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6708713 No.6708713 [Reply] [Original]

Today I went out in slightly ott sweet, to college and all. People in my class were apperently talking about me behind my back and secretly taking pictures. I understan that it's a weird fashion but it still made me slightly sad.

Can we have lolita in public thread?
Stories, tips, etc.

>> No.6708714

ugh, its college, jesus christ
dont college kids have better things to do than ridicule others, so high school

>> No.6708718

I was pretty surprised too, especially since I've been building up my loli wear over time. As in, started with casually wearing skirts and progressed towards what I wore today.

Quite a few classmates got angry at them though. They found them rude.

>> No.6708732

My bros in my class have all been really cool with lolita. It's the random arseholes in the corridors and cafeteria you need to worry about. They mostly yell things and take photos.

>> No.6708740

Yup just had that happen, the fire alarm went off and we had to leave our classroom. People in the hallway were shouting stuff and pointing/laughing.

>> No.6708745

I've worn Lolita to class a total of 4 times. I'm in a graphic design program, so I guess alternative clothing/hair styles are not uncommon, but I got nothing but positive comments from my classmates. They said I looked so cute and my dress was so poofy. Walking to and from class, however, I got many stares and people just looking at me like I was wearing a horse-head mask. I wasn't wearing a wig for any of these attempts, either.
Older ladies say that I look cute, though. So I guess there is that.

>> No.6708748

>at Union Station in Toronto
>Eating Cinnabon
>Look outside, see a lolita
>she's wearing really sweet(?) but not OTT
>she's with a girl in regular clothes
>people stop to talk to her constantly, all of them are guys in there 20's and 30's
>both her and her friend look really uncomfortable

>> No.6708751

I'm a graphic student too, but my school is filled with hipsters and normal people. I totally recognize that situation.

>> No.6708755

Oh yes. That's pretty much my schools population too.
It's a good thing there's another Lolita in this program, cause when we are together I think people put two and two together. lol

>> No.6708757

Ah that sounds so nice! The only thing that was remotely lolita that I've seen here was this gothic girl that wore a gingham dress, but it wasn't a loli dress.

>> No.6708769

I've never worn lolita to class. I take a lot of languages so most of my class groups are fairly small, and I wouldn't be comfortable with drawing attention to myself in such a manner, even though everyone's very nice. Plus the rooms can get a little crowded, so it would just make it a bit more difficult for everyone to get around (I tend to go for big, impractical levels of poof, I just don't do casual).

I wear lolita a lot in my day-to-day life, just doing shopping and stuff, though. I don't really have any stories, I mostly just get old ladies telling me I look like a little doll. Although the other day I had a group of Italian guys follow me around for a wihle because they just could not believe I wasn't going to a party or something with the way I was dressed. It was the day before Patrick's Day and I live in Dublin so I guess that was kind of my bad for forgetting. And they seemed pretty nice, it was just a little weird. I think I've gotten off pretty lightly with my adventures in lolita in public when I hear of the abuse that a lot of people seem to get.

>> No.6708772

i would take pictures of a fat retard playing dress up too

>> No.6708783

I can understand, I find public transport a bit uncomfortable because of that too.
The Italian guys sound pretty fun, haha.

I have to say it's pretty fun to go out in loli, even if it's making me a bit nervous because of the attention. I just got a bit of a compliment wave. Someone told me I looked like a fairytale princess, so that certainly made my day good again!

>> No.6708790

I wear mostly gothic, and I usually get stopped every ten meters by some dude wanting to hit on me... I've discovered that it has a lot to do with what makeup I'm wearing though, if I'm wearing red lipstick there will be many more guys whistling, but if I have nude lips it's calmer. The few times I wear sweet there are mostly kind old ladies and kids, and maybe a few creepy old men, but people tend to not scream bad stuff at me at least. They do stare and take photos though.
I've never worn lolita to class, it's too impractical as I'm studying to become a sound technician. But I have my classmates friended on facebook so I guess they've seen me in lolita in pictures. Nobody's asked or said anything about it though, and I don't bring it up.

>> No.6708801

I fucking hate this reaction. Why the fuck would you point and laugh at someone for... any reason at all, really?

>> No.6708804


I think it's to humiliate the person they are targeting?
Best thing to do is point and laugh back, worked for me a couple of times.

>> No.6708818
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I laugh loudly while rolling my eyes and shaking my butt.

>> No.6708831
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I've gotten yells and stares just for wearing a regular nice black skirt for presentations. People just like acting like monkeys when they see anything that's different. Most people around here just roll out of bed and go to classes in whatever they fell asleep in, so seeing anyone that looks nice that isn't a professor is considered out of the ordinary, I can't imagine even trying lolita.

>> No.6708836

I'm surprised you're comfortable (physically, not emotionally) going out to places other than meets/events in OTT Sweet. I can only stand wearing it for certain occasions, that if I do wear lolita out and about, it's usually very toned down/casual just because I get really uncomfortable/hot/itchy.

I usually wear some eccentric jfashions day-to-day and I find that many people at my university act like morons. It's college, I'm not going to see these people after I graduate this year, and I have a pretty nice career path lined up, so I just move on. I think it's best to just ignore them, act like it doesn't piss you off, even if it does, and move on.

>> No.6708845

I live in a pretty big/metropolitan city, so most people just ignore me. I do get a lot of questions about 'are you a Singer'? For some reason? I think its that whole pop music scene fashion that makes some people think that I'm going to just start performing in the street or whatever.

>> No.6708847

My wardrobe is mostly sweet. Though I'm older and not in college, I wear it around on occasion. Usually, out with friends but I prefer to tone things down, go more casual, and save the OTT for conventions and meetups where I'm much more comfortable. I've had mostly positive reactions, but I do get a lot of stares. The last time I went out, a friend and I went shopping in some AP. We came out of a store and some ghetto teenagers were over-reacting. we might as well have worn horse masks and been on stilts by the way they were carrying on. But we both just went on our way and laughed about it later.

It's strange to the rest of the world. But I find it stranger to see some of the stuff other people wear. Like guts hanging out of their tops and over their pants, ripped up and holy shirts, shit stains, going out shopping in PJs. So many people I see look miserable on a day to day basis, but yet that's the norm.

>> No.6708849

Oh god yes! I wasn't one of those girls who showed up beringed, bejeweled and bedazzled in 6 inch stillettos (we had plenty of those on campus as well), but I wasn't the type to show up in pajama pants, uggs a northface jacket and last night's makeup, either.

I tried to be stylish and comfortable since my school was in an urban area and I did a lot of walking/riding the train.

I was either jeered at for being "too dressy" or not fashionable enough.

>> No.6708858

>People just like acting like monkeys when they see anything that's different
This is so true.
It's especially bad when you live in a place where most people are poor. I can't help but wonder why poor people are so impolite, when I go to nice places I barely get stared at but when I'm anywhere else it's point and laugh, screams, singing, really, just all sorts of abuse you could possibly imagine.

>> No.6708886

I've never worn lolita in public personally, but I go to an art school where people are all pretty cool about that sort of thing. You might get some looks but no rude comments/actions or anything.

>> No.6708898

You went in public in an unusual outfit, perfectly knowledgeable of the noticeability of it, and you're surprised by the reaction you got it?
Really? You set yourself up for that. Better prepare yourself for the mocking next time.

>> No.6708903

I never wear lolita alone, it's just too strange and hard to explain. I always travel in a loli pack if I can. Fewer people do fewer stupid things that way.

>> No.6708917

Ugh yes. And for some reason the people majoring in fields where personal style is left pretty open (sciences, mostly) don't give a fuck how you're dressed, but the douchebros majoring in business and political science jeer at you for wearing anything even semi-formal. Where the fuck do they think they're going? Do they think CEOs and ministers walk around in pajamas all day? What.

As for lolita and other jfashions, I find that the reactions are more extreme in either direction. I don't wear it on campus often (and even then super toned down) but I've had people chase me down several flights of stairs to tell me that they loved my outfit, plus lots of moronic catcalling from afar. People are actually less likely to say something negative to my face when I'm dressed out of the ordinary (whereas telling me my two inch black heels make me look like a prostitute is a-ok). Maybe they think I'll stab them with my parasol. I don't know.

Off-campus in the nicer areas of the city, I've only ever had positive experiences. Little kids and old ladies, mostly.

>> No.6708922

>stab them with my parasol
I- I think someone should draw this. Like, OTT sweet lolita, with an arm through their parasol's end. Blood all over dat coord.
>They showered me with insults, I showered in their blood.... Shit, I stained my burando.

>> No.6708923

I wouldn't be able to wear lolita on campus (desks in classrooms are set like half a foot apart so a petti would just be a bad time) but we do have a a few people who wear alt/j-rockerish type of things. They mostly just get ignored or stared at.

I did wear RHS to class one time and got complimented a ton/found out a bunch of girls knew what lolita was though, which was pretty interesting.

>> No.6708925

I'd never wear Lolita (if I was one) outdoors, I'd be too worried to get anything dirty as I use public transport every day and only picturing myself crammed in an underground with sweaty and rude tourists makes me shiver.
But then again if it wasn't for that I still wouldn't wear it as I get uncomfortable/embarassed/anxious just wearing a skirt/dress, I wish I had more confidence so I could wear toned down mori.

>> No.6708944

I honestly find less people approach me/make comments if I'm on my own. Being in a group seems to leave you more open to questioning, in my experience.

>> No.6708950

I really envy lifestyle lolita types! You've gotta be confident to wear coords and stuff erryday. I'm honestly way too timid to wear it outside of gatherings and cons. Hell I'm wearing fake bangs today and that alone is making me all self conscious like "What if someone notices. Someone's gonna notice. They're gonna be like 'look at those those aren't real'. Oh no. Don't look at me!". Pretty much wearing anything outside of the realm of norm and hipster-y would probably take a deal of confidence. Bless yall.

