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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 246 KB, 690x920, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8090838 No.8090838 [Reply] [Original]

No Ita Thread?

Side topic: Itas giving advice to others. How do we stop them from spawning new itas?

>> No.8090855

There needs to be a really nice reference site for styles of lolita and building coords. I see "types of lolita" posts go around tumblr and such all the time and every example is piss poor and ita. Also lolita-tips tumblr needs mods that aren't ita teenagers. Too many girls look there and get shitty advice.

>> No.8090866
File: 159 KB, 639x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A prime example of a horrible Ita who gives advice.

>> No.8090871

I would love to make a facebook group for just coord help. I have no clue how to actually get people to it though.

>> No.8090892

WTF is with the tank top. and looks like a mushroom/ jellyfish form

>> No.8090897

That one sad saggy titty

>> No.8090945

It's on a dressform too...how can a dress form have such saggy titties

>> No.8090948

>Cat ears shooped on


>> No.8090952

it's a deco sticker, chill out anon. lots of people add them.

>> No.8090954

No. Lots of people do not add fucking cat ears to their coord snaps. The people that do always look like shit.

>Ita detected

>> No.8090956

It looks like she altered the dressform to make it bigger, probably that's why the tank top is there, to hold the "filling"?

>> No.8091056
File: 114 KB, 407x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8091060

Maybe it's a man's dressform and she stuffed a bra?

>> No.8091073

Correction, a lot of Japanese lolitas do it.

>ugly newfag gaijin detected

>> No.8091076

What a weird, ugly dress. Never seen anything like that before. Impressive.

>> No.8091079


>> No.8091080

I somehow like it and find it absolutely disgusting at the same time... what is this

>> No.8091122
File: 224 KB, 985x619, steampunk wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8091125

It's like your aunts chintzy, ugly lamp. You love it in it's uglyness but you'd never have it in your house.

>> No.8091136

May this fad die a horrible death. Amen.

>> No.8091140

Steampunk is already dying I think.

>> No.8091207

Regarding to comments, why circle skirt is not good for lolita? I find the usually cupcake shape ugly as fuck.

>> No.8091249

Circle skirts in general have too much flare, like the girl was trying to describe, for a typical lolita dress. Most people also just tend to use normalfag clothes and get a circle skirt/dress with a circle skirt and try to use that for lolita, which is what this mentor was trying to deter this person away from. Lolita skirts, either bell or a-line, are typically drafted from a rectangle pattern. That doesn't mean a circle skirt/pattern will never ever work, but I think the mentor was particular about it because this person is a n00b and the dress she was using wasn't made for lolita or loliable in any way.

>> No.8091261

Ah okay, thanks for clearing that!

>> No.8091292

>I find the usually cupcake shape ugly as fuck.
This may not be the fashion for you

>> No.8091412

>shitty handmade
>"I am also 4'9 and have a 100+ bust"

Why am I not surprised

>> No.8091415

A-line exists

>> No.8091609

Men's dressforms are kind of rare. I do think she stuffed a bra, though, since even women's dressforms tend to have a large underbust and tiny cup size.
>wear a 28C bra
>buy dressform that, according to the website, can be set to my BWH measurements
>tfw dress form is like a 32A

>> No.8091612

she definitely stuffed a bra, you can see the black strap on the left (our left).

>> No.8091718
File: 124 KB, 728x745, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure they use stamps, but I've never seen cat ears stamped on a good coord. Also the girl in the picture didn't do her hair or wear makeup. She just stamped big cat ears on her head. No respectable lolita, japanese or otherwise, does that.

>> No.8091743

She's ita, but she's got some nice tits.

>> No.8091745

This is weird. I'd actually like it were it not for the weird appliqué (???) things at the bottom and of course, the "lace".

>> No.8091760


>> No.8091799
File: 862 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-01-31-00-12-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8091809

Wow.. But at least she wear a petti, I guess.

>> No.8091811
File: 64 KB, 470x688, unpleasantry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If she wasn't fat this wouldn't really be that ita. Have her lose 10~15% of that body fat, then take off the stupid chobits ears and mismatched parasol and this would be really cute.

It has already been established multiple times that fat girls are automatically ita. We really should start making separate threads for ita and fat shaming.

>> No.8091815

>those boots
>typical cat tights
>cosplay wig

too many things that need to be changed, anon...

>> No.8091816

in what universe is this ok?? maybe the universe realized it's not okay, and banished her to the middle of this field with nothing but a camera.

>> No.8091836

>fugly boots
>weebtastic cat/Chobits ears
>weeb tights
>random punk jacket with sweet dress
It's not the most ita thing I've ever seen but it still wouldn't be cute on a thin girl.

>> No.8091984

Oh man I know!

>> No.8091996

I feel like all itas (or maybe lolitas in general?) have that one picture that's been taken in some random-ass field like this, or photo with an ugly part of their backyard in the bg.

