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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 6 KB, 560x560, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8048935 No.8048935 [Reply] [Original]

let's see how much you improved!

>> No.8048947

>post your first cosplay
Good luck getting people to do that on /cgl/ in fear of it being posted on bad cosplay threads.

>> No.8048968
File: 257 KB, 645x588, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. 2008 vs 2014. Makeup, wigs and shit make a difference.

>> No.8049469
File: 322 KB, 1536x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well my first cosplay was awful, so I wouldn't be surprised if I found it in a bad cosplay thread.
2012 vs. 2014
My first had
>no makeup
>no wig, just that greasy ass hair
>the costume was basically just put together by my mom

>> No.8049501

If you can, I would suggest investing in a serger. I noticed that you hemmed very close to the edge, causing some stray threads to peek out. If you still wanted to keep the stitching close to the edge and had a serger you could finish the raw edges and then hem them so it's a more solid finish overall.

>> No.8049575
File: 251 KB, 498x700, thehorror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a picture of the very first cosplay I ever did as that was 9 years ago and I was 11. This first cosplay is a year after that though or so and I'm gonna say that counts. It was a very awful Namine from KH2.

I feel like I've improved in many aspects but I still got some learning to do.

>> No.8049587

Damn Ukraine just....wow.

>> No.8049610

Ah thank you for the advice anon. Yeah, that bodice was hell to hem, and it didn't help that I procrastinated on it until just before the con aha whoops. I've been trying to save up for a serger lately, and possibly redo the bodice on the cosplay when I do get one.

>> No.8049627

Both of you have improved so much, its pretty neat to see!

Thanks I think? Haha, its hard to tell tone on the internet sometimes.

>> No.8049631

I'm doing that version of Nonon and I've been looking at your pictures through google for references lol.

>> No.8049654

That's a good damn. Like I've heard of you but I'm a newfag so it's something to see how much you changed.

>> No.8049660
File: 583 KB, 2400x2228, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is inspiring! All of you have learned and done so much. It's amazing!

(I haven't honestly gotten much better it. It's the little things, yo)

>> No.8049803
File: 535 KB, 1814x948, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have a LONG ASS ways to go. I suck. But there's my progress. First one is Misty and it's grainy cus it was taken with a shitty flip phone. Second one is Pinkie Pie. Last one is TARDIS and my hair is wet.

>> No.8049816
File: 513 KB, 763x572, holy shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ready for some extremely unfortunate Boris?

I wanna bury myself in a hole and hide forever when I see that first cosplay. It's so gross and embarrassing.

>> No.8050087
File: 375 KB, 1100x895, cos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any photos of the first costume I attempted in 2009 but it was so bad I never finished it anyway.

>> No.8050094
File: 989 KB, 499x447, 1413773458954.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're too perfect

>> No.8050103

Love it, anon!

>> No.8050107
File: 201 KB, 739x474, improvements.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The phone pic does not do justice to how terribad this Sakura cosplay was. (I think I purged any other evidence from my computer.) I had my mom sew this monstrosity out of cheap costume taffeta and then sprayed/combed pink in my hair. And I continued to cosplay her terribly until 2008. By the end I think I looked ok because I got a wig and knew enough about sewing to alter an eBay costume, but jeez. I am surprised that I haven't seen myself in Bad Cosplay threads.

I need to redo my staff, but I am very happy with my first attempt at foam armor and ring mail.

You had a great start and have improved so quickly!

>> No.8050114
File: 89 KB, 624x472, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pained to even look for the 2012.

>> No.8050124

Ew, ew, ew. Stop, just... stop.

>> No.8050127
File: 258 KB, 642x478, timeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second cosplay ever but I'm working on a remake so why not. No good photos of most recent so rehash.

I've only just recently started to care about how I look in cosplay so I still have a ways to go. Especially with makeup and construction.

>> No.8050130

I tried to like your post before remembering I'm on cgl. Your latest work looks great!

>> No.8050139

Thank you so much!

>> No.8050150

ew, you're one of those tardis people.

