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8628695 No.8628695 [Reply] [Original]

Hey gulls! What are your favorite products? How do you wash your face without splashing water all over the bathroom?

>> No.8628714
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I wash my face when I take a shower and I use Lush's Parsley Porridge soap. I also exfoliate once a week and take bc which has cleared up my adult acne rather significantly.

>> No.8628726

I really like the Mask of Magnaminty from them, though a lot of people warn that minty or heavily scented things are skin irritants. I want to try the Cupcake mask but they never have it at my shop.

Favorite cleanser right now has to be Perfect Whip (Senka?). Nothing fancy. Just does the job well, gets my BB cream off, and doesn't dry out my skin.

>> No.8628739

I wash my face in the sink, by putting my hair up, then bending over so my face is close to the sink. then I cup both of my hands, fill them with water, and bring them up so as to soak my face. rinse and repeat until face is clean of products. I don't actually splash my face like they do it in the ads, it seems really stupid.

>> No.8628757
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Pic related are my forehead, nose, and cheek. Right now I don't know the first thing about skin care and don't ever really wash my face except once in a blue moon with just water.

I can't tell if I have dry or oily skin. When I blotted an oil blotting paper on my face only a barely visible amount of oil bled though... So maybe it's not that oily, but it doesn't seem dry or flaky except right at the base of my nostrils. Does that mean I have neither dry nor oily skin?

I think my biggest skin problems are my pores on my cheeks, I've got slight bumps on my forehead (maybe really really mild acne from my bangs?) And some forehead creases, and... On my nose I can't tell if it's more big pores or maybe little black heads?

I'd like some advice on forming a daily/nightly skin care routine. I don't know the first thing and YouTube had only made things more confusing.

>> No.8628763

Yeah I do this too. I've never known anyone who actually splashes their face like they do in commercials.

>> No.8628768

Well, from what I understand you're not supposed to really just fill up the sink and splash like they do in the ads. Because then you're just splashing your face with water dirtied from all the gunk you just washed off. I guess it just looks cool?

>> No.8628773

I used to know someone who did. It was the grossest and would get gunky soap scum stuck around the basin 100% faster.

>> No.8628775

Well, for starters, you should be washing your face every single day. That honestly could be the cause of your acne. Especially the forehead, your hair gradually gets more greasy and with bangs, that's hair rubbing against your skin. So if you aren't washing it, you're just getting gross oil and whatever buildup. Wash your face.

Standard skincare routine:

twice a day. Once in the morning, and once at night.
Essentially, get a cleanser (NOT SOAP), wash your face with it. It gets all the gunk and oil off that build up over the day. Toner helps you get rid of the dead skin cells that accululate, and balance's your skin's pH. Moisturize does what it says, you're just helping add back some of the natural oils that you just washed off.

Skin routine starter pack is pretty much stuff you can just get at the drug store. Cetaphil cleanser is super standard. For toner, try Witch Hazel, it's super basic. Thayers has one that is alcohol free if you are worried about over drying your skin. Cetaphil, Eucerin, and plain old Aloe Vera gel are all very standard, easy to get moisturizers. Also be sure to drink a good amount of water every day, keep hydrated!

Hope that helps.

>> No.8628777

*accumulate. whoops

>> No.8628782

My favourite product is my Ambien Fade Cream which got rid of all dark spots/pimple scars on my face. I used to be so self conscious and now my skin looks so nice, I absolutely love it.

I also really like my face scrub. It's from some generic makeup brand but I have yet to try a scrub that leaves my skin feels as smooth.

>> No.8628789

Thanks for your advice! Breaking it down into cleanse, tone, and moisturize helps a lot. Everyone had varying numbers of products in their videos so I was really lost.

I know I need to be washing my face every day, it's something I'm working towards! Even like this I get compliments on my skin.... so I think if I get good at taking care of myself my skin could look really nice.

>> No.8628795

>>8628757 here
Are pore-reducing toners any good? Or is it just a marketing myth

>> No.8628797

the "big pores" are likely sebaceous filaments.

they don't go away. don't squeeze them or you will make them worse. just google it and be educated.

>> No.8628800

marketing myth.

you might be able to reduce their appearance by exfoliating, but visible pores are just a fact of adult life. makeup and photoshop have tricked us into thinking otherwise.

>> No.8628801

on my nose right? That does look about right! Thanks for letting me know, I had no idea what they might be, haha. I'll look into it. I've never tried squeezing them.

>> No.8628807

Pretty blullshit imo. I have big ole pores on my nose, kinda like your, and I've tried 3 separate pore reduction toners (2 North American, 1 Korean) and I barely noticed a difference.

>> No.8628809

so with minor googling it seems like something that trying to treat will only be expensive and make it worse. I'm not too bothered about my nose dots anyway so maybe I'll just ignore them and find a good bb cream or something to cover it up later.

>> No.8628811

thanks I had a feeling that was the case. Seems like beauty companies use "big pores" as some kind of boogeyman figure to make you buy their products.

Has anyone tried home made apple cider vinegar toner? I like the idea of home made/organic/etc toners.

>> No.8628812

Makeup is a much better idea. Throwing stuff at your face can make it worse and irritate your skin. Not worth it

>> No.8628813

I love their 'Coal Face' bar for exfoliating!

I use their 'Breath of Fresh Air' toner daily and it really helped clear up my breakouts.

>> No.8628831
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>mfw compulsive skin-picking

fuck this illogical bullshit, been trying to stop for a decade and i keep giving in. the more time goes by, the more new ways of picking i find.

i am on an anti-anxiety med for other things and it hasn't helped. i will never have smooth skin. there will always be bumps. feeling a bump does not mean i need to remove it.

why is it so hard to think logically about this?

>> No.8628841

GOD, I'm exactly the same way. I make things 100x worse.

>> No.8628919

No problem! I remember being a skincare noob, and it was just so confusing wading through all of the complicated explanations and reccomendations. I always wished someone had just broken it down for me, and sometimes I notice fellow anons just giving a cleanse, tone, moisturize explanation, and it is the easiest thing to follow. AHA and face masks and peels and all that good stuff was just too much to take in when I didn't even understand wtf toner was or why I needed lotion.

>> No.8628929

Me! It's pretty drying, so you'll have to really water it down. At one point I belive I had an ACV/Green Tea homemade toner I made, where I'd brew the organic green tea myself and would add ACV and keep it in the fridge. It was pretty good, but I found that using Witch Hazel helped my skin more. But that's just my skin. I still use ACV as a spot treatment actually, I keep a little bit in a tiny little jar, and I dip a Q-tip in that and then into some tea tree oil and dab it on my spots. I find it works super well.

>> No.8628931


Try going to /r/popping or watching drpimplepoppers vids on yt. It's soothing. I used to pick at everything, but seeing other people be "cured" let me "scratch the itch" so to speak without doing it to myself. Dr. Sandra Lee (drpimplepopper) and Dr. Vikram (dunno his yt name) even mentions that they get lots of mail saying that's what people use their vids for.

>> No.8628934

Anon, use hydrocolloid bandages when you get acne that comes to a head. They are seriously a god send. I have compulsive picking and I find that I can't pick what I can't get to, so it reduces the scarring. Yes, I look like an asshole when I have a little bandaid on my face during the day, but I don't care. And if I touch at it, I just really rub against the bandaid and that kind of satisfies the need to pick. Also they're amazing and help sunk the puss out so that's a plus.

>> No.8628964

I've been stubbornly putting off toner, but its obvious that my skin needs it now. Toners that you use? Recs?

>> No.8628972

I can't find a good brand online, can you give some advice on what ones are best?

>> No.8628973


I use Angels on Bare Skin for daily wash and a once in a while cold mask from them, usually BB Seaweed. Lush is a savior.

>> No.8628983

>>8628929 is totally right, ACV is pretty good, but pretty drying. Personally I found it worked better as a spot treatment along with tea tree oil. Witch hazel is a great alternative, and Thayers is a good brand to try.

>> No.8629014

Mizon witch hazel if you want something gentle and pH balanced
Cosrx natural returning bha A Sol for something that's more of a treatment

I live in the UK so unless you happen to want recommendations from there, I can't be much help with locally available things

>> No.8629020

im the same way, anon. lately ive gotten into a bad habit of sitting in front of one of those enlarging mirrors with a pair of tweezers and just going at my face. i know it's doing more damage but like you said, it's hard to think logically about this.

>> No.8629043
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is there an actual cure for genetic under-eye bags? they're puffy and dark not unlike black eyes
>inb4 i tried everything

>> No.8629047

I just got my first blackhead. Somehow I've gone 24 years without getting any.

How do I get rid of it? It's right above my lip so I don't want a scar.

>> No.8629049

I have these too, anon. Not much you can do outside of surgery or makeup afaik.

>> No.8629074

>Mizon witch hazel
This looks really good and I can buy it online! Thank you!

>> No.8629208
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Years of suffering with "acne" only to finally realize it's Rosacea and solve 80% of my skin problems with an OTC sulfur gel.


>> No.8629215

Nope. Plenty of products that promise they'll fix it, never found any that actually help. Just conceal the best you can and try to forget about them.

>> No.8629229

You will have to learn to live with them or get surgery, there is nothing besides surgery that will make them go away.

>> No.8629232

Blackheads don't scar... it's just oil and dirt in your pore. You can extract it or wait for it to go away with regular cleaning.

>> No.8629460
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After trying several different moisturizers, I have to say that the Bodyceuticals one for combination skin is by far my favorite. It also smells really nice (citrus). It gives you a smooth, but not synthetically moist feel, and the moist feeling lingers in a "ah, my face is refreshed" way and not a gooey, tacky, or oily way. Their toner is also very good, but it's the only one that I've tried, so I can't give a good comparison.

>> No.8629461
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Here's the back with info.

>> No.8629477

There's Nexcare which come precut, and then some drugstores have their own brand. I personally just get mine at Target (I'm American) and buy their brand. I like the ones that are the big pads, because I can cut them up and you actually get more out of it, and it's cheaper too. I guess some people like other brands because they like the clear ones to see the pus get sucks up into the bandage, and the Target brand is skin colored, but I liked that more because I wear them during the day if I have spots. I believe they are also refered to as "advanced healing blister bandages" or blister bandages or something like that.

>> No.8629768

witch hazel! I have a violet one and they have rose! You can get the nicer stuff and health food stores in the beauty department. It's more inexpensive than the other kinds and is good for your skin.

>> No.8629777

Take a picture?
Best method I have found is to apply hot water with a q tip for a few minutes and then use an extractor (bobby pin works too) to press down and wiggle a bit. Blackhead should come out and then you wash the area with cold water.

>> No.8629829

I use comfeel - I just buy the big ones and cut bits off

>> No.8629926


How is everyone in here raving about Lush right now

>bullshit "all natural" marketing
>employees treated poorly
>highly scented

Neither love/hate but I'd rather put my money somewhere else

>> No.8629961

Not sure if anyone can help, but in past (now gone/archived) post someone recommended Avalon organics vitamin c toner and it really worked for me! My pits (from acne) reduced and my skin evened out BUT, then I ran out. I bought a new bottle, however, they changed the formula and it's like putting water on your face. Really disappointing. I'm not alone, as if you read reviews they pretty much say the same. So can anyone suggest another toner? Im lost in finding a replacement. I tried sw basics toner, which has apple cider vinegar and witch hazel, great for blemishes, but it doesn't help the tone of my skin and I think the pits on my face are more visible or enlarging. (Plus, it's pricey and very strong smell)

>> No.8629974

Try the Cosrx mentioned here >>8629014
It has bha and aha in it and smoothed out my skin tone. My acne scars are mainly pigmented though.

