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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.03 MB, 1168x1044, hh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7120502 No.7120502[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

No need to make your own thread, just come here for all your Halloween costuming needs and solutions.

>Not sure what to be?
>Not sure how to do it?
>Already Googled?
>Told that /cgl/ can help?
This is the place for you.

>To those not of /cgl/
We aren't magic, we can try our best to help you if you ask nicely, but please always try google first. Bear with us and ask if you don't understand, and remember that some costumes take time and money. Check the sticky.
>To those of /cgl/
Exercise calm and empathy, remember while not every person has heard of worbla/stubbing/sealing that doesn't always make them a terrible person. Have fun!

>> No.7120504

Fuck Halloween. The only good part is the candy.

>> No.7120633

Hey /cgl/,

Can you guys give me some advice on this? I want to go as Amon from Avatae: Legend of Korra for Halloween. The problem is that I have no skill/experience in sewing/making cosplay, so I'm thinking of buying from this website:


Do you guys think it's a good idea to spend this money on the outfit, or risk it and make the costume myself? I'm getting into making outfits this spring/summer, I'm still adjusting to life at university(first semester freshman).

Keep in mind that this isn't a one time wear, I'll be wearing it to conventions in my spare time, and use the mask for a Halloween haunted trail I'm participating in.

Help me guys, I honestly can't decide.

>> No.7120645


For a hundred bucks I don't think that outfits going to be that quality considering the mask's included at that price

For Amon you can get street clothes for everything but the outer coat/vest thing. The arm and leg pieces wouldn't be too tough for a beginner, look up vambrace / wrist armor tutorials. Not sure what your options on the vest and the mask would be though.

>> No.7120656


Street clothes?

You mean like a semi-form fitting longsleeve shirt, and black sweatpants?

Maybe Under Armour?

I'm sorry, I'm not sure what would be good.

>> No.7120708

I'm a 5'10 male with brown hair and really dark brown eyes, and i can grow decent facial hair, oh and I'm pretty skinny/kind of ottermode
any good character I could pull of with that? the costume shouldn't be too hard to make

>> No.7120739
File: 125 KB, 596x448, halloween.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if anybody did this yet

>> No.7120820



>> No.7120836
File: 210 KB, 998x561, Tlm3pic000742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made an Ariel costume last year, but I didn't really like how the bra came out and I want to try again this year. Last year I painted two scallop shells purple and then glued them to a purple swim suit top, but the colors didn't really match. I've since removed the sells from the bra, but I don't really know what to do with them. I'm about a 34DD so I need the top to also kind of be supportive.

TL;DR Help me with making a mermaid top, I have the shells

>> No.7120839

So last night I came up with a great idea for a costume. CandleJack. I just have no idea how to make his hood/mask
My best guess would be to get some fabric and free hand the basic shape of it.

I also need some clarification on morph suits. its one solid color with no writing on them correct?

>> No.7120843

have you tried covering the bra with something that you can paint to match the shells? some people put strings of colored beads and sequins to give some style to ariel's bra. it covers the true bra underneath. or you could just paint the bra itself... but you can be creative. lace, fancy trimming, even upholstery trimming. or instead of using the same shells, make your own and conform it to the shave of the bra.. that would be cute.

>> No.7120853

As much as I love the idea of actual scallop shells for Ariel's bra, building your own over a normal bra is probably your best bet. Look at some of the Princess art for inspiration for potential beading/trims

>> No.7120869

Hey /cgl/,

I've pretty much got zero clue what to do this year. I haven't really done anything for Halloween in quite some time, and I've been feeling the itch. However, I don't know shit about sewing/have no sewing machine,etc. Interested in hearing potential ideas for a fairly lean male with long blonde hair.

Materials or execution advice are also appreciated.

>> No.7120871

OP here, I mailed the admin email address when I made the thread, but have been ignored.
Can everyone else email too?

>> No.7120966
File: 434 KB, 500x711, stickyhunter on tumblr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going as a hooded figure from Welcome to Night Vale. This fanart is more or less the look I'm going for, I just want to add some long drape-y sleeves so I can carry my shit.

I'm already getting a black morphsuit, but how would I start making the cloak? Any patterns slash premade cloaks I could buy? What kind of fabric would be best?

>> No.7120999

I'm planning to go as Cinderella for Halloween, and I'm looking at a pattern for it.

It calls for satin, but I don't want to be shiny. What should I use instead?

>> No.7121103

gee, cotton maybe?

>> No.7121143

I did try painting it, but it was kind of stiff and not as nice looking as I'd like it to be.
Covering it(or another bra top) might work, how would one go about doing that?

I love the look of molded shells, but I'm not really skilled enough to make them. I have no idea where to even begin. Plus I's still have the problem of how to attach them to the bra top

>> No.7121148

Dear /cgl/

Thanks for being the board that hosts 4Chan for Halloween each year.

I want to do a simple costume. Long story short, my budget is shit this year. Do seagulls have a list or rec link for fun but inexpensive costumes? anything goes but try to stick with fun and not obnoxious

Thanks in advance

>> No.7121150


>> No.7121151


cloaks are easy. the hardest part is parting with the money you need to spend for quality and quantity. don't cheap out and get shitty lightweight cotton -- wool or synthetic wool and a lot of it is what you want for that drape

>> No.7121159

Papier Mache is always dirt cheap tier. If you have lots of expendable time, you can make it look fairly decent too so long as you spend a lot of time on the design, painting, sanding, etc.

>> No.7121254


I just feel silly now, but thank you anon

>> No.7121258

Certain types of satin have a lower lustre. Go look at them in person and try to find "bridal", "princess" or "duchess" satin. You can also look for cotton sateen, which will have a slight sheen and a nice drape, but no reflective-costumey-shiny look.

>> No.7121346

Thanks even more anon, this is extra helpful

>> No.7121355
File: 81 KB, 850x456, DBees01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the jacket? A peacoat?

>> No.7121356

Something like those would be fine for the base layer.

>> No.7121371

The pattern can be made from a peacoat if necessary, but that's not what it's called.
The best I found was searching for "medical buttoned jacket"

>> No.7121378


- Half the cast of Futurama
- Clark Kent (buy a Superman patch from Amazon, glue to white shirt, wear under suit with glasses, sly show patch when people ask who you are)
- Cast of The Simpsons
- Cast of American Dad
- Archer (Archer)
- Any Star Trek duty uniform made from a v-neck, duct-tape, and a black turtleneck
- Walk around with an iron. Iron Man!
- Walk around with Fe written on your shirt in magic marker. Iron Man!

>> No.7121382
File: 324 KB, 822x1080, Lucina_official_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where to find gold (preferably shiny) bias tape? I can only find canary yellow. In Canada please.

Also, can anyone point me to a tutorial on how to cut triangular bangs? All the tutorials I can find are for straight. The wig I have is already pretty layered.

Please and thank you wonderful seagulls!

Pic related, friends wanted to do a fire emblem halloween group. I jumped in faster than you can say together we ride.

>> No.7121391
File: 733 KB, 1440x1080, cast-of-ugly-americans-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cast of Ugly Americans

Also both the "iron men" have been done to death.

>> No.7121402

maybe paint the bias tape (after sewing) with glossy fabric paint? use painters tape for straight lines.

>> No.7121406

Easy Mode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAchnQfAYC4

>> No.7121412

>fake beard and star patterned paper, taped up to make a hat
Wow that would be pretty easy to make
Too bad the fake beard would probably be tacky

>> No.7121417


>> No.7121430
File: 32 KB, 497x768, gogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going as Gogo this year. How would I go about making her patch?

>> No.7121432

Just ordered something from kigurumi-shop.com. Does this website have any sort of order tracking? I've looked everywhere and I don't see anything.

