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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7366778 No.7366778[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We all know that SJW have a horrid reputation, and seem to be the prevailing force behind some truly horrid things on tumblr. Have you come under attack with cosplay or lolita?

>> No.7366819

been called a:
>"extremely racist wanker"
when I said I talked to a black woman at the store
"why did you have to point out she was black, she's a fucking human too!"
I laughed about this because I'm black.
>"rape enabler"
(when I was stressing out on my blog about how someone I know in person's mother invites her grandfather-a child rapist) back every month)
"how dare you! stop putting your sick fetishes on your blog and making up stories!"
(I checked their blog and they went on to make an extremely ranty post on how I was going to be a future rapist, under the tag of my name, and when I told them it was the truth, ignored my messages and refused to take it down)

or the other day
>"you are a disgrace to lolita when you talk bad about other people online"

in response to me complaining about being groped by a brolita on /cgl/

fucking "SJWs"

>> No.7366827

someone told me i was appropriating chinese culture when i said i was going to wear a cheongsam to some cny festival shit

>tfw i'm chinese

>> No.7366829

I'm not starting anything, I just find how you worded this odd.
How do you get groped by a brolita on a website?

>> No.7366833

Ugh, you're not actually allowed to have a culture. That's culturist.

>> No.7366834

I got called a self-hating for posting my Miss Saigon cosplay on Tumblr

good ol' Tumblr

>> No.7366839

I was told that I'm appropriating japanese culture AND that my full japanese grandmother is enabling cultural appropriation by owning, not wearing but owning a kimono given to me by her.

>> No.7366850

I complained about it ON /cgl/
he groped me publicly at a con teaparty.
I was esp pissy after I complained it afterwards on /cgl/ because other people that went to the teaparty posted after me
"its your fault for treating him like a person"
"if you weren't so nice to him, he wouldn't of done that"
"that's what you get for being nice to a brolita"

like, the fuck. you just averted your eyes when it happened and sipped your fucking tea, then complained about me being nice to him beforehand by giving him fashion advice, saying I deserved it for that?

and now I'M the bitch for complaining about being harrassed for talking about it online?

>> No.7366853

I had a whole army of SJWs defend my ass once. For the sole fact that I am a Slav and, therefore, 'not technically white'.
>mfw I'm pasty white with dark blonde hair and blue eyes
>mfw my country helped nazis exterminate bosniaks and serbs and gassed them in thousands
>mfw we did ethnic cleansing before it was even cool in the Balkans and left thousands homeless, and they get all the shit in the media
>mfw I'm still an endangered polar bear

If only they opened a history book.

>> No.7366857

I've gotten death threats on my Tumblr because I have more white friends than black friends despite being black. I've also gotten into aguments with SJW because I told somebody off saying "poor white people don't get privileges either".

Had to go off on a SJW blogger because I was like "My people have been defending and fighting for ourselves for 400 fucking years. We don't need your white privilege upper middle class ass to do it for us."

Lost about 2-3 followers because I made a post saying SJW don't even have black friends and they're actually racist themselves.

I just fucking hate Tumblr and the SJW mindset on that site. That shit makes me support bullying now.

>> No.7366856

ahh, I see what you meant now.
As a comment to your story: what the hell are those lolitas drinking, crazy juice?

>> No.7366859

>not technically white
What the fuck counts as white then?

>> No.7366863

I feel for you, man. All the fucking ignorance, it's like a disease. The first thing you said made me rage, isn't part bridging the race gap getting along with other races? Like holy fuck.

>> No.7366873

that was YOU.I supported the hell out of you for speaking up for that

>> No.7366869

I guess Western European or Nordic, I don't get their logic either.

>> No.7366870

>Mfw I've had a sjw tell me wearing my beaded bracelet was cultural appropriation because it was from Africa
>Mfw it was a present from my Zimbabwean friend
>Mfw I'm from South Africa, ain't nobody there who cares if white folk wear them

>> No.7366877

Miss Saigon is shit though for pretty obvious reasons.

>> No.7366882

Seriously though, almost every one of these SJW idiots is american and think that pretty much only white americans, german, french or british people count as white.

>> No.7366884

>Western European
I sure hope they don't mean Greece or Sicily, or any other islands and countries that got culturally enriched by invading arabs and africans.

>> No.7366889

Not even gonna mention the fact that a lot of them think that Saami are Asian, no wonder Slavs are some Euromexicans or whatever to them too.

>> No.7366888

Child, when will you wake up and realize no one wants to get along with us?

>> No.7366892

>culturally enriched
Bye /pol/

>> No.7366900

Sticking your head in the sand doesn't make history go away. I'm not even /pol/.

>> No.7366908
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I wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.7366920

>told a girl in the nicest way possible that she should leave the lolita tags for her lolita outfits only because she's been posted on wank sites
>girl publishes it, I get hate mail
ahhh stupidity at its finest

>> No.7366922

Well... We kind of are. Kind of.
Thanks to hoarding an impressive number of gypsies who immigrate left and right, the EU has come to an agreement that everyone who lives in these lands = filthy immigrant with no education and even less manners. A few times I was stopped on airports and interrogated for about 5 minutes at passport control while people from other countries were let through immediately, and sometimes people just plain dislike me without even speaking to me once.
Otherwise, it's not that bad at all and the genocide/Srebrenica jokes are something you just get used to.

>> No.7366932

Wooo, I love pure honesty!

>> No.7366981

It has its problems, as any material dealing with a sensitive issue will, but it's not all the bad that SJWs like to make it out to be.

They like to pretend that its "white savior AMURRICAN saving poor Vietnamese waif" because many theaters market the show terribly... but show itself blatantly points out that not only does the "white savior" not actually save her, but that the actions of the Americans thinking "they were doing good" were fucked up and contributed to the loss of life as well.

They also like to pretend that it glorifies the Vietnam war when... it doesn't. Ever? There's nothing positive presented in the libretto about rough American GIs coming to a seedy dive bar to pay for sex... America in general in the show is portrayed pretty negatively.

among other things.

>> No.7367038

there's your lesson:

lolitas are known cunts and they're pieces of trash in over-priced frills.

Once you dress like a princes, a lot of them start thinking they're the Princess of Ohio or Wisconsin or whatever backwater burg they're in.

>> No.7367102

>ethnic cleansing before it was cool

>> No.7367167

The weirdest part about sjw is that none of them ever think of themselves that way. Like a lot seem to think that just because they don't bully people or send death threats, that doesn't make them one - no matter how much they bitch over stupid stuff.

Also am I the only one who's noticed that a lot of people make "headcanons" about a character's ethnicity/sexuality that basically amount to massive stretches and stereotypes?

>> No.7367232

Yeah, actually support some things SJW seem to fight for, but I hate the way a lot of them conduct themselves, like absolute bitches. But then again, so is a lot of /cgl/. Just two disgusting, different spectrums.
I feel bad for how many deliberately racist and rude asks must pile up in their inboxes, but I don't know why they need to respond to every person outside of their "special space" politely asking a question with so much cuntiness. They can easily just delete it, instead of saying "Google it, cracker cis male scum" with a sassy gif.

Also, the whole "you can't be racist to white people, jfc take a sociology class!!!" thing made sense the way they explained it, and I did just take a sociology class last semester and my ~POC~ professor confirmed that you can be racist to white people. I'm more inclined to believe her than a pack of rude, buttmad people attempting to redefine an entire word to only work for them.

>> No.7367233
File: 2.36 MB, 200x194, 1392184431441.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ack here

We told you about SJW. We told you so. All you had to do was listen.


Nah, just fucking with ya. You're good peeps.

>> No.7367240

I mentioned once that I want to lose a little weight so that I can fit into a wider range of lolita.

This makes me a pro-ana fat-shaming self-hater, apparently. Who knew?

>> No.7367242

is that you Nia? I saw that girl's post and was baffled at how uppity she was. not to mention all that passive aggressive bullshit.

>> No.7367245

Apparently I'm a "slut shamer" for holding a personal opinion that overly short skirts look bad with lolita.

>tfw I also wear pin-up fashion outside of lolita and don't hate sexy/revealing clothing or the people who wear it

>> No.7367247

You are spot on.
SJW wanna ignore the fact that poor white people are treated just as badly (even worse on Tumblr, because they have the 'privilege' to better themselves), and QQ if you call them out on their white saviour bullshit. Like, I don't give a fuck what some white girl that lives in a 100k+ income home thinks about the way OTHER white people treat us. You're part of the problem, too. Just because you're racist against white people doesn't mean you're not racist, fuckface.
Honestly, SJWs have made me an even worse person. I used to think I was pretty liberal, but I'm borderline conservative about some topics these days, because they make me angry just looking at them. Even things that relate to me, I don't want a goddamn thing to do with them.

>> No.7367249

this person, hooooly shit.

>> No.7367254


oh my shit

please, PLEASE tell me this is a troll

>> No.7367257
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>> No.7367259

sage because tired

>> No.7367261


I'm kind of wondering it's not satirizing fat acceptance/thin privilege.

>> No.7367271

I planned on making a Nanaba cosplay from SNK and I'm a guy. Was a bad idea to broadcast it on tumblr because I got a heap of. "Don't you know Nanaba is a girl?! Just because she has a masculine haircut doesn't mean she's a boy!"
"Maybe Nanaba is a fem to male trans boy! And you're just reinforcing the fact you think she's male!!"

I didn't bother with my cosplay after that.

>> No.7367273

I'm dyslexic, and I used to fuck the spelling of privilege up so much before tumblr. Now it's one of the only words I can actually spell correctly without the help of spellcheck. Thanks, SJW.

>> No.7367274

one time a girl posted a long angry rant directly quoting something i'd posted about how i couldn't POSSIBLY understand what its like to never see the minority you belong to in media as a child because i'm light skinned, but SHE understands because she's black

>tfw i'm gay and hispanic

>> No.7367279

>poor white people are treated just as badly
The ultimate privilege is not being poor. Even good looking white people are wrecked by 30 if they're poor. And once life has worn you out, you can't get a better job because people see how worn out you are and they are repulsed. I saw it happen at one of my old jobs constantly. Middle class good looks = promotion, bad teeth and and bad hair = entry level forever.

>> No.7367286
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yeah, its me (the internet stalking has gotten so bad I've been taking off trip, the lolita group I complained about now began stalking my family-and proud of it) turns out she wasn't complaining about the brolita (though I assumed she was because those were the hatemails I've gotten recently), so I deleted that out of the answer, and posted this >>7366920

I found it hilarious.
she has anon off, and of course she'd have tons of hate otherwise, but I'm not really afraid to go in there.

here's a thread that made me PM her
honestly, I messaged her because I was curious to how she responded. I wasn't being agressive at all.
and she responded in a horrible way.

>"oh look, I'm famous!"
>"omg if anybody has the links to those sites that persons talking about please send me them that would be so funny omg"

pic related

>> No.7367296

>That shit makes me support bullying now.

That kind of makes me sad, considering what SJWs are doing pretty much counts AS bullying. Their bullying is making you SUPPORT bullying, and that's pretty shitty.

>> No.7367300

>fairy kei
>sailor anime school cosplay
I hate this girl

>> No.7367304

Pretty much this.
They're kind of like religious people who force their agendas on you and think they're doing what's right. Fuccck

Morbidly obese people physical repulse me . It keeps me motivated to stay fit and eat healthier. I can't do this fat acceptance shit sjw want me to do.