You can sometimes minimise the puffiness with cold compresses/caffeine but there isn't much you can do about the pigmentation

>> No.8629977

I don't know either anon, my airways close up any time I walk past their store. It's just one of those stores that has succeeded in creating a brand for themselves so people who like it tend to LOVE it and rave about it. A friend of mine says their products are the best she has ever tried, without mentioning that they're also pretty much the only products she's ever tried. Maybe anons are like that.

>> No.8629988
File: 64 KB, 960x720, 11219710_10205615703205917_4119105122104785915_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have severe hormonal acne and here's my routine (I also use medication for PCOS which lowers the severity).
At morning and night I use Benzac's Daily Facial Foam Cleanser which is good for my disgustingly oily skin. Then Paula's Choice Redness Exfoliating Lotion followed by Etude House's Aloe Moistfull Soothing Cream which makes my skin feel reaaally really soft and is very gentle.
At night I either use the foaming cleanser again or if my skin feels rough or bumpy I use Lush's Angels on Dark Skin which is FUCKING AMAZING <3 <3 <3 then I use Natio's Gentle Skin Toner in case I have any makeup residue or I didn't wash off all of the Lush stuff (it's black so it's easy to see if I miss haha).
I finish up by using Paula's Choice Redness Exfoliating Lotion and then their Daily Skin Clearing Treatment (I don't use these everyday because they can be a bit harsh) and lastly the Aloe Moistfull Moisturiser again :)
I swear by all these products especially Etude House's moisturiser and Lush's exfoliater!

>> No.8629996
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I've been struggling with acne since I turned 21, never had it before then. I've been on a benzoyl peroxide regimine for about two years now and it was keeping it at bay until recently.
I mainly have problems with my cheeks and jawline, and get really deep painful cystic acne right under my jaw. Pic related.
I want to avoid accutane and birth control. Any advice or am I fucked?

>> No.8630002

It looks hormonal so birth control might be your best option.

>> No.8630180

I've always wanted to try their makeup or something, but everything in their store is so scented, like their skincare products, and I can't use things with fragrance in them. The LUSH in my mall is always crowded though, so they have really good marketing, it's just, idk how to describe my feelings for LUSH? Maybe a bit "meh everything has scents in it, it's so irritating."

>> No.8630187

Holy shit I have never seen a cgl skincare thread before with so many people raving about LUSH products, what!?

>> No.8630190

Around the jawline and chin is hormonal, so unfortunately, you're probably going to have to go on BC. Honestly, it's not even that bad, you can get BC that doesn't mess with your period and only really evens out your hormones. Look up "acne vitamin cocktail" or something and read about supplements, maybe taking a few will help, but if I were you, I'd go get my hormones tested.

>> No.8630194

Guys, I want to try vitamin c serum to help with acne scars, any brand reccomendations? Something that isn't drying, preferably!

>> No.8630216

Mad Hippie

>> No.8630249

Make a little everyday yourself. It's the most basic thing to make tbh.

>> No.8630266

Thank you for sharing, seriously. Sometimes I feel like I'm all alone with this haha. Sometimes it ends with open wounds in my face and then I feel like shit

>> No.8630280

This might be a long shot, but do you (or anyone else) know if these are available in Japan? I'm living there at the moment and I want to try them out.

>> No.8630377

I have hereditary eyebags that are mostly puffy. I use eye depuffing creams. All about eyes by clinique and even the tony moly panda eye stick works! Then I use concealer. Pat it on then brush it out gently with a big fluffy brush. I went to ulta, and they helped me pick one. My puffiness is still there but it'smuch better. Even my boyfriend noticed, and he's the type to not notice makeup.

Mostly worried about anti-aging especially since i wear makeup almost every day now. I feel like i am going to start looking old because of it. Favorite anti aging products and tips?

>> No.8630404
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Anyone have any good moisturizers similar to Mizon's Snail Recovery Gel? I really like it, but I hate having to get it shipped from Asia. The time it takes to get here just makes me anxious and I prefer to be using things in my regular routine I can acquire easily.

Alternatively does anyone have any recommendations for a lightweight, non-sticky moisturizer? Preferably non-scented.

>> No.8630461

I know I've seen the more medical-use hydrocolloid bandages (search ハイドロコロイド被覆材 for pics) before, but I'm not as sure about ones specifically for acne. a big drug store probably would stock a few different kinds, though.

>> No.8630482
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So here's a pic of my skin without makeup. I used to have perfect skin, and after breaking out for a year or so, I don't get pimples anymore (besides from the occasional pimple from falling asleep in my makeup) however I'm left with hyperpigmentation on my skin. The scars aren't deep or anything, and they're not horrible however it's still noticeable and I want to be able to feel confident without makeup on. Lately I've been getting sick of using makeup on a regular basis and just want to let my skin breathe and heal itself.

Does anyone know any products/home remedies to use to get rid of these scars (faster)?

>> No.8630650

Ok, thanks for the advice. Birth control really fucks with my emotions, so I hate being on it. I was taking it for the majority of last year and it only helped slightly, not enough to be worth it so I'd love to look into other options.
Has anyone here dealt with hormonal acne before?

>> No.8631307

>Ambien Fade Cream
How long did it take for you to see results with this stuff? I'm considering picking some up. I have a dark spot above my upper lip that stresses me out and makes me hate my skin and I'd love to help clear that up.

>> No.8631348

not skin care, but how do I get rid of this white residue in my hair?
it's not grease, and it's not dandruff. I feel like even when I don't shampoo (or even if I shampoo) it's still there
it's like if I run my fingers through my hair enough, I'll be able to scrape off this white gunk from my hands

>> No.8631371

is it product buildup? maybe try using less conditioner and a clarifying shampoo

stop drinking milk

thayers rose witch hazel

>> No.8631372

the first sentence was supposed to be a reply to you sorry

>> No.8631373

I have hormonal acne from having PCOS and take a kind of medication used for diabetes patients which helps a lot. So if you find your acne is quite severe and you are over 18 (out of puberty) maybe ask your doctor about the possibility of a PCOS diagnosis (it is very common).

>> No.8631411

all of the products that tout the ability to lighten/brighten your skin fix hyper pigmentation. face masks helped the most for me.

>> No.8632532

Nexcare is the only brand that I know advertises for acne specific ones. Everyone else, it's just blister bandages. They're the exact same thing, the ones advertised for acne just come precut. I feel that you get more out of blister bandages.

>> No.8632536

Well, what is your skincare routine? We could help you there because there's toners and stuff that can help brighten and tighten skin. Also, vitamin e oil helps with scars. Vitamin c serum is the king of helping with acne scars and hyperpigmentation, but it can be a bit pricey.

>> No.8633584

Is washing your face with alcohol wipes throughout the day bad or good for your skin?
Whenever I break out I will clean my face with alcohol wipes 2-3 times per day (along with exfoliating) and I notice a difference.
Been doing this for a while and I was just wondering.

>> No.8633591

Bad to terrible. It kills off your normal "good" skin flora, strips the acid mantle and dries out your skin as well as irritating anything open on your face. There's a reason they use those wipes before they take blood tests, and that's because they basically kill everything which is really bad for your skin long term. I would be looking at your overall skin routine, and more at spot treatments and chemical exfoliators

>> No.8633632

Seconding use of Vit C, also maybe looking into AHAs

>> No.8633818

what this anon said >>8633591
You're just making your acne worse. You're stripping your face of its natural oils, which is just going to make your face more greasy or dry and cause more breakouts. Also, exfoliating every day, let alone multiple times a day is just going to irritate your skin...and cause break outs.
There's a reason why you only wash your face 2 times a day anon. I understand if you are a natural grease ball to wipe down your skin, but at least use baby wipes. Or better yet, stop wiping at all and just leave it alone. You're making things worse for yourself.

>> No.8633828

Seconding this from a fellow PCOS person. I also lost about 20lbs on the meds without too much of a lifestyle change.

It could just be that you're on the wrong type of birth control. Have you tried a mini pill?

>> No.8633997

huh, never would've guessed. Thanks! I never really noticed my acne getting worse because of it but I'll stop doing it now. Part of the reason I was doing this was because I work with bacteria like certain strains of staph whose "natural habitat" is the skin, and I want to be careful about getting airborne bacteria on my face.
You mentioned baby wipes as a good alternative, I'll check those out.

>> No.8634004

That sounds oddly awesome, what you do for work. Try the babywipes, but also maybe wear one of those medical face masks and protective eyewear if you are so concerned about airborn bacteria? I'm not sure what your work's policies are on protective gear, but it might just be a better alternative to cover up your skin rather than wiping it down constantly.

>> No.8634619

gulls, I got some 10% glycolic acid and I've used it like 3 times now every other day
and things seem to be fine except for one spot on my cheekbone that feels really dry and looks a little bit brownish

does that mean my face is gonna peel or something or did I fuck up my face?

>> No.8634905

Why would they be aerosolising though? Unless you're unsure about your lab hygiene....

>> No.8634921

You could also try switching to washing your face with a pre surgical prep soap like hibiclens. It is anti bacterial and anti microbial.

>> No.8634937

I was the one with the LUSH mask. I like the mask because it's kind of on that borderline between decent price and vanity price, comes with a lot, and works well so far. That warning about skin sensitivity was serious, though. Heavily scented things are a definite no for anyone with skin sensitivity, and LUSH's other shit tends to be extremely scented. Bath bombs are probably their most popular things but strongly advise keeping those thing far away from your cooch and I've got to think some idiot's caused some infections going mad with bath bomb power.

>> No.8635746
File: 1.38 MB, 875x675, ineedhelp (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should i do to look younger and cuter seagulls?
I am 19.
Give me skin care advices (i just moisturize religiously everyday, barely have pimples,just dark circles actually)
Also if you give me a haircut to suit my face,color,eyebrows shape,... that would be awesome. I just wanna live the kawaii life and feel cute and finally feel confident

>> No.8635748

Also hair color would be awesome i have no idea if i should keep my blond dye or just go darker?

>> No.8635773


Dunno how much it helps, but you already are pretty hella kawaii,

I think darker hair would suit you, and look cuter- as far as looking younger, thickening up your brows would help you look more youthful.

>> No.8635781

Chocolate or some other medium brown might make you look a bit younger. Blonde ages some people, and blonde with roots just makes me think of soccer moms with shitty highlights.
I'd also suggest growing your hair out. If you don't want to damage it too much, look into body art quality (!!!) henna. Your eyebrows already look ok, perhaps thicken them out just a tad. Go to the hair thread for advice.

>> No.8635795

awe thank you so much that's adorable! I should consider dying them darker then, but i should really find the good shade but i was scared i would look more mature. Something with a warm tone maybe? I know i can't be a kawaii loli desu forever and i am trying to accept i'll get older and that it's fine.

