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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 127 KB, 693x481, tumblr_m5hjq3KPxi1r6nzsco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7622952 No.7622952 [Reply] [Original]


Let's discuss:
> When did you start doing Homestuck cosplays, and what was the HS cosplay community like back then?
> How should one cosplay Carapacians? A humanized design, zentai suits, or face paint?
> Have you ever been to any HS panels? What were they like?

>> No.7622995

> When did you start doing Homestuck cosplays, and what was the HS cosplay community like back then?
i started cosplaying hs about a year and a half ago. the second con i wore it to was the middle of the first hiatus and it was starting to die off a little
> How should one cosplay Carapacians? A humanized design, zentai suits, or face paint?
i'm planning on cosplaying pm and i'n going to do a zentai suit. i have no real preferance, as long as the decision is intentional, not "i don't want to buy a zentai suit"
> Have you ever been to any HS panels? What were they like?
i was in a small one. it was fun and the panelists were funny, a lot of people who attended complimented us, but i don't think ill do it again.

>> No.7622997


*"I don't want to buy a zentai suit because i'm too lazy or cheap"

forgot to finish my sentence there

>> No.7623037
File: 609 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n7apovzyNS1r35os0o3_r2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7623289

Progress shot of my Ampora horns 'cause I'm ridiculously statisfied with the shape of them.

The base is made out of high density insulation foam and will be sanded before covered in paperclay.

>> No.7623294
File: 1.14 MB, 1936x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a failure.

>> No.7623306

I'm assuming you're going to try and round out the curves on the side more and even out the angle of the tip of the horn to create a finer point?

>> No.7623324
File: 675 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_n7dsxrRF8m1qloj4do3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tip, absolutely. There are some touchups to do before I add the paperclay, and it's not the best image but I am very statisfied with the general shape as I've in all my previous ampora horns have had a hard time balancing the front and the side view. Hopefully I'll even be able to lie down with these haha.
Which curves do you mean?

>> No.7623334
File: 480 KB, 1936x1936, horns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These ones

>> No.7623338

Ah! Yes like I said it's not sanded or anything yet. I'll return with progress updates for concrit later!

>> No.7623476

Not the best photo but she's pretty cute. I'm not sure about her lipstick/wig in this photo, do you have any others?

>> No.7623486
File: 129 KB, 2048x1289, 893695_10203370339012973_4709367984955546906_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the same anon as >7623324 but here you go

>> No.7623489


>> No.7623497

I'd put my dick in that girl.

>> No.7623522

Her skin looks so bad in this picture, what a shame.

>> No.7623567
File: 298 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_n7dscjfBbO1r4hk1vo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7623573


What an unfortunate angle for that cosplayer's face

>> No.7623574

among other things

>> No.7623625

>Oh that's a really neat case
>Opens image fully
Aw man. What's a guy got to do to see some nicely done obscure props these days?

>> No.7623847
File: 768 KB, 900x596, tumblr_mk8y2uaphG1s793lao1_r2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a quick swing through the props tag

>> No.7623850
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>> No.7623852
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>> No.7623854
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>> No.7623855
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>> No.7623857
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>> No.7623859
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>> No.7623861
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>> No.7623884
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>> No.7623888
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>> No.7623891
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>> No.7624051
File: 707 KB, 551x629, 4651587465165468546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk if anon who wanted to see wip shots of my seer of time is still here but I finished the fleece robe yesterday. I did hem it to the correct length afterwards.

I also have a couple of questions. would a thick, heavy cotton work with the fleece for a hood? it would be lined in cream fleece and lightly stuffed too, but I unfortunately can't find the right colour in anything other than cotton. and secondly does anyone have any ideas on props a seer of time would use? I was thinking of something along the lines of a crystal ball or an hourglass or something, but I'm kinda stuck. thanks in advance.

>> No.7624250

>a hourglass in a crystal ball

>> No.7624581

these are so close to being fantastic, but I really wish the edges and details were cleaner

>> No.7624629

That looks so goddamn comfy.
>kind of want to make one like that now just for lounging around the house

>> No.7624656
File: 114 KB, 250x201, tumblr_lwmrjtgqRe1r6rc35o4_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw this looks so cute so far! The color is hella nice too. It looks really really comfy too.

As for a prop, hm. Maybe a crystal ball could work. I wanted to hold either a crystal ball or make an hourglass with clock gears on the top and bottom of it.

I look forward to seeing it finished!

>> No.7624673

it is hella comfy. would recommend making/10.
I was thinking of maybe suspending a nice looking hourglass in resin along with some clockwork pieces, but I would have to be super careful about avoiding bubbles.

>> No.7624710
File: 7 KB, 200x200, 1403088065559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please.. I need more props. That Warhammer of Zillywhoo looked so fuckin clean

>> No.7624752

Also /r/ing more props. I want to see any of Dave's swords, the Caledscratch in particular.

>> No.7624757

> When did you start doing Homestuck cosplays, and what was the HS cosplay community like back then?
winter 12' if you count the closet cosplays, the community was much more active and was one of the things that seriously got me into cosplaying
> How should one cosplay Carapacians? A humanized design, zentai suits, or face paint?
humanized only if you're doing a humanization obviously, and if wearing a zentai suit make sure it isn't one of those godawful shiny ones. Well done facepaint would be the best imo but that does take a while
> Have you ever been to any HS panels? What were they like?
only been to one tiny con, there were only like five homestucks on it so no. it was my country's first con


>sewing machine broke, alredy bought the materials
>freak out cause the con's in a month
>get it made at a seamstress', feel like a failure for not making it myself
>ended up looking great but still feel bad about not making it myself even though it wouldn't be nearly as good

>> No.7624759
File: 87 KB, 1280x853, 1344748398439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7624762


I recognize cbc's stuff and the zillyhoo, but anyone got a source on these?

>> No.7624763

No shame in not making your own costumes, bro, just don't take credit for it or act like you're the hottest shit around (ex. that one Mindfang and the Jane cosplayer from last thread)

>> No.7624769

I made the shitty sword and the caledscratch

>> No.7624789

what did you make the dj unit and blade on the caledscratch from? the deringer blade looks like foam? pvc foam?

