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File: 798 KB, 1991x1024, ilyRL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6680479 No.6680479[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

gtfo seems to be a bit more active lately. poor geisha mannequin or julia skamm3r or whatever she's naming herself now.

>> No.6680493

That video of her dancing is hilarious.

And her music is pretty shitastic.

>> No.6680543

Bitch should be rotting in jail

she makes me sick to my stomach

>> No.6680563

That voice...

>> No.6680591

This scamming bitch.

>> No.6680616

Who cares?
>haha look at this ugly looking bitch make funny faces
>haha look at her dance funny
>haha shitty ass band

What does any of this have to do with lolita?
Or are we really this hard up for some lolz?

>> No.6680617

well she clearly needs to save the money she scammed everyone out of for better recording equipment.

>> No.6680620

You're new here aren;t you?

>> No.6680622

Lol nice try, no.

I'm just laughing at the butthurt gtfo post with literally -zero- content. If it's not an update about her being a scammer then I really don't give a shit if you think she's ugly, dances funny, or plays in crap bands. This isn't a vendetta LJ.

>> No.6680625


I hope people follow her doggedly everywhere she goes online and harass her the way lolwcows get. At least she fucking deserves it.

>> No.6680628

She scammed people out of thousands of dollars and there was a huge fucking shitstorm.

Stop being an idiot. There is no vendetta.

>> No.6680635

I'm assuming that the point of showing off her photos and inane posts is to provide evidence of what she was doing (and how little she cared) during the period where she was meant to be sorting out the money that she owed people.

Honestly, I only give a shit about the very useful piece of information that she has changed her name. The rest is fluff and filler and skipped.

>> No.6680636

Okay so what does THAT have to do with this post? Making fun of her for silly faces (and I guess changing her name? Like nobody saw that coming hurrdurr) and playing in some band with her dumb friends has got nothing to do with her scamming people.

At least OP of the LJ post admits they don't have a fucking life at the beginning. Which is good.

>> No.6680648

Because she never paid them back. She continues to run around spending the money she jacked from people.

tbh, anon: if you don't know what's happening, i suggest pulling your bloomers out of your ass and not being wound up so fucking tight. no one is going to kill you if you innocently ask what was going on.

>> No.6680667

Pull the bloomers out of my ass?
Look lady, this has been discussed here before. The reason why the few people who were left to be paid back their money didn't get paid back was because they had paid with gift payments to MD, and as a result would have to spend even more money going through bureaucracy and the courts to get it back. Most likely even having to travel.
My guess? If they were out a serious amount of money, say thousands, then they WOULD be taking this bitch to Court and she would be arrested.

So thanks for the update on the changed name.
But calling this stupid twat ugly, a bad dancer, a bad bandmate, and an idiot isn't going to -help- anyone get their money back.

>> No.6680681

>implying this isn't mostly about vindictive gossip
>implying anyone cares that it is
>implying she doesn't deserve it

Seriously, just go.

>> No.6680695

you've already admitted that you have no idea what is going on.

>look lady
you may leave.

>> No.6680703

You should care.
If this shit can be posted then what's stopping everyone else at blowing up at stupid pictures past lolcows take of themselves?
Or when they change their names?

How do I have no idea what's going on? You keep repeating this but you don't point out what's wrong and correct me with the right information that only -you- have. Go for it, really.

>> No.6680709

>paid with gift payments to MD

Huh? I thought MD was the buyer in all these transactions (and later slammed everyone with chargebacks, but never returned items...) Was she a seller too?

>> No.6680712

no. anon is just a fucking retard who has their panties on too tight.

>> No.6680722

Then correct me. Start explaining because apparently you have all the answers. Enlighten the class anytime.

>> No.6680724

Yes she was and I don't know why (>>6680712) is trying to say she wasn't.......?

>> No.6680731
File: 105 KB, 289x283, 1354385636943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-b-but you already admitted you didn't know what was going on, and presumably don't care if you're not willing to do a simple google search on the matter. If that's the case, why are you still here?
Go outside.

>> No.6680734
File: 50 KB, 311x311, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I am saying I know what's going on. YOU say I don't. I'm asking YOU to set me straight if you don't think I don't know.

You're just being a dumbshit. Probably because you don't know what's going on. Lolllllll.

>> No.6680742

Since I don't want to make assumptions without knowing what's going on..

I got into Lolita I think right after all of the maikodolly shit went down, and therefore never really understood what happened. If someone could please kindly explain/link me to a gtfo page about the situation, I'd appreciate it a lot.

>> No.6680743

Well that's conflicting, so google it is.
But I guess chargeback payment can be sent as a gift too.
Sorry I don't know paypal.

What I really don't understand though is why no-one has hauled her ass to court over this yet. I know that thought has been beaten to death, but still.

>> No.6680746


>> No.6680748

Rude. Just provide a damn link.

Also: Wow I post two things and the entire post goes to shit.

>> No.6680749

Unfortunately, the getoff wasn't made until very late in the game for some reason, and is lacking many details, but: http://getoffegl.livejournal.com/557015.html

>> No.6680752

>What I really don't understand though is why no-one has hauled her ass to court over this yet.

