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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6638770 No.6638770 [Reply] [Original]

Someone else on this board's gotta be excited. I can't be the only one.

>> No.6638806

I'm a panelist and going as Sailor Jupiter. I'm fucking excited but so busy I'm going to end up rushing it all. Sucks.

>> No.6638816


What's your panel?

>> No.6638845

Best friend can't come anymore so I'm a little down...but looking forward to hopefully be doing a wig styling workshop/panel thing for the first time and prob the only time I'll do something like this at a con.

>> No.6638855


>prob the only time

You have no idea how addictive running a panel can be. :D

>> No.6638859

i remember the last acen thread we had
it was basically people damning it for being rave-centric

>> No.6638883

Fucking excited, no sarcasm there

>> No.6638892


I was one of those people, and to a certain extent still am, but extensive conversations with the staff and a talk with a person who works a booth at the rave have softened my anger.

It really was a shitty situation, I'm not sure what they could have done differently, and there were a lot of working people in that room who ha to set up their booths in the dark and would've been even more screwed if the masquerade had continued.

I don't want to see the rave take up space better suited for Anime Hell or the masquerade this year, and I won't trust the staff until they start giving the proper amount of attention/resources to AMVs. But I'm optimistic.

>> No.6638898

given how pissy some people are getting about non-anime cosplay I'm wondering if doing my super sweet tony stark costume is a bad idea

could probably pull off an Isshin outfit pretty easily though

>> No.6638953

I'm going. Gonna be my first time there. I've got Boudicca (Civ 5 version) and Iji Kataiser planned as cosplays. Any idea what big names in the industry will be there?

>> No.6639017


They've only announced one guest so far--Kalafina. I'm actually pretty psyched, because they're anime relevant.

But I'm a little worried that we haven't seen any more guest announcements. May is not very far away. For comparison, Anime Midwest isn't till July and they've got 21 guests already (granted none of them are international and one of them is Doug Walker, but still!).

>> No.6639015

I'm going. Got two cosplay for it already (Gaterbelt from Panty and Stocking and Goat Butler from Umineko no Naku Koro Ni. Was going go as Coach from Left 4 Dead but for the life of me I can not find the shirt for him. hate when my shit goes missing)

First time going to ACEN as well. Hopefully it won't be full of dances and raves like people were saying it was last year.

>> No.6639021

>Hopefully it won't be full of dances and raves like people were saying it was last year.

Oh, it will be. It always is.

>> No.6639044

Ah actually, let me rephase that

I hope teh dances and raves won't overlap any of the main events like last year.

>> No.6639066

Going to ACEN for the first time this year. Not familiar with the area. Any general useful info/tips?

>> No.6639072

>Not familiar with the area. Any general useful info/tips?

Rosemont is the only safe part of Chicago. Avoid everything else and do not go to the South Side.

>> No.6639076

are you a scared suburbanite or what

Anything north of Chinatown is fine if you're not a fucking moron.

>> No.6639105
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Seriously? Where are you from, dude?

>> No.6639126

The land of scare white people.

>> No.6639152


I grew up a pampered white kid in Kenilworth, and even I know That despite our skyrocketing murder rates, most of Chicago is very safe. As long as you're not flaunting your cosplaying Englewood or Austin, you'll be fine.

>> No.6639157

Oh god only what less than 3 months left and so much cosplay to finish oh god nooooo

>> No.6639178

Deciding between ACen, Fanime, or AX right now. I'm leaning towards Fanime right now cause I want to see a friend who's living in the Bay Area now.

>> No.6639179

yfw kalafina gets cut off because it's time for untz untz untz untz

>> No.6639197

Aw man, I'm psyched. It's gonna be an awesome year. I'll be cosplaying Takatsuki Yayoi this year.

>> No.6639291


You are retarded. Many parts of Chicago are safe, and I'm saying this as the most sheltered Asian kid in Naperville.

>> No.6639409

Uh... so much shit to day and no time to do it. I haven't even really started my Salvador cosplay. For the GBWC I've only just started my model too. I swear one ACen I will be ready in anvanced. This ACen is not that time.

>> No.6645363


Ignore these people. They're probably from fucking Skokie or something. Stay in Rosemont or Chinatown. Granted, I'm typing this from a basement in Roseland, so my opinion on Chicago's safety is more than a little biased.

The McDonalds up the road fucking sucks, but it's still the cheapest you can get unless you can get 4 other people to put in for Bacci's.

When regular people spaz out at your cosplay, don't spaz back. Calmly explain it to them, then walk away.

>> No.6645841


And I'm typing this in Lakeview, so I'm probably biased in the other direction. But provided they don't stroll into gangland and they take the normal precautions you'd take in any city they'll be totally fine.

Rather than recommending the cheapest food, I'd recommend they save up for group meals at the restaurants and bars nearby--I am drinking and eating my face off at Uberstein, for example.

>> No.6646331

Oh I am so excited, I just hope I'll have time to finish my main cosplay.

>> No.6646342

Haha no, I live just off the loop, and you're just a retard. Chinatown north is perfectly safe unless you're a complete retard with no streetsense.

>> No.6646375

Rosemont is a cutural wasteland.

>> No.6646550

Guy who originally posted >>6639066 here. What the fuck did I start. I could of probably worded it alot better. I was more curious if there was stuff I should know about the actual con and places to eat and stuff. If you guys would like to argue about that instead it would be to my benefit.

