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8889992 No.8889992 [Reply] [Original]

Coord help thread!
Post collages or floordinates and get advice. Don't forget to give advice too!

>> No.8889998
File: 2.29 MB, 2201x2431, 1456402558161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like advice on this coord, going for an old school style. Not sure what kind of socks to get, and want to add more red with some kind of brooch or necklace. Also might get black RHS instead of the flatforms depending on how the colors look together.

>> No.8890406

Nothing there is very oldschool at all, maybe just the skirt.
1) Oldschool doesn't use chiffon blouses like that. Get a suitable second hand brand one or look at anna house or something. A big Peter Pan collar might be nice. In that case ditch the choker.
2) That printed bag is very modern looking.
3) Lace should be chunky cotton or eyelet not tulle like on that headdress. Besided not looking oldschool, obviously mixing lace can be jarring.
4) Those shoes are wrong, especially the velvet. rhs would be a better idea, black is good. You can match it with a relatively plain black bag.
Also make sure you're not mixing ivory and stark white here, those lace up socks look quite white compared to the skirt's lace. Lace topped knee socks or a simple lace up design would be nice as long as they match. Wouldn't go for the strawberries personally. Keep in mind that headdress is velveteen too, I think baby had a more suitable wine/ deep red x ivory cotton lace one on their sale.
All this advice was because you said you were going for oldschool so relate to that specific look.

>> No.8890431
File: 64 KB, 480x640, 62e95c4fcf735bd729f55fe2197547ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd recommend looking at some old school coords because you seem confused on the style.
You definitely want a cotton peter pan blouse instead of the chiffon sailor there. For socks, lace topped knee socks work well. If you can find wine rocking horse shoes or tea parties they would be really cute.

>> No.8890476



I can kinda understand where you're coming from, the maxipad headdress, the rockinghorse shoes and the solid x white lace skirt seem to belong to old school lolita while modern lolita favours headbows, heels and prints. The result is certainly not old school, it's more like you're trying a mashup of older trends with newer lolita items.

Style debate aside, and just going by whether the items you posted make a decent coord:

- Ditch the choker, it looks cheap and doesn't really jive with the collared blouses. Go for proper jewellery instead.

- Ditch the blouse, too, it's too loose. If you leave it untucked over a poofy skirt it'll look like a tent on top of a blimp. If you tuck it in you'll look like a double blimp. Get a fitted blouse that tapers in to your waist so you don't look shapeless.

I have my doubts about the velvet bag and shoes as well, they look rather cheap and shoddy. Still, if you have nothing else, they'll do okay. Watch out for clashing undertones in your bordeauxes. Other than the above issues it's not really a terrible coord.

>> No.8890504

Thanks a lot everyone, this is my first try at old school so I'm glad to get insight before diving in any further.
I'm admittedly really bad at identifying materials so I'll keep my eye on getting better lace matching and more appropriate blouses.
And i dont even remember adding that choker in there, definitely agree it doesn't go.
If I can find wine RHS I'll be the happiest girl in the world but good to know that black would work okay too.

Any advice on if that bag would be appropriate for any specific kind of coord? I bought it from Swankiss on impulse and I love it but haven't had a chance to use it yet so I've been trying to figure out where it would fit.

>> No.8890530

Btw that blouse is pretty cheap and flimsy, I own it. If sell it, but, it's worth nothing.

>> No.8890533

>I'd sell it
Phone posting is the worst

>> No.8890555

I'd buy it for $5 anon

>> No.8890561

OP here, I actually already have it. I use it mostly for layering under normie clothes, but my uneducated self still thought it would be good for old school. Much thanks to this thread for knocking some sense into me.

>> No.8890648
File: 102 KB, 800x600, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You missed some of the first threads on Larme, I think. Some anons (myself included) mentioned that Larme seemed to be both sexy and childish at once, in particular the childishness is partially achieved by clunky, clumsy designs that don't seem too refined. This clumsyness works in Larme as it comes across as endearingly young and inexperienced, but it works against lolita because the majority of lolita is very much polished and refined, even something like AP's sweet childish dresses are actually the end products of decades of dress releases, with weird and clumsy designs becoming unpopular and then discarded. So when something like Larme's cute inexperience is put next to lolita's polish, it's really going to look out of place.

If you aren't very good with picking up details, my personal advice is to keep the two fashions seperate. At least for now, the "cute" things in Larme tend not to work well with the "cute" things in lolita, though this might change later when Larme changes trends.

Just for the fun of it, I did do up a couple of lolita collages for the Swankiss bag anyway. With regards to this specific bag, the two key points many people have pointed out to you are flimsyness (cheap) and weirdness (aka this doesn't look like a lolita bag). So my suggestion is to embrace the two points and go fully weird and flimsy. Forget old school lolita, go entirely new and modern, so that the weirdness of the bag seems more like new fashion rather than a random object being shoved into a coord where it doesn't belong. As for the flimsyness, pair it with even more flimsy materials so that it doesn't stand out as much. Ditch the solid cottons for lace fabric, chiffon, lace tights, embroidered tights or other delicate materials. If you need to tie the look together, you can look for velvet ribbon in a matching colour at a craft store, make little bows out of them, and pin them onto your outfit, that way everything will look like it's meant to go together.

>> No.8891286
File: 265 KB, 1074x934, hg coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi everyone. I wanted to ask for some help with my Happy Garden coordinate for Easter. I really don't want to look like an ita, and the coordinate I have laid out now is so... lackluster. I feel like it's derpy as hell, but I don't know what to do with what I have.

Can you provide your thoughts and guidance? The items marked in pink are what I already have. I am thinking of getting a blonde wig and a more realistic styled rabbit necklace. I'd like to mix elements of sweet and a mature-styled sweet into this coordinate.

Thanks so much for looking!

>> No.8891296

ah, sorry to post again, but I wanted to add I have some other small matching accessories that I didn't include in the collage, just because I was too lazy to hunt down pictures of them.

I'd appreciate any criticism you have, because I'm tired of my coordinates consistency not hitting the mark.

>> No.8891300
File: 25 KB, 500x359, bunnybackpack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be careful with your blues matching. The bow, socks, stair hair accessories and skirt seem to be different shades. I don't think the brown works that well in this coord either, but maybe that's just me. I'd go for white socks and blue shoes or pink as an accent colour instead of brown. Maybe a bunny backpack like this would be really cute too?

>> No.8891303

Not really feeling the shoes. If you want cute shoes in that colour I recommend Axes Femme. They have these in their outlet for example.

>> No.8891305
File: 277 KB, 1329x1890, HN623X03_029_LL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic.

>> No.8891322

They match in person well enough luckily, but I didn't bother to adjust the mspaint collage. But thank you for the warning!

Ah yes, I know that brown isn't the most conventional coordinating color, but I'm so very sick of pink. I really wanted to try throwing the biscuit bag in there. But I suppose I should try to be more conventional instead of embarrassing myself with something that doesn't work out as I hoped it would.

That bag is really adorable! I've been looking for one of those. Thank you for your advice!

Those shoes are extremely cute! I really like the shoes I have, but they accentuate the stubbiness of my legs a lot. I'm trying to work in more Victorian themes to my coordinates (hence the lace up boots,) but once again I'm probably doing something that doesn't work well in real life like it works in my head, haha.

Thanks so much for your advice! You are both very helpful.

>> No.8891328

I hate the shoes and bag personally. It would look cute with biscuits or chocolates, but I'm just not feeling it with the bunnies. I also like the idea of mixing the yellow in, but does the cardi even work with the lolita silhouette? It looks too long and bulky.
I'd just scrap this honestly, it's not terrible but it's not good. If you're looking to go more "mature" maybe try a different kind of blouse? Those huge lacey peter pan ones are as sweet as it gets. I'd say go for a simple and springy white chiffon blouse, white polka dot tights, then t-strap vintage-style heels and purse in an accent color. Yellow would be super cute.

>> No.8891368
File: 1.24 MB, 1147x919, 1456369227743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so someone in the last thread did a great job giving me some ideas for coording my AP Victorian Tassel JSK in Black and I've been unable to find a couple things in this picture. Specifically the blouse and the tights in the left corner.

Reverse google search did nothing. Perhaps someone recognizes the brand?

>> No.8891375

These aren't the exact same, but they're pretty similar

>> No.8891378

Okay, understandable. I guess I am shoehorning in the biscuit bag because I think it's very cute. The cardigan is probably too frumpy for the coordinate, you're right.

I'm sorry. I have realized that I can't coordinate to save my life and I should probably just give up. I'll try to work on this further. Thanks for your advice!

>> No.8891391

Blouse is indie brand Baroque's kingdom chiffon blouse: http://lolibrary.org/apparel/baroque-kingdom-chiffon-blouse..
However, I actually messaged them on fb some time ago and these are out of production unfortunately. But they did mention they might release something similar again in the future.

>> No.8891476
File: 58 KB, 540x638, sendhelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultimate ita here! I love lolita but I've never worn it or owned any pieces. My friend ordered costume 839 from bodyline and she said it was too small, so I bought it from her for cheap. This is all I have in my closet that I thought might work.. I know it's a mess and I really need some suggestions! Thanks!

>> No.8891491

Thank you for that explanation! The coord on the right is super cute, I'll keep something like that in mind for the future when I'm a little more experienced

>> No.8891493

That's fucking cute

>> No.8891542

I actually think this is super cute. I'd say nix the brown bad, though, it doesn't seem to match quite right? As for the shoes, they actually match surprisingly well, even though they aren't 'traditional' lolita shoes. The coord definitely isn't a mess at all, I think you could pull it off.

Actually, though - if you could find a bag that matches the heel of the shoes in color, I'd say go for it.

>> No.8891563

Actually I like the color of the bag, but the shape is all wrong. Maybe anon should get one of those school brief case bags?

>> No.8891583

OP here, thanks fellow anons!! I'll definitely look into getting something more similar to a school bag. I'm glad to hear it's not as bad as I thought!

>> No.8891607

>I'm sorry. I have realized that I can't coordinate to save my life and I should probably just give up
Anon bb, no, I feel so bad now. It's seriously not bad, I just thought it could be taken a different direction for the better. I'm sorry for wording it so rudely.