Same here haha i just get all stressed when i see roots because i just feel gross? I should try to relax a bit sometimes i'm way too focused on my physical appearance and stressing way too much about it.

I'm trying desperately to grow them out right now, but which haircut would look nice? What kind of bangs and what kind of cut?

>> No.8635796

The more recent scars started showing fading after 2 weeks of using twice daily. After 2 months, the area around my mouth (which used to be very dark from a bad case of dry chapped skin when I was a child) looks completely even and bright, cleared up 100%. Some other spots never faded fully but their appearance is very diminished.

I should also mention that it's Ambi Fade Cream not Ambien rofl I was thinking of the wrong thing there.

>> No.8635803

I had this same issue, but there's some new pills on the market that help a lot and have a lot less hormones. I'm on lo loestrin FE, it's the lowest hormonal pill out there, and it doesn't affect my mental state at all. Only thing is it's expensive, I basically begged my insurance company to cover it for me or it would be $200 a month.

>> No.8637080

Use sunblock. The major cause of wrinkles I that you can do something about is sun damage.
Also consider starting a retinol seem, something light that will be both anti aging and anti acne

>> No.8637190

I have really bad eye circles that are almost black and the area around my mouth is dark. How can I get rid of it?

Having to put concealer around my mouth for my daily foundation routine which is really necessary for me is embarrassing and I want my skin to be more clear naturally.

>> No.8637412

anon, we are skincare general, not hair general. Check the catalogue for a hair thread, and if there isn't one, make it and then ask there.

>> No.8637415

You already look young, hell, you're 19, calm down. We need to know your routine outside of "i moisturize!" Good for you, now what products do you use? How often do you wash your face, etc. You look tired, so making sure you sleep plenty every day will help, along with keeping hydrated and drinking water.
Your face has a good shape so it should take whatever haircut well, I'd suggest at least growing it out of fakeboi length to your chin for cuteness. idk about haircolor though, go ask hair general or something, that's their expertise not ours.

>> No.8637834

i use african black soap and Savvy Boheme's Bliss Facial cleansing oil. I had terrible acne in high school and have combination skin and i have never had better looking skin than i do right now. I have eliminated so many products i used to use to no avail and hardly ever get any zits. I also use lighter makeup though but not all the time, mainly Pacifica's CC cream and colors and sometimes bareminerals, but even with heavier eye makeup i never have any issues with removal.

>> No.8637842

when discussing acne, can anons specify their ages? acne can go away on its own once puberty is done, so product recommendations for pubertal vs adult acne are important.

>> No.8637845

i've never used or bought their products but i do diy stuff based on things they make and what ive made seems to work pretty well. i think its just the illusion of a brand like with doTerra and young living, its basically the same shit as any other similar brand, they just try to market it as luxury. ill just stick to aura cacia, etsy, and diy

>> No.8637851

i dont have a toner to recommend but ive had similar results using alba botanica's papaya enzyme facial mask

>> No.8637862

Hey guys,
A while ago I posted that I had a rash all over my body and couldn't find the cause. Thanks again for all the ideas you guys gave me.Not going to lie, they didn't work, but I appreciate it anyway. I finally found out I am allergic to Bronopol, a preservative in baby whites, shampoo, and similar stuff.
I have gone through all my products and can't find it listed anywhere. Does anyone know if companies don't list some stuff or what? I am at my wits end as it's been going on for a year at this point. ALL. OVER. MY. BODY. (I got a steroid shot so I feel good for now, happily.)
I made an order with LUSH and figured I would switch to all natural products and re-introduce normal products one at a time to see how I react. Any suggestions for cheaper alternatives to LUSH. They are not so bad, but I have to change everything all at once. It adds up fast.

Anyone else ever had a preservative allergy? Any tips?

Sorry if that went on too long.

>> No.8637872
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So I've been using this as my oil cleanser and it works okay, but I don't think it's the best fit for me. However I love how clean my face feels using this in combination with a foam cleanser. Can anyone recommend good oil cleansers? I have oily skin with mild breakouts (small zits on my chin and a cyst once a month on my period.)

Also I'm 20 and I've never had pimples on my cheeks, but now I'm starting to get a few. Could this be diet or hormonal related?

>> No.8637875

I'm mildly allergic to propylene glycol at least as far as food products go. I know on Pinterest you can find a great deal of Diy versions of Lush products, so far ive only made one of their masks but it worked well and i loved it. A good company for herbs/materials is mountainrose herbs. if you find something maybe youre unable to make you could also check etsy. i honestly feel like diy will be the most helpful and cost effective.

>> No.8637890

the only one i've used is Savvy boheme's bliss because the bottle is lasting me forever. it's possible the mineral oil in the one you posted could be making your acne worse, but im not an expert and not a fan of mineral oil. it could however be a combo of the mineral oil, hormones and diet though.

>> No.8637893

I'm thinking maybe it's in your laundry detergent or something? It would explain why it's all over... I hope you find the cause soon anon, that sucks.

>> No.8637904

I use The Face Shop's rice water oil cleanser, and it's pretty easy on my sensitive skin.

>> No.8637944

Oh, that makes sense. I didn't even thing of Pinterest. They love making dupes! I will give that a try for sure. Thanks.

I have looked at the ingredients on my detergents, but it is not listed. I am already using the "Free and Clear" type. I worry using homemade hippy dippy stuff might hurt a washer machine. I might have to hand wash, I guess.

>> No.8638023

Uh, you do realize that you need to be 18+ to get on this board, so it's suffice to say that everyone here talking about acne is referring to adult acne. You can kind of get that just by lurking in these threads, considering how often people are talking about hormonal and cystic acne.

>> No.8638043

awesome, thanks!

>> No.8638059

i am often in skincare generals. we probably just notice different things.

i believe it would be helpful if gulls give an idea about their ages when they recommend products and methods. progress is often intetpreted as being due to a particular method in cases we can't rule out age as a factor.

for example:

>I had terrible acne in high school and have combination skin and i have never had better looking skin than i do right now.

anon's steps might indeed be helpful, but may also be due to hormones calming down post-teen years.

other anons do not always specify when they tried what, so saying "X didn't work for me, but i tried it when i was 14" would be more helpful than just "X didn't work for me."

>> No.8639519

I went to lush on a fluke today and I got the avobath bomb. I tried it out earlier tonight and it was great. I haven't tried any of their other products though, I'll pay them a visit again this week. What should I try? I want to try a bit of everything.

>> No.8639557

>You already look young, hell, you're 19, calm down
to be fair, it's easy to make that mistake on here where everyone keeps harping on about even 12yo girls looking UNFORTUNATE and HAGGARD

>> No.8640011 [DELETED] 

Jesus christ, you are really ugly. I'd suggest you keep using make up and hope no guy ever sees you without it.

>> No.8640427 [DELETED] 


coming from my cold bitch heart i honestly think you are cute and young looking already you are about a 6/10 and could easily be 7 with improvements. just sleep more and please do your roots. stay blonde actually it suits your face and look younger and you have a nice shade of blonde and not some brassy ass shit or a shade too cold.
thats all. and drink water.

>> No.8640714
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>> No.8640746

god what the fuck
are you the girl in the OP pic

in the op pic your like a super cute white girl
and without makeup you some sort of generic asian

you are lying to the world with that level of shit on your face

>> No.8642214

How do you know which skin type you are?

>> No.8642818

>strongly advise keeping those thing far away from your cooch and I've got to think some idiot's caused some infections going mad with bath bomb power.
Can confirm, got a trush infection this summer because of it and it won't go away.

>> No.8643076

>you look like a white girl in OP
>without makeup you're asian

anon, i hope you're trolling because that's some of the dumbest shit I've read in a while

>> No.8643244

Most people responded to that post jokingly - see the other responses to it 'OMG NEVER SHOW YOUR FACE SO UGLY' when she looks just like any other girl

>> No.8643346

hey seagulls, I need some help.

suffice to say, my skin is shit. even when i was a kid, my skin was oily, red and littered with huge pores.

right now, I'm 20, and it's probably as bad as it's been since I was 13/14 and just entering the throes of puberty. My skin is horrendously oily, full of bumps and blackheads and acne, tons of freckles, very reddish and uneven, and I have terrible under eye circles. I'm also super pale so any imperfections are magnified. I wash my skin in the morning and at night with neutrogena's acne prevention foam cleanser (though I want to try out the redness relieving one next,) then use a clean & clear astringent (blue one, which I think may be too harsh), and in the morning use an olay moisturizer with spf and at night i use an anti-aging olay cream (the morning one just makes my oilyness so much worse.) i do not have an eye cream because the one i tried makes my eyes burn and swell up (strangely enough, it was burt's bees.)

The only products that I actually like using are the neutrogena makeup removing wipes, st. ives apricot scrub (for in the shower,) and burt's bees herbal blemish stick. i also love using the my beauty diary masks, they help my skin. otherwise, i don't think my skincare regimen is helping at all. i'd love to try some korean skincare roducts,but don't know where to begin.

>Do any other anons struggle with highly sensitive, acne prone, sun damaged, dull, super oily skin? What products do you recommend?

I feel like trying to forego makeup for a month to try to take care of my skin and get it to be brighter, more even and less oily. But I'm also terrified of how ugly I am.
>Is it okay to not wear makeup if you are ugly and trying to repair your skin?

thank you to anyone who read this, bless u.

>> No.8644407

help I'm starting to get under eye bags. how do I slow down the process?

>> No.8644442

First off, ditch Neutrogena products altogether. Neutrogena products dry the shit out of your skin, which makes your skin produce even more oil to compensate. If you want a gentle cleanser, try Cetaphil products. I don't know a single person whose skin didn't improve at least a little once they stopped using Neutrogena. Even Neutrogena's face sunscreen is shit tier.

For the pores, lots of people use charcoal or clay masks. Undereye circles are linked with sleep deprivation, dehydration, and just plain old genetics. Most products advertised to get rid of them won't do shit, and eye creams are really for fine lines and puffiness so they won't lighten the dark skin. Get 6-8 hours of sleep a night, every night, and drink plenty of water. I've heard caffeine rollers can help but I haven't tried them myself.

Your best bet is to start treating one skin problem at a time, because right now you're using tons of products and you won't be able to tell which product is helping or making things worse. Start with reducing the oiliness of your skin and then work on other individual problems over time. It will be a lot easier to sort out which products are best for you if you try one thing at a time.

>> No.8644476

I'm a guy who gets awful razor burn. Even with a fresh razor, I'll shave and feel no pain or anything but a half hour later wham gross scraggly neck. What can I do?

