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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7914134 No.7914134 [Reply] [Original]

Do you blog? Do you read lolita or jfash blogs? Do you make an income from your blog? What blogging platform is best? How to be popular on Tumblr? Ethics of sponsoring?

>> No.7914138

I am curious to know how to get sponsors too. And is Youtube a good avenue for lolita blogging?

>> No.7914167

>be me
>want a lolita blog
>write lots of articles
>too scared to post them
>have them all sitting in my desk
>started typing them up onto an invite only blog
>maybe someday I'll stop being a little bitch and let more than two people read it

>> No.7914318

Hmm from what I can tell not really. Unless you're almost a lifestyler. Only a few Lolita's become YouTube popular, and if you think about it, they don't even have that many followers. You'd be better off with a cosplay YouTube/blog

>> No.7914333

with the popularity of "bad tutorials"

the "hate on this gofundme page"

and the "ITAs" thread

why not just make a troll cosplay blog?

wavy as fuck worbla, tell people to use a hair dryer instead of a heat gun, spray paint wigs, duct tape duct tape EVERYWHERE

"how to do zombie makeup" with shitty drug store makeup

>don't bother sealing your body paint, unecessary expense

then start fucking gofundme projects for the most frivolous bullshit

>> No.7914352

semi related. looking for german and dutch lolita blogs to read and such. Dutch can be in english but preferably german blogs in german.

>> No.7914415

Post it! I am dying for some more good lolita blogs. Besides, generally no-one gives any shit over blogs unless you're a wanker or complete special snowflake.

Also, requesting some good lolita blogs, beyond F Yeah Lolita and the other really popular ones.

>> No.7914425

How do you become popular on Tumblr? Let's try to find a formula. Answer these for your personal blog or for a popular lolita's blog.

>How many unique outfit posts a week?
>Personal life blogging, yes or no?
>Best tags to get highest views?
>Best time to post?
>Reblogging others, necessary or not?
>Efame backscratching, how to do?
>Reblogging content, yes or no?
>If reblogging, any personal interests okay or keep things jfash relevant?
>How to make yourself visible to sponsors?

>> No.7914432

you're forgetting tag spamming and hosting giveaways. those seem to be the biggest draws. being a POC also helps

>> No.7914436

>tfw well-dressed Asian lolita
>post original coords in well lit visible conditions
> >10 followers in 1 year

What am I doing wrong guis? I do make-up and hair, wear pettis, and tag my posts. I've never gotten over 100 notes on a single post. Meanwhile black girls with much plainer uglier coords regularly get 500+. Are Asian girls no longer acceptable on Tumblr?

>inb4 racist

I have nothing against them. I just want to increase my visibility.

>> No.7914455


1. "okay" or "not ita" posts don't usually get notes. Try to pick a substyle and post really good photos of the style.

2. Recent releases, especially from AP, tends to gather reblogs like moths to a flame. You could either be wearing/owning the new releases, or posting news and stock photos of them, or posting photos from other blogs of other girls who have them (a bit of content stealing I suppose).

3. If all else fails, post yourself on here and shit talk yourself. Then leave a link to your own tumblr. (note: you better be seriously good-looking and good at lolita)

>> No.7914491

Do I have to pick /one/ substyle? I wear sweet, gothic, and classic.

Also bump for more tips.

>> No.7914493


changing substyles seem to confuse followers, imho.

>> No.7914496

post your tumblr, let us judge

>> No.7914501

i started my blog earlier this year. No content but hauls. I should post more detail shots. Suggestions would be nice. My blog is under Himeandthebeast at blogspot

>> No.7914504

I think you'd be better off on a platform like Tumblr because you seem to rely more on photos than text.
It would be nice to see some coords as well!

>> No.7914506

I follow your blog, and like it. Details would be great... if you have the time and inclination maybe do posts about each dress you have with detailed shots, info about it and how you wear it, and maybe even a bit about why you have it and what you like and don't like about it. No so much a review as a catalogue of sorts? That would be cool and since you've got a lot of different pieces should also be popular.

>> No.7914508

Hi, guess who!

