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8878853 No.8878853 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread in autosage >>8852388
New LARP thread

larp pics, questions, stuff goes here

>> No.8878862

Are ren fair costumes welcome as well? I do a lot of high fantasy stuff and I'd love to show my progress and discuss construction, but since I won't actually roleplay but just enjoy the crafting I'm not sure if this is the right space.

>> No.8878866

I'm pretty sure that depends on the larp and what are their setting. postapoc larps have different standards than high fantasy and low fantasy ones and even in just one genre there are differences.

But if you just want to show the costume, then yeah, go for it, it's totally accepted here

>> No.8878871
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Cool! In that case it won't hurt to show my progress and ask for some concrit. Yesterday I finished the harness for my wings. The costume is gonna be a harpy. Now it's time to work out claws and clothes.

>> No.8878872

is the thing around the waist what holds the wings?

>> No.8878877
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Yes, though the blue cloth is unrelated. Pic related shows the rear view. The wings are slid into tubes and are detachable.

>> No.8878895
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Anyone ever been to one of them BBR games in Sweden? Experiences about organization?

>> No.8878921
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While it's certainly more comfortable to wear the wings that way you might need a second belt for fixing it. Also it might make you look wider.

The closest I heard about are the Berget events in Sweden which are allegedly the biggest airsoft larps. But sadly nothing about the BBR games so far

>> No.8878948
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Alright, you have posted. Well posted. A post by you has been seen. Congratulations.

>> No.8878966

Sorry for being a total newbie but does anyone know about any good beginner LARPs in Sweden, preferably fantasy LARPs of some kind? I tried to look into it but all I could find was this one very long LARP and some vampire stuff.

>> No.8879105

It's worth checking local Universities as they often have some sort of roleplaying society that can point you in the direction of any local larps.

>> No.8879362

Hello fellow larpers, Belgian Larpfag here.
I started to play heavily armoured characters, and it's a lot of fun. But i started wondering about custom-made armour, because it's not easy finding armour pieces that are both compatible and at the right size for me.
Among the armourers you can find on the net, which one would you recommend?

>> No.8879366
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I haz made 'nother boffer!

More of a high fantasy style this time.
Not too happy with the blade paint job. Itink it looks a bit boring. Next time I'll use hammered looking spray paint

>> No.8879369
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>> No.8879372
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>> No.8879374

While I personally don't like that much this dagger design I know people who would throw money at you for this.

If we use the "can find on the internet" a little strictly as in they have a webpage then I would say none of them.
Either they are way too expensive or have a way too long waiting list or aren't good enough. Then again blacksmiths are solitary creatures, rarely seen on the interwebz in their full beauty and sometimes it's hard to communicate with them

>> No.8879393

Thanks for the answer. Well, I wouldn't mind paying less than the prices I've seen on the net, but I guess you don't know a good one who would deliver to Belgium?

>> No.8879404

I know a good one who would deliver to Belgium but he has also a way too long waiting list.

Also if you need something that is fitted to you you should find a local one where you can try the stuff on for the little details and such. Try local reenactor groups (you can probably find them on facebook) they will surely know a local blacksmith

>> No.8879411

also Esh, you might get a better end result (in my eyes at least) if instead o drawing a contour line on the blade you put fullers on it

>> No.8879435

Thanks, i'll do that in that case.

>> No.8879444


>> No.8879447

This is awesome!!

Also, does anyone have Tarantula's costuming guide? Could be useful to me right now, especially the colours part. Trying to decide what colours would suit my tabard the best.

>> No.8879450
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the... grooves? in the (not always) middle of the blade in a weapon

>> No.8879475

Ah ok yeah.
I WANTED to do that, but I was afraid I'd fuck it up. The router is a fickle mistress

>> No.8879479
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Hey freaks and geeks! Just got home from MAGfest

>rather than some Elven forged shenanigans that Gropey is like to recommend.

What the dicks does that mean?

He should polish that bitch.

Aluminum is banned from ACL/BotN.

India. Its a big place, with many different cultures to pic from that would fit.

Hey hey! Is your thorax Leather or linen laminate?

That can be fixed, its just not often requested.

Modern chairs are shit on our bodies anyways.

Sure is! Reenacting, historic recreation, LARP, various western martial arts and general historic costuming are all welcome.

If you don't want to look "odd" I suggest following the rule of tincture. It separates colors for heraldic purposes, but creating a contrast that holds up over distance. The tabard being in general a heraldic garment, should follow.

Colors are Blue, Red, Black, Green, Purple, with Brown being rare.

Metals are Yellow (gold) and White (silver). Orange is rare, and considered a shade of yellow.

Color on color, or metal on metal are super rare, and at a distance, fade into each other.

>> No.8879481
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harass AHLF for tips if you want some

>> No.8879490

will do at the next opportunity!

>> No.8879493

I can give you his address so you can stalk him or something

>> No.8879561
File: 2.18 MB, 850x4000, Tarantula's guide to garb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go, shitty typos and everything.
Part 1.

>> No.8879566
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Part two, colors and shit.

>> No.8879569
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Part three. That's all.

>> No.8879733

I made it of linen. Much cheaper as the whole role of fabric was only $40$ and the dye was 5 bucks. I still have 1/3 of the fabric so I could make something else of it.

>> No.8879749

I had just talked to some people in my local group about this stuff the other week. Holy shit it sounds complicated.
To me it's just a picture with fancy shit on it but it reads like a long ass title.

>> No.8879955
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>> No.8879958
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>> No.8879959
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>> No.8879963
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>> No.8880128
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I'd be really disappointed if there wasn't a hammer to go with it.

>> No.8880131
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Made out of Floor Mats with a wood backing.

>> No.8880169


Armouring isn't a big thing in Belgium, there's some class A knife smiths, but they're horrendously expensive.
There's plenty of medieval fairs/markets peddling their wares, and they sell better gear than most larp shops. It's still not made to size mind, and has quite an upmark in pricing.

Alternatively, call a farrier, or if all else fails, an art smith. Careful, they probably do not know or understand armouring, with all that entails.
You'll find those far more often, and with some luck, they'll do it for the novelty (still pricey), or know a guy who does.

If you want to not pay an arm and a leg, though, you might want to go for chainmail, I mean, you can find those for chests up to 145cm.

>> No.8880362

>read this guide about coordinating shoes and belt
>my shoes are a sandy brown
>my belt is dark brown

well shit.I always thought as long as they were either black & black or brown & brown you were good.

>> No.8880400

anon, there are always exception to the rules.
Or to be more precise those are only guidelines and a fuckton of things can and will influence if the outcome is good or not

>> No.8880423

Everything involved in my guide is *basic* design and coordination, intended for new people before they buy bright red pants.

All of the rules are guidelines, and can be broken, it's just not as easy as following them.

>> No.8880670
File: 47 KB, 736x920, reer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to start collecting stuff for my Plague doctor outfit. Any idea one where to get cheap stuff but with an authentic feel to it? Already had a look on mytholon, good stuff!

>> No.8880729

I gnab bed a monks robe off the internet, a wide brimmed felt hat from a thrift shop and a balaclava.
Make your own pimp stick as its fairly easy to decorate.

>> No.8880730

A lot of the individual parts for the costume are generic with special details added- black cowl, black robe, black cape, black gloves, etc. They should be fairly easy to get or make. Make sure they are natural fabrics.

The hardest part is the mask and you should expect to drop the most cash on it. There are plenty of well made ones on Etsy for a fair price.

>> No.8880732
File: 4 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got an oilskin coat but I think it looks far too modern and I've no idea how to regress it's sewing technology to look late 17th

>> No.8880737

Dude. No. Just make your own. They are srsly Hella easy. You can get pattern online and make them via RVA floor mats or paper mache.
I guess you could go the route of leather, but you can do some crazy shit with EVA

>> No.8880740

If it is actually oilskin, that is a reasonable starting point- the outer robe for the doctors was thick, waxed fabric. If it looks like your pic, I would ditch the buttons- they're too bright- and make an additional black robe to layer over it.

Also remove any extraneous tabs or decorations.

I would say it isn't ideal, you will probably have a sincerely easier time just buying fabric and sewing your own stuff, but it's not the worst especially with things layered over it.

...Assuming it actually comes down full length, of course. If this ends at your knee, don't do it.

