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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 21 KB, 500x370, 1428615228288[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8686332 No.8686332 [Reply] [Original]

new ebay thread

>what have you bought?
>any good stores youve stumbled upon lately?

my question is where can i buy some good "mom" jeans and shorts? i can't seem to find any jeans but one pair of shorts.

>> No.8686350

>my question is where can i buy some good "mom" jeans and shorts?
oh that's rich, mate.

>> No.8686369

im just looking for comfy highwaisted baggy pants? its getting cold here.

>> No.8686644

any good(not horrid) peter pan collar dresses?
(or things with scallops?)

>> No.8686719

Anyone have any otome-able finds?

Particularly cute basic dresses, blouses and cardigans (although accessories are a win too)

>> No.8686765

Your best bet is honestly to look at auctions. Chinese sellers tend to go more for the cutesy girly stuff which will not fit if you have any hips/ass to speak of. If you can't find anything, try searching for maternity jeans.
Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but I was getting a lot of costume crap and this was the best I could find for dresses.
Also, don't search 'otome' at work. Even if you search 'otome clothes' the results will not be clothes, or clothed.

>> No.8686836
File: 22 KB, 500x500, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anons! I'm the one who ordered pic related with their $10 Halloween coupon. My order arrived today!

Size: XXL
Price: $10.85

>> No.8686838
File: 68 KB, 432x576, 20151026_133810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's made of really soft material (red part) and then grey part is made thicker material. No stray threads, everything is picture perfect.

My picture doesn't do it justice since it looks baggy and terrible just on a hanger but I'm holding off on worn photos until I've washed/dryed it to see if it shrinks any or the color bleeds.

Visually and material wise so far it's 10/10

>> No.8687133

What's your measurements so I can estimate the size i need? I've got a 40" bust and 34" waist

>> No.8687156

Looking for cute wallet cases for iphone 6. I can only find some normalfag ones.

>> No.8687191
File: 108 KB, 760x500, 20151026_172727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a 38" (96cm) bust and the XXL on me was comfortably baggy which is what I wanted, since the XXL fits up to 100cm bust.

>> No.8687407

anyone have links for office/craft organization? Magazine holders, boxes, pencil holders etc just anything boring that ebay might have a cute version of

>> No.8687617

just gonna drop some links from my collections






also a makeup case

i apologize for some of the long links im not sure how to make them short again

>> No.8687619

Should work if you stop after the first number string.


>> No.8687646

cool, thanks! bathroom is gonna be sooo kawaii

>> No.8688474

Thank so much you anon, they're all adorable! Already have a mighty need for the mushroom necklace.

>> No.8689758

>make a purchase on ebay for something rather expensive (well over 100 dollars)
>seller has over 5000 transactions and 99.6 percent positive feedback
>get the confirmation email that ebay sends automatically
>8 days later
>still haven't gotten the "items shipped" email, nor any word from the seller

My ebay purchases have never taken so long to be shipped, I'm starting to get a little anxious. How long should I wait before contacting the seller or making a chargeback on paypal?

>> No.8689972

I'd contact the seller and ask when it's going to be marked as shipped. I've done that a bit recently and sellers don't mind.

>> No.8689977
File: 3.18 MB, 550x319, 1436904917583.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought over 100 items from close to 100 sellers
>always try to leave feedback before I check item off my 'waiting to arrive' list
>get packet yesterday
>cute cat earrings inside
>check my shopping list
>I didn't buy this
>someone sent me the wrong item, can't figure out who it was or what it was supposed to be
>it's bugging me I can't leave feedback and check purchase off list

At this rate it'll be January before I find out via process of elimination.

>> No.8689988

Look on the envelope, it should have a return address or at least a location. Stuff from China isn't usually marked with the eBay name but you can look at where it came from and see which sellers are in that area. It's not much to go on but it should help to eliminate a few sellers from your list.

>> No.8689994
File: 29 KB, 375x305, Saitama_OK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can relate

>buy cute boots
>seller info states they have to order them themselves from the factory first after cleared payment and then they ship it. they say it's usually 3.5days until they receive things
>what the actual fuck didn't even expect something like that
>a week later it's still not shipped, email them
>they instantly mark it as shipped
>tracking code appears like a week later, things leave china another week from that
>local post company gets hackes, looses it's shit, none of my things show up on their tracking and it's been a month already

Shit from China usually takes 3 weeks to arrive here and trackable stuff always takes a wee bit longer than without tracking but this? I'm not even sure what to feel.

>> No.8690006

>eurovision gif
my nigga

>> No.8690042
File: 1.19 MB, 245x145, tumblr_inline_nm7f8dwskl1sl6cwn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even think to look at the address when I still had the packet. Oh well, at least the earrings were cute.

Funny enough, I got that gif from another Eurovision anon. We're everywhere.

>> No.8690629
File: 25 KB, 527x581, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have one of these Japanese school bags and can leave a review?

>> No.8690646

Opinions on this wig? I want it for cute lolita and shit, but I'm new to wigs and eBay wigs especially. The shop, zminglel has awesome reviews but I haven't found any blog posts about wigs purchased. It's more expensive that other ebay wigs so I'm skeptical before buying.


>> No.8690667
File: 76 KB, 497x266, tumblr_inline_n5dqeeR0Wt1sbnoeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Bless 2007 Ukraine.

>> No.8690671

zminglel is a taobao reseller, I know this is the ebay thread but here's the taobao listing. Even if you don't want to get it from taobao they have reviews, including worn photos of the wig.


>> No.8690722

I've bought that exact same wig from zminglel before. no problems with them or the wig in terms of quality, but it didn't suit me at all so I ended up reselling it. as the other anon suggests, look at the taobao reviewer photos, some of them highlight the blueish-gray and yellow-gray fibers more than the stock photos do. it will also probably require restyling, but that's not unexpected of ebay/taobao wigs.

>> No.8691239

I was just about to send the seller a message today, 9 days after the order, and it was finally marked as shipped. Feeling relieved.

>> No.8691319

Last thread had links and reviews, more towards the end iirc.
Glad you got it sorted anon! What was it, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.8691558

I was probably that Eurovision anon.

On something related to the thread, has anyone ever bought a custom cosplay and it just came out horribly wrong AKA eBay horror stories.

>> No.8691595

I may end up being one of those horror stories because I'm looking at buying a pair of cosplay boots off ebay.

>> No.8691637
File: 30 KB, 500x250, 60541ebfeba0a9d80c74357c732af208.image.500x250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was two Kamen rider W double drivers, bf and I are going to cosplay as Shotarou and Philip. Pic related.

>> No.8691642

You're my hero anon.

>> No.8691655
File: 35 KB, 236x355, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone bought nanchatte seifukus on eBay? I'm trying to look for one like this, but so far I only found plain uniforms or sexy ones...

>> No.8691658

You might have more luck searching for and buying the cardigan separately from the uniform.

