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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7307424 No.7307424[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post your feels/rants/confessions about lolita, cosplay, jfash, or anything else cgl-related.

Old thread is on auto-sage >>7302432

>> No.7307431

Seems someone beat you to it:

>> No.7307436

I have one, I'm a perfectionist and I will scrap anything I mess up.
Of course, that means I am very careful, but if it looks even a little bad, I start getting really frustrated with myself and go into rage-mode.

>> No.7307459

But anon, OP picture for this one is so much cuter.

omg same.
I always work really slowly because I'm scared to screw up, but I'm also really forgetful so I skip really important steps and I sulk about it later.

>> No.7307463

Ahh, I`m really sorry, I didn`t see that one when I made the post.
I feel really bad now, but I can`t delete the thread...


>> No.7307473

Well, since more people are posting in this one I guess we'll just continue with this and the other will get deleted or something. And as
mentioned, the image for this one does look a bit nicer whereas the other one was more general.

>> No.7307479

tfw I secretly want to start tripping but I have nothing to show off

>> No.7307487
File: 13 KB, 168x251, tumblr_m8kf1m7OmU1r3y9yb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you've been cosplaying for a year or so now
>tfw you still don't have too many friends
>tfw you're also quite spaghetti

>> No.7307514

my boyfriend introduced me to his friends four months ago, and we've been hanging out once a week, I'm the only other girl there, the other girl is an average looking asian, who is a girlfriend of one of the guys.
every time I speak I am ignored/interrupted so they can change the subject to
"oh wow asian girl you're so cute" "that's nice anon, but lets talk about how cute asian girl is"
even if we are going around talking in a circle, as soon as I talk, it just turns into "yeah yeah anon, thats nice, lets talk about asain chick now"
its disgusting. I've cried myself to sleep because of it. four months of this. four fucking months. no one even knows who I fucking am, because I'm never given the time to talk. I get you don't find me attractive, I get that, but don't fucking ignore me completely, I'm human.

the asian girl in question, really loves jfashion, and keeps asking for my advice on wear to get cute clothes, but I keep blowing her off, because I don't want her to look adorable, she'll just get more attention. and I'll just be ignored even more if possible.

fuck yellow fever, its horrible for everyone involved.

>> No.7307524

good lord woman, where are YOUR friends?

>> No.7307523


I want to meet cosplayer friends and also photographers.
I`ve never had enough courage to talk to a stranger at a convention...
I have two cosplaying friends irl although I really want to integrate myself more into the community.

>> No.7307548

Where you from, anon?

>> No.7307549

Stop hanging out with them once a week.
Tell your boyfriend how you feel about this.
Does he do the same and also ignore you when she's there?
If so, break up with his ass.

>> No.7307551

I`m in Canada, I mainly only go to Anime North but I`m hoping to attend a couple more smaller conventions in the Toronto region.

>> No.7307552

Wow, I'm sorry, anon. Let your boyfriend knows about this, you don't deserve to be treated like that.

>> No.7307563


Well fuck, I'm also from Canada and have gone to Anime North and will most likely attend it again this year as well as other Toronto conventions.

>> No.7307570

they live an hour away, so when I see them, we usually sleep over, and it just ends up being two days straight of this.
I've talked to my boyfriend about it, and he says
"I hate to break it to you, but people are shallow, a lot of people wont even give you the time of the day if they don't find you attractive"

>> No.7307572

Uh anon, why don't you like become friends with her?

>> No.7307573

is it weird that i want to be your friend but at the same time spaghetti as fuck

what a douchebag response.
That`s not even comforting at the most.

>> No.7307574

>"I hate to break it to you, but people are shallow, a lot of people wont even give you the time of the day if they don't find you attractive"
Translated that as, "My friends are shallow cunts but I'm not apologizing for them, get over it."

He doesn't seem to care a lot about your feelings.

Also you didn't answer the other question about him doing this too? Does he focus on Asian Girl as well when she's around, or anything?

>> No.7307580

No, I understand, I'm equally spaghetti.

Do you have like, a Tumblr or anything?

>> No.7307581


I laughed out loud as I read this and your other post. You sound completely pathetic. If you're not worth anything to YOURSELF, you won't be worth anything to others, both your boyfriend and his friends. I hope you are 16 and under because finding that kind of behavior acceptable in a relationship is extremely immature on your end. Yes, of course, your boyfriend and his friends sound like absolute retards... but you're the one crying every night and sticking around for this. Grow some (lady) balls, silly girl.

>> No.7307602
File: 120 KB, 500x191, OOOOOOOOOimsteaming.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get that his friends dont want to talk to you because they dont think your cute but fuck- to be okay with how they're going about it? No, thats not okay. I cant even fathom how you havent "OMYGERD GIRL TELL ME HOW MANY WHITE GUYS HIT ON YOU." all sarcastic like (just kidding, don't answer you're most likely just a polite person).
Sack the guy, join a club or something. You don't deserve to suffer through spergsocial circles.

>> No.7307612

sup...im watching this spaghetti magic because Id like friends too...so uh... post your tumblrs if you have any...

>> No.7307616

Woah, someone`s sandy today.

Y - yes but I don`t use it anymore.
I`m scared to become your friend because I`m a lot different on cgl than I am on normally (i.e. not be a retard, not fangirl, etc).

>> No.7307641

no, he focuses on me most of the time. I talked to him about it just now, and he said "well, just don't hang out with them, there's not much you can do. I've tried bringing it up to them before and they got really pissed that I accused them of having a thing for her, when its plain as day."
I have, but I never get time to talk to her, because she's always swarmed by people trying to get her attention. I think she's picked up on it, but doesn't realize how much it hurts me.

>> No.7307644
File: 498 KB, 500x208, bodyreadysnape.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>end up doing cosplaying together with a new group of people
>hey anon, that was really fun! want to make a group with us and do more cosplays together?
>later talking about dream cosplays with everyone
>'w-well I've always wanted to cosplay this series...'
>mfw everyone thinks it sounds like a lot of fun and wants to get started on it right away

>> No.7307645

just thought I'd throw in there, what am I supposed to say? how am I supposed to say:
"eyo, I exist too,I know I'm not cute but I'm a fucking human being so can you stop your yellow fever for five fucking seconds and start treating me like one."
without making shit awkward and coming off like a dick?

>> No.7307647

Why do you even care about getting attention from them? You have a boyfriend already.

And have you ever thought that maybe you're just boring and that's why they don't pay attention to you? Someone who's interesting can grab anyone's attention, if you can't then there's something wrong with you.

>> No.7307649

Come on girl, step it up. If you want to fix it you can use her to your advantage. Next time they're over say hey, lets look at cute clothes and let the guys hang out themselves, then you can get her alone and talk to her about your feels. Also you can probably become friends and be kawaii together.

>> No.7307650

Girl, you don't need to take that shit. Call your bf out about that. If he doesn't change I'd dump him because he obviously doesn't care about your feelings.

Also, stop hanging out with his friends. It isn't worth trying to pursue friendship with them as you've already found out. They won't change.

Everything will be okay, anon. Just don't be such a doormat.

>> No.7307652

I'm perpetually annoyed that my cosplays never get any attention anywhere. I'm not asking to be e-famous or anything but posting something I'm really proud of and only getting like 5 likes/reblogs/favorites whatevers is pretty disappointing.

Feels so childish.

>> No.7307660


Sorry, you're still pathetic and this confirmed it. It's pretty sad that it hurts you so much and pretty sad that you would stay in those situations. A boyfriend that doesn't care that you feel THAT bad is a DICK, dumbass.

>> No.7307663


Just because you're proud of it doesn't mean it's good or impressive to other people. It doesn't mean you shouldn't be proud of your work, but come on now.. it's obviously not THAT great compared to everything else on the internet. You get attention by either being really hot or EXTREMELY good (and acceptable looking, at least).

>> No.7307664

I dont care about attention, I care about not being ignored. its a horrible feeling.
tried that, all the guys follow her, its annoying as hell.
he wants to go out with them this sunday, but I'm putting my damn foot down, and saying "your friends fucking suck. If they can't stop their yellow fever for five goddamn seconds to give me the time of day, then they are useless sacks of shit. I don't want to hang out just to have everyone ignore me, lets go out with my friend on a double date shopping.I've dealt with four fucking months of this, you can at least give me one day."

>> No.7307667

I'm totes jelly of americans that seem to have a whole heap of cons they're able to attend. There seem to only be a couple of big cons happening in Sydney Aus.

>> No.7307669

are you tagging it effectively? (assuming you're posting on tumblr) also it's good to do single photos spaced or queued instead of a large photo set (unless it's a compilation of detail or progress shots). If you don't have a lot of followers it's good to submit photos to a blog that reblogs cosplay from w/e series so more people will see it.

>> No.7307670

Well it depends on the conversation. Guys/SpergCircles in general dont like to have heart to hearts. So instead, if some Randy cuts you off while you're talking maybe something like
> Really? Really? You gonna' do me like that? Just interruptin' me all over the place? Well fuck you too Randy.
Or whatever, Point it out basically, but do it in a funny way? I usually find that its easy to get your point across by being witty/sarcastic/funny about it. Thats if you really want to be friends. Otherwise, fuck 'em.

>> No.7307674

You have to ask yourself, why are you being ignored? Is it really because you aren't good looking enough?

Men will put up with boring women if they have a chance of dating them, but since you already have a boyfriend you lose that sort of privilege. You need to improve your personality.

>> No.7307677


I fucking lold

>> No.7307679

Also, wait...this asian girl is one of the guys GIRLFRIEND? Like- theyre interrupting you to...puff smoke up the ass of a girl who is taken by a guy in the group?

>> No.7307680

>all the guys follow her.
Make it clear that you don't want them to do it and you want girl time.

Also, doesn't her boyfriend have an uhm, issue with this?

>> No.7307681

>tfw there's always one easy word in the captcha, and one that just looks like alien runes

>> No.7307683

Sounds fishy, I think she's not telling us what's really happening.

>> No.7307684
File: 962 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mi0wvhng071rgh46go1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see dream dress
>great price, but wiped after xmas
>bitch about it to my mom
>well, I didn't get you a present for christmas so I'll loan you the money anon
I paid for it and now I'm just waiting for confirmation, oh god I'm so excited

>> No.7307685

I'll try separating them out maybe. I don't have many followers because I'm kind of bad at keeping a consistent blog going, and it's extra hard on tumblr where every post is pretty ephemeral. I have slightly better luck on DA, where stuff sticks around a bit longer, but not much.