>> No.8050276
File: 1.79 MB, 4404x3456, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> that "uguu" closed eyes with peace sign
> why this

it pained me to go back and find pics but here you go. Miku cosplay was bought and Venera cos was made

>> No.8050288

What happened to your tits? It's like you're saying "Poof! They're gone"

>> No.8050772

waifu tier then and even more so now
took 2 years to blossom into a rose,worth the wait.
alot better,devotion comes a long way.
improved but need to utilize your new talents into the right medium (acquire better taste)
a (menacing) force to be reckoned with, a beauty with skill to match
quite devilish transformation,not a bad start but you have transcended to a whole other level since.
another who didnt really have a bad start just wasnt fully aware of the nitty gritty of things, keep at it.
You were valorous to venture to untraveled lands and conquered, many will appreciate how varied and refined you are with your tastes.
(wish someone did the whole cast)

and with that I depleted all my euphoria for one day.
*teleports away*

>> No.8050778
File: 485 KB, 1192x480, progresswhatprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wig game still isn't strong, but at least I'm not a complete hot mess.

Almost 8 years and I still haven't got my "start this months in advance" shit together.

>> No.8051402
File: 395 KB, 2000x887, progresso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita and cosplay improvement, I've still got a long way to go on both but it's nice to see some actual improvement

everything you make now is so impressive

tbh your first costume wasn't bad at all. But your giorno is incredible

>> No.8051417

you actually got worse

>> No.8051420


Haha thank you

>> No.8051421

You've improved a lot

>> No.8051433

You are so cute! I'm actually looking to cosplay Leona this year, too. Did you make your bodysuit?

>> No.8051438

I like the one on the left better but I might be bias.

>> No.8051492
File: 173 KB, 1258x839, I need to get better pictures of my costumes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to use my first documented cosplay, instead of my first actual cosplay (I'm kind of glad there are no pictures, to be honest). I need to make more photographer connections. all I have are progress and unflattering hall shots of my last two costumes.

>> No.8051510
File: 42 KB, 720x480, bodysuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep (well a friend made it for me as I had to pick up the fabric the day of the event and didn't have my serger with me). And thank you! I can't wait to see your progress, Leona is by far my favourite champ

>> No.8051526
File: 290 KB, 396x290, tumblr_inline_mi37du7ou61qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i haven't actually finished putting together any one cosplay or coord since last time i posted in one of these

I've learned so much already since then too

>> No.8051533

I've never seen another Lady Knight before, love it! I thought maybe I was the only one, haha.

>> No.8051559 [DELETED] 

First was Trunks from DBZ in 1999. Earliest I have a picture of on-hand would be Vash from Trigun (2004).
Last is a bunch of items that I put together for a renaissance festival (2013).

Not much to compare, but I'm a lot older and have learned a lot in the meantime such as leatherworking and proper fitment of female garments (having made many costumes for girlfriends in the past).

>> No.8051560 [DELETED] 
File: 895 KB, 750x776, we.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First was Trunks from DBZ in 1999. Earliest I have a picture of on-hand would be Vash from Trigun (2004).
Last is a bunch of items that I put together for a renaissance festival (2013).

>> No.8051627
File: 167 KB, 720x720, first-last.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually made Hitomi back in 2009, but the only picture I have is from 2012. I didn't make anything new at all between 2009 and 2013, so it's a bit of a jump.

Satsuki is from this summer, and she marks my 5th serious cosplay.

>> No.8051636

Love that Celty.

>> No.8051638

I would say you're the best Satsuki I've seen so far on /cgl/ but alas, your eyebrow game is weak.

>> No.8051649
File: 217 KB, 1200x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have any pictures of actual cosplays I made recently, but my makeup/posing game stepped up at least

>> No.8051650

I got better at doing the eyebrows after putting them on several times! It's difficult finding a balance between making them big enough and having them look really out of place.

>> No.8051654

Forgot to mention that the left is from October 2012, while the right is January 2015

>> No.8051657

Lol yeah I'm only joking, your Satsuki is fantastic! I did Satsuki myself over the summer and doing those ridiculous eyebrows was my favorite part.

>> No.8051691

No, I totally agree. I'm not into MLP or Who anymore and I'm planning more mature cosplays for this season. I wanna do some Over the Garden Wall stuff and a group cosplay from the movie Occulus.

>> No.8051713

What character is the one on the right?