>> No.8091999

Seriously. These are what's making her ita, not her fluffiness. It's just one of those "so close, but so far" cases

>> No.8092001

>4'9" and 100cm bust
I can't even imagine what that must look like.

>> No.8092006

I had to check to make sure I wasn't on a bizzarro /r9k/ for a second there.

>> No.8092035

i find this image oddly compelling

>> No.8092104

>implying I'm a male

>> No.8092459
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>> No.8092462
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>> No.8092464
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>> No.8092470
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>> No.8092485

if you just listed multiple things wrong with the outfit, than her body weight is obv not the main issue.

>> No.8092497

That pose makes it look like she just burped.

>> No.8092724

What is this dress even supposed to be? What is the theme? Pink map with squiggles? What is that blue fabric? Why does she have it darted/pleated in such a way that it looks like fish gills? Wtf is up with that lace, is she trying to compensate for the actual skirt portion being too short? And that hideous satin shit...
These are questions I seriously want answered here. What was actually going through this woman's mind?

>> No.8092750
File: 20 KB, 380x504, 218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8092758

Catastrophe is right, the hell is this?

>> No.8092826

Looks like she stole Tymoora's wig

>> No.8092837

Is this really ita? Just looks incredibly boring, and those gloves are ick.

>> No.8092841

It's different...sort of like it in a strange way.

>> No.8092843

Me neither. Now I'm curious.

>> No.8092856

stop talking ugly whore.

>> No.8092913
File: 180 KB, 718x1280, eac4b74543a98226e326cd818a82b9014b90ebb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8093120

>photo by hildekitten
She's infectious.

>> No.8093240
File: 247 KB, 348x324, 546345634563457678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8093370
File: 483 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nintxjISnm1r85cebo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> dat dickchin

>> No.8093379


>> No.8093383

Is she supposed to be Mrs Frizzle?

>> No.8093527

The random appliques look stupid but I kind of like the rest of it on some weird level...
>confirmed for shit taste

>> No.8093557
File: 778 KB, 245x190, GSzWE.jpg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one in the blue wig is cute as hell, holy shit, and her figure, so much potential.

>> No.8093659

> dat dickchin
I almost died laughing anon! wonderful!

>> No.8093677
File: 118 KB, 1153x2048, FB_IMG_1422810703569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those socks, why?

>> No.8093682

It's the first time i saw some "lolita" sexy pic that look not much ita.I like it too.

>> No.8093813

Is that a sailor moon wig?

>> No.8093818
File: 1.25 MB, 320x180, turndown4wut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That torso/bodice confuses me.

>> No.8093821

I know. I can't stuff my 89cm-90cm bust into some stuff. How in the hell does she make that zip?!

>> No.8093824

I think her make up looks nice and it looks pretty balanced for ott. This jsk just looks like it does not fit. And I'd say longer hair would have been a better choice. And she can't help her chin

>> No.8093827

It's a replica

>> No.8093847

I'll ever understand how these people even exist. How does someone devote themselves to a hobby and be so bad at it? I mean it's understandable if they're just staring out. But I mean they have to improve eventually right? It's not even skill based like costume making or photography. You just buy the most expensive brand dress and not be completely fat and ugly. How can you manage to fuck that up? I just don't understand.

>> No.8093868
File: 77 KB, 451x587, yumiking youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted her in another thread, but she's perfect for this one. The fact that she has a youtube channel.....(# =.=)

>> No.8093870

She looks like what F&F use to sell Chinese crap.

>> No.8093906


>(# =.=)


>> No.8093909

i need that head chain

>> No.8093919


>> No.8093949

yoo that would be rad as shit and I would love to help out!

>> No.8093955

Ive seen her a few times IRL. She looks ita and cheap. Worse than BL

>> No.8093964
File: 22 KB, 576x720, please don't do this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comments from her lolita diy videos. People are actually making her ita-tastic garments. Be prepared for itas bragging about their super kawaii desu handmade dresses at meetups anons :)

>> No.8093977

Why do people get so ruffled over Itas and them (or anyone) giving bad advice? Just let them be ita until they can manage to learn better. They don't define the fashion, they just make everyone else look better. It makes me laugh to see them, yes but I don't get upset. Itas gonna ita. And some will never get better.

>> No.8093978

I am not active in the comm but i doubt girls would do this. Im a brandwhore though , so meh

>> No.8093987


>> No.8093994

yeah she's a cute tiny skinny asian girl you gulls are jelly fatties

>> No.8094026

Generally we don't like emoticons here, unless it's :^) because that shit is a meme somehow. If you use emoticons you're basically announcing to everyone you're underage.