>> No.6708953

Stabbing is too soft you wuss.

>> No.6708955

Oh God this so much. Why is that people get way more shit for looking TOO presentable than for rolling around in stretched out sweatpants and uggs.

>where are you going so dressed up is there a party
>omg 2 rings and a bracelet is way too much jewelery for everyday wear
>but you DON'T have to wear heels to work, anon!

I just like cute and elegant wear dammit.

>> No.6708958
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I'm assuming you live in America. America is full of lazy assholes, so, yeah. I don't wanna sound like an asshole being all like "i miss the old timesz when people were such gentlemens/ladies and dresed so pretty wy cant it be the 50s!!!1" but come the fuck on. When did it become acceptable to leave your house in pajamas?

>> No.6708959

People who mock lolitas are usually poorly dressed thugs. Never take anything to heart from them.

>> No.6708960
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What am I watching?

>> No.6708990

To be honest, I feel much more self-concious dressed regular. When I'm in loli I KNOW that I look my best, so it's easy to deal with stares. Especially since strangers are so concerned with your weird clothes they completely overlook many flaws you may not be able to conceal - big nose, stick legs etc. Only other lolitas are actually petty enough to ignore a great coord just to point out a crooked nose.

>> No.6708992

i've only worn super toned down things (like a blouse + jsk and a low/medium level of poof, socks, shoes) and i only got a few weird stares, nothing much
i did get catcalled though but girls get catcalled no matter what we're wearing so..

>> No.6709002

LANGUAGE STUDENT?! DUDE HIGH FIVE! So was i! I had small class sizes and didn't give a shit what people said so I wore lolita to class! By the end, I was known as 'that victorian girl' all over campus apparently.

My best story is when I got a new teacher in 3rd year and one day showed up in lolita and before beginning he said "sorry anon I have to ask, why are you wearing that today" and all the other kids said "you mean you don't knoiw?!" he ended being one of my biggest supporters cause he though they served more than functionality.

>> No.6709003

I agree with you so much, anon. Dressing nice makes you feel great. Everyone's moods would improve!

>> No.6709004

I wear Lolita out on my own (as in, not part of a meetup) occasionally, and I've really never been harassed or anything. Maybe it's because alternative fashion is pretty normal where I live? I do get a lot of questions and "princess"comments, but nothing offensive. The worst is probably just people who think they're so sneaky taking pictures without permission.

When I was in college, I wore Lolita to class roughly once a week, and pretty much everyone was nice about it. There were always a few "Little Bo Peep" and cosplay comments, but again, nothing really horrible. Of course, I was also a music student, so I think some eccentricity was expected.

>> No.6709016

I'm on it, anon. When I finish it I'll post it to BtB with a screenshot of your post. I'm gonna use your 'They showered me with insults' quote too. That's gold.

>> No.6709017

That has always happened to me, people making fun of me for what I wear. I had a phase in my teen years where I was really goth, I wore black lipstick. Kids in high school would make fun of me for it. You just gotta not give a fuck what others think and if they take pictures ignore them. They look like the dumbasses who don't know what the fuck fashion is and that people can dress differently than others. If they got nothing better to do than talk about what kind of clothes you are wearing and make fun of you for it maybe they should get a life and find something better to do.

>> No.6709018

> When did it become acceptable to leave your house in pajamas?

Jack Wills Spring/Summer Collection 2009, I believe.

>> No.6709021

I saw a girl wearing cute tights and curled hair the other day. I couldn't tell if she was wearing a dress because of her long coat, but she looked really cute. I'm bringing this up because EVERYONE around here wears sweatpants and hoodies. It was so nice to see someone slightly dressed up. I wish I saw more lolitas.

>> No.6709019

I haven't experienced terrible negativity on my college campus. I've only had a couple of girls come up and actually talk about how they like lolita fashion and it makes them happy to see someone on campus wearing it. I don't even really get stares but that probably because my college is chock full of hipsters/very serious undergraduate research type students.

Outside of campus, I've gotten lots of stares but no open jeering. Most of the comments are:
>Are you going to a play?
>Are you going to a party?
>Ah, I like that, you're dressed like (insert either Nicki Minaj or Katy Perry)!

>> No.6709020

>OTT Sweet at college

Eh, you should have known better. Should have done casual loli or classic.

>> No.6709022

I know something similar to that feel. I don't feel self-conscious in lolita, because I know that if people laugh, it's at my clothes, whereas if I'm dressed normally, my clothes are so non-descript that they must be laughing at me.

>> No.6709060

>go out to take some pictures in the snow in a simple classic/ sweet coord
>walking back to my house after taking some nice photos in the park
>group of boys from my university walking towards me along my road
>total strangers
>eyeing them up because I can see they're watching me a bit too intently, paranoid about snow on my burando
>see one of them motion "shhhh" to his friends as I pass them
>suddenly pelted with snowballs

I've never understood why there being snow on the ground gives anyone tacit consent to throw projectiles at strangers anyway. Friends is a different matter. People don't throw chunks of dirt and soil at each other.

>> No.6709063
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>go out to take some pictures in the snow in a simple classic/ sweet coord
>walking back to my house after taking some nice photos in the park
>group of boys from my university walking towards me along my road
>total strangers
>eyeing them up because I can see they're watching me a bit too intently, paranoid about snow on my burando
>see one of them motion "shhhh" to his friends as I pass them
>suddenly pelted with snowballs

I've never understood why there being snow on the ground gives anyone tacit consent to throw projectiles at strangers anyway. Friends is a different matter. People don't throw chunks of dirt and soil at each other. Ehrmehrgehrd.

>> No.6709090
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because they are assholes, that's why. Slit their throats next time you see them. That'll learn them.

>> No.6709095

people like putting people down for standing out. that's how it is no matter what you wear.

but you can't say you were entirely surprised by that reaction, honestly. ANYTHING that stands out too much, never mind something as eye-catching as sweet, never mind something that automatically becomes the focus of the room full of normally-dressed people because it's meant to grab your attention as ott, will make people stare and laugh at you like ~lol what is she wearing or ~lol why put so much effort in your appearance, etc. you also have to realize that sweet looks especially weird to western sensibilities, because though lolita still stands out in japan (spoilers, a lone lolita is likely to get laughed at even in glorious nippon), it doesn't stand out anywhere near as much as in the west, since "kawaii" is not a cultural thing here like in japan. to a normal person, it would look like you're dressing up as a little girl for halloween, which is more than a little societally unacceptable for a grown woman (or, at least, anyone who isn't a little girl).

are those people jerks? hell yeah. but is this new? nope. if I tried dressing like lady gaga (or any alternative sort of fashion, like idk old school western gothic) and walked out in public people would stare and laugh too. they tend to think there's something wrong with people who dress in alternative fashion.

tl;dr I sympathize and that sucks but you really shouldn't have gone into a school setting with such a loud style of lolita, since teenagers and young adults feel even more pressed to be assholeish to appear edgy and cool in front of their. easy targets are, well, easy targets for them.

>> No.6709099

I got ridiculed for wearing plain black skirts (not lolita) during summer, or wearing a very small flower hairclip, if I had worn lolita I'd be dead now
Five years after graduation my former classmates are all over me now, calling me beautiful and a celebrity for having a small facebook fanpage, and complain about their boring lives to me. If you are still in school, look forward to this :P

>> No.6709109

I agree with this anon. those guys sound like assholes and deserve nothing short of death.

>> No.6709116
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I'm so glad I don't go to any of your schools. People have asked me questions and stared at me, but I've never actually gotten a rude comment. Most people at my school would probably like to consider themselves stylish, so they're not going to bag on something that seems edgy.

Honestly what I'm mostly afraid of is are Asian kids who actually know what lolita is and know I'm not some entrepreneurial discoverer of some wild new foreign fashion, I'm just a tacky weeaboo.

>> No.6709119
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I get stared down even when I'm just in a skirt or a dress with tights, nothing loli. If you're not in tight jeans or sweatpants, you stand out. Goddamn the midwest.

I'll wear a skirt to a store or restaurant and get disgusted looks and people I very vaguely know by first name asking me what I'm dressed up for. It's not like I ask other people why they look dressed to have a fucking slumber party. Maybe if we all tattoo JUICY on the asses of our clothes, don't brush our hair, wear uggs, and gain 50 pounds we'll fit in.

>> No.6709164

If you wear lolita well, you won't get as many comments or stares than if you're wearing it like crap. If you're visibly wearing a garment poorly, if it's cheap looking or poorly made, your hair unkempt, no makeup, coord is bad, etc you'll illicit far more negative reactions. If you're pretty, thin, and wearing lolita neatly with hair or wig well styled, nice make-up, and your clothing fits and looks quality and well assembled, the reactions will be either less critical or nonexistent (or of a different variety). It's just life, I've watched it occur before my eyes many times. I'm sure the reactions vary some also by city/state/country, but I find this to generally be accurate.

You'll just have to wear what makes you happy and disregard the audience either way.

>> No.6709193

I'm a fashion student in an art school, so it's pretty chill and I wear lolita most days. Besides having a friend in the program who's a lolita, we've seen a few around campus. We found an international lolita once and I'm hoping to introduce her to the community since she seemed interested in that. I only get comments when taking public transportation, and since I'm in black, it probably looks less like weird doll clothes and more like weird fancy black clothes. I usually can't if people are being sarcastic when talking about me, other than that I was hit on by middle schoolers. That's the most that really happens though.

>> No.6709202

Back when I wore thigh highs whenever the cold weather hit (very rare in good ol' texas) I would have people I knew ask me why I dressed up and other people laugh loudly as soon as I walked past them. I had a friend tell me that people gawked at me through the windows while she was on the bus.

