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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 483 KB, 250x188, 0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8303992 No.8303992 [Reply] [Original]

Post all the cringe-worthy shit here.

We already have a bad cosplay thread so bad cosplays belong there.

>> No.8304014
File: 22 KB, 1358x186, butthurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll start:

A friend showed me a blog of a "male cosplayer" who looked blatantly female, and was cosplaying girls and everything. I sent them an Email telling them how much of an embarrassment they are to the trans community, how being ugly doesn't mean they look like a man, etc. And they wrote this back to me.

K, so it looks like I was wrong about him being female. But I was right about him having mental problems.

>> No.8304017


>> No.8304021


>> No.8304026


>> No.8304031


>> No.8304033

>"also i wear this at work"

>> No.8304151


>> No.8304203

You sound pretty cringeworthy yourself.

>> No.8304209


>> No.8304219

Where both of you raised by power plants by any chance?

>> No.8304222

What you did is ten times more cringe than what you posted. I really hope you're not expecting anybody to defend you here. Good fucking lord.

>> No.8304230

What warranted your email?

>> No.8304233

Holy fucking SHIT

>> No.8304248
File: 108 KB, 935x293, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8304256

Wow anon, looks like you're the shitty one here. The cosplayer sounds perfectly reasonable.

>> No.8304272

Goes out of way to email and call person ugly and an embarrassment

>> No.8304278

>your average lolcow poster

Dear god anon, you are a disgusting person. Why not check and seek help for your own mental issues?

>> No.8304338

This is funny to me, because if he were actually a fakeboi, none of you would be calling me a horrible person.

Yeah I misgendered him by mistake and I realize that, but his response made him sound like an emotional 12-year-old. And if he's so fucking insecure about looking girly, then why the fuck is he wearing dresses and makeup? Full blown autism.

>> No.8304351
File: 184 KB, 960x709, yeaok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Your response makes you sound like a whiny douchebag kid. They may be insecure, but they're just trying to be themselves. Stop being such a coward and harassing the kid.

>> No.8304352

It's one thing to talk shit about someone on an anonymous imageboard, it's another thing to send them a message on tumblr, but it's ANOTHER thing to directly *email* them about it and then post their response on a cringe thread because you lack that much self awareness. You are the autistic one here, amigo.

>> No.8304354

You know? I still would be. You went out of your way to start shit with a complete stranger that you knew nothing about based on an assumption that turned out to be incorrect. To be frank, you're a cunt.

I want to see what you sent him, to be honest. It's probably a lot more cringe than his response.

>> No.8304366

>And if he's so fucking insecure about looking girly, then why the fuck is he wearing dresses and makeup?
Probably because he knows it's his strong-suit. He'd look even worse cosplaying buff masculine guys and he probably doesn't like feminine or shota male characters.

I can get your anger with the transtrenders, but sending an email to yell at him over it was grossly immature.

>> No.8304370

I don't even know where to start with this.

>> No.8304430

dude if you don't think anything was cringy with what you did i have some bad news for you and i wonder what you're like irl

>> No.8304491

Post the email you sent him.

>> No.8304506
File: 17 KB, 300x450, ryukk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryuk cosplayers have never and will never let me down.

>> No.8304528

Have you guys seen these train wrecks?


>> No.8304530


>> No.8304533

Holy shit you pathetic. I'm trans myself and yes, transtrenders are a sham and if they're pure lolcow material they should be called out, but harrasing a random dude who just so happens to crossdress and shit on him for his apparience? Do you even know what impulse control is? At least do some research before bringing shit like this here you mongoloid, also a little bit of self awareness should serve you right, that boy didn't even insult you in his response, yet you came here like a total sperg to post lol le epic trollin.
You make me sick.
Made us a favor and hang yourself with the cord of your keyboard, please.

>> No.8304536


>> No.8304546

This boy will NEVER live this down holy shit. I'm tied between hoping he graduated that year or got shoved into a locker.

>> No.8304572
File: 58 KB, 224x398, 1344400378484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they trying to summon something?

>> No.8304581
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>> No.8304663

Further proof that tumblr bitches about equality for all but has to put labels on everyone and how dare you step outside of their labes. Man you really did come off as a cunt and I'm a straight crossplayer as well and not trans you wanna say that shit to me too anon?

>> No.8304685
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>> No.8304774

>implying they could ever afford valentino

thanks anon

>> No.8304798

this whole fucking board is cringe worthy

>> No.8304829

don't forget, you're here forever

>> No.8305028


>> No.8305123
File: 46 KB, 631x801, pinku project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8305136

What's the name of her youtube channel again?

>> No.8305138


>> No.8305140

Man I want that skirt.