We were discussing this in another thread because someone asked why the Maiko drama had stopped and why all the stickies were taken down. It's literally something to do with out-of-state people having to drive to her state to take her to court, and if it isn't a significant amount of money they lost then it's not worth racking up the extra travel, court, and other miscellaneous fees just to get a little bit back. And that's if they can win the case against her.

>> No.6680754

And her parents (grandparents, w/e) are ultra rich and can def. afford really good lawyers, so...

>> No.6680756

Yep, so I guess I'm not "wrong" about that.
That's true then.

>> No.6680758

Okay. That's understandable.
Thank you.

>> No.6680760

>bought like 10,000 USD of lolita stuff from comm-sellers/etsy/etc
>a couple months later the people that sold her stuff got chargeback'd from her
>she said her brother stole her card and the company ended up chargebacking all transactions on her card apparently (not just the ones her brother bought)
>people being -2,000~-4,000 in debt due to this
>these people ask for their money and she pretty much goes "im talking with paypal XD u'll get your money just wait ^_^"
>mods cover her ass by taking down the post/saying they have "sources" telling them that the police are taking care of it (source is just maiko saying she had it taken care of)
>eventually stops replying to mails and disappears

think thats it basically

>> No.6680764

Youre a fucking idiot

ALl you have to do is look through the archives

>> No.6680770

>Entire thread about her

please stop. you're obviously a very upset person and that level of anger in your life isn't a good thing.

>> No.6680775

The mods didn't "cover her ass" you assburger. They were being neutral figures in the situation so as not to AGITATE a potential scammer.
It's the same reason why they chose not to ban her off the bat when there was evidence that she'd be shirking people. Why? Because if they banned her it might've pissed her off and then she really wasn't going to be coaxed to give anyone's money back. She would have been unreachable.

The only mistake, the ONLY mistake that happened: Wonderfinch supposedly claimed that she had contacted authorities when it turns out that she only went by the word of Maiko that she had been "cooperating with police." Ofc everyone shat on WF for not going to the police herself, but really it's not surprising that she couldn't because mods are average civilians and don't have that kind of legal power to demand police reports. It would have had to been done through Paypal and the bank/credit card holders after filing their claims for scams/fraudulent charges.

>> No.6680781

Anon I'm sorry, that was me and I was only saying it out of sarcasm because of what was said to me (>>6680731), I thought the caps and the exact use of language made it obvious. Just would hate to cause a problem with someone who wasn't even me over some stupid post.

>> No.6680782

I'm not even the other anon though, but nice try

I just hate when people expect to be spoonfed

>> No.6680779
File: 36 KB, 90x90, 1337121103077.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Wonderfinch supposedly claimed that she had contacted authorities when it turns out that she only went by the word of Maiko that she had been "cooperating with police."

that is exactly what i was referencing, double assburger.

>> No.6680785
File: 22 KB, 395x387, 1310581732227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said, I repeat:
>Mods cover her ass
MODS is plural. Implying that multiple mods made mistakes. You are w-r-o-n-g about something. Shocking I know.

And since you won't elaborate on anything I'd figure I'd clear that up for anyone who'd ask which MODS fucked everyone over.

>> No.6680789

Your in a thread where they're reviving old drama.
Sorry, but you might have to CONTRIBUTE.

I'm not good with sarcasm, sorry about that.

>> No.6680791

spent 3 minutes trying to post that and I can't even spell it right.

>> No.6680792

Nope. Wrong again.

She's doing her own shit and rocking it out. So what if she's rich? She paid everyone off and people, stop fuking speculating. Plus others scammed her during this whole drama.

>> No.6680798

>paid everyone back

>others scammed her

>> No.6680800

Question: Who are these people who are still missing money, how do we not know their names, how do we not know how much they're missing, and why aren't they coming forward?

We could try helping these people if they'd make themselves known so people can stop speculating, and maybe they can get their money back. Especially if they challenge Maiko as a group for collective damages.

>> No.6680804

lol hi maiko (or juliette mcscammer or whatever you're calling yourself now)

>> No.6680801

oh shit i remember when this happened! i can't believe she is flaunting this in everyones face.

>> No.6680808

Hi maikodolly or maikodolly's friend who came in here trying to say that a mysterious lolita was the one who made all those "unauthorized purchases"

>> No.6680811

Because we're not privy to financial information that's not our business....?

At least one of them was still posting as much on the sticky before it was unstickied, but I don't recall the username

>> No.6680810

People need to start coming out.

>> No.6680816

You're privy to scammers that aren't your business. You're eager to talk about how a scammer scammed someone else out of their money, and that isn't necessarily your business.

>we're not privy to financial information
Says you.

>> No.6680822

Her dad has a lot of money, so I'd be expecting (and hoping) everyone got paid back, despite her laggy ass.

AP and BtSSB in San Francisco were both on her asses. Cops couldn't do anything, really. The girls who got scammed (hopefully) took action and escalated everything.

Someone, do everyone a favor, and if you see this bitch, punch her in the face.

>> No.6680819

Fuck you, you're a nobody.

>> No.6680820

Yeah where are these people?
I'm sick of seeing this girl's face and people still being angry about how there's people who haven't been paid back, yet they aren't coming out and saying who they are.

Isn't it a dead subject if these people aren't willing to pursue their own money? Where are they?