This is cute! I agree with the others that a different style bag would be better. I'd just keep in mind that a lot of people say the white on the dress is stark white, so the ivory bag wouldn't have looked that great.

>> No.8891614

It's a good start. I'm not a big fan of those normie shoes, you can find wine lace up boots or oxfords that work better. Or you could go with brown shoes and that would let you tie in a brown bag.

I think any black hime style blouse like that should be appropriate.
A headbow with tassels would look really cute, if you can't find one for sale it would be manageable to make one yourself.

>> No.8891695

Yeah I have a high collar preference honestly just because I'm gonna probably have to wear a binder for it. Being a big boobed lolita is suffering. Thanks for the info! I've been trying to think of a good headdress and will definitely look into tassels!

>> No.8892271
File: 71 KB, 500x746, coordhelpcc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me coord this for an oudoor, garden meet? I have no head wear at all but i was thinking a cute straw boat hat with matching ribbon and flowers straight from the print might work, but I'd like some other ideas. I know these shoes(3) kinda push the boundaries on lolita, but that a bootie type shoe would be better for an outdoors meet, I own them in a darker brown already but I am thinking I'll order this lighter/muter apricot colored pair. (2) is just the first cream lace ankle socks picture I could find for this rough idea, I found a pair with better/longer lace already.

>> No.8892879
File: 139 KB, 600x847, light_blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently bought this dress because I wanted more bright colors in my wardrobe.

Problem is - I have absolutely no idea where to start. The only thing I've got is a cute wicker hat that looks nice with it. Help?

>> No.8892908

I've seen those shoes used in lolita, so they would be okay, but I'm not sure how they look with the ruffle socks on top since they're already ruffled? You could do a light brown satchel or saddle bag or something straw/basket to go with a boater.

You could add a light blue ribbon to the hat, white or light brown oxford or other lace up heels, and a bag in the shoes color. For legwear ruffle socks, plain otks,or sheer patterned tights in white would all be cute.

>> No.8892944

Go for a Disney Alice inspired style? White tights, black headband and shoes. If that's too close to a costume for you, maybe keep it simple and coordinate with white

>> No.8892945

Oh I love the bag!! Maybe you could add flowers to the cats ear or something to tie it in a little more ? In case the socks don't look good with the boots like >>8892908 was saying, maybe some pink lacy tights? Or a white tight with a pink motif?

>> No.8892993

(blue dress anon) I love this! What do you think about jewelry?

I was personally thinking of going with flowery/forest stuff. I found several cute necklaces with flowers in them or butterflies, and I think I want to put flowers on the hat. Thoughts?

>> No.8893050

Flowers on the hat and jewelry would be very cute! I think white and pastel tones would be cute, maybe a little beige, yellow, or pink?

>> No.8896824
File: 1.12 MB, 1158x1443, ctfcoord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this last thread and somebody actually made a super cute collage, which I'd like to get items for (but can't find any of them for sale, unfortunately.)

I'm trying to make a coord with Classic Fairy Tales, and I've found a few cute accessories. I'm having trouble, mainly, finding a bag and a blouse. I'm thinking of just a light fabric blouse, as I live in the hot south and don't want to sweat through my clothes. I haven't found a headpiece, but I'm sure I can find something.

Any suggestions, for a bag/blouse/headpiece? Also, if anybody knows of some little animal or mushroom accessories that would match the colors, that'd be absolutely incredible.

>> No.8897073
File: 1.41 MB, 2642x2360, _20160305_205106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very specific coord advice needed! Should I return this blouse? I liked the puffy sleeves but the neckline doesn't seem lolita. I was hoping to find a shortsleeved blouse cheap since it's getting hot out but this one seems kind of ita

>> No.8897193

It looks cute but doesn't have much lolita vibe to it. Maybe keep it for otome? You should look for necklines that bring balance to your jsk.

>> No.8897219

You should be able to find the collar and shoes for sale easily; I see those collars on LM a lot and you can get them new on taobao or aliexpress, and just search like "oxford heels" to find shoes like that. They're all over ebay and poshmark. Although you should make sure that brown shade is accurate to the print.

For a light blouse I think a wine red chiffon blouse would work, either a standard peter pan collar or high neck/tie neck should look nice. The bag could be in the same brown as the shoes. I don't have specific accessories recs but definitely check etsy!

The blouse really doesn't suit that dress. The frill jsk straps on the frill sleeves just don't look right and the lack of collar makes it lolita inappropriate.
Check thrift stores for short sleeved collared blouses, and maybe a long sleeved chiffon one could keep you cool enough too.

>> No.8897371
File: 1.10 MB, 1080x1770, bottle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always have the hardest trouble accessorizing.

>> No.8897476
File: 81 KB, 885x424, Ideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's sweltering hot, don't go for a blouse, go for a bolero instead. If you must get a blouse, look for a light cotton blouse, NOT chiffon since those are usually polyester and rather than being light and breathable the synthetic fabric means they end up stuck to your armpits with sweat. Again, with the heat a fur collar may not be your wisest bet, the necklace alone is pretty cute and could easily be matched with pearl jewellery.
Depending on when you want the outfit for, you could find this bag on aliexpress and just look for pearl hairclips or similar headband, and put them in a nice braided updo

>> No.8897635
File: 88 KB, 480x640, 137298-p_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misako Favorite Ribbon - so far every coord I've seen with this dress has just been white blouse, white socks or tights, and red shoes. Do you think there are any other ways to coord this dress. Gold shoes and pink accessories, maybe? Can I introduce an additional color?

>> No.8898386

Gold definitely works, but you'd still be stuck with white tights and blouse unless you wanted to try with a red blouse perhaps?
In terms of other colours, I think sax blue might be an interesting one to use for shoes and blouse if you stay with pink or white tights and go for a hair accessory that incorporates both sax blue and one of the colours on the dress.

>> No.8898593

What color wig do you think would go well with a black and gold coord?

I feel like black would make things too overly black. On the other hand I have naturally thick full brown hair and a friend thinks I shouldn't get a wig.

>> No.8898613
File: 238 KB, 780x1040, Btssb X Misako Favorite Ribbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different color way but maybe it'll inspire you?
I think it'd look cute with a red bolero or jacket.

>> No.8898624
File: 10 KB, 214x170, il_214x170.762219385_oa5g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is beyond cute.
I think a few peach flower clips (like oversize peach roses) with a a string of pearls dangling in your hair would be cute. something like this.

>> No.8898637
File: 101 KB, 500x666, blouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone ID this blouse? Looking through the IW, long sleeved blouse portion of lolibrary hasn't helped at all.

>> No.8898925

Don't get a wig, brown hair is just fine with black x gold.

>> No.8899257

How important is it to match white/ivorys/creams? I have Merry Sweet Castle in brown and I'm struggling to find a blouse to match since the print has more cream/ivory than white. Can I wear a white blouse with white legwear to balance it or should I really try to avoid it?

>> No.8899948

It could be alright if the colors look the same to the naked eye. Innocent world has a lot of offwhite and beige blouses if you'd rather go that route too.

>> No.8900658 [DELETED] 

I don't normally wear things this color... But I was just so in love.

How 2 coord?

>> No.8900662
File: 117 KB, 757x722, bodyline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't normally wear things this color... But I was just so in love.

How 2 coord?

>> No.8900672

What's the lace like on this Anon? Also I'd pic up on the red and maybe try to add a vintage vibe.

>> No.8900674

so sweet.

>> No.8900690

I don't have it yet, but the lace looks pretty shit from the photos. I am planning to take it off, but I will decide once I actually see it. Do you have any pics of things you think might go with this dress? I am pretty much only gothic, but mint and burgundy is my weakness.

>> No.8900711
File: 28 KB, 500x222, purse3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ivory tights, pair with either a burgundy bag (one that is more boxy than round) or burgundy shoes with a slight heel. Alternatively pair a brown bolero with brown shoes.

I think looking towards Innocent World stuff for inspiration would be your best bet. Any of the pic related bags would work (would be better if they had less bows so they don't look as sweet).

>> No.8900730

But why? It looks so cheap, especially the yoke area

>> No.8900770
File: 269 KB, 764x1055, burgundy and mint ideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second >>8900672 with the vintage vibe and have basically gone for a spring-summer vintage inspired crossover outfit - I think if you wanted something for cooler weather, textured knit tights, a burgundy blazer from somewhere like axes femme and boots would be in order.

>> No.8900778

It's from this wardrobe post so maybe check out their tumblr for the full outfit description? http://egl.livejournal.com/20018957.html

>> No.8900982

It just says it's by innocent world, I've looked through lolibrary with no luck and don't use tumblr so can't send in an ask.

>> No.8901590
File: 668 KB, 756x936, Alice Bruges coord WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on my first coord and I'd like concrit on what I have so far. I own the dress, beret, glasses, gloves, and tights, everything else is just stuff I was going to get. The ribbon in the top left corner is something I was going to make to put on my beret. I was thinking of gettng a brown cape and bag, hence the brown shoes. Would it be okay to not wear a blouse since I'll have the cape on or is that a no-no? I'd really appreciate any help and recommendations on where to find bags, I'm having a hard time finding ones I like.

>> No.8901618

It's an OP or a minisleeve so it should be fine without a blouse. Or go for a lowneck blouse for just the sleeves. It might be kind of weird to wear a cape in the summer, though, unless you live in the summer hemisphere. But even then, why would you wear a cape without any sleeves?
It looks like a bit of a style-crisis here. The tights, bow, wristcuffs, etc are very sweet, whereas the glasses, shoe color, beret aren't really. Why not try to split this an make one "sweet and fancy" coord and one "mature" coord? You'll get more wear out of this dress, that way.
I'll make a collage in a minute.

>> No.8901619

so a few things
that's an OP so there's no need for a blouse in the first place.
what's with the shoes? seriously.
also gloves and cuffs? and it doesn't look like any pure white is on the dress so why the white gloves?
tights are a bit off, there's not much of a theme going on but the stars don't really work at all.
what type of bag?

