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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 33 KB, 391x281, 1354073397251.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6495694 No.6495694 [Reply] [Original]

Only weeks away from con season getting back into gear. We need a new progress thread.

>> No.6495720
File: 146 KB, 1024x768, dc61df61-dcb6-4a92-be80-8bf0e09ec8c7wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So little time until ALA aaaahhhhhh

Started detailing Mika's Nightwing yesterday. I bought the rest of the materials today so I can get it all done.

>> No.6495724 [DELETED] 
File: 2.99 MB, 350x185, sandy_hook_shooting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what will be the most popular cosplay of next season?

>> No.6495746

That's nice.

>> No.6495819

Wreck It Ralph, Rise of the Guardians, LoTR comebacks.

>> No.6495850
File: 43 KB, 480x640, 532508_10151605867094782_1683604870_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on 'fancy god tier' Meenah for ohayocon. Pinned on buttons (crookedly, whoops), trim and muslin cape for this shot while I wait for my work room space heater to get it's ass in gear.

>> No.6495858

>Only weeks away from con season

Um... con season is in the summer. It's not "weeks away".

>> No.6495865

There's already a progress thread. What are you doiiiin!

>> No.6495874
File: 111 KB, 432x576, KyoyaWIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thready already exists... but it turned into a drama war...
But I'll repost to see if anyone has any tips...

Kyoya Ootori (Ouran):
60% Complete
STILL waiting on wig
Chest is a bit to tight so I need to re-size it >.<
Need to iron out everything
Bought shoe polish an hour ago, so shoes are polished and ready to go.
Colors on badge need to be retouched.
I need help with makeup. The last person to give me advise didn't tell me any brands/names. If I go to the store, what should I ask for? (ie, "Do you have any Maybelline Lasting Drama by EyeStudio Gel Eyeliner, Blackest Black 950?")
I'm clueless with makeup

>> No.6495883

Pretty much. Gel liner usually comes in a little pot and sometimes a little brush. Most of the time the brush is rubbish so you might want to get a better one.

But omg I <3 Kyoya post pics when you're done?

>> No.6495886

Of course I will!
Can you recommend any other products (with name of what I should ask for)?
Someone told me something about foundation and concealer, but it all went over my head.

>> No.6495889

You could ask for that specifically, or just ask for a black liquid eyeliner. Or, you could ask if they carry Maybelline products and then look for that specific eyeliner on your own. You can also not ask at all, almost all drugstores carry maybelline and Maybelline products should all be together in one very large (like, floor-to-ceiling) section.

>> No.6495897

Well, that's what I'm afraid of... I don't want to go to a store and not know what to get, then end up buying the wrong thing.
When I said "Maybelline Lasting Drama by EyeStudio Gel Eyeliner, Blackest Black 950" I just googled "eyeliner" and copy pasta'd the first name I saw.

What brands and makes would /cgl/ recommend?

>> No.6495909

The type of foundation and concealer generally depends on your skin - do you know what your skin type is (oily, dry, combination, etc.)?

There are many different types of concealers for covering up dark circles, redness and so on. Stick concealers may be cheaper but they tend to be dry and usually crease. I would say get a creamy concealer. How much coverage depends on how severe your blemishes are.

Foundation is much trickier since there are many different types for different kinds of skintones and undertones. In general, if you have oily skin, it might be better to go with a powder foundation. If you have dry or normal skin, mousse or liquid foundation might be a better choice. You skin looks okay in the picture, so I would recommend at least a finishing/mattifying powder of some sort for cosplay/pictures to reduce shininess for pictures.

I don't really use drugstore concealers and foundations because I haven't seen one I like, but I believe Maybelline has concealers and foundation in mousse form, and I think they might be good for beginners since it's pretty hard to mess them up and you can apply with your fingers.

You might want to go with a store that has a good return policy as well - it's very hard to get the right foundation on the first try since you can't swatch them at the store. I also recently tried Almay's smartshade makeup - it really blends into my skin color! That might be an alternative if you aren't sure which shade to go with.

>> No.6495911
File: 21 KB, 731x508, revlon crap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I forgot to remove this Revlon crap before a workout, and an 1.5 hours of sweat later, it was still unsmeared. Less than $10, found at any drugstore.

>> No.6496120
File: 1.54 MB, 1220x820, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks sir!

Also more progress to keep it alive.
Drew the lines on. Next up is the gray parts of his suit and then shoulder armor time.

>> No.6496145

>dat ass

>> No.6496147
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>> No.6496173
File: 29 KB, 538x717, nadeko prog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on Nadeko from Bakemonogatari for ALA.

Coat isn't done (have to add buttons and details), also I need to iron the shit out of everything. But I made the coat and pink top and modified the hat (the dyeing was a pain in the ass). Also I'm not wearing my wig (I have a dark brown wig) nor do I have makeup on because it's 1AM.

>> No.6496183


>> No.6496188

I told him to stop flexing it. Turns out that's just how they always are.


I hate you for making me go through the effort of looking this series up. Also CUTE AS FUQ yespls. it's late bb go to sleep

>> No.6496227

>I hate you for making me go through the effort of looking this series up
Its an old as fuck series. Christ, this really is 4chan's unlocked back door.

>> No.6496231

>Not knowing what Bakemonotagari is
Where the fuck have you been, mate?

>> No.6496236
File: 433 KB, 900x675, dat ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6496672

And an absolute bitch to boot!

>> No.6496730


Iron the seams around the wrist on the shirt. And the bottom seam. And the hat. It will look so much better once everything looks crisp.
Good job!

>> No.6496736

no offense but the drawn on lines look... pretty drawn on and cheap, maybe do piping there instead?

>> No.6496876

I have cons in January, February, and March, and one in June, then none til fall. Jul/Aug is a giant void if I don't go to Otakon, I don't get the whole "summer is con season" deal. If anything, Spring is.

>> No.6496881

Same, here spring is where EVERYTHING is crammed in its really frustrating. I have five cons from feb to end of april.

>> No.6496929
File: 367 KB, 462x1000, IMG_0649_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First bracer for my Protoss Wizard is done. Need to replace the grey clay gems by glowing LED gem stones. Just hope I will find a good way to hide the battery.