>> No.8880742

Also, when in season the empty christmas ornaments make good slightly durable potion bottles as long as you can fashion a cork our of clay or somesuch

>> No.8880744

Yeah. It ends at the knee. Still, nice coat really is 100% waterproof

>> No.8880759

Yeah at that point I'd say start from scratch. The effort you'd put into making it in genre would be more than you would getting a basic nightgown pattern and just making it yourself out of linen, and would look worse.

Nice coat though.

>> No.8880768

Can one actually buy oilskin/wax impregnated cotton? Or is it a post assembly kind of thing

>> No.8880812

Each mask took me about 4 hours. Once trial and error or the actual mask patter was dealt with. Black one needs lenses ( which will most likely be silver mirror shade aviator lenses)

>> No.8880815
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Bah, forgot picture

>> No.8880823
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These are little glass bottles I got for 1$ a pop at the craft store. Filled with acrylic paint and water. The empty one was windex and it aperently ate through the cork...so don't use that.

>> No.8880867

You can buy it, but it's pretty easy to do yourself. It's just extremely messy and requires a lot of wax.

I don't know exactly what OP is going for, but if authenticity is the goal those wouldn't work. Good work, though.

...Good to know. I have a vial of blue mouthwash in my kit, which has worked out fine and provides a similar noxious bright blue.

>> No.8880872

Where are you finding ornaments that don't explode if they touch the ground on anything that isn't carpet?

>> No.8880898

Just paint them diffrently, or a more conical nose and rim the eyes might be closer to the etsy style Medico Pestè

>> No.8880910

They are thin clear plastic ornaments. Ovoid in shape. I had one in my hand when taking the potion picture and now it's gone and disaperared.

Also don't forget your handmade potpourri to put in the beak, we cant have you catching the Sickness from all that miasma.

>> No.8880920

Holy shit what.

Good job i am legit impressed.

>> No.8881042
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Sure. If OP doesn't want to be accurate, they can go right ahead and do that. I am working under the assumption they want to wear a plague doctor mask for the purpose they were made for, rather than pure aesthetics.

>> No.8881053

Downright terrifying

>> No.8881260
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>I am working under the assumption they want to wear a plague doctor mask for the purpose they were made for, rather than pure aesthetics.
What a horrible time it must be when larpers smell so bad you need a plague doctor mask to not gag at the smell.

>> No.8881524

How good should you be at something before you can make it a character aspect (e.x. good at tailoring) and you're not just pumping yourself full of hot air?

>> No.8881535

Anyone has a good tutorial for Post-Apoc shoulder armour? I have both scrape street signs and EVA so either work.

>> No.8881550
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As long as you're not planning on actually doing it in game, in my opinion just reading a book or doing some basic research is enough. Enough that you can use the correct terms and seem to have something of an idea of what you're talking about in game.

The more important the aspect is to your character, the more knowledge/ability you should have for it.

I've met that guy, though that photo is very old. His wife makes those masks and they are stinkin' beautiful. It fills me with bitter rage.

>> No.8881558

as a rule of thumb: do you want to make people believe that have no or next to no knowledge about it? Reading up or a little experience should be enough. Do you want to fool people that actually know their shit? Be double as good as you expect your character to be because you will overestimate yourself.

>> No.8881581

Alternatively, your character can continually go on about it but in reality they're too incompetent to know they're incompetent. Works better with some professions (ie: doctors) than others.

>> No.8881635

>Get (IE Buy)

Pick two of the three.

MY suggestion: Get a Simplicity or McCall's patern for robes and either make or barter with someone to make them for you. Its a pretty easy pattern, and they make it near fool proof with the guides.

Following that, make a mask. Laquered paper mache was actually more common than leather. There are a million guides to making paper mache plague masks online.

If you really need to buy, I suggest this. Its cotton, but its heavy weight and looks damn good. I own a red one.

Not even close to authentic

Craft store for the win. I actually found a decent urine flask style bottle there for my 15thC medical kit.

Thick glass globe bottles are only $1 at Micheals crafts.

I laughed

>> No.8881801

All this response, thanks you guys, I appreciate it.

>> No.8881811

I am getting one made near september in actual leather, light brown leather with red lenses. It will be filled with straw and aromatic herbs. It will be the most expensive part, because I want it to look good enough to be combined with many other outfits. A sort of plague doctor throughout the ages.

>> No.8881832

Do you make your own blades or do you order it from someplace?

>> No.8881872

Yes this is entirely made by me.

>> No.8882108

Plauge Doctors... in Spaaaaccceee

>> No.8882175
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Plague doctors in Japan, hooooaaaaaaahhh

>> No.8882589

Hello Anon,
Well, I didn't think about the farrier/art smith, maybe i'll try that, since i live in the country, and if i do that, discuss a lot with them about the subject.

>> No.8883783

Holy fucking fuck that armor is an eyesore.

>> No.8883934

Too much money, not enough sense. Some of these larp armor prices are ridiculous.

>> No.8884216

he is just having a blue

>> No.8884454

How goes the armored combat league for you Gropey?

>> No.8884576

Just thought I'd chuck this in here because it pissed me off so bad.

So, I play this system, pretty big one in the UK, all sorts come to it. I have this character idea to work into a group I've been friends with for a while, I roll up a ship rat character, part of the backstory is on the ship I got my neck caught in some rope, which is how I got the name Noose. I spent ages making a perfectly safe noose that looked legit, with a system of velcro and a lanyard clip that could be hidden inside and the end wouldn't fall out, while also not killing me if the thing was pulled.

So, first event as this character, I get my kit on, and wait for time in to be called. Before time in though, I get pulled aside by a ref, asking me to take the noose off. I show them it's safe, but they say it's not a safety issue.

Turns out someone had put a complaint in, basically saying that the noose had triggered them and I should remove it, and the refs had to get me to do it. I was, and still am, so pissed. It was a semi-important part of my kit, and the part I was most proud of making, and some cunt trigger warning-ed me out of it.

The salt is real. folks.

>> No.8884594
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>> No.8884611
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Where did the pic go? Lets try that again

>> No.8884615

was that Empire by any chance?

>> No.8884627

Nope, LT. Been thinking about trying Empire, heard good things

>> No.8884630

that would have been in my next 3 guesses. I heard a lot of "funny" stories lately from UK larps. And by funny I mean the masturbating with a cheese grater kind of funny. Somehow entertaining but way more painful.
It was nearly always about social justice warriors

>> No.8884636

Yeah, the SJW drama has had a bit of an up-spike. You hear about the #Drowgate incident?

Bunch of SJWs on the UK larp forums complained about people playing Drow, because it seems similar to blackface. Drama happened, people raged, but now people just use it as a joke.

>> No.8884640

I closely observed drowgate, but I heard there was a rapiergate also which was slightly interesting

>> No.8884645

Missed that one, mind giving a recap?

>> No.8884655

IIRC it was something about one of the factions, maybe Dawn should use rapiers or not, or something along that line. So basically someone take it way too seriously as always

>> No.8884663

I love how a lot of the drama boils down to that. My favorite one the springs to mind is "People should only play character races that fit their body type and height."

>> No.8884679

Well, I got my invite to the national finals in California, but due to personal family issues, money was diverted elsewhere. I ended up going to MAGfest instead, as I just can't afford to fly, hotel etc in california on such short notice.

What the flying fuck? My condolences man. Can I suggest getting some werewolf costume gloves and some brown facepaint?

I remember both. And the Cock and Swallow on the facebook group. I also wont lie, I started the Gypsy character riot that go a mod kicked out.

>> No.8884683

Facepaint I've got, can never get the colour to match the mask in a pleasing way though. Gloves sound like a plan though, cheers.

>> No.8884760

I shit you not this was a discussion on larp haven. Which makes sense because larp haven is fucking cancer.

>Help me ponder this for LARP organizations since this comes up semi-regularly when it isn't shut down here: Whose responsibility in an organization or community is it to "increase diversity" if equity, equality, and representation are supposedly a part of our forward thinking, perspective taking, progressive spaces in LARPs?

>> No.8884807


This is something I will never understand.
If you want to get something accepted, just permit it, but don't overtalk of it, don't shoehorn it.

You don't do them a favor by going all positive discrimination on any minority.
It's still discrimination.

It make them different from the others.

