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File: 253 KB, 500x521, spacejock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8000286 No.8000286 [Reply] [Original]

ITT, stupid trends/fashions from tumblr. Pictures, banter, tumblr pages, and all the like are welcome.

>> No.8000293
File: 160 KB, 724x610, tumblr_n8gg92pkTr1rhqnyyo3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AUGH http://fuckyeahsubversivekawaii.tumblr.com/

>> No.8000296

what does subversive kawaii even mean???

>> No.8000301

two words: strega fashion

>> No.8000303


Fucking cyberghetto. Fuck what black culture has done to society and fuck all the dumb white kids who fall into it.

>> No.8000304
File: 70 KB, 474x429, 1417787830739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this blog is for the girls
>who will kick your teeth in
>with pale pink mary janes
>with a lacy handkerchief

>avatar is a magical girl in a wheelchair
ayy lmao

>> No.8000306

Black culture is just red pil philosophy with actual confidence behind it. It's not black culture, it's male mental delusion.

>> No.8000309

idiots who wear tights under shorts

>> No.8000313

so what is cyberghetto?
what is palewave? that thing with 90s windows logos and shit? I don't get these.

so far cyberghetto looks like some spring breakers type shit.

>> No.8000322
File: 64 KB, 500x500, tumblr_inline_munz6yI6471qaqfjn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate people who ruin legit subcultures to make it pretty. Picture related, "soft grunge" is fucking stupid and it has nothing to do with grunge at all.

>> No.8000323 [DELETED] 

So they're... cutesy whiggers? Pretty cringey.

>> No.8000342 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 500x488, tumblr_inline_n3olb33oRD1qlffv0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black culture is what happens when generation after generation is raised by single mothers.

>> No.8000352 [DELETED] 

Black culture is what happens when you evolve in an environment that does no encourage positive evolution.

>> No.8000367 [DELETED] 

That you would even spew out the absolutely retarded combination of words that is the statement "positive evolution" shows you have literally no understanding of evolution or basic science or logic or critical thinking or probably anything.

>> No.8000371 [DELETED] 

>this thread
>getting mad at tumblr
>read: getting mad at 14 year olds for doing dumb 14 year old shit (i.e. tumblr's demographic)
honestly what's the point

>> No.8000373
File: 73 KB, 500x130, tumblr_ncmln1jOOv1tmc59eo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol at the Starbucks frappuccino as an accessory
saying "very hella" is appropriating norcal culture, but it does make a pretty rad graphic for yr blog

>> No.8000374

There's also "soft ghetto" and "pastel ratchet".

>> No.8000375 [DELETED] 

>generation after generation
Two or three generations
>positive evolution
This is literally the most retarded thing I've read on the internet in about a week. Evolution isn't positive. If you think it is you have a completely fundamental understanding of what evolution even is or the forces behind it. And you probably are a single ticket voter.

>> No.8000378

I will still do this forever because it's comdortable.

>> No.8000381 [DELETED] 


>> No.8000388
File: 1.25 MB, 849x513, 1418458875942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you love colorful harajuku-ish fits but you passionately hate tumblr

It hurts to live. At least I don't die my hair neon colors and complain when I can't get a job or wear cheap, passive-aggressive cutesy shit.

>> No.8000397
File: 23 KB, 200x256, 1418086302695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like theres even culture up here in what wants to be fucking jefferson

>> No.8000398


>> No.8000403

...pastel ratchet what

>> No.8000411

Fuck you too.

>> No.8000415

"soft ghetto" is a joke tag started by black people.

>> No.8000417

What's the point of anything, really? I actually know is group of 18-22 year olds who love these tumblr trends. They started a band called "Pastel Vaginas". None of them can play an instrument. With how popular tumblr is, and with how often I see kids wearing tumblr fashion on campus, I wouldn't be surprised if many of these users are adults.

>> No.8000423
File: 164 KB, 1281x475, tumblrclothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tumblr brand.

>> No.8000427 [DELETED] 

Everyone has different views on what "positive" is. Black people are evolved to have low IQ levels. They also lack impulse control and are genetically prone to high self esteem, which is where their self-entitlement come from. With the values I was raised with, I wouldn't consider their course of evolution positive.

>> No.8000428
File: 11 KB, 211x246, 1399605710129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They started a band called "Pastel Vaginas". None of them can play an instrument
>They started a band
>None of them can play an instrument

>> No.8000429

just because it got 300k notes on tumblr doesn't mean it should go on a shirt, yeezus

>> No.8000433 [DELETED] 

Love that stereotype perpetuation. Please keep it coming.

>> No.8000434

I dunno it is better that these ppl wear these shirts so we can identify and avoid them.

>> No.8000436 [DELETED] 

Oh fuck off please.
1) IQ is fluctuating all your life, it's not a fixed answer from God to the question 'are they dumb or not ?'
2) lower level of education causes these problems : they also exist with white trash.
3) you're a piece of shit if you think skin color can justify everything. What about social class, schola system, illness etc ?

>> No.8000437

for every adult tumblr user there's at least three young teens
if an adult wants to participate in a subculture catering to misunderstood young teens, what does it say about them?
same for weeaboos, it's a subculture for young teens by young teens. it's a phase that most of us grow out of
you feel embarrassment for the people who don't, just like this shit.
I think since "nerd culture" has been somewhat popularized, younger teens are looking for a new thing and this just happens to be it.

>> No.8000439 [DELETED] 

It's just science, read a book. Multicultural Psychology class don't count.

>> No.8000444 [DELETED] 

Any book suggestions?

>> No.8000449 [DELETED] 

Shhh don't ask about books or you'll be labelled a fedora-tipping pseudo-intellectual!
I swear, someone's on a shitposting spree today

>> No.8000455 [DELETED] 

I'm genuinely interested to know what they are citing though, I've never heard such information. Maybe I'm just not reading enough, who knows.

>> No.8000458

Don't take the bait anon!

>> No.8000460 [DELETED] 

People who take one side of this argument are always Sociologists, or they're generally just people who focus on ideology rather than science. People who take the other side are real scientists who specialize in genetics and biology. The media is written by people who, like the first group I described, specialize in writing, rhetoric, or ideology. Who do you think they're going to side with when writing an article? IQ is about 70% genetic. Look up twin studies. When you do research, make sure the person conducting the study is a real scientist and not a sociologist. Genes also determine major aspects of your personality. If you were raised in another country, you would still be the same person, because it's engraved in your DNA. You would act and think differently based on culture.

>> No.8000478 [DELETED] 

Well there's some Richard Dawkins if you want reading material. Other than that, there's sources on Science Direct. If you're in college, your school should have a free resources section online with lots of scientific articles you can look at. Do a background check on the authors and the methods, though.

>> No.8000479 [DELETED] 

But anon, without getting into race, don't you know that iq testing is generally inaccurate and inconclusive? Many recent studies have indicated that you could take 5 different acreddited iq tests and get a different result each time. While it was previously the only way to measure one's level of intelligence, these studies have proven its impossible to accurately measure a persons level of intelligence based off an iq test. I can cite the studies of you want, I'm currently on my phone but I'd be more than happy to oblige upon request. Just trying to help out since iqs are now seen as irrelevant.

>> No.8000483 [DELETED] 

>genes make up major aspects of your personality
>in another country, you act and think differently based on culture
Like, do you even realize how dumb you sound?

>> No.8000487

It's true that tumblr culture is like a rebellion thing but I feel like its more harmful than being a weeaboo or getting tats and shaving your head to piss off daddy. These kids are actually pretending to be sick to get out on meds and making up genders and sexualities that cause them to get beat up and kicked out or put on hormones when they're just making this shit up for attention. It makes it harder for people who are really trans or really have conditions to be taken seriously. And then they're basically brainwashed into believing social justice issues that arent even there. Theres a privledge test going around tumblr and no matter how fucked up your life is, if you're white or male you automatically are privledged scum. I really despise tumblr culture when I think about how fucked up some of these kids are gonna be when they're adults. Special snowflake syndrome tumblr edition is dangerous and needs to be stopped

>> No.8000489 [DELETED] 

Evolution isn't positive or negative. You fundamentally misunderstand the very concept and like feminists apply it to your preconceived notions. Stop using my field of study to say "I'm an ignorant retard" on the Internet you mongrel.

>> No.8000491 [DELETED] 

You have never read a single paper published in any scientific journal. You probably have a GED and work as a security guard at night so you don't have to talk to anyone. You aren't just uninformed. You are probably totally incapable of even understanding the most basic concepts you're arguing about. But that exact ignorance also sort of shields you from even being able accuratly gauge your own knowledge. Kind of a funny paradox.

>> No.8000494 [DELETED] 

kids have always been pretending to have mental illness
when I was 13 (ten years ago) girls were always claiming to be "bisexual or lesbian" and "I have schizo I hear voices!!"
these things aren't new, it's just manifesting differently.

>> No.8000498 [DELETED] 

A person might get a different score when taking the same test on different days, but the results generally correlate, and the scores tend to agree with one another and across time. That's why they have a standard error of measurement for these kinds of tests.

>> No.8000499 [DELETED] 

I find it so ironic that they're all "check your privilege" and then they pretty much go and PARODY real issues by their pretend time where they act like they have them.

>> No.8000502 [DELETED] 

Oh my god everybody in this thread just shut up. None of you know anything. Anything. Try learning something. Like just once in your ignorant lives. Stop using pure science to push your idiotic agenda. If you're reading this and think I'm taking to the other side you're wrong im talking to both of you you stupid ignorant faggots.

>> No.8000504 [DELETED] 

Wow, great argument. You sure proved me wrong.
These people didn't decide that IQ tests are worthless and evil until it was shown that blacks perform poorly.

>> No.8000509 [DELETED] 

Okay, fine. Blacks evolved in a way that is destructive to the rest of humanity. Happy?

>> No.8000513 [DELETED] 

Both of you just stop
Read a book
Have an original thought
Just one time
Do anything else with your life but bastardize science to push your agenda
Kill yourselves

>> No.8000516

The girl that runs fuckyeahsubversivekawaii goes to my school. I've had class with them, and they would brag about how they ran it and how popular it is. I hated her so much, she reeked of tumblr.

>> No.8000518 [DELETED] 

However that's not the case. Not every accredited iq test is the same test, most of them have varying subjects. You would have to take an average of several iq tests to get a somewhat accurate answer, it doesn't have much to do with the day.
Since no one can agree on which test should be the official test, it's lead to a lot of confusion and thus denoting an iq test as a means of observing intelligence. You could easily get a 140 on one test and 112 on another.

>> No.8000526 [DELETED] 

No you're fucking wrong faggot.
Street violence is no more destructive than creating enough atomic bombs to blow the earth to bits. That's the ultimate evolutionary failure right there.
If I wasnt on my phone I would type that in all caps. Read it a million times you infinite faggot. Humanity itself is destructive. Evolution is not positive nor is it negative. Humanity itself is a disease. Racial and gender war is all pretending and projection. You are a slave to your genes and like a whipped slave believe they have your best interests in mind because you are an ignorant retard.

>> No.8000530 [DELETED] 

Don't cut yourself on that edge

>> No.8000534 [DELETED] 

And you'll never even understand what I just told you. None of you will. You'd rather have the media spew ideas into your chirping mouths to yell at the opposition. Why think when others will do that for you? Say an original idea to me. Just one. I'll be fucking shocked. Because I've read this entire thread and I know people and i know neither of you are capable of it. This entire thread is copypasta of the ideas of slightly better people than any of you.

>> No.8000539 [DELETED] 

Uhh not really. You exaggerate the level to which the scores vary. The standard error of measurement is about three points between different tests, and they take it into account.

>> No.8000553 [DELETED] 

the irony is wild
do you think your thoughts are new and revolutionary?
surely you can't be that delusional, but man is it fascinating to read these posts
how do you contain yourself in real life? amazing

>> No.8000555
File: 154 KB, 640x640, dumbcunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, back on topic....

>> No.8000556 [DELETED] 

Yes I'm mad, mad that scum like you exists that will stop at nothing to lie to themselves, to lie to others, scum like you that can vomit out their retarded biased opinions and not feel an ounce of shame in hindsight so you just continue being the disgusting filth you are. Of course the most heinous bi-product of your miserable existence is that if people fold and give you an ounce of right to your idiocy then the greatest of harms is done to peoples perception of reality because suddenly, the victims are at wrong for being alive for forgetting in blisfull ignorance that we're not living in 1500's or Africa anymore where all life is uncertain.

This is the raging anger I carry for individuals such as you, the corrupt shameless liars that stop at nothing to be a hero in their own eyes of some divine logic they carry in themselves cause all others are wrong and beneath you.

No, fuck you assclown. Anybody can see through your bullshit, why even bother being this idiotic.

>> No.8000564 [DELETED] 

>tumblr thread

love this copypasta

>> No.8000569 [DELETED] 

That's not correct though, I get the sense that you don't know what you're talking about as it seems like you didn't realize the variety of tests out there. It's odd to me that you're arguing this as well, I'm sure you have other information to back up what you're saying about the blacks?

>> No.8000570 [DELETED] 

I think better than you do because my mind isn't a labyrinth of jezebel and/or reddit regurgitated talking
Still haven't heard anything here that isn't a copypasta from articles you read about studies neither you nor the author of the article understood

>> No.8000572 [DELETED] 

Literal copy pasta
Not even a good one

>> No.8000578

Tumblr is by definition not on topic and reactive and illogical. Sit back and enjoy the irony

>> No.8000579 [DELETED] 

Can we stop hating the blacks, but go and hate the Chinese instead?