>> No.7624791

Everything is made of sintra! The DJ-unit has some buttons from ABS-plastic on it, the record is made from ABS-plastic as well

>> No.7624949
File: 74 KB, 720x960, lmtyb+bff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7625275
File: 193 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mkjnl2uePJ1rnfhi0o8_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7625514

The wrist crab is Alyssaties.

Is this the anon who hand-sewed their Gamzee GT? It looks way better in not-bathroom-light!

>> No.7625570

the regisword isn't CBC, it's their friend.

>> No.7625809
File: 758 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_n7f0evH19Q1qloj4do1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7625926

so how long until FIRST! cosplays of the troll in the adventure game update?

>> No.7625931

Pretty long, I would hope, considering the horns. But I know we're gonna see a nasty influx of people with unstyled John/Karkat wigs and Dave aviators photoshopping themselves grey and calling dibs.

>> No.7626017
File: 213 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n7gi9yGspM1qgy410o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7626020
File: 376 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n7ghfz8IsY1qgy410o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7626079

> When did you start doing Homestuck cosplays, and what was the HS cosplay community like back then?

Oh jeez. I started really cosplaying Homestuck in mid 2011 and the fandom was just on the rise back then. Not very many people were into it but it was still incredibly popular and growing..Things were kind of a wreck back then. I had a pretty awful reputation in my state because I didn't really know how to calm myself down. But it was definitely fun being a part of something before it spiraled out of control like in 2012.
> How should one cosplay Carapacians? A humanized design, zentai suits, or face paint?
I've cosplayed multiple carapacians before and used both the humanized look and Zentai suit. I think it depends on what carapacian you're going for. In the instance of The Midnight Crew, I had a whole group and we were all humanized and pretty great imo. We got a lot of compliments and one of our photosets from last year is still going around on tumblr, in like those little bursts of attention that posts get sometimes. But as for another one I did, the crazy whacked out Lord English version of Jack Noir, I used a full body suit and painted mask and it worked out just fine too. I think it really depends on how well a person can capture the character with what they have, like Mayors and the other exiles would probably look better in Zentai and the MC, if done really well, would look better as humanizations. Though i've seen some good zentais of the MC too. It really depends on the character.
> Have you ever been to any HS panels? What were they like?
I've been to exactly two Q&A panels and I ran a performance and Q&A panel once last year. The Q&A panels were fun, since they were also back when HS was first getting really popular, and I also got some good reviews on the panel I held, so I've had pleasant experiences with them. I don't go to them anymore since i'm so busy all the time, but they were good when I did.

>> No.7626154


there it is

>> No.7626235

fucking hell

>> No.7626304

I don't understand why it's needed to post this cosplay ever couple of posts, yes it looks good but this just seems like self posting now. Which wouldn't surprise me.

For those of you who don't know this is the MCM London's annoying Jade panelist. Who has appeared here a number of times.

>> No.7626432
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>> No.7626433
File: 76 KB, 400x602, tumblr_n7gy64yUA91t202vto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7626438

hnnnngh closeups please, loving what I'm seeing so far but need more

>> No.7626444
File: 84 KB, 640x480, tumblr_n7e3ioro751s3xo50o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7626449
File: 156 KB, 600x902, homestuck__dave_strider_by_lokeva-d5fy3pw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7626465
File: 88 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mns0ph4Gcs1rf1lrco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7626478
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>> No.7626557

I think it's totally self-posting because she's not that fantastic. Maybe decent at best. Her gloves are hideous, the fringe is interesting but not accurate, her makeup game is hells of weak, and her wig looks like that Tiger and Bunny wig every other Roxy cosplayer uses that looks like shit.

>> No.7626567


Those fins are really nice. Sauce?

>> No.7626593

I have her on Facebook so Ive seen the unedited pictures, the wig is more of a dirty blonde its a bit grainy in colour and is slightly weird.

>> No.7626595
File: 238 KB, 960x960, tumblr_n6n0i5oQUZ1towx15o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This wig...

>> No.7626613

That make up

>> No.7626643

There was an update? I haven't gotten anything showing up in my emails, except one from whatpumpkin about the January update.
Can someone tell me what's happening here

>> No.7626654

It's from the Kickstarter, for the game. New info was released and some new photos, along with a design of a troll.

>> No.7626674

That's...not exactly what I was asking.

Then again I wasn't clear - the thing is, I haven't got any notification about this update from WhatPumpkin when I got one for the January update. I want to know if this is the same with other people who bought the kickstarter through What Pumpkin?

>> No.7626680
File: 25 KB, 500x521, tumblr_n7gejpYVMl1snq296o4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this troll was posted in a kickstarter update post along with some scenery art and concecpt art for an apparently first guardian axolotl and people are racing to be the first to cosplay him, because of course they are.

>> No.7626684


oh whoops was typing >>7626680 when you posted this

i don't know, but its on tumblr. that's where i saw it.

>> No.7626685

But the real question is how long before tumblr makes shitty lgbtquiop-kin headcanons for him?

>> No.7626698

How much you wanna bet the first cosplay of him is going to have some shitty fawn makeup

>> No.7626703

When the main character was revealed there was special outrage that people were assuming she was a girl just because she looked like one. Oh tumblr. I hate you.

>> No.7626708

He's already been cosplayed... unfortunately.


>> No.7626725

I'm a backer and I got the email early this morning.

>> No.7626729

this. is a nicely made pair of shades.

>> No.7626748

is that kidbunnies work? im pretty sure it is. I used to cosplay regularly with this guy. He was my ex's best friend. His props are amazing

>> No.7626758

Motherfucker. Well, I guess it's time to contacr them directly.

>> No.7627207
File: 735 KB, 1000x1333, tumblr_n7hl3rPqm61qhjceko2_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It continues

>> No.7627302
File: 71 KB, 250x333, tumblr_mn46jqB5oR1qf5fudo2_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who in the Homestuck community would you avoid? this person is the person i would avoid, she is rude, other people make her costumes and she claims the credit and she starts nasty rumours about other people.