>> No.6646553

I'm excited! I hope there won't be a disaster like last year. I'm going to wear Lolita Friday and Sunday and cosplay Madoka Saturday.

>> No.6646561

Angelic Pretty confirmed so now I am most definitely going.

>> No.6646570

There's always a disaster and always a fire.

>> No.6646574

Wait are you serious where did they mention this

>> No.6646576

I guess you're right. Acen is always sort of a disaster in general, now that I think about it. Friday and Saturday there's always tons of ambulances called for drugged-up rave kiddies, and the staff sort of sucks. But the exhibit hall is spectacular, and it's a great venue with some superb events.

>> No.6646582

Look at AP SF's calendar.

>> No.6646608

Saturday night last year I saw at least four ambulances drive to the hotel just as I was walking back to the L station. That's not a long walk at all. Rosemont's emergency services department must love ACen.
I might go this year if I'm actually in town though, and get pass for the whole weekend this time. The panels I was actually able to get into (this is a convention of lines) were a lot of fun. And Artists Alley was... well I spent a lot of money in Artists Alley, so I guess it was decent.

>> No.6646665

Someone triggered the fire alarm the Saturday of ACen last year.

>> No.6646680

This I am aware of.
The "at least four ambulances" I'm talking about were sometime around 1am. Rave time. And I guess room party time.

>> No.6646717

Honestly, around con I wouldn't say too much... There's a few fastfood places but if you want decent food there aren't a ton of options without leaving the area.

If you're comfortable taking a bit of a trip on the blue line for food runs each day (though probably not in costume) you can get to some decent places within the city proper for a real meal, depends if you just want sustenance or real food. I live on the blue line so I always just do that anyway.

>> No.6646721

watch out guys, le comedy gold right here

>> No.6646724

See this is the one thing about ACen I've liked every year, is that very rarely have I had to stand in many lines. But I don't go to any humongously drawing events I suppose- the ones I have I got express seating or were in and didn't have to worry, and I get my badge mailed so there's that.. The few panels I do go to, even when they fill up pretty well, the lines haven't been too bad.

>> No.6646734

im excited! horse head family coming your way rosemont!

>> No.6646740


That's a legitimate concern. Granted, it's from a guy who's STILL misinformed a year later, but it's still a legit concern. If I came to a con just to get preempted by teenage furries and sluts, I'd be mad too.

>> No.6646861

I believe you, it happened with FLOW too

I hate Chicago so much

>> No.6646866

>giving the proper amount of attention/resources to AMVs. But I'm optimistic.
You poor fool.

>> No.6646889


Is AMVHell even a thing anymore?

>> No.6646891

Considering the entire AMV staff walked out last year?

>> No.6647077


I actually left halfway during FLOW. I couldn't stand the crowd doing fuckall when Colors wasn't playing. I felt really bad for the band.

>> No.6647096


>> No.6647103

As far as I know, they were fed up with being constantly shit on by the top board and walked.

>> No.6647111

You should have been at Fanime's FLOW concerts, 2011 was the best one I ever went to

>> No.6647166

As someone who previously worked for staff, including last year as IRT, it was the quietest year for us just about ever. We usually get ambulances in the lower double digits but we didn't even get close this year. Only mentionable problem is obvious.
yeah, they hate stupid white kids like anyone else, they love staff and the police like working it (accept for the fire marshal, he wants our anuses.) yup, fire marshal has raging boner of hate for Acen. The staff from IRT put together giftbaskets(out of their own pockets) each year for the emergency workers and hotel staff.

>> No.6647179

>The staff from IRT put together giftbaskets(out of their own pockets) each year for the emergency workers and hotel staff.
That's actually really awesome. I feel like hotel staff especially go sort of unappreciated during cons.

>> No.6647181


The giftbasket thing actually made me think about how shitty it must be for Rosemont when ACEN comes around. It started me down the path to appreciating smaller anime cons more because things like gift baskets aren't needed.

>> No.6647191

Huzzah.. Another LineCon.. Or AmbulanceCon.. or RaveCon.. or Catty fucking bitches..Con

For first timers, I'm going to suggest that you bring some food to help hold you over, as the Hotel food is always pricey and any convenience stores are going to be kind of a lengthy drive away from the con-center, which is ALWAYS congested with traffic, and the parking garages always suck.

You can walk down the street to McDonalds, and there are a few pizza places you can order from that won't rape your wallet.

Parkingwise, right next to the Hotel is a parking garage, which you won't be able to get do. There's another one across the street, but unless you show up on wednesday, you'll be parking on the roof. Then there's the lesser known CTA parking lot which is far, FAR cheaper. We're talking paying 30$ for the weekend, as opposed to $35 for the day at the other garages. Just make sure you pay in advance at the little kiosk-stationy things they have to the side. The short walk hauling your stuff from that lot to the hotel will still be better than paying out the ass to jam your poor car into one of the garages.

Pay to have your badge mailed, if you haven't already. You'll be standing in line for 4 to 8 hours if you need a badge otherwise. ACen is notoriously bad with handling registration, despite being as old of a con as it is.

Other general advice: Drink water, bring small snacks to keep yourself going and to stop you from needing to head back to the hotel room.

Limit the amount of people in your hotel room. Obvious, but seriously, trust me. ACen is full of dipshits who just show up and expect to find a room to crash in. Enstate a rule that no one even enters your room without the permission of the your other roommaters.

Don't accept any drinks or substances from unknown people. The drinking and drugging thing is sort of a problem. Seriously.