>mfw it looks like it will actually fit me
thank you, cringe-anons.

>> No.8305212
File: 113 KB, 585x645, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this made me cringe
>implying anyone would want a print of their ugly asses on their wall

>> No.8305218
File: 116 KB, 850x850, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Wow, its my lucky day!"
Said absolutely no one

>> No.8305219
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>> No.8305220

But what if I told you that YOU'RE the autist?

>> No.8305221

(Forgot to mention, they were looking for a new member)

>> No.8305239

Who the fuck looks at a high fashion runway outfit and immediately thinks of cosplay

>> No.8305245

Wow, it's almost like it's a CRINGE thread or something, right? crazy.

>> No.8305357
File: 68 KB, 480x715, screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're ugly you shouldn't cosplay period.

>> No.8305394

I think I cried a little

>> No.8305403

Oh God he attends cons too?

>> No.8305506


>> No.8305521

cosplay of what?

>> No.8305546

Needs make up, but really not ugly

>> No.8305560


Wish are the absolute worst "idol group" ever.
The purple one has the look of crazy in her eyes... wouldn't surprise me if she ended up being a total psycho.
I feel sorry for the poor girl they drag in and call their "sister"

>> No.8305562

Are you done harrassing this kid, vendetta-chan? He looks fine. What did he do to make you this bitter?

>> No.8305600


>> No.8305613


>Doesn't know who/what Haruhi is
>Know the sexy -haruharukari- Dance

I could keep watching this nerd who doesn't even nothing be explained about super common series. Lol

>> No.8305614

Not really that bad. Nothing some makeup can't fix.

>> No.8305627

don't you mean hare hare yukai?

>> No.8305646

I find them cute.

>> No.8305671

I think he's cute.

>> No.8305699

Obvious vendetta. He's adorable, just kinda tired-looking.

What's the name of his blog? I'd love to see what he looks like dressed up.

>> No.8305719

Um...you sure that's a boy? Looks like a girl to me. Either way, pretty cute, just tired and making a weird face.

>> No.8305729

I think that's supposed to be the boy that >>8304014 is posting about.

>> No.8305731

I once shared a room with a stranger and went into the bathroom after them and she says "oh hold on" goes in there and flushes the toilet.
Saw her shit. Made me sick.

>> No.8305755

Oh, duh. Still, a cutie.

>> No.8305791


You're still the cringey one, vendetta-chan.

>> No.8305796

They probably wanked it to him, thinking it was a girl.

>> No.8305825
File: 378 KB, 1217x503, fresh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8305850

I actually giggled at this, what's so cringey about it?

>> No.8305920

That's supposed to be Walk by Pantera. Holy fucking god why did they chose to do that to that song.

>> No.8305937
File: 67 KB, 696x706, ohhoneyno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8305945
File: 519 KB, 958x701, hahahaah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8305967

This was amusing, but not in the cringe way? What am I supposed to be disgusted at? Well, besides the abuse of peace signs.

>> No.8306150


>> No.8306157


>> No.8306163


>> No.8306212

>thinks someone is unattractive

>> No.8306224

Thinking someone is unattractive is not enough reason to post them in a cringe thread.

>> No.8306228

Did you miss the post anon made about e-mailing/ harassing the kid? This isn't just about calling them ugly.

>> No.8306234

They still haven't posted the email they sent, either. Just the response and a pic of the person they harassed.

>> No.8306247
File: 64 KB, 472x378, ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8306256

oh my god can we drop this already? Anon is a dick move on. post more cringe!

>> No.8306261

Fuuuuck I hate this guy. I'm getting real tired of him thinking he's hot shit when all he really does is flavor of the month shit and closet cosplays.

>> No.8306265


>> No.8306268


>> No.8306270


>> No.8306279


ladies, he's single and ready to mingle...

>> No.8306280
File: 52 KB, 960x343, barf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire fucking fb page banner.

>> No.8306282

He's not that bad looking, shame about the autism.

>> No.8306284
File: 52 KB, 480x208, CYMERA_20150507_020236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I kek'd

>> No.8306774

Why do people do these videos? They're not interesting to watch at all, and more often than not are cringey as fuck.

>> No.8306987

Ah man. This just makes me sad because the Epic Rap Battles of History used to be really good. Now the newer seasons are just maymay pairings that don't really fit. This video was fairly cringey (especially Eren's rap) but overall it wasn't terrible.

It would have been cringier if they had rapped live (or attempted to) instead of dancing to prerecordings.

>> No.8307007

>crimped hair
Bitch this aint 2001 gtf.

>> No.8307020

People posting their "official" cosplay lineup on Facebook. Bitch, Toei didn't hire you for this shit.