>> No.8644488
File: 120 KB, 683x1024, kskincare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the biggest part of the korean/asian skincare process is the double cleanse. you don't have to use asian products for this, and you can easily find comparable products locally at places like walmart. however, a lot of the korean products are the same price as the walmart alternatives.
>1st cleanse
this is the oil cleanse which removes makeup and sunscreen. i just started doing this, and i can't believe i was only using makeup remover on my eyes. i think it's necessary to remove sunscreen, and regular foaming cleansers aren't enough to get off sunscreen and foundation imho. right now i'm using pond's cold cream cleanser. it's like $6. popular korean ones are the banila co. clean it zero cleanser and the face shop rice water cleansing oil.
>2nd cleanse
this is a general foaming cleanser or whatever. a water soluble one. i read a lot of good things about japanese cleansers but cetaphil is good like >>8644442 says.
this might help your acne. stridex red box is the most popular BHA i see used. it's recommended to use a clarifying toner after you cleanse and before you apply this product for proper pH adjustment. also, you should let the BHA stay on your skin for 20-30 mins before applying other products. at least let it dry.
i have oily skin like you. i'm sure you've read that good moisturization helps control oil. cetaphil's general face and body lotion has helped a lot. i also put nyx's matte setting spray on top of everything, and it helps control the oil.
i'm currently on the hunt for a non-oily sunscreen, but again, it looks like there are a lot of good japanese ones. i have the biore aqua rich sarasara spf50+ on the way. it was actually recommended in one of these skincare threads. sunkiller is another popular japanese line that i've read about.

i agree with >>8644442 about neutrogena. at least their sunscreen. i'm finishing off a tube of the face sunscreen, and it's completely shit. i'm using it mostly on my hands/arms.

>> No.8644518

going to continue my spiel in this post.

>eye cream
i, too, have horrible eye bags. even with drinking the necessary amount of water and getting enough sleep, i still have eye bags. they're genetic, and i've tried many creams. the best would be clinique's all about eyes. it's not that pricey, and it lasts FOREVER. also, the tony moly cooling eye stick. it's cute and actually works for several hours. as for lightening them, i'd recommend vitamin c serum and the mizon snail repair eye cream. i've heard good things about innisfree white tone up eye serum as well.

>skin brightening
to help brighten, reduce redness, and reduce uneveneness, i think the sheet masks you use will help if they contain things like honey, rice, lemon, etc. the vitamin c should help with this as well.

>sleeping pack
i LOVE these. it's a little weird to get used to at first, especially for someone with oily skin. it really moisturizes and leaves your skin so soft and smooth in the morning. i love the holika holika honey sleeping pack, but i'm really wanting to try the daiso ones. etude house has very cheap ones.

i don't really like using masks for this. i've tried a bunch of different ones. the faceshop's charcoal ones and the ones at forever21 are actually the most effective for me, but i prefer to just push them out myself with either a q-tip or those metal tools especially made for blackhead removal. cold water and/or a toner helps to close your pores afterwards. the tony moly egg pore tightening pack really does tighten and reduce the size of my pores (for a few hours, anyway). i haven't used it regularly, but it definitely works for the day.

>> No.8644893

I should add that this product is meant to be used with a sunscreen. And I was using a AHA exfoliant at the time as well which is said to boost hydroquinone treatments.

>> No.8644895

someone is mad

>> No.8644913

Wash your face. Moisturize the area with a heavy-duty moisturizer. Wait ten minutes and then wet your face and use shaving gel (not cream). Go with the grain, perpendicular at most, never against. Replace your razor every month. Rinse off with lukewarm water and dab dry; avoid friction like rubbing hard with a washcloth. Dab dry, let it breathe for a moment or two, and then rub aloe lotion (available at most drug stores for pretty cheap) over the shaved area. I'm a chick who gets really bad bikini area razor burn and this takes care of 95% of it.

>> No.8644973

That apricot scrub is really irritating on skin and too harsh for most people. Heaps of people like it because it feels like it's doing something, but for acne prone skin it causes more irritation and more acne

>> No.8645013

this. correct me if i'm wrong, but sugar scrubs are better if you want a physical exfoliator. and the apricot scrub is recommended for feet pretty much.

>> No.8645936

hello newfriend

>> No.8645942

What mistake did that anon make? It's true, she's only 19. You're going to age regardless what you do, your face naturally getting older, but she's so young that if she starts a good routine there's no need to worry about wrinkles and the like? Also, it would help if she had posted her routine and products outside of panicing. Calm down, girl.

>> No.8645944

it's cgl, people don't joke about those things on here.

>> No.8645949

seconding this about the neutrogenia. I also have oily skin and their stuff is so overly drying, that it just forces your skin to over compensate for being stripped of its natural oils, that you just get even more oily. I used their acne wash for a bit and it worked wonderfully for a week and then I became an even more greasy mess.

Also, foaming cleansers in general are not a good idea. They are also overly drying, etc. Sorry, I can't recall at the moment the specifics, but just that foaming cleansers are a no no.

>> No.8645987

Hi anon, I seem to have the same skin as you, bar the black heads. Like the other anons said, please drop the Neutrogena and Apricot Scrub. I used to use both, but I learned better. Neutrogena does more harm than good, it strips your skin of all of the natural oils that it just becomes even more oils. Scrubs in general, espcially St. Ives apricot one are incredibly harsh and irritating. Not only that, but you should not be using an exfoliant (that scrub) every day, it irritates the skin and causes more acne in the long run. I also find Olay much too greasy for me. Burts Bees can also be irritating so avoid it! Honestly, I would go to a dermatologist if I were you, sometimes, products aside, you need a bit of internal help. Birth Control, or some form of acne medication could help. I wound up having to go on accutante and I could cry at how much better my skin has become. (I actually have cried about it)
Like the other anon said about face masks, they are wonderful for brightening and tightening skin. Especially ones with natural products like >>8644518 said. You should look into The Body Shop's tea tree line of products, I remember a good amount of anons using them with good results.
You should switch to a natrual toner like Witch Hazel since yours sounds kind of harsh. I like the Thayer's Rose Petal one, it feels nice and brightens my skin. Also it is alcohol free so yay. Honestly, I found Aloe Vera gel helped me best for moisturizer because it didn't leave me greasy and helped with my skin irritation.
To begin, I'd also look into your diet. Cut out soda and sugary/caffinated drinks outside of tea or coffee. Drink plenty of water instead, cut out junk food, etc. Also look into vitamin and supplements, I think higher up in the thread some anon mentioned them to. From what I remember pre-accutane, Cod Liver Oil really helped my skin (it's high in vitamin a and d i think). Zinc could also help, just google acne vitamins or something and read up on them.

>> No.8647084

New around here and I'm relieved in a way to find my regular products and routines have only been making it worse... kinda makes me a bit hopeful about results if I do it correctly, hah!

What do you guys suggest about chest and shoulder acne? I have pretty pale skin and can't tell if it's oily or dry - I think it may be a combination. I would just be so relieved and happy if I could wear any shirt I'd like without being worried about acne showing.

Also, any advice about nails? I worked in food prep and waitressing jobs and kind of ruined 3 of my fingernails in the process. Bumped them and separated them halfway down the nail... I cut them short now after looking up some advice.

>> No.8647109

Do you guys not know what a joke looks like or?

Anon was clearly referring to seagulls calling everything and everyone old and unfortunate regardless of whether they actually are. Which you'd know if you spent like 5 minutes on here.

>> No.8647925

does anyone know who this is?

>> No.8647931

Stop being so salty, newfriend. Not everyone in the thread found it funny, get over it. If you actually spent time in skincare generals like you claim, you'd realize that people don't respond to stupid shit like that, instead of samefagging.

>> No.8647937

i'm assuming you're the girl who did the original post if you're so butthurt about this. it wasn't funny, just obnoxious.

>> No.8647942
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Something not well known but super effective is coconut oil. I used to have to use two different medicated creams to keep my acne at bay. Now all I do is wash my face with water, towel off, and rub a small amount of coconut oil on. My face is consistently clearer than it has been in years. I know it seems counter intuitive to rub oil on already oily skin but it really works!

>> No.8647944

Nope, try again. I just can't stand summerfags getting butthurt and offended about everything.
This goes doubly for skincare generals where simply disagreeing with someone will cause a chimpout of epic proportions because babby's ego got bruised.

>> No.8648545

I'm thinking of doing a double cleanse routine for days I wear makeup, anyone have any suggestions for good oil cleansers? Drugstore or amazon or whatever, preferably under $10

I thought it was supposedly clogging as fuck? I'd try, but I don't want to risk a large scale breakout.

>> No.8648554

coconut oil works great for some people, but for others it can be very clogging. and yes, moisture is just as important for oily skin -- it just churns out more oil to compensate otherwise.

the face shop's cleansing oil is pretty cheap, but based on reviews it the fragrance can come off a bit strong, so be wary if you have really sensitive skin. otherwise you can use actual oils, like jojoba, olive, grape seed, etc as well.

>> No.8648574

Why does she look like she ate a lot of bees

>> No.8648761
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Okay, /cgl/. Been wondering this for a while but I'm gonna ask.
How do I stay looking as young as possible for as long as possible?
I never wear makeup and my skin is pretty nice. I don't get acne at all, and it's not too oily. (My only issue is sebaceous fillaments but it's not that big of a deal)

I hear sun screen (if so, what brand)
and moisturizing (again, if so, what brand)

My skin is pretty pale. I don't know if that helps.

>> No.8648767

sunscreen, at least spf30 (google)
don't stress over looking old
eat healthy but don't stress over that either

we're all gonna age at around the same time, if you haven't been blessed by the goddess of genetics there's little else you can do

>> No.8649081

No but really what the fuck

>> No.8649298
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Everything obvious if I'm gonna be honest.

Eat healthy, get your beauty sleep, stay hydrated, don't tan, and exercise.

Get silk pillow sheets, pat yourself dry, moisturize after showering, use warm (read: not hot!) water, gently exfoliate twice a week, and use a sunscreen that's got SPF30+

I use clinique deep comfort and kiehl's facial moisturizer. Sunscreen-wise I use La Roche-Posay Anthelios 60.

As another pale person (a ginger in fact) we kinda age like milk. The sun fucking _hates_ us. I've aged really well specifically because I go out of my way to take care of my skin and I still get carded because of it. You're on the right path so just keep at it

>> No.8651108

>tfw you remember this from Adult Swim
>tfw you remember seeing this when you stayed up 4am for no reason.

>> No.8651344

How can I get rid of red spots? Acne left a lot of them on my face and I don't know what to do.

>> No.8651735

>calling someone a summerfag

...You do realize it's October? Would you stop trying to stir shit up in the thread, it's really dumb and takes away from the actual posts on skincare. I don't see what those other anons did wrong outside of you overreacting for some reason, but as it stands, your replies have nothing to contribute to the thread. Not to mention constantly referring to other anons as newfags or summerfags for no reason is the first sign of being a newfriend. Chill out.

Getting back on track, does anyone know where I can get an Italy towel in store, or would I be better off getting one from Amazon? Also, do they work on feet?

>> No.8651738


lead a healthy lifestyle and pray that you got blessed with good genetics.

>> No.8651743

Anon is probably the original girl who posted trying too hard to fit in with the crowd. It really is fucking annoying though, underaged tryhards are the cancer of the board.

For Italy towels, I'd suggest getting them off of either Amazon of Alibaba. You can just get a good amount in bulk for so much cheaper than what you would find in store. Also, I've used mine on the bottoms of my feet before, and it's worked fine.

>> No.8651785
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Is there any way to get rid of years of acne scars past covering it up or is it too late for me?