>> No.6647197

ACen has come a long way.. In the wrong direction. All the worst elements of every other con in the midwest, all crammed into one con that's too damn big for it's own good, run by a bunch of drunken idiots.

For the money and size, it can be a pretty mediocre experience if you're actually trying to take part in any of the events, all of which will be delayed, poorly managed, and likely a giant waste of time. Most of the concerts, raves, and other events are completely filled half a day before they even start, because some people would rather line up around the block, instead of be anywhere else in the con.

>> No.6647232

i agree with line/ambulance/ravecon, but not the catty bitches part. everyone i've met at acen has been fairly friendly.

>> No.6647241


According to one exasperated former staffer (who recently quit after like a decade) on the forums, the con just stopped giving a shit about AMV stuff. They kept allocating AMV staff less resources and shunting AMV showings and competitions into smaller and more remote rooms each year, until finally last year every member of the AMV staff said "oh, fuck this" and walked out.

One of the admins claimed it was the head of AMV programming; the former staffer angrily countered that EVERYONE walked at once. She went on to disparage the con for its increased focus on raves and dances (because they "bring more people in") and suggested the staff doesn't care about their longtime attendees anymore.

There were many otaku tears shed and still are. Someone posted a clip of Synergy in the thread just today and another person said "the level of implied violence in that video is sickening" because a DJ urged the crowd to "put their fucking hands up."

>> No.6647251

I wish Acen had only one rave, and they could have a seperate "rave badge" ($20 or so) just to get into the rave, so the rave kiddies could just be there for the rave instead of polluting the convention all day with their annoying shit.

>> No.6647254


There's several new restaurants like down the street from the con now. A Mexican place, a German place, etc...they're certainly not cheap, but they're a far better use of your cash than the shitty Hyatt lobby buffet.

>you might park on the roof

Oh noooooooo...naw, I kid, parking is a pain in the ass there. The CTA lot is a surprisingly good solution, just don't leave anything conspicuously nice sitting out in your car.

>catty bitches

The only, only bad person I have ever met at ACen was a nineteen year old rave stoner with no shirt and a dog collar who somehow got into and tried to fuck all the people at a room party. When I asked him about his girlfriend sobbing outside, he explained they were poly so she needed to deal with it. Later someone put him in an ambulance. The room cheered when they found out.

>> No.6647255

I support this idea.

>> No.6647260


Oh, I agree. I can't stand the rave, Soap Bubble's been there since the beginning but the legions of obviously underaged drunks outside the Hyatt trying to buy badges on Saturday night are a recent development and it's all because there's an event that caters right to them.

Fortunately this year we have even more event space. Hopefully that means we can give the candy kids a place to trip balls while us mature anime fans can watch Anime Hells for mature people like ourselves.

...man, remember when people went to Anime Hell in their pajamas and brought pillows and shit? And now you have to sit in rows because of fire codes which no one enforces for the dances? Shit's changed, yo. Shit's changed.

>> No.6647262


Guy lives two stops down from Rosemont here

The CTA is very safe and decently reliable, don't worry about some nigger trying to mug you. They don't go down to O'hare.

>> No.6647298
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>> No.6647306


I'll be so mad if that doesn't get approved. Not because I'm particularly a fan of SHMUPS, but because you KNOW there are going to be 11 fucking Adventure Time panels instead.

>> No.6647314


They've actually scaled back the unrelated panels slightly this year. Slightly.

Which means there's only two homestuck panels instead of five.

>> No.6647474

I'm going, not sure what I'll be bringing cosplay-wise yet though. I'm really excited to see everyone again! (◡‿◡✿)

>> No.6647525



They've actually kept it almost entirely anime focused actually.

>> No.6647529


That's a good sign.

>> No.6647601

Yeah, we always feel really bad for staff, especially housecleaning. I can't imagine the gallons of vomit they've cleaned up. There's been incidents where a urinal has been ripped off a wall, the revolving door has been broken several times since I've started working, I was there when the dome got cracked, and the year that douche spilled baby oil in various parts of the hotel. There were cosplayers who didn't seal their bodypaint and got red all over the white leather sofas. Shit like that.

Rosemont PD gets a kick out of acen because the officers that work it volunteer and get overtime or something and then barely have to do anything because acen staff reign most of it.

granted, a lot of IRT are alpha douches but most are just socially awkward people who want to make sure no one gets hurt/ ACen doesn't get shut down like reactor.

One ambulance was for a dude who jumped off a balcony unto another and broke or sprained his ankle.

>> No.6647622
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ooh god i was just thinking about reactor the other day and wow haha

>> No.6647632


Can someone explain what Reactor is? I've been told it's the worst anime con to ever exist. What exactly happened?

>> No.6647681

First reactor I went to was pretty chill. Very few people doing anything during the con that caused any problems or damage. The big thing that got them kicked out of the first hotel was a 14 or 15 year old girl getting alcohol poisoning and nearly dying got them blacklisted from most major hotels.

The following year, they moved to a musty, moldy, shitty hole in the wall called the Purple Hotel. It was dozens of times worse. The amount of drinking, drugs, smoking, and idiotic behavior sky-rocketed. On top of that, everyone running the damned thing was drunk off their asses, sexually harassing attendees, insanely behind schedule, and generally just making the whole thing worse than the attendees ever did.

I don't think it survived to another year after that, since no other hotel would have them.

The best way to wrap your head around it is to imagine all the worst parts of ACen crammed into about 3 hotel floors, and about 1/10th the floorpsace of the hyatt main theater.