>> No.8692103

Seconding >>8691658 re the cardigan. It's easy to find a cardi like that for cheap, but uniform sets on ebay tend to go more towards the galaxy print/sexy schoolgirl designs, I've found it quite hard to find something that looks like it could be actually used as a uniform (cut length, material, print etec tend to be bedroom/weeb tier afaik). If you can't find shit I reccomend looking up the shirt and skirt separately too. It's a massive pita but it can really be worth it. I hope you get something like pic related, it's super cute. Good luck!

>> No.8693577

Does anyone know if there's any cutesy bottom lashes that would ship in time for next weekend?

>> No.8693578

Forgot to mention I live in the US, haha.

>> No.8694802

No. If you buy something it might get to you in a week, but it's probably going to take a fortnight+ with normal shipping. If you pay out the ass for shipping, you'll have spent more than enough money to get lashes at a normal shop, and there's still no guarantee that it'll get there so quickly. If there's a particular type of hard-to-find lash you're looking for, like those paper cutout ones or sth, go on ali and message sellers. They might be able to get them shipped asap if you pay for faster shipping (again, it'll cost you, but if you really need them and can't get them anywhere else, it might be worth it if they can guarantee that it'll reach you super fast).

>> No.8695062

I bought something on the 26th and 2 days later, got an automatic email saying that the listing was removed. I checked the purchase history just now and it says "Shipped" with no date and I haven't received any notification. When would it be reasonable to open a case?

>> No.8697612
File: 189 KB, 1282x484, rivu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My order arrived today. Not quite sure if I'm satisfied though.
If anyone wants a review on something, just say so.

>> No.8697623

Review on fluffy bunny coat please

>> No.8698150
File: 30 KB, 500x500, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if these actually do anything? I am tempted to order them because they are quite cheap.

>> No.8698157

what the hell is it supposed to do? It looks like a torture device.

>> No.8698167

This is super helpful anons, thank you so much!

>> No.8698264

How is the striped top? Quality and fit-wise.

>> No.8698284

Toe spacer, keeps the pinky toe/toenail from pushing into the ring toe. Also looks like it has a guard for the side "knuckle".

>> No.8698792

they kinda help, but for a 8 hour work day I find myself taking them off halfway through the day or my toes cramp bad. They don't straighten your toes overall, just cushion shit while you wear them, For the price they're a decent fix if you have the toe cramp/rub in the shoe problem.

>> No.8698906

Yeah but, why? What scenario needs your toes to be spaced out?

>> No.8699699

I guess it helps if your toes get squished in shoes? Idk, but someone somewhere has to benefit from this, I see them sometimes in shops.
Last thread had something similar, usually means copyright infringement or sth meant ebay had to remove the listing. If the item's shipped you should be ok. Also this isn't a frequent thing afaik, people have to get really antsy for ebay to remove listings.

>> No.8699721

Oh my god. I thought my foot was retarded because sometimes the nail on my pinky toe digs into the side of my other toe and makes it bleed. This is actually a thing though?

>> No.8699747


This ^^
Also could you link the fluffy coat?

>> No.8699761
File: 357 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lq58v814D41qjxxswo1_500-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>win auction for plastic fandom charm
>seller is brand new, 0 feedback
>has issues with paypal, doesn't realize fees exist
>is really nice though and sends even though they only get 66 cents out of it
>send delicate plastic charm in standard envelope with handwritten "do not bend!" written on back
>arrives snapped in half, utterly useless
>feel bad because they included cute stationery and freebie fandom cards
>leave positive feedback out of guilt, don't mention ruined item

>> No.8699774

You should still let them know what happened so that it doesn't happen again

>> No.8699782

I'd honestly feel really awkward about telling them, especially after I left good feedback.

They probably just did what they could with the measly 66 cents they got. They did try though since it was in its original packaging and then in another plastic packet past that.

Plus they did rather bug me when they were messaging me things like "Please send payment" ...I did, it says it's processing through your paypal. "Hey you won my item for $0.99 and I only got $0.66 from you, please send the rest!" and I had to basically walk them through the hey, paypal does charge you so I didn't just decide to pay you part of what I owed.. thing.

I'd just really not risk another 4-5 message conversation for baby's first selling transaction.

>> No.8700268
File: 12 KB, 399x191, Screenshot (373).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god my worst nightmare has come true. I put in "061" and didn't realize I had forgotten to put in a decimal point until I'd hit enter.

>> No.8700674

I've done this.

How much did it end up going for? It's probably safe to say you won it.

>> No.8700723

you can candel biddings like that

>> No.8700754

If people outbid you, the system will auto-increment your bids up to $61. It doesn't bid $61 flat-out.
So you don't have to worry too much, unless some massive bidding war erupts.

>> No.8700913

It went for $0.85 thankfully, it was just over one of those Sherlock 221B key necklaces I thought would be cute as part of a Tumblr giveaway.

Yeah, I knew it wouldn't bid $61 flat out and there was no way the bidding would go over $2 for a key necklace but it still gave me the shock of my life when it reloaded and I saw my bid.

>> No.8701163

You might actually not get it at all. Something similar happened to me: item was shipped out, yet listing was pulled, then the shop disappeared. Wasn't a new shop either, had tons of feedback.

>> No.8701566

review on the black shirt?

>> No.8703144
File: 424 KB, 706x720, ebay mini haul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Random weeby mini haul. I really needed a new iPad case and I'm super excited for the marshmallows

>> No.8703269
File: 121 KB, 698x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where i could buy that Pullover? (Or have you seen it on eBay?)

>> No.8703275

It's Omocat.

>> No.8703285
File: 423 KB, 707x720, 1863-dota2_luna_old01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know what search term i should use to find a blue bodysuit? trying to make a cosplay for pic related and i can't seem to find a full bodysuit that doesn't cover my damn head as well

>> No.8703314

Source on the katamari prince please!

>> No.8703331
File: 2.19 MB, 2000x1669, 2015-11-05 16.52.20-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My egg shirt came in! For the price it seems like very good quality. I wish it was a heavier fabric but that's just me. The shirt is thin (you can see where my undershirt ends) but the print itself is good. I also received a little hair tye and Sailor Mercury post card which were nice bonuses!

Here's the link for the specific listing I purchased from: http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=271887188005&alt=web

>> No.8703393

Looks cute, anon! If you're bugged by your undershirt showing, try a nude colored one, it might work better.

>> No.8703467

dude no you only reinforced their behavior as a shitty seller. If you can't understand ebay, paypal and shipping fees you should NOT be selling shit. You don't have to be a dick about it but let them know that shipping something like that is not acceptable and you could have left negative feedback.
They're a bigger horror story waiting to happen now.

>> No.8703535

Link for star clips please?

>> No.8703637


>> No.8703661



>> No.8705289

I bought something off eBay four days ago, and while the money was taken right out of my account it still is being "processed".
This is the first time it's happened to me, how long does this normally take? Is there anything I can do about it?