>> No.8651916

I've been wondering for a while.

I use clinique foaming wash for combination oily skin daily, like it says to, but it ends up making my nose and cheeks completely chapped even if I use the moisturizer. Should I start using other products? If so, what?

Also acne scars have been a bitch to me since i was in middle school, so what can help with that also?

>> No.8652260

If it's making your oily skin dry and chapped it is way too harsh. Try using a gentler cleanser, and maybe a stronger moisturiser. Personally, I'm pretty oily but I find foaming cleansers too drying and harsh for me. I use oil cleanser, but they're not for everyone.

Paula's Choice beautypedia is a pretty good place to start, they've got reviews on most Western brands and have nice breakdowns as to whats good and bad in a product. A lot of Clinique's earlier products get some shitty ratings, but the more recent stuff seems to be pretty good. I don't think you need to spend too much on cleanser tho, so try to look at drugstore brands as well.

>> No.8652269

Look into a dermaroller. From what I understand they help with old scars and pockmarks by making tiny, controlled needle pricks in your skin to help it heal. Vitamin C serum will definitely help as well, it fades scars and hyperpigmentation, evens skin tone, helps with wrinkles and shit. There was some suppliment that you can take that is also supposed to help with scarring, but I can't recall at the moment. Also, if some anon would be kind enough to talk about chemical peels, as I don't know much about AHA/BHAs other than they help a lot with old scars. Don't worry anon, at the very least you can brighten your skin and fade everything.

>> No.8652275

Avoid all foaming cleansers, anon. They are overly drying and will irritate your skin. Even if it is advertised as "for oily skin/acne/etc." if it foams, it's going to dry you out so bad. It's stripping you of your natural oils, which is bad. I honestly don't like Clinique's products, you should check out The Body Shop, they have a lot of wonderful western skincare cleansers and products. Do you actually have combination/oily skin or were you just using that cleanser?

>> No.8652282

Not that anon, but
>avoid all foaming cleansers
Shit, I didn't know this. I've been using a foaming cleanser from, funny enough, The Body Shop. I haven't noticed major dryness from it, but I'm almost out of this bottle. Should I take the opportunity and switch?

>> No.8652308

>sweeping generalisations r us
Or just check the pH without freaking out?

>> No.8653030

Thanks for asking that, anon. I started getting acne one month ago while starting uni -never had it before; though I didn't have any proper routine and didn't really change my alimentation-; and my desesperate phone calls to my mother ended up with her telling me to do that, as that's what she used to do, back in the days. It didn't make it any better and actually looked worse but I wouldn't have thought of stopping.

>> No.8653045

My dermatologist says I have overactive sebaceous glans. I have trouble getting my makeup to stay matte all day. I use NYX Pore Filler and Shine Killer, topped at the end with NYX matte finishing spray.
I still have to blot, pretty much on the hour every hour and right before a picture.
My dermo's solution is I just shouldn't' wear makeup. He is an old sawbones, doesn't understand I have to have makeup for cosplay or I'll look like a sickly zombie compared to everyone else. I don't wear any while I'm at the house chillin or at work (fuck them, not gonna look nice for you asshole customers that already hit on me too much), just when I go out on the weekends or cons. I'm super vigilant with washing and toner and moisturizer.
Any tips for super sad greaseballs wanting a nice porcelain look for a day?

>> No.8653441

Yeah, I'd say I have combination oily
It was given to me since I complained about oily skin so yeah

>> No.8653503

Any tips on how to get rid of dark spots? I got bit by mosquitoes about a month ago. The bites have disappeared but I'm now left with faint dark spots. I moisturize daily and exfoliate when I'm in the shower but no luck.

>> No.8654119

Just ordered purity from philosophy. If its nice oh well I don't mind being basic. Also snagged a sample of the josie maran argan oil light kind of excited to see if that's any good.

>> No.8654143

Are you over washing and drying your face out?

>> No.8654171

I'm trying out some of Skin Food's stuff because they're my favorite Korean brand. Right now I'm using the Avocado Rich cream + Avocado essence. They're okay so far! Super duper hydrating but not oily. They work amazing at night and I wake up with super soft skin. They are lightly scented, but definitely several steps below most Western products.

>> No.8654241

Anyone have any advice or tips about pore strips? I'm interested but have also heard they may make pores worse...

>> No.8654653

I've cleaned the pores on my nose well from using a combination of steaming my face and applying the pore strip right after. Just stick to once or twice a week if you don't want to fuck your face up. When I stream my face I put a drop or two of tea tree oil in the water, but there is no science to back it that it helps last time I checked. Maybe eucalypts oil if you're stressed or an essential oil that smells good if you want?

>> No.8654719

what's up with the neutrogena dislike? I've tried a Nivea scrub and a Neutrogena scrub and the Neutrogena felt way gentler on skin.

>> No.8654723

You're really cute! Your face has such a nice shape, and your eyes, eyebrows and lips are to die for!

>> No.8654935
File: 87 KB, 458x491, Dermalogica-UltraCalming-range.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried the Dermalogica UltraCalming products? Or Dermalogica in general?
I've been using it for a few days and am really hoping it's finally the right product for my overly sensitive skin.
It seems to have mostly positive reviews and it was a skin therapist who recommended it but I was curious about firsthand experiences.

>> No.8654955

I've used a face cleanser from them it worked really nicely but I found it was a bit pricey on the whole.

>> No.8655085

This seems very sound. Thank you!

>> No.8655090

That's like saying 'what would you rather ingest, shit or piss?'
But I agree with you, every brand has its good and bad products. Neutrogena and Nivea makeup removing wipes are actually quite nice.

>> No.8657160
File: 169 KB, 600x469, Sexylook HelloKitty Mask sponsored by Scretive.sg_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do face masks go bad?
I have one that says EXP2015.01.18A1
this look like an expiration date, right? Do you think it's fine to still use it?
Pic related is the mask I want to use.

>> No.8657174

I am in LOVE with the panda eye stick. The cooling one. They have it at ulta now too, for $10

>> No.8657312

since your face is alittle longer you should try fuller bangs to shorten that length. Darker hair will def help too

>> No.8657386

I got a very soft small brush at daiso that is meant for pores/face cleaning. I use it to foam up some face wash in my palm, and then scrub my nose and on the tops of my cheeks. It clears out some of the sebacious filaments, and the ones that don't leave, I decide that they're there to stay. I only use it on my nose, it's not thay effective elsewhere. Pore strips seem kind of controversial, so I'm just staying away from those now.
>trying to stop squeezing and picking face
>realize that I can pull out some sebacious filaments with fine tweezers
>just like pore strips but the clog is even more long and intact
>get to see that empty hole in nose
>so much satisfaction
I know it's just going to fill again but ugh

>> No.8657508
File: 201 KB, 1278x720, WP_20151009_006 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have combination oily skin and after several years of teenage acne, my skin looks damaged. I have massive pores, light acne scars etcetra.

My three main problems I want to treat is the massive pores on my nose - I used to squeeze out the sebum which made the pores bigger.

Another problem is my under eye area, I have more wrinkles developing and weird spot things near the inner corner of my eyes.

And lastly, I still have a lot of micro bumps, I think some are black heads because they're black and others are really small pimples which never develop into bigger, pusfilled pimples. I exfoliate once a week but it never seems to improve.

So far I use: Innisfree Volcanic Cleansing Foam (I want to replace it because the ph is too high apparently), thayer's witch hazel, Benton SnailBee Essence, Innisfree Bija Anti Trouble Lotion and Baviphat Snail Therapy Sleeping Pack.

>> No.8657512

You look completely normal. God I wish I had your skin, girl.

>> No.8657517
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Really? Thank-you I guess, but I have quite a few problems. I know its not as bad as some people, its still not the best.
I dunno if over enlarged pores are normal. I can barely conceal it as the foundation seeps into the pores and I end up with holes.

Maybe the photo didn't show it but my skin isn't even, it has micro bumps which never develop into acne.

And my forehead is a mess.

>> No.8657523

can you suggest any then? I'm an eurofag, we have like 0 brands here. would sebamed be better?

>> No.8657530

>we have like 0 brands here
are you taking the piss?
sebamed is fine
>la roche posay
>hell, even some garnier stuff
>louis widmer
>dr colic
I mean I can go on but we've no shortage of skincare and makeup brands at all, they just aren't talked about as much. I swear, it's like people have stopped being resourceful and actually going shopping instead of waiting to be spoonfed over the internet.

>> No.8657549

looks fine to me, maybe use something designed to decrease pores. pretty sure something was suggested higher up.

jesus christ, if you're going to bitch at me about not being aware just don't reply. I live on the shitty edge of europe where we have no brands. the only ones out of your list I've ever seen around are eucerin and garnier's hair stuff. I'm sorry for not being an expert in skincare.
make up stores here usually stock almost 0 skincare products, pharmacies maybe have 3 or 4 options and 2 of those are nivea and neutrogena. looking it up now I'm also finding bioderma and avene but that's fucking it. yes it was my bad for clarifying I don't live in the 'popular' part of europe, but bitching me out because I live in assfuck forest is not cool

>> No.8657558
File: 2 KB, 50x50, 5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw ehlers danlos and can't find complete skincare routine that won't damage skin.

>> No.8657568

Your skincare routine is kinda devoid of actives.
Chemical exfoliation for the acne. Get some Cosrx bha and aha up in that shit.
Wrinkles - retinol and vitamin c.
Don't introduce everything at once, give them 2 weeks to check you don't react etc.

>> No.8657571

I live in Finland, we have all those here as well. It's not the popular part of Europe by any means, you just don't seem to go outside of big supermarkets.

>> No.8657577

I've been reading about BHA and AHA, only thing I've heard that you need to use a certain toner for it...is that true?

>> No.8657589

I live in Estonia and as I said, that's all I found when looking for them. I've been to at least three or four stores (phamacies and make up stores) in the last few months looking for skincare shit. there's a reason why we all come over with a ferry for shopping

>> No.8657592

I didn't think so. Would morning and night be too much washing? I assumed waking and sleeping washes were normal. If I don't wash morning and night my face oil literately runs into my eyes and burns the fuck out of them. Not sweat, face oil.

>> No.8657611

Isn't there a Stockmann or Sokos in Estonia? And Kaubamaja?

>> No.8657734

No, it's not about toner it's about pH. Products with BHA or AHA have to be low pH to work, about 3-4 iirc, so things like cleansers that have BHA in them but a pH of 9 do nothing. Some people like to use a toner to "correct" the pH of their skin before they use actives, which is what you may be confused about.

>> No.8657748

Kaubamaja had fuck all when I checked like 3 weeks ago (very lacking in scrubs, other shit is relatively overpriced/high end), Stockmann is the big one I haven't gotten to yet but I'm expecting it to have similar results to kaubamaja since they target the same crowd. if I have any energy tomorrow I might go out and see if there's anything decent since both are having sales

>> No.8657762

Oh alright..so would it be alright to use them after the Witch Hazel toner? Also do I need to use both AHA and BHA or seperately? Sorry I've tried searching the information myself, but it was hard to digest.