/cgl/ please

>> No.8000580

There's some adults on there, but the vast majority falls within the 13-17 age bracket. When I was that age, there was the whole "scene kid" thing, and pretending to be depressed, or being "totally schizo, lol". Teenagers love to feel that they're somehow not part of the system, and all these labels are just another way to do it. I'm fairly certain that most of these will grow out of it by the time they are adults, and either go on to actually contribute something useful, or just never speak of it again.

>> No.8000581 [DELETED] 

holy shit man you think better than me? what you got under the hood?
id love to hear more, when did you discover you think better? just me or everyone? or is there like a group of you who all think better?
man what a life to live, congrats on making it

>> No.8000588

>>8000555 why that white girl eatin watermelon. That's cultural appropriation !! I am triggered !!

>> No.8000591 [DELETED] 

Typical defense mechanism. Why bother trying to think better when you can just pretend like you already do. Still have yet to read anything here that wasn't copy pasted from some shitty reporter with an irrelevant degree who thinks they have a valid opinion on science for some reason.

>> No.8000596 [DELETED] 

Nuuu Chinese look too much like master race of Nippon

>> No.8000597

do you also satirically say you're a demipansexual burgerkin who prefers starbucks pronouns to satirically post about satirical posts? its like we're all just pooping on each other! how fun

>> No.8000599


>> No.8000600 [DELETED] 

I know some one who is a former stripper, with gender identity issues, social anxieties, Autism Spectrum Disorder, bi polar, bulemia, who used to cut herself. She constantly post pseudo feminism arguments, how being a lesion makes her a better and more fulfilled person, and how her inability to function as an adult is everybody else issue. She is tumblr, as a walking talking being.

I keep her on Facebook to laugh endlessly.

>> No.8000601 [DELETED] 

im genuinely curious as to how you think better
like if it was a birth thing or if you trained yourself to somehow become better at thinking
it's a bold statement my friend i think we all deserve an explanation, especially since you're encouraging us to think better ourselves

>> No.8000603 [DELETED] 

There is a variety of tests, I acknowledged this. The tests are out to measure the same thing and ask the same kinds of questions, that's why the variability is so small for someone taking the tests at the same age. This is why IQ tests are regarded as having high statistical reliability.

>> No.8000604 [DELETED] 


>how being a lesion

That's a pretty funny and appropriate title.

>> No.8000605 [DELETED] 



Aaaand here I am eating my own words.

>> No.8000607

Thank you. I'm getting so sick of "soft grunge" and "pastel grunge"

>> No.8000609 [DELETED] 

>autism spectrum
>social anxiety
That's the same thing
That's the same thing
>pseudo feminist
Completely interchangeable

>> No.8000610

Um check your privilege sweetie. I'm an aro Dragonkin with Smaug for a headmate. My problems are more real than yours. You're probably ableist

>> No.8000611
File: 25 KB, 500x123, tumblr_n8tl05k7IY1qi6g4uo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8000612 [DELETED] 

I'm encouraging you to think for yourself and you're asking me how to do that. I don't know why I even bother.

>> No.8000613 [DELETED] 

Well we can agree to disagree then, however your arguement against the blacks will be based off outdated and now false information. Just trying to help, maybe you should try something else to reinforce your argument just incase someone else notices the false information themselves.

>> No.8000614

I'll cop to this one but I don't take it seriously at all. It's just how I was already dressing (really half-assed "dark mori" aka I dress like a gothic bag lady because I can't be arsed) and it amuses me that tumblr makes such a big deal about it being a style and gets so butthurt when it is lumped into Jfashion

>> No.8000617 [DELETED] 

wow cool satirical post! it's like satire inception, i wish it made me laugh like it used to.
if only I had a time machine like on the doctor who show

>> No.8000622 [DELETED] 

but you're not telling me how, you should never be a teacher anon you're very bad at it
we don't think as good as you we need a guide

>> No.8000628 [DELETED] 

Ew didn't you hear? Superwholock is now uncool. You must be old

>> No.8000630 [DELETED] 

Oh boy auto correct, how great

>> No.8000634 [DELETED] 

what's that? is superwholock another fun gender i can satirically post? its like my mom got me the 64 crayon box instead of the 8! wowee, now I have a great arsenal for the next time i need to post ironically about ironic posts
thanks anon

>> No.8000639 [DELETED] 

You sound like one of those homestucks

>> No.8000643 [DELETED] 

>reading comprehension
you sure about that iq of yours?

>> No.8000645 [DELETED] 

That's a funny way to spell massive faggot

>> No.8000647 [DELETED] 

I don't know how to dumb this down any further. I'm telling you to think for yourself and not just listen to other people. You're asking me (someone else) to tell YOU how YOU should think for YOURself. You're absolutely hopeless.

>> No.8000649

I remember when scene kids were so out there and cool to my normalfag teen self
Before that we didn't really have trainwrecks like them, goths are relatively tame by comparison

>> No.8000651

It's sad when people in high school were still scene and you could finally see how gross they were

>> No.8000653 [DELETED] 

You can't tell someone to think for themselves when they don't think your way. You're literally making them think your way. You're a hypocrite

>> No.8000654 [DELETED] 

isnt that trolls trolling trolls or something? i know less than you do about it if im being honest for a minute, rest assured i avoid all fanbases as often as i can.
the main thing i was getting at is how legitimate jabs at trans folk and people suffering from mental illness in the form of satire has coupled with a handful of actual weirdos and hypochondriacs to mutate into this dumb shit i see pretty much everytime i log in anywhere
it's awesome and cool to me that people will believe anything if it's posted somewhere, i bet if i made a thread saying i was otherkin and to ask me anything i could make you believe it and you wouldn't doubt the legitimacy after a few thinly veiled arguments
i mean that with no sarcasm, its amazing to see how reactive people are based off just a reputation and gullibility and it can get really fun

>> No.8000655 [DELETED] 

:( you hurt my feefees. I going to have to cut myself, take pics, and post it to tumblr. Thank you for the followers this will gain me

>> No.8000657 [DELETED] 

Do it. I'll be your pretend otherkin headmate

>> No.8000659 [DELETED] 

>you disagree with me, that means you're a mindless sheep!
>think for yourself, which means thinking the same way I do!

>> No.8000663 [DELETED] 

dude, chill, i never asked you anything, this was my first post in this thread.

it seems like you have some trouble processing that shit, so let me explain : some anon is making fun of you and you keep answering them seriously. so i was just pointing out that the fact you can't grasp the meaning of a very basic conversation on the internet doesn't exactly encourage the observer to believe in your higher thinking.

>> No.8000666

yo I love that palewave/vaporwave bullshit

>> No.8000704
File: 103 KB, 570x856, tumblr_ncy236Kqds1tecq3vo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>otherkin fashion
>otherkin fashion on a budget

I follow both of these blogs. partly because sometimes they have cute stuff, but mostly to see what weird "kins" people identify as. the "fiction kins" and "glitch kins" always make me laugh.

>> No.8000721

I've heard of people who believe in reincarnation and believe they have a close tie to their previous life's animal or that they have a spirit animal that like guides them through meditation before all this otherkin stuff started. But how can you believe that you are/were a fictional character or mythical beast. How can you believe that others are going to believe you when you say you're a fairykin or some shit. I've been reading up on it and a lot of teens consider it their religion. This isn't any different than those teens who practiced Wicca or worshiped Satan for like one year when we were in school.

>> No.8000723

I follow otherkin confessions so I can get a chuckle

>> No.8000724
File: 17 KB, 241x350, polls_hide_023_5313_904534_answer_2_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I knew someone who thought she was Hide's otherkin or something. Which is actual bullshit considering he died when she was 17.

>> No.8000729
File: 165 KB, 500x345, 1366688143814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy’s) fictionkin
>gothic alienkin
>androgynous frostkin
>winged deerkin

I'm fucking dying

>> No.8000743
File: 73 KB, 428x507, 1331986911611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget the godkin. You should take a look at the actually-divine tag.

>> No.8000750

"Soft grunge" seems to just be the ordinary shit everybody had in the 1990s.

>> No.8000754

Where you around in the 1990s? That's definitely not what ordinary people were running around with.

>> No.8000757
File: 19 KB, 526x421, but why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top fucking kek.
The person who posted this is 15 according to their blog description. I just can't take this shit seriously enough to be angry, sounds like kids being their dumb selves.

>> No.8000759 [DELETED] 

Back in my day (early 2000's) teens claimed to be bipolar and have other various mental illnesses to seem edgy, but tumblr seems to have it worse than what it used to be. What I mean is that back when internet wasn't as popular, you'd probably wander off to some crazy small group and adapt to their crazy customs, but with tumblr you're talking about a huge, international community that acts a lot like a cult. The Tumblr community guilt trips and shames people, especially self-aware teenagers, into thinking what they want them to, and encourages them to be as bigoted, close-minded and aggressive as possible. We used to have "that one militant vegan animal rights protester" in our classes but in the olden days before the Internet and huge international communities they didn't have an effective way to connect and feed each other's habits and eventually grew out of it. Tumblr makes post sharing insanely easy and fast, which is largely the reason to its success, so it makes easier for anyone to "spread their message", especially by guilt tripping and shaming. I.e. "If you don't reblog this you're a racist piece of shit".

Another thing is that due to them indulging themselves into the blissful community, their perception of reality is becoming warped. An average tumblr user doesn't have a lot of social connections outside of their circles because the community enables them to stay online all day long and stay inside their comfort zone. So they start actually thinking that trans* people and other minorities are actually a huge audience and get regularly killed and beaten up. Because the community is so aggressive and, as a said, acts like a cult, it uses fear and guilt to persuade people to accept their way. Soon anyone starts hating the 99% and seeing them as something worse than Hitler fused with Stalin and adapts themselves to be a part of the "oppressed minority".

>> No.8000762 [DELETED] 


Because a white teenager can't really bullshit people into thinking they're a PoC they'll go for the next best thing, i.e. trans*. Most young girls using Tumblr have some kind of self-image issues and possibly aren't very comfortable with their feminine side. So they can start claiming gender-neutral or male pronouns, dress up as a male and get a free pass to being victimized by misgendering. They advocate for trans rights yet they have never spoken with a licensed doctor (because Tumblr doesn't believe in medical science, another trait of cult behavior), post-op trans people or educated themselves on the subject anywhere outside of Tumblr.

So when we compare Tumblr to other fads of the past it isn't as much of a "I'm cutting while listening to Nirvana" rebellious phase but a cult mentality. Even adults, people well into their 20's, fall victim to the community. The desire to be trans* or anything other doesn't come from the need to have attention and to be edgy, but to redeem their position as a good human being. This is exactly how cults work. Because Tumblr is on all the time they don't have to grow out of it and learn about the actual world around them.

In before "not all of Tumblr is like this", I know it's not. I'm a Tumblr user, but I acknowledge that Tumblr has played a big part in justifying this kind of behavior.

>> No.8000798

Before Tumblr, when otherkin was a relatively obscure thing, I honestly believed in them. I believe in reincarnation, and also some /x/ tier shit in regards to fae and what not, so it wasn't too out there to me.

And then these kids started talking about how they remember their past lives as these video game characters, and how they can't control their urges because it goes against their nature.

>> No.8000811 [DELETED] 

You dumb shit. Black culture can only back-pedal(not that they had anything to begin with); they will never develop , hence "evolution," any sense of culture in meaningful way, fucking hence "positive."

>> No.8000838 [DELETED] 

>People who take the other side are real scientists

>> No.8000842 [DELETED] 

My main beef with tumblr is that many people delude themselves into thinking that tumblr is some sort of "safe space", when people regularly get bullied and spammed with anonymous death threats until they delete their blogs for one single shitty text post. Some of these kids have good intentions, but the way they go about it is just extremely poor, and actually hurts the movements they claim to support because people immediately associate them with tumblr sjw. It's a shame, really, because it has gone from teens expressing their feelings to pseudo-activism and badly informed posts that spread like wildfire because no one bothers to check the sources. I'm not sure I'd go as far as calling it a cult, but I definitely agree that the mentality can take a negative toll on people. My best friend even started questioning her gender and basically fell over her feet trying to be politically correct, to the point where it was impossible to actually discuss social issues with her, and we're both in our 20s.

>> No.8000858 [DELETED] 

We don't stand a chance with dormant pride. The white race must rise again. It's not about hating other races, it's about embracing our own culture so our young people don't search for belonging in the wrong places.

>> No.8000860
File: 95 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n04mwdbs2m1sncv10o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like a lot of popular "Tumblr aesthtics", actually. I like to shit-talk most of them, but I don't actually hate them.
I like cyberghetto/soft ghetto/etc because it adds cuteness and femininity to something considered masculine and "hard". It's pretty without being weak.
Also, I find it weird that all the complaints about it have little to do with the actual look (which I could understand, it's basically repetitive "meme fashion" at this point with the same bullshit Adidas logo and tattoo chokers on everything, even though it originally started to make fun of that sort of thing) and everything to do with the fact that some people just hate black people and anything to do with them.

>> No.8000867

>against racism
>good night white pride

Yeah because you can't hate on anyone unless they're white.

>> No.8000869

I'm all for equality all around, but I have a friend who is getting really tumblrish/fedora with one of our older generation friends. I'm pretty sure he (older friend) just says mildly sexist/racist shit just to get him (younger friend) wound up.

>> No.8000870 [DELETED] 

>skin colour

Misunderstanding what race is 101.