>> No.8094039
File: 504 KB, 2000x2000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot stand this girl. She has the worst attitude and all of her outfits look like shit.
Case in point:
>This twin falls look like yarn
>Wearing a wall crucifix around your neck. What?
>Those socks over black tights.
>Went for a "nun/maid look" Honey you missed both of those things by miles.
>That dress is way too fucking short for you stop it.

>> No.8094040
File: 45 KB, 540x960, 10968086_1615920511974495_119366982_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8094041

>cute and skinny=/=good fashion sense
>assuming I'm fat
>not realizing her Yumi's face is shooped as hell
you're funny anon ^.^

>> No.8094047

I think the nun maid combination is always a danger zone.
She's kind of very close to old school but always fucks it up dramatically in some details.

>> No.8094051

didn't know that, I'll keep that mind. They make comments seem less ambiguous. Although I'm definitely not underaged.

>> No.8094053
File: 82 KB, 436x768, tumblr_nj3wn9ZGW81tkv7sqo2_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah I just saw this.
Get out of my fucking boz with those socks again.

>> No.8094066


Lol she's fab you basic bitches

>> No.8094123

whiteknight detected

>> No.8094128

This is definitely a self post. Crawl back into whatever hole you came out of until you learn to dress yourself "bitch".

>> No.8094135

I think this could be cute if she wasn't wearing primarily black then didn't incorporate the black anywhere in the leg area along with the gold OTKs going with nothing else in the coordinate.

>> No.8094151

This outfit would have been really cute if she didn't shoehorn in those socks and black accessories. She should have done a full-black coord and it would have been fine. More nitpick than ita in my opinion

>> No.8094167

Everytime I see her outfits, I have a love/hate relationship with them. I mean, they are always so interesting to look at. I'm not sure if I just like her figure or the way she does her makeup.

>> No.8094187

Her gut is bigger than her bust.

>> No.8094207

I chalk it up to having exactly no eye for anything creative. They could get the most expensive items, but if they don't have the fashion/style sense, they end up like our Moitie ita.

>> No.8094220
File: 242 KB, 685x914, 575313_1000250i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8094229

That's a horrible photography filter though

>> No.8094237

as much as i don't like the socks, i can ignore them because my main concern here is the LITERAL WALL CRUCIFIX SHE HAS AROUND HER NECK?

>> No.8094238

>not fug or fat
She has potential, someone help her.

>> No.8094239
File: 1.31 MB, 1716x3128, ugly manfaced ita smaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I searched tumblr lolita coordinate and I got this. Says something.

>> No.8094249

I've seen her do some really nice coords, but this one is just blergh. Nothing matches.

>> No.8094254

Yet she continually makes it on the ita thread. Please, gtfo and stop self-posting.

>> No.8094255

This pains me

>> No.8094301

>puts a real wall crucifix around her neck
lmao, wad a rosary not edgy enough?

>> No.8094317

This looks like a party game where her blindfolded friends each took turns putting one item from their closet on her and this is the result. Are you sure this isn't a joke post? I'd think you'd actually have to try hard to mismatch this much.

>> No.8094323

This is surreal. I can't stop looking at this for some reason, it's so bad.

>> No.8094327
File: 23 KB, 236x394, youcandobetter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this.

>> No.8094333

I love that signature ita pose of spreading our ones skirt to make up for lack of (good) petticoat.

>> No.8094347

You hush now, that's her LOLITA BLING!

>> No.8094356

I'm sure if you make it, they will post...but be ready to prove your own strong non-ita game and experience if you set up a group like this. Otherwise you'll turn out as Lolita Tips, another ita leading the ita and just another LOLcow. I think the reason no one has done one is because well-dressed Lolitas with experience don't really care overmuch about helping itas? Just a guess.

>> No.8094361

A shame because it's a pretty way to show the print better but alas, I fear you are right unless there is also a skirt silhouette shot shown too, it's only done from lack of good petti.

>> No.8094389

I'm not an unknown figure. I post almost all of my coords and get good responses to them. I've never been posted in an Ita thread. I'd have no problem proving my fashion/coording abilities before starting it up. I just really don't know how without lolcows screeching that I have no right to tell others how to dress.

>> No.8094397

Well if you start a group for coord help; obviously the people that join are people that want help!

So you have a right to give critique to others who joined the group who knew how you dressed, and think you are good enough that you can give advice. And if they are lolcows its your group, kick em.

>> No.8094429

get a clue, every time this girl is posted, some seagulls hate it and some love it. yeah, she won't stop getting posted in ita threads, but you won't stop seing people defending her either: it's just someone cgl is really divised about.

personally, i agree with >>8094066 and >>8094167, if nothing else, her coords are always interesting to look at.

>> No.8094503
File: 668 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-01-31-00-02-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8094541

>This twin falls look like yarn
I agree with pretty much all of your criticism but this, what is the point of critiquing the texture of her hair? It's pretty common weave you can get at any hair supply store. Are black girls not allowed to wear this now? Are we supposed to have straight textured hair now?

