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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 2.02 MB, 858x1246, Jo2uke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7140890 No.7140890 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /cgl/
I'm not too good when it comes to cosplaying, but there's a con coming up and I'd love to be able to go as Josuke Higashikata from JoJolion and I've been wondering

Where can I get cheap sailors outfits?
Should I wear orange lipstick?
Should I wear Mascara, as he has giant eyelashes?

I'm a guy btw.

>> No.7140905

>trying to cos as a jojo
You better have abs bro.

>> No.7140903

1) Walmart, Target, costume store. It's almost Halloween.
2) No, but you might want to consider lipgloss.
3) Yes + false eyelashes. Looks like you can also use some eyeliner.

>> No.7140912

Not really, but I do have amazing shoulders, which are on display a lot more.

>> No.7140969

Cheap sailor outfits can be found almost anywhere online. Check ebay, and like anon said, Halloween stores are likely to have something too. Orange lipstick would be nice and give it more of a Jojo feel, though don't forget the gap either. Don't go for false lashes though, mascara should be enough. Eyeliner is optional, and remember to pose!

>> No.7140994

Oh, I completely forgot about the gap! I don't have one naturally, so how would I go about doing that?

>> No.7141020
File: 161 KB, 500x666, 100_7872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this black tooth enamel stuff. You can pick it up at costume shops.
Pretty sure I bought a 'spirit of Halloween' store Sailor costume and modified it for mine.
Not the best cosplay, but it was my first so whatever.

>> No.7141078

Thanks! I guess I'll need a bit of felt for the motifs on the shirt though. The one I'm probably going to use is pretty cheap but come with a shitty hat, so I'm going to use something else.

>> No.7141085
File: 41 KB, 169x187, Screen shot 2013-05-29 at 7.11.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh jesus, you're that one creepy, fatty josuke that no one likes.

>> No.7141093

And you're from that one shitty, whiny website no one likes.

>> No.7141100

That's what I did.
My hat kinda shriveled up when I washed it before Otakon, though. So it's small in that pic. Gotta remake it.

>> No.7141105
File: 241 KB, 392x411, butthurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

says the person also on shitty, whiny website that no one likes in question

>> No.7141108

4chan is more widely liked that Tumblr at this point, though.

>> No.7141113

Shut the fuck up both of you and lets read some Jojo.

>> No.7141117

The Tumblr fans don't actually like Jojo, though?

>> No.7141122

Do they not? I've seen plenty of Jojo gifs on there, well. With tumblr in the filename at least.

>> No.7141121
File: 8 KB, 200x198, cat_stare_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No.You can't substitue one evil with another and then claim it's no longer evil.

>> No.7141120

dear god I hope not. I don't want to see any "mai original jojo OC desu~~!!!1!!one!!1 (^_^)"

>> No.7141123

>that underbelly

>> No.7141127

Yet here I am doing so.

They already exist, though, Anonymous.
We've already reached that/

>> No.7141132

It's the pants, and convention fast food binge.

The anime fanbase was spawned out of Tumblr/The FGC.
So, you either get twice as many giggly fans as before, except worse. Or guys who won't read past part 3.

>> No.7141142

To be honest, I got into Jojo through the anime, but then started researching more and decided to read the most recent part so I'd be up-to-date. I never liked stands when they were all just variations on hurting, but now they actually do things except punching/stabbing/shooting/cutting, I quite like them.

>> No.7141147

That's funny since a lot of people get into Jojo for the stands.
I only knew about The World going in like 6 years ago, and I wasn't expecting what was going to happen in Phantom Blood.
It was awesome.

>> No.7141156

Yeah, I never liked the stands when they first appeared simply because I just thought to myself "Why not just punch them, or stab them, or shoot them instead?"
But stuff like opening something and the stand appears out of nowhere and tries to kill you or thousands of tiny stands that provide almost instantaneous travel?
That's pretty damn sick!

>> No.7141397

>Or guys who won't read past part 3.
Absolutely disgusting.

On Tumblr I see JoJo fanart and the artist saying that they've never even read JoJo. What's the point in fanart if you don't understand the characters?

>> No.7141465

Because Jojo is 'in' now.
It's 'hip' and 'cool' and everyone wants piece.

>> No.7141475

Awful. Maybe I will get recognized as Weather Report and Jo2uke now.

>> No.7141477


>> No.7141478


>> No.7141483

Guy I know also has a Weather/Jo2uke. Crazy coincidence.

>> No.7141484

Meh it happens. I just want someone to go as Pucci with me.

>> No.7141490

I had a God-awful Annasui that fell apart on me. It's now decommissioned.
Id really like to make a C-moon cosplay, actually

>> No.7141555

That would be fun, there are never enough JoJo cosplays

>> No.7141571

Mine would be more make-up based, so I can actually make the crazy face C-moon does.

>> No.7141576

You're doing a good Jojob

>> No.7141595

I'd like to see more Stands cosplayed period. I've only seen a handful in the US.

although regarding the rest of the topic, I'm really skeptical of anime-only fans. People who watched it and then got into the whole series are OK. That's not who I'm complaining about. But still, unless you're already established as a fan, if you're wearing a shitty part 1 or 2 outfit, I'm not going to be as excited to meet a fellow fan as I would someone dressed as an obscure character from arcs 4+ or anybody in a part 7 or 8 outfit.

