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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8639988 No.8639988 [Reply] [Original]

we should really do more to call out shitty cosplay like this at cons.

>> No.8639994

nobody cares, take it back to tumblr

>> No.8639999

I don't even understand what's wrong abt this. It has been on lolcow as well, but I don't get it omg explain it pleaseeeeeee!!!!!

>> No.8640014

Its a dumb cosplay.. but who cares, and why?

>> No.8640018


> retarded people try to get attention by using edgy costumes

nothing to see here, keep moving people.

>> No.8640021
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>> No.8640053
File: 2.99 MB, 540x400, ISIS makes clock bomb.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shithead kid takes a clock out of its case and puts it in a pencil case
Gets accused of being a terrorist when he plugs it into a socket and lets it beep without explaining what it is
When he's arrested, he cries "racist" and now he's famous
Then he goes on TV and lies about building CPUs/soldering them or whatever

>> No.8640069

Halloween costumes leaking into cons? Seems like a dumb joke that belongs at a drunk halloween party with friends. Conventions aren't really the place for joke costumes.

>> No.8640302

dont fuck with Kat Blaque. this is in bad taste like people cosplaying the batman movie theater shooter or kaitlen jenner.

>> No.8640320

He said the entire time it was a clock. Kids talent is overblown but the school and cops over reacted.

>> No.8640322

can we not

>> No.8640327

Or you could say what actually happened and that a kid BUILT a clock, brought it in to show off that he built a fucking clock, and his teacher ran around saying he was a terrorist that built a bomb and threatened the school and had him arrested, despite it just being a fucking clock.

>> No.8640434

I laughed. Did you cry over cosplays of Ebola chan, too, tumblr? Or are you too new to know of it?

>> No.8640458

Didn't he just take out the pieces of a led clock? Regardless the police stuff was bullshit.

I heard some shit about his dad being some sort of activist too?

>> No.8640530

exactly, and the school and police didnt react like they did if there was an actual bomb threat in the school. they didn't evacuate the school, didn't take the "bomb" out the premises, etc

>> No.8640546


>no chanting allahu akbar in video

>> No.8640588

This. When I was in middle school they found a piece of paper with "bomb bomb" written on it and they evacuated us. Kid is just banking on white guilt.

>> No.8640629

Why give these retards attention? That's all they really want?

>> No.8640633

He took an old ass alarm clock and gutted the insides and moved it to another case. Its like going to a fast food restaurant, buying a burger, taking it out of the wrapper and putting it on a plate, then saying you cooked the burger.

Basically he did this:


Shouldn't have been arrested by shouldn't have received all those invites to companies either. Not even going to jump into the conspiracy shit about his whacko dad and sister

>> No.8640644

>call out

back to tumblr with you

>> No.8640723

There, now we have both versions.
Clearly no need for more discussion about which is right.

>> No.8640738

fuckin lol'd

>> No.8640744

You're the true villain in this thread.

>> No.8640910

>say what actually happened
Well, we know for a fact he didn't build a clock.
The rest is up to debate, though.

>> No.8640920

this kind of shit isn't what 'enables' racism or whatever tumblr thinks.

>> No.8641308

>I'm a fucking asshole

Fixed that for ya, douchebag

>> No.8641485

You can't post that funny here! Don't you know that /cgl/ worships hijab cosplays and hijab lolitas?

>> No.8641701

That shit was funny though.

>> No.8641716

Ahmed is a fucking liar. I BUILT shit when I was his age. I spent my allowance on buttons and lights from Radio Shack so I could build supervillain control panels and fake doomsday devices because I wanted to be Dr. Robotnik when I grew up.
But you'd never see me take that shit to school or even so much as tell anybody about it, because Columbine was less than five years earlier.
Yeah, Columbine, do you remember that?
Two depressed, bullied white kids took a bunch of guns and bombs to their school and shot the shit out of it.
Just a little reminder for you that white people can be terrorists, too. And that the little shiteating teenagers and college students today might have forgotten, but teachers and cops sure as fuck haven't.

>> No.8642030
File: 11 KB, 204x247, tmp_29375-14435611451081289157654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wanted to be Dr. Robotnik when I grew up.
Fucking kek, why the hell would you want to be this douch nozzle of all things? I'm not the person you are replying to but good god am I curious.

