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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8357179 No.8357179 [Reply] [Original]

Tales from retail thread?

Share stories of your shopping experience for cosplay-related items in regular stores or you work for a store that has a cosplayer customer base.

>> No.8357280

I no longer work at a Joanns but I work in a navy town and occasionally I'll get someone who looks like they are a cosplayer/geek and some how I end up in a cosplay/convention related conversation everytime.. but I enjoy it!

This past week I ended up chatting with a lady who was wearing a old Tekkoshocon t-shirt for a good hour.. I live 6 hours south of pittsburg to put it in perspective.

Occasionally I'll bring my knitting or handsewing into work during slow days (rainy or winter) and I'll have little old ladies or people who know of cosplay stop and chat with me!

>> No.8357301

I knocked over the number taker and the numbers went bouncing down the aisle like the graphics at the end of old school Windows Solitaire and I felt stupid.

>> No.8357309

Joann's anon here, I used to work in a city with two major anime cons every year, and always the weekend before we'd get a major rush of cosplayers, otherwise it was usually an old bitty that came through.

A lot of the cosplayers I got were really snobbish to me not knowing I was a cosplayer also.

I mainly just cringe at the "lolitas" who buy broadcloth for their next dress. Shit does not drape well for those types of dresses, and tbh most of our fabric isn't even suitable for lolita.

>> No.8357327

>the weekend before
What were people trying to make in the span of just 4-5 days before the con?

>> No.8357348

I had someone making a Bill Cipher cosplay or making rave outfits, or my personal favorite, a meme cosplay.

>> No.8357368
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>take little sister to joann because she's into that sorta thing and needs fabric
>joann is super busy today with a whopping 10 customers
>takes counter ladies 30 minutes to cut 5 peopls fabrics
why are joann employees so shitty

>> No.8357380

Joann's employees are badly trained in addition to literally every single store being waaay understaffed. It's a way for Joann's to save money while maximizing profit margins on what they sell.

>> No.8357384

More like overworked and understaffed. The scissors are dull. Corporate demands fabric to be measured in a specific way to avoid loss. There's always someone asking for 10 things to be cut in 7-yard chunks.

>> No.8357440

>people tend to bring up 5+ bolts of fabric that take forever to get cut and measured
>Almost understaffed, and always overworked
>scissors are dull
>People not knowing their measurements that they need, so they take forever while us employees walk them through
>Some of my coworkers dont know how to sew, so they're a little lost when it comes to certain questions

It's a shitty company, on memorial day we were so understaffed, and I was the only one at the cutting counter for a good hour with 15+ people waiting. We had a no call no show that morning, and along with just one associate besides myself and the two managers, I had no backup.

>> No.8357441

I'm glad this thread is back because boy do I have a story for you guys. I've worked at joann for about 2 years now and dealt with a lot of shit, but this honestly has to be one of the worst.

>be me. 7.5 hour cut counter shift on a sunday.
> it's busy today. a hobby lobby just opened up down the street so we've lost sales an hours, but it was so busy you couldn't tell.
> an hour into my shift a ridiculously old lady comes up.
>trips on nothing. see her face hit the counter and the cart.
>she's fallen and she can't get up
> run around the table freaking out. previous customers are helping her up. they tell me to get her a chair and water. my coworker pulls a chair while I get the first aid kit and water.
>I come back. there's blood EVERYWHERE.
>blood on the table, blood on the floor, blood all over her.
>the entire back of her hand has peeled off. and there is a large gash on her neck close to a vein.
>previous customer is an army doctor thank god.
>while there is blood everywhere, annoying coworker is live-reporting on the issue on the radio, insulting me.
>there is no manager response.
>it becomes very clear very quick that nearly all of our first aid kit is unsanitary.
>everything is covered in dirt and fun fur.
>we finally find usable gauze and other medical supplies.
>old lady isn't even phased, she's just happy people are doting on her?
>annoying coworker is still being obnoxious. still no managerial response.
>we ask her if she wants to file an accident report, but she declines. not that any managers were around to do it.
>she leaves I start trying to clean up the blood. >we have no cleaning supplies.
>beg a coworker to help me because I don't know what to do.
>we end up cleaning it up, no gloves, with a combination of windex and rubbing alcohol.
>finally run to the office and find both managers laughing and goofing of in the office.
>they never end up dealing with any other it.
>traumatized 5ever that my skin with peel off.

>> No.8357445

Omg I'm so sorry anon, I've never seen a guest get injured myself, but that is so traumatizing. You brave seagull, hopefully you found a better job over Joann's. (I'm joann's anon from above)

>> No.8357457

thank you, anon. actually this was during the memorial day sale. I still work there but I wish I didn't. my store is not necessarily the best run, there are a lot of managerial issues and the general issues all stores have (skeleton crews, dumb corporate policies, awful customers) I've often been thrown under the bus and had to "play manager." they had me "training" people after working there for 7 months.

I've always been squeamish about blood and veins and that stuff, but I fucking saw what veins look like under the skin. I got extended that day to 8 hours, too. cut the whole time, but my hands were shaking a lot, so it kind of hurt.

when I got home I got drunk, cried in the shower, and watched idol anime until I fell asleep. it fucking wrecked me.

>> No.8357460

>People not knowing their measurements that they need
Holy shit this. It's one thing when someone simply asks "do you think half a yard will be enough to cover this *holds up small prop*" and you can easily sell them an extra half-yard to be safe, another when
>customer asks "how long is a yard" "Is it 3 inches?"
>customer asks for tape measure, measures their noisy child on the spot
>customer asks for 25 inches of fabric X
>"Ah wait don't cut yet I just want to see how much it is" "Tell me, how much [in cost] will it be for 25 inches?"
>You scan and let them know the price
>"It's not on sale? I don't want it..."
Or if they still want it:
>"Maybe I can do 24 inches..."
>You remind them that fabric can shrink in the wash and that it's advised to get a little more than needed to be safe
>They spend minutes mulling the snap decision sprung upon them as the line grows behind them at the cutting counter

>> No.8357463

everytime i have a shitty customer i buy 2nd hand brand to make myself feel better. I recently transferred stores, and my new store makes my old store look like heaven.

I'm so sorry, 8 hour cutting counter shifts are already a pain, but I can't imagine that.

I once had an 8 hour cutting counter shift where before I got there i got into a bus accident but had no injuries, and then they forgot to send me on my break. I really needed one because I was shaking really badly.

The 20% employee discount, and knowing when everything is on sale almost make this job worth it.

>> No.8357465

I once had a customer ask me my waist measurements and then said that it would be the perfect amount for her 8 year old. I know I'm really skinny but that was pretty offensive on their part.

>> No.8357469

That is awful. Did your store only have one first aid kit on hand? If there's a framing section, I'd check there as well for their aid kit since it's at least out of the way of craft fur even if it goes unused for years.

I'm sort of glad that my JoAnn store's managers are competent and jumps in for any shorthandedness on deck or a girl who couldn't make a shift.

>> No.8357481

you should go ahead and find another job

>> No.8357488
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>finally run to the office and find both managers laughing and goofing of in the office.

Reminds me of a saying a good friend once told me: when you quit a job you don't actually quit the job, you quit the management.

>> No.8357518
File: 486 KB, 331x935, Siren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we've had cosplayers come in and this one girl picked out broadcloth/cheap quilting cotton solids for every single project simply because the fabrics were in the right colors. Never mind you that her projects were a tunic, a bustier, a mermaid skirt, a shirt, and a gown dress (pic related). The shirt was the only thing I'd semi-agree with the choice of fabric. I'm not sure how you can make that gradient dress with a single-color kona cotton that was already super-wrinkly on the bolt. And for the hot pink trim on the dress hem, she picked out a shiny spandex knit.
I hope her projects went well.

>> No.8357574

Went to Hancock fabrics recently with my boyfriend for some materials and came to recognize a little too late that the girl who was measuring out our fabric was one of his exes that we regularly try to avoid for being super feminazi tumblrwashed.
We couldn't get out of there fast enough.

>> No.8357788

I worked at joanns for a short amount of time and it was so fucking awful. Everyone was so rude the customers included there was this one lady who was ready to fight me because I told her she couldn't use a coupon on an already discounted item. What is it about joanns that makes people act so shitty?

>> No.8357798

Maybe it's like real-life /cgl/ with its ratio of female-to-male customers, and a lot of those females are catty already from having waited way too long in the cutting counter line.

>> No.8357944

>one of his exes that we regularly try to avoid for being super feminazi tumblrwashed
I want to hear more about that story

>> No.8357959

I use to work at Joann's. I hate going to Joann Fabrics now. I went this weekend to look at linen for a few future projects and got a good deal on it (40% off plus 20% off entire purchase)

>Get single bolt of fabric
>Go to cutting counter, stand there for about 10 minutes, no one shows up.
>FINALLY flustered cutting counter lady shows up. A small, but visible line has formed behind me of a whopping three people. She frantically calls for back up twice.
>"You will need to take a number in order to be served." Ticker is on #3, I have #11. I am obviously the first one at the counter.
>"What number are you? Oh 11? [yells] NOW SERVING 11."
>My bolt is already on the counter, tell her I want 5 yards (I always get additional if it is on sale or something I can use)
>"What are you making?"
>"A shirt"
>"I like to have extra for additional projects."
>"Do you have buttons, thread, blah, blah, blah... do you get our online coupons...?
>"All set-- I'll be grabbing thread and I already have my coupons."
>Finally proceeded to register.

I know it's her job, but damn, there are a lot of miserable old ladies there. A simple transaction always take 10x longer. I would order online if I didn't enjoy looking/touching the fabric so much before purchasing.

>> No.8357962


We had a lot of Indian women come to the store for fabric for saris and such. they'd always come up and ask (really demand) "how much?" It was like a riddle. Did they want to know the cost on the bolt, the price for the amount of yardage they need, how many yards are left on the bolt...?

Luckily they knew how much they needed as I didn't know the yardage needed to make a sari.

>> No.8357997

Anon, maybe she has an obese child
Not that that's better

>> No.8358004

When I was younger and buying fabrics for my cosplays some older lady always cut in front of me when I was lining up for the cutting table with my rolls of fabric and the employees always treated them first. It was so shitty and I hated shopping for fabrics because the employees always favored older women even though I brought a lot of money to the store despite my age. Now that I'm older I always get good service, but back then I had to wait forever to get my damn fabrics cut.

>> No.8358209

>be me
>used to work at Michaels (god help me)
>9:58 one night, store closes in 2 minutes
>coworker makes "bring your purchases up to front" announcement
>15 minutes later, this woman rolls up to checkout
>overweight, 60-ish, Grumpy shirt, you know the type
>cart is STUFFED with skeins of yarn, all the same color
>"I know you are closing so I just brought up everything on the shelf. I need to make sure these all have the same lot number on the tag, otherwise the color might be slightly different."
>spends another 10 minutes tediously going through and checking the fucking lot number on every one
>I'm too beta to do anything but stand there making Jim Halpert face for 10 minutes

>> No.8358232

I used to work in the fabrics and craft section of a Walmart. It was like Joanns, but with way more trashy people.

A lady came through to get some white fabric. I cut it and she goes off. I look back into the fabric aisles and EVERY BOLT OF WHITE FABRIC IS OUT AND ON THE FLOOR. She took them out to look at them and then set them on the dirty ass floor....

Also, Walmart I guess has this thing where you can look at what fabric they have online and how much of it is left at a particular store. Anything under 5 yards was at risk to not be available on a bolt, as it may be in remnants/bought and returned/cut and then someone just leaves it elsewhere in the store. That shit caused many middle aged women to become irate at me, demanding to know why it said we had it in stock online when we really did not.

Also....listening to The Lego Movie every day for that entire summer since I was next to the TV in the electronics department all fucking day. I almost broke.

>> No.8358245


Writing this actually reminded me of a recent trip to the Hancock Fabrics in my city. The place is fucking garbage, tiny as hell, and I only go out of desperation since it's closer than Jo-Ann's.
All the employees there are these surly old bitches who look like they are 3 minutes away from killing themselves. Anyway, I was there like 5 minutes before closing time, waiting in the checkout line of seriously like 2 other people. It takes them SO FUCKING LONG to check each person out, I can't explain it. So while the first customer is still checking out, closing time rolls around- and this shit blows my mind- the hellbeast at the register gets up MID-TRANSACTION and goes over to lock the front door. She comes back and finishes the transaction, so that customer goes over and stands by the now locked front door. So while the next customer is checking out, she fucking GETS UP AGAIN TO UNLOCK THE DOOR, LET CUSTOMER #1 OUT, THEN LOCKS IT AGAIN and comes back to finish.
She does this for every person in line.
They probably do this every day.

>> No.8358262

To keep more people from coming in.

I do this at my work (ast. manager), except by 9pm when we close, I have my drawer pulled, everything ready to go in the office, and I'm just waiting for the cashier to wrap up. So I lock the door, wait by it to let people out if they're taking their sweet time. It usually doesn't happen though. But I don't let the cashier do it because we'd both be holding each other up and I just want to get the fuck home.