>> No.8094545

>doesn't even wear lolita anymore

>> No.8094547

not really, this type of shit coords were around before tumblr was created

>> No.8094562

There's a difference between having texture to your hair and looking like ragedy ann. I'm black and wear my hair natural but would never put that cheap looking stuff in my hair. Why spend $$$$ on clothes only to have your hair look bad?

>> No.8094633

you look like Lil' Kim shitted harajuku feces bitch god daaayyuuumm.

>> No.8094636

you look like a sumo wrestler squeezed into that dress bitch what were you thinking

>> No.8094639


>> No.8094640

I don't really know anything about her attitude since I only ever see outfit snaps, but usually she looks great. On occasion she has misses like this, though. The wall crucifix was a little too much. Also, for some reason I don't mind her skirts always being so short...

>> No.8094642

Your shoes looked like they got raped by a teletubby

>> No.8094648

for a boy, you look really nice

>> No.8094655

you look like kevin hart and harriet tubman made a baby, then that baby booty raped a lolita, and then the lolita shit yo ass out after

>> No.8094662

These...really aren't that clever or funny. Please stop.

>> No.8094663
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>> No.8094741
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>> No.8094841
File: 141 KB, 680x480, Cat tights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat girls need to stop wearing those damn cat tights.

I saw a girl at the mall wearing them the other day and they just don't look like cats when you're streching them that badly??? It was WAY worse than OP's pic, but regardless fatty-chans need to understand they just can't fit into cute things like tiny Asian girls can while looking the same.

>> No.8094846
File: 3.59 MB, 375x346, totemo kawaii.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating fat cats with flat faces
Get a load of this pleb.

>> No.8094856

Ugh, it all looked nice till that fugly skirt.

>> No.8094924

Maybe without socks and a better fitting skirt. Not really ita, just mediocre coord

>> No.8094928

Not that anon, but I'm turning 20 shortly and I love to use emoticons

>> No.8094931


Place and time for everything. Ever heard of the concept? Just because nudist beaches exist doesn't mean you can run through Starbucks naked.

>> No.8094933

I think the point is that if you're too oblivious to notice the norms of this board you're probably an idiot child.

>> No.8094939

Skirt is fine to me, the only bad parts are the socks over tights, crucifix, and twintails, which can be easily fixed

>> No.8095014


>> No.8095094

I'm the one who originally posted her. I'm like 85% sure that those aren't part of her everyday hair? Maybe I'm wrong but they seem to be clip ins? I'm white/asian and have major hair breakage and fly away issues. I throw a wig over that shit. I know literally nothing about black hair styles, but most black women don't walk around with hair that looks like they bought it at Joann's

>> No.8095120
File: 144 KB, 540x720, tumblr_nivzg9ALwL1rcmhydo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this isn't technically lolita, but since we don't have a general hideous jfashion thread...
this just showed up on my dash and I nearly vomited.

>> No.8095135

I saw this exact same thing. God it is a disaster. Look at that disgusting wig.

>> No.8095142

Screw all you guys I actually love this

>> No.8095247


There's a couple of advice-giving tumblrs that seem to be working pretty well, maybe you can model yourself off things that made them work:

collageanon.tumblr.com -- Anons are able to submit requests for collages, and then she'll put them together. Her credence was established through /cgl/, actually, before she moved onto tumblr.

palaceofprinces.tumblr.com -- If you think your own lolita cred isn't enough, you can round up a few like-minded girls and make a group of admins. As a bonus, a lot of things do boil down to preferences, eg rhs or skirt length, or differing styles, with a group you'll be able to present alternative styles or views, so you can cover more styles, and you'll get criticised less for injecting too much of your own bias into your advice.

In between answering asks, both tumblrs do topic-relevant posts, for eg palaceofprinces post ouji updates, collageanon posts collages and pictures of nice outfits. One thing that lolitas flock to is updates on latest brand releases, so you could try re-posting info on brand updates to keep interest in your group/page going in between anons seeking advice, or you could post your own coords to keep up interest.

I don't know how well these things would transfer over to facebook, though.

>> No.8095363
File: 345 KB, 956x1280, tumblr_mt6huo1u4Z1qdoht2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe others would call this a nitpick but the petti shape is embarrassing and the accessories tacky.

>> No.8095368
File: 84 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1422864754566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8095376

Not just the petti shape, but the skirt shape itself is weird. Like it goes smaller at the bottom.

>> No.8095383


>> No.8095385
File: 271 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mbfcvomQ2Q1qdoht2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that's just cause the petti is too big for it.

>> No.8095388

Petti too short. You can tell where the petti ends and the skirt starts to fall back in on itself. This can usually be rectified by wearing an A line petti low on your hips.