>> No.6680821
File: 63 KB, 350x346, 1358062377383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was being lazy in my summary and didn't wanna call out one specific mod.
you might wanna take the stick out of your ass in your next reply to me, which i guarantee there will be one.

>> No.6680824
File: 72 KB, 368x437, toby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel that you contribute nothing to this discussion and are maybe two points above being a shitposter?

>> No.6680823


Yeah, it's called... gossip. Are you seriously trying to say that demanding the financial info of victims of the scam and gossiping about the scammer are the same.. thing...?

I just.. what???

>> No.6680826

You. Stop.

Other anon, you stop too, neither one of you are contributing, stfu


>> No.6680830

>Her dad has a lot of money, so I'd be expecting (and hoping) everyone got paid back, despite her laggy ass.

Yeah, but from descriptions during the situation, it sounded like he didn't give two shits.

>> No.6680831

Did I say the point was to demand financial information? No.
You just brought up the "Well it's none of our ~business~" excuse and I thought that was highly ironic seeing as how everyone is so involved.

Wanting people to come forward and giving them advice of how to handle it collectively is not a major intrusion.
It would for one be settling who still is owed money (if there is anyone) and who isn't.

>> No.6680833

I have.
My posts. And they're good contributions indeed.

>> No.6680841


keroneko was never paid back

>> No.6680839

Yeah, because punishing the scammed makes no fucking sense. Are you listening to yourself?

At this point, how they handle it is up to them; they've been given all the advice that's going to be relevant. But people are still pissed that this bitch still got off with zero legal repercussion for what she did. I hope the drama cloud never fucking leaves her. She deserves every bit.

>> No.6680846
File: 60 KB, 352x259, 1345295771503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? How is asking for their names and trying to help them a PUNISHMENT?

What. in. the. ever. loving. fuck????????????
Please explain this logic.

>> No.6680847

Thank you, this is the username I was trying to remember.

>> No.6680845
File: 63 KB, 150x150, 1355702990576.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does it feel to be even a worse shitposter than I? at least i gave a summary instead of bitching
>knew youd reply because you couldn't not respond
the fun thing about anonymous posting is that you'll never know if i stop posting or not. but i'll make it less obvious.

>> No.6680850
File: 469 KB, 500x281, 982598.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, incorrect and misinformed summaries of things that you don't know what you're talking about. Hurr.

>> No.6680851


Uh...has there been an update on this since...January? Wanna ask her again?

>> No.6680852

Because you're demanding information that is none of your business. Again:
>how they handle it is up to them; they've been given all the advice that's going to be relevant.
So *demanding* they come forward and give you that info? Fuck off.

>> No.6680855
File: 213 KB, 814x500, 1344064677639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just their names.
What have they got to hide if they've been shirked out of their money?

You're not making any logical sense.

>> No.6680860

No, you demanded:
>Who are these people who are still missing money, how do we not know their names, how do we not know how much they're missing, and why aren't they coming forward?

I'll give you names, MAYBE, but the rest is quite frankly none of your business. Nor should it be.

>> No.6680861

so I'm kind of starting to assume since there really hasn't been any posts made by people of not being paid since November/January that everyone's been paid back.

Someone would have come forward by now if they were missing a lot of money. It just makes sense.

>> No.6680863

Fine. Then let's get the names then. Since I think the main speculation comes from who is still left and who isn't if there is people left to be paid back.

>> No.6680871

But why would maiko, after not answering anyone's emails or messages for over a month, just suddenly pay them back?

>> No.6680873

Well, if anyone would like to contact these users and ask...

Also keep in mind, some people may not be able to speak about it if they ARE pending litigation.

>> No.6680875

I can't answer that question just about as much as you can answer the question of why nobody is saying they haven't been paid back yet anymore.

I really don't know what happened.

>> No.6680877

Well, what would be the point of posting "STILL HAVEN'T BEEN PAID BACK" every week? Maiko isn't answering them, the mods can't do anything, and unless they can afford to take her into court there's nothing they can do either.

>> No.6680885

I'm thinking in terms of common sense.

We know Maiko scammed people. We know she lied about what happend. We know she was ignoring people. We know she stopped replying to people about the situation. So what is more likely--that she continued to ignore the situation or that she suddenly paid back the people who were screwed over?

That's like saying it's likely that talia_speaks paid people back just because the people she fucked over don't talk about it anymore.

>> No.6680883

I'm not saying every week. But there's been no new updates since mid January. Wouldn't you think someone who was still missing money would make a post almost two months after the fact?
I can't buy that they wouldn't, especially after all the initial drama and people coming out that they hadn't been.
It's suspect.

>> No.6680886

Like I said: When there isn't anything they can do to get their money back, and maiko is banned from the community, what is posting on EGL going to do?

>> No.6680887

But can you prove it?
Saying what's "more likely" is just speculation and only inviting for the drama to continue. I don't think it's something the people who were scammed would like to drag out, as I'm sure she annoys them enough as it is.

>> No.6680891

>saying what's "more likely" is just speculation

But it's okay for you to say what's more likely and what is "suspect."


>> No.6680896

I'm not denying that it isn't speculation and hence why the situation is suspect...?

>> No.6680893

But we don't know if it's the case, for sure, that people can't get their money back and not that she didn't just pay them back.