>> No.8307035

He actually seems really cute to me. Not too cringeworthy.

>> No.8307080

Agreed. When he said he wears the brony belt to work it made me raise an eyebrow but other than that, he seems like a harmless nerd.

It's sad that /cgl/ is so full of fake nerd girls that actual nerds are being written off as "cringe". Nerdiness is synonymous with awkwardness.

>> No.8307104

Wow, same. It was the belt that made me kind of furrow my brow a bit but he seems to be a typical good person and friend.

>> No.8307122

This isn't cringey IMO. He's a decent vlogger, certainly more interesting than a lot of lolita vloggers I've come across.

>> No.8307141

I am having a reeeeeaaaallly hard time believing this is real.
But it is just so rage inducing.

>> No.8307152

He's gosh darn adorable if I do say so myself

>> No.8307155
File: 16 KB, 340x340, 1430921956309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8307159

Dude, it's obviously a troll. You've got bad reading comprehension.
Nearly everything it describes itself as in the description cancels itself out. It's just some troll throwing up buzzwords screaming OPPRESSION and PATRIARCHY and _______-SHAMING in every post.

>> No.8307166

She is MAKING is weird. Ffs. Don't go out in lolita and then giggle as someone passes you every two seconds. It draws attention instead of you just being fucking normal and wearing different clothes.

>> No.8307176

I considered making some reaction-images folders on my onedrive. It's annoying to have different images on my phone, home laptop and work computer.

>> No.8307178

I hate this whole thing in general.
Every mediocre artist is commissioning, every mediocre cosplayer wants to sell prints, every ita with basic crafting skills has a storenvy or etsy page.
When did people stop doing thing for their own enjoyment.

>> No.8307199

Can you blame them for wanting to make money?

>> No.8307222

I obviously can't stop them, but I judge everyone who wants to make money off their hobby shortly after picking it up or without even being really good at it.
Like, I understand artists who are top-tier and and devote all their time to drawing since 10 years trying to sell some art. But seeing everyone and their dog trying to sell some doodles and being open for commissions even though they aren't even mediocre makes me cringe. It seems like everyone wants to be paid for doing the tiniest piece of work.

>> No.8307239

How to wear lolita on campus:
>you don't

>> No.8307240

ah yes walmart and claires, the lolita central

>> No.8307280

I was expecting some really mediocre rapping but it's not toooo bad and some of the dancing has some nice pop to it. It mostly has problems I see with a lot of skits - it's very insider's club, where the jokes only work for those who know the anime they're from (and even worse, when they have to be in the fanbase). Pet peeve of mine, really, but I guess it can't be helped in a rap battle.

>> No.8307507 [DELETED] 

My first cosplays and lolita attempt. Will never forget how /cgl/ tore me apart when I posted what I thought gothic lolita was. I know the photos are somewhere, would look a hot mess even in ita threads.

My Misa Amane was terrible. Hot Topic bustier that was 3 sizes too small, $60 skirt I bought at the con that fit too stiff, expensive super platform boots, blonde wig that I had to shove my 24inch sew in over, and "SEXY GOTHIC LOLITA" Ebay jewelry. I was so self conscious I left the con, went back to my hotel, and didn't come out till it was time for an outfit change. It looked terrible.

>> No.8307781

I posted them, but I only watched the Attack on Titan and FMA one back when I was in the fandom and cringed into another dimension.
>just knowing there are fandom raps out there make me cringe
Figured might as well post the other two so anyone in those fandoms can join in on the secondhand embarrassment

>> No.8307803

has anyone noticed that 3 members have left this group in less a year I wonder whats happening behind the scenes.

>> No.8307811

The dude from the channel

>> No.8307820

>Made us a favor and hang
It's "do us a favor."...

>> No.8307822

> Wow look at me I'm STRAIGHT, insult me TOO, I can TAKE IT!!!x!

>> No.8307912


>> No.8308448


my old friend would not stop fucking showing me this when she entered her weeb phase.

>> No.8308521

I don't really see anything cringe about what >>8304014 did. I probably would've done the same thing (although maybe not call him ugly, that's pushing it a bit).

I've been wanting to call out some fakebois on Tumblr because they need to hear it. They're obviously too dense to know that what they're doing IS indeed hurting the trans movement and making it harder for real FtMs to be taken seriously. If enough people explain that to them maybe it'll get through to them.

>> No.8308562

Yeah but cosplaying girls isn't enough to determine whether or not someone's a fakeboi. He could easily be some teenaged FtM who's smart enough to know that he would look horrible cosplaying most male characters and so he opts for female ones instead. Or he could be an actual cis guy, because feminine men exist too, believe it or not.