>> No.8095391

Some skirts get weirdly shaped like that when you put the wrong kind of petti under, I learned this myself but I knew better than to wear something that looked like this. She needs a stiffer, longer, flatter A-line shaped petti to shape this dress correctly.

>> No.8095401

I think as long as you are well turned out, it's a good idea. I'd get 1-2 others as co-admin if possible though, with different styles. Less work for each person and a varied perspective. It sounds like a good thing to start.

>> No.8095422

I feel the same way you do. I'm not sure what it is about it but her outfits are always very interesting to me.

>> No.8095474

Look at her bangs and those braids, they're completely different textures and colors. Nothing wrong with natural hair, but it looks like bad clip-ins.

>> No.8095480

I agree with that and I think she belongs in nitpick threads instead.
However the length of her skirts or lack thereof and the whole maid thing really make her look overtly sexual for lolita. Then she combines it with nun elements and writes stuff like "If you were a priest, would you pick me up?". It makes it all a little too tacky for me.

>> No.8095488
File: 21 KB, 340x270, il_340x270.694847800_lq4k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8095493


All her co-ords suck. I want to like her, I think she's cute but that doesn't excuse bad co-ords.
She tries to do old school but they are epic fails.
I kinda like her hair here, don't know why but I do. I don't get why she's wearing that wall crucifix.
This kind of petti doesn't work with the old school goth look she tries to achieve. Those socks over the black tights look weird.
If she lost the cross necklace, ditched the socks and wore a different petti her co-ord would drastically improve.

>> No.8095498


Nailed it.

>> No.8095513


>> No.8095516

Coords. It isn't fucking hyphenated.

>> No.8095557


Wipe the sand from your vag.

>> No.8095573

Okay. Awesome! I'm mostly goth so I think I'll vet a girl each for sweet and Classic. That way if something gets tricky there are always second it's this opinions!

>> No.8095578

*and third opinions
Holy shit I promise english is actually my native language.

>> No.8095581
File: 81 KB, 720x540, asd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8095587

Those are maids, not lolita.

>> No.8095590

it doesn't matter if she doesn't wear lolita anymore, that doesn't undo this outfit

>> No.8095593

I always think it's hilarious when fatties wear skeleton socks because the 'bones' get stretched sideways and the knee joint ends up somewhere on their shin. It can't be more obvious than that that something doesn't fit but that doesn't stop them.

>> No.8095595

I know, I just did not see any other thread to post this in.
I mean, the fucking shoes? I'm traumatised.

>> No.8095679

Her commentary was pretty hilariously pathetic

"I hope it's safe for me to post here! Pls only give gentle concrit abloobloobloo"

>> No.8095695

Her twin tails are textured like black hair. I see no problem.

I don't think she's ita, just old school and there are a couple of knit picks to be made.
Sorry for my english!

>> No.8095786

those poor, poor cat tights :/

>> No.8095896

>implying she shoops that much
Confirmed for jelly average/fatty chan wishing she was tiny,cute,skinny and asian.
Have fun being jealous of the beautiful Yumi <3

>> No.8095905

>twintail wig
>bicolored wig
>bodyline dress for bonus tacky points
>star clips
>socks and shoes don't match with the tacky dress
>ugly makeup
>trying to be OTT (bonus tacky points)

>> No.8095918

She looks like a chipmunk.
Or like someone who just got their wisdom teeth removed.

>> No.8095923

Dat boobloaf tho

>> No.8095939

no what anon?

>> No.8095966

Her face reminds me of this

>> No.8095968
File: 23 KB, 600x416, 6prn2g0cue9i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost my pic, eeh

>> No.8095979

>corrects fucktarded grammar
>tell her to wipe the sand from her vag

You're one to talk, aren't you?

>> No.8096103

Are you her, or her friend? That's just embarrassing.

>> No.8096473

OMG what happened to that wig?

>> No.8096842
File: 216 KB, 960x916, 397802_4869808059433_673820779_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear god why?

>> No.8097472
File: 441 KB, 807x600, tumblr_ni5y42epHE1qjd8bdo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8097487

This isnt bad?
Other than the dress shout fit a bit better and maybe more light blue in the accessories to make it flow a little better. I would say this is nitpick

>> No.8097489

Being big doesn't make her an ita. I'd change the blouse, but everything else looks polished and good.

>> No.8097492

why what? doesn't look remotely ita, that girl always dress cute but I have to say is that she is trying too hard always.

>> No.8097968

It was devoured by a chimera and then regurgitated as food for its younglings, which they turned up their nose to.

>> No.8097971

She's ugly but the outfit is cute.

>> No.8097972


Looks fine to me. Don't like the blouse but it's far from ita. Vendetta?

>> No.8097976

>trying too hard
Don't know this person, or what you mean by that.

>> No.8097981

Why would anyone shoop their jowls like that though..