>> No.6496948

No such thing as a protoss wizard.

And stop making armor out of graham crackers.

>> No.6496946

Looks good.

>> No.6496964
File: 51 KB, 233x308, protoss wizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!

Well, there is an official design by Blizzard. Even if it's only a head. Despite of I try to create my own design.

>> No.6496973

The thumbnail made me think this was some kind of squid-bullet that you'd fire out of a gun to silence loud weebs.
Now I'm disappointed

>> No.6496974

Can I touch your butt

>> No.6497558

That doesn't even make any sense, Because protoss have no mouths. They talk with their advanced psychonics and they eat with photosynthesis. This is the lore.

>> No.6497582
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>> No.6497795
File: 1.50 MB, 2304x3072, DSCF3713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progress of Aquagirl wig. Really happy with how the colour turned out! Waiting for another rinse to dry, after which the colour should be more even and lighter.

>> No.6497830
File: 81 KB, 1280x675, seymour2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on my Seymour wig. I need to work more on the internal structure of the side things. It's lying flat when it isn't suppost too.

> Don't mind my awkward face in the photo of it on my head
> I can't edit my face out without editing out the strand that goes in front of my face.

>> No.6497895

Don't be so ignorant. I won't create a Protoss. I'll create a Protoss Wizard, a fictional crossover character from Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 based on the special Battle.net portrait from the Diablo 3 CE.

>> No.6497902

That's beautiful, how did you do it?

>> No.6497913
File: 116 KB, 550x400, tumblr_mf93yiZURT1qkpcyjo1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only myself and my girlfriend may harness the power of these buns.

>> No.6497927


>cutting on the floor with an exacto


>> No.6498001
File: 102 KB, 240x200, bubbles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None taken anon! I'll just use the lines as a guide for when I put bias tape on. It's always good to get feedback on how things look in photos anyways.

In other news, finished Shego's boots and almost done her leg pouch and belt. NEARLY THERE.


>> No.6498049
File: 216 KB, 942x446, 100_2836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a tester corset just to see if I would be any good at it.

Guess I'll just wear it cause I didn't have anything costumey planned for it and I do not feel like jumping on the steampunk bandwagon.

>> No.6498062
File: 1.27 MB, 1249x841, Screen shot 2012-12-19 at 4.34.14 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two incoming! Finished up my Sexual Cavalry getup today, just need a pole for the flag and I'm good to go.

>> No.6498064
File: 1.25 MB, 1250x835, Screen shot 2012-12-19 at 4.34.31 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaand done with Aqualad as well. Whoop whoop lessgo ALA, just need to make a new sword for my Sokka getup and I'm done with everything.

>> No.6498260
File: 598 KB, 1112x960, vault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No where near done..
Need to take in a lot of places, build that belt that goes across the chest, verity of other things..

Got the Pipboy more or less finished though..

>> No.6498266
File: 19 KB, 400x300, bonergif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6498316

I got really lucky with FW Ink. The base wig is a lace front from taobao, and then I did three rounds of drenching with a solution of 1 cup of 70% isopropyl alcohol, 6 drops of white ink, and 8 of turquoise.
It looked fucking awful for the first while, then I did the last ink rinse and threw a fabric softener solution to detangle it on it. Rinsed that out, got this, was much relieved.

>> No.6498338

There really needs to be more fallout cosplay. Looking good so far! hand make the suit or get a jumpsuit somewhere? Can you provide any good links? Been on the fence about making one!

>> No.6498405
File: 59 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mfadtpVGcI1qaqcdso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started working on my genderbent tidus yesterday woop woop

inb4 attention whore because genderbending

>> No.6498417
File: 60 KB, 960x720, 281359_10151351223522419_1487306315_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got a blue jumpsuit but I'm pretty slender so I'll have to take it in a bit in places.

It seems like the props are more what make up the costume such as some Nuka-Cola or different weapons/meds.

I keep looking at that photo I posted, so much work to make it look correct. Here is a shot of the Pipboy thus far.

>> No.6498421

Wow, someone who can take constructive criticism! I definitely think bias tape or any sort of raised detail would really make it pop and look a little more textural and interesting. The painted on lines don't look terrible but they definitely look painted on, and the rest of the costume looks good so why not go all the way.

>> No.6498429

It's beautiful!!
sage for nothing to contribute

>> No.6498493

You forgot to add "slutty" genderbend cosplay.

>> No.6498505

Because Tidus looked like a wholesome and virtuous young gentleman of the jehovahs witness community (No disrespect to the Jehovahs, just sayin'!)

>> No.6498717

YOU SAID YOU WEREN'T WEARING AQUALAD AT ALA. breaking my goddamn heart and group also everything looks great! Oglaf is best comic.

Is that rare? I personally like when people suggest [within reason] stuff that would amp up the cosplay. It's not like I'd have to backtrack a couple hours worth of work to do what we both think would look good.
Thank you! I'll definitely pick up some bias tape on my next fabric trip~

>> No.6498731

Oh, wow. Thank you.
Something I love about Fallout/Survival cosplay...You built it to break it down.

>> No.6498736

i think he meant AX lol

>> No.6498768

Wonderful wonderful!

I also can't get over what a handsome lad you are.

>> No.6498833
File: 2.49 MB, 4000x3000, shego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol everyone should just bring their Supers to Sakuracon yess

And just a quick pic of Shego's boots. So glad the diagonal part worked out. Was watching Inkmaster at the same time...

>> No.6498852

Both! Still not going to AX, but changed my mind about ALA a couple days ago. Because long hair is dumb and buzzcuts mean Aqualad can happen.

>> No.6498858


okay now this group is getting super exciting to the max. Also it's not just 'Nightwing and his bitches' anymore

>> No.6499005

>old as fuck series
When you say that, I thought you meant it was pre-2000. 2009 isn't that old.

>> No.6500048

I'm so hard. Thanks for being dark skinned and doing this thing justice

>> No.6500068 [DELETED] 
File: 1.36 MB, 1840x3264, 2012-12-19_11-45-52_346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anywho, actual progress. Viera wig styled for the most part. Ears are on. I'm gonna make another pair post ALA and experiment with other methods of ear making and see what I can get since I can slide them off the wires that are supporting them.

