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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8868219 No.8868219 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>8821205

I'll start by dumping some of the best (and worst) of Katsucon's Steven Universe cosplayers.

>> No.8868220
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>> No.8868223
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>> No.8868226
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>> No.8868229
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>> No.8868230
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>> No.8868231
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>> No.8868234
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I've just been searching the tumblr tags, unfortunately there's not much worth writing home about. Most aren't bad or good, just mediocre.

>> No.8868235
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There seemed to be a decent number of Roses. Have we come any closer to the perfect Rose Quartz cosplay?

>> No.8868255

I was thinking about how everyone cosplaying Rainbow Quartz draw on Rose's eyes underneath their own, but has anyone tried drawing Pearl's eyes above their own? I guess this would work better if they had a massive forehead

>> No.8868277

any pics of the boob window sapphire that was posted in a thread a while ago?

>> No.8868289

it makes a lot more sense to draw on rose's eyes because a. they're a lot smaller and b. on rainbow quartz pearl's eyes are a bit closer to where eyes would typically be on a human face. i think it would look really bad if anyone tried to draw on pearl's eyes

>> No.8868333
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I saw this one at a recent con-never seen Rose done with 4 ponytail clips

>> No.8868384

>orange wig
this is even worse than the dusty pink everyone uses

>> No.8868395

It looks like a dusty pink to me under bad lighting, anon.

>> No.8868419

i like the starry materials on sapphire here

points to this one for at least attempting to do a cutout

>> No.8868453


This is perfect!

>> No.8868483
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>that Steven

>> No.8868571

This is terrible

>> No.8868771

>That Target bag

>> No.8868823
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>> No.8868840

I don't think that's a cosplay, m8, just an outfit inspired by the character.

>> No.8868841

Rubi looks like an oompa loompa.

>> No.8868843

this is clearly not meant to actually be a cosplay

>> No.8868846

boob window sapphire? someone please explain

>> No.8868868

someone attempted to make Sapphire's Homeworld dress with the diamond on the chest reimagined as a mesh titty window.

Theory > Execution

>> No.8868875

I like the effort with that Greg, shitty hair choice but I like he included the fake tan.

>> No.8868879

When will Garnet cosplayers paint their skin her actual color.
>jimmies rustled

>> No.8868942

White people never paint for Pearl either. A few freakishly pale people can get away with it though.

>> No.8868964


I'm pretty sure >>8868220 is titty window Sapphire.

>> No.8868986
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i was right lol

>> No.8869003

Damn, I'd love to see this design executed by someone with just a little more technical skill. It would be fucking fantastic.

>> No.8869072

Big question is does she have the gems and the 3rd eye?

>> No.8869769

>the perfect Rose Quartz cosplay?
>Not this shit again
I thought we decided that cgl isn't a hive mind, so it's impossible to please everyone?

>> No.8869773

My feedback is to post a picture where we can actually see your damn costume if you "really" want crit. But then again you're just trying to cover your ass so I'm not surprised. From the very little I can see, your wig is a good color but looks flat, boring, and straight out of the bag. Your star cutout is WAY too big, and it's hard to tell from the angle but your cup size looks too small for your body.

>> No.8870696

Damn that is a lot of work.
Really my only issue is the wig.

>> No.8870700

I actually know her IRL, her first wig apparently got ruined and she had to rush a new one for the con. I like what she did with the skirt of the dress but I feel like her bodice turned out so awkward.

I feel kind of bad, she put a lot of work into that thing. She just now finished it after months of working daily on it.

>> No.8870715

Did somebody photoshop that guy in the background to look like sunburned Greg, or did he actually look like that irl? He looks so odd.

>> No.8870720

Nope, he looked like that. It's the guy from >>8868223

>> No.8870732

I missed that one, it's more clear that it's bodypaint and ...yarn(?) here.

>> No.8870793

Should I bind for Pearl from the 80s flashback episodes? Binding to portray a girl sounds weird, but Pearl was pretty damn flat and I'm a 32D.

>> No.8871095

I think this is the best Rose I've seen. The wig is really the best one I've seen

>> No.8871512

Boob windows only work if you have either a flat chest or the boobs of a goddess and lots of support tape.

>> No.8871555

This would look nice without the window

>> No.8871680

I've been mulling this over in my head and I think it's a good idea but I guess I just want some reassurance- I'm cosplaying Rose and planning on wearing a corset under her dress. Because of this I can't do the star on her stomach as an actual cut-out. As long as it was nearly done and the gem was secured properly, do you think reverse appliqué would be a good way to sew on a patch of skin-coloured fabric and have it look okay?

>> No.8871785

>a lot of work

I assumed she dyed a quinceanera dress.

>> No.8871788

It's a lot of work and decent as far as RQ dresses go but it's super inaccurate (I saw her at the con and it was even weirder IRL from a distance since the bottom just looked like a huge floof of petals). I can't think of why anyone would choose to make all those extra petals for an inaccurate design, unless the dress was bought like that.