You really should just mind your own business because if you're wrong about them being a fakeboi, you'll just come across as a bully and lower their self esteem. Also, Fakebois typically have shitty attitudes and are stubborn as all hell when they get called out. It's not worth the effort.

>> No.8308568

>That's supposed to be Akihiko.
To be fair, he was lanky in p3, so he's got that.

>> No.8308642

I can't believe other people know about them, it's nice that they are trying but I'm pretty sure they are all in their 20s so I think it's time to give up the idol dream.

>> No.8308957

why ikea idgi

is that some kind of a hetalia joke?

>> No.8308975

They really don't look like they're in their 20s. I wouldn't have guessed. But I don't think that's a reason to give up the dream since doing it as a teen is just as cringey and ends in the same failure.

>> No.8309076

I wish there were more people out there like you, anon. I'm a transman myself and I'm unfortunately short, thin, nonmuscular, and have a young face, and I'm pretty limited to either cutesy male characters (that are popular with transtrenders to start with) or female characters.
In the past year I've completely dropped female characters though because people get too nosy and rude, so I figure the best way to avoid it is to just stop cosplaying females. Really shrinks the pool of potential cosplays I could pull off, though.

>> No.8309089
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>> No.8309235
File: 22 KB, 222x395, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They dated for just under a year

>> No.8309600

Keep Bendizzle Cumpunch out of here.

>> No.8309657
File: 165 KB, 988x638, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some girl is basically selling overpriced burando she doesn't have yet
I mean we don't even know what we get???

>> No.8309675

Anything Lizzy the Lezzy is so terrible.
Also I remember one time on my days on le reddit I posted someone who got a half sleeve tattoo representing herself and her boyfriend as birds, mentioning they had dated for under a year. I got downvoted.
They broke up shortly after.

>> No.8309705

Why is it terrible?
Personally I loathe everydayfeminism far more than this one. It is the only site I have ever seen outside of tumblr that accepts nounself pronouns.

>> No.8309709

Now I really want to know who is he and see his cosplays.

>> No.8309731

I posted only after seeing the FMA-AoT one; the other two are kinda average and it seems they have the same kind of plot to it all (two younger characters sass each other, then two older characters pop up and take it over).

When I saw it posted, I expected something like this:

I might be a touch biased since my friends did a rap battle last year at Brisnova and won the top prize, but it was a nostalgic cartoon instead of animu so normal people in the audience could enjoy it too.

>> No.8309986


>> No.8309993

wait what's wrong with mediocre artists commissioning?

>> No.8310164

Is it really that bad? Shipping's included and AP has released a lot of good stuff lately...

>> No.8310292

I know this bitch is not wearing vans

>> No.8310305

kinda ugly in a cute way to be honest.

>> No.8310328
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>> No.8310355

So what? If they're shite you just take the piss for a while and move on. Nothing wrong with mediocre artists, taste is subjective and there's obviously people who like them and their art. Stop being sandy.

>> No.8310516 [DELETED] 
File: 1019 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-05-08-12-45-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help me find/spam/report the fuxk out of this pathetic bitch.

>> No.8310518

4chan is not your personal army.

>> No.8310526

this is fucking disgusting.

>> No.8310527

doxxing isn't allowed here mate.

>> No.8310531

i think because ikea's swedish and they're all based off countries. idrk either, it seems like every hetalia weeaboo under the sun has a day out there. there are even hetalia meetups there like hooooly fucking shit

>> No.8310535

I posted about this girl in a lolita cringe thread lol nice to see others share the secondhand embarassment

>> No.8310552

holy shit this makes me want to cry, that poor thing, those earrings must weigh down it's ears a ton too.

Please tell me it's fake.

>> No.8310663

>You and 4 others like this

>> No.8310675

but who would willingly go to IKEA
and who would do that in IKEA
it's like me going to Mcdo and waving the American flag, it makes no sense

>> No.8310680

Which country is this in, I see them using Euros and don't want to turn on the sound for fear of my brain imploding

>> No.8310722

This makes me really angry. Like, I don't agree with doxxing, but I would doxx this bitch. She's very lucky she'll never meet me irl...

>> No.8310752

for the "funny sugoi anime timesz nya~!"

also it's in england which makes it all the more embarrassing for us britfags

>> No.8310797

Link her account for us

>> No.8310799

Could be worse.

Where are the pony-suits?