>> No.8051736
File: 99 KB, 671x443, 1915693_1217741916010_4021889_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First cosplay was a Raichu gijinka
not sure if Lucy is a good costume to use as comparison lol but she was my most recent.

>stopped using real hair
>stopped buying fabric from walmart
>stopped using coat hangers to wire things
>stopped hand sewing and fabric gluing entire costumes
>learned how to pose

>> No.8051753
File: 455 KB, 848x597, Untitled-100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left photo, I just cosplayed as a random Jounin Uchiha who happened to have a Sharingan.

Right Photo, I just decided to do a visual look. Not dressed as any character from any known media. Although, I like to think I cosplayed as Genesis Rhapsodos

>> No.8051765
File: 295 KB, 720x792, 264159_1762220468463_2372492_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is so embarrassing i'm gonna puke LOL

>> No.8051775

God you're fat

>> No.8051851

Wait...Are you going to Otakon Vegas?
Cuz I swore that I saw you on the tumblr tag.

>> No.8051860
File: 739 KB, 1009x541, to14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still pretty new to the sewing part of cosplay but I'm eager to continue improving as much as I can!

>> No.8051869
File: 17 KB, 500x366, 10425172_10154217876975203_5897665279464808707_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys do with your costumes after cons? Do you throw them out, sell them, pack them up? What's the average response here?

>> No.8051872

Wash them and put them away in my closet.

>> No.8051882
File: 68 KB, 500x360, 1333913374962.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they sit in my suitcase in the trunk of my car for about 2 or 3 months and then the suitcase sits in my room for another 4-5 before I eventually need the suitcase for another con and clean it out /lazy

>> No.8051896
File: 301 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_ni3958OanT1rd5flgo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Marie cosplay wasn't awful, but that's because it was bought. I also didn't wear a wig and I had really bad skin + teeth + braces. Also literally no eye makeup haha. My Conchita was made in about 3 days, and it was my first time making a full underbust corset! I added boning in the bodice as well, and serged and lined everything. I'm very very happy with how it came out. I still have along way to go but this is about my 2 year mark for making cosplays and I'm super happy I've come so far.

Ukraine your construction makes me very happy.
You pull off ryuko really well!
Wig game strong.
I have a great appreciation for anyone who does chain mail for cosplay.
You went from awkward to goddess. Teach me.
Love your fabric choice for the most recent cosplay!
Love the construction on your Satsuki!
Zekia you're cute af
Your black gold saw is amazing!
You improved a lot wow!!

>> No.8051900

>Cosplaying a character from 20 years ago
What made you cosplay Lucy?

>> No.8051901

Hang them in my closet.
Although lately I've been getting in this bad kick where I wear something once, let it wrinkle in a pile, then throw it out.

>> No.8051903
File: 244 KB, 500x373, embarrassing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol okay

>> No.8052003

if I like it enough I'll keep it clean and safe. Although, what often happens is that if I hate the costume enough I'll recycle the zipper, the buttons and pieces of fabric for another costume.
Sometimes I keep it in a shit pile in my closet to remind myself how terrible the cosplay was and I need to re-do it

>> No.8052010

I had her on my "cosplays I want to do list" ever since I saw the anime back in freshman year of high school. I didn't think people considered Elfen Lied to be THAT old of an anime lol

>> No.8052011

er... series* not just anime.

>> No.8052064

Yes I am. My roommate has a Maou costume and her boyfriend is doing Yuusha. I'm super excited! I didn't think anyone checked that tag though.
Thanks! The only thing I did was alter the helmet.
Hell Yeah!

>> No.8052082

Cool! The thread about Otakon just died on here so I was worried that not many people were going. I'll give you a shout out if I see you there.

>> No.8052199
File: 104 KB, 720x480, PicsArt_1_12_2015 11_11_52 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still need to finish making and properly shoot the halloween Miku but here you go.

>> No.8052205
File: 20 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8052240
File: 1.02 MB, 442x332, p8X6-s3EAlXdvNaY8QInUYcRhl6fCxrYruBO7npOx42Lnwv3MPpDmU4LYsQCajlcS9E_6DnqnH_7eSEr8k336WRKGvLS7_EuqdnJc3V0Ot4hgRj2j3c=w442-h332-nc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh shit. femhawke. That's my lesbo crush.

