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File: 58 KB, 545x355, bangs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7562515 No.7562515[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever cut your own bangs, seagulls?

I don't trust anyone but my old hair stylist to do my hair, and I sadly can't see him any more. So I've been spending the past hour looking at tutorials on how to cut my own. Any tips?

>> No.7562519

Get a nice pair of sharp scissors. When I cut my bangs, I usually gather all the hair up and cut straight across. The hair falls nicely down. Don't cut too much at a time.

>> No.7562522

I've read that I shouldn't use normal scissors.. if they're sharp, it's okay, right?

>> No.7562540

When you're cutting, hold the scissors vertically. It makes it smoother, unless you want them to be choppy.
There's a lot of good YouTube tutorials on it.

>> No.7562543

Different anon
I've cut my hair with normal scissors, but it was just a small trim

If you're doing a big change, and you plan on cutting your own hair more often, get some hair scissors

I'm not sure what the difference is, though, but better safe than sorry

>> No.7562545

I'm just doing my bangs.
Thanks, anon!

>> No.7562547

Get the hair wet. Wet hair is easier to cut.
Then, take your scissors. Make sure that they're sharp. Cut your bangs. I cut mine in a straight line, but you can cut them however you want.
That's pretty much all there is to it.

>> No.7562552

Don't cut your bangs while they're wet. You'll end up with bangs shorter than you actually want them to be.
At most, dampen them as you go with a spritzer.

>> No.7562555

i've been trimming my fringe myself since I was a teenager, and i've even done it for a friend once (who said she received compliments after i trimmed her fringe)!

i just use a pair of small metal scissors kind of like pic related.

like many anons have said, cut with the scissor blades some-what parallel to your hair. the truth is, that if it's completely parallel, you can't really cut anything. and you risk cutting only like half of one strand of hair off which probably gives split ends later. for the sake of DIY i suggest cutting at like an angle of 15 degrees or so.

next, trimming your own fringe is definitely daunting! the first few times i did it i was very afraid, so i would keep my fringe really long before i trim them. when trimming, you can give a good allowance in case it's too short for your liking. so if you're timid, don't cut too much just in case. when you're more confident you can cut your fringe shorter next time.

personally, i prefer to rinse my fringe with water, blow dry with fan, then trim my fringe. after trimming everything's a mess so i take a shower. i find that if i don't rinse my fringe beforehand, the end result is somehow quite different from what i see after i shower and dry my hair.

>> No.7562557
File: 13 KB, 478x478, 33822642217442p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic.

not saying that these scissors are what you should use, it's just whatever i grab that worked for me the past decade

>> No.7562559

You can always leave them a little longer than you want them to be.

>> No.7562561

trimming with a wet fringe is a bad idea. how would anybody know how much longer is the correct amount?

>> No.7562582

I style my bangs how i want them to be, and then cut dry them so I know the end result is exactly how I want it to be

>> No.7562593

OP here, I have an issue. I started cutting and my natural part is showing pretty badly through my bangs. Pic related.

Does anyone know why? is it because of how my hair is done? Is it because they aren't thick enough?

>> No.7562594
File: 142 KB, 1280x960, picture043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic. They're obviously not done though.

>> No.7562596

Actually, I would probably prefer doing this than get little pieces of hair shot into my eyes. Just be careful that you don't cut them too short!

>> No.7562600

I've had to be #6 my entire fucking life because my cowlicks are too intense. Anyone have experience managing cowlicks? Sick of always having a middle part.

>> No.7562603

When it dries for me it looks one-two fingers shorter than wet, depending on how much volume I add to the fringe. I have straight, thin hair, don't know about other kinds.

I always cut my bangs wet because it's easier, but you have to get used to it first. If something looks a bit off I make a few touches here and there when they dry.

>> No.7562606

If you always wear it parted in the center, yeah your bangs will just go like that.
Just keep pulling them towards the middle, pin them weirdly if you need to. They'll adjust, usually it takes a week or so.

>> No.7562608

Alright, thanks! I was afraid I fucked something up!