>> No.8871918

I used a reverse applique for my rose dress and it turned out really well. I recommend it!

>> No.8872071

I think she wanted it to look like the petals of a rose. She hand cut every "petal" on the skirt.

It might have been a neat idea for some kind of alternate costume or AU but I guess she just wanted to stand out

>> No.8872106

The skirt is pretty cool, even if it isn't canon. I just can't stand the boob cup bodice and fabric star

>> No.8872114

As a bit of friendly advice, you should really stop whiteknighting your friend whenever someone says something that isn't 100% positive. CGL in general doesn't like it.

>> No.8872238

She's not really my friend, I'm just trying to provide all of the information I know for people who are talking about it. A few people have been saying stuff that's not true so I thought I'd clarify, but I guess I'll just let people say whatever they want since that's more fun for them anyway.

>> No.8872257

>Wig isn't great
>Dress is inaccurate

Except both of these are true. You're jumping to defend her costume by claiming that she had other plans or what her rational behind her decisions are. Just because she had plans for an accurate wig, it doesn't magically make her current one better.

>> No.8872270

I've admitted to both of those being true though, just explained the background behind both of them. I didn't even say that I thought the dress was exceptional. It could be better. I agree that the bodice was awkward and that the wig didn't turn out great. I think the girl cosplaying also knows those things.

But I guess giving background information on it and not immediately agreeing to trash something that I personally don't think is super awful makes me a white knight

>> No.8872274
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>Finally, characters us fatties can cosplay as

>> No.8872287

No, but crucifying yourself because someone gently suggested that you stop rushing to defend your friend does make you sound obnoxious.

>> No.8872347

I didn't mean to crucify myself, I'm not the best at communicating. I just didn't want people to get the wrong idea about something, especially when I know what the real deal is. Sorry.

>> No.8872360

>not immediately agreeing to trash something
What are you talking about? Nearly all of these comments say that they like the cosplay but wish some detail was better. It's clear that you can't take any criticism, but you should lurk more if you think this is anything close to trashing.

>> No.8872373

I'm not any of the anons from before but I just want to offer you a bit of friendly advice. Just stop replying. You clearly don't know how to talk to people here and stop making excuses, so your best option is to just leave and forget about this if you don't want to make things worse for yourself and your friend.

>> No.8872396

No, you got called a white knight because you responded to mild criticisms with personal information about why the cosplayer made her costume the way she did. CGL is only interested in how a costume looks in photos, not the thought process behind why something looks bad. If someone says "the dress isn't accurate", it looks white knightish to reply with "well she did it on purpose because she wanted it to look like a rose".

I don't know how you've been on CGL for four years and don't seem to understand this.

>> No.8872424

>still replying


>> No.8872592

Far left wins by a mile because of the petti. If the others had bothered to add volume they'd look so much better...

>> No.8872601

You should bind.

>> No.8872643
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I want to do a jamie cosplay, but I am the newest cosplayer ever. Where can I get his mail patches? Are there any good pics of someone who has already done one?

>> No.8872947

i am so sick of seeing this cosplay.
it's not that great and yet she wears it fucking everywhere and people post it all the time.

>> No.8873297
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>> No.8873301
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>> No.8873303
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>> No.8873305
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>> No.8873311

The ruby on the far left is really the only one writing home about.

>> No.8873352

these physically hurt me

>> No.8873357

That Pearl's wig looks dope af. Any other pictures of it?

>> No.8873363

blue Amethyst, what

>> No.8873379

I like that schoolgirl Pearl. She looks prim and cute.

>> No.8873422
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>> No.8873558
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>> No.8873586
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Pfffhahaha this is so bad

>> No.8873597
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everyone in these look like shit

>> No.8873622

one on far right looks lost. if the concept was prom ruby/sapphire she should have worn a suit or something

>> No.8874064

Just make sure the patch actually matches your skin color. The reason why so many people here are against using patches instead of an actual cut out is almost everybody uses fabric that is very obviously the wrong color, usually too yellow.

>> No.8874880

the dress is obviously an original design and pointing that out isn't white-knighting it's stating the obvious for the idiotic

>> No.8875152

probably the best pearl I've seen, just based on her body/face matching the character so well. IT's really quite cute!

>> No.8875208

the amethyst should've used a more purple bodypaint, it looks so blue

>> No.8875612
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how did she even get so popular. and people are actually wanting to buy these

>> No.8875643

none of these are going to sell, I'm guessing. Who wants to buy selfies of bad cosplays?

>> No.8875662

if shed go for it like autograph cards and give them away for free or maybe a dollar or so I'd understand. she really seems to have many fans. but the quality of the costumes looks really cheap. where do all these fans come from?