>> No.8358268

Wow that is unreal. Like so unreal is there a district manager you can report it to?

If not and there's no way these assclowns can get reprimanded that way, I would honestly be tempted to get a friend to email in a complaint to corporate as a "witness", citing that managers were paged multiple times but never arrived when this woman was bleeding everywhere. This is such a huge liability, I can't imagine corporate would be fine with that behavior.

>> No.8358386

this sounds dreadful, anon. I'm sorry you have to work in such a shitty environment.

I didn't even know you could get fabric cut in that amount. I thought it always had to be measured in 1/4 and 1/3 yardage??

I actually always ask for a price check before cutting because I only buy with coupons and have learned that the signage is usually not up-to-date. Half the time I end up not getting the fabric cut and feel bad for giving the employees more clutter to put away. Also feel bad whenever I bring fur to the counter, or really any fabric that's a pain in the ass to cut...

>> No.8358404

I work at Michaels and all I hear are horror stories about Jo-anns.

I've always wanted to work there because of it, at least it would be exciting.

>> No.8358432

Not fabric store related, but I work in a pet store and we occasionally get batshit crazy people in for cosplay.
>people asking if we sell corgis around con season
>people wanting to buy axolotls for Pokemon cosplay
>people wanting huge bags of goldfish to just carry around for 8 hours
No one wants to hear that we only sell animals to responsible homes and that we don't have dogs or cats at all.

I also have a weeaboo that comes in once a week and names all our animals. She gets downright irate when one sells "without her permission" or if someone buys one while she's there and doesn't like her demands to keep the names.

>> No.8358455

This is hilarious anon. Bless you for sharing their unfortunate lives.

>> No.8358510

Where the fuck is your store so I can avoid shopping there?

>> No.8358589

our countries' national fabric shop never offers any discount. Yeah they suck, I usually buy things online since I disovered it. Most of their fabric is kinda bad anyway, I only go there for the lace or things I need for the sewing machine.

>> No.8358684

Is it normal for employees to give a heads up if a 'expensive' sale is coming through or something? I had over $100 worth of fabric and the lady at the cutting counter felt the need to get on the over head and tell the ladies at the register. Never had that happen before, whats the deal?

>> No.8358714

Joanns has the worst fucking employees. I went into one the other day, literally no other customers. I look through the fabric, can't find what I'm looking for. I checked to make sure it was in stock before I left home and I'm pretty sure they didn't sell out of 12 yards of fabric in five minutes.

Approach an employee at the cutting counter who is standing there, thumbing through a pattern book. Ask her if she can look up if the fabric is in stock in the store, tell her the line name. She's like, "No. I can't. Not without a style number."

I'm like uhh people have done this before for me. Just look up the line name and see which colors are in stock. "Nope. Can't do it. Sorry. Need a style number."

Okay. Go look around. Find the fabric, take it to the cutting counter. Another employee is there, dicking around on her phone. Hand her the fabric, tell her I need five yards. Total bitch face at me, shoves the cut fabric and ticket at me and snidely asks if that's all I need.

Ask her if the whole store is on their fucking period or if the shitty attitudes are just a coincidence then go pay for my fabric.

>> No.8358724

$100 is nothing at the cut table. that's not even expensive. I've measured up $2000 worth of fabric (let me tell you that was not a fun customer).

the only time I've seen it happen is when annoying coworker from >>8357441 feels like she's been sassed, she'll tell on the customer across the radio and will say that they'll try to start shit or that she doesn't think they can pay. there's never a problem, because annoying coworker is the one with the bad attitude. basically her entire shift she'll just talk on the radio about useless shit.

yeah I'm gonna talk to my store manager, who's super gung ho about corporate rules. he actually follows the "locked office during business hours" policy among many other dumb corporate policies. if he had been there, this shit wouldn't have happened.

but telling might put me in a bad situation. these two managers are basically the only ones I ever work with. if they get in trouble, they'll know it's me who told. but I guess it doesn't matter because I'll just quit if they give me shit.

we have 2 first aid kits and 3 of the weird hazmatty ones. but the kits are only 30% stocked with an inch layer of dirt on both the cut table one and the one in the office. the register kit went missing or never existed.

it's southern california, yo.

>> No.8358733

Are Joanns customers really more shitty than other retail customers? My experience with non-crafty retail pretty much taught me that everyone is horrible. You just don't expect it from little old ladies so it might seem worse.

>> No.8358738

Thats the weird thing about it, I've regularly spent more than that there and they never did that. Didnt have a conversation with the lady either. Maybe they thought I couldnt pay I guess being a college student who looks 15...

>> No.8358764

I've only worked at Joanns, but our customers are really cheap for the type of store we are. I get that budgets are tight, but when you throw a fit over an item being 50 cents more than what you originally thought, thats when I'm done with your shit.

I hate working at the cash registers at Joanns so much, thats where I get the people who completely ruin my day.

However, lol I worked cutting counter on monday, and because of company policy, we have to ask each guest what they're making. I asked this elderly lady what she was making, and she rudely responds with "Pillows, but what does that information have to do with you." Bitch.

>> No.8358766

She talks shit about customers over the radio? Where the customer can hear it? How does this person still have a job? God damnit.

>> No.8358772

Oh my god yes, one of these threads. I have wanted to share this with you guys for a while.

>Lady comes in late at night, marches up to the guest services desk, where there's already lots of folks in line
>"I'm looking for Elvis."
>Awesome coworker says she's pretty sure he's dead, finds out she means fabric

Let me paint a picture of this lady.
>Short, white lady in her 70s (she said so), white hair held back by a USA USA USA bandana
>Bright red Elvis jacket with Elvis' face in velvet on her back
>There are no less than 4 rhinestone American flag pins stuck haphazardly onto her jacket
>Around her neck are at least 10 different huge gold, blingy necklaces, like you'd get from the gold kiosk at the mall
>There's one at her throat that's a scorpion, several that have USA themes, and then a giant elephant head the size of my hand

>So she's dropped onto me, I'm in a fairly good mood so I humor her and show her the Elvis fabric
>She complains that Elvis is more expensive than everything else, and points to the whole licensed aisle and says, "all of this is on 60% off, why isn't Elvis? It's discrimination!"
>Nothing in that aisle is on sale
>The sign she's pointing to is on an endcap full of decorative shelves
>Try to explain this while she complains
>Try to help her get the texting coupons on her ancient flip-phone
>I shit you not
>Her text notification sound was Elvis saying "Baby"
>Standing in an aisle holding a phone saying "Baby" at me awkwardly
>Send her up to the counter
>Very patient coworker tries to cut for her, she only needs two yards
>Lady complains that coworker "cut too close to Elvis' head, it's disrespectful"
>Coworker tries to diffuse lady by telling her she went to Graceland recently on Spring Break
>Lady nods sagely, and says she goes many times a year, especially on the day of Elvis' death, to mourn
>Lady leaves with fabric
>WTF was that
>We hear from the front she left the fabric up front and came back to pay for it the next day

>> No.8358783

Man, I had a lady say, "God, you're so nosy, what I'm making is none of your business" when I was asking her what she was making. I told her it was my job, to be sure she had everything like interfacing, thread, etc...

IDK if it's my store, but management seems to bounce back and forth between saying "talk to the customers! establish a rapport with them! help them!" and "DO NOT INTERFACE WITH THE CUSTOMERS. CUT THEIR THINGS AND MAKE THEM LEAVE." It's really frustrating.

>> No.8358818

Yes, at Jo-Ann you can get fabric cut to the exact inch (or even 0.5" or 0.75" inch if it's there on our chart). The minimum cut though must be at least 4.5" (1/8th of a yard). If you just want like a scrap as a sample, simply ask and we'll do it for you for free. We'd just have to write it off as a loss though.

>> No.8358840

I'm surprised she didn't deck your coworker in the face for making light of the tragic death of her glorious idol.

>> No.8358843

I get maybe 1-2 inconvenient customers a day and they honestly spice up the job experience. Usually it's someone who is really unsure of how much to cut, people who look sour when you inform them that item X is not on sale, and people attempting to double-coupon on a single item and told that is not possible.

>Man tries to buy a gift bag with a 40% off competitor's coupon
>The bag is American Greetings brand, which can't take coupons regardless
>It has to be regular price
>He doesn't want it anymore, makes a beeline out the store
>Manager comes power walking right up, telling me that the guy tried to pull the same thing at another register in the store and was already told of the policy
>He thought he could fool someone else

...And then they return the fabric a few days later because they didn't want it. Okay, that's perfectly fine, but I've noticed that the fabric smells like incense upon return and the smell doesn't go away after a day of being on the counter.

I'm starting to think that my Jo-Ann store might be a more reasonable one. I have never been told to repeat certain speeches and the management always call out a "Good job, team!" at the end of the night.

>> No.8358847

she's on workers comp for falling off a ladder or some shit. probably did it on purpose. she was taking a break every hour. no one can get her in trouble because she covers her ass so damn well. she likes to take advantage of new employees, asking them for rides, food, even money. and then tries to get them fired if they don't go along with it. no one can get her in trouble

she's been trying to push me over my fifth hour lately by going to the bathroom or leaving for an extra break for ten minutes, because she knows I have an ancient writeup on that from like my second week working there. in turn I talk some serious shit about all of her nasty behavior to every new person, so I guess we're even.

like I've said, there;s a lot of problems at my store. we also have a cut table worker who won't cut. she was finally given an ultimatum and moved to register, but hot damn, do we have a lot of problems.

>> No.8358854
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>> No.8358870

I get that they have to ask you as their job, but I really hate when they ask what I'm making. They don't care, I don't want to explain it, and no matter what I say they always ask me for more details. >What are you making?
>A stuffed animal.
>Oh, what kind?
>A Dragon.
>That's cute. Who is it for?
>For your mom's dick, just cut the stupid fabric so I can get out of this hell hole.

>> No.8358875

>a cut table worker who won't cut
Why not? Did she have a phobia of scissors?

>> No.8358884

We're just making small talk anon, being at the cutting counter all day is tiring. I'm sorry. I'm guilty of doing this myself, but talking to people about their projects keeps me slightly sane. They were also probably just trying to talk to you about it, since most of the cuts we do are for fleece no-sews, so it gets really routine to hear that.

>> No.8358892
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>> No.8358894

Does anyone have caps of the Joanne's worker who made friends with the crack addict/stripper? That was a good fucking story.

>> No.8358900

I know, I try to be polite as possible about it and I do enjoy it sometimes if the person is genuinely interested, but so many times it's a middle aged woman who just sighs with every question and clearly doesn't want to be asking me about it.

>> No.8358908
File: 168 KB, 900x721, hector-ortiz-mexican-elvis-presley-tribute-hector-monroy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cut off his face in that picture! How dare you not show his full and glorious image!

>> No.8358910

Do you think you can mention that last point to him, ie "please don't tell them you heard this from me" or ask him to make it sound like some rando complained? Sounds like you're a more valuable employee quite frankly, and putting the bug in his ear that these people could pressure a good worker out might be a good thing if he's the kind of guy who looks out for his employees.

>> No.8358947
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>> No.8358955

holy fuck, in socal? i feel like you must work at one near me....
>the land of the old people

>> No.8358986

Having a tiny sized waist is never a bad thing. If it were your hips or bust she said that about though, I would be offended.

>> No.8358992

I take it back. I'm happier at Michaels

>> No.8359073

>All this shit about Joanns being a shitty company

Kinda off-topic but this thread reminded me to check the status of an online order I placed during their memorial day sale mid-day on Monday. Its 5pm(est) Wednesday and my order is still "processing". Its not even a big order (mostly embellishments, 35$ incl shipping).

I need by on or before next Wednesday or else I'm going to have to return it.


Kinda related but my friend's mom was a Joann's employee for years and lost her job pretty much instantly over a financial issue that wasn't even her fault.

If it makes you feel any better, Anon, a friend of mine's dad had an Elvis-themed bathroom with a toilet seat with Elvis' face all over it.

>> No.8359078

Kind of ironic because Elvis didn't poop

>> No.8359212

If I ever become rich and have a mansion with a separate guest wing you bet your ass the bathroom will be completely covered in Elvis' face. Elvis staring at you while you poop. Elvis looking up at you from the shower floor. Elvis' eyes twinkling from the bathtub.


>> No.8359343

>"Hi, ma'am? Could I ask you a question? This item is 60% and I have a 40% off coupon. Does that mean its free?"
>Customer was being completely serious with a straight face
>I chuckled
>"W-wait.. You're being serious?"
>customer walks off embarrassed


>> No.8359352

Some people don't like it, but that's why I often times ask what they're making. When they tell me a costume or a cosplay, I ask which one and then suggest better fabrics. Often times they take my advice since they end up not realizing that they had chosen worse, more expensive fabrics. They tend to be pretty appreciative.

>> No.8359369

I like asking what people are making, but only question more if the customer actually seems interested in talking or a conversation. It just kind of kills the awkward silence, but its pretty obvious when the customer prefers silence over forced conversation.
Sometimes I have to tell the older workers that they need to know when to stop prying information out of customers when they show signs of not wanting to talk. They never listen.