>> No.8000880 [DELETED] 

Exactly. What Tumblr SJWs are doing isn't constructive or helpful, it's downright destructive and encourages negative and aggressive emotions and actions. They firmly believe that two wrongs make a right and discrimination and bullying towards people with different views is helpful to the society. They don't see the opposing side as people with real feelings and emotions, they only see them as heathens who need to be destroyed. Converting isn't enough, they have to be completely removed from existence so they don't have to face things that make them uncomfortable. It's feeling more and more like a religion or a very extremist political movement, which aren't that far apart actually.

The worst thing is that I see posts circulating in Tumblr claiming that "joining Tumblr made me a lot more open-minded and accepting" when in reality they've become more extremist and shallow-minded in their views, refusing to see the big picture or understand the other side without projecting straw men to their arguments. The source-checking is another thing. Someone can make a really bullshit "fact" in Tumblr to troll SJWs or compose a vendetta and it spread like wildfire without anyone bothering to check the facts or sources.

The other thing is that they're not really running for human rights. They only care about their own self-importance and making them feel good about themselves. Think about a corrupt, fundamentalist priest for a second. They condemn everyone they can about every single thing they do to rise above their level and enjoy the feeling of superiority, not to save their souls from hell. It's the same pattern.

>> No.8000882

Thank you both so much for posting these! Why do I get a feeling all of this was started as a joke by black people then dumb white girls took it too far. I can already hear the "enlightened" white girls bitching about how it's appropriating black culture and then the dumb black people going like "this is why we can't have nice things" while everyone else just sits back and laughs.

>> No.8000884


Reasons Tumblr needs burned to the ground. Also, the whole glorification of passive aggression really gets to me because I cannot fucking stand that bullshit. Just take some responsibility for yourself and your words and actually face up the consequences.


I knew a girl who said shit like that, then we fell out and I was like "fight me" and now she hides whenever she sees me lol

>> No.8000886

I hate that they call "creepy cute" "pastel goth". Nigga, adding a cross/bat to your clothes doesn't make you a goth and perky goths have been a thing for years.

>> No.8000888 [DELETED] 

At first this sounds really racist and taboo, but actually a recruiter was talking about this in a thread I read recently. In a very traditional black culture acting professional is considered "acting white" and it's discouraged, because it's seen as abandoning your roots and self-hating. The PoC candidates who acted professional in their job told about being shunned in by their peers for this reason.

I live in an area that has a lot of African immigrates (in Europe) and from what I've seen and heard, their parents get pissed off if their children want to adapt to the western culture. There are numerous stories about girls not wearing a veil and falling in love with native boys and being punished for it. In the worst case they get sent back to their home country to "learn about their roots". In other words, be circumcised and forcefully married to an older man from their culture. I'm aware that this doesn't apply to every African immigrate ever but it doesn't mean it should be ignored. Minorities need to take responsibility for integrating as well just as much as the majority needs to welcome them.

>> No.8000891

Someone should explain the difference between Pastel Goth and Creepy Cute because to me they look like the same thing.

>> No.8000893

Basically the same but by calling it goth you get extra edge points.

>> No.8000894

I think they are about the same thing.

The only difference is that the pastel goth part is aiming more for a black/pastel color theme, whatever that may include. And then I think creepy cute is aiming for gruesome accessories (eyeball hair clips, drippy blood...) mixed with cute-pastel style, which often looks like it's crossed over with pastel goth because of the whole... pastel color theme and dark-edgy aesthetic.

tl;dr, you can find both in either tag if you search for it.

>> No.8000899

Literally my ultimate red-flag for any person.
I will out-right ignore people at cons who wear flower-crowns and shit, even if they speak to me.

>> No.8000900

The thing is middle schoolers have always been like that though. Like back when I was in middle school I had friends who were expire mending with gender identity and sexuality. Which I feel is perfectly normal for that age but when I was in middle school that was done in private or done like on LJ. Out of all those people like one was still bi and another was a lesbian by the time we all hit 16. The mental illness ones were all over it by the same time except for one girl, who was actually mentally ill. I fell into the category of being depressed and keeping that private as did another good friend of mine even though one of her jokes got blown out of proportion and she was put on suicide watch.

I think what the issue with tumblr is that they have found like minded individuals and at this point they encourage each other to be that way rather then seeking help.

Ultimately I blame parents who tell their kids their special and unique while they are growing up. The kids just believe that at face value and develop no skills or qualities that make that am true so when they hit like 14 they get desperate for something to prove that they are. And that manifests itself in tumblr culture. Back in my day it was kids who shopped at hottopic and quote keychain a from Spencer's.

>> No.8000919

Motherfucking Mahou Kei

I don't get it, so far it just looks it's random pastel outfits they just throw a few mahou shoujo references on and suddenly it's a different substyle?

>> No.8000939


>FB nail polish emoji skirt

>> No.8000950

I dye my hair wacky colours, and even though I love them, I avoid pastel shades for this very reason. When I have my hair dark green, everything is fine, but the second it starts lightening up into the faded pastel territory, it's like flies on an asshole- they're all over me.

At cons, I try to be nice, because maybe they just legitimately enjoy the fashion; some of it's cute when it's not all thrown into one outfit, but the second I hear you talking about your fringe sexuality, or the patriarchy, or any of that fauxcial justice bullshit, I dip the fuck out.

>Anon, how do you get jobs when your hair isn't a natural colour/you have visible tattoos? I have so much trouble!
>Wear wigs, and clothing to cover your tattoos? Why would you go to an interview with your fried pink hair and Sailor Moon chest piece and expect them to take you seriously?

>> No.8000955

Is this wrong, though? Tattoos and dyed hair are not inherently bad choices or signs of irresponsibility as much as they are just aesthetic choices that don't conform to the norm.

>> No.8000958

>don't conform to the norm
Which in many jobs will make them chose someone else over you as conforming to the clothing norm in general and especially during a job interview is an indicator you can conform to the norms at your work place.

>> No.8000961

I'm so fucking confused because I browsed the Omocat tag looking for pics of a sweater I wanted worn and so many of the blogs that are like "tbh if u support Omocat ur pedophile trash" are REALLY "problematic" in and of themselves. Like, every blog I checked. They're always either shitty artists in their early 20s telling people to kill themselves, edgy teens, HOMESTUCKS who sexualize HOMESTUCK CHARACTERS, reblog underage anime characters in pseudo sexual scenes, or racist. It's such a confusing clusterfuck.

I just wanted to look at a sweater.

>> No.8000964

For real. Unless you have something graphic tattooed on your body it shouldn't matter. My mom is covered in tatts and piercings but she's like any other Mom her age. When she goes to work she has to put on long sleeves and pants and take out most of her face piercings. Her personality isn't magically changed because she hid everything.

>> No.8000965

>conforming to the clothing norm in general
You can conform to clothing norms and still have your tattoos showing, anon.
If non-conforming aesthetics communicated any significant inability to conform to workplace and/or other norms, everyone with tattoos or dyed hair would probably be homeless and confirmed autistic.

>> No.8000966

Are you sure you're sorting the results by popularity?

>> No.8000968

holy shit are you me? I just did the same exact thing yesterday

>> No.8000969

>Why would you go to an interview with your fried pink hair and Sailor Moon chest piece
That's what they said though.

>> No.8000970

Because they're completely incapable of thinking for themselves, and live in a Tumblr echo-chamber. These are the people that probably took creepshots of guys they thought were cute before Tumblr realised that's fucking creepy, and also think that doxxing someone with a dissenting opinion is fair game, because they're 'privileged.'
>but no
>an artist using the word 'shota' is literally the Holocaust all over again
I don't think these people ever learned how to separate an artist from their work. I've seriously seen posts going around saying that anything an artist writes/draws is what they feel, so if they write a racist character, they're an actual racist. So Omocat making a shota sweater means that they literally want to rape small boys.

>> No.8000971

>will make them chose someone else over you
You're phrasing it like this was not their decision, but your own for simply not looking a certain way.
As if it's an automatic reaction from a machine and it wasn't those employers who ultimately decided by their own personal judgment not to hire you over something so arbitrary. Like they couldn't help it somehow, and it was all you.
Stop this bullshit.

>> No.8000972

It's only because of her "shota" sweater, which is just a boy with the word printed above him.

Someone made the connection shota = shotacon for some reason and since then spread the rumor that omocat supports pedophilia.

Tumblr seriously needs to fucking chill

>> No.8000975

You sound like tumblr. Stop this bullshit.

It's not like it's child porn on a t shirt.

>> No.8000976

I'm biased, so of course I think I'm still a pretty good worker, despite my appearance, but if I were to show up to a job dressed the way I do on campus, tattoos and hair and all, I can't blame a job for not wanting to hire me. I'm going to be the face of their business, and living in the conservative Deep South, people will avoid a place if they see someone like me working there, regardless of how well I do my job. I don't like it, but that's the way the older generation is, so until dyed hair and tattoos and piercings become more accepted in mainstream society, and not seen as something solely for edgy teens or alternative lifestyles, I'll continue to hide them when I have to.

>> No.8000978

>So Omocat making a shota sweater means that they literally want to rape small boys.
The funny thing is the shirt read "shota", as in "shotaro" (which means "boy" in Japanese), not "shotacon". If the shirt read "loli", it would be a fair assumption because of the origin of "lolicon" (aka "Lolita complex"), but it's different in the case of "shota". The fact that they automatically thought of pedophilic cartoon pornography instead of the actual word reflects on them.
Shitty Tumblr weeaboos need to get their minds out of the gutter

>> No.8000979

>FRIED pink hair
>a pop culture tattoo instead of anything that will still have significance later in life
An alternative appearance doesn't mean you have to look like shit.

>> No.8000982

I think it's fucked up that they piled on to a successful female artist, too. That's what fucking over half of the ones calling her a pedophile WANT to be. WHILE continuing to buy WhatPumpkin shit.

>> No.8000985

>says something retarded
>gets yelled at
Yeah nah

>> No.8000987

Also I'm gonna say something real crazy here but there is no reason for the fucking social justice brigade to have any issue with drawings intended for people with sexual disabilities as they do no harm and might help the pedophile cope with their illness. This whole "Omocat is condoning/supporting shotacon and this is bad" thing makes no sense. Shotacon isn't actual child rape like gore isn't murder.

>> No.8000988

That helps a little, thanks! The sweater I want's not that popular and a lot of that shitposting has a lot of notes, so I'm still running into it a lot, but this is better.

>> No.8000989

Keep up the good work.Yell a little more.

>> No.8000993

This. It also varies from job to job - I'm in the foreign service and if a diplomat showed up with neon hair, tattoos and alt fashion half the government would have a heart attack.

When you work wih people your appearance reflects not only on yourself, but on your wokrplace.

>> No.8000994

As long as you stay passive-aggressive and analpained.

>> No.8000995

My thing is I don't even think Omocat's into shit like that. I've never seen art like that coming from her. I think she got into Ouran and shit with teen boy romance based on Pretty Boy and Omori.

I'm 100x more uncomfortable with all those Tumblrites into Bruce x Any of the Robins, ESPECIALLY when they're still kids and yet I see that shit everywhere. From respected blogs. Where the fuck is the line?

>> No.8001000

No, of course there is nothing suggesting she's got anything to do with pedophilia. But it is ridiculous that tumblr wants to be the thought police over what people get themselves off to. Cannibalism is sexy, teenage boys and old men fucking in tights is sexy, write Shota on a t-shirt and you're an actual child abuser.

>> No.8001008

Agreed. I even saw someone say she was appropriating Japanese culture by putting kanji or katakana on some of her products. Those products are sold IN Japan.

>> No.8001013

Yep, protecting fictional children isn't actually helping real children. But it being "drawings intended for people with sexual disabilities" I'd have to kinda disagree with you there, as a lot of people drawing and viewing those things just happen to find the anime style used appealing and have no interest in actual children. Though that's not to say someone with an interest in actual children won't find those drawings appealing as well. Drawn loli or shota is a weird issue that might end up incriminating some poor otaku who just has a weird anime boner.

>> No.8001014
File: 68 KB, 466x700, 368909774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Etsy store is down, but while the graphic tees are ugly and the "RAWR GRRRL VIRUS" are annoying, it's a decent aesthetic.

Hella swaggy, I love it.


It's a solid aesthetic. Reminds me of chain smoking outside my hippie high school with street kids who didn't attend but hung around there anyway.

Graphic tees aka garbage.

I don't understand. It's a woman drinking a watermelon...what's to hate? Colorscheme solid, hair buns cool, eyebrows could use work but otherwise pretty.

I think you just hate women.

>> No.8001017

Rereading my comment and I realize "weird anime boner" could end up under "sexual disabilites" but whatever you get what I'm saying I hope.

>> No.8001025

Is Omocat even white? I always assumed she was Asian-American

>> No.8001034

Oh man if you told tumblrinas she was poc they'd start shaming each other for hating on her

>> No.8001045

I think a lot of this kin or headmate shit when it comes to fictional characters is just a misaimed or immature way of acknowledging the concept of a "muse".

>> No.8001053
File: 78 KB, 324x524, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I raise you this.

>> No.8001055
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>> No.8001058
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>> No.8001076

Honestly, now that I think about this shit I remember how when I was 10 I joined ffnet and would comment with cringey 'omg random voices in my head XDDD~'. I grew out of that really quickly and then slowly let go of the rest of my chuunibyou phase by 14ish, but it seems these tumblr kids (and some adults sadly) aren't doing the same? Like a lot of this embarrassing stuff used to be in self-contained forums and lj communities, but tumblr is such a big enabling hugbox it's instilled some weird self-importance into these people. You'd think with this younger generation growing up with tech they'd be having and leaving their embarassing chuuni phase on the internet earlier and faster but idk maybe I'm just overthinking it.