>> No.8705327

Happens every now and then, I'd contact the seller about it and ask when your item is being shipped.

>> No.8705495
File: 401 KB, 447x385, QHAdU83[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone able to find this cheaper? Aliexpress works too. Or the taobao shop it came from? Reverse image searched on google already and for some reason taobao no longer has reverse image searching

>> No.8705641

I have an item that was supposed to be here from October 22 - November 5th

The tracking hasn't updated in 25 days

Should I just go ahead and open a paypal claim? It's only $5, but I can put that $5 towards something else

>> No.8705674

If you haven't found anything already, searching for blue latex bodysuits seems to get a couple results, they're all pretty expensive because of it being latex, but you'd probably have more options searching that.


If you're really serious you might want to go to a latex bodysuit manufacturer and get one custom made; would be pretty expensive though.

>> No.8705783

Any good lolita-like boleros?
Or just not shitty knit boleros?

>> No.8705951


Last night I bought a $7 jacket from a Chinese seller who hasn't had any feedback in a year and only has sold 70 items... could I be fucked? Jacket was cute so I figured the risk was worth it

>> No.8705956

Thanks anon
I'll open a claim tonight

I hope things work out on your end!

>> No.8706259

Does anyone have a link to those cute mushroom looking berets? I'm trying to search for them but all that comes up are mario mushrooms and those awful costume caps.

>> No.8706396

reverse image searching on taobao still works, you just have to be on the regular taobao site, not tw or global.

also that's the cheapest you'll probably get it, you can only bulk order on AE, and presumably the original store is the one selling the only listing at 360 yuan.

>> No.8706525

is it an ebay store? I had a similar issue with JCpunk on ebay. They aren basically being a reseller from taobao. they use your money to buy stuff off taobao and then ship it to you.
I had a hell of a time with JCPunk about this and finally cancelled the order and then they tell me they had actaully sent it to me the day before (after a week of back and forth emails with them telling them I was unhappy that they claimed to have sent it and gave a fake tracking number and how I wanted to cancel) so I had to mark it return to sender.

Its a pain in the ass, and I'd contact them and cancel if possible. or report the package as not received.

>> No.8708462

Can someone repost the ebay link for that one pink school bag? I forgot to save it while last thread was up

>> No.8708689

Thank you so much anon <3

>> No.8708822

Saw a store today sell that milk carton bag for 35$ when you can get it on ebay for like 7$, kek.

>> No.8708824

I got mine on Aliexpress for like $6
I love it to death

>> No.8709321

Well I just found it cheaper actually but ty anon
here is the link if anyone else wanted.

>> No.8710137

what are some cute small/trinket like things for giveaways?

also heart shaped bags?

>> No.8710487

http://www.ebay.com/itm/2015-Fashion-Cute-Little-Metal-Candy-Trinket-Tin-Jewelry-Iron-Tea-Box-Case-/301765933333?var=&hash=item4642a6b915:m:mm3iYtc400OIpyPTUAgcNkg (these are tiny btw)
MILK bag replicas-

>> No.8710511

Here you go

>> No.8712106
File: 88 KB, 550x357, cube bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got that Rubik's Cube bag this morning. It was pretty cheap and is surprisingly sturdier than a lot of novelty bags I've gotten. Well constructed in comparison too, only one or two stray threads with no awkward squares. It's pretty roomy on the inside which is a godsend, you could definitely fit a lot inside. Has two phone pockets as well.

This is more of a nitpick but I don't like how it's a carry bag... I'd much prefer to have one big shoulder strap so I might change that.

>> No.8712131

I've been thinking of getting this for a while now, mostly because I love solving cubes and I always have one with me, as it helps with my anxiety. I love fiddling with it all the time.

I know this is super autistic but my main issue with the bag is that it's not possible to solve a cube to look like the bag. Just look at that image, the corner on the left has two green corners, that's impossible unless there are two green sides on the cube. I know it's stupid but it drives me crazy.

That aside, I think it's pretty cute and I would love to have one. Especially for the price, but you're right that it would be better with a shoulder strap.

Link to the bag though? Yours seems bigger than the one I've seen.

>> No.8712748

I bought a couple of wigs off someone on eBay. When they came, the bows for one were stained which was not mentioned or shown, and they were both fairly tangled and had bits of lint in them in addition to smelling like ...campfire smoke?
I don't like to leave negative feedback, and this person has 100% positive feedback. Should I complain or just cut my loses?

>> No.8713144

I'd take pictures of the defects and let them know. They'll more than likely refund you.

>> No.8713299

Got any pics? I'd say to talk to the seller first. If they don't do anything open a case about it cause getting something unlike the product is pretty shitty.
Ive gotten wigs where they look nothing like the photo(aka halloween shiny, kind of see through, or even something not sewn on properly or ripped) and complained about it and got refunds.
I've also gotten wigs a little tangled but that just takes time, they can get tangled in the mail you know.

>> No.8714669

Was having a shitty day and launched into trying to remove the stains before I could think to take a pic, which is all on me. I managed to get them mostly out (pink fabric bows, the stains were large .. sharpie? navy smudges)
Do I stand any chance?

>> No.8714790

You could try but I don't know what the outcome will be without pictures.

>> No.8714824

Not that anon but I bought the same one a year ago. Just look up sherpa bunny coat or sherpa bunny sweater. If you're in the US it'll be about $15-$20 shipped. The inside is all fake shitty satin lining. The outside is entirely furry and very VERY soft. It pills and sheds like crazy and mine had marks all over from whoever the seamstresses were. I washed in in the washing machine and it was destroyed. Also probably won't fit you too well if you're more than 5 foot tall, the thing is short.

>> No.8715433

If it's any comfort to you, the bag you get (if you decide to get one) probably won't have the same pattern. Nobody really cares about which colours go where, so you might get one that's perfectly plausible.
If it still smells like smoke, and if there are any stains still on the bows, go for it. Don't be cowed because they have good feedback. It might be that they sold mainly to their friends/family to get the feedback, or if it's a Chinese seller they might have sent you worn wigs by mistake and will be fine with being notified of the mistake as long as you're polite.

>> No.8715806
File: 368 KB, 591x574, frivilous junk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I impulse-purchased a few little knick-knacks last night because of this thread.

If only it were November 20th already.

>> No.8715866

>DARE tshirt
Damn, childhood flashbacks right there. I hated writing that mandatory essay at the end of the program.

>> No.8716030
File: 212 KB, 538x702, wigs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ordered 1 and 2.
Considering getting 3.

>> No.8716144

I didn't mind, it was worth it for the hour chunk out of the school day

Remember this?

>> No.8716199

link the hat, all the cat hats i get from ebay suck

>> No.8716223

Link for 2? looks really cute

>> No.8716227


Here you go, familiar

>> No.8716705

Here you go anon


>> No.8717376

Any holographic skater skirts that are actually holographic instead of that silvery spandex material AND less than 40$ + shipping to eu?