>> No.8359390

I worked at a michaels for a while. I cried many times because customers and coworkers a like despite me being the only person in the whole place that was knowledgable about art and the different brands. People who would buy like 50 of the floss thread in different colors that you couldn't fucking scan half the time. That was an awful summer.

>> No.8359404

I'd think that foodservice retail would be the worst. People get insane and irrational over food. Not that Joanne's is a picnic.

The "What are you making?" thing caught me off guard the first time. I just make a general comment "oh a costume" or something. I don't want to get into it. I understand why they have to ask but I also don't really like being questioned when I go in there.

Does anyone like that kind of stuff or am I a weirdo? I don't like the fake-friendliness crap, asking my name, etc. Generally, if I need help with something I'll go find an employee. Otherwise, I'd rather just browse on my own. The worst is when you're asked a bunch of things at the register and they're insistant on it ("sign up for our Credit Card"). There are so many times I've gone someplace and because they're asking me 37 questions, they make a mistake ringing me up... it's frustrating.

>> No.8359412


I'm probably late to the party but depending on the state I think you have to have a biohazard cleaning crew clean up large bloody messes in semi-public spaces. Like, it's a health/safety violation. I know that's the case here in Nevada at least, I used to work retail and we got fined like nobody's business when someone mopped up a gushing bloody nose instead of calling the right people.

>> No.8359422
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>> No.8359429

I'm very shy and keep to myself when shopping. I usually know what I want and have a general idea of where it is before going to the store. I don't like small talk with people I don't know. I rarely seek help from employees so I see where you're coming from.

Out of curiousity, have you worked in retail/as a cashier? At best, managers hounded us to make sure we're asking questions at the register. At worst, we got in trouble and had our hours cut if we didn't get a certain number of sign ups. I hated asking those stupid questions, but I had to for the sake of my job. That's why it doesn't bother me when employees ask me anymore, because 5 minutes of my day isn't as bad as them possibly losing hours. I'm way more understanding after being in their shoes.

>> No.8359511

what the fuck is wrong with these people that they seriously want to buy real animals as props

>> No.8359513

You're my hero.

I've never been insulted at the cut counter, but my old girl scout troop leader is a cutter and she gives me coupons.
Recently though they've been hovering and asking if I need anything. I find it awkward because I'm always matching fabrics for the right compliment and it takes me back and forth. Guess I look like a thief or tweaker.

>> No.8359521

Oh same. I love when cutters help me out like that - its embarrassing sometimes to say it at first but if I show them a ref photo, they usually go find me fabrics in the back that better match what I need

Managed to get perfect fabric for a friend's FE cosplay that way

>> No.8359522

I live near the LA fashion district I can find most shit for 1 to 4 bucks a yard.

>> No.8359528
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>Worked for Old Navy years ago
>Just started less than a few months
>Folding a table on the first floor
>Overhear a few teenagers talk about looking for pieces
>Heard "..for L ..."
They left a little afterwards and they didn't buy anything so I never saw how their L would have looked

>> No.8359552

Funny, I actually helped a newbie cosplayer choose fabric for his very first cosplay and it ended up being from FE! He had chosen crap fabric and ended up much happier with what I helped him pick out.

>> No.8359769
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Is she like 12?

>> No.8359775

I work in a liquor store, very VERY few people cause problems in our store. I think it has to do with the impending imbibing of alcohol.

>> No.8359786
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>> No.8359788

Ill be honest I've made some very poor choices in my life, I'll make it clear nobody is perfect and I fall in this so hard.
But goddamn I dodged a bullet.
Here have some green text.
>Be 18
>find out girl from school liked me, She seemed cool so we started dating
>First gf ever, shits already awkward
>Hanging out on the usual park house like we would
>"Hey do you like to make animal noises?" she says
>confused as fuck. "Uhh you mean like rawr tiger hahaha...ha.."
>"No more like * Insert primal mammal cooing mating sounds with chimp and leopard imitations...very poor ones*"
>give bs reason to go home
>really really fucking confused, break up with her after noticing other red flags and then this

Didn't go well but I was out of her life for a bit. She wanted to be friends when we met again, I thought it would be fine, I did like talking to her just as friends anyways. Until...
My social media being bombarded by her and rants. The bad ones where " OH men aren't bad, we just think they should be castrated and used as slaves, especially the white ones (White girl btw....)"
Like I'm fine with feminism in the sense that equality is the biggest goal, but she flips on me when I point out some shit she says is fucking awful.
This continues for weeks until I start giving up and letting her flip on other people.
Then I got fed up and just went full sarcastic asshole.
I just posted this big smear thing against all white dudes because every single one of us is a piece of shit and don't deserve air.and ended it with
>I'm sorry I was born a Cis White male and have so many privileges"

She fucking Thanked me

That shit hurt my feelings yo. I Hate people who Belittle or treat others like shit for what theyre born as, its not cool.
Since then I cut all ties, blocked her and shes sent fucking Novels the size of Goblet of Fire trying to get me to befriend her again.
Then that store shit, then the con and another friend request denied.

>> No.8359795

That's not irony you dip.

>> No.8359804

>because of company policy, we have to ask each guest what they're making.

Good to know. I feel better about lying now that I know no one actually cases.

>> No.8359809

You could have ended up like Anthony Birch. Thank the stars you got rid of her m8. People like that are on PT's level of insane.

>> No.8359819
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>> No.8359825

It kind of is, though.

>> No.8359851

I used to work at a Party City in a college town. My college also hosted a free anime/scifi con once a year. The weekend of the con the store was filled with My Little Pony/Homestuck etc ppl; it was more funny than anything. Then a group of three or so pencilneck memeshirt dr.who bros asked me if we had silly string because "they wanted to spray it at SwampCon". I told them that it wasn't a good idea and they would piss people off and gave them my best eyeroll and it somehow worked and they ended up getting some other novelty shit toys instead of the evil that is silly string. I'm a hero imo.

>> No.8359888

>>"Hey do you like to make animal noises?" she says
>>confused as fuck. "Uhh you mean like rawr tiger hahaha...ha.."
>>"No more like * Insert primal mammal cooing mating sounds with chimp and leopard imitations...very poor ones*"
do you live in Maine by chance?

>> No.8359905

This is true, actually. The only time Elvis ever tried to poop, he died :/

>> No.8359996

>store actually having one stocked medkit, let alone two

I work in a restaurant and for the longest time the only thing in ours were smelling salts and gauze pads, no alcohol wipes, bandaids, tape, aspirin, nothing.

>> No.8360027

>had some asshole OD in our bathroom
>paramedics and police just left his blood and used heroin needles lay on the bathroom floor

They should have cleaned that shit up, right? We have no way of properly disposing of bio-hazards, so they just went into the trashcan.

The paramedics also left their garbage from intubating him all over the floor



I get that you're saving his life but

There's a fucking trashcan right there.

>> No.8360031


>> No.8360039

One of the walmart's in my town has a fabric section. I once sat there for forty minutes waiting for an employee to drop by...
I gave up after that.

>> No.8360050

I was having a bad day, but at least I'm not Anthony Birch.
That makes me feel a lot better.

>> No.8360078
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When I worked at Subway as a teen, i once had a lady ask me to UNMELT the cheese on her sandwich.


Now, that shit was melted. All over. I offered to make her a whole new one without the cheese melted, which she declined.


But... but... i'm not Jesus D:

>> No.8360083

I've got a story that I'm still laughing about. I'll preface by saying I'm a very patient person, and the nearest JoAnns is a half hour away.

>Be in the Walmart Crafts section looking for interfacing for a jacket commission
>Con's in like three days, all I need is to finish the collar, only need like a yard, nbd.
>Stand by the cutting counter holding interfacing
>Nobody's there
>Walk around the craft section to find someone who works there
>Nobody's anywhere around here
>Wait for about 10 minutes
>talks to an employee that walks by and ask him if he could find someone to help me
>Dude says yes and walks off towards customer service, alright cool
>Another 10 minutes pass
>Walks over to video game section and asks if they can send someone to the crafts section
>Goes back to the cutting counter to wait
>Another fucking 10 minutes pass
>Lying down on top of the cutting counter at this point, because this is getting out of hand
>Old lady in walmart vest taps me on the leg telling me I can't lay down because they cut fabric there
>I'm a smartass
>"No they don't or my fabric would have been cut 30 minutes ago"
>Lady apologizes and goes off to find someone else to help me
>Another goddamn 15 minutes pass and finally the cutting counter lady comes by
>Ave Maria plays in the background
>I tell her how long I've been waiting and she apologizes and asks me how much I want
>Only need a yard.
>She starts to unravel it, and then stops as the top layer is a pre-cut piece
>It's exactly one yard
>I go into hysterics and start laughing so hard I hit the floor
>It takes two employees to calm me down and get me up because i'm laughing so hard at this irony
>She takes me to the video game checkout because she feels bad I've been waiting so long
>I go home in stitches and finish the jacket finally

I probably shouldn't have laid down on the counter but it worked. I'm still laughing.

>> No.8360092

>Corporate demands fabric to be measured in a specific way to avoid loss.

what's up with that?
'cause literally a girl trimmed the edge of my fabric to be straight before she started measuring and that kind of pissed me off. like what a waste.

>> No.8360099

Memorial Day Weekend was a mess. The fabric sections farthest away from the cutting counter were in shambles, because apparently people think it's okay to pull fabric off the wall and leave the bolts on the floor when no one's watching. People were still trying to get into the store after closing time on Monday (6pm).

In remotely related news, my JoAnn store just got this new lavender purple bottomweight sateen fabric. I want to use it to make something.

>> No.8360105

Joanns employee here, she probably did that because we often get customers that get too pissy if we don't do that so she probably does it out of habit now.

>tfw I had a lady two days ago force me to do that to 5+ bolts of fabric before cutting because she wanted it to be exact
>I was the only cutter at the counter
>we had a line of 10+ people
>No backup

>> No.8360112

It's all about profits to the corporate.

Straightening edges is nearly required because the chunk that is cut off in straightening is manually recorded and written off by the store. We can't give it to you for free. Selling it to you is a bigger problem than it seems because it's not uniform in width & we have to sell by the smallest edge width, which would be 0". If that straightening is given away or isn't recorded, it will seem like we overcut or stole fabric from the store, and that's a bad thing for corporate to see. Target "shrink" loss for the store is about 1.2% I believe.

>> No.8360116

Alright so real question, and I'm gonna try to word this as carefully as I can.

Is there a thing in other cultures about shopping late? I notice whenever we close, almost every single night without fail, the last group in my store is a family of immigrants, most of whom don't speak English very well. It's different groups, different countries. (Mostly Arabic, judging from the language on their phones when I help them with coupons) but folks from all over.

It happens so often I'm sort of wondering if it's just a culture gap? Obviously Americans run in at the last second too, but it's consistent enough I have to wonder. They always ignore our closing announcements and we usually have to come tell them we're closing.

I know when I travelled places closed up super early. Is it the assumption everything in 'merica is open forever? Any insights?

>> No.8360117

On memorial day the scheduling manager decided it was okay to not schedule anyone for cashier until 9:30
it was such a mess, we had a no call no show, and we only had 2 people and a manager running the entire store until 12. I was the only one scheduled for cutting counter and luckily everyone who was waiting was super nice to me for being so calm under all that pressure.

super awesome manager managed to get more people to come in, and in my last hour I got tasked to put away fabric which I love, and they let me leave 15 minutes early.

>> No.8360121

I usually slide it over and give it to you. If it's way off, like over an inch, then I'll ask if you want me to straighten it. Some ladies get cranky if it's not perfectly straight. I had one lady who was making infinity scarves for a craft fair to sell, and she "didn't want to have to do any extra work" so she had me straighten almost every single one. She had 30+ bolts. I was really new at the store then, and I was convinced they were hazing me.

>> No.8360125

I had an old lady berate me for not cutting stripes straight in her knit fabric.

fuck off lady you can just straighten it yourself at home. I am salty.

>> No.8360127

it was barely an inch of the fat side.
it was just cut crooked the last time. so it was barely a pie slice.

>> No.8360128

Prob just confirmation bias tbh. Or it's more annoying when they stay late and don't understand you when you than it would be if they spoke english, so you remember it more.

From my limited world view most other countries shopping times actually close down much earlier than us here in the good ol usa.

>> No.8360133

Knit is a pain in the butt to cut straight.

And tulle and those floaty rayon knit mix fabrics. Fuck them. I can never tell if I'm cutting straight.

>> No.8360135

>work at Party City
>store is in a dead-ass town filled with people who just enjoy getting drunk
>dad walks in and asks if I can help him find some costume stuff
>ask what it's for (expecting some trashy costume party)
>"Oh, my kids and I really like comic book conventions, so I figured I would surprise them and dress up with them too"
>that's so cute holy shit
>help him find last few items he needs for a Robin cosplay and give him a discount on a morphsuit for his son

Parents who find genuine interest in making things their kids enjoy even more fun are so sweet, and are also a breath of fresh air compared to the usual people who shop at Party City.