>> No.7367308

Oh god are you me?
I consider myself a pretty liberal person but the way tumblr and SJWs are these days I may as well get a Laura Bush haircut and stick up posters of Ronald Reagan.

>> No.7367315

Yep, I definitely remember having to unfollow someone once for reblogging a rant written by a Latina SJW titled "Why White Latinas Need To Sit Down," which basically said that all white-passing Latinas are "inherently racist" because they have ~white people skin~ and therefore automatically enjoy a degree of white privilege, and "can't understand" the struggles of ~real Latinas~. That was crazy to me, and really hurtful, because I'm a "white Latina" who got the shit beaten out of me on a regular basis as a child at school for passing as white and therefore being a "fake" Latina. Is that the "white privilege" that mixed Latinas enjoy? Fuck outta here.

>> No.7367318
File: 107 KB, 640x960, i am so liberal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She later apologized to the person who made the supposed comment, because he wasn't being hateful at all and just playing around with his cousin. She didn't even bother asking, just had to go on a SJW parade.

Ignorance, smh indeed.

Can't believe these people act better than those "hateful people" by saying theyre "ignorant" when they themselves are ignorant as fuck and passive aggressive to boot.

>> No.7367326

thisisthinprivilege is fucking hilarious.
>"Doctors don't know anything! They're ALL just FAT-SHAMERS! Disregard all doctors who tell you your massive girth is unhealthy for you!"
>"This random article by some random woman somewhere says that obesity causes ZERO health complications! LOOKIT THAT PROOF! Go flip off your fat-shaming scum doctor who told you to lose weight and find a new one, ladies!"
>"I was sitting on a plane and my immense ass cheek was taking up room in the seat next to me and the fat shaming thin privileged bitch got mad because she couldn't sit in the seat she paid for! What a bitch, I'm human tooooo!!"

>> No.7367324

Last time I checked, my privilege was doing just fine. But thank you for asking.
Wtf, get off my own personal opinions.

But so far no one has dared. I have biases and likely make judgements. But as long as I'm not forcing them on anyone it's my own right to have my own opinions.

This SJW and appropriation stuff is wank in most cases.

>> No.7367333

I hope she gets a massive heart attack. I read a couple entries and I felt like my head was going to explode.

>> No.7367341


ah yes, because light skin means privilege everywhere, even when you go out with your dark skinned family.

tumblr in general seems to be completely incapable of handling any issues with hispanic people so i've learned to just not say anything. did you see the people telling hispanic people its racist to do sugar skull makeup? my rl best friend, who is also hispanic, and i got a good laugh out of that. it was especially funny to me when i saw a post about it right after my definitely hispsnic mom gushed about how pretty it looks.

>> No.7367350

not lolita or cosplay but so, so SJW

>Cleopatra was BLACK!! She was EGYPTIANNNNN
>White people knocked off the statues of Egyptians to hide their BLACK heritage!!!




This "white people knocked off statue's noses to hide their black heritage" literally came from a single blogger who made the accusation with no historical evidence and has since spread like wildfire through Tumblr, letting SJWs everywhere use it as a point of foaming rage. i've seen someone say, in all sincerity, "I was taught it was because the noses were the vulnerable point of the statue but this makes sense... jfc... #hidingblackhistory"

>> No.7367356

That's the theory my friend and I are working with. We both despise the whole fat acceptance thing, and we're convinced it can't be anything more than an effort to show how stupid "thin privilege" is.

Do keep in mind though, that this IS Tumblr we're talking about. Poe's Law is in full effect.

>> No.7367360
File: 108 KB, 541x807, tumblrwisdom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck tumblr.

Plus this is what I saved the other day. THIS. IS. NOT. OKAY!!!

>> No.7367359

I feel you. I was bullyed everyday at school because I'm a "white Latino" and on top of that blond. At some point I started to think if i was a normal human being or if I was a failure of nature, and stuff like ruins a childhood.
To me, the ultimate privilege is being part of a mass. If you are poor in a group of rich people you will suffer. If you are rich n a group of poor people you will suffer too

>> No.7367364

Hahahaha called out so many fatties with this HAES bullshit, it's hilarious.

>> No.7367367


To be fair, Egypt is in Africa

Egyptians were African

>> No.7367371

Cleopatra wasn't Egyptian. She was from a Macedonian-Greek family that kept itself inbred to preserve the ~purity~ of their dynasty.

>> No.7367377

Fuck, I feel you. I'm mixed Hispanic Irish and have lighter skin. It's really depressing how you're picked for having light skin.
But it's not recuse right? According to tumblr. My dad is worse off with pale skin and blue eyes even though he's Hispanic. He's heard both Hispanics and blacks call him the white devil. I mean come the fuck on with that bullshit.
We've both gone out and were in an elevator in my area (i live in nyc spanish harlem ) with some black guys in the building glaring daggers .

>> No.7367380

I'm gay and this is fucking irritating to me.

>> No.7367381

Queer baiting? Or the illogical, obvious noncanon shipping?

>> No.7367383
File: 43 KB, 500x454, 0002 wah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me?

>grow up as an irish-mexican kid in public mexican schools
>always being picked on by everyone because I was pale, my name was funny, I was too tall etc
>however aparently if you have light skin you're the evil white man and a chauvinistic opressor who should check his privilege regardless of being born and raised in mexico with no contact with your irish side.


>> No.7367384

As a gay person i am often really weirded out by the fetish that a lot of SJW's have regarding gay relationships... Its fucking creepy. I guess its cool that people are thinking of homosexuality when creating characters but the issue is that the characters main defining trait is that they are gay and thats just as you said: stereotyping.
Kinda agree with you, super poofy skirts kinda have to be within a certain length to still look flattering? Or else they just kinda look like you filled you diaper or something. Im not a fan of people sexualising lolita cause there are TONS of other fashions that are already sexed up to high heaven: lolita isn't and its kinda nice.

>> No.7367386

Quick, somebody point me to the anime where the school uniform is a strapless tube top with a detached sailor collar.

>> No.7367387

My local comm is chock-full of middle class white girls who are frothing-at-the-mouth SJWs. They flip a shit whenever a celebrity "culturally appropriates" Japan, because Japan needs defending by their white selves. The irony of lolitas complaining about cultural appropriation is lost on no one but them.

>> No.7367389

>Belgium lies in between these countries
>Be from Belgium
>Belgium always gets forgotten

Seriously anon, check your big-country privilege!

Forget Luxemburg, they don't count because they have tiny-country privilge.

>> No.7367390

Eh, go for it.
Contrary to popular belief, most fandom people on tumblr actually don't give a shit.

>> No.7367392

>Poe's law
Best example?
Some post saying that a virus will infiltrate their computer unless they delete system32.
Bitches actually did this and it took over 200,000 posts from the one I saw to go "hey guise, dis is fake".

>> No.7367395

We should be white devil mixed race friends together, Hispanic anon.

>> No.7367393


When I was a kid, I was bullied relentlessly and ostracized because I was the only white kid in the school. On the first day of school, everybody glared at me while I walked in and then the people who sat at the same desk with me looked disgusted. I didn't have a single friend until 7th grade. Then I had one friend. I was depressed and hated myself and, looking back on it, it makes me really sad that I was kinda robbed of a childhood. I was also punched once for tapping some guy on the shoulder during band. I then went into the practice room and cried while the teacher pretended not to notice.

Which is better than what my mother went through, at least. She would have her glasses stolen all the time, broken, and strewn about campus in pieces. They would also steal her other belongings, like books, and hide or destroy them. And once a month (or whenever the hell they felt like it), they held "kill haole (white person) day" where they would beat her up.

But you can't be racist to white people!

>> No.7367397

Truth. Cleopatra was the last of the Ptolemies, descended from Ptolemy who was satrap of Egypt under Alexander's united empire, and then declared himself King as the Empire began to fracture.

In addition, there is a notable difference in appearance between Sub-Saharan Africans (Blacks) and the Southern Mediterraneans. The ancient Egyptians (whom we know little about because Egypt was invaded, conquered, and reconquered all over history) were likely not much darker than the people of the Middle East.

>> No.7367400

I'm so sorry that happened to you and your mother. I wish these sjw idiots understood that racism exists in all forms. And racism as a whole is fucked up. I don't know why some people think just because you look or are white racism is okay. It's beyond hypocritical.

>> No.7367403

>"I think these two characters 'act gay' for each other but they're not gay! HOW DARE THY SUGGEST MEN CAN BEHAVE FRIENDLY TOWARDS EACH OTHER WITHOUT BEING IN LOVE!! GRAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!

That's what I hear here.

>> No.7367407

I'm just kind if tired of teenagers who are obviously heterosexual attempting to defend gay rights because they read yaoi and Jean and Marco are their otp.

Gay people are represented badly on TV. That's not new.
Why shows like modern family, that portrays a horribly stereotyped gay couple for the lulz wins awards is fucking beyond me.

>> No.7367406

Tumblr has absolutely no understanding of platonic bromance. Whenever two men become really close friends in a TV series, suddenly there are gay undertones.

>> No.7367408

Haha this.
Why can't same sex friends share great chemistry together without wanting to fuck? They sound like teenagers.

>> No.7367409


Don't you know racism is discrimination PLUS power? You just need to check your privilege harder!

>> No.7367410

I am tired of it too, and anything progressive on tv is just utter bullshit. Yet it's called progressive because it got air time on prime time.
Fuck the media.

>> No.7367412

Wasn't Cleopatra at least half greek or something ? Plus Egyptia in an arabian country. It may have changed a lot during all those centuries, but pharaos were definitly not black for the most part. Plus Egyptia was a roman empire's province, they had a lot of mediterannean people.

>> No.7367421

I've seen so much shit on tumblr
>saying the word "kawaii" is cultural appropriation
>stop fetishizing other cultures!!!
>"mental illness should not be a stigma, im a high functioning sociopath and.." (ok not rly SJW but still)
>anything about frozen ever
>person who was born as a girl and identifies as a girl but still calls herself trans
>being unfollowed and sent hate for posting "hetporn"
>"stop slut shaming in lolita, who cares if the skirt is short and they have cleavage, ugh lolita and your 'rules'"
>any time a cosplay gets 7million notes and comments about "omg perf" "so cute!! :3" "new headcanon!!" just because the person is a POC
>the term POC, whats the difference between saying Coloured Person and Person of Colour (genuine curiosity here)

>> No.7367425

I'll put on my pseudo-intemelectual hat and say "hurr, 'Coloured Person' is dehumanizing and it means you look down on them and it's offensive and racist and durr" ... or something like that. Too late to be making coherent statements.

>> No.7367427
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Being Hispanic never wins you any points with these people. Pic related. I'd post a trigger warning, but triggers ARE my trigger

I don't quite see how that's Poe's Law, friend. Poe's Law is the idea that, over time, it becomes impossible to distinguish an absurdist parody of a position from a the words/actions of a person who actually holds said position.

My favorite example is this Tumblr post here:

To the uninitiated, it comes off as completely impossible to believe that this is happening. But, considering what I've seen of the Tumblr community, though I see this as extreme, it isn't far enough outside the nor for me to completely rule it as a troll.

>> No.7367430

Because people are so up their ass about gays that they treat any friendship between men as "homoerotic". I don't see it done as much with women in TV shows, but media acts like any sort of fraternal spirit or platonic affection between men is little more than the expression of some latent homosexuality.