>> No.7562609

It depends on how curly your hair is. Mine is about half an inch longer.
But really, if you don't know, don't do it wet. Damp at the most.

>> No.7562610

You can retrain your hair, by damping it and combing/styling it with product the way you want every day, and it'll just stay that way after a while. My hair used to part down the middle a few years ago, took a few months to retrain it.

>> No.7562612

I have cowlicks above each temple, so I feel your pain. For a long time I would just side sweep or pin up my bangs to whatever side was best trained. However, I've recently gotten a fringe and am pleasantly surprised by how little trouble my cowlicks have been. I have to begin styling my bangs as soon as I get out of the shower and keep an eye on them as they dry, though, or I can end up with little clumps of hair that stick out at a weird angle.
Where is your cowlick, anon?

>> No.7562620
File: 497 KB, 250x188, tumblr_inline_mq4hwkzPXX1r637o0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead in the middle of my forehead. I try to sweep bangs to the side but it fights me all day to get back to a middle part, even if I style my hair when wet.
>tfw hair always looks the same, which is like shit, because I can't make it cooperate

>> No.7562628
File: 37 KB, 400x300, How to cut your own bangs 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cut my bangs by cutting the ends vertically into the hair, like this.

If I need to cut a lot of hair more than just a trim, I cut more but always cut less than I want and then do this on the ends until it gets to the length I want.

>> No.7562629

Hello OP. I used this method when I went from no bangs to Full bangs and it was a succes!
I've used this method ever since

>> No.7562639

Trimming bangs isn't difficult at all. Get sharp scissors (you can buy hairdressing scissor fairly cheaply online), go slowly. The worst thing that can happen is you go too short but your hair'll grow out quickly anyway.

>> No.7562654

Me too. My hair curls around my temples. I honestly can never do anything about it cause my hair is really thick and stubborn.

>> No.7562687

Double cowlick anon here: If you want to side sweep your bangs, pin down your bangs to whichever side you want to style them. Do it as soon as you get out of the shower and allow them to dry that way, and do it while you sleep (even if you pin them up a bit higher to keep hair from your face). Applying some leave-in conditioner or a light styling product might help as well. It will take a while to train the cowlick, and you'll have to do this continuously or it will just go back to being as bad as it originally was, but you should see some results.
Cowlicks suck since they're impossible to get rid of, but there are a lot of tricks for managing them. Also, the next time you go to have your haircut, talk to your stylist about it and see if they have any suggestions. Sometimes different cutting/styling techniques can help tame it.

>> No.7562692

Are the scissors at daiso sharp enough to trust for cutting bangs?
What are these scissors used for?

>> No.7562693
File: 13 KB, 420x360, what is it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These scissors

>> No.7562695

Theyre for thinning out hair

>> No.7562702

I haven't tried pinning them before - I'll give it a shot. Thank you for the advice anon.

>> No.7562703
File: 135 KB, 304x405, 6489293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, i was looking for a place to ask this question - score! I really hate the blunt 'horizontal line going straight across my face' look on me more than anything but still want bangs.

whats the best soft looking bang style in terms of versatility, ie one that you can wear forward, to the side, or disguise for a 'no bang' look? Something that could work with more stylish, classic looks as well as all the kawaii shit.

am i asking to much? does it even exist? help and suggestions appreciated.

something like the attached perhaps.

>> No.7562708

How does that work? Why would you want to do that?

>> No.7562719


If you're getting layers , itll help it make it look more naturally flowing. it helps a lot with people with slightly thicker hair to lighten up the weight of it as well.

You can just youtube ";thinning scissors"/"thinning shears" and see what they d o


>> No.7562807
File: 82 KB, 800x350, 2014-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know how to successfully cut curved and rounded bangs like in this pic? I know it's a wig but best example i could find..

>> No.7562820

I've been trying forever to do this to myself. It looks great the first day, but once I take a shower, it just goes to hell. All uneven and scraggly, none of the hairs stay where they were the first time.

>> No.7562859

I don't know about cutting, since I've always had it done by hairdresser, but my advice for after-cut styling would be to dry your fringe while keeping it flat with a comb. You can also use styling paste after drying.