>> No.6647706

>14 or 15 year old girl getting alcohol poisoning

I honestly can't imagine this doesn't happen yearly at ACen though

>> No.6647712


Honestly, that doesn't sound to different from ACen's night life.........

>> No.6647751

Apparently it was bad enough for a small organization like Reactor to not be able to handle the consequences.

>> No.6647814

i'm going!
first day i'll be going as an animal crossing girl
second day i'll be cat eyed boy

let's be friends and meet up! we can get a soda together!

>> No.6647829
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I'll be going again this year, but mostly just to hang out and play chaperon to my younger siblings and their friends, who will be going for their first time.

Not sure if I want to do a costume this year, since my last few ACens have been less than awesome.

Might do a standard Xelor or maybe Nox.
If there's a /cgl/ meetup, I'll try and make it.

>> No.6648251
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So this will be the first big con I've ever went to. I've been to a smaller local one a few times and each time I get people touching me without me even being in cosplay or anything. It really freaks me out and ruins my day having people randomly hug me or touching my face. I was wondering if any of you regular con goers have any experience with this or ways to deal with it.

>> No.6648259

>touching your face
What the fuck

You sound like you have bad luck.. I've been glomped once in 7 years of congoing, but that's because I was cosplaying a fangirl-bait character and they tackled me from behind.

It's a bigger con so there'll be even more people which means even more misbehavior, but that sort of thing seems to happen purely out of bad luck, so I would just keep your wits about you I guess.

>> No.6648264

Anyone see the post on the soap bubble fb page? Last year for the soap bubble? Thank the gods.

>> No.6648279


Last year for that particular promoter.

>> No.6648317

can't wait!

>> No.6648440
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There was one more year in another hotel. I think it was Weaton. They got banned from that hotel because somebody broke a glass table.

Anyway, going as BT from dot hack for this years ACEN. I feel like this year will be better than last year. Hopefully nobody will pull the fire alarm. I'm a little worried about all the homestuckers and the potential for non-sealed body paint. This is my first year in the Hyatt and I've been attending since 2004.

>> No.6648442

I mean a Westin in Wheeling

>> No.6648642


Prepare your wallet for the $150 upcharge when you check in.

>> No.6648650


I still can't imagine what kind of drunk, selfish asshole would pull a fire alarm at a crowded con during one of its biggest events. I guess I'm too optimistic about the human race. Or rather, fandom in particular.

>> No.6648705

don't worry man, most of the homestuckers have been a lot better about sealing their makeup. just don't touch any that look gross and shiny.

>> No.6648742

They are getting better, but someone in the homestuck collective should probably take to carrying around a bottle of final seal or even just hairspray to help curb this problem.

>> No.6648811

Word of mouth at the time told me it was a douchebag decorating the inner wall of the hyatt with a fire extinguisher that set off the alarm. Can anyone corroborate?

>> No.6648825
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>> No.6648835

So I've been to a few meetings and I've taken a few mental notes.

First, I obviously can't talk about what they are planning for con because I'm not supposed to. Then again, I couldn't remember what they presented if I tried. The only thing I really came away from orientations remembering was "drink water, eat food, sleep, and bathe" which I didn't think really needed to be presented to a group of people.

I'm working on the medical staff this year (for the first time). If there's any other staff that were at the meeting, they'll remember me as the "new guy med student" the other EMRT guy introduced in the middle of his presentation.

Given that this is my first convention ever, I'm actually pretty excited to go despite preparing to work the entire time.

That being said, I've noticed that, even among staff, there tends to be an abundance of social awkwardness.

Examples include:
-A guy who took off his shirt when I asked to read it.
-A guy who, without warning or speaking to me, stroked underneath my skin gently.
-A man who claimed he could deadlift "over 1000 pounds"
-A man who claimed he has trained nine years in kung fu, which is why his knee is bad.
-In fact, easily every other male was quick to mention that they had some sorts of formal martial arts training. Never things like "boxing". Always "Aikido", Southern Wushu", or "Drunken boxing". Now, I don't doubt ALL of these claims. But, is there some sort of correlation I'm missing?
-A girl who, when I met her and offered to shake her hand, insisted on hugging me and didn't let go when I asked her nicely.
-There's something called "con drama" and I'm "just going to find out what that means".
-Body odor and other smells. But it's not really any worse than your average tertiary care Emergency Dept.


>> No.6648843


-A very friendly gentleman who insisted on bowing between sentences... and whenever I saw him.
-A man who raises chipmunks, which is actually awesome, IMO.
-A girl who, upon saying the first word of every sentence, roll her eyes and close them (think a very slow blink). Almost like a compulsion.
-Met a rad chick who's training to be a disaster relief coordinator.
-Most people are friendly and pretty shy, which makes approaching them fairly easy for me.
-A very friendly, welcoming man who invited me to play a card game called citadel with he and some other con staffers
-I'm actually quite fond of nearly all of the people I met, even with their quirks. They are all harmless and quite nice, even if a few of them are on the socially awkward side.
-Some do exhibit histrionic, narcissistic, and regressive (a coping mechanism that consists of reverting to a child-like state) traits.

However, you should be happy to note that the majority of the staff, particular those in charge seem quite competent and serious in putting together a good experience. The EMRT staff I have met are all very competent, which should probably be comforting to anyone planning on attending.

>> No.6648846


That's exactly what happened.