I mean, I have a close circle of male friends, and we all are pretty close and will playfight/wrestle with each other, challenge each other's sex game, make innuendos, the whole damn thing. Only one of us is gay, and he's into black dudes so that eliminates the rest of us from any interest/advances, but the rest of us, according to most people, still act pretty "homoerotic". I think that those sorts of things are just what guys do when they're among their other guy friends. All my friends before college would do the same sort of stuff and we wouldn't think twice about it.

Basically, people just need to figure out that guys aren't always the weird stoic picture of men that feminists try to feed us when they blather on about the "Patriarchy", and that a guy doesn't have to be gay to relax and enjoy being around his bros.

>> No.7367431

The the fuck do you live?! jfc thats horrible.

>> No.7367436

Not all feminist think that way, really.

I'm a gay woman and a feminist and seriously, I have both gay and straight friends. I truly believe in platonic friendship. If you're not into someone sexually, it just isn't going to happen.
These sjw think any hug from guy to guy = omggg the buttsex is gonna happen
In Asian countries, it's very very common for boys to hold hands and sleep in bed together, even cuddle. This is normal bro friendship in china, Korea and Japan especially . It's mainly the western countries that make guys out to be this creepy doll like stigma and showing any emotions is gay or feminine.

I think that it's very silly in general to label someone as gay unless they're actually fucking the same sex. Looks, hobbies and being a bro (or whatever the female equaliant is) doesn't mean you are gay.

>> No.7367437

I spank my other girl friends and call them 'honey' or 'lovely' (yes I'm a girl), kind of act macho with my close friends, even call my roomate 'darling' or 'my love', and the only person that said something was an SJW brat
>if you're not gay don't act gay, it lessen their credibility
Bitch I'm bi, they're not my type of gals and as long as my friends are ok with me doing this, you have nothing to cry for.

So yeah, it also happens to girls to, even if it's commonly admitted that girls are more touchy-feely than boys.

>> No.7367440


That goes way to far to not be a troll. Like, talking about your headmates on the internet ? Seriously ?

>> No.7367447

I lived in Hawaii. Though, to be fair, I feel like it was really a bit of a vicious cycle. People picked on me, I grew bitter and pretentious (I'm smarter than them! They're just sheep! and other self-defense mechanisms) and socially awkward, I became even more unlikable, I got picked on more.

And then I moved to the mainland, in a town that is almost exclusively white and- surprise!- people were nice to me. And I wondered what it would be like if it were reversed- if I were, say, black, moving to this very white, very country town.

Which is why I don't understand the SJW rationalization of their bullying with "Well, they were always mean to me, so I hate them!". I don't hate the people that bullied me. It just made me understand that that shit *hurts*, and it isn't fucking okay in any circumstance ever. I'm not going to be racist and terrible to a person because somebody like them was racist and terrible to me when I was a kid.

I don't really get how people can't just all settle on "don't be a dick to people".

>> No.7367448

This and giving space to two men to platonically say they love each other without some cunt running in shouting GAYYYY is kind of a bit, well it doesn't really happen does it? Being open and honest with your brofriend is heavily treated as unmanly and I think that as much as well written gay characters are poorly represented, male relationships get just as much shit. It's nice to not need a 'no homo' moment.

>> No.7367453

Most of the Feminists I've met (in that they've read the literature, believe in Patriarchy theory, etc) are some of the people quickest to call out platonic affection between men as some sort of homoeroticism. I don't know why, considering I would think men demonstrating those sorts of emotion would be what they want, but I have the idea that it follows from the logic that the "Patriarchy" idea is against gays as well, and so taking men down a peg by making them doubt themselves this way is a step in the right direction towards ending their "oppression".

My issue with feminism of this type is that it acts like men are some unified and collective group, rather than individuals. Calling a straight guy out on his "homoeroticism" doesn't make him go to all the other men in the world and talk about it in some attempt to make a change, it makes him doubt himself on a personal level and become more withdrawn emotionally, because he thinks he has to prove he isn't gay. Well, assuming that he gives a shit what you think, anyway.

Yeah, I'll believe that. I don't see female-female interaction in media get anywhere near as much treatment as "homoerotic", and that is my best experience with seeing women interact on the friendship level.

You see, I thought that too, but that prompted me to find out what the fuck a "headmate" was
(because I don't spend my life browsing Tumbler" and I found this:


>> No.7367454

Why SJW try to push that shit on irish-americans? most of them are descendants of poor immigrants who lived in awful conditions, and almost all of them were working class people until mid 20th century. Fuck these gringos have a warped version of reality.

>> No.7367456

They don't talk about Irish people on ThisisWhitePrivilege. They have explicitly been asked about Irish people, and that is their only response.

Gee, sure wish I was smart enough to just never talk about examples that don't agree with my flawed perception of the world...

>> No.7367457

I'm sorry you've only met the shitty ones. I've had terrible experience with some men, but to think they're all rapists and woman haters is ludicrous.
Some of my best friends are guys. i have my own bros and love them. Heck, I try my damn best to treat everyone individually until proven they're actually shitty. I think everyone deserves to be judged on how they act, not solely on the sex they were born with.

I think I really sympathize with men because as a gay woman, I'm treated as cannon fodder entertainment by most straight men. So it's nice to just see platonic friendship no matter who it's with. People can be annoying.

>> No.7367460

Kind of sick of going on my dashboard and seeing ridiculous trans shit always on it (and this is coming from someone who is trans). It feels like everyone's either a TERF, or a SJW "you can be anything you identify as!" moron. It just seems like there's no middle ground.

Also sick of SJWs flinging around terms like POC and privilege constantly. It's especially irritating coming from teenagers that spend any and all time they aren't in school in front of their computer and get pissy when someone tells them the real world isn't whatever fantasy/nightmare tumblr idiots have made it out to be.

>> No.7367462

I feel like a lot if these sjw are teens who aren't informed at all. Being part Irish ( and as a new yorker) I read up on the history of the immigrants coming to Ellis island and the conditions they had to live in. It's messed up. There's literal proof in history that all races have gone through massive discrimination and racism. Some even by their own people.

>> No.7367466

This. I'm a gay woman who indentures as a woman and just likes to dress boyish and feminine. I love anything cute and pink, but also am obsessed with cars, horror games, gothic lolita and guns. (Their design can be beautiful )
I feel like tumblr doesn't care about you unless you identify as what they consider whatever warped definition they have of a human being
I'm sure I'm probably stepping on someone's toes on that board. Not even trying to make a statement.

>> No.7367465

Reminder that everyone is a descendant of slaves and slave masters. If people really want to go back through human history and force people to pay for the sins of their ancestors, we'd quickly decide the best way to atone for all of it would be to just nuke the planet.

>> No.7367468

Yeah, pretty much. Sadly, mention slavery to any new gen sjw and all they think of are black people--- excuse me, poc.

>> No.7367469

Identifies ^
Whoops phone issue .. Uh yeah

>> No.7367470

I've never understood this either, since for the longest time I would accidentally read it as 'piece of crap'. Whoops I guess?

>> No.7367474

>Wasn't Cleopatra at least half greek or something ?
She was full macedonian.

>Plus Egyptia in an arabian country.
Egypt is an african country who happens to have a different ethnic group. All of north-africa is a different from sub-saharian africa.

>but pharaos were definitly not black for the most part
We know pharaos married with foreign concubines, so there is a possibility that there may have been some black pharaos, but the point is that the race issue is irrelevant because egyptians didn't gave a single fuck about skin colour. They based their identity (and idea of supremacy) around idiom, religion and submission to the pharaoh.

>Plus Egyptia was a roman empire's province, they had a lot of mediterannean people.
They had a lot of influx from all around the meditarranean during all of their ancient and medieval history. They accepted foreigners pretty well as long as they practiced their religion (Cleopatra was the only of the macedonian rulers to actually learn to read and speak egyptian).

>>the term POC, whats the difference between saying Coloured Person and Person of Colour (genuine curiosity here)
POC is an offensive term in my opinion. I imagine them in cargo jeans and backpack looking at a group of bolivian kids playing in the mud, shadding a single tear thinking "those brave noble savages POC, I will learn their ways and become part of their tribe" just to be scammed and left in a hotel bathroom with one kidney least. Really is just that noble savage bullshit all over again. Funcking gringos.

>> No.7367476
File: 23 KB, 400x300, Bye-Hater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SJW is just your "flavor of the month hater". They think that by taking the position of the downtrodden, that their seething hatred and negativity will be tolerated. Not by me.

>> No.7367493

I have managed to not get any crazy bullshit on my feed.

>> No.7367509

yoooooooooooooo what the fuuuuck
I met her a while ago and I had no idea this was going on. She seemed sweet enough but I guess they always do right>

>> No.7367532

thats what minimoon wears according to her tags

>> No.7367706

>jokingly calls a friend a fake nerd girl
>sjw flip shit on my friend for even letting me joke like that
>people claim it encourages me and my "dudebro friends"

What the fuck is with people using that word? Why do they have to make every guy who isn't some massive male feminist seem like a frat boy?

>> No.7367711

There's this one Canadian SJW who I never see on Tumblr, just other sites. This bitch has no idea that America has mixed communities, and can't grasp the concept that white people can be raised into cultures that aren't considered white.

Oh, and God help you if you're a guy around her. One guy left a comment basically stating that he used to think women dressed for men, but had realized that that was wrong and had changed his view, and she started hounding him for not 'apologizing' well enough. It's like, what the fuck do you want from him?

>> No.7367716
File: 82 KB, 474x737, 1392208215530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found these gems on tumblr and thought it was a joke.

>> No.7367720

Idk, I'm also from Slavic country and I've never had any problems with crossing borders within EU, nor have I encountered hate from others.
Though I guess it might be worse when you try to live in a country with a lot of immigrants. My friend has emigrated to Belgium and is now having serious problems with bullying.
You. I like your thinking.

>> No.7367721
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>> No.7367726

... bun?

>> No.7367755
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>> No.7367757
File: 139 KB, 959x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, bun.

>> No.7367769

>mfw tumblr is extremely americentric and forgets that there are other white nations on the earth that work completely different

i fucking hate tumblr

>> No.7367778

I'm waiting for the Anarchist's Cookbook to start doing the rounds on SJW blogs. I think it would be interesting to see what happens when all the patriarchy gets blown to smithereens and society has to recreate itself from inept teenagers and sociopathic women who have no sense of perspective.

[spoiler]I know people like to say all SJWs are white, middle-class teenage girls, but that's not true. There genuinely are PoCs that do this shit.

I'm secretly scared that everything the SJW say is true, and worried about what I have to do to absolve myself of the sin of being who I am. Should I just kill myself? Or should I mutilate my genitals (a bit more than I already have) first? [/why the fuck does r9k get spoilers but cgl doesn't]

>> No.7367785


Call yourself what ever you like, but please please stop getting butthurt because people can't memorize your special snowflake terms you invented.

>> No.7367787

tbh many of these tumblrtards don't realise that racism between white races exists as well.
Such as Norwegians being extremely racist towards Polish people and most Western Europeans.
It's terrible, but "white people can't experience racism!!!!!!" lel, okay.

>> No.7367807

For the white Latin@s in here:
I'm curious where you're from? I'm half and came out white looking (blonde, white skin, I have brown eyes though.) Because in Chile it's all about being as white as possible, I didn't grow up there though, but my mother (who was the darkest of her siblings and was frequently called a "nigger" in the streets) keeps getting praise from her family and friends for having the whitest child.
Everytime I'm down there people fawn over me for being light skinned even though 99% of my cousins are prettier than I am. I've had strangers come and touch me because I'm so light and also a Latina.