>> No.8875668

she cosplays a ton of characters from every popular series, tags them a lot, follows and likes a ton of other cosplayers' photos, does s4s, and other stuff like that. her cosplays are pretty bad though, and almost never accurate

>> No.8875840
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This wig is cute

>> No.8875842
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>> No.8875845
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>> No.8875847
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>> No.8875987

no it's not

>> No.8876115
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$1000 Rose couldn't even connect the bodice to the skirt ffs. I kind of like the wig, but damn that dress is bad

>> No.8876134

Does anyone have good examples of really awesome fushion Cosplays? All the ones I've seen have fallen short for me or looked horrible! I've seen some good Sardonyx ones, but Opal, Alexandrite, and Sugilite always end up looking so bad!

>> No.8876140
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>> No.8876162

1. Go to the Help thread.
2. Look on Etsy or Storenvy.

>> No.8876172
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This is my favorite Opal. It's not 100% accurate but it's very clean and well-made. I don't think I've seen a great Sugilite, but there have been some that are ok. And for Alexandrite, have you seen >>8868226? It's probably the best Alexandrite at the moment

>> No.8876173

This is a really good Pearl. A lot of the hot messes in this thread could learn a few lessons from her.

>> No.8876184

If the wig looked more like actual hair instead of badly painted cotton wool I'd like it.

>> No.8876186

She looks so dirty... I don't even know why, everything just looks so smudged and unblended.

>> No.8876214
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>> No.8876231
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This is the only passable Sugilite I could find at the moment

>> No.8876238

Passable in Lilliput maybe

>> No.8876249
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This is the only recent one I've seen around.

>> No.8876513

This is my favorite Rose wig. I like >>8876115 a lot for the volume though.

>> No.8876527

And STILL hasn't ironed her damn skirt.

>> No.8876595

I feel like these are good, but you can never really tell because of the angle, sometimes I think a cosplay is amazing and then I see a different photo and realize it's pretty bad.
>>8876249 is probably my favorite Sugilite just because the colors all seem to flow together.

It's kind of sad we haven't had anybody really nail the characters of this show yet.

>> No.8876871

It's so hard to find good gem cosplayers because the style is so human adjacent but also so totally inhuman. The "perfect Pearl" up there >8873422 literally has a dangerous genetic condition that gives her her Pearl like face and build. No average humans are going to make for a good gem.

>> No.8877668

What condition does she have?

>> No.8877692

Is it just me or does she look a lot like Lor.

>> No.8877723

Not anon and I dint think she has a condition but Marfands syndrome can give people very long skinny limbs and digits

>> No.8877797

why do you all have to make excuses for yourselves just because you're jealous. "dangerous genetic condition" ? are you kidding me...

>> No.8877827

She's very open about her Marfans syndrome.

>> No.8877921
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Did this lapis test a while ago and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out overall. Going to try a version without the gold as well, with some colored sand in it for texture.

>> No.8877931
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>> No.8877982
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reddit unfiltered yellow pearl. inclide to believe it because of how colourful our pearl is

i wonder what blue pearl's real colours are, considering that episode was deliberately monochrome

>> No.8878060

Are you legit mad someone pointed out that, no, most real people do not look like cartoons

>> No.8878109

I hate this chick but she does make a good Pearl with her body

>> No.8878230
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what i was trying to say was that people are just trying to make excuses for why tatto is "the perfect pearl" and no one else can do better. people complaining about people not looking like cartoons is stupid since that's what cosplay usually is. But to say the only way someone can have a good cosplay is by having a 'dangerous medical condition' is also stupid.

>> No.8878259

most of time the cosplays are just a little off. Like if the execution was better or they got a better wig. I know I've seen so many Garnet's who have awesome outfits or spot of gloves, but who's wigs are horrible, or body paint needs work.

>> No.8878387

also black cosplayers get asspats for just showing up, i barely ever see garnets with wigs, much less paint

>> No.8878472

She's my favorite Pearl, but I feel like that's the only character she really suits. I can't think of another character she's cosplayed that hasn't looked really off.

>> No.8878478

Not bashing her by the way- she has a really unique look and it's ugly, but I can't imagine what it would be like to perfectly suit one character and few others

>> No.8878687

Isn't ugly! Oh god, I'm going to bed now.

>> No.8878859

Protip: You can delete posts at the bottom of the thread, and then just reply with the correct words.

>> No.8878864

Satsuki, bro

>> No.8879420
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>> No.8879433

Personally not a fan of the dollar store gem in the center and the fact that it's obviously from a Captain America mold, but it's still pretty

>> No.8879434

wow adorable I love his proud grin c:

>> No.8879833

My thoughts exactly

>> No.8879893
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Salty Sticks detected

>> No.8879901

It's tough having a big/weird nose as a female cosplayer. Girls aren't drawn with such an unkawaii feature very often.