It's really dumb because I often hear these fuckers complain about how all everybody wears are maroon shirts and nike shorts yet they laugh behind other people's backs when they see something out of the norm. I hate this hillbilly town so much.

>> No.6709213

>I live in a pretty big/metropolitan city, so most people just ignore me
Same here, people usually just ignore you, some people might stare but you can't really expect anything else. Also, we had this huge emo fad some years ago, so people are used to alternative styles and stuff. We're not a super big capital, so I'm pretty sure most people have seen all the emos when they used to hang out at the central station. Only people that have problems are immigrants, so you try to keep away from the places where they hang.

>> No.6709215

I wear lolita a lot, I get heckled most times, one time I had a group of people follow me for 5-7 minutes before I got really upset and confronted them.

When I stick close to home in the nicest part of the city I live in, no one bothers me, but when I go other places it gets pretty unbearable.

I don't understand at what point do I become less than human so that people can treat me this way? Lolita is my favorite fashion but sometimes I'm too scared to wear it out.

>> No.6709235

That is upsetting to hear. The business majors in my specific program are incredibly nice, well spoken, and generally cool dudes. I've been toa few conferences where I encounter groups of stupid "frat boy" types though. I agree with your statement "Where the fuck do they think theyre going" and honestly it seems like corporations can end up like High School when too many of these people work in an office.

>> No.6709238

I come from Scandinavia, where any kind of interaction with strangers is completely unthinkable, the very idea of heckling someone in the street is just completely socially unacceptable I never had anything but confused stares there (although I got a lot of those, since alternative fashions of any kind are very rare there).
I recently moved to Canada, and suddenly random people would think it's okay for them to comment on how I look and how I dress (I still can't wrap my head around it), but I just pull out my most foreign accent and tell them I no speak english. They usually give up.

>> No.6709241

VS Pink and Juicy Couture sweatsuits were a large part of it before that. I would say the whole UGG boots + sweatsuits trend started the decline of jeans as the staple. Boys followed when brands like Hollister put out sweatpants every season.

>> No.6709247
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>wearing ott sweet to campus
Alright I'm sorry that people made jeering comments and were snide, and I definitely agree that if people are going to judge that they should be more discrete or not say anything at all.

But come on...it's ott sweet. That's really no better than weebs wearing their plushie hats to campus.

>> No.6709250

>plushie hats to campus

I see these or knit versions at the mall a lot in those booths that are in the middle of walkways. Non-weaboo looking people wear them around and my campus is not particularly varying in alternative fashion.

>> No.6709257

Plushie hats with kawaii little anime faces on them and huge ears still aren't cool. Even knit hats are seen as more normative than those.

>> No.6709259

I like those uguu animu hats better > _ > The knit ones are ugly and can burn. But I do agree with >>6709250 that the anime style ones are becoming popular in places like claires.

>> No.6709261

>wear classic lolita by myself in downtown Toronto
>day off, but I have to go on campus for a bit
>go to large bookstore to read some periodicals

I think I'm the opposite of many, because I'm always surprised that people *don't* bother me and *aren't* rude to me.
I've had far more negative experiences when I'm with other lolitas than when I'm out on my own - I haven't noticed any finger-pointing or heard mean comments.
Confused looks are par for the course, but that's small potatoes.

Of course, I don't wear lolita to any of my classes, because I really don't think that a professionally-oriented learning environment is the place for it; unless maybe you're in an "artistic" major, like fashion design.

>> No.6709260

I want a q.t. 3,14 Scandinavian Lolita gf. I want to invite you to a cup of coffee. I'm your typical Canadian boy.

>I wear flannel shirts, construction boots all year round and speak english with a french accent.

>> No.6709266
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Yeah, I mostly notice the douchey ones because they make a lot of noise. I'm sure there's a lot of nice people out there who just keep quiet.
I think certain majors/careers attract that type more than others. All but one of the douchey frat types at my old high school went on to study either business or politics or went to medical school. Not because they're particularly interested in those subjects (or, you know, helping people) but because they 'guarantee' a high income. At least the guys at med school are too busy studying to hang around outside the library and heckle girls... right?

>> No.6709268

This kind of horror stories is why I think lolita is more of a costume than a fashion. Those guys are assholes but lolita even classic is OTT and looks juvenile. This is why it will always be a niche fashion and this is why LOLITA is such a small part of japanese fashion in general especially in the country it originates from....Japan.

>> No.6709285
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I am definitely two out of those three things.

>> No.6709287

>maroon and nike

Oh boy oh boy
My boyfriend gets on my case sometimes for "overdressing" when we go out. Funny part is that I'm just wearing my normal clothing that people in an actual city would not bat an eye at, but here anything nicer than an A&M tshirt and track shorts is too OTT to handle.

>> No.6709292

I believe one of two reasons as for why some lolitas seem to be publicly heckled in a negative manner:
>they are in a bad neighborhood
>they are actually dressed really fucking awful even by lolita standards

>> No.6709296

I know that feel. Whenever I visit my parents who live in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, I always have to search through my closet for the ugliest, oldest shit I have, or people will act like I'm overdressed

>> No.6709309


Basically me coming back from Ireland to America. In Dublin, people can dress pretty nicely, so most of the time even though I try to coord well to class, I don't stand out too much (compared to this fashion goddess in my class who can coord everything perfectly). But back in Chicago? The one time I decided to dress up for Xmas (I don't loli, but it was otome/jfash inspired) I got stared at in the restaurant. I don't even bother bringing my clothes back anymore. I just use the clothes I've had since 8th grade.

I still love the place, but sometimes, just fuck Chicago suburbia.

>> No.6709316

Hey, Dublinanon, what school do you go to? I'm in UCD.

>> No.6709319


Oh, I still dress however I want anyway - I don't care much if people stare. They're the ones that are bothered by it, not me, so it's not much of a problem. There's a difference between getting stared at because you dress above the standard, and getting stared at because you're being outlandish or disgusting.
I just find it silly that "no don't dress nicely" is even a thing. I don't even own any tshirts anyway. I'm not buying a new wardrobe just to look less good.

>> No.6709330

I've only heard positive comments so far. People say I look really cute, and older ladies always say I look like an adorable princess and that more ladies should dress like that (I can't prove them wrong though, lots of girls wear really skanky/trashy clothing over here). I've had some awkward stares though, but slowly you learn to ignore those

>> No.6709339


Whoa hey *waves*. I'm in UCD too. What are the chances of that?

Also chances are if I'm in your programme and year I probably already gave myself away heh (though three guesses as to what programme I'm in - being a fulltime student here despite being American pretty much gives it away). Would it be too nosy to ask what programme you're in?

>> No.6709340

Dress in alt fashions when out of lolita anyways...you just stop caring about most of this. SO what if people stare? It happens, just dont bother yourself with it. I only really notice if it is something I can hear, otherwise looks and stuff are nothing. That being said I only ever gotten bad stuff by stupid teenagers at times, most people who say something publicly are complimenting me.

>> No.6709359

I didn't explain my story correctly, this probably happened because English isn't my main language.

I have worn lolita clothing to college before but most of it was casual. Today I had a photoshoot (artsy school and all) so I decided to step it up a bit. For me, it's just a sweet lolita outfit. No pastel wigs or lots of accesoiries. It probably looked over the top for them though, hence the ''slightly ott'' in the OP. I was expecting to get some reactions, it's only logical.

Two girls in my class were talking behind my back and secretly taking pictures. A few classmates noticed that, got mad and told me. Both sides started making snide remarks to one another.

I felt quite bad that the clothes I wear might've caused a fight of some sorts.
It got even worse when someone else came over to me, complimented me and asked for a picture. Just to later on talk about me with the other two girls.

I tried to shrug it off. I'm wearing the clothes I love, a style that people find weird. I shouldn't worry too much about this. People are just confused about something they don't know, it's totally understandable right?

Then the fire alarm went off and we had to leave our classroom. After they let us back in, I went to the bathroom with another girl. While I was waiting for her to come out, I saw a big group of people that were laughing and shouting stuff. They acted like I didn't notice them, saying stuff : ''GUYS STOP LOOKING FOR NOW SHHH''

I just politely smiled at them and went on my way after my classmate returned from the toilet.

After that things went pretty nice. People complimented me, asked me where I got my stuff and someone called me a fairytale princess. The people I hang out with seem to love it too, so that's great!

The best part was when I waiting for the metro and this little girl went nuts because of my coat, haha.

>You'll just have to wear what makes you happy and disregard the audience either way.

Basically, this.
Sage because long stories.

>> No.6709363

Forgot to mention, most people at my school are emo, hipster or a swagfag. So I guess that's the deal? Outside of college, nobody says nasty stuff or anything. Just the occasional stare.

>> No.6709397
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The city I live in has huge park with really lovely English garden in it, and I really like to dress up when I go for walks through it with my boyfriend. One day we were just getting to the entrance, my bf was walking his dog (I was dressed in mori) and this car full of girls are driving by. I'll add the speed limit through the park is like 15. One girl rolls down her window and yells "I like your dog" really snarky. We look at the dog and back at her, confused as fuck. "I meant your other one" she says.

>> No.6709404

Hmm, don't think I do know you! Unless you happen to be the alt-ish American girl in my Linguistics modules, but she's more punk than otome so I don't think you would be her. I'm first year Arts, haha.

>> No.6709405


It's like that scene in Voyager where Female Q is like "what are you doing with that dog?" and Janeway and Q both look at the little Red Setter puppy and female Q is like "I'm not talking about the puppy."

>> No.6709410
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What is going on with some of these posts ITT?
>oh I don't want to be judged for wearing lolita

Seriously? You're judging people that harshly and then you wonder why other people might do it to you too?