>> No.7141613

>or anybody in a part 7 or 8 outfit.

There were 7 Jo2ukes at Otakon.
That I know of. Just saying.
But I agree, mostly. However, I have met plenty of the 'anime fans' who were really cool and just hadn't read everything yet.

>> No.7142007

Truth be told, I've never seen anyone in a Johnny outfit. Which probably is a good thing as I doubt they let horses into cons.

>> No.7142009

It's alright as long as he has a wheelchair or it's Johnny after the SBR.

>> No.7142017

I need to get myself a disabled friend.

>> No.7142059


I always hear people talking about seeing many Jo2ukes at conventions, maybe because his outfit is simple and easy to make/alter? And requires no wig.

He's actually my favorite JoJo, so I'd feel bad if people only cosplayed him because it's easy to do so.

>> No.7142065

I love Jo2ukes cause he's a nice change of pace from all the "brawling" Joesters as the guy's fights are more like puzzles with occasional fights.

>> No.7142068

Well, like I said, he was my first costume and was pretty simple to put together..
Nothing wrong with that though

>> No.7142289

Yeah, PunchyGhosts get boring soon. I don't mean to sound like a hypocrite, I did cosplay as him. But there's that nagging feeling that people will think I'm Jo2uke because I just threw something on. Fuck the haters, I guess.

btw, OP, good luck and post pics after, mkay?

>> No.7142346

you weren't at Fanime or AX then. There were more Johnnies than jo2ukes.

Speaking of Jo2uke though, does anybody know how you could cosplay as not him but... the other one? The one whose outfit is about the same but the hat and hair and a few facial features are slightly different? How would you do that without people saying you're Jo2uke with the wrong hat and hair?

I'm of a build where that outfit would look great on me but his part 4 counterpart's outfit would look terrible on me unless I tailored it past the point of being recognizably that character, and since he's a particular favorite of mine I'd like to cosplay him. Not Jo2uke. The other one.

How do?

>> No.7142418

You mean Josuke? You need a wig, that's a must. You also need to be buff.

>> No.7142461

No. Not Josuke from part 4.

I was trying to dance around posting JoJolion spoilers, but... how do I make it obvious that I'm cosplaying part 8 Kira, instead of part 8 Josuke? They have the same outfit but Kira has different hair and a different hat and a different facial expression, and no gap.

>> No.7142470
File: 101 KB, 360x362, Yoshikage_kira_jojolion[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jar of finger nails.

>> No.7142481

Oh him! Well he looks like he has a curl bang sticking out, or you could get someone to cosplay Killer Queen

>> No.7142489

I've got to get reading Jojo...
I love the series but I'm only at the end of part two, and so far there have been no characters I could pull off.

Although I doubt I'll find a Jojo character with red hair in any part.

>> No.7142490

Yeah, he has the front lock of hair. Between that and possibly a Killer Queen I think it might be noticeable?

Also what do I do at the con if someone asks "Gappy" or "Josuke" for a picture? Just go along with it? It's my first time considering cosplaying a spoiler but I really want to do this.

>> No.7142511
File: 7 KB, 100x123, 174894_188665897846393_4219182_s[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Although I doubt I'll find a Jojo character with red hair in any part.

First off, there is no canon colors

Second off, Noriaki Kakyoin is famous for his red hair, he is one of the most popular characters and I'd think you'd at least know of him, he's cray popular.

Third get a wig

and Fourth, keep reading, it's definitely worth it

>> No.7142514

Just say something Kira like, also I don't believe he has a gap.

>> No.7142516

I'm black, I could do Pucci if I knew how

>> No.7142523

Does the lack of canon colours complicate cosplay?

I started out watching the show, but I'm excited to get to the parts where characters have physiques that are more...reasonable.

>> No.7142532

Quite the opposite really. Most of Araki's works use complementary color schemes, so you get a lot more freedom to experiment with colors you think go well with characters. However, most people seem to go with official color schemes, like either Giorno's Pink or Blue colors that he's more known for.

>> No.7142535

are you kidding? lack of canon colors makes it better.

You can tweak the color schemes as much as you want and nobody can question it. It allows for incredible freedom and entirely eliminates the "this fabric is perfect but not quite the right color" problem. Hell based off the artbooks you can even add in random prints sometimes if you want.

A lot of people do tend to prefer "canon" (i.e. anime or artbook or ASB) color schemes, and you don't have quite as much freedom if what you choose to make is an artbook-specific outfit or a specific volume cover.

>> No.7142626

It's not that much of a spoiler, it's revealed fairly early on. Most people who recognize you probably read the manga anyway, even more those who ask for a pic. Granted, there may be some guy or two that played the game or whatever and only knows Gappy, but still...


I'm still mad because they made Gappy's default color orange. I'm even considering making another outfit. At least the golden Soft & Wet is pretty.

>> No.7142634

At least Gappy color B is white! I never play Gappy on the orange color. Fuck that. White all the way.

>> No.7142663

Mein negro.
Too bad S&W B is pink. Nothing against pink itself, it's just that...the gray/purple color scheme from the figures is so much better.