>> No.8880009
File: 94 KB, 640x960, 12697240_1693293117585893_8327766698514833884_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is... so unfortunate

>> No.8880085
File: 383 KB, 500x671, rare bird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any gulls seen cosplay of Pearl's outfit from The Answer? I'm trying to figure out how I want to go about making it. The way the sheer part works is throwing me a little.

>> No.8880149


It looks like a pink unitard with the top half made of white or light toned material and a flared translucent blue sleeveless thing over it.

>> No.8881386


>two eyes


>> No.8881423


this is homestuck levels of "nobody looks even remotely ok" with the exception of that pearl.

>> No.8881474


>> No.8881480


One of the characters depicted rolls with an eyepatch. Printing an inaccurate card seems like icing on the stupid cake.

>> No.8881493

she probably didnt play the game, just jumped on the bandwagon for attention

>> No.8881495

That's too bad since it's an awesome game

>> No.8881499

It is, but it seems like a large number of people cosplaying from it are just doing it for attention due to the amount of mistakes like this

>> No.8881684

haha fuck i forgot she had an eyepatch

>> No.8883219

>I don't have marfan's syndrome

So she's just... naturally really ugly?
How unfortunate.

>> No.8883238

Where is this from?

>> No.8883242

It's from Magfest, check his Tumblr for more pics.

>> No.8883246

Welp I'm mad. If I had known he'd be there I would have totally gone. I want to at least meet one of the Zaibatsu before I leave this Earth.
I really should watch their social media more in general.

>> No.8883623

She does look cute as Pearl. If her everyday style is Pearl-like, she could be cute in a weird way.

>> No.8883634


>> No.8883658

Really? Because it looks like a fucking bird's nest to me

>> No.8883660

desu I don't really care if it's inaccurate, it's still one of the best rose dresses I've seen. I'm really tired of large shitty tiers that don't even have the same color tone.

>> No.8883778

I wish it were better handled at the top but I like the ringlets.

>> No.8883948

this dress is giving me a lot of life

>> No.8883952

wtf yes

>> No.8883954

just stop

>> No.8884250


You're shitting me. That looks like it's made out of regular cotton. How????

>> No.8884269

Hey, Danny Sexbang isn't cringe.

>> No.8884308

Not shitting at all- she flaunts the fact that she wasted that much money. I don't have any idea how you spend that much money and still end up with that subpar dress

>> No.8884335

It's simple- she doesn't have the skills she needed to make it. You can spend a million dollars on materials but at the end of the day if you aren't good at sewing, nothing will save you.

Honestly she should have just had it commissioned if she was willing to blow that much money on it. She may have even been able to get it for cheaper, honestly.

>> No.8884384
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>awesome game

>> No.8884402

>I don't like what the masses like just because it's popular

>> No.8884473

It was the wig that set her back the most. Other anons were speculating that she bought a bunch of Rhapsody wigs from GLW.

>> No.8884475

The time I said I liked plain lapis gems everyone flipped out but here someone made a textured one and no one even cares.

>> No.8884477
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>normally I'd sell this for $65
>but I'm willing to let it go for $50

>> No.8884480
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>> No.8884486
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This dress is the bridge between SU and Homestuck and the quality is fitting.

>> No.8884490
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>> No.8884492
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>> No.8884495
File: 504 KB, 1080x938, Screenshot_2016-02-25-15-01-01-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the SU Cosplayers group

>> No.8884546

Well 32D isn't a titty monster size, the D makes it sound big but the small band size means it really isn't

>> No.8884568
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holy. shit.

>> No.8884685
File: 53 KB, 960x562, FB_IMG_1450471247677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This group gets more and more terrible

>> No.8884692

I was considering joining a group like this but not I'm pretty much nopeing out

>> No.8884694

Do it to watch the trainwrecks

>> No.8884697
File: 33 KB, 509x800, 12733534_1572100363110607_2065309032835655710_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might be worth it for a quick laugh

>> No.8884717

I have her on my fb and she is so cringy at times. That dress is not worth 50$ no matter how you look at it.

>> No.8884719
File: 36 KB, 282x314, that fucking bend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it frowned upon to NOT do the extra arms for fusions?

Been working on Sardonyx and haven't come up with a solid plan for the arms that won't look retarded as sin.

>> No.8884739

The whole reason the fusions are so cool and appealing is because of the multiple appendages. Not doing them will make you look unfinished and cheap desu. Go reference some good fusions like these and try your best:
Common pitfalls of the arms are making them too skinny compared to the wearer's real arms and making them look too noodly and/or limp. You could even forgo to the whole fishing line trick and just secure them in a pose and not have to worry so much about them, like in the picture you posted.

>> No.8884759

flaws: everything

>> No.8884865
File: 99 KB, 295x300, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can people even be this bad at making things?

