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File: 147 KB, 1440x960, 923100_10201080442355812_133304593_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6838650 No.6838650[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I was wondering.. am I doing it right as a causal sweet loli?

>> No.6838663

kinda hard to tell but i dont like either of the blouses + maybe patterned white tights instead of plain white ones?

>> No.6838681

Casual doesn't mean no headgear. I mean, if you stuck a bow on this it would just be sweet lolita.

I don't know when it became a law that unless you are wearing five bows and 3 different bags and matching set socks and a wig that it cannot be sweet lolita, it must be casual.

>> No.6838689

Get rid of the stuffed toy, do your hair and I'm going to assume you don't have make-up on either so do that too. Casual =/= no effort.

>> No.6838733
File: 188 KB, 400x638, tumblr_m8aqnvzxLB1qix48ro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't casual sweet lolita. It's just regular sweet lolita with you having messy hair. Pic related is more so what a casual sweet lolita coordinate would look like.

>> No.6838760


>> No.6838763

Different anon, but that's what I think when I think of casual lolita. Also, isn't that anon a seagull? I feel like I've seen her around here before.

>> No.6838768
File: 71 KB, 567x773, majhsdui9238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crap. I always get SO jelly of people who rock Bodyline like it's expensive brand.
I know she reads cgl, does she have a blog?

OP, your coord is really cute. I disagree with >>6838663, your blouse/cutsew goes quite well with the dresses and your tights are ok. I agree with everyone else about make-up and hair, though. If you don't have any headdresses or don't want to add one, just braid your hair or make cute pigtails - pic related, I guess... For the make up, add tons of blush, lip gloss and mascara. Not much of an effort and it will certainly make you look better.
>protip: honey, take better care of your poor, poor hair. Specially if you want to wear it down with your lolita. [spoiler] :( [/iwishwehadspoilers]

>> No.6838770

Anon who posted that picture. Why just 'no'?

>> No.6838773

She used to post a lot in the WAYWT/j-fashion threads.

Whether it's strictly casual or not (I'm slightly leaning towards no because cgl always seems to say a casual outfit should use a cutsew rather than a t-shirt) it's still a cute outfit and helpful for OP.

>> No.6838776
File: 74 KB, 482x720, cutdew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Casual is with a cutsew not a tshirt.
Tshirts = not lolita. That outfit = not lolita.

>> No.6838780
File: 39 KB, 400x273, 1348555885920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pink cutsew in the first one is a completely different shade of pink, too dark, and the white blouse looks cheap

>> No.6838784

The first shirt is too dark, but the second looks fine ! Just get rid of that bunny and try fixing up your hair and you're good!

>> No.6838785

Are you saying that picture is casual lolita instead? I agree that it's a bit more dolled up, but it's hard to really tell if that's a cutsew or just a bit fancier of t-shirt honestly... I guess that's the reason why I go ahead and include cute and nice looking t-shirts into casual lolita.

>> No.6838786

It's actually an AP blouse in sax, bad lighting I guess

>> No.6838787

/cgl/, splitting hairs as usual.

>> No.6838788

Yeah, this one looks terrible, though. Everything is alright (talking about the rules and all), still... so.. hard.. to look at it...

I agree it's not lolita, but definitely lolita inspired and cute as fuck.

A huge problem with this fashion is that some girls care more about following the rules than actually looking good.

>> No.6838789

You CAN wear a t-shirt, it's just often a lot harder to pull off without it looking ita. >>6838733 has pulled it off pretty well. There was also a girl that someone posted in the nerdy lolita thread that wore t-shirts and looked pretty decent.

>> No.6838790

>AP blouse in sax

>> No.6838791

This is the good example? Asian anon looks way cuter, IMO.

>> No.6838794

I don't see any problems with the different shades of pink. I can see dark pink details on the print, so I guess it still matches? Maybe not the best match, maybe not the match we'd go for but still nothing wrong with that.

>> No.6838793

it looks white and your photo is shit then
still why a sax blouse when nothing else you are wearing is sax? still dont like either of them.

>> No.6838797

It follows the ~rules~, which is an important element to lolita, but you're right in that it's unappealing to look at and the different pinks/different patterns going on don't mesh well. The example posted before breaks some rules but generally looks better.

Either way, casual lolita in itself is going to naturally stray away from some of the founding rules of lolita. If you're happy to do that and experiment OP then please just make the outfit look as good as possible and still put effort into it/your own appearance. Obviously taking the ita route and throwing on whatever with a headbow or a skirt is going to look naff so take your time to plan the outfit and put as much effort into it as your regular lolita coords.

>> No.6838795
File: 75 KB, 366x640, casual6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6838806

>and the white blouse looks cheap
It looks like AP...

No, wait, it IS ap. You are just being picky. It looks fine.

>> No.6838807
File: 168 KB, 484x750, hahsdj18fanny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this sums it all up.

Can this be a casual/toned down lolita thread now?

>> No.6838808

Her t-shirt is way too big. It should atleast be fitted. This looks more like a mesh between lolita and fairy kei.

>> No.6838812

All this nitpicking over something that we made up ourselves.

FFS, casual lolita doesn't even exist in Japan. We made it up because we were so reliant on the GLBs for years and someone thought that wearing a lolita brand meant that it was automatically lolita, but it's not even considered lolita in Japan.

>> No.6838811

My problem with it is that the girl's face looks too mature and the make-up looks a bit too dark and that hair only adds up to this. I like the coord itself, it's her face that ruined it for me.

>> No.6838816

That's gorgeous!

>> No.6838817

I agree. She would have been better off having her hair in a high bun or ponytail with a cute hair accessory and with fresher looking make up.

>> No.6838821

Who cares?

>> No.6838838

Not even OP. Nice try, though.

>> No.6838844

Oh, that is me! I'm glad you like it.

It's kinda hard to say what a casual lolita outfit is, I have never seen any real guidelines about it. There are people calling normal, non OTT, sweet coords for casual lolita, and then there is outfits like mine, with t-shirt and bare legs. I guess my outfit works for hot summer days? Is there even any rules beside the general ones (like not showing too much skin, right silhouette, look clean and presentable etc)?

Thank you, my blog is http://spaceandroid.tumblr.com/ :)

>> No.6838848
File: 1.09 MB, 300x169, 1358062898224.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks bad though eugh
nice try? for what? i dont like either of the blouses. thats all.

>> No.6838866

>your photo is shit then
Not even my photo anon. I was just laughing at your stupid ass.

>> No.6838874

I know right? Fanny is my queen lolita.