Maybe they were offered some sort of financial litigation but had to keep quiet about it.
I mean there's already a post on gtfo about it, there's been threads here about it. People would have had the opportunity to pass and say "Yeah the bitch didn't pay me back yet and it's been two months."

>> No.6680898

>People would have had the opportunity to pass and say "Yeah the bitch didn't pay me back yet and it's been two months."

You're assuming a) that they go on getoffegl or /cgl/ and b) that they are online right now.

>> No.6680900

But you're saying that it's okay for YOU to say what is more likely, while if I say what I think is more likely, "nooo you can't prove it!"

>> No.6680902

Why are you so obsessed with defending a lying scammer? JW.

>> No.6680903

Oh, cut the false concern. I don't know why you're so hellbent on defending the idea of maiko having suddenly paid people back after cutting communication and essentially getting off free, but if anything is suspect, it's you.

Considering from posts earlier in this thread it's possible her friends are in here....

>> No.6680905

No, I did not use the term "more likely." I said that it is suspect. Suspect means it can go either way and I, nor anyone else, knows for sure what the answer is.

I can't prove my point either and I don't know where you're getting that I said I could...?

>> No.6680908

goddamn, is this the same whiteknight shitposter that was shitting up every other maiko thread before?

>> No.6680910
File: 1.76 MB, 640x480, oUVty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're acting like bitches.
Stop accusing me of "defending" her, I'm not.
I'm saying there's a possibility that maybe she did pay these people back, or has something arranged with them.

Why is it okay for you guys to assume she hasn't and accuse me of being some fucking Maiko whiteknight just because I'm logically posing questions? Fuck.

>> No.6680914


Right, we're "bitches" because we're calling you out on your shit logic. Cry more.

>> No.6680920

People aren't bitches for looking at CONTEXT, something you seem to ignore completely.

>> No.6680924
File: 52 KB, 500x388, rustledjims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not "shit logic" if you're not making a counterargument of what's actually wrong with what I'm saying.

No, instead you'd rather shove words in my mouth that I didn't say, make assumptions, and accuse me of "whiteknighting" just because I won't spew out blind rage.

Fuck you. And fuck anyone else with your attitude. I'm done with this argument since all this is going to go from here is "OH HAI MAIKO/MAIKO WHITEKNIGHT!"

Just remember that nobody has come out since mid January saying that they're still missing money.

>> No.6680928

And there's also a possibility that cruxcrommisa sewed all the skirts he owed people, paid them back, and send them gift cards to Barnes and Nobles. Doesn't mean that it's likely.

>> No.6680930

>It's not "shit logic" if you're not making a counterargument of what's actually wrong with what I'm saying.

But that's already been done.


>> No.6680933

I answered all these.

>> No.6680931

...But there's evidence of people saying that he still owes them stuff.

>> No.6680948

Evidence from the past 2 weeks? Share it.

You answered it with: "But it could happen!!" which is not an answer. You're ignoring the entire context of the situation in favor of "BUT THERE'S A 1% CHANCE THAT THIS HAPPENED INSTEAD."

>> No.6680959

That's not "ignoring context" that's saying that there's a possibility (not an absolute, not a given) that she has paid them back, and the strength of that lies within the fact that nobody has stepped forward and said that they haven't been paid back in the past two months.
That's not me defending her, that's me seeing what's happening in current context and implying that there's a causation here. I'm not asserting that I'm right, nor asserting that you're completely wrong and don't have a point.

If you seriously can't understand that, then this is going nowhere and let's just end it now.

>> No.6680964

> the strength of that lies within the fact that nobody has stepped forward and said that they haven't been paid back in the past two months.

That isn't a strength. People have already pointed out several solid reasons as to why there haven't been any updates. But it's like your sticking your fingers in your ears and holding out ~hoping for the impossible~ rather than looking at maiko, at what happened, and looking towards a realistic conclusion.

To use your argument, then I guess all the major scams of EGL's past were solved because people stopped posting about them.

>> No.6680971

I'm ONE of those people who explained the possibilities of why there hasn't been any updates. In fact I was the first one to write a cohesive paragraph to bring it up.
Stop that and stop assuming I'm ignoring that.

But there's still the possibility that she paid them back too. I'm sorry you hate hearing that.

>> No.6680972


Oh and these are my posts in case you ask. BTW.

>> No.6680975

There's a possibility that horses will rain from the sky tomorrow. Does that make it likely?? No.

>> No.6680976

There's also the possibility she's really a man in drag. Doesn't mean it's likely.

>> No.6680977

Nice strawman.

Anyway like I said, why are you discussing this with me if you're not going to admit that (while you hate it oh so much) that I have a point? You're wasting your time. Really.

>> No.6680978

Because they love drama. Just stop replying, you're getting in the way of their drama and they hate it obv.

>> No.6680986

You have a point- that isn't the issue. The issue is you seem dead set on defending Maiko for really no apparent reason.

Ok, there is a very, very slim chance you're correct............ and? What's the point you're trying to make? She's still a scammer. I cannot see why you need to convince us so badly.

>> No.6680991

>The issue is you seem dead set on defending Maiko for really no apparent reason.

No it's not.
Which posts have I made that have blindly whiteknighted her? I don't know how many times I have to repeat myself that I'm not defending her, and even some of my posts go against her in fact.