I'm getting desperate, need it for my uchuu feels and a strange cyberpunk/fantasy larp.

>> No.8717380

Seconding this

>> No.8717416


this is the only thing that looks different than those silvery skirts. i cant find anything else at all.

>> No.8718342

Yeah, that's the kind of material I'm looking for, shame that the skirt itself isn't.
Oh well, thanks anon.

>> No.8718352

Does anyone have any links for holographic fabric(not spandex)?

>> No.8719113




if this is the sort of thing youre looking for, i think 'vinyl' might be the key word (the black one looks like it might be spandexy though)

>> No.8722252
File: 651 KB, 2400x2400, stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered pic related, will review when it all comes in.

>> No.8722277

Could I have the links to everything on the bottom row?

>> No.8722278

Oh gosh we ordered the same cardigan,blouse and bowtie haha!
I love your taste anon.

>> No.8722352

link for grey skirt and cream cardi? these are adorable!

>> No.8722541

perhaps cut your toenails or put a band-aid on your 4th toe?

>> No.8722547


>> No.8723995
File: 759 KB, 2000x2000, dfghjnk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the short wig already came in, and it's pretty cute for $6. it's a little shiny, but enough to where i can deal with it. anxious about the lacefront.

>> No.8724293


>> No.8724526

>Hufflepuff tie
You are officially awesome.

>> No.8724532

So many bananas.


>> No.8724538

Why not?

>> No.8724539
File: 24 KB, 495x341, bananaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8724578

cute stuff!! link for the short brown wig, if you don't mind?

>> No.8724742

puffs are tuff anon

holiday presents for a friend! i don't really know why they like bananas so much...

thank you!

>> No.8724751
File: 34 KB, 500x500, ebay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get a loliable nightgown. Do you think the ones on ebay are worth the pennies or not?

>> No.8724766

thank you for the link!

>> No.8725193

Which ones specifically? What sort of nighties are you looking for? Ones like pic related are less likely to have shit lace, but the cloth might be super thin and scratchy. If you bid they might be worth it, if you can get something for cheap with free shipping. Also, check the seller reviews, if you're buying from someone with like 80% good feedback it probably won't be worth it.

>> No.8725278

Like the pic you mentioned, without a lot of lace if possible, because it's usually itchy. I'm wondering if Aliexpress or Taobao have them cheaper.

>> No.8725951

The brown wig looks pretty cute, would you be able to post a picture? I want to see if it's not too shiny to be able to get away with wearing it casually/with otome

>> No.8725952

You have really nice taste, anon!
Could you post the link to the top right blouse too?

>> No.8725969

lol for real? That's so funny. You have good taste too anon.


>> No.8726001

And now I'm sad.

>> No.8726012

Okay this is probably a long shot, but I saw a pic of a phonecharm with a cat inside a banana, has anyone of you found it on ebay or aliexpress? I've got no Idea if what words to use to find it.

>> No.8726219

I'm 99% sure you'll find it cheaper on taobao, but shipping and ss fees need to be taken into account. Ali will probably be the same price or a little higher. If it's cheap and has free shipping, go for it. If it's super scratchy you can use the fabric for something else.

>> No.8726231
File: 51 KB, 593x600, P0138665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the official series is called bananya! there's not much on ebay but you can definitely get bananya merch from tokyo otaku mode.

>> No.8726998

wow thanks!

>> No.8727960

Hey this is really cute!

>> No.8728082

Wanting to spend ebay coupon, what is something mori kei or pale like for 20$?

>> No.8728105

Where did you get the coupon?

>> No.8728250
File: 62 KB, 800x800, spreepicky_WhiteBlack_Sailor_Moon_LunaArtemis_Shoulder_Bag_SP152413_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a specific seller for this bag? There's so many so it'd be great if an anon could vouch for a listing's quality.

>> No.8728337

http://www.ebay.com/itm/Women-Girls-Winter-Warm-Cute-Gloves-Mittens-Fleece-Cartoon-Hedgehog-Fur-Gloves-/141518859396?hash=item20f32e6c84:g:WasAAOSw~uhUm9BD (not strictly mori but too cute)
Hope I found the sort of stuff you're looking for.

>> No.8728405
File: 55 KB, 500x499, smbag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on how good of a fake you want, I didn't really care as long as the bag looked good so I won a bidding for maybe 9 dollars tops? Think the difference between mine and yours would be in the moon (mine's made from a similar fake leather material like the rest of the bag, not a golden-looking plate) and probably the inside fabric which doesn't have the blue Luna/Artemis print, but some random dark brown with roses satin looking stuff.
Basically pic related, and I believe I won the auction at this seller http://www.ebay.com/usr/golink2013

>> No.8728438

Well, it's for a friend, so I just want one that's decently made at least. I'm checking out that seller now. Thanks!

>> No.8728441

You're welcome, do you need any pics? Lighting ain't something, but I've worn the bag out a few times now, including a wedding, doing great so far and it's pretty roomy for a cute little bag.

>> No.8728448

Sorry in advance if these are too normalfag for you





>> No.8728456

It's all good, I just went ahead and ordered it. Again, super appreciate your help, anon!

>> No.8728471

Not a problem!

>> No.8728522
File: 505 KB, 1361x1232, viewImage - Copie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might have been a little overboard
for all of it shipiping included it was fucking worth it.

>> No.8728568

Where do you live, if you don't mind me asking? I don't usually see such expensive hauls in the ebay thread, so I'm assuming that shipping was a bitch and the items themselves were pretty cheap.
Nice haul, btw, has anything arrived yet?

>> No.8728585

Nah most of them where free shipping.
I live in Belgium. Nothing has arrived as i juuust ordered last weekend i'll have to be a little bit patient. Also ordered so many cute crap because i'm finally getting brave enough to be feminine and cute. Yay. Hope it will look ok as i am 20.

>> No.8728984

foreverpotter is a great seller, and usually has these listed. I've gotten other items from them and they not only come super quick but are really good quality.

>> No.8728986

links on the mint boots, red sweater and the lace& buckle boots please

>> No.8729055

Not that anon but good to hear that because I follow them even though I haven't bought from them yet.

>> No.8729077

review on the wig please?

>> No.8729099
File: 381 KB, 1568x1620, ebay small haul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having a 20$ coupon
>Make an 42$ order

It ended at 22$ shipping included, haha
I'll dump the links if anyone's interested:

cat shirt (poncho?) http://www.ebay.com/itm/181576927779?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&var=480536722110&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
Bowler hat (hope it will not ended runsmall as ALL hats from ebay) http://www.ebay.com/itm/181917217914?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&var=481410387150&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
Trousers (first pants I'll have) http://www.ebay.com/itm/191585298777?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&var=490661662083&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
Dress: http://www.ebay.com/itm/400854183660?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&var=670405978907&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
Rose belt: http://www.ebay.com/itm/400998833721?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&var=670527959168&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
Gloves http://www.ebay.com/itm/401023666014?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&var=670551263552&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
cat paw gloves http://www.ebay.com/itm/401027674929?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&var=670554415036&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

>> No.8729524

The hat looks cute, please give us a review when it arrives!
Also 10/10 for providing links

>> No.8729547

I'd love to have a link to the withe shotsleeven blouse with the teapot.