>> No.7562863
File: 23 KB, 282x506, sawako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my hair is to thin to have bangs.

Forever a 6

>> No.7562864

>tfw I have this hairline, but it's been like that my whole life
>I've never seen another female with it
Could I pull off bangs? My hair is ridiculously thick, so it might cover the pointed bits.

>> No.7562873


Why hello there (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

>> No.7562883

if you're trying to get them straight and blunt, an old trick is to put a line of tape over your bangs , draw a straight line with marker on the tape, and cut along the line. My mom used to do that for me when I was a kid. I haven't tried it by myself though since I prefer chopping bangs but it could be used for choppy if you did >>7562628 afterwards.

I'm lucky that my hair stylist will trim bangs for free so I go in every few months.

>> No.7562885

Have you tried getting some layered bangs to add volume?

>> No.7562887

pull out some hair from the back of your head to your fringe, cut bangs, have thick bangs.

>> No.7562888
File: 326 KB, 352x418, bangsforfinehair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't have to forgo bangs entirely because you have thin hair, you just shouldn't get anything too heavy; equally you need something substantial enough that it just doesn't look wispy. the key is to not grow your hair too long, even if you're really tempted, stick to shoulder length or shorter to avoid it looking lank and weighed down. the attached is an option for thin hair.

>> No.7562928

I've been following the method used in this video and my bangs turn out great every time.


>> No.7562943

do not do this do not do not
you will look like one of those barbies that a toddler has fucking shredded its hair

>> No.7562954
File: 251 KB, 800x353, 1400303858897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my hair is too curly to have bangs but in wigs they look fantastic on me. I know that fel

>> No.7562988

I wish I could have bangs like Sawako, but I don't feel like they'd suit me at all and having extremely thick and curly hair makes it hard. I just stick with side bangs.

>> No.7563016

When I first got a haircut with straight fringe I took a photo from a Japanese magazine to show the stylist and it came out perfect. It's good to have a stylist do them the first time because they can get the right thickness and shape.

Since then I've just been trimming them myself every few weeks following the lines of the original cut. 5+ years now and they still look great and get me compliments. I get the hair wet, and cut in thin layers with the rest clipped up, letting down another layer of hair to cut even with the previous cut until it's all done. Then I blow dry them, and touch up any uneven areas (I have a cowlick right in the middle of my hairline, so the final touch up fixes whatever gets messed up by that).

I bought some hair scissors at Sally's for about $25. Definitely worth it to invest in a decent pair if you're going to do regular trimmings.

>> No.7563092

This is going to sound nuts but if you really really want your cowlicks tamed and are willing to regularly maintain it, you can get them smoothed with a relaxer. You'll have to have it retouched every 6 weeks or so but it can be done.

>> No.7563201

>been training hair to part down the middle for 2 years
>still fight every single time I get out out of the shower
> have 5 min window to part my hair or it's gonna be shit middle part

I would rather just find a style that works with a middle part, but I haven;t found one yet

>> No.7563218
File: 488 KB, 1920x1080, 20140518_141217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP again. My part is behaving a bit better thanks for all the great tips!

>> No.7563270

God damn, you're so cute! Bangs are looking awesome, they really suit you.

>> No.7563294

I HAVE to get my hair thinned out around twice a year. It's just too thick, too heavy to deal with, and impossible to style.

>> No.7563403
File: 994 KB, 500x347, OH JESUS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my goodness oh my damn you're cute

>> No.7564340

I've heard blow drying them a specific way helps with cow licks too and it works for me. You blowdry them in the opposite direction of the cowlick to help relax it. I have double cowlicks and very curly hair which I straighten all the time. If I want my bangs to be styled perfectly it is a must for me to blow dry them when they're damp, then straighten lightly afterward (too much straightening can make my bangs end up getting too "piecey") so it's easier to blowdry them into shape first.

>> No.7564347

That's just a normal fringe that's been slightly curled in one direction. It's how I do mine and it turns out like that.