>> No.8901621
File: 315 KB, 476x334, IW #113119 BLOUSE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8901647

Oh okay I guess I was just trying to do too much in one coord. I'll admit I was shoehorning the tights in because they're so just so cute. I was trying to go for a visiting-a-cottage-by-the-lake kind of feel but clearly I missed the mark. And hey I like the shoes! But not with this coord, huh?

Any type of bag you think would look best. I like cross body bags since it's a pain in the ass (at least for me) to carry around a purse but I'd put up with it if it goes well with my coord.

>> No.8901675

I want to hug you so badly, I feel like a cabbage for missing on lolibrary it but I am so grateful, this was driving me nuts. Bless you anon.

Now to get one.

>> No.8901680
File: 433 KB, 2099x2649, aliceb1 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow ur dreams with the tights, anon, I think they're cute too. But mishmashing motifs can look kind of bad, so be careful. Yeah but those shoes are fug, and they look really himekaji.

Here's the first coord: I used a more mature sweet theme. You could use the star tights, but I personally think white lace tights would better echo the lace print in the print. I have the ones pictured and they're wonderful and versatile and like $6 on ebay.

As for the bag, I'd invest in one of BTSSB's heart ribbon bags. Most of them have both crossbody straps and handles. You could wear it with basically anything later, too.

For the visiting-a-cottage-by-the-lake thing, you could also try wearing a boater hat instead of the hair accessories I pictures.

>> No.8901681
File: 266 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wanting to get more into Lolita and have some Metamorphose stuff (as I find them a bit quirky). I'm struggling finding some shoes in a good colour for this dress, as well as what types of accessories I could do? I was also humming and hawing at a different colour blouse (Possibly long sleeve as I burn easy and get cold easy), as this is the one from the set the dress came with. This is my first coord so please be nice to me.

>> No.8901685

FML sorry for sideways image. I don't know why it did that.

>> No.8901702
File: 365 KB, 2099x2649, aliceb2 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coord two: using brown and the beret/glasses. I don't personally like brown and navy together very much, but eh.

>> No.8901708

If you want to wear a bow that big make sure your hair has some volume, you could try curling it or something, also I suggest getting white lace tights or patterned ones they'd look quite better, for shoes just give Antaina or Bodyline a try.

>> No.8901718

Thank you for the suggestions anon!

>> No.8901723
File: 104 KB, 700x1200, 05d1af829370b3b746c8075f9226f439[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this dress and blouse look lovely together. Everything else is kind of meh, though. Is that the included headbow? I would ditch it, it's too big and it would look better with bangs. Same with the flower. I'd stick to maybe something like a low bun with some cute hair clips. Or a black hat would look nice.
There's nothing wrong with black shoes, but those don't look very lolita-appropriate, maybe try looking for some simple bodyline shoes like pic related. The shoes look a bit isolated because they are the only black object in the coord. To balance this out, maybe try using a black bag, hat, or bolero. Or all three.
Colorwise, it's probably impossible to match the grey-blue, so I would skip that. You could probably do a dusty pink blouse and shoes, if you wanted.
I don't know how to say this without sounding like an meanie elitist, but it's probably best to try to do some very basic and reliable coords before you get creative. I may be wrong, but it doesn't seem like you have many lolita-specific items, judging from your legwear, shoes, and headwear.

>> No.8901778

You're not sounding elitist at all. I appreciate the con-crit. I'll definitely take your suggestions to heart. Thank you.

>> No.8901796

They're great, thank you so much anon! I think I was just so excited about my first coord that I went overboard with the accessories instead of focusing on complimenting the print with simple stuff. In the second coord what other color would you use instead of that dark brown?

>> No.8901833

Different anon but gold (risky to focus on for a first coord) or sax could match too. I actually like the look of the brown accessories in the collage, I think either sticking with that or navy should be fine to get a first coord together.

>> No.8901947
File: 2.28 MB, 1160x900, alexandria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I.. have no idea how to coord this. At all. I really love the way it looks, but I'm honestly drawing a blank with what would go with it. Any ideas?

>> No.8901978
File: 72 KB, 600x800, 1457384353508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gulls I need help getting my first coord together!

>> No.8902254

I think I'll go with brown first, it's more versatile than navy I think. Gold sounds like it'd be fun to mess around with but I'll probably get navy accessories next then gold.

Okay so this might seem like a really stupid question but you CAN wear blouses and stuff under OPs right? The first responses I got made me confused on whether or not you it was a faux pas. I would wear one because I like having a high collar or would this be a mistake?

>> No.8902283

Returned it! Thanks for the help

>> No.8902344
File: 255 KB, 510x757, Lolita-Sling-Chiffon-Cotton-Fabric-Print-font-b-Christmas-b-font-Party-Blue-Purple-Mix-font.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you can but it's a frumpier oldschool look, iw do it often in their stock pics.
I'm going to suggest a lace shawl for summer, they work well with short sleeve ops and in hot weather. There are nicer ones than this, there was an aatp one on closet child for around 4000 yen and fan+friend also make a decent one.

>> No.8902404

Thank you for your answer! I think I'm going to go read more guides, there's a lot more to take in than I thought. Again thank you and the other anons for all the help you've given me, I really appreciate it.

>> No.8902514
File: 194 KB, 600x800, 3318156_PA011889_副本.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could always try out a blouse if you have one already, I think it suits the style. Alternatively for a high neck you could try a dickie. IW sells some and you can find decent ones on taobao and aliexpress too.

>> No.8902553
File: 93 KB, 500x753, 598070-14767-2016-03-07596521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright...I just got this jsk (with headbow), I'm madly in love with it but I have absolutely nothing sax/blue in my wardrobe. I really don't know what colors to coord it with. Any help would be fantastic!

>> No.8902576

What search terms would you use for taobao? Searching for "dickie" in English brings up the Dickies brand and the Chinese google translation brings up books?

>> No.8902581

假领子 (false collar) seems to work. The taobao thread + dictionary might have more info too.

>> No.8902584

How about a blouse and socks/tights in beige, or muted pink? And maybe a purse and shoes in brown?

>> No.8902612

I'm thinking a light beige or ivory would be best for the blouse...I don't know, since I've never seen a worn picture of this dress, so I don't know what the colors are legitimately like in person.

I think brown could work, but I think it'd have to be a really soft brown like the lettering on the banners as opposed to the wood or the animals-- I think too stark of a brown would be too blocky or distracting.

>> No.8902616

Shit, it was in the Google doc I just didn't remember seeing it. Thanks anon.

>> No.8902633

Not sure if this is the right thread, but my biggest issue with coording is finding new and exciting legwear. I feel like I always end up wearing the same white polkadot tights or black OTKs. Where do you gulls find your legwear?

>> No.8902641

check the taobao doc, there are a ton of unique legwear shops in it

also teja jamilla is a definite favorite, they're on etsy

>> No.8902740

Topshop, F21 for staples. Brands like Pretty Polly, Jonathan Aston and Celeste Stein also do interesting legwear. Calzedonia is also good but only has physical stores in Europe as far as I can tell.
Otherwise taobao, ebay, Japanese stores...

Babby's first gothic coord? Black or white high collar blouse, black lace tights or tights with a pattern similar to the main piece, black victorian boots, black blazer or bolero, black bag, black hairpiece.

>> No.8902807

Don't judge me man I had fifty bucks burning in my pocket and I like to go to bars dressed up.

I am digging this vintage vibe!

>> No.8902944
File: 3.58 MB, 1952x1852, country coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello! Could I get some crit on my first coord? I'm going for country lolita. I'm unsure of what shoes to wear. Is it okay to wear white tights with a pale pink blouse, or should I just swap out the blouse?

>> No.8902954

Definitely go with the brown oxfords, the pink heels won't suit country at all. As for the pink blouse and white tights, I think it might make your coord look a bit unbalanced. Either get tights or socks to match the blouse or get another blouse instead; off white or maybe even beige will match the skirt better than stark white, I think.

>> No.8902993
File: 18 KB, 425x566, 20050355_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to think of other ways to coordinate this dress besides with a white blouse, tights, and shoes. Does anyone else own this dress and has experience with coording it?

>> No.8903109

What is the consensus on short socks over sheer tights?

>> No.8903209

A dusty rose princess sleeved blouse might look gorgeous with this. Also, your headwear is giving me Marie Antoinette vibes for some reason and I'm really liking it. If you're going neutral for shoes I'd suggest a dark brown, maybe something similar in style to Innocent World shoes or the popular styles of Fleuvogs. You should pick up wristcuffs in a matching pink or white if you're wearing a short-sleeved blouse for balance. Maybe some floral themed earrings and a ring or two?


I damn love both of these! I'm not the anon who asked for help but I am now thinking about buying this dress.

Black square neck gothic/moitie type blouse, pointy boots and black bag? It's so difficult to discern what the motif in the print is from these pics, sorry I can't be more helpful.

I was thinking the same thing. Maybe add in a pop of the apple green color in jewelry form as well.

I like Oroblu tights and stockings, and I also try to look for tights at places like Nordstrom or mall stores.

>> No.8903296
File: 50 KB, 360x430, barbie ribbon jsk set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute for spring and summer coords!

Here's a question of my own:
For dresses like the one attached, what is the consensus on blouses? Is no blouse okay with this kind of strap style? I just find it so hard to find blouses to go with these kinds of JSKs that don't look stupidly frumpy with all those frills sitting right at your shoulders.

>> No.8903331
File: 1.94 MB, 2398x3763, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to put together a coord with this dress for a botanical garden meet this weekend, but I realized the only things I have to go with it are either brown, ivory, or black and I can't decide if the ivory looks fine or if I should go with black instead.

>> No.8903357
File: 1.61 MB, 3345x2509, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First attempt at otome. Thoughts? Tips? Should I try the otome thread instead?

>> No.8903368

Definitely ivory.

>> No.8903373

Looks kind of stupid unless it's OTT sweet imo.
Ebay for basic stuff or taobao for interesting stuff, you'll get better shit than at topshop.
Looks cute just like you have it now!

>> No.8903381

The one on the right looks far cuter imo.

>> No.8903390

How much of a big deal are socks that have nothing to do with the jsk or OP, aside of appropriately matching the color palette?