Do recommend this blog, nice detail shots and lots of new buys each month (bonus: all the items are squee-worthy)

>> No.7914514
File: 99 KB, 481x223, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really want to directly so I've got a little thumbnail of some of my coords. I don't reblog a lot, maybe that's my problem? Maybe 10-15 posts a month.

>> No.7914522

I think the real key to any popularity on the internet is posting often. Sadly quantity > quality in most cases. I've been working on increasing my tumblr's popularity for the last few months. Before I refused to reblog at all and just liked stuff alot. So I went through my likes and queued any that matched an aesthetic I want in my blog, mainly cute fashion and anime. Queue is set to once a day because I'm lazy and don't want to spend my life filling the queue. I went from around 30 followers to 86 with this method.
Now for halloween I cheated. Tumblr is really weak to .gifs, art, and holidays. So I released a jackolantern .gif I made. Always add some sort of text to your OC so your blog name appears in reblogs. My post got over 4,000 notes and I came out of it with a new follower count of 359. Now I'm a bit pressured to draw more though haha.
I also got asks from a creepy german guy but it was still worth it.

>> No.7914523

Requesting anons favourite blogs and blog posts

>> No.7914524

i run a blog thats somewhat popular. i have sponsors who i get paid commision from for every purchase i bring them. to get sponsors you get a popular blog, then ask people to sponsor you. done.

>> No.7914526

how did you make your blog popular? what sort of content do you post? any tips and tricks for becoming popular?

do you make original content? how much original content? do you steal posts? what tags do you use?

>> No.7914527
File: 48 KB, 400x400, ee0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7914530

I'm a lolita and jfash blogger, but as of late mainly lolita. I've been building for a while and have only just started getting followers and notes. my follow count is 9,652 (not amazingly famous, but enough for small sponsors) currently. I don't steal posts, and i reblog quite a lot of things, but they're set on a specific slow moving queue. I post outfit pictures whenever i can, maybe twice a month, which usually brings in 40-100 new followers, and occasionally some reviews. here and there i post a picture of something i know people will like from my sponsors and some people usually buy it. i get 50-300 a month this way, its nice to have a little extra spending money.

>> No.7914533

my camera broke recently and its all slowing down, though. gotta get a new one...

>> No.7914543

I have a blog that where i post about loosing weight to wear lolita. I've actually lost a lot of weight and i can now fit into most size L dresses and even brand. Considering i started out at nearing 300pounds im quite proud. I use the blog to post motivation and keep my wish list on. I blog when i get new dresses and how they fit on me. I don't have many followers but thats not really the point of it i guess.

>> No.7914554

Link? I'm trying to lose weight too and I love motivational stuff.

Thank you! I just set up a queue. Let's see if it helps.

>> No.7914557

Aw, thanks anon! I might. I try to go beyond the usual stuff that gets written about, so a lot of stuff might offend snowflakes (I don't go the usual route of "ignore the meanies you are a perf lolita no matter what)

>> No.7914560

I love her lumpiness

>> No.7914564

Are there any truly popular non-Asian POC tumblr lolitas? As far as I can tell 'brown' girls mostly get a few hundred pity/look-how-inclusive-I-am-y'all notes whereas all the really popular lolitas are white or Asian.

yes but are you kawaii

>> No.7914573


Obviously I cant see much detail of your outfits but some I'm really not digging. I really hate that blonde/black wig you have on with krad lanrete lost in sea. The middle one seems eh too. The one on the very left and second left are the only ones I'm really getting any enjoyment from.

>> No.7914583

one on the far left looks hella cute, far right looks interesting in a good way

>> No.7914600

Someone give me great blogs of
> aomoji kei
> dolly kei
> fairy / uchuu / mahou kei (all of these are cool)

I'm desperate for some quality stuff.

>> No.7914604

Please link it! I'd love to follow you.

I run a non-tumblr blog on my own server, focused on lolita mostly. I don't think anyone reads it, but I mostly blog for myself. I'll focus on building an audience more once I get enough posts and some sort or schedule on it though.

>> No.7914679

What are everyone's favorite non-tumblr (blogspot or other) blogs? I'm looking for dolly kei, himekaji, generic girly jfashion, ouji, and maybe lolita.