>> No.6709426

So true, I guess people in the more "general" education just have more time on their hands to give that much attention to someone just because they're walking down the street in nicer attire. I wonder how they're going to function when they start working.

I'm in the geology department at my University, so if your clothes aren't full of holes or covered in dirt/chemicals/blood you're considered to be wearing dress-casual. Due to how stretched our resources are most of the time everyone's too tired or busy to even converse, much less gossip. When someone wears something nice the reaction given is either
>"wow you look really nice today!"
or at worst
>"Oh no, is [energy company] already having their interviews? I thought it was next week D:"

>> No.6709428

I don't point, laugh, and ask to take a person's picture when I see them wearing uggs and sweatpants.

>> No.6709433

Because wearing uggs and sweatpants isn't an uncommon or alternative fashion.
If we lived in a world where everyone wore lolita and only a few people wore uggs and sweatpants it would be the same damn thing.

The point is everyone obviously has judgmental opinions, some people are just more vocal about it. Does this make it right for them to make a spectacle out of it? No, but it happens to other people who wear different things other than lolita too. Lolita isn't special.

>> No.6709435
File: 42 KB, 500x333, tumblr_luf3pqzNjp1r0q6x8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not strictly Lolita but I've dipped into mori once. Just once. And this is why:

>Dressed up in my first mori attempt.
>Worked super hard to collect a good selection of clothes, shoes and taught myself to knit just so I could make my own accessories over the course of months just to have this day
>So pleased, think I look cute as fuck
>Waiting at a gas station right near where I live for a friend of mine to come pick me up so we can go to dinner, sitting on the curb
>Group of students walking by
>One of them passes me 5 dollars
>Did...did that guy think I'm homeless?
>"T-t-thanks....God bless."
>I go into the gas station and use that money to buy M&M's so I can eat my feelings

>> No.6709438

Maybe they were Trekkies, yo.

People can judge me all they want, I don't care. It's the heckling, the catcalling, the insults and the throwing shit that's unacceptable. If I disapprove of someone's choice of attire then that's MY problem, I don't let them know about it unless they ask. Some people act like retarded monkeys when they're confronted with something unusual. Those are the people we complain about, and rightly so.

>> No.6709442

Haha, oh wow. Out of curiosity, what sort of things were you wearing?

>> No.6709448

Your point doesn't make a whole lot of sense in the context of this thread. Did you even read it?

>> No.6709450

You got a free $5.
Take it with stride.

>> No.6709453

What about it doesn't make sense?
Or are you just mad that I'm pointing out that heckling people for different fashion isn't special and exclusive to lolita?

>> No.6709459
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This was a while ago but I know it was a dress and a cardiganish thing by Ryu (pic related but mine had straps, not sleeves and longer) and knitted shawl and lace scarf also from Ryu. Had attempted to tease and style my hair but I live in a really humid area and it destroyed the job I did so that really didn't help (I just use wigs exclusively now).

>> No.6709461

That's why you aren't making sense. Complaining about uggs on a lolita/cosplay board is not "heckling" where pointing, laughing, and taking photos of a lolita is.

>> No.6709465

That sounds cute as fuck to me. Don't let an incident like that get you down, there are too few good morigirls around. :3

>> No.6709467

I don't know what makes you think people have never been pointed and laughed at and got snide comments made about them for wearing uggs (Protip: They have)
I don't even know how you can say that when there was an ita thread just a few days ago with some girl getting heckled for wearing uggs with a lolita coord.

Ever seen People of Wal-Mart or other candid photo blogs of people being made fun of for their fashion choices?

>> No.6709468
File: 59 KB, 400x400, mosaic471581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the type of girl that calls out assholes that try to harass or take pictures of me behind my back because I'm wearing lolita. One whale from the TL even tried to get into a fight with me before because I looked like "strawberry shortcake".

Some people think it's weird to wear pants.
Others think it's shocking to see anyone with a tank top. I wore lolita to an event where others were walking the streets half-naked, and people saw me as "weird" anyway. Other times on my way to events, "normal" people would try to take my pictures. Even in San Francisco, people will judge. You really can't be too passive or someone will try to mess with you (which then you have every right to defend yourself, just don't ruin your coord~).

I might consider bringing a mini rolling bag with a change of clothes (I heard younger Japanese girls would do this so they won't get in trouble with their parents when they get home), depending on how things go at this rate.

>> No.6709469

Ha, here at biophysics it's
>"Shit girl, presentation today? Here share my cookies"

Yay, free M&M's!
I think it was mostly the context, unless you were going for full on bag lady kei. People are weird sometimes. Don't let it discourage you!

>> No.6709471


Ahhh, I wouldn't know you then either. I'm fourth year med btw. And haha, most of the time I don't really come off otome so much as trying to dress up but ending up as somewhat frumpy.

If you want to chat or something, my (old and weeby) e-mail's in the box.

>> No.6709474

Not a loli, but I do remember the first time I saw a loli out in public! I was like 10-11 at the mall and I see her and
>super pale, perfect skin and makeup
>silver-blond bob cut with straight bangs
>old-school red gingham
>rocking horse shoes
She fucking ROCKED it omg I admired her so hard, she was gorgeous, and was one of my inspirations for getting into j-fashion
It's been like ten years and I still remember her

>> No.6709477

We know it isn't exclusive to lolita. That was already addressed near the beginning of the thread.
Allow me to direct you here:
There's been complaints about just wearing semi-formal business attire for work and shit.

>> No.6709485

Gossiping on an anonymous imageboard isn't the same as heckling and being harassed, not by a long shot.

>> No.6709486

Sorry, anon. You can't really expect to be treated normally when you're in public.
If it helps any, I've been honked at, shouted at, poked, asked if I'm Strawberry Shortcake, etc.
I don't go out in public while wearing lolita just because. It's usually because I have to run errands after I go to a meet or something like that, and haven't changed my clothes.

>> No.6709488
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>We know it isn't exclusive to lolita.
Sometimes I really fucking wonder...

>> No.6709490

>with a lolita coord
>in lieu of wearing uggs like a regular college student
I thought we were talking about shit OUTSIDE of lolita?

Sounds like a butthurt ugg wearer to me.

>> No.6709491
File: 34 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lxtsl1MrKE1r0q6x8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a super similar experience. When I was like 15 I saw a group of lolitas at the mall while out with my friends. I was totally star-struck by one of them. She was so absolutely gorgeous!

>> No.6709492

Oh, almost forgot.
I also had a weeb moment when I got my first dress. I went to walk my dog in loli, and people asked me if I had entered a dog show...that was a good one.

>> No.6709495

>not dressing Mori whenever you need free money
Step up, senpai

>> No.6709498

And I thought you were trying to make a point that people "never" get heckled for wearing uggs? O wait...
>yfw I don't even own uggs
I'm just not an edgy faggot who thinks that fashion choices other people make are so damn important.

>> No.6709501

This is really bad in the pacific northwest, where people dress like slobs and go out in sweats. All you have to do is wear two or more bright colors and people ask you if it's halloween.

>> No.6709503

Nobody was trying to make that point at all. Stop trying to stir up shit.

>> No.6709504

Because people aren't taught basic manners anymore I guess? By the time I was five years old I knew better than to point at people. At ALL. I'd get a nice slap on the hand from my mom for that.

>> No.6709505
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>I'm just not an edgy faggot who thinks that fashion choices other people make are so damn important.
>while complaining to people who have been heckled by people who think fashion choices other people make are so damn important
You're not helping your case.

>> No.6709506

Haha thanks. I never got rid of any of the stuff I got to attempt the style so I've left the option open to pick it back up and have been heavily considering it lately. I just wish there were mori-girl comms for support!

>> No.6709518

I think they're more hurt and irritated than surprised.

>> No.6709538

>One whale from the TL even tried to get into a fight with me before because I looked like "strawberry shortcake".
WHAT. Details please

>> No.6709541

Oh man, I feel so inadequate talking to med students with my pleb course. I'd love to chat more with you, though! I won't put my email here because it has my full name in it, but I'll shoot you a mail!

>> No.6709586
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It was Pride Parade, which has been subjected to basically borderline-orgies on the streets of San Francisco and excuses for kiddies to dress super skanky and to party hard on the streets. I ended up really standing out since people were either dressed "normally" or in over-the-top outfits that needed to show skin.

I was on my way back home when some huge whale from the TL was shouting "strawberry shortcake" at me and then wanted to brawl me. She was probably just a drunk, dumbfuck teenager so I just ignored her. She did this for 10 minutes until her and her friends got off the bus. Nothing really happened, but I really would've kicked her if she got close to me at all.

>> No.6709750

Ah, 2009 was just when I first noticed it. I remember that Jack Wills put out a whole load of gingham flannel trousers (literally pajama pants) and people wore them outside all the time.

Nobody here wears tracksuits, but everyone wears leggings without trousers/shorts etc. Not even under long tops. Just, there. On their own. It's so... horrifying.

>> No.6709773

Why do people call lolitas strawberry shortcakes? A cupcake I could see, but a shortcake? I don't get it.

>> No.6709774

The character. Google it.

>> No.6709784

Oh, I see. Thanks, anon.

>> No.6709829

I've been laughed at and stared at just for wearing wigs to class. People will talk about me and laugh as if I'm not there and I can't here them. But I ignore them because they're all dumb ass trashy chavs.

>> No.6709842

wtf is that in the background> black shirt guy in train

>> No.6709843

I find it endearing that you don't know who strawberry shortcake is. No I'm not being snarky.

>> No.6709848


I don't know why but for me wigs are even more outlandish than lolita... I could never do it. Then again I don't wear sweet so my outfits are in general more toned down.