>> No.8097992


Did you get butthurt that someone told you to be less satly anon? Abloobloo

>> No.8098196

Makes sense, at least that's what it looks like.

>> No.8098222

>tfw mods in your comm tell people to "wear what they want" "lolita has no rules!"

These poor new girls.
It's also against comm rules to criticize so we can't even point out they're wrong. And it's the mods doing it too.

>> No.8098241

I'm so sorry for you... My comm is polite about it, but they won't hesitate to tell someone that they need help. The mods are the most active and tactful about it, too. I think the high level if helpful con-crit is why our newbies never really stay ita for long.

>> No.8098355

sarah is this u lmao

>> No.8098388

Do you always get this upset when someone corrects a mistake you made?

>> No.8098555
File: 82 KB, 366x366, 2015-02-03 16.53.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dearest anon, being such a big fan of hers, you should have noticed this picture of Yumi on her Facebook page or Deviantart gallery(although this is cropped). Notice the lack of blurring on her face.

>> No.8098581

Looks like this cute CTP girl didn't want to touch the ita irl.
>"I don't want to be seen with her!"

>> No.8098583

Oh shoot, didn't realize I responded to the wrong person til now. Meant to respond to >>8094026

>> No.8098591

Yeah she just looks generic in person. Big buck teeth too... she's cute enough but that doesn't make her clothes look good.

>> No.8098597

Hambone. I always think that when I see a fatty in skeleton anything unless it's just jewelry. The fatties in the leggings and cat suits are an anotomical nightmare, truly a marvel to behold.

>> No.8098675

I would like this more if it was an art piece
Most of her outfits legit look like Mitsukazu Mihara

>> No.8098711
File: 130 KB, 600x449, considerthefollowing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I think lolita's a lot more complicated than that. Because it's so different from modern Western fashion, I think a lot of girls take things that would be acceptable for a casual outfit (like random pops of colour and avoiding being "matchy-matchy") and applying it to lolita. The definition of a good lolita coord has a lot of stipulations (everything must match exactly, skirt has to be the right length, must have poof but not too much poof, must wear a wig or have awesome hair, etc. etc.), and while these elements may not be difficult to master individually, pulling them all together in one outfit can be a big leap for someone who's spent their whole life in t-shirts and jeans. Additionally, the lolita standards of quality are much higher than those of the average person. The experienced among us can barely stomach 80% of mall clothes, but for beginners, mall clothing is all they wear; learning what's nice enough for lolita takes time and experimentation for most.
So while itas may be unpleasant to look at, there's a reason most of us were once amongst their ilk.

>> No.8099777

usually I like her coords but I hate this

>> No.8099805

shes not very cute IRL, ive seen her. she also wants a sugar daddy.

>> No.8099833

This is just really nitpicky and not ita at all. I think her outfits are cute most of the time but this dress isn't very flattering on her, especially around the bodice. It looks really tight on her waist and bust.

>> No.8099835
File: 370 KB, 1288x1244, 1422829287511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not ita, just fat and boring.

>> No.8100140

>hating on the lower girl
Did you even watch that video? She's the only person who was funny and made it watchable.

>> No.8100144

How am I hating on some complete stranger? It's just a fucking comparison of clothing.

>> No.8100224

Where did you hear she wants a sugar daddy??? Did she say that herself?

>> No.8100244

>fat and boring
Sorry, you gave me an impression that you were implying the same for the fat chick in the picture.

>> No.8100573

What video?

>> No.8100633

It's a video of 4 out so women reviewing clothing that is described as "one size" or "one size fits all".

>> No.8100637

Or*, not out

>> No.8100798

I think she looks absolutely awzum. She manages to pull together something that would probably look itatastic on someone else, I don't know how or why - but I really like her coord still. And I don't mind the short skirt, she's got legs to pull them off. Usually I hate glasses with lolita, but she looks great in them. The crinkle hair is really cool, I didn't even know you could get that texture!

>> No.8100802

Oh man the movie sucked but Tim Curry rocks

>> No.8100805


>> No.8100807

Thank you. Best reply ever.

>> No.8100816

Yes alright, I might need to check the best before date of my keyboard. I'd perhaps change her socks though, looking at her coord closer. But yes, she's interesting - I just yawn when I see another boring old-done-it-all-before OTT candy shop carousel sugar, brown classic floral leafy crap, all black goth iron gate with a dash of blue or whatever, but this coord really did caught my eye.

>> No.8100856
File: 208 KB, 795x591, eugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this when buying shoes as a gift, I almost felt my soul leave my body

>> No.8100950

Nitpick if anything. Outfit looks pretty bland, the gloves would be better in white. White tights would be nice as well just to make it not like it's all black minus the collar.