>> No.8903421

Yes, the otome thread is a better place for this, a lot of gulls self-post there and give pretty good advice.
Your coords are so cute btw! You could try some brooches on that cardigan, but I really like how simple and cute looks.

>> No.8903457
File: 466 KB, 750x900, school_28107__62823.1433213792.1000.1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but this is the print! Anyways, I'd definitely say keep to black with it, as it would get really busy really fast if you didn't.

>> No.8903587

The pale pink could work if you balance out the white somewhere else, like a white shawl/ other outer, a white bow or flowers on the hat, something like that. Otherwise a white blouse seems better, and definitely go with oxfords over pumps.

It's a cute look, I like it.

I think it needs a blouse. One with a straight, plain sleeve would work without looking busy, and most collar types should be fine as well.

Right looks very cute and balanced.

>> No.8903856


Oh man I love Fleuvogs! I really like the ideas!! Unfortunately I don't have my ears pierced (Used to, had issues), but I can probably figure something out. Thank you. :)

>> No.8903985
File: 111 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently received my dream dress and have no idea how to coordinate it without resulting to the basics. I've decided I'm matching it with black oxfords and beret, but I want to also bring out the red. Should I wear a red blouse or socks? Would that be too much?

>> No.8904005
File: 15 KB, 236x314, b06ea371ff0bfac02642de5f1c9d1a5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the idea of pops of red. I would actually go with a white peter pan blouse and wear small red brooches/pins on the collar featuring the print motifs e.g. animals, clocks, or instruments - kinda like this blouse, but instead of pastel bows you fit it to the theme. Same thing for the tights or socks you choose, stick to pops of red. You could also put a small red bow on your beret, and consider a red bag

>> No.8904008

If you want to look lolita, a blouse is much more appropriate. If it's the sleeved you have trouble with, what about getting a dickey?

>> No.8904319

I'd go with a white bag and wear some white shoes. Maybe mary janes or something simple and casual like that. That's very cute and elegant coord, not ita at all.

>>8892271 Think twice before wearing those shoes. They are pretty rough for a sweet coord.

>>8901590 You can go without a blouse because you're wearing op. Those wristcuffs are a good idea but If you still choose the gloves, don't wear both. Add golden bracelet for a wrist, maybe.

Those brown boots would ruin the coord very easily. Golden one's are fine. You can also have navy shoes. And I wouldn't go with that brown shade you had in boots. It can make the coord look busy with too much colours in it.

>> No.8904791
File: 180 KB, 736x960, Lavender Fairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bouncing around ideas for how to coord this Lady Sloth OP. The pic of the lace is closer to the actual color. I'm not particularly attached to any of the things in the collage... Any suggestions?

>> No.8904828
File: 94 KB, 1024x768, lief co-ord idea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bit stuck on whether to go with otk's or lace tights. Also I'm not sure what bag would fit with this (it seems like it should be a simple decision but I'm drawing a blank). Any suggestions would be really appreciated, thanks!

>> No.8905350

Oh, you mean to use to cover up my chest/collarbone to balance lack of sleeves on the arms, so it's not showing too much skin..?

>> No.8905354

liking the flower theme you have going there but it also reads more "Renn faire fairy" than lolita to me--not that that is necessarily a bad thing. If you wanted to stick to the flowery things, I would change the shoes to something with a pretty shade of green and maybe like add some of the same flowers you use on the dress on the shoes as well to help tie it all together.

Other ways you could coord it, go with nude tones and ivories, with maybe some vintage mid-length gloves, pearls, opaque tights with either no print or a very subtle print, and do almost kind of a vintage-inspired "going to the opera" kind of coord. Little lace shawl would be cute too.

>> No.8905358
File: 464 KB, 501x584, dozing2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some ideas for this already, but the biggest thing I'm stuck on are the socks/tights. What kind of socks/tights would you recommend for this dress (dozing cat OP) ?

>> No.8905384

It seems like there's a bit much black, have you tried this with a white blouse? I think it needs that lightness. White otks would look cute too.

For the bag, you could match the blue shoes but something to bring out the red would also be nice. An apple shaped purse would be adorable. Otherwise you could get a plainer purse and maybe add some apple charms, matching flowers or ribbon, etc.

Since it's such a busy print you could probably get away with plainer white or black socks. Like black socks with red shoes or white with black shoes would be good. The matching otks for this dress are pretty toned down so I would keep it simple.

>> No.8905912

Tbh I feel like white would be too plain and a little bit jarring with this, maybe try gray tights with black or wine red/burgundy shoes?

>> No.8905996
File: 1.20 MB, 3539x2388, _20160311_133836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would either of these look alright with a classic coord? I am trying to branch out from wearing the same two pairs of bodyline shoes with every coord (the gold shoes everyone hates especially lol)

Either would look good as long as you mind your color balance and don't end up with black blob syndrome

>> No.8906006

The fist pair I'm unsure because of the open back, they often look weird with lolita socks/thick thights and they're made for no socks or nylons.
The second pair 10/10 would totally wear.

>> No.8906016

For something really toned down and normalfag, maybe. Neither of the shoes are particularly lolita aesthetic, and slingbacks aren't generally a good idea, especially with socks.

>> No.8906044

That's what I was thinking, thanks. I wear tights a lot (lace, dot, and plain) and thought the first pair could -maybe- work but I better not. I'll just have to keep looking.

>> No.8906056
File: 376 KB, 640x1080, coordinateidea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I stop now? I feel like I'm on crack.

>> No.8906063

You need a white and pink bag and jewelry. I bet if you got those things the pink wouldn't match at all, though. The skirt looks suspiciously warm toned

>> No.8906066
File: 49 KB, 480x640, 85750bb61dddcac5169bb0583967ab3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maxicimam is really cracked out with their lighting. It's all supposed to be from the sameish series, but even with their stock photos I can tell each piece is a little..off.

Anyway, I might just scrap the idea entirely and maybe invest in a blouse for my Lily of the Valley skirt preorder. Matching pinks seems like more hassle than it's worth (I just thought the sailor skirt was really adorable).

>> No.8906198

I love that blouse, though. It would look so good with a lot of AP pink print skirts

>> No.8906204

red and sax are a terrible combination

>> No.8906838

Thank you!

>> No.8908942

Thanks, you two! I'll definitely see to fashioning some headwear of that sort.
Now, I have another dilemma. My tights (the ones seen in the pic) got a nasty run in them, so I was hoping to replace them. Alas, there's no more available in white in my size where I originally got them... Anybody have any idea as to where I can find another pair of tights in that fashion, that will fit 40" hips and 26" thighs? ;_;

>> No.8910432
File: 144 KB, 560x766, cotton-velvet-embroidery-lolita-jumper-10-inf-057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't sure if this would be better to post to the help thread or here. What blouse looks best with this type of collar? I'm having issues trying to coord this dress with my blouses.

>> No.8910441

Either a high collar blouse or a square neck blouse, depending on the look you want. Avoid blouses with prominent collars (peter pan, pointed, sailor, etc.), double collars don't look good.

>> No.8910513

Need source on tights
Also no need for blouse

>> No.8910519

not really feeling the shoes....
Is it just me?

>> No.8910525

I've honestly never bought tea party-esque shoes before so it's entirely possible I have shit taste anon. I'm totally up for pink tea party suggestions!

>> No.8910541

Thinking more of mary jane might suit your outfit.

>> No.8911279
File: 472 KB, 1280x1707, coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got Baby's Dreaming Sherbet JSK in the mail and I need some advice on accessories/shoes to coord with it. My room gives pictures a yellowish tint, but the white on the dress/blouse is pure white, not ivory. I have the matching headbow as well.

>> No.8911430

Gold jewelry might look pretty!

>> No.8911613
File: 93 KB, 600x600, 193170797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I made a simple coord as an excuse to wear these knuckle dusters. Would like to get some more AP jewelry to match the jsk but I haven't really ever been into brand jewelry so I don't even know where to start in terms of releases. Any jewelry leads would be much appreciated. General concrit is welcome too!

>> No.8911846
File: 256 KB, 479x717, huurmothcord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time making a coord, but I love this print!

I just purchased the green jsk along with the headbow, large hair clip, and hair binder all in wine.

The moth accessories are off of etsy, and the seller who makes the bobby pins makes them in rings too.. should I look for more red or try to match the moths on the skirt?

Is the wine shoes too much? Shoes are my weakest point..

>> No.8911853

I like it a lot. The shoes are fine. What do you plan on doing with your hair/wig?

>> No.8911925
File: 36 KB, 392x531, wavy-bob-wig-the-stunning-shoulder-length.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I currently have hip length brown hair but I also have a wig like pic.. like I said I bought the headbow, large hair clip and hair binder so I plan to play around..

>> No.8912010
File: 71 KB, 960x480, 1450948928967[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you're actively looking for as many lolita brandnames to pile onto your dress as possible, I'd try looking at btssb dresses -- they have several releases where the main print is their name all over the dress. Alternatively, AP's Moon Night Theatre and Toy Drops also repeat their names over and over, plus Meta has a similar dress (which would go well with the bag and you could come out as a Meta brandwhore).

If you just want pink jewellery you could go through whatever secondhand market you use and pick up anything pink/white. Alternatively there's a bow necklace still up on AP jp's webstore that has the Angelic Pretty logo on it, though it's pretty small.

>> No.8912995
File: 844 KB, 838x826, which socks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is only part of my coord, but which color socks do you think would go best?
>inb4 striped socks are ita don't wear them

Pink socks would of course go with the dress more, but then I thought the blue might be cute to kinda reference the stripe-y sky in the print.

>> No.8913019

i'd pick the blue stripes socks (or maybe blue tights with some fitting print/decor ) and pink shoes to balance it out

>> No.8913020

You have a lot of different blues going on. Unless your hair accessories are going to feature both, I don't see this working. Imho I think this borderlines ita, so be careful with your color distribution.

>> No.8913027

I personally prefer the blue socks, but you'd need some more of that shade up top to balance it. Not a fan of the cardigans cut, it just doesn't feel like it matches the look, a bit too regular wear

>> No.8913077
File: 914 KB, 842x1030, which socks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm a shit planner and right now I'm in crunch time for a con. I figured because the print is so crazy the striped socks might just kinda fit with the theme anyway.