You're being retarded.
I never said she ISN'T A FUCKING SCAMMER.
I said there's a possibility that she's paid them back. That doesn't imply she did it willingly.

Now, for the last time, will you cut this bullshit out?

>> No.6680994

And WHY do you need so badly to convince us, so badly, that she MIGHT have paid them back?

Again, your motivation in this entire thread is what's in question. Not the point itself.

>> No.6681004

Jesus fuck, it sure it tumblr in here.

She's a scamming bitch, living off her spoils, and there is actually someone defending her and crying that anons are being "boo hoo so mean and unjust desu~"
You're fucking shitting me.

>> No.6681003
File: 27 KB, 222x200, 1336934850542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because that way you won't look like such one-sided idiots that haven't bothered to take any other possibilities into consideration.

Anyway, obviously YOU know MY motivations now.
More pristine logic and non-assumptions at fucking 7.

>> No.6681011

>and there is actually someone defending her and crying that anons are being "boo hoo so mean and unjust desu~"

Dat delusion, holy shit. lol. I like how that didn't actually happen, at all.

>> No.6681014

Right, because it couldn't be that we already took that possibility into consideration, realized it was unlikely, and arrived at the likely conclusion instead.

You're a fucking moron.


>> No.6681015

You're so goddamn buttmad about being wrong it's beyond pathetic.

>> No.6681017


Lolk. Stay mad.

>> No.6681018


I'm sure you are.

>> No.6681040

Ahhhh, I remember who you are now. You're the retard who was shitting up the other threads on maiko with: "But maybe she didn't really scam!! You have no proof!!!"

>> No.6681041

Can you PROVE she's not a man in drag?

>> No.6681042

She's fat
Captcha: cakes apicho

>> No.6681071
File: 34 KB, 245x652, tumblr_mj81ug4vsX1r31vt8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the subject of gtfo, can we talk about this girl?? from the looks of her tumblr, she just cant let this shit go and keeps digging her hole deeper

>> No.6681086

Hahaha I knew this would end up here eventually. Has nobody here ever been to efagz? I mean, that post was pretty much in line with an efagz post. Anyway, I thought it was great that someone posted a heads up that she changed her name so people can avoid her in the future. What's with people getting so butthurt over us making fun of her? You've gone soft, cgl.

>> No.6681089

Oh my god



>> No.6681093

oh yeah, link to her shit again, i forgot what the tumblr name is... I should have stopped reading the moment she posted the picture saying empire waisted dresses don't use petticoats ever... but then I really stopped reading when she said something like 'traditional cupcake shape' ... uh, do you even know what lolita 'traditionally' looked like in terms of skirt shape...

>> No.6681091

>the point of showing off her photos and inane posts is to provide evidence of what she was doing (and how little she cared) during the period where she was meant to be sorting out the money that she owed people.

This. Exactly.

Also where did the OP of the post call her ugly or personally insult her? That face was pretty shit-eating so I mean...

>> No.6681104

Yeaah, this is my question. I'm wondering if she's been ITT the whole time because seriously everyone seems to miss the point that her ~dancing and being stupid~ and w/e was going on WHILE she was ignoring people who had lost hundreds of dollars

>> No.6681107

See the dumbfuck above defending her to the last breath and decide for yourself, lol

>> No.6681117

I love how any post she makes relating to this petticoat cluster fuck is tagged 'CYBER BULLYING'.

>> No.6681118

Does anyone remember the LSE post? I seem to remember a few people on there saying they hadn't got their money back right up until they took down the sticky

>> No.6681123

So this girl is in my comm and hosting a meetup this weekend. Wonder if any shit will go down...

>> No.6681121

I hate seeing Paris Windows paired with black in this colorway. It never looks good.

Speaking of never looking good, even empire cuts need a little bit of fluff to keep them from looking like sad, deflated tents.

>> No.6681124

It's funny that's she's wearing the wrong type of petticoat for that JSK style and concluded that petticoats aren't needed for lolita. Is that the only dress she owns?

>> No.6681126

Well no offense but the LJ post doesn't do a good job drawing attention to that.
I'm sorry but the person should edit their post and reword it better. It's not very good.

>> No.6681133

>To end this post, have a video of Caitlyn/Maiko/Juliet/Barbie dancing Gangnam Style at a convention that was posted during the time when she was supposed to be taking care of people's money

RL also mentioned at the beginning of the video that for some reason MD thinks she can just change her SN, fake name and band name but still use the internet the exact same way and no one is going to notice somehow.

>> No.6681136

Holy crap. My heart just dropped. I'm glad she at least blurred my face out. First reaction is 'hellll naw. I'm not getting involved in this shit'
I'm in the agreement that Lolita, unless a long dress (even then teetering on the verge of otome), needs some sort of volume.

>> No.6681145

the only reason ill be going is that this will likely be two of our members last meetup with us. which I'm waaayyy bummed about.
Honestly, I'm a bit irked how she just kindof popped out of nowhere, after apparently leaving Lolita and is just like 'plan ALL OF THE MEETUPS' 'do ALL OF THE THINGS' ...really? calm your shit.