>> No.7914688

>As far as I can tell 'brown' girls mostly get a few hundred pity/look-how-inclusive-I-am-y'all notes

Yeah, if you're actually brown, you'll definitely get a few of those "look, a brown person wearing jfash!" reblogs, but you have to be really fucking cute/talented to get the same amount of popularity as mediocre white/Asian bloggers.
>yes I kinda mad

What tags do you guys spam, by the way? The 'lolita' and 'jfashion' tags move fairly quickly, so if you post at the wrong time, you're not going to get much exposure.

>> No.7914802

I used to have a personal tumblr where I just reblogged anime gifs and shit. But I deleted because my dash pissed me off so much.
I want to have a blogspot or something, but I understand that those get way less traffic. Can you still get sponsers without a tumblr? I don't like tumblr blogs so much because I don't reallly care about seeing a bunch of generic kawaii pictures of cherry blossoms or someone's local asian supernarket, but I might want to reblog my friend's pictures or stuff that's really important or nice to me.

>> No.7914836

Do you have a lolita follower who is popular? I only have 300 followers and the most I have ever gotten on an outfit is 500 notes. I noticed that the only time I get a couple followers and that many notes is when a popular lolita reblogs me or when a popular blog like fyeahclassiclolita (or whatever it is called) reblogs me. It really is about who is reblogging you than your content. What I consider my best outfits get few notes but an outfit I consider blah gets 100+. I am not skinny or cute at all so getting anything that is 100+ is rather shocking for me. You can do it anon!!!

>> No.7914871

I'm interested in the sponsorship thing, but from the other side. I have a small accessories brand and I'd like to get more exposure. I'm not sure if I should send free items for review or do a commission deal like >>7914524

>> No.7914874

Free items are better. Post some of your stuff though so we know it's not fucking garbage.

>> No.7914883

I don't feel comfortable posting it here. (My comm is rabidly anti-CGL for one thing.) My sales are decent and I've had good reviews, so I know it's not garbage, but I would like some more reviews in case there's some things I can improve upon, as well as more exposure because most of my sales are to repeat customers.

>> No.7914896

>My sales are decent and I've had good reviews, so I know it's not garbage

Sorry to say this anon, and not to be mean, but don't always trust reviews and sales. Depending on what you are selling. Weebs and itas buy literally anything and everything under the sun.

>> No.7914914

I only have 100 followers and less than 10 original posts but my photos get between 400-1,000+ notes. It spikes when popular people reblog my stuff. I tag with #angelic pretty (or whatever brand), #lolita fashion, and #lolita coordinates if that helps

>> No.7914975

I use #lolita fashion, and the brand tags. The lolita tag is garbage imo, too much nymphette stuff.

>> No.7914977

It's not mean. I'm pretty confident in the quality of my stuff, but since I don't want to post it here, you can't really offer an opinion either way. I have some products that sell more to lolitas (and they are lolitas who buy brand, and coord well, and I do get some exposure when they reblog my stuff in their coordinates on tumblr etc.) and I have some products that are pretty generic and sell better to weebs at conventions. I just would like to be more proactive about promoting my lolita items, rather than just relying on people who happen to purchase from me. My existing customers seem happy, but I'd like to add some new ones too.

>> No.7915758

What kind of camera do u use anon? Any lighting system?

>> No.7915809

I'm not a fan of any of these from what I can tell from your tiny pic.

>> No.7915850

#lolita fashion, the specific substyle, the brands that are involved, and the print name if I'm wearing something notable.

>> No.7915879

Ditto exactly, though if it's from a proper photoshoot I tag "loltat photoshoot" as well.

>> No.7915898

The leftmost one looks interesting, but the rest of your outfits, while above average, aren't anything amazing especially if you've been wearing lolita for a few years. I may mentally nod at your posts, but I wouldn't think them awesome enough to reblog.

>> No.7915905

Just standard slr, no special lighting, i even sometimes just use phone cam for mirror selfies lol. After taking photos i usually lighten them up and put on a light filter for some colour correction, but nothing too drastic. Don't ever edit your face/body, people who do that always screw it up and do it slightly differently a few times and people catch on and heaps of hate floods in and you end up just getting hated on, i;ve seen it happen a few times. All i do is change lighting/feel.