>> No.6648852


IRTbro here. Third year. "Con drama" basically equates to "Not everyone in charge is as nice as they seem". Prepare yourself for cattiness, clinginess, and overall bitchiness from certain members of the staff. Honestly, the less clique-y they seem, the meaner they are. I know a few EMRTbros who are cool as fuck, but can be mean as hell when it comes time to work (even though I can't really blame them considering it's ACen). Things will get really fucking stupid, ESPECIALLY on Saturday night. Just try to keep your spirits high and you'll be fine. Don't be afraid to ask for a mental break if you need one.

Oh, and certain buzzwords that create either massive butthurt or amazing stories depending on who you ask are Christmas and Silver Pikachu.

>> No.6648862

Ah, thanks for the explanation.

Actually reminds me of a dude I met at the last meeting. Seemed chill as fuck. We talked about random shit like vidya (I haven't played vidya in ages, so it was fun to shoot the shit).

Anyway, I'm miserable with names. I warn people of this when I meet them, "Please forgive me if I forget your names and have to ask you them." I forgot his.

I walk up to him and made a joke, I forget what it was. For some reason I thought it was "Chris". So I'm like, "blah blah blah.. right Chris?"

He gives me this look. "Oh, sorry. Your name isn't Chris. Fuck... I forget your name. What is it again?"

This part's the best. He looks at me, narrows his eyes and says in the most passive aggressive whine, "No more hints," and walks away, visibly pissed.

I look at the other EMRT guy next to me and we both sort of laugh.

I guess people have triggers or something. Funny thing is, it was the first time I made the mistake.

>ESPECIALLY on Saturday night.
Huh, I'm probably going to work that night.

>Honestly, the less clique-y they seem, the meaner they are.

Care to explain? I'm guessing this is because they are so overtly mean that they aren't grouping together?

I did notice that people have their little groups of friends. Honestly, it almost reminds me of a highschool lunch room. I love it though because I'm not really a shy person, I'll walk up to any group of people to make new friends.

>Christmas and Silver Pikachu.
Go on...

Also, what's with the boy scouts hand gesture thing you IRT guys do?

>> No.6648865
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>-A guy who, without warning or speaking to me, stroked underneath my skin gently.
>stroked underneath my skin
>underneath my skin

...was he a cenobite?

>> No.6648868

>underneath my skin
Oh shit, I meant "chin".

>> No.6648867

No clue. I have a bit of stubble on my chin, in order to not look like a fucking fifteen year old when I'm interviewing patients. Maybe he wanted to touch that?

I don't fucking know.

Thing is, as friendly as I am, there is some behavior that crosses the line. I tried to gently let him know that he needs to ask before touching my face.

>> No.6648874

I'm honestly shocked at the level of awkwardness you're describing. I'm a huge fucking nerd, but I am still amazed.

>> No.6648877

Confirm. Last I heard, he was spraying it at folks and was subsequently arrested.

That said, folks.. please, if there's another alarm or if it's been raining, don't walk on the grass. The Hyatt is none too thrilled about that. Thank you!

>> No.6648886


How long does it take to ascertain that there is no actual fire, anyway?

>> No.6648890


I know it seems juvenile and high school as fuck, but the clique-y ones treat each other like family, even outside of the cons, and it tends to cause issues with the......less social members who like to hate for stupid reasons. And trust me, there will be no end to stupid behind the scenes shit.

I'd elaborate, but I'm sure that at least 3 of the higher ups lurk /cgl/ just waiting for ACEN threads so they can hammer home the "no social media" policy at the next meeting. Trust me, you'll end up meeting the right people and those stories will come up during down time. Although I know of maybe 4 people who will acknowledge the Christmas story because it's that fucking bizarre, so I might as well:

Short version: Some weirdo slit his wrists and started using his blood to write on the walls. He evaded security for a good 3 hours before he was found around 2 AM waiting in line for the DDR machine.

>> No.6648891

IIRC, the Hyatt fire extinguisher took about 15 minutes? The Embassy smoke-out (hotel equipment malfunction) was legitimate and took, from what I was told, 30 minutes or so for firefighters to tackle.

>> No.6648892


All of 30 seconds, but when you have 1,000 people in the front of the building shouting "YES!" at the top of their lungs (didn't know there were so many Bryan marks), communication tends to go to shit.

>> No.6648894


I'm doing the yaoi panel. Mock me if you will, but I have big plans. I did it last year and people liked it.

>> No.6648895

>He evaded security for a good 3 hours before he was found around 2 AM waiting in line for the DDR machine.

...anime cons, ladies and gentlemen

IRTbro, do you know of an IRT who called himself Belushi or something? Dude was the nicest IRT I ever met, possibly the nicest person.

>> No.6648897


Dude, I'm running Hentarmageddon! We gotta talk about porn for 3 hours, I got no place to judge you. Which panel is it, are you doing the No! Stop! It Feels Good thing?

We're filming a long opening movie this year. With extras not involved in the panel. They keep asking what this is for and I have to keep pretending it's a "comedic presentation."

>> No.6648898


Oh, you mean the gay orgy panel? I heard that was fucking awesome last year.


He's pretty fucking cool, right? There are actually more people as nice as him than the average congoer would like to admit. Protip: Most people who complain about IRT are the ones causing the most shit.

>> No.6648899

>but I'm sure that at least 3 of the higher ups lurk /cgl/ just waiting for ACEN threads so they can hammer home the "no social media" policy at the next meeting

I thought this point was to basically say, "Don't talk about con plans" and "Don't shit in other people's sandboxes", of which you would be doing neither.

Loving the Christams story.