>> No.8885000
File: 68 KB, 1500x844, il_fullxfull.923212246_m16p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this gem is really pretty. i know some people don't like the gold flecks, but i think a small amount is pretty

>> No.8885290
File: 14 KB, 570x380, tumblr_o2xjb0NyTR1qim4fgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8885291
File: 108 KB, 1280x719, tumblr_o2xjb0NyTR1qim4fgo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8885345

Alright Hanari, we get it

>> No.8885438

>>8885000 was me, i dont know who's posting the other two.

>> No.8885440

By me, i mean not Hanari. sorry

>> No.8885494

What's up with the second one in from the left? Did someone forget to teach her how to color?

>> No.8885741

Shes "willing to let go of it for $30"
No sane person would spend more than $5 on this

>> No.8885808

I'm pretty sure those gems have nothing to do with hanari?

>> No.8885815
File: 573 KB, 1080x1696, Screenshot_2016-02-26-13-43-19-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8887634

Wasn't me bro. I already did my promoting.

>> No.8888084
File: 595 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_o38c7qDgv71uxtwelo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone posted them on reddit a while back so i crossposted them here? omg

>> No.8888277

Too much shop which is why it looks "clean" it's pretty mediocre. There have been a few decent Sugilites that have floated under /cgl/'s radar not everybody posts on tumblr >>8876249 this ones extra arms are absolute garbage not even decent colors fix that travesty.

>> No.8888284

Where is there too much shop? I see where she blended her armsocks into her paint and where she smoothed out the wrinkles near her elbow, but not much besides that

>> No.8888539

post them then, dont bitch about other people not doing it

>> No.8888772
File: 1.96 MB, 1246x1920, tumblr_o3a0gpAUzY1rr9e97o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm half surprised this hasn't been posted yet.

>> No.8888776
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x783, tumblr_o3a0gpAUzY1rr9e97o2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8888781

oooh, I like this, if only the fabric wasn't so wrinkly and the wig was more...fluffy-ish

>> No.8888787

I really wish she had done a cutout and made the dress out of a better material, but her craftsmanship and overall look is clean. I'm not a fan of stiff drills personally, but I like the volume

>> No.8889156


This is the most pleasingly-shaped RQ dress I've seen, but the fabric edges and quality could have used some more work.

>> No.8889664


Danny Sexbang is a gift, a gift from the Sex Gods.

>> No.8889730
File: 105 KB, 456x810, tumblr_o3ai88DRf01r48n8wo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this will be at Anime Boston and I'm not exactly sure she understands percentage. She called it 90% done. All I can think is she hacked up a top and skirt? And wtf is the hemming?

>> No.8889760

I'm not sure I'd call any costume without a wig 90% done, regardless of other issues with her build.

>> No.8889785

I fear to see what her 'wig' will be. I find often shit tier SU cosplayers especially Rose ones rarely put any effort in the wigs

>> No.8889846

I would love this if it wasn't for the fabric. It looks like it's made out of construction paper.

>> No.8889890

I agree it needs ironing but the visual style of SU doesn't really give much leeway for fancy fabrics.

>> No.8889902

I think they mean it should have been a thicker version of the same fabric so it was less see through and wrinkly

>> No.8889908

making a ballgown out of cotton isn't really the smartest decision in general. a matte satin would have made more sense.

>> No.8890062

There's nothing to be salty about. These fats half ass their cosplays and its only accentuated by their pig snouts, sausage fingers, and swollen arms. Nobody in their right mind would be salty about not looking like >>8868223 or especially >>8868234

Its just gross, but I can understand why a fat sympathizer would need to defend themselves by calling others salty.

>> No.8890073

This is a guy...
Just putting it out there...

>> No.8890077


>> No.8890078

Wig is nicely done and is gorgeous HOWEVER the dress needs alot more work.
I mean ALOTT

>> No.8890082

What are you talking about? SU cosplayers use non-cotton fabrics all the time and it looks great. >>8868234 is clearly using a fabric with a sheen to it and despite the awkward shape it looks far better than the unhemmed cotton edges.

>> No.8890095

Is there any solid proof either way?

>> No.8890097

Check the shoulders first

>> No.8890101

The character they are cosplaying is fat though. They don't have pig snouts. I'm not a fat sympathizer, I'm a human being who can tell when someone else is being a dick out of insecurity. Most people are cosplaying for fun anyways not to fit into some mold that people like you set as acceptable. If they were overweight cosplaying Pearl I would understand your discomfort, but you're angry because these "fat people" finally have a character they can cosplay as and connect to that isn't drawn in a funny or disgusting manner. I think it makes you mad that these overweight woman are dressing like a beautiful character and you can't criticize their weight in the costume because the character itself is literally a giant woman who wears an XXL. Salty. You are Salty. Fritos level salty.

>> No.8890108

Solid proof =/= someone having masculine shoulders, though.

>> No.8890112

agreed. I have a similar body type as the photo, but with slightly larger chest. Because my arms are so thin and lanky my bones pop out and give me very manly looking shoulders. it doesn't mean she's a he.

