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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8213078 No.8213078 [Reply] [Original]

It's pretty general for both lolita and cosplay. Go nuts. Title is self explanatory. Pic is related.

> sees something in someone's sales album in LSE
> no description in photos/album description whatsoever
> me: "Hi, how much are you selling x for?"
> seller: "It's been sold already, thanks!"

Then why the FUCK do you still have it in your sales album?!

>> No.8213100
File: 78 KB, 366x263, 1427313632321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8213190

Shoes and hair bow that don't even match in your cheap-ass coord yet you have so very many opinions on lolita. Kek.
- If you'd read reviews, you'd have known that those particular shoes are off-color.
- When you saw they did not match you wore them and posted yourself anyway.

>> No.8213444

>Using real hair instead of a wig
>Fucking dyeing your hair some shitty shade of pink/blue/etc with Hot Topic dye for a cosplay instead of just buying a damn wig
>Unfinished hems on cosplay
>Threads left unsnipped
>Visibly tangled long wigs
>Uncut bangs on wig/unstyled wigs (like when someone just gets the package and put the wig on out of the bag)
>Fucking sneakers on a cosplay that requires shoes that are anything but

>> No.8213487

Cosplayer says "I hate when cosplayers ask for things" yet they post their amazon wishlist on their birthday, christmas, valentine's day, hell any type of day with signifigance saying the buyer will get a free print or nude set. Uh no, it's not free, they bought your hypocritical ass shit you asked for.

>> No.8213489
File: 190 KB, 600x900, TK-2013-04-14-010-001-Harajuku-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One question about real hair vs wigs-- Japanese lolitas like Misako Aoki don't wear wigs but some do (50/50?), whereas I've noticed with Western Lolitas, wigs are considered a must and a need. Where do you draw the line on wigs? Pic kinda related

>> No.8213536
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>fucking blend them
>not every cosplay needs heavy contouring
>use the right shade, make sure to make it closer to your skintone

>> No.8213540

Oh, I was referring to cosplayers only, haha. I'm not a lolita myself so I'm not the best person to speak on the subject, but my understanding of it is that if you can give your own hair enough volume and styling to make it work with the coord, then you should go for it. However, if you can't do that, a wig is definitely preferable.

>> No.8213541

They're pretty obviously talking about cosplay specifically, anon. Only noobs think lolitas need wigs. Mostly because a lot of western girls who get into lolita fashion have awful hair and no clue how to style it.

>> No.8213546

Real hair is fine in lolita so long as you take good care of it/style it properly. I personally like seeing nicely styled real hair over wigs, but a nice wig is fine, too.
I might be biased because I just can't seem to get wigs to look nice on me, though.
That anon was talking about cosplay, where wigs are a necessity 99% of the time.

>> No.8213557

>>8213541 >>8213540

Ah right-- seems about right, they usually have birds nests instead. Thanks anons.

>> No.8213560

Not related but I know there's a girl on this board named Kat who lives in washington state, in skagit county.

>> No.8213565
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>see cute thing
>no price
>"Hey, how much are you selling X for?"
>make offer
>no thanks


>> No.8213580
File: 68 KB, 500x500, 1424860482082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I see people do closet posts and their pettis are all hung up. THAT'S NOT HOW YOU STORE A PETTICOAT YOU FUCK enjoy your prematurely deflated piece of crap

>> No.8213584

OTT lolita worn for cons only that looks like a fucking costume.

>> No.8213585

How do you store a petti and what does hanging it up do to it?

>> No.8213597

shit have I been doing it wrong? Someone told me that this is the best way.

>> No.8213600

Chiffon pettis won't deflate from being hung up, only cheap ones deflate anyway. I still laugh about so much petticoat misinformation. (and lack of poof, discomfort from stacking and the wasted money in the long run from being too cheap to just buy 2 good ones and be done with it)

>> No.8213601

I think the best way is upside down. Hanging them up normally, kind of makes them deflate and lose their goofiness quicker.

>> No.8213613

>Sagging breasts in halter top cosplays
>Sagging breasts in loli characters
>Sagging breasts in general

Fucking support your breasts.

>> No.8213617

It pisses me off when people hate on Lolitas because they have a little more money to spend or have other nicer things. As long as they are not lording it over others or being jerks about it, let them enjoy and post their nice things, just like you do. Seriously, it does not take anything away from you and it just makes you look like a vindictive and jealous person if you gripe about someone else having more than you. If they are not rubbing your face in it then you should also keep your nose out of their business.

>> No.8213624

I dont mind the real shoes thing with cosplay too much. For photoshoots, yeah. Wear proper shoes for the character, but if you are walking around all day at a convention, its not TOO concerning to wear comfortable shoes.

A lot of people tough it out and wear their heels/boots/weird shoes throughout, but its not that much of a bad thing.

>> No.8213625

I shove mine into a drawer.

>tfw big boobs and gravity mixes together
>tfw real life and not anime

>> No.8213627

Wearing the right shoes is like wearing the rjght wig, for me. They are both easily notocable nd they both have the potential to throw off an entire cosplay.

>> No.8213629

Well that sucks for the people who have small children who want to cosplay or havent had time in their daily lives to walk around all day in shoes that are meant for a cosplay or who are at the convention in the same outfit for an entire day.

>> No.8213634

Small breast can sag as well. But if your breasts touch your belly button while cosplaying, you need some support. Good support can make a meh cosplay alittle better.

>> No.8213649

The right shoes don't have to be uncomfortable taobao crap, though. For example school uniform outfits tend to have loafers, they're the right shoes and they're comfy. If a person isn't used to wearing heels then they should focus on getting used to them BEFORE the con, my most comfortable shoes are actually a pair of platform heel boots!

As for children, or if someone is just so stubborn that ITS SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE for them to wear the right shoes, it's not that hard to think up an alternative that isn't converse. There's a little girl in my city who's about 8 and cosplays Madoka, instead of wearing heels she wears red flats with criss cross ribbons and red bows pinned on the back of her socks.

Honestly when someone doesn't even try to wear something that isn't converse for a character who well, doesn't, I think its super lazy and agree with the other anon that its on the same level as not using the right wig.

>> No.8213651

There are so many supportive garments for breasts, they are often just more expensive if they really perform.
I have small-to-medium boobs and good bras make them look even better. It's really worth the investment to get something that improves the look of your entire wardrobe.

>> No.8213655

I don't mind if they at least make the effort for them to look similar, be the right color, similar style but more comfy, etc. but you can tell if it's just a pair of sloppy, no-try shoes.

>> No.8213667

Kids are excusable because they're kids. For them it's supposed to be fun. Plus I am not gonna be a douche who nitpicks a kid costume. But if you are over the age of 18, you should know how to dress yourself and shoes can make a perfectly good outfit looky shitty. Same goes for cosplay. If you wanna look good, put some damn effort into your shoes. They aren't like circle lenses where only people up close can see them. They are well worth the effort and there are a million tutorials on boot covers if you're too cheap to buy shoes that "hurt to walk in".

>> No.8213845

Personally in lolita I do wear wigs but I go for natural colours/ styles to compliment the coord more. I'm not very confident in my own hair and it's currently pretty damaged and messy from old bleach jobs. I'm growing it all out now so once it looks healthy again I hope to use my own hair more.
In cosplay I always go for wigs, I've not ever seen a good colour job, it just looks dull/ratty and seems a bit much just for a cosplay. For me a nicely accurately styled wig will usually look better and do so much for a cosplay.

>> No.8213939

I'm pissed because on Lacemarket someone purchased an item from me and later after some days said she bought another one and she said i didn't saw your invoice now. Should i leave bad feedback? It's really annoying to deal with shitty buyers... it's that piss me off a lot. Or they want the price of a burando item too low if i don't want with shipping included or the opposite... scalper prices. I saw just now a Milky Cross set for 700$, fuck chinese sellers.

>> No.8213962

If she backed out of the sale, yes leave negative feedback

>> No.8213964

>lose their goofiness

I lost my shit.

>> No.8213994

no wigs or bad shoes are irritating but understandable sort of... I guess...

BUT NOT FINISHING HEMS?!?! God that fucking kills me. why the hell would you think that your cosplay is done when you have threads hanging everywhere and your cut lines are a mess. honestly... this kills me and I see it ALL the time

>> No.8214004

I don't know if it pisses me off, really, but it's a little disappointing to see so few good male cosplayers for popular series (or ones with incredibly simple/buyable cosplays). Especially in regards to sports anime. It seems like there are only crossplaying girls who look nothing like men at all.
I just want guys to put in more effort, especially with wigs. Guys without wigs drive me crazy because they COULD look really good, but instead they look halfassed and lame.
Also I just kind of want to see more hot guys around conventions. Ones that don't look like underage crossdressing girls.

>> No.8214010


I concur

I'll be honest, I know that you can't really alter your biology for a costume but foR FUCKS SAKE WEAR A GODDAMN BRA IF YOUR BOOBS DRAG ALONG THE GROUND WHEN YOU WALK

>> No.8214020

>People who make catsuits but don't go as far as to put feet in them, and just wear whatever shoes.

This specifically. I don't know why. Most Bayonetta's do it and just wear tights and normal fucking shoes and I can't enjoy your craftsmanship if you look like your wearing a fucking wetsuit.

>> No.8214028

People that post pics of their colored contacts because they want people to see them, but the pics are
>Entirely too small to discern detail
>Not focused at all on the eyes re:think full body portrait with background of some sort
>Filtered to shit so you don't have a clue how the colors really look

Or any combination of the above...

Why bother at that point, I mean, yes I get that it's an easy way to get attention by mentioning you got new lenses but if you're going to pretend you are posting pics so people can see how the lenses look, do some legit pics focused on your eyes without filters and shit, then do a fun shoot for yourself if you must.