>> No.6681146

I really hate all these people that seem to think that lolita has OMG TONS OF RULES THAT AREN'T FAIR!!!11 Because to me the 'rules' are just the points that define lolita. If you start saying that x, y and z are lolita even though they don't include the traits that other lolita does then it's not fucking lolita. I've said this before and I think it's a good analogy, but it's like, you call a skirt a skirt because it's not pants. It gets to a point where people try to ~rebel~ from the very elements that make lolita what it is, simply because they "dare to be different or whatever the fuck the reasoning is" and so their outfits lack the uniform points of the style.

>> No.6681150

Yeah...at the end of the post. They should put this stuff at the top and give a TL;DR for people new to the drama. Otherwise you're scrolling through images and not really knowing what the point is.

>> No.6681165 [DELETED] 

I feel kind of weird for having met both MaikoDolly and the U DON'T NEED A PETTICOAT GUIZE girl in person ;(

Am I just a magnet for lolcows or something?

>> No.6681168

You should start collecting lolcow autographs.

>> No.6681173

wat? It's called tags. Click them. Do your own research. Everyone who's anyone knows about this shit. If you're ignorant of it, it's your own damn fault.

>> No.6681180

It was just a suggestion faggot. Relax and stop being so confrontational.

>> No.6681183

Bro, I'm a totally different person. That's my first post in this thread. You are the one who needs to relax.

>> No.6681184

Yeah because telling someone to 'do their own research' and saying they're 'ignorant' just because they're not Maikofags is chill behavior, amirite?
Now I know why so many posters have problems with you people.

>> No.6681189

But what's wrong with doing your research? I meant ignorant in the absolute most literal sense of the word.

>Lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about something in particular: "ignorant of astronomy".

No one here needs to be spoon fed or have their hand held and everything done for them. Not even you, child. Wtf is a maikofag anyway? You sound like the same whiteknight in this thread bitching about stupid shit nobody cares about. You are looking so damn hard to find a problem in that post when there isn't one.

>> No.6681191

I rest my case.
I really don't know why you're being so argumentative with someone just dropping a suggestion to make the livejournal post better, but you should probably get off your high horse.
Is this a troll thread? Idgi.

>> No.6681193
File: 101 KB, 201x216, 1332864592891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in this thread bitching about stupid shit nobody cares about.

Dude nobody except for drama llamas gives a shit about Maiko drama. Not even the same anon.

>> No.6681194

diff anon- wtf are you on where picking a fight and calling someone a faggot makes THEM the confrontational one...?

>> No.6681196

I didn't start it so I don't know. It wasn't a suggestion. You were nitpicking. Just like you have been in this whole thread. If you have such a problem, get a username and make a comment. Nobody on LJ seems to have a problem with it.

Fair. But this wasn't originally posted here and I kind of don't understand why someone had to post this here. I don't think it was meant as a "hey guys check out this drama" but rather a "hey guys this is interesting lolol her name is crook now"

>> No.6681195

You don't think there's anything argumentative and confrontational about saying to someone to do their own research and that they're being ignorant just because they don't have the scoop on some drama and suggested a post improvement?

Really now?

>> No.6681198

>picking a fight
>implying this whole thread isn't about picking fights and grabbing ass
Nobody is fooled.

>> No.6681200

How is it nitpicking?
And of course people on the LJ comments don't care because they're too busy tearing Maiko a new one and they already are in the know.

>> No.6681204

What's a better adjective for "lacking in the information and knowledge about a particular subject?" Please tell me. Also lots of people get told to do their own research and they don't react half as badly as you do. And it wasn't a post improvement. You were just mad someone is picking on maikodolly again. The scoop takes all of 10 seconds to figure out. It was the biggest drama in the past 6 months. There's really nothing wrong with the post as it is and the OP shouldn't have to explain every little fucking detail on the offchance one random person doesn't know everything.

>> No.6681205

Haha is the op of that livejournal post really getting defensive because someone made a suggestion? lol

>> No.6681209
File: 497 KB, 499x277, kyubey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I didn't make a suggestion and I kissed Maiko's ass and whiteknighted her. That's interesting anon it's like you're a wizard materializing things out of thin air like that.

Now I know why people get so aggravated when they post here. They have the right to be.

>> No.6681206

Holyfuck, is friday night like tumblrfag night or something? Everyone needs to stfu and leave their fucking white-knighting shit out or gtfo.

>> No.6681207

Funny you should say that when most of the maiko drama went down here

tbh RL gets defensive easily so it could be her, but idk

>> No.6681212

I didn't like the post either. Umad?

>> No.6681216

Oh man you're mad and defensive. You are the op! Knew it!

>> No.6681213

Yea uh I'm not getting involved in this but it's just my observation that if someone has even the teeniest amount of criticism they're always called tumblrfags, whiteknights, or Maiko.
Js it's really petty.

>> No.6681214

>the OP of the LJ post
>implying you don't realize that RL is one of the GTFO mods
>implying you're not a fucking faggot

gtfo of here!

>> No.6681219

Well you see, that's because the people who are making the 'tiniest amount of criticism' are acting waaay to nice and out of the seagull element.

>> No.6681220

What about >>6681126
is out of element?
They made a stupid suggestion and someone jumped down their throat.

>> No.6681222

Then don't read it? Hide this thread? You don't have to read either one. js

RL doesn't talk like that, doubt it's her. One of her suckup getoff frequenters, maybe.