>> No.7915940

I have both a tumblr and a blog - the latter I just started a few months ago. Both of them I do purely for my personal enjoyment, not to gain notoriety or followers, although those are always nice to have.

My tumblr is alright, I don't post original content too often, at most once a week, sometimes less than once a month. When I do post my coords (bed shots), they're somewhat popular, I get anywhere between 200-1000+ notes depending on who reblogs, recently I've been enjoying more success. Photos of myself wearing my coordinates are never popular, but I attribute that to shit photography and being chubby. I get many more likes on my worn photos on CoF, not that that says much since we all know the level of outfits that are usually posted there.

I just started my text blog 2 months ago, and I've pretty much only been doing that lolita 52 thing so far. I'm only doing it for me though, as a collection of my personal musings on the fashion. I think it's difficult to break into the actual lolita blogging world (as opposed to tumblr) now, since it's tough to create enough original content to appeal to readers given the vast number of established blogs out there. Tumblr and other social media's where it's at right now if you want any kind of e-fame.

Whatever you do, if you're only doing it to gain e-fame and notoriety it might not be that enjoyable. I once tried making a tumblr strictly for the purpose of gaining followers and it was just stressful and disappointing.

>> No.7916588

I have a YT channel and I don't get why idiotic Lolitas like Kota Bear get more subscribers than I do. I wish I knew what I was doing wrong.

>> No.7916625

maybe your cam quality sucks? or you're boring?

>> No.7916626

Who are you? What is your most recent video about? I want to know if I am subscribed to you haha

>> No.7916629

I bet most of her subscribers are itas or lolitas-at-heart who just agree with her whining about how evil the community is. The rest are there to laugh at her. Getting legitimate followers for a quality channel can unfortunately be really difficult.

>> No.7916632

I have never seen her "my experiences with a lolita comm" video. Can anyone paraphrase it for me? Do not have an hour to dedicate to watching it...

>> No.7916642

I think I know who you are and if you are who I think I love your blog.

Honestly, I feel that with lolita blogging the more personal blogs are the best. Not the ones that are just "I went to the meet up, we had tea, it was fun" as that gets a bit boring but the people who talk about what the fashion means to them, their personal experiences and inspirations and just keep it... fresh, you know?

>> No.7916649

Nah it's just that all her vids have this vibe of
>as long as you're a lolita at heart it's okay, those people at BtB are all evil bullies, don't let the stupid brandwhores tell you to buy lolita from Japan because Walmart is just as good, Bodyline is practically brand anyway etc.
There's this "me against the world" mindset many noobs have when starting out and she caters to that.

>> No.7916809

Throwing an idea at you guys hoping for some feedback. First thing is I don't own any Lolita clothes as of yet but I've been saving and planning for over a year now with almost $4500 to spend. I've been doing nothing but research on the do's and don't ect so I at least have a pretty good understanding. Thing is I want to make a blog but I'm worried I'm going to get hate because I'm new. It would be basically a blog documenting evolving in Lolita; my hauls/coords, links/reviews on things I buy, photos of the details of clothes, links to guides and stuff along those lines. I don't know, I just want to create a place were I (and other people if they want) can grow together in the fashion, give criticism and actually get better, share that journey. I don't want asspats or to enable shitty behavior/dressing... I don't know, its just an idea...

>> No.7916860

This actually sounds really cute. As long as you don't get all armchair ("I don't actually wear lolita, but I think blah blah blah"), I think it could work.

>> No.7916886

I wont, I promise. I'm beyond excited about finally buying lolita. I've planned it out so I get most of the things I'm in the process of buying around my birthday as a cheesy 'you did it!' thing. So I plan to start the blog when I get them, probably do a 'first haul/lets make multiple coords with one dress' post kind of thing. I have a lot coming in the mail, still waiting to be sent and still things to buy so I guess I've a lot of content to start this thing.

>> No.7917559

I'm curious now as to who you think I am. What's my favorite print theme?

>> No.7917599


I recognise you. You're pretty cute, so you've got that going for you.