>> No.8052251


Shitty edgelord into shittier edgelord with money. Yawn.

>> No.8052252
File: 431 KB, 899x632, firstlastcos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First, last i wore, last i made

I wasn't really happy with the last thing I sewed though..

>> No.8052254

Ah Forgot to add 2008? - and the other two is 2014

>> No.8052278
File: 488 KB, 1724x1280, 1420532924716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is your middle miku the same as thing Miku? If so where is it from? I can't find the song she is from any place.

>> No.8052302
File: 191 KB, 1015x720, now-and-then.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made the other two costumes behind my Praline, too. Also, Rufio is the most fun costume ever at a con.

Used my real hair for Vincent and I don't think it was too shabby construction-wise.

>> No.8052316
File: 99 KB, 1005x915, zvezda-venera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much!

Lady Venera / Hoshimiya Kate from Sekai Seifuku Bouryaku no Zvezda

>> No.8052318

Not the same anon but it's from the song "Secret Police" / Himitsu keisatsu

>> No.8052319

It's Himitsu Keisatsu (Secret Police)
It was even added to a recent Project diva so my outfit is now pretty inaccurate since I referenced the original art.

>> No.8052330

Yes! Escaflowne is one of my all-time favorites. My dream now is to do Dilandau.

>> No.8052340

Your prop game is so incredibly strong. I'm jealous.

>> No.8052350

All of them look good. Well maybe not the first one's shoes.

>> No.8052353

Your second cosplay looks amazing! But please remember to do up the busk of your corset all the way (even if it's difficult) because you could seriously damage it by leaving it partially undone! You've improved a lot though, good job!

>> No.8052355

Keep up the good work.

>> No.8052417

the only thing you've progressed in is gaining weight. also either learn to fix your frayed edges or don't buy your costumes from china. i cant tell which one you did but it doesnt matter

>> No.8052425


Trucy is more complex but the sewing on Miku(???) is more impressive. Very clean job

>> No.8052704

Middle picture...OCAD?

>> No.8052822

holy shit anon you look great in the recent one

ill fight ye for both those jsks
your cosplays look grrrr8
love the first and second one, third one neesd some work in fitting and such
hooly fuck that first one
youll get there, need to work on your materials more than anything tho
you make a cute nozomi, love your figure.
looks kinda meh, storebought?

>> No.8052977

Awesome Vincent cosplay

>> No.8052978

I put it on a hangar, and then put a trash bag over it and then leave it in my closet

>> No.8053407

Thank you both! Much appreciated.

Sounds good. Like I said, sewing is still VERY foreign to me and I tend to mostly alter existing clothing to make things work -- materials are definitely still a weakness of mine as a result. If I do sew from scratch it's usually with a friend who can guide me in the right direction. I appreciate your input very much!

>> No.8053603
File: 305 KB, 749x622, IMG_20150113_172155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over 10 years ago I started cosplaying... I used to only go to one con a year but in the last few I've been attending 3-4 a year now, joining a lot more groups and what not..

>> No.8054429
File: 1.97 MB, 3000x1000, progresscollage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First cosplay was Lady Subaru. Thanks mom.
Slow progress, but I am definitely happy with the progress I've made. Now aiming to get photoshoots with costumes so I don't have all derp-face photos.

>> No.8054616

Man, my long term memory is way better than it should be. But I remember someone posting that they wanted to cosplay her in a thread(probably a feels thread) probably almost a year ago. But they were worried about showing so much, creeps, weird questions and looks from people who don't know the character etc. Was that you? If so, I'm glad you did it after it, came out great.

>> No.8054649
File: 20 KB, 465x412, Dayum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw I talked shit about your Homestuck cosplay back in 2013
>Mfw your cosplays/EGL now

>> No.8054692
File: 161 KB, 799x597, ss+(2015-01-13+at+11.49.21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only one cosplay so far. This is sorta the best photo I can get at the moment. I'm the one on the left.

>> No.8054770

thanks for the advice. I took away a lot from it.

thanks! I had no idea what I was doing. the dress is made of counrty classic, haha,

that means an awful lot to me. a lot of people say I haven't improved improved or got worse but I think my sewing has honestly improved. but I don't dedicate months to costumes like I used to.

lol, no. store bought costumes are satin disasters that have the belt at the waist. I'm not even sure what you mean by that.