>> No.8360137

She said I ruined the stripes for the next person.

I distrust anyone who brings up tulle, because I know, I KNOW, it's going to be a large order and take me 15 minutes to cut. It's like that every time. Luckily the ladies who bring up tulle are usually the most patient and chill guests I get.

>> No.8360141

Probably right, anon.

Though that said, the most memorable people who stayed way too late was this family that bought shit in the store on a Sunday night, then parked themselves at the pattern table, opened all of the packages and started working on their school project poster. Whenever they needed another thing for it, they'd send the youngest one up to the register to go and pay for it, and then bring it back. But it became very hard to keep track of what was purchased and what wasn't... The mother nearly bit my head off when I asked to see a receipt before I cut the plastic guard off the glue. They then stayed there after 7... 7:10... 7:15... We tried to customer service them to death, saying, "Sorry, we're closed, can we help with anything else? We're closed now..." They just laughed and told us to help them finish their school project. It was due the next day. It was 7:25 before we finally had to kind of throw corporate to the wind and just tell them to leave. They grumbled and bitched all the way, and then we had to clean up the huge mess they left on the pattern table, glue smears, paper clippings and all.

>> No.8360143

Halloween time at party city is simultaneously precious and heartbreaking had some little girl tell me she wanted to be Bast, the egyptian goddess of cats, and she had this really specific image of how she wanted it to look, but i had to explain to her that all we have in term of Egyptian costumes is dresses that look like bags with gold beads sewed on them, which looked nothing like her image. I think I sold her a cute cat mask though.

>> No.8360313

I've worked at joanns for five years and nobody's told me I have to ask though. I just ask on a rare occasion that a customer brings up a bunch of interesting looking fabrics or theyre obviously making a cosplay. I wouldn't care enough to ask otherwise.
Im just excited that someone's making something besides quilts/baby blankets/seat cushions.

>> No.8360317

I've had middle aged ladies scream at me for not edge straightening. Even though I gave them enough to make up for the crooked cut.
You don't understand how middle aged white ladies are in fabric stores.

>> No.8360420

lol we had a lady storm in, throw the fabric we cut at us, and scream at my manager, following any employee around the store because or edge straightening. apparently even though we edge straightened and gave her extra it still wasn't enough and demanded we give her 4 inches free.

she comes in every once and a while still, but she hasn't thrown a fit since. one time she said "are you sure that's even" and I replied "yeah I even gave you extra. I remember how you like things" and that shut her the fuck down. good to know some people at least have enough humanity to be embarrassed after acting so terrible.

I also have a lady that makes 3 million dog blankets and would be funny if her attitude wasn't so weird and bad. she always comes up with a cart of like 15 bolts of fleece and they all have to be edge straightened and all the stripes have to be cut along the line (even if it's skewed and terrible?) and everything is exactly 31". no extra. all cut edges completely, perfectly 31". she used to come in almost every other day, too. then after 3 months of seeing her 3-4 times a week, I didn't see her for months. honestly thought she had died or something. apparently she was just trying to get through her stash at home.

>> No.8360428

>cleaning up blood
>no gloves
My condolences anon. Bodily fluids and no protection is a borderline phobia of mine from working in an ER.

How is Hancock Fabrics? I'm moving to about a block away from one in a few days and want to know if it's worth the trip.

My grandma finally realized why I hate quilters so much because we restored some furniture for my new place and she came with me to get the pleather for the chair cushions. There were five quilters in front of us ordering like 7 inches of fabric.

>> No.8360488

'Push you over your fifth hour'

Do you guys get in trouble for working too long? Sorry I'm a Eurofag so this confuses me.

>> No.8360502

In America we have rules about taking breaks so we don't end up with hideous working conditions again because working people do death is kind of a cultural thing. I kept getting in trouble at my last job because I'd forget to take lunch, it wasn't a fireable offense though because I was on salary so they didn't have to pay extra. If you work more than 40 hours a week they have to pay you more.

>> No.8360514

Oh. Cool thanks for the education Anon!

I'm just sort of expected to work later if they ask it, no extra pay. In retail it was to clean up, in the office it's during crunch time for projects. I'm glad they at least have to pay you, but it sounds pretty shit.

>> No.8360516

I've noticed this too. And there's this Indian lady that speaks broken English that literally cannot understand the concept of a line. Like she'll just hop in front of everyone or stand off to the side instead of getting in line until someone says go ahead, it drives me crazy because I always have to tell her to step to the end because others have been waiting. Do they not wait in lines in freaking India?

>> No.8360518

Even in Europe this happens depending on the country and the unions they have.

I live in Finland. Socialist haven where everyone gets large salaries and everything is free, right?

>there's no minimum wage
>minimum wages are determined by the power of the unions and only have to comply to EU standards and human rights blah blah
>you're now a security guard
>you work for 12+ hours daily (perfectly legal) with no health benefits other than a 30% discount in a specific private hospital that charges an arm and a leg anyway
>you don't even get holidays off unless you ask for them, and then they are unpaid
>the working schedule is unpredictable and you can work a night shift and an afternoon shift in the same day with the only restriction being that you need to get 7 hours of sleep between workdays
>no promotions, no regular hours, average monthly salary can be as low as €800 and no higher than €1800, usually €1200 which is about the same as monthly unemployment money with more work and less sitting down
It totally exists here too, sometimes it's even worse. Especially in the Wild West of Europe aka Slav countries and the Mediterranean.

>> No.8360520

Depends on the size of the store, but they do offer a lot of fabrics that can't be found at Jo-Ann because of different suppliers. I visit the closest Hancock Fabrics store when I can't find a good color/material match at Jo-Ann and both stores are about equal distance from me, but in completely opposite directions, alas.

>> No.8360528

Maybe American culture is just too nice? Like, most retail workers can't really get mad or physically shoo the customers away. It's always roundabout ways of reminding them that the store has closed and "Anything else can I help you with for the night?"

Indian customers seem to have a higher rate of shopping on the "edge". I don't know a better term for it, but it's like 50/50 that
>they'd ask if something is on sale
>be visibly disappointed when something isn't on sale (when they thought it was by their limited English skills)
>give up on an item when it's not on sale even after it has been rang up or cut
>try to double-coupon on something
>just couponing in general; seems like no purchase can go without a coupon

>> No.8360540

I worked at WalMart briefly as a kid and knew the intercom paging number, so if I couldn't find someone to cut my fabric (fabrics is always a ghost town, god damn), I'd just pick up the phone and do their standard call for an employee to the station.

Just hunt down someone nearby and ask them to do the same instead of dicking away 40 minutes of your life next time.

>> No.8360548

No minimum wage in Finland? That's pretty shit. Ours is low, but not that bad. Working service industry sounds a lot like what you described though but with enforced breaks. You're really lucky if you get healthcare here because a lot of the companies try and avoid the 30(?) hour weekly limit for any healthcare. That salary job I worked was in a hospital and I had to be treated at that specific hospital when I got so stressed out I tried to off myself.
We still see a lot of people on government benefits even if they are working because of the wages. Also, people are breaking at 50 and 60 years old because of work culture, there's a reason we're kind of known for a massive painkiller addiction. (You work until you can't work anymore due to pain, then take painkillers until you're in so much pain you are considered disabled, then you're considered a lazy drain on society or an "inspiration" depending on how badly you got hurt and how visible it is.)

Then we have the whole "if you're poor it just means you didn't work hard enough" mentality that's finally being addressed.

>> No.8360555

Does anyone have the cap of the lolita anon who went to some shady fabric store and got called a burbank stripper?

>> No.8360559

Waiting in a queue actually isn't a thing in several countries. It took my polite American ass a lot of effort first not to snap at people for what I perceived as rudeness and second to force myself to play the game and just waltz right in front of someone else if I ever wanted to do anything without being cut off three times. So it very well could be a cultural thing.

>> No.8360563

Haha, that was good. I don't have it though.

>> No.8360566

I loved tucking and organizing fabric for the calico wall. I miss that the most.

>> No.8360579

Wait, where do you live? Land of the free?

>> No.8360608

I've been at Joann 2 years and have never heard of this policy. I have some pretty strict managers, too.

>> No.8360609

An ex of mine and I waited at their cut counter for 15 minutes before just reaching over the counter and cutting our own fabric. Several employees saw us do it and didn't even bat an eyelid, just kept walking. We walked out with the fabric and no one questioned us.

>> No.8360618

This happens at my store often, but its usually non-english speaking Mexicans. When I politely let them know we're closed, they don't care. I even let them know in Spanish and they just keep shopping. I think its just a sense of entitlement knowing we can't actually kick them out of the store, only harass them with questions until they leave.

>> No.8360623

I had a woman that was convinced that a fabric with stripes was cut crooked because the print itself was crooked. I let her know it was the print and she didn't believe me, so I cut it on the stripe to prove it. She was borderline "I'd like to speak to a manager" but hesitated since she was too embarrassed. Dumb cunt.

>> No.8360627

Your managers must have a lot of patience, mine would of told them to fuck off and not open shit in the store.

>> No.8360668
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>cashier gets snippy when I politely decline to give her my email for the mailing list

>> No.8360670


I'm not sure what the deal if they are residents, but I can explain for tourists - big name chain stores in Mexico are not supposed to close untilt the last costumer leaves. What they do is stop allowing people in like 1hr-30min before closing time.

>> No.8360704


>> No.8361030
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This One?

>> No.8361067

Working retail in americunt
>minimum wage at 40 hrs gets you less than $800/mo
>good luck working 40 hours, they'd have to offer you benefits so you'll need two jobs for that
>unreliable schedules, no bonus for working on holidays, no such thing as paid vacation of any sort
>schedule for next week comes out on Friday, you won't know if you work on Monday until then
>favoritism from scheduling managers means I never get any days off that j need, even for the doctor
>12 hour shifts with no breaks
>close (1am) and then open the next day at 8am
>raises promised never go through
>TFW there's no Arby's union
>tfw I'm going to be a manager and still get this shit treatment

>> No.8361070

Your company has rules, OSHA has no such rules. The only rule is the >40 hours overtime thing and even that has loopholes.

>> No.8361087

>Understaffed but still won't fucking hire me

>> No.8361160

I was taught that i didnt need to use scissors on the tulle, but to cut a notch and just rip it.. always came out straight

>> No.8361173

The Glendale Joann's is fucking nasty.

>> No.8361261

nah, think farther south. and then take your pick, because all of the stores down here are bad in their own right. we're just the biggest so we get all the shit.
yeah it's actually really serious at my work. that's the big one that you absolutely can't get. but my store will push you until the last minute though. now that i think about it I have a story about that too.

>7.5 hour closing shift on a sunday
>it's always fucking sundays
>break was shafted by 45+ minutes. my food clock is off as hell.
>get super hangry all the time. not fat, but very serious about food.
>relateively new store manager is closing for the first time. he's super into corporate policies.
>"hey anon, I'm going to move your lunch until after the store closes."
>how about no. that's like right at my 5th hour.
>super fucking hungry, getting irritable, get blinding headache.
>customers won't leave the store like every sunday ever. get every one out 10 minutes late. >try to clock out
>"but you can't clock out yet, anon! we need to have a team huddle right now at the very front of the store!"
>stop playing with my heart
>run up there, he's blabbing on about how corporate wants us to always do these (we never did before). I was so hungry at this point that I straight up told him it's wasting time.
>he eventually ends the huddle. I fucking run to the back, throw my frozen meal in the microwave.
>he comes in, trying to talk to me.
>"hey anon you seem kind of irritable and unhappy are you ok? are you ok, anon? but are you really ok"
>tell him I'm fine and I'm just hungry and I get hangry.
>keeps trying to talk to me. on my own fucking time.
>snap at him
>"anon you're giving me attitude"
>apologize, mention the hangry thing again and later he apologizes to me, but i was still mad as fuck.
>frozen meal never cooks in the middle, eat it cold.
>least i didn't get in trouble for any of that shit.

>> No.8361277

I want to come to your store just to be extra nice to all of the employees.

>> No.8361285

I've been tempted to do this so many times but its the only JoAnn within a reasonable drive.

>> No.8361286

also just to add on, you can get written up for pretty much anything at my work. i got a verbal warning for my handwriting on the DU log once. the fifth hour rule is the biggest, most serious write up you can get. but, at least with my old manager I don't know about the new one yet, they would hand out write ups left and right. I've known people to get written up for clocking in 2 minutes late or early. everyone in the store got a verbal warning for not checking the punch corrections, even if you actually did. and everyone got verbal warnings for not closing timeclock on the computer. if you're with a customer too long, you get in trouble. if you don't ask customers all the questions every single time, you're in trouble. if you haven't gotten a lot of text signups or mailers, you're in trouble. you can basically get in trouble for anything and everything.

thanks anon, we have a couple customers that just come in to tell us we're doing good and that they like our help. one of our regulars bought us little baby doughnuts last sunday, when the blood thing happened. I sat in the back and ate like the whole box. so i mean not everything is always bad, just a lot of it is.

at least i'm at my 9th pair of "cut above" scissors. I told myself I could quit when I got 10 and got the gold pair.