>> No.7627382

I don't even know who that is.
Obvious vendetta is obvious.

>> No.7627405

not op but I know her from other cosplays of video game characters. She lives around my area actually. But yea that must of been a vendetta post

Even though I agree with some of it.

>> No.7627460
File: 322 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_n763bgQwGn1rujwxio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm sure they're shitty, it was just an obvious way of going about it.

>> No.7627474
File: 185 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_n7hvaz5aeQ1trrdvto1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're... getting there...?

>> No.7627499


too large, too female looking

>> No.7627506

cgl in five words

>> No.7627565
File: 330 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mab6xhuCMG1qhc1x7o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here

>> No.7627591
File: 854 KB, 1001x1920, tumblr_n2wftfjBYn1rcjt6po4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the homestuck cosplayers facebook:

>"Hey guys I cosplayed the new canon game troll!! Also, if you all could do me a huge huge favour and reblog my tumblr post for these pics, I would really really appreciate it! It's always been my dream to be the first or one of the first people to cosplay a new thing from something homestuck. (Link to post will be in comments)"

I will never understand the FIRST!!! obsession.

>> No.7627686
File: 30 KB, 650x450, 03068.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cosplayed as John at my first con, I'm going as Hussie when he rode Falcor I think... I know it's a really small part of the story though... Kind of afraid not enough people will get it.

Anyway, I know this must have been asked an insane amount of times before, but where do you get your troll face paint, and whats the best hue/shade/whatever to buy?

>> No.7627981

I'm actually p sure its not self-posting as she doesn't go on cgl at all any more, as far as I know she doesn't like being posted here.

>> No.7628005

That dress...

>> No.7628193

Uh huh way to cover your ass girl.

>> No.7628242

Nah, but i guess i can't convince you otherwise. I just talked to her about it at MCM in may

>> No.7628309

seriously though is that dress a shittily painted table tarp

>> No.7628318
File: 873 KB, 600x900, tumblr_n7apovzyNS1r35os0o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like upholstery grade textured vinyl to me. So much "why"

>> No.7628381
File: 52 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n7ias622HZ1r9ee9go1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone reblogged this with the tag #good cosplay

>> No.7628399
File: 523 KB, 960x1280, 1402498201654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that kurloz

>> No.7628417


>> No.7628425


>> No.7628430
File: 94 KB, 585x278, 1387178938206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can juuust see the Kurloz's stomach hang out from the shirt

>> No.7628540
File: 311 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n7j6qhGf2D1s3u0h4o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"bunny Dualscar"
>oh, it looks like they just threw on bunny ears instead of horns for a lark while taking a progress picture

"Fawn" makeup has leaked into the area of bad Nepeta makeup where people try to recreate the :3 look and end up giving themselves a cleft lip.

>> No.7628548
File: 395 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_n1l6sh4c5z1s3u0h4o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annnnnnd I visited their blog and found out that they're the same person who posted the masturbating-with-a-fake-penis Jake gifs.

It's a shame that they tend towards classlessness, as they're generally attractive and know how to do wigs and makeup (when it's not OOTP)

>> No.7628556


>> No.7628560

The fuck is going on with those horns.

Also I have to say, their makeup looks pretty good.

>> No.7628610

Those freckles are hideous.

>> No.7628618
File: 330 KB, 1280x884, tumblr_n6mjjjlhSb1s3u0h4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a cake that's collapsing in on itself

>> No.7628627

Who is that character to the far right?? Kankri? Gothstuck!Karkat?

>Red booty shorts
>Red and blue tennis shoes
>Whatever that shirt is

>> No.7628674

nepeta cosplayers were doing that before the faun trend, nerd

>> No.7628728


>not genderbent
>wearing a bodysuit
>not even looking remotely male

and thats before you get into the actual design even

>> No.7628768

Every other post on her is about Asch, i swear this is slowly becoming a vendetta. Yes you don't like this persons cosplays, aren't you bored of putting it on here every other day/week

>> No.7628769

The :3 look for nepeta and meulin is totally unrelated to fawn things (I distinctly remember Nepetas doing that from the start. Hell I'm sure people cosplaying catgirls/cat-themed anime characters in the 90s even did that). It looks fine if it's subtle, since she is drawn with that face after all.

>> No.7628784

the aranea looks alright...

>> No.7628794


>> No.7628813

Oh god this is beautifully cringey. Source, anon?

>> No.7628825

>"leave brittany spears alone right NOW!"

>> No.7628836

/r/ing knockoff cosplays, both good and bad. I just saw another shitty knockoff helmsman rigs and now I'm wondering what else is out there. Do good BNF copies even exist?

>> No.7628837

I don't even know who that is.

>> No.7629209
File: 691 KB, 1280x913, tumblr_n7jwaoGCL41rmwerjo2_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the photographer in the sunglasses reflection

It's... getting better...? Maybe?

>> No.7629502
File: 99 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n7jqdelcKS1rbmqngo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ, why do some meenah cosplayers make their braids THIS long? these particular braids don't even look good, and it's obnoxious to be at a con putting everyone around you in immediate danger of tripping over your ratty wig.

>> No.7629709
File: 185 KB, 924x450, which.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I posted this question in the last thread and I got a few replies but it saged before I could reply back. What if I make stencils and paint the dots on the slip ons instead of buying the knockoff keds? Would it look better or just stupid?

>> No.7629716

The only decent ones are the Aranea and Dirk to the right.

>> No.7629729

The right ones look better and more accurate, painting on the eyelets would look silly.

Here's this,

I bought my TZ shoes (and a couple more paires for roxy and meenah)

>> No.7629932

No, that's what I meant (albeit kind of phrased misleadingly). That faun makeup is now so badly and widely done that it's gone all the way round and is starting to resemble bad Nepeta makeup.

>> No.7630024

Those incorrect karkit teeth tho.