>> No.8884837

Then you and the first guy to comment on that are in agreement. Turns out the progressive cancer in larp doesn't like being told that starting with the premise that larp is supposedly "forward thinking, perspective taking, progressive spaces" is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.8884853

Also, I met someone, made me wonder a bit.

A dude, a bit old for a larper, with 8 years of fencing. With a fleuret. on real fencing his shit weight 150g. He have a custom made fleuret with a very protective handguard that weight 200g. The blade is quite hard, thought, but he has the skill to not hit you harshly with.

He is good at it, obviously. He can hit you with many fast attack, without making them machinegun hit, because he turn them around well with his wrist. I'm talking 3 solid hit on 2 second.
Usually only his right hand and arm, ( protected by the handguard of course ) is at range for riposte, and that is of course useless. No armor, and he move fast.

I'm used to have good fucker that how to wave their latex dildo, but this one puzzle me a bit. Usually they have some good incentive to stay on a martial class if they have... IRL martial proficiency, and lose something when gaining something. like agility (and heat resistance ) for armor.

The problem is that this fucker is very good, and have a weapon that I find bordeline OP (being weightless, long and protective, it just seem superior), And it does not require from him any stat : he dont need any "warrior class" or weapon proficiency to use it.

So, he can and will play a mage that will be better in melee than most warrior, because nothing on the warrior class is of interest to him.

This possibility, and that weapon that seem so... made to win bother me.

Is that a tryhard that can ruin a game, or am I sperging out ?

>> No.8884872

the same thing that makes the foil great is also it's biggest weakness. The weapon has no weight whatsoever so binding or bashing attacks with heavier weapons can fuck you up a lot (I remember from my fencing days that we did some épée/foil matchups for fun, and it pretty much always ended with the épée coming out on top if the fighters were somewhat evenly matched in skill).
Also depending on how roleplay/what-you-see-is-what-you-get heavy your fights are, remember that a foil has no sharpened edge, it is thrust only, so any slashing attack can be pretty much ignored when it comes to hits (though I guess if he comes from foil fencing he won't be doing much slashing).

In the end though there's really not much you can if someone abuses the rules and his real life experience like this. sucks.

I guess sword and shield could work well against a foil fencer, now that I think about it, someone who knows how to wield a shield well should be able to shut the weapon down pretty effectively. Just a thought experiment though, no experience to base this on.

>> No.8884909
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>foil fencing
>actual martial skill
The fencing foil is not a weapon, it's a training tool to use so you don't shank your instructor with something actually pointy. foil fencing is the swordfighting equivalent of an ultralight dicksword.

Get a shield, either a big one or an entirely foam ultralight shield, all fencers except saber really fucking love stabbing people, so cover all your important bits with a fuckhueg shield like pic related.

>> No.8884964

>foil fencing is the swordfighting equivalent of an ultralight dicksword.

uh huh tell us more about how swinging your 2 pound boffer club is a more athletic activity than olympic fencing

>> No.8885069
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I'll back him up on this.

Real rapier and smallsword fencing is a fuckton different. Try doing any of the flippy-dippy car antennae bullshit with a real sword, and you're in for a world of shock. Real blades simply don't flex the same way, not even talking about the aerofoil effect or the mass. Time and time again, I have seen people who are excelent on the strip flounder hilariously in the list field.

Now that is not saying foil/epee/saber doesn't take skill, but it is a long separated sport extrapolation of actual rapier fencing.

You need to remember, this isn't just LARP, but western martial arts, reenacting and renfair.

>> No.8885077

Honestly, I don't blame the larp runners for this kind of shit. It sucks when it happens, but if don't cave to demands from social justice nuts like that, then they'll spread around the idea that this larp is "bigoted" or that they "don't care about respecting safe spaces" or stupid shit like that. And if that sort of thing gets around, it can really hurt them.

I blame the complainers for being complete nutters who can't step out their door without having a histrionic fit.

>> No.8885085

You're correct, but I think >>8884909
was rather missing the point in the first place. The guy didn't say anything about said player's skill with a foil equating to actual martial skill, just that in the context of the larp's ruleset, it was giving him a possibly-unfair advantage. That anon read the implication of foil = martial skill into that post, and responded to it, when it was never there to begin with.

>> No.8885098


Hey, you're welcome to play an agile and nimble 250lbs elf rogue if you want to, but if you can't keep up on hard marches or forest runs, I'm not going to pretend you did.

>> No.8885114

I've seen a good amount of Knights Templars but are there any good pictures of Saracens? That's the term yes?

>> No.8885148

Welcome to fighting someone with an inkling on control over his measure. While sportive fencing is pretty removed from actual martial arts, a lot of the same principles hold true in earlier single-handed swordsmanship like military sabres, sideswords, etc.

It can be very, very hard to consistently get into a position to hit someone and not get bopped in return if they're really minding their range like that. Doubly so if your system doesn't allow binding/grappling.

>> No.8885159

>The guy didn't say anything about said player's skill with a foil equating to actual martial skill
>Usually they have some good incentive to stay on a martial class if they have... IRL martial proficiency . . .
>The problem is that this fucker is very good, and have a weapon that I find bordeline OP (being weightless, long and protective, it just seem superior), And it does not require from him any stat : he dont need any "warrior class" or weapon proficiency to use it.
>So, he can and will play a mage that will be better in melee than most warrior, because nothing on the warrior class is of interest to him.

Pretty sure that reads as "this dude has IRL martial proficiency but isn't playing as a martial class and is still better at doing martial things"

Remind me at what point I claimed swinging boffer clubs around was more athletic than olympic fencing? Whipping a fencing foil around like a car antennae is as similar to actual swordfighting as swinging an ultralight dicksword.

>> No.8885260

And yet it still wasn't the point of the post, nor something that needed to be pointed out. He's saying that the guy is using something he's been trained to use, and is good at larp fighting as a result. Not that it translates to being good at real fighting.

I mean, you're right, that sport fencing is as far removed from real fighting as boffer combat is. But you're also a faggot for trying to push the conversation in that direction when his post wasn't about that. We know sport fencing is very different from real combat. You don't need to show off your knowledge by picking at that detail.

>> No.8885262

>And the Cock and Swallow on the facebook group
I'l be honest, I made that happen purposefully.

>> No.8885267

well, if the rules allow it then it's not the guy who is in the wrong of doing this.
Anyway if he is really good than that's the end of the story, he is good. You have to find an alternative way to overcome him, or train to be better.
And yes it might be not realistic but you will never achieve full realism, after all it's a larp with several layers of abstraction.

>> No.8885274

why haz pubes?

>> No.8885276

a lot of people think that if they put random shit on their weapon it makes them special and awesome. It's kind o a trend nowdays

>> No.8885298
File: 992 KB, 2048x2048, BtQ7n1Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people are posting their shit, I thought I'd post the shield I made.

All EVA foam mats, 3 layers thick, been using it for around 5 weeks with no noticeable damage.

>> No.8885544

It was Dawn.
The crux of the argument was one side saying that rapiers and basket hilt swords are off brief for the look and feel of Dawn. The other side going, fuck that, I like the look/it's what I own/it stops hand hits.

One of the big guys from PD (the company that runs it) basically came on and said that, yes they are off brief for Dawn, and to keep the feel of the nation he'd prefer folks to stick to what is on brief for each nation. However, not everyone owns weapons that fit to brief, and he'd rather people spent more time and effort on the major parts of their kit, rather than worrying about what hand guard someone weapon has.

So it was all a bit of a storm in a teacup, with both sides being right.

I use a rapier, which is off brief for Wintermark, but since I have a long running IC relationship from someone in the League (where rapiers are on brief) I've just said it was a present from her.

>> No.8885660

I know, and I played along. Im sure there are screencaps.

>> No.8885693

I have a few somewhere

>> No.8885728

yes, but :

Most of our larp= no thrust, and he has pretty well changed his trust with "light slash"

And you don't really lose control of you blade if bashed. Well, a bit, enough for a épée-rapier thrust to get throught, but not in term of Larp shit. You rather use the momentum gained to power the next attack. If I try to power attack him, he just block with the handguard/strong of the sword.

Tried with a shield, but it was a Heater shield. result is kinda mediocre. Using it as a rondache with only the hand holding it was better, otherwise it lacked the speed to catch up.