>> No.6709876

I feel like classic lolita is easier to wear around since it usually consists of darker colors, plus if you wear it on a Sunday, people might think you just dressed up for church? I admire people who go out in sweet lolita by themselves. It's cool if you're going out in a bonnet, but be prepared for more heckling compared to a bow or other accessories.

>When people come and ask you what you're wearing, what's your response?
Answer politely, say that it's a Japanese street fashion, and smile~

>> No.6709879
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I can understand colored wigs, but if it's ever a natural wig they need to shut the hell up because they aren't laughing at toupees and there are people who wear wigs for specific reasons (religion, health, etc.).

>> No.6709883

It always baffles me that people get heckled for wearing lolita, but walking around with your pants pulled down to your knees is "cool".
Also I remember a brief period when the popular black dudes at my high school started wearing cereal boxes as backpacks. I dunno how widespread that was, but it was pretty funny while it lasted.
There are so many bizarre fashion trends, it's too bad that some of them get picked out as the "weird" ones when really they're all pretty damn weird. Scene kids and hipsters look just as ridiculous as lolita, but they're mainstream trends and therefore "normal".

>> No.6709888

I've heard stories of girls getting called "slut" and "whore" online but I still can't believe it. does it happen often? and where does it happen? (countries, northwest, southeast, blah)

>> No.6709907

Where I went to school (rich as fuck, white as fuck, no violence or gang activity to speak of), the trend with the wanna be ganster kids was to wear transparent plastic or mesh backpacks. Somehow, they thought it helped them to "identify" better or some shit, because the schools that ACTUALLY had drug/gang/violence issues were required to carry that style of bag for security reasons.

Sage, because not lolita related, but sometimes, trends catch on for the wrong reasons.

>> No.6709924

>going to AP SF 2nd anniversary tea party
>not OTT, but till very sweet
>fashionably late, so I'm the only loli in the hotel lobby.
>In elevator, guy asks me "So, who's the lucky guy?"
>This man is in his late 30s-early 40s, looks like an average businessman.

To this day, I haven't been able to figure out exactly what he meant or how I should have responded.

>> No.6709934


Don't think that! Trust me, when I'm not buried under a pile of work (and even if I am) I spend an inordinate amount of time looking at stupid things on the internet and being derpy in general. Looking forward to your message!

>> No.6709943

I used to wear very sweet lolita to lecture. I didn't care, really. Got lots of comments from peers but my professors loved me because I was also articulate and always participated. I would occasionally get yelled at or frequently stopped. I started to tone it down just so I could get to class on time. Now I mostly wear lolita to meetups because upper level courses leave me with little time. Honestly though, my boyfriend had shoulder length hair and would get yelled at too so it doesnt take much to get attention here.

Everyone on my campus wears nike shorts and tshirts that come down to their knees. This is mostly greek life people, normal people wear a tshirt and jeans but many people will just wear pajamas. I've seen so much recycled heavy makeup from partying the night before with tied up knot gross hair its not even funny. Can't wait to get out of this part of the US.

>> No.6709946
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>Slightly OTT Sweet
>To college

When was this ever a good idea?

>> No.6709950

It usually refers to marriage or dating - romantic partners, really. If someone has a ring or something I often hear the "who's the lucky guy" comment. He was complimenting you by implying your date/fiance is attractive enough to warrant an attractive girl, don't worry.

>> No.6709969


>> No.6710013

Mixed reactions Monday night, I was going to the theater because I am FANCY, sir!
I just wore a Moitié skirt, white blouse, black cardi, short black jacket, black tights, black shoes, black wig, and remember this story takes place at NIGHT so it's a marvel anyone saw me at all, really.

I had one lovely young lady (about my age, which is always lovely and shocking) stop mid-conversation to say "I love your outfit... gothic lolita, right?"
And roughly a block after that, a boy of about 11 decided to hit me in the face with a giant foam hand.
I chased him and his friend, doing my best to bash him with my parasol.

It's okay, the parasol survived.

>> No.6710067

>night time

>> No.6710075

I assume they mean an umbrella? It's not so unusual, rain sometimes comes at night, after all.

>> No.6710469


>> No.6710483

I used to have a loli gang at my college campus, there were about five of us that wore it regularly or semi-regularly. I never had any problems besides some staring and rolled eyes.

However, my non-loli roommate pulled me aside and told me girls were talking shit about me in one of her classes. Not *talking* about me, but talking shit about how I was such a freak and loser and they hated seeing me around. Had never even spoken to me or had a class with me, were just fucking enraged HOW DARE I exist or something.

I just wonder what happened to some people in their childhood, that when they see someone having fun their reaction is rage and to try and destroy it and tear that person down. Fucking freaks.

>> No.6710504

What if a guy comes up and hits on you while you are wearing something OTT?

What do you do?

>> No.6710508

I agree! My best friend has is halfway through her chemo and she has collected some of the most beautiful wigs! I would punch that asshole in the face if they ever laughed at her.

>> No.6710539

what? its some dude getting on the train with a briefcase...what's there to look at here

>> No.6710542

You act the same way you would if you were not wearing

>> No.6710563


I don't understand it myself. I've been dressing in my favorite styles, which include visual kei and angura kei since i was a late teen and i dont understand the need to say very loudly how YOU FEEL about my outfit. I live in NYC and it still gets obnoxious here, especially in the less than desirable areas/poorer areas. It's almost like manners and education go hand in hand.

>> No.6710565

You must be at least 18 years old to use this website

>> No.6710581

Ooh an Aggie! This excites me so.

I've been laughed at by business majors for having non Asian colored hair. I can't imagine how they'd react if I wore a wig.

>> No.6710583

IT's so weird, when I wore lolita in college, I was really accepted and I loved it, I could walk around on campus and look pretty and be in a little bubble.

Now that I'm out of college, like I don't ever want to wear lolita out. I mean, all I do is go out to go to the store, etc, but i haven't really worn it in months. :/

I think this just means that I need more friends.

>> No.6710631

Wigs can be natrual dude.

>> No.6710643
File: 3 KB, 440x508, tumblr_m9ltloSsLV1qe75hdo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the art school I attend, in a major city, we have a few lolitas scattered through our majors. We have some pretty well put together lolitas.

BTW OP, If you saw me staring at you in the coffee shop today during the fire drill, I was just checking to see if your coat was brand or not.

I'll keep our little secret.

>> No.6710719

Bah, my art school is boring compared to y'all's.
We have no Lolitas, we barely even have hipsters. It's all the kids who were jocks, skaters, or won't-admit-to-being-preppy fashion chicks in their high schools.

It's... rather bizarre...

I am apparently one of the strangest-dressing students, according to what I've heard, and all I do is dress in an urbanized 1940s/1950s style, hair and all.
(I suppose I understand if wearing a scarf composed of two minks biting each other is strange... But...)

Yeah, my school is rather boring.

As for in public, I've only ever seen a couple of ita girls walking around.

>> No.6710728

Really? I find that hard to believe for some reason. I don't wear lolita myself, but someone at my university does, and all of my friends are always commenting on how nice and pretty she looks. My friends don't even know what lolita is, all they know is that it looks really cute.

>> No.6710755

You're in a more accepting location, I guess. Lots of places are known for being stereotypically judgemental and ignorant.

>> No.6710765

Speaking of college, though, I never expected to have an instrutor who knew of lolita, since even in fashion it's more commercial or high fashion based, but my illustration teacher wears BPN on the reg and I guess is friends with Lynda from Harajuku Hearts, so she ended up talking to me about BPN's bankruptcy and reasons the American market wasn't successful. She doesn't dress lolita but consistently looks badass so shit's cool.

>> No.6710773

does anyone else find that these people (and the ~FASHUN~ people if you have those) are actually more judgemental than the normals? like, sneering, laughing behind your back, while the normal people will ask what you're wearing and take pictures...
it could just be my school though, we have kind of a reputation for douchiness.

>> No.6710835

Agree. I mean, I am thinking "god you look like a fucking douche with your pants around your knees" but I don't scream it out from across the street

>> No.6710841

Same here, but I just give them a stare on the bus, thinking even if I'm dressed "weird", you're no better if you're wearing a cropped shirt with a see-through skirt. This also actually happened.

Which college are you at?

>> No.6710839

It's all about manners; it seems most people don't have them.

>> No.6710852

Most people who make snide comments about my looks are people who shop off the rack from forever 21. So ...yeah. not even smart enough to dress themselves properly. F21 is seriously the home of bad crop tops, bands from the 70's no one under 30 has heard of, and glitterly skirts and leggings..

>> No.6710858

>black dude cereal boxes
I was the One Black Girl in my high school. Not gonna lie, I made up more than one "new street trend" for the ~ghetto~ white kids.

>> No.6710864

I've never had much of a problem with other people when I've gone out in lolita. I've gotten questions and a few comments, but the only time anyone said anything nasty to me it was another lolita who said it.

>> No.6710871

Really? I traveled to Norway and Sweden and have had people come up to me to say nice things. But maybe it's because I obviously looked foreign so their reserve was more lax?

>> No.6710872

California College of the Arts. I think she also teaches at the Academy of Art, too

>> No.6710873

right? it's like, "bitch I will slap your yellow jeggings straight off your legs if you take one more goddamn picture of me".
how do you even have room to criticize, god

>> No.6710874

do tell!

>> No.6710877

One time a few years ago I got super piss drunk. I don't remember it, but apparently I started following people around yelling that pants on the ground song at them.
There is video of this, and it is extremely embarrassing.

>> No.6710882

While this is quite the coincidence, I have this feeling you didn't see me. Because you're talking about a coffeeshop and I honestly have no clue what shop you're talking about?

What did my coat look like?