Some of your outfits are nitpickable. I particularly take issue with the bag, which clashes with the theme IMO. This stands out to me the most, particularly in the (going left to right) first pic and fourth pic. If the bag clashes, I'd leave it out of photos and forget I had a bag - it's no biggie and lots of girls don't have bags with their coords. You have good coords, but you can still do something to pull it together, and with a few accessory changes, you can cinch that look you're looking for. Photowise, you could do with some brighter colors. You could either change the lighting, or take the pictures to photoshop for some editing.

As for advice, try to do outfits that get you attention, e.g. as anon said, from fyeahclassiclolita. I will often shoot up in notes as a result from that. Also try to post just at the end of or just after high traffic times, that helps too. Other than that, good luck! You're nearly there!

>> No.7917616

Actually from my impression she is kind of a brandwhore bitch who thinks she is way more popular and better looking than she really is. No offence, she is a nice person but when you are posting videos that are all (excluding coord videos) ten minutes or more, you must think you have something *really* important to say.

>> No.7917637

You wear a lot of Angelic Pretty and you don't buy BTSSB.

>> No.7917652

Curious: what is the right time?

>> No.7917660

Original anon who thinks they recognised you [I'll be embarrassed if I'm wrong]... your favourite print theme is chocolate.

>> No.7917663

I'd love to read that blog. Also, I like when people blog from the beginning so you can see their development. As long as you don't be a wank about it you should be fine. It'll definitely be unique since you've researched and have a decent sum to spend.

>> No.7917673

You would be wrong.

You would be right! Thanks for the compliment.

>> No.7922926

I'll have time over the holidays to shoot some videos, so I'm really excited!

>> No.7922936

i know who you are (i think) can you share some efame tips ?
I dont think ive seen you beg for likes or followers so im wondering how you did it

>> No.7922951

To post? Not sure how helpful this will be, but using the data I gathered from number of users on gaia at given times of day for about a year (since I suspect there's reasonable crossover on tumblr) here's what I've found:

M-F: Number begins spiking around 2-3pm PST, reaches peak at around 8pm and begins dropping off after that. That 4-5 hour window is when both coasts are home and browsing. When it's summer the dropoff isn't as sharp but peak time remains relatively same.
Weekends: Peak usage and dropoff last longer but is still concentrated in evenings

FB posts seem to be best received when posted around 9-10am PST since there's some crossover with noontime on the east coast and depending on the viewing audience some people check it first thing in the morning at school or work.

Tumblr posts seem to pick up steam in the afternoons similar to the times mentioned above and also 9-10am on Saturday mornings. Most people I follow who do original content will reblog stuff for mornings and evening crowds, as well as a few daily reblogs depending on the importance of the post.

Using alexa/compete to check overall website popularity for US-based social websites seem to have larger spikes in June (school's out for US) and Dec/Jan.

I don't think time of posting is nearly as important as consistently updating though.

>> No.7923519

I hate to disappoint, but I don't think I am who you think I am. I only have a small following of about 370 on Tumblr, 6 on my Blogspot. You're right though, I don't beg for likes or followers. So even though my count is small I appreciate them. Maybe I could have more followers if I followed more people but I don't want my dash clogged with crap, I have enough as it is with the real life friends that I'm following.

The only thing I have to say is that most of my notes don't even come from my followers, they come from the reblogs of other popular bloggers. I probably on average get no more than 10 notes on a post from my own personal followers.

>> No.7924027

How many followers do you have on Tumblr? I almost have 5k now. I'd love to know what is average, because the discrepancy is so high. I know people that have 16,000 and people who have 16.

>> No.7924365

51. I've been on tumblr for 3 years.
But then again, my blog is purely reblog-based, I guess it's easier to get followers if you post OC regularly.

>> No.7924377

Same here, I rarely (if ever) get notes from my followers. They only start racking up when a more popular blog reblogs something of mine

>> No.7924379

I'm nearing the 700 mark and I find the same, even people who follow me and reblog my stuff tend to reblog it from other people. I think other peoples' dashes tend to move a lot quicker than mine though. I get a decent number of notes on my OC though, but it definitely picks up when a more popular blogger or one of the fyeahwhatevers reblogs you.