>> No.8361296

Apply to a Kroger? It's just as shitty as any other retail job but any part-timer that's not a bagger gets insurance. Hell, if you're cursed to be there long enough you even get a paid vacation and a couple holidays. Never gonna get 40 hours at part-time, though.

>> No.8361352

Tulle is a fine mesh and I don't think it rips. It's the organza that will rip straight from a nick.

>> No.8361366

>went above and beyond my peers at work
>old ladies had 10 billion scissors
>worked at Joann 2 years+
>only got 2 stinking pairs of scissors

I think it was rigged.

>> No.8361370

Sorry meant to tag

>> No.8361419

worked at Joanns as well, but hate asking "what are you making?". I also hate it when people ask me that, so I usually don't ask, unless someone clearly wants to talk. If a manager is around, I will ask, but other than that, I will leave you the fuck alone.

>> No.8361431

All places have shit customers. I work at a plant store and the bitchiness is amazing. Lady if the place own the street sells dirt cheaper and it makes you so mad just buy their dirt!

>> No.8361478

You sound like a nutjob. I get that it took a long time but if I was an employee working there and a customer was 1. laying on the countertop and then 2. laughed hysterically to the floor I would be thoroughly worried for their mental health.

>> No.8361516

>Anthony Birch.

>> No.8361521

I feel you.

>"we're hiring!" sign
>upload resume, apply online
>receive email saying "thank you but we decided to go with another applicant"
>in there every other week and it's still the same three people. The hiring sign is gone but honest to god there's now even less employees on the floor at once each day

I spent over a half hour combing the store for an employee so I could get one of those fabrics that's halfway to the ceiling and I've had a woman tell me "that's not a thing, I don't think we have that here" when I asked about Martha Stewart products when they were on sale. Like, she completely believed I was making up a brand that they have an entire aisle for.

>> No.8361522

You're calling them and not waiting for them to call you, right?

>> No.8361535
File: 43 KB, 320x343, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first cosplay idea is Princess Bubblegum
>go to fabric store with picture of her in my hand
>show it to employee at the store, ask her which fabric would work best
>she shows me nice fabric, gives me all kinds of information on it
>she tells me she once cosplayed PB too
>shows me picture on her phone
>same materials, it actually looks amazing

That was a good feel.

>> No.8361546

You mean for employment? They sent me a reject letter not two days after I applied. I don't typically call as soon as I send an application in. I prefer asking to speak with someone in store but a lot of places just tell me to go online.

>> No.8361552

When I was looking for a job, almost every ad said not to call and no drop ins.

>> No.8361566

Had a good friend who kept trying to apply at craft stores. She is used to jobs that like initiative and so she would try seeking out a manager at appropriate times, introducing herself, mentioning that she had applied online, etc. An employee at Joanns flat out told her to cut it out, that if they wanted to hire her she would already be working there, and that they just picked the most recent three online apps and didn't even look at the rest.

>> No.8361599

I applied to the local Jo-Ann store and got asked for an interview about a week later. Got hired on the spot after 10 minutes of interview. All they asked about is customer service and how you'd deal with a troublesome customer.

>> No.8361627

its probably a shitty store then.
understaffed because they dont have hours to go around because of shitty sales.

either that or you did terrible in the interview.

>> No.8361636

Comrade, that feeling sucks

>> No.8361671

complaining about a person setting up your lunch break close to hitting your 5th is one. i hate that too.

but acting like a baby with a tantrum because youre hungry? god damn, grow the fuck up.
ive done a bunch of 12 hour shifts where i had nothing but an apple for breakfast and was able to cope without food. just keep your mind off of your stomach you fat piece of shit.

>inb4 i have a medical disorder!

>> No.8361677

Sounds like someone needs a snack.

>> No.8361686

>a hurr durr suck it up fatty, god you must be so fat because you have to eat regularly and not doing so inhibits your mood lulz what a lard ass

3/10 for making me respond

>> No.8361688

What exactly is this "fifth hour"?

>> No.8361762


>tfw walk into stores asking if they're looking for people
>tfw they always say "oh we JUST hired new people"
>tfw when they do it's 'yeah you have to fill it in online"
>fill it in online
>never hear from them again
>meanwhile everyone else gets a job except for you


>> No.8361777

Yup. Amerifat. We have really bad work culture here, even taking a sick day is frowned upon.

Yeah, but a lot of corporate companies have these bullshit rules because they get bad press unless they cover their asses. The one time I got written up for not taking a lunch was at a cannery. (temp job) My last job keeps getting in trouble because out of four of us working a 24 hour desk, two attempted suicide in six months. I finally got everything sorted out though and am starting a trade school instead because the working conditions are better. I worked admin in a hospital. You'd think healthcare would care about its workers but a lot of the people I met in mental health rehab also worked in hospitals. It's a combo of shit schedules (12 hour shifts alone doing four people's jobs, irregular days in a two week cycle.) and awful conditions (in trouble for not taking a lunch, no one to cover for you so you had to juggle lunch and still keeping track of the ER, the delivery room, the ICU, and the other wards. No other breaks other than a run to pee and hope the on call phone doesn't go off. Talked down to by doctors and have to deal with residents, which are basically inept doctors that lose paperwork and patients more often. They're also overworked and underpaid along with everyone else who isn't a GP doctor) I also got written up for a no call no show while I was a patient in the hospital even though my direct supervisor was the one who admitted me.

Hospitals: not even once.

>> No.8361788

At most retail places and as ordained by labor laws, a person working 5 hours in a row or longer (including their mandated 15-min break) must be given a meal break or the company would face fines if found out. This translates to a manager yelling at the poor employee.

>> No.8361793

I fucking hate that

> See help wanted sign "Walk-ins welcome!"
> Ask for application
> "Great! We need new people! But we do everything online and our computer doesn't work so..."
> Go home, their site doesn't accept onlines "Apply in store!"
> Go back with screenshot, ask for a paper app to drop off later since their computer is down
> Manager comes out "We don't accept walk ins."

Then why the fuck do you have a sign out and your site says to walk in? I like the convenience of online applications but obviously employers can't handle it. If you can't deal with a paper copy that is literally the web app printed off or talking to a potential employee, maybe you shouldn't be in charge of hiring.

>> No.8361800

It's not worth it to apply to a place that is so broken and difficult in a bad way to even get in. It's probably indicative of how the business runs and you'd want out very quickly.

>> No.8361804

>tfw unemployed
>"hey anon, you sew! you should work at joann's!"
>have read many of these threads

>> No.8361809

Is only working 4-6 hours a normal thing? The store I used to work at, you always worked 8 hours with just a one hour "lunch break." The only reason why the lunch break is so long is because they find it less productive to give you you 10-15 minute breaks every so often, and would rather you just take the 1 hour food break and that's it. Also no two employees were allowed to be on lunch at the same time. Also you were not allowed to sit at all the whole time. I guess that's not normal?

>> No.8361811

I don't live in a city so there aren't many that many places I can apply to. All I want is a simple job at a goddamn supermarket but either it's only <18 that hired, or somehow everyone gets hired but me.

>> No.8361812

I applied online and only had correspondence by email two months later.

>> No.8361814

What country?

>> No.8361819

oh man that reminds me

>apply online
>'you hear if we're interested within 2 weeks, if you don't hear anything just assume we aren't"
>don't hear anything after 2 weeks
>at least a month later "yeah we aren't interested in you"

Why send out the mail at all if it's past the 2 weeks mark?

>> No.8361822

Then is every place broken and fucked up because I've applied to all applicable stores in my city and then in 2 surrounding cities. What magical place do you live in that you found work - please refer me!
Online apps usually just don't work. The only places seeming to constantly hire people is the fast food business.

>> No.8361830

Different anon. At the store I used to work at, if you didn't sign up x amount of people a day for rewards cards you got fired. It didn't matter if the customer didn't want one, you pushed the shit out of that until you strongarmed them into getting one, and most people didn't want to hear the run down or be bothered with signing up for it. It was so bad that at one point, there was a code you could type in where if someone just came in to get a rewards card rather than actually buying something, and the cash register would ring them up for. $0.00. We would go through the entire phone book for our area signing up everyone in there just to meet our quota because the District Manager would scream at us if our store didn't meet the quota. I got fired for 2 hours once because I didn't meet the quota becuase i hated harasseing customers to sign up after being there for a year or two. I was "rehired' after 2 hours though because my boss realized that I was the only one that cleaned the store every night and I actually did my job and put everything away. I was also paid exactly minimum wage while my coworkers were all paid a dollar or two more than me to do much less. Glad to be out of that place, don't work automotive retail.

>> No.8361839

I am >>8361599. Store is understaffed but just about everyone looks out for each other and management comes running at any signs of trouble. I used to live in a smaller city where it was a job desert so I moved across state lines to be closer to a population center. It's not magical; the pay is still minimum wage, but the work experience is fantastic since I get to learn about where every item is in the store and help other people with their projects.
Maybe it's like you'll have good and bad stores within any retail chain.

>> No.8361857

>not allowed to sit at all the whole time.
...during your lunch hour or during your shift?

>> No.8361892

4chan is 18+

>> No.8361895

And your point is? I meant that the people that get hired are below the age of 18. I'm above that age so they'd have to pay me more. Which is why I won't get hired.

>> No.8361936

>I also got written up for a no call no show while I was a patient in the hospital even though my direct supervisor was the one who admitted me.
fuckin A

i hate corporate mentality

>> No.8361941

ugh I think I know what Bill cosplayer you're talking about. Somebody posted a Bill cosplay on Tumblr a while back saying "Going to Joann's, should I tell them I'm A BEING OF PURE ENERGY WITH NO WEAKNESSES?!" it was super cringey and I actually literally cringed when I read that

>> No.8361952

>With a friend at a fabric store, looking for fabric for our next cosplays.
>This old man walks up to us, asks us kindly if we know how to sew.
>"Uhh... yes."
>He's actually very nice and he tells us his wife always complains about young people not knowing how to sew anymore so he was pleasantly surprised to see there was still young people at fabric stores and stuff.
>He goes away and a while after we run into him again. This time the wife is with him.
>"See dear, these are the young girls that I told you about. They know how to sew!"
>Old lady gives us this SUPER JUDGY LOOK.
>Starts questioning us very rudely. "Why do you know how to sew? What are you making?"
>Me and my friend don't really wanna explain to this old ass lady what cosplay is so we simply say we're studying fashion design and we're making a costume for class.
>"Oh then you should use this fabric." says as she picks the shiniest and cheapest satin I've ever seen in my entire life.
>Proceeds to give us a very rude lecture about how to hem a dress.
>She goes on an on forever until my friend and I are finally able to run away from her without looking rude (not that she was very nice to us)

I don't know why old women are so rude to young people? Especially at retail stores. It's like they feel this is their territory and you young folks are just vandals getting in the way!!

>> No.8361959

Bitch at them. The manager has earned it.

>> No.8361964

Were they in the Ohayocon tag? When I cut their fabric it was a week or two before Ohayocon.

>> No.8361967

Should have demanded more dough

>> No.8361973

I just wouldn't put up with that. I don't care if one lady doesn't like me. gtfo

>> No.8361984
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>close early at 6pm on Memorial Day
>get 9000 phone calls in the next couple hours asking what time we close

>> No.8361999

Fuck working at hospitals.
The patients are cool most of the time but my coworkers were shit.

>> No.8362034

I recently transferred across states from a superstore to a smaller store and holy shit I don't hate work anymore? Like, management was shit at my old store and so were the customers (as in an overwhelming majority of them) and now management is fine and I've only had one person intentionally be an ass to me in the past two weeks.
Hours and pay still suck, but I am so glad to be out of my old store. The horror stories I have from there....

>> No.8362038

middleaged-elderly women are just the worst people

>> No.8362047

>Its 5pm(est) Wednesday and my order is still "processing".
It is now past 8 Thursday and my order hasn't been shipped and I haven't gotten an email back about switching to expedited shipping or canceling the order.

Joanns sucks in all formats.

Sage for offtopic but I'm mad. 90% chance I'm going to have to waste money on shipping twice since I'm going to have to return this due to it coming too late.

>> No.8362076


I just remembered this other story about old women thinking they own the place.

>Be me with a friend in the queue to pay our fabrics.
>A couple of girls in front of us are taking A LONG time to pay, but truth to be told they spend hundreds of euros and they want a detailed invoice so it's going to take a while, especially since this is a single queue.
>Woman in her 60's walks up to us.
>"Hey you mind if I just skip the line? I've been waiting here forever and I'm just going to pay this one little thing."
>We've been waiting forever too and we both only got a couple of yards. Besides I'm pretty sure this woman just arrived, we haven't seen her in the queue at all.
>Say these thoughts politely.
>Woman keeps insisting, gets a little aggressive because we're not letting her skip the queue.
>Simply say "No" and start ignoring her.
>Woman starts bitching about us with this other woman that was behind us in line, and she agrees??? She doesn't even leave the queue.
>Keeps commenting out loud how she only has to pay for this little thing.