>> No.8214045

What even, comfortable shoes can be bought and as other anons said, boot covers etc. can be made to fit over nearly any kind of footwear. Regardless of what my characters wear, I prioritize comfort in how I decide to handle the footwear.

Besides, people at cons with children need to put the kids interests first, shoes aside, if the kid isn't happy or comfortable, then it's time to take a break. Kids in cosplay without perfectly accurate shoes are excusable as well. Only raging douchefaggots are going to go up to a kid and critique their costume. Kids cosplaying is a different level from adults cosplaying.

This. Anon's hitting the nail on the head here. There's a huge difference between throwing on some very out of character, often dirty, sneakers versus finding something in a similar style that's comfy. There are a few costumes I've made that were supposed to have 5" heels. I found appropriately shaped shoes with a 3" heel and small platform, added supportive insoles, and walked in comfort all day. No one at con or on the internet bitched about me not wearing 5" heels. It's the general shape and color that will help a swap be much less noticeable.

It's like people cosplaying from Princess Tutu swapping out actual pointe shoes (not meant to be walked in anyway) for comfortable ballet-style flats and adding ribbons. No one is going to be an asshole about that and the swap is much less noticeable than if someone wore their sneakers with a pretty ballerina costume.

>> No.8214049

>compliment someone's cosplay
>they turn their nose up at you


>> No.8214080
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>they both have the potential to throw off an entire cosplay

Fucking this. Picture related.

>> No.8214102

honestly same. male cosplayers half ass so much it's irritating. I always cringe when one of my guy friends wants to jump in on our cosplay group because when all of the girls are working their asses off, they basically build a crappy closet cosplay, half ass one prop, refuse to buy a wig (Ill just straighten my hair guys! it's sorta the right color!) and then stand back while the girls clean up the odds and ends they forgot.

and this happens with every guy I go with, where is this trend coming from ???

>> No.8214118

Possibly because of that age-old feeling that sewing/crafting is "girl stuff". I would think more guys would be down with making badass props since that would allow them to work with "manly tools" and shit, but if this friend is half-assing everything and not contributing anywhere, he just sounds lazy.

Like he wants to participate in cosplay without effort, which is totally fine if you want to cosplay that way on your own, but for groups there's an expectation to hold your own and meet the minimums.

>> No.8214120

The preview pictures on Pinky Paradise make me rage like no other.

>blurry bathroom selfies
>bizarre use of flash
>terrible makeup that doesn't flatter the lenses

>> No.8214123

I think guys just care less about appearance (unless they're gay or in theater, in my experience) and won't put in the extra effort of using makeup to smooth out their face, wearing a wig, or making sure their outfit is sitting on them right. The general mindset seems to be "I can do this and it's close enough, so no extra effort is needed."
I don't understand how they're so inept when it comes to costumes. I actually know someone who painted his wig because it wasn't the right color. Not dye. Paint.

>> No.8214125

Firstfagging a cosplay when a game isn't even out.

>quietly glances at Persona 5 cosplayers

>> No.8214126

Then don't help them and let them make a fool of themselves. It's the same with anyone who just jumps in because it seems like a fun thing to do without realizing how much work it takes to look decent.

>> No.8214137

All of those. Holy shit.

>people who say cosplay is for fun and that they don't need photos
>get jealous over friends or others when they aren't getting photos taken
>get butthurt and constantly complain about not being the center of attention

To me, when people say cosplay is for fun, it's just that. But then not long after they say "Oh i'm just doing this for fun. I don't need photos" i then hear this: Ugh. Only 1 person took a photo of me. This con sucks.
I can't tell you how many times i've had friends say this or i've walked by someone crabbing about it. It's fine if they're new but if you do this every con and do nothing to improve, why complain?

>> No.8214140

that and the fucking body paint does it for me. Just why.

>> No.8214206
File: 9 KB, 248x274, son, I am very disappoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who constantly say they want to cosplay with you and then they fuck off into the wild blue yonder until a week before con and then try to bust out some complicated-ass shit in a fucking week

I've been trying to get my friend to finish her outfit for this group for literally a fucking year. She's managed to renege on our group three cons in a row.

Could be worse, though. She could conveniently manage to light her costume on fire. That's what happened to the outfit she was making for the group we tried before this current debacle.

>> No.8214217

I think I'm more concerned for the girl whose breasts touch their belly button because sweet jesus, a belly button is almost a foot down the torso.

>> No.8214230

Hours after the latest P5 trailer was revealed, a friend of mine announced that she'd be cosplaying Anzu at an upcoming con
>Just looking at her I already know I'm gonna LOVE her and relate to her as much as the other Persona girls
How the fuck would you know that just by looking at her?

>> No.8214272

>people who cosplay from a series they know nothing about.

>> No.8214283


>> No.8214309

>League of Legends

>> No.8214313

oh nooo shes looks so good otherwise

maybe in a rush she forgot to pack the right shoes or something, it sucks when that happens

>> No.8214328

Was she soldering or working near open flame for some godawful reason? Wtf happened?

>> No.8214343

>First fags
>Real hair
Look, Idc how your hair looks like the character, most cons are in summer and it's pretty much hot, your hair is sweaty and shit and looks gross, and A LOT of you have damaged/dead hair but insist on keeping your real hair because you can't afford a 15$ dollar eBay wig.
>inb4 exceptions
yes, there are exceptions, but I'm speaking general.

>People who are shocked at prices from commissioner
"Omg 500$, sorry I only got 45"

>Unstyled bangs
yes i mad

>> No.8214359

>People who are shocked at prices from commissioner

Basically why I don't do costume commissions anymore. If only I were paid every time some dumbass was like, "Well I can get this cheaper on eBay", I'd have had enough money even without the commissions. Seriously though, it took everything I had not to fire back with something like, "Good, go buy a shitty ebay costume that isn't tailored to fit you specifically, made from that magical China "uniform cloth", and when you get it, don't bother ironing it. Good day."

I just wanted to enjoy making costumes for people that didn't suck while being paid fairly. Guess it was too much to ask. Thankfully jewelry, props, and accessories are easier to make quickly and for some reason people will spend a lot on these without question.

>> No.8214364


Was trying to one-shot an artbook Trinity Blood costume in a week, by day three she was working on no sleep and left her iron on top of part of it and set it and her ironing board on fire.

>> No.8214380
File: 197 KB, 294x256, 1389138902010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'I dont need to be into something to cosplay it, I'm showing that I appreciate the art!'

Yeah and you're the millionth Kitty Katarina I've seen, no way it isnt for more attention, come on. There's no shortage of LoL cosplayers and it's getting old fast where you walk up to a cosplayer and they know jack shit about what they're cosplaying.

>'I don't have enough time/money to play games or watch series, so I just pick it on designs!'

If you have enough time to make a cosplay, you have enough time to watch the show. Kinda sick of the 'I dont play or watch XYZ, I just cosplay it based on which character looks nice and connects with me from what I read :)'
How little must your pool of interests be?

>> No.8214388

Wow, like I get being confident but damn. This is why I am trying to be better about giving myself ample amounts of time to work on stuff. When you rush and force yourself to sacrifice sleep, you make mistakes, some irreversible like this. Hate that she hasn't learned by now.

>> No.8214390

But wigs are giiiirrrlllyyyyyy

>> No.8214395

Same about the KittyKat and RedCard. Its clear its for attention because those skins take like 10% effort the original design takes. Plus they were sexified for a reason.

>> No.8214440
File: 183 KB, 640x847, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obvious shares for shares. Really gets on my nerves. It would be great if you're friends or the cosplay was great. But shares like this reek of, you're probably tired of seeing my boobs so I'll show you someone else's for a change

>> No.8214461

the only way to not have saggy breasts is surgery or be that blessed 1%

I'm all for not giving a shit about bras because they're uncomfortable as fuck, but if you want a picture perfect shot support those puppies

>> No.8214463

a list of annoyances
>girls who dont bind when crossplaying
>guys who dont wear makeup (even concealer. hide the pizza face)
>people who comment on your sales posts saying "i could get this cheaper" but continue to hang around the post trying to haggle you when you have a set price
>when people at cons sing or play music loudly in the halls. keep your horrible taste in music to yourself
>when friends say theyre not going to buy a badge and then ask to use yours for something
>guys who wear sneakers with their costumes (this applies to basically any fandom. so many guys do it and i dont understand the laziness. even girls try to find shoes that KIND OF match)
>collars/leashes on closet cosplay especially (this is really uncomfortable to see and im glad a lot of cons are banning it)
>free hugs signs (if you have to hold a sign asking for hugs theres a reason people dont want to hug you)

>> No.8214471

whoops i meant
>*even girls who do this
in the third from the bottom one

>> No.8214490

>when people brag about how hard they work on their cosplays
>never really into the franchise anyway
>picks "prettiest character"
>googles character outfit
>"party city"

>> No.8214541

> Busy putting on my costume
> Can I take a picture of you?

> Hiding in a corner trying to repair my huge prop
> Can I take a picture of you?

> Having lunch with a friend
> Hi, can your friend take a picture of us two?

Don't ask for a picture when it's clearly a bad time to ask. I always though this was common courtesy, but I have been proven wrong too many times. Even worse when people act all offended when you try to explain you're busy and tell them to find you later if they really want a pic.

>> No.8214545

>their goofiness
lol'd out loud

>> No.8214570

This pisses me off too. They take up too much space in a closet anyway.

Unless you can hang them so they're not being touched/crushed from either side, it's better to scrunch them up in a bag or box. Hanging them upside down in a wardrobe that's full will still deflate them.