>> No.8657880
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So, I'd say I take pretty decent care of my skin. I cleanse, tone and moisturize twice a day.
I exfoliate once a week.
But every time I think that my skin is starting to clear up...suddenly I'm covered in (cystic) acne.
I don't understand what I'm doing wrong and I'm just so frustrated. I've even put aside cosplay because my skin constantly looks like shit.
Should I just break down and go see a dermatologist?

>> No.8657950
File: 460 KB, 1595x696, skincareroutine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i REALLY recommend using a BHA! i introduced one to my routine maybe 2 weeks ago, and i've seen a lot of improvement. my skin broke out at first, but i believe that's normal with a chemical exfoliator. i break out right before my period anyway, but it was worse than usual, so i believe the BHA had to do with it.

>> No.8658042

>grow up, never have a forehead wrinkle
>start marching band in highschool
>sweat all my sunscreen off, we work 7 hours straight without going inside
>treeless practice field in the south
>severe sunburn for 2 months
>develop forehead wrinkle at 15

im 18 now, is this reversible? my cousin says everyone has them, but she also tans a lot and has several... and i KNOW i didnt have one before. i also know it gets worse when my skin is dry, and better when i have tons of lotion on.
sorry if this is a really dumb question, im just really hoping i can reverse it somehow while i'm still young... i know its only going to get worse with age.

>> No.8658061

Did they not allow you to wear hats in marching band? At your age I think you'd still have enough skin elasticity to reverse it, but part of it would be waiting for old skin to be replaced by new skin. I looked up an article about the science of wrinkles, it has some suggestions. http://health.howstuffworks.com/skin-care/problems/beauty/skin-wrinkles3.htm

>> No.8658075

part of it is age. before i was 23, i couldn't even make my forehead have tiny wrinkles. lifting my eyebrows didn't wrinkle anything. now at 24, lifting my eyebrows causes small wrinkles on my forehead. i've worn sunscreen on my face and arms religiously for 10 years. plus, i have bangs that cover my forehead, and i think that helps a little.

>> No.8658078

they did, but the sun would always get in my face anyway, and it would give me bad zits on my hairline. gave me massive migraines.
the same thing happened to my sister, only she went out more during the summer, and she never moisturizes. is 21 too old for it to be reversible?

>> No.8658679

I'd imagine the worst that could happen is that it does nothing. if you already have it, you may as well try it?

>> No.8658801

So this is a bit embarrassing but every once in a while I get red spots on my lower butt/thighs. They're not super bad and go away after some time but is there a way to prevent them from coming back? From what I've read I believe it to be a result of sweating/sitting around in workout clothes but I always shower right after I work out and am very thorough about washing that area and I'm not sure what else I can do.

>> No.8658812

Oh hey, something similar happened to me too when I was 14! I had sunburn so bad it turned to sun poisoning. I was a lobster for 2 months and wound up chopping off most of my hair because just it brushing against my skin was agony. It goes away. I got some forehead wrinkles, but you're so young your skin is so elastic you'll be fine. Both you and your sister are out of highschool (i think?) and out of the band, so you won't be exposed to sunlight like that anymore. Drink plenty of water and invest in some vitamin C serum to help brighten and tighten your skin. Start using face masks too! Within a month of using the vitamin c serum you should notice a massive improvement on your forehead. It takes some time, but a few months of use and you're good. If you have a little wrinkle or what have you, you're fine. Like the other anon said, they come with age. Tell your sister to use some damn moisturizer. Maybe invest in a nice night cream to help lock in the moisture and heal your skin.
I'm 23 now, had no lasting damage from that EXTREME sunburn, other than a kind of embarassing photo and some bad experiences.

>> No.8658814

Cystic acne isn't a topical issue anon, it's internal. You say you don't always have it, so does it follow your cycle? If so, then it's a hormonal issue which can be solved by birth control. You could also look into your diet - do you have weird reactions to dairy or gluten? Are you an avid caffeine drinker? Are you missing certain vitamins in your diet. Do some research on cystic acne since it can be caused by so many different things, not your skincare routine.

>> No.8658830

Uh, you probably shouldn't be wearing makeup outside of cosplay then if your dermatologist tells you. Considering he most likely knows more than you, you should listen to him. I have greasy as fuck skin and it improved so much when I stopped wearing makeup daily. Just focus on your skincare routine, get rid of any acne, and suck it the fuck up until you have clear skin. It's so much easier dealing with greasy skin without any product covering it up to make it worse if I want to blot. Drink a fuck ton of water, that always helps. Birth control can also help some people from what I've heard. Having a good skincare routine will also help teach your skin not to over produce more oil than it already is, so you will be slightly less greasy just from that.Toner is seriously a godsend, so are facemasks. Also what you eat and exercising helps so much. (and taking codfish liver oil). I drink ACV daily and I find it really helps my skin, plus it helps me digest my food (i have a weak stomach). It sucks being a greaseball, but a lifestyle overhaul was the only thing that helped me.

If you absolutely must, invest in a really good BB cream for your foundation. Otherwise, you have to focus on the long run and just suck it up and go bare faced while your skin clears itself up.

>> No.8658860


If you've been given metformin, try keto diet (no-sugar low-carb high-fat) and it'll do the same ~naturally~. You'll lose weight and be super pretty too.

>> No.8658864


For chest and shoulder acne I ended up going to a dermatologist and getting antibiotic prescriptions. I don't think you can fix it just with skin cleaners.

It's a lot better but still kinda bad, which makes me afraid of topless cosplay…

>> No.8658866


BTW, cod liver oil helps acne because of the anti-inflammation omega3, it stops them from swelling. But it just kind of hides them, so it's not permanent.

>> No.8658868

do the violet and rose actually mask the ass smell? I bought some witch hazel in the past and couldn't stand the smell.

>> No.8658873 [DELETED] 

What is this petty girl shit, she looks fine

>> No.8658903

Good, I needed this thread

I'm a guy who doesn't know much about skincare brands, and I need some recommendations. (specifically acne removal, but moisturizing is good too)
I tried Neutrogena oil removing wipes, but it left my skin dry as fuck so I stopped using it after the first day. Right now, I currently use Stridex Aloe Pads, and I've been using it for a while. It doesn't dry out my skin, but I'm wondering if there was something better I could use. Any suggestions, or is Stridex alright?

Also, how does diet effect your skin health? Any foods to avoid?

>> No.8658906
File: 62 KB, 960x960, gelled-broth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, how does diet effect your skin health? Any foods to avoid?
Water is good, soda is bad. Jelly broth is good.

>> No.8658922
File: 221 KB, 480x360, 1413182267942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's good to hear since I stopped drinking soda two years ago

Not sure if helped

>> No.8658946

Do you know your skin type? (Normal, oily, dry, combination (mixture of dry areas and oily areas), &/or acne-prone) This is the first step in starting your skin care regimen, as you will pick products and routines aimed at a certain skin type. From your description, it sounds like you have dry skin that may be acne prone?

I don't recommend using any pads/wipes to clean your face as they are usually scented (scent = usually an irritant) & leave residue behind unless you rinse with water afterwards.

You also need to be moisturizing your skin after cleansing, especially if your skin type is dry. Cleansing is effectively stripping oils (including natural ones) from your skin, so you will need to keep it moisturized afterwards to avoid excessive drying or oil overproduction. Oil overproduction is your skin trying to compensate by replacing the stripped oil. Of course, choose a moisturizer that is oil-free and made for your skintype.

I struggled with acne in my teen years with the occasional breakout now. I have naturally oily skin and a cleanser that contains Salicylic Acid worked wonderfully. I've been trying 100% tea tree oil out and found that it significantly dries out/reduces fresh breakouts within 1-2 days. I definitely recommend trying it. I dab one drop on with a q-tip at night. It smells very strong/bad, so be wary of that.

As for diet, water + the less processed/sugary/unhealthy fat foods you eat, the better. I don't think there are miracle foods, but I find eating blueberries/blackberries/berries in general and adding lemon to my water (lemon raises the ph and helps your body absorb it better supposedly) helped in some way.

>> No.8658949

Oh and if you struggle with oil, try looking for things that contain kaolin (a type of clay good at drying oil) and/or charcoal.

>> No.8658963

I've checked the Stockmann website and they pretty much had most of the brands I listed, I shop there so that's why I listed them. Sokos should have them too, for a bit cheaper.
The kaubamaja in Tallinn near the harbour had a bunch of stuff too last time I went.

>> No.8658997

I wanna say my skin is a Combination type, with my nose and forehead having more oil while my cheeks and chin are dry. I'll look into treatments with that in mind. (Especially a good moisturizer) Thanks!

As for the diet, I drink mainly water, so that's good. Gotta cut out the sweet food though.

I also noticed I've got slight acne scarring on my cheekbone area. It isn't too intensive, but I'd like to get rid of it now while I can.
Earlier in this thread someone recommended a Dermaroller, but how good would that be? Not sure how rolling tiny needles on my face would help with skin. But I'm definitely considering it.

>> No.8659002

what, sadamamarket/norde centrum? those are considered a fucking joke iirc

I'll consider going out for stockmann then (I have no one to go with though), cheers anon. my mum wants to take a ferry trip up north when she has her break so I'll try to keep your suggestions in mind

>> No.8659118

I have no experience with a Dermaroller, hopefully that anon can give you more advice.

I do recommend exfoliating no more than once a week to encourage cell turnover and try to heal those up quicker. When picking an exfoliant, avoid ones that contain larger/rough kernels such as the St. Ives Apricot Scrub. It's way too harsh. Always exfoliate after washing and moisturize as usual afterward.

I have some shallow cheek scarring and heard that rosehip seed oil is good at reducing their appearance. I think Vitamin E might, too. I will be trying the rosehip seed oil soon and will share my experience itt.

>> No.8659152

Are you blind or something? Estonia is fucking fine.

>> No.8659155

Has anyone on here used a dermaroller? I'm interested in either getting one or getting it done, so I looked up pictures and it scared the shit out of me seeing Kim Kardashian's face all covered in blood.

>> No.8659157

What is broth gel? This seems cool and yummy

>> No.8659160

Yeah, but if you get the liquid kind it also is a really good source for Vitamin D and A so it's like your daily vitamin cocktail all rolled into one. I never knew omega 3 was anti inflamatory!

>> No.8659161

Thayers brand is scentless (i think?) and alcohol free. I've never smelled it before when using it. Different anon here, I use the rose petal kind! I really like it, it makes my skin feel so soft and it has vitamin e in it too. I hate other brands of witch hazel, the smell irritates me, but Thayers is amazing.

>> No.8659162

It's stock that's made with a high proportion of bones. The collagen breaks down and makes the stock into gelatin and it's pretty nutritious. Chicken is pretty easy to get to gel, just cover a whole carcass or leftover bones from a regular meal with water and toss in veggies and it's pretty much guaranteed (in my experience), but the beef gel needs a good amount of bones.

>> No.8659163

I've tried the stamp and honestly the pain isn't that bad but you WILL bleed.

>> No.8659176

Alright, so- black, and my skin is god awful. I constantly get acne in the same places or that weird swelling that isn't exactly a zit but shows my pores and never seems to go away. Not to mention scars from when I was a teen (22 now) and I seriously want it gone. Foundation only covers so much unless I cake it on.