>> No.6710886

You sound like a fun person to be drunk with

>> No.6710890

I would love to get drunk with lolitas someday.

...But I'd wear my cheap offbrand in case any puking occurs.

>> No.6710897

It was so long ago, I've forgotten most of them. There was one about those plushy Pokemon keychains (that should tell you how old this is), that I talked them into believing that the different types represented different gangs, and that you had to clip them to your back belt loop, and if somebody from a different gang grabbed your pokemon it meant you had to fight him. I think I made Pikachu be the Latin Kings, don't remember the rest. I know how stupid this sounds, but there was a group of maybe ~20 kids that walked around with pokemon on their asses for about a month.
Then there was a code with ripped jeans, where the holes were meant different things, none of which I remember anymore.
There was something else with shoelaces tied around your upper arm... yeah, I really forget but it was mostly stupid shit like that.

>> No.6710900


>> No.6710904

it's not that fun. it's just the same as hooking up with any other group of randoms to get drunk only you have a fashion style in common and once every hour there's that one chick that's like 'wooo getting drunk in brand, fuck your lifestyle lolita stereotypes, we are bad ass princessess' then bad karaoke begins and the weebs all wanna sing animu/jpop/kpop/japanese screamo/mana songs

>> No.6710905

...OP, I don't think they were being serious.

Though I know personally I've stared down strangers in lolita while being a normalfag, looking like a rude-ass bitch but I'm actuaaly trying to figure out if their dress is Baby or AP. Worse because I was with a friend who was staring, wondering the same thing.

>> No.6710909

>>6710897 You're amazing

>> No.6710914

Oh! There was another one, where I told them you have to wear shirts backwards on fridays to honor notorious BIG (who was shot in the back). Every one of them did it.

>> No.6710927
File: 8 KB, 125x122, fan awesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

th-thanks anon

>> No.6710967

>some people are just more vocal about it
The way you put it makes it almost seem like it isn't harassment and a completely impolite way to act that is absolutely unacceptable in a place where manners are required.

>> No.6710970

gosh you sound fun

>> No.6710990

Oh.. Now that you mention it, it does seem that way. Ohwell, I'm wearing jeans and a sweater today, to hide.

>> No.6710998

Your look is your look.

I mean, I'm purposely dressing in my most outrageous and ballsy outfit just to shock the small town I come from when I go back for spring break today.
Don't let what other people say deter you from dressing how you want, OP.
Use it as a reason to be more awesome.

>> No.6711014

I wear lolita out all the time. Usually with other lolita friends but sometimes on my own. For meetups, photoshoots, just want to be cute while I'm out and about. I would never wear it to school though. School is either where you wear comfy clothes because you're tired all the damn time or where you wear professional clothes- depending on the type of school you go to. Unless you are at some fancy art school where everyone dresses weird (or the kind of person that really does wear lolita every single day no matter what) then it just doesn't make any sense to bother wearing it to school.

>> No.6711029

>wear Lolita for my birthday dinner
>have a "birthday" tiara on
>a man with 2 little girls come up
"My daughters want to ask you something"
>The youngest one asks me if I'm a princess and if they can take a picture with me.
All and all I'd say everything went pretty well. My mum now calls it princess clothing and likes to help me coord (she's actually a fashion consultant.) I get more insults and stares from my blue eye contacts than lolita.

>> No.6711033

Doesn't make it right.,
Makes it harrassment. And it shows how ignorant and uneducated those people are. I dont mind the stares. But the vocal and physical harrassment makes me want to cut a bitch.

>> No.6711036

jesus christ I just want to give everyone in this thread a hug.
I agree that it's rude to make fun and point, and I definitely would have gotten some slaps to the head from my mother if I did that.

It pisses me off with these double standards, really. Dressing too nice gets you questioned while dressing like a slob doesn't get anything but a passing glance.
I wore nothing but jeans and tshirts all of high school, so the few days I decided to pretty myself up, i got stared at and had questions of "why" thrown at me. When I was on my way to an interview, I was honked at, and wolf whistled at while waiting at a bus stop.

This shit makes me want to punch every moron I see, but I think I'm going to break my knuckles.

>> No.6711040

Oh, man. My friend invited me over to her house and warned me that her bogan little shit of a brother (her words) liked to walk around shirtless with his trousers down, showing off his boxers. As we finished kicking this weeb out (unrelated drama), I said "I see London, I see France. I see (my friend)'s brother's underpants." Friend laughed her arse off.
Apparently that's weird and he bitched about it later.
I'll never understand normal people..

>> No.6711043

>stares from my blue eye contacts
Man, I just remembered this kid in middle school that wore blue contacts once and every goddamn teacher that day made it a point to stare at him or stop class to point it out. Christ it was annoying

>> No.6711050
File: 134 KB, 500x697, tumblr_m97w0gX9qM1rb9a6wo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound lovely anon.

>> No.6711054

cool story, sis.

>> No.6711111

I've had little kids drop their toys to gape at me (and one 3-4 yr old girl just laughed heartily and started jumping when she saw me, WTF) but none ever called me a princess.

I don't think I'll ever be fully satisfied until a little girl calls me a princess.

>> No.6711363
File: 1.78 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Anon, but I already left my house when I typed that! You have a good point though, much like the other Anons. People are going to judge you, no matter what you wear. Especially if it's outside the norm. I've got the occasional stare today, probably because of my shoes.

I find it mighty brave that you'd do something like that! I live in a big city and feel awkward from the stares so I can't imagine what it's like for you! You're quite the inspiration though, I'm going to become a better lolita and show them, you just wait!

>> No.6711381

Uhh, this might be a noob question and I'm not really into lolita, but about those huge fantastic wigs - how do you keep it from becoming uncomfortable? I mean, if you're all out and about and don't have time nor the tools to fix it every few hours

Maybe it's just me, but large/heavy twintail wigs start to drag and become painful for me after 4-5 hours

>> No.6711392

I wore hime Lolita out for my son's birthday and all his classmates loved it. They kept going on about how I looked like a Fairytale princess. The parents said they liked my "costume", I took no offense though. I wore sweet out for when we took my son out for dinner (son is 7, he says more girls should dress like princesses because it's cuter), and everyone at the restaurant was complimenting me and taking pics. Granted also, it was a Japanese restaurant so....

>> No.6711411

There's nothing wrong with wearing lolita to college if your college is one of those' ignore whatever you wear and mnd my own business ones'.
My friend went to college in University of maryland. I've worn lolita, vk and had my hair dyed silver for the majority of my visits and no one batted an eyelash at me.

>> No.6711416

where the fuck school was this where NO one had blue eyes?
that teacher should of been fired. I fucking hate teachers who act more like an immature kid rather than an instructor.

>> No.6711421

Well, usually bring a change of wig or wear a shorter /more natural wig out? i dont know

>> No.6711424

Hello kitty!
those are adorable. If you got flack just for wearing cute sneakers, i dont know what the fuck this world has come to. Not all of us want to wear baggy jeans, a sports jerseys and nike sneakers.

>> No.6711430

>son's birthday
How old are you...?

>> No.6711437

I always wear weird clothes and strange j-fashion coords every day. Nobody bats a lash. This is what happens when you live in an European capital, you have all kinds of styles everywhere.

>> No.6711447

They probably noticed that their eyes were usually NOT blue.

Teachers are told to notice when students make drastic changes to appearance as it can sometimes be a cry for help.

Stop letting you bruised ego at being stared at due to dressing weird turn you into a harpy.

>> No.6711458

I'm honestly not surprised that you got that attention...in college of all places.

A few years back when I was wearing something a little out of the ordinary (and I was 16) I had adult women, and their male friends following me, laughing, making dog noises, and taking pictures...in Walmart.

>> No.6711462

So she had the right to ridicule a student just for wearing contacts?
in 2013?
fuck you

>> No.6711463

I'm sorry that happened to you... I really am. I wish there was a place to put people who do that to others.

>> No.6711467

Well EU is the place where Japan got a lot of its own fashion culture, so i'm not surprised. Jealous a bit tho, yes

>> No.6711475

>Stare and make mention

If that's what you think is ridiculing, then you've got the thinnest skin I've ever seen and it's no wonder your type gets uppity when someone points and stares at you dressed funny on the street. Pro tip: YOU'RE DRESSED FUNNY, people are going to stare!

When students at my school so much as dyed their hair, the teacher would make a point to mention it and based on their response see if there was a problem. If the teacher stared every time this student wore them, there was probably underlying behavioral signals this person isn't letting on about and the teacher was just concerned for them.

>> No.6711479

Well, i'm glad i'm long out of high school where if i decide to dye my hair pink or purple, my boss isnt going to think i am cutting myself and hiding inner turmoil Oh highschool, how i dont miss you.

>> No.6711492

Considering high school is the time where most of these unstable people are "rebelling", self mutilating, or considered "high risk", it's fairly normal for teachers in good schools to show concern for their students.

Once you're an adult, you're considered less likely to kill yourself because your boyfriend broke up with you, so less people notice that you've gone and dyed your hair.

>> No.6711498

are you talking about Akemi?
When I took a precollege course with her, some other chick tried to do a lolita collection and she totally got on her ass about the different kinds of historical fashion it took reference from. She's awesome.

>> No.6711520

26, my husband and I married young. Childhood sweethearts and all that jazz

>> No.6711523

Thank you! I'm quite fond of them too, I seriously don't get it either.

>> No.6711541

The first time I ever wore loli, I was chased down by a gang. I live in Atlanta, if you can imagine the niggers I see on a day-to-day basis.

>> No.6711549

>stick legs
The reason I DON'T wear lolita is because I don't have stick legs. I used to be a major body builder in high school. I loved being tough and I was a huge tomboy. WELL, when I found my love for lolita, my huge muscular manly calves just look awful in dresses, and there's no way I can tone them down.