>> No.7121491

Hey guys. I made a chestpiece/breast plate out of foam,paper Mache,bondo hair and paperclay and it weighs its goi g to weih probably like 6 lbs.
>what's a good way to attach heavy objects to a costume? I was planning on holding it up with a strap attached to a ring which is attached to he piece but am afraid superglue won't hold it

>> No.7121500

Okay so I drew out a bunch of sketches of a costume for Titania from A Midsummer Night's Dream, and I totally fell in love with the idea, but I have almost no sewing experience, (I made one stuffed animal once, it was kinda shitty in a really cute kinda way). So I need to know:
- If I can just buy a plain corset and embroider flowers and stuff on it
-How to embroider things
-How many petticoats to use, I want it to be like nicely rounded but not so big I wouldn't fit anywhere

Uhmm.. And I guess anything else I'd need to know.

>> No.7121501

come on guys we need more emails to moot

>> No.7121506
File: 2.61 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crap I forgot the picture...

>> No.7121531

If it's a good quality corset it may be on the harder side to embroider. Layers of fabric to add stability to the garment and all that. To embroider by hand you need an embroidery hoop, a needle, and embroidery floss. It's not hard to do. You would need one good a-line petticoat for that shape.

>> No.7121543
File: 120 KB, 600x929, 952749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What'w the best way to get this kind of effect? I don't want to just paint my face like a douche. I don't have any experience doing anything like this, but I've seen a burnt skin tutorial using liquid latex and paint. It seems more of like a scar than a burn though so I'm not sure what would be best.

>> No.7121555
File: 278 KB, 1280x1648, 1379949600694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like our special effects thread already 404ed, unfortunately. I think this tutorial looks like what you may need.

>> No.7121595
File: 27 KB, 400x232, 295040-henchman21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would one go about making a vest for henchman 21

i wanna do this version of him, and it isn't just a shirt like the early versions

>> No.7121599

Thanks, anon. Will probably need all the help I can get, although I think it'll turn out okay, I know a lot of people who know this stuff.

>> No.7121628
File: 217 KB, 582x858, sc9pi8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go check out some of the horror makeup tutorials from cristalprostyler over on youtube. You might find them helpful.


>> No.7121647

I would go more with a rash-like effect than something scar-like.

>> No.7121677

Do you have any ideas about creating intestines and other organs that I can have spilling out of me? I found a tutorial using pantyhose but I wanted to know if any seagulls knew other methods.

>> No.7121769

Pantyhose is the best base but you can paint it, detail it and gloss it to make it look more realistic and gross. Add a little squirty thing of blood if you're somewhere it won't ruin a carpet or others costumes.

>> No.7121772

Ooh or balloons full of jello that you can nestle into a pocket in it, then pull out and hand to people. Like you're pulling out your bladder. To use a terri le reference, like that scene in Monkeybone with the cadaver dropping organs while running.

>> No.7121896


collar is very similar to Dr. Horrible's, and I've found many online patterns for it

why here's one now!


>> No.7122027

Eh, I can't grow facial hair worth a damn. And my hair is much longer.

>> No.7122055

Comic book version. Long hair no facial hair.

Or Jay from Jay and Silent Bob.

>> No.7122057

Look to see if you could order one. Otherwise paint.

>> No.7122058

Snaps, Velcro, Velcro straps, sew in heavier straps. Depends on what's under it.

>> No.7122060

Those look more like overalls. You coukd probably find them online or at a store that sells construction uniforms

>> No.7122068

My 2 friends have a halloween tradition: dress up and perform a dance to some song somehow related to the costume. So the song has to be dancy, nothing that's all about the lyrics and slow. I'd like to dress as Alice in wonderland, but I can't think of a song other than 'White rabbit' by Jefferson Airplane.
So looking for ANY suggestions of a costume/character for an average height and weight female, that I can make with stuff from a thrift shop and some sewing, and a pop song that's related and probably has a tutorial on youtube.

Last time I failed miserably by dancing as Sailor Mercury and dancing Gee because it was so last minute, I don't want to make the same mistake.

>> No.7122072

And I forgot to add, the 2 friends have next to no knowledge of more obscure characters. The idea is to come out soon as the song plays and dance, so them not knowing the character would kill it a bit. So well known.

>> No.7122073

>heat crowbar/tire iron
>press against face

>> No.7122105
File: 101 KB, 824x1168, liam-hemsworth-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/

Looking for something to wear to a halloween party in about a month's time

I get told alot that I look like this guy; I was thinking there might be roles that he has played in movies which would provide suitable halloween costumes but I couldn't find much.

Any suggestions?

>> No.7122155

Non-seagulls; we're craftsladies not /tv/... You're going to get more useful advise if you know what costume you want to do.

>> No.7122163

>>7122105 here


sorry, will come back when I've got something more specific

>> No.7122169
File: 94 KB, 500x322, jennifer-lawrence-and-liam-hemsworth-in-the-hunger-games[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7122163 ok I'm back

/tv/ suggested gale from hunger games - something like this image might work?

Not really halloween related though - do you reckon it matters?

>> No.7122171

Here you go... your welcome... let me have them


>> No.7122197

I think you could probably figure out some prop that would make it obvious you're from the Hunger Games, though the only thing I can think of that makes it clear is the Mockingjay if you're by yourself.

>> No.7122213


>> No.7122228
File: 233 KB, 960x720, IMG_1238[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my mask

>> No.7122236

So, my younger brother wants to do agroup Halloween this year with my sister and I, mostly with me. For example he thought it would be cool to be the main Zelda triad (Link, Ganon, Zelda.)
Well, my sister decided she was going to do her own thing and be a gold and blue spirit... thing. So, that idea was thrown out.
Any ideas as to what I could be with my brother? He's a blonde 12 year old, but looks closer to 8 or 9. I'm a brunette with tanish skin, and I have no problem with cross dressing.

TL;DR what is a good partner costume for an adult and a middleschooler to do together?

>> No.7122242


Do Impa and Child Link

>> No.7122247

You could be Professor Layton and his kid sidekick.

>> No.7122251

Finn the Human and the Ice King? Or you could do a Jake gijinka.

>> No.7122253

It gets really cold where I live. It might even be frosty by Halloween. I don't really want to do anything that... revealing?

I'll ask him about that idea when he gets home from school. He has really gotten into that series, so that could totally work. Thanks.

>> No.7122254

Kamina and Simon.

>> No.7122258

I wouldn't of hit reply if I had seen this post.
AT might be a lot of fun, actually. Not spooky in the least, but fun.

He hasn't seen Garren Lagann yet. Not a huge anime fan.

>> No.7123426

Bump because seeing it so close to the bottom makes me nervous.

>> No.7123633 [DELETED] 

WTB a pair of those brainwave Necomimi things. Don't need any of the ears or anything, since I want to mod them and just use the mechanism.

>> No.7123950

I see. I will run that by /tv/. Costume recs end up in tv anyway, but this year BrBa has overshadowed them.

>> No.7124421

Alright, here's a question.

I've debated about an idea for Halloween, but it requires a very different, monstrous face shape than what I possess. However, masks are also hilariously poor quality and usually quite lame. What materials would I use to build upon my face for structure, but also capable of taking to makeup/face-paint?

>> No.7124432


Dragonskin FX pro

or Foam latex, Platsil....etc.

all are generally expensive with numerous steps and materials, though,

>> No.7124525

I'm working on a Molotov Cocktease costume, and I've been having trouble finding lowcut enough shapewear to use for support, or some sort of clear strapped bra system.
I just don't wanna be gross with floppy boobs, can anyone give me a shove or link in the right direction?

>> No.7124527

Strategically applied tape.

>> No.7124606

I was afraid you'd say that.

>> No.7124719
File: 68 KB, 640x960, 045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I did a Molotov cosplay last year and I used athletic tape vertically on the boobs up to the shoulder to hold them in place. It certainly wasn't pretty but it held them up and kept them there. Also bandaids over the nipples so that it didn't hurt like hell when tearing off.

The fabric of the costume was taped against the boobs and into place with fashion tape. Also keep in mind that Mol's boobs are not like Dr. Girlfriend's. They are not pushed up and squished together, there is space between them.