I always feel like a needy loser submitting stuff, like I'm not supposed to be like "hey look at me!" and yet that is exactly what I am doing, and what I want (what we all want as cosplayers, to some degree or another).

I'll work on that.

>> No.7307687


Also, you're not pathetic. Don't listen to those other anons. Being friends with your S.O's friends is nice, and I know really sucks when something gets in the way of that. Even if his friends are immature douchebags it still sucks, man. Good luck!

>> No.7307705

>Men will put up with boring women if they have a chance of dating them
The Asian girl is taken too.

>> No.7307708

Do your pictures show off the cosplay in the best way possible? You can post a picture the best, most accurate cosplay in the world, but if it was taken in a convention hallway/someone's bedroom I'm definitely not going to reblog it. Same goes for the general quality of the image. The photograph as a whole is what makes people pay attention.

>> No.7307715

>I don't care about attention
>I care about getting attention

Anon, being ignored means you're not being paid attention to, which means you're not getting attention. You do care about the attention.

You also seem pretty young. Honestly you seem like you're probably pretty socially awkward as shown ITT which is why no one would want to talk to you.

>> No.7307722

This girl who removed me from fb is now trying to be all buddy buddy with me again but now on twitter because I'm friends with people she wants to be friends with. Also she is acting like nothing happened and hasn't apologized for her deeds.

>> No.7307724

backstory, anon?
What happened between you guys?

>> No.7307727

But she has the looks.

And I still don't see why they'd just talk about her 24/7. It doesn't sound like something people do.

Anon needs to develop a personality and stop expecting guys to give her special treatment.

>> No.7307730


Invite her to hang out with you on her own, as in, text her or facebook her and ask her to hang out with you. Make it clear that no one else is invited from the off.

>> No.7307742


dude, its exactly whats happening. at her boyfriend's house nonetheless.
her boyfriend and hers sleep schedules are different though
>daytime, OK, both them awake
>night time, other people arrive, her boyfriend goes to sleep
>as soon as he leaves she gets attention

I lol'd. will do this.

not boring that I know of. but never get the chance to talk, I do love cracking jokes, and will play video games with them, and the asian chick and my boyfriend fucking find it great, but everyone is too busy paying attention to her to notice.

>Also, doesn't her boyfriend have an uhm, issue with this?
he likes that his girlfriend is in "high demand" and sometimes when he wakes up, he'll give her a big kiss in front of everyone. makes me crack the fuck up.
thanks. I don't take them seriously at all anyway, because they don't know me personally, and are just judging me from a small glimpse of me they've seen online.

>> No.7307746

>never get invited to hang out with anyone
>sits at home with a closet full of unworn brand because I don't want to loli alone

>> No.7307752

Well, she has the upper hand because she's charming and good looking.

If you really care about competing for their attention you have to become more interesting than her. If I was you I'd just stop giving a fuck.

>> No.7307766

Honestly? We had no severe problems [some tiffs here and there because lolcosplay] but her significant other and I had an argument so I guess she decided that was enough for her too. I've washed my hands on the issue but now she just wants to come worming back into the circle again.

>captcha: shallow dalityt

>> No.7307776

A - anon where have you gone.

>> No.7307777

These guys seem like assholes and you already seem to not like them. Maybe you shouldn't value their attention at all. I mean, be courteous (if they actually deign to talk to you) since your boyfriend obviously values them as friends and is trying to integrate you into that group, but stop giving a shit and you could have so much more fun.

>> No.7307780

What about getting really, really angry and tell them off for it? Think of someone (fictional or otherwise) who just explodes on people, and channel them. imo, better to be known as "the bitch" than to be shoved aside.

>> No.7307785

That's the part that gets me, I feel like I have some pretty rad photos thanks to knowing some pretty rad photographers, I think it mostly comes down to me not being very social media savvy. It would probably help a lot if I kept a more regular blog with progress shots and interacted more with other people, but I work 8-5 M-F, so it's hard to spread my free time between actually working on cosplay and posting about cosplay and then playing/watching the things I enjoy and will someday cosplay from.

I don't miss being broke as fuck in college, but I do miss having the free time.

>> No.7307788

My entire lolita community consists of SJWs and it drives me nuts. Please keep that shit on Tumblr.

>> No.7307803

i know that feel anon

>> No.7307815

I just dress up at home but I live with roomates and I game in the living room so I have this gigantic fear they'll catch me in my frills playing vidya.

>> No.7307810

Still here, it's just, I mainly use Tumblr so if you have no Tumblr then... well, do you have a Skype?

>> No.7307816

I haven't gone out and done anything fun/significant or worn anything nice in weeks and it's starting to drive me a little crazy. I had to skip this semester of college due to family issues, and while I do plan to be productive while I'm stuck inside, school was all I really had going on in my life. Now I sit around and buy clothes and don't wear them out anywhere. I hate everything being so uncertain right now and I feel like I'm falling behind.

I misread this as stripping. Still made sense.

>> No.7307844

Are you a cosplayer or do you do some sort of Jfashion? Because usually the good trips are the helpful ones.

>> No.7307931

if you told his friends to stop doing that and they don't then stop hanging out with his friends and tell your bf that his friends suck and you don't want to hangout with the group. Simplest fucking shit in the world are you as big an assburger as they are lololol

>> No.7307944

I get more notes on mirror shots and selfies than I do on photoshoots that I spend weeks planning. Kind of makes me feel like they're almost not worth it, but the pictures do turn out really nice.

>> No.7307945

I'm so excited to start buying lolita again! I just got a new awesome job and will finally have a budget for it again.

>> No.7308075

Sometimes I wish I was a skinny Asian girl with huge boobs because I could walk around in any costume that showed my body and get all the attention at Cali cons.

I have to remind myself that I have fun being my favorite characters, getting to see my friends, etc etc but sometimes it's discouraging to see girls who get all this attention for having a hot body and a lot of friends. I guess that's life, though.

>> No.7308087

right there with you as a fellow sydneysider.
i really want to go to local cons, even though they are few and far between, but i have no friends into cosplay or any nerd culture what so ever.

>> No.7308100

Don't feel guilty for wanting attention. If it's your goal then work towards it.

>> No.7308136

I know that feeling. I'm fit and have great legs, but I'm tall and white and flat-chested. Ah well, c'est la vie.

>> No.7308155

like I don't consider myself ugly, I'm good at makeup too, and my costumes are decent. Like I said, I mostly have fun hanging out with friends so when I get discouraged I just remind myself of that.

>> No.7308158
File: 688 KB, 320x246, 933.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bf offers to buy first burando for birthday in next few months
>tfw he wants to be sweet and make it a surprise
>don't really trust his judgement and he understands, so agrees to just buy whatever I want on day of birthday
>always asking me what I have in mind; happy to look dresses with me
>fast forward
>bf has been up state at family reunion since new years. Happy, busy times for him
>don't talk much because don't want to intrude on family time; occasional text, rare call when he's bored, or skype call twice a week
>fast forward again to birthday
>excited as Hell
>waited patiently for phonecall, skype, text, fb wall post, anything from him
>mfw no contact with him during birthday
>mfw he responds to my texts normally, happy, and blissfully unaware of the date or my hurt
>mfw boyfriend forgot my 21st birthday
Yesterday was my birthday and it's now two hours past. I haven't told him it was my birthday since it was kind of a blow that he forgot in the first place and I just don't know. I'm not in the mood to start shit, especially since I might just be overreacting over nothing. I guess we've only been dating for three years and he might have just been really preoccupied lately, but still. No burando, but what really sucks is that he forgot.

>> No.7308159
File: 489 KB, 352x240, 1297611478948.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Asian, fat, short with a meh face and have no boobs. People think and have told me I get a pass in cosplaying things just cause I'm an Asian girl. Nope, not if I'm not cute or stereotypically tiny and petite like all the other Asians

I will never be kawaii.

Picture related. Samurai Jack is me and the portal is achieving being a cosplay cutie

>> No.7308167

Just wait until the end of today to see if he says anything. If not, say something saying if he wants to go on a belated birthday date with you.

Belated Happy Birthday, anon!

>> No.7308173

He's not back in town yet, right? Maybe he's got a surprise for when you're back?

If not, three years is a long time to be with someone and forget their birthday... bummer. Hugs for you, anon.

>> No.7308197

>mfw I am a trip and I have nothing to show off
ehehe. I just want to make people on /cgl/ happy and laugh. So far it has worked for all but one sleep deprived, drunken incident that will haunt me forever.
Also, for my feel.
>be sexually abused as a child (only once, thank god)
>love lolita fashion because I found it super adorable
>be worried about it because of the name for obvious reasons
>show the fashion to my friend
>"hey check this fashion out"
>"omg lol you know lolita has to do with pedophiles lol only people with issues would were that shit haha"
>want to tell her that I was in fact abused, but that's not why I love the fashion but she would be too fucking shallow to listen to me.

>> No.7308210

dude just explain that it's not a weird sexual thing. her knowing about your past would probably be more appropriate at a different time.

>> No.7308229


Ever thought about losing weight? It's not difficult if you put your mind to it. Your facial features will also improve from this.

>> No.7308232

Tell your friend she's a cunt if she judges you and get new better friends.

>> No.7308238

Sit down with her and make sure she knows you're being serious, and to cut out all the bullshit. If she's still being dismissive, then you might have to re-evaluate your friendship with her.

>> No.7308251

Anon, i don't know what you mean "only", three years seems like a long time to be with someone and not even know their birthday!

Sorry that happened, shit sucks. I hope you had a happy birthday otherwise.

>> No.7308260

>have always had hair shoulders or below
>grow it out for a while, longer than butt length
>get into cosplay
>fucking annoying as hell to shove all hair into wig
>wigs always look slightly too big because of hair
>decide to get it cut short because ~edgy~ and convenient
>pixie cut
>regret immediately afterwards
>looks like shit growing out
>so much regret

i miss my hair ;_;

>> No.7308270

How do you deal with the fact that none of the sweet things in the world apply to you because you're ugly?

>> No.7308275

Thanks, anons.
Imma definitely keep this in mind.