>> No.8310811

no blouse

>> No.8310926
File: 108 KB, 540x338, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but it is fucking terrible. It pushes the idea that LGBTQ people are special, we aren't - we are ordinary people just like everyone else, not 'unicorns' or whatever else pandering bullshit gets posted. It creates an 'us' and 'them' mentality which is more harmful to the cause than beneficial. It shares obviously fake stories that did not happen and people submit things hoping to get asspats for being 'allies'. The page also purposely stirs trouble and writes incendiary remarks regarding religion, I'm not religious at all but I don't believe it's right to attack a whole religion (Christianity) because of the remarks and intolerance of a few, many LGBTQ people are practicing Christians! The page never lays into Islam or Judaism, both religions that do not tolerate LGBTQ people so I assume the page author has a vendetta.
The page is basically offensive to any sane LGBTQ person - the key to obtaining equal rights and moving forward as a community is showing those who oppose these things that we are the same as them, we are human and just want to quietly get on with our lives. The page imo is for people who claim to be or feel they are LGBTQ but haven't had a same sex relationship yet so are overcompensating and trying to feel involved in a community or for 'allies' who are trying to prove how accepting they are.

Sorry this turned out so long I have a lot of feelings

In this economy a main piece is only about $250 shipped

>> No.8310940

>'allies' trying to prove how accepting they are
This, the page is full of those people.

>> No.8310967

Pics been deleted....what was it, exactly??

>> No.8310982

A girl pierced her cats ears.

>> No.8310984

The pictures been going around Facebook - some girl pierced her kittens ears and explained how it was bleeding, itching, and crying the entire time.

>> No.8311136

Their response was pretty reasonable. You seem like a fucking dick.

>> No.8311162

Those poor, elementary school children.

>> No.8311168

I don't approve of con engagements but seriously what's wrong with getting married if you knew the person for a year or less? My parents knew each other for ten and never stayed together while my cousin knew his wife for less than six months and they are still together with six kids.

>> No.8311175

Why do trannies always have special snowflake names?

>> No.8311180
File: 62 KB, 600x600, cringyjpopcosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I even need to point this out

>> No.8311182

Anecdotal fallacy...marriage is forever. Why not wait for longer to be sure instead of making forever start so soon?

You are much, much more likely to see the annoyances and bad shit in your partner after three years rather than one...

>> No.8311208

cosplaykinky . tumblr . com/ABOUT/FAQ

I love tumblr.

>> No.8311223

Your whole post is exactly how I see it too. I've gotten shredded by a lot of both SJWs and LGBT's for even attempting to criticize it, but there's no other way of putting it.

>> No.8311230

But that's not even true. My Aunt knew her husband for over three years, went to high school with him, and he had a family on the side not counting her own that she had no idea about. The broke up a few months later. You can't know everything about a person is what I'm saying so if you really love someone and you click what difference does it make that it's six, three, or even five years? I'm not defending this couple because I don't know them but I find it weird that people stick up their noses and give bad mojo if they marry too soon like there's a time limit or something.

>> No.8311231

The other two are BabyMetal cosplayers. The one in the middle? Not so sure.

>> No.8311242

She claimed to be cosplaying casual su-metal

>> No.8311253
File: 91 KB, 640x910, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's obviously lying about making this. This is shapewear you buy online. Plus if I'm not mistaken she posted this exact picture a year ago.....I hate when cosplayers lie about simple shit like this. If you bought a catsuit just admit it. If you bought shapewear for the base of your costume, admit it

>> No.8311258

Why do you even follow this fat cunt?

>> No.8311260

Her page is good for the lolz.

>> No.8311280

Looking at her page now...I love how she tried to reap attention off her friend's cancer by shaving her head, only to wear wigs in every photo after that.

>> No.8311283


it's like some kind of low-budget tween show nightmare. i love it

>> No.8311339

Lol that's the same shapewear thing the one fat bunnygirl Bulma cosplayer posted here before had.

>> No.8311340
File: 138 KB, 1278x956, tumblr_nnvomsFcYH1qzfebyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8311345

Why is it that every cosplay porn blogger on tumblr is fat, has saggy tits, ugly tattoos, and terrible taste in lingerie?

>> No.8311349

On the contrary, I thought I was going to marry a guy after one year, but another year later the little things started coming out and we realized we would NOT work out.

>> No.8311355

I knew my partner for three whole months before marrying him (I'm Ukrainian, I'm poor, do the math).
It's been five years and we're a normal couple, still together.

No, he isn't old nor a neckbeard.

>> No.8311358
File: 84 KB, 634x909, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it is! Lazy. And she wonders why she's not invited to cons as a guest....her cosplays are lazy as shit and she obviously doesn't have any new things to do.