Pink shoes noted. With either of the colors, do you think royal blue shoes could work or would it just be too much? Or what other color shoes could work besides pink? I have gold shoes too but they look too shoehorned in.

Any other suggestions then? Do the pink socks look decent?

Do you know how could I balance it up top?

>> No.8913102

to classy this up you'll need a lot fancier shoes than flats with a strap.
try something with a heal and velvet maybe.
And try to stick with just baby pink, white, and that blue. try not to add anymore colors unless it's a small accessory, like a hair clip.

>> No.8913163 [DELETED] 
File: 654 KB, 620x798, which socks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not necessarily looking for it to look classy or elegant, but kinda more cutesy and streetfashion-y. If the flats just won't work either way then that's fine, I can find something else but I thought maybe they could look reminiscent of tea parties if I added bow clips to the front or something.
I feel unsure about shoe color in general though because most of the royal blue shoes I'm finding are like, huge sexy pumps for clubbing or there's 50 different shades of pink none of which seem to go with the one on the dress.

In other news I found this cardigan, does it fit better?

>> No.8913182
File: 773 KB, 718x832, which socks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I understand what you mean about the shoes, but I thought that perhaps dressed up with some bow clips they could be reminiscent of tea parties.
Finding shoes in this color is a pain in the butt it seems because most of the things I'm finding are like, sexy stilettos or chunky clubbing-type shoes. I combed through Amazon for a bit and found pic related.

I'll also keep looking for pink shoes but the problem is there's like 50 shades of pink (and more) so I'm finding it hard to find something suitable for the dress.

I also found a different sweater, does it fit in better than the other one?

>> No.8913479

I think bringing out the gold could be very pretty! Like maybe gold shoes + hair accessory of some kind, and pink and white for the rest? Or maybe white legwear with gold accents. Try mapping out some different combinations.

This print is lovely and the accessories are so cute. Wine shoes definitely look good and I think that style looks fine, I like how the bow matches. A wine lace up shoe or boot could be good as well. I think the red looks balanced enough as is, you probably want a red bag too so I wouldn't go overboard with red accessories.

I don't know if I'm being biases but that shade of blue is just so... obnoxious?? I think it would be much prettier to bring out the mint as a dominant color and maybe have pops of blue in smaller accessories (rings, clips, bag charm?). A white blouse with this would look nice against a mint cardigan as well.
Those shoes are not lolita appropriate so I'd discourage using them! At the bare minimum try finding mary jane pumps, but I think tea parties in white or pink would be cuter.
If you're stuck looking for shoes check aliexpress, antaina, and even amazon resells some taobao shoes if you're in a time crunch.

>> No.8916750

What's that dress?

>> No.8916886
File: 240 KB, 1211x968, meta carnival coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hurts to look at so I made you a sample coord. I shopped the blouse color a bit just because it's almost impossible to find the same shade of pink blouse as that dress. That bolero and those shoes are far too plain for lolita and that dress, it will look off. Also don't wear striped socks like that unless you are doing an Alice coord.

>> No.8917538
File: 318 KB, 1280x853, haenuli enchanted fawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best color cardigan to wear for both colorways? (I have the old jsk in fawn, and the new one in grey)
I know red would be too much, and blk would be too much for the grey colorway.
like a creme? or fawn color?
please and thank you.

>> No.8918259
File: 21 KB, 225x224, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of buying a cane toad purse, but I'm not sure how to coord it.

Would it be alright for a gothic/classic look or is this irredeemable?

>> No.8918282

I like khaki/green with any colorway.

>> No.8918290

It's probably irredeemable, but do it regardless. That bag is heinous in the most beautiful way possible.

>> No.8918321
File: 211 KB, 792x765, coordhelppls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually prefer to have legwear lighter than my shoes so not sure where to begin with footwear... Should I just go for some lighter tights instead of the matching otks and incorporate the reddish tones in the print with a necklace or brooch?

>> No.8918367

I really DO love aprons in lolita. How can I wear one with black main piece and not look like a maido? Should I look for not-white aprons, like black or red, blue etc.?

>> No.8918388

Hm... i don't really like those browns or that bag with that dress. The pinks and browns on the dress are warm tones whilst your accessories are cool toned. That bothers me more than just non matching shades. I'd go for ivory legwear and a lighter warm brown pair of classic shoes + a lighter warm brown bag or straw purse. You could use some cute tea accessories in it. Beret would be nice in ivory or brown/ pink that matches the dress. Just make sure you use the headbow to balance things.

>> No.8918408

Thank you!

>> No.8918416
File: 543 KB, 780x398, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love tacky morbid accessories, debating toad purse or one of these.

Maybe a sort of taxidermy themed coord would work?

>> No.8918877

Black+white=meido even to normies unfortunately. I'd say go for black on black or white on a light color.

>> No.8918880

>getting the knockoff

>> No.8918890
File: 46 KB, 600x450, 476989-3975-2015-09-30254977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to coord this classic? I want to bring out the gold/navy of the dress

>> No.8918920

I agree about the browns. The pink on that bag seems too cool to match the dress as well. I think the patisserie de paris socks in white would be ideal, but another white sock with a tea, sweet, or cutlery theme would be just as nice. I think brown shoes and maybe red headwear would look cute.

I'd love this with a red blouse, but if you'd rather focus on the other colors a white high neck/bow tie one would be good too.
For a white blouse, reg legwear accented with gold, navy shoes, navy headbow with gold accent, and red bag with gold accent I think would turn out well.
I've seen this dress coorded with solid gold shoes/bag but I personally think that look doesn't suit classic.

>> No.8918971

They don't carry the pink ones anymore, anon, and tracking them down secondhand is near impossible.

>> No.8919012

Not the anon you made the collage for, but sauce on the blue peplum bolero please?

>> No.8919067
File: 187 KB, 600x600, 55016030_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can already hear the squealing:

>> No.8919426

I think very neutral off white blouse can be worn with that dress. I agree with beige shoes and bag. Brown would be okay too.
Plus, if you have animal related jewelry, those would be very cute.

>>8917538 Maybe dark brown, like those deers in print? Not in too colourful brown.

>> No.8919432
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow! Must have these thank you! I was going to settle with cable knit or frilly socks in the mean time..

Can some kind soul point me in the direction on how to order these?

>> No.8919762
File: 2.66 MB, 1280x1708, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disclaimer: I KNOW THE BODY LINE SHOES DO NOT MATCH I'm not blind, I'm using them as an example of the feel I want

my question is, besides the gold tea parties by angelic pretty what gold shoe would actually go with this? I'd like to avoid anything with too much of a heel if possible and I'd really prefer them to be gold instead of ivory if possible

also if anyone has an idea on leg wear besides the tights released that would be nice, I'm worried about how they would look on me as I'm fairly tall but my legs aren't very thick. if I had more muscle or fat on them I wouldn't be as worried and would think the print would stretch out evenly on them, but as is I'm concerned they wouldn't sit right

>> No.8920129
File: 207 KB, 319x644, rococostory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a waist chain be overkill with this? I feel like the bottom of the bodice needs something to help balance everything out

>> No.8920143

How tall are you anon? It's better if the print doesn't stretch out imo.

>> No.8920144

170~ or around 5'6"

>> No.8920146

>fairly tall

You're pretty average

>> No.8920147

not where I live, and I'm tall by Lolita standards

>> No.8920149


>> No.8920195

Gull you are not that tall and could probably fit into Asian tights even if it's only barely. There are lots of offbrand celestial/star print tights I'm sure you've seen and passed over. I think you could go for it! If they end up too short it won't be by a considerable amount and they'd still be wearable.
Also printed legwear looks good on thin legs? I have big calves and they stretch out prints pretty grossly. Count your blessings.

>> No.8920214

>not that tall
>in nipple land


>> No.8920247

I'm 5'6" too anon, the tights don't stretch out that much that it looks bad imo. You'd be more at risk if your legs _did_ have fat/muscle on them.

>> No.8920254

alright, thanks for that! may go ahead and try and get them if that's the case because I do really love the print

I was just worried about how they'd look on

now I just have to worry about the shoes

>> No.8920257

you're 4 inches taller than average in your region. I'm 6 inches taller than average and still fit and look fine in lolita so I don't get what your problem is, or why you're focusing on being a whiny child rather than taking advice.

>> No.8920259

I'm not whining, I'm just saying I'm tall for where I am when someone told me I'm not

it's not really related to my post if I'm not considered tall wherever someone else is

i just wanted to know options for leg wear for this coord in regards to someone my height

>> No.8920262

>focusing on being a whiny child rather than taking advice

Kind anon, would you like to point out where the advice was given besides >>8920247 ? The main point of her post was asking about shoes.

>> No.8920280

the point being made that most lolita tights (both brand and offbrand) are meant to comfortably fit someone up to 168cm and that a ~2cm is negligible enough so that they would still fit. It was rude to disregard this and focus on the "not tall" comment.

>> No.8920290

where was that stated originally? I see someone saying "you could probably maybe fit into Asian tights" but not what you are saying

someone insisted that I was average and when I pointed out for where I am(and Lolita brand) I'm above average they got offended and I have no idea why

I just wanted ideas on alternatives

>> No.8920292

It was also rude for >>8920257 to insult her for no apparent reason but yeah I guess correcting someone about their incorrect assumptions on what is or isn't average for the area that you live in is pretty rude, huh?

>> No.8920300

How on earth do you think >>8920214 is a polite response to anything lol.
And the post you replied to wasn't rude at all.They just said you would fit in tights fine.

>> No.8920306

>green text
>muh feels

go back to tumblr


they called me a whiny child, and that isn't rude?

>> No.8920313
File: 83 KB, 581x640, 1457195649246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so it was wrong of them to call you rude for something petty, but you're allowed to do the same thing? Are you seriously 12 years old?