>> No.6711563

I don't live in Atlanta, but I can relate to that issue. I live in a fairly white small city, however there are niggers (acknowledging the difference between blacks and niggers as I am black myself) in rural areas just hiding out. This happened a year ago and I was physically assaulted by some niggers almost to a sexual point. They took off my petticoat and bloomers (yes I wear panties underneath). Someone was watching and called the police for me afterwards. There were two boys in high school and the other two in college. Most terrifying day of my life, and I always think twice about wearing lolita. I used to wear lolita everyday I went out, which included my small private liberal arts college, but now I leave the house even less. It's normal to experience teasing and namecalling, and bitchiness from ~jelly~ girls, but being physically assaulted? Hell, I've even been cussed out and I consider that normal. Bitches are gonna be bitches.

>> No.6711568

What does it mean when people do this? Are you calling all 5 of those posts samefag?

>> No.6711569

Uhh you look like a fucking freak to people when you wear lolita. I get honked at when I'm walking all the time every time I'm dressed in lolita and walking about the streets. Same with random shout-outs and waves.

>> No.6711579

where does it say he was ridiculed? it's unusual if somebody with formerly not blue eyes suddenly has them, that's all.
christ you are oversensitive

>> No.6711586

I think you should just do what you want! Most people are going to think you look odd anyhow, don't let that stop you from doing something you enjoy.

>> No.6711588

I'm terribly sorry you had to go trough that Anon. I hope you're going to feel better soon. Because that sounds absolutely horrible.

>> No.6711594

Kitty sneakers!! They're so cute, OP! I love them.

>> No.6711616

Thank you! They're from a Sanrio x Vans collection.

>> No.6711627
File: 26 KB, 297x440, lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: /cgl/ so engrossed in their hobby culture that they don't even realize how fucking creepy and retarded their lolita get up is to normal everyday people.

People who have no concept or idea what lolita fashion is instantly see some sort of pedophile-ish "Is she trying to look like Shirley Temple?" thought process.

I'm sorry to say this, but outside the realm of the internet and japan, Lolita is really fucking weird. Along the same lines as wearing a horse mask in public. It's funny, it's weird, it's probably going to get a few posts on people's facebooks later that day.

Pic related, my dear. Pic very very related.

>> No.6711632

Oh gosh I feel you anon.
I have the biggest, muscly thighs and calves, I look like I belong in a bad fighter game. So many cute items look so terrible on me.

>> No.6711635


We're aware that we look weird, this whole thread is about how we're aware of that, but that doesn't mean that we should be treated less than human because of it. We're not asking that people accept lolita, but we're asking for decency.

did you even read this thread?

>> No.6711638

fuck, i'm sorry you live in Atlanta. I visited from NYC and i thought the dumb fuck niggers in NYC were bad, but no where near as bad as niglanta.

>> No.6711645

doesnt matter if you think a fashion style is weird or not, it doesnt give right to assault or harass another human being. geezous fucking christ, why are you pretty much going 'deal with it. you brought it upon yourself'.
No one has the right to harass or assault you. I dont give a fuck you are wearing lolita or a pink jump suit. No one has the right to touch you.

>> No.6711647

Please tell me you are a troll, because you are a fucking dick asshole for thinking it's okay to treat people who dress differently less than human.

And pic is not related. I have plenty of gorgeous lolita friends. that photo is not lolita.

>> No.6711707
File: 504 KB, 410x589, 1358514751181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody respond to the troll. Unless they're serious. In which case, nobody respond to the idiot.

>> No.6711714

Whoops, I was too late.

>> No.6711749

>Lolita is really fucking weird
No it isn't. I've seen lolitas walk around where I live and not get any shit for it. When you live in a city that has a rich culture of weird stuff, people usually think twice about turning their head and laughing at something.

>> No.6711774

all the way on the right side

>> No.6711779

They're in Japan so obviously it's a ninja.

>> No.6711813

I don't think he's saying you deserve to be made fun of, just that you should brace for it because it's almost certainly going to happen eventually. Being treated decently would obviously be preferred but you can't always expect that.

>> No.6711877

I don't think the emotion here is surprise. Irritated that a stranger would be a jerk for no justified reason yeah.

>> No.6711885

I guess she must be a US only thing? Haha, maybe we do have her over here, but I don't like children's shows, so I wouldn't have noticed.

>> No.6711920

Definitely not a US only thing, we've had Strawberry shortcake for ages over here and I live in the Netherlands!

>> No.6711947

Maybe it's not licensed in the UK? Who knows.

>> No.6711951

I'm pretty sure I've seen Strawberry Shortcake while I was in England

>> No.6711962

I've noticed the difference in areas that are poor and ignorant versus the parts of NYC like Grenwich (sp?) village and soho and even williamsburg Brooklyn, where you can walk around in vk, lolita, whatever and not get odd stares at all. You'd probably either get ignorant or complimented.

So yes, culture and exposure have a lot to do with it. People in harlem and morningside nyc aren't going to be accustomed to anything BUT nicki minaj and saggy jeans with rockawear jerseys.

>> No.6711966

You know Morningside Heights is the exact same people as SoHo, just before they graduate college, right? I wear lolita around there all the time and get nothing but compliments.

>> No.6712004

Last time I wore lolita to class my lecturer grabbed my skirt to look at the print on her way out without asking or even warning me.

Dude, that's not cool.

It was also a Psychoanalysis lecture so I probably didn't think that move through too well...

>> No.6712015

Did you say something? wtf

>> No.6712016

Oh really? my mistake then. harlem is a different story on the other hand

>> No.6712019

WTF, that's completely inappropriate. I hope you at least gave her a look if not saying something...

>> No.6712031

Why are old ladies always just the best?

>> No.6712090

Speaking of reactions to unique fashions in public, I'm at the airport and some guy just took a fuckin picture of me.
Probably not realizing his "sneaky maneuver" wasn't working and I could hear his phone's shutter sound since the volume was up.

>> No.6712112

why are you at the airport in lolita?
picking someone up?

captcha: Japanned ubseeu

>> No.6712118

Any time someone does that, I either get my phone out (or my DSLR if I have it on me at the time) and start taking photos back, or I make a gesture to indicate they have something on their face/their fly is down. It's hilarious because they often buy into it and then get annoyed when they realise it was a bluff to get back for the rude photo taking.

>> No.6712121

Spring break! Heading home.

>> No.6712126

Hope you're not trying to go through security in a petticoat... They sideeye me just for wearing gothy stuff with studs (which have never, ever gone off in the detectors in something like 8 years of 5+ flights a year).

>> No.6712127

in lolita
wouldn't that be uncomfortable for flights, or just easier because you don't have to pack a petti (wearing it instead)
I've been considering doing this for a bus trip, while wearing bodyline, but I'm not so sure. can I get a picture of your travel outfit if you don't mind?

>> No.6712151


> implying that pic isn't ita as fuck

>> No.6712152

someone tell me what it is

>> No.6712175

Looks like a girl with long hair seen from the back.

>> No.6712203
File: 631 KB, 549x837, 1362660692629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have more pictures like this? I think these kinds of shots make for great photos.

>> No.6712205
File: 734 KB, 843x552, 1362484003904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6712215

Hahaha oh god. This is like a perfect parody of one of those photos.

>dat middle guy's face
>dat giantess lolita
>dat mcdonald's location

>> No.6712220

not that anon, but it's more annoying than easy. Wore Lolita coming back from Spain in order to save room in my luggage (damn pettis take up so much space) and it was a nightmare. Security held me up, had to take off my pettis to move around on the plane, etc. never again.

>> No.6712240

people are so disgustingly rude. This girl is beautiful.

>> No.6712246


My heart's kind of...melting. I want to walk up to her in my own dress and sit with her, just so that she isn't all alone.

>> No.6712248


I can't be the only one who wants to slap the look off that fat man's face.

>> No.6712253

if someone points and laughs, point and laugh back and say "hahaha...your FACE"

>> No.6712265

I'm dressed fairly normal (in my opinion)
It's the hair that is grabbing attention.

>> No.6712269
File: 66 KB, 452x700, tumblr_lrsa73cQ361qctwkso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made me remember this from years ago

>> No.6712271

Wait is this picture legit?

>> No.6712278

Pretty sure it was part of a photoshoot, actually.

>> No.6712276

>I had a photoshooting in berlin for a magazine and suddenly some random girl in the background started laughing and pointing at me and called me a tranny. the photographer don’t stopped taking pics and so this shot happend. it was very strange. but that’s happening in germany all day. in fact when I wear lolita people on the street call me a whore or a cunt. I am used to it now.”
-Fahrlight’s (lolita in photo) own words.

yep. the story gave me feels. I get called a tranny or get asked if I'm a man all the time in lolita. It really gets to you.

>> No.6712282


Ausländer raus.

>> No.6712284

I know the story, and it is true!

>> No.6712286

lol fahr

what a martyr for us all

>> No.6712294


>> No.6712299

O_O that guy looks like Peter Pettigrew!

>> No.6712301
File: 128 KB, 1024x616, 1334695311429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry to say this, but in places where lolita is very rare, commoners are pretty taken aback by lolita. And the only people that usually dress extravagantly and colourful are transvestites. This gets worse if your face isn't all that girly or coated in a lot of make-up.

To be fair, I am taken aback too when I see lolitas in the wild. But that is more because they are so rare here in the internet that I get really interested in them, wanting to talk to them, in a good way. Most of the time they don't look happy at all, so I restrain my curiosity.

What that other anon probably wanted to say, and what I am saying is this: Plebs gonna pleb.

I'm sorry. They have no right to be such obnoxious cunts because you have the balls/ovaries to wear whatever the fuck you'd like. But the truth is that unfortunately most people can't even comprehend the concept of doing things they don't like.