(I realize the costume isn't that great, it was just for fun, I just wanted to attach a picture to show how it was taped)

>> No.7125257

Hi /cgl/

I'm kind of lost on what to be this year, I don't want something too complicated though. Right now I'm playing with the idea of going as Ellen Page's character in Hard Candy, but I'm worried that might be too obscure, also the skirt is a bitch to find.

Short, baby face, and short brown hair.

Any suggestions?

>> No.7125377
File: 84 KB, 528x664, It__s_Showtime_by_StudioBueno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to figure out what to do for Beetlejuice's hair. Boyfriends hair is too short, so we have to buy a wig but im not sure which one. Dont want to do a crappy mullet wig and im not looking to buy a lacefront or a bald cap wig - the deep hairline aint a big deal. Anyone have any wig suggestions for Beetlejuice? Pic related.

>> No.7125397
File: 48 KB, 615x409, 1375155872_Beetlejuice[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a green, mohair-y shaggy wig, dirty it up to your tastes, and trim the front to be a bit shorter than the rest. the hairline is receded, so without going into too much detail, you could buy a baldcap and fix the wig to sit back on it. that'll probably be really uncomfortable for your boyfriend, so you could always have him do "beetlejuice hair that is slightly less receded", instead. still do the trimming thing, though.

>> No.7125398

i meant yellow, whups.

>> No.7126300

I want to make a Mumm-Ra costume (the old geezer edition).

What would be the best way to keep all the bandage in place? im thinking if i just roll it around my body it will either have to be really really tight so it doesnt fall down when i move or i`ll have to find some other way to keep it in place..

Any ideas?

>> No.7126302
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>> No.7126384
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Don't have much to offer you but I can tell you from experience that wrapping yourself tight enough so that the bandages don't come lose and shift around will make it very difficult to move.

>> No.7126418
File: 15 KB, 278x350, polls_classicgoth_3626_953414_poll_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need help with my vampire makeup. I wanna do super pale skin without painting my face white. I want it to look as natural as possible. Any ideas? Pic sorta related with the pale skin and all.

>> No.7127608

Iron on transfer is your best bet!

>> No.7127612

use fabricpaint or latex paint and make a stencil

>> No.7127626

or latex paint.

>> No.7127659

I want a to do a wear a cute costume on halloween that I won't have to wear a wig for/dye my hair)my hair is at chest length and it's a dark brown).
I am quite petite so characters that are tall/sexy are out of the question as they won't suit me.
I'd also like something that isn't very obscure(i.e. manga characters).

Aaany recommendations?
INB4 Alice, Dorothy, Little Red Riding Hood

>> No.7127663
File: 39 KB, 444x312, 1367615609596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want a to do a wear a cute
Aaaand that's my retard coming out.

>> No.7127729
File: 602 KB, 751x900, 2013-01-08-Judge-Dredd-The-Complete-Brian-Bolland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was invited to a costume party and I have no idea what to wear. I don't feel like spending money, but I probably will end up doing so anyway.
I'm a tall, skinny-/fit/ male with tan skin and a face that doesn't look like any character ever from anything (come from a #rare race that is completely overlooked in almost every form of media ever).
What's a costume I could look recognizable in, but also show off dem arms??

Pic related, wanted to go as this guy but It's too late to start building a costume now

>> No.7127747

MummRa is my cats name.


How about glue or sew them onto a shirt or body suit in advance? They won't unravel and won't be a pain in the dick.

>> No.7127856
File: 62 KB, 640x385, 537075_629334413785848_1007015203_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help! I'm not a cosplayer, but I'm going to a Halloween party with a lot of cosplayers, so I don't want to wear something from Spirit or some shit. I'm decent at sewing and getting better the more I experiment, so I decided to make my own for me and my fiance.

I need to make a costume for me and my fiance, and it needs to be fairly simple and recognizable. Here's the plot twist; he's black and I'm white. I don't think he NEEDS his character to be black too, but his hair is the main problem - he has an afro and won't wear a wig, so no characters recognizable by their hair.

My last ditch idea is for us to just wear two different kigus, but I'd really rather have a cute couple costume if at all possible (the characters don't need to be canon couples, just a male and female in the same media). We like a pretty wide variety of things so it'd be easier to list what we DON'T want:
- No homestuck
- None of the Big Three (Bleach, Naruto, One Piece)
- No Dangan Ronpa or whatever
- No pop culture references (ie Lady gaga)

Thank you so much for your help! Have some kittens for your trouble.

>> No.7127879

Maybe Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Digimon, Pac-man, Yip-Yips, etc. etc. kigus? (Sorry that's all I can think of off the top of my head)

>> No.7127882


Cloack and dagger

easy enough to make and its a black male and a white female.

>> No.7127886


first thought? if you're up for it, Afro Samurai.

>> No.7127897

Hopefully it's filled with anime cosplayers because these are the only things I can think of:
Garterbelt and Brief/Panty/Stocking from Panty and Stocking
Punch and Judy from Cowboy Bebop

>> No.7127907

Pokemon is the most promising so far, I like Digimon but he's not real familiar with it, asking him what his favorite Pokemon is right now.
Never heard of that one! The googles show me it's a little out of my league (the female jumpsuit) though. Thanks anyways!
Haha he'd like that, I'll run it by him.
Oh man, Garterbelt and Brief would be so funny! I'd love that one.

>> No.7128507

Get foundation that's a shade or two lighter than your natural tone. Also, getting a wig that's darker than your natural hair colour works too, if your natural colour is light or medium.

I'm a light - medium brown and I always wished I could dye my hair black. Then I tried on black wig and I looked as pale as a corpse, lol. Hope one of those works for you.

>> No.7129299

Thanks so much anon.

>> No.7129339
File: 58 KB, 581x398, cool toad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be going as THE KING this year.
Just a medieval king. Who am I? THE KING! Who else would I be?

Any ideas on good ways to make the cape and scepter, or where to get a good crown?

>> No.7129348


Expensive by TaoBao standards, BUT I WANT SOMEONE TO BUY IT DAMMIT. The shop that's in has a shitton of pageant sceptres and things, but you might find something.

>> No.7129357

Get a nice red blanket or sheet for the cape, maybe line it with white faux fur.

>> No.7129419
File: 153 KB, 1280x848, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to dress up as Bee but indeed some help finding just a white piece to start from. What do I even search for?

>> No.7129445
File: 627 KB, 477x716, itoumblr_m8iqhjEvLa1qi4v1to1_r1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any formula for fake blood that is washable and wont stain clothes? bonus points if also relatively realistic.
I google'd but I'd like to hear about what has /cgl/ actually tried or likes

>> No.7129837

So, can we have a few recommendations to actual halloween costumes or cool props? You know, scary or creepy costumes.

Last year I was a walking not-so-dead-corpse, but I had cut a hole into my chest and taped my phone under it with heartbeat video playing on repeat (it had sounds too).

>> No.7129896

Psy, with Gangnam Style. Yes, it's tacky as fuck, but it'd be easy to do.

Also, for Alice, why not do any of the songs from the 'new' film..? Avril Lavigne had one based on that film, I believe..

>> No.7130053

If you want something super easy, look for a white chef's jacket and just take the extra buttons off. Here's one that I found that is a bit similar, and it looks like it's pretty cheap too. Oh, and chef's jackets are made to stand up to lots of wear and tear, so it should be pretty durable.

>> No.7130524
File: 138 KB, 370x600, ds2zm7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really want to go as Guts from Berserk, but i have no idea how to make his huge ass sword. i want to try using styrofoam, but i cant find a big enough piece, or even smaller pieces.. any other tips?

for those of you who dont know: the sword is about 2m, pic related

>> No.7130526

Go to Home Depot and grab a stack of foam from there. It's about $13 for a huge piece.

>> No.7130564

dont have home depot, and im not aware of any store that sells that stuff close to where i live, im from sweden btw

>> No.7130570

I know nothing of what kind of stores they have in Sweden, but any sort of store that sells building materials should have it. Insulation foam is what we call it here.