>> No.8642032

>Just a little reminder for you that white people can be terrorists

I'm pretty sure "whites shoot up schools" is already a thing for a long time.

>> No.8642033

That's exactly what they said.

>> No.8642040

But that's humurous, not a national tragedy.

Seriously, white kids in my school were threatened with expulsion if they brought in outside treats for their birthdays because we had a couple of schmuck kids with severe peanut allergies. Mohammed brings in what looks like a homemade explosive device and expects people to not freak out considering we've had a recent public bombing carried out by fellow Mohammeds? Not so smart after all, he deserves being made fun of.

>> No.8642042

It doesn't look like a bomb, no one seriously thought it was a bomb.
As people already pointed out, they didn't react the way they would if they it was a bomb. They didn't evacuate the school or do any of the proper procedures for a bomb threat.

>> No.8642047

Pressure cookers don't look like bombs either.
This thing had a digital clock on an item that isn't traditionally seen as a clock. Mohammed was asking for it.

>> No.8642049

I got expelled for rumors of threatening violence. I'm white, and a girl, and a christian. Where's my national news story of injustice. Oh wait, I'm white, no one cares when the system fucks me over. I was detained by police, questioned without my parents, had my property and person searched without asking if i would like to be present. Was expelled without following proper hearing procedures. The principal was quoted as saying to the entire student body in an assembly (while I was being held by the police) that he would "Make an example of Anon."
That's what this was. The school didn't want kids thinking anything even close to this was ok, even as a sick joke. And it seems kinda like a set-up by the kid, cause it's lazy tier for the school project and everyone using the word "inventor" should be smacked upside the head with a dictionary.
I heard they were asking people to tag it with that # I won't even mention, like it needed more awareness of our sucking up to only one religious group.

>> No.8642062 [DELETED] 


>I'm white, and a girl, and a christian. Where's my national news story of injustice

There absolutely would have been one if you called any news station. And if the story was real.

>> No.8642067

While that's shitty, I think the attitude should probably be "it was bullshit happening to me, and it was bullshit happening to him" rather than some weird insistence that this kid set things up somehow.

I get that schools take the tiniest stupidest things way too seriously, but there were a lot of inappropriate comments by school staff and cops. Also have you seen the conservatives? They are losing their MIND talking about conspiracy theories - like how apparently Obama tweeted at the kid "before the news got ahold of it" (iirc the principal of the school said this during an interview) like the kid was in cahoots with Obama and this was all a setup by the liberals to make conservatives look bad. I wish I were kidding.

>> No.8642488


And squirt guns don't look like guns, but that doesn't stop them from getting expelled, and the school doesn't follow lock down procedures, so /clearly/ that must also be racism.

Schools are disgustingly no-tolerance about stupid shit. News at 11

>> No.8642554

I don't understand if this is supposed to make fun of Ahmed, or support him.

>> No.8642560

Funny you should say that...

>> No.8642587

I don't see how this thread is board related at all
The cosplay is pretty funny in my opinion, and reading what the other anons said, it doesn't seem like the kid suffered much from this whole ordeal, so it's not like he can't handle someone making fun of the whole thing, because it is pretty silly.

>> No.8642595

If anything he benefitted greatly from it. Wouldn't have gotten nationally recognized, interest from Google and Facebook among others, talked to mark Cuban, etc if the school had told him to knock that shit off

>> No.8642600
File: 82 KB, 393x393, 46582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it totally looks like a clock, damn those racist cops

>> No.8642605


The kud showed the "clock " to his mechanics workshop teacher, who told him to not show it off because it could scare.

He didn't cared, and guess what, the kid went off to show off his stupid soldering shit that looked like a Hollywood bomb. He knew what he was doing, the little shit.
And now he will shake hands with obama and bring his clock yo the white house. Top troll.
Toppest of keks

>> No.8642610


His next invention is a side hoverboard.

>> No.8642617

These threads were obviously going to veer off into non /cgl/ territory. Someone should delete this and take it to /pol/ or /b/ if they really want a discussion.

>> No.8642624

Story came out recently about how he has a history of bringing stuff to school and having issues at school in general so that's probably why they didn't think it was an actual bomb.

>> No.8642628

This cosplay actually supports the notion of the clock looking like a clock, not like a bomb, which would be the perfect sjw argument.