She just wouldn't shut up but I wasn't gonna let this old woman go before me when I had been waiting for ages too, I'm sorry.

I've had SO MANY problems with old ladies trying to skip queues at fabric stores. Wtf.

>> No.8362125

Agreed. It's the same thing in a hair salon. Bitch, stfu and work on my hair and don't mind my business. You ain't getting a bigger tip engaging me. . .

Sage for going off-topic

>> No.8362161

as women age, they sometimes become more incontinent. she probably had to pee and was afraid you would make her soil herself. bitching may have taken her mind off of needing to cough or sneeze, which also would have made her tinkle.

>> No.8362172

I was buying fabric a while back and there was an old woman in front of me who was rudely muttering to her friend about how three younger girls (likely cosplayers) were holding up the line SO long because they all brought up fabric for individual projects (they went one at a time though, not like they went all at once). The girls weren't even being slow, they just had a lot of materials. When the woman finally got up to the counter she proceeded to ask the cutting person a hundred questions about the pattern and fabric she was buying, and couldn't understand that fabric comes in different widths (45", 52", 60") and that as a result the calculations for the pattern were different than what she'd thought. She argued with the cutting person for a few minutes before asking to speak to a manager, who told her the same fucking thing the cutting person did about the widths changing the measurements.
For all the complaining they do about young people, old people are notoriously annoying and hold up the most lines. Doesn't help that they always seem to have an entire CART full of fabric.

>> No.8362207

I think they meant Anthony Burch who recently divorced his wife.

>> No.8362225

No excuse for being snippy, of course, but often nowadays e-mail collection is used as the basis for hours. At Michaels where I work, the cashiers are constantly being hounded to get e-mail numbers up, and the lowest numbers are more likely to get shit hours or even get canned if they ever have to downsize.

I'm not a cashier, thank goodness (framing dept, we always have fantastic e-mail numbers because people have to give their phone numbers to us anyway so far fewer people refuse to share e-mails), but the few times I've had to ring over the past couple years there was no answer I hated more than, "Oh, I'm already in your system". If they said they'd rather not share or didn't have an e-mail, that's one thing and I just let it be, but I'm never sure if I should convince them to give their e-mail again for my numbers or just let it go... Managers suggest telling them you're just updating it in the system.

Anyway, yeah, if the cashier had just been bitched out about her e-mail numbers and was on edge. Or maybe she was just an asshole, who knows.

>> No.8362227

Maybe if they're Persian (Farsi also uses the same keyboard), the culture of Iran is like you tell someone to be somewhere at 9:00 that actually means that you should be there at 10:30, its like an unspoken rule. My Farsi teacher calls it "Persian Standard Time". I'm not sure if it applies to stores or not. But if you live in LA, there is a very big Persian community out there, so that might explain it??

>> No.8362242

>fabric obsessed/hording cosplayer
>move to new town
>first 3 times in local fabric store get ignored/treated like shit maybe cause young, wearing sweat pants, anime shirt & mussed up hair ie don't look like a seamstress
>this is just my natural state if i'm not going balls to the walls to dress up
>eyebrows raise when i pull out cash for $200-300 fabric purchases three times in first month
>now even if i just roll out of bed they kiss my ass and help me with everything the second i set foot in the store

I had a lot of commissions to finish that month. But deep down, i know they are still snooty bitches.

>> No.8362258

Bless you, anon. You are my idol right now.

>> No.8362270

never order from the joann's website. the one time i did it literally took 2.5 weeks just to ship some fleece (my store was out of the color i needed) and some buckram.

>> No.8362305
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My first real job was at a plant store. My favorite question was cheapskates who would ask, "Can I split this plant?" [pic related]. We would tell them no (because it is ONE plant in a pot) and they'd get all huffy about it. I don't know what would make this kind of person happy.

My favorite is, I answer the phone and get, "Are you open?" No, I'm sitting here alone in the dark waiting for you to call. WTF.

Some people are just like that. They're in a big hurry for nothing. Wait in line like everyone else.

I hate this because they never spell my email right, so even if I wanted the coupons/special ads, I don't even get them.

>> No.8362337

Uh...I think you might be a little insane. If I had to deal with a customer like you, I would have been extremely concerned for their mental well-being.

>> No.8362419

I know each store is different, but do you have a Home Depot in your area? I work at my local store and I love it:
>everyone starts out at least $1 over minimum wage
>still won't get 40 hours unless you're full-time, duh
>unreliable schedules, but they make them at least two weeks in advance, time and a half bonus for working on holidays, guaranteed to be off for Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, paid vacation time and built in sick time even starting out as a part-timer (not as good, of course, but it's something)
>still some scheduling manager favoritism, so makes friends with your ASDS (if it's blatantly unfair, ask for them to change your schedule--they'll usually tweak it a bit)
>Full-timers get a 9 hour shift with one hour breaks (or a 8.5 hour shift with half hour breaks if you live in a state where 30 minute lunch breaks are legal) and usually a 15 minute break on top of that; part-timers working a 4 or 6 hour shift also usually get a 15 minute break)
>where the fuck is it legal to work in the USA for 12 hours with no breaks?
>Mandatory 11 hour break between shifts (or your managers get in trouble from corporate)
>every raise I've been promised has been delivered
>no union for Home Depot employees and I'm fine with that since I don't have anything to complain about and much to be grateful for
>tfw I only have a high school diploma and I'm so glad to have my job--I know I've lucked out

Even if you don't have a Home Depot, I would still be job hunting if I were you and I was being treated like that--the promised raises never going through would be it for me; the rest is just generally shitty and borderline illegal, but that would be too personal for me.

To make this more OT, I've helped some guys find appropriate PVC pipes for props they were building and cut it for them so they could fit it in their car. I've also helped a guy match paint for a sword holder he was building for LARP.

I've found closing my eyes tends to shut them up.

>> No.8362429

I have a fun one.
>about 40 minutes after closing time, everyone is doing go-backs
>one guy is getting a drink at the water fountain and hears noises from the women's restroom
>female colleague goes to check it out
>apparently some woman had been passed out in the restroom, woke up, and started freaking out and yelling "DON'T LEAVE MEEEEE!!!"
>restroom reeks of cheap perfume, and she shoves a platic baggie of something down her bra as she leaves while mumbling barely coherent shit about having diabetes
>manager escorts her out of the store
>find like a dozen opened superglue packages in the restroom trash after she leaves

I think she still comes in periodically to steal stuff, probably doesn't even remember that happened because she was so goddamn high.

>> No.8362436

Yeah, I checked out reviews and apparently everyone seems to have this issue. At this point I'm not shopping with them again online or off. I checked their FB page too and someone bought fabric recently and posted a pic of how frayed it was from the dull scissors the employees have to use. I don't want to support a company with this few give-a-shits. I'm just gonna shop at Michael's from now on.

>12$ down the drain on shipping both ways
>At least I didn't pay the ridiculous amount they charge for expeditied

>> No.8362444

Contrary to popular belief, lunch breaks (or any kind of break) are not mandated by federal law. Local law might be another story, but in my area you're only legally required to get a lunch break if you're under 18.

>> No.8362458

>tfw you go to NYC fabric district
>tfw they tear almost everything

such a delicious sound

>> No.8362462

during your shift, lunch is the only time you're allowed to sit. I always made sure to go out somewhere for lunch instead of eating in the staff room, otherwise they would call you back out 20 minutes early.

>> No.8362470
File: 256 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_np33iyRw2O1r1hdm0o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes my job at JoAnns can be cool. A customer brought in a pouch of three of these little guys to socialize. I got to hold it and pet it. Made my day.

>> No.8362475

Each state has their own law. My state mandated anything over 6 hours in a day was required at least a 30 minute lunch. My old job skirted this law by scheduling us 5.45 hours on paper and almost always needing us to stay for whatever reason. Sometimes I'd be there up to 8-9 hours straight and not get to eat. In retrospect I should've called whoever is responsible for labor law.

>> No.8362504

To be fair, one of my managers has answered the phone to hear a woman go, "Oh, you ARE open! I'll be there in fifteen minutes!" and before she could get a word in edgewise the woman had hung up.

We didn't open for another hour and a half.

>> No.8362515

I hate this kind of shit. Whenever I apply somewhere I stop by the next day or the day after and ask for the manager so I can introduce myself and let them know that I applied. It's to set you apart from the other applicants and allows them to put a face to a name which can raise your chances of getting hired. Plus blah blah shows initiative and shit.

This thread confirms my fears about working at craft stores.
"Hey you're an art major you should work at Hobby Lobby/ Micheal's!"
Even with an employee discount most of the items I'd buy would be less expensive from Utrect online

>> No.8362520

if you ended up waiting 45 minutes to get fabric cut that was already pre-cut you'd probably lose your shit too anon. I know I would.

>> No.8362529

These creep me out because of how their huge, black eyes protrude out so far, it reminds me of certain insects. Like an insect that's wearing the skin of a mouse, you know?

>> No.8362530


when i worked there, it was my first job ever and there was literally no actual training. a girl who had been there for a few months gave me a quick rundown of how the register works and then left me to it.

and yes, ALL the stores i've been to seem understaffed. and the pay is shit

>> No.8362531

People like that need to get a grip. The world doesn't revolve around them. When I worked at the mall, our store opened at 8:00AM . It was common for people to wait outside the gate since the mall opened at 7:00AM. If the gate opened at 8:02AM on the dot, some stay at home soccer moms would get bad attitudes, like they had somewhere important to be.

>> No.8362540

Lmao! That is terrible but I can not stop laughing

>> No.8362577
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Since there are so many other people with experience in retail here, how do you move on from it? I feel like I'm going to be stuck in my job saving pennies unless I get something like a nursing license or join the military. Does it seem easier to get hired for another job after working in retail and/or management for a few years?

>> No.8362585

Don't join the military if you want to go somewhere with your life unless you join the reserves or something for school.

>> No.8362605

At my old job the store was closed due to a small fire. The store was full of smoke so we evacuated. People were so angry the store was closed. Same reaction if there is a power outage. Be my guest, go on in... nobody's going to wait on your dumb ass because we can't. Most of the time we have to have police there because people can't get a grip and have to cause a big scene.

>> No.8362609

sieg, is that you?

>> No.8362613

If you're in the US, my biggest suggestion I can give is to take a really serious look at any nearby community or technical colleges. Generally affordable (compared to the big stuff), and often pretty focused on finding occupations.

After three+ years at my retail job I finally managed to get myself healthy enough in mind and body (long story) to get back to school, where I'm currently studying to be an optician (though I'm not schooling during the summer so they bumped me up to dept manager for the time being).

Take a peek at certificates and such in jobs that you might love, and jobs that you might not LOVE but that you won't despise and may give you a decent paycheck/security.

Take it semester by semester, and keep working while schooling. Check out financial aid, grants, scholarships, anything. Even do a little sleuthing in your job - not a lot of places overtly advertise this, but many jobs that are part of large companies will help pay for certain classes.

I don't want to say 'settle' and big chunk of money for a chance at a job that'll make you miserable, of course, but keep in mind that after retail, a lot of jobs will look a LOT nicer, and will pay better.

Main tip: don't go into arts. Don't do it. I'm not saying you can't make a living on art, but if your current worry is feeling stuck in a retail job, an art degree will NOT help you feel more secure. Same goes for a lot of generalized degrees. Sociology, history, things like that. Try and get a feel for what sort of jobs are out there. At my school in particular, there are always pools of employers searching for new people in certain fields. You just need to take a quick peek at bulletin boards to get a feel for which ones those are.

>> No.8362633

for some reason I've managed not to meet the ire of the old women in my local joann's. in fact, all of the old/older women i've encountered were pleasant and seemed very interested to learn what i was doing. knock on wood, glad i havent run into any dicks yet.

i just wonder, are we all gonna be crabby bitches like this when we get older and make fabric runs too? i hope not. i can't tell if it's an attitude related to being older or if it's a specific attitude within this generation of old folk (so like, baby boomers and a little younger)

>> No.8362642

yeah, sitting is not a thing retail workers are allowed to do on the clock. I have worked (very illegal mind you but the company I work for gives -500 fucks) 12 hour shifts with no break because we had a no call no show and no one to cover, on my feet running around a store by my self for 12 hours.Corporates response on my write up was that I should have clocked out, but stayed on the sales floor and helped people, while 'taking a break'

Have you ever walked into a store to find someone who worked there sitting down? They give -10 shits, and/or the store has no cameras.
Just something to think about when that retail worker is less then sunshine and rainbows.

If you are in the USA, Some states allow 30 min breaks, some require an hour. Some states have minimum hours in a work day requirements (Mine is 4). All and all it is more or less up to the company, your experience sounds completely normal. Stores will cut costs by having two people working 4 hour shifts (That do not require a break) then 1 person working an 8 hour shift with a 30/60 min break.