>> No.8729591

>Having a 20$ coupon

>> No.8729693

seems to be another randomly-selected-users thing. I buy and sell frequently on ebay and I've been skipped over for this coupon and the previous $5 off $25 or whatever amount it was last time.

>not bitter at all, nope

>> No.8729725

That anon might have the Halloween coupon. You had to sell a halloween item and got a $20 coupon from it.

>> No.8729742

Yes, it was the Halloween coupon
I'll remember to make a review!

>> No.8729780

Anyone have links to a good pair of those moisturizing socks and gloves?

>> No.8729982
File: 48 KB, 640x640, viewImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i the only one that never gives link because i don't want too many other people to have what i have? I'm not gonna freak out if somebody does but i just don't especially like it. If i find out somebody wear the same thing as me i'll be like "Aw yeah twin" but in some cases i'll be slightly annoyed but still say nicely "Oh yeah that's cool"
I'm a terrible brat and i know it

>> No.8730097

cool. you gonna put that on your resume?

>> No.8730104

I think you're the only one. Ebay has dozens to hundreds of sellers of each item (as long as it's factory produced) so odds are.. someone has what you have and you ain't special.

>> No.8730110
File: 778 KB, 539x695, dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey sometimes you gotta be careful

>> No.8730111

Nah i meant someone in my surroundings. I know i'm not special at all, i just like having stuff that are y'know...somewhat unique? I have my own style and aesthetic and i'm not whining "copycat" at anyone with the same thing that would be retarded and immature but yeahhh i just don't like giving out links to my stuff i mean i searched like hours sometimes for some and those people litterally just have them like voilà, right away. It's too easy.
A girl asked me for a coat i had and i pretended not to know but she found it herself, got a bit salty because i was the only one in my whole group to have it and people loved it but hey i like her so it's fine.
Though a close friend of mine asked about shoes and i gave her the link right away because close friend

>> No.8730130

Great great. Sauce on cloud sweater?

>> No.8730133

Have to admit, that's pretty funny. At least she can say she started a fashion trend.

>> No.8730147

so wait, this confused me when I saw this.
Did they do that on purpose to be funny or they all just collectively have shit taste because they're meteorologist?

>> No.8730149

Media positions like that have very specific dresscodes. Bright colored professional wear with no patterns or green allowed.

>> No.8730175

ah ok, thanks for explaining.

>> No.8730394

you were probably being facetious but I found it on taobao, just for shits and giggles. no lavender though

>> No.8730401
File: 2 KB, 151x151, amazon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a offshoot from ebay...
The petti I want is cheaper on Amazon.
Anyone have any jfash finds on Amazon?

>> No.8730412

Probably better off posting in the actual amazon thread, since we have one for once.


>> No.8730421
File: 669 KB, 1342x590, welcometogoodburgerhomeofthegoodburgercanitakeyourorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inspired to get kawaii hamburger stuff
>search 'hamburger' on ebay
>first result

>> No.8730429

Are there any good petticoats on ebay?
I always run into cheap tutus, and have a trouble finding a good petticoat. I feel like they exist, maybe I'm just not using the right terms?

>> No.8730435

Yeah wow, completely missed that. Thank you!

>> No.8730504


this is a treasure

>> No.8730872

I'd wear it.

>> No.8730891

I bought it, I could not resist.

>> No.8731360

Never bought from them myself, but I've heard good things about victoriangirldress, and you could always look for used petticoats. Most of them are for square dancing but a lot of them can be easily modified into lolita pettis.

>> No.8732151

can you do a review on the thigh garter belt? Im looking to buy one but theres so many sellers im not really sure who to go with on quality.

>> No.8732809
File: 435 KB, 740x706, Ebay okt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shirt for cosplay, glasses for J-fash, and a shirt for casual wear because I'm a slut for the 80's.

Really good quality on all of it, really. The glasses were really big but I still like them a lot.

With that said; anyone got any tips for cute, blank notebooks?

>> No.8732822
File: 471 KB, 2400x1200, hgfrfgyhuji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the late reply anons! Here's a few pictures of the brown one. It's not the greatest quality and loses fibers quickly, but I'll get my money's worth out of it I'm sure.

I'm REALLY REALLY surprised with the quality of the red lace front. I actually like it better than my Arda lacefront. It's much softer in the lace and the actual wig fibers. I don't believe the listing for the red wig is up anymore, but here's a link to the store.

>> No.8732906

link to the boots on the bottom row pls x

>> No.8733583

>$20.55 + Free Shipping

>> No.8733596
File: 31 KB, 500x500, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just realized I dropped my pic.

>> No.8734178

It's probably more expensive this way, but here some stuff I just looked up. I hope it helps.
>more skirts
>some cardiagans

>> No.8734184

Can you give a review on the asuka hat when it comes in?

>> No.8734205



Is this possibly your wig?

>> No.8734259

Yup! Looks like they relisted it!! Thanks anon!

>> No.8734272

Top blue sweater?

>> No.8735013


>> No.8735021
File: 56 KB, 500x500, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For my Diane cosplay as I tend not to like spending over 30 for clip on wigs

>> No.8735178

That's actually really nice of you, I do think it's really cute!

>> No.8735426
File: 199 KB, 1001x1001, B0109B-3-6e99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8735448

How trust worthy are the blouses on ebay? Is it just resold taobao shit or is it worse?

>> No.8735483

Everything from China is resold taobao shit.

>> No.8735495

Quality wise, I mean.

>> No.8735497

Depends on the shop rating?

>> No.8735614

Look at shop ratings and if you can be bothered look the item up on Aliexpress or taobao. People sometimes leave pictures along with the review, and you'll get a general idea of the quality. If it's cheap and you cba, just get whichever one's cheap and from a shop with a good rating.

>> No.8736294

Ok so, the amazon thread got archived and I don't want to make a whole new thread dedicated to one question, so I'm going to ask here.

I want to get this wig, but I normally never buy expensive wigs off amazon/ebay because I just feel like it's too risky?
However, its the only one I can find with the exact brown I want.
What are your thoughts on this? Do you think it's a total scam? The reviews seem to be good but no pictures.
I'm just worried when I get the wig the lighting will reveal it's a much darker brown and blonde combo.


>> No.8736319
File: 30 KB, 500x375, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone bought these before?? can anyone tell me about the quality

>> No.8736399

Apparently they're good, a few anons bought them and said they're comfy and cheap iirc. It was a few threads back, you might want to check out the reviews for yourself before you buy.

>> No.8736838

I'm pretty new to jfash and buying stuff online in general, which results into my biggest problem: key words while searching for stuff.