>> No.7308298

At least it's not full of weeaboos who always talk in crappy Japanese and about how much they wish they were Asian. And one girl who wants to be e-famous super badly.

>> No.7308311
File: 94 KB, 1205x881, 1388800126830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the anon who posted >>7303947

>lost to multiple auctions on lp's, bitches bidded on their scalping prices.
>request refund after losing briar rabbit's paysage set
>suddenly baby re-releases their lucky pack
>get hyped as fuck and buy the pink set
>shocked I was able to snag one
>pay and get shipping confirmation
>I check lolibrary then
>mfw blouse won't fit my 92cm bust


>> No.7308323
File: 5 KB, 190x234, 072beea0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on the opposite end, and know how you feel!
>Always wore hair in bobs, looked almost exactly like girl from Whale Rider
>really thick hair so I didn't have to style it almost at all
>All I did was wash it once a week
>Suddenly mum and grandma decide I'd look good with long hair
>decide to grow it out
>horrible period of it growing out and looking like ass while not being able to do anything with it
>gets long, everything goes in my face and I have to tie it every morning and keep it tied up so it doesn't fly around
>still looks like shit
>so much regret

I miss my convenient hair ;_;

>> No.7308326

Anon, do you have a Skype, at least? We could try that.

>> No.7308327
File: 11 KB, 300x300, 658697ß0ß.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you deal with the fact that none of the sweet things in the world apply to you because you're ugly?

That's bullshit, not everything sweet will be deprived from you just because you're ugly. Most things will be harder, though. But many things depend on your luck. Listen, Imma tell you a story:

>mfw I'm 6/10 (maybe 7/10 if I'm your type and I am very well presented and the light is not too strong)
>mfw 4/10 friend gets bf first
>mfw said friend gets friends with bf's friends, they all like her, everything works out perfect
>mfw my boyfriend dumps me after a year for being ugly&too chubby
>mfw friend still together with bf after 4 years, living together, he loves her, tells her how beautiful and perfect she is, have plans for the future, go on fancy vacation
>mfw I'm sitting home alone on 4chan

.... Really, this taught me it mostly depends on your luck.
Otherwise: I spend shit ton of time on my looks, hair, make up, clothes, so at least I feel like I tried my best. I am still invisible and no bf and too spaghetti to make friends/bf, but these things are not mainly because I am not beautiful but also very spaghetti and a female beta fag. You get used to your best friend getting hit on by multiple guys while you yourself just awkwardly sit next to her, drinking your beer as fast as you can...

>> No.7308328

>About to move and be broke uni student.
>Started finding more dream items and dream items for sale.
> Moving to city with a fairly big comm after being a lone lolita.
>Looking forward to it but also slightly worried.
> Will also be without partner for few months, I love him very much and will miss him terribly. He's slipping back into depression. He also helps me with many things even lolita helps with waist ties etc.
>Moving into to uni accommodation not sure how room mates will think of it.
> Planning on getting a dress maker stand and really sorting out wardrobe.
> Not sure how to feel about whole situation.

>> No.7308335
File: 28 KB, 520x350, 56456265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mfw blouse won't fit my 92cm bust

>mfw my bust is 96 cm
And that is why I will never buy lucky packs.

>> No.7308347
File: 15 KB, 497x501, 1294181925956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having to deal with cosplay photographer drama from multiple photographers and random people because they keep trying to pull me into their fights
>No thanks, leave me out of it

>Working on cosplay, oh, this light pink fabric isn't as opaque as I would hope
>gonna have to scrap it and start over with new fabric
>cosplay friend tells me just to wear a white tank under it since white fabric shows at the neckline in the reference pic anyway
>sanity is saved

>finds Husqvarna Viking machine dealer in town, right by my house
>so expensive, so pretty
>inventory reduction sale
>mfw I purchase their top of the line serger at almost half price and get 6 extra serging feet free.

>> No.7308350

Damn that sucks anon, I learned my lesson the hard way now. Always check for measurements and don't think that they're one size.

>> No.7308356

i know that feel
one of my friends is basically married to her bf and she rarely wears a bra, clothing that isn't sweatpants or a t shirt and has greasy hair. I thought for sure I'd get a boyfriend first... i'm starting to wonder if there's something wrong with me.

>> No.7308358

God, me too. I had short hair all my life and can't fathom why girls get asspats for being "so brave!" for cutting it short. It's a damn haircut that lots of women wear and it suits them great.

>> No.7308361

One of my friends is literally married and although she isn't ugly by far, she wears the same damn clothes as my great aunt.
>tfw she looks cute even in granny clothes

>> No.7308365

I can relate anon, during high school I didn't have any real relationships yet almost all of my friends found partners/had many boyfriends over the years. I thought it was because I was really ugly, fat or strange. After highschool I met my current boyfriend we've been dating for more than two years have lived with eachother for more than a year in a half, have survived ldr and will have to again for a few months. Most of my highschool friends are single, no long lasting relationships, one did a lot of cheating, got an awful older controlling boyfriend cheated on him and is now engaged?, a couple have had long relationships. It just takes time anon. You'll find a wonderful partner who is more mature and responsible than you would have at a younger age.

>> No.7308366


Gonna back up this Anon.
I am also maybe a 7/10 and way back when my 4/10 friend finds a boyfriend and marries him.

Of all my friends I figured she would be the last the find a guy and settle down. But nope. Her crazy acne, wtf hair, and gapped tooth smile won a guy over either first in our group or second. Been too long I don't remember anymore.

Sometimes it is luck. So I tell people not to worry about it. Some dude is going to like you. Not being a 9 or a 10 really doesn't affect shit.
Every single one of my girl friends found themselves a guy, got married, and had babies.

I think I am the only one with a guy who didn't spawn cause I don't want to.

>> No.7308368

Oh and to add insult to injury, she and her husband both look like they're on the cover of Wholesome Christian Family Weekly and I'm sitting here crying in my soup and liking her photos on Facebook. Both of them are fucking Mr. Rogers reincarnates and I can't hate them but it just feels awful, why can't it be me?

>> No.7308375

i dont understand why people bother to have long hair and then just put it in a fucking ponytail everyday (srs work/gym not included)

either be beautiful with long hair or beautiful with short hair, dont pull this half-assed in-between shit.

>> No.7308380

its ok anons, just buy the lp anyways and sell the one nonfitting item off to other anons for scalper-level prices! YAY!

>> No.7308383

thankyou anon! I'm probably older than you think I am though. I feel like it's still strange to be in your mid 20s and to never have had a boyfriend but to be honest it only bothers me when I'm lonely or stop and think about it.

>> No.7308387
File: 248 KB, 900x603, 936full-whale-rider-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And to think I used to look like pic related, now I look like a curly Russell Brand on (even more) drugs (than usual).

Fucking shit, mate. That's what it is. That's what you get for listening to your family members' beauty advice.

>> No.7308388

why don't you just cut it again?

>> No.7308394

I will once I get paid for this month.

>> No.7308421

>tfw have qt fiance who tells me I'm perfect
>tfw big boost to low self esteem
>twf read this and now feel 4/10 and lied to
A-at least I'm lucky, I guess...
As cliche as it is, isn't it best to rely on your personality rather than appearance for lasting relationships? Your friend and her boyfriend were probably just really compatible. You can't base potentiality of entire relationships on how /10 you look. Yeah, there has to be physical attraction, but looks fade.
There are probably loads of people compatible with you, anon, and you'll definitely find someone. The good news is you should grab tons of attention initially for looking great, all you have to do is click with one of them.
So yeah, luck I guess. But you can use your looks as a jump start, at least.

>> No.7308434

Story/Rant time:

Last time I cosplayed I won a price at the con. The cosplay was pretty heavy and bulky and took almost 2 years to complete so as you can guess I was really really happy to get some recognition. I got a small amount of money as price too but I didn0t care too much about it.
But then, reallity striked as it seems I was the only one happy there.
Usually the winners of each con are featured on their website... mine wasn't.
I'm not exactly good looking and seems a lot of peple didn't think someone below average should win a price even if the costume wasn't exactly bad. So to prevent issues the staff had my costume removed from the site, and acted like it never happened.

After that I haven't recovered the confidence in myself to cosplay again. Even if I have made new costumes, they day of the con I can't bring myself to wear them in public.

Feel free to laugh /cgl/. I just wanted to take that out of my chest.

>> No.7308441

I don't get the USs rating system, 10/10 etc.
It just seems... cruel.

>> No.7308446

I hate assholes who look at an ugly guy/chick with someone and say "what does he/she see in her/him?!" Well, for one they're not a buttpained cunt.
>eden vomance

>> No.7308451

that's awful- i'm sorry to hear that. maybe i'm just bitter but it's kind of annoying when people get a lot of praise for their cosplay when it's not done well but they're attractive so I'm glad you won even if people were shitty about it.

>> No.7308452
File: 255 KB, 494x330, 1389951797081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yesterday was my bday
>bf got me a cute giant alpaccasso and promised to get me a dress when he gets the money
>a friend of mine (male) gave me a IW JSK
>omgwtf so happy friend you are best
>bf is oh so mad
>tell him not my fault my friend just wanted to make me happy
>he still be annoyed and evasive

I understand how my bf felt but I cant hide the fact I was so happy about my new jsk, and its not like my friend secretly loves me because he has an asian cutie for like 3 years now.
But now I feel like odd about it, Im not sure if I can wear the jsk around him without him getting all mad, what a child! Damn it.

>mfw my bf kinda ruined my bday present with his feels

>> No.7308458

wup, accidentally posted in the old thread..

I quit cosplay 3 years ago because I let my entire life revolve around it and put far too much faith in my cosplayer 'friends' who didn't really value me. shit went down, I realised how superficial it all was, and I split. but sometimes I miss the hobby itself and the (ultimately false) sense of community it gave me, so I get back on here and get all nostalgic. maybe one day I'll make a costume or wander into a con again without feeling weird. /sigh

>> No.7308459

I've lost weight before and even when I was at my lowest which was 115 or so I still have same face. My jaw is square-ish so it really widens my face a lot. It's something I can't exactly change without surgery . When I try makeup to countor it just looks ridiculous on me

>> No.7308464

I would be upset about it as well especially if I know that getting some lolita items would make you super happy and then a friend of yours got you one first when money still needs to be saved up so you can get one from me

I understand your POV cause well..hell yeah birthday burando items but at the same time, he must be feeling terrible he can't get you one right away

You should let him cool down first before wearing it. Keep the JSK because it's a nice present from a friend but just ..don't wear it until he's alright.