That was long and probably full of autocorect doing what it wants but fuck it I am still mad.

>> No.8362780

Yes, christ. I work in a cafe in a library, half an hour before opening I arrive to set up, every day without fail, people ignore my opening time, ignore the fact that I've just come up with my cart and have nothing out and try to buy coffee from me, then act like it's my fault for not instantly having my machine ready and food put out. People are stupid and ridiculous.

>> No.8362823

Follow this anon's advice. I'm going to my state's university (lots of financial aid) but the branch has an associate degree for dental assistant that pays well. The animal hospital I worked at (pretty big but still privately owned) was willing to pay for one science-related class a semester (didn't take it up because I already had financial aid).
>don't major in history
While I don't know why someone would do this unless their schooling was free, an excoworker of mine did and he bounced around between non-history related jobs for some time. I think he's going back to school actually for something else.

Related to thread, I worked at Jo-Ann's originally on the night shift since they were remodeling. Job was pretty chill and met some good people. They kept some as regular hires (including me) after the renovation finished and I think just one person from that group still works there. Everyone who works there now is nice but I have to wait FOREVER for someone to come to the register.

>> No.8362832

Nursing is also long, unusual hours and largely thankless. Military is hell--use you up, spit you back out, and unless you can stay in at least 20 years it's not worth it; I wouldn't recommend it.

Of course it depends upon what you want, but working retail I've realized more what I want from life: set hours, preferably daytime hours Monday through Friday. I want to work in an office somewhere--working corporate or working in a medical office. Once I've got my crazy under control (unmedicated bipolar; I've just recently gotten health insurance) I want to go to tech school to work in a nice, air conditioned medical office--sonography, perhaps?

Best advice I can give you is to look into jobs that have the lifestyle/money you want to have and see what you need to do to get there. If you go to school, check its accreditation and make sure you can get a job with whatever degree/certification you go for. Good luck, anon!

>> No.8362834

Even if that is him, the content of the post is true. Women do become incontinent as they age. Pets do too.

>> No.8362849

Right back at you, retard. <18 means UNDER 18. Does that make sense? Do you understand, or should I type in simpler sentences?

Something similar happened at the Hobby Lobby where I used to work. We had a few spray paint related incidents, and I guess they keep that stuff locked up and ID you if you want to buy it now, so there you go.

>> No.8362879

>stuff that never happened
Either that or you're cuckoo for coca puffs man, and that's coming from someone's who's severely bipolar. Get it together

>> No.8362890

I worked food service and then retail a bit, then got some office jobs until I finally got a job as an online teacher (I'd volunteered in teaching positions throughout high school). And no I don't have a 4 year degree.

Don't stay in retail. Get out and get an office job. Get some volunteer experience.

>> No.8362907

>working retail I've realized more what I want from life: set hours, preferably daytime hours Monday through Friday

I worked retail, thought I wanted that too, got an office job and then promptly started to hate that. Office work is a grind. Set hours and holidays are great. But office politics and drama are the absolute worst - they are a nightmare. And working 5 days in a row gets exhausting. I went back to retail.

>> No.8362911

People who think they're the most important person in the store because they're SPENDING MONEY and demand instant attention and assistance are the bane of my retail job. I'd be happy to help anyone but it's much more difficult when you're rudely cutting in front of a line of people who'd patiently waited for guest services.

>> No.8362923

I work at a store about 45 minutes from corporate and they come in a lot. Recently they said our store is a mess and want us to redo a lot.

Cue them scheduling me nothing but morning and overnight shifts. I want to leave.

>> No.8362928

Awww shit. Reminds me of my only real horror story..

>Have a store. Sell limited run, 1960s replica pieces for women.
>Buy proper garment-quality fabric wholesale, as you do.
>Run out of specific thread like an idiot, halfway through a lot of jackets.
>Run down to local Spotlight to get some. Take a swatch in my handbag to colour match.
>Older female (shocking!) employee comes over, RIPS this cut of fabric out of my hands and screeches about getting security. Accuses me of stealing it.
>Oh honey no.. You don't sell anything this good.

Left and got thread at Lincraft ~25min away just to be spiteful.

>> No.8362945
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>> No.8363032

I believe it. Walmart staff is absolute shit when it comes to managing the crafts section, and they normally have someone specifically managing the crafts section. I waited for almost a half hour to get two bolts of fabric cut the night before a con weekend once because the dude working the counter fucked off to some other part of the store. I probably couldn't wait 45 minutes though, I'd probably have lost it and stormed out without the interfacing.

>> No.8363056

I dunno, anon, how much worse can the politics get? I've got a supervisor that dislikes me for some unknown reason, management has warned me that they are aware of "certain undercurrants" in this department as I was transferring in, but that their hands were tied--still don't know what the hell they meant by that; someone is trying to start shit for me with management and my supervisor (I think it's one of my peers) but I've got documentation so they can suck it; at least three of my employees think they can walk all over me; I've got a pathological liar in my department that management doesn't seem to have a problem with for some reason (who the hell does he know?). The two people who formerly held my position left suddenly and I want to know why because I feel like they knew something terrible that I just haven't figured out yet. All this and I can't transfer departments for at least six more months.

I'm with you about working five days in a row--I worked five days in a row this week and felt like I was going to crack.

>> No.8363087

>I thought I was the only one

I go to a local spot in the Bronx if I don't feel like shelling out 2.75 each way for a yard of interfacing.
>always some sale going on
>bunch of old puertorican ladies who don't judge if you're buying fabric because all business is good business.
>they know me by face now so they don't let the old black ladies give me trouble while waiting in line
>I can carry my own bolts to the table so they appreciate that
>they over measure everytime
>"that's the end of the bolt and it's a little over, how about $2 a yard instead of $5"

The only down side is they don't have higher quality fabric but it's great for buttons, interfacing, and deals.

>> No.8363149

Nurse here. It actually depends on what kind of nursing you go into. If you work in a doctor's office, you get all holidays off, regular work schedule and benefits with little to no stress.

So. Yeah. Don't think you have to work in a hospital to be a nurse.

>> No.8363151

That was amazing

>> No.8363190

I love my English office job.

Don't take lunch - leave an hour early
Want a one-day holiday? - eh book it the day before, no one minds
Need to take a phone call? - Sure head out to the phone booth and natter for a half hour, no-one here cares

I'm so sorry Anons. America is cool, and Joannes seems cool too, but the fabric reductions would not be worth it.

>> No.8363249

>My favorite is, I answer the phone and get, "Are you open?" No, I'm sitting here alone in the dark waiting for you to call. WTF.

TBH though some businesses WILL answer the phone when they aren't open.
>Be me, alone on holiday and want to order dinner.
>Call local Chinese place, guy answers, tell him I want to place an order. "Okay."
>Get through the entire order.
>"We aren't open today."

>> No.8363254


Aren't there some research or laboratory-type jobs that nurses do too? That would probably be less stressful than a hospital setting also.

>> No.8363261

I'm in the San Jose/ Cupertino area, does anyone local know some fabric stores I can go to other than Joann? Tired of the subpar fabric selection because the one near me is tiny.

>> No.8363367

I work as a cashier at Michaels as well and whenever they say they're already in the system, we're supposed to tell them they'll get better coupons if they put their email in multiple times. Sometimes they do, but often times they'll be like 'lol no thanks' or borderline start an argument about how they've put in their email a billion goddamn times already and how they just want to pay and leave.

On a different but still sort of related topic, I had a guy come in to buy a can of spray paint for his son's school project, and flipped the fuck out when I asked him for his birthday (since we can't sell it to under 18s.) He was in his 40s-50s or so, but I still had to ask for policy's sake, but he got all fucking paranoid and was acting like it was the biggest insult in the world, even telling me he wouldn't take it if I had to ask (which made his son upset because he needed it.) It got so bad that I put in my own birthday so he'd shut the fuck up.

>> No.8363373

>on day 5 of a 9 days in a row retail stretch
Please just fucking kill me

>> No.8363382

Fabrics r us

>> No.8363386

The birthdate thing is required by law in the state where I work. I don't care if they look like they're in their 70s, if the birthdate prompt comes up and they start raising a fuss I calmly stare them down while saying, "The state of Alabama deems this to be an age-restricted substance. I am required by law to verify the birthdate of anyone who wants to purchase it." Just be calm and matter of fact about it--usually once they realize that your hands are tied "by the law" they'll calm down. If not, contact your supervisor and let them make the call to let it slide--you don't want to be written up or get fired on account of a paranoid asshole.

>> No.8363393

I am so sorry. At least you'll be over halfway through by the end of today--all downhill from here.

>> No.8363398


Off-topic but I am a hairdresser and talking to a costumer is not just about getting a better tip but because it's awkward to invade your personal space without being friendly with you.
A lot of people are insecure when being the first time at a new salon and to make sure they feel good and come back, you try to get to know them.
Also doing things like highlights for an hour is boring at times and some people will just silently watch you with judging looks through the mirror, so why not strike up a conversation?
Best way to avoid it is reading because then someone looks into a magazine or book, I don't feel the awkwardness of being watched silently and you are obviously busy.

>> No.8363440

We have people come through drive thru at 12:30 in the morning, all the lights are off, they're screaming into the box "ARE YOU OPEN" and honking their horns

Stupidity is neverending

>> No.8363561

I recently transferred Joann's myself, from a bigger store to a smaller store.
And all the employees who have been working at the new store for a very long time are super nice, but a lot of the employees who just got hired on as summer help are super shitty to me. I've been with Joann's for almost a year now, and the new employees are super bossy to me for some reason. They're also the asskissing types so that probably explains it.

But overall I'm probably the most chill cutting counter person, and thankfully new Joann's only puts me there because I'm one of the few hired who sew. They don't know I cosplay, but it keeps me away from the newer girls who are always put at registers.

>Be talking about college to co-worker, mention age, which is under 25 and the fact I'm a senior in my major
>other co-worker, who I wasn't even talking to but just hired on belts out "YOU'RE OLD"
>Luckily I'm a chill person but that's still rude as fuck

If it wasn't for the fact I like most of the customers who come in and like working with fabric I would've quit by now.

>> No.8363584

>new Joann's only puts me there because I'm one of the few hired who sew

Wait is that their rationale? No wonder I'm stuck with cutting counter position all day everyday of the week. I really like cashier more because I don't have to deal with cutting difficult fabrics or wrestling with upholstery bolts.

>> No.8363596

Yup, that's usually the case. They don't want people with little sewing experience since a lot of the times guests do have sewing questions. At least that's what I've been told from a couple of my managers.

>> No.8363871

>be English with job
>work uses google calendar to track when everyone is on/off
>everyone puts their hours in and when they start/leave
>realise no-one really checks it must
>literally skimming time off when boss isn't around and still getting paid, as long as the work gets done

>> No.8364065

There's Exotic Silks in Los Altos, if you're looking for nicer stuff

>> No.8364129

But...the scrapbookers...

>> No.8364139


>> No.8364316

I had somebody come through the drive thru of the Starbucks where I worked about 10 minutes before we opened (so think around 5AM) who honest to god mistook us for a McDonald's.

>> No.8364751

It is really funny for mall stores.
All the stores on this floor/the entire mall have the doors/gates locked and lights off.
You are pulling on a locked door, probably while someone is counting a till where you can see.



That is stealing you FUCKTWIT

>> No.8364969

OMG anon you just gave an insane nostalgia kick. I fucking loved that store. It was my first exposure to something other than a chain fabric store. I miss those old ladies.

>> No.8364976

Used to be a keyholder/shift leader for a trashy ass Hancock. It wasn't the worst job I've ever had, but it wasn't good.

Weirdest experience I ever had was opening the back door to take out the garbage one morning, to discover a dude in his underwear, smoking a cigarette, in the open door of our storage container. Didn't say a word to me, just stood there in his stained as hell tightie whities staring at me.

I didn't take the garbage out until someone else was in the store after that shift.

>> No.8365396

there was a class action law suit about zipcodes/email address at the till not to long ago with big5

these bitches at joanns are begging to get sued.


the old ladies are sometimes snippy because they're old and some times in a good mood,

but the young women who work there are always so fucking bitchy

chick standing at register

>i'm closed

hey how do i buy fabric holding the bolt

>put the bolt back i'll cut it for you *sigh*

>what are you using it for.....

*ignore her*

>sigh what are you using it FOR

....making a dog toy

it's like bitch you're 22, working retail and you're snippy at me?

bitch get your fucking life together, you act like you're better than customers but you're a fucking community college dropout who is indoctrinated in chain retailer culture of hating customers because your place is managed by womanchildren who don't have proper training and grew up in that same fuckin clture

>> No.8365680
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>can I just have you cut off 2 of the 6 pack and have you sell me that?

Then they go off when no one is looking and start moving different plants in and out of the slots, killing most of them...

We've had someone return dirt. They returned fucking dirt!

>> No.8366045

I really fucking hate going to JoAnn's. The ladies at my local one are all bitch faced old biddies. I'm a very sheepish person around people I don't know, the old bitch wasn't busy (seriously just standing around) and all I did was ask where I would find the elastic and got bitched at. Every time I go they are like that. Fuck you all JoAnn bitches in Altoona.