>> No.7630041

Oh man those fins. If only the horns didn't suck

>> No.7630079

Those horns certainly aren't bad, in this light anyway

>> No.7630373


Who is the Summoner at 1:14 of this video?

>> No.7630398
File: 428 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_n6jkdqk4iW1rfg085o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7630400

not sure what they were going for with the wig, that doesn't look anything close to Dirk's style.

>> No.7630683

> Have you ever been to any HS panels? What were they like?
My girlfriend & I were on an ask panel this weekend for the second year in a row. I h8 myself. (Last year was a surprise, the people cosplaying the same characters as us that were supposed to be on the panel showed up late etc etc)

Last year was hell (Found out we were going on like five minutes before cuz) but this year was a LOT better because neither of us got many questions because Gamzee & Tavros aren't super duper relevant ATM. (Kinda Gamzee, but still way less questions for me than last year. Thank fuck.)

I haven't been as an audience member, though.

>> No.7630705

> When did you start doing Homestuck cosplays, and what was the HS cosplay community like back then?
Whoops forgot this. I wanna say 2010 directly after Gamzees introduction. (Four years ago this month! I'm fucking trash!) 2011 is when I stepped my game up proper, 2013 I was forced onto the panel, this year I codtiered.

The community in my area was hella small & tight knit, (kinda still is) but there were a few alpha cosplayers (mostly from out of state but came to meetups or cons near us) that have since left. A bit cliquey.

But since, I've met some of my best con friends and fandom friends and internet friends via the local Homestuck cosplayers, things got less cliquey as things got bigger, but we're still a semi-functional extended family tbh. (And now I'm part of the "older crowd" and it sucks cuz...yeah 13/14 year olds, get away from me, Gamzee doesn't want youse touching his codpiece and I'm 7+ years older than you. Please go play amongst the children. I'll be here, getting drunk if anyone needs me.)

But Iiiiiiii have a question for y'all, how many characters have you cosplayed from the comic? I feel like some sort of oddity, I've been cosplaying Gamzee for four years like a fucking idiot. I've done "Pajamastuck" Kurloz in my skeleton kigu but that's just like, with friends and not really out and about or finished/serious. (Plus, it's still Makaras. Fuck)

>> No.7630797


I've properly cosplayed 4? by which i mean, set out with the intent of doing it. 5 counting the obligatory "i have everything anyways" dave cosplay i did. i made another then never wore it because the person i was supposed to be doing the cosplay with flaked and my prop broke.

honestly a lot of people i know of just do lots of versions of one character. i've done several, but there are only two i wear consistently and make new outfits for.

>> No.7630944
File: 472 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_n7dt7ghc6r1sike7mo2_r1_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently this is the cast of the homestuck musical

>> No.7630960


Why do people do this? Why does this have almost 9k notes?

>> No.7630967
File: 951 KB, 320x240, tumblr_ms4ezjw8og1r5gokbo3_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to love this girl's Roxy. I think she left the fandom though.

>> No.7630976

Who is she?

>> No.7631007

Brush your fucking wigs or get better ones.

>> No.7631022

>Those lips
This isn't attractive.

>> No.7631031

GOD I hate when people use that wig for Roxy. Also no curl and unstyled bangs. Your taste is shit.

>> No.7631046



>> No.7631068
File: 460 KB, 662x1000, Episode._8_Decision_x_By_x_Majority_Gon_Freecss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wig: bad
Makeup: bad
she doesn't even read Homestuck

>> No.7631080

What is the best way to make a Latula cosplay? Do people like a full bodysuit or the tights and tunic look?

I'm gonna be in a HS panel in June and Im thinking of remaking my Latula Since she's how I'll be.

>> No.7631084

A bodysuit, if done right, and well fitted, would probably be the best way to go.

>> No.7631088

I have a latex bodysuit already so would it be best to cut it up an sew in the teal parts?

>> No.7631090


>> No.7631129

I'm unimpressed and unsurprised.

>> No.7631374

How should one style a John wig?

>> No.7631474
File: 85 KB, 1280x1918, tumblr_mqit3sEDao1r7ql9wo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a good kurloz h

>> No.7631485

mostflogged hardly reads anything she cosplays. unsurprised

>> No.7631683
File: 35 KB, 499x750, incredible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that karkat

>> No.7631685

Well he got the shurt-tucked-in-pants thing right at least.

>> No.7631704

not the worst kurloz ive ever seen but there are a couple things id fix, like the makeup, but overall not aweful

>> No.7631796

>Aradia's and Gamzee's wigs in 'natural black'
> :(

The Kanaya looks the best of the lot, which isn't saying too much. Sollux might have some potential if his wig didn't look about to fly off his head.

>> No.7631803

>Eridan with a widows peak
I'm actually impressed.

>> No.7631889

idk the nepeta looks pretty cute too

>> No.7631939

wow this thread is disgusting. don't you guys have anything better to do than bash other people's cosplays?

>> No.7631954

Are you in the musical?

>> No.7631956

you must be new

>> No.7631971

Maybe instead of complaining that people critique your shit cosplay, you should work on making your cosplay better so that people compliment it instead.

>> No.7631993

yup i'm new and i don't give a shit. no, i'm not in the musical. i'm the sollux that did the strip tease and i did make mine better. i got a new wig and new clothes and got better makeup and a suit that fits and everything and if you really wanted to care you could see the progress http://carcinocarnivals.tumblr.com/post/80444890436/my-first-sollux-gif-compared-to-my-latest-wow but because i know i fixed mine, i don't really care about what you're saying about me. i mainly care about what you're saying about these poor cosplayers that have no idea that you're making fun of them. people try, and not everyone has the ability to make their cosplays better. it took me months before i was able to afford everything and i'm even fairly new to cosplaying. i know what it's like to own shitty wigs and try and fail but fix it and get better. but can't people be proud of their own progress without people shitting on them? seriously.