>> No.8001081

I think it's completely normal to be like that still when you're in middle school, like you said it's "chuunibyou" and part of searching for yourself. Sure it makes you embarrassed to remember those times years after but you can just say you were a dumb teenager. I remember lot of my cosplay friends having some kind of "I'm a yaoi boy" phase when we were 13-14 years old, they grew out of it though and are completely normal now. The problem with tumblr is that these people don't seem to be in their teens, they're like in their 20's and still have some kind of special snowflake syndrome. It's really hard to believe they will ever get better from that.

>> No.8001083

>it's a decent aesthetic.

>> No.8001087
File: 367 KB, 653x716, 1384539374797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw "I'm demi/trans/aro/dragonkin" is the new "I'm a yaoi catboy"
It was a simpler time.

>> No.8001091

The whole yaoi boy thing was basically just androgynous girls RPing with each other, which I guess is pretty safe way to explore your sexuality. But there wasn't a massive cult around it and demanding the entire society to accept their delusions.

>> No.8001092

My classmate didn't get hired because she had inappropriately light highlights. It happens way more often than you would think.

>> No.8001094

>I think it's completely normal to be like that still when you're in middle school
>"I'm a yaoi boy" phase
>it's completely normal

>> No.8001096

Or did she just make up a bullshit reason like that because she couldn't accept the fact someone else was better candidate than her?

>> No.8001098

Cons are not job interviews, dates, or weddings.

>> No.8001103

I literally live right across the street from a non binary ace flux other kin with several self-diagnosed mental illnesses and around seven different kin types. Sometimes I go through it's tumblr and marvel a how I'm about 300 feet away from pure crazy

>> No.8001106

Shotaro doesn't mean boy, it's a name. Shotacon got its name from a character named Shotaro who was small and cute.

>> No.8001109

... how deliciously oassive aggressive and tumblr like.

>> No.8001111

This, you're an extension of your company and they have every right to pick people who will support their company best.
My aunt has dreadlocks, tattoos and ear gauges but she covers them all up (except the dreadlocks) when she goes to work and she even works in the government where there's no pressure to look a certain way.
Honestly if you need your clothes and fried hair to express your personality so fucking badly that you can't cover it up, you must be really boring.

I have nothing against people who wear weird things but if they do it despite being told no because "dis is hu I rly AM, moooom!", I'll see them as immature retards who can't discern between work and home. It's your right to look however you want but it's my right not to hire you if I thin you represent my company badly.

>> No.8001112

>they're like in their 20's and still have some kind of special snowflake syndrome

Once upon a time your real life friends and family and generally maturing helped you realize those delusions are dumb and crippling in the real world. But now everyone has an internet niche like Tumblr to validate their chuunibyou and feed it well beyond it's expiration date. Once these people get out of college and real jobs hopefully they can be helped.

>> No.8001113

That's even more harmless then.

>> No.8001118


>> No.8001131

Don't even get me started on this stupid self diagnosing shit.
Like I know that not everyone has access to medical facilities but self diagnosing is actually dangerous for multiple reasons and the fact that Tumblr keeps trying to justify it is goddamn ridiculous.

>> No.8001138

I know a girl who's 20 and has the special snowflake stuff going on. I think in her case it's a result of her being a few years behind as far as social maturity goes. She was born legally blind and her parents were very overprotective so it seems like she wasn't really allowed to date, watch pg-13+ movies, etc. at the ages most people were and she's going through that chuunibyou phase later in life because of that.
I imagine it's similar for a lot of the other special snowflake 20 somethings on Tumblr.

>> No.8001139

Actually though I know this girl who is an otherkin and has a fictional headmate and all this other stupid tumblr crap and basically cant evne face the real world anymore because it is unaccepting of her made up fictional garbage.
It's really sad and now she just lives in her parents basement and only talks to her online tumblr friends because they are the only ones who "understand".

>> No.8001141

Or people just hate all these fads because they're dumb and made by a bunch of loser transtrender teenagers.

>> No.8001142
File: 701 KB, 1281x744, 1399520780675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this

>> No.8001148

Anon have you ever worked a day in your life? Whenever you get a job, you conform to whatever standards the company you're working for wants you to. That is because you, as an employee, are an acting face of that company. So if they're trying to go for a professional, mature vibe then you better bet you're hiding your tats and dying your hair a normal color. Or maybe you luck out and get a job somewhere where green hair and snakebites on your face is accepted. But ultimately, it's not about you and what a *special* individual you are. You're there to do your job and be part of a team. What makes you an individual should not be how you look, but how you tackle problems and what you bring to the table as a worker.

We don't live in a world where no one cares how you look, and if you're old enough to be on this board then you're old enough to understand this.

>> No.8001158

My online friend turned into a look how rational I am anti-sj blog. She's honestly more annoying now than the few sjw-leaning people I have on my feed have ever been. She's obsessed with pointing out any inconsistency and posting counterarguments to everything, even ruining joke posts. I mean I'm actually kind of wondering if she has legit assburgers now because of all the joke posts that fly over her head.

>> No.8001173

>Reddit: The Post

>> No.8001204


The thing is, Tumblr is on such a 'save the nonexistent, fictional children' rampage and its weird as fuck because for all of their bitching and moaning, they don't put half as much effort into helping real children and I just don't understand it. Just the other day, I saw a post with a few thousand notes saying 'Its extremely problematic how sexualized young girls are in anime and if you honestly think its okay, then you're a pedophile in the making' or some shit. These are not real people who can be victims of anything, nor can they actually form an opinion on if they want it or not because, duh, they don't have any feelings or thoughts so as far as I'm concerned its a moot point.

I really feel like actual pedophiles are too real for Tumblr to handle so they latch onto fighting for something that doesn't actually exist so they feel like they have some semblance of control over the situation, that they can turn off the computer and sleep easy knowing that those things they're fighting against aren't actually happening. I dunno', I browse Tumblr frequently and there are a few people I like but overall I hate the culture they've created for themselves and the thing too is that they literally just copy everyone else. Half of their most popular memes are from 4chan and they took the doxing idea from /b/, except they didn't take any of their common sense with it. When someone posts on /b/ asking for them to dox a person they have beef with, half the time they're met with '/b/ isn't your personal army, fag' but on Tumblr they're just blindly going for it without looking to see if the accusations are even true and they're ruining lives over stupid bullshit. At least when /b/ attacks its usually for a good reason and its sad to say they have more sense than Tumblr but at this point I believe it.

>> No.8001213
File: 13 KB, 256x186, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect, I was just looking for a cringe thread to post this in.

>> No.8001215

Huh, so I was wrong. The more you know, I guess

>> No.8001220

Back in my days this shit was called "original character".

>> No.8001222


>> No.8001226

This is just Sea Punk with guns and slightly less weird windows 95 shit.

>> No.8001246

When I forget to tag trigger warnings

>> No.8001249

This is what especially bothers me about Tumblr. These kids have infinite time it seems, and some of them are obviously internet savvy/intelligent, since they're getting home addresses and credit card and debit numbers, but instead of channelling it all into things that can actually help the world, they choose to go after innocents, and people that have done nothing wrong aside from speaking up against the hive mind.

>> No.8001257

That's because it's not actually a real thing, just something made up by that one chick who tried to sell dollar store toys as jewelry.

>> No.8001271

I disagree with you there.
Pretty much all the people I've seen get doxxed by Tumblr users had it coming in some way or the other, usually by being racist pricks or literally sending people racist, hateful messages and thinking they'd get away with it. They aren't exactly "innocent".
The only exception I can think of is that 12 year old boy on Twitter who said something that might have been sexist, but all they had was his name and face and he didn't care at all.
Not only that, but 4chan does the same thing all the time, sometimes not even because the person disagreed with what you call the "hive mind". This sort of thing is all over the internet.

>> No.8001277

Haha no. Remember Laci Green? I mean she was one of them, fuck sake.

>> No.8001286

Didn't know about that. It just looks like she got a few death threats, the whole thing died off pretty quickly and it seems she's still making videos.
Not really seeing it.

>> No.8001287

Honestly, unless they're a rapist/murderer/active kiddy diddler, there's really no reason to go around doxxing people. I hate racists as much as the next person (I'm black, ffs), but it's stooping to their level when you start sending death threats to someone's workplace/family/home. You can't ruin the lives of every person that says something you disagree with, no matter how disgusting it is.

>> No.8001288

>mfw I think this is actually quite cute

Never in person, though

>> No.8001295

There's also that guy that Tumblr found his mother's address, and threatened to burn her house down and kill her. I don't know what exactly he did, but his mother was completely uninvolved in the entire thing. Tumblr gets so riled up so quickly, they don't care who they're attacking, or if they even deserve it.

>> No.8001302

They found out where she lives, published it along with her phone number, sent her death threats and hate mail, told her to kill herself etc

>> No.8001307

> it's stooping to their level when you start sending death threats to someone's workplace/family/home.
That I can understand, though I've never seen the person's actual workplace get death threats. In fact, it's quite the opposite. They literally word things as politely as possible, show screencaps of whatever the person said and encourage the workplace to "deal with" their employee with stuff like "I certainly hope your company does not advocate or share these opinions". Also
>stooping to their level
If someone is degrading and/or advocating genocide against an entire human populace, literally who cares if they get fired, yelled at by their parents, delivered some pizzas or expelled from their uni? The fact that bad things happen to them after it's "out" to their workplace or family that they're shitty people should teach them a lesson, in fact.
If someone says "Kill all black people" and a bunch of black people tell that person's school or workplace about it, how is it the same thing as wanting to kill all white people?

>> No.8001311

Since when did tumblr start hating shotacon? I thought they were very accepting with this stuff.

>> No.8001312

so you're only going from anecdotal evidence? because I can get you a lot more examples where they don't word it nicely at all and straight out bully others.

>> No.8001314

it's ok if it's fandom but not ok if they don't like the person doing it from what I get

>> No.8001319

No, I'm going from blogs actually dedicated to doxxing racist people on Twitter, FB, etc like racistsgettingfired.tumblr.com
It's an actual "thing" that works systemically. This sort of shit isn't a bunch of isolated incidents anymore. They literally instruct people on how to word their reports to employers, universities, etc.

>> No.8001323

on one hand those people should really know better than to publish their opinions on fb of all places, on the other hand a lot of that is frankly nitpicking

>> No.8001330

>[Do not message, contact, threaten, or harass the individual, their family, friends, or acquaintances; only contact their place of work or study.]

>> No.8001331

That's what I thought immediately when I started looking at all these kin posts. It just seems like people who are mislead to believing that by liking something and associating strongly with it that you are in part that thing. Which is ridiculous.

>> No.8001333

Man I remember scene and how all the cool kids were totes crazy random schizophrenic homicidal cannibalistic psychopaths you guise ^___^
Are sparkle dogs still a thing?

>> No.8001336

This looks like a photo of a joke dress up party that tumblr got a hold of

>> No.8001337
File: 335 KB, 700x910, ewwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit that thing is disgusting

>> No.8001339

but isn't that a bit silly since their coworkers and boss are also acquaintances?

>> No.8001340

The only one I've really seen that seems nitpicky to me is the school psychologist, though that does seem to be a pretty bad attitude from somebody that's a school psychologist in Harlem. The other ones are really fucking gross. I can't believe people still talk about lynching like that in this day and age.

>> No.8001342

This is also a dress up party because girl with pop cans is lady gaga from the telephone music video. Tumblr needs to stop

>> No.8001350

>born legally blind
>wasn't really allowed to watch pg-13+ movies

>> No.8001353
File: 1.40 MB, 193x135, 7Rbp1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8001358

legally blind doesn't mean she can't see, it means she has to wear glasses with a really big prescription number like -14.0 on both eyes or some shit, and in some cases still can't see well.

>> No.8001367

I assume most of these otherkin people are like 12-16 and will feel very embarrassed about this in a couple of years.

The ones older than that are lost cases.

>> No.8001379

It was. Soft Ghetto was a joke response to the bullshit "soft grunge" stuff, and of course, the teenage white girl crowd took it and ran with it.

I thought mahou kei and uchuu kei were just substyles to fairy kei?

>> No.8001380

God man, I though I was the only one who thought tumblr is a fucked up place with all of this shit. Now I no longer regret deleting my tumblr account.

>> No.8001382

It depends which field you work in. Some fields are perfectly fine with tattoos, wild hair and piercings, but if you work in a professional setting, especially when you're in some sort of position with customer contact, they'll be a lot stricter.

>> No.8001383

>stupid self diagnosing shit.

I have a friend who insisted she was a sociopath because she had two traits out of twenty on some website. I don't know if she thinks that way anymore, but it made me writhe every time she said she had to play "Naughty Bear" to quell her urges to act out against people.

>> No.8001387

I still have mine, but I'm a serious nazi when it comes to unfollowing and purging my dash from anything resembling feminism, sjws, anti-sjs and whatever all this cancer is.
Now it's just recipes, history and gearfag porn

>> No.8001389

Yeah. Even with super heavy prescription glasses the best it gets is 20/200 vision, if you want to get specific about it.

She's a forestkin demigirl apparently.

>> No.8001399

I don't take people seriously who equate shotacon and lolicon with actual child pornography. Gross.

I don't know, some of the people on there really had it coming by posting that kind of shit on their public profiles. The new admin seems to be a complete jackass though, from the way they're responding to asks.