>> No.7130579 [DELETED] 

I'm doing a thriller flashmob this halloween at a local carnival. We're supposed to dress up and I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for a t.v character they might want to see do thriller with 100 other people?

>> No.7130892
File: 149 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/ any ideas on how to goabout making one of these? Obviously a lot more ghetto then this version as anon is poor

>> No.7130908
File: 52 KB, 686x497, 11498-1357599251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howdy. I'm trying to figure out how to put together a Tomoko costume on a budget. I think I can reasonably spend up to maybe $180, but I'd prefer to keep it within a tight $100.

I'm probably going to sew the skirt and blazer myself, both for cost and fit reasons; is the kind of cotton you get at Joann for $3.99 per yard good enough? Is there a better material I could use? Are there any sewing patterns you recommend? I'm still extremely new to all this.

Since this is just for Halloween I'm not overwhelmingly concerned with the quality of the wig as much as the price, so if there are any dirt-cheap wigs you know about that fit the style, I'd like to know about those.

As for the shirt, I'm probably going to scrounge the local thrift stores soon, but if you've got any advice I'm open to that.

>> No.7130912

Everything is IKEA in Sweden; their building materials are pre-cut wood, pegs, and an alan wrench.

>> No.7130940
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 54146284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Corn syrupe, water and food color. Wash it out with Vanish (What i do)


Im not sure what they call it in Sweden, but in Norway we call it "mosegummi" or "eva skumplast". Stores like Jula and perhaps Clas Ohlson will have it, its mostly used to keep heavy objects from sliding on a wooden floor or for exercise (i.e Yoga)

It`s cheap and all you have to do is draw your design, cut it out and glue the pieces together with a glue gun.

If you can heat up the foam enough you can mold it pretty much anyway you want. ( i.e mold it around another object)

Pic related.

>> No.7130950
File: 35 KB, 427x600, gypsy bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this costume last halloween and it was a good last minute costume but now that i have at least a month until halloween i'd like to kind of jazz it up, starting with the terrible gold string on the chest and the stupid looking sash on the waist.

I have a belly dancer's belt that makes the noise when you shake your hips in the same color to cover the original around the waist but otherwise not sure where to start material wise for the string and if i should just cut up the skirt part and use mine

>> No.7130967
File: 23 KB, 200x200, pinkishcolor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips for finding the perfect color shirt? Trying to find a plain, long sleeved shirt in a specific color, but having trouble on Amazon. Closest I could find was "Anvil Sheer Long-Sleeve Scoop Neck" in either Hot Pink or Coral, but I'd like a happy medium.

Also, since I'm here, any suggestions for fake braids? My hair goes to my shoulders, but I want to make twin braids that go to about the ends of my shoulder blades. I also need to figure out how to print a checkered pattern onto the shirt, but I think Google should be able to help with that much at least.

I'm dressing up as Madotsuki, if it's any help.

>> No.7131012
File: 971 KB, 1920x1200, FLCLHarukoMinimal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help Me Seagulls.

What is the best material to do a Haruko costume? Do any of you have experience cosplaying Haruko?

>> No.7131015

Easily an Esmerelda costume from Hunchback

>> No.7131019
File: 2.36 MB, 2947x2132, 135184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

different photo

>> No.7131133

You can always dye the fabric.

>> No.7131135
File: 625 KB, 650x2200, rit dye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.7131137

Hey all, /fit/izen here.

I'm roiding on a lot of good shit. By the time comicon in Dallas rolls around I will be just beyond Zyzz mode in aesthetics. What should I go as?

>> No.7131138

and I'm up for joining up with people as like a set or whatever. I just can't think of any aesthetic animu characters as I really only watched elfen lied and like attack on titan to ep 25.

>> No.7131201

"Rama Lama Bang Bang", maybe something from Fatal Frame games, like the main character with the camera and some ghost? Sorry there's a lot of lyrics going on, it just has that funky cool beat to dance to...
>tfw dream skit
>well known
Oh, well... just a suggestion anyhoo. Good luck!

>> No.7131204

Why not go as a titan from Attack on Titan?

>> No.7131207

Probably because they are like 200 feet tall and not aesthetic at all besides that guy erin or whatever his name is. That would be full nude and somehow hiding my genitals.

>> No.7131442

Plenty of people do them wearing body suits/masks from ebay or whatever. It usually looks good since you don't really need to make anything.

>> No.7131447

There's no shortage of superheroes. Thor, maybe?

>> No.7131538

My boyfriend and I are going to be doing a couples costume. He's going to be a priest, and I'm going to be the demonically possessed victim. I pretty much have everything I need already to make our costumes, but I'd like to add that extra oomph... I'd like to wear contact lenses to boost the creepy factor. The problem is I've never worn contacts before. I don't know what I should look for when purchasing them or how to wear them.

The contacts would make the costume better, but if I have to, I can go without.

Any advice is welcome!

>> No.7131547

what color are you thinking?

>> No.7131554


I was thinking along the lines of white or yellow (yellow-green, maybe?).

>> No.7131560
File: 85 KB, 620x319, hotline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas where to order a XXL varsity jacket (that is relatively cheap) for a hotline Miami costume?

Also trying to go for the chicken mask...any ideas other then the amazon one?

>> No.7131575


or PinkyParadise for the whole site is good.

>> No.7131576

Last time I inquired at a Halloween outlet, they said it was illegal for them to sell those. They quietly handed me a link on a scrap of paper which didn't actually turn out to be helpful. This was a couple years ago, so I can't remember the exact details.

However, at the local Japanese import store, they sell them no questions asked for $20 a pair. So I guess be on the lookout for one of those.

>> No.7131578

And are there any good ways to temporarily dye your eyebrows? I've used some of that spray-on stuff in the past and it just smears off on everything.

>> No.7131579

glue stick them down and draw them on.
eyebrow mascara is another option, but making your own custom colors is finicky and hard to do.

illegal to sell in the states because they're not FDA approved. but most costume lenses are FDA approved. circle lens are not.

>> No.7131581

Thank you very much.

>> No.7131582

I'm not sure what you mean by "glue stick them down"--just, like, rub a glue stick on my eyebrows, then run a sharpie over the glue?

I'm just looking for standard black.

>> No.7131587

.... not sure if serious.

ANYWAY, if you're going darker then eyebrow mascara all the way. that's fool proof. then use a black cream eyeliner, black eyeshadow, black liquid eyeliner, black pencil eyeliner, whatever you want.

i draw my eyebrows on every day and i use black eyeshadow from Urban Decay's mini Naked pallet. or Carbon from Mac. any highly pigmented matte black is fine.
but if you don't have dark eyebrow hair you'll need to buy eyebrow mascara. which you can get at Sally's.

>> No.7131591

I'm very not good with makeup, sorry.

Thanks for your help!

>> No.7131595

well, sharpie isn't makeup. so. i don't really see your point there.
never put non-makeup products on your face unless they're non-toxic and you know they're commonly used. like glue sticks. and if you wonder "is this okay for my face?" it probably isn't.

>> No.7131601

It was, in retrospect, a dumb question. I can see that now.

>> No.7131634

so, /cgl/, I'm considering doing a plague doctor, with a twist. Rest assured, no steampunk, but I wanted to incorporate feathers into the design somehow, to sort of give off that "mutating into a bird" sort of feel. my original ideas involved wearing a sort of humpback for an inhuman look, and bandaging feathers to my arm with black paint underneath. the scond part involved making one of those big hands controlled with wires to give myself a lopsided look. I think I'll be able to handle most of it, but I have one question.

Does anyone have that image of how to make a plague doctor mask with a foam cone and paper mache? google gives up nothing but instructables. Also, and ideas or tips for working with feathers?

>> No.7131670

i saw this exact tutorial on /diy/ yesterday.

>> No.7131676
File: 350 KB, 612x792, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found it

>> No.7131677

Target has plague doctor masks if you live in the US.

>> No.7131680


full tutorial. sorry bout that.