>>8885159 Come on. I know this is not a martial art. But for the sake of comprehension, replace "martial proficiency" with "skill on his personal sport", >>8885260 got it.


Agree. My hema club do rapier too, and the Spanish one weight easily 1 kilo and more. Change everything.


Yes, he is in the right. My personal solution is to bring a crossbow.

I still think is that this still look like a form of abuse. not his skill, but the sword.
I dislike the fact that its not a weapon, but a tool mostly used in a era where we have repeating rifle, that it is very efficient IG, and thus is a pain in the ass in term of RP and gameplay.

On those 2 category, I have seen abominations. Tryhard using shield the size of door, and weapon from the far future on a viking garb... But the two at once, acknowledged and assumed just because it's better.... Yea, I'm fucking rustled.

>> No.8885730

thats some fine craftmanship there.

If you have other stuff like that to post please do, we love pics of craft

>> No.8885770

>My personal solution is to bring a crossbow.
or pay him so he is whit you.

>> No.8886009

I vaguely know about the Cock and Swallow banner you've got, but I didn't know there was an incident about it.

>> No.8886015
File: 27 KB, 259x346, 51eUuDaSErL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tryhard using shield the size of door, and weapon from the far future on a viking garb
I don't have this osprey book in front of me, but I think there is some evidence for vikings with xbox hueg shields.

>> No.8886021

It's actually very funny, but I will tell you about it tomorrow as I have an event and I have to go get some sleep now

>> No.8886403

Oh Alliance forum rules theory I miss you. It was almost as needlessly hateful as 4chan, except filled with dicksword fellaters.

>> No.8887198

alright so, it's kind of late here but I'm at a computer now, so here is the short version of the story.

After ew months I was banned from that group there was a night where I had too much free time and too much good ideas at the same time with not enough sleep combined, so I asked a friend who was still in the group to post one of the design pics about the cock and swallow banner and ask people if they have any kind of heraldry or flags in their game to pose it as a legitimate thread.

Obviously this triggered more than a few people there and some of them wrote very funny comments. Like some guy wrote that any larp that allows that banner in their game must be shit for this (that means Drachenfest is shit)
Or that I should be banned from every larp every for doing this.
Or that some people would beat the living shit out of me for this banner if they ever meet me in a larp. Sadly when it was told that they can find me on Drachenfest every year they doesn't really replied to that...
Anyway, fun times were had

>> No.8887627

>Facebook shittalking is now incidents
jesus christ what a way to blow people getting mad on fb out of porportions

>> No.8887726

for them it was an incident, for me it was a Tuesday night.
But to be honest it's kind of hard to have any other kind of incident with people who are a continent away.
I mean around here an incident is when someone gets thrown in the frozen river, or someone gets elbowed in the mouth or forces other player to try to kill a stray dog, etc

>> No.8887755

>forces other player to try to kill a stray dog, etc

>> No.8888112
File: 451 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_2060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought drug paraphernalia for a roleplaying game
>tfw don't even do drugs

Got it in based Chinatown for my doctor/alchemist kit. It's exactly the right size to be a 'potion vial' by the rules of our game so I'm just going to stick a hallucinate elixir tag on it and call it a day.

>> No.8888164
File: 1.07 MB, 1000x1333, 064_Ronda, szőrös telepes asszony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some dumbfuck at a shit tier game had this awesome idea to feed a stray old dog that they found. Said dog was old and half blind and basically in a pretty shitty shape. Because people gave food to him it obviously stayed around. But when night had come the dog started growling at people who got close to him. Most probably he couldn't see too well and even worse when it was night so I would say the dog was afraid.
People complained that the dog is growling at them and they are now "afraid" because what if the dog attacks them
Then the main organizer and a few others of the game decided that the dog MUST die. So the whole group grabbed one axe and went to find the dog. Later they come back, axe had blood on it, and they said they couldn't kill the dog as it ran away but they injured him. So now there was a "dangerous" and injured stray dog in the forest at night who will OBVIOUSLY attack any human now that some retards attacked him. The solution for this that the organizers stated that EVERYONE MUST COME and help them to kill the dog.

That's when the eyewitness who told me this story made up his mind, packed up and left from the game in the middle of the night without looking back to that cesspool.

Also said main organizer had a lot under his name, like drinking, consuming painkillers AND drugs at the same time during games because he "can't take all this stress"
Also tried to pretend he has cancer so a girl would have pity sex with him but it failed.
And a lot of other stories

>> No.8888197
File: 120 KB, 500x376, tumblr_inline_ndhs2n1Wp61rpr1t4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ.

>> No.8888205

people kind of forgetting sometimes that even if we have good costumes here now but we started from the bottom and it's still eastern europe

>> No.8888303

>noun: incident; plural noun: incidents
>an event or occurrence.

I don't see the problem.

>> No.8888320

What the hell?! What LARP was it and who was this asshole? Can't even describe how mad I am at this.

>> No.8888379

I don't think any of it would tell you much but the game was called Fireball, lots of years ago and no longer exists. The guy's nick is "Cebo" and sadly he still exists

>> No.8888549

Sound funy. Post 'em.

>> No.8889050

So a member of the Larp group I started decided to go full on anime. Made a sword that's about nine feet long and two feet wide.
He can swing it two-handed. We pretty much have to stand back and shoot arrows at him, because we're dead meat if we get too close.
At least he never finished his plate armor...

>> No.8889066

By the gods, this is good stuff. I'm definitely getting this to my group. They're... somewhat lacking in garb ability. And fashion sense.

>> No.8889146
File: 66 KB, 540x960, 10887775_410149322477276_19635750_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

allegedly, I promote rape culture by simply existing

>> No.8889162


How does it promote rape culture. As far as i know cocks and swallowing can all be fully consensual.

>> No.8889164

don't forget the rape flower and the codpiece

>> No.8889167


Absolutely disgusting!

I like the banner tough, and seriously, why can't people take a joke now days.

>> No.8889182

"people" can take jokes
a particularly loud mouthed group of retards can't

>> No.8889337

The flower thing went way over my head.

I want to design my own cleverly hidden joker banner form my group now.

>> No.8889423
File: 76 KB, 500x500, rape_token.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8889634

meanwhile I didn't found any more worthwhile screencaps but I found a save of the text of the thread so I can share some of the gems from it

>Burn. It.

> I would have had it gone if it was at a game I attended.

>I'm offended at just the plain _words_ on the banner. "Follow the cock and swallow"

> quote : "it's a phallocentric society at LARP in the UK" - vow. time to change that? what we did in Norway back in the early 90ies was that we tried to make any male attending our game to bring at least 2 females - they could bring their auntie, their crazy neighbour, nagging half-sister or the nerd girl from their classroom or whoever - just so more women at least got an invitation to hang out with us - within a year our larp society had changed, (the women did not play whores or did the cooking at events... ) within 2 years we had female only organiser groups. it is actually not healthy nor sustainable having such a one-sided culture within your leisure time hobby.

>Trust us, we get the joke, and it's not that its particularly offensive, it's that it is in it self problematic to literaly have a large banner saying what amounts to "the men are in charge".

>Ooooooooo.....Hannah!!!!!!! I LOVE knocking the sense into dicks!!!!! (I take great pleasure in beating the shit out of bullies, which I hate. I also beat the shit out of people who bitch about being offended all the time.) I can do some various other things ot them, if you let me bring my REA WORLD gear, and let me keep them in a barn for about a month.

> I thought this was inappropriate for a game before I knew it was a rape flower because it spoke in the imperative and instructed the reader to follow a penis and swallow semen. Throw in a rapeseed flower and we can dispense with the giggles. This guy could have done anything on that banner, and made all kinds of jokes; even a dirty one. But he chose to do this. It's not cool, and I would not allow it in my game.

>> No.8889644


Also if you ask me, some people put way too much thought in this

>FEAR! And WHY, some might ask? Several do in this thread. I didn't identify the flower and didn't see the rape angle. But if I saw a banner like that, I'd make some definite assumptions about the person carrying it. Maybe they'd be wrong, who's to tell? But to me that banner doesn't really say "yes means yes" and "sex is a game adults play where equal agency is important". It more says "Hey girls. I'm the guy. Come suck my cock and swallow my semen. I'd love that to happen, but if you think it's not really the way to invite you to do it, then I'll just behind it being a joke".