>> No.8001413

I'm only attracted to guys with brown hair #brunsexual

>> No.8001417
File: 51 KB, 350x276, P3-Strega_3586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strega fashion
I thought people were dressing like pic related...

>> No.8001418

>ruining joke posts
>muh jimmies
sjws are annoying but when these antisj goons have a fucking shirt fit over an obvious joke post it's just as bad, if not worse.

it's like watching two fucked up monkeys flinging shit at eachother Christ.

>> No.8001420

Honestly I don't get why anyone would even waste their time arguing with sjws. They're a joke, having a rational conversation with them is just waste.

>> No.8001430

>and yeah im not darkskinned or chubby in canon but it feels right? the first “that’s me, that’s really me” picture i saw was a chubby naegi, and the fluffy hair + dark skin just felt so… nice? fitting? i dunno
Isn't this cultural appropriation or transracial bullshit. Fucking white tumblr kids.

>> No.8001432

It was the 90s popculture fashion tho, oh, and how websites looked in the 90s.

>> No.8001436
File: 51 KB, 499x750, noHoneyNo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS, OP omg

that pretty 'famous' gaijin gyaru ashley and shiena did some lame ass photo shoot in space jock gyaru style
i was so confused
it was such a hot mess
and such a shame since they really are great at makeup and styling BUT the concept and delivery was so embarassing

>> No.8001437

Creepy Cute is mixing any kind of cute fashion with halloween stuff (like the stuff that Listen Flavor makes) and Pastel Goth is just mixing pastels into goth fashion.

>> No.8001442


People also didn't go around demanding acceptance for being a yaoi catboy. That's what I find most frustrating. Have your special snowflake gender of the week made up identity shit, but if you keep it to yourself, whatever, but the moment you demand that I cater to that, nope.

See, tumblr wants all this "social justice" but they're cheapening it. When you turn labels into alphabet soup you fuck with the whole system. Legitimate LGBT individuals still don't have equal rights and Tumblr wants people to recognize their made up orientation? All this shit makes bicuriosity sound perfectly traditional. Fucking Tumblr "passive activism."

>> No.8001444
File: 80 KB, 499x750, noGodWhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shiena is literally the most vapid piece of scum on the planet. it's not that i hate her, because there is literally no brain or personality. her blog is just like, "and omg today i did my makeup like but blah blah blah and my clothes were wow and um yea stuff"

heres another space jock ashley

>> No.8001446

>I thought mahou kei and uchuu kei were just substyles to fairy kei?
Kind of but not always, the clothes by the japanese brand Strawberry Planet would fit that while the stuff by Galaxxxy wouldn't.

>> No.8001451

Thanks for saying this. I agree so much. Plus I hate normalfags.

>> No.8001452

I like the girl side-eying her in the background. Not that she has any room to talk wearing that Ebay Adventure Time dress.

>> No.8001453

>because there is literally no brain or personality
Well to be honest that's the entire gyaru scene

>> No.8001455

>It's really hard to believe they will ever get better from that.
i am scared for the future world

>> No.8001476

this is nice imo

>> No.8001480

>same for weeaboos
>for young teens by young teens
hoho i beg to differ
only because a lot of us grew up in/around the 80s/90s when a lot of the best japan imports came to us. and we are no longer young teens yet still enjoy that shit (though hopeless in less weebish ways)

>> No.8001490

>adventure time

That's my little pony, man.

>> No.8001503

Cyberghetto isn't really that bad imo. Its jus t the attitude of some of the kids and lack of originality.
This is the chick that claims she created cyber ghetto. She's s complete cunt and thinks she's the shit. Cyberrghetto.tumblr.com

>> No.8001504

Do you even know how MLP looks, or?

>> No.8001506

Do you? Not even that anon, but that's clearly an MLP print, shit eater

>> No.8001507

The emoji trend shit is fuckin stupid but other than that its pretty cute.
Idk how ppl on this board wanna try and talk shit about other styles when they support/wear lolita....

>> No.8001511

The thing is we've grown up and learned to conceal our power levels. Like I'm not going to lie on my bus rides to and from work I read manga/watch anime. Hell when KLK first came out I noticed a guy with a government job watching an episode in the metro. But like say I take the bus and go by TC on the ride home and a group of high schoolers get on loudly discussing Naruto I still judge them as I catch up on what manga was updated during the week. I still watch anime and read manage and dress up as cartoon characters but there is a time and a place for that.

>> No.8001522

>visible hooves
>no Cutie Marks
Confirmed for retard.

>> No.8001527
File: 204 KB, 500x750, JE-YD159_1375301587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generic rainbow unicorns=/=MLP

>> No.8001539
File: 82 KB, 476x399, IMG_0186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

implying these shirts can be made in sizes big enough to fit tumblrwhales

>> No.8001544

I'm gonna be dumb here, but what exactly is doxing?

>> No.8001548

>space jock
this is so fucking stupid I'm kind of amazed.

>See, tumblr wants all this "social justice" but they're cheapening it. When you turn labels into alphabet soup you fuck with the whole system.
This, so much. Labels become meaningless when you try to label absolutely everything.

>> No.8001550

but... they are.

>> No.8001552

It's still not Adventure Time.

>> No.8001556

>type "doxxing"
So you really need spoonfeeding?

>> No.8001563

All this. Just like people are frowned upon for shoving their religion in people's faces you don't shout that you love SasuNaru to high heaven. I love sneaking my powerlevel into daily stuff though like when I worked at a gym I would play the Cowboy Bebop or FLCL soundtrack and wear shirts that depicted subtle game or anime graphic but nothing with an outright logo or giant character art.

>> No.8001565

>when they support/wear lolita....
some of the coords are ok, but it usually looks boring or very childish most of the time with the horrible colour schemes and the "this has to match with THIS and match match match"

>> No.8001567

what exactly IS space jock? None of this looks remotely jock like, and I was a jock in high school. All we ever wore were like..normal preppy clothes or sports team uniforms. The guy jocks all wore suits on game day. Does tumblr even play sports?

>> No.8001572

ive bought from them before they go up to a juniors large

>> No.8001573

I still read manga in public, but it's usually only One Piece whenever a new volume comes out. If I'm waiting in the doctor's office or something and there's 5 ladies around me reading 50 Shades of Gray why the hell shouldn't I be able to read One Piece in public. Seriously.

>> No.8001576

just trying to get an explanaion, sorry for slinging sand in your vag.

>> No.8001580

I actually really like this, it's got a lot of what I like about mori plus black (which I suppose is just dark mori but if it's going under a different name that doesn't bother me). Is there some weird subculture thing around it?

>> No.8001590

they're fat, what do YOU think

>> No.8001598

Oh give me a break. Just bc you're too much of a lil bitch afraid of what everyone else thinks doesnt mean everyone else should hide what they like. If people wanna discuss an episode of an anime who the fuck cares? Life's too short for that bullshit. Just have fun wear what you want like whatever you want.

>> No.8001608

>thinks everyone is the same anon

>> No.8001620

Why do you feel the need to specify "but its only one piece I'm totally not a weeb durr" like its such a big deal? You're on fucking cgl. Your normalfag reputation isn't going to be ruined.

>> No.8001624

Lolita is basically dressing like a little Victorian girl or doll. How is that not"childish". Especially sweet lolita.

>> No.8001628

>Tfw my cousin is irl friends with someone who is quite literally the definition of "Tumblr"

>She is to be Fiction kin (with a bunch of Dangan Ronpa/Attack on Titan? Characters)
>Claims that because she is Jewish, she is a POC (Read: she is a white girl looking to be oppressed)
>Actually talks about eating shit and drinking piss on her blog
>Is generally disgusting all round
>Claims she has seizures because she has bpd, which are basically just panic attacks.

Sage for OT.

>> No.8001631

>Actually talks about eating shit and drinking piss on her blog
WHAT? Screenshots?

>> No.8001632

Most lolitas really do want to look like little girls, that's why they drool over overly photoshopped baby faced Asian girls and hold them up as the standard of lolita beauty.

>> No.8001635

I'm out at work right now, but when I get home and get her url from my cousin, I'll post the reciepts.

>> No.8001653
File: 2.99 MB, 355x201, 1395434516294.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked at the tag and found this gem. Hooooooly shit >http://psychoticjesus.tumblr.com/about
>Name: Xander/Jesus (preferred), Kinsey (auxiliary)
>Atheist (but also God)

>> No.8001659
File: 446 KB, 1022x1920, tumblr_nauxifZ6KR1rrue9uo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i find it hilarious that so much of the actual worn exemples end up looking like the shittiest goof ninja

>> No.8001662


>> No.8001669

At least Satanism was metal. This ain't metal. This ain't metal at all.

>> No.8001675

>the idea of “recovery” is a societal construct meant to punish mentally ill people for being mentally ill. people with personality disorders, people with developmental disorders, people with neurological conditions, etc, are never going to be able to “recover.” it’s an entirely flawed concept, and in order to support mentally ill people, you need to discard it asap

Ummm http://gendfleur.tumblr.com/post/105405204588/the-idea-of-recovery-is-a-societal-construct

>> No.8001678

Tumblr savior has saved me when I removed the transgender and Ferguson tags. The lovely thing is you can ask people to tag their posts accordingly and they will never assume it's because you hate their opinion but because muh triggers

>> No.8001680
File: 807 KB, 320x240, 3113013_o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might me a little OT but I feel like sharing anyway.
I once got this really long, nasty anon message on my tumblr that was essentially calling me a "transphobic sexist" because I occasionally post and reblog crossdressing (I run a general yaoi/pretty boy blog).
I wish I had remembered to screenshot it before I deleted it but I was just so pissed at the time...
I have no clue how crossdressing equates to sexism and transphobia.

>> No.8001681

If that is the privilege test I'm thinking of, it's meant to be satirical. They severely missed the mark on making it clear that it's satirical though, so people are taking it SUPER SERIOUSLY!

>> No.8001687

>fleur or it pronouns
>do not use 'they' to refer to me
>otherkin {aradia megido, rose lalonde, all three solo kids, flower, turtle, ghost, god}

I'm cryingggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

>> No.8001692

Black List

Imperative to tag:

Needles (especially syringes/medical needles) as #needle or #syringe (#trypanophobia tw works too); this tag goes for pictures as well as mentions in the context of medicine and doctors. I’m okay with tattoos and piercings unless it’s really graphic.
Doctors or medical related stuff as #doctor or #medical; this is more in the case of conversations about the medical field and “obesity” related stuff (e.g. BMI or “weight related diseases”).
Weight and body image related stuff, especially when using “fat” or talking about bullying and fat shaming as #weight or #body image.
ANYTHING about #thinspo or #fitspo or #fitness. In fact, don’t even follow if you post thinspo or are in any way pro-ana or pro-mia. Fuck you.
Guro or any sort of sexualized gore as #guro. Heavy gore and torture porn type things fall under this category.
Guilt mentions or triggers as #guilt tw; this one is really specific and I won’t get on to people if they don’t know how to tag, some guidelines are if it is related to grief and guilt over the death of a loved one, definitely tag.

Not imperative, just annoying:

Diabolik Lovers anime/vn fandom stuff as #diabolik lovers
Christianity related stuff as #christianity; this is more for mentions than imagery.

>> No.8001693

But fucking mahou shoujo trinkets have been a thing since fairy kei started. Girls have always decked themselves out with little Sailor Moon gacha keychains and plushes. Or CCS stuff. Or Creamy Mami. Or Precure. It's only since the SM 20th anniversary (and the massive influx of new fan-and-official-merch) that "mahou kei" seems to have gotten its own name.

... which is stupid, because the concept that makes it what it is has been around this whole time.

>> No.8001694


Does this mean he doesn't believe in himself? How can you claim to be God but not believe in God?

>> No.8001699

is it bad that i kind of like this outfit
just take off the stockings

that hair and hat are just ugly tho

>> No.8001701

don't be so insensitive ! gods can i have self-esteem issues too, you know !

>> No.8001703

she has a baseball bat DUH
but in all seriousness, if she didn't claim that this is intentionally sports themed, i would just think she is gonna beat a bitch with that bat

>> No.8001704

I remember seeing a trans person saying that they hate crossdressers because it makes them feel like they're just a boy wearing girl clothes too.
Honestly trans people confuse me, I mostly try to keep out of their business

>> No.8001723

people who claim they have bpd are 99% of the time snowflakes that found a disorder to excuse them acting like cunts

>> No.8001726

Plebcomics made comics with dialogue directly lifted from SJW posts. She was doxxed in a really half-assed way, posed up outdated info, was let go from her job and someone deleted her comic blog. (she got her job back in the end because people sent messages explaining the situation.)

and need i mention the pet fox tumblr got killed?

there's also this if you feel like wanting to off yourself today.

>> No.8001728

yes it is honestly confusing and yet some say things like "you'll never understand"
you're right. i won't. so please don't drag me into your dramu

>> No.8001730

*posted up outdated info in an attempt to save her job and stop people being so much of a cock

>> No.8001735


This is why I'm embarrassed to share the fact I identify as otherkin. I don't really believe in all that new age or occult stuff, however. I think more than a spiritual thing it could also be linked to DID, sensory processing disorders, phantom limb syndrome, dyslexia and/or autism. Temple Grandin writes alot about similarites between animal behavior/cognition and the autistic mind. Animals, like dyslexics, are visual thinkers. I just happen to identify as a small subspecies of wolf which just happens to be the most stereotypical, romanticized, fanciful kin type besides the fantasy shit. Can't really blame people for assuming I jumped on the 'werewolf' bandwagon. The brain cooks up some interesting and convincing experiences.