>> No.7131683
File: 141 KB, 800x1108, robin_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy here. I want to be Robin, and I was thinking of getting a green dancer's leotard for the underwear part, and dance tights. If I end up having to buy women's stuff, how would sizing work? Or is there a better idea entirely?
>suit size 36, waist 32"
>usually wear Medium

>> No.7131687

most people use apparel vinyl for her jacket thingy and gloves. other than that, there's nothing special about the costume, fabric-wise. oh, the pants can also be apparel vinyl/pleather/stretch pvc... depending on how shiny you want it to be.

>> No.7131698

They should have sizing right on whatever site you buy from, but if not I'd say a female medium-large. Leotards and tights stretch quite a bit.

>> No.7131888

Oh shit, I never even thought of that! You saved my ass, thanks!

>> No.7131933

Thanks! I'll try to look into some options for the vinyl then. I was looking for something that would be skintight for the pants, so maybe something stretch pvc.

>> No.7131956
File: 144 KB, 1215x717, Malzahar_OriginalSkin_old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm being Malzahar for Halloween and I really don't know how to go about making the pants. Do I just add more width towards the ankles then bring it to ankle width and add elastic to hold it in place? Everywhere I looked I could only find patterns for harem pants which aren't what I'm looking to do. Any help is appreciated.

>> No.7132015

Fabric markers or fabric paint?
It's for a cotton shirt I plan on putting some designs on. I've tried setting some water on the shirt and it beads on the surface instead of being absorbed into the material so I don't think paint is the best method to try.

>> No.7132058
File: 239 KB, 400x612, 2070786-hercules___incredible_hercules__114_daniel_ancuna_color_[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f "bearded"
>0 results
So I've been looking around for a decent, easy costume, and the best I've come up with is pic-related. I have absolutely no idea how to make it though. I'm gonna half-ass the sandals I think, and just buy some costume greek sandals or something. Beyond that though I'm lost.

Alternatively, I'd love to be a Journeyman:
But like I said, I have no experience making costumes and I assume that would be much more difficult.

>> No.7132074
File: 21 KB, 557x352, 21344556432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7132098

fabric paint. you don't add water to fabric paint, it won't give that beading effect.

>> No.7132112

You should also wash the shirt first. I'm guessing it's new, as most items contain sizing which will repel dirt and water until washed. The paint will last longer if the shirt has been pre-washed.

>> No.7132529

Man, when has halloween become a costume party?

>> No.7132574

Anyone know a good place buy a Deadpool and Spider-Man costume? I've found a bunch of stuff on ebay, but I'm never sure if the costume will look exactly like they do on the pictures. I've read some reviews and it gets even more conflicting.

>> No.7132588

This is an 18+ website, what on earth do you think we'd be doing on Halloween besides working or getting smashed with friends

>> No.7132606

>when did Halloween become a costume party?

....Probably, like. The 60's?

I dunno man, it was WAY before my time.

>dat feel when you want to make a cosplay for Halloween but it will get ruined by the end of the night so you bought a Captain America costume instead.



......it still doesn't fit but I think I can make it work.

>> No.7132619
File: 110 KB, 320x480, graves___league_of_legends_by_umbradesigns-d5jlygk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>costume party at work
>winner recieves a free PS4

coming to you guys for some help.

Everyone at work plays league so I think cosplaying someone from LoL would be most effective, though I'm not sure what champ costume would be cheapest to buy.

Was thinking Graves since I have a simlar body type and can grow a decent beard in time. Not sure how the hell to make his gun though.

>> No.7132641

Everyone seems to jerk off on "DA LEAGUE OF DRAAAAVEN".

>> No.7132857

ooo yes this is a good tip. you can also use a basic hair dryer to dry in between layers.

>> No.7132859

might want to do some research on general prop construction and armor construction on cosplay.com or other cosplay resource websites. if this is your first time even creating a costume i suggest not going with this guy, especially since halloween ain't too far off.

>> No.7132878

>everyone does th-

>> No.7132921

I hate draaaaaven and the meme spouting faggots that play him.

you're probably right, I should go with someone easier.

I just want a free PS4 dude.

>> No.7133882

I rushed into that thread before discovering there was a Halloween related one. Please /cgl/, some help

>> No.7133906
File: 548 KB, 1087x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, instead of a Halloween costume, I'm going to be making a Pokemon themed outfit with some sheets I picked up from the thrift store.

I'm having issues deciding on the color scheme, though.

I already have black fabric that I would really like to use, but there's so little black in the print, I feel like it wouldn't go as anything but an accent color.

What do you think, /cgl/?

As for the design itself, I haven't quite decided, but I'm thinking a half skirt over shorts (think Yuna's gunner outfit) with either a vest or a belly top.

>> No.7134157
File: 57 KB, 650x800, nxc-kyoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crossplaying Kyoko Minazuki from Rival Schools and Project Justice for a friend's weeaboo Halloween karaoke thing the end of the month. It is something I'd like to wear to a con at a later time and the rest of the outfit is simple enough to slap together.

But where do I find matching pendants and earrings? (Especially considering my ears aren't pierced.) May have to mod the earrings to be fake ones, but is that feasible?

More reference pics here:

>> No.7134174
File: 46 KB, 474x503, 137937367794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your fiance doesn't want to dress up for the annual party this year
Well, any craft ideas you guys got for me? I wanna make SOMETHING. Still gonna give candy to the little ones and stuff. Maybe ideas for goodie bags?

>> No.7134244
File: 222 KB, 640x960, jessdrew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I use to have these bedsheets
aw yiss

Ok guys so my boyfriend is going as Spiderman and wanted me to go as Spider woman (jessica drew) but I can't really find place to buy from and I'm a lurker tier seagull(as in I have never cosplayed but ive gone to con)

I only found one place I could get it from and it was the atrocity in pic related. I don't think it'll look that good or fit well and its like $50

so what else can I go as? this is more /co/ related I know but I really can't think of any easy recognizable brown girls to go as from Marvel

>> No.7134271

light blue with the dark as an accent point?

>> No.7134375
File: 584 KB, 1521x1361, IMG_20121017_191450JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boyfriend and I are going as Solaire and the Elite Knight from Dark Souls, but we're having such problems with the helmets that he's about ready to give up. We started with paper mache but it warped so now we're trying craft foam. I found the archived /cgl/ thread that had the Elite Knight helmet base in it but the link to the actual instructions is dead. Any good ideas on making the bowl part of the helmet out of foam?

>> No.7134413

Im working on a solaire cosplay myself, I found an old 15 litre paintbucket that fits my head almost perfectly, that would be a good base for a solaire.

E.Knight will be a lot harder. you're probably going to have to cut a bunch of strips and shape it around your noggin.

>> No.7134421

cast your own resin jewelry.

>> No.7134425

i used a plain construction helmet for the base of my helm. just build on top of that with the material of your choice and it should look like a legitimate helmet. i used worbla to build up my helmet, but i'm sure strengthened craft foam will work just fine.

>> No.7134497

I want to dress like Solaire, but people won't get why I use it
Other Idea was Nito or qthe necromancers from the catacombs.
Anything able to cover me

>> No.7134587
File: 458 KB, 574x694, quoteandsolaire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I know it's not Halloween, but I'd like to cosplay Knight Solaire of Astora at a con in January, as well as Quote from Cave Story.

For Quote, I was just going to get a black tank, red pants, I have a nerf gun I'm going to repaint, get a red/white trucker hat, but I have no idea how to go about the earpieces.

And for Solaire, I don't even know how to start.

>> No.7134588




>> No.7134590
File: 1.43 MB, 894x894, sunlight_maggot_by_kingumbra-d6n3hop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One of you has got to do this.

>> No.7134624


I actually just beat the game for the first time yesterday, and I was able to preevent that from happening without joining Chaos Covenant.

>> No.7135211
File: 153 KB, 192x474, solaire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already did
i'm crawling this thread for new ideas

>> No.7135228

For Quote you could use an Alice band, yoghurt pods (for the main part) and cut off drumsticks and spray paint it all green - the picture you posted is a fanart so the earpiece looks different from the original one.