Tell me about this Silver Pikachu.

>> No.6648901


Trust me. Silver Pikachu falls smack dab in the middle of the latter one. Sorry, man.

>> No.6649170

Not asking anyone in particular and if you want to answer, I wouldn't mind if you dropped your trip or name or whatever..

But I'd like to know if the rumors are true: Do the ACen Con staff/board/chair/whatever really spend tens of thousands of dollars of con money on booze and other personal party shit?

While waiting in line a couple years ago, some sociable nerds were eager to talk with me about anything while we waited 6 hours to get our fucking badges. Amongst other things, they told me that the previous year, when volunteering, that the ACen higher-ups spent over $44k (or something to that effect), of the Con's money just to buy shit for their personal room parties.

If true, that really explains a lot about the problems with ACen's programming, registration, and just the whole con in general.

>> No.6649340


That's entirely untrue. Any staff parties come out of our own pockets. Anyone who says that doesn't understand how fucking expensive ACEN gets. Besides, if you're actually doing your fucking job then you don't have time for room parties and shit.

>> No.6649341

I'm goin for the first time in 4 years. Hs it changed much?

>> No.6649423

Then explain why much larger and more expensive cons can get away with doing shit far more efficiently.

PAX can manage numerous concerts, large events, high profile guests, and just about everything else ACen has to offer with nearly triple the attendance. Yet, ACen still can't run through a registration line in a timely manner, which is something that has been a problem for the past 5 years.

>> No.6649469

How the fuck were we supposed to help it? Considering the massive throng of people thee wasn't exactly a whole lot of choice.

>> No.6649490

These are the people putting on ACen, folks.

These are the sperglords you put your money and confidence in.

>> No.6649492

Heck, I'll do it. I'll carry around a big bottle of baby powder and final seal with me. I asked a Homestuck cosplayer before if they sealed their paint and they told me no, so I let them borrow my sealant stuff and they seemed to feel really bad since they had no idea and didn't know any better.

>> No.6649526

I'm considering puting together a tool belt of duct tape and spools of thread and adhesives and other essential materials and just offering cosplay repair services to anyone who needs it.

>> No.6649535

that sounds like a great idea to me. you'll end up being someone's hero.

>> No.6649537

That would be really cool.

Also the idea of a cosplay-repair-superhero swooping in to save the day makes me laugh.

>> No.6649565

That would mean departments would have to work together and get along! Con politics would take a backseat and the suspicious people would have to stop judging each other for a whole month to get things done! That said, I spent 12 years staffing this convention and took a whole ton of abuse from these people. This last year was the final straw. I know I wasn't the only long termer who left because of the massive amounts of bullshit put on by the current reich.

The Hyatt doesn't care! If it happened while your event is in progress, you pay for it.

>> No.6649634

It was just a passing idea, but I'm actually giving it some serious thought now.

Any good repair-man or machinist characters that might be appropriate for cosplay repair?

>> No.6649642

Fix-it Felix, bro.

>> No.6649671

OMG you have to do Fix-It-Felix!

>> No.6649716
File: 8 KB, 225x225, science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will be having a CoStudio downstairs in one of the big panel rooms where people can work on and repair their costumes at con.

>scientific edblishe

>> No.6649725

A good idea, but it's also really really simple, and kind of boring for my tastes.

I'll have to check that out.. and probably secure a badge instead of just hanging out like I was planning on doing.

>> No.6649727
File: 35 KB, 600x425, hostess_fruit_pies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though, thirding this for the love of Glob. I know I'd giggle if I saw a Fix-It Felix walking around with either repair supplies or a bunch of Hostess Pies.

>> No.6649731

A troll. And not the funny 'make everyone happy with your laughs' troll. I mean the type of autistic, moronic selflish troll that thinks he's funny but he's only just causing complete chaos and disorder because he thinks it's enjoyable but at the end of the day, he's a faggot that needs to be shot to death.

>> No.6649757


Can you give us some examples of bullshit heaped on you? Genuinely curious what's behind all the drama at the con.

>> No.6650053


That doesn't have shit to do with money, dude.

>> No.6650088

Let us say that this is a big clue. >>6648890

>> No.6650094

The spying/no social media part? I don't blame you, seems like an incredibly neurotic and stressful environment to work in.

>> No.6650104

Mostly the clique-y people making up the higher up people. They circlejerk harder than /cgl/'s tripfags and will make life hell for anyone underneath them doing their jobs. If you're not wearing the McDonald's customer service face with the secrecy of the Secret Service, they will take away allocations and funds until you quit if they don't fire you outright. People staff for one year for the most part with good reason. I left partly because of that and from watching them shit on any department that they weren't in charge of themselves.

>> No.6650672
File: 144 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am proud to announce that my older sister is returning to ACEN after two years. You will laugh, you will cry, and you might get punched in the face if you're a dude. But most of the time she's funny.

>> No.6650690

Your sister is Patton Oswalt?

>> No.6651574


Dude wat

>> No.6652225

I am so confused about that picture.

>> No.6653702

Is she a guest?

>> No.6655697

Remember back in like 2004 when you could just...advertise for room parties on that one big bulletin board?

Remember back in 2002 when there was a consuite with free popcorn, toast, ramen, and soda?

Remember back when SWEK performed every year?

Remember back when Anime Hell had open seating, and everyone came in pajamas with pillows, and it was like you were watching a movie in the park?

Remember when you were excited about what showed in the viewing rooms and watched Bleach (season 1, natch) until 3 in the morning?