>Part of the reason why this is a big deal is that people who face a danger of rape in their lives have to calculate how much they can trust their surrounding space. A banner with a rape joke means they are less likely to trust the people who are entertained by a rape joke. They are less likely to believe that they can expect help if they are harmed, less likely to be believed if they try report being assaulted, and less likely to be heard if they complain.

>This banner's actual message to women is "this area is not safe for you", and the men who enjoy this joke have to decide whether the joke is funny enough to make the women at your event feel unsafe and potentially drive them off.

>Apologies Karin, i was not threatening you. I'm not threatening anyone. I'm just saying I don't like those kinds of people. Bad experiences and all that. I NEVER threaten people. i make PROMISES, not threats. I'm sorry if you read it like that, but I did not mean it like that.

>> No.8889733

>female only organiser groups
>not healthy nor sustainable having such a one-sided culture
Are literally all Scandinavians retarded, or just figuratively?

>> No.8889752

only figuratively


>> No.8889765

>problematic (that's grown up for fucked up)
Sums up SJWs in a nutshell. Bet you 100 kroner he doesn't even know what half those words mean and just parrots them mindlessly so he could sound smarter

It's like the anti-fedora

Someone's trying too hard to get laid

>> No.8889798

still not as cringeworthy as the "I make PROMISES" guy who tried to convince about this everyone through several comments.

Anyway, that's larp haven for you. It's like a zoo for larper SJWs and similar animals

>> No.8889828
File: 106 KB, 603x707, 1443475759079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all dose tough guys
>If you let me use real world gear and tied them up so they couldn't fight back, I could totally beat up those problematic bullies!

>> No.8889858


This is what happens when you have fast and loose rules on weapon construction, y'know.

Or a "LARP" where it's really sword tag.

>> No.8889906

I loved how they fought Gropey that Gypsies didn't actually exist anymore and were perfectly fine to be a fantasy race.

>> No.8889911

Sadly I was already banned by then

>> No.8889921

It started with him politely saying that "Gypsy" is a slur ect ect.

A mod then said that Gypsies no longer exist among other things, and talked about their magic gypsy thief characters.

Gropey asked the mod if he could make a character race called Nigger or Kike, and folks freaked out. Clown bro ripped them a new one, and the mod ended up banned.

I bet he used his doublespeaking gypsy-craft

>> No.8889925

Didn't they tried to say that it isn't a slur if it's true?

>> No.8889944

All I remember was the tumblr girl who apparently declared that she was quitting larp forever because she was mortified about ever having playing a Gypsy character

>> No.8889979

>all sex jokes are rape culture

Buzzkills like this guy are exactly the sort we don't need in our community

>> No.8890025

Yeah, I know. But he came from an Amtgard background, so...
He's not much of a roleplayer, either. We're working on it.

>> No.8890027

Hey I resemble that comment. Amtgard isn't that bad....well no. Fuck I guess it is.

>> No.8890028

I actually know Amtgarders in Alaska.
He wouldn't happen to be a big blond guy with a penchant for were-tigers?

>> No.8890045

Really, what part?
Nah, he's got black hair. I can't speak for his like or dislike of were-tigers, though.

>> No.8890079

Hey hey folks.

So, anyone been keeping up with the whole larp arrow bs?

>> No.8890093

Dunno, anchorage I think. Buddy of mine I grew up with moved out there and I've met the gents with polar bear tabbards at an event or two. Which is saying something as I live in Texas.

>> No.8890110

Ah, yeah. We're all from the Peninsula, so I don't know many folks from Anchorage.
I know people from Texas. I think there's a lot more contact between Texas and Alaska than the whole 'competition of size' thing leads folks to believe.

>> No.8890188

Sure hope all these SJWs boycott canola oil because it's made from rapeseed.

>> No.8890266

shields bruv

>> No.8890288
File: 91 KB, 960x717, fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At what point a man can be driven so low that he has to agree to being this castrated and submitted in order to dream of being with a female SJW one day.

And nobody gave that much of a fuck because she was probably fat anyways.

> While i love hiding jokes in plain sigth like this.
I understood the joke and i want everyone to know how smart i am

>the joke itself is problematic (thats grown up for fucked up)
My mom is saying to everyone how intelligent and creative i am despite still living in her basement

>in that it perpetuate rapeculture
i believe that i am somehow opressed in some kind of manner by a weird dude oversea holding an obvious joke banner

>this hobby is already dominated by men
i would sniff every female butt avaible just to be able to one day have permission to find my microdick in my gigantic pubis and stroke while i watch her take a shit in a Wermarcht helmet.

>and scares women off
Yeah these kind of guys scares women off!
Me, i'm a true warrior who figth against bullies!

>lets not make it worse with shit like this
i should probably kill myself to stop the pain, i spend all my time with a thousand dicks in my butt and it hurt, i wanted to kill a pregnant lady today , i wanted to smash her big breeder belly with my army boots just to be sure that parasitics people like that stop from procreating. at this moment i would look at the mirror and see all the blood and i would be calm... i would put on my fedora and ask her ''where is your god now'' and at that moment i would be euphoric.

What? are you talking about the patent thing?

>> No.8890298
File: 96 KB, 700x525, draw me like one of your french girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of those kinds of games give such "weapons" the ability to break or bypass shields. Pic related.

Yup, The arrow twat.

>> No.8890307
File: 88 KB, 784x960, 1069882_201311300027723_748145499_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did not heard much about it, i'm not really on facebook or anything so i dont follow whats new. all i know is that someone is trying to patent larp arrows.

>> No.8890418

Luckily, ours isn't one of those games.
Unfortunately, I'm the only one who's thought to make a shield. The others just try to lure him into the woods. Which also works; it's hard to swing a nine-foot sword when the trees are four feet apart.

>> No.8890429


Fucking hell. Where do you find larpers _that_ toxic?

Worst I've seen was a faction leader bringing his new gf who never larped before going on a powertrip, and being promptly ignored by many.

>> No.8890489

>I'm the only one who's thought to make a shield.

....Do you game with the retarded?

Also, if you have an invulnerable shield, why would you have any problems? Just close in on him and beat him like a peasant who left your field.

1: Close in with a shield foward ward.

2: The second you make shield to weapon contact, press him, maintaining control and contact of the weapon. he can't reset if you're controlling his weapon with your shield. He can't backpedal faster than you can advance.

3: Start swinging deep on him, ideally with his weapon now pressed into his body.

>> No.8890501

Nah, they're just lazy. And possibly broke. We're a bunch of highschoolers and college kids, after all.
Thanks for the tips, that oughta take care of him.

>> No.8890527

>Where do you find larpers _that_ toxic?
in the US of course

last time I checked it went like this:
>larping.org guy cries bloody murder that archery tag will sue him out of existence and make it impossible to do archery in larps forever
>archery tag says it's not about that, they just sueing the guy for saying shit about them
>turns out larping.org guy was selling larp arrows on amazon and in the product detail he said something along the line that this is better than any stuff that archery tag faggots use
>larping.org guy says he didn't knew that archery tag was the actual name of the company, he though it's just an umbrella term
>turns out it's really not about the patent thing, that was ust thrown in for giggles and shit (and IIRC just on some very speciic arrow heads)
>I still think all this thing is just a storm in a toilet.

>> No.8890540

>We're a bunch of highschoolers and college kids, after all.

You know, having been that myself before, and with all the guides we post to making decent shit on a budget, I refuse to ever accept that answer again. I am damn sure you have access to camp mat foam, plywood board scraps and contact cement.

>> No.8890673

Switching to a healthier alternative would be fat shaming.

>> No.8890676

>People who laugh at dirty jokes are likely to be rapists!

It's getting harder and harder to tell when the religious fundies end and the SJWs begin. They're increasingly sounding like one and the same.

>> No.8890755

He said they were lazy they admitted the problem right there

>> No.8890888

Alright, which one of you did this?


>> No.8890891

someone from 2014

>> No.8890965

Yeah, we can get hold of it, but as I said, they're alternately lazy or have no free time. To be honest, I'm just glad they show up in garb at the moment. The only one who really takes the weaponmaking seriously is the guy that made the massive sword, while the guy that takes garb seriously sometimes forgets his weapon. At least most of the rest have a theatrical background, so roleplay isn't an issue for them...