Belated Happy Birthday!

>> No.7308467

PriZe. Price is how much something costs.

>> No.7308469

when i compare my friend unfavorably to myself in the looks department it's because i can't compare her unfavorably to myself in personality. she's kind of boring but a nicer person then I am by far! I'm not putting down her features but she really doesn't know how to take care of her self appearence-wise.... sorry for the small rant I'm just sad that not even one person thought I was worth their time.

>> No.7308479
File: 72 KB, 500x269, 1389952609380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decide this is the year to finally do lolita and complete my cosplay plans
>Alopecia flares up and hair rapidly vacates head
>Stalk the wig threads and build up courage to purchase
>Go back to college in classic and nice natural coloured wig
>Goddamn freshman roommate wants to giggle and impress her friends by ripping wig off
>Mfw entire quad can see the issues I'm having and starts whispering
>Hfw she fucked up and I whack her in the back of the knees with my parasol

On the pseudo bright side, alot of my new teachers and classmates think I have some sort of cancer now so I can change up my wigs as much as I want

>> No.7308484

I'm sorry your room mate is such a bitch! that's the worst

>> No.7308488
File: 1.67 MB, 282x199, shame cube gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is cruel, but well, you cannot tell me society isn't shallow and superficial.
Also, I'm too spagetthi and beta-fag to talk to guys, so I feel I need to attract them in some other way in order to give them a chance to get to know my awesome (haha) personality. I always feel "What if he doesn't like me and thinks I am ugly or a bitch and is only annoyed??"
Not to mention we are raised in a society where the opinions of men on you / if you have a boyfriend still matters a lot. And even if i know it's stupid i still depend SO much on my outer appereance. I know I shouldn't and bla bla bla but no amount of cheesy "Just have confidence"-shittalk will change this. I am working hard on this to change it.


Th-That's not what I wanted to say ... ;_;
I don't think "What does he see in her?", I just think "I'm glad they are happy, but why do I never meet such a great guy? MY last boyfriend dumped me for being ugly and chuby."

>> No.7308494
File: 483 KB, 1280x720, angry erika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking shit what a bitch
and who the hell whispers about something like that?? I'm sure they were like "wow what a cunt who does that"

>> No.7308496

I don't cosplay any more. Did it a few times to appease my then-boyfriend, but I haven't done it since. I'm considered "classically beautiful," but I never felt pretty while in cosplay. There are just so many girls who were more beautiful or hotter than me in costume, and I didn't really enjoy standing out that much. I'm much more quiet and reserved than a lot of cosplay people, not really enjoying the attention that a cosplay can bring.

It's easier to wear a nice dress to a convention and know that you look beautiful than trying to emulate a fictional character's beauty, which is nine times out of ten, some unrealistic ideal.

>> No.7308505

I second this.

I'm a solid 3/10 fatty, 28yrs old but apparently my new coworkers thought I was 45...anyway, I'm only a 5/10 if I do my makeup, wig, dress nice, acne isn't flared up, and I'm not bloated...so I'm average 10% of the year.

About 7 months ago, at my old job, I was fucking two of my younger coworkers, had a 65 year old silver fox wanting to fuck, and now I have another one trying to tap "dat ass". At my new job, I have two workers hitting on me.

Either I have a personality I never realized I had, or those were some desperate beta faggots.

>> No.7308510

get it girl

>> No.7308513

thanks, somehow your post made me feel a lot better. I guess most people really look only at who is wearing the costume instead of the costume itself.

God I'm retarded. I didn't notice I wrote 'price' everytime until I saw your post

>> No.7308514

I always keep thinking I'll run into the love of my life at cons or even just in general. I really just want to be loved again, or at the least, I just want more friends.

What I need to actually do is be okay with being alone first, yet I feel like I've been alone for far too long. Not sure what to do, but the loneliness hurts.

>> No.7308524
File: 383 KB, 500x216, tumblr_ljbcnf19to1qdqggg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lone cosplayer
>friends are willing to cosplay with me but they don't know how to make their costumes
>i have to make all of our costumes for at least a trio cosplay

They're willing to help and they'll do anything they can but it's still a lot.

>> No.7308531

Got banned for the sixth fucking time for an innocuous comment about the other type of lolita in that titty&co thread.

Fucking hell, janitor, can't I go slightly off track in an already barely on board topic.

>> No.7308552

That's such a copout response. If you're all in a group as friends, it is ridiculous that they won't talk to you because they don't find you attractive - you already have a boyfriend, so why should it matter if they find you attractive or not? It's not relevant, as you're already taken anyway, and it's basic manners to be polite to a friend's SO regardless of how you rate their looks.
Your bf sounds like a douche for making excuses for such immature behavior.

>> No.7308562

>first time on this board
>I just want hugs

>> No.7308568
File: 9 KB, 256x197, smblush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good feels for once !

>Lot of my latest outfit post on tumblr reached 100+ in less than a week
>Wardrobe finally beginning to look good even if it's small
>Super short wardrobe post had quite a few comment

>Nice confidence boost from all of these plus a few nice comment/PMs about how cute I am/how much people love my clothes.

I love you fellow lolitas even if you are sometimes bitchy you also make my day.

>> No.7308604
File: 464 KB, 500x338, spongefa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your convention group is all casuals and you are the only cosplayer.

I can't even make new friends at a con because they all latch on to me and try to stick together the entire time. If I go to a shoot, they all wait in the area for the hour and as soon as it's over, pull me away so we can check out something else. I can't even attempt to approach new people because the group of 7 of them just stand right behind me waiting for my conversation to be over, and it's just awkward all around.
I've been going to cons with them since my second year of high school (I'm a second year in college now), and it just pains me to see so many cosplayers, especially new ones that started this year, easily make friends in the community while I've been solo-ing for the past 4 years... I would love to ditch them one year, but I don't have enough money to travel and stay at a con by myself so it's out of the question.

>> No.7308612

>get into cosplay
>have some casual friends who are into it and we cosplay together often, but don't hang out with them very much overall
>kind of lonely sometimes
>get my closer friends into cosplay
>at first they are very accepting of help/critique
>then one friend after doing first cosplay (which I found/made 70% of for her) thinks that she suddenly knows everything
>admittedly her prop game isn't half bad, but her sewing/makeup... needs a lot of improvement
>doesn't listen advice at all anymore
>try to tell her that only making half of the outfit and wearing unfinished cosplay out is gonna look bad
>"don't worry, anon, trust me"
>have casual friend (who is relatively well known for cosplaying/has more experience and skill than either of us) advise her on a certain thing after she refuses to listen to me on it
>refuses to listen to casual friend, too
>turns out looking like shit
>proceeding cosplays are just getting shittier and shittier because she doesn't want to take advice
>acting like she's hotter and hotter shit every time she does a 'cosplay'
>starts to exclude me from her cosplays/keep them secret from me
>asks all mutual friends to be in cosplay with her, purposely excludes me/lies to me about cosplay plans when i asked her about them
>bitch, please, i have my own cosplay group, i don't want or need to be in some second rate one with you
>friendship deteriorating (at least on my end) because of fucking cosplay
>regret getting her into cosplay so much

>> No.7308620

Woah, are you all Ontario anons..? I would like to get to know you guys too, but I'm really terrible at making friends and starting conversation online unless it's about anime or kpop.

>tfw Ontario cgl meetups are mostly if not completely made up of trips that know each other and I'm too scared to go in case they all talk shit about me later
>I just want to have some friends in the community..

>> No.7308621

dat feel when you're a male cosplayer and have barely any cosplay friends because all your friends are gamers

>> No.7308622


She seemed like a bitch anyway, better to find out sooner than later wih even more regrets.

>> No.7308630

Same. My friends aren't interested in going to cons and think cosplaying is ridiculous unless it's someone like Jessica Nigri.

>> No.7308665

You're also an Ontario anon? Got a Skype or Tumblr?

>> No.7308734

I agree with this.
Your boyfriend's friends sound like some sad, pathetic, thirsty motherfuckers. I wouldn't even bother with getting their attention anymore. Either bail from everything involving them, ignore them entirely and focus on the girl and your boyfriend, or get a little bit more aggressive in your manner of speaking if you really do want their attention, though I can't see why you would. If all they want to talk about is the taken Asian girl, they really cannot be that interesting or worth the trouble.

You just shouldn't let it bother you so much, though. They're obvious dick holes, it isn't really your fault, and your boyfriend was partially right, they can't be changed, although he put it in a really messed up sort of way.

>> No.7308746

>tfw lifting in gym
>starting to get good just need to drop my BF% a bit more
>haven't been with anyone for about a year now
>kiss a few girls but nothing else going on
>scared once I get fit they'll only like me because im fit


>> No.7308751

>tfw wanna make seagull friends
>tfw they're mostly an hour away
>ceeg has friend find thread
>ohmygoddamnyes I need some gal pals
>talk to one ceeg anon over messaging
>talk for a few weeks..month
>they stop responding out of the blue..
What did I do? I was polite...I wanted to throw in some funny con stories, tell some jokes, and stuff but I felt that might have been crass since a lot of them involve weebs and alcohol.
I'm sorry anon chan...what ever I did. I really enjoyed talking with you.

>> No.7308752
File: 73 KB, 617x483, welp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friends have been trying to persuade me to cosplay someone who is topless.
>tfw not sure if i'm fit enough to cosplay someone who is topless

pic related, me.

>> No.7308763


This is b8.

>> No.7308769

if that is you(I doubt that it is), you just gave all of cgl your full name with a quick reverse image search

>> No.7308770

Are you implying I've posted my picture on anywhere else? You do realize I always reverse search it myself before I upload my pics.