I disagree that only cheap pettis deflate. Yeah they won't deflate totally and it can be fixed by a spin in the tumblr drier or some time scrunched up, but even Classical Puppets petticoats will deflate slightly if hung on a hanger. I was staying at a friend's house and she hung mine in a closet overnight and it was noticeably (not hugely, but noticeably) less puffy when I found it and got it out for a meet the next afternoon. But once I got it home and went back to storing it in my normal way, it fixed itself.

Agree with you on the petti stacking though - I cringe when I see girls in my comm recommend "Just buy XYZ chiffon but cheap and low-poof petti from eBay and stack it! It'll look the same!" Even if it looks the same it's uncomfortable as shit to have all those waistbands digging into you.

>> No.8214576

>letting 8-year-olds watch Madoka
Granted, she might not actually have watched it, but in that case.
>dressing your kids up as cute characters from a notoriously dark anime

>> No.8214596

What are they supposed to look like?

>> No.8214615

I agree with all except for the hiding in the corner.
I just disagree with it a little.
As long as they understand, and don't snap a picture.

>> No.8214620

>click on Facebook notification, see that it's from a sales comm
>momentary excitement thinking it's a buyer
>Random Lolitaname has liked your photo

Can someone explain why people do this? In some groups it bumps the post I guess, which is nice, and I guess they're showing that they like the items? But not enough to buy them, which is just annoying. I've had three people "like" photos or albums I've posted since I started using Facebook for sales, and none of them have bought anything! I even checked my other box in case there were messages from them I was missing, but nope, nothing.

>> No.8214626

How do you guys feel about shoes that are slightly inaccurate? For instance, loafers instead of oxfords for a schoolgirl character. Also, I noticed a lot of people ITT are saying kids are just having fun so they shouldn't be judged. What is the age at which someone's cosplay can be critiqued?

>> No.8214632

They like the item but can't pay the price for it most likely.

>> No.8214636

Thought as much. I thought it might be a "like this but it wouldn't fit me" thing, since some of the items it's happened to are already cheap as fuck, like $10.

>> No.8214638

IDK, 13 or so probably? But I wouldn't be too harsh or serious in your critique. It depends on the person.

>> No.8214680

Sadly, I've encountered many people who don't understand. They either act very offended (even though I'm always polite about it) or don't even wait for an answer and take a picture while I'm trying to explain I'm busy.

I've even had people trying to convince me by saying they don't mind if I posed with a broken prop/wearing only half of my costume.

>> No.8214682

I feel like if you're over 18 you should have a job by now and hopefully can dress yourself. Little kids don't have the ability to make or buy things for themselves.

>> No.8214684

that is so weird, if they could why wouldnt they want a good pic

>> No.8214688

I'm a little pissed off that the janitors on /cgl/ are so totally okay with tons of cosplay drama posts but seem to kill on sight any lolita drama threads, even shit as innocuous as the btb threads

>> No.8214697
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>> No.8214699

Candid photos. I'll take photos with you, if you god-damn ask. Especially given that I exclusively do capes cosplay, where poses are a huge part of a character. Plus you'll get a better pic if you ask me to pose than if you take a pic of me heading to the bathroom or something.

Another niggle that stands out far more in capes cosplay: Shoes. So many people put a lot of effort into the rest of their cosplay, then cheap the fuck out on their shoes, and it always makes you look completely bush-league.

>> No.8214710


Also, another specific to capes: Morphsuits. Another "shortcut" people use all the time, and 90% of the time looks awful. The only way they work is if you get one, then alter the fuck out of it to make it custom to you. A massive part of capes are that they're identifiable by silhouette. Morphsuits obliterate your silhouette.

>> No.8214732

I'm so glad more people are emphasizing the importance of proper shoes in cosplay.

>> No.8214739

>Vocaloid cosplayers who wear their Magnet headphones with every variant they do

Just burn your headphones. Please. Lay it to rest.

>> No.8214743

Lookin' at you, every Batman wearing dirty sneakers.

>> No.8214914

When a costume is literally impossible to pull off accurately because of the way it's drawn/rendered in the source material.

Or when the source material differs on the way the costume is presented (looking at you, league of legends).

I know I can't expect creators to pander to a very niche part of their fandom, but surely being unable to render an outfit realistically and consistently is right up there with noodle limbs and impossible proportions in terms of bad art practice?

>> No.8214955
File: 898 KB, 500x333, enough.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when people at cons sing or play music loudly in the halls. keep your horrible taste in music to yourself

I can't agree with you more on this. I hate when I'm in an elevator and some asshole gets in and keeps his speakers on and then acts like it's "rave time lol." To add on to that, there's this pair of Mario and Luigi cosplayers that I feel like I see at every con that play the Mario music with the jump noises and parade around the con the whole day. It's novel at first, but I don't know how they can't tell everyone's tired of them after the 1st hour.

>> No.8214977
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>> No.8215058


Can't speak for all the guys out there but, what im having to get used to is the fact that it a lot of work for a couple of peices as opposed to most of the "manly" hobbies allow you to have more to look at for each individual task completed. Ran x amount of miles, scored x points at the game...
Also guys care less about how they look and more about how they feel like they look. (I.e. the guys who legit aim for someone whos out of their league and get mad for being shot down)

>> No.8215065

>guys care less about how they look and more about how they think they look
which they need to stop doing because it makes them look like idiots

>> No.8215076

It shows up on their timelines, for people who are from the same sales group.
But that said, I think that's not what people mean when they do this. It's really more like >>8214632.

>> No.8215084

I try not to do it because I know its annoying but I'll like an Item I am thinking about buying but not totally sold on or I find it right before I have to get off the computer so its easier to find again later.

>> No.8215092

I'd say 18 and up. We all do stupid shit as young teens so I let bad choices slide until the cosplayer is independent and able to support themselves and make their own purchase choices.

>> No.8215093

Cosplay is all about how you look, so that sort of behavior isn't really excused.

>> No.8215139

I have a friend who often doesn't know what her source material is from just so she can cosplay with me, but she always goes the extra mile to atleast watch videos/borrow the game from me/etc just so she can get into character properly. She often ends up knowing/relating more about it than me and that's the kind of people I can ~let it go~. She won't be able to have a deep conversation with someone at a con but she atleast has decent knowledge which is excuse-able.

>> No.8215158

I make my own pettis, I"ve been a lolita for a few years and in all these years I only made 3.
The first one was white, I wore it so much it started to get holes in it. It never deflated, just got old.
The second one was black, still holding on just fine
The third is white again.

All them are cupcake shaped, since I only own cupcake shaped pieces

>When you buy shoes and they don't match the color of your coord
>Childish commissioners

>> No.8215202

I'd say the age would be about 16 or so. Old enough to have researched the choice and have the effort seem obvious. Younger if in any kind of competition though but the standards are usually relaxed some in under 18 categories.

>> No.8215211

>I have to work hard for things
>I have to care about how I look in a hobby literally based on dressing up

I suddenly have even less sympathy for the immense amounts of shitty male cosplayers (if that's even possible)

>> No.8215225

It pisses me off when people hate on lolitas or say things like "wow, those dresses are SO expensive, I could never spend that much on one dress" to acquaintances/friends who are lolitas, especially when they are either wasteful with their own money, have money sucking hobbies like cosplay or video games, or eat out/drink at bars a lot.

I equally hate everyone (lolitas, cosplayers, and wasteful people) who say they are "poor" or "too poor for xyz" but then go to conventions, drop hundreds a week on their hobby, or get their friends to help them pay despite living in this "woe is me I AM SO POAR" attitude 100% of the time.

But what I hate more is how this seems to be typically acceptable by people instead of considered whiny and shameful, preventing these idiots from being bitched out. I feel like I am living in the Twilight Zone.

>> No.8215243
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>Local news covers the con by picking out the biggest neckbeard and pretty much just saying "LOL LOOK AT THESE NERDS" for five minutes
>Roomies who mistake being asleep for not existing
>Meme cosplays
>People with boomboxes blasting last summer's most overplayed songs
>Panels for things that just devolve into an hour long circlejerk
>Cosplays that are just normal clothes and a literal sign telling people who they are (eg "HI MY NAME IS: PHIL COULSON" stickers)
>When panels (or even cons) get Social Justice-y in the most awkward ways possible
>People still trying to play The Game at conventions

>> No.8215267
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Shit like this.
>I had to spend 80 dollars on cosplay
>had to
The worst part is the tag.
>i have to put a donation button up
Bitch, no you don't. Cosplay isn't a necessity.

People who spend money on cosplay and then complain they don't have money for things they actually need really piss me off. The donation button thing is outright ridiculous.

>> No.8215270

>I feel like I am living in the Twilight Zone.

I know this feeling and your sentiments very well. Honestly, I couldn't give a shit what people spend their money on and I don't really judge what they spend it on because I know they probably see some of what I do as wasteful too. I cosplay, buy the occasional video game, and like to do small upgrades to my house and landscaping that don't necessarily boost my home value but they make me happier, other people would think these are stupid and that's fine - they aren't funding any of it so they have no say.

I don't donate to cosplay kickstarters etc. because people should be paying for their own shit. It definitely grinds my gears hearing people use the "poor college student" excuse. A lot of us went to college, and many went to grad school. Just because I touched my diploma from grad school doesn't mean money instantly fell from the sky and that I'm being a greedy asshole by not sharing it with lazyass cosplayers or lolitas who won't work for what they want.

"Sorry, but a toll is a toll, and a roll is a roll, and if we don't get no tolls, then we don't eat no rolls".

>> No.8215284

Omfg the last time I heard of The Game at a con was in '09....

>> No.8215345

>buying things they can't afford
>acting like the victim (of their own actions)
>begging for money for a leisure activity
>post basically bullying people to buy their shitty used cosplays
This person better be 12.

>> No.8215535

Never said it should be. Just my (most likely flawed) theory

>> No.8215543

Can #noyouarenotpoor become a thing? Please? So over this bs.