>> No.8054797
File: 198 KB, 1077x556, cosprog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually pretend the first cosplay didn't happen and have purged most of the photos from the internet. The second was my first competition and good lord that wig. The third was the first costume I was actually happy with.

The fourth is me now. I think I've come a long way and I actually like sewing with leather, which helps.

>> No.8054814

wow I've rarely seen Ouka cosplays! The costume's pretty alright! Your wig game has definitely stepped up. Awesome work!

>> No.8054843

is that alice from heart no kuni no alice? nice! i never really see any cosplays from it.

>> No.8054924
File: 833 KB, 663x634, OldNew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2007 vs 2014

I have to admit that my very first costume is still very dear to me, even thought it's inaccurate as fuck and I didn't use any makeup. Next year I will make Yui Hongo Priestess of Seiryu costume, to "celebrate" 10th years of cosplaying. : D

>> No.8054938

You have FANTASTIC taste. TBH .hack and Trinity Blood are still on my to cosplay list.

>> No.8054954

holy shit this is absolutely GORGEOUS!
you've improved so much (even though your first cosplay wasn't bad in the slightest) you should feel very proud of yourself!
keep up the great work

(also do you have a page? I'd love to follow it)

>> No.8055037

I just went through my old costumes couple days ago and I noticed some stuff I made like 3-4 years ago looks somehow better sewn than my most recent stuff. Not sure what happened. Too bad I lost so much weight couple years ago that all old cosplays are now like 3 sizes too big to me.

>> No.8055044
File: 8 KB, 204x162, 10527912_1495319307393803_616065384339636110_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might've posted something last year about that actually. My friends were kinda sceptic about the outfit and said it was too skimpy/people would creep on me, so I wasn't sure if I should make it etc. etc. But thank you!

>> No.8055157

2014 was a good year, very impressive. Your skill level really improved.

>> No.8055165

You would improve a lot more if you deviated from your comfort zone...

>> No.8055203

fit and finish is just there
you look attractive in both pics

its your amount of detail work that greatly improved the costume

>> No.8055224
File: 783 KB, 840x437, improve thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as much improvement as everyone else but still.

>> No.8055247
File: 644 KB, 2428x1196, cosplay progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned how to make-up. But I got to say I improved a bit after 2010

>> No.8055249

>I learned how to make-up
I've never been much into make-up so take this with a grain of salt: I don't think you really did learn how to makeup.

>> No.8055257

you look like you're really good at soccer

>> No.8055261

It was more in the manner of saying that I went from no make-up, to some more fitting. I am by far not skilled as some people in this thread.

>> No.8055263

What makes you say that?!
I am actually horrible at sports...

>> No.8055415

Yeah I actually have Facebook cosplay page "Shewon Cosplay"!

Thank you for the kind words. (๑→‿ฺ←๑)

>> No.8055812
File: 416 KB, 808x808, cosplay 2012-2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only thing I´ve improved in is wig styling in my opninion.

Also sorry for not having better pictures of my Kotori cosplay ( since i want to lose wheight first before doing a shoot).

>> No.8057095
File: 170 KB, 870x640, prog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First costume I made all on my own back in 2004, newest costume that required actual effort from 2014. The newer costume is a bitch to get good full body pictures of because there are so many details all over the thing. I still don't consider it completely finished either, more like a constant work-in-progress.

>> No.8057113

>dat titty being held up by the costume
>frizzy ass wig
>can't really even see much of the costume anyway, most of the shot is your face and arm

You did get hella better at makeup tho

>> No.8057116

You could pull off a wicked Mulan

Not just the asian thing

Your face in the left photo reminded me of her in her whiteface with Crickey in her mouth.

>> No.8057121

Weren't you at Eurocosplay last year?

>> No.8057128

I was. Fucked up my skit, but fun times were had otherwise.

>> No.8057131

>not using the frying pan
>any TF2 cosplayer not using the frying pan

You definitely suit soldier better than scout tho, your legs aren't made for beanpole characters.