>> No.7308771

when i was in my first 3-5 months with my bf he wanted to surprise me for christmas and bought me a blood-red waloli. i told him i liked it very much even though i didn't. becacuse I looked horrible in it, i tried making alterations and asking cgl for advice but i still look so bad in it. i never wore it out.
in my first year with him i received 3 presents (birthday, anniversary, chirstmas respectively) after that he stopped giving me presents completely. I bought him some things that were very expensive because he was telling me everyday how badly he wanted them. I always made sure to buy something he needs/likes because he'd mention specifically he was eyeing ____. Fast forward, last Christmas we were about 2.5y together. He kept going on and on about how Christmas is a special and important holiday (he's catholic) but I don't feel for christmas (not christian). Fucking hell he bought me nothing no presents and he had the cheek to ask me a few times where's his present. And he's the one raving about christmas is a *~speshul time~* for your loved ones. I bought something that he needs, but I could use it for myself, in case he didn't give me a present again. I mean I don't even need to receive something lolita since he doesn't know how to pick a dress or an accessory but no presents at all?? I've been his emotional support for 2.5y he had two incidents that required operations and I stood by him through everything despite the fact that he doesn't really help me with my life.
Am I being too entitled here.
his birthday is late february mine's early march. I predict he won't get me a present. Should I bother getting him one?
When I wear lolita out strangers compliment me and girls tell me I look very cute. He never compliments me though. I told him one day I am happy wearing lolita for myself and not to impress him (since he's obviously not impressed by it) and he said he's heartbroken to hear that. Is there something wrong with me?

>> No.7308772
File: 25 KB, 256x261, Spengbab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> order F+F skirt
> get shipping notification yesterday
> get skirt today

>> No.7308776

Just lost an auction because Japonica is a piece of shit that placed my max bid on an item I was already winning, thus upping the price, and then someone else came in and bid.
Since it's already almost 11 pm in Japan, there's no way I can win this one.
Thanks a lot, Japonica. You've screwed me over two times now; I won't be using you again.

>> No.7308778

no, he's being a greedy halfassed SO.
I can understand not being a presents sort of guy, sure, lots are that way.
But when he expects you to do something he can't be arsed to do? No. That's wrong and very selfish. The only thing you can do to fix it is communication. Tell him how you feel. He sounds like a good guy but he's being a real toad about gifts.

>> No.7308779

>>tfw 96cm bust and 68cm waist
>>all the blouses I have are either too small for my boobs or too big for my waist

I'm thinking about buying a binder. I guess that'd help me fit more comfortably into brand dresses too...

>> No.7308780

Your boyfriend is a piece of shit. Find someone else that will appreciate you. Do what you love, sis.

>> No.7308784


ahah what a lazy sack of shit.

Either a cunt or this is his first real relationship

>> No.7308786

It scares me that so many girls here have so shitty boyfriends. Always reminds me never to get a /cgl/, how bad can you be at judging someones character?

>> No.7308788

>communication. Tell him how you feel
idk what's the point of telling him. will he only compliment me when I dress up because I asked him to? even if he thinks i'm the ugliest sow on earth he'll just say i look nice because...i asked him to.

i've been with him for nearly 3 years and but i forsee we will break up some time this year because idk how long i want to carry on with a boyfriend i know i'm not marrying. i guess i'm just grumbling in a feels thread.

he's very clingy and i don't know how to break up with him on peaceful terms. been thinking through this for a while. when we were still in college, and we had a quarrel and i wanted time alone, he'd stalk the area outside my house waiting for me to appear because he knows i have a class to attend. and i'd "forgive" him even if i didn't because i wanted him to stop sending me 50 texts a day.

it's both our first relationship...

>> No.7308789

I'm similar except 92-94cm bust and same waist. How does IW size l blouses fit? Or taobao blouses? Or is getting a custom made blouse an option?

>> No.7308792

Dump him already. You don't seem to want him at all by the way you write about him.

>> No.7308793

You deserve better, anon... you need to take care of yourself first and from the sounds of it, he sounds like a jackass.

>> No.7308795
File: 165 KB, 1219x822, 1388990194083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it's both our first relationship...

Yeah I figured. I'll be honest with you, my first relationship lasted 3yrs and I wasn't the best BF. While I did get my GF presents(who the hell doesn't? lol) I took many things for granted, so you know, people NEVER learn when in their first relationship.

It's after it has ended when you start picking up all the things you did wrong and make sure to never do them again. Your BF is probably isn't even that bad of a guy, just a complete scrub when it comes to relationships.

I wouldn't be surprised if you haven't at least had a few "breaks" while dating either.

>> No.7308798

I really feel for all of the seagulls with relationship issues. I used to be in a shitty relationship where I thought if I kept it up, shit would get better. It didn't, and I was stuck in that for 2 years.

Now I'm with a qt3.14 who wears boystyle with my lolita and cosplays with me, ensures that I'm happy and content, etc. It gets better seagulls, just give yourself a chance and get picky.

>> No.7308802

everyone who rants about their s/o in this thread will make their bf sound like a jerk. because you're grumbling about things about this guy you're unhappy with.

we share a lot of things in common and we can agree on a lot of things. which is why we're the "best friends" kind of couple. we communicate in the same frequency and we understand each other's opinions on different topics quite well. we crack the same kind of jokes. i don't dislike hanging out with him. sometimes i feel he's unappreciative but i know he's genuine in his feelings and he wants to be with me. it would really suck to break up on bad terms, how do i do it without spilling spaghetti all over..? god i'm such a noob

he's pretty stiffy as a boyfriend though and i am pretty sure he's not my kinda marriage material. we probably can't agree on living together (aborting a baby with symptoms of autism? what religion to school our child in)

>I wouldn't be surprised if you haven't at least had a few "breaks" while dating either.
what does this mean?

he received all boys education up to college. he's raised by his mum alone, his dad cheated on her, i think it made him kinda broken (which i sympathise) sometimes i forgive him if i feel like he's not paying attention to my feelings cos of this. i think it'll be very evil of me to dump him, but i feel even more that it's cruel for me to lead him on.

also i really don't think i can find another boyfriend who can understand that lolita=/=cosplay the people around me are all like this. my friends, regardless of gender, don't like me wearing lolita out because of the stares and attention and find it embarrassing.

>> No.7308804

>Tfw newly handicrapped.
>Don't know anyone else who'd let me know which cons are accessible
>Every con is 'Will I spend the whole time trapped in the lobby' roulette

>> No.7308807

You're not being entitled, but you do need to talk to him.

My boyfriend is somewhat similar. He does occasionally get me gifts, but they're generally at random intervals, not at socially-appropriate times. Our first Valentine's Day he took me out to dinner, and I got him a gift and he was surprised. I had sort of assumed he would get me flowers or a gift or something, and I actually cried when I was alone because I was disappointed. I'd never been in a relationship during valentine's day and I'd always imagined it in the most absurdly romantic way possible, so I was disappointed. Same sort of thing happened around our anniversary - I got a gift for him, he didn't and was surprised. Finally, I just started asking for the things I wanted. If I want flowers and presents, I say, hey, I really want flowers and presents. And he's happy to oblige. I just think that if that's not something you value, it doesn't occur to you that it might be important to someone else. I'm a sappy romantic and I like my sappy romantic stuff, but I also realized that if I wanted to be happy, sometimes it means cutting through the fog and letting people know exactly what I want.

That said, if you say it straight and he still doesn't listen... that's annoying.

>> No.7308809


I meant breaks as in, taking a break from the relationship. How people would break up for a week or so.

Look, you don't owe your life or any aspects to it to anyone. There is one of you in the world and there is nothing saying that you need to be chained, attached or nailed down to anyone or anything. Sure its sad and what not, but ultimately if you're thinking of it, then something has been wrong for a very long time.

It'd be different if you were breaking up over trivial things but it happens, its life. You'll both hurt, him so more in this case it seems, but eventually it's all good. And don't procrastinate either, you gotta rip it off like a band-aid. It's a dirty job but its gotta be done!

>> No.7308810

Surely if you call the con staff they could let you know? I'm not sure how organized most cons are, but I feel like they should have that kind of information on hand.

>> No.7308811

>You're not being entitled
>Gets taken out to dinner for valentine

I honestly think I would dump you if I was him, you're probably quite lucky that he really likes you.

>> No.7308818


I'll lift you brah and we'll soar high through the crowd

>> No.7308820

>uaaa noe one pay attention to meee!!

grow some balls: tell them and/or go away.
also you're just jelous.

>> No.7308823

tell her to fuck off, that you remember what she did. Start talk shit about her with the people that she wants to know

>> No.7308827


Same with me, but 90 or so bust and 63 waist. I have exactly the same problem with fit. I don't even bother with JSKs and OPs anymore, I just go for skirts and wear belts to cinch everything in at the waist.

I tried an IW blouse that had waist ties once, but when used functionally rather than just sitting at the back as decoration they pulled the fabric really awkwardly and made it so the blouse didn't really sit right, so those style blouses are a no-go for me. If either of you had any recommendations I'd be grateful.

>> No.7308830

we're not all trips, and our reputation isn't representative of how we actually are

>> No.7308831

>taking a break from the relationship
i tried to raise it up a few times but he never understood what a break was. (i think a break to him is like 2-5 hours or something lol) and i eventually came to realise we can't have breaks because during a break he'd be texting me all the time "tell me when you want to talk again"
Like a band-aid, okay. Thank you. I'll keep that in mind.

she got him a gift, i would expect a gift back too. especially since /he/ took her out for dinner.

>> No.7308834

That was the fucking gift you moron. Why are women so materialistic.

>> No.7308844

I normally wear jsks with corset lacing, (IW and AATP) and non shirred ops. The best blouse I've owned is a custom one (although there were a few minor flaws) and I really liked the fit of an IW L princess sleeve blouse that my friend let me try on. Skirts are good too though.

>> No.7308846

and that's why your gf broke up with you (or why she's going to). idk about >>7308807 but i don't require gifts to be expensive. nothing goes a longer way than something thoughtful. everybody thinks valentines = a nice present from s/o showing they appreciate you, unless you find a girl that doesn't subscribe to this thought you're out of luck

>> No.7308848

I'm a robot from /r9k/, I've never had a gf.

>> No.7308849

then you have no place discussing this do you? take a shower, wear some clean clothes, go out and get a girlfriend.

>> No.7308850

I hate valentines day. I'm a girl in a relationship. I tell my other half I don't want to celebrate that shit because it's pointless and a forced holiday that isn't even about love. All these disgusting candies and red heart Teddie bears just annoy me.

>> No.7308853

then get hooked with this robot i suppose? srsly though for me, if my boyfriend initiates a valentines celebration, he better mean that he wants to celebrate it or i'll just be disappointed

>> No.7308854

> not celebrating Valentine's everyday

>> No.7308856

I probably could discuss how women are materialistic on /r9k/, but it would go downhill after about a nanosecond. And all the "take a shower" won't give you any bonus points.