>> No.8215585

Cons that go from "Just big enough" to "too big."

>> No.8215736
File: 357 KB, 632x763, tata_han.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not a pair of tits you guys stop treating me like that jeez
If you treat yourself like a pair of tits other people will treat you like a pair of tits. If you stop whipping your big fake balloons out at every opportunity then people will stop addressing your cleavage instead of you. First she criticized Jessica Nigri for skimpy costumes and doing lingerie shoots but now that's all she does too.
>things that piss you off
Hypocrisy. Saying one thing and doing another. If you don't want a reputation for selling your body then stop using your body as a selling point. If you're going to sell panty photos and throw yourself a titty parade every time you hit the con floor, at least fucking own it.

>> No.8215750
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>> No.8215794

I fucking hate their guts. I wanna ring their necks and watch their eyes pop out to the damn coin sound they play so fucking much.

>> No.8215800

She's like 85% photoshop here jesus.

>> No.8215804

Madoka was on TV on a kids channel here though so it's understandable that she could've easily seen it that way

There's also the fact that aussies simply do not give a damn and let their kids watch whatever

And even if she hasn't seen it, her and her sister choose out all their own costumes, their Mum just makes them

>> No.8215805

Well, generally you can't get cosfamous as a guy so no one really strives to be at the top.

>> No.8215806

The Game?

>> No.8215808

Can I drop her in a third world country so she can get her priorities straight?

>> No.8215811
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H-has it finally died down..?

>> No.8215812

Do you mean that one where you lose it by thinking about it? I haven't heard about that since primary school anon.

>> No.8215816

I thought so too, but I went to a con a few years back and saw someone with a sign that said "The Game"
They weren't getting a lot of reactions but it was still there

>> No.8215819

Oh god, The Game.. I'm pretty sure it's completely dead in my community and thank god for that.
9 years ago when I was a dumb 14 year old kid, one of my older friends told me about it. I thought it was so randomly funny that I told everyone about it and suddenly it appeared in every cosplay skit and and at every con.
We ran it into the ground within a year. I'm so sorry to anyone who still has to deal with retards who still think it's cool and funny.

>> No.8215860

>cosplayers who use the same wig for every costume they can stretch it for
>visibly tangled and ratty
>not right length/cut/colour but 'close enough lol'

Just shell out 20 bucks on a new wig dammit

>> No.8215865

I heard someone shout "THE GAME" at a con in the fall

>> No.8215867

and >people using wigs clearly styled for cosplay in lolita
If I see one more fucking Madoka Kaname or Sakura Kinomoto wig in lolita, I swear to god. Their hairstyles are so incredibly obvious there's no hiding it's a piece from a cosplay.

>> No.8215872

>>friend constantly tries to manipulate others into making her shit for her
>>attempted to get me to buy worbla so she can use some of it to make something everyone was telling her to make out of foam
>>constantly whining about how she has NO money
>>constantly skipping out on work to chase her ex
>>just got a promotion at her job so she's now hourly
>>'what should I save up for first? I know EL lights for an upcoming cosplay!'

She literally has almost no sewing skills, tries to get other people to make everything for her, gets her sister and grandmother to make her stuff, owes her grandmother a lot of money that she keeps borrowing so she can play around and go on trips with other people.
>tfw she's more concerned about buying cospkay shit than paying people back
>>tfw she's more concerned with cosplay shit that emergency savings

Got jealous of me cosplaying with another friend constantly, pressers the shit out of me to do cosplays with her, finally do groups with her, she blows me off after 30 min (I find out later from her ex that she was butt hurt bc my cosplay looked better than hers and no one recognized her)

She's 28, 3 years older than me and I'm ducking tired of her extreme immaturity and attempts at manipulation. I have other friends who ask me if I'm willing to do commissions for them or their girl friends, but she just expects me to drop my cosplay and just make hers for her al, the damn time.

I've decided she's not allowed to work on cosplay at my place anymore and I refuse to do groups with her. I'm doing whatever cosplay I'm doing and if she wants to make a cospkay from the same show and hang out, that's up to her, but I will not make anymore plans with her.

>> No.8215873

Also, sorry for misspellings and grammar, mobile auto correct sucks

>> No.8215930


>Cosplays that are just normal clothes and a literal sign telling people who they are (eg "HI MY NAME IS: PHIL COULSON" stickers)

I cosplay capes. I am so fucking sick of Agents of SHIELD already, because half of every Marvel group shot now is just people in black suits. This is why lots of cape cosplayers are getting more specific with group shots (X-Men only, Heroes for Hire only etc).

Because SHIELD cosplayers just buy an off-the-rail suit and expect to be alongside someone who has made an actual bodysuit etc.

>> No.8215949

op of that post and I'm pretty damn sure none of us want to or have any expectation of becoming cosfamous (male or female) we just want to be good at what we do. that's not a fucking excuse. you don't see runners saying "oh I don't have any chance of getting a sponsorship let's just dog this race" when they run their first or second marathon. they try their hardest because it's their hobby. you don't want to play, don't play. don't act like people are all here for money like a bitter asshole

>> No.8215956
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>People who don't cosplay for their body shape

>> No.8216100

How is that all of their money?
That's like £50.
I spend more than that a week on food.

>> No.8216251
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I highly suspect that they are exaggerating their situation to get donations re: free money to make up for their shitty life choices and buying things before they actually have money on hand. However, If they're like 18, unemployed, and squandering money on stupid shit they shouldn't it very well could be all their money. Sounds to me like they live off allowance money if this is actually true but then you wouldn't get an allowance while supporting the family.

I don't know this cosplayer, but how the fuck are they supposedly "supporting their family" if $80 means they suddenly are in the red. And if they weren't a total piece of shit, maybe if they were really responsible for family, they would put family first before a con. Something isn't adding up.

>> No.8216257

Awkward that it turns out I follow this girl on tumblr.
>"Having to put up the donation button"
What a chore

>> No.8216379

Do you mean how Jasper is buff as hell and this girl is not?

I have a problem where when I look at all my favs to cosplay my body type doesn't fit at all. Primarily the fact that I'm not an androgynous female and most are males. [tried binding and fucked up my back for a week after only wearing the costume for an hour]

Since this is a rant thread I wanted to see what is it that grinds everyones gears about genderbends of male characters?

When I have to spend good money and time on something I don't want to either 1) look like crap because my body doesn't pull it off right. 2) do a character I do not give a fuck about because I'd look good dressing as them.

The fix would fem!version of a character but I always feel a hint of cringe for the community at the ones who do this.

>> No.8216388

Yeah, basically. A bit disappointed to see like, an amazonian figure getting cosplayed by bandwagoners.

>> No.8216679

What did you use to bind? Buy a binding shirt from Underworks. Using duct tape or ace bandages a la 2005 will fuck you up. If you wore a proper binding shirt and your back hurt it means your posture is shit and you're not sitting or walking upright in your daily life.

>> No.8216710

On the other hand, if I took off my uncomfortable costume shoes because I am in a rush to get somewhere, I fucking hate when people ask for me photo. Do you not see how fucking stupid I look barefoot?

>> No.8216747

>Even worse when people act all offended when you try to explain you're busy and tell them to find you later if they really want a pic.
I've had guys literally stand around and wait for me to be finished with what I'm doing for a picture. Awkward as fuck, go away.

>> No.8216764

Holy shit, this. It's incredibly weird to be putting costume pieces back on while someone is just standing there waiting for you to pose. It gives off an incredibly creepy vibe.

>> No.8216767

Can someone tell me why cons are so disorganized that they will keep you in the back stage area before a cosplay competition for 5 HOURS to where you basically have wasted the day just sitting there? I'm still hella salty about not getting rehearsal time either.

>> No.8216783

>comic IPs getting more fans
Oh boo fucking hoo, it's not your secret little club anymore. Stop being an autist.

>> No.8216791
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>> No.8216805


Just because someone presents themself very revealing doesn't give anyone the right to not treat them like human beings anymore.
There are even pornstars, and you know what, there enteriley naked AND having sex in front of a camera. Does this make them any less of a human with feelings?

Yaya just can't except the neckbeards to focus on her whatsoever great personality, she knows what she does and with what she earns most attention and money

>> No.8216839

Ugh. One time I was in a corner at a con readjusting my costume (taking off hat, gloves, etc) when some woman asked for my picture. I said I was busy and apologized, yet the bitch stayed and waited like I never said a word. I sat down to relax and she just kept staring at me until I finally felt uncomfortable enough to stand up and pose with half my costume on.

>> No.8216925

>feels nice on the dc side of the fence I gotta say
>mfw all I have to deal with is shitty harleys and jokers

>> No.8216941

And some people want to have fun and you're not letting them because unless they look 100% like their character with contacts and a mole in exactly the right spot then they should fuck off and never even look at a convention again.

>> No.8216949

same feel, anon. don't forget the terrible poison ivys.

>> No.8217010


Cross-faction cape brotherhood. I do always feel sorry for the DC dudes too, because every DC group shot I see is like, 40% minimum Jokers.

>> No.8217017

ahh yes and the "fem!robins" that don't realize there are 3 canon female robins to pick from. also shitty batmen and halfassed catwomen... in fact we should just axe most batfam related cosplay all together

>> No.8217024

honest to god if I never see the joker again both in comic or in cosplay I would die happy.

>> No.8217026

my favorite robin cosplays are the ones that don't know there's more than one because the only watched the yj cartoon. batman with the wrong shoes, superman cosplayers that are greasy looking, and fat powergirls. 90% of dc meets...

i'm hoping anime boston's meet isn't terrible. i can dream.

>> No.8217027


The irritatingly common one from Marvel that isn't SHIELD agents is the fucking Punisher.