What...what happened?

>> No.6655705

Immaturity, forgetting your roots, lose of fanbase.

War has changed, bro.

>> No.6655713


I guess as an intellectual exercise, though, I'll go through each point.

>room parties on the bulletin board

This became unsustainable as the con topped, like, 8k people. You had entire blocks of the hotel which were unlivable due to partying. You still do, but now no one can point to ads on boards as an excuse.

>> No.6655719



I was there for the last concert. I crowdsurfed twice, it was amazing. Unfortunately some assholes groped the living shit out of every chick who crowdsurfed. Fortunately this one fat asshole who kept punching people in the vague, nerdy "mosh pit" tried to crowdsurf and everyone just dropped him on his head. Unfortunately those preceding two points, along with the reputed dickishness of SWEK's lead singer, led to the severance of the relationship between ACen and SWEK.

>Anime Hell

Fire codes, man. Although, given that concerts and the rave still involve hundreds of people in completely uncontrolled space, I have no fucking idea why ACen doesn't just rope off exit lanes and let people sit however they want.


Combination of the year (2006?) when people just...destroyed the consuite--ACen had to pay cleaning fees and shit stuck to the floor it was so bad--and the remodeling of that area of the Hyatt into the overpriced bar that sits there today.

>Viewing rooms

Fansubs ruined everything.

I look at cons now and I see nothing worth liking.

>> No.6655725

>when people just...destroyed the consuite
no one watching over the room at all?

>> No.6655751


I mean, you had attendants, but they were only there to refill stuff and kick out the most obviously obnoxious people. IRT barely gets a lick of respect now and there was nothing like them back then.

The consuite was where you went after you were tired or drunk or both and so many people didn't give a shit about what happened. If I recall, after two years straight of massive cleaning bills ACen just said "fuck it" and dropped the consuite altogether. People griped, and ACen's response was "hey, if you want to pay for everything, feel free to run it." So far there have been no takers.

>> No.6655808
File: 1.81 MB, 360x203, ksTEn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6656948


Remember when the budget went towards guests like Yoko Kanno and not towards yet another DJ?

Remember panels like Totally Lame anime, where guys curated content you couldn't find anywhere else?

Remember the premiere of Fanboy Bebop, when the grand ballroom was packed to capacity?

>> No.6656965

The problem is that people still go to the raves. Because of that, they think that people keep wanting them instead of better programming. The con would be much better off if as many of the attendees stopped going to the rave and let the staff know it's not wanted.

>> No.6657014


So what I'm getting at is that ACEN used to be cooler and fun?

Why did I chose this ACEN to be my first? Ah well. Any more stories of how ACEN used to be in years past before it went downhill in some of ya eyes?

>> No.6657018

I'm guessing Naperville....

>> No.6657119


It's still fun and you will see cool stuff. But it's a rare con that gets to 15, 20,000 people and stays as intimate and appealing. A lot of cons limit attendance for that very reason.

Anime Hell is still great, the hentai and yaoi panels are always hilarious, there is a ton of great cosplay (inundated with Homestuck lately though). But people are reeeeeally losing faith in the management.

>> No.6657147

Sounds alot like most bronies I've met....

>> No.6657553


>> No.6657691
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I will be there this year.

It was awkward as all hell, trying to explain to my new boss why I needed that that Thursday and Friday of May off from work. He was surprisingly understanding.

>> No.6657705

I started going to Acen in 2006, the first year without the con suite.

2005 is the year that it got destroyed.

>> No.6660483

Just wanted to bump this quick to say that I'm gonna go ahead and bring a boardgame to play with some seagulls if interested. I won't be able to offer the room I'm in to play, but I can bring the game.

I have a few games that people tend to like:
Puerto Rico
Settlers of Catan
Cards against Humanity

but I was gonna bring something else. Figured I'd open it up to suggestions or plans.

Also, do any of you seagulls meet up before con? I'd be down to grab beers and be social.

>> No.6661009


There's a 21+ forum meetup on Thursday, maybe the seagulls could crash that for maximum awkwardness.

>> No.6661034

I.. I would like to hang out! You sound like a stand up person.

>> No.6661153

The body pant was from the navi and kneesocks and scanty cosplayers.

>> No.6661186


Previous IRT.
yeah most are really socially inept but you get use to it and quickly figure out who to avoid and friend. The managers are decent people. Idk who's in charge this year because this will be my first year not working.

-chipmunk: alvin, he's awesome, kind of a furry but the nice kind/ harmless.
-people get butthurt really easily("what do you mean I can't talk to con goers like they're shit?!") and there have been people who sleep around/ LOLSEXUALLY LIBERATED.

-boyscout hand gesture was done by a couple of the higher ups because people have a really hard time shutting up

yeah, I know we take care of guests very well but Idk about thousands of dollars, the only booze I had while working was before I crashed after my 8+hr shift and a fellow coworker bought it.

>> No.6661224
File: 315 KB, 800x807, 1362082593677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I was going to go to Acen, but... this thread has me all worried.

Just after I get over my apprehension about entering the Tainted Lands (Chicago,) I tune in to hear it's a ton of drunken parties and homolust conventions (AND THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT YADDA YADDA, but it just ain't my bag, baby.) I don't know jack about anime, I've watched, like, three shows, but conventions sounded like fun things to visit, and ACen sounds a lot better then Youmacon, and Youmacon was worth it just to see the cosplay and such.