>> No.8890114

I've also seen the photo on trap threads so really it's borderline

>> No.8890116

Yeah, I know she doesn't have Marfan's Syndrome, but she has a very tall bony build. I don't think she's a guy so much as she has a very lanky body, which most people dont associate with girls

>> No.8890149

Wait, why does it matter that it's from a Captain America mold? I don't see how him using that as a base to make it matters all that much. If more people did this we wouldn't have all those lumpy ass, uneven shields that people like to boast about.

>> No.8890159

>banana man from Adventure Time achieved


>> No.8890179


>> No.8890181

it matters because you can see the ridges that are from the captain america shield, which roses' shield doesn't have. and this isn't something new- i've seen a ton of stevens and roses simply paint over a captain america shield because they're easy to get ahold of from a costume store.

>> No.8890190

needs a bit more work but this is a wonderful start.

>> No.8890198

If anyone bothered to fill the ridges, which would be easily doable, it'd be fine, though

>> No.8890475

Are you capable of an actual rebuttal other than hurling lel saly XDDDDD like every other 12 year old on Tumblr? The meme died ages ago, you're in /cgl/; everyone here criticizes someone without jealousy needing to be a factor. You sound like someone who never let go of that dated mindset.

>> No.8890496

I guess I thought the word salty was a better descriptor than "being an overly judgmental bitch, just to be an overly judgmental bitch" my apologies anon, clearly critizing others the way you did never comes from insecurity.

>> No.8890867

I'm pretty sure I know that Steven irl

>> No.8890899
File: 13 KB, 300x300, Peridot....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on making a Limb-Enhancer Peridot and I was wondering how I should do the fingers. I'll already be working on an articulated hands for another cosplay and was wondering if I should try that with peridot as well. That way my actual hands would be in the limb enhancers and the proportions would look better.

>> No.8891081

iirc the most popular peridots on here made the limbs as regular length sleeves, and wore black gloves with green cylinders stuck on each finger. mostly on the basis that it is really hard to go around all day with no access to hands. what is the other cosplay?

>> No.8891154
File: 104 KB, 681x1024, su_peridot_cosplay_by_sioxanne-d9fdbhj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My other cosplay is Yozakura from Senran Kagura >>8882662 I'm not too worried about not having access to hands because my boyfriend has already agreed to helping me out with my lack of hands. And I feel like having some articulation would be better than the floating fingers some peridots do.

>> No.8891181
File: 40 KB, 960x539, tmp_17210-FB_IMG_1456865587703256968729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> $20

>> No.8891193

what what a nice peridot. love the sheen of the suit

>> No.8892494

My measurements are 90/70/99 cm b/w/h (64 kg, 173cm tall).

How much padding should I do for Jasper? My biceps are only 29cm around and I don't want to make them look punier than the are by playing up my chest or hips too much. I also don't want to pad my arms because I don't think convincing muscle shapes are doable in my time frame (3weeks) and I do have some muscle definition that I don't want to cover up.

However I do have latex and foam so if anyone has any good muscle suit tutorials I'm open to that too. Thanks!

>> No.8893054

numbers mean nothing, post a picture

>> No.8895861


>> No.8895868

hes selling this for like 1000 bucks i think lmfao

>> No.8896492

Christ, I wouldn't pay more than 60 for that. You can get better ones on Etsy for about 100, and that's with custom molds, not reused captain america shit

>> No.8896557

Maybe the $1000 Rose cosplayer will want it. Double the price must mean double the attention!

>> No.8896562

I still can't get over that price. I know it's because she went for GLW wigs (which aren't even the right color), but I would die if I spent that kind of money and still ended up with a wrinkly cotton dress that isn't even connected at the waist, and has the dumb fabric star that every low-budget Rose does.

>> No.8898740

i dont think you know what those words mean. it looks like cotton balls stuck together

>> No.8905082

hello from my nightmares. Amethyst deserves better than this

>> No.8905097

I'm that bad atm, but I'm not trying to sell my pieces of shit.

>> No.8905184

Everybody has to start somewhere. But yeah, at least you're not trying to sell it.

People like that are the reason why regresty existed.

>> No.8906496
File: 14 KB, 236x287, 0495807a5a5d0752e0f0a75b1b110bbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that Rose supposed to has flat belly and a body reminiscent of a female heavy weights lifter, not a whale.

>> No.8906501

Daily reminder that stupid people don't know how to form basic sentences.
>Supposed to has flat belly

>> No.8906506
File: 361 KB, 780x553, 73033cca03ead051e95cd3b3ba96d4b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Rose was also super preggers at one point.

>> No.8906525
File: 475 KB, 1280x1707, 1457323548554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fully admit at being stupid and fucking up that sentence
In my defense - English is not my first language, but yeah, that was quite embarrassing.

I suppose calling people whales was also pretty imature and uncalled for, even if it's 4Chan

I just wanna see a cute bearmode Rose in my lifetime, man

>> No.8906526

why that picture
W H Y (?)