Also debating how I wanna handle the back of the wig, whether to leave it as is or put it up.

>> No.6500071
File: 226 KB, 608x1078, 2012-12-19_11-45-52_346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anywho, actual progress. Viera wig styled for the most part. Ears are on. I'm gonna make another pair post ALA and experiment with other methods of ear making and see what I can get since I can slide them off the wires that are supporting them.

Also debating how I wanna handle the back of the wig, whether to leave it as is or put it up.

>> No.6500089

vieras are girls, gaywad.

>> No.6500096

Viera enthusiast here, but even though they never make an appearance, there is a tribe of Viera men kept separate from the women. I presume it's to keep them from...doing what bunnies do best since they live so long

>> No.6500098

are you doing a class?

>> No.6500110
File: 750 KB, 720x1031, P1260088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how far set yours are. These ears are my latest rendition. The tips are bit more cartoony, but it's easy to achieve the fringe by just gluing it on rather than sewing it, or you could use actual fabric fur.

>> No.6500113

Doin' spellblade~

>>6500096 TOLD YOU!!!

I like your fringe, it looks nice and clean~ much easier to read!

>> No.6500114

I thought this was a squid from the thumbnail

>> No.6500127

>cosplaying a character that never makes an appearance

Way to think that one out, captain autism.

Stop cosplaying girl characters.

>> No.6500129

Viera are known for being female and are all-female in the game you're cosplaying from.

You're cosplaying as a woman.

>> No.6500140

that's one less thing for me to have to figure out~

>> No.6500153
File: 683 KB, 1366x768, Viera men do exist!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought younger generations were more tech savvy than this. Learn to google, kids.

>> No.6500151

"Male viera do exist, although they've never been depicted in any of the series, possibly because female and male viera create separate settlements and only communicate with each other if necessary."

>> No.6500157
File: 13 KB, 396x262, so_cute_rabbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually officially stated that there is a tribe of viera male though...so I'm actually really happy someone is doing it.

>> No.6500191 [DELETED] 

So when you go to a can dressed like a girl character are you gunna print out and hold up the fine print of a wikipedia article telling people that technically male viera exist in certain places? Maybe you can even read it out loud to people as they're laughing at you for cosplaying as a chick.

>> No.6500196

So when you go to a con dressed like a girl character are you gunna print out and hold up the fine print of a wikipedia article telling people that technically male viera exist in certain places? Maybe you can even read it out loud to people as they're laughing at you for cosplaying as a chick.

>> No.6500203

Is it bad to post too much progress? I've been working up a storm. Finally put on all of my Zatanna stuff at once. Hemming the bottom and putting on all the buttons but it's done! ALA is getting too close.

>> No.6500206
File: 487 KB, 700x933, zatanna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for eating my picture, captcha

>> No.6500209

>although they've never been depicted in any of the series

You're cosplaying specifically as something that shows up in the series, a Viera Spellblade, which are female. You're not going as one of your own orignal characters, so you can't use that as an excuse.

You are cosplaying as something that is KNOWN for being female. You can't lawyer explanations to people while at conventions. Bad cosplay choice is bad.

Of course, I'm talking to a black guy who likes to cosplay as Hatsune Miku, so I guess you dont care.

>> No.6500211
File: 85 KB, 380x258, 1294033616377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love how hard you're trying to make a big deal out of this. Even if males didn't exist, let him has him fun anyway. Do something productive with your time instead of wasting it on an internet fight.

>> No.6500215


>because genderbending is sooooo uncommon

>> No.6500222

cute! I would work on the bottom of the top though, it needs ironing or something to make it less scrunched looking

>> No.6500225

actually, I think you just need to iron the whole top and probably do some top stitching

>> No.6500230

Yeah the top's a bit funky. Guess I should topstitch it, eh Anon? Good call.
Also the bottom's not finished yet! Not hemmed there either because after I put it on for final fitting I realize I needed to take it in a bit more there. Thus the pin.

Thank you for the idea on the top part though~

>> No.6500244
File: 47 KB, 362x476, IMG_9888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost done with Nano's turn key. Just need to paint it.

>> No.6500256

awesome! how are you planning on attaching it?

>> No.6500258

I want to use super magnets but Im having a hard time getting ahold of some. Any ideas?

>> No.6500280

hmm, if it's wood, you could try screwing a screw into it, cutting the tip off, make a harness for under your shirt which would have a plate of some sort with a screw connection. So then you could screw in and screw out the key whenever you want. But that's the heavy duty way I guess.

>> No.6500282
File: 11 KB, 240x320, sad-bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6500290

but if it's super light weight you could just sew a button hole in your shirt and hot glue it to said harness. I stress using a harness since the key would make a weird pull on the shirt fabric

>> No.6500299
File: 112 KB, 600x800, Hannah__s_Wind_Up_Steampunk_by_Cosplay_Pirates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of steampunk girls have done wind up stuff on their corsets, I found this one via google

>> No.6500304

That is a thought. The super magnets idea appealed to me so I wouldnt have to make a whole in the jacket.
Yeah I thought of something similar but like you said I dont want the sagging.

>> No.6500311

a button whole sounds good though since it would be a slit.

>> No.6500315

that is true...

>> No.6500324


>> No.6500811

It is painfully obvious that you used a cheap fabric, didnt line it, and didnt trim your hems
It doesnt look even close to being done

>> No.6500820


Thats looking a little sloppy, the whole thing needs a good ironing and some understitching to keep the edges neat. I would have put boning in it... Zatanna should look really neat and tailored.

Agreed with this anon that the white looks a little thin...

>> No.6500831
File: 72 KB, 720x960, 547556_2137598446280_1633552232_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Franziska progress. I need to shorten the cravat.

>> No.6500859
File: 1.06 MB, 992x1000, IMG_0667_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, looks just perfect! I love it!

Create the base of my Protoss Wizard wig. After all these braids the wig looked pretty... naked and I had to add a ton of extra braids and dreadlocks. This thing has about as four times as much hair as a normal wig but is perfect for the costume. Now comes the real styling...