I eat fairly healthy and don't drink soda or snack on chips all day. And I drink lots of water. Tried to link my acne problems to my cat, but seemingly all answers I encountered lead to cats being completely unrelated.

I was looking at these products to clear my skin up. Any experiences or suggestions? I hear people always suggest proactive, but none of them have used it and only say so because of the thousands of commercials since ever.


>> No.8659177


The reason why blueberries, whole grains, apples, and bright fruits help you is because they are high in antioxidants! Essentially, natural foods an fresh vegies are super good for you, the phrase "you are what you eat" can definitely be applied to skincare. If you don't get a regular source of omega3 (eating fish) then I suggest taking codfish liver oil. I think some anons were discussing it in here too, it's an anti inflamatory but also has a good natrual source of vitamin d and a (all things that help with skincare). Exercise, surprisingly enough, helps keep the grease levels down. Drinking water is a must! Cut out soda and other bad for you drinks, it's ok once in a while but not daily. Like that anon said, drinking lemon water or ACV helps balance the pH of your skin. I drink a glass or two of ACV every day to help me with that.

I'd suggest dropping the wipes because, like that anon said, they are stripping. You don't want to strip your oils, you want to just wash all of the accumulated dirt and oil from the day. I would suggest either Cetaphil (i think they have one for oily skin specifically now, but it's foaming and those are drying so I've never tried it) or The Body Shop's Tea Tree facial wash. Garnier makes a cleanser called Clean + Shine Control. I think it's a gel? It has charcoal and some other good ingredients in it that aren't overly stripping. You definitely need to moisturize though, so I'd suggest just getting some plain old Aloe Vera gel and using that. It's amazing for people like me with oily skin, because it absorbs super quick without leaving any greasy residue like lotion moisturizers tend to do.

So thats a cleanser and a moisturizer to use twice a day, on top of lifestyle choices. Hope that helps!

>> No.8659179

Do you just take a scoop out of it when you're making a recipe that requires broth or stock?

>> No.8659185

That sounds like cystic acne. Read >>8658814
and look into finding the source on top of any products you choose.

>> No.8659195

Anyone have any recommendations for a lightening cream/CC cream? My skin is really red on my cheeks and kinda blotchy. It's easy enough to just use concealer to correct it but I want a more permanent non-make up solution. I usually buy Mac but since I'm not near a store now I only order what I know I love and don't wanna risk $40 on a cream that doesn't work as well as the Asian variety.

I do a daily rinse/moisturizing lotion routine and my skin feels great now I just want to ease some of my discoloration. I heard somewhere there are like, sample kits of a variety of CC creams on Amazon but can any anon link to a legit one?

>> No.8659479

Oh my god...
>http://www.kaubamaja .ee/en/beauty-department/commercial-brands-beauty-products
>http://www.stockmann .ee/portal/1064/

>> No.8659868

Does it actually work? I'm looking to help along some acne scarrign on my cheeks. I think seeing her face smeared in blood scared me, but it's the equivilent of a face full of pin pricks, so that's not actually bad?

>> No.8660152

Pretty much. Once it's heated it turns back into a liquid.

>> No.8661586

>years of suffering with a "weak immune system"
>turns out it was just allergies

just fuck my shit up fam, I lost 30 fuckin pounds of muscle because I constantly felt sick and counldnt go to the gym

>> No.8661593

>what should I do
you should be my gf
pls be in SoCal

>> No.8663341

i have non cream suggestions: vitamin c serum or brightening face masks (rice, honey, pearl)

>> No.8665490

I have the 0.5 1.0 and 1.5mm ones. The 1.5 will make you bleed a little, depending on how strongly you push it down. It's really good for deep acne pitting though. My cheeks have scarring and it's completely unnoticeable except in really bad light now. I really should get back to rolling. The 0.5mm doesn't do anything, unless you have really sensitive or thin skin or want to use it on fine lines around your eyes. It will make your face red and sensitive for a night. Remember to always use alcohol to clean your face before, and soak the roller in alcohol overnight. You will need to replace the roller every 6 months-1 year depending on how often you roll. The needles get blunt and you can feel it 'catching' on your skin, not a good feeling.

>> No.8665500

The redness is more likely from blood vessels and regular skin whitening cream won't do shit to it. Skin whitening creams will probably make it worse as a lot of the products are quite harsh to the skin. If you're white and you have redness, getting it lasered is probably a better choice. Or just wear concealer.

>> No.8665530
File: 218 KB, 618x789, cleannclearmorningburst_facewash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love this stuff !

>> No.8667013

bad bait

>> No.8669279 [DELETED] 
File: 3.15 MB, 4160x2340, 1015151742_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon but I decided to give this a shot, how did I do on the toner/moisturizer?

>> No.8669292 [DELETED] 
File: 830 KB, 667x648, Swedish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out of /r9k/ reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.8669294

Not that anon, but what's wrong with it?
That's pretty much all I ever use on my skin and I never have break outs and everyone compliments my skin.

>> No.8670593

i added a few more steps to my skincare routine (i was at maybe 6 and am now up to 12...), and my boyfriend has started telling me that he can't really see my pores anymore even without makeup.

it's only been a week or so. i'm so pumped, gulls. just introduced the vitamin c serum today, and i can't wait to see the effects.

>> No.8671273

congrats on being born with good genes, then. you see those little plastic balls floating in that? those can be very irritating to your skin. not to mention it's not very good to go into the local water supply or something. there's an article about why scrubs and abrasive cleansers are bad for you and the enviornment. for someone born with not good skin, that shit is absolutely horrible and would just irritate any current acne and most likely make it work. be happy it works well for you, because it's not something people would readily reccomend.

>> No.8671277

Which vitamin c serum?

>> No.8671279



>> No.8671302

Since I started swimming frequently and moisturizing after, I haven't gotten any breakouts at all. I always got periodic, minor ones before. And when I swam but didn't moisturize, I got pimples where my goggles touch my face.

Down / upside is now I have to swim once every few days.

>> No.8671322

I have a huge aloe plant at home. Would smearing the aloe snot all over my face do anything positive?

>> No.8671395

Those bubbles dissolve easily though?
I thought they were just like expholiating beads because they're the same ones in my body scrubs that I do buy from top of the line stores like Lush etc.
But yeah I probably do just have good skin.

>> No.8671411

Edit: I looked up what you're talking about and oh I probably shouldn't use things that hurt the environment anymore.
I still have bathbombs from Lush with glitter in them though. My moneyyy.

>> No.8671416

Maybe you could return them? I think even without a receipt you can get store credit.

>> No.8671430

I'll probably try that. If not they can just be pretty decoration.
I mostly just shop at the body shop now a days anyway. I guess I'll just buy my face wash from them too now even though it's pricey.

>> No.8671468

I've been using Rosehip oil and dermaplaning/shaving on my scarring (shallow, mostly brown pockmarks) and they've entirely cleared up in 3 months. I only shave once a week now but still use the oil every night.

The retinol in the oil increases cell turnover and shaving is the gentlest physical method of exfoliation, just slidin' the dead cells off.

>> No.8672897

Yeah, sorry. I didn't want to be a dick, because if you find a product that you like and it works for you that's cool. But just like...tiny plastic beads in cleansers are just better to avoid. I've never used bath bombs before though so idk what is in them or what they do?

>> No.8672901

wait so you just...slide the lady razor over your face like how dudes shave, and it helped with your pockmarks?

>> No.8673500

im pretty sure lush's glitter is made of sugar or some mineral shit, fine for waterways. their exfoliating beads aren't synthetic material, also. usually beans or some other natural thing

>> No.8674980

yo i just got an AHA, and everywhere I've read says that you're supposed to put your BHA on first, but my BHA leaves a kind of film over my face? like a slightly shiny look and texture, so I'm slightly worried the AHA won't be able to properly sink in or whatever.
The BHA is Oxy pads, if that makes a difference.

>> No.8675223

Nah it'll be fine. If you're worried wait the full half hour before your aha

>> No.8675866

Aloe is amazing for your face anon, rub that shit on, anon. But the sap stains so be careful.

>> No.8676759

It is an awesome moisturizer and helps with inflamation. Gel straight from the plant doesn't keep very long so it's good to use ASAP.
Awesome to have around for burns as well. And cleans your air. Yay for aloe.

>> No.8677042

its super standard,
super basic,
very standard

>> No.8677677

I've never really been interested in beauty products, so Lush has to me always been a luxury thing. When I was a kid I was all about their bath bombs and bubble bars and as I've gotten into cosplay and have started to have to buy my own soaps etc. I've expanded into the rest of their sortiment.

For me it's a lot about the fact that I generally find skincare etc. utterly boring, meaning I have a hard time actually looking into more "serious" products. They're just a fun store for me to shop in. The products look nice, they smell nice, it's easy to try them out and get samples and they're based around being accessible so if you're a skincare noob like me it feels less intimidating than going into a more proper skincare store to ask questions. It is obviously a lot of marketing, but I like the products and find the prices good for what I get so I really don't mind. There's also the fact that finding reviews is easy. I'm sure there ARE better products out there, I just can't be bothered looking.

I mean I get why people aren't a fan of their products, or are suspicious of the whole "friend not company" thing, but they're still pretty good at the whole ethical production thing, from what I've understood even looking outside Lush circles.

>> No.8677722

I tried waxing my upper lip to get rid of any peach fuzz with some Nad's facial waxing strips but it did shit all and irritated the crap out of my skin. The "soothing" oil wipes to remove any excess oil still has heaps of residue and has spread all over my face which is very acne prone even after washing it 4 times with soap/cleanser. How do I get rid of this goddamn oil? Google isn't helping.

>> No.8677757

Now I have a rash, heaps of tiny pimples, oily skin and as much hair as before

>> No.8677763

Ffs, now my laptop pad is oily from briefly moving hair from my face and then using it. Yes I am mad. It's hard enough to remove from my face, let alone a laptop

>> No.8678388
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I can't help you with the wrinkle, but here's a high five from a fellow marching band member. That was the fittest I've ever been this far in my life.

>> No.8678643
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Hey everyone

I've been lurking skin care threads for a while and I've been trying to improve my skin but just nothing works.

To start I have oily skin. I wash my face twice a day with 10% benzoyl peroxide. About once or twice a week I do nose pore strips since my pores are terrible. I also do pore/redness face masks about once or twice a week.

My pores are huge (I've read about sebaceous filaments but I don't know if I have those), my skin is super pink and uneven, and I have adult acne. I'm in my early 20s and not even birth control has helped my skin.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Pic related, unfortunately its my nose and cheek.

>> No.8680351
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bls help
Why is my face red all the time? it's like, this red sunburn color all round my face, except for a border around my mouth/nose/eyes

it's annoying and looks like i'm always blushing or something

what is this bullshit? I've been wondering for years

>> No.8680369

Finally gave a chemical exfoliant a shot after these threads... my skin is loving it way more than any physical exfoliant I've tried. Thanks, skincare seagulls!