>> No.7308858

> bf usually all about Xmas gift exchange
> I'm unemployed this year but still wanted to get something nice
> successfully sells a dress
> buys a little something bf might like
> Xmas rolls around, I show up with gift and bf has nothing for me
> went home feeling sad

Hold me, /cgl/

>> No.7308859

Not everyone is like that, but a lot of girls are. This is why I hate robot logic. As a girl myself I know that there is actually a large percentage of shit girls than the rest of is, and the people who tell you otherwise are just idiots. I also think it's completely reasonable to make assumptions and judgements on people based on past experiences, but as a caution and not something to cloud over every aspect of them.

Finding an actual good person is hard, I've met my share of "nice guys" and douche bags and it took my entire 24 life time to find a pretty alright one.

I know you're probably going to say that "oh well girls don't even give me a chance, you had it easier taking your pick of the lot" well honestly, I'd much rather have been alone and found someone nice later on than dealt with the bullshit that comes from a crap relationship.

All in all, you're right that most girls are shit, but some of us are pretty okay.

>> No.7308865


aha oh man that has gotta suck.

I always put time into my presents, like for christmas one year, the ex loved disney movies, so I wanted to buy a boxset. NOPE. It doesn't fucking exist(at least not back then) so I had to go around buying them all individually and made up a box and made my own. lol I remember the lady at one shop saying, "oh for a guy you sure love disney".

I would always say to my ex GF's, I'm not really into my OWN birthday but if you celebrate yours I have no probs accommodating it. If you wanna get me something I will appreciate it but you don't have to.

I think people need to remember that just because they don't celebrate it, it doesn't mean others don't.

>> No.7308868

Why does it sound like you're willing to accept a crap relationship? You do realize that you date for a reason, right? And honestly, what kind of relationship do you have if you don't even talk to your partner about getting presents for eachother or not.
Communication is everything, at least that is what I've learned from movies.

I can't myself complain of girls never given me a chance, I've never actually asked anyone out. Albeit I hardly think anyone would have said yes before like 2 years ago.

>> No.7308872
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I can't bring myself to get angry or hate anyone for more than a day. I'm on the other end of this for some people though. And though people have screwed me over and I really want to go, "that wasn't cool, I'm pretty upset with you about this", I can't do it.

Is there something wrong with me? Am I just a complete doormat?

>> No.7308876

Suppose you have a choice of 100 partners, and each is ranked by your preferences. You then proceed to date them randomly, one after the other, unable to revisit those previously dated. After each date, you decide whether to stick with who you just dated (and marry them or whatever), or move on to the next one. So, for instance you could date the first one and marry him straight away and not see any others, or you could date the first 10 then marry the 11th, or you could date all 99 and then you'd have to marry the 100th one as that's the last one left.

The optimum strategy, to get a partner you rate highly, is to date about the first third of them, then carry on dating until you get to someone you rate higher than all those previously.

To give this some realism, you could determine how many people you expect to date in your lifetime and apply the result as is, or maybe you could go by years you expect to be "dating" and hope partner to year is a linear relationship.

>> No.7308877


>what I've learned from movies.

aha. C'mon man. Step it up senpai

>> No.7308883

Seems to be fairly correct though judging from all the so called "feels" where those who involved bf could all be solved by talking.

But by all means, continue being unhappy

>> No.7308884


>Am I just a complete doormat?

It depends.

I'm very much a passive person, I rarely fight and I prefer to keep conflict to a minimum. Though there is a time where you need to speak up for yourself and show sort of self confidence. There's nothing worse than having someone shit on you and keep doing it.

I've had some shit happen so me, someone burnt up my arm on purpose and I let it go. I don't talk to the person but I don't have the time or energy to waste on hating.

Life is way too short to waste on the people who don't like you.

>> No.7308886


It isn't just black and white dude.

Of course communication is key to any relationship but it isn't always easy to do.

You need to understand both parties have to be willing and open to what the other is saying and then follow though with what ever is said.

and love is blinding, it really, really, is.

>> No.7308892

I'd say as the other anon, it depends. I rarely get into fights but when I do I always win, also I never make empty threats. Probably due to in 4-6th grade I was a fairly easy target, smallest guy and very kind.
However as I didn't take shit from anyone, every time there would be a fight the other guy would be on the floor crying because I would use objects to literally beat the shit out of them. Didn't take long until
I had everyones respect.

TL:DR, get their respect by any means necessary.

>> No.7308895

>love is blinding

Wouldn't know anything about that.

>> No.7308898


>TL:DR, get their respect by any means necessary.

Sure if you're looking to be the alpha wolf in the wild or if you're planning to go to prison or back to school.

You don't need everyone's respect and when you start going out in the world you'll realize people just wont give it to you regardless. ie some people are cunts. It's how life is.

Stop wasting your time on some bullshit alpha dominance crap and just choose who you wish to be around and not to be around. If you really need to work your way up in some social hierarchy then I'm telling you now it isn't fucking worth it.

>> No.7308901
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>that feel when I'm probably considered normal or at least not horrendously overweight in NA but in China (and probably Japan and Korea too) I would be a fattychan with "elephant legs" (I don't know why this phrase bothers me so much but it does)

>> No.7308903

I think you misinterpreted me fairly hard. I'm not saying he should go and beat down other people. I'm just saying don't take shit.

>> No.7308904


How could you even possibly think you could comment on it then.

No scratch that, of course you can comment but you are a typical robot aka shit advice about a topic you know shit about. At least don't sit there and say, "hurr fine then! DON"T LISTEN! BE UNHAPPY!" when you don't know shit bro.

>> No.7308905

How made can you get?

>> No.7308908


How much do you weigh anon?

>but in China

and in China they run over children, eat cats and dogs and treat their people like shit.

Fuck China!

>> No.7308909


I'm actually really mad right now anon. I actually started punching into my bed so hard that it bounced up and hit myself in the eye. I'm pretty badass around these parts bro

>> No.7308910

Actually uses >bro unironically.

>> No.7308911
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>> No.7308913

130lb, 6'5''
I've been slowly losing weight since moving out and eating at my pace but still a long way to go

>> No.7308915

DOH! Meant 5 foot 5 obvs

>> No.7308918

I was gonna say

>> No.7308920

>be new to this cosplay and anime culture, introduced by a friend
>been to 3 conventions with her
>didn't cosplay during the first one
>cosplayed during the 2nd and 3rd one and people really liked my cosplay
>recently got a typical nerd boyfriend into anime etc
The problem is that my friend is mad at me because I got much more attention than her when cosplaying and because I got this boyfriend while she calls herself "forever alone"

I tried talking to her about it and she said something along the lines "it's like you don't even have to try, hell you got a couple shitty cosplays from e-bay and now you even a got bf"

I don't know what to do. She's very sensitive about her weight but she can't keep up with this.

>> No.7308922


LOL I was about to say holy shit you're taller than me. Whoa! aha


That's fucking like 58kg in upside down land.

What the fuck woman, stop it. You'll be even more of a stick, a stick!

>> No.7308925

Jump Higher

>> No.7308926


inb4 your friend is the typical chub weeaboo girl

She's just jealous that's all. She is probably sex deprived as well. lel

Bite the bullet and put up with it or tell dat hoe to get outta yo face! mhhmm!

>> No.7308928

She's overweight, but she's not an annoying "weeaboo". I really like her and I want to help her.

>> No.7308932


That really is a tough one though. But what is considered overweight?

>> No.7308930

>tfw no gf

>> No.7308931

Bitch be jealous. Tell her to deal with it. I can't stand people who whine but do nothing about their situation.

>> No.7308933

She's over 200lbs.

>> No.7308940


ah ok yeah 90kg is getting up there.

I guess if it really is that bad sit her down and have a big d'n'm.

>> No.7308942

>tfw party tonight


>> No.7308944

Bitch be fat and jealous. I'm laughing so hard. Don't sweat it, anon. It's her problem, not yours.

>> No.7308946


>It's her problem, not yours.

I'm pretty sure being friends and the girl lashing out on her is problematic enough for anon lol

>> No.7308976
File: 29 KB, 483x441, tumblr_mo0f5sqFEs1rmerh9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw mr. fiancé gets you a serger for x-mas
>have a butt ton of lolita patterns
>too afraid that the patterns will look like shit on you to get started

I feel so beta right now. :/

>> No.7308977

>she's not an annoying "weeaboo"
are you sure...? i smell another horror story in the making...

>> No.7308984


You fucking get to work anon! Right god damn now!

>> No.7308995 [DELETED] 
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>pretty high-end salon posts ad on craigslist offering free cut and colour as part of their training
>catch is that they're going for medium/short cuts

Sh-should I go for it? It sounds like a pretty amazing opportunity but I finally just grew my hair nice and long

>> No.7309002

I've gotten hair cuts from Craig's list and I loved it. Go for it.

>> No.7309001

Because of my bodytype, I don't look very good in lolita. But I love it anyway.
I only wear it to hang around my bestie. We met through lolita so I guess that's awesome. But we also meet out of lolita and it's awesome the same.

>> No.7309003

She just has low self esteem and is lonely.

>> No.7309005


>Because of my bodytype



You need to take her BF hunting.

>> No.7309006

based on this additional info you gave, i could use your current situation to create a typical horror story. anyway i dont know your friend so maybe i'm wrong /shrug

>> No.7309017


>horror story

What are you going on about anon? :\

>> No.7309024

i mean stuff you read in >>7301522.

>> No.7309027

How am I gonna take a 200lbs girl bf hunting?

>> No.7309031


Ohhhh gotcha!


With a saddle.

lol no no c'mon plently of chub guys as well out there, heck who knows. gotta try anon!

>> No.7309050

I have a condition called lipedema http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lipedema

>> No.7309062


>lipedemic fat generally cannot be lost through diet and exercise.
How bad is yours? And that just sucks but ya know what anon? You're awesome!

>> No.7309067

So you mean you're just fat?