>> No.6500886

that looks lovely, as always! But won't it be a little heavy to use?

>> No.6500910
File: 348 KB, 1000x456, Alex30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot!
Well, I always keep in mind, that I survived my Alexstrazsa wig so I will survive this one too. And I guess, if I'll manage to fix it all over my head it should work. Hopefully...

>> No.6500928
File: 26 KB, 183x210, adoringfan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My god, it's perfect.

>> No.6500936
File: 69 KB, 541x960, 281320_10152332022680543_1531819266_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so close to being done with this I can taste it, I'm just down to the little details thank goodness.

It needs a good iron & thread trimming marathon, and it doesn't sit right on my dressform, but all in all I'm dang happy with how its turning out.

>> No.6500945

If you're going to do Zatanna at least do her other outfits. It looks like you have nowhere near the actual money or skill necessary to pull off the corset.

>> No.6500947

Thanks a lot!

>> No.6500956

Those triangles. Those triangles are perfect!

>> No.6501205

Agreeing completely with all of this. The top just ends up being too bulky and sloppy, the rest is not really visible enough to judge imho.

>> No.6501207

If you hadn't told us that was 'done' I would've thought that you were posting a fitting muslin to show what adjustments you were going to make for the final thing.

>> No.6501217
File: 39 KB, 720x960, 9687_530508853640386_1667177079_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More progress, Minor additions need to be made. Need to thread the pants and the undershirt and paint the back of the jacket. And of course shave and straighten my hair.

>> No.6501268
File: 116 KB, 960x541, 67302_10152335216860543_1943392869_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have more triangles. My night is going to be fun!

>> No.6501536
File: 81 KB, 541x960, Rotom Chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So here's a progress photo of my Rotom chair from earlier today, about half way finished. The chair is complete now and just needs painting.

Can't wait to roll around like a super villain at cons~

>> No.6501556

did u make that out of cardboard?

>> No.6501560

I wish it looked this well and only out of cardboard.

This is made with a highly compressed, composite wood

>> No.6501564

why arent you living up to your name, mr cardboard king?

>> No.6501576

This thing needs to support my weight, and withstand abuse. Plus it's opportunity to practice different methods of building things. Nothing more fun than tons of power tools in a giant effects warehouse~

>> No.6501671

Ehhhh those look pretty mediocre, honestly you should've done them more like >>6500110

>> No.6501757

Well, as I said, I'm gonna redo them. It's like my second time making ears and first time making ears in this shape. It's a learning experience if anything

>> No.6501772

aka mdf
it's a cheap wood, great for making props

>> No.6501853

See scrawny girl in second photo. Fourth panel, mind blown.

>> No.6501866

Think you overdid it with the braids. It looks like maybe a few in the back behind the ears, and the front looks wavey. This just doesn't seem to fit with the look of the character.

>> No.6501867
File: 266 KB, 1208x920, IMG_1096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey if you ship it to my place ill drive it up to Katsucon For you.

The weather here has gotten super shitty, so I decided to sculpt out the rest of the helmet. Already ordered my molding rubber, now i just gotta Round out the crown area and smooth it out and Ill be ready to mold.

And yes Ill b selling Kits to those interested

>> No.6501873

What's the helmet?

>> No.6501889
File: 95 KB, 720x573, 545051_468168046544033_645226124_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamen Rider Wizard, Flame Style

>> No.6501994
File: 425 KB, 1024x1123, mag_shaw_001_12_13_2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That visor isn't going to be fun. DX

Magneto/Shaw helmet from First Class. I'm happy with the broad shape of it

>> No.6502094

ADORING FAN. Uh....go stand over there. That's right, over there.

>> No.6502230
File: 516 KB, 480x270, l.php.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh yeah I know. Ive planned and tested 3 different ways, its also partially why I wanted to mold and cast it first

>> No.6502307

Yeah...the top looks like a muslin and a shitty one at that. You should completely redo it.

>> No.6502496
File: 352 KB, 405x1000, IMG_0694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I just started with the styling of the wig and there is still a lot of work, but I really hope to handle the look of the character as well as possible. I have almost no experience in wig styling, so this part is pretty hard for me.

>> No.6502508
File: 71 KB, 640x480, 121221-000928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much progress, just ran a make up test for Bilbo Baggins. This is not going to be my wig or ear, lol.

>> No.6502667

I'm really looking forward to how this costume comes out.

>> No.6502763
File: 114 KB, 1000x843, 271914_548361588525692_1195800969_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh believe me, I also do so! Still have nooo idea what I really do. Meanwhile my wigs gains more and more weight...

>> No.6502771
File: 1.87 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mituna helmet started

>> No.6502897
File: 65 KB, 500x373, fucking jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shit son, that looks pretty damn good. Can't wait to see it finished.

I'm working on tokushit too, actually- missed out on buying the official jacket so I may as well make my own. Fucking Go-Busters, man.

>> No.6502983

sweet. what cons are you wearing this at?
I really wanna make J one day.

>> No.6502999
File: 76 KB, 768x1024, MURRICA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, I actually have progress for once.
American Maid is going a lot better than I expected. The costume itself is all kinds of messed up but it hides pretty well and I've learned a lot making it. Still have a long way to go before I can say It's finished, though. Lazy star is pinned on for the picture- I plan on making a stencil and painting one on after the holidays.

>> No.6503019


ALA definitely, maybe Fanime, maybe ECCC, I dunno. I'm West Coast. If you make J that would actually be the best thing ever, holy shit.

>> No.6503039

How would one go about sewing and clothes making for the first time?

>> No.6503042

Thanks for all the crit guys. I looked up a bunch of corset tutorials and I guess I'll pick up some spiral boning and give it another try. If not, guess I'll have to make do with what I have for ALA and remake it another time.

Also it is lined and yes the hems are messy.

>> No.6503057

You seem like a nice person, if you'd like I can take a few photos of the construction of my zatanna corset so you can see how its put together and copy the pattern for yourself. If you're local to vancouver like Mika is I can even let you borrow it if you'd like (for reference), though I doubt you could fit it because you're smaller than me

>> No.6503065

Start with simple things, like pillows, and work your way up.
Look for clothing patterns.