>> No.8001738
File: 308 KB, 546x700, tum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls be troll

>> No.8001739


>> No.8001741


What happened to the fox??

>> No.8001745

Someone called animal control and they euthanized him without checking if the anon tip was true.

>> No.8001748

I don't care how shitty a person may seem on the internet, doxxing them is no better. If you're willing to ruin someone's life because they posted something not-so-kosher on the internet, you need to calm the fuck down and take a long hard look at yourself.

>> No.8001749

As someone with legit , diagnosed BPD, they can go fuck themselves. It isn't a cute, quirky mental illness that you can use to be a dick. As a matter of fact, I tell people it's perfectly fine to cut off their friendship with me if it just gets too intense for them. (I'm unmedicated.) Every time I see those posts saying shit like, "Don't be mean to BPD sufferers when they're being clingy/attention whorey; they NEED to be showered in praise," posts, I want to pull out my teeth. If I'm being too much, fucking tell me. Don't enable me because, "Oh, it's just who you are." I am not my illness, so don't let me get away with shit just because I'm sick.

BPD makes you such a bad person, I don't understand why they glorify it so much. I manipulate people without a single thought, lie, steal from family, and am generally an all around shit human being, and even when I recognise it, I can't bring myself to care, because that's just the nature of this disease. I'd give anything to not have this illness, because I know it's going to kill me, and here these kids are, bragging about it.

Holy shit, talking about this gets me so mad.

>> No.8001752

> ouji

>> No.8001763

>tfw now I'm scared I have it
I sometimes ask my mom for money and say it's for something when it's for something else (not drugs or anything)... and I stole a few times when I was a teenager...

>> No.8001777

Pretty sure that counts as a mental illness or even psychosis, anon.

>> No.8001779


I have so much fucking respect for you, man. I cannot stand those posts that are like "I've got a mental illness! I can't be shit!" because I got totally screwed over by somebody who buys into all that shit, and it just infuriates me.

>> No.8001783

I think that's on a much lower scale than OP was talking about, anon

>> No.8001796

You must be joking... Don't try and get away with dumb self-diagnosing shit here.

You were probably just a self-centered teen, or you're an asshole.

>> No.8001798

Well because One Piece is the only series I still like? I could say the same about any manga, and the result wouldn't differ. Why the hell should I care what people think about me if I'm reading manga in public, when you have people reading stuff like 50 Shades of Grade in front of everyone. Get your head out of your ass, anon.

>> No.8001808

I feel you on such a strong level. To be coddled and praised actually makes me angrier than people turning round and telling me to cut shit out. It's patronising, as well validating of behaviours that are damaging to both us and those around us. I want to work through my issues as best I can. Telling me I'm fine does the opposite. We can get through this shit, anon.

What >>8001783 said: while it might well be the case that you have BPD or some sort of other issue, the kind of behaviours we're talking about are on a whole other scale.

Example I'll throw at you: I pulled a knife on an ex-partner and demanded he break up with his new gf, spun it that it was self defense to mutual friends, manipulated him into staying friends with me through guilt trips and threats of suicide. This is pretty much the level of awfulness I exhibit on a daily basis.

>> No.8001809

>Don't enable me because, "Oh, it's just who you are." I am not my illness, so don't let me get away with shit just because I'm sick.
God, this. I don't have BPD, but I have diagnosed social anxiety, and recently started medication. I cringe internally when I see posts actually encouraging destructive behaviors like staying in bed all day, not picking up the phone, or completely avoiding any situation that might make you anxious in general. It's really crippling and will hold you back so much in the long run if you never take risks.

>> No.8001814

I stole about a hundred dollars out of a friend's mother's purse while everyone was asleep when I was younger, and I just got 75 dollars from my mother by telling her I was going to use it for her Christmas present, then used it to buy shit for myself, and that's minor stuff that I've done dozens of times over. Not trying to out-edge you, but what you just posted is, in my opinion, typical teenage shit. Most kids ask for twenty dollars for lunch money or whatever, then use it for something completely unrelated, and plenty of teens shoplift small stuff like makeup or whatever. I don't want it to sound like I think what I do is okay, because it it obviously isn't, and I objectively know this, but my mind doesn't recognise or even care that some of the stuff I've done could easily land me in prison. I think your reaction, if you weren't trolling, is why so many people on Tumblr self-diagnose as being BPD. They read up on a list of symptoms on Mayo Clinic, and think, "I do/did some of this stuff before, I must be BPD!"

>> No.8001815

ok yeah no BPD on me that's quite a lot harsher than what I'd do
while I'd get pissed if I caught someone cheating most I'd probably do is cry and eat ice cream, and definitely never anything like that...

>> No.8001816

I have GAD and I still feel this. I hate it when people justify being a recluse or not doing basic, necessary things because *~*muh anxiety*~*
Yeah, it fucking sucks when I have to fight a panic attack when I'm driving or when I have to remove myself from a situation to combat feeling anxious/like I'm dying. But that doesn't mean I'm going to quit driving or interacting with people ffs.

>> No.8001819

I take huge issue with posts on both ends of the spectrum: people validating destructive behaviours hold people back from recovery; people pushing for people to expose themselves entirely to their fears/ "suck it up" lack a full understanding of the safe and effective way to do it.

My happy medium is to encourage people to seek professional help and point them in the right direction to find it.

>> No.8001820

>I'm scared I have it
does not imply self-diagnosing or wanting to have it
calm your tits

>> No.8001822

btw i'm >>8001819 and I'm not saying you're encouraging people to flood themselves, it was just something I thought of when I saw your post. I'm definitely on board with you and >>8001816 on how to effectively cope with anxiety shit.

>> No.8001824

yeah you're normal, don't worry about it

>> No.8001837
File: 531 KB, 250x188, 1384134169719.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude i "self-diagnosed" (aka reading a shit ton online, getting my parents and myself to make lists of things like mood habits/appetite/activity levels etc, sitting on it for a while thinking before going to my doctor and getting referred to a mental health place so they can hopefully diagnose me, or at least give me an answer) my probable cyclothymia, and when i vented about it on tumblr, i had people saying they MUST be bipolar too because they get kinda sad then kinda happy sometimes. mmmmm oppression points.

like no talk to me when you go from being fucking ecstatic and churning out cosplays/art/ideas like no-ones business, eating very little food cus OH MY GOD TOO MUCH STUFF TO DO I DONT NEED THAT LOL, being unable to think properly, staying up for 24+ hours at a time with no ill effects, etc to ungodly angry on a hair trigger but still pretty high, to crashing between high and low and angry, to utterly depressed, anxious and unable to get out of bed without wanting to die, hating everything i've ever made (even so far as to destroying them - luckily the last victim was only some false nails. I have actually thrown everything out of my room from games consoles to pillows into the storage room because i "didnt deserve it for being a fucked up, shitty cripple child" before realising what i'd done and getting depressed-angry and on the verge of self-harm until my parents came home)

but guess what, even though i go through so much shit with my mood, I'm still not going to say i AM bipolar or have a mood disorder, because i'm not a fucking doctor.

sorry for the wall of text, this shit just pisses me off.

>inb4 underage b& u live with ur parents

>i turn 20 in a week and my mood+poorfag makes it difficult and probably a really bad idea to live alone right now

>> No.8001840

i enjoy looking at strega fashion. but my favourite thing was when some white girl got concerned that because 'strega' is italian for witch, we were appropriating italian culture. it was actually so dumb

also, a guy I follow had his name censored by an sjw warning people about him. it's just because he doesn't give a shit about conforming to their weird hive mind and I love the reactions he gets from aro demitree weatherkins.

watching this unfold is v tasty

>> No.8001841

I'm pretty sure
>tfw now I'm scared I have it
coupled with a list of behaviours implies they were self diagnosing.

Incidentally, I don't actually have beef with self diagnosing, when done properly. Everyone self diagnoses: got a runny nose, fever and swollen glands? Congrats, you've just self diagnosed as having a cold. Is your femur sticking out of your leg? Well done, you have diagnosed yourself with having a broken leg. What do you do? You go to a doctor, you list your symptoms, and then they give you a diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

My point is that self diagnosis is meant to be something you do prior to seeking professional help. The problem with tumblr self diagnosis culture is that it misses out the second step, and you end up with people running round claiming illnesses thy may or may not have.

There are two shitty things that come from this: firstly, that there is a chance there is something wrong with them (potentially something entirely different and worse) and they aren't getting any help to get better; secondly, that people misunderstand what self diagnosing is for and are hence scared of doing it, and end up not getting treatment for something that could be really serious.


>> No.8001843
File: 1.06 MB, 245x138, fuckoff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain something to me about tumblr? I always see all these posts about *muh anxiety* and practically daily posts about anxiety attacks or panic attacks and it just comes off like they claim those things so everyone has to be nice to them or those attacks make them special. And I've gone to school with people who act like that, having fake bitch "anxiety" and I'd never actually seen any of them have an attack, it's more like they're feelings get hurt or they're embarassed and they call it an attack.

And it just really pisses me off, as someone who's strugled with anxiety most of their life. Like, I don't want anyone to know about that shit why would you broadcast it? It's nothing to brag about, it doesn't make you feel special, it's a horrible terrible feeling and you don't want anyone to know about it really. And then I see posts about shit like "oh compliment them, call them a starry galaxy when they're having an attack." No fuck you if I'm having an attack you better gtfo and leave me alone until I say otherwise. Some of the lowest points in my life are what I feel when I have an anxiety attack, and the aftermath just leaves you feeling like a piece of shit. And these kids practically glorify it, using panic attacks and shit as a way to get attention and a reason for you to treat them with kids gloves. How the hell is this such a common thing on tumblr?

>> No.8001847


>> No.8001851

If I was in the middle of a panic attack and someone called me a starry galaxy that would almost undoubtedly make it worse.

>> No.8001853

Tumblrs are such weaboos they think they can be part of kawaii culture but still act like brats.

You can not "subvert" cuteness, you can just pretend you are cute and act like a bitch but you will be remembered only for being a bitch. That is just how it works.

It is ironic too since most antagonists in shoujo are pretty girls with narcissistic attitudes, which is a despised trait in Japan, while the protagonist is usually someone humble. Subverted kawaii people are antagonistic. (sorry for bad english)

>> No.8001856

Seriously. If I feel like I'm having god damn cardiac arrest, no amount of bizarre "compliments" will make me feel better.

And I wholeheartedly agree. It's not something I'm comfortable disclosing with others, unless they're a close friend and if they can relate in some way. I'm not ashamed of it but I don't really like talking about it, either. It's such a miserable feeling. I can't believe people want to boast about it or talk about it constantly.

>> No.8001859

No, I agree. Pushing people too hard or refusing to show empathy is just as harmful as enabling them. Honestly, I really cannot handle myself sometimes, and I would probably freak out if someone tried to push me even further. But I often feel a lot better when someone actually tries to encourage me to pick myself up and keep trying, rather than telling me it's okay because ~poor you and your anxiety~ and sending me cutesy tumblr graphics with stuff like "your mental health is more important than ___ " (this has actually happened).

>> No.8001864

Didn't you hear? Speaking foreign languages is cultural appropriation. You are not allowed to appreciate cultures besides your own.

>> No.8001866

Didn't that turn out to be fake? The other thing about a lot of this stuff is that there is no clear line between trolls, terrible people, and the general mob.

So one of the two former will start a situation and then all three types will escalate things to an absolute fever pitch.

Am I getting old or was there a clearer definition back in the day between trolls and righteous assholes?

>> No.8001879

I feel like there should be a blog with people's actual stories of actual panic attacks, or ptsd episodes etc.
That way maybe people on tumblr would see what it actually feels like. But then U'm sure they'd spam the blog with "YOU CANT TELL ME WHAT IT REALLY FEELS LIKE ARGABLARG'.

I love tumblr, but goddamn I hate tumblr.

>> No.8001883

No snowflake pronouns for me.

>> No.8001885

I wasn't self-diagnosing, I'm just a bit of a hypochondriac when it comes to illnesses.
If someone mentioned ass cancer I'd get scared and go "oh no I have to get my ass examined". Aside from that, I'm fine mentally and definitely don't want to be diagnosed with anything.

>> No.8001887

Where are you seeing this stuff on tumblr? I see posts about anxiety all the time but it's usually just helpful/encouraging words for people who are suffering from anxiety and stuff

>> No.8001888

They'd just end up with some derogatory term, like "truscum". I can already picture the responses
>everyone deals with anxiety differently!!
>the dsm-5 is wrong anyway!!

>> No.8001893

Your issues usually have to be pretty extreme in order to actually fit any kind of mental illness diagnosis. A certain degree of instability is normal.

>> No.8001899


Only partially related but I'm friends with a lot of my coworkers on FB and the other day one of the most bubbly girls I work with liked a post about the ten things people with anxiety live with every day, or whatever and she was like 'this is me every day'. And I'm like ???? no. Its not. You have no problem talking to people, you don't don't hesitate to voice an opinion, you aren't scared to approach strangers. You're a typical twenty something party girl and you are at a bar almost every week, talking and laughing it up with people. You do not have anxiety bitch.

>> No.8001903

I'm glad to hear that, and that's why I don't self-diagnose, but it's still pretty scary to read a list of symptoms that sound like something you may have. Sometimes when I used to read those by accident, I'd read the symptoms and go "well if that is mentally ill, is there even anyone who's normal?" because they sound so generic. That's why I don't follow sjws anymore, ever, at all.

>> No.8001907

I had someone send me multiple angry anons about being cisest scum because I reblogged a post about a mans dick.