What words should I use on ebay to find jfash stuff instead of mall goth shit and tacky spandex skirts with prints of "popular" things on them?
Like uh, searching just skirt (or the shape/length of it) results in pretty but super boring normalfag stuff, and typing stuff like kawaii or harajuku brings me the same overpriced items over and over.

What I'm looking for is clothes that are either witchy or stuff that fits the pop/fairy kei/uchuu/gurokawaii/pastel aesthetic.
In accessories I look for deer and animal skull motifs or something really weird and kitchy (resin sardines anyone?), but those are easier to find than clothes.

Bare with my newness, I just want to learn to browse ebay like a pro.

>> No.8737086

Have the ice cream bag, can confirm that it looks exactly like it does in the picture, is fairly roomy, and of course is super cute!

>> No.8737820
File: 891 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about getting this bedding set but I'm a bit nervous. I remember an anon in the Taobao thread a while back got bedbugs from some sheets they bought so I'm skeptical. The seller has 100% positive feedback and is based in Japan but I'm not sure if that makes a difference or not.

>> No.8737825

As long as you wash and treat them before putting on your bed you'll be fine.

>> No.8738416

Seconding what>>8736399 said. I've seen these posted many times in the buy thread and also here, with good reviews.

Link, by the way?

>> No.8738589

Anon got bedbugs from some furniture she ordered, I think. She only found out because reviews on the items from other buyers said they had gotten bedbugs from it.

If the reviews are good, they should be alright just remember to wash and then toss them in the dryer for about two hours.

>> No.8738842

Look for 'witch' followed by the item you want. If that doesn't bring up what you like, just type in the stuff you've written in your post. It might be worth sorting by 'best match' instead of 'lowest first' until you find which keywords work for you though.
For fairy/uchuu try 'holographic' or 'space' or 'pastel'. It's a struggle to find stuff for these more than the others imo.
Also, once you've found an item you like, try using the words in the description. Like LL replicas all have 'Kawaii harajuku cute Liz Lisa pretty Axes Femme adorable summer skirt flower pink' crammed in there, regardless of whether it matches the item. It might get you a lot of crap, but it's probably going to be less normalfaggy crap than just typing in 'Kawaii'.

>> No.8739645

Anon are you still out there? I need that teapot blouse in my life.

>> No.8739730
File: 533 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-28-22-20-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im looking for this phone case for a samsung galaxy s3, if such a thing even exists. But Im having no luck. Does anyone know what brand it is/what keywords should I use? Or if someone has a direct link that would be great too. Thanks in advance.

>> No.8739984

oh boy I had one just like that for my iPhone 4. I'll see if they have any S3 ones

>> No.8739995

Seconding this, this is perfect.

>> No.8740020

Just a heads up, Ebates is offering 10% cashback on eBay right now.

And shameless plug because they're offering me the $20 signup bonus:

>> No.8740033

Woooooo! Last I checked it was 5%, which is still more than their usual. Love ebates.

>> No.8740052

A lot of the S3 ones seem to be unavailable and I have to go now, but good keywords seem to be trolley, luggage, diary case and trunk

>> No.8740059

wtf is that?
Seems like an scam page

>> No.8740062

because it is, idiot

>> No.8740070

No it's not, it's the link to my referral page. It's whatever though, you don't have to click it?

If it doesn't work for anyone else, this one might work instead.

>> No.8740810

Thanks for the help! I was able to figure out that its a little twin stars case, but it seems to be only for newer iphones. Sigh, Im sometimes tempted to upgrade my phone just to have a cute case.

>> No.8742067

Link to the bedding?

>> No.8742216

I went on ebay today to purchase from them but it seems their shop closed.... do you know any other sellers for petticoats?

>> No.8742365
File: 14 KB, 240x240, 4-108634699-0-1-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A little different, but arts bovine is able to print folio cases for several phones, including some samsung ones. If you can't find anything available, maybe draw a design up yourself (or commission an artist) and get it printed via instead.

>> No.8743921

>will not fit if you have any hips/ass to speak of
maybe you're just a landwhale

>> No.8743925


>> No.8744754

Nope. I fit into unshirred brand. Chinese hips and ass are nonexistent, basically, because I have trouble finding listings for cute bottoms that take backsides into account. Even xxl sizes work on the assumption that the person's waist is bigger than their ass.

>> No.8745715
File: 31 KB, 442x464, 1439783227814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys know any funny/weird clothes/items on ebay? The weirder shit the better, i need to get Christmas presents for people I don't know what to get for.

I find weird stuff if usually the way to go.

>> No.8745736

More stuff like this, this store is a goldmine

>> No.8745865

Mostly engrish shirts because I couldn't find anything today. There were some threads for weird shit a while ago, you might want to check the archives for Pinup Hitler and Geometric Minnie.

>> No.8745924

I bought a petti once from teresashine/FloraWedding and it was great. Lots of poof and hasn't deflated in a year. Good customer service too.

>> No.8745933

Seconding this

>> No.8746916
File: 674 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2015-12-02-11-53-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of the quality of this bag? I think it's super cute but it looks like it could be disapointing

>> No.8747143

I've bought blouses in the $30 range and they were just taobao stuff, decent enough quality

>> No.8747390

With stuff like that it really depends on the seller. Novelty bags as a rule are kinda flimsy, and some of them are more suitable for decoration than for normal use. The ink can run and stain quite badly on some of them, though that might just be the unlucky few who got a bad product and were upset enough to leave a review. Some people can use them for smaller items, some don't want to risk it in case it falls apart. They're super cute, but proceed with caution, basically.

>> No.8747467

They're adorable and I get plenty of comments on mine all the time. However, the lining is cardboard and I can guarantee that the ink WILL run if you wash it, even if you lightly pad it with fabric softener and a cloth. Just keep it clean and there will be no issues.

There's also not a lot of room on them if that's going to be an issue, on nights out I can barely fit my ID, a lipstick, and a coin purse in there.

>> No.8748504
File: 955 KB, 300x162, 1445896635537.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons I need some help cause google is failing me.

Tried to pay for two items using my debit card. I didn't select 'Paypal' at checkout, I selected 'Debit/Credit' and entered my card info. Got an email saying
>Sorry, we were not able to process your CC payment
And it was still showing my items as unpaid.

I checked and the sellers say Paypal only which I completely blanked on noticing so I checked out again using the Paypal option and just selected to add a card to my Paypal instead of using my bank info. Payment went through immediately and I got confirmation emails.

My issue is that when I logged onto my online bank account, I've got two charges now for each seller. One from Paypal and one from when I originally tried using my debit card straight up.

Is it just a delay and the original two debit charges will be refunded to me in a few days or will I have to contact the sellers/ebay to get them to refund me?

>> No.8748510

if these transactions only just occurred within the past 24 hours, cool your jets. sometimes it takes more than a day or two for those initial charges to be reversed. if in the case they're still there after a few days, or they actually go through, then I'd try contacting your CC - they might be able to cancel the charge for you, or in some cases they'll tell you to ask the merchant.