>> No.6503078

Whoa that would be so so awesome. I'd love even photos just to know where to start. Thanks so much! And yep I'm local too~ thank you thank you

>> No.6503084

If you're local and can get to King George station I can just lend it to you since I'm kind of an acquaintance of Mika, it might be better than pictures so you can see how the boning works in it etc.

If not, I can take a few photos of it tonight and pretty sure I had some mid construction...

>> No.6503102

Yep I'm only a few stops from King George but I have a lot of shifts scheduled because of the holidays unfortunately though...

I think photos would be best for both of us just because of the time but I'm super grateful for the offers. You're awesome.

>> No.6503122

I'll try and take a few or find the progress tonight then, good luck on your Zee!

>> No.6503158

Thanks so much! You made my day.

>> No.6503361


>> No.6503386

Wait...protoss..? Are you the real kamui ?

>> No.6503391



>> No.6503396 [DELETED] 

Been thinking about making a World of Warcraft costume (specifically an old tier2 set)... anyone think WoW is too played out to be a good costume?

>> No.6504727
File: 84 KB, 720x960, 44424_10152379276670105_1882296093_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

update 1/2
Got this in yesterday, started playing around with it. I'm going to use probably around 3 boards before its all said and done on the MK 3 outfit. I'm wanting the helmet to light up and move, the back flaps to do the same, and the chest and hands to light up.

God save me from myself.

>> No.6504733
File: 169 KB, 2048x1536, 194579_10152381094830105_819058843_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/2 got the chest pepped and hardened. need to start work on the back. Not going to do bondo now untill more peices are built as it's a perfectionist's game and I'd at least like to get the pieces together and built before I start trying to perfect it all.

>> No.6504753

God save you from yourself indeed, using an LED without a resistor. You're going to burn out the pin and the LED eventually if you keep doing that.

>> No.6504755

That really turns me on :D

>> No.6504762
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x2560, WP_000756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, I wasn't too worried about it as the led is a really weak one and was wanting to make sure the board worked the way It needed to. Chalk it up to the many "Do as I say, not as I do." Deals, like welding without a visor or what not.

For any semi perm or perm stuff, I try to do it as proper as I can.

>> No.6505883
File: 821 KB, 1104x979, Progress Wash and Heat Rotom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much work for Masquerade.

Wash and Heat Rotom Gijinkas. Tomorrow morning, hopefully 4 out of 6 of our costumes will be finished.

>> No.6506445
File: 51 KB, 480x640, 149783_10200226874858459_1183737560_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masks for Crazy Clown, Kaito & Mikuo.
decided to re-enforce them with paper-mache and plaster.

>> No.6506449

are you both of those? it can't be

>> No.6506452

Please tell me more about Protoss. I'm serious, I played the game when I was a little girl but I never understood why the Protoss are the way they are.

>> No.6506611

Ok this is more an opinion question rather than a progress, but I really couldn't find a question thread.
I'm looking to cosplay as Clover from 999 and was wondering what other people thought about using the wig attached for her. I'm on edge about it. Part of me thinks it's really good, part of me doesn't from seeing past cosplays of her.

>> No.6506615
File: 64 KB, 600x600, clover wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the image

>> No.6506622

You'd have to loosen the curls quite a bit.

>> No.6506625

It looks good, but from pictures I just googled of her, you're going to need to get a set of wefts, loosen some of the curls in that wig, put in the wefts, and style them so they're the same length as the bangs and as curly as the pigtails

>> No.6506628

Oh yea that much I know. The wig is far too curly for her hair I just wanted to know as a general if it would work.

>> No.6506681

Man I wish there was this option when I made her, would have made things easier haha. I think as long as you tease out the curls a bit, the color looks really nice.

>> No.6506808

I found this and was immediately so happy because how easy it makes everything.

>> No.6506832

Super lucky on your part! When do you plan on wearing Clover?

>> No.6506834
File: 469 KB, 590x592, Screen Shot 2012-12-23 at 10.02.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started comfy sweater catwoman tonight. all that's left is to do the cowl/goggles. such a warm, cozy costume!

>> No.6506838

Wearing a sweater is not a costume.

>> No.6506845
File: 18 KB, 300x435, catwoman_in_a_sweater_by_oniyon-d4b6eq6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, stop talking.

>> No.6506855

So you hot glued a scrap of fabric to a sweater you stole from a hobo?
Good job, you're very talented.

>> No.6506863

Everyone isn't going to have the same skills with crafting, sewing, etc., and maybe she just wanted an easy costume that wouldn't take up much time.

I think it's a little lame, but people can cosplay whatever they want.

>> No.6506868

Can this not happen in a good thread? yes you don't like tenlied. Stop.

>> No.6506869

Sweater is too dark for that picture Matt posted, cat face looks too big and... tilted? Might just be the photo, but it also looks like it should be higher up. Yours is more waist height when on the picture it's over her boobs.

Also I hate tights/leggings as pants, that fashion trend needs to die with the college girls that abuse it. Wear some black skinny jeans.

>> No.6506970

depends on if it gets done in time (primarily because I'm job hunting and have a lot of school things to do) but my goal is PAX East.

>> No.6507041
File: 43 KB, 364x434, hry2O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done sewing Youmu's skirt, I'll add the little ghosts sometime later. Still workin' on the swords.

>> No.6507049

Ayo home-skillet! I swear I just saw you on reddit

>> No.6507068

Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.6507085

Anon, you're never supposed to mention that place around these parts...

>> No.6507225

Just the left one

>> No.6507476

Oh, I'm just tired of explaining. See >>6496964
I'm not working on a Protoss. I'm working on a Protoss Wizard, a human (Wizard from Diablo III) in a Protoss like armor.

>> No.6507703

If you're tired of explaining then don't explain and stop whining you ugly ass bitch, you should be thankful that people on this board treat you like royalty but all I ever see is you complaining.

>> No.6507793

this reminds me I won't have my commissioned youmu cosplay until later next year :(

Good luck Anon! have fun~

>> No.6507796

Cut it out.