>> No.7632007

>Strip tease
Fucking trash

>> No.7632008

Shit tier

>> No.7632013
File: 482 KB, 300x300, tumblr_inline_mnfug4vvJX1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sollux strip tease
go back to tumblr

>> No.7632015

already there sweethearts
peace i'm out

>> No.7632048

The Kanaya and Nepeta look nice. Gamzee looks alright, from what I can see. Karkat's definitely the weakest link. The wig looks awful and the makeup could've been done way better, especially around the eyes.

>> No.7632050

The Karkat is disgusting, and is probably the main character

>> No.7632055
File: 68 KB, 463x550, tumblr_m69ekuUzyE1qg8qpp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/r/ the gifts of this person using toaster streudel frosting as cum

Fat nasty trash related

>> No.7632061

Ok, cool.

>> No.7632068
File: 177 KB, 554x573, Screen Shot 2014-06-23 at 3.01.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wah wah, people on tumblr asspat me even though i'm a fucking adult

>> No.7632075

Hello! And thank you for contacting CGL Homestuck General Customer Service. I'm sorry to report that the phrases "strip" and "tease" when used in conjunction renders all further statements invalid and voids all future arguments. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you, and have a wonderful day~!

>> No.7632081

>posts a strip tease of an underage fictional character
>complains about people being disgusting

>> No.7632091

>stripper in question may be in fact be underage
>constitutes child porn
>everyone gets flagged by the FBI

>> No.7632093

>cops come to house
>get arrested
>"what are you in for, anon?"
>fictional character strip tease.

>> No.7632097

>go to jail
>get covered in inmate toaster strudel
>pics posted to tumblr
>cycle repeats

>> No.7632104

Seconding the nomination.

>> No.7632124

Psssssssssst, people here don't think you're gross because you have an ill-fitting cosplay. People think you're gross because you post disgusting gifs and tag them for everyone to see. Pretending that your face is covered in cum is pretty much the definition of shit tier here.

>> No.7632506

>Definition of shit tier here
>More like definition of shit tier everywhere

>> No.7632517

Fuck, anon. I laughed.

>> No.7632840

ahahahahahaah i love it when shit tiers come here and try and get all uppity and prove us wrong. carcinocarnivals is an annoying transtrender with rabid yaoi-obsessed erisol fantards backing her up and nothing else

>> No.7632849
File: 150 KB, 407x750, tumblr_mtnopq9GPj1s886ypo2_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while since we added another shit tier to the list. Time for a new addition?

>> No.7632871

oh god is that her?

>> No.7632888

That's wreckitronnie. She's even worse.

>> No.7632894
File: 1.96 MB, 360x203, tumblr_mrgecmnbj51rt2jwgo2_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but this is.

>Tagged Solkat

>> No.7632898
File: 418 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_msycxrMUtB1rt2jwgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7632899
File: 957 KB, 320x240, tumblr_mpggocLdHs1rt2jwgo6_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tag is a goldmine.

I think someone requested this one.

>> No.7632906

jfc why

>> No.7632924


>> No.7632926
File: 978 KB, 500x200, sexuallyfrustrated.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet baby Jesus

>> No.7632927

I'm crying, this is so fucking embarrassing.

>> No.7632931
File: 6 KB, 240x200, koizumilol2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ, that's depressing. What happens in someone's life that leads them to posting sexually explicit images dressed as underaged characters?

>> No.7632939
File: 1.18 MB, 320x240, tumblr_n1fbi8pERl1shm4v4o4_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strudel and bucket-licking not your style? Step right up and take a gander, ladies and gents, there's more to see.

>> No.7632943

>that filename
You can't actually enjoy this, can you?

>> No.7632947

It's funny because if she hadn't had come in here we all would have moved on and forgotten about her. I mean look at the post with the link to their blog--there was only one comment. One. One comment was enough to get their panties in a bunch.

>> No.7632958
File: 121 KB, 960x720, tumblr_n7ljl4fMtH1r2ql0fo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Dear Homestuck fandom,
I present to you the first completed Imperial Drone cosplay.
I wanted to put more time into it, but I work 6 days a week, 58 hours, and literally finished this 20 minutes before I went to the con. I plan on fixing it up for Alternicon so holla
Also yall should totes reblog the hell out of this so Hussie can see someone finally frickin cosplayed a Drone"

>arrogant little shit
>made of fucking duct tape

>> No.7632961



>> No.7632968
File: 51 KB, 469x360, 15463434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting someone to see how little effort you put into representing their character


>> No.7632987

PSA: Hussie doesn't give a shit.

>> No.7632992

The real question here is what is that cosplay to the left supposed to be

>> No.7633010

this is why we don't get an end to the gigapause. hussie sees this shit and curls into a fetal position and cries bitter tears. like the fucking gabe newell of digital comics

>> No.7633021

Am I the only one who doesn't really care if people use subtly "natural black" wigs? Aradia's is only noticeable in that picture because the sun is hitting it directly, and the end result is that she almost looks like the way a fanartist would draw rustblood hair (very very dark red.) It reminds me of the cute Vriska who was in the picture posted here of saccharinesylph's Aradia, who had a subtle blue undertone to her wig and looked great.

If your wig has obvious brown tones that's bad, but if your wig has slight brown tones that only show up in direct light -- and especially if you're cosplaying someone with red, brown, etc blood -- I really don't see the issue. It's not like everyone doesn't use bodypaint that's lighter than the comic color for troll skin anyway.

>> No.7633024

some version of AR, or a crockertier Dirk, or someone related to his robots, or........damn you're right, what they hell IS that?!

>> No.7633034

Except it doesn't look dark red at all, it's very clearly brown. Subtle blue the kind you'd find in Arda's raven wigs (I think that's the color, anyway) is a completely different story because a subtle blue undertone would remain just that - an undertone. The wig would still appear mostly black. In this photo, it's the brown fibers that are showing up most strongly. It's not a good look when troll hair is black.

>> No.7633044
File: 686 KB, 1080x1920, tumblr_n7l8xrXJvV1twdq9bo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the least, it's entertaining, most threads lately have just been kinda tame, save for maybe that one cosplayer with the inflated ego from the other thread.