>> No.8906529
File: 141 KB, 1024x756, Rose_&_Jasper_by_Erica_Jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coz im stupid and selected the wrong pic
Jeez I'm just all kinds of fuck up today

>> No.8906739
File: 258 KB, 737x1280, tumblr_ns0wjqeZNt1qzzfdxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting favorite rose body for the upteenth time. i think she may have been a bit more muscular during the the war, but definitely is softer than jasper. not flabby and untoned, but maybe some pounds of padding on top of muscle.

>> No.8907333

they're all rocks projecting a physical form. muscle and 'pounds of padding' sounds really stupid. also that rose is terrible please stop self posting no one cares

>> No.8907357

it's the only way i can describe how i see her figure. and it's not selfpost- i'm not fond of her actual cosplay, but her body is nice for rose. you're getting angry for no reason

>> No.8907408


>> No.8908374

Now I want to know, what did she post on accident?

>> No.8908407

That Rose isn't that bad. The bottom tiers of the dress should be a different color and the hair should be bigger/curlier, but the construction is decent and she's actually using a dress instead of going the budget white shirt + tiered skirt route.

...Then again, I have pretty low standards for Rose cosplayers. Most of them are just terrible.

>> No.8909325 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 557x305, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder everyone hates your cringey community of fatasses whom overly obsess over a children's cartoon.
>a community for ether children
>or adults (who like children.....)

Yeah, not creepy at all.

>> No.8909334

Just a random Undertale cosplay pic from another thread, nothing exciting

>> No.8909337 [DELETED] 

do children made of ether need a community?

>> No.8909348 [DELETED] 

Worst comm ever

>> No.8909591

Yeah, I'm a 34D and that's only a bcup

>> No.8909622
File: 47 KB, 500x342, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8909674

I don't know what you guys are seeing but most of these aren't good. Maybe they're too advanced and the cartoon designs are harder to replicate? Maybe too expensive to buy what's required? It doesn't help that a lot of them look physically awful, tired and sickly. Where is the passion and dedication? I suppose this one, to me is the strongest >>8888772 The wig helps a ton. I can at least see that this cosplayer worked really hard in that particular aspect.

Could anyone convince me at least one other of these is objectively good?

>> No.8909694

Did you not see >>8873422 and >>8876172? This isn't one of the better SU threads, and mainly people tend to post new things in these threads, even if they aren't good. There are good SU cosplays, but everyone has already seen them multiple times so there's really no point in looking at them for the upteenth time.

>> No.8909719

Is this honestly great, but can't you take out your fucking piercing to cosplay.

>> No.8909724

But cotton candy Garent's hair looks more like clouds than real hair.

>> No.8909755

No it doesn't? It looks like Garnet's hair painted pink and blue. The addition of color doesn't suddenly change the texture unless you think normal Garnet's hair also looks like clouds..

>> No.8909935

I looked through the episode, but I could've swore her hair was more cloud like and waving with bits flying off. Maybe it was fan made gif I saw or something.

>> No.8909940
File: 1.90 MB, 480x270, 201814638db533aacc294b39fa20bab8.480x270x26.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also think it looks like it has a different texture than Garnet's newer hair. I think it's the fact that it looks like it has less defined structure.

>> No.8910054 [DELETED] 

Dude, you people are a fucking cancer.

>> No.8910174
File: 72 KB, 540x540, tumblr_o3y87vx2la1rsl9pxo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8910186
File: 150 KB, 540x540, tumblr_o3y3froMjk1thoz3wo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8911212 [DELETED] 

Daily reminder your community drove a girl to suicide, is objectively trash, and everyone hates you.

>> No.8911290
File: 803 KB, 364x205, 1453860926569.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no not a shit post

>> No.8911300
File: 175 KB, 1252x1252, WMJ_emHQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8911426

This is a very cute Pearl, I like the way she styled her wig!

>> No.8911433
File: 86 KB, 426x341, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8911474
File: 1.39 MB, 1238x885, tumblr_nvelij8t8k1qjk9wso2_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one Jasper cosplayer might not have the most polished of costumes but she's always hot as hell.

>> No.8911484
File: 82 KB, 464x251, knees weak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, please, i can only spaghetti so much

>> No.8911505
File: 1.64 MB, 1280x897, tumblr_nveri9Ifde1sg3devo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's one of my favorite Jaspers as well- on top of being really attractive, I love her wig's volume

>> No.8911860

Has anyone seen a perfect or near perfect Ruby yet?

>> No.8912128

Seerofsarcasm has the best one in my opinion but I've never been able to find good photos of it.

>> No.8912156

Thats a really subjective question, anon. There will never be a universally perfect or near perfect cosplay of anything. My definition of a perfect ruby is probably different then yours.

>> No.8912180

The problem I have with this Jasper is that she only seems to be able to make this face in every photo.