Any tips for scar removal/lightening? It's in an area that's tricky to shave without nicking myself (shakey hands don't help) or else I'd try planing it down

>> No.8680377

vitamin e oil and vitamin c serum

>> No.8680378
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>> No.8680405

Been looking at this, pretty sure it's not it, thanks though

I have no other symptoms, its not nearly severe as most of what i can find, and its a smooth solid color, as opposed to that stuff
also the skin itself isnt rough

>> No.8680427
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Yeah I've heard of 'mild' rosacea like that too, but it could be that your blood vessels are just naturally dilated... or close to the surface of your skin. (I have no idea what I'm talking about)

>> No.8680439
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Shit, maybe that then? Who knows. That picture looks like a brighter thing than i got going on though.

Any sort of thing i can do to make it not be red? I'm a guy so I know zero things about skin care or anything

>> No.8680456

Don't do pore strips. Get a bha exfoliant and gentler cleanser, and start moisturizing with something gentle like aloe gel. Skin gets more oily when you dry it out and the irritation from pore strips makes those suckers bigger and more likely to turn into zits

>> No.8680522

Sukin products are fuckin amazing I've been using it for all of 3 weeks and I've only had 2 pimples in that whole time sprout up

>> No.8680577

okay anons, i need advice. i've lurked the skincare threads for a while, but it's hard to tell what would be good for me.... (full disclosure, in my 30s, and my skin is overall decent, all things considered)

i have a super basic skincare regime: i wash my face in the AM with a gentle soap. that's it. i don't wear makeup except for special occasions and cosplay.

i used to live in a really humid/hot climate and other than the occasional pimple my skin was happy. then i moved to a much more arid climate and my skin went all wonky.....i definitely have combo skin now (dry cheeks, oily Tzone and chin). i wear glasses, so there's only so much i can do about oil on my nose....i do get sebaceous filaments like CRAZY on my nose and the sides of my cheeks next to my nose. i guess i need a good cleanser rec (nothing with microbeads plz) and a moisturizer (i used to use a lush moisturizer with sunscreen that's now discontinued and that worked for me). help please anons!! so far, my skin has aged well, but i want to make sure it lasts.

(also, i was at the japanese market and grabbed a konnyaku sponge to try on my face. any advice for using one or personal experience?)

>> No.8680579

one more thing....those silicone face scrubbers with the teeny fingers....are they any good? i got one at daiso to try on my nose. i use the mandom charcoal scrub occasionally, but it's too harsh to use on a regular basis, but i did notice that it makes my pores less visible on my nose.

>> No.8680624

That's great!
Priceline frequently does 3 for 2 deals so I wait around for that to stock up or try something new from them.

>> No.8680627

Thanks anon. I'll pick some up later today and try it!

>> No.8680779
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i just gagged a little bit

>> No.8680842

Yup! I go upwards and then inwards on the cheeks, then just up 'n' down along my forehead.
No nose or undereyes, obviously.

>I use male razors though because they're cheaper.

I will say that I have zero natural peachfuzz, though, and so no regrowth. I guess that if someone had a really furry face it might grow in 'velvety' and need to be done more regularly.

>> No.8680890

Thanks, I've seen both of those in stores around here!

>> No.8680916

Google it, there's a whole sub reddit dedicated to it

>> No.8680924

I feel like we should have a skincare general FAQ, where at the top it says "DO NOT WASH YOUR FACE WITH SOAP"
Soap is ultimately drying and has irritating fragrances for your face. The most basic of all basic cleansers is Cetaphil. For oily skin, a very good moisturizer is plain old Aloe Vera gel.
Basic routine is a cleanser, toner, and moisturizer twice a day (AM and PM) and to exfoliate twice a week. Any more is too irritating on the skin and can cause acne. For the oil on the nose, because of glasses, try carrying some baby wipes with you and just giving your nose a wipe when it gets too be too oily.

>> No.8680927

My facial skin has been super dry and rough for the past year or so. I've tried vitamin E oil, Olay, the heaviest Eucerin formula I could find, Udderly Smooth, homemade facial masks, every sort of Freeman mask, cocoa butter, coconut oil, olive oil. I drink a lot of water. Nothing is goddamn working, even a little. My face used to be baby-soft.

Any suggestions? I'm at a loss.

>> No.8680935


seconding this; would be pretty helpful

>> No.8680946

We tried that before, anons got salty over people attention-seeking and taking over muh sekrit klub.

We can just put a disclaimer in the op, something along the lines of 'search the rebeccablacktech archives before asking a question' in big bold letters

>> No.8681008

I've got a con coming up next weekend and was curious is anyone had any "pre con" acne treatment?

My acne isn't severe, just 1-4 zits at a time, usually around my chin area. I wash morning and night and wear make up daily with spot treatment underneath.

Any advice gulls? Thanks in advance!

>> No.8681032

Is there a way to make pores on your nose less noticable? Mine looks like someone hammer smashed cottage cheese

>> No.8681040

A doctor. Seriously if you've tried rubbing oil on your dry skin and it's not becoming less dry it might not be lacking in oil.

>> No.8681045

I remember all that drama, it was so obnoxious. Maybe we should make a copy paste FAQ to start each thread with? Like if someone wants to make a thread, they can just go into the archive, copy the OP post and put it in the new thread's. That way all the basic info that gets asked at least 7 times a thread is already up there for all to see. It does get rather annoying to see "how do i lighten scars?" "i wash my face with soap" "idk a basic skincare routine i wash my face one every two days" or some shit, over and over again every single thread.

>> No.8681434

LUSH bath bombs are actually specially formulated to not irritate cause UTIs or YI. They're made with just baking soda, citric acid, essential oils for scent, and sometimes other add-ins for specific ones (shea butter, sea salt, seaweed, etc). They never put sugar or grains in them for that reason. That being said, I'm sure there are still some people who may have adverse reactions, probably to specific essential oils, or because their cooch may already be prone to it. Also, don't do things like masturbate while in a bubble bath.

I personally like some of LUSH's products because they tend to use essential oils as scents instead of perfumes, which tend to really bother me. That being said, much of their skincare products are not worth it. I like their masks and toners, but their moisturizers and serums are insanely expensive and are usually sold in tubs, which fosters bacteria growth and oxidation.
I also once had to explain to an employee that you should never use oil around your eyes (in this case, an oil based makeup remover) when you're wearing contacts, because oil ruins them. She gave me a look and said that must be why her contacts were never usable after a day. And that's when I stopped listening to the people who work at LUSH

Go to a doctor, dude

>> No.8681448

Adding on to what >>8680456 said, pore strips and many "peel away" masks cause permanent damage to your skin, please do not ever use them.
You may be treating your skin too aggressively and causing it to produce too much oil to try to counteract you overdrying it. Definitely cut back on the benzoyl peroxide for a few days and see how your skin reacts. Also, it does make your skin more prone to sun damage, so if you use it in the mornings you really should use a moisturizer with SPF.

I personally don't like the texture of aloe on my skin, so another suggestion is to use a moisturizer sold for sensitive or combo skin

>> No.8681466

>That feeling when I only have two zits on my face, but they're hard, red, and in very noticeable places
>One's in the center of my cheek
>One's on my brow bone, but much lower than anywhere I pluck hair from, so I idfk
>No idea what caused them, and it takes like 3 layers of concealer to cover up the color
>Of course I have an event tomorrow

>> No.8681637

Shit, I guess I have to at this point. I was hoping to avoid making another appointment, but I guess I'll take a trip to the dermatologist.

>> No.8681652

>tfw event in two days
>closed comedones suddenly inflamed >entire face is red
>look like a warthog being roasted alive at a luau

>> No.8682003

I've been sucking my dick every 3-4days now for about 2 weeks. What can I expect to happen to my skin I heard there were benefits to this? I cum quite a bit if that matters

>> No.8682223

scalp is skin, so i might as well ask. I have really super bad dandruff that i'm trying to get under control, i'm doing the apple cider vinegar treatment, but i'd like a daily routine. any good shampoo recs? or any other treatment really?

>> No.8682325

You won't get any benefits if you're swallowing, so try and resist the urge

be sure to give yourself a facial, as semen has anti-aging properties when used as a lotion

Personally I find it best to switch off swallowing or not every other night, that way I get the nutritional benefits and the skin care benefits

>> No.8682330

You'll turn into a massive faggot. Oh wait, you already are one. Welp, guess there's no turning back now. You'll need to keep sucking dick to live.

>> No.8682707

no need to be snippy, anon...however soap used to be the only thing that would help my oily face as a teen. my skin was fine until i moved to an arid climate....even now it's really just my cheeks that are dry.

also, what does toner actually DO? everyone always says use it, but never says why. i don't like using a ton of products on my face....i don't think it needs it and just contributes to buildup.

>aloe vera gel
seriously? every time i've ever put it on my face, my skin felt like it was cracking apart. sorry, but this is not going to help me.

it would be nice to get some recs for older skin. i don't have acne, and never did. i just have big pores on my nose and a mild oil problem.

also advice on those silicone scrubbies and konnyaku sponges would be nice.

>> No.8682757

not a vitamin c serum, but i find that lerosett's healing serum really helps with acne scars and it's made with aloe so it's very soothing.

>> No.8682949

Have you used it, anon? I just got over a round of accutane so I have a face full of deep cystic acne scars and such. I've been using vitamin c serum twice a day for two months now and it helps, but I'd like more improvement if possible.

>> No.8682952

OST pure vitamin C 20

>> No.8682954

whats your routine?

>> No.8683310

Hi, I'm not very familiar with skincare threads here so i'd appreciate some directions. My friends are going to Japan next month and they offered to bring me stuff. We agreed that the best way to get what I order is through an online shop, so do you guys know any reputable Japanese sites that sell beauty products? both for skin treatment and makeup too. Also, any must-buy?
thanks in advance

>> No.8683820
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>used to take care of skin
>suddenly stop giving a fuck
>looking at pictures with people with acne
>feel bad for them
>notice crater on face, not noticeable unless really close

One of the things I wouldn't want and fear to have is face craters, especially the huge ones.

Is there anything anyone can recommend to use? I'm a poorfag so right now I'm using clean and clear morning burst facial cleanser and moisturizer and I have some african soaps I'm using also for acne and etc, when my skin would get dry and flaky after using that it cleared up quite fine.

I've noticed that aside from the crater my pores look bigger, does splashing cold water on your face after you've washed it really help and 'closes' them?

>> No.8683863

is it dandruff or dry skin?

i thought i had dandruff but it is just dry scalp. i use very gentle shampoo every other day, something like Aveeno Naturals or Johnsons baby shampoo. avoid hot water on your head, and drink lots of liquids. my scalp has never been better, and i struggled with this for about a decade, thinking i had dandruff.

results also took a long time. months before i realized i wasn't as flaky and itchy as i used to be. it is not totally healed but it no longer bothers me.

>> No.8684052

Actually, dandruff is just the term for a flaky scalp, no matter what causes it. Which, by the way, a ton of things can cause it. Dry skin, oily skin, skin conditions, not shampooing enough, and allergic reactions to hair products are the most common.
Personally, mine went away once I started using shampoos with teatree oil in them and better quality conditioners (Organix, Shea Moisture, Trader Joe's Teatree conditioner if I need something less moisturizing).

>> No.8684054

Forgot to mention- that means my dandruff was caused by irritating my oily scalp.

>> No.8685189