>> No.8311363
File: 67 KB, 634x779, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8311389

I personally wanted to marry a guy and I knew him since I was seventeen years old. We clicked and everything but apparently I didn't know him well enough because he cheated on me twice during our five+ year relationship.
>He dumped me for a younger girl that he just met at some con
>He tried to cheat on her with me because the sex wasn't good

>> No.8311391

I meant
>*I didn't want to marry him after I found out he cheated on me so he dumped me for a younger girl that he just met at some con and I was glad because I wanted to ditch him.

>> No.8311418

You aren't alone so don't worry - just the ones who shout the loudest seem to be the "gays are magical unicorns" type of people. I'm not too hopeful about this attitude wearing off but I just try and ignore bullshit unless I think the person is open to what I have to say. People are going to try and shred you but speaking as a gay woman I'm 100% done and really not up for being told how I should behave and what I should think.

>> No.8311432

LOL vendetta chan

>> No.8311446

This, people like this are why we're having so much trouble proving to people that we aren't (all) social degenerates.
In my country gay prides have become this free for all fetish parade where people are 'fighting for equality' by cursing and wearing a sparkly purple dildo on their head while wearing a spandex thong and assless chaps.
And people like this NEVER shit on Islam or anything that isn't Western because it's ~un-PC~ but shit all over Christianity whilst ignoring the HUGE cultural impact it's had on the world and the stuff it's inspired. It's certainly not perfect, but no religion is, and that's no way to go about people different than you, gays of all people should know that.

>> No.8311448


>> No.8311453

Or you could say that it's really up to each individual's discretion. Obviously waiting it out gives you more of an opportunity to see some shit, but that doesn't always happen. Other people can dive in head-first after one year and they're both mature enough (and lucky enough) to be able to deal with any shortfalls that the other people may have.

I personally like to wait at least a year before I ask someone out because it really helps me build up my confidence and prepare to get rejected and I'm shy. I'm going to be alone forever.

>> No.8311457

I can date ya anon chan. I'm shy too so I never had a bf outside of one weeb.

>> No.8311463

O-oh okay. I'll send you a message around December.

>> No.8311469

No, I wanna date him!

>> No.8311531
File: 849 KB, 245x138, 1401685012771.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one's ever fought over me before!

>> No.8311536
File: 452 KB, 844x1280, 2015-05-08-22-12-15_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8311538

We should skype! Here's a throw away email, send me your skype name.

>> No.8311539
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>> No.8311542
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>> No.8311544
File: 356 KB, 933x1280, 2015-05-08-22-11-04_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are all not including the snapchats and instagram posts.

>> No.8311548
File: 57 KB, 726x423, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8311572

Fuck you that anon is mine!

>> No.8311575

Holy fuck I'm laughing so hard right now. >Rip grandma this screaming maternal abomination represents my love for u <3

>> No.8311613

Anon, please. Can't we just talk this out?

>tfw no throwaway e-mail

>> No.8311625

Omg. Please tell me that is just a condom filled with spaghetti-os. Not something more sinister...

>> No.8311629
File: 208 KB, 1280x850, 1431037775944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What else would it be
also all this relationship talk ugh
>just want some cute gf/girl to watch movies with over skype

>> No.8311637

cute grill here, give me a throw away email and your skype. i just want to talk to shy anime nerds from 4chan.

>> No.8311642


>> No.8311665

>e-mail got deleted

My life is over.

>> No.8311705

Please report back aftwards about this. It's cute.

>> No.8311761

But not Daddy, of course.

>> No.8311774

Please see >>8311665

I am sad now.

>> No.8311775

this is the worst thing ive ever seen irl
these guys cleared the whole room im not exaggerating over 70+ people left during his bitchin electric violin soloz

also they payed the major VA lady 2k to voice over their shitty fanfic.

>> No.8311812
File: 24 KB, 500x340, miki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like she assaulted my eyes. There has to be a rule against not doing this desperate shit in public! You'll be able to see her pubes.

>> No.8311846
File: 96 KB, 1073x617, 2015-05-09 00.00.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just...

I don't have a dong camera either....

>> No.8311849

hashtagging about your dead grandma just seems really tacky to me

>> No.8311862

the monitor is broken. There can be no other excuse... There just can't. Look at that violin, it has to be expensive, you don't buy expensive violins and act like that and pay for voice actors to do this if you are terrible. I just can't accept it.

But then this story, it is some of the most painful fanfic I have ever heard that wasn't meant to be a joke. And then there is so little actual playing... this is the real deal isn't it?

>> No.8311863


>> No.8311882

Well, I watched the whole thing.

the last two minutes are the worst.

>> No.8311897

Oh why in the world would you pose like that? Does anyone know why she did that?

>> No.8311906

I have no idea what this is trying to say.