>> No.8920319

I asked a legitimate question, and got asked my height. when they said I wasn't tall, I explained that for japan(where I live) I am tall, and Lolita fashion considers me tall

for some reason they decided to argue with me about how they were taller than I am, and got offended so I made a joke

it is silly to call me a whiny child for posting something as simple as I did

and it is childish of you as well to get so upset over my responses and insult me for no reason when I asked for legitimate advice and was met with onbstianence

>> No.8920323

Jesus Christ calm the fuck down. You sound insanely salty over uguu Japan rorita desu~.

>> No.8920329

Proud @ u

>> No.8920348

Everyone posting atm is embarrassing in their own special way. anyway

I don't think I've seen a waist chain used in a coord before so it could be interesting to try and then ask for opinions, I can't really imagine the look. I think the waistline itself is pretty interesting as is but I think that pop of gold could be nice too. An alternative may just be wearing a gold necklace or brooch?

>> No.8920359


>> No.8920555
File: 3.45 MB, 3052x2364, Old school red 2.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi it's me again, trying to do an overhaul of this in time for an upcoming meet.

Unfortunately since i'm trying to limit my spending this month i'm going to probably stick with the bag (rn my wardrobe doesn't have enough bordeaux for me to justify another bag in that color), but trying to improve everything else for a reasonable cost. This is what I have gathered so far.

I love chokers so I'm thinking if I go with the more cream colored blouse since the collar isn't so high I can pull off a choker with it. But that might be my love for chokers blinding me. So I also found this necklace that I think is cute.

I have the skirt in my possession now and can see how NOT pure white the lace is. So far this axes femmes blouse on LM is the closest color match I've found, but I'm worried it won't be perfect and I'm wondering if just sticking to pure white is better?

Color matching problems again, not sure which is closer in color to the lace. the IW socks are also a little mature for the feel I want this coord to have.

If I go with the white KC I'll probably add on a plainer bordeaux colored bow clip that I already have too, to balance out colors. For the headdresses, baby lists the lace as ivory but it looks soooo bright white to me. But maybe it's not a big deal. Anyway the one on the left is cheaper but I don't want to just let that guide my decision, so any opinions?

I don't want to think about shoes right now haha

Sorry for the total word vomit. I'm half awake now but I wanna get the ball rolling on this so I can have everything in time.

>> No.8920558
File: 49 KB, 399x520, 1_34_37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have these in silver and I really like them but they might be too saturated for your coord? Have you looked through lolibrary for gold star legware? I know there's a good amount because I was looking for silver and all I could find was gold.

Also how do you feel about ap's party glitter shoes? I

>> No.8920953 [DELETED] 

those are super cute anon! I really like them, but I think you're right that they're too saturated from the coord

I actually like ap's party glitter even though my friend gave me shit for them, and they bring the pearls from the hair clip downwards which I like for the coord but somehow I'd be worried with them

I may consider them more

>> No.8921001

don't know why my post got deleted

those are super cute! I really like them but I think that you're right, they're too saturated for the coord

I also like the AP glitter party shoes even though my friend gave me shit for them

they continue the pearls throughout the coord too and I like that. I may consider them more seriously

>> No.8921033
File: 309 KB, 677x521, coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just got this new JSK in the mail Friday. I'm trying to see if there's anyway I can coord it with what I have for a swap meet in two weeks. I'm trying to go one of two ways with what I have. I'm still fairly new to lolita so I don't have a lot.

I like how the beige bolero looks over the jsk instead of wearing a white blouse under it but I don't have any beige accessories. I have chocolate brown accessories or off white/Ivory accessories. Those black shoes are the style of shoe but I couldn't find a picture in the colorway I have so I added that picture beneath it to show what color my shoes are. I didn't include accessories but they are the same colors as the shoes. I have a matching headpiece for each color but the dress also came with a really cute mint bow that clips in your hair.

Which colors would look better? Should I not bother trying to wear this JSK until I have something better?

>> No.8921043

If the JSK looks good coordinated with beige, go with that. Do the shoes match the bolero in color? Do you have socks in a matching shade of beige, or in off white? I'm not a fan of mixing whites normally but it might look okay in this case. It's a basic coord but if all the pieces look good together, it's not bad.

>> No.8921048
File: 62 KB, 454x454, accurate colors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized how dark that picture of the bolero I found online looks. Here's a selfie I took with the bolero and jsk together for a more accurate color comparison. This was just me trying on the dress really quick when I first received it and in no way a full coord.

>> No.8921050
File: 102 KB, 648x431, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about golden boots, like these Aatp's ones?

>> No.8921054

The shoes do not. They are too pale. And I don't have any socks that match it, but I could order some that would get here in time. I'm concerned about mixing whites which is why I ask. I have a white blouse that would match the shoes better but it doesn't look as nice with the chiffon jsk as this chiffon bolero does.

>> No.8921290
File: 519 KB, 775x576, Innocent Rose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of struggling to do this justice. First of all, the purse and the shoes match way better in real life, the purse doesn't have as much as a yellow sheen and the shoes aren't as bright white. Also, I'm going to replace the shoelaces with satin ribbon. I do know that I want to use lots of pearls in the accessories, but do you guys agree that regular pearl strands would be too boring? Going to put my hair in an elegant updo of some kind. Suggestions for blouses/ boleros/ shawls would be very welcome, that's what I've been having the most trouble with.

>> No.8921307
File: 70 KB, 500x751, 23ef9a5e1d474bd148846e4cdae4c6b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imo the beige looks kind of awkward against the dress color, dunno if that's just the lighting though. I think a white blouse underneath would work better, maybe you could post how that looks?

For a blouse I think a hime sleeve would look very nice, something similar to pic related? I'm not sure if those shoes are too plain, but the ribbon may help dress them up some.
I think pearl bracelets and bow clips with pearl accents/drop pearls would look quite pretty. For the legwear you could find something with a metallic/shiny pattern to tie in the bag.

>> No.8921473

I agree with >>8921307 that the beige looks odd here. I would also like to see a worn picture with a white blouse.

I'd probably do white leg wear with a white blouse, with the brown shoes (if you don't have mint, I don't think mixing ivory and white is generally advisable) and then some mint and brown accessories to tie in the shoes - maybe a brown bag? And a small brown bow to go with the larger mint one?

If you have an ivory blouse you could try that and the ivory boots too, see how it looks. Could then do ivory legwear - maybe something with a pattern to break up the coord a bit e.g. lacy tights might look nice and light with chiffon.

>> No.8921533
File: 120 KB, 658x909, 10532473_747303488720390_2441253199596466401_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not at home where I can try on everything, But I have this blouse. I have a bag and some bows that match the chocolate brown shoes. I'm currently on the hunt for mint accessories that I can get quickly.

>> No.8921656

Looks like a lovely blouse, I've been meaning to investigate Bunny House!
Do you have any white socks or tights?

Where are you located? Might be worth checking local accessory stores now that spring pastels are arriving for some simple mint jewellery.

>> No.8921672
File: 1.88 MB, 699x699, firstcoord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first lolita outfit ever. Would appreciate your advice.

>> No.8921695

That might look amazing with the Erimaki socks.

>> No.8921735


The not-white colour you're looking for is ivory, or kinari (生成り). Oldschool lace is either offwhite (which means white white), or kinari (ivory). Assuming the lace on your skirt isn't stain, if it's not white white, then it's ivory.

To deal with kinari, buy your stuff from lolita brands, sticking to the description instead of monitor colour. At least among lolita brands, kinari/ivory is fairly uniform, although it looks white or downright yellow on screen, it'll arrive with just some small difference. So as long as you stick to that, you should be able to minimise clashing undertones. Cream colour tends to be all over the place, going from bright yellow to beige. Beige, camel, tan, those will all arrive too dark.


Blouses: ditch the ones you've got and look for a blouse that actually says it's kinari, not pure white and not beige or tan.

Jewellery: neither. If you have a nice normal not-quite-white pearl choker, that'll be classier than either one of your options. If you don't have one, forgo a necklace/choker. Add a few rings and go for a nice manicure -- choose a red a few shades lighter than your skirt so it doesn't blend in too much.

Socks: Provided the IW socks are ivory, go with those.

Headwear: I'd go for a red floral hairpiece, or a more modern hairbow since we've already established the bag doesn't really go with old school lolita.
Still, if you badly want to wear a maxipad headdress, it's not the worst coord ever. I would chose the one with floral lace as some effort towards a unifying theme. As for the headbow, large red headbow with smaller white bows would be a better balance. If you do the large white bow with smaller red bows it's still not the worst either, I guess.

>> No.8921745

>something from my Lolita dress

don't do it, milanoo scam bullshit

>> No.8921752

It's not, it's just a Taobao reseller. Still, it's better to just order from Taobao directly if you can.

>> No.8921754

Looks pretty safe. What are you going to be doing as far as jewelry and hair?

>> No.8921757


This is pretty adorable, first coord or not. Only thing I'd suggest is to switch to white/ivory tights (same design), otherwise you'd kind of look like a blue man.

>> No.8921795

IMO there's too much navy

>> No.8921798

No jewelry. Blonde wig.

>> No.8921817
File: 85 KB, 700x700, 02131807_56bef240ce760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, knowing about the relative uniformity of ivory is extremely helpful, should be a lot easier to find a blouse now. The Pearl choker sounds cute, so I'll look for one of those and do rings as well.
I really want a maxipad headdress so I'll stick with that, I did see pic related IW headdress on WW which fits is nice cuz it has a flower but it's tulle lace again. And I kind of just like the baby one better. I do have some pink flower hairclips i could experiment with though.

>> No.8921887

Thanks, I'll keep an eye out for the things you suggested! Hopefully I can also find ribbon with a bit of gold thread or something, like the kind BTSSB uses sometimes, to help with the shoes.

>> No.8921918
File: 213 KB, 640x960, IW Cesky Krumlov JSK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I have some ideas on coording this? I've worn it with red and white, and just full white before.
I have a pair of orange-red/brick colored socks that match the print perfectly but I don't have anything else that is that color.
I just want to think of new ways to coord it.
pic not me obviously but it shows the dress colors a bit better
Tbh those tights look really terrible irl. And in white they just look like you have some weird disease on your legs it sucks.
Try to find some white socks with a gold design on em. And add a White beret to pin that bow on.
Are you getting everything on MLD?