Anyways, I saw this cosplayer on my dash. The exact same Brobot that has cool concepts except for the fact that they have regular jeans. Up to now, they still just have jeans.

>> No.7633225


i thought this was some sort of zombie thing at first, then i realized no, no it is not

isn't this the person who made gifs of themself peeing their pants as sollux?

>> No.7633416

can we just say yes so someone doesn't go off and find it and bring it back?

>> No.7633605
File: 71 KB, 700x600, 1400271781833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in thread before
>disregard gif
>goes through thread again
>clicks gif
Jesus fucking Christ????
I'm confused and disgusted.

>> No.7633608


>> No.7633655

cosplays look fine but the pose is a bit...silly. or a lot silly. reminds me of something from the awkward family photo blog.

>> No.7633656

Nah, the Vriska I was referring to had /visible/ blue fibers in her wigs (but it was mixed in with the black and wasn't obvious until you looked directly at it, hence subtle.) It was nice.

And "warm brown undertone" and "dark red undertone" aren't quite different enough to ruin a cosplay imo and still looks fine, but like I said, I'm aware this is a thing that bothers other people way more.

>> No.7633661

This is so silly! Why would you... Maybe it's just for a private shoot.

I do admire when Meenahs make their tails just long enough to drag on the ground, like her sprite. Never seen anyone do THIS before tho

>> No.7633664

just assuming this is for tz..

Did you guys see the pukind Terezi plush wearing crocs? I can't believe that someone (a someone with $300 to drop on plushes, no less) looked at her shoes and though, "she's definitely wearing crocs."

>> No.7633666

Who cares if you can see the photog in his reflection? I'm way more bothered that their feet are in the shot.
The cosplay itself looks good, though.

>> No.7633776

It's like Yajirobe the entire kurloz

>> No.7633836


The Terezi plush was a gift. Pukind doesn't take home stuck plush commissions.

>> No.7633864


ahahahahahaha jesus christ that is horrible.

also why the fuck is every single fakeboi always named caden or jaden or some variation thereof

>> No.7633871 [DELETED] 

Also this
>>hey there i’m caden
>>i’m 19
>>i identify as a greyromantic pansexual

>> No.7633876

Also this
>hey there i’m caden
>i’m 19
>i identify as a greyromantic pansexual

Wtf is greyromantic

>> No.7634010

its when you can only love trolls

>> No.7634032

it's why we can't have nice things

>> No.7634076
File: 14 KB, 1329x355, 1396158403018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7634536

I'm sitting here wondering if I even want to try educating you or if you're a lost cause trying to be funny

>> No.7634544

it's another fucking dumb ass term for snowflakes to show off how unique and special they are

moving on

>> No.7634572

Some people don't see the point in labeling themselves like raw meat in the supermarket.

Everyone's welcome to plaster their romantic and sexual inclinations all over their blogs if they want to, but most of them will also look back in about five years and wonder why the hell it mattered.

>> No.7634775
File: 24 KB, 444x750, big-u-customizable-us-navy-service-dress-white-military-uniform-15821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on how to do a decent Militarystuck Eridan?
The amount of visor caps and other bullshit Im seeing on these things is kind of disgusting.
Was thinking something like this, but with more purple trim?

>> No.7634808

Don't stick your horns through the hat at a stupid angle. 99% of militarystuck people do this and it looks awful.

>> No.7634824

Will keep in mind. Anything else?

>> No.7634847


Nice men's dress shoes. Purple trims a good idea; quality cape material is a must (if you wear the cape over it; it could go either way. I think theres some European armies that still have capes)

Some kind of imperial insignia? A rapier?

>> No.7634855
File: 8 KB, 428x596, 104595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Or if not the cape, maybe a sash?

Bless your heart, anon, I'd kill to see a nice uniform style au without the cheetah print

>> No.7634872

If you're wearing service white only wear shoulder boards and don't add rank stripes on the sleeves. The opposite if you do service blue. And make sure all medals and materials correspond to the appropriate rank you wish to convey. Don't go mixing admiralty shoulder boards with the metal anchor for CPOs. Use twill over woven. If you must have an aiguillette at least make sure its gold, but understand that usually reserved for the ceremonial guard and not an admiral or fleet commander (as I imagine you'd want to cast Eridan). If you wish to have him carry a sword/cutlass or pistol belt for any reason know that the outfit should then be modeled after full dress with medals replacing the ribbons on the left breast pocket. Shit, there's a laundry list of things militarystuck general fucks up.

>> No.7634941

What? No they don't. Or at least not in the navy. Off the top of my head the only ceremonial uniforms that still use a cape are the Italian Carabinieri(military police) and the Constantinian Order of St. George which barely fucking counts. Oh and the Wehrmacht. Capes are fucking dumb. And if you have to use a sash, you better pair it with the right fucking uniform because 90% of the ceremonial dress uniforms that still wear sashes are army, not navy.

>> No.7634944

Not the Eridan anon, but that's quite an informative list! Do you know of any sites/pages that give comprehensive military dress guides (for any era or country), or can you give specific search terms that people should look up when trying to research outfit components (like rank, service colours (white vs blue what is going on there), etc)?

>> No.7634963

Dress uniform, military service dress, military/naval uniform, army/navy rank insignia, military uniform protocol. Any combination thereof will send you in the right direction. If you can find it in your library, there's an Illustrated Encyclopedia series that runs from at least the American Revolution through WWII giving detailed pictures of various countries' uniforms. The one on the 19th C. would probably be the most useful I would imagine. For anything modern, check google and the official US Forces websites (Army, Navy, Marines, etc.) as they will have a historic section that usually details uniform protocol.

>> No.7634981

Sorry, I forgot to add, service dress are the uniforms used for formal occasions that do not require dinner dress (which are highly varied) or full dress (mostly ceremonial) In the case of service dress (and this applies to navy only as each branch has their own service dress) white vs. blue is generally according to season. White is for the summer, blue for the winter. Although blue is also used year round for travel.