So, just curious here.

>> No.7367809

I guess I'm wondering, do you guys think this SJW stuff has reached it's "pinnacle"?

Usually most fads become passe, or the subject of ridicule and humor as it reaches its pinnacle in popularity, wherein it begins to lose momentum and eventually fads into obscurity. And I've been noticing lately that a lot of this shit that wouldn't have reached outside of the lj/tumblr sphere is now coming under fire on here and other sites and reaching a more mainstream audience.

But social issues always exist, there's always in the foreseeable future going to be problems. It's kinda in a unique position of not being able to run out of material or steam, and is shielded by a lot of misconceptions by both participators and uninitiated.

I'd welcome a more balanced discourse that isn't marred with hate, trivializing of important issues, or is popularized via click-baiting journalism, but I think I'm simplifying issue itself too much. tl;dr will this shit end

>> No.7367811

yeah, white people do experience racism...from other white people lol

>> No.7367817

>implying non-whites arent racist too

>> No.7367819

Sjw dig their own holes.
>be successful black person
>oh you're acting white, you've forgotten your heritage
>be broke, not doing shit but bitching
>this guy gets the struggle.
Fucking, what? Its like anyone of color has to defend themselves for getting successful.

>> No.7367826


>> No.7367833


I love how ironic it is that they don't realize that by stigmatizing rich/well educated non-whites they are, in fact, contributing to the racism they're bitching about.

Shit's wrong, yo.

>> No.7367850

that's what the example listed

>> No.7367860

Fuck off, /pol/, you're literally the same but on the flip side.

>> No.7367885


It has to be a troll. How can you be a vegan and still get fat?

>> No.7367895

Fat vegans exist. All they eat is pasta and processed shit.

>> No.7367904

It's the worst when sjw attach themselves to things. I loved the hell out of Pacific Rim because it was a fun movie with giant robots beating the shit out of giant monsters. Now, tumblr's made it into PoC Save The Day With The Help of Gay Scientists.

>> No.7367906
File: 24 KB, 444x326, fatpeopleonbuses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh God i hate her, if you try to talk back to her she just says 'fuck off'.
Real clever.

>> No.7367910

I feel you... For I actually liked Night Vale.

>> No.7367911
File: 49 KB, 600x800, Singlet-3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I can see the need for a warning.

>> No.7367913
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, pol waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how it works.

30 minutes on /pol/ will make you hate racists.

30 minutes on tumblr will make you hate anti-racists.

>> No.7367914

I got yelled at by about 1000 dumbasses when I posted about "white" (read: northern european) cultures and provided photographic evidence.

Apparently I should have known that all those posts about white people having no culture were about americans. Silly meeeee.

>> No.7367917

It gets better as it goes on, oh my god. I guess the robot terms make sense, since robots are gender neutral.

>> No.7367921

According to Tumblr, I am a genderqueer pansexual femme (honestly, biggest fantasy is fucking a MtF, but finding one that's straight...I digress). Somedays I like to dress as a boy, and see if I can pass as one, other days I wear my lolita or obviously feminine clothing and feel like a god damned princess.
For the longest time growing up, I wondered when my penis was going to grow in. I honestly wish I could change my gender at will. Somedays I truly do feel like a male; others - female.

HOWEVER, if you asked me what I "am", I'd respond with "bisexual cis female". I'm happy with being a woman 90% of the time, and whatever gender "issues" I have are my personal problems and I don't need any special snowflake labels.
When I tried explaining this to someone, they starting crying "for me" because I'm confirming to the patriarchy to hide my "true self".

>> No.7367927

Oh! Also forgot to add I'm "Heteromantic", since I'm in a straight marriage, and it's funny, the moment they hear that, I have "passing straight privilege" and any struggle I had with my gender is null and void.

>> No.7367928

The only thing that ever happened to me was not on Tumblr but my blog which tumblr SJW found. I had written about my experience as a Korean adoptee living with my white family in a super conservative, very white community. My brother and I were the only non-white kids at school all the way through. School was a nightmare for me. The girls were vicious: I was ostracized, got loads of ignorant and racist remarks (some hilarious and nonsensical like "nigga nazi jew"), and into a few fights. Pretty much every day I'd go home and cry or be enraged about something or at someone. My brother did fine because as a guy, being a good athlete gave him a pass with the guys at school.

I mentioned that it felt like I didn't fit anywhere. I wasn't white or Korean and it felt weird or like a special treat to go out and eat Korean food because we ate a mixture of American and European foods at home. I mentioned the same thing about how when my parents took my brother and me on a trip to Korean with a tour it felt special but that there was a disconnect. I had posted a photo of me in a hanbok that my mother bought me too and ended my blog entry saying that I've pretty much reconciled and decided that boxing myself into category to get a label was a very basic way of thinking. That I didn't need to try and be white or Korean, that I could just be me, I didn't need labels etc. to feel good about myself.

SJW seemed to have ignored everything except where I described going to Korea, eating Korean food, and staring at my hanbok - they told me to check my white privilege and stop culturally appropriating (both the food and the hanbok). I guess being raised by white parents in a white community made me by default, white and therefore, very privileged. If only I had known this when I was growing up! Anyway, I hid the blog entry to avoid further retarded comments from them. Gotta love them and their lack of reasoning and reading comprehension.

>> No.7367935

The robots on /r9k/ seem to hate females...

>> No.7367936

I don't understand how SJWs can just throw out all rational thought like that. What the fuck?

>> No.7367945
File: 25 KB, 400x338, opression point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You exposed your true self, and lost all your oppression points.

>> No.7367946

I don't know either, but it concerns me. I never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.

>> No.7367951

>saying the word "kawaii" is cultural appropriation

One of the big magical girl blogs has a Caucasian/Japanese mixed mod who lost her shit at an anon for using the word "kawaii" in a message to the blog. Said they were "appropriating her culture" and a whole bunch of other things. The original question the anon asked was pretty much completely lost in a sea of SJW bullshit messages after that. The anon themselves seemed very confused as to what exactly they'd done wrong and just gave up after the 2nd or 3rd attempt to understand the mod's rage amidst the sea of other SJW fuckery. The other mods eventually stepped in and told everyone to stop sending messages about it, but didn't tell the SJW mod off and she's still running the blog to this day. I've also seen her tell anons off for using the word "stupid" (because ableist!!1), edit submissions at her own discretion for using other words that ~offend~ her, and when the mod team had an open invitation seeking new mods, she threw in a rule basically saying "if you ask to use a Japanese name for your mod name and you're not Japanese you're disqualified". I love the blog and I have friends who are mods on it but every time I catch that one girl putting her SJW bullshit into everything it makes me want to unfollow them really badly. God.

>> No.7367954

>I've also seen her tell anons off for using the word "stupid" (because ableist!!1),

The current campaign against the word "retarded" is really irking me.

They're taking a common schoolyard insult, and elevating it to the level of a slur.

They're actively taking a word that wasn't bad and making it bad, and then telling people they're evil for using that word.

>> No.7367958

I'm born and raised in the US, my father is from Puerto Rico and is Basque Spaniard/Taino/Croatian, and my mother is from Scotland and is Basque French/British/Scottish. I have light skin but not -too- light, dark curly (but thin?) hair, and dark eyes.

>> No.7367965

What really pisses me of at the moment is Frozen. SJW haven't even heard about Sami people and then they suddenly think they can decide how we should think about a film that is partially about our culture. They don't even know there we speak several languages and our status depends on country.

I've had a tumblr for years where it's mentioned I'm a city Sami. I'm not involved in the big important circles, but I keep in touch with people and since I'm pretty much a relative of everyone, I know a lot. Most of us think Frozen is cool, though it has nothing to do with our culture and everything from clothes to names is wrong. That's cool, that's Disney. Portraying cultures correctly isn't their strongest point. Our elders like the movie.

Then suddenly after mentioning this a group of sjw attackted me. I wish I had saved some of the asks and fanmail I got but mostly it was about how I as a white person (who surprisingly has been talking about Sami culture for years and occasionally speaks the language with other people) can't decide how the movie should be viewed. And when people believed I was Sami, they thought their condolences and sj attitude would interest me. And of course I was called brainwashed for not minding the movie.

tl:dr I can't choose how to think about a rare movie that has a part of my culture in it.

>> No.7367968

I guess I don't really mind people wanting to back away from "retarded" because I was taught that it really is an offensive thing to say (mum worked with special needs kids, so I guess she was sensitive to it), but when it stretches into words like "idiot", that where I think it gets out of hand. Like, yeah, some people still refer to mentally handicapped people as retards, and I get why that's offensive, but no one fucking calls them idiots anymore. Pretty much any put-down you can think of, no matter how tame (lame and dumb are the two I can think of), could arguably have ties to a group of people at some point in history.

>> No.7367970


I think I saw that. At least, I saw something about a Sami person who pointed out that the SJW crowd needs to back off and some dumb bitch was all 'hurr durr u white u no speak opinion hurr durr?'

>> No.7367972

yeah I dont understand this, you get tumblr sjws saying that you cant say "kawaii" but then you have people like Kyary who actively encourage it, and hopes it becomes a worldwide phenomenon.

I feel like these people just want to seem like the good guy, but end up seeming like worlds biggest idiot. I wonder if they do this shit irl, in class if someone calls someone else stupid, will she stand up and call them abelist? (answer: no because they probably have some totes trendy social anxiety disorder. lel.)

>> No.7367973
File: 58 KB, 586x620, watta mystery mark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post sounded familiar. I saw this screencap awhile ago. They seem to make different points, what's your opinion on it?

>> No.7367974

What's their URL?

>> No.7367975

Meh, there have been school-organized campaigns against the word retarded since I was a little girl. Whether or not you care is up to you, but it's hardly a Tumblr SJW thing.

>> No.7367976
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>> No.7367990

Good lord just punch her

>> No.7367991

>that image
God I love /pol/.

>> No.7367994

The blog is magicalgirlconfessions.

And actually, upon browsing their About The Mods page (recently added? don't remember it being there), I realize the SJW mixed Caucasian/Japanese mod is the Head Mod and that's why they couldn't tell her off. Because it's her blog. I don't actually think she was the original creator, but it's her blog now in any case. Also she has a totally trendy made-up personal pronoun, of course. Ugh.

>> No.7367995

Tumblr thinks Sami = PoC/Non-white therefore they are obviously black. Any person who is white and claims to be Sami is a liar.
*All the horrible recolors of the Frozen characters.

When will the madness end.

>> No.7367997
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fuck this gay earth

>> No.7367999


Those who claim to be the least racist see the world in black and white.

Slap that shit in a fortune cookie, bitch, we've found the answer.

>> No.7368001
File: 4 KB, 90x128, 1276063273647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When women get really hysterical they need to be slapped in the face. It really makes something click in their head and they go back to normal. Our culture has forgotten this and now it suffers for it.

You may not like what I'm saying but search in your heart, you KNOW it's true.

>> No.7368010
File: 82 KB, 599x254, WHAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did this retard seriously compare taking a shower to depression and anxiety?
Fuck me, I've been depressed for most of my life and have been in a lot of intensive therapy for social anxiety but even during the long months where I never set a foot outside of my house, I still showered.
Just, ew, what a disgusting person.