>> No.8001909

never thought i'd see someone use an ES gif on 4chan, huh

>> No.8001912

>tumblr self diagnosis culture
This isn't just something done with tumblr. I knew people in high school pre-tumblr era who did this shit for attention. It'd say it's more prevalent now because of the internet and the fact that the internet allows people to find others who validate their particular kink/issue/whatevers, but it's sort of like all the other things in this thread: stupid shit teens do to stand out from their peers and find a niche.

Hell, we had one kid convinced he had a brain tumor when I was a sophomore. He'd pretend to "pass out", and once knocked a girl down the stairs while having a "seizure". Teenagers do stupid shit and always have.

>> No.8001914

I had to read that three times to make sure it said forestkin and not foreskin lmao

>> No.8001918 [DELETED] 

Damn, you're right. My bad. Guess I should have zoomed more, that looked like straight up Princess Rainicorn to me. Still tacky tho js

>> No.8001927

Damn, you're right. My bad. Guess I should have zoomed more, that looked like straight up Princess Rainicorn to me. Still tacky tho js

>> No.8001931

God damn it, I have multiple 'problems' like this and I go out of my way to make sure people don't know. I hide my medication in a different bottle, I tell them 'I'm just a little stressed, I'm gonna take a walk' when I'm having an attack, I never post about it twitter or facebook or anything. I don't want to make my problems everyone else's. Like for real, how fucking rude is that?

That and it's just natural, if you see a bunch of happy puppies and then one of the puppies is limping and whining and drooling you're gonna be like, 'ew stay away from that puppy it has problems'. Why broadcast the worst of yourself? It really just seems dumb.

for real
>My heart is beating so fast I'm gonna die
>I feel like a car is fixing to hit me oh god oh god
>Is this it am I gonna die
>W-What?? I- WhA? I'm A-aRe you MaKing Fun of mE? Oh god oh god I fucked Up Didn'T I??

>> No.8001933

I'm not really sure if I have panic attacks but when I experience my phobia I hyperventilate until I pass out unless I can calm myself down and having people looking at me while this is happening makes it worse. Especially if they come over and try to ask me if I'm okay.

>> No.8001945

When I had my first one I flt like I was having a heart attack. My sergeant sent me to the med clinic and they took me to the back with a quickness. I remember my body tightening up, like rigor mortis almost. Then it felt like I wasn't really there, like I was just sitting inside my own head watching, it was very hard to ocus on any one thing. I remember them putting the iv in and it not really hurting, and the doctor over me, don't remember what he said other than I'ts alright, just breathe'. He pulled my fingers and they just scrunched back. After a while I kind of got my focus back but I still couldn't move. I remember getting my uniform back on with bent fingers, I couldn't really move them so it was hard. They took me to the hospital and hooked me up to a couple ivs, did some monitors etc. My sergeant came to visit and it was weird, I could see worry in his eyes, I'd never seen that before, not from him. The doctors told me I was fine, and I got sent back in a bread truck sent from base. Walked in the office and told them "They said it was just a panic attack". They all looked confused. I slept the rest of the day. It all went downhill fast from there, but honestly the army isn't very good when it comes to mental health, so I don't really blame anyone. Anyways I'm a civilian now and honestly, seeing some of these ~anxiety~ ~triggers~ posts on tumblr just pisses me off. I lost my job and a family that was closer to me than my real family and they want to complain about how its so ~hard being them~. ugh.
tl;dr fuck special mental illness snowflakes

>> No.8001949

Tumblr does a similar thing with autism. I have aspergers and can be obnoxiously socially awkward without realising, my friends and I have phrases which will let me know to tone it down. I hate when tumblr instructs people to walk on egg shells so folks with disabilities might not get upset.

I'm never going to improve my undertanding of social cues if I'm wrapped in bubble wrap

>> No.8001955

I only talk about panic attacks AFTER I had them. Like do people just causally get panic attacks and can type it out as it's happening? Because I fucking can't. Usually I'm on the floor twisting and profusely sweating until my mom comes upstairs with a glass of water and a xanax to bring me down. I get both psychologically and physically induced panic attacks. I have more the latter due to my autonomic nervous system being out of whack and pumping random amounts of adrenaline into my system. I'll just be eating a grilled cheese and BAM I'm on the ground screaming with drool poring out the sides of my mouth. I cannot imagine somebody in that state being all "omg you guise I'm like having a panic attack right now! send halp pls ヽ ( ꒪д꒪ )ノ"

>> No.8001961

That's because most mental illnesses are normal behaviors that are just taken to the extreme. It's normal to be sad or unmotivated for example, but if it goes on for months and you are literally barely able to drag yourself out of bed, it's a problem. Similar to how overeating is not the same as having binge eating disorder. It tips when it starts to take a toll on your quality of life or your health. Don't drive yourself crazy with wikipedia articles.

>> No.8001964

> One Piece is the only series I still like
They seem pretty normalfag as is if that's the only series they read...

>> No.8001965

I must not be having panic attacks then because it feels to me like I'm having an asthma attack even though I'm not asthmatic (My phobia is getting lost/separated in a crowded place) But after I calm down, I'm usually okay within the hour. I'm really really glad I don't have those.

>> No.8001967

> /b/
>common sense

Pick one

>> No.8001975

I don't fall down to the floor, but I usually freeze up completely. I get this feeling that you get when you're in the middle of the road and a car is rushing towards you, and I can barely breathe, start shaking and sobbing uncontrollably, all that good stuff. Posting about it on tumblr about it is the last thing I'd think of.

>> No.8001983

Oh, mine was a severe attack, the asthma feeling thing is just a minor attack usually associated with GAD. I get the wheezy-can't-breathe ones more often, chest hurts, sucking air and hyperventilating. Ahhh, good times.

>> No.8001996


I'm actually not surprised, the cat doesn't surprise me either.

>> No.8002000

That's really unfortunate. I can't imagine having attacks like that. I'm really glad my phobia is something I can avoid.

>> No.8002004

When I have panic attacks I usually fall on the floor, cover my ears and start screaming, I feel like I am not really there/something terrible is going to happen to me. I wouldn't post it on tumblr, it's something I am really embarrassed of and I know I tend to avoid every situation that might cause a panic attack but it's hard sometimes because I am scared shitless of people screaming and that's usually enough to fuck me up. I have a private side blog and I gave the link to three online friends and that's where I sometimes talk about it.

>> No.8002009

I also like how their bio includes zero personal information, just a laundry list of labels. What happened to listing your interests and favorite bands and shit?

>> No.8002016

I feel like most people who have panic attacks and anxiety disorders don't like to talk about it. Personally, I feel quite ashamed and it makes me feel like a total fuck-up, even if my attacks aren't as severe. It's not glamorous at all, I don't know why someone would brag about it on their public tumblr.

>> No.8002026

That's how I feel too. I would not talk about it likw it's something ~quirky and special~. I had one in front of a new-ish friend once and although it was kinda tame I still remember it as one of the most humiliating experiences of my life.

>> No.8002027

Why the hell would you need to ASK if you can follow someone? That's some serious ego...

>> No.8002028

I like how they list fitness as one of their triggers.

>> No.8002031

But don't you know, I have no personality. I have to tell you about my pronouns and my blacklists so you won't trigger me.

>> No.8002034

The more I look through their blog the more I find to laugh at

>> No.8002037

I would only post mine on tumblr for like, tumblr education purposes. But I'm not sure it would help them learn. It makes me feel broken, like I'm not good enough. It would be one thing if there was some outside trigger like screaming or something, but honestly mine are just caused by my depression, or if I fail at something. Like even I know it's ridiculous. I can't possibly be good at everything I do, especially my first time. But if I fail at something once, BAM, I start fucking it up even worse because I'm starting to panic, it cycles and I end up o the floor tying to breathe.

It's weird seeing tumblr talk about these things. Even weirder for the to be like 'yeah I went to the psychologist today teehee~'
I can't even go to a psych, shit costs way to much and if I did go I'd feel like I was even more of a letdown to my family. How do these tumblrinas do that shit? At no point do they feel that making shit up or blowing things out of proportion is a terrible thing?

>> No.8002038

I have something similar, in crowded places I need to be holding on to someone's hand or I feel out of breath, start hyperventilating and am unable to breathe, and my hands and arms shake uncontrollably. I don't have asthma so I can't make that comparison, but I always make sure to have a friend with me at cons or other crowded places. I don't know what I'd do by myself.

>> No.8002044

They do it to hide their privilege. "Mommy and Daddy can afford to waste money on my pretend games but oh no I'm sick." "I may be completely healthy and average but I'm trans otherkin made up sexuality"

>> No.8002054

I get really riled up by people going to psychologists when they don't actually have issues, and then bragging about it. It takes fucking forever to actually get a therapy spot, at least in my country, unless you want to pay out of your ass for a private practice.
I just don't get why someone would deliberately want to be broken and ostracized in some way. I guess that's the privilege that comes from not knowing what it's like, and being able to romanticize that shit
>tfw I actually said privilege
>Probably should go to bed

>> No.8002055

I mentioned the screaming because it's one of the most common things for me, but trust me I understand you on the failing part. I feel terrible and angry if I don't get something 100% right at the first time, and that's when I can actually start doing something and don't think it's useless to try because I am going to fail anyway.
And I feel like shit for going to therapy because it's expensive and I feel like I'm a waste of money for my family, even though they tell me it's fine and everything.
By the way, I've been on tumblr for 4 years but honestly these people are not the majority, it's not impossible to avoid them.

>> No.8002057

Think of what brain damaged adults they'll all be after years of taking drugs they don't need.

>> No.8002059

Same here. I've never seen a single otherkin/weird bullshit label post on my dash in the 4 years I've been on that site. If someone posts dumb shit, I unfollow them. They're a loud minority, but still a minority.

>> No.8002062

For me it's more the aspect of being lost than the crowds. If I can see my friends, I'm fine. When I try to drive somewhere new and no one is able to ride with me, I have to print out a map or borrow someone's GPS because if I get lost it's over. I'm trying to be more independent from my friends and I'm always really proud of myself when I get somewhere I've never been without having to drag one of them along.

>> No.8002070

Honestly /cgl/ itself is full of shitposters, but I come here because there are some pretty smart and helpful people too, I just ignore the rest.

>> No.8002071

DR fandom is cancer on tumblr.

I miss it when it was normal

>> No.8002086

Same, I'm also riled up over that Wadanohara and Grey Garden snowflake earlier

>> No.8002092

I see otherkin sometimes but I follow furries so its w/e. They aren't we weird 'shove it down your throat' type so it's all good.
Whenever I see some insane social justice shit I unfollow. I mostly just post funny things, animals, and lolitas. I post a few sjw things, but mostly just the tame feminism/anti-racist things. The crazy doxxing side of tumblr needs to chill.
I miss the normal DMMD fandom. Now it's just 12 year olds who want cinnamon up their ass or something idk. Don't get me started on the persona fandom on tumblr. I hate seeing my husbando cosplayed by a teenage girl, badly.

>> No.8002107

Haha, no, I feel like they'd strawman something else. Or she'd still be appropriating Japanese culture if she was Korean or Chinese. Japanese American or Canadian? Perpetuating hurtful/untrue stereotypes of a culture she's disconnected with. Really, anything. People like that only asspat POC if they know they could be more successful than them or can use their friendship as a little trophy.

White tumblr feminism is funky. >>8001025
made me realize it IS weird she's assumed to be white.

>> No.8002120


>> No.8002124

Plebcomics sucks, though, and should probably have never had her work shit available and outright offered. That was stupid as fuck and she would have been out on her ass if it was my job.

>> No.8002129

That was actually my post haha

I feel pretty bad for artists that cop so much shit for drawing something slightly innapropriate when there's tonne loads of porn blogs.

Reminds me when that tanaka(?) cosplayer littrally got chased off tumblr by anons becuase someone apparently saw his dick in one of his 'provocative' gifs

>> No.8002131

Yes, I died inside when re:connect translation got released.

I remember I cosplayed aoba to a local con in 2013 and only two people recognised me. I sold my costume during the anime and made the biggest profit. The only good that ever came out of it.

>> No.8002140

they are jelly as FUCK because the traps look more feminine than the trannies could after taking hormones

>> No.8002150

How aBOut THose....PoSts?? WHere they'''re ty ping lIke THIIS/ in // the """"""middle""'""" of an ANXIETY ATTack?

>> No.8002162

This. I feel like I'm going to fucking die when I have an anxiety attack and one of the biggest things going through my head is "not here not here not here please not here not now", so no, I don't want you in my face calling me a galaxy nebula princess when I'm sweating and touching my hair too much and locking my knees in a way that's going to potentially make me pass out

>> No.8002172

Yeah right, I can hardly breathe when I have an attack and sometimes stutter for the rest of the day.
Serious question though, how the hell do you find all these godawful tumblr users?

>> No.8002173

This shit has gotten so off topic with people talking about their special snowflake bullshit. Its about tumblr fashion idiots. Get it together jfc.

>> No.8002179

It's an anxiety attack, not a seizure. Oh, what the people that fake this shit think.

>> No.8002183

◕ ‿ ◕✿

>> No.8002185

>It makes me feel broken, like I'm not good enough.
I'm with you, anon. I feel like fucking trash because talking to really high energy people for too long sets mine off. I work retail. When I start to have a panic attack it's horrifying because I have to HIDE that I feel like I'm going to pass out. I feel worthless that I can't even manage this much from my life. That I can't fucking function on such a basic level and it takes so much work just to look fucking average.

>> No.8002188

This chick claims that she started cyber ghetto trend. Anyone know of her?