Really, keep doing what the hell you guys want and stop giving a fuck about those people!

I hope to encounter you guys in the wild soon.

>> No.6712315

13 year olds pls go.

Speaking as a lolita who I'm sure often looks a bit unhappy (just my face though ;_;), if you say something like "Your dress is really cute!", anyone who's not a huge cunt will have their day brightened a bit and most will be happy to answer a few questions.

>> No.6712316

Aw that's so sad! Super rude too, what if she was a real tranny, why would you point that out?
Pftt, I can't imagine the stuff she has to go trough when this is what happens in Germany.

I'm sorry that people asked you that Nia, I'm sure you look lovely!

>> No.6712323

I see lolitas in public once in a while. I /always/ go out of my way to compliment them.

And they were always stuck up bitches. I'm not even a creepy dude, I'm usually a girl in otome when I'm not feeling lazy. I just don't understand why they need to be so mean.

>> No.6712324

well they all look rude on the photos. ALL of them. wow.

>> No.6712328

I'm sure other lolitas get this too.
but a lot of things go through my head like:
1.) is it because of my height? 6ft
2.) am I really that ugly jfc
3.) is it because of my long face shape?

I get pulled aside and asked if I'm a man even in lolita meetups. its.. no. no. why me?

anyone else get this?

>> No.6712332

It's because of your height.

>> No.6712349

I've been asked if I was a man in lolita before by a random dude at a sports bar. Next time I get asked that I'm just going to reply in the deepest voice I can muster "Sup bro."

>> No.6712360

I remember seeing a cute lolita in a shop in Amsterdam near the dam square (? I think that's what it's called, I was on holiday). Old school style BTSSB jsk black x white outfit, only thing that looked a bit off was having a lilac wig on. I ended up talking about the girl to my boyfriend but because I thought she looked cute and was telling my boyfriend what brand she was wearing (I first thought Angelic Pretty cause I knew I recognised it). I hope she didn't think I was gossiping bad things!

>> No.6712380

>I'm just going to reply in the deepest voice I can muster "Sup bro."
you're wasting their breath. they laugh 10x harder if you do that.

>> No.6712418

That's kind of my goal though? I don't think they believe you if you reply in your usual voice, they still think you're a dude. Might as well get a laugh out of it.

>> No.6712424

I wore lolita in public for the first time today and I was surprised, when people asked me why I was dressed like that and I said that it's a fashion they wouldn't accept it and insisted I was in fancy dress or something, does this happen to anyone else?

>> No.6712476

If I saw someone dressed like some throwback anime inspired fashion doll, i would point and laugh too. Understate it, unless you want attention (good or bad)

>> No.6712498

I can understand people having opinions and judging it but I can't understand why people feel the need to point and laugh at all

>> No.6712519

It's not anime inspired at all. There are many lolitas who don't like anime. If anything, anime tried to make lolita characters and sometimes failed.

Also, when did it become acceptable for adults to point and laugh at anyone in public? You make yourself look immature due to lack of self-control.

>> No.6712540

Oh god, once my friends and I saw a dude try to discreetly take a photo of us with his fucking iPad, of all things.

>> No.6712552

why can't i stop laughing

>> No.6712565

It also depends on what neighborhood you're going out in, like if you're in the middle of bum fuck nowheresville and go out OTT-sweet and no one's used to that kind of fashion, you'll be known as the weirdo.

>Or you can be Momoko and persevere for fashion and look cute all the time.

>> No.6712601

So has anyone whipped out their phone and taken pictures back? It seems like a great way of embarrassing 'discrete' picture takers.

>> No.6712626

a long time ago, I went to the mall, and a group of girls took pictures of me. they shouted:
"this is SO ending up ALL over facebook!"
and laughed pretty heartily.

I just kind of sat there dumbfounded. my friends that I was with took my decoden'd camera from me, walked up to them, snapped a good five photos (while their subjects were trying to hide their faces), and yelled "OMG! EL OH EL! WE ARE GOING TO MAKE FUN OF YOU ALL OVER FACEBOOK! TEEHEE!" laughed heartily and skipped away.

the people I hung out with that day stated they didn't do it for me, but because they hate seeing people act like total immature bitches.

>> No.6712651

What reason do you have for wearing these kinds of clothes in public?

>> No.6712655

Because it's how I want to dress...?

Why do you wear jeans in public.

>> No.6712665


Ha, I wore a simple wig for the first time today (just easing myself into the fashion, don't mind me), and some lady snapped a photo of me.

Smiled, waved, took out my phone, and pretended to take a picture of her.

She started apologizing and said she'd delete the ones she took of me.

>> No.6712669
File: 69 KB, 401x599, harajuku-girls-03-04-08-005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time that happens take pics and yell "WE ARE GOING TO MAKE FUN OF YOU ALL OVER /CGL/ TEEHEE!"

>> No.6712670


I haven't yet, but I want to. It's just so beautiful.

I want to look that beautiful too. I know, I know, clothes don't make beauty, but I feel much more lovely in a dress than in jeans and a tee-shirt.

>> No.6712696

Are you retarded? Why does anyone wear anything...because they want to obviously

>> No.6712710

>new mission
>snap photos of plebs snapping photos of lolitas to try to humiliate them
>save them up for these threads
>each photo will have a greentext story

sounds fun. we should do it.

>> No.6712714

The problem with wearing socially unaccepted clothes is that people are going to think of you as an attention whore.

>> No.6712754

>the problem with any type of clothing deemed too "flashy" in the area you live in, is that people are going to think of you as an attention whore


>> No.6712780

Kinda sad now because I can't take pictures back since I don't get pictures taken of me. Gonna live vicariously through you guys, so let's please make this a thing.

>> No.6712825

yes please! who else is up for it?

>> No.6712829

It does sound like fun!
But do we take pictures of the people that try to photograph us? Or the situation in which another lolita is being photographed by strangers?

>> No.6712840

I think both (different anon)

>> No.6712874

both, I'd say. well, this thread is in autosage.

>> No.6712899

Ah I see! Sounds like a plan to me, you can sort of count me in. I'll have to muster up my courage to take pictures back!

>> No.6712903

Forgot to thank you all for a nice thread!

>> No.6712913

you are so sweet oh my goodness

>> No.6712967
File: 115 KB, 560x643, 1285072876436jd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in SF.

A while back I was heading over to Oakland via Powell St Station. When I was heading down those long stairs I saw a pair of painfully new lolitas. Despite how bad they looked, I could tell they were trying and thought I'd acknowledge them. (I always like being at least nodded to by someone who is aware of a fashion I'm wearing)

>"Hey, I like your coordinates! You two look cute in lolita!"

Their smiley expressions almost immediately dropped into sneers, accompanied with an "up and down" look over my own outfit. (Black flats, jeans, long sleeve black top, short silver necklace, curled hair. Really nondescript.) Then they just snickered to each other and responded with an "Uh, alright." and some 'ughs'.

Yeah whatever you fucking ita cunts. So I guess this rudeness shit goes in both directions.

>> No.6713029
File: 487 KB, 245x199, tumblr_mh83d8polB1r4749xo4_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I know who you are~

But I'm not surprised by this at all. Powell is the station most people hop off at to get to the 38 for Japantown, which is pretty much little weeaboo central. Sorry that you had to go through that.

>> No.6713461

i cant believe no one sees the weird shadow face on the right side in the train

>> No.6713655

I think you're super kind too, Nia! But thank you so much, it means much to me to hear that!
You mean that guy, that's totally black except for his arm?

>> No.6714490

I live in a European capital too and I still get shit all the time for no reason. It's such a weird double standard, we have a yearly alternative music/fashion/lifestyle/whateverthefuck festival where all sorts of folks walk the streets and nobody bats an eyelash. 'Normal' people show up to socialise just because they think we're interesting. It's wonderful! And then a week later I get yelled at for wearing RHS with a sundress. It's like things that are out of the norm are fun and interesting, but only if they're announced at least a month in advance, have a daily planning available online and attract hotdog stands. If it's unexpected, looking weird is suddenly a terrible crime.

It does depend where on the city you are, though. More well-off areas get you stares but no harassment, poorer areas get you lots of yelling and often several homeless friends, and anywhere frequented by students is pretty much off-limits if you don't want beer on your burando.

>> No.6714664

Whenever anyone laughs at me for any reason in public I just laugh back at them like this:

>> No.6715022

that's a guy in the pic right?

>> No.6715179

There were these two guys (I guess jocks, since they were constantly in track pants with our college logo, but honestly--they were sold in the book store so who fucking knows) that would CONSTANTLY stare at me and my girlfriend whenever we met each other after a class because I gave her a peck on the cheek ONE time. Not even a handsy one, a greeting peck. They would watch us and high five each other and shit if I so much as leaned in close to her or we hugged or something. And they were loud as fuck. Every whisper they did was like a stage whisper and they followed us around more than a few times. These were tall, grown ass men.

Point is: they really really don't. Like, I don't know if that was St. John's exclusive, but anyone wearing anything remotely odd or doing anything out of the norm got stared at and just a shit ton of comments.

>> No.6715202

You aren't. Like, fucker, you have to be aware that you look like the piece of shit semi-minor villain associated fatass in every movie and cartoon, right? You have to know you look like a parody of sleazy. Some over the top theatrical rendition of sleaze.

Also, I can almost smell him and that sucks.

>> No.6715239


Oh God, you said smell, and now I can smell him too. I feel like he'd smell like Axe, grease, and that nasty-breath smell people have first thing in the morning.

>> No.6715765

holy shit that is so horrible. I am so sorry, anon.

>> No.6716741

awww fuck yes. I love you, anon <3