Also, a brilliant quote of theirs
>These people try to troll the social justice movement but they are really only trolling themselves.
I am almost tempted to follow them on Tumblr just to read more of those awful "come-backs". But then I know I'd get an extreme rage boner multiple times a day if I did.

>> No.7368016


It's pretty much like this:

>> No.7368023

When ANYONE gets hysterical they need to be slapped in the face.

>> No.7368038

What's /cgl/'s opinion on thisisnotjapan?

Some posts I find are grounded and valid while others seem to just be grasping at straws. I can understand the mods getting angry sometimes but it usually doesn't work in their favor, and their bad attitude completely derails the point they were trying to make.

>> No.7368044

>follow a bento box blog
>see blog owner get hate from a girl
"shame on you for making bentos! that's cultural appropriation!"
I personally told that girl she better not eat anything non-american, ever. because every time she does a native of that country dies of cancer.

>> No.7368047


>focusing on women only
back to /r9k/ filthy beta

>> No.7368049

To be fair, the vast vast majority of SJWs are female.

>> No.7368053
File: 119 KB, 509x412, 13789317794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also from a Slavic country and I also encountered this "slavs are not white" thing. Not on Tumblr. I heard that from my (American) English teacher, who spend the entire 90 minute long class trying to convince us that we're not white. No one really understood the point she was trying to make.

>someone is trying to force their typical bullshit ~POC fat trans anime character~ headcanon on everyone
>friends calls them out because they're acting like a dick
>friend recieves a flood of messages calling him a transphobic cishet scum and telling him to die
>friend is a FtM and transitioning

>> No.7368054

i hate this assumption that white people have no cultural background. one of my good friends is jewish and she's constantly bombarded with this stereotype that she should be some waspy white girl because she's rich and white. dumb as fuck.
another good friend of mine was told she's "not really Saami" because she's "too white." what the fuck. her mom's family is completely norwegian.

>> No.7368060

so what? like >>7368023 said it's not a "women" thing. just because most SJWs are women doesn't mean that you should just go slapping women. christ.

>> No.7368065
File: 79 KB, 350x218, 1229498305273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm also from a Slavic country and I also encountered this "slavs are not white" thing. Not on Tumblr. I heard that from my (American) English teacher, who spend the entire 90 minute long class trying to convince us that we're not white.
She must go to /pol/.

>> No.7368064

fucking really??? it's bento. that's so dumb. thats like people on tumblr telling kimono and yukata hobbyists and collectors that they're engaging in cultural appropriation, when they're really invested in wearing them properly and not being crazy weebs with shitty "geisha" halloween makeup.

>> No.7368071

To be fair, on my student exchange in the States, I sat through a history lesson where the teacher explained to the students that Yugoslavia "was a unification between Yuga and Slavia". I wat'd all over my desk.

Only thing that bothers me is this Americentric mindset that only American whites are tr00ly white and every other member of a foreign ethnic group is not, because they don't know anything about them. I also heard someone accusing a Polish Jew of being anti-semitic because he was making oven jokes.

>> No.7368078

I keep picking fights with vegans who think feeding pet cats a vegan diet is a good idea.

they arent omnivores like people, they cannot survive on a vegan diet

>> No.7368081

They need a slap in the face with a frying pan. Damn assholes endangering others' lives because of their own stupidity. If it were a babby I'd call CPS.

>> No.7368084

That's so stupid...cat should be feed with a little bit of raw meet once in a while, especially kitten, or their teeth will not be sharpened enought.
Poor kitty...I mean, eat whatever you want but let those poor cats alone.

>> No.7368083

> have friend
> friend is undergoing surgery
> 1st surgery for FtM
> post about how I'm happy for him
> get anon

What the fuck do these nigs want?

>> No.7368098

I'm genuinely surprised that those are the only kind of feminists you've met. I would define myself as a feminist (not the most well-versed in the literature, but not completely ignorant/relying on tumblr or anything), and I'd be much more likely to call someone out for seeing homoeroticism where none was present. I think it sucks that so many people make fun of dudes for being affectionate with each other.

>> No.7368095

If it wasn't for those darn SJWs we'd still be able to slap women like in the good old days.

>> No.7368100


I remember when it first started on LJ, with all the discourse on fanfic and people mobbing certain fanfics for not being politically correct enough. Since then, I think it's just become really awful and started eating itself alive. I hope it's dying down because the backlash is getting quite big. But I think that a lot more people are definitely getting more disillusioned with the concept, and are hopefully looking into other avenues for their social whatever.

>> No.7368104
File: 53 KB, 350x266, 1356600942151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A lot of SJWs doesn't comprehend that non-American people use the internet too. Look at the "if you imagine a character as white then you're a racist" thing.
I live in a slavic country were everyone is white. Everyone I know and am related to is white. Even though I'm living in the capital city, seeing a black/asian person on the street here is a rare sight (usually they're foreign exchange students on a bus). There is absolutely no reason for me, a person raised in a place where everyone have the same ethnic background, to AUTOMATICALLY picture a character from a book as black in my head.
But that's not an excuse for SJWs, they're all convinced everyone in the world lives in an ethnically diverse area where you have to include representation of every single group in every media or else OMG WHAT A RACIST SCUM.

>mfw the same people ask me how am I even using internet if my country is still communist

>> No.7368108
File: 830 KB, 1491x2718, white folks on int.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or /int/.

Then again, according to /int/, no one's white.

>> No.7368127

What the fuck is that image you used?
Transethnic? Is this a thing now? I don't go on tumblr much but nearly half that image made no sense to me. Headspace? really? DID? wtffff. Has the world completely gone mad and jumped on tumblr to make up new weird-ass words?

>> No.7368152

"sakura" was confirmed troll

>> No.7368164
File: 146 KB, 388x315, 1392229402263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they really need to watch some miss marple stuff then

>> No.7368166

I saved it from some previous SJW thread. It is a troll description but keep in mind that there are people who use these words in a not ironic way...

>> No.7368170

It's not even that they should be fed a little raw meat every now and then, it's that they will go blind and die from forcing them to live off a vegetarian diet. Cats are obligate carnivores- they have to eat meat. It's not something that should be a treat for them when they've been good. Their bodies can't make most of the proteins and vitamins found in meat, and you can't substitute it with a veggie diet.


>> No.7368171

Some of these (the robot ones for sure) I know were joke pronouns made up by a pissed off transman. The depressing part is that some people took them seriously.

I ended up unfollowing them. Besides the fact they get too far into SJW stuff that has nothing to do with Japan, they tend to gloss over racism that many Japanese people perpetuate. Their blog title is currently "Weeaboo's worst enemy," but their beliefs on Japan's perfection is about the same as any weeaboo I've met.

To be honest, I've found a total of one cultural appropriation blog I can actually get behind. Most of them are stupid as shit.

>> No.7368174

>that 'finn'
Shit, I pissed myself

>> No.7368178

Maybe SJWs are how the republican party is going to win over the youth vote.

>> No.7368180

if they did, they'd say how the media is ageist for not having more old people be detectives and have wacky adventures
you really can't win with them

>> No.7368192

>only American whites are tr00ly white
Which is hilarious because it couldn't be any further from the truth. Amerilards are mixed as fuck.

>> No.7368195

>no old people as detectives

ah jeeze.

>> No.7368197

They are a danger to us all. I laughed so much!

>> No.7368201

You know, racism and discrimination are not the same thing. Racism is a kind of discriminaton, but not every discrimination is racism.
What you described is a discrimination based on nationality, ergo it is not racism, which is based on race.

>> No.7368204

I personally hate all terms involving the word 'colour', but that's probably because my grandad used to have servants when he lived in Malawi and he refers to them as either 'the coloureds' or 'the little coloured boys'. Makes me cringe every time. I think that effectively saying "white" and "not white" is in itself racist, the same way saying "normal" and "not normal" is offensive. I've never seen the phrase outside of tumblr. I'm pretty sure that it's not an accepted term. My Sociology tutor would just say "Black British", "White British", "Chinese" etc etc, like on the census form.

Also, a side note, why are they so obsessed with England? Surely if they're against oppression we'd be the last country they'd be interested in, considering we used to own, like, half the world.

>> No.7368211

I believe their argument was that because the Irish are "no longer oppressed" it's okay to completely ignore everything that ever happened to them.


>> No.7368218


The idea is to put the descriptor behind person because it emphasizes the person instead of their differences. Person of color, Person with autism, Person with blindness, etc. It's some touchy-feely movement.

The terrible part is that it isn't person of (blank) descent, etc, it's person of color, thus polarizing everyone into whites vs. everyone else, which I've said 10000 times is a very toxic mentality to have

>> No.7368220

But 'race' doesn't exist as far as the humanity goes.

>> No.7368222
File: 92 KB, 637x775, tumblr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is getting really ridiculous.

>> No.7368224


>> No.7368229

Clearly we're talking about the colloquial usage, not the biological term.

>> No.7368234
File: 31 KB, 400x400, Addydollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't cosplay related. However, I belong to an American Girl forum. It was the very, very first exposure to SJWs I've ever had. They are disappointed because the ratio between 'AA' and white dolls is uneven. Like no one seems to care about any other minority, it's always 'AA'. Some highlights:

>Ugh, what an atrocious new release. I might have been able to forgive the new doll for her whiteness, but she's BLONDE too.

One person will ask
>I want this brown haired, brown eyed white doll. Do you think she's too similar to this blonde haired, blue eyed white doll?
Universal replies are
>You've already got one white doll, why would you need another? Why not get an AA doll?

My FAVORITE though, was a "What is your least favorite face mold" thread. American girl had 4 molds at the time, 5 now. One is used for all colors, but mainly white. One is JUST dark skinned.

>oh man i hate the white girl mold
>yeah me too white girls are SO generic.
One girl
>I don't like the Addy (black) mold, I dunno, just never have.

The girl was banned from the forum for racism. Literally banned. They told her that "Addy was designed with the features of your typical AA woman in mind, and by not liking her mold, you are shaming black women everywhere, as well as implying that they're ugly."

>> No.7368231

Well, I know this, you know this, but racist people doesn't seem to.

>> No.7368237



>> No.7368235

By that logic, no one's "oppressed" any more, at least not in the Western World.

Oh, are you saying there are people who still have it harder in the Western World due to the accident of ethnicity or skin color?

Tell that to Irish Catholics living in Northern Ireland.

>> No.7368236

'Ethnicity' should be the right word, sjws speacking about 'race' make me cringe

>> No.7368238

But the colloquial usage of ethnicity is still distinct from the colloquial usage of race.

>> No.7368240

Speaking from an American standpoint, tumblr doesn't know anything about the construction of race or power relations. In America (or at least at one point), what is or is not white depends on the relations of the government with the other country the individual comes from. For example, after 9/11 most middle easterners including Arabians were viewed as non white, however, prior to that even, Arabians were often classified as white. Most Asians except Chinese and Filipinos were classified as white. People had to go to court to find out whether or not the classified as white, so they could get their land, voting rights, etc. Skin colour was a factor that helped determine the race, but not everyone who was white in skin colour was considered white by law. The Irish prior to the 1800s for example, were often viewed as non-white until well they became 'white' through the labor force. As for Slavs, I really don't know how the US currently views them politically, so I don't know the rationale behind tumblr SJW saying you are currently "not white".

>> No.7368248

I'm black and that doll is hideous. I'd be offended if someone said it looked like me.
What the fuck?