I don't normally go in for the "You must cosplay for your body type" but Jesus Christ why is it always either the scrawniest or fattest guys who try to do Frank Castle?

>> No.8217028
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b-but i cant shave the sides of a wig?

>> No.8217030

aw fuck I forgot shitty powergirls. I take it back, dc cosplays are just as much of a shit show (I almost never go to meet ups so that helps).

at least I don't have to deal with fucking deadpools...

>> No.8217035

don't forget deadpool, spiderman & poorly done avengers (bonus points for slutty genderbends)

>> No.8217036


Shit I forgot about The Deadpool Mob.

Sorry, Punisher, Deadpool has overtaken you. And they make it worse because they see it as carte blanche to be obnoxious since "LOL SO RANDOM"

>> No.8217038

dc meetups are as big of a trainwreck as other meetups, it's just lesser known. no deadpool or loki is the only saving grace, even if the writers at dc aren't the best imo.

>> No.8217044

Carrie Kelly and Tris Plover are not technically canon, though, so I think only Stephanie Brown remains and I thought as of New 52 she was retconned too. Your point still stands, though.

>> No.8217048

i feel bad for the people that argue for carrie kelly being a robin, it's a waste of time.

>> No.8217049

when I say canon I mean "appeared in real comics published by dc" not "in current continuity". also you forgot Helena Wayne.

>> No.8217054

Whoops, sorry about that. I am actually more of a Marvel person so I probably shouldn't have tried to contribute.

>> No.8217063

nah it's cool. my point was just that if you like robin and don't want to cross play, there are tons of real designs with real characters in real comics that you can read and cosplay. honestly you don't ever need to do fanon genderbends in dc, there are almost always versions of their characters in the opposite gender...either because of legacy or alternate universes (I'm currently eyeing earth 11 aquawoman for example).

>> No.8217139

I took my shoes off at the end of a con because they were aching like a motherfucker and someone snapped a picture of my bare feet that I found online later...why are people so creepy?

>> No.8217148

Get a short short wig like the rocky from Arda, get another wig in the same colour, cut side off longer wig, sew on top of short wig, sew wefts along raw edge to hide.


>> No.8217158
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diff anon but I love you

>> No.8217307

Okay so the thing that's really starting to annoy the hell out of me is basically:
>someone does some sort of spin on a cosplay
>It's usually something stupid like Steampunk Finn or Punk Powerpuff Girls
>For the next few cons, there's like 12 people doing a shitty imitation

Or the same thing with like some sort of sign that got popular on tumblr.

>> No.8217316

New 52 wasn't retcon but I'm not sure if she was retcon though. They just brought back post Silver Age because tons of DC fans complained about it.
>Such as fucking Lobo.

Considering that people cosplay one shot Alternative universe Wonder woman and Superman anything goes in cosplay.

>> No.8217330

or fucking fanart they found on deviantart.

Then again those people rarely read comics anyways so it's not like it matters.

>> No.8217338

God don't get me started on that shit. It pisses me off when I see Harley from fanart or 'interpretation' versions. Like bitch there are tons of Harley's you could of used from the comics or even the damn game.
>tfw you rarely see an Invisible Kid, Chemical Kid, or Legion of Superheroes cosplayers, Hawk/Dove or even Speed ball but you always see the Bat family, Bat group, or Teen Titans except for Power woman.

>> No.8217381

Lolita reviews by people who don't know what they are talking about. Like saying that the lace is cotton because it's soft and/or thick when it's clearly rayon venise or nylon net lace. It is good lace but not cotton.

Or getting fiber and weave confused. Like saying all satin is horrible or that lolita should only be made with cotton.

Of when they say some thing has loose threads but doesn't make it clear what they mean. Do they mean that hanging threads weren't cut? Do they mean that stay threads are stuck to the garment? Or do they mean that the sewing is shoddy and faking apart. It's not clear.

>> No.8217398

>punk Sailor Moon
It's been over a year and it's still going strong. Someone make it stop.

>> No.8217701

Not being to tell people to stop wasting money on kickstarters for photographer's vacactions

>> No.8218069

I always hate having to deal with people in a convention's facebook group or even at the con who think they're staff. People like that are always fun to watch though.

>> No.8218074

>hey I got this BTSSB dress and I found it's got a cheap wrinkly rough texture i can't believe BTSSB would do this! all lolita dresses should feel fluffy like a cloud

>> No.8218081

Angelic Pretty

Totally grammatically incorrect. I'm embarrassed to wear this brand name in public because I'm afraid people will think I'm wearing fake Chinese shit.

>> No.8218084

honestly though, i was so unpleasantly surprised by my first btssb dress i doubt i'll buy another one of theirs made of the same materials
>lolibrary says Cotton 100% Polyester 100%

>> No.8218161

not to completely derail this thread but alt universes aren't "retconned" in dc, they are just alt universes. so kingdom come, pre crisis, post crisis preboot, earth 2, those are all canon. they are just different types of canon that might not be main continuity. as far as steph goes you may or maynot be able to argue "not a robin" because editorial was a shit show through that whole thing and mostly just wanted her dead and gone (ie: not memorialized). regardless, it happened. she wore the uniform. people can cosplay it.

there are so many versions of dc cosplays out there there is really no excuse for "let's do my own twist" which was my point in the end.

>> No.8218164

It's the lining that's polyester, usually satin.
I've liked all my pieces from them though.

>> No.8218166

also if you are talking about Carrie or Tris or Helena it's the same point: all canon, different continuity. no retcons whatsoever, no editorial swooping in to say "nope not real." and again, all cosplay able.

>> No.8218238

The state of my local cons. One used to be small and chill but has turned into a SJW wankfest. Another got cancelled while they look for a new location. The big one everyone goes to in the fall still has tons of problems with staff and getting a schedule out on time but they don't feel the need to fix things since everyone comes anyway.

>> No.8218252

Are you from Michigan? Then oh god yes. And don't forget the big comic con that is literally just the most unapologetic cash grab and celebrity zoo. There was a much nicer, smaller comic con in the area, but they couldn't find a new location and eventually said "screw it."

>> No.8218257


>> No.8218278

Holy shit this. I never knew this was a thing. I was doing a Daft Punk cosplay a few weekends ago and the helmet needed it's latch hotglued back on. Other than that I'm wearing a suit.

A plain suit.

The fucking girl at the cosplay repair booth comes up and asks, while the glue gun is INSIDE my helmet and I am ACTIVELY using it if she can get a picture with her and me. At first I though she meant after I was done, BUT SHE ALREADY HAD HER CAMERA OUT.

God damn.

>> No.8218294

I'm a guy and I honestly try my best at cosplaying I use make up and Wigs and test try everything to be as perfect as I want it to be. And i completely agree with you. When Im actually at a con in cosplay most other guys just wing it. No make up most of the times. A half assed wig or spraypainted hair. And yes most cosplay guys are not even thay great looking. Maybe its because Im bi and actually care about my looks.

>> No.8218297

okay so fun story: I was at a con with my group and we apparently had one of the best groups for a popular show at said con, so people wanted pics. understandable.

after a long day of non stop photos we just wanted to get some food and chill, so we get in line for the elevator (which is super long) to go upstairs and get some food. we take some pics along the way but it's fine. whatever. then we finally get to the elevator...

>some guy yells across the room to get our attention
>runs across the room
>jumps over the rope
>actually pushes some pissed off lolita out of the way
>the con worker cusses him out and he gets out of the elevator

later when we are eating...

>same guy patently finally made it through the line
>comes up to our table when we are eating
>asks us for a pic even tho it's generally understood no pics in the cafe
>we say it's fine but only if he takes it while we are sitting at our table. we are not fucking getting up.
>he says okay and asks one of the people in our group not cosplaying to get out of their chair so he can take the damn pic with us
>they say no and he starts to make a scene
>waitresses can't get by
>it's a fucking disaster and he won't leave
>eventually a couple of us stand real quick and have a maid take a pic so he will just go away
>takes pic
>he has the nerve to hug me and grab my waist (midriff cosplay)
>I tell him to get the fuck away from me and he leaves

and he has the nerve to do all of this in a damn store bought Finn cosplay

>> No.8218298

>Leans back slightly

If you're going to Jojo pose at least do one of the actual poses.

>> No.8218325

>tfw you rarely see invisible kid

I see what you did there.

>> No.8218335
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That sound super stupid. I already have the hair cut, and you can see her skin on the side of her head. Take my advice, when you have that hairstyle, if your side and back hair gets as long as the Rocky, you look unkempt.

It'll work with Venus though.

>> No.8218338

you're fucking stupid for telling him he can take pics while you're sitting.

>> No.8218350

honestly our cosplays were that good that I was worried about online pics and we wanted him to just go away. normally I wouldnt have let him but like, dude was fucking ridiculous and we were so tired we were out of fucks to give.

plus the lighting in the cafe is intentionally terrible so there was no way the pic even turned out usable

>> No.8218358

yeah i thought it would be terrible for vi but I've been looking for a way to do venus and the contrast between the super long hair on the one side just might balance out the length of a longer "shaved" side.

why can't they just make flocky wigs...

>> No.8218365

weren't* they weren't that good. sorry... mobile...

>> No.8218369

...they do make wigs like that but they're balls ass expensive.

>> No.8218486
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>want to buy a piece I sold long ago because I was in a bind
>it's now on LM super cheap
>waiting on my idiot client to pay me so I can snag it
>they're taking so fucking long to pay the damn invoice
>I don't want to bother the seller asking them if they can hold the dress for a day or 2, because they're already selling it for super cheap

>> No.8218489

just buy it and tell them you're waiting on a paypal transfer.

>> No.8218511

I'm just worried that they may not get back to me. They do owe me from an auction, but I've had people flake on me before.
I don't want to risk negative feedback and being a dick to the seller if my buyer doesn't come through.