>> No.7634998
File: 38 KB, 781x738, astronaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>alien spaceship fleet
>interpretation of character with distinct visual elements
>anon you cannot mix army and navy

Pic related: only allowable actual space navy uniform

>> No.7635013

>designing alien uniforms
>go the fuck nuts
>military AU based on actual military uniforms
>get that shit right

>picture of civilian non military outfit
>not helping case

>> No.7635071
File: 92 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mvujlyqX2s1t0yhg7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your autism is showing.

Also WTF are you talking about? Any military AU with the trolls is going to involve alien uniforms.

>> No.7635091

Not the anon you're responding to, but. OP was thinking about a militarystuck cosplay based on official uniforms already in existence, in this case used by the United States navy. It's your autism that's showing. Canonically the trolls would have alien uniforms, sure, but that's not what OP was asking about.

>> No.7635119

OP is after military clothes inspired by real uniforms instead of Mookie garbage. It doesn't mean OP has to stick to the level of division-country-year matching autism that the other anon is insisting on. Who gives a shit if they pair admiral shoulder boards with a colonel's jacket? It'll still look better than most militarystuck stuff.

>> No.7635135

They could stick to it if they wanted. There's nothing wrong with the information other anon was providing. OP was ambiguous as to exactly how strictly they wanted to adhere to the dress codes and practices already in place, but I don't think it's unreasonable for other anon to give them the extra info anyway given that OP was using real uniforms as their reference. If they decide to incorporate non-military elements/ take some creative liberties with their cosplay for the sake of its aesthetic, that's fine, but if they're interested in following uniform protocol to the letter, they can do that too. Other anon was just helping out.

>> No.7635150

On the subject of military aesthetic, I've thought about doing an Army of Two style Dirk/Jake cosplay with a buddy. Essentially, just Dirk and Jake with more of a tacticool look.

Anyone seen an idea like that done before?

>> No.7635282

no, please do educate me, I legit have no idea what that means. That's why i asked

>> No.7635288

And to Eridan anon, here's what NOT to do with the horns

>> No.7635399

No, let the uninitiated suffer as we have suffered
[spoiler]it's the only way people will never repeat such shittery

>> No.7635664

that's intentional. the feet are of the new girl from the games..

>> No.7635687
File: 381 KB, 900x1369, 1396330046862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for a shit tier update?

>> No.7635781

that crazy jane from the last thread
the cum face stripper sollux
and the vagina hat mindfang

>> No.7635787

you forgot ratjohn

>> No.7635801

> what is that hair parting
am i the only one who is stuck on terezi's wig?

>> No.7635840

they're shittier?
I feel like the construction on their cosplays are decent/better than most, they just have an unfortunate face.
unless they have a shitty attitude?

>> No.7635866

Their construction is average and their ego is pretty inflated.

>> No.7635877

words just exist to describe things more precisely/accurately. People don't have to use labels, but i'd rather see that than a one-paragraph awkward description of how exactl their boning preferences work. When you guys hear someone say "burgundy" do you go IT'S RED U SNOWFLAKE?

>> No.7635886
File: 94 KB, 640x480, 55565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7635888

Accidently posted too soon.
Their Dave is pretty good then their John for whatever reason could be done better but I'm unsure what it is. Their wig? Hood?

>> No.7635896

Are we supposed to know who this is?

>> No.7635951

It's the hood shape imo

>> No.7635979

acne dave? share the deets

>> No.7636141

Other anon but identifying some way along the asexual spectrum but without feeling that it can be defined by "asexual", "aromantic" or "demisexual".

And before anyone jumps at me because "stupid labels": this is our generations way to explore our sexuality and gender. In five years they may find the label superficial and identify more clearly (or not at all) but right now they're still experimenting and that's fine.
I personally have had greyace describen to me as sexual interest or sexuality without sexual attraction.

>> No.7636142

Their construction is ok but they do have a face 4chan isn't too fond of. Also they go the gilbo route with more serious humanstuck rather than the jj route with CROSSOVERS FOREVER. I haven't seen very much of their ego tbh.

>> No.7636146

suddenly humans are experiencing brand new emotions and desires never before felt in human history. fucking incredible.

shitty cosplayer. this question always gets asked

>> No.7636148

Never said it was new emotions, this is just a new way to make sense of them and place yourself in the world. It will pass just like everything else.

>> No.7636149

ok I understant that, actually, and I have no problems with people using labels. I'm still unclear as to what interest without attraction actually means though.

What I also don't get how someone can identity as this and then make public gifs of themselves with implied cum on their face. Why would you do that if you feel no sexual attraction? Or is that the interest part?
From where I'm sitting it looks like good old attetntionwhoring

>> No.7636157
File: 1.22 MB, 864x1296, tumblr_n3yg8nM6s61qa3lhio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deets? For all the times they've been posted here, nobody's ever had anything to say about an ego. Some of HSG just doesn't like their cosplays, which isn't shittier qualifications by itself.

>> No.7636158

This is all up to them of course, they may experience things way differently. All I'm saying is just from one person so.
Either way, they explained it as that they were sexual, they felt horny and they had no problems with the idea of having sex, they just weren't attracted to other people. So they would get horny but they wouldn't look at a specific person and go "holy fuck bring me to bed".
As for public gifs with sexy stuff... man, there's a billion reasons, I know asexual people who roleplay smut just for the fun of typing it out, for them it's likely partly attention and partly just because they like doing gifs and probably doesn't have anything else they can figure out to do.

>> No.7636169

Ok, now I actually got it. Fair enough, that makes sense. These things confuse me and I'm uncomfortable asking on tumblr because the last time I did it ended with a bunch of people telling me I can't identify as bisexual because Im "clearly" pan or poly or something and that pissed me off like hell. So thanks for explaining!

I still think the cosplayer needs a better attitude, better judgment and better costumes though

>> No.7636178

Agreed on the last part. They did actually post about taking down some old gifs they found in bad taste though so hey.

Personally I don't have a problem with cosplayers doing "sexy" gifs as long as they're not minors. If it makes them feel good? More power to them. Not my thing but hey someone's gotta do it.