>> No.6507947

Lookin' good, Kamui :)

>> No.6508025

Uh oh, the Tripfag Self-Defense Force is out. Everyone watch your backs!

>> No.6508028

Forgot your trip, Kamui

>> No.6508031

You're fucked, if Maguma tells you to stop and you don't, you're asking for trouble. He might call you a kid, what will you do then huh?

>> No.6508049

Stop derailing. If you aren't posting you're progress then shut up, and stop whining.

>> No.6508063


>> No.6508070
File: 271 KB, 800x797, 404518 - Alexstrasza World_of_Warcraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


looks done to me. post pics.

>> No.6508097
File: 45 KB, 500x375, tumblr_ma2adhBEjM1qehmkro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this is the right thread to post this in, but oh well. I've never done any sort of metal work in the past, and plan on making a circlet/tiara similar to what is pictured. I'm thinking about using the resin cast method for the gems. Does anyone know what I should do for the base itself?

>> No.6508127

Only advice I can give you is don't be afraid of testers. Swatch that shit all over yourself, get a feel for texture, consistency, durability, ect.

I know so many people that blindly go and buy whatever they see first...

>> No.6508199


Jewelry wire?

Gonna suggest though, anon, if you've never done any jewelrywork before it will probably be cheaper and easier to get a basic renn faire knockoff tiara off ebay, unless you're looking for something really specific looking

>> No.6508212
File: 123 KB, 548x865, gothelprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made progress? Holy shit, the Mayans were right after all. After letting it sit in a box for a few more months, I finally ripped out the neckline and redid it, and did the sleeves and lacing. Just need to hem and clean up the dress and do the belt, and Gothel is good to go.

I'm still not happy with it, though- tell me true, /cgl/, because I know you'll be honest. Do I need to move the neckline about an inch lower? Gothel's got some serious cleavage for a Disney character.

>> No.6508217

Looks really good! I like the trim around the neckline and the sleeves.
Although, not being a superhero? For shame!

>> No.6508242


This looks amazing, I love it!
But yeah, definitely move the neckline down a bit, I imagine it wouldn't take long to do.

Any ideas for what wig you're going to use?

>> No.6508269

omg you are the best! After checking a reference I'd say the neckline could definitely be moved down just a tad more, I really didn't notice until you pointed it out though! It looks great!

>> No.6508403
File: 932 KB, 1379x799, akihikoprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the cape, trimmed up my wig and resized/cut my akihiko shorts. Matt painted the gloves for me. Still need to figure out how to do my top and shorten the shorts some more!

>> No.6508408
File: 347 KB, 570x720, cammy progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also fixed the cut and resized my cammy leotard! it looks much more like hers now so i'm really happy with the fit. made it a little too tight around the shoulders, but.. oh well.

sage for double post

>> No.6508412


I was about to go make a sandwich.
I'm not making a sandwich any more.

>> No.6508413

You look like a fetish model. Cammy shouldn't be shiny.

>> No.6508416
File: 75 KB, 493x936, cammyblack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basing it off this, which in my opinion looks more flattering as a shinier fabric. hopefully with the tie/bracers it'll lose the fetishy look!

>> No.6508417
File: 466 KB, 900x1223, Cammy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6508424

well the cut hits her natural waist, are you not going to go for that? I think that's a more flattering cut than what you have now so it doesn't chop the torso up oddly. Also gives the hips and butt more shape if the cut is to the waist I think... just my 2 cents.

>> No.6508440

Good point! I think I might try that honestly. Im worried it might end up unflattering on me but accuratly speaking its much better, so i think i'll go for it. Thanks!

>> No.6508444

Can people just like, get off Tenleid's ass? It's like every single time she posts, and it's getting annoying.

>> No.6508453
File: 13 KB, 300x218, leeeaave_187139060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6508454

Dammit, I was just about to post that.

>> No.6508477

Considering the fact that Cammy's design was likely based somewhat on Alita from battle angel Alita its kind of appropriate

>> No.6508498

sounds good, looking forward to it! Cammy is on my top 10 list so I always like seeing how other people do her and what they source since she has a lot of outfits at this point.

>> No.6508517

So where are the ribs/vertical seams on your leotard? it looks like you bought something inaccurate and just cut it. Hers has shoulder pads and a completely different sleeve shape.

>> No.6508523 [DELETED] 

My boots for Antonio Lopez. The boots are a lot redder in person than in the pic.

>> No.6508525
File: 655 KB, 2560x1920, CAM00043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boots for Antonio Lopez. They're much redder in person than what the pic captured.

>> No.6508559


>> No.6508625

You're pretty top heavy, and it would probably be better if you went for characters more your shape, or at least ones that don't focus so much on hips/ass

>> No.6508630

Cammy was not based off Alita and Alita has absolutely nothing to do with fetish modeling.

>> No.6508638

ikr? Her shoulders are wider out from her hips than mine are, and I'm a dude.

>> No.6508639

Man oh man I wish I had your confidence. So jelly of these chubby girls who do skimpy outfits despite being overweight.
Sage for no contribution.

>> No.6508660
File: 59 KB, 541x960, 312684_10152347194345543_638925703_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So hey, I have a million threads to trim and a few interior seams to serge still, BUT I'M MORE OR LESS DONE WITH THIS.

I can move on with my life.

(this dressform does not like this outfit.)

>> No.6508669

Don't bring your mental disorders into this thread sicko.

>> No.6508673

hnnnng dat fabric is perfect

>> No.6508675
File: 263 KB, 960x1280, 2012-12-24 20.50.13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6508684

Huh? Is that some kinda postmodern Youmu?

>> No.6508707

Because is still in progress?

>> No.6508710 [DELETED] 

ahaha, I guess I can you say that...

Well I just put on random clothing to see how I look, I just don't have a youmu costume atm.

My commissioned costume Is on a delay and possibly might not be finished at all. I haven't been able to talk with my commissioner, Its like she quit on me ._.

>> No.6508711

ahaha, I guess I you say that...

Well I just put on random clothing to see how I look, I just don't have a youmu costume atm.

My commissioned costume Is on a delay and possibly might not be finished at all. I haven't been able to talk with my commissioner, Its like she quit on me ._.