>> No.8921924

Almost everything is from MLD. Is that too risky?

>> No.8921928

It's not risky, they're just taobao resellers, unless that dress isn't available on taobao anymore, I would just look into making a taobao order, you'll get better prices and more variety.
Just look at the Taobao thread. The shopping services that have a shopping cart system are super easy to use. Don't be afraid of taobao!

>> No.8921959

I pair my cesky krumlov with wine red oxford heels and headbow in the same color as the buttons, and white lace socks or tights. I've been wanting to get a heart shaped bag which I think would be quite cute, but a red satchel would be nice as well.
Maybe if you want to match the shoes you have you could do something simple with a straw boater and add a ribbon in a matching color and some flowers.

MLD is fine and they can be easier to use if you're new to taobao, but for this size of order using taobao directly may be more economical.
I agree with what others are saying that all the navy doesn't look right. Stick with the navy dress and bow and maybe try white tights with a star/celestial pattern.

>> No.8921973

Do you have a picture of what the tights look like irl? I was also planning on getting them in navy.

>> No.8922990

They honestly don't show up in pictures at all. They looked better on my black friend though. But since they're kinda sheer it just looks weird af.
The one time I wore the white ones my friend said it honestly looked like my legs were diseased.
I think there's a more opaque version of them out there, and those might be better.

>> No.8923001

I've done something similar but with a brighter red (red bolero, beret, shoes). Wine red sound nice though. Thank you for the idea!

>> No.8923455

Hmm, maybe I'll look around for some different constellation tights or otks, then. Thanks.

>> No.8923510
File: 207 KB, 790x1726, mpcsax3280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like some help with balancing the colors in this coord, as well as what to add to make it more OTT/ mahou kei- like. Or just any concrit in general.

>> No.8923522

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.8923533

Wat? That was a legitimate question.

>> No.8923546


Do you have the items in person yet? Something about the shade of blue feels off to me when coorded with sax. Could be just my monitor though.

>> No.8923554

No I don't have them yet, except for the gold items.. The AP set is in the mail though so I can reference the actual blue color when I see it in person.

>> No.8923567

that coord is legitimately ugly, too

>> No.8923621

Okay, would you like to give some concrit on improving it then?

>> No.8923721

blues don't match, neither do the golds and the bow on the blouse is going to look weird with the bow on the JSK

>> No.8923922

Instead of the bowtie blouse try a peter pan or maybe a sailor would be alright too? If you're using the gold bag then go with gold shoes. Get a sax headbow that matches the blouse. The wand + the whole idea of "mahou kei" is dumb but otherwise it looks cute.

>> No.8923975
File: 177 KB, 1440x806, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, if the blue doesn't work out, it looks like pink and ivory would work. An ivory blouse with pink shoes would be my personal choice, balances out the socks and the pinks in the dress.

My personal pet peeve with mahou kei are the plastic toys girls seem to like accessorising with. I'd go for metal star hairclips instead of the puffy stars, and resin-decorated metal keys like this instead of the official anime goods. The keys are hard to find outside of Japan though, seems like the trend has not caught on yet. You may have to commission someone in the indie crafts thread (or maybe the resin thread) to get the right key pendant you want, especially if you have a specific character you really want to show your love for.

In terms of silhoutte the cutsew has a bow on the chest that might clash with the chest bow on the jsk. I'd personally take cues from the military buttons and go with a high collar blouse, but I guess a peter pan collar blouse could work as well. The rest of the coord is pretty cute, mahou kei or not.

>> No.8923997

Wear the blue shoes, the golds dont match + it ties in the blouse and bow better. I think this is adorable

>> No.8924116
File: 69 KB, 428x640, lief catalogue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for the suggestions, I like the plainer purse with charms idea (I'm not big on novelty shape bags).
Without realising it I was heading for something similar to the original catalogue pic (pic related), so I guess I'll use that as my guide. Thanks again!

>> No.8924410
File: 44 KB, 576x576, TrickOrTreat_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to know if this is looking okay? The colors on the computer all seem really off, but the sweater and OTKs are ivory like the lace on the dress. The pinks are also the same.

I've been struggling with the shoes. Brown or pink? Same with the bag. Would this look cute with a Kumya/Usakumya pochette or just a plain pink heart bag? Any advice is appreciated. I own all items already besides the shoes.

>> No.8924505

I just got the dress and it has like three different shades of blue including the sax of the shoes.

Thank you so much for the help. I actually hate the tiny bow on the dress so I was hoping to cover it up with a bow from the blouse. I will keep looking for the right blouse.

>golds don't match

Can someone explain this to me? Is it because the bag is more matte? Are they not matching in the photos or in person? How can I avoid this in the future, since I can't really tell?

>> No.8924513

I don't know if you're subtly trolling or what, but you have more cool toned golds and warm toned golds

not sure how you can't tell the difference between the warmth of them

>> No.8924698
File: 69 KB, 426x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my dream dress but I don't know how to coord this because the dress is denim. Any ideas?

>> No.8924762

>dream dress


>> No.8924805

So because it's a quirky, denim, old school boz dress you're telling me to stop? Cool

>> No.8924809

Why did you buy it if you have no idea how to wear it.

>> No.8924816

I had an idea of how to coord it, but none of my accessories match. So I was seeing if I could get some ideas here. It is a help thread.

>> No.8924916

telling you to stop because it's ugly as fuck

>> No.8925193
File: 75 KB, 400x535, RSA0023-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8925263

I'll help you out anon give me a minute, I'm sure it looks fab with a proper petti desu.

>> No.8925331
File: 1.30 MB, 1493x785, denim goth coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there was more grey items in lolita... that would make my life easier.
I think you should replace that lacing in the center with a nicer black ribbon that doesn't awkwardly hang like that.
I had a completely different idea going into this but I kind of like it now.
I don't know if you're into super huge platforms so I added an alternative.
I think this would be qt with black lace topped socks too.
Also some simple silver jewelry with cross motifs would be A+

>> No.8925358
File: 77 KB, 701x395, jlasfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this! I'd really want to see it with one of these kinds of headdresses, if you find one that matches

>> No.8925495
File: 281 KB, 720x720, Ideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The denim and corset lacing is giving me a bit of a punky vibe, I think whatever you do go hard or go home, this isn't a dress that lends itself to toned down and casual. Punk elements here are going to be polarizing, but you could possibly go down the ripped tights, black priest coat (think Neo from the Matrix - like a cassock) and docs route. This isn't strictly lolita and there will no doubt be people who think it looks awful, if you do want to go that way make sure you rock hair and makeup so that it's more on the "hot mess" rather than "mess" side of things. For something a bit more lolita, maybe pic related will help? I suck at finding grey things so just went with black.

>> No.8925530

yes! a headdress like that would be great!
I was having a lot of trouble with head wear desu.

>> No.8926809
File: 251 KB, 640x517, 16-03-23-22-50-06-910_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could use some help
Just bought this cute piece. I am especially lost on the shoes and legwear to use

>> No.8926814


anon no

>> No.8926822

>cute piece
That's a cheap Bodyline dress that all newbies buy. It's not the worst by far. It should be insanely easy to coordinate, just use pink and white as accent colors.

>> No.8926842

Grow up. This dress is cute imo it's actually the best printed dress Bodyline made and most people agree on that.
Now Squirrel Party, that is a cheap newbie dress.
But i saw it coorded nicely only once so.

Just use white and pink anon. Brown shoes,pistachio green shoes,white shoes or pink shoes to go with the ice cream flavor on the print. Or blue. It's easy to coord.
A white blouse or a pink cardi would look good i guess.

>> No.8926885

It's a pretty simple dress. Pink/white/brown all look nice with it. Brown tea parties to ground your coord would look really nice, and legwear can just be any simple white/pink socks.

>> No.8926935
File: 653 KB, 900x655, softcream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's one of the better prints bodyline has out there. It can look pretty nice when worn well, especially in the blue and mint colorways.

As per usual, BL uses way too many different colours in their print so I would just stick to coordinating with sax and one of either shades of pink. I would personally avoid matching the brown and yellow, just because they are weird colours and probably would be hard to match well.

The two things prominent in the print are polka dots, bows and ice cream so use those to your advantage. Play it simple for now until you find what you feel works and doesn't work in the print.

>> No.8926941

>avoid matching the brown and yellow
>i can write english hurr durr

I meant to say - try not to wear brown or yellow as a focus colour in shoes, accessories, etc as they are difficult shades to match with.

>> No.8926946

Looks fine. I would probably add a few more gold accents with your jewelry, maybe get a star clip for your hair to balance out the bow and the bold gold of the shoes.

Is that petticoat the right shape for your dress? it's definitely an a-line dress.

>> No.8927016
File: 271 KB, 459x771, pink_house_dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have tried several boleros with it, but it seems too top heavy. Cardigans seem too casual. I don't really want to wear it as it, because it's nice, but plain. Pink house dress, so I am looking for more of a natural kei look.

>> No.8927049

A shawl would work nicely I think. Something knit or a bit lacey in a coordinating color?

>> No.8927113
File: 87 KB, 850x850, Ista Mori Late Night Elf Crown JSK II - 4-850x850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought this dress and I'm a little iffy on coordinating it. My biggest issue is that I love the neckline and I want to highlight that while also maintaining modesty. Any blouses you all would recommend? And headwear?

>> No.8927123
File: 378 KB, 500x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I really want to pair brown shoes with it, but I feel like that would be coord suicide

>> No.8927127

There's a lot of chocolate in the print. If you match the color well, brown shoes would be cute. Or if you have one of those beige donut bags, matching your shoes to that would be cute.

>> No.8927136

I don't even have any brown shoes right now, and I would get them just for this

the problem is finding shoes to match it since there are so many shades of it out there

it's not like pink or sax

it's hell

>> No.8927202

You're really over thinking this senpai, there's like 6 different shades of brown on this dress it's not that big of a deal.
You can also coord this with pink or sax.
Y u so stressed anon.
I'll help you out if you tell me some things you have in your wardrobe atm.

>> No.8927252 [DELETED] 
File: 1.59 MB, 2448x2937, floordinate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for any critique as well as help with accessories. I have a set of garnet stud earrings I usually wear with this skirt but nothing else that really matches.