But now I wonder if I'm going to pay for a train ticket and a hotel room and wrangle time off work just to show up and be inundated in hordes of homostucks, hunted by the Lolita Packs, trapped inside "LETS TALK ABOUT YAOI" panels when I try to hide, only to flee into a small side passage and 'save' some girl from a creepy can't-take-a-hint neckbeard, only for her to reveal the Yandere swirls in her eyes as she begins to laugh, that mad laugh, FUFUFUFUFUFUF echoing down the hall as I try to run but she glomps me to earth and drags me away. I scream as the door opens and twelve hetalia cosplayers lick their lips, and I am forever lost as I am dragged into the horrifying ROOM PARTY.

Say it ain't so, mac.

>> No.6661255

sounds like a p fun platformer actually

>> No.6661292


>tainted lands

The fuck you think we are, milwaukee?

>> No.6661447

Securityanon here. Ask me whatever you want. Decade of ACEN security experience, I have seen some crazy shit.

>> No.6661498

Has the Hyatt ever actually considered really banning acen?

>> No.6661525


How many underaged people end up at room parties?

>> No.6661643

I could be down.

>> No.6662024

Now there are only two perspectives that anyone could be asking this question. Both are fairly obvious so i'd like to hear your explaination.

>> No.6662031

what is silver pikachu??

>> No.6662033


I don't want to be checking IDs at the door, I also don't want to bang minors.

>> No.6662038

whoah, slow the fuck down.

first of all-if you don't like anime that much-why even bother going to an anime convention? go to c2e2 or something instead. there will be good cosplays or whatever you're looking for there too and the whole "con experience".

second of all, the "hoardes of homosuckers" aren't going to harass you. as annoying as they are, they keep to themselves, believe me. they will only....bother you or whatever if you're a solid cis 10/10 male cosplaying dave or karkat. within their little groups they stick to themselves and other homestuck cosplayers, i've experienced firsthand.

no lolita packs are going to hunt you either, you're not going to get trapped in a panel (the lines are too long for that to happen), and if a girl is being creepy or stalkerish just ditch her. also, hetalia is dead, it's not even a threat anymore.

>> No.6662111

Medifag, you seem like a cool ass dude by some of the posts you have. If you're going to ACEN, we should chill and hang.

Has there been any violent fist fights in the past ten years you've been on security? Also, do you do secuirty as a career or just at cons?

>> No.6662134

Sorry for the delay. Extreme hanky panky session.


Naw, the Hyatt more or less loves us actually. Only one of the official hotel security guys is a douche, and we deal with him appropriately.


All of them. Lots of us in security go to the room parties when we're off duty, and its sort of amusing how many people suddenly decide to go to another party when they find out you're on security. Anyway, its always a good idea to card people at ACEN anyways so you don't end up sixty-nining with an underageb&, as you mentioned.


When there's 16k+ people in a fairly limited space, things go down. Yeah, I've broken up some fights, sometimes between celebrity guests.

That reminds me, I feel like you all should know that we hate Vic Mignona and you should too.

>> No.6662139


Oh, and sorry. I mostly do security at cons, though I've done so as a professional as well.

The main difference is that things happen at cons.

>> No.6662144

tell me what silver pikachu is gdi!!

>> No.6662156


The security group is run sort of like a sacred co-ed fraternity. There are certain key phrases that mean terrible things, reminding us of terrible experiences we've emerged from in cons past.

Basically inside jokes.

Nothing to really be worried about.

>> No.6662199

>Yeah, I've broken up some fights, sometimes between celebrity guests.

I'm gonna assume between rivals celebrity who where beefing with each. (I mean, if niggas can fight and shoot each other at the BET and Vibe Awards shows, I wouldn't be shocked if it happen at other popular venus.)

>> No.6662353


Mostly its drunken voice actors with big egos fighting over which underaged girls or boys they're going to sleep with.

>> No.6663077

I have heard nothing but bad things about Vic. Is it true he constantly tries to bang his underaged fan girls?

>> No.6663106


Clearly we need Vic stories

>> No.6664113

Bump for Vic stories. I drank with a voice actor at Anime Iowa who DESPISED him, said the dude was a leering asshole who had a huge opinion of himself.

>> No.6665042

Thanks man! Appreciate the compliments.

I'm gonna be ditching my trip here pretty soon, though. Someone figured it out and has been shitposting occasionally using it (I must've pissed him off).

Anyway, I'll be at the thursday night meetup for a bit. If not, track me down anytime at the con, I'm always happy to make new friends.

>> No.6665645

I won't be there Thursday night because I'll still be packing and getting everything together but I should be on the road late Thursday night/early Friday morning and be at ACEN no later than the afternoon (depending if my ride doesn't make too many stops). I'll be sure to find ya.

This. Vic stories are always good. Heard a story from when he came to a local convention
and he basically made everyone hate him.

>> No.6666213

Vic isn't wanted at ACen or Youmacon. It doesn't matter how badly his fangirls want him there. He's made himself out to be a huge diva.

>> No.6666222

He's not wanted at most cons, from what I always gather. I seriously don't understand how this guy still gets asked to cons with what a douche he is- isn't he way past his prime of fandom already? FMA's peak was like, 5 years ago now.

>> No.6666664

>Vic stories are always good. Heard a story from when he came to a local convention and he basically made everyone hate him.

Are you, y'know, gonna actually tell the story, or...?

>> No.6671094


>Vic McNignig

IRTbro from earlier here. You probably know who I am now. Why does MAPS suck his cock so hard? Are JYB and Steve Blum that hard to secure?