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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6381214 No.6381214[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do girls pretend to like Star Wars?

>> No.6381233

because they're experts on Evangelion and giraffe molesting



>> No.6381256

lol so random xD *holds up spork*

>> No.6381262
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>Girls cant actually like what I like

>> No.6381261

I don't like it and don't pretend otherwise. But I don't think I've actually seen the films. just bits and I wasn't impressed

>> No.6381277

Omfg, at Celebration VI, everytime I turned a corner there would be like six slave Leias. Pretty sure I only saw like three normal Leias and my friend was the only Hoth one I saw

>> No.6381292

Hoth Leia's got a pretty sweet outfit too

>> No.6381301

Because guys have shitty tastes and we need to stoop down to your level.


>> No.6381337

No, Jane, you are the 'tard.

>> No.6381338

because, like all cosplay, it's just girls trying to get attention from guys

>> No.6381343

slave leia gives them the chance to dress like a slut but pretend they are just wearing a costume teehee or i'm a fan teehee.

>> No.6381348

And then Jane was retard.

>> No.6381361

Don't most people like Star Wars? Maybe they're not up to your standards of fandom, but these girls probably at least enjoy Star Wars. It's pretty mainstream now.

>> No.6382037

you mean girls trying to show up other girls

>> No.6382040

>why do girls pretend to like star wars
>why do guys pretend that girls can't like whatever the hell they want

>> No.6382066

Because women can't into independence

>> No.6382082
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>> No.6382116

Why is there not one single accurate or attractive Leia in that entire group?

>> No.6382126

I'll give you that none of them are accurate, but a couple of those girls are damn attractive.

>> No.6382136

I only see one. 2nd row from bottom 3rd from the left.

>> No.6382139

Well, in the entire original trilogy, there was only one female character that had only two recognizable outfits. Maybe next time someone can make an epic THREE FUCKING MOVIES with more than one recognizable female and two outfits.

But that's just me.

>> No.6382180

leia is my favorite disney princess

>> No.6382213

The prequels had like six different outfits on the main female character per movie.

Only problem is they were boring as fuck and nobody wants to dress up as Padme.

>> No.6382247

Amen, I've made a few of Padme's gowns but Leia is just a badass.

When I was Auora Sing, nobody knew who I was....oh well.

>> No.6382553
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I was in line at a toy shop once, buying a new monopoly set
Having a conversation with my boyfriend, said I didn't like starwars cause it sucks and two employees started talking to each other about it, and just staring at me, then after about 3 minutes of continuing my conversation with my boyfriend I notice, fucking creepy

The only employee that had sense was the female one who had enough decency to not be rude and eavesdrop, and was just as confused as I was when she looked up and noticed

I wasn't being even being loud

>> No.6383097

Well it's true. If you look at the best books ever written, the best movies, best video games, or even best music - the ratio of females to males who like it is like 1:50000.

>> No.6383105

Twilight and Fifty Shades are the best books ever written. And the ratio of females to males is like 50000:1
So there.

>> No.6383125

I guess that would be true, in a completely feminized society.

>> No.6387066

There a lot of girls who also wear different Star Wars costumes and not just the Slave Leia one. But for some stupid reason everyone always decided to ignore that. I do have a Slave Leia costume but it is not my favorite one. Have 3 other Leia costumes, but they are always ignored on conventions. I don't wear Slave Leia anymore, due to the bad opinions about it.
And I do like Star Wars, I do not pretend anything.

>> No.6387400

nigga you srs?
Episode IV: Original Princess outfit, celebration attire
Episode V: Hoth outfit, Bespin outfit
Episode VI: Endor camo, Brown dress, Bounty hunter, slave outfit

>> No.6387535

Star Wars is pleb as fuck.

>> No.6387582

But the good ones are pretty cult-following only.

>> No.6387586

The celebration attire and Bespin outfit are both not entirely recognizable, and kinda boring. And other than the Hoth outfit and the slave outfit, they're not really form fitting or attractive, which most girls want to be. That being said, I have always considered making a bounty hunter Leia.

>> No.6387589

Not in modern days. The reason there were so many more epic things created by men in the past was because anything created by a woman was seen as inferior and didn't deserve the time of day, so there wasn't as much attention.

Hell, even JK Rowling was told to just use her first two initials when they published HP because they knew they'd get less book sales if people knew she was a woman.

>> No.6387595

But most women hate Twilight. I only know one girl who doesn't and she's my thirteen year old cousin.

>> No.6387598

I fucking hate Star Wars. My mother's obsessed with it and used to force me to watch it all the time with her. I've seen the initial trilogy more times than most hardcore fans.

>> No.6387597

Why do people bash on Star Wars so much. The movies are fun!
And not all Slave Leia's wear the costume because it is a chance to be slutty.
And there are a lot of girls at SW conventions who wear different costumes, but those are not seen on photos. Because most people (men) take photos of Slave Leia girls. Classic Leia or The Bounty Hunter version for example, no one looks at girls wearing those costumes. Because the Classic Leia dress is a bot boring and the Bounthy Hunter...the person underneuth it could easily be a guy.

>> No.6387620

I just don't think the movies are great enough to deserve all that hype and following, so i think only plebs would really go apeshit for Star Wars, just sayin.