>> No.7309075
File: 612 KB, 800x600, untitled1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to cosplay after dropping some weight, but I never realized just how wonky I looked. I always looked at myself in the mirror and thought I looked average at best. I thought this is how everyone saw me. I took a picture of how someone else would see me and couldn't help but cry. I'm hideous. I'm wonky and I feel disgusting. I look so different and it only makes me want to not cosplay out of fear I'd be put on here to be laughed at. I asked my mom if I'm really as wonky as this picture is. She says no, but once I went to reverse image on my webcam it showed the same thing. I knew my eye was a little wonky, since I'd rub it all the time when I was younger, but I didn't know it was THIS bad. My nose is crooked too, it seems. I already had really low self esteem and this really made me hit the lowest of the low. Yes, I know my makeup is shitty and my hair is messy.

>Left is what I see
>Right is what everyone else sees

>> No.7309077

You look normal anon.

>> No.7309079


No one is 100% symmetrical you doof

Look like a QT3.14 though

>> No.7309080

uhh both sides look the same, you look like an attractive young woman so good job

>> No.7309082

you're just fishing for compliments aren't you
left and right are the same.

>> No.7309085

Mine is about the 2nd pic. It also affects my upper arms.
I found a lymphedema specialist in my town, and I am going to start treatment, however the downside is there isn't a specific treatment for lipedema so they just do with lymphedema treatments... it sucks.
Plus it also hurts like fuck. In some places it is called painful fat syndrome. I can't even test my blood pressure without my arm hurting like fuck.

>> No.7309089

i honestly don't see the difference? looks fine.

>> No.7309091

I hate to be a person who's making an asspat, but you look pretty. Get rid of this animu fringe (just brush it straight) and you will be ok. No one is symmetrical, and you shouldn't be ashamed of your face.

>> No.7309092

maybe it's because I'm a self-centered little shit, but I don't see any difference between the two sides anon. You look average, just stop opening your eyes overly wide, it makes everyone look downsy.

>> No.7309093


You'll get there anon!

>> No.7309097

If I were fishing for compliments I'd plaster my face on /soc/, I planned on deleting the picture. I really cannot be the only one who sees the wonk on the right/bottom side. My right eye "sinks" on the bottom lid. This is just making me feel like an absolute loony.

I'm not opening them up wide though. The left one have that squint because of smiling, but the right is just a normal look.

>> No.7309103


lol doesn't matter. It's s'all good son

>> No.7309111

well, nobody can tell much difference between the left and right. you look fine. you can give it a rest now

>> No.7309113


If people are assuring you on /cgl/ it really means you have no problem. Yer fine dude.

>> No.7309122
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I know, I pinned it to the side because I fucked up on cutting my bangs. Thank you though, anons. I feel better knowing it's just me who sees this major wonk.

>try to delete post
>get this

now what.

>> No.7309125 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7309129


Worked for me anon.

Click the box on your post
Click Delete on the bottom right

>> No.7309134

That's exactly what I did and got that error.

>> No.7309142

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. This has been happening for a couple days now.

>> No.7309147

start off making shit like bloomers anon, then work your way up! :)

>> No.7309158
File: 88 KB, 862x486, life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>follows other black lolitas because its a confidence boost to see "hey, these other black lolitas can look good, so why can't I"
>see their posts go up like crazy, and am watching them let their efame go to their heads
>barely any content in their blogs anymore, just tons of asks of "omg you're so pretty, I wish I was as lovely as you" "wow omg you're so brave to be wearing lolita" "omg ur tumblr famouse you responded to my ask omg what an honor"

and I'm just sitting over here getting tired of this shit.
>black but not black enough that it shows in photos so I just look like a white girl with unnatractive features
where are all the other mixed lolitas at? do you have blogs?
the only other mixed lolita I found on tumblr turned out to be a total bitch.

>> No.7309164

Ugh, I've tried following other black lolis, but their blogs are seriously nothing but anons sucking their dicks for them being black (wow you're gorgeous! you're so perfect for lolita!), and bullshit social justice reblogs.
Are there any sane, non-famous black lolis? Even the black mori girls I used to follow started to go absolutely batshit. I just want to see girls in my skin tone range, and see how they do their makeup and hair, and see what colours match best, and what don't.

>> No.7309177

it's not the construction I have an issue with, it's the fear of heart break that I'll put an OP or JSK together only to find that I'll have to do some major pattern revisions. (which i should just bite the bullet, make a bodice sloper, and learn to do a FBA)

>> No.7309187

on that note, any non-black/asian POC lolis that are good? I'm hispanic but a majority of the time the latin/mexican/etc communities that pop up on tumblr are just absolute trainwrecks, and any Spain comms seem to have no tumblr presence.
I'm same as you anon - I just want to know if colors will flatter my skin tone and what shade of wigs look best, god damn it.

>> No.7309225

I feel like I put too much effort into being sweet to my boyfriend. I like to do little spontaneous things, like if I head to the shop I'll bring back something for him now and then out of the blue, and when I buy gifts for particular occasions, I try to put a lot of effort in and save up for it. I've asked his friends for help in getting things he's been talking about a lot or whatever, but he doesn't seem to make the same effort. I don't want him to go out buying Lolita for me or anything because that shit's expensive, but his gifts sometimes seem really rushed and not thought through. He says he doesn't have money (even though that's not the issue), but spends on cigarettes and alcohol.

Argh. Maybe I should stop being so fucking nice all the time. It's the little things that get to you.

>> No.7309231

I actually have something similar with my boyfriend. He's an absolute sweetheart, but he just doesn't seem to be putting in the same effort

>Buy him things for his birthday with the little money I have
>He has never bought me a single birthday present since we met
>His birthday present to me was watching Kenny vs Spenny and cuddling...which we did every night at the time
>Make him dinner and dessert
>He buys me a hershey's bar and made me sunny side up eggs
>He makes fucking beautiful pastries, but has yet to make one for me

>> No.7309235

Maybe you should be a fucking adult and talk to him. Geezous Christ
Are you 17?

>> No.7309243

Are you 12?

>> No.7309256

My boyfriend used to be the same way, but I told him how I felt about it and asked him if he would prefer I stopped putting thought into things for him, or if he wanted to start putting in some effort on his end. He admitted that he was really worried that if he put effort in, and it was the wrong gift or whatever, that I'd be mad at him. I could never be mad if he honestly tried! Even if it was a crap gift. Now he's a lot more thoughtful and this year although he didn't spend as much on me as I did on him, he put just as much thought into my gifts as I did with his.

>> No.7309262
File: 205 KB, 431x417, feelsbadmang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw want to cosplay magical girls
>tall and fit enough to do mysterious waif character
>tfw have a crossbite that makes my jaw look like I have a manface (otherwise, everything else appears feminine)
>tfw mostly do cosplays that hide my face

>goal is to acquire at least three dream dresses this year (all brand)
>visit bodyline thread
>so many surprisingly good pieces to want
>tfw must stick with achieving goal and past BL experiences were mediocre/poor
>still want those pieces

>> No.7309272

25 in an amazing relationship. So no.

>> No.7309274

All my favorite characters are lolis and I'm 5'8" and 22 years old and have big titties. I'm in pretty good shape from doing sports but I couldn't have a more wrong body type to cosplay as characters I love. My last cosplay was Chen from Touhou five years ago and I haven't cosplayed since then because I got mean snickers even then for being an old hag. I will never be the little girl.

>> No.7309277

for all the seagulls complaining about their SOs not getting them gifts: do you live together? are you still at home?

>> No.7309280

whats your blog anon? lets follow eachother.

>> No.7309282

I feel like the whaa ablo bloo women complaining about their shit boyfriends either have low standard men or don't know how to communicate properly and expect their boyfriend to know what they even when they never bring up the issue. They all sound like children to me.

>> No.7309284
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>> No.7309285
File: 269 KB, 640x481, 1340469824433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw new to lolita
>tfw despite doing your homework and lurking on cgl for months your first two dress purchases end up being shit
>tfw beginner mistakes everywhere
i know noobs can't help it, but its the worst feel realizing how noob you truly are

>> No.7309290

I've already brought up the issue, I just don't want to seem like some gift-grabbing crazy.

>> No.7309292

It happens to the best of us, anon. We learn from experience.

>> No.7309295

Lol lol

>> No.7309303

just wait til it's not about the gifts and more about cleaning the bathroom and taking out the garbage and not putting their dirty socks in the hamper

>> No.7309308

Says you can get lipo in Germany, so don't lose hope!

>> No.7309312

but liposuction (this specific kind used for this condition) is not proven to give good results in the long term. it's an hormonal problem, not just a physical one, so cells will still go on multiplying and accumulating like that.

>> No.7309323

Oh, the tragedy.
I've had those problems with my husband, but you know what helps? Proper communication. Not the "oh- um- hey honey... Could you, um... Maybe... Sometimes... Clean the bathroom?", but "Please clean the bathroom." Every time they forget. And you know what? Now he remembers to clean the bathroom.

You know what doesn't help? Dumping a boyfriend that is otherwise nice and kind because you think the next one will be better (he won't). Chores and gifts are the least of your worries, believe me, and everyone, even you, has things they could learn. My husband used to whine because "silly woman, you want me to do chores and I don't know which chores to do unless you tell me," but since he wasn't fucking 5 and didn't need me to remind him that dirty dishes = wash dishes, I told him off about it and now he isn't doing it anymore. He did the same to me lots of times, I don't see what's so hard to grasp. Your boyfriends probably don't want to offend you or be shitty in any way, they're just inexperienced dolts but they won't learn unless you tell them what they're doing wrong. Directly, without sugar coating.

>> No.7309324

Oh, man.
http://doraemonnouta.tumblr.com/ is my side blog. I only just started using it, but it's probably going to end up having more lolita and general jfash than my main.

>> No.7309332

I'm so happy someone else grasps this concept. I hate passive-aggressiveness so much.
There are so many relationship problems, or even just problems in general, that can be solved by directly talking about it.
Sage for no contribution.

>> No.7309357

Jesus Christ, tell him how much it hurts you!

Listen to the anons who are saying ?Communication!" It is needed in any relationship. No matter how much you love your SO, they are nor ever will be psychic!

If he makes pastry for a living, maybe he's so sick of eating pastry that he simply never thought you'd appreciate one being made for you.

Talk to him!!