>> No.6681224

>and they already are in the know.
I just don't understand what's hard about being in the know. Really, that's all.

Not OP. Just pretty dumbfounded at some of the people here right now. I am really trying hard to understand but I don't get it.

Nah bro. You're entitled to your opinion. Looks like you're in the minority tho.

You just ignored everything I said, dude.

>> No.6681225

>One of her suckup getoff frequenters, maybe

>> No.6681230

"Dude" you said I didn't actually make a suggestion to improve the post, you implied I was mad that Maiko is getting picked on, and then you acted like I was suggesting you write an essay with every single detail.

What is your problem?

>> No.6681235

>One of her suckup getoff frequenters, maybe.

Wat? Nobody sucks up to her.

What is boggling me right now is the fact that RL is not even the problem here. She's a red herring right now. But people want to make it about her, so I guess this is all about her now.

>> No.6681243

I think people are more or less laughing their asses off that someone else would get so defensive at the notion that a gtfo post needed some improvement. Like it never happens.
And then have them be that way when they supposedly didn't even write it.

>> No.6681247

Who's stopping you?

>> No.6681245

ya know in the time you spent yelling at each other we could have been making an ED article or something.

>> No.6681248

But the post doesn't need to be improved though?

Why is it that people bitch up and down about noobs not doing research but now all of a sudden researching things and being told to research things is some kind of terrible crime that nobody can do? Just get out of this thread, brah, you've made enough of an ass of yourself from the start. Like I said, get an LJ account if it bothers you so much to be posting here for hours about it

>> No.6681250

During the whole saga where that btb post about her happened, there was some whiteknighting, I seem to recall...? But yeah, I kinda doubt she's in here rn

>> No.6681254

Holy fuck this.

>> No.6681255

>the post doesn't need to be improved
That's your opinion just like my suggestion was my opinion.
And who says I bitch at noobs? I don't deserve your shit and I don't deserve to be implied that I'm a whiteknight. It took me all but 15 minutes to argue with you so far, so...

>> No.6681256

I wasn't being defensive about the post, just that person kept calling me names right out of the gate for me just saying that they can do research for like, 2 seconds. Surely that's okay to do, no?

>> No.6681262

They called you a faggot. Tons of people get called faggots on 4chan and I've seen them handle it better than you.
You insulted them first by being snarky when you could have just ignored the post.

Different anon btw.

>> No.6681264

But you've been arguing with people since this thread started because you do not know what's going on. I wasn't saying YOU bitched at noobs. I was saying that people do. I wasn't giving you shit, if anything you were giving me shit dude. If you can't take the breeze, get off the beach. Seriously.

>> No.6681267

>But you've been arguing with people since this thread started because you do not know what's going on.

How is this possible when I've only been here for the past 20 minutes sperglette?

>> No.6681273

They called me a faggot because they disagreed with me. Pretty uncalled for if you ask me. They picked a fight with me because they were mad that they got shat on this entire thread. They even thought I was one of the anons at the start of this even though that was my first post in here.

So everyone's allowed to be snarky except for me? Good to know, I'll remember that next time ;)

>> No.6681279

And you implied they were ignorant just because they didn't like how the post was formatted.
That's pretty uncalled for if you ask me.

Why don't you just move on?

>> No.6681282
File: 67 KB, 2000x2000, 1342923092669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't read this thread. Everyone is autistic. Going back to LJ now.

>> No.6681283

do you know where you are? and no, not just 4chan, /cgl/

>> No.6681281

I don't even know what the fuck this means.

If you've only been here for 20 minutes. Fine. My bad then for assuming you were the anon above bitching about not knowing something. Apologies.

>> No.6681290

I didn't imply they were ignorant, at least not intentionally. I was simply trying to say that it is legitimate ignorance if you do not know about something. Like really, that's what ignorant means. Not knowing. It wasn't meant as an insult or a slight against that particular anon.

Why am I being told to move on instead of the other person who's been flying off the handle? There's even another anon who agrees with me. I don't get it.

>> No.6681297

>Why am I being told to move on instead of the other person who's been flying off the handle?

Because you're the one freaking out that someone doesn't get your definition of "ignorant" and them having called you a "faggot." It's really not a big deal. And there's at least two other people here telling you to calm down.

>> No.6681303

I'm calm though? Idk where everyone is getting that I'm like, flipping out and shit, because I'm not. Reasonable discourse and all that. That person flew off the handle as soon as they started replying to me. I've kept my cool this entire time and have tried to inject some logic and rationality into this but I guess there's no room for that on CGL. All I did was tell someone to do their own research and that getoffegl doesn't need to cater to them.

>at least two
>implying it's not all samefag


PS: It's not my definition. It's Webster's. No seriously, look it up.

>> No.6681309

No you were being argumentative and pretentious and you still are. Let it go and Calm. down.

>> No.6681312

you're asking for a fight at this point forreal

>> No.6681319

>and that getoffegl doesn't need to cater to them.

You didn't say that. Liar. And of course I know it doesn't have to but it doesn't mean I can't have an opinion. If you don't like my opinion you're free to ignore it. Again I don't know why you're so defensive over something you didn't even write.

>> No.6681322

I'm telling you it's the op. She's here.