>> No.8927257
File: 424 KB, 918x1102, floordinate_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for any critique as well as help with accessories. I have a set of garnet stud earrings I usually wear with this skirt but nothing else that really matches.

>> No.8927306

I think you need more brown on the upper part if you want to use these socks; I personally think ivory tights will look better. I see a brown hat looking good with it, and little pops of that wine/red of the roses in your accesories

>> No.8927362

swap that brown socks and go for some sheer white/creem tights, you can wear a red headress, also a red bag.

>> No.8927694

I'm 10cm taller than the 168cm max height measurement, MuFish place on their tights. Would the 10cm height difference be noticeable/would their tights not fit me at all? I don't have the confidence (or competence) to alter tights into stockings/otk socks. Could anyone suggest some tight/stocking sellers? I'm 178cm tall, if that helps?

>> No.8927758
File: 173 KB, 700x1200, l364-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this blouse in that gen color work in a burger lolita coord? It was the most bun colored blouse I could find and the pearls on the collar kinda look like sesame seeds.

>> No.8928458
File: 124 KB, 736x1111, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymous 03/24/16(Thu)12:31:21 No.8927694▶

I would wear dark brown bowler hat (pic related) with that coord. Maybe decorate the hat with red roses to make it more romantic.

>> No.8928495
File: 951 KB, 328x243, tumblr_m4ue5x1JZ31qcez1o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burger lolita coord

>> No.8928629
File: 516 KB, 679x571, ccc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get some opinions on this? Working with color is far out of my comfort zone

>> No.8928861
File: 1.89 MB, 3300x2550, first coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first lolita coord ever and I was wondering if this is okay or what should I wear in terms of accessories. The design is 'black stewart tartan' so if there are any hair band accessories match the jsk that would be great!
Also I know the petti is really short but I was wondering if the petti would hold up with the jsk or would it be weighed down?

>> No.8928866 [DELETED] 


>> No.8928898 [DELETED] 

what? I'm sorry, I don't understand. So is this ok?

>> No.8928919 [DELETED] 

lurk more

>> No.8928924

She's new, goddamit. Take it easy on her and she'll learn as time goes by. Be proud of what u wear.

>> No.8928930 [DELETED] 

there is no way this posted is this new to Lolita fashion and stumbled upon here of all places to post

the choice in style and the bit about the petti are obvious b8

>> No.8928941
File: 6 KB, 251x201, veruca salt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats why she posted here in the "advice" thread to get some "advice" duh. And all you did is sprinkle salt. My god.

>> No.8928942

thank you very much, i really appreciate it and look forward to learning more and wearing it when it arrives!
i am new to buying my first coord, but i have been taking notes and tips for a while and i just purchased them this week. But if the petti is fine then thank you!

>> No.8928949

The shoes are horrible. The crown is horrible.
please just burn that "petti" that's not even a petticoat.

>> No.8928954 [DELETED] 

>please just burn that "petti" that's not even a petticoat.

As a fashion designer I find that statement kinda harsh, sweetie. I don't event know where you're basing your point of view from. PMS perhaps?

>> No.8928958 [DELETED] 

God damn why are you so retarded?

>> No.8928960
File: 11 KB, 500x300, 1421054131112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please post it when you're done. In the draw thread specifically.

>> No.8928962 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 416x628, 1431400766152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down girls, you're both itas.

>> No.8928971

why has this thread been so stupidly salty lately? it's an advice thread, chill out.

I see what you're doing with the matching blues, but is the cutsew brighter than the socks? The middle blue shade looks especially different.
My suggestion would be wearing a white blouse or cutsew with a black bowtie/ribbon to tie in the shoes. Then layer a blue cardigan or bolero on top.
If you don't want outerwear then you should limit the amount of colors you have here. I would nix the black and focus on red/white/blue.

It's a good start for your first coord and with some work it'll look pretty nice!
You may want to consider doing the blouse and tights in white, but if you want to keep it simple just having black is fine. I think finding some prettier legwear would be good, maybe just black otks with a lace/ruffle top?
For headwear you could do a black headbow or an old school style ruffle headdress. Ditch the crown.
Use black mary janes or tea parties for shoes instead of the cross boots.
That petti looks odd and too short for lolita. Classical puppets petticoats are nice but if you want something cheap for now, you could layer a couple ebay or costume pettis.

>> No.8928988 [DELETED] 

Yeah. this sis right here got it. Now thats some nice advice to hear!

...unlike those salt-sprinklers somewhere itt

>> No.8928999 [DELETED] 

do you not see that it's actually just a troll>>8928954? why are you fucking namefagging by the way?

>> No.8929007

Thank you guys sooo much for the advice and support it really means a lot to me!
I definitely will search for more clothing items and better hair accessories! What tights do you think would go with this jsk?

>> No.8929021 [DELETED] 

Why so PMS tho?

No problems, Petticoat-Chan!
If only you could drop by at my sewing shop I'd tour you / have some lunch. I have plenty of gossips to share :D

>> No.8929023

oh and thank you for mentioning the tea party shoes I make sure to get some as well!

>> No.8929036 [DELETED] 

Omg that would be great, Burando-Chan :3

>> No.8929041 [DELETED] 

are you namefagging to try to pretend you're not samefagging. holy shit disgusting...

>> No.8929219

To clarify, Marlon and I are entirely different people. They and >>8928971 just gave me advice for my plaid jsk coord. They didn't do anything wrong.

>> No.8929282


>> No.8929343

is this the new housewife chan?

>> No.8929383
File: 31 KB, 363x367, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Change the shoes and get a proper petticoat and the coord will be fine.

Those boots are too heavy for lolita. I suggest you to get a pair of very simple black mary janes. They go well with many outfits. You can find them in normie shops but easiest way is buy online. Make sure you look at the measurements of shoes, not size number.

Good petticoat is very important in lolita. That short thing in your pic, throw it away. It can't be worn with lolita dress. For this particulal dress, you have to get a a-line or bell shaped petticoat. In example, my lolita dress sells Classical Puppets' pettis. They cost about $30. Having a decent poof is the way to success in lolita.

>> No.8929407

thank you very much anon especially for the shoe size measurements since I'm a size us9.
and yeah I'm gonna ditch the short petticoat and look for the classical puppets brand. I really wanted the volume in the jsk and I'm willing to go all out for it.
And I love those mary janes!

>> No.8929415
File: 26 KB, 500x500, mary janes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a link to the shoes? I was wondering if they have a us 9.
I also found some mary janes in my size, would these shoes work as well?

>> No.8929441
File: 87 KB, 750x1125, HTB1ni2eIpXXXXXkXFXXq6xXFXXXM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found some mary janes that are more of a solid color.
Do you know of stores on aliexpress that do custom shoe sizing?

>> No.8929492
File: 18 KB, 250x333, is this green or blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i get some advice on how to coordinate this OP? it's officially the "blue" colorway, but it looks really green.

I was thinking of either pairing it with some dark brown/milk tea accessories. would that look too out of place with this print though? starting to wish i got this in beige instead.

>> No.8930184


Sorry, I haven't bought anything from Aliexpress.

But, have a link for those shoes!

>> No.8930353
File: 2.39 MB, 3300x2550, first coord revised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg thank you so much, they're perfect!
I also fixed up the coord too. I was wondering about getting the a line petti btssb made for old school jsks, but i also need classical puppets in my life now.

>> No.8930703


Brand pettis are always horrible. I can't recommend those.

I can see a progress! Keep going

>> No.8930755

Well classical puppets it is! Thank you so much, I will do my best!

>> No.8930760
File: 88 KB, 340x255, ddcsk_1_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas for DDC coorded in a more elegant way?

>> No.8932036
File: 728 KB, 936x864, garden v3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been working on the coord pictured but I'm having a struggle finding shoes that work. Those ones in the pic are too dark a shade to match the very light pink of the dress. Also, I'm probably going to use a straw tote and adorn it with white+pink flowers instead of the rattan bag.

So I guess what I'm thinking is should I consider a different color shoe since the dress is hard to match? I was thinking maybe a beige color to match the straw pieces, or would perhaps a slightly darker pink that I could match to flowers be alright?

>> No.8932314


I think you should add darker pink to your coord's colour palette. Like you said, add flowers to match the shoes. Two different pinks looks fresh made properly. If you find satin ribbon with that pink you can add it to the hat.

>> No.8932346
File: 437 KB, 999x655, os gothiclolita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I just bought this ugly visible OP from CC. I was thinking of going super old school with it but I can't really decide on a headdress. These are the ones I have been looking at:

http://a-beast.ocnk.net/product/403 (custom in all black)
http://a-beast.ocnk.net/product/159 (personal favorite)

>> No.8932482

maybe some kind of mini-hat or floral pin? I can't imagine a bow or bonnet looking right withg that wig.

>> No.8932903

Thinking of ordering pic related (beg), but I only have white blouses and socks and such (still don't have a lot of stuff yet) and I'm not sure if it would work together
What do you guys think? Pls help

>> No.8932911
File: 152 KB, 700x1200, l565-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.8933311

Ivory for sure, anon. Also where'd you get those shoes?

>> No.8933338

Second to last is best in my opinion, followed by the one you said was your personal favorite. The dress is crying out for an oversized rectangle headdress, the others aren't big enough.

>> No.8933345

I would go with the bat-maid. It doesn't overpower the coord, and it's one of the cutest hair accessories I've ever ownes. If you really wanna stick with the old-school theme, though, go with the second one, it's the right shape without too much decoration.

>> No.8933353

I'm sorry anon, I completely forgot. I was literally just browsing Lolibrary for all navy cardigans. There aren't that many so I hope that helps?

>> No.8933427

Wearing the white blouse and socks would be fine if you tie in the beige elsewhere like as headwear or shoes.

>> No.8936168
File: 261 KB, 600x800, C03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tights/stockings/socks suggestions to coord with Juliette et Justine La bibliothèque OP, in the colourway Antique Black? I'm trying to focus on the black, red, and green colours.

>> No.8936571

New thread! >>8936569

>> No.8936575

Plain black polka dot tights, then you can easily use accessories in