>> No.8748517

Thanks. I figured I was freaking out over nothing but usually I pay via Paypal and this is the first time I've used my debit card for anything Ebay related. I'm used to the payment going through straight away and being done with it so I just forgot that Ebay usually means Paypal only.

>> No.8748596
File: 21 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or green
top kek

>> No.8748601

if anyone bought this please review!

>> No.8749530
File: 676 KB, 2613x1959, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's to hoping it'll come safely.

>> No.8749553

I appreciate people who appreciate jewelry. You keep the market going. I work with food, so I don't really have the luxury to wear jewelry often and when I'm home I don't even want to bother dressing up because I've been on my feet for almost 10 hours and all I want to do with be naked and sleep. I told my 10 years long boyfriend that if he ever even tries to propose to give me a basket of food or a trip somewhere because I sure as hell won't wear a ring.

>> No.8749821

Sauce on star bracelet and the one to its right

>> No.8749845


>> No.8750004

The necklace plos

>> No.8750016

>worked as a chef for many years
>had wedding and engagement ring that I wore together
>would put them in deep apron pockets when I went to work because I didn't want to be separated from them
>somehow lost my engagement ring one day?
>searched and searched workplace, never found
>later wedding ring also disappeared at home, 98% chance it was stolen by asshole roommate
I have such heartache over this, they were my husband's grandmother's. Should have put them on a chain so I would only have to take them off when sleeping.

>> No.8750044


>> No.8750401

yes the gold moon is all mine
I can't wait to put it in my vagina~

>> No.8750725

I posted a couple threads back about having bought wigs and they arrived tangled, smelling, and the bows for one having stains which I ended up fixing before I could take photos to prove their poor condition. I never ended up confronting the seller about it, but today I got a full refund of my purchase.
Has this ever happened to anyone? I don't know why they would refund me since I never told them I was unhappy with what they sent me.

>> No.8750740

Did you leave them bad feedback? They might have seen that and refunded for it.

>> No.8750747

I simply didn't leave them feedback, the closest thing I can think of is that they knew the wigs weren't in great condition and felt bad, maybe there's an off chance that they're a seagull and saw me complaining in the other thread?

>> No.8751116

Well shit anon, both charges went through because my balance updated to show no refunds for the first payments. I ended up just contacting both sellers and showing them a screenshot of the bank transactions and asking them to check their records of my payment and refund me one of the payments.

Here's to hoping that they're nice and I didn't just paid an extra $12 or so.

>> No.8751134

yikes, sorry to hear that happened. if the sellers are jerks about it, you could always get in touch with your bank/credit card? or maybe even ebay/paypal, I feel like they'd have to side with you in this case.

>> No.8751171

this is a sad way to think lmao

>> No.8751621

Thanks anon. I sent them both screenshots and explained that I had attempted to pay them and the other seller at the same time and how it had supposedly been declined so I tried again so I'm hoping they'll see that I paid twice and just refund and that'll be the end of it. So far I haven't heard back but it is the weekend so I'm going to give it another day or two. Usually the sellers I buy from are pretty nice though so here's to hoping.

>> No.8751697

Bit late on seeing this, but I thought this shop had some cure stuff for uchuu-kei:

>> No.8751921
File: 342 KB, 1028x593, best invention.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought a bunch of boot toppers. These are fucking genius.


>> No.8752482

Update: Both sellers got back to me today and both were super nice and refunded me back my debit card payments so I'm relieved since this was the first time I'd had an issue like this. Definitely learned my lesson.

>> No.8752512
File: 767 KB, 500x280, cat falls out of window in box box lands on top.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any non-replica sellers of OPs on ebay? Or are they all pretty much doomed to be replicas and resales?

>> No.8752553

Could you do a review when they arrive please?
I'm glad you got your money back. Most sellers are really good about refunds and returns, because of feedback, but it's still scary to think that you'll have stumbled upon the few shitty ones out there.
If you mean like Taobao sellers on ebay, not that I know of- Infanta def has an Ali though. The Chinese ones are all replicas and, well, lolita's pretty much based around resale anyway. Sorry anon, your best bet's to go on Ali and buy offbrand.

>> No.8752622


Thanks anon <3 Would you have any recs for Ali? If it's not too much trouble

>> No.8753096

Yeah, I've had my share of shitty sellers but it's all been over minor stuff like this morning I had told a seller that I received my order from them (three coin purses, one set of earrings) and the earrings weren't in there. They told me "Well the earrings were sent from another warehouse so you'll get another package from us sometime with them."

It was only 99c so I didn't even bother fussing since I had completely forgotten I'd even ordered them before I went to leave feedback and saw they were included.

>> No.8753655
File: 390 KB, 1440x900, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute stationery for the new year

>> No.8753656

Source for all of the notebooks?

>> No.8753665


Seconding on those notebooks!

>> No.8753739


>> No.8753817

Source on the Totaro mini calendar?

>> No.8753887
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>> No.8754004
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>> No.8754333

These aren't replicas afaik, really sorry if some slipped in by mistake.
I couldn't find all that many OPs that were actually lolita. There are a few brilliant lacemonsters if you feel like taking a look, but those and JSKs seem to dominate the results.
I've had the exact opposite happen to me, when someone sent two packages, five or six months apart, with the items I'd ordered plus a couple of cute extras. Did the earrings arrive?

>> No.8755137

They haven't yet but I'm not holding my breath.

>> No.8755224


>> No.8756042

Aww that sucks. Maybe they got stuck in the post. Were they cute?

>> No.8756044

Nah, they were just generic black fake gauges. I like how they look but I'm not stretching my ears for it.

>> No.8756402
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Do you guys have any links to J-fashion or K-fashion ebay stores I could bum off you?

I would really appreciate it

>> No.8757210

Well, I just received the packet.
It arrived pretty quickly, seller gave me a fake tracking number (idk why) and forgot the trousers...

About the cat poncho: is made by a light/thin material, but not see trhough, perfect for summer 10/10 just as picture

Hat: SMALL. Yes ladies, as everytime. Is child size. Beside that, pretty and well packaged so it didn't chush.

Dress: It runs pretty big (better a little big than thight), but the sleeves are extremally wide, I can but 2 arms into them and left space. I'll have to make some adjustements.

Rose belt: Very good, I have a 60cm waist and it thight a bit, I woudn't recommend for anyone above 70 cm

Gloves: perfect. 10/10. as pictured, it fits me perfect, and works with my smartphone.

Cat pawn gloves: they're definitelly an off white/beige color (I don't mind) but the /pink things/ aren't on the proper site, they're more on the side of the hand. But they're so puffy and warm . 7/10

Sorry for my broken english, if anyone needs photos just tell me.

>> No.8757495

I bought an auska hat was decently impressed, I have a large head and it did fit, buttons were nice, mine was made of fleece but I was ok with that for the price. I think I paid £25 for a hat and jacket this was 3-4 months ago.