>> No.7135504


>> No.7135522


She's far from brown, and I don't really have the face for it

>> No.7135525

I'm 5'3 and want to be hermione for halloween. No idea how to. Help anyone?

>> No.7136039


seriously this is such a general question, you should do some research on your own if you really have no clue where to start.

>> No.7136146

I meant with the Sunlight Maggot.

>> No.7136962
File: 346 KB, 1536x2048, pattern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this pattern as a start for my Ms. Frizzle costume. The inaccurate placket/collar is bugging me (here's a ref pic, all her dresses have the same shape: http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/bugs/images/msfriz.gif).). Do you think I can modify this pattern or should I just find a long-sleeved polo shirt pattern, gather/pleat it at the waist and sleeves, and sew a circle skirt to it?

If I were just bringing this to Halloween parties I wouldn't give a fuck about the accuracy of the collar, but I think I want to bring this to a con at some point, which is why I care.

>> No.7137651

Problem is outside of the GIbson, I already dress like that for the most part.

I think it'd be a bit lame to just show up as myself and say "No, I'm Skwisgaar now."

>> No.7137665

Well duh you'd be skwisgaar so you'd say

"No (your name) is dildos I ams Skwisgaars the greatest guitar player of all time"

>> No.7137675
File: 59 KB, 320x240, I can't fap to this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning on being Dr. Henry McCoy for Halloween. The blue fur is a little bit of an issue planning just buying a gorilla/werewolf outfit and dying the fur blue, but how do?

>> No.7137754

I'd recommend starting with like....a snow wolf costume. Think of it like a wood stain or using watercolours - you really can't go lighter over a dark colour so you will need to start with a lighter/brighter colour than you want. Dying poly fur will also require a lot of heat (like boiling water) and a synthetic-specific dye like iDye poly - so make sure whatever you buy can stand the heat without screwing itself up/melting. This is also why I would recommend starting with white fur, you have no idea how the heat/dye could interact with fur that is already dyed grey/brown/black.

>> No.7137806

Thanks anon

>> No.7138078

Any tips or instructions or other resources for male to female cross dressing? I'll be going with someone who'll be doing the opposite and I don't want to look like a drag queen or some similar disaster.

>> No.7138102
File: 38 KB, 1280x720, 1358670650381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have no idea what to be this year

Can't think of anything at all. First time in a while I've had a legit gf for Halloween, and of course she wants to do some couple thing. I'm pretty /fit/ and she's chubby (I know, I know, I've tried to help but it's not going well), so of course we're having issues. Problem is everything she wants to be is either easy and generic as fuck (Mario and Luigi lol) or she wants to do something that she can't pull off at all. Example she wanted to do a Spartucus and whatever that slave chick was, cosplay, but she's too damn fat for that it's not going to look good on her at all, so I vetoed the shit out of it.

So yeah, I guess any ideas for a tall fit guy and short chubby girl?

>> No.7138471

Hercules and that fat muse from Hercules

>> No.7139040
File: 51 KB, 570x427, il_570xN.493897042_j4my.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey seagulls, I'm planning on being a tumblrite for Hallowe'en. Now I mean the whole fucking nine yards with framed classes, Doctor Who pins, and some pastel goth thing but I'm unsure how to piece it without looking like a legit disaster. I'd like to look like a carefully organized disaster instead, if that makes sense?

Pic related, I guess. I'd be buying a t-shirt like this horrible thing.

>> No.7139092

http://www.amazon.com/Latex-Animal-Costume-Mask-Adult/dp/B00DGB7PR6/ref=pd_sim_sbs_a_2 I GOT YOU MY NIGGGAAAAAAAAA

>> No.7139093

yes. Do this anon and post pics

>> No.7139098
File: 233 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mov8ptZmub1qzlqgto1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear anything made by Jeremy Scott is a good starter. Then, get the ugliest skirt you have, and put it near your tits like its some kind of weird dress thing. Make sure you do your top liner with some kind of gay, unoriginal wing, and top it off with a flower crown and shout ' I can't even' repeatedly until someone tells you to shut up which then you go to your actual Tumblr and bitch about how we need more Women's rights.

>The cherry on top of all of this

>> No.7139102

>but she's too damn fat

Well, you sound like a lovely boyfriend. Why did you even start dating her if you care so much?

Also, there's a difference between fat and chubby.

>> No.7139115
File: 82 KB, 620x319, jacket_is_the_guy_inthe_middle_with_the_chicken_mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I have like 3 questions
1.What does EGL mean?
2.is seagulls like your guys /v/rigins?
3.How do jacket from hotline Miami
Pic related dasjacket

>> No.7139156

Wow you sound like a shitty fucking bf and I hope she finds this post and breaks up with your ass

Ever Gossiping Larks

/cgl/ - see guh el - you figure it out

>> No.7139159

oh. my. fucking. god.

>> No.7139163

>1.What does EGL mean?
Elegant Gothic Lolita

2.is seagulls like your guys /v/rigins?
Yes, since it sounds like the board name spoken phonetically

3.How do jacket from hotline Miami
It's a basic letterman jacket, just have to find the right patch for the front

>> No.7139167

whats a lolita


3. I googled and youtubed letterman patches and all I got was sewing videos and letters that weren't B

>> No.7139176

You can buy the patches online

>> No.7139180


>> No.7139191

Here's a list of Tumblr popular fashion items to get you started:
Flower crowns
Knockoff creepers
Spiked anything
Thin black chokers (ala Juria)
Party-kei style nightgown
Tardis pins
Geothebio merch
2 tone hair
Face gems
Thorn crowns
Faun make-up
Black lipstick

>> No.7139189


Wow /v/ can you be a little less rude

>> No.7139200

I'm sorry I didn't mean it to be rude I meant it to be funny, I'm from /v/ I don't know the difference between rude and funny.

>> No.7139202

learn to google you fucking neanderthal

>> No.7139207

Hi, Yes I did do that nothing turned up thanks for being a cunt yeah good job such advice.

>> No.7139229

There's an anon on here that does custom embroidery patches, maybe she'll wander in here.

>> No.7139245

I've got a terrible latex allergy (Just touching the stuff for a second causes my skin to break out), what are some good alternatives to latex for gory makeup? I've tried glue and kleenex, but it didn't turn out too great.

Also, are there going to be any good Halloween parties near Charleston? I've always wanted to go to a big Halloween bash, but I'm normally in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.7139247

Lets hope the planets are aligned and she shows up

>> No.7139302

I got a foam Master Sword off ebay for Halloween, but hte paint is pretty spotty in some places. What's a paint I can use to repaint it that's flexible and won't flake as soon as the foam bends the wrong way? I'm thinking a good quality fabric paint like Jacquard. I don't plan on hitting a lot of things with it, it just seemed a better option for when cons and peacebonding comes around

>> No.7139445

bumping this question -- any experienced sewing folk reading this thread?

>> No.7139511

I'd just modify the collar part of the pattern.

>> No.7139543

I think Dragon Skin FX was latex free... but don't take my word for it, look it up.

>> No.7139556


Design Master spray paint is good. It is a floral spray paint but they have stopped labeling it as such for some reason. I use it for shoes because it is fairly flexible and doesn't crack, you can find it at most craft stores, but for sure michaels has it.

>> No.7139634

I'm really into /co/ shit, and so are the hosts of my party. I decided to go as Cyborg, but it's getting quite hard to make the costume. Is there a way to simplify the making of the costume or any other characters I can go as?

>> No.7139655

Oh man my brother had those sheets, brings back memories. I would make a cute a-line or paneled skirt with a egl flair to it and pair it with a nice blouse or sweater. Maybe use some leftover fabric to make some hair bows.