>> No.6681336
File: 1.12 MB, 330x248, popcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha this faggot.

>> No.6681339

Liar? What? My comment you replied to is a paraphrase. I'm not defensive over the post. I'm defensive because you picked a fight with me. Why is that hard for you to comprehend? You're entitled to your opinion like you said, just like I am entitled to mine (which I posted but you didn't seem to want to accept) and you're completely free to ignore me but for some reason you won't. Why is that?

I'm with that other ridiculous anon. I totally understand now why people get frustrated posting here.

Scouts honor I'm not the OP. I'm not even female.

>> No.6681345

>saying I picked a fight with you
Sorry, but it all comes back to the fact that if you thought my opinion was so stupid you could have ignored it.
Why don't you put on your big girl bloomers and walk away?

>> No.6681347
File: 19 KB, 294x294, oboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scouts honor I'm not the OP. I'm not even female.

Sure you're not op...sure you're not.

>> No.6681353

But we're on a message board? Where we're allowed to post our opinions? The same goes for you, buddy. You could easily have ignored my opinions but you chose not to and instead are sitting here arguing with me, too. Two way street.

I wear boxer briefs, thanks.

>> No.6681356

i no good at internets

>> No.6681358

Then why are you bitching like a butthurt woman about who started fighting whom? WHO CARES?

>> No.6681357

Do I need to post a picture of my dick to prove it? Cause I mean, I will if that's what you're into.

>> No.6681360
File: 20 KB, 460x370, 1358153497284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We really don't want to see how big your clitoris is hun.

>> No.6681362


BUT IT'S THE INTERNET. I'm forever alone and have nothing better to do and this is me passing the time. Sorry ladies.

>> No.6681366

>implying guys would give a shit about any of this stuff
Yeah no, and I'm pretty sure no guy would get this mad about being called a faggot either.

>> No.6681370

....it's saying it doesn't have a life just like the livejournal op. hm

>> No.6681372

Dear moot, /cgl/ really needs forced ID


a lofty treelita.

>> No.6681374


>> No.6681376


Never seen someone whiteknight the format of a LJ post like this ever.

>> No.6681380

teddybearsapple.... Just saying. There have been butthurt men here before.

That's just a shitty coincidence (and I'm certain the OP meant it in jest.) You guys screaming at me that I'm the OP is like screaming at everyone in here defending maiko that they're all maiko and her friends. I'm sure both the OP and Maiko and her friends have better things to do on a Friday night.

>> No.6681383

You're just so invested in whiteknighting that lj post though.
Why so defensive about it? You admitted it was just an opinion so why not forget about it?

>> No.6681384

I wasn't whiteknighting the post, at least not knowingly. I was just arguing with a random anon. I'm really not RL and I don't know how I can make you believe me. But I guess we'll never know.

>> No.6681390
File: 47 KB, 370x454, xkcd_venting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really give a fuck about that post. I was more arguing with the anon. Whiteknighting the post was just an unfortunate byproduct. I thought their opinion was dumb and I wanted to tell them. Just like what happens on CGL every day. Pic related.

>> No.6681387

So, from what I got out of all the opinions, the whole thread is as follows:

>Maiko arguing with RL both of which are pretending to be boys.

>> No.6681388

You were arguing with them because they criticized how the post was written when they said it could have been better.
It's so stupid.

>> No.6681391

>Maiko arguing with RL both of which are pretending to be boys.

Almost right. I don't think the anon from earlier pretended to be a guy though. At least they didn't straightforwardly say I'm a guy btw.
But yes RL is pretending to be a dude ITT.

>> No.6681393

It was dumb and I'm high. Sorry guys.

This made me choke on my soda.

>> No.6681392

>I thought their opinion was dumb
Yeah and they called you a faggot for it and you got butthurt. You're acting like a little bitch lol.

Babbie's first cgl?

>> No.6681396

>But yes RL is pretending to be a dude ITT.
She looks enough like a dude.

>> No.6681400
File: 69 KB, 1157x772, 1356926910086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She looks enough like a dude.

>> No.6681398

I said "I'm not even female" because I didn't want you guys to think I'm the OP because I'm not.

But they were clearly butthurt too. There was even another anon to mention it. Whatever, man.

>> No.6681403

>But they were clearly butthurt too

You picked the fight and you got one. Boohoo.
You're a faggot and a sensitive twink RL.

>> No.6681405
File: 80 KB, 500x475, you tried.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Different anon.

>> No.6681415

They picked it with me though? I just fought back. Whatever. Keep crying that I'm RL, doesn't make it true. I guess I'm one of her suckups now.

>> No.6681420

yes well i just assumed that if RL is ITT she'd be bothered by it, she takes criticism that's not personal personally enough as it is.

>> No.6681511

I love rune-midgarts' reply to that

>> No.6681525

Damn girl, that's just an all-round terrible co=ord, don't go blaming the petti.

>> No.6681530

why such a big screenshot

>> No.6681532

agreed - black's a neutral colour, so it must go with everything olol!11!1

white is the be-all end-all of neutrals, why can't people realise this

>> No.6681673

those stockings why

>> No.6681852

I'm not terribly knowledgeable about lolita, but other than her lack of petti, black tights/shirt with that dress? It clashes so badly, imo...