>> No.7566121

How to get bangs like #1? Choppy and spacy but still straight across>

>> No.7566200

Blunt bangs that have been lightly texturized and then put in some product.

>> No.7566219

Sorry I don't know much about hair. So let me clarify. What do you mean lightly texturized? Do you mean "feathering"? And what kind of product, like hair spray? Thank you.

>> No.7566390

..Does nobody in this thread straighten/style their bangs? Because they kind of need it.

The only way to keep your bangs at the exact dead-straight angle they were when you cut them is to keep straightening them whenever you style your hair.

>> No.7566436

Kind of like feathering. If you haven't done it before I suggest going to a real hairstylist. Its almost like very minor layering on your bangs, that will leave them chunky and with the weighty blunt line. Product wise is harder to say since I'm not physically handling your hair, but I'd probably say something that is spray in, but is not... hair spray... its hard to describe what I mean. You want something that goes in before you style it, hair spray is more like the finishing touch once its styled to make it stay put. Something like a very light touch of spray wax maybe.

>> No.7566510

Do this and you will end up worse than 5 of OP's pic.

>> No.7566514

I used to cut my own bangs all the time when I was about 14 and it looked terrible.
I usually get them done at the hair salon, I just bring a picture tho I've been growing them out for a year.

>> No.7566531

Yeah, hair salons will usually do it for free if you've been a paying customer before, otherwise they'll do your fringe very cheap if that's all you want done. $5 at most.

>> No.7567936

Thank you very much, I think I understand what you mean now.

>> No.7568922

I have very thin hair and have had bangs for forever. They just come from further back on my head (like the middle, near where it would on a wig)

>> No.7572418
File: 43 KB, 350x468, snapshot (37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How terrible does this look?
Ive had them for a while and I've been trying to learn how to fix them and while it's a lot more even than the initial cut was its still weird.
I think they're too long maybe?

I'd go to a hairdresser but idk they always berate me for wanting straight bangs and say they're "too short".
Too awkward to say anything so trying to learn myself.
I have nice cutting scissors.

>> No.7572424


they look fine, if anything they look a little too short not too long

>> No.7572427

o-okay I just wish they were a lot more uniform but I guess real life hair doesn't work like animu hair.

>> No.7572428

You are too cute! I want my bangs like this,but I'm scared I will have a mushroom haircut...

>> No.7572557
File: 72 KB, 267x342, 1393840664981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like my sister and I'm suddenly alarmed.

>> No.7575213
File: 135 KB, 600x1255, orange-long-curly-hair-styles-001-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey seagulls! Since I wasn't able to find a hair general thread, I thought it would be appropriate ask in this thread. I'm going to be a bridesmaid at a wedding tomorrow and I don't know what to do with my hair. Could you please suggest some hairstyles (preferably updos) for long layered hair? Also, we have to put baby's breath flowers, but my hair color is like pic related so I'm not sure if it will look ok.

Thanks in advance, guys!

>> No.7575564

Can anyone give me any real life pics of #4, Idk what to search to find them but that's how I want my bangs to cut and I don't want to weeb out to a hairdresser.

>> No.7575601

They're side-swept bangs

>> No.7575635
File: 212 KB, 719x1000, 38362586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair is too thick for easy bangs. Usually(my hair parts on my left) I pull a little hair off from the right, where the majority of my hair is, and pull it across my forehead -but inevitably it sort of poofs out like I have been meticulously curling it, and it ends up looking goofy.

What do?

>> No.7576036

They're crooked.

>> No.7576040

Bang trims range from free to $5 at most salons. If you can't afford that, you need to figure yourself out.

>> No.7578636

If I posted a picture of myself would anyone be willing to give me advice on cut/color? I'm tired of what I have now and want to change it up

>> No.7579004

I got the double whammy when it comes to bad hair genetics. I've always wanted bangs, but I have thin hair and a super oily scalp. It's so bad that I wash my hair in the morning and come home at the end of the day with oily hair.

>> No.7579012

They are too short. Also
> I guess real life hair doesn't work like animu hair.
No you just have shit hair.