>> No.6508712

...you don't add those in AFTER the unitard is together unless you're a complete moron.

>> No.6508719

Drop the attitude. Cosplay is about having fun

>> No.6508727

Still doesn't mean that she isn't going to have a lot harder time adding in the ribbing with the leotard already assembled than she would have if she had done it before cutting out and assembling it.

>> No.6508730

thats not attitude... its common sense and a fair warning for her. she is going to have a hell of a time ripping that all apart to put the seams in after shes put it together.

also this is a progress where we take criticism and comment on construction, take your circle jerk back to facebook faggot.

>> No.6508758

Thank you!
And don't worry, there are plenty of superheroes in the works. Just gotta whittle away the winter blubber first.

Thanks so much! I hate to admit it because it'll be the third time I do that stupid neckline, but you guys are right...I just really don't want to do it, haha. The problem was that I initially cut the neckline as a scoop (because I'm an idiot and derped and just followed the pattern) so I had to cut it into a square, make a facing in the right shape, and then dart it until it looked passable.
I'll tear it out and redo it again if I have time before ALA. I suppose I can use the opportunity to make it fit better and not slide off my shoulders as much. All of my DO NOT WANT, though.

I'm glad it looks okay in pictures, because it's cheap as hell polyester brocade. I accidentally melted it when I was first trying to iron it, haha.

>> No.6508775
File: 75 KB, 800x693, 526055_10151344555990837_1640399294_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Laika finished the belts and pouches and added the front piece. Next up is the shoulder pads, holster and knee/elbow pieces.

>> No.6508778

Cute. I made Tenleid's Akihiko stuff, so I have reasons to post here.

You've also missed the point of what I said, too. It's a hobby that's supposed to be fun. Whether or not she puts the lines on or not is none of your concern and it seems childish for you to act otherwise.

I won't bother responding to you further since you seem only interested in acting elitist and believing tripfags = cancer. We're done here.

>> No.6508783
File: 34 KB, 231x585, cammy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey matt, y'all should have fun. But you should add those lines. Just because, that's what makes that outfit, dat ribbing.

>> No.6508792

get your opinion the fuck outta here little boy.

>> No.6508794

Welcome to CGL, the land of opinions

>> No.6508804

your opinion isnt valid because all youve ever had was a cammy who didnt even like you and you never got over her 100%

>> No.6508806

Since when are progress threads only about asspats and not improvement and constructive criticism? Anon wasn't calling Tenleid fat or ugly, he/she was pointing out a rather glaring lack of detail that she may not have noticed or realized was an issue.

The reason it looks like a piece of fetish wear is because it looks like a plain leotard and is missing the very important detailing that marks it as a Cammy costume. Without it the fabric looks too shiny and the cut wrong.

I don't have a problem with Tenleid, but the leotard as it is looks unfinished and like she bought it off ebay and just cut bigger holes for the legs. There isn't a hell of a lot to Cammy, if you want to look legit and not just a lazy ho the details need to be there.

>> No.6508807
File: 632 KB, 749x600, Screen shot 2012-12-24 at 4.27.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't posted in a progress thread in ages, but I finished Miss Martian today. You can kinda see that some of the lines are still a little uneven, so I'm hoping to go back and do some hand stitching to tidy things up before ALA. (apologies for the dirty mirror)

Ahh I know how you feel! There's so many things I want to re-do before but there's just don't have the time/energy anymore. I'm sure you'll look fantastic no matter what!

>> No.6508808

Not the person you're replying to, but If someone's costume is none of our concern, then don't post it here. This is a discussion board about cosplay and cosplay photos. If you don't like people having opinions or criticizing then get the fuck off 4chan and stop whiteknighting.

>> No.6508811

>said he made her costume
>not entitled to criticism

Pick one

>> No.6508846
File: 59 KB, 720x720, boning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also yes I'm done with Zatanna and now I can focus 100% on Nightwing and little bitty details left on Drakken/Shego since they're both done too.

I definitely listened to /cgl/'s crits and added boning and I am definitely pleased. It looks loads better and I'm glad I listened. First time working with steel boning but it won't be the last. Sorry for the bulky ass sweater underneath the most recent progress pic.

>> No.6508850

Your triangles are perfect anon.

>> No.6508858


ahahaha oh my fucking god that looks like shit

>> No.6508860


>> No.6508861
File: 80 KB, 500x475, 060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking better, but still...

>> No.6508864

The ribbing doesn't change. It's just a color alt. Same costume.

>> No.6508878

Considering I've never done that before, I'll take the gold star! THANKS ANON

>> No.6508891

Dude, you still need to work on the construction. That corset is way too loose fitting. The boob gap I could understand but there's no reason why the bottom should be hanging off of your body like that. The bottom and top, as well as the boob region also look a bit wonky. It looks way better than your first attempt but that still looks like you need to practice.
He speaks the truth. It's ribbed. Look at the lighting. There's ribbing there. It's not a plain leotard. There's textures to the costume Matt didn't replicate which might be much more difficult to add and might just require that one to be rescrapped.

>> No.6508895

Yeah not sure what you mean by boob gap but it's definitely because I didn't have my nubra/VS bra combo on while trying it on. I agree with all your points though and next time I try something like this I'll make it more fitted!
This is reference I capped myself

Kinda hard to tell but it looked like it flared a TEENSY bit from the waist. What do you think?

Thanks for the concrit anon. I'll do even better next time!

>> No.6508948


Man, you've even got dat Nightwing ass. I am impressed. Four for you Mika. You go Mika.

>> No.6508998

It's not, it's just her hips, you won't get the same effect since you look pretty straight. Imho you just have to get the seams nice and flat and you should at least look presentable. I wouldn't wear it as it looks now.

>> No.6509002

Yup yup got it. I'll take it in at the hips. And I'll try to get the seams flat [do you mean the boning?]

>> No.6509056

Might I suggest adding some stronger interfacing, or maybe even a bit of cardboard inside the pouches to give them a little more shape? They just look a little bit squishy and flat to me, as they are now.