>> No.8218514

Maybe you shouldn't be buying it if you had to sell it to get money to begin with and you still can't afford it without someone giving you such a small amount of cash.

>> No.8218515

Selling something for super cheap doesn't mean it's only $50, anon. I could sell honey cake set for $500 and that's still super cheap.

>> No.8218520

So how would you do a wig for Vi?

>> No.8218522
File: 21 KB, 542x428, kjjhgt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I sold long ago because I was in a bind
>long ago

Nigga, read and de-salt yourself.

Just waiting on my paycheck and I don't want it to sell in the meantime.

>> No.8218600

Some people can be so fucking inconsiderate

> arrive at the convention center with my friend
> both in cosplay, carrying three bags of luggage each
> friend is not feeling well so we're in a hurry to get to our room
> have to walk through the entrance hall of the con to get to our hotel
> creepy looking guy appears out of nowhere and blocks our path
> looks at me and says "picture!"
> point out to him that I'm covered in luggage and can't just drop it
> guy stares with a retarded expression and doesn't move
> assume he didn't understand, repeat myself
> "No, I understood. But I want a picture now!"
> tell him I'll be back there in 10 minutes after I drop off my bags
> "No, I want to do it now. I'll make it quick!"
> comply because my friend doesn't look too good and I don't want to drag this out any longer
> drop my luggage and do a quick pose
> "No, a picture of us together"
> guy tries to shove his camera in my friends' hands while she's leaning against her luggage, head bent down and visibly pale
> tell him to ask someone else because she's sick
> ignores me and rudely tells her to take a pic
> stomp towards him to give him a piece of my mind
> friend stops me, tells me she doesn't want to make a scene
> she takes a pic of us
> guy takes his camera back, looks at the picture
> "No, it's not good enough. Do it again."
> I'm this close to punching him in the face
> friend begs me to calm down so we can get it over with
> after 3 pics he's satisfied and walks off without thanking us

I wanted to call him out on being such a rude asshole, but luckily for him I was too concerned about my friend to bother with him any further. We didn't see him again after that.

>> No.8218649
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I have her haircut already. I would much rather see natural hair with extensions for volume and length than an inaccurate wig. Some things you just can't fake, and a buzz is one of them.

Of course, it needs a good and solid dye job, or it falls apart. I don't want to see super blotchy, faded home colouring in a costume. Thats why you either see a professional, or you know what you're doing.

>> No.8218657
File: 47 KB, 448x908, acchuulllyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when people do stupid little shit like this.

>> No.8218739

>Spells word as "Ackshully"
>Blames it on webcomic she's read

Not a lolita, but she looks frumpy as fuck in that dress, hat, and what appear to be like geriatric shoes. Misspelling on purpose to try and be "hip" and asking for "gentle" concrit are just icing on the cake of annoyinginess that exudes from this girl.

>> No.8218763
File: 79 KB, 640x960, 10647161_690808904341900_1046687075126662466_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some things you just can't fake, and a buzz is one of them.
lol try again. A hairpiece is going to look better than any professional dye and extension job. It's also cheaper than a full professional dye and extension, easier to style, and the cosplayer doesn't have to go back to the salon every time they want to rewear the costume.

>> No.8218768

Where were you during the hot guy cosplay thread we had last week?

>> No.8218775

Lol go home.
You can do it with a wig. You can do pretty much anything with a wig.
You're obvs bitter because you're not skilled enough to do it, so you resorted to getting a hair cut which you're going to 100% regret in a year.

>> No.8218798

Is this bait?

>> No.8218821

>which you're going to 100% regret in a year.
How slowly is your hair growing if you think a buzz will last an entire year?

>> No.8218823

Wonky hair.

>> No.8218908
File: 517 KB, 900x493, fohawk_wig_by_arenheim-d7kebv8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This may not work, or be horribly uncomfortable. Since I'm a dollfag, I've seen them trim fake fur for wigs. The end result ends up decent looking. You may have to make a fitted cap of shaved fakefur and make a mohawk of wefts.

However, I can see that this may not be amazing.
>too topheavy, will probably cause the wig to shift if not pinned down well enough.

I'd personally like >>8218649 's idea, but yeah, it'd be hard for some to pull off.

>> No.8219002

you clearly don't know anything.

>> No.8219285

I don't care about looking like a bitch, if my friend was sick I would've said "well too bad, my friend is in pain" and pushed my way though. As much as I wanna tell people to grow some backbone, he shouldn't have been such an impatient child.

>> No.8219361

Mixed fruits in Coords

>print has cherries and strawberries on it
>person wears strawberry accessories with cherry print or vice versa

I love strawberry but hate cherry, mixing the two is blasphemous.

>> No.8219538
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>I asked nicely for a photo and this stuck up cunt said no like she was too good to even be seen with me!
>cosplay grills are all a bunch of fake, stuck up, slutty bitches!
>tfw no gf
>le sigh

Damned if you do..

>> No.8219629
File: 173 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things that piss me off? People who make fanpages only to do a shit ton of share for shares. And by share for shares, I mean, agrees to equally share a page so theirs get posted and then removes the shares off their own page. Not to mention, adding thousands of random people on Facebook just to beg them to like their page.
I guess the whole "I'm entitled to a large fanbase even though I don't actually put any work into any of my costumes, and just use random people to take shitty photos of me." just looks blatantly pathetic.

>> No.8219649

Now I'm trying to figure out whether I like dimples like on the top person or not. Thanks, Anon.

>> No.8219650

I feel this way about mixed sweets/foods in general. Especially if the print has a bunch of kinds of foods and they throw on random ones.
>strawberries with cherries
>macarons with cakes
>random chocolates

>> No.8219709
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GoFundMe from cosplayers piss me off. Get a fucking job, sell prints, do something. Stop begging your fans for money. Alexandria the Red just recently posted this.

>> No.8219712
File: 143 KB, 1055x600, Screen Shot 2015-03-31 at 10.56.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1k for a website. And under her post she has plenty of people offering to do it free of charge.

>> No.8219714

Holy fuck that is the shittiest back tattoo I've ever seen.

>> No.8219720

There's a black Scott Summers and that cracks me up always

>> No.8219727

You pick AP and not the monstrous fuckall that is Manifesteange Metamorphose temps de fille

>> No.8219735

Manifest Angel Metamorphosis Time Girl


>> No.8219776

>girls who use terrible home made binders that do jack shit but won't buy one online that's half the cost of their bra
>girls who believe crossplaying makes them gender fluid
>girls who cake eyeliner on when crossplaying
>heavy makeup for male characters
>girls who brag about sewing for years then produce closet cosplays

>> No.8219788


>> No.8219799

I was consoling someone who was in tears and shaking, and someone stopped and asked for my picture. When I said I was busy, she huffed and walked away. I had the urge to break her knees.

>body positive/bullying panels
>genderbending a character just so you can wear long hair and not bind, or make it unnecessarily sexy
>"cosplay is for fun!"

>> No.8219820

I really hate it when the group doesnt put in as much effort as I do. In between a full school schedule, 20 to 30 hours of work each week, planning a wedding, and taking care of a bedridden sister, I was able to get two whole costumes done. My groupies have shitty mall jobs and more time off than fucks to give and they struggle to get some basic shit done. And then they get upset when my costume looks better and will get more photos.

I also don't like it when I'm expected to shell out more money just because I work longer hours. Excuse me, I work hard to play hard, not to cater to you and your lack of saving skills or work ethic. Want more money? Get a better job you fucking scrub, put your degree to use. And quit buying shit you don't need and regret purchasing later.

And finally, people who spend all their money on cosplay and cons and then ask for donations to make rent and other bills. Even better is when they make a gofundme for it. It would be really shitty to miss out on a con that you were excited for, but if shit happens, shit happens, and you need to deal with that first.

>> No.8219848

People who run gatherings/photoshoots and make the calls based around who they're cosplaying.

Went to a Fire Emblem shoot and the organizer made it completely centred around Chrom (and FE:A) ffs. Some of my friends were standing around the entire time and got one picture outside of the group shot and a lot of people ended up leaving halfway. The whole thing was just:
>Royal Family
>Chrom + MU
>Chrom + wives
>Chrom + his children and every other possible combination and category he falls under

It was ridiculous and inconsiderate.

>> No.8219899
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My hair has been cut like this since before Vi even came out, you salty fuckin cunt.

>> No.8219905
File: 205 KB, 604x411, hey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks really awful and fake, sorry. You can see the clear line between the hairpiece and his head. Also the shaved hair area is shooped.

Don't post Junkers here man, hes a sweetie pie who doesn't do anything wrong.

>> No.8219932

A lot of my gripes have already been said, like wearing old runners and shit, but a few others:

Guys refusing any and all makeup because it's "girly".
People not ironing their costumes.
Not posing ever, just standing there like you're waiting for a family picture in front of a christmas tree.
Standing in the middle of a hallway or doorway while you get your picture taken.
Never washing costumes, and just dousing it in febreeze.
Not sealing bodypaint (looking at you fucking homestuckers).
Acting in character all the fucking time. Save that shit for the masq or a photoshoot.

>> No.8219968
File: 130 KB, 640x360, 640px-Kii_Yandere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start watching anime with boyfriend
>often we'll watch 2 or 3 episodes before he gets sick of watching for a bit
>ok.jpeg I wait for him
>me: hey let's watch more ____
>him: UGGGGHHH, I already watched that without you. You can just watch it on your own.
>mfw it's not like I'm not free to watch
>mfw it's not like he's the one stopping the marathon
>mfw he'll purposely watch it without me
he's done this multiple times and he knows it pisses me off. Then he gets pissy because "I can't watch something with you because then you get mad when I watch it without you"
So he'll pause/hide whatever it is he's watching himself.