>> No.7309366
File: 947 KB, 400x300, tumblr_malk0pCOQn1qbyxr0o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well since youre bitching about japonica i might as well even though its not really their fault
>part 1: i bought a milky berry jsk + kc set for an ok price, next day i find OP + barrette + otk for same price
>decide to just buy the OP set and sell the jsk set later, savings be damned
>OP set ends in no bids, gets relisted, I wait until <24 hours to bid as per usual
>assume that no one will bid since no one bid the other time so only put my max bid as the starting bid price
>don't check auction until after i get home from work, eat dinner, playing games, etc.
>only 20 min left and someone else bid on it
>nothing I can do because no way will japonica get back to me that fast

>to add salt the the wounds, another jsk + kc set gets put up on mbok in better condition then the one I bought for just 500 yen more

shoot me

>> No.7309387


Oh it's you again.

>> No.7309394
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>> No.7309397

>tfw I see the most beautifully arranged charity shop on the way to work
>I can't go in because I'm running late
>work ends at 3 and I have to run to class at 4 every day which takes an hour

Man, I just want to browse the shop.

>> No.7309407

I come from a 3rd World Country and cons are just getting popular now. During my teen years I was barely a 3/10 and was very insecure. Used to live with a cute cousin and she used to call me cow as a nickname. It really hurt, but I never said anything because she was a little girl and I hoped that she would grow out of it (took her up to her late teens to notice she was hurting me). I had like 4 friends in school, but they used me to get help with school stuff. Stopped talking to me when we graduated.

Fast foward to my college years: changed a little bit and got to maybe a 5/10. Also got new friends that are into anime, vidya and cosplay. Now that we have cons they're always planning and working on their projects and I just... Look and provide opinions. I decided that I also wanted to try, so I signed myself in the gym. Starting to look good body wise.

But now I'm scared... I just can't shake the feeling that I'll make a fool out of myself. My friends know that I started the gym because of this and that my dream cosplay is Beatrice from Umineko. They're so nice with me, they're always asking when I'll do it so they can help me (it's going to be my first time...). I tell them that at the moment I'm tight with money when it's not true because I already have saved enough.

Any courage tips to just ignore years of feeling like crap and just do it?

>> No.7309408
File: 7 KB, 300x168, i was so stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totally my fault through and through, but damn japonica why didn't you email me saying I got outbid...

>> No.7309424

>attend meet up out of town and meet other lolitas
>bring boyfriend along because he'd enjoy the venue
>have a good time, girls are nice, etc
>go home. bf says he was surprised by how unattractive the girls were compared to local community
>what? no they weren't!
>look up pictures to prove him wrong
>tfw when he's absolutely right

>> No.7309426

You can't ignore it, I say that since I went through the same. It's impossible.
I was hairy with massive eyebrows, awkward and ugly, wearing hand-me-downs and a bowl cut, everyone picked on me. In my teens I really blossomed into a decent-looking lady but it took an incredibly long time to gather courage and walk out of the house in a nice outfit because I was so used to being called names and pointed at in public, by strangers.
It takes practice, don't force it. Go out every day dressed up, even if it is to the store, and eventually it'll all fall into place.

>> No.7309451

didn't bowie have a crossbite?
and he feminine as fuck

>> No.7309465

Is dinner not the present. That's free food, motherfucker.

>> No.7309472

Holy shit that sounds amazing. Four for you, Glen Coco.

>> No.7309469

>stalked you and guilt you back into a relationship
Get out while you can. You don't live together yet.
My sister's ex was the same exact way and in 6 months time he was beating and stealing from her. Then he would act depressed and suicidal and somehow blame everything on her when she called him a piece of shit for being abusive.
He's manipulating you.
Get out while you can.

>> No.7309476

>tfw only attend one con per year

I live in Michigan but I travel to Toronto every May with my gf for Anime North

I never pull off hard or amazing cosplays because traveling with more than one fit is hard as fuck

I-I just wanna homu homu

>> No.7309497

I wear a wig everyday at college, too, but my roommate has no clue. I'm very lucky, because although she's not a total bitch, I can definitely see her doing the exact same thing as your roommate. I'm sorry, anon.

>> No.7309498
File: 434 KB, 445x700, tumblr_ltqgqparNR1qg6qi8o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried a few, but they only had the info from the hotel/convention center. That's all well and good, but it doesn't account for things like narrow hallways, few elevators, and other things that only become a problem when there's a fuckton of people. (To say nothing about buildings that flat out lie about their accessibility options)
I'm now using floor plans to help, but it's still aggravating

Pic related?

>> No.7309513

Maybe try going to the convention site forums and asking people who've attended in previous years about problem areas? Or heck, even start a thread here "Thinking about buying tickets to [x]con, how accessible is it?" and I'm sure some seagulls will be able to chat with you about it. Even if attendants are able bodied, most of them will pay attention to stairs/elevators and blocked hallways. Horror story and gripe threads are full of complaints about that stuff.

>> No.7309535

>they think you have cancer

well look on the bright side, your roomate is now known as that one bitch that made fun of the cancer patient for wearing a wig

>> No.7309577
File: 158 KB, 802x997, sadhorse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw I fucking love Valentine's Day but nobody else does and they all exclaim how much they hate it every year. I make a bunch of baked goods and really intricate but silly handmade valentines for all my friends and take my bf out to dinner. I love all the red and pink everywhere and get to be more cheesy than usual.

The only other person who loves Valentine's as much as me is my friend who believes in ~*true love by destiny*~ and does nothing but brag about what her boyfriend buys her.

>> No.7309581

Is your sister me? Exact same thing happened to me. Fucker still owes me £700

>> No.7309588

I had an ex who stalked me at work after I broke up with him. He called me from random phones and made threats to me online when I wouldn't get back together with him. It was my first relationship and I was 18.
Protip: restraining orders are FREE FOR YOU TO GET (in the US at least, that's where I am). If anything turns bad please promise me you'll make sure he isn't allowed near you again :(

>> No.7309594

I sympathize with you... and this is coming from someone who is half asian, completely white-washed. Honestly, sometimes, fuck asians.

>> No.7309622

Feel like an asshole because well computer has been broken for quite sometime months really(poorfag).I feel lonely as hell and I feel all the cgls I was skyping with probably think I am ignoring them now.Even the 1 friend I was talking to now is disinterested in me. Feels bad.

>> No.7309669

Ugh fuck, why do people even think to do this? What about wigs makes people's asshole meter go into douche rocket territory?!
Congrats on your RM not doing any shit yet

>> No.7309684

I was thinking about doing this. No one notices it's a wig? What do you do about that unearthly shine under direct light, and where did you get your wig, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.7309759

You should feel about this situation as you would about eating a elephant.
Some people are expecting you to do it without any problems...
A handful are expecting you to fail...
Others are expecting you to get half way though and then give up...

All you can do is take it one bite at a time, and there will be times - trust me on this- that you can only do the bare minimum because you feel so over whelmed by the tasks in front of you.
My advice to you is plan what you can for today.
Plan a answer for curious housemates, plan for daily chat time with your partners, plan your outfits, plan your meals and budget, plan the layout of your room and most important of all- Plan some relaxation time.

>> No.7309785

Not that anon, but I did something similar. Mine was way out there, bright fucking blue, and people still complimented it and asked how I dyed my hair that vibrant.

Normals are a little wig-illiterate. Just buy quality wigs that don't shine like diamonds and you'll be fine.

>> No.7310226

You're used to seeing yourself one way, so it'll inevitably look wonky if you see yourself any other way. It's the same reason why everyone hates their voice when they hear it recorded; they're used to one version of it, so they hate the other version.

>> No.7314504
File: 97 KB, 640x355, killme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Been overweight since in the womb
>Was my mom's biggest baby out of 5
>Was always the ~fat one~
>Earliest childhood memories were ripping my pooh bear jeans in front of my friend and her mom
>Had to run home with my hand covering my butt
>Another was being told in front of all the neighborhood kids I was too big to ride on the see-saw with everyone else by one mother
>At school we weighed each other when we were six
>My partner was 30ish pounds
>I was 60-something pounds
>We had to tell everyone our partners weight
>That embarrassment for being the only different one
>Went home crying only to be told I wasn't fat
>I was fat
>Constantly reassured I'm not fat over the years
>Eventually believe my family and see myself as normal despite the bullying I got for it
>Ate my feelings and boredom until I was 20
>Got a scale for my birthday in 2012
>Weighed 210 pounds (95? kg ) at only 5 feet 4 inches
>Holy shit
>Decide right then and there to lose weight
>Drop down to 160 as of today
>Still have love handles like an overstuffed muffin, but I can finally see my feet
>Confidence boostin'
>I'm on top of the world!
>Wanted to wear j-fashion for years
>Realize I'm still too fucking big
>Self-esteem and self confidence dwindled back down to a 0
>mfw never been called pretty
>mfw still the fatty 2x4
>mfw feeling like I'll never fit in j-fash while I'm still young

I know this is a stupid rant, but damn it feels awful. I wish I didn't wait so long to lose weight and was constantly told I was normal when in fact I was technically obese. I feel like I'll look like a hag once I finally can fit in some j-fashion clothing.

>> No.7314538

Oh anon I had a similar but different experience in that I was fat for a long time and was told that at home a bit and even when I was normal weight still get told I'm fat, even when I'm.getting to the lowside of normal still get told I'm fat. Anyways you might not be too big for jfashion (but it depends on what jfash in particular). If it's lolita there will definitely be options for you. I weighed 195 pounds and now weigh 130, I'm 5'8 and have really low self esteem. I can understand that you wish you were told you weren't normal but I honestly believe your parents were just doing the best (or what they thought the best was for you) for you, as being told that your fat all the time (whether you are or not)can screw up your self esteem, body image and views on food & weight. However being too overweight can have a huge affect on your life.

>> No.7314985

My last relationship has made me scared of dating anyone again.
I don't want to meet someone I think is nice and loving but then turns into a two-faced after we our first time together.
Nor do they listen to me and repeatedly rip open my inside of my privates in the lazy attempts of getting out of their turn because minute was too long.
They wanted me to break up with them so they can get the sympathy but I played the overly sweet card just so they realised what an asshole they are.
It worked but found out that a reason they also decided to break up with me was because of my psychical health.

Haven't actually told any of our mutual friends because I know a bunch of them would go ape shit on her ass for it.

The problem is, I kinda interested in a really amazing friend but I don't want to risk it because I just love seeing her the way she is and I don't want her to suffer putting up with my pathetic ass or find out she isn't the person she appears to be.
Also I managed to upset her flat mate with some unknown reason.