>> No.6509075

Oh, wow. I dont know where in this thread I said i'll be skipping the ribbing or that the leotard was finished in any way. Not sure why everyone's assuming it's finished considering it's a progress thread.

>> No.6509102

So you're saying that it's not how it...seams?

>> No.6509107
File: 33 KB, 300x240, 99533_d0131b120120125305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6509119

holy shit are you matt landau? i'm your biggest fon

>> No.6509122

i see you doing this shit every single time he posts. Stop it because its so idiotic.

>> No.6509123

no need to be a jellyfatty, it's only compliments

>> No.6509127

no its not. it's obnoxious shitposting

>> No.6509150
File: 8 KB, 259x173, 1317167594989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking good. The suit fits you flawlessly

>> No.6509193

Samefag detected.

>> No.6509203

Jesus can we get back to the progress shots? Critique is fine but don't turn it into the drama shit, there's enough of it elsewhere on /cgl

>> No.6509208
File: 744 KB, 800x1069, merciful-jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6509214

As it was said, so it shall be done

>> No.6509242

I think probably because anyone with an ounce of sewing knowledge knows that you should have drafted those seams into the original pattern, because if you try to put them in after you've made the entire leotard it's going to throw the fit off drastically. Especially after you've just been fitting it to you even more!

But then I'm sure most people are assuming you've just been altering a store bought leotard anyway..

Sometimes things aren't personal, sometimes it really is just about the sewing.

>> No.6509250

Stop insulting my internet girlfriend right this second. You have no right to do this. End this line of accusations now otherwise you will have to answer to ME.

>> No.6509251

Typical matt post.

>> No.6509274

unless thats just the mock-up she's going to have a hell of a time adding it in, if there seams/ribbing everywhere there should be she's going to lose about 4" of space.

>> No.6509312

yeah.. by 'throw the fit off drastically' I mean if she can even get in it afterwards, Lol. Even if she makes the tinniest seams EVER that'll be a couple of inches of space gone.

honestly best luck she has is deciding where the seams go on that and using it as a mock up now regardless, cutting it apart, using it as a pattern and adding the seam allowance before cutting out more fabric and sewing it together again. It'll look like a hot mess otherwise.

>> No.6509356 [DELETED] 
File: 736 KB, 701x1051, a_christmas_tableau_by_theprincessbee-d35jq07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>265 posts
>78 images

well done, you faggots ruined a perfectly good progress thread. saging this one with GOOD cosplay in to oblivion so we can start a new one without you drama loving catty bitches ruining it.

>> No.6509358
File: 736 KB, 701x1051, a_christmas_tableau_by_theprincessbee-d35jq07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>265 posts
>78 images

well done, you faggots ruined a perfectly good progress thread. saging this one with GOOD cosplay in to oblivion so we can start a new one without you drama loving catty bitches ruining it.

>> No.6509359

How did you know I was gonna do that Anon? Yeah I was gonna put strips of cardboard in the sides/bottom so they're still functional but look better/fuller. Glad you noticed the flatness though, which means the stuffing will make it look even better.

>> No.6509377
File: 380 KB, 800x600, 0316f22604af15be563ed1360c28ccbd-d35fbck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6509379

I could say I made progress, but all that really happened was I got a Madoka cosplay and wig as a gift. Wouldn't want to stink up the thread with my self posting.

>> No.6509383
File: 262 KB, 900x675, a_fairy_tail_christmas_by_yashuntafun-d4i52tw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6509387
File: 327 KB, 500x750, adventure_time__merry_christmas_by_green_makakas-d5p4yfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6509390
File: 207 KB, 600x903, aph__merry_christmas_by_red_cluster-d35lt47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6509392
File: 425 KB, 800x533, Christmas_Asuka_by_etaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6509396
File: 359 KB, 439x648, christmas_by_caramelrevolution-d35hlkr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6509400
File: 337 KB, 533x800, christmas_c_c___dat_ass_by_aotenshi-d4m0yl7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6509402
File: 496 KB, 728x1033, christmas_in_anarchy_by_andiandi_chan-d4jquvj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6509428


sure thing matt.

>> No.6509438

You're the one ruining the thread. If you don't like this thread, just make a new one. It's entirely unnecessary to ruin this one first, because drama or not, it's still a functional progress thread.

>> No.6509460

The only 'drama' was a tripfag getting constructive criticism. This progress thread has been less dramatic than most.

>> No.6509461
File: 275 KB, 900x1350, christmas_in_ikebukuro_by_abstractnightmare-d35k3bw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6509464
File: 246 KB, 533x800, Christmas_is_Coming_by_camilliette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not matt, he was one of the faggots who ruined the thread.

>> No.6509481

I meant that the seams are pulling making the whole thing look exceedingly wrinkly. Hope it works out!

>> No.6509489

Awww, I'm flattered you took time out of your day to imitate me.

Also, it's cute people think I was posting earlier. I've been doing a normal thing called sleeping. Get your heads out of your asses

>> No.6509495

Is that maybe because I had the sweater on underneath? Or is that the garment?
I've ironed it already but thank you! I'll try it on again and see

>> No.6509515
File: 319 KB, 440x800, _MG_0015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas, everyone!

So far it looks really Christmas-y, but it isn't for a Christmas outfit at all! Once I attach the Chinese buttons it should look a lot more like Kagura (Gintama)'s outfit.

>> No.6509573


>> No.6509600

whoa, are you a girl?

>> No.6509660
File: 71 KB, 200x277, DSCF1020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was fun working on this, the jacket now will be the difficult part.

>> No.6509932

I hope it turns out all right! Are you going to be bringing your Rapunzel to ALA? If you are, I'd love to get some photos with you.

Depends. Are you going to let me put it in your pooper?

>> No.6509944

Potato, I swear, you are my favorite /cgl/ poster. Never stop being awesome.


>> No.6510078

FOR SURE! I'll be wearing her on Day 1 for the Disney gathering, can't wait to see you!

>> No.6510237

No, he's not

>> No.6510250
File: 86 KB, 960x574, 581522_498145093559620_1251775871_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talon from LoL

first pair of pants ever made

>> No.6510255
File: 42 KB, 500x379, eddyfinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