>> No.8912227
File: 2.26 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160315-005750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rose Quartz guys.

>> No.8912235
File: 49 KB, 700x549, female heavy weight lifter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a female heavy weights lifter
>pic related

>> No.8912280

Eh, there's a pretty wide variety of female weight lifter body types.

>> No.8912282
File: 52 KB, 620x387, Zoe-Smith_2293842b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, dropped pic.

>> No.8912511
File: 89 KB, 500x500, Mint_1__86416.1371235082.800.800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sad unstyled GLW wig irks me to no end.

>> No.8912718

who else hate this bitch?

>> No.8912756

I agree with this, same goes for the "perfect" Rose Quartz.

That being said I've seen a handful of pretty good ones floating around (usually ones who aren't tomato red). Nothing is perfect but you can easily find half a dozen solid versions of every SU character if you look.

>> No.8912810

Her boobs are really creepy... it's something about the shape of them

>> No.8912843
File: 116 KB, 742x960, 10527530_1091339054244034_1691911458593007884_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dump of the new posts off that sometimes unfortunate Steven Universe Facebook Page:

>> No.8912846
File: 96 KB, 960x695, 10615333_500988193438351_6559649555577064620_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8912850
File: 1.17 MB, 856x1200, tumblr_o3mw4ojcTi1qd5txyo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8912854
File: 73 KB, 720x960, 10606619_10153946794094383_3722688737571747502_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8912856
File: 77 KB, 720x960, 12814146_1231641753530557_5612251474833130586_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8912857
File: 77 KB, 960x797, 1916354_1003571653062797_6731579884640153353_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8912859
File: 64 KB, 720x960, 10388562_1227304477297939_7762349003041853964_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok last one from dump

>> No.8912863

her costumes are always mediocre at best but because she flashing T&A all these fuck boys loose their damn minds over her.

>> No.8912865

Thanks for the dump anon. I might do an Instagram tag dump later. I'm very confused about this- is it... Magical girl Garnet, but with unstyled brown hair?

>> No.8912901

The two parallels of Rose cosplayers: the dry tangly wig and the greasy weighed down wig. Both aren't horrible though, I've seen much worse!
This is a cute enough idea, obvi shoot on third eye, but I get what she was trying to show. I think it's kind of unique?
This is pretty cool! some messy things on the eye but it looks like its going to be a decent cosplay.
I don't really know what to say for this..the wig looks messy. but she looks cute?
The hologram Pearl isn't bad!
Also slightly confused by this one!

>> No.8914116

I have lost so much respect for this cosplayer.

>> No.8914740

"Nailed it"

>> No.8914796

Am I just seeing things or is that school uniform Amethyst's skirt see-through?

>> No.8914803

it does look almost like it could be see through but i think it might just be unfortunately positioned wrinkles.

>> No.8917611

tag dump or is this thread kill?

>> No.8917669

Thread is in sage so I say start a new one.

Suggested dump for the next thread: "best of" or just some favorite cosplays of different SU characters. I agree with the above anon that lately the threads have been pretty subpar quality. It'd be good to remind ourselves that good versions actually exist.

>> No.8917672


>> No.8922098

This is a really good Greg.

>> No.8922117

Is... is she wearing a white leotard over yellow spats??

what is happening here

>> No.8923093


That's because she's holding them up with her arm to make them look bigger and perkier.

>> No.8924983


>> No.8926209
File: 14 KB, 300x339, tumblr_inline_o373eb3oaV1td20st_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Garnet looks like she's doing this.

>> No.8926238

Your opinion is so important to us

>> No.8926312

People obviously out of middle school wearing seifuku annoys me more than their cosplay desu. Uniforms generally meant for young people don't age well.

>> No.8926325

Not kawaii.

>> No.8926610

What the hell is the point of this thread if not to give opinions. Get outta here.

>> No.8927494
File: 852 KB, 1944x1944, IMG_20160323_021607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here going to sakuracon? I'll be peri on Sat :)

>> No.8927648
File: 122 KB, 720x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why people can't put on properly their makeup?
This shit looks so shiny and oily.

>> No.8927655
File: 80 KB, 755x422, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sapphire wig. THE FRINGE.

>> No.8927707

Just a quick reminder that this is /cgl/.

>> No.8927883

Rubies really need to put extra time into their makeup/paint too, because it's such an unflattering color.

>> No.8927948
File: 334 KB, 1280x1836, tumblr_o367pdI7nu1tsh9jxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think she's the ruby. she always have the oily face (also this pic looks photoshopped or is just me?)

>> No.8928166

Definitely photoshopped around the nose, arm, and armhole

>> No.8928177

the ''muscle'' is photoshopped too? lmao

>> No.8930288
File: 91 KB, 456x810, tumblr_nvcnpfOxR91sn97nuo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

find this on tumblr .I want to see the final result because they look so good

>> No.8930314
File: 492 KB, 2048x1365, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8930563