>> No.7368254

>racism = discrimination plus power
if I had a nickel for every time a buttmad SJW has used this i swear

>> No.7368253

Who gives a fuck
just wear fucking lolita
why do people insist on breaking out an essay about "muh oppression" and "the evil brolita's are oppressing muh special space"
Just wear the damn fashion.
Most people dont give a damn if you are a non binary, otherkin, cisgendered, male...whatever, and wearing lolita.
Only people who might are the bypasses on the street wondering what the fuck you are wearing, not what you are identifying yourself with.

>inb4 i mad

>> No.7368257

>how dare you have an opinion on this doll

That doll is ugly as shit. And saying it has 'typical AA features' is kind of offensive, because black features are pretty diverse. That wide, flat nose isn't as common as people seem to think; in my family alone, it's almost completely Roman noses.
That doll looks like what a white person expects black people to look like, tbh.

>> No.7368259

That fucking doll looks like whoopi.

>> No.7368263

A Slavic country was bombed in the late 90s for failing to find and turn in some war criminals. Clinton himself called the shots. Also, USSR, Cold War, etc.
So I guess to Americans we might as well be blacker than the night.

>> No.7368264

> Tell that to Irish Catholics living in Northern Ireland.

This. People forget that there's still a civil war going on in NI, even in the UK. We just call it 'the troubles', and mostly think it's over. My best friend is a protestant who lives on Shankhill Road, near the so-called "Peace Wall", and he literally can't walk down the street wearing green (which is considered a Catholic colour) because he'll get murdered. There's riots all the time. The other day he got a text from his sister telling him that a bomb had gone off outside their house.

Apparently, the Catholics and the Protestants are so segregated, that two sides of the Peace Wall are like different cities.

>> No.7368269

I am a real bun-bun and I am offended.
Also I swear people say in Tumblr that calling a person 'it'
Is you know...

>> No.7368270

Oh lord, are you me? Personally I wondered if I was castrated when I was little, and took my no-period-at-age-13 state as a sign that I was. I celebrated. When I did get it, I got depressed for a while. Being able to switch my body at will is my biggest gender-related wish.
According to tumblr, genderfluid pansexual dfab, and I have that on my (hidden, because nobody will try to find it unless they come to attack me) about page. According to me, though, bisexual girl, although I hesitate at 'girl' sometimes. Never had anyone cry for me, though, thankfully, that'd piss me off well.

As for race issues, It's always "never engage in a cultural aspect that's not yours to take." I've even seen hate on mixed couples for 'appropriating' each other or enforcing privilege on each other. It almost gets to actual racial purism at some points. Nobody's a museum exhibit to be photographed but never touched, but they act like any cultural intercommunication makes a culture 'decayed' or whatever term they use.
I just stopped discussing anything sj-related on tumblr beyond police violence and actual gay rights issues, just because it's beyond exhausting.

>> No.7368275

I would probably get murdered if I mentioned when I was a very young child (I'm nearly 23) I had a golliwog (or it was my sister who had it), which I think used to belong to my mum.

>> No.7368278
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>> No.7368281

I wonder what would happen if I (an Asian) tagged myself as a PoC lolita.

It probably wouldn't be appreciated.

>> No.7368283
File: 70 KB, 448x591, 47589392xs1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember owning the book that had this

>> No.7368290

Yeah, same.
The owner seems to not want to admit any of the horrible shit Japan has done in the past. (They really fucked over East Asia at one point. Especially Koreans) But would rather turn a blind eye to it when the question is brought up.
Racist as fuck, really.

>> No.7368294

How do you guys deal with friends reblogging a lot of SJW shit?

>> No.7368299


They're getting a little crazy over there actually as of late. The government has been upping the xenophobic propaganda particularly against foreign workers to blame for the unemployment rates. My friend knows one of her work colleagues over there got openly harassed and someone a car even tried running over her three times.

I think the Japanese just are racist. They don't really understand what the rest of the world's fussing about, like a kid who stole candy or hit someone and sort of knows they did something bad, but don't understand why.

>> No.7368296

this reminds me of the Monster High SJW who freaked out because one person posted a work in progress of straightening Honey Swamp's hair. And obviously, the reason that they did that was because they're a terrible racist and omfg she's a BLACK character and you're stripping her of her natural hair... when...... customizing Monster High dolls is really freaking common and most people fuck around with their hair.

>> No.7368305
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>> No.7368306
File: 161 KB, 640x854, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry Penny, I can't hear your point, your ita is screeching at me too loud.
Tend your own garden before you go pruning in others, maybe.

>> No.7368300


I try to remove them. If not, I usually reblog it with comments like a dick and try their patience. It helps relieve stress.

>> No.7368308

Children don't know shit about racism though, that jenkum is taught. So...as far as you could've known, it was just a black toy.

I'm a teacher and the children here have toys that are poc, handicapped, and all sorts of races. One in particular, that I thought was kinda silly,they have an african women with short,natural hair but they call it a boy because they don't know breasts. All I can think of sometimes, when they do that, are the wails of sjws.

>> No.7368312

That tumblr sounds derpy and they need to read on How the Irish became White. Their whiteness only applied in America. Elsewhere, they were still considered the near the lowest of the low and treated as such. They're playing the stupid oppression olympics game.

>> No.7368318

I'm half swiss and half belgian. You can't imagine how I get that.

>> No.7368316

Wait, is being otherkin really a thing ? I mean, do people really think they were some dragons or unicorns in past lives ?!

>> No.7368317

I doubt anyone is going to care. Unless the country is majority white, no one will scream at how racist and xenophobic it is.

They definitely are an isolated country. It is no surprise they have a tendency to be ignorant and do/say things that are blatantly racist without any idea (especially anti-blackness). In this word of globalization, they are going to struggle to maintain their xenophobic propaganda without backlash.

>> No.7368319
File: 1.19 MB, 945x531, el-specifico.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7368323

Unfollow them. Simple and easy. Or tell them to tag their posts.

>> No.7368330

Do they not know that 'sie' is a female pronoun in German? That's not exactly gender neutral...

If I ever see someone using 'sie' as their pronoun, can I call them out for cultural appropriation?

>> No.7368331

>mfw the same people ask me how am I even using internet if my country is still communist

Those fucking idiots don't know a shit about history. They think that only their precious chosen ethicities with preferably dark skin ever experienced oppression. Everyone alse lived like damn cis privileged white males. Well, fuck. I am from a former communist country and no one here says that americans have the ~capitalist privilege~ of living in far better conditions.

>> No.7368343

color of skin not dark enough sorry

>> No.7368349

Silly, white cultures can't be appropriated!
White people don't even have cultures! Not germans, finns, swedes...not if you are white!

>> No.7368350


Because they got indoctrinated into thinking that cultural marxism is the way to go, and they should be ashamed to be white. America is #2 in this regard, #1 is Sweden.


>> No.7368357

http://motleymultipass.tumblr.com (slash) about

Quite a few things all at once, it seems...

>> No.7368361
File: 44 KB, 712x649, 1392152111581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it.

>> No.7368370

>starting with a wrong french name

Wow, is that for real ? Do people seriously act as if they were several in their head ? I mean, we all did that as kids to feel special and so on but...this really go kind of far.

>> No.7368368
File: 8 KB, 256x264, 85f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7368371

>mfw learning the black trade market back in the day was actually because coastal africans sold the domestic ones because that was their most valuable trade
>mfw prejudice against skin colour didn't exist as a concept until the fucking Netherlendians came to South Africa and started thinking too highly of themselves


>> No.7368377
File: 23 KB, 273x302, 1373693407580.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>yfw the slave trade was perpetrated by you know who

>> No.7368381 [DELETED] 

>>736837it appears so, this is just a random one I pointed to, not some obscure exception.
The mental energy required to maintain it all or even pay that much attention to this kind of thing after dreaming it up...
That boggles my mind. The pronouns alone...
But yes, this and more is out there, asking to be treated as legit.
I just can't take it seriously.

>> No.7368382
File: 313 KB, 500x346, 502.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy vey

>> No.7368383



>> No.7368398

It appears so, this is just a random one I pointed to, not some obscure exception.
The mental energy required to maintain it all or even pay that much attention to this kind of thing after dreaming it up...
That boggles my mind. The pronouns alone...
But yes, this and more is out there, asking to be treated as legit.
I just can't take it seriously.
Trans ethnic on top of it. Just...no.

>> No.7368400

I'm afraid so. The other definition is frankly, less unsettling.

>> No.7368424
File: 58 KB, 181x189, what the fuck am I looking at.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To me the worst fucking thing about this all is seeing friends slowly turning into SJW and not being able to do shit about it.
There's a friend I hold very dearly and they have gender issues, long before the SJW shit really started mind you, and I'll always support them, but they also reblogged that post with the ridiculous pronouns. The last thing I want is that they'll fall into the hell pit called tumblr social justice.

Also I unfollowed someone when the reblogged someone's new pronouns. Why? The pronouns were based of a fucking fictional character and I'm not fucking dealing with this shit.

And did tumblr just blow up for like 48 hours about that 'Welcome to tumblr!" video about how terrible it is and everyone who liked it should be unfollowed and all that shit? Because after 2 days everyone stopped talking about it.

>> No.7368426
File: 43 KB, 372x457, 1360781054545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their attitudes are the worst thing. If you sit a weeaboo/koreaboo down and explain to them that Japan isn't an anime land/Korea isn't all just Oppas and Kimchi they'll (eventually) understand. I don't get why they believe vitriolic screaming is necessary to "educate people on their fetishization and why it's problematic".

>> No.7368428

that video sucked and was embarrassing all around though

>> No.7368429

I have a friend who posts nothing but angry rants and reblogs SJW things that are actually relevant to her but she's so petty and angry that having her on my dash affects me negatively.

>> No.7368435

it was just amusing to me that half of tumblr made a huge deal out of it only to never mention it again after 2 days despite going all "We need to get it taken down!"

>> No.7368450

This one? Eh, it's not that bad.

>> No.7368449

That's funny thing about tumblr SJW's, they're all talk really. It's so much easier to get offended by something and claim to want to get things taken down but when it comes down to actually doing it, they rarely if ever follow through. They'll just move onto the next thing that they must find offensive, for arbitrary reasons of course.

>> No.7368451

That video popped up on my dash after the whole issue with it fizzled out, and I thought it was funny and pretty accurate.

>> No.7368455

> reblog the video with a tag that's positive about the video
> instant unfollowers

you weren't missed.

>> No.7368457

it's pretty accurate. If you're mad about it you're just butthurt.

>> No.7368462
File: 45 KB, 500x335, 15 000 notes on tumblr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7368469

I'll have you know that the Moors never settled in the areas that my ancestors are from, nor did the mongols ever make it far enough east to make me any asian. I'm as white as sour cream and my severe lack of melanin demonstrate my inherent superiority over you.

>> No.7368471
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>> No.7368472
File: 64 KB, 500x500, loltumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7368475
File: 72 KB, 589x288, comic299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitches best lay off my girl Addy.

>> No.7368478


>> No.7368480

It was the 30s, what the fuck did they expect.

>> No.7368483
File: 8 KB, 142x132, arm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9 minutes of unfiltered bitching about people being big meanies on a website
>spent countless hours illustrating their bitch-fit
>WOW yeah SO TRUE. THANK YOU. FINALLY SOME ONE SAID IT *shitty blockquotes to infinity* at least twice a day for a week
>you HAVE to like it or you're just a butthurt SJW.

is this real life

>> No.7368487

The other side is probably even worse; tons of posts about how terrible the video is and how everyone who reblogs it, is a terrible person and how triggering it is... but I'll admit that side also gave up on bitching pretty fast to move onto the next thing they're mad about

>> No.7368490

No, no, no
What gay scientists? Seriously, fuck sjw. I'm gay and I really love that movie. I have no idea what the hell tmblr is talking about.

