to recreate.

>> No.6304940

I'm lactose intolerant, and I'm highly considering making a SJ troll blog titled "Dairy Privilege"

>> No.6305301

I know that feel. Happened to me with my (3-legged!) albino hamster. Came out to feed her, saw her laying there; "Hey, wake up, sleepy!" Poke poke. Cold as hell and stiff as cardboard. Ended up phoning my parents sobbing, despite the 4+ hour time difference.

>> No.6305391

I have a trigger now. It was something that was building up for a long time and now I can't get away from it. But it's part of a major problem that's destroying my life right now and I know it's not the fault of someone who didn't bother to type a trigger warning into the tag field. I won't blame random people I don't know for inciting my issues. If I'm going to use the internet I'm going to have to deal with things that bother or depress me.
There are things that right now will drive me to tears because I am having such a hard time dealing with them.

But most of this tumblr crap... I think I'm gonna start calling them eggshell triggers. Let's all walk on eggshells because someone is a little uncomfortable with something someone posted on the internet.

>> No.6305665

>being touched by anyone I don't know
That's not really a small thing. A stranger has no business touching you.

"Trigger" originally comes from PTSD where specific sensations can trigger a flashback, resulting in reliving the traumatic experience (e.g. rape). But such a trigger can be virtually anything like a sound, a smell or a word someone says. It's not like SJ use it in "trigger warning for discussing xxx".

>> No.6305892

Fuck yeah dikdiks. I would go to zoo when i was little and ONLY want to watch the dikdiks for like 2 hours