>tfw beanpole
>only options are scout or spy
>overdone or shit tier/lazy af

>> No.8057144
File: 8 KB, 170x297, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk you just have that professional soccer playing shoulder slump

goalies have it too if you watch them

>> No.8057155
File: 2.70 MB, 1800x2700, IMG_5387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah my wig was absolute shit tbh, gave up brushing it in the morning and decided to try and salvage the front only.
Teenie bit better photo.

>> No.8057721

You realize that a majority of first world population have this?
It comes from sitting with rounded shoulders in most people.

>> No.8058114

this is easily one of the most stupid comments in the world. you prove yourself to be a fuck in every way, sieg. go fuck yourself

>> No.8058125

No matter how bad the wig came out I'm kinda happy that you didn't give her straight bangs like other cosplayers does

>> No.8058133

That feel when you're half a world away and I'll never get the chance to shoot with you.

>> No.8058148

There's most likely no makeup in the first picture, and neatly applied makeup in the last one.
She learned something.

>> No.8058175
File: 680 KB, 1000x1070, fem med.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hnnng your lady soldier looks great, i rarely see any good genderbends! you look really awesome anon! keep up the good work.

>> No.8058457

Did you... paint your tights to be flesh colored instead of just making socks...

>> No.8058467

pls do spy, I don't think I've ever seen a good spy cosplay

>> No.8058539

otaku shoulder is less athletic looking

also that chick has some beefy legs, she looks like she plays alot of soccer

or she could be a nerd, with a high BMI but naturally athletic body type

>> No.8058641

Holy shit, I remember seeing and fawning over your winged cosplay in-person at Anime North before I even went on cgl. Can't believe that was 7 years ago. Cool to see that you're still active in the community!

Your Big Sister cosplay, HNNNGHNN

nice bum where ya from

>> No.8058690
File: 349 KB, 1993x687, tbt_sona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still going for a 3rd attempt at her, since it was rather hard to walk in both times but got a lot easier the second time.

>> No.8058701

Who put a stick up your ass?

>> No.8058716

I thought that first too, but I think it's just the shadows of the feathers

>> No.8058745

Looks more like they painted nude tights instead of just getting purple striped socks

>> No.8058756

I think they started with a pair of light purple ones, as the purple looks to be painted over with the darker purple. You can even see the purple under the nude color on her leg.

Honestly this cosplay is a hot mess in my opinion.

>> No.8058762

I think your wig needs more volume at the roots. Still a way impressive improvement though.

>> No.8058765

You are freaking adorable. Can you be mai waifu and we'll cosplay cute girls together?

>> No.8058772

That high collar does wonders for you, great work!

>> No.8058780

Why is it I think you got progressively worse?

>> No.8058832 [DELETED] 
File: 1.03 MB, 753x596, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First costume I made, last costume I completed and wore

>> No.8059381

Actually I got purple and nude tights and sewed them together and did a really shoddy job on painting them. Intending to redo cause it was one of the last things I did before I left.
>>8058125 Thanks! Straight bang Homuras kill the whole costume for me.

>> No.8059407

You've been cosplaying for ten years and can't put on eye makeup or make fitted clothes? Use sewing patterns and look up some makeup tutorials. That costume on the right looks like you've been cosplaying for three years, not eleven. It could be so much better if you just took the time to do some sewing and makeup research.

>> No.8059436
File: 153 KB, 382x400, 1standLast copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are amazing. You can really tell you've learned a lot as you've gone along.

1st is 2006
Last is 2014 (Which I had better photos of the last one)

>> No.8059989
File: 917 KB, 1200x984, regegergrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It kinda hurts to post this
thank god I learned how to sew and how do makeup

>> No.8060576

>I actually do own a fryingpan, But many cons don't allow metal pans :c

>Scout was long ago yes. I rather stick to solly now >w>

>> No.8060579

Ah Thank you so much!

>> No.8060582

I see where it is coming from. But I never really played soccer much.

My legs are just beefy I guess haha. They always have been.

But thanks for thinking I am athletic though xD

>> No.8060848
File: 150 KB, 594x711, coolravegurl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remembering how I used to act too, thank god so much has changed.