>> No.8891089

Everything costs more up here anyway. Shipping and whatnot. It kinda sucks.

>> No.8891105

Bro don't tempt it gropey's going to bust out his "if I can do it why can't you" routine again which only applies to things he thinks he's good at and nothing he's bad at

>> No.8891152

How do I draw attention a thin waist and broad shoulders in my larp garb? all I'm seeing is advice for blazers, belts and backless dresses, the former which I can't do because fantasy clothing, the latter which i can't exactly do because I'm a guy.

>> No.8891156

>the latter which i can't exactly do because I'm a guy.
Oh, how deliciously wrong you are

>> No.8891187

What sort of LARP are you in?

>> No.8891197

A very confusing one.

>> No.8891215

Sounds entertaining.

>> No.8891245
File: 192 KB, 457x567, 7002752-1490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

authentic clothing


>> No.8891253
File: 365 KB, 1426x2000, 1304011331436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

authentic armor

Failing that, just try to copy the fashion

>> No.8891844

Making a larp safe shield with shit you can get for cheap is some sort of elitism now? Its a slab of plywood, a few layers of foam and contact cement, a handle set up and a fabric cover. Quit being a salty bitch.

>> No.8891854

Everything is elitism, how dare you want people to have ok tier equipment you fucking elitist shitlord.

>> No.8891904

No. Its only because I said it. Im satan, don't you know?

>> No.8891920

Adding that this should work with a longsword or an appropriately-sized two hander if you mind your angles. A blade over a certain size just becomes a liability.

>> No.8892229
File: 51 KB, 720x480, 69207_478747508877909_1767808059_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you sometimes feel like you were on /k/ on a thread where noguns debate something?

Cuz this place sure does at the moment.

But with a shield i personally recomend a shortsword IF your larp permit head blows and/or stabbing.

Brah we are all elitist now , we are internet celebrity on a small board about larp, we are so fucking big its terrifying we can reach the endless masses and be remembered in history as being the first to receive a nobel prize in internet retardation.
but no seriously i think that those who can make an effort for their suits but dont, are the worse kind of larpers.

Its sometimes because they dont want to take this ''seriously'' and will have dickswords and armor made from ''decorated'' hockey pads (or any untermensh sport if you are from anywhere else than canada) and have no interest in looking good in the process.

Those who have no money (often young larp noobies) make a lot of effort but they have no money for better stuff.

Reminds me of that 16yo kid who saved his money all year and he came to a Bico campaign with nothing else than:
- one pair of running shoes
- one pair of sweatpants
- a shirt with sleeves
- a big 2 hand dicksword
- a tabard probably bougth at an halloween store

I looked at him as he was not totally sure where he should go and i asked him if he needed an helmet.
(Protip: Having an helmet at bico is pretty important)

Then he ended up covered in some of my friends armor and he fougth pretty good i must admit.

Pic related.
I have no idea why i'm talking about that and i dont wanna re-read but just enjoy that feel good larper shit rigth there.

>> No.8892248

>we are internet celebrity
I would highly argue that. We are the loudest assholes here at best.

>> No.8892356
File: 186 KB, 908x960, 10703885_347188718788860_2347230530484539299_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was a joke

>> No.8892369

and I corrected your joke. As I said, assholes

>> No.8892507

pixie elf a cute

weeb could be worse, at least his weapons aren't dickswords

>> No.8892521

What disguating tripfag behavior jesus christ

>> No.8892561

>hockey pads
That and those stupid ballistic plate carriers are the bane of my fucking life at my local post-apoc game. It'seems shorthand for 'I don't want to work on my costume.'

>complaining about tripfags

>> No.8892571

You're on the wrong board, in the wrong thread.

>> No.8892707
File: 215 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1456963400381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friends at I run the Tavern at our LARP and last game we offered a meal plan. It went well, but we are have having a hard time finding more things to serve that are also easy to make for a large amount of people. Any suggestions on good ic thematic food that is also easy and fast to make?

>> No.8892711
File: 957 KB, 2448x3264, DSC01271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you tried oatmeal gruel?

>> No.8892716

We did oatmeal last time. It went over well and we will probably do it again. we are mainly looking for new dinner recipes and extra tavern snacks we can sell for in game coin.

>> No.8892721
File: 937 KB, 2048x1536, IM000480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do oatmeal with eggs and bacon in them

Or with pineapple, cinnamon, vanilla extract and apricot jam. (although at this point you can change oatmeal to rice and water to milk)

Or make doughnuts

>> No.8892805
File: 40 KB, 960x540, FB_IMG_1456968491506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Bread, cheese and summer sasauge with mustard

*vegetable soup with bread

*fruit and nuts

*pasties and small pies (bake at home, serve either cold or warmed by the fire)

*mulled apple cider (buy a few big jugs of cider, and some mulling spices and make on site

*oat porrage, with choices of meat and veggie and fruit add ins

Everything here is cheap, and easy. All you need is the pots and time.

>> No.8892816

I don't know why it bothers me so much when magic users do that pose for pictures. It just feels so lazy and uninspired.

>captcha: Oak Forest
Well I'll be damned!

>> No.8893294

It doesn't help that you have an attitude that you are god. No one gives a fuck if you can do something, others cant. Just like you probably cant see your feet when you look down.

>> No.8893301

Chili, Stews, Brats/sausages. Fresh fruits/ veggies. stuff like that.

>> No.8893356

>It doesn't help that you have an attitude that you are god.

Where are you getting that from? He's just calling out anon's bullshit and provided a cheap way of doing it, which then anon admitted to just being lazy. We have discussed that "poor student" isn't an excuse dozens of times before.

Such salt.

>> No.8893515

You're being a whiny faggot. Clownbro is a decent chap as any of our trips. Except Frenadian.

>> No.8893558

Hi guys I'm making a mechanical golem LARP costume and I want to know what you guys think I should use for it, plan on on using an iron man helmet and a lot of EVA foam to make the armour. and any advice would be helpful.

>> No.8893612

They said they were lazy beforehand, Gropey didn't call out shit. And even when gropey is proven to be wrong on some historical fact or the other, he tends to fall back on some "well my interpretation is better I'm still right even when I'm wrong" bullshit.

>> No.8893689

Wait wait, are you making a costume of a mechanical golem or a mechanical costume of a golem? That's kind of a vital difference.

>> No.8893748

Are you going to be wearing it often? What's the temperature like where you live? How heavy is your combat?

EVA foam would probably hold up for a little while in a lightest touch game, but it could get bulky and hot. I would say using thin shaped plastic, or even doing resin-cast parts (with a fibreglass backing) would probably be better.

I also wouldn't use a Iron Man mask- it's too iconic and immediately recognizable even with a coat of paint. There are resin golem masks out there that will be more unique.

>> No.8893774
File: 75 KB, 1024x683, FB_IMG_1457022836798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is something similar from Empire last year. Pretty sure it's made from polyurethane. The neck is where the head of the crewmembers head it, and looks out through the filigree.

>> No.8893782

and it's made by Mark Cordory. It's bit out of anyone's leauge to make stuff like that

>> No.8893786

You have some major victimization issues anon.

>> No.8893788 [DELETED] 

mechanical golem

>> No.8893790

costume of a mechanical golem

>> No.8893792

>Alaskafag fag claims poor and lazy excuse
>Gropey says poor is not an excuse and provides instruction
>Alaskafag admits that its only laziness

Gropealope is constructive and on topic and you're not. Gb2 /v/

>> No.8893799

Very true, but might help with inspiration, especially with how to make it look bigger than the crew inside is.

>> No.8893886

Is my ableism triggering you?

Frenadian isn't a bad guy. Just French.

Dont go for iron man. This is one of the few times that I would ever advocate the use of a cheap metal helmet like object. Get one that looks like an over sized/not quite right Sugarloaf or something.

I love that costume.

>> No.8894084

Go grab the three recept books off of project Gutenberg.

>> No.8894183

>I also wouldn't use a Iron Man mask- it's too iconic and immediately recognizable even with a coat of paint. There are resin golem masks out there that will be more unique.

Can confirm--a member of my LARP plays a robot, and he used to use a re-colored Iron Man mask. It was hella immersion breaking, in spite of the rest of his costume and acting being on point. He has since gotten a personalized mask, and it's much better.