>> No.8002195

It's all about snowflakes.
Besides, no one here is claiming to be ultra speshul anyhow. We're just talking about actual mental illness vs tumblr renditions of said illnesses.

>> No.8002206

Did u even read the op? Wth are you talking about. Go message each other on your tumblrs about how hxc your panic attacks are.

>> No.8002214
File: 16 KB, 668x61, Disappointed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stupid trends/fashions
>implying tumblr pretending to be mentally ill isn't a trend

>> No.8002237

I don't hate too many tumblr trends. The huge/fake glasses trend that seems to be dead was annoying just because they just seemed to be wedged into anything in a "tee hee these glasses are supposed to be UGLY, right? But I'm so pretty! And cute?" way.

Didn't mind pastel goth or soft grunge or when galaxy prints were the big thing. Of course plenty of people made those look awful, but that's with any trend.

>> No.8002260

I feel like the majority of otherkin stuff to be based on autism. Seriously. A huge part of autism is feeling like you're not like other people, which is why the main autism forum is called wrong planet. I'm personally on the spectrum and thought I was a changeling until I was like seventeen. A good portion of that can be chalked up to teenage stupidity, but I think a lot of it has to do with autism too.

>> No.8002325

>recovery is a social construct

Fuck no it's not. Recovery is about focusing on accepting yourself and enjoying your life, despite your mental illness. About improving the quality of life.
It's like this: I'm autistic and will never understand social relationships, I also have panic attacks. Therefore recovery is learning what causes the panic attacks and approaching them in a safe way to prove to myself that whatever it is will not actually hurt me. I recently got reprimanded at work and my boss, who knows about my recovery efforts, was cool enough to reprimand me in a normal way even though there were tears streaming down my face and I was physically shaking. He didn't make any concessions for me, other than let me close my office door and calm down a bit. This helps me learn that a boss won't physically hurt me, furthering my recovery.

Another kind of recovery project I did was tackle my phobia of hearing people eat. I had horrible panic attacks from the sound of eating and couldn't get away from it, so my therapist assigned me the task of making noise while I ate (alone) I still hate the sound and it makes me extremely uncomfortable, but I can sit on a buss next to a kid eating a sucker loudly and not panic.

>> No.8002332

Ironically, a symptom of bpd is not having a stable self image and the need to punish yourself for receiving things you feel undeserving of (privilege?)

>> No.8002343

I like you. My mom has BPd and made my childhood hell, but after I grew out hating her for it I began to understand that she's living through her own hell. I get along with her fairly well now because if a conversation begins to sour, I tell her that I'm not going to have an emotional conversation and that I'll call her back later. I then refuse to pick up the phone or answer any texts until she calms down and leaves me alone for an hour. I hate that she refuses any treatment, no DBT for her because she refuses to accept her personality disorder.

>> No.8002364

Its not a trend. Its been going on forever its just now people have moved to tumblr with this bullshit.

Its just boring as fuck seeing people go back and forth about bpd and how they have it. No one cares.

>> No.8002383

Af fag here, also with anxiety and a bunch of other issues. How long did your medical board go? I've been waiting over a year now because of all the hospitalizations. Still no final out date, but I'm getting a full evaluation board because of 2+ years of service and it being aggravated severely by service.

My first serious episode, I completely dissociated and cut my arms, legs, shoulders and rib cage with scissors. This happened on a Sunday at work. As soon as I realized what was happening, I checked myself into the psych ward.

Nowadays panic attacks and dissociation aren't really a big deal because I have them frequently. I just go to the bathroom and sob quietly. Thankfully (though annoyingly) my business is also my chain of command's business, so my supervisor knows to ignore the panic attacks now.

Even an "are you okay?" Can send me spiraling back out of reality and further into a panic attack. Ice helps me stay grounded, so if my supervisor feels the need to do SOMETHING about it, he'll put an ice pack on my desk.

>> No.8002477

When I was a teen it was enough to be considered "unique" when you wore striped stockings or ripped jeans. I guess the standard is now so high these teens have to go full retard to separate themselves from masses.

>> No.8002485

Nah, you're wrong. It's just teens going through a phase. Teens go through phases happens in every generation, and there will always be teens who need to show others that they're different. The fact they say "it's not a phase!!1" makes it even more obvious. They don't actually feel like that(except the small amount with legit mental problems), they just have to feel special and need attention and there happens to be a huge online community to support that kind of behavior.

Autism does make you believe you're "on wrong planet" figuratively because everything you do seems to be wrong, but it doesn't make you believe you're entirely different species or a goddamn character from Japanese animation.

>> No.8002501

It would be cool to have a community where people can share stories of their anxiety or panic attacks, just so you don't feel like as much of a worthless piece of trash once it's over.

Like for me, when I went to college and was removed from my shitty situation back in my hometown, I was free of attacks for almost 4 years and it felt awesome. It was the happiest 4 years of my life after having periodic attacks for most of my childhood and in highschool, but then BAM final semester stress and dumb department drama stressed me out so much that I relapsed and holy fuck was I pissed at myself. I had to tell my one roommate what was happening, because our schedules were different and I didn't want to scare her, have her come home at some random hour and see me hyperventilating and pacing around my room like a lunatic.

>> No.8002507

I still read Chihayafuru and some other stuff online and Eyeshield was my favorite thing ever when I was younger. idk I just kind of...stopped reading most manga? Like, I kind of grew out of my weaboo stage, but I still enjoy manga and anime. It's more of a hobby now. One Piece is just the only one I still regularly bother with.

>> No.8002511

ugh I actually was trying to fb message one of my roommates once when I was in the middle of an attack and it was so goddamn difficult. I didn't even have the coordination to hit shift or caps lock everything was undercase with a shitton of repeat letters and barely any spaces between words. So I don't understand posts that look like what you just wrote when I see them on tumblr. Who are these kids trying to fool, seriously

>> No.8002514

That gut. It's like she's about to rip open somebody's carcass and lay eggs in them. Bitch is constipated as fuck.

>> No.8002539

Medical board?
I didn't do any of that...
They just gave me an honorable and swept me out. My papers are blank tbh. No listed reason as to why I was discharged or anything. Just my time in service. Weirdest shit.
When I first got out I was too proud to go to the va, now I'm pretty sure its too late and there isnt any record of me ever having been to a hospital or mental health center.
I'm not sure how the af will handle your discharge, but the army took about two months to get past everything. A few of my buddies ended up about a year because of hospital in/out shenanigans.
Your command is good people. Mine was cool for the first attack and just..abandoned me really after that. I told one sergeant I trusted how I felt and they sent me to a psych ward. Didn't hear from them for a week and when I got back to base they just handed me a discharge packet and told me to walk across the base for all my signatures...Pretty sure they told the others not to talk to me too, no one wanted to talk to me after that other than the 5 of us getting kicked out. It was actually kind of funny, 3 of us were in a dnd group, the whole group all ended up getting kicked for some issue or another. One dude got trashed, got a dui in a car that belonged to a 1st sergeant, and banged that 1st sgts wife.

Anyhow, im getting p. off topic now. I put my email in the name field. If you ever need to talk then hit me up, I know what its like being ill in the military.

>> No.8002542

The first time I had a panic attack I thought I was gonna die, it was legitimately fucking terrifying and I even remember thinking "I don't want anyone to find out, this is pitiful." I didn't even want the people who were with me to know I was having a panic attack, even though it was pretty obvious considering I was on the ground, sobbing and practically hyperventilating. Seeing kids on tumblr like "mmhfgh pani c attck s i s makgin me ci ry somcuhc smone pls sky p e me u ddnont want to b alon e" make me roll my eyes now, tbh. Like no, you're not having a panic attack, you're just sad and want someone to comfort you.

>> No.8002593
File: 32 KB, 400x600, tumblr_ngr1azeC8O1qzf8bao3_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this chicks fashion line is fucking retarded.....



>> No.8002603

>I get really riled up by people going to psychologists when they don't actually have issues, and then bragging about it.
i don't know, they probably have some kind of issue if they're doing that shit, just not the ones they brag about. when you think about it, going through life in tumblr mode would be pretty detrimental too, it's probably not easy to find any kind of work when you're that level of entitled, let alone a good one.
tl;dr, i think being a hardcore tumblr snowflake shows some kind of mental issues too, it's just closer to histrionic personality disorder than whatever they're claiming they have (which is never this one, i notice)

>> No.8002745

>recovery is a social construct
So what, if you have an eating disorder, don't even try to aim for recovery, just starve yourself until you die? Don't even try to get your mood swings or phobias under control? God damn.

>> No.8002749

Or maybe she's trying her best every day to overcome her anxiety and you don't realize it because you don't know her very well. Just a thought.

>> No.8002788

Sometimes the companies/employers themselves make up bullshit reasons like that. A friend of mine didn't get hired at a prestigious research centre because she "wasn't well-travelled enough" which basically meant that they already picked someone else but couldn't think of a real reason they picked that person and not her.

>> No.8002799

My friends, family and teachers actually coddled the shit out of my special snowflake gonna be a kawaii catgirl mangaka in glorious Nippon phase and I grew out of it all by myself. Sometimes they ask me why I don't want to move to Japan and make comics anymore as if it's some great tragedy that I now have actually realistic life goals. In my case I think the coddling actually helped me realize how dumb the whole thing was, somehow.
Having an online hugbox probably makes it harder to grow out of it, but at some point in your late teens or early twenties your brain is supposed to mature further and you gain common sense. The people for who this doesn't happen are probably fucked for life. I'm pretty sure my 47-year-old manbaby "I'm going to build amazing sports cars in my garage and get famous and marry a sexy submissive Asian wife but I can't lose weight because muh genetics abloolboo" uncle is one of those people.

>> No.8002951

It think it's because everyone thinks it's cool to be a nerd now, but people also think it's cool to be a ratchet nigger thug. Hip hop and fake nerd is mainstream, why not combine the two for extra coolness points?

>> No.8003130

As a person suffering from DID (on meds) I hate to see the posts on tumblr etc. Telling how they hear "voices in my head xDD" or how the voices tell them to do horrible things.

>> No.8003254

oh my god i was wayyyyyyy into the solo kids trajectory of the EU way back when and would have loved to have otherkin'd it up with these people

so glad it wasn't a thing then

>> No.8003623

>>this thread
Ugh. It was obviously supposed to be about fashion and dumb tumblr clothes, not your PTSD and anxiety. There's lots of boards for that already, I'm tired of having to weed through the self-describing posts to get to the content.

>> No.8003889

free ass pats are a dream come true for tumblrinas after all...

>> No.8003968

That's basically what this site is. Tumblr users who love tumblr but also love to bitch.

>> No.8004004

the fact that the gap between "sweethearts" and "against" is smaller than the gap between "against" and "society" bugs me so much

>> No.8004006

So what you're saying is, you were into it before it was cool?

>> No.8004013


Stupid question but what's the difference between social anxiety disorder and being a beta girl?

>> No.8004037

I keep making this joke an no one gets it, thank you anon

>> No.8004099

I have anxiety and I am pretty much that girl you described
It takes a lot of effort for me to put on a front of confidence but it's something I've practised and know is necessary for my future
Sometimes I can't even look people in the eye or talk to them, sometimes I hide in my room all day but other times I work night shifts in a bar or run training days
You gotta do what you gotta do

>> No.8004156

'Beta girl' isn't included in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) or the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) and is a non-specific term largely associated with internet, particularly 4-chan culture.

Hope that answer was autistic (also in the : DSM-5) enough for you.

>> No.8004292

Emo fashion is such an incredible turn-on for me. I love the close-fitting black clothes and fluffy, straight dark hair. I'm sad I missed out -- no one dresses like that anymore.

>> No.8004655

There's still people who dress like that. I knew some kids that dropped out and got addicted to drugs who still dress like that

>> No.8004711

Yeah, I used to go to a psychologist and I had to stop because It was too much money being spent on me... It was $100 once a week, and I didn't want to be a burden to my family who I knew could easily afford it. I wasn't worth anywhere near that money. Plus family didn't understand anyway. After they attended a few meets (which I always fucking hated- I don't like opening up to people at all really. I don't connect with people well, and at the time I was unsure about my feelings for my family), I finally figured that I was able to open up to them (I'd kind of shut off my trust for my family at a young age, and I never talked to them about anything that distressed me in the past). It was barely any time before my mom told me that I was just making excuses and using my mental state as a crutch.
That experience combined with the money thing made me tell my counselor that I was stopping temporarily- I was too nervous to tell her that I was leaving for good.

Sorry, that turned out to be kind of a long post.

tl;dr Going to the psychologists ends up being more trouble than it's worth

I wish it wasn't trendy for tumblr to just spit that shit out, because it's not fun at all in real life.

>> No.8004846


Ew, not even a 10/10 would make me want to touch someone like that.

>> No.8004995

I follow someone who (at least she posted it on her FurAffinity account, I don't think she put it on her actual tumblr blog yet) came out as 'oni-kin'/'space-kin'. Like, how the FUCK do these people think they'll be taken seriously anywhere outside of the ~progressive~ circles of tumblr?

She also tends to overuse the 'uwu/uvu' emoticons like these passive-aggressive kawaii bloggers seem to tend to do, but that just might be me picking things apart.

>> No.8005149

I'm not fond of Plebcomics either, but I'm not sure if she really posted her work info online. Once they get a hold on your real name, finding out where you work is not that difficult.

>> No.8005178

also didnt she post her own work number at some point
i was under the impression that she was fired for being unprofessional and getting her whatever company involved with personal shit

>> No.8007091

>this exists
>people would pay real money