>> No.8060905
File: 185 KB, 500x381, eyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yusss, Fushigi Yuugi is muh childhood.
Lovely improvement! (PS u r a qt)

>> No.8060909

>those socks with magnet
Dear god anon what were you thinking

>> No.8060918
File: 253 KB, 892x665, compare and contract.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different cosplays, same con 4 years apart.

Admittedly, the first cosplay I ever wore to a con was commissioned from someone and my paint was fading on the picture on the right but hey I'd like to think I know a hell of a lot more now than I did five years ago. Still got a ways to go though.

>> No.8060935

The first step would be to throw away the corsets.

>> No.8060937

That and all the bright plastic jewelry. I think I was trying to get into 'scene', also mixed with annoying weaboo.

>> No.8060959

I'm floored with your Gigi. Oh shit. Holy crap. Damn.

>> No.8061547

one word: wow

>> No.8062749

Damn, that's amazing. What series is the one on the right from?

>> No.8062750
File: 1.24 MB, 910x822, Screen Shot 2015-01-17 at 10.27.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never really been on here before, but this thread caught my eye.... This wasn't my first cosplay, but it is one that shows my most improvement. Never thought I'd be posting here- ever-

>> No.8062806
File: 622 KB, 1159x605, Cosplay timeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2007: Duct tape shoes, jacket my mom made, Hot Topic + Gap closet cosplay

2014: Sewing anything from a sports uniform to pirate coats.

>> No.8062847

What were you cosplaying in that first picture?
You look familiar, maybe I've seen you page before.

>> No.8062859


Supposed to be Edward Elric.

>> No.8062862

>that awful taste
It's like you didn't improve at all, just the sewing.

>> No.8062864

Yeah, that actually crossed my mind based on your hair and gloves. You have improved over the years...

>> No.8062876


Didn't know taste in anime was a pre-req for improving. Sorry I don't like the same anime you do, anon.

Thanks anon. I still cringe looking at my first cosplay. I've actually been redoing my Ed cosplay every few years, but it's time for another redo.

>> No.8062887


>> No.8062909

mh represent

your gigi is amazing!

>> No.8062913

I'm saving this picture for inspiration to learn how to sew and improve my cosplays. Thanks anon

>> No.8062915


Oh wow, that's really nice anon. Thank you! Just practice and don't worry if your first things look like crap, you'll get better with time. You'd be surprised just how much you can learn and improve within a year.

>> No.8062931

Acen surprisingly always has some really solid kuni no Alice cosplays! (I'd post some pics to share with you, but I don't have anything decent) I'm always surprised at some of the quality when I go to the shoot every year, lol.

>> No.8063038


there is a god.

>> No.8063087 [DELETED] 

Omg your lady margaery is flawless. It's always 10 times harder to cosplay real people, but you did it.

>> No.8063294

Character is Vanilla Mieux and series is Sugar Sugar Rune.

>> No.8063318

Uh....... What? Is this a joke?

>> No.8063328

It looks like the images are in reverse order

>> No.8063492

They're all the same cosplay


>> No.8063505

So you changed your wig and added some sunglasses. What? I'm confused...

>> No.8063536

yeah, that was kind of the point- to show improvement through one cosplay- It was the first one I actually worked on myself, prior to this all of my cosplays were bought.

>> No.8063910

Other than the wig being a bit different and the addition of sunglasses on your head, there isn't any apparent improvement or change from the pictures you've provided.

>> No.8063959

>bras everywhere
>yoko wears a bikini too small for her

>> No.8064047

It's a shame you didn't improve your makeup skills.

>> No.8064976

>nose piercing

>> No.8065364
File: 340 KB, 716x628, cosplayprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I've made tons of progress! I don't even look like the same person anymore after I lost a bunch of weight, haha.

>> No.8065495

I'm sure you've improved a fair bit, the construction of the boot covers at the very least proves that, but you realy could've picked better pictures?
Shiny wrinkly fabric and bad photography, at first glance I thought they were in the wrong order and the first pic was meant to be the improved version

>> No.8065519

construction improvement yes
fabric choice improvement no

>> No.8065526

Those aren't boot covers, girl discovered GoGo boots.

>> No.8065671

I checked this thread late but I'm going to go creep on your page now because you're fantastic!