>> No.8894230

Stupid question.... Are you in a Va group, doing a tavern for a camp event in march?

>> No.8894270
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You will have to try harder than that.

I guess they just look at their hands and go... WAIT i will look so stupid without a big foam weapon in my hands! i need to do something with them!

>> No.8894460

Call me a racist but the fact that his Asian upgrades his costume by a ton. I think if it wasn't for that modernish jacket thing it would've been really cool.

>> No.8894481

How do you guys feel about leather armour? In general and in comparison to chain/plate?

>> No.8894488
File: 68 KB, 564x805, buff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define what leather armour you refer to.

Saddle weight leather? Cuir Bouilli? Buff? Garment weight? "Studded leather"? Various mounted mediums (brig, CoP, Scale, etc)?

>> No.8894500
File: 60 KB, 960x540, 12144903_427799807422047_8281868187414127088_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is far inferior to plate/chain. It is not real, practical, and is horrifically expensive.

I differ from a lot of the people in LARPthread in that I think it *can* be aesthetically pleasing under the right circumstances. Especially if it's custom made, and matches your character and their aesthetic. Especially in fantasy games. But passing shit bought off of Etsy off as 'real leather armor' is no good.

Pic is WIP of a kit made by a local dude. The client played a spellcaster who does effectively star magic. It's not my thing (I wouldn't wear leather armor) but since it's custom made specifically to suit the character concept, I like it.

In the long run, with very rare exceptions, it is overpriced trash and you're better off buying cheap chain off of amazon.

>> No.8894507

It looks like something that wouldn't look out of place in a Cradle of Filth video.

>> No.8894579

In my experience leather larp armor will be more expensive than metal armor.

>> No.8894595
File: 89 KB, 600x450, 1340402338155.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how I feel about most larp leather armours

>> No.8894730

Gropey pulls that shit all the time. Lets just start pointing it out when he does it.

oh ho ho! anon! how can you say you can't do something when i clearly do! Oh you don't want to be hot in armor! and are wanting advice! Well allow me to shit it up by saying fucking suck it up! i fight in full kit in summer! you now don't have an excuse!

Gropey pulls this shit all the fucking time. Might as well call him out on being obese since i can lift weights and diet! you can too!

>> No.8894735
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I mostly agree with this. It can look pretty nice done right--usually in moderation--but 90% of it is awful. Gratuitous studs are a great way to fall into that 90%. So is just substituting leather for the normal material when making another piece of clothing, in order to "turn it into armor."

It also depends on the game's setting. In, say, a post-apocalyptic game, or one that's otherwise in a very different set of circumstances than Medieval Europe inspired settings, it's certainly feasible for leather armor to exist and work, depending on how it's used. If it's a historic game, or one that's set in Fantasy Pseudo Europe, then you want to remember why leather armor wasn't widely used historically: it was expensive and unpleasant to produce, with a relatively low payoff in terms of protective value. That being the case, leather mostly works well as an accent in my experience, adding onto an existing piece of armor as vambraces or spaulders.

I have a lot of good things to say about my game, but I do dislike how they tend to immediately give anything leather an armor value. One guy wore a leather duster coat as part of his costume one day because he was chilly, and they counted it as a full-body suit of armor. Not his fault, mind you--he didn't ask to get armor for it. They specifically told him "Hey, that should give you armor points."

Also, those Goetic-looking sigils, sweet jayzus.
>pic related

>> No.8894743

>oh ho ho! anon! how can you say you can't do something when i clearly do! Oh you don't want to be hot in armor! and are wanting advice! Well allow me to shit it up by saying fucking suck it up! i fight in full kit in summer! you now don't have an excuse!
To a degree that's right though. If you want to wear armor in summer you need to acclimatize yourself to heat. You don't get acclimatized by hanging out in air conditioned comfy places all day.

>> No.8894754

Nope. I'm in Socal.

>> No.8894782

>Oh you don't want to be hot in armor! and are wanting advice! Well allow me to shit it up by saying fucking suck it up! i fight in full kit in summer! you now don't have an excuse!

.But he DOES. And its true, with acclimatization. The fact that he is fat and can do it is supposed to shame people from making excuses.

He lifts and owns up to being fat and working on it. Why all the hate?

>> No.8894789

He's always admitted to being chubby. I wouldn't call him fat though.

>> No.8894852
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Leather armour in general is fine for turning into scalemail, brigandine, or various other orcish slapdash armours.

Compared to metal armour, it's a weak excuse to pretend you're wearing armour.

>> No.8894935
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He's using the fact that he's a fat alcoholic to as a point that if he can do it, anyone can. Are you mad because you can't?

>> No.8895103

>working on it
He looks the exact same unhealthy weight as pictures from two years ago. If I can go from a similar weight to a prefectly healthy 165, he should be able to, as well! No excuses!

>> No.8895174

You're crossing into the realm of "obsessed stalker". Gropey confirmed for your husbandu.

>> No.8895259
File: 55 KB, 661x594, 1304035019181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello fellow larpers, what's going on in this thre...

for fucks sake, not again,....

>> No.8895372

Your impotent cuckrage shitting up the thread is a billion times worse than anything the tripfags have ever done. Go back to /v/.

>> No.8895420


Generally, leather armor is more expensive and more for protecting yourself from environmental damage than incoming LARPer weapons.

I do like a little leather on me if I'm running around in the woods and prone to falling down. But for the dollars, get decent metal armor or coat-of-plates it.

>> No.8895423

Does chainmail work? Or does plate have any advantages?

>> No.8895428
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>> No.8895449

My god. He's still at it?

Maille is designed for arresting cutting blows. Its gotten cheaper, but mind there are different qualities of maille, based on construction. Alternating flat rivet/solid links will be much more durable, but cost way more than some cheap round butted maille.

It should also be mentioned that the various padded garments under the maille do 80% of the work. A good quilted jack on its own is damn fine and very universal armour.

>> No.8895727
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>> No.8895732
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>> No.8895738
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>> No.8895741
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>> No.8895744
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>> No.8895747
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>> No.8895750

Typical furfaggotism why do they want to be animuls

>> No.8895751
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>> No.8895752

...does this end with him naked?

>> No.8895753
File: 2.61 MB, 2832x4256, _DSC0081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you decide

>> No.8895771

... so is this like the larp equivalent of cosplay deviants?

>> No.8895777

nope, it's just a few pic from a reenactor.

>> No.8895807

I'm hungary for more (ohohoho)

>> No.8895891

Finally, a beefcake thread.

>> No.8896024

So, next week, I'm going to drive to Viking Leather Craft. Should I take pictures while I'm there? (I also apparently now have the owner's cell number [no I won't give it to you])

>> No.8896228
File: 214 KB, 427x640, 15cbra6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. We occasionally have those in /s/.

Seriously though, when wearing historic clothing, the underwear makes so much of a difference in fit and comfort its crazy.

Are you an Armour Archive member? He sometimes does discounts.

>> No.8896342
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Back tracking a little, these are for golem-anon. I just didnt have the pics on my phone.

>> No.8896345
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>> No.8896358

That bra actually looks comfortable and supportive. What year?

>> No.8896363
File: 2.58 MB, 2432x3648, IMG_2733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have too much (good) pics about him but I can always ask him to post stuff here

>> No.8896577
File: 109 KB, 960x686, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's based on the Lengberg finds, so 15th century. Also however good it looks on the model, only the "bra" is female, the... the fuck do you say it in English, brief? Whatever, the genital-covering-thing is definitely male in that find.

Yaaay I'm beefcake. Wait. Is that a good thing?

You can, but quite possibly I have the same amount of postworthy pics of myself as you.

Also 15th century stuff. The event.. wasn't too good, but I could test my Kastenbrust&Waffenrock combo.

>> No.8896583
File: 73 KB, 557x800, medievalbra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15th century. It and 3 other "bras" and a pair of "panties" were found under floorboards at Lengberg castle in austria a few years ago.


I haven't gotten a chance to make one myself although I really want to. Here is a"dress diary " of the "long line" one that a well endowed woman made.



>> No.8896585
File: 5 KB, 257x196, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped trip. Here's the underwear.

>> No.8896592

Are there any more pics from this set?