>> No.8311913

I was just thinking that she can't wear her corset with it. Ahaha. Good luck tricking people now.

>> No.8311991
File: 767 KB, 648x960, cosplay he says.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplay? more like you went to goodwill.

>> No.8312010


wtf is all I can say

>> No.8312013

yuki luna raven michel gray

>> No.8312133

B-but maybe the other anon will come back and make a new throwaway e-mail??

>> No.8312185
File: 93 KB, 640x716, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this on instagram just now
I dont know whats most cringeworthy, the "omg so random XDDD" comment, or the ones flipping the fuck out about it or the fact that the person who is the most upset isn't doesn't have anything to do with the person who posted the picture

>> No.8312187
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>> No.8312189
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>> No.8312429
File: 17 KB, 633x100, 371781a6c216eb58997b529406862d9f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8312431

all these are basic deviantart OC names

>> No.8312433

how the fuck old are these people that they censor heck?

>> No.8312436

I've got another throwa away email!

>> No.8312566

I'm sitting here wondering how they managed to get someone to breed with them.

>> No.8312582

Pretty sure thats what every teenager would like (maybe change the anime thing though), but normal people dont drop out of school because they want to

>> No.8312585
File: 40 KB, 300x302, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw thats names I wanted for my children
>when I was 12

>> No.8312697

guys i sat through the entire thing with my bf IN REAL LIFE
when he got into the audience to play this girl just stared at him with her hands over her mouth and then ran out. he was on a chair.
i was legit crying laughing like i couldnt breathe.

>> No.8312745

>constant sliding into the correct pitch
>barely uses the bottom half of the bow
>plays in the same damn range the whole time
fucking casuals

>> No.8312748
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Complete with a fedora. Damn.

>> No.8312764

and yet he spent so much money on that violin.
dude cant even play it. its unbelieveably embarrassing

>> No.8312766

I'm not falling for this again!

>> No.8312769

sorry, they're 10 minute emails. i can switch to 24 hour one if you like. there it is.

>> No.8312794

sent ;)

>> No.8312860
File: 122 KB, 675x516, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to say it gets worse because she does shit like this, but I think that baby name is probably the peak of cringe.

>> No.8312883

This picture is the best out of context.

>> No.8312887
File: 102 KB, 282x252, 1349059101651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reeks of ghetto. She repeated her intro sentence twice...? Did she do that to make a poem out of it?

I feel really bad and scared for her child tbh

>> No.8312895
File: 39 KB, 279x304, 1429905365122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8312901

Oh god no, not this bitch

>> No.8312922

I'm sorry but I have to ask, why a condom full of noodles?

>> No.8312933

Oh god this is at fanime. Am I going to have to deal with shit like this???

>> No.8313058

shit like this happens at every convention

>> No.8313094

I don't disagree with you, but whether or not a married pair stays together is not a good indication of the success of the marriage.

It's pretty biased, especially if there are children involved.

>> No.8313110

This reminds me of the people who yell at me when I talk as Gordon Freeman. Goddamn shit gets old.

>> No.8313425
File: 156 KB, 1024x682, shoop is real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of photoshoop amazes me.

>> No.8313462

I like how the eyes look. Like if you're going to do BIG AMINU EYES, this would be how. Not that drooping white-eyeliner thing.
But yeah I know, they're shooped. The wings look awful.

>> No.8313532

Fuck one of my friends was almost a part of this. He was in that club but left it a week or so before because of stuff like this.

>> No.8313538

The shoot of her actual body to make her look naked is that Im so grossed out about. Didn't even give her shadows to make her boobs even look like boobs. Its looks like a cinematic fake body suit.

>> No.8313602

My favorite part is at the end when he walks off the stage and you can just TELL he thinks he's the hottest shit on this side of the planet.

>> No.8313949

Same here.

>> No.8314004

This is awesome

I haven't cringed so much over drawings, hastags and serial posts without photos of people involved in a very long while.

More details behind this?
Is like reading a true tumblr creature trying to be poetic

>> No.8314013

Anon, even though it wasn't a competition, you still win this thread

>> No.8314081

> girls who want to commission replicas of dresses
> people offering handmade dressed to girls interested in the fashion, but post no pictures
> girls buying dresses from stores with obviously stolen pictures

fucking facebook

>> No.8314119


>> No.8314759

fucking awful

>> No.8314909

Venus gets asked yet again about her living doll lifestyle and she responds with how she's just naturally a kawaii dolly girl from birth.

>> No.8314962

I have never understood this living doll thing. Venus doesn't look like a doll at all, I just don't get it. She's small and cute for sure but her eyes aren't that big and she's just pale like a lot of girls are? I find it really unlikely anyone would approach her or whisper behind her back about how much she looks like a doll.