I'm more pissed off about it than I need to be because there's literally no reason for it, and then he acts like I'm the reason he can't watch anything.

>> No.8219974

I had a friend in high school that HATED people richer than her and yet tried her hardest to be their friend. She didn't even live poor from what I could collect hanging out with her almost everyday. Her parents were strict with money but lived just fine.

Some people just don't like richer people I guess.

>> No.8219980

Gotta watch out for this behavior. This type of thing happened before my best friend split off from me.

>> No.8219992

I remember after this time last year this girl had maybe 2k likes. There's no way she didn't buy a lot of likes and get the rest from bought post reach. Shame she went full attention whore with it cause she seemed nice at the start. Almost mad I got fooled into thinking she was a decent girl before she started her blatant tittifying of everything and begging for money.

>> No.8219997

Meh my boyfriend and I have been doing this for awhile. It's all context.
I have no advice just talk it out

>> No.8220081
File: 94 KB, 970x561, tatahan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a difference between wearing revealing clothing and selling your body as a product. Porn stars are humans but they have the sense to not be offended when people talk about their tits. Porn stars know that their tits and the rest of their bodies are their selling point. If Tata Han was still making high quality, detailed, canon costumes then it would be disrespectful to only talk about her tits. But now she's just pumping out prints in underwear just like Jessi Nigri is. But Jessica isn't stupid enough to complain about the people that are funding her lifestyle. Yaya acts stuck up about it even though she's just becoming Asian Jessica Nigri.
Pic related, the first line of signed merchandise in Yaya's store. What was that about where she gets the most attention and earns the most money? She doesn't do commissions anymore so all her money is from her con appearances, print sales, and shit tier cheaply manufactured merchandise. And since Jessica Nigri and people like Ivy Doomkitty are making more from con appearances than real craftsmen, Yaya has been changing her appeal to match the trend. She just hasn't changed her shitty nose in the air attitude.

>> No.8220107

not gonna lie part of this is relavent

>> No.8220116

top lel, those guys are chill, annoying but chill.

>> No.8220118


>> No.8220131

oh my god anon our "problems" are so identical

>>friend just got out of a bad break up
>>tries to befriend ex
>>succeeds for a while and even befriends new girlfriend
>>new girlfriend, ex girlfriend hang out
>>ex girlfriend manipulates new girlfriend to pick sides
>>ex girlfriend manipulates ex boy friends friends to pick sides
>>bring tension between these groups of people
>> hangs out with new girlfriend at mall gets caught stealing
>>tries to blame new girlfriend for getting caught and spreads rumors
>>everyone stops talking to her
>> she gets into cgl
>>makes new friends good for her
>>moves on from ex
>> I tell her don't go to this store a person that doesn't like her works there
>> she goes to the store anyway
>>friend has a panic attack because she doesn't like her
>>everyone starts bitching her out for making said friend have a panic attack.
>> me:.......

its like she wants people to make fun of her and hurt her, sometimes you just gotta stop letting yourself be unhappy because the stuff that supposedly does make you happy isn't working for you and its fucking up your life, like jeez, and this chick is about 28 as well, w a a a a ay older then I am.

>> No.8220138


Nailed that.

>> No.8220171

>oh no anon don't use that nice heavy polyester blend for lolita polyester is the devil!
>use this crappy sheer as fuck quilting cotton instead!

>> No.8220184

Shit what if the character you cosplay has an impossible short hair and you can't cut a wig that short?

>> No.8220187

>Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
>Manifesteange Metamorphose temps de fille
>Moi-même-Moitié (Elegant Gothic Lolita Aristocrat Vampire Romance)
The least retarded are probably Victorian Maiden, Innocent World, Juliette et Justine and Mary Magdalene. However Mary Magdalene is still pretty damn weird (good thing they don't advertise their brand name on their clothing like the others do) and I've had people ask me if Innocent World is some kind of cult/ageplay/LARP thing. They're all weird.
also why is there a dancing robot in my Captcha

>> No.8220226


on a related note

>sex in lieu of fandom

fucking damn it. I GET it. Cosplay inherently has people who crave attention. A lot of the time the costume design is blatantly sexy. So yeah you're gonna have people who are fans of something like the character/show/ect and they want attention so they make the sexy cosplay. All of that is fine and dandy.

But damn we have fallen off the fandom truck hard. Our most well known "fans" are sexy chicks. Sex. They are known for their bodies and make up. Not skills, not crazy fandom, not giving fucks about their fellow fans. Just sex.
I'm fine with sex, I'm no puritan. It is in every fucking thing ever from hamburger commercials to car posters. Can nerds for fucking once have an enclave where their skills and knowledge trump everything? Cause we did and guess what, sex invaded and now we can't kick it out.

>> No.8220249

idk baby is actually my fave name to wear in public along with aatp. they both sound like band names so no one ever questions it

>> No.8220251

>Juliette et Justine
that may be referencing creepy guro pron books, so it isn't any better.

Also the fact the fashion is called lolita is the most upsetting thing to me.

>> No.8220259
File: 1020 KB, 320x250, headband.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which, Baby, the Stars Shine Bright is a doll brand apparently?

I wore a a normalfag outfit with a BTSSB headband once, and a 40-50 yr old lady asked if I could read what it said on it to her, which of course was the brand name.
Before she could say anything I said
>I-it's a clothes brand name, apparently it's named after a song that's why it's a long funny name!

Til which she was like "Oh okay, I remember there were fancy dolls when I was a girl called the same thing, your headband reminded me of it."

I never could track it down on Google - does anybody know? Nobody ever refers to BTSSB being a reference to anything but that song..

>> No.8220262

If by "creepy guro porn books" you mean Marquis de Sade, yeah.

>> No.8220272

>Can nerds for fucking once have an enclave where their skills and knowledge trump everything? Cause we did and guess what, sex invaded and now we can't kick it out.

That is the most accurate thing I've read in awhile.

>> No.8220280

This pisses me so off so much that the brands have to plaster their name on every fucking print. I find Moi-même-Moitié, Baby, the Stars Shine Bright, Angelic Pretty and Innocent to have the most embarassing names and I could never bring myself to wear their pieces out in public if they would have the brand name on it. There have been countless of times I have decided against buying a print which I actually really wanted, but the name on it just ruined it.

>> No.8220299

Yeahhh.... I'm a lolita and I gotta say if you think the NAME of the brands you are wearing is what is concerning people and making them think you are in a cult more than the fucking petticoat and giant ass bow on your head, you've got to do some soul searching.

>> No.8220310

I find the Engrish entertaining sometimes and most people around me are clueless about French so they don't even realize how ridiculous Meta and Moitie are, but I definitely get where you're coming from. I'd probably still wear something that said Baby, the Stars Shine Bright but never something that just says BABY.

The cult comments were from family members and friends-of-friends who complimented me on my outfits and asked where I got the clothes from. I dress very toned-down with minimal poof and never wear headbows or bonnets. It really was the brand name.
>"Innocent World? Does this mean it's only for 'innocent' girls? Is this a virginity thing, anon?"
>good thing I never told them about Closet Child or Maidenclothing

>> No.8220329
File: 183 KB, 474x574, ttlynotfishingforcomplimentsugais.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8220330

did you tell them the style was called lolita first?? because IW on its own just sounds like shitty engrish. I mean it probably isn't helping the situation but sincerely doubt they weren't concerned before you said the brand name.

>> No.8220335

I always just call it Japanese fashion or frilly clothes, never lolita.

>> No.8220344


>frilly clothes

found the problem

>> No.8220502

it's not like sex flew in from space and attacked your holy stronghold of virginity. neck wards responded to their precious waifus being protrayed by near pornstar women and now here we are. the problem started IN fandom culture, dont whine about your culture being supposedly infiltrated when we openly and willingly let it in.

>> No.8220506

*neckbeards. mobile.

>> No.8220870

I get your point. I didn't notice her lingery shit. >Damn Yaya, why?

>> No.8223087
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Joker's Harley's wig really rustles my jimmies

>> No.8223213
File: 509 KB, 400x225, 1427034887023.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the off-topic question, but could you mind sharing the pattern you used for pettis? Been interested in making some for a while, but I wasn't really sure where to start.

Back on topic: if I have to see one more poorly done, tumblrific crossplay, I'm gonna start defenestrating shit. Even if you manage to flatten your tits down, that does not mean you can wear a pair of tight-fitting, feminine-cut pants and expect to pass as a dude. Regardless of weight, wide hips and curvier legs are as much of a giveaway as prominent boobs, so why spend so much effort hiding the top part only to completely overlook the bottom?

>> No.8223224

People who are underage cosplaying from Dramatical Murder, Kill la Kill, basically anything more adult. Like, if you're 13 and cosplaying Ryuko or Satsuki, I have some serious issues with it. It's basically child pornography.

Also, I'm getting tired of 14 year old Aoba's asking me to make out with them for pictures when I'm Clear, then getting pissy when I say no because I'm in my mid-20s.

>> No.8223259

Why...Why no tails...

>> No.8223267


Her face..... Its like a crow.
Or like this.

>> No.8224230

Oh, that makes sense actually, fair enough.

>> No.8224243
File: 228 KB, 392x384, 1425719244631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'm a BOY, teehee"
>says they're the opposite gender now
>makes no effort to pass
>continues dressing like a kawaii girl
>"no no, since I'm a BOY, I just crossdress every day!"

what is this shit

>> No.8224250

Maybe she was just confused?

>> No.8224256

Ugh. 6 people have come out as gender fluid and make no effort to dress as the opposite gender. They crossplay poorly but that doesn't count. Bitches are cray.

>> No.8224257
File: 33 KB, 580x327, The_Krankies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8224371

>but wanting to shave your head for cossupray

>> No.8224402

I know someone who literally considers herself genderfluid because occasionally they do "masculine" things like play video games or drink beer.