>> No.7139669

Your issue is that the pattern you bought really doesn't have the same basic form as Ms. Frizzle's. Your pattern buttons all the way down the front, where her's does not, plus it's missing the button placket, which can be a tricky thing to insert if you're not too experienced. A polo pattern won't give you the right cut either, so look for a half-button shirtdress pattern. There used to be a ton of them, but if you can't find one, I know there are similar blouses, which you can then attach a skirt to.

>> No.7139733

Depends if you want a Halloween party level costume or a full OMG is that real armor? kind of costume.

>> No.7139736

Both are alright.

>> No.7140079
File: 187 KB, 864x1296, CAM00741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I want o do an Alice in Wonderland costume, don't have much money to spend though.
I bought this dress in a charity shop, and was wondering how would I cut it to make it look more similar to the Alice dress?
Also I realise I'm probably going to need to dye it, what type of dye/colour would be best?
And is there any good place online to buy one of those frilly aprons? Seem to be none about here.

>> No.7140336

Word, I just had that pattern lying around for something else and figured it probably wasn't ideal. Thanks so much!

>> No.7140338

...which is not what I said in the original post, whoops. At any rate I'm definitely going to go look for similar blouse patterns this weekend.

Sage for double post and being a dumbass

>> No.7140351

for the price of the dress, dye and premade apron you could've made an accurate dress from a pattern

>> No.7140353

Honestly that dress looks pretty damn close to Katniss's reaping dress from Hunger Games.

>> No.7140530

Ugh, looked into it and you're right.
Now I have to make the decision between putting much more effort to make a costume for someone I really want to go as, or just settle for an OK one that's pretty recognisable.
I'd probably wear a pin too if I was going to go with Katniss.
Would I need anything else for the Katniss costume, even?

Don't have a sewing machine or the apron or dye yet, was hoping to get a cheap cotton apron and embellish it a little with white fabric. Dunno.

>> No.7140541
File: 895 KB, 1647x1209, Alice1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which version of Alice are you planning to do? Disney, Classic, Tim Burton, or just your own version?

Off the top of my head, if you're going more Disney/Classic. Alter the sleeves and collar. You'll want to go for a Peter Pan style collar and puffy sleeves. There are a bunch of tutorials online for making puffy sleeves. The collar. If you don't have enough fabric in the current collar. Find a material similar in color to the dress and make a faux collar. Remove the pointed collar.

You're also going to want to invest in a petticoat.

Dye wise, what material is the dress made of? If it's a cotton blend. You can use rit dye. If it's a polyester dress or like 90% synthetic material. You'll have to use a poly die like idye poly.

>> No.7140554

I would think one of those full one color bodysuits

>> No.7140555

are you trying t be esmerelda or just a gypsy?

>> No.7140560

I'd like to be Coraline since I found a tut for see thru button eyes; any websites that have a nice wig for $30 or under (preferably)? I think cosplay.com had a nice one, so are they good?

>> No.7140563

Alright, /cgl/, I wanna be a satyr for Hallowe'en. I need three things to make this happen:
>a beard
>furry legs/cloven hooves maybe???
What's the best way to make horns, what's the best way to make a beard piece and can it be reusable (I have to wear it to a party and then maybe also on Hallowe'en itself), and can I get away with just wearing brown translucent tights over my hairy-ass legs?

>> No.7140569


>> No.7140616

Lovely thanks!

>> No.7140634

>>7131683 here again, dressing up as the Burt Ward Robin. Where the hell can I find gloves like his? It's surprisingly much more difficult than I anticipated. I don't want store-bought costume gloves and I don't want those satin prom gloves either.

>> No.7140714
File: 18 KB, 545x409, 1297353477444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would be awesome, but she'd never go for it.

>oh wow he called his gf fat, that's totes TRIGGER

Yeah, nah, fuck off. She was skinny when I started dating her and instead of going to the gym with me, she's elected to sit on her ass watching Modern Family and shit. I didn't make her fat; she did. I'm not going to sugar coat the fact that's she's gained 40+ lbs in eight months, and I'm sure as hell going to let her wear something that's going to look awful on her just to tip toe around her feelings. She knows exactly how I feel about, and has chosen to continue with her lifestyle choice; that doesn't mean I suddenly now have to cater to it.

>Also, there's a difference between fat and chubby.

Yeah, no there's not. Fat is fat. There's different degrees of fat, but chubby is still fat.

>> No.7140725
File: 129 KB, 312x556, 306358_451349364919027_630909503_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm attempting to throw together a Vanellope costume for Halloween. I have the hoodie and hair pieces covered, and I was thinking two box pleated brown skirts would be okay for the skirt, unless someone has a better method for a more accurate look?

What I really need help is with the tights. Is there any way to make those spirals? Would dying/painting be totally impossible to do? The only tutorial I've found is just putting rings around the legs, but they don't connect.

>> No.7140735

>Put tights on
>Get friend to paint them on for you
>Let them dry

>> No.7140740


My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult - Daisy Chain 4 Satan.

It's about drugs. White rabbits. So on and so forth. You might be able to dance to it.

>> No.7140742


have fun

>> No.7140743

Alright, thank you very much, anon.
Is this a one-wear kind of deal, though? I feel like the paint would crack as I'm walking/when I take them off and they aren't stretched anymore.

>> No.7140782
File: 41 KB, 643x349, archer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do Archer and Pam from Archer.

>> No.7140825
File: 64 KB, 500x333, tumblr_m7beq2I08v1qk4hq1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be an Aquabat for Halloween. But they don't sell the hat and goggles anymore and I suck at arts and crafts. What do?

>> No.7140836

You should be Strong Mad, and she can be Strong Sad.

>> No.7140934 [DELETED] 

is this in autosage?

>> No.7141096
File: 181 KB, 534x544, hoooooves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey seagulls, so i've settled on some tossed-together all-black demon thing for a costume. i'm not gonna bother with heel-less platforms, but i would like to replicate the best i can.

i plan on using a boot-cover method that involves using full-length tights, cut through the heel and reinforcing the sole with sandpaper or something so the tights don'g tear, but i'm left trying to figure out what to make the hoof part of the shoe with. do you have any suggestions for material that can be glued/molded/sculpted over tights over the toes of shoes? (i'm using old shoes and i don't mind if they're disturbed by the process.

>> No.7141168


>> No.7141192
File: 531 KB, 647x480, 1292609880903-cf5ce75d96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes, this idea is amazing. Thank you anon. I will see if I can convince her somehow to go with this.

>> No.7141209 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 900x695, kuchisake_onna_by_punejazombie-d5lpv7r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you want to order something online, you order it NOW
>going as pic related
>boyfriend expresses he wants to go as something for halloween
>tells me I can pick what

>needs to be under $50

ffffuuuck what do I do?
I would couple cosplay with him but there's no way in hell I'm not going as a kuchisake onna
no Idea what to be. /cgl/ help me choose his fate
>shorter than me
>ass-length dark hair
>white, blue eyes

>> No.7141228

Hey /cgl/,

I'm doing a Pyramid Head & Silent Hill Nurse cosplay for Halloween and was wondering what your best tips were for making the sword as well as the best colour mixes to use for fake blood and dried blood?

>> No.7141236
File: 75 KB, 508x400, Halloween ideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howdy /cgl/.

I have a friend who's pretty skilled at costume design and cosplay, but he asked me to go and find out some ideas before he starts on anything and he didn't want to make many suggestions because
>no homo
I'm a huge DC fan and dabble in a bit of Japanese animation.

Mainly looking for suggestions. My measurements are:
>42" chest
>32" waist

Any help is appreciated. Hopefully I'll be lurking/posting in future.

>> No.7141244

Just saying, your friend pretends to be you on this board.

I've seen that picture of your face multiple times in different threads, but not the other one.

Either you're full of shit or your friend is pretending to be you.

>> No.7141256

I posted here once a few months ago and ended up using the ideas to start work on a Johnny Storm outfit which fell to shit and pieces sadly.

Other than that haven't really ever been a regular here or lurked too much.

Not sure my buddy browses here either. He's done a bunch of real neato fits though e.g. Scarlet Spider and the like.