>> No.8100955

Guro lolis are typically too tame for me to like. Mainly because when I hear guro I expect some attempt at like, actual gory makeup. Not just bloody noses/bandages and ~bloodsplattered dresses~

>> No.8100964

It's called crimping. You can get styling tools that will do that

>> No.8100967

nitpick: fuck that blouse honestly
she should wear a long wig too

not ita tho

>> No.8100987

>she should wear a long wig too
fucking this, she always pulls her hair away from her face like that and it looks like actual shit

>> No.8100992

Okay am I the only one super curious about this? Are they best friends? Are they lovers? The set up is actually pretty cute, with the hearts and contrasting cats and everything. I like it. They must have come up with the idea together?

>tfw I want to KNOW

>> No.8101016

of course the saddest possible scenario is that tje girl on the left set the whole thing up, and drew it because she wants to be best friends foreeveerrr, but CTP Princess was just being nice.

But until I know the truth, it's a total princess/pauper situation where their friendship is stronger than the contrast in their coords.

>> No.8101019

I always listen to this when I look through ita threads.

>> No.8101040

It was an event for the Australian lolita community. Basically everyone got paired up and then you just took a photo holding up half a hand heart, the other person held up the other half and they got edited together.

>> No.8101501
File: 72 KB, 640x960, 10339575_645660428843521_7658339349313619755_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

admitted vendetta dump, but she's laughably bad. not to mention fat and too old to be doing this.

>> No.8101504
File: 104 KB, 720x960, 320286_477852965572744_1906869575_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8101508
File: 45 KB, 640x480, 3411_529023053789068_173407296_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8101510

meh. she doesnt look too bad. besides, its only clothes and for fun. lolita isnt that serious. i would encourage her to continue because it makes her happy.

>> No.8101513

I usually always defend older lolitas, but damn she should really just stop or at least wear the aristocrat style with more elegant, higher quality clothes. She should be able to afford it. Also learn to make up and style hair. differently, never wear socks... oh who am I kidding, please just go back to mom jeans and tshirts, plz.

>> No.8101522

I feel you man. I'm so goddamn tired of looking at Penny's stupid face and her even stupider coords. Sometimes she gets it but mostly she makes wanna flip a table. She should not give advice ever.

>> No.8101526


>> No.8101528

She looks like she's physically in pain from her awful clothes.

>> No.8101547

I will always fondly remember that BtB confession about her saying that "the top half of her looks like Super Mario."

gets me right in the giggles

>> No.8101548

>implying only males can appreciate a nice pair of tits

>> No.8101599

Why can't there be more people like you?

>> No.8101616

Because being a hugboxy tumblrtard isn't kawaii.

>> No.8101635

Im just keeping it real. You can be a bitter cunt all you want

>> No.8101647

Oooh, she slayin here though

>> No.8101656
File: 130 KB, 680x511, 1373728920493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8101665


>> No.8102009

better to be a "bitter cunt" than aspie fashion blind

>> No.8102056

>tfw I have that bolero in black & it could look so much better as part of a coord ugh

>> No.8102083

>bitter cunt


/cgl/ needs to drink more pineapple juice

>> No.8102176

It is referencing the novel, chill out. Not everything Lolita is meaning us. Iron Fist makes a lot of crazy/awesome stuff.

>> No.8102190
File: 18 KB, 467x61, Screen Shot 2015-02-05 at 11.53.30 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any pictures of this "style" yet but it sounds like a trainwreck already

>> No.8102205

I like you anon.

>> No.8102212

For real?

>> No.8102295
File: 67 KB, 336x810, tumblr_nir3tc29sj1u998o7o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8102389

This is pretty great as a joke, but if they're serious... wat

>> No.8102396

They seemed pretty serious about it.

>> No.8102408
File: 77 KB, 679x464, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

offbrand lolita sales is a gold mine

>> No.8102793


>> No.8102796

Makes your private juices take sweet.

>> No.8102811
File: 438 KB, 250x179, tumblr_inline_mpcjoqtYsK1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it bad that I like this?

>> No.8102822

There's nothing nice about encouraging someone's delusions.

>> No.8102882

>Cat Window

It's always the ones with your dream dress on that hurts the most.

>> No.8102956
File: 307 KB, 1556x1667, 10636687_289484097921608_2725729809335899834_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A mod in our area.

>> No.8102960
File: 84 KB, 631x960, woah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8102963
File: 118 KB, 480x720, tumblr_njbcw412nd1rb9a6wo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8102967

a truely kawaii desu close up

>> No.8102970
File: 101 KB, 480x720, tumblr_njbcw412nd1rb9a6wo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8102995

why on earth would you put big liver colored blotches on your face...

also it's extra horrible if you imagine those cats as millions of black ants seeping out of her waistband.

>> No.8103034
File: 81 KB, 391x600, tumblr_n784ew6OJ51trg65uo2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count? It just rolled across my dashboard and the fabric choices are making me cringe.