>> No.7368491

I remember an Aikidoka (who was a white guy) posted his black belt (yūdansha) which his sensei gave to him and it had "White Fox"
embroiled on it, so he asked the meaning of these kanjis (Shiro Kitsune). Eri (I guess) from that blog reblogged his post saying "ching chang I'm a dumb white guy appropiating a Japanese martial art" or something like that. I called on their bullshit and I'm surprised they didn't block me. I told to the guy the real meaning of these kanjis and he told me the story behind it (it was a nickname his Sensei gave to him). It was a nice chat between an Aikidoka and a Tae Kwon Do In.

>> No.7368497

It is terrible. if you reblog it you are terrible, but in an " I will share my terrible taste with everyone" and "I'm pathetic and care about stupid things" way.

I can tell you what no one did: made a fucking 8 minute video to whine about it.

>> No.7368495

....but honey swamp is GREEN


>> No.7368499

I still really like welcome to night vale. I just don't go on tumblr and avoid people who post about it there because I know it will just make my blood boil when people hyper focus on someone's sexuality like they're unicorns. I seriously feel embarrassed by teenagers. I'm going to be 30 and known i was gay since I was 11/12, so all this "this is the entirety of who you are" thing is just infuriating.

>> No.7368505

>satire is bitching
>a series of videos about websites in which Tumblr is one of several is, somehow, a bitchfit all about Tumblr
Speaking of "I'm pathetic and care about stupid things", how's the ass rash?

>> No.7368512
File: 68 KB, 496x337, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sjw can fuck off. People have been using the word kawaii since decades. I mean, it's one of the first words you learn when studying basic japanese.
Stuff like cute, yes, no, thank you, you're welcome, scary, but..., please and sorry are the most basic. I have never let a single japanese person offended by me saying kawaii if i really love something. I practice japanese, so it's hard to break out of habits .
Sjw bitches literally have no idea what they're talking about.

>> No.7368516

>no one cares about your white tears
Jfc so racist

>> No.7368520

I am a black woman trapped in the body of a white woman. Why do transgenders get support while people think I'm crazy, if race is a social construct why is transracialism shunned.

>> No.7368522
File: 35 KB, 480x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no
No no no no. Don't you touch one of my favorite game series, tumblr. I will seriously cut you.

>> No.7368528

Tumblr doesn't understand cultural appropration in the negative sense of the term. Any normal person will tell you it's a neutral term and it doesn't apply in this case. If the sensei and teacher of the art gave him both the belt and the nickname and the both have an appreciation and respect for the art then it is not appropriation, not in the negative sense of the term either, which occurs when there is an erasure of original meaning.

>> No.7368530

Oh god this is amazing, I liked his "Welcome to Facebook" one too.

>> No.7368532

This makes me so happy there are "normal" people out there on tumblr

>> No.7368533

"Kawaii" as a thing is a lot different than "cute".

>> No.7368534

>someone dislikes my ham-handed attempt at satire
>wow sooo mad their ass is just on fire haha

Thanks doc, you're always welcome here.

>> No.7368542
File: 102 KB, 550x495, wut-faces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seriously think that was bitching? It was comedy

>> No.7368540

Hysterical = evil spirits in womb which need to be slapped out of a woman's face.

Do men have a womb? Not really, perhaps just an internal cavity they can tuck their balls into while they wear lady's underwear.

My favourite are some black and pink lacy ones with a cute little bow on the front, but they don't fit me at all.

>> No.7368548


Fuck this shit. Phoenix Wright too? And you know what's the best? Those sjw feminist idiots don't even play those games. They really don't. And don't even get me started and that moron Anita Sarkeesian.

>> No.7368551

It's hard to say. This shit has gotten so out of hand that we can now apply Poe's Law to it. You can no longer create a parody of an SJW blog that won't have at least one real one that it looks similar to.

>> No.7368550

>I think you're being a bit heavy handed

I'll pretend that was a subtle jab and giggle to myself

>> No.7368556

Have you tried beige? It's a really flattering color.

>> No.7368557

I've seen people on tumblr with their shit race/nationality headcanons, and... Trust me, they seem to think Eastern Europeans are dark-skinned. Saw some AoT fanartist who draws a half-Japanese half-white character as "Yemeni" just because she can draw them with super-dark skin, post some of her other race/nationality headcanons.
She apparently thinks Romanis and Albanians are dark as shit.

>> No.7368552

Tbh I really hate the term brolita or any word that puts bro in front of it. It really sounds ridiculous and if it was the other way around, i would still feel the same.

>> No.7368564

Do it. And make them feel really bad about it.

>> No.7368565

>see some cool stuff on tumblr
>think about starting my own
>see threads like these
>nope nope nope

Every time.

Though being a white heterosexual male, who is comfortable being such, I suppose I shouldn't even consider it anyway.

>> No.7368566

lmao what the fuck

>> No.7368567

Well, my favourite pair are some creamy/beige coloured ones with a white butterfly print on them (They remind me of a certain special somepony but without the pink). They do fit, but they are a very stretchy thong. The black and pink pair just don't fit at all, and won't even stretch..

I think that girls who lose their lingerie at the laundromat should check their small privileges. And their clean underwear privileges too.

>> No.7368574

Argentine, but mostly Italian. I think I only have like two or three generations of argentine though, so that's probably why I look straight up white. I say I'm Italian unless someone catches me speaking Spanish and asks.

>> No.7368573
File: 204 KB, 640x424, 7619451560_2371b4cffb_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, so she buys them just so she can make a pile of it on her living room floor? I'm sure she's played them, but probably rage quits every time she sees OMGMISOGYNY

>> No.7368575

They want everyone to be trenderqueer and stop thinking of beign trans as a real thing, according to them, if you ~feel trans~ you ~are trans~ even if you don't do anything about it.

You could be a really typical looking female who ~feels trans~ and apparently you've got more oppression points than cis people that don't look like their gender. Dumb shit.

>> No.7368577

Might be empty boxes or something.
It's known that she uses footage in her videos that is not her own, but shit she found online. And there's been multiple times where she talks about games being problematic, but clearly didn't know the ending.

>> No.7368579

Actually, just yesterday I saw a post with the first bullet point reading 'YOU CAN BE NON-BINARY AND A GIRL AT THE SAME TIME'
And I just... I swear to fucking god, they are the biggest fucking stain on trans rights.

>> No.7368581
File: 115 KB, 650x370, 131790019553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't tumblr just enforcing gender stereotypes with their behaviour?

>> No.7368585

>I got called transphobe for unfollowing someone who tried to push their disgusting trans headcanons about a character down people's throats

>Got bullied by a fatty, got told to eat a burger and shit like that.

>Got into an argument with a dude that never played bioshock infinite, but kept saying that elizabeth's costume is sexist because it shows cleavage

>why am I still on tumblr?

>> No.7368586

Holyshit, this is perfect

>> No.7368589

Meant this is perfect. My phone freaked out. Definitely an accurate video about tumblr.

>> No.7368594

This genuinely pisses me off. You're seriously going to jump on a woman who just died ? She was a child star in the 30s. Jfc I can't handle how stupid these people are. I wish there were laws against being this idiotic.

I bet none of these morons know she became a political diplomat in her 30s and went into feminist rights as well as policies against child and animal abuse. Seriously, this is really not cool.

>> No.7368599

But you can always become white apolgist. They seem to hate them less.

>> No.7368600


>> No.7368620

she was a fucking child you wingnuts

>> No.7368626

I like how that's true and actually makes SJW show how racists they are by assuming all white people are BY DEFAULT racist.

>> No.7368637

SJW are fucking hilarious to talk to. You have to do the opposite of trolling to piss them off. With normal people you say stupid shit to troll, with SJW you just make a comment with common sense and they lose their shit.

I don't have any lolita/cosplay SJW stories, but I have a few regarding tumblr.

You know that 'jumping the broom' post that passed around a little ago? I knew it was a Roma and Moor tradition in origin and when I called them out on it I got mass comments saying that "THE MOORS WERE BLACK, YOU ARE WRONG". No. The Moors constituted population in a huge area which included blacks, whites, Arabs and whatever the fuck else. And also, Moors =/= African-American, so I don't even understand that. (And of course they didn't even touch on the Roma part)

I also get a lot of messages saying I need to check my privilege and put my fedora away when I post rational replies to shit. Except, you know, I'm a female POC 'pansexual' (I fucking hate the term).

I think their main problem is that SJW are stuck in their little Western World Bubble. They don't realize that their battles aren't applicable everywhere and flip their shit if someone doesn't agree. And I don't think they understand that someone can be multicultural and from different backgrounds. One of my friends got ripped to shreds but SJWs for posting a picture of her in a sari and bindi (she's white), and she was an actual born and raised Indian citizen (her parents moved there before she was born and she only left the country when she was 25). And even when she showed her passport and everything they still bitched her out because "she isn't really Indian.", but it's cool for a black girl who was born and raised in the States to 'connect to her roots' and wear fucking African clothing when she has no African ancestry since like 1850?

>> No.7368641

I also made the mistake of checking out this girl's blog

>But if we’re gonna pretend like her age excuses her actions, let’s note, this particular white child grew up. And did what? Certainly not acknowledge her past wrongs, or apologize for it. Nope. She built her career off of appropriation, stereotypes, racism, etc.

Actually she DID acknowledge blackface in her memoirs and she DID talk about racism in Hollywood. JFC know what you're talking about before you open your fat fucking mouth.

>> No.7368656

Sjw don't research ANYTHING and wonder why people hate them.
>tfw you're a Shirley temple fan and really want to punch someone

>> No.7368667

>She built her career off of appropriation, stereotypes, racism, etc.

Wat. There's maybe, maybe 3 films that have sideeye racist bits in them. She did what, over 70 films? She built her career on being able to play a gosh darn adorable precocious girl who was usually a loveable orphan. Not racism, stereotypes, etc.

>> No.7368679

Ugh, I have a friend who I think, hopefully, is coming out of her SJW phase now. I was so miffed when she first got into it, though, and I thought it would never end...

>> No.7368683

>Korea isn't all just Oppas and Kimchi
For some reason this cracked me up.

Seriously tho, weea/koreaboos really aren't as big of a problem as these sjw types think. They're more irritating than actually offensive most of the time, and most of them grow out of the rabid obsession phase pretty fast, like you said, when made self-aware.

>> No.7368697

Just join, it can be pretty fun if you ignore the people who act like the "tumblr stereotype". If anything, these threads should prove that there are sane people who use or have used tumblr.

>> No.7368712

And besides, if there's more sane people, eventually the morons may become overwhelmed and leave. I know it's happened to a few famous ones.

>> No.7368722

I debate the stuff with her. But somehow it works.

I don't know if I'm just lucky and ended up knowing the single non-crazy SJW in all the universe or if y'all here are just exaggerating your stories. See, before she started posting her SJW stuff to facebook, she actually made a post making it crystal-clear "if you disagree with anything I post, please give your opinions because I want to take in all the different viewpoints" or something like that; don't remember the exact wording. I was skeptical at first, but I decided to trust and took her request to heart, as the Eagle Scout in me is wont to do, and started challenging her posts. And she has actually been very civil, and given me some very thought-provoking debates, and even asked her more rageful SJW friends to calm down when they get all up in people's faces.