Why do these people obsess over smashing gender roles and then use ridiculous caricatures of said gender roles to define who they are?

>> No.8224428

My head is already shaved. how many times I gotta say that?

God, it's just hair. Don't any of you use your wigs for other things?

Because people assign gender to colours and articles of clothing. I.E. pink dresses are feminine.

>> No.8224429

And you're conforming to them because you're an eejit

>> No.8224643

Right? I followed her on Instagram and then found her Facebook and she had less likes than me. She was like "Woo I reached 1,000 likes. Guess it's time to start selling prints." And I'm thinking "I have 2,000 and I know that's not enough to start selling prints." Now she's over 100k?? Something is fishy.

>> No.8224649

People who ask for advice, don't take it, and then get mad when their brilliant plan doesn't work.

>friend needs to paint canvas sneakers for cosplay
>recommend liquitex pains since they flex well and I've had a lot of success with them in the past
>"lol no anon I'm just using the cheap acrylics from the dollar store"
>but they're going to flake off and what if it rains at the con?
>con comes
>paint stays on fabric bits, but immediately flakes off rubber parts
>"Ugh, this sucks! I wish they made paint that sticks to plastic!"

>> No.8224667

Hold up. Are you from South Florida? I'm friends with someone who posted the same exact thing.

>> No.8224671

oh god or when you offer to help people and they get upset over that
>friend is trying to cosplay the Engineer from TF2
>It's literally just him with a red polo shirt, overalls, hard hat (that he's wearing backwards) and cheap-looking welding goggles
>offer to lend him my toolbelt, a glove, a better looking shirt, work boots and other stuff to make it look better
>he basically calls me an aspie

>> No.8224673

Parents who try to help you when they know nothing about cosplay

> Oh, it's a difficult costume? Just buy one on ebay sweetie, why make a costume if you can buy it?
> Why not use that old red fabric from your previous costume? Nobody will notice that your costume isn't pink anyway
> Hi honey, I overheard you need a long, light blue wig, so I bought you this dark blue bob wig at party city

It'd be cute if they didn't get mad at me for not following their amazing advice. Even after explaining in detail why I won't do it.

>> No.8224700
File: 104 KB, 688x547, 1425140244176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. This to infinity and fucking beyond.

Though my parents have started giving actual advice now that they understand that this is a thing that i actually want to do well. But I now get my cousins and aunt and grandma giving me suggestions and it's just

>Don't use a wig, anon, I'd rather see your real hair
>Don't wear too much makeup, it looks trashy
>Oh, you don't need to buy proper bodypaint, I have some facepaint from halloween a couple years back that'll work just fine
>Buy cheap fabric, it's just a costume

Though my recent favourite statement was, after explaining my costume in simple terms for the normalfags to understand;

>Well, they sell angel costumes in costume staores, just buy a witch and an angel and wear the dress from one and the wings from the other
>Use your real hair and your cousin has some rainbow striped socks you could borrow
>There's a plastic sword in the garage you could use

I feel that Stocking Anarchy would be severely dissappointed in me

>> No.8224707

Part of me really wants to see this all put together like they suggest.

>> No.8224734

Anon should follow their advice, take a photo, and put it next to a photo of the cosplay that actually does it properly to show them the difference in quality.

>> No.8224744

While I understand this pisses you both off and that it can be frustrating to have them give you bad advice, just be thankful you have that in your life.

I would give up my right arm to have my mum back to say shit like "Don't use a wig, I'd rather see your real hair" or to teach me how to sew but I don't. So please just be a little more appreciative that you have that.

>> No.8224774

Just because people complain about their parents, doesn't mean they don't love them or aren't thankful they have them.

It's not like they said they hate their parents or want their parents to leave them alone.

>> No.8224787


Remember this moment.
When costumes are complete, I will selfpost.

You may be waiting a while

>> No.8224818

My mom stays out of it and only buys things if I ask her too [which is if I am bad with my own money and accidentally forget to buy something at the store]. This doesn't happen too often, but she knows since she doesn't understand cosplay to just stay out of it.

>> No.8224827

I know you shaved your hair, I'm talking about in general. People dye and shave their hair for cossupray.

>> No.8224842

So? Whats wrong with that?

[Different anon, by the way]

I have tons of friends who do that. A lot of them to find it easier to wear wigs with a shaved head.

>> No.8224889

Who is girl on left?

>> No.8224907

Why the straight across bangs? It's so fake looking and not flattering. Ugh

>> No.8224920

Please make a thread about shit parental suggestions when you do. I feel like there is a gold mine out there

>> No.8224925

Honestly if we hated are parents shit like this would be easier. Sometimes they look so sad when you don't do what they suggest, even tho you've explained time and again why that's a bad idea.

At least my parents have mostly come to understand it's not something I'm really looking for suggestions about....

>> No.8224967


>In Macy's
>Oh Honey look! This could be used in your lolita!
>It's a low-cut pink blouse

>> No.8225260

So sick of these cunts who make threads for themselves on cgl. Do fuck off you stuck up obnoxious twits.

>> No.8225472

>mom asks to see dress I'm buying
>show her BTSSB JSK
>"I'll be wearing a blouse under it."
>"or not, you could wear it without one anon"
>tfw my mother is an ita

>> No.8225494
File: 95 KB, 595x394, 1427511330297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh god anon, my mum said the same thing although

>see girl wearing some AP jsk in city
>mum leans in and whispers
>"she's not even wearing a petti"

>> No.8225498


>> No.8225710


>> No.8225749

Worse when they're not even doing the full lean. The full gravity-defying lean is an actual Jojo thing. The shitty little barely off-center lean is bullshit.

>> No.8225832

It's getting really bad with the whole cotton wool syndrome with the community so they're now taking complete advantage of that by trying to be as special as possible.

Imagine how their cosplays and coords would be if they spent all that time on them rather than trying to out-snowflake one another

>> No.8226252

>Cotton Wool Syndrome


>> No.8226445

the opposite is just as bad, though.
>help threads
>done all the research, have the experience to make decisions up to that point, etc, know exactly what to ask
>ask specific question
>some anon desperately attempting to change your mind and do something else rather than answer the specific question
>anons probably don't even know what they're talking about and are just repeating what they've read here before

people that don't know the difference between fibers and weaves trying to talk about fabrics make me seethe

>> No.8227409

It's where everyone smothers in complete support whether it do good or bad (like the "COSPLAY IS FOR EVERYONE!" tirade) and when this happens it's called the cotton wool syndrome. Wraps the "precious innocent babies" away from all the bad stuff. It's a term used when a mother babies her kids and makes them naive to negativity and such.

>> No.8227955

So, if individual has correct hair color, correct hair volume, etc. do you think wig still required? If I were to grow my hair out more, I could pull off a game accurate Link. I would never wear a wig if I was cosplaying Link.
Now if i were to be cosplaying a character that has hair that is completely different than mine, sure, wig all the way.

>> No.8228210
File: 52 KB, 300x400, BerryStripeShortSleeveOP-white-zfab[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i find it really cute though

>> No.8229312

Cut a little slack, first time cosplayers almost always look bad. They usually improve the longer they cosplay.

Although I have to admit my one major annoyance with some newfags is how they complain about wearing a wig because it's "too itchy." They'd rather go without said wig even though their natural hair looks nothing like the character.

>> No.8230433

>People who refuse to wear a wig because "I have the hair for this cosplay already, I'll just dye it!!!11". Male cosplayers seem to do this all. the. time.
>People who get all pissed when you say a wig is required and bitch and moan about "what if I had the correct hair already??? It's so thick and luscious!" No you fucking don't and no it isn't. Even the live action TV actors use wigs. Or "what about a buzzcut??". That's just playing needlessly stupid and you know it.
>People who bitch about wigs looking too unnatural because they only know about party city wigs or are too fucking lazy to get a wig themselves and try new things.

>Guys who don't use makeup because "bawww it's too expensive". You dropped $80 on a costume, you can drop another $6 on a basic foundation.
>Guys who don't use makeup because "it's gay". Grow the fuck up.

>Chicks who only make revealing t&a costumes of characters they barely know and then go all drama queen over people "staring at their tits". Your costume is all about your fucking tits and ass, how can you not pay attention to them? It's especially ironic when you draw attention to it all the time yourself by constantly talking about your lady parts. This shit described right here. >>8215736
>Shitty genderbent costumes of popular male characters solely because it's a popular character but you still thirst for male attention and "crossplaying scares me". How insecure can you get?

MOTHER.FUCKER. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who's been through this numerous times but here's what happens to me.
>"Oh um I'm so sorry anon but I really wanted to do this other spontaneous costume idea I'm going to fuck up anyway and not wear to the con so I ditched our plans I got you hyped up about and initiated myself!!! hope ur not mad I still want to cosplay with you xoxo!!!:)"

>> No.8230441

>Can nerds for fucking once have an enclave where their skills and knowledge trump everything?
This is the best thing I've read all week. I started cosplaying in around 2006-2007 and back then the most well known and admired cosplayers were all extremely talented, made amazing costumes and had a genuine love towards the fictional characters. Now our cosplay "celebrities" are people who sell sex. Not costumes, not love for the series, not skill and talent, just sex and everything related to sexuality. Cosplay has turned from a silly hobby to a fucking fetish and all those girls (and sometimes guys) complaining about "creepers only being interested in my body baww" helped it become like that. Nobody gives two shits about skill anymore, now cosplay is only about sex appeal and looks.

>> No.8230532

>People who only cosplay the abridged series version of a character and don't know jack about the original anime or have seen it (ex. Alucard from Hellsing "HEE HEE BITCH I EAT PEOPLE!!!")

>Cosplayers who don't pose for pictures and just stand there, even some really good ones don't pose properly