She looks a lot better now though with her brown hair and it seems that she is less under her mother's thumb.

>> No.8314968

Yeah I was trying to figure out where the boob ended, you can faintly see a highlight but nearly no shadow.

>> No.8314970

I think in one of her interviews is that the reason she calls herself a living doll is because her mother keeps telling her that over the years. As well as strangers and other family members.

>> No.8314989

The fact that her face color doesn't match the rest of skin annoys me.

>> No.8315058
File: 1.76 MB, 219x186, 1416549053947.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8315090


>Sooo, nekos, I'm koneko-chan (my friends can call me Neko-chan) and if you know my cosplays you're probably a hater :D or a bully XD I don't know, pick one u_u if you're not, WELCOME, youre probably the first one! I'm a begginer cosplayer and I just want to have some fun with my favorite characters <3

>> No.8315107

I don't get it, can someone explain what is happening/why this is funny to retarded me...does the black mean it's on another board or something

>> No.8315114

See >>8304014 and follow the hilarity from there

>> No.8315130

They're implying that post is cringeworthy.

>> No.8315149

Anyone else notice how the last name in that five (!!) word name rhymes with the last name of the five-word name of everyone's favorite edgy tryhard fanfic OC...?

I have a feeling we're being taken on a ruse cruise here.

>> No.8315152
File: 198 KB, 820x680, SEELE_Logo_(NGE).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not just getting the SEELE logo on your back
>SEELE literally meaning "Soul" in German

Something tells me they didn't watch Evangelion for shit.

>> No.8315219

What if Daddy is the big brother?

>> No.8315307

>and if you know my cosplays you're probably a hater :D

Please be troll

>> No.8315318

And she is brazilian too. Sometimes I hate my country so much.

>> No.8315529

He looks 15-17, that being said why're you mad at this guy?

>> No.8315935
File: 140 KB, 712x960, 10863620_917931008231159_1990020571_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I totally get your pain, I'm in an Artists Alley group and I've seen some cool things and then there's crap like this that makes me wonder who the hell would buy it

>> No.8316015

Wow vendetta much?
people drop out of highschool for many reasons and it clearly says she didn't like it. Not all people do. Get over yourself.

>> No.8316027
File: 75 KB, 960x960, 11143437_838408602880855_2533079161499881788_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not enough paint to cover her body

>> No.8316073


>> No.8316081

I was just looking at this last night. Im thinking it didn't all dry? Either way its super bad. Apparently everyone at the free comic book day loved her though. Of course they did. All the pictures from it were black dudes in the background because she's from a ghetto ass town. They love fat chicks.

>> No.8316103

Someone dropped out of school.

>> No.8316161

Is this bitch for reals?

>> No.8316176


>> No.8316196

What's the fucking point of cosplaying Navi in the first place? So many people manage to fuck up interpreting a glowing mass of blue.

>> No.8316232

Thank you
I feel the same way, but I expect there will be many people coming and being like:

She kawaii.

>> No.8316420

They're probably jealous that he's prettier than them.

>> No.8316652

>he's prettier than them
He doesn't even look that girly? More boyish than anything. Even in makeup he'd look like a 14-year-old boy.

>> No.8316689


He looks really young, which makes me think why would you have hatred over someone who's 14?

>> No.8317105

Definitely older, just with a baby face. They've got lines around their nose and those don't pop up until at *least* 18, usually not until early 20's. So when they say "school" they probably mean college.

>> No.8317198

This would have been really cool, War of The Worlds style, if it was even remotely pleasant to listen to.

I'm actually really sad that it wasn't a success.

>> No.8317515

what, couldn't make the grades so you ~dropped out~ too?

>> No.8317562

your mom dropped out

>> No.8317654

post yourself first

>> No.8317682

Does anyone else cringe at the sight of fatty chan maids? Like I don't mind if there chubby (I know alot of beautiful and cute chubby maids), but i mean unhealthy obese maids

>> No.8317690
File: 524 KB, 1280x720, fattychanmaids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture didn't upload

>> No.8318031

Ken is playing this game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeNfxOGRqSs

Holy shit. This reeks of some tumblr genderfad fags who collaborated to make this garbage.

>> No.8318352

oh oh shit I got an email like this.

I wonder if its from the same person because its just as cringy.

its an essay though

>> No.8318407

Post it! Quick before the thread dies.

>> No.8318503

Does anyone happen to know who this is/where his blog is? He's pretty cute and I'd like to see his cosplays. Image search provided nothing.

>> No.8318762

ah man

>> No.8318925

still doesn't work, gg. Thread's dead. Life over