>> No.6387786

>Not in modern days. The reason there were so many more epic things created by men in the past was because anything created by a woman was seen as inferior and didn't deserve the time of day, so there wasn't as much attention.
Even in modern days.

Yes, everyone *knows* that 50 Shades of Shit and Twilight are trash literature. But the Harry Putter or Hungry Games books? Not far from trash tier either. Both are extremely lacking in literary value. The closest *male* equivalent to those are those trashy (=popular) fantasy books like Eragon or Artemis Fowl. But there are still some popular exceptions there - ASoIaF may not seem like much, but it has a lot of depth hidden underneath the shallow veil of generic medieval England fantasy. And then there's the Dune series, which is self-explanatory. Heck, I'd admit that even LOTR has had some merits, laying down the groundwork for the fantasy genre for years, although I don't particularly like the series.

But alright - perhaps girls who read fantasy are not the kind that wants depth. But if you don't count those, the amount of girls who read gradually diminishes. They're particularly ignorant of the great writers of the past - maybe they don't want to accept their 'greatness' since they achieved it in a 'patriarchal society' - but even great female writers, like Ayn Rand or Virginia Woolf mean nothing to them, and they would much rather read some shallow celeb./woman's magazine, or the aforementioned trash literature.

>> No.6387815

>I just don't think the movies are great enough to deserve all that hype and following
But the first two movies (in the original trilogy) deserve all the praise they get whether you like the genre or not. We owe them so much for the groundbreaking changes they brought into the movie industry. There were even some three-dimensional characters (like Han Solo), the acting was tolerable for the most part, and the second movie even had some depth in it. It may not be a masterpiece, but it certainly deserves more praise than Avaturd or >90% of sci-fi movies made in the last two decades.

Anyhow, when I mentioned 'the good ones with cult-following', I didn't mean the movies (since those are obv. massively popular). Knights of the Old Republic II has more depth and much, much better written characters than the rest of the Star Wars universe combined. It is quite ironic that it is the second installment of what is otherwise a shallow, Saturday morning cartoon level series. And there's also the fact that the game was quite bashed (for some due reasons too - mostly because it was left unfinished and there were technical issues). But from the writing/depth perspective, it just stands out so massively from the rest of the franchise, that it's not even funny.

It's like the game is that shy flat-chested girl that you never noticed back when you were a dumb teenager, lusting after big boobied Betties, but when you actually noticed her and got to know her, you knew she was the one like no other.

>> No.6387899

>but even great female writers, like Ayn Rand or Virginia Woolf
>great female writers, like Ayn Rand
>great female writers
>Ayn Rand

>> No.6387959
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I saw that coming from miles away.

>> No.6388628

how dare you be condescending to me you giraffe molesting pos

I own you fatty

>> No.6389319

Pretend? I've liked it since I was 5 (am 20 now).. I watched the movies my dad had recorded on VHS back in the days, had a casette of the audio drama for kids, bought the Star Wars II movie on VHS (the only one that came out when I was allowed to buy stuff for my own money) when I was around 11 - 12, but my brother lost it. I have no intrest in cosplaying slave Leila, EVER!

...Am I still pretending to like it?

>> No.6391198

>I've liked it since I was 5
cool story

>> No.6391263
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Comparatively old female here, I thought Star Wars was pretty cool when I was a kid but then the Special Editions came out when I was 12 in '97, it became my obsession. I still own all the EU books except for the New Jedi Order series and most of the X-Wing series and 10-14 Star Wars shirts I'm too embarrassed to wear.

I was already made fun of a lot but wearing Star Wars shirts and reading sci-fi books all the time, and of course dressing up as obscure Star Wars characters for Halloween made it so much worse.

Now that being a nerd is suddenly "cool," I am bitter as fuck. It was my 10 year high school reunion this year and all of a sudden people are reaching out to me and asking like they didn't tell me to kill myself all the time; one of the guys who spit on me, threw my Star Wars books in the garbage, and called me an ugly nerd every day wears a Star Wars shirt in all of his Facebook profile photos. But nothing makes me rage harder than ignorant sluts overflowing Comic Con as Slave Leia or SEXY STORMTROOPERS.

Slutty Star Wars cosplayers should be required to take an EU test before being allowed to enter a convention.

>> No.6391266

*acting like they didn't
not asking

>>Star Wars II movie on VHS
10/10 I raged hard.

>> No.6391803

May the force of your mother be with you

>> No.6391882

>See these kinds of threads on /v/ all the time
>Go to /cgl/
>They're here too

How the fuck do I get away from you people?

>> No.6392138

Oh her mom has had some fun with the 'force', alright.

>> No.6392188

Do men really think that everything a woman does somehow revolves around them? Christ.

>> No.6392333

>10/10 I raged hard.
They didn't have ANY of the other movies in my town at that time, so I was stuck with the "latest". I didn't have a DVD at the time either...
Although... My big brother borrowed it, and I didn't see it anymore after that </3

>> No.6392376
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>Hungry Games
that made me lol

>> No.6392421

I wish they wouldn't.

>> No.6392538
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You can never get away.

>> No.6392542

Because they like to dress as Slave Leia to unleash their inner sluts and bathe their egos at the lustful stares of sex-starved nerds.