>> No.8896595

>You can, but quite possibly I have the same amount of postworthy pics of myself as you.
yes but you can take a photo of yourself whenever you want

as far as I know, no. but ask him >>8896577

>> No.8896602

A few. Nothing drastically different or new, just slightly different stances. I mean I could've changed into my spare braies, based on the Lengberg stuff, but if the other layers stays the same, then why would I do that?

>> No.8896657

It was one thing when the "all larp should be d&d out loud" crowd was safely quarantined in larp haven but now the owner of my local post apoc game is posting this shit on facebook and saying "its a good thing we've got a million skill calls"


>> No.8896673

you are in luck! Because of the fights in the middle east and a lot of hatred towards russia, gas prices are pretty low. So you can easily buy a barrel o that stuff, put styrofoam in it, let it rest for a day and when it looks like jelly you have finished your home made napalm.
Then you put that on everyone who thinks that article is good one and set them on fire

>> No.8896680

>I’m preparing a talk on exclusionary practices in LARP, and this article highlighted one of my pet peeves when discussing LARP accessibility.

God, please stay on your shitty continent. I hate it when yank SJWs try to propagate their poison over here and try to lecture us peasants about 'proper' LARP behaviour which will inadvertently result in our games becoming shit as well.

You can practically taste the self-righteousness.

>> No.8896700

actually the nordic larp scene is full with nordic SJWs so it's probably welcomed there

>> No.8897154

Is a bear archery titan bow good for larp archery? If not does anyone have some suggestions on a good bow for someone with no experience thinking about being an archer?


>> No.8897158

if she can fit in all four countries that is

>> No.8897195

I am now. Just registered.

>> No.8897207
File: 103 KB, 900x675, 11114272_950304525014716_6425234041792208890_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, what a load of black-or-white fallacy shit. I understand how having a few calls is good for making a game more accessible, and I like having a handful. It's nice to be able to represent nonlethally taking somebody out by using calls to break their limbs, for instance. But this crap about how anybody who doesn't want a million crutches is "ableist" is too much.

>I find the discussions of how skill can be disruptive a disturbing double standard in the discussion of what is or is not immersion breaking. In a game medium that requires me to look at a person wearing plastic costume elf ears and accept that they are, indeed, elven royalty, or expects me to acknowledge that a human dressed in a nice suit is a vampire prince, others are unwilling to acknowledge that a word spoken is the same as an action taken. Apparently a word is one step too far to stretch the imagination, even if it allows the game to include more people fairly.

Gee, maybe that's because, I don't know, it's literally impossible to have a real vampire or elf in your larp? Are you next going to say it's weird that players don't use sharp metal weapons but still react when they get hit?

>Using NERO and DR as good examples
top fucking kek

>Previous: How LARP Taught Me I Am A Bit Of An Asshole
You don't say

>> No.8897209

Sorry about that little rant there. Shit like this gets me steamed.

>> No.8897218

People getting angry keeps us at the top of /cgl/ so let the hate flow through you.

>> No.8897277

You can't prove that there aren't real elves.

>> No.8897322
File: 27 KB, 640x357, Nice+profession_980dcb_5053513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hungarian and Adamant beat me to it. mid 15thC German.

>Whatever, the genital-covering-thing is definitely male in that find.
Briefs, underwear or in historic context, Braes. On that note, there is art of women bathers in similar underwear.


Next thing you know, he anon will be a jaded trip like us.

Depending on where you live they are, but they are less "Beautiful Tolkien Elves" more "fucked up folk lore". Pic related. https://www.vice.com/video/icelandic-elf-sex

>> No.8897366
File: 103 KB, 250x250, 200721[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are we talking purely LARP? LARP plate is lighter than chainmail (but it also wouldn't stop a real warhammer), so less tiring. You can also wear it without padding because, fuck it, it's a LARP, those weapons can't hurt, you're lazy and don't want to be warm.
As someone who owns a set of LARP plate, though, I would advise you to get a chainmail (you'll grow into the weight of it), or go for actual plate. Pic related was quick, easy, set me back only 100, and I wish to whatever gods be that I had just waited and saved up for something decent.

>> No.8897497

hate is the fuel that we must burn for our journey

>> No.8897498

>Pic related was quick, easy, set me back only 100, and I wish to whatever gods be that I had just waited and saved up for something decent.
and this is one o the reasons why I talk shit about larpshop armours whenever I can.

>> No.8897499

>there is art of women bathers in similar underwear.
Sauce meeee.

>> No.8897904

>Shoshana Kessock

She and her friends single-handedly destroyed the LARP scene in NYC in the late 90s/early 00s, by being exclusionary assholes and exiling anyone who gained the disfavor of her and her in-crowd.

And that was before she discovered SRS and became an SJW.

And now she's lecturing other people on being more inclusive?!

>> No.8898031

Not on hand, but if I recall, its a Della Francesca painting. He did a lot of paintings of people in their skivies.

Also, Larsdatter http://larsdatter.com/sitemap.htm

>> No.8898074

Any sources I can throw at people to start a shitstorm?

>> No.8898149

Talk to anyone who was involved in Carmilla Club or NYC Jedi around that time, they'll tell you first hand.

Well, almost anyone. Those who were part of her circle and wrecked everything will probably paint themselves as heroes.

As for bragging about being part of SRS and driving other people off of Reddit for having wrong opinions, check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSV_Xz2xYx4

>> No.8898230

the fuck is that vid?

>> No.8898381

Got 20 minutes in, not surprised that landwhale is the faggot trying to make all larp skill call only since she the only fighting she could do would be over the last wings in a buffet line

>> No.8898407

>literal fedora
As if we needed any further proof

>> No.8898442

Where did you get this from

>> No.8898611

It's a preview of the downfall of America :(

>> No.8898762

Its shitty epic armoury plate you can get anywhere. They say 18g, but that is the thickness of the sheet before they roll it, coming out more to 20g.

On top of that, its stupidly over priced. You can get better made for cheaper.


>> No.8898797


do you need a license for homebrew? because that shit is easy and keeps really well. That said, yeah, porridge/oatmeal/gruel/generic hot cereal works - it's good complex carbs and fibre. Trail mix, fresh or dried fruit and nuts and stuff, granola. If I recall correctly fruitcake is also very calorie heavy and keeps pretty well, it was mostly made for people making pilgrimages and stuff. Both sides of my family have recipes that date back to the middle ages. Soup is also easy as fuck to make from scratch.

What kind of tools are you looking at?

Also, is there any good larp in southern ontario/michigan? I could do either since I'm right across from detroit, just wondering. I've got some killer homebrewed mead that I'd gladly share with people in private

>> No.8898821

In most of the US, you need a license to brew distilled spirits, but not beer or mead.

>> No.8898880

I can only vouch for Tennessee, but home brew is legal here as long as it isn't for commercial profit and you only transport and hold under certain volumes.
It is legal for me to even distill as long as I don't try to sell it.

>> No.8898970

It depends on your states laws.

>> No.8898996

>And now she's lecturing other people on being more inclusive?!

Being a SJW is still being an exclusionary asshole that exiles anyone that gains the disfavour of their in-crowd. It's not that big a change.


Some blow out sale of a local larp and traditional gaming store, and the price was slashed immensely, so it seemed like a good idea at the time. Buying it normally would set you back around 300, which it sincerely is not worth. You can buy gambeson, gambeson coif or padded cap, chainmail and chainmail coif easily for that money.

>> No.8899013

Adding to this.
Quality armor is worth it. Yes, you are not going to be getting hit with anything even approaching realistic weapons or intent, but believe me it is worth it. Especially with plate.
The costs of going for the cheap option will be plainly evident when you're trying to move around for the better part of a day in a clanky suit that shifts unsettlingly around you because it isn't properly sized. It's going to be very uncomfortable, which is not what armor is really supposed to be.
Also I've seen some of the shittier Epic Armory plate stuff get dented by high-speed nerd impacts before.

Save your money and buy something good.

>> No.8899063

So how do you fellas make scabbards for your swords? Wood covered with leather?

>> No.8899068

>Wood covered with leather?
that's good for real swords, but larp swords are too thick, if you would make a wooden scabbard that would be too big to look good.
Leather, pleather, and various textiles are good enough for larp scabbards

>> No.8899105

meanwhile, we hit autosage so here is the new thread