>> No.8065877 [DELETED] 
File: 210 KB, 824x1496, 10543559_542818952513535_1449164947468132502_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead I'm posting the first and the most recent I've reworn the same costume. I try really hard to improve a costume every time i re wear it and hopefully it shows! My page is facebook/JMCosplay if anyone wants to shoot me questions :D

>> No.8065883
File: 210 KB, 824x1496, 10543559_542818952513535_1449164947468132502_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still nervous about posting this on cgl, but here is the first time and most recent times I've reworn the same costumes. Both are about 2 years apart slowly working on fixing things every time I wear them though! I'm JMCosplay on facebook if anyone cares about that stuff :P
GURL this is amazing progress!
I just can't even *w*

>> No.8065897

Oh thank you so much! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) I hope that you will enjoy my page!

>> No.8065920

Nice wig improvement.

>> No.8065928

>File: coolravegurl.jpg (150 KB, 594x711)
Your Jinx is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.8065940

Am I blind? Why's everyone tripping over themselves? This is only a mediocre costume...

>> No.8065959

Thanks! The Jon wig was meant to look like the newer one but a dud ebay purchase close to the con didn't help. The Xavier wig is the same wig just styled differently with a newly cut hairline :D

>> No.8066556 [DELETED] 

Ironically I have severe eczema on my eyelids so I have a hard time wearing any type of makeup there.. it's all thanks to an allergic reaction to Proactive that I tried 2 years ago.

>> No.8066572
File: 137 KB, 601x900, DSC_4390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironically I have severe eczema on my eyelids so I have a hard time wearing any type of makeup there.. it's all thanks to an allergic reaction to Proactive that I tried 2 years ago.

More recent pic..

>> No.8066694

No one is tripping over themselves...

>> No.8067298

Daaaammmmnnnn them shoes could hoe a field

>> No.8067315

Hey! I've had pictures done by him. What area do you live in?

>> No.8067415
File: 425 KB, 1000x960, 10906524_708418695945791_2020633054152984837_n copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The picture on the left is from 2009, the right is from 2014. I just recently started making my own cosplays so I feel like I have so many more things to learn.

>> No.8067584

Awww! You are super cute

>> No.8067677

Oh wow, you got really good!

>> No.8068311

Good ol' MD.. been attending Otakon since 2003

>> No.8069245
File: 134 KB, 892x720, first cospuree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still learning things as far as craftsmanship but I think I've learned a lot

>> No.8069310
File: 627 KB, 1724x895, 75260_132927416860020_2145939424_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first cosplay was atrocious lol. latest one is girafarig, designed by cowslip

>> No.8069327
File: 1.15 MB, 5000x5000, DISGUSTING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8069330

damn your sewing skills improved a lot

>> No.8069334
File: 366 KB, 609x403, mfwpriest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this board
>mfw this thread

>> No.8069632

I am laughing so much at that baby Togepi in the background!

>> No.8069678

I honestly love cowslip's designs. I was actually planning on cosplaying one later this year. Anyway, you really have improved!

>> No.8069963

ah yes your boobs grew in. congrats on making puberty your bitch.

>> No.8069992
File: 67 KB, 666x378, 1421836943826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reptilians have won

>> No.8070428
File: 1.61 MB, 1037x956, grhr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2008 me didn't know shit about make up, wigs or how to use a sewing machine.

At least I've improved a bit since then..

>> No.8070854
File: 20 KB, 300x265, 1413770957719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's like night and day improvement.

>> No.8071102

I don't know the reference, but the only thing that looks like shit is that wig (the 2009 image).

>> No.8071113

I had posted this in a rush and ran out of work to grab dinner with a friend.

The 2009 photo is Blair from Soul Eater. Shit wig, frayed hems, ill fitting, the boot covers are only over the toes of the boots, the hat was WAY too heavy for my head and I had to hold it in place most of the time. And nothing was lined. Thank goodness for photoshop and the shitty photo image.

Thanks for thinking it looked ok though! I don't think it was extremely terrible for my first cosplay I personally sewed

>> No.8071328

you look really familialr did you cosplay princess tutu a long time ago

>> No.8071356

I know you!! Hi!!
I haven't watched Over the Garden Wall.
Ukraine-chan, I am only a lolita, but I love watching your cosplays. They're amazing.