What I do find an issue, however, is that people don't think through what they put online and the potential consequences for it.

>> No.7636214

I think everyone's allowed to put whatever they want online but they have to understand that the second you click upload it's there and it's fair game.

What this cosplayer did wrong was come here and act like their stripping gifs where high art and we're stupid for not keeping track of their "improvement".

I've been frequenting chans since 2005 and I don't see anything wrong with what we do here. You put something out there, people get to comment. Don't want comments on your fake-cum eating videos, don't tag them so that we'll find them.

>> No.7636220

So if it wasn't tagged then you'd be ok with it?

>> No.7636225

what you put on your own private blog is none of my business. it becomes my business when it's all over my dash and i have to look at it for long enough to see everything that's wrong with it and get annoyed. I come here and talk shit about it.

They'll never stop tagging character names and hs cosplay because they're all attention whores.

>> No.7636229

fuck it got cut short.

But my biggest problem is starting a hugbox shitshow after you end up here, and getting all your little sjw friends on a rampage.

I hate the whole COSPLAY IS FOR FUN U CANT SAY ANYTHING BAD and it's always these people that do this. If no one gives crit, no one improves. You post on tags, means you want crit.

These idiots are the ones who get blogs like badhomestuckcosplay reported and soon there'll be no good cosplay crit blogs on tumblr.

>> No.7636519

It's not an ego that warrants shit tier imo, but it's there. They definitely lurk HSG since in the past they've responded on their blog to comments we've made, and I'm sure they're half the whiteknighting we see when we talk about them.

>> No.7636552


>lurking HSG

As though every active name on that list doesn't.

>> No.7636572

I agree that bad attitude/ego has a lot to do with shit tier. For example, the mindfang with the bad attitude and the jane from the last thread are ok cosplayers, they just have huge egos/don't make their own costumes and take credit for it.
If ratjohn does that, then shit tier awaits them.

>> No.7636575

I'm not saying they don't, but at least they aren't as obvious about it.

>> No.7636595

I sure do

>> No.7636644
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>> No.7636671 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7636675
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>> No.7636681

Plus showing your ass to cgl is an instant ticket to the list. Probably the only reason rikala/bad attitude mindfang isn't on it is because she keeps her head down.

>> No.7636688

They're okay thoug, your cosplay needs to be bad or just generally not at all noteworthy to accompany your attitude.
Cunthat mindfang is hardly the best cosplayer and has a shitty attitude but her cosplay is objectively decent to good most of the time.

>> No.7636702

true it's not like she comes in here bawwwing
just a bitch, not shit tier
same goes for rat john then probably

>> No.7636704
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>> No.7636732

At least regdichab makes her own costumes. Rika gets other people to sew them then cops an attitude when she doesn't get enoughy attention.

Shit tier has always been about extreme shitty attitudes IMO.... Out of everyone on the list Urchantier is the only one on there mostly because of costume disasters. Everyone else is some combo of gross, egotistical or dramalicious.

>> No.7636735

She doesn't come in here bawwing but she does come in here and pretend to be a random anon when people talk about her shit attitude.
She's usually the only person defending herself and says shit like 'I've only had good interactions when I've met here, can you list specific examples of when she was mean to you?'

>> No.7637561


At least their horns all appear to be painted the same way.

>> No.7637617
File: 58 KB, 640x480, tumblr_n7r9y7T0dT1tnsx8ro9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first fuckin post in the cronkri tag, i had no hope of escaping

>> No.7637625

No people have been like that since the dawn of time I'm sure. In fact they've probably even come up with new words to describe it. Those words just didn't become widely used until the information age, for obvious reasons (people with unusual habits can now connect)
self sage for OT

>> No.7637969
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>> No.7637976

I've seen this person on my dashboard at least 20 times.
They're an okay Dirk but the notes they have is way too much for mediocre.

>> No.7637982

>being on the cronkri tag
i swear cronkri is the new erisol for shitty ass shippers to cling onto.

>> No.7637991

Are there any other shots of their cosplay, at least? You can hardly even see it. The glasses and shirt are fine I guess, but the wig is what would make or break the cosplay.

Well, both pairings are half Aquarius (Eridan and Cronus), I suppose. Those two are magnets for "muh quadrants and pairing feels".

>> No.7638069

i dont think it was an official cosplay, i saw the picture on my dash along with someone showing how they took the picture and i thought it was kind of funny.

>> No.7638101

iron ur shirt pls and get a better wig

>> No.7638228

the reason that post has notes is because, if you look below the main picture on the post, their roommate or friend reblogged it with a pretty funny candid of how they took that selfie (by holding a lamp directly to their face). I'm like 90% sure that people are reblogging it for that.

>> No.7639100

I'd say all of it needs improvement. It's just... very mediocre. The wig, hood, even the shirt and glasses, all of it.

>> No.7639284

Why... This looks terrible.

>> No.7639290

Looking at her Tumblr, I'm not seeing a whole lot of nasty or attitude like that Jane. Should I keep scrolling or is she just rude more irl than online?

>> No.7639392

Wouldn't say it's really that good, but not too bad, either. You just really can't see much. Definitely spooky, though.

>> No.7639419
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this is some very sad contouring

>> No.7639437

New thread:

>> No.7639444
File: 347 KB, 600x900, tumblr_n3y4esbsLN1r35os0o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so has anyone heard anything about the colossalcon laxative cookies? i just heard that some idiots think that old "hetastuck war" shit is still going on, but i can't find anything on it

>> No.7639494

if this is meant to be a genderbent dirk its good but it looks way too feminine to look good as a male dirk

>> No.7639523

It's all irl, she tries to come off super nice and friendly like cancerously and seerofsarcasm online to get followers, but treats everyone like garbage when they approach her at cons.

>> No.7641100

I doubt Dave would stand like that...looks a little feminine.

>> No.7641903

Source? I like their wigs the most, they look like real hair. The joke is kind of ruined by the paper nametags. Overall they look great.

>> No.7642248
File: 747 KB, 900x600, fuckyeahhomestuckcospley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked Eridan in this one.