>> No.8757501

I don't know why I instantly thought of phantom of the opera when I saw this.

>> No.8759864

Honestly, about 90% of Chinese sellers have J-fash and K-fash stuff. I don't think there's any point in listing specific links, all you have to do is type what you want into the search bar with 'kawaii' or 'harajuku' or 'korean' and you'll get a fuckton of results. If the store sells a lot of clothes and has good feedback, you're good. If you're looking for accessories, lower your expectations because it's all cute stuff made from shit metal, but if you go on auctions you'll spend very little and get a lot. Do remember to look at reviews though, if a shop has 100% positive feedback and the shorts you want are the only item of clothing in a sea of car parts and cookie cutters, you're probably not going to get a great quality product.
If you want to buy shoes, measure your feet with a ruler and give up if they're over a narrow 25cm.
If you're more specific we could help you more, but I assume you want generic /cgl/ clothes, and there are a ton of links in this and the Ali thread (use keywords from Ali descriptions to get similar/same ebay results).

>> No.8760931
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Damn I'm slacking. Anyone else feeling that last minute crunch on getting their eBay Bucks?

>> No.8760944

Sauce on the DARE tee?

>> No.8760994

I just got an email from invite@survey.ebay.com asking me to do a survey.Is this thing legit or not?

>> No.8761028

if it shows up in your messages inbox on ebay itself, then it's real.

>> No.8761815

source on the bottom left thing?

>> No.8761993
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NO ONE BUY FROM BUYDIG. They are a licensed refurbisher company that also sells items on eBay. I ordered a fucking camera with a listing that "Available but limited" meaning that they fucking have the camera in stock, but only so many people can buy from the listing. Well, a week later and a $144 gone and a $12.99 3 year warranty I paid through Nikon, and I get an email saying that the item isn't in stock and it is on backorder and won't be in for several months. Are you FUCKING kidding!? I can't get a refund on the fucking warranty and I have been waiting for over a week for this damn camera that will never show up. I got a refund, complained like fuck to my mom, and with the $144 and an early Christmas, I got my camera from Best Buy for $101 more.

I have never had a more horrible experience with eBay before. Actually wait, I have, and as a seller from some buyer who tried to scam me out of a refund for an item with a slightly bent corner of her box that got shipped and opened up claims on eBay and PayPal and threatened me and shit.

My luck with eBay is shit.

>> No.8762212
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Own one of these from another seller (they've stopped selling it now) and sharing for any lolitas wanting cheap royal jewelry.

>> No.8762494
File: 126 KB, 1000x1000, puff balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought some of these babies!


>> No.8762518

>rabbit fur
Damn, I don't think I'll ever find any of these without rabbit.

>> No.8762594

I used to feel the same until I realized that at least rabbits are still used for meat they aren't just killed for fur.

>> No.8762611

I feel the same, I found some non-rabbit fur balls for bag charms but honestly they look gross. Lots of ebay sellers put 'faux' in the title but then put 'rabbit fur' as material

I get that, but animal products from outside my country freak me out, at least slaughtering here has some regulations

>> No.8762764

Wasn't there a scandal years ago when people found out that the fake fur trim on coats etec was actually dog or cat fur? I'm sure I remember reading about that, because people were freaking the hell out about it.
You mentioning the non-fur fur balls reminded me of that. How can you tell the difference between really good fake fur and real fur (aside from the price, obviously) if you've never come across real fur? Is there anything in specific you should look out for?

>> No.8762766

I remember that, an a couple clothing companies for sued.
If you look close at the fur I think real fur is pointier than fake. Also real fur feels softer and if you have the chance, you can burn a strand. Fur burns normal and smells like burning hair while faux fur melts and smells like burning plastic.

>> No.8762767

Oh man I really want to get couple of these but I'm allergic even to furcoats and most faux fur fabrics look pretty bad.... FML

>> No.8762771

Thanks! Don't think I'll be able to burn it until it's too late, but I'll definitely watch out for the other things. I'm always scared I'll end up wearing somebody's pet by accident.
Also, how likely is it that the fur from China is as advertised? Like, rabbit fur for rabbit fur products, or fox fur for fox fur products.

>> No.8762773

I mean, it's not going to be someone's pet, but the animals it came from probably weren't being raised in the greatest of conditions. Just because it's a cat or a dog doesn't mean that it was a pet. Do you feel this way about genuine leather products? No. Just think of those animals as cows.

>> No.8762775

Whatever you do never go to a grocery store in Chinatown. I've been to one in just San Francisco and I saw things man. I can't imagine it's much better in actual China

>> No.8762798

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I always see the cutest stuff posted here but I never know what to search to find cute stuff like that. Any certain tags you guys use a lot?

>> No.8762802

cute, girl, sweet, soft

>> No.8762914

Have the star bracelet (mine has hearts), it's lovely

>> No.8763459

Uh oh, so sorry anon!

>> No.8763473

>The Feel Test:
Feel the difference by rolling the hairs between the finger and thumb.
Genuine Fur: Feels smooth and soft, easily rolls between the fingers.
Fake Fur: Feels coarse.

>The Look Test:
Blow on the hairs so that they divide, and look at the base.
Genuine Fur: Often made up of several layers of thin, almost curly hairs that form a dense under-wool through which the longer hairs stick out. The hairs remain attached to the leather (skin).
Fake Fur: Simpler in structure, individual hairs are often the same length and are even in color.

>The Pin Test:
Drive a pin through the base where the fur is attached.
Genuine Fur: The leather resists; pin is hard to push through.
Fake Fur: Pin goes easily through the base.

>The Burn Test:
Carefully pull a few hairs from the fur and hold them to a flame.
Genuine Fur: Singes and smells like human hair.
Fake Fur: Melts and smells like burnt plastic and forms small plastic balls at the ends that feel hard between the finger and thumb.

>> No.8763862

Kawaii, Korean, and Harajuku work well for me for generic cute fashion. Don't type in otome though, because all you get are half-naked figures and the odd Milanoo-tier 'sexy cosplay', if you're looking for otome type in the item you want and the colour/pattern.
If you want crafts, decoden, decora and nail art are good keywords.
If you find an item you like it's worth looking at the seller's shop. You might find a load of completely unrelated items, but it's likely that you'll find similar stuff, and a lot of them have bids for less than half the BIN price.

>> No.8764656

you sound fun

>> No.8766305
File: 26 KB, 500x296, New Punk European Vintage Bronze Square Earrings Flying Horse Pendant Necklace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amazing... someone please do something amazing with this


>> No.8766786

I do feel the same way about genuine leather, yes. I'm vegetarian and don't even kill bugs. Sorry anon.
This is really useful, thanks!

>> No.8767076
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>tfw currently bidding on 40 bead wholesale lots that all end tonight

I'm already looking at craft storage containers for this shit. It's ridiculous.

>> No.8767331

I want it on a crown