>> No.7141259
File: 30 KB, 640x480, Coyote-Smith-killer-7-34270560-640-480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I thought you were trying to be Coyote Smith from Killer 7 on the right.

>> No.7141269

I love that game like crazy, but anything to do with that is totally unintentional hahaha. That'd be pretty neat but I feel it's a bit too obscure for Halloween. It had a SUPER limited release over here in Australialand.

>> No.7141300

fabric paint or floral paint. they are both meant to stretch

>> No.7141376
File: 504 KB, 500x465, hajime wave.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome! You should get her to watch Archer if you want to convince her to go as Pam. Have fun and good luck!

>> No.7141385

Is your bf trap material? Or is he just a manlet? How tall is he?

>> No.7142507
File: 87 KB, 570x807, halloween.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiya /cgl/. I'm looking to make a skirt similar to that in the picture to attatch to a corset, without the long train at the back. I'm decent with a sewing machine and good at working without a pattern (made a haruhi suzumiya cosplay freehand for a con when I was a 14 y/o weeaboo) but I'm lost as to how to make the skirt poofy. Could someone please give me some pointers? Thanks in advance.

>> No.7142521

You could probably cut a pair of lab gauntlets to look like them. Looks to be a similar material.

>> No.7143034

I'm going as Patrick Bateman, but I'm having trouble finding a wig and my hair wouldn't grow out in time for Halloween. I did some google searches which turned up a hit on amazon, but the reviews were terrible. Anyone have any advice?

>> No.7143037

The pastebin in the sticky should have a wig guide with a list of good vendors.

>> No.7143039

look up bubble skirts. Sometimes if you need extra poof you can place a few layers of tule inside the bubble skirt. (whick looks to be the case with the skirt in the pic)

>> No.7143045
File: 24 KB, 311x494, DMFloralPaint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy an aviator hat, cut out the ears and spray silver with Design Master (or any floral) spray paint? then buy some goggles.


IDK how to make it look super good unless you can sew or have a friend who can sew and is willing to do it all for you, but just starting with the above should result in something decent looking so long as you don't flail around with useless ham hands or try to use normal spray paint. If you can't find Design Master spray paint you could probably manage with light coats of a fabric paint. Either Way you will find both at a craft store like michaels. Go slow dude, you can do it. And don't sweat perfection over a halloween costume, the very fact you are not buying some shitty pre made costume will put you miles above the rest.

>> No.7143046
File: 73 KB, 386x1000, 7619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted to go as a Union soldier, this year I am.

However I want to add some stylized facial hair to add some 'umph' to the costume. I've already grown out my beard long too, so I could trim it down to a beard or muttonchops, etc.

Civil war facial hair styles suggestions I guess?

>> No.7143052

if you don't do mutton chops you are doing it wrong.

... also I just like mutton chops so I may be biased

>> No.7143066


becky pls

>> No.7143073

Sorry, I should have clarified. I'm not so much looking for a "good wig" (I know the pastebin lists several sites with high-quality wigs), but I'm looking specifically for wigs where the wig cap inside is somewhat more "towards the back", if that makes sense. Bateman's hair is slicked back, and I don't want the front part of the cap showing. Kind of a specific request, but if anyone has suggestions I'd appreciate them.

>> No.7143079

I'm doing a bubblehead nurse for halloween, but I'm afraid it's going to be rather cold.

Any ideas of what I can do to make myself warmer without looking like a retard in my costume?

I have white underarmor, but I feel like it's a waste to paint on that because it's so expensive.

>> No.7143081

I agree with the slow guy, mutton chops

>> No.7143370


If you're dead set on spending the money, then front lace wigs are designed to blend into the skin to make the hairline look more natural, so slicking back the hair shouldn't be a problem.

That being said, you can achieve decent enough results by dicking around with a regular wig. Google "Wig hairline tutorial".

>> No.7143382

Things like dance tights and a nude undershirt with long sleeves that you can hide the edges of in your gloves. Just simple stuff but it will keep you plenty warm and as an added bonus you can paint them ahead of time so you don't have to do as much makeup on Halloween night.

>> No.7143412
File: 240 KB, 350x467, tumblr_mmege4FfVJ1qcokf1o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going as a faun but im stuck on what i should wear??
My crown is springy-summer and my wig in light pink.
I was thinking a long dress with lots of layers but any ideas?

>> No.7143428


Are you planning on integrating any plants into the dress?

>> No.7143430

no, but i could...
but i don't want to overhaul it to look like a fucked up poison ivy ya dig?
nobody would get it.

>> No.7143436


Yeah, but as long you don't just slap that shit on there it could pull everything together really well. If the dress is the right color, using fake vines for detailing could be something interesting to do.

>> No.7143443

god damn it i thought i was going to come in here all original with my faun idea. i'm sewing autumn colored leaves in patterns onto a pair of shorts and a camisole because i have no idea what the fuck i'm doing. i've got a rad twig crown with some red and purple flowers and sun flowers. i also bought a rough looking wooden bow and arrow so im hoping it goes along well.

>> No.7143445

or rather bow and quiver of arrows* sorry about that

>> No.7143453


If you haven't seen it before, the little green dress project has pretty sick designs if you needed some inspiration.

>> No.7143461

oh why thank you, this is the same kind of look i was going for. these are super cute

>> No.7144235

jeff the killer? i need some help/tips on what to do and how to get him looking great.....want to be as accurate as possible

>> No.7144298

This sounds really dumb but I can't find what I want on google, I'm looking for those white Japanese face masks people usually wear in the public as I'm doing a nurse outfit, and I can only find ones that aren't the right shape included with cheap halloween outfits. Bonus points if there's one that has a red cross on it but not essential.

>> No.7144597 [DELETED] 

not trap material, he's 5'7"

>> No.7144611


Those are just surgical masks, you can get them at most drug stores. You'll have to put your own cross on it.

>> No.7144614 [DELETED] 

Ok thanks for the advise!

>> No.7144615

Ok thanks for the advice!

>> No.7144857
File: 212 KB, 1536x2048, 131012_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it wont look great but im not doing anything this year and I didnt feel like putting a munch of effort into something to pass out candy in

>> No.7145660

try looking up mori-girl style clothing. and maybe incorporate leaves/twigs/flowers into that style.

>> No.7145728
File: 35 KB, 628x457, adff246e-4acc-4f0e-9ecf-d328211e069e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of going as a Teletubby. Been told I'm a qt3.14 and around 6 foot tall and i'm not sure wether i should buy a couple of sweatpants and a hoodie and color them i.e. purple, put like ear-thingies on the sides of the hood and put foil on the stomach? Or how else should I do it? I don't want to go nextlevel and look exactly like a teletubbie, more like the ones in the pic

>> No.7146733
File: 32 KB, 717x631, magneto helmet modified.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elite Knight girl here again. I'm still struggling with my helmet, though my Solaire counterpart seems to have figured his out (thank you for your suggestions on that btw). Pic Related is the base that I want to try and use but I can't for the life of me figure it out. Is there anyone who thinks they could help or has a better suggestion as to how to make a round base? Thanks in advance.

>> No.7147037
File: 456 KB, 600x600, CC-Noir-Amara__73736.1325566308.800.800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/!

So I'm going as a vampire this year and I was wondering if you guys could make any good wig suggestions. I LOVE the Countess wig from GLW (pic related) but it is way out of my price range, Is there any wig out there that looks similar for a cheaper price? Is doesn't have to be top tier. Just something for the night that doesn't look like utter crap.

>> No.7147139

Thankyou this is exactly what I was looking for!

>> No.7147638
File: 187 KB, 1500x1500, fobfolie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was planning on being the guy in the bear costume from the Folie A Deux cover for Halloween but I have no sewing skills. I was thinking about possibly just getting a bear kigurumi but I don't know how well that would work?

>> No.7147712

this thread's still up, right?

>> No.7147729

depends on what your definition of "up" is

>> No.7147807

meant to say.. is this thread autosaging but had a major brainfart
new thread