>> No.8366061

We have a lady like this at my joanns. She's such a grumpy old cunt. She never folds anything and all the other employees can't stand her because she never does what she's told. She also refused to use the intercom to call numbers and will only write fabric slips by hand.

>> No.8366081

to be fair in southern california, lowes and home depot offer the 2 year lawn/plant/landscaping warranty due to the drought/heat

but most opt for the water dept rebate

>> No.8366132

When I worked at Home Depot someone returned a toilet seat...they used for 8 years. What was obnoxious was it was under a manufacturer warranty so there was no need for them to bring the seat in. Idiot managers gave them store credit. So glad I'm not in retail anymore.

>> No.8366176

Hancocks drone here.
Most of the cosplayers we get in are pretty okay. I usually can spot them and if they get me at the cut counter I try to help as best I can to make their costume a little better.
>No, you don't want to make this slinky, form fitting dress with broadcloth. I promise.

Most of the awful/annoying stories come from the non-cosplay community. We're also in a super high theft area, so that doesn't help. Some people are just dumb though.

>"I need fabric for my curtains, help"
>"Sure, how big are the windows?"
>Dude pulls out camera
>"Here's a picture of my house. I need them to fit those windows"

>"Hi, my prom is tomorrow, and I need you to match this fabric because [insert thing wrong with her dress]"
We'll do what we can, but trying to match an exact shade and fabric type is sometimes very difficult. I'm sorry we don't have the specific pink to pink sparkle stretch ombre you need.

Also, kids are either the best experience or the WORST.
>That time a kid just started sliding things under shelves to see how far he could get it under
>That time a kid told his mom he had to pee, she didn't listen, and he peed on the floor
>That time a kid told mom he didn't feel good, then barfed all over a panel of the notions wall
>All those times kids running and screaming and nearly knocking down little old ladies

But this time made it sort of better
>Little boy, about 5, at cutting table with mom
>Mom has to grab interfacing, asks me for 3 yards of some fabric while she runs to grab it
>"Woah, mom we need three whole back yards?"
>I try not to laugh, explain yardage as a measurement, and that there are three feet in a yard
>"Do you know how big a foot is?"
>Kid looks at me like I'm an idiot
>"Feet can be any size"

>> No.8366182
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When I used to work at Payless, I used to get customers who were planning on finding shoes to work for their cosplay. I'm sad that there never was a day in which some cute and well dressed lolitas were ambling in for some potentially loliable shoes.

I once saw a girl at the local super Walmart fabric section wearing a Chocobo white mage caplet she had made herself. We chatted for a while about cosplay, but never exchanged info.

>> No.8366203

iirc, corporate makes their employees ask customers what they're making. I hate being approached about this when I'm at fabric stores, but I think I'd hate it more if I was on the other end of the cutting table. I hate making small talk.

>> No.8366212

I worked at a Joann's in a high theft area as well, and we got a lot of dumbasses like that as well.

Omg I have a kid story that's goddamn funny
>Coworker is measuring fabric for a bitchy old lady next to me
>I'm cutting for a mom and her little daughter
>Old lady loudly states "WELL IF YOU DONT HAVE ENOUGH THAN I'M LEAVING" and turns to leave in a huff
>In the sassiest fucking tone the little girl goes "Bye"
>mom, coworker and myself start dying

That made my day and the rest of the shift so nice because whenever I got an annoying customer I would just think about the girl saying "bye" as they walk away.

>> No.8366218

I honestly think they'd still ask even if corporate didn't make them.

Anytime I buy any sort of craft supplies anywhere or weird specific pieces for a costume I get asked what I'm making or what I need it for, be it at Walmart, Michael's, Jo-ann, Party City... I think people would ask even if corporate didn't make them ask.

I don't really like being asked because if I give a generic answer "a costume, a cosplay..." they usually ask for details "Ooh, what sort of costume?" and then I tell them and 9.99/10 they're just like "OH." and have no idea what character I'm talking about

>> No.8366225

I often don't ask if I don't have my manager right near me, but I will ask if I think their fabric looks interesting, or they're my age and look like a cosplayer.

I often just prompt it because I don't mind if the customer rambles on about their project while I cut, it makes their interaction go by less awkwardly.

>> No.8366248

Fair enough. I just feel really awkward talking to people unless I know they're genuinely interested in what I have to say. I'm terrible at small talk.

>> No.8366303

Yesterday we heard screaming and laughter for some time in the JoAnn store. Then two girls came running into view, wearing store merchandise foam hats and fighting each other with foam swords (also merchandise), still screaming and laughing at each other.

The kicker is, they weren't like 5-year-olds. They looked maybe 9 or 10 and old enough to have a shred of self-discipline, but evidently not.

>> No.8367025


> work at fish counter
> fish counter starts closing at 7:30 pm
> has done so for the past six years
> customers walk up around 9:30

Every night. Every single night.

>> No.8367035

I used to have this problem when I worked making prints. The printers had to go through morning maintenance and it took about half an hour (45 mins if I kept getting interrupted) so people would stand around yelling at me to "hurry up". Bitch the more you interrupt me testing shit and loading paper rolls the longer it's going to take.
Once right before close I'd just performed all the shutdown maintenance and a customer demanded I reopen everything because they NEEDED their pictures. When I said I can't because it would take a while for the printers to fully shut down then at least half an hour for me to bring them back up they sat at a computer kiosk chair and said they'd wait. Blew my fucking mind. It was nearly 10 PM.

>> No.8367048

As someone who was in charge of the hiring process back in the day when I worked in a store, I found people who would come in to introduce themselves after sending in an application annoying. It didn't feel like they were showing initiative, it felt like they were badgering me to hire them. I much prefered people to come in before sending in an application to take with me (the general manager), then I'd tell them the usual "our application process is online blahblah" and if they didn't seem like a loon I'd see if they'd attempt to chat me up about what would make them a good employee (previous experience and the likes). If they made a good impression on me then, I'd pick them out of the slew of applicants and pull their resume.

But for the love of god, it was so annoying, people stopping in "oh hi I applied yesterday my name is so and so." I usually blew those people off, it was so annoying because they would call a few times, then come in a few times. I'm busy, I am trying to work, I don't have time for you, sorry not sorry.

>> No.8367052

People do this because EVERY fucking "how to get a job" class, guide, tutorial, whatever basically says "badger the fuck out of whoever is in charge of hiring after you apply, at least 1-2 times per week until you get a definite yes or no"

>> No.8367054

This reminds me of the time that a woman was buying like, 300 different flower stems when I worked. She brought it all up when the store was closing and was the last customer. Two of us were ringing her at the same time and we spent 30 minutes ringing her up. This was during Christmas season too so doing go backs was hellish.

>> No.8367056

My work is right across the street from a bar. We get people who wander over not intending to buy anything but just see all the stuff up close that they saw while drinking. Kind of annoying because we still have to do the dog and pony show

>> No.8367073

Both times I applied to Joann I filled out an online application and then when I showed up for my interview they had me fill out a paper one as well. Its really frustrating because I usually don't have shit like my former employer's address on hand. Second time the manager was 45 minutes late and was so flustered through the whole thing there was little chance I would want to work under her anyway. And then when i got the job offer at $8/hour? No thanks.

I know people are forced to do the "can I help you with anything?" or "what are you making?" questions so I really appreciate it when I give my short answer and they don't try to drive it any further. Though yesterday I was at a Disney outlet store and I swear I got the "can I help you find anything?" about 4 times from the same woman.

I'd love to hear some Disney retail stories because I though it was ridiculous they also seem obligated to little girl as "your highness"

>> No.8367091

couldn't you call in to cancel it?

>> No.8367108

Just had a guest walk into my Jo-Ann who wanted to return an online purchase. We explained to her that the online store is separate from the physical stores since the warehouse/stock isn't even shared, so we couldn't take the return. She was quite upset about having to pay for return shipping and we tried to assuage her worries.

JoAnn is always minimum wage for anyone new unless you're going for a managerial position. It's written right there in the position description.

>> No.8367127

Working the cut table at walmart was awful. It wasn't even my department but they didn't staff anyone over there past 6 so I had to run over there from electronics all fucking night for pinterest moms who would argue that they needed 60 2-inch strips of tulle so they can make their girls tutus, not one large piece they had to cut themselves.
I never once met a cosplayer though once I helped an older man who was making replica Sgt. Pepper era Beatles costumes. They weren't for him though, he was going to put them on mannequins.

>> No.8367194


On the flip side I'm a manager and if someone drops off an application and then comes back the next day to say they are interested in the position or whatever, I usually just get really annoyed because it pulls me away from work we need to be doing.

Like fug man, I got shit to do, I'll get to your application when I have time. Unless we have 'now hiring' signs up I'm probably not gonna be giving out jobs left and right. If there's a 'now hiring' sign up though and we aren't busy I may interview on the spot.

By all means though, you do you. Just if you're going to go to a business and remind them you applied try to do it at their least busy time and I also recommend doing it at a time when you will be available to work.

>> No.8367347

Holy crap. I've been avoiding these threads for a year following a three year stint in Hancock.
>4% shrink store when I got there
>mandatory crappy clear vinyl totes and end-of-shift inspections for loss prevention
>zero training, hostile response to newb questions
>customers asking every day if we're really going out of business, the shelves are so disheveled
>departments? What's that? Let's just have everybody be in charge of EVERYTHING at the SAME TIME
>anon, literally the only employee getting awesome customer reviews, managerial staff included
>also the only employee being told she was too perky...

After being straight up hustled by my fair share of "sweet old ladies," let me tell you, whenever there seems like there's suddenly a little too much communication between the employees, it's probably because they're super paranoid about shrink. I think Joann's is a bit better in this regard because they seem to outfit their employees with better tools to keep track of fabric as it moves from the shelf to the table to the cart to the register and to the door, often not in that order. As an employee at the cutting table, our name is attached to the scrap of fabric you're walking away with, and if it doesn't make it through the register due to theft or cashier error, that reflects negatively on the poor sap holding the scissors. Please don't take offense! It would be irresponsible of them to not cover their own butt that way.

On the topic of faking interest in peoples' projects, I can honestly say that after five hours of being kicked around the store, trying to front and face beading while running back and forth between the cutting table and the register with just one supervisor (who is busy with shipment paperwork), talking to customers about their projects was genuinely a relief. It gave me something analytical to think about while doing grunt work. And every single conversation added to the knowledge base I used to help other customers.

>> No.8367361

Tl;dr - if you're going to steal, just steal the whole friggin bolt. Also, some of us actually care.

And honestly, fellow cosplayers tended to be the ONLY people who would flat out refuse to tell me about what they're working on. Maybe it's because I look too much like a normalfag?
Like... Seriously, dude. I saw you comparing that stupid broadcloth to that animu on your phone. You aren't fooling anybody.

Ohmigod, this is what ptsd feels like

>> No.8367383

I don't really have any crazy stories because I've never worked in a fabric store. There's a small fabric place near my house that sells fabric for $2 per meter but it's really dark inside and sometimes hard to tell what the exact colour of the fabric is. The owner also yells at you to not touch the fabric because one of the "walls" in there is just a rack with fabric stacked on it and it's super wobbly. I don't really want to die in there under a pile of fabric but $2/meter is a good price. They have all kinds of quality and types of fabric and a huge array of cheap buttons, zips and trims. I really need to go back there.

>> No.8368365

Well, anons, it finally happened.

>buying 4 yards of panne velvet for Barriss Offee's cloak
>What are you making?
>A big witchy cape.
>Is it for a cosplay?
>Um, yeah.
>I was just wondering because I LARP.
>Oh, yeah, I'm making one of the characters from the last Star Wars cartoon...

I don't know if I just looked especially weebish today or if LARP-chan was just better at sniffing it out than her aging counterparts.

>> No.8368569

>expecting more than minimum wage to start at a retail job

There's your first mistake.

I laugh when people apply at my store asking for $8 to start. I've been here four years and I'm still not making $8. No chain is going to pay you that much to start when you're just another drone to them.

>> No.8368903

'Tis good when you live in the state with the highest minimum wage in the country at $9.50/hr and no state income tax. I split rent and do couponing on the side to keep the cost of living low.

>> No.8368995

Nah, North Carolina.
Similar experience? Please do share your primal mammal cooing mating sound story, I'd be happy to know I wasnt the only person in this boat.

>> No.8369076

I live in a federal min wage shithole with 25% income tax, so I'm fucked.

>going to be promoted soon
>bring me the manager bux

>> No.8369285

Fuck you little girl for eating ice cream and dripping it all over the cutting counter after people told you REPEATEDLY to stop leaning against it.

>> No.8369843

We can smell fear.

Really though, most of JoAnns people are nerdy to some degree and work for the discount. Also anything kinda unusually costumey off Halloween season is a dead giveaway.

Bringing this thread back for more stories!

>> No.8370399


It depends on where you live. In my city, even entry level fast food jobs start out at $9-$10 per hour.