>> No.8103040

Is that a cat nip toy on her hat?

>> No.8103044
File: 259 KB, 427x640, tumblr_n9w6213uU81qk284xo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hurts. It hurts so bad.

>> No.8103046

I was sitting here trying to spot where she spliced two dresses together

>> No.8103049
File: 15 KB, 460x310, IMG_20141012_034042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that smile

>> No.8103050
File: 116 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n9w67uEvXY1qk284xo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>"Ero lolita"

>> No.8103051

>corset on backwards

>> No.8103054

Someone help this girl please. She could walk out of her house tomorrow looking good.

>> No.8103059

Ero lolita is terrible. I don't care if it's a "good" coord; it just always looks really tacky to me.

>> No.8103060

Oh god I only just noticed her teeth

>> No.8103063

She looks like she's melting.

>> No.8103067

As an upside, that Bodyline dress looks surprisingly nice.

>> No.8103068

What dress is that? I like it.

>> No.8103070

>imagine those cats as millions of black ants seeping out of her waistband.

how horrible.

>> No.8103076


>> No.8103078


>> No.8103107

Critical Closet group on FB does this

>> No.8103111

Imagining how much fabric is in this, it would be awesome on a smaller figure.

>> No.8103118

They're overweight but they look good overall. No one would complain about this OTT sweet on thin girls.

>> No.8103121

The incredible thing is that this dress has so many elements that you would need a lot of skill to make. And yet it is so bad.

>> No.8103174

Nah, I don't think its really kicked off yet, there has been the wave of ita "steampunk lolitas". I think the second wave of lolitas who have been actually taking their time building A++ steampunk co-ords will appear soon.

Its confusing that that dress is loose on her. and whats going on with the floof at the back of her dress? Not sure if its a butt shelf or a misguided back bustle pad.

Umbrella indoors. Trying so hard to show off her co-ord.

So many daddy issues right there.

>> No.8103195
File: 1.04 MB, 1918x1345, interview with a vampire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8103401

These girls are from my comm and they're adorable. Just because they're fat doesn't mean they're ita.

>> No.8103417

Shittiest screen grab ever

>> No.8103457

Looks like generic chocomint style candy to me.

>> No.8103463
File: 521 KB, 1280x1905, tumblr_nglxa3RaZL1ratb4so4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8103472


>> No.8103525

not ita at all. too OTT for my personal tastes, but the coords themselves aren't bad. the girls are just, well, fat.

>> No.8103531
File: 69 KB, 720x960, 482796_10151320211798531_826259509_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you asked for more, so

>> No.8103537
File: 85 KB, 540x720, 263094_236355546389155_3676134_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8103540
File: 151 KB, 960x720, 19009_529017453789628_912477453_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was looking for penny, but everybody here looks terrible

>> No.8103564
File: 656 KB, 2048x1370, 10680044_10152343902961905_3584270620786564873_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's so much going on in this picture.

A few good looking girls but the more you look the worse it gets.

>> No.8103573

> a Jorgen Von Strangle cosplayer

>> No.8103579

Every last one of them has potential to be a meme.

>> No.8103591

the girl in the middle gives me so much life literally what the fuck is she

>> No.8103772
File: 998 KB, 500x281, tumblr_n9s02vgpbO1smcbm7o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for this, anon. Pic related, every time she pipes up on Pintucks and Lace I want to die because her advice is just awful. She started playing 20 questions with me the other day on my preference of interfacing for a chiffon blouse and she didn't let it go until the girl I made the blouse for piped up saying she liked it the way it was. I did a little jump of triumph. Sit down Penny. Sit down.
She made this for a rainbow witch themed Halloween coord. I think this gets a pass. Her work is generally pretty solid.
Fat=/=ita I know these girls and they always dress for their body type, every time I run into them they look fab as fuck.

>> No.8103856

>Fat=/=ita I know these girls and they always dress for their body type, every time I run into them they look fab as fuck.


>> No.8104273

i dont get why everyones defending this, they must be really nice irl. they look like nice people. but the coord themselves are pretty bad guys, random shit everywhere, left girls normalfag bolero, right girls bad blouse, a damn pony toy, dollar tree princess wand???
they have cute faces (the black girl to be more exact) and they seem nice, but cmon guys, these coords arent good.

>> No.8104443
File: 56 KB, 535x1059, FB_IMG_1423255876454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is trying to sell this for $125

>> No.8104454

It's flawless old school gosurori, definitely not a nasty Milanoo lace monster. Educate yourself, baka newfag.

>> No.8104485
File: 83 KB, 789x470, 1422499197871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chick in the far background with the red wig.... I'm dying!

>> No.8106677

Hahaha holy shit have any lolis in Asheville seen that ita mannequin in the store window downtown?

>> No.8106807
File: 236 KB, 1172x1920, OT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]