It's quite a nice feeling; having enough mutual trust with a friend that you feel free to say whatever's on your mind, as long as you do so respectfully. I think the SJW movement could do with more folks like her.

>> No.7368729

I was born a girl and I'm happy with that. I'm straight, but have friends who are gay/bi/pan/etc, and we get along just fine; in fact, there's no gender drama at all amongst us.

Sometimes, I like to imagine myself as the "prince" to my lolita friend. I have no interest in her relationship wise, but I like to be her prince; so I'm getting into boystyle to match her pretty coords. I also really like to prance around in boyish yet feminine clothing and fantasize about having an aristocratic boyfriend. I've always thought it would be really fun to have a bunch of lolita friends that I buy dresses for and we all pal around together, so like a sugar daddy but without any sexual interest at all. I just like buying people stuff and making them feel happy/pretty.

I keep all this to myself because I believe SJWs would insist that I'm gay or a man on the inside. No, not really, I just like to dress up like a boy and be nice to girls. I'm only interested in a relationship with a male and i have no desire to change my gender at all. I like being a girl.

I feel like with SJWs, you cant be comfortable with the gender you were born with; it's like you have to have some fancy title for either your gender or your sexual preference. Why can't I just be a straight girl who acts like a boy?

Sorry about that. It was a bit rantish and I know people dont like other bringing their fantasies into Lolita.

>> No.7368753

Holy shit, I got that for my birthday when I turned 7.

>> No.7368769
File: 17 KB, 704x252, r u fukin srs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting random people on the internet to give you money because 'bawww I'm having a hard time'

Christ, these people really are still mentally children. Sucks that they're having a hard time but expecting people on the internet to pay your bills for you is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.7368782

Because you can ignore all that bullshit and focus on actually cool things like cosplay and fit girls.

At least that's why I'm on there.

>> No.7368967
File: 12 KB, 444x460, country.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga

>> No.7369004

It's fairly common to do this, I'm reading. I've only had one friend think we should bail her out. She got a rude reality check. No one gave her a dime. Srs? Waitress jobs aren't hard to find.

>> No.7369030
File: 30 KB, 381x205, 3456789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to tumblr I realize how easy it is for a person to get inducted into a cult.

>> No.7369039

>inducted into a cult.

Remember, you're here forever.

>> No.7369068

hi, /int/

>> No.7369074

>a fucking fictional character

>> No.7369078

I guess it could be something motherly, taking care of other girls etc. I never want to dress like a boy but I get that too, to a point where my friends sarcastically say "thanks, MOM" when I come prepared with cookies and juice and ask everyone about their schoolwork/job.

>> No.7369089

/int/ best board. But really, slavs aren't white, just like Ireland not being white, Philippines not being Asian, Argentina being white, etc.

>> No.7369101

Shirley Temple Black was legitimately one of the most civil and tame old Hollywood stars, even when she grew up. She never had any scandals following her, was married for 55 years until her husband's death and dabbled in politics and women's rights. Seriously, they're barking up the wrong tree. If they want someone relevant to their precious PoC, they could at least concern themselves with Josephine Baker or something.

>> No.7369104

Hide SJW threads, ignore SJW posts, do not reply to SJW posters

>> No.7369108

This. If you just never respond or reblog any of it, your friends just get used to it. Helps if you have a theme and just say it's not within the scope of your theme if ever asked.

>> No.7369112

Jesus Christ, I can't believe people are fucking stupid enough to rag on a child performer for what her handlers forced her to do almost a century ago. I should expect it, since tumblr is full of idiots. But it's hard to wrap my head around being angry at a person for what other people made her do as a teeny tiny little girl.

>> No.7369223

sjw are probably too stupid to have learned the shit Belgium has done in the past, so you should be glad

>> No.7369248
File: 35 KB, 428x279, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing bothering me on tumblr right now are all those posts about that one Japanese ice skater at the Olympics. There's all these people posting things like he's hot, which pisses off everyone that claims they knew about him before the Olympics which are saying that it's disrespectful or that people on Tumblr only started to like him because he's Asian. What I find strangest is that someone in the former made a post to defend him and said it was okay to compare him to anime characters like Shinji Ikari but it's wrong to say he has a nice butt or sexualize the guy (he's 19). So it's wrong to admire an athlete for their body and talent but okay to pretend he's just like a mentally disturbed 14 year old whose only trait in common is being from Japan. Or photoshop SnK characters faces over his head because that's so much more respectful.

Glancing at one of these 1k+ posts nearly all these rebloggers were weeaboos with anime-related usernames and non-sports blogs. I wish they were tagged so I could block them but it's not like any of them are even going to give a shit about the guy once Sochi wraps up.

>> No.7369267
File: 31 KB, 460x301, Herman-van-Rompuy-evil-smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And American SJWs don't realize that Belgium secretly rules Europe.

>> No.7369300
File: 25 KB, 1326x90, 1392268411068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of my wat

>> No.7369301

And the American firearms market.
>Effin' Herstal

>> No.7369415

FN Fal
what else?

>> No.7369430
File: 157 KB, 835x1200, 1362257454610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my fucking god
>Clean privilege is never being turned down for oral sex because you haven’t washed away the protective, lubricative, natural oils beneath your foreskin that are supposed to facilitate sex in the first place (smegma).

Clean privilege is being considered more sexually desirable even when you have horribly disfigured genitals. 56% of American males undergo genital mutilation at birth for supposed ‘hygiene’ reasons, as it removes the ‘need’ to wash. Our society is so obsessed with unnecessary cleanliness that we actually take a knife to our baby boy’s little winkles to achieve it.

>> No.7369445

And now you see why.

It's to help make sure Junior never turns into one of these gross degenerates.

>> No.7369455

>Winchester (doesn't count though)

Just think like 50% of US military arms contracts are in a desk in Liege.

>> No.7369509


The thing that always got me about Anita is that she never acknowledges all the great women in videogames to counter-balance her argument. Her entire schtick is built on accentuating the negative.

>> No.7369511


I feel like with SJWs, you cant be comfortable with the gender you were born with; it's like you have to have some fancy title for either your gender or your sexual preference. Why can't I just be a straight girl who acts like a boy?

Its special snowflake mentality: anything and everything that might differentiate you from the norm must have a label slapped on it and used as proof that you are a unique, progressive mega-ultra-queer-as-fuck individual that don't need no man to tell her what to do.

You sound like a very good friend.

>> No.7369515

>I had a whole army of SJWs defend my ass once.
>For the sole fact that I am a Slav and, therefore, 'not technically white'.

Funny because the Nazis on /pol/ think the same thing.

>> No.7369687

Isn't it funny that a person who claimed to be a gamer had to go out and buy all these games?

Shit those were all recent or new at the time too, current gen, her story would have had credibility if she had a fuckin' game boy color or something but this looks like bullshit.

>> No.7369759
File: 782 KB, 848x477, 1389239923656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I got the same thing when I posted a lolita coord and asked for concrit.

>> No.7369777

Can you post the replies?

>> No.7369778

my reply? or their reply?

>> No.7369786
File: 137 KB, 900x424, 1392297514306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know which bugs me more, all the suckers who blindly gave her money, or all the idiots on places like /v/ who bitched and moaned so much about her being a girl that they turned her from a con artist into a feminist martyr.

>> No.7369891

if I remember correctly it looked like they used the name Komaeda (dangan ronpa) and made it into pronouns

>> No.7370014

The post you made and the related replies. So I guess both.

>> No.7370026

>Got into an argument with a dude that never played bioshock infinite, but kept saying that elizabeth's costume is sexist because it shows cleavage

I've seen someone on tumblr who wrote about racism in video games and one of his "examples" was a scene where Elizabeth kills Daisy Fitzroy.
They didn't mention the fact that Fitzroy was trying to kill a white boy just because he was white and Elizabeth tried to protect him.

>> No.7370038
File: 9 KB, 263x348, sjfriend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been watching a dear friend get further and further into this SJW crap
Any way to stop it? She was so cool before, but now she's all die cis scum and the like

>> No.7370082

>"If you think that there is such an discriminatory imbalance that can be helped by indiscriminate violence towards people who may not even know hatred then find yourself a knife. Here!"
Put both hands over heart
>"Right here. Let me be the first. I've always wanted to be a martyr for the cause..."
Make sure you have tears almost coming out of your eyes during that last sentence.
>"Would that bring my friend back?"
And slowly turn the tap on the waterworks while keeping eye contact.

Or drop the bitch.

>> No.7370176

10/10 troll.
I actually ended up reblogging and ranting at them for one of their posts. Fuck, they really did succeed....

>> No.7370234

Weren't the irish, for a while, known as "niggers-turned-inside out"? I love how sjws love to see inequality... but only when it suits them.

>> No.7370247

Exactly. They take reasonable ideas and stretch them to parodies of themselves, and then ostracize anyone who disagrees.

>> No.7370277

HA! This is me too! And yeah: its really hard finding MtF's who are interested in women, i have found a sum total of one ever.

>> No.7370285

I'm not putting down MtFs when I say don't expect the D. I'm sure it's something you already know and I hope you understand why it's the case.

>> No.7370748

The thing about that one is that it actually is a slur and has been for a very long time in many countries but for some reason American's don't understand why.
It is annoying when the start getting angry about words like 'stupid' and 'dumb' though...

>> No.7370904

>The thing about that one is that it actually is a slur and has been for a very long time in many countries but for some reason American's don't understand why.
We know, we just don't care. Calling someone a retard is as American as apple pie. We're not giving it up.

>> No.7370956
File: 49 KB, 467x394, 1385936692101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw asexual people desperately try to include themselves in the LGBT movement and act like they're oppressed

>> No.7370965

then there's just a lot of people who label themselves "asexual" because they think in order to be sexually attracted to a certain gender, you have to think about nothing but fucking.

>> No.7371273

After that there's demisexuals and grey a's, who think they're "different" because they prefer to have sex with people they're romantically attracted to. So special.

>> No.7371293

You know how some guys tell lesbians "They just haven't found the right dick"? Do we tell demis they just haven't found the right angry-sex frenemies?

>> No.7371305

Like 75% of the world could probably be considered "demisexual" to some extent, there's no need to have a special snowflake label for it.

>> No.7371641

>ask everyone about their schoolwork/job

>> No.7371726

>get bitched at for calling an anime character a trap because "that's a derogatory slur on-par with calling a black person the 'n-word'"
>make a post about how hating white/straight people and males isn't going to solve anything and get threats from an angry "queer as h*ck PoC with a history of rape" SJW
>get lectured about how it's disrespectful to say a transgirl was was born biologically male because biological sex is a cissexist construct and I should say "DMAB" instead

I do not have many fond memories of the time before I deleted my blog.

>> No.7371729
File: 15 KB, 501x361, jesus christ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder when the social justice phase will blow over

>> No.7371769

When the rest of us starting calling them out on their bullshit.

>> No.7371810

haha tumblr, stay away from the beautiful traps we all love

>> No.7371814

I like how support is referred to like being an ally is the same as taking care of a disabled SO and being fed up with their bullshit is the same as not bathing your wheelchair bound girlfriend or something

>> No.7372418
File: 736 KB, 1063x624, 1382636742400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I post this in every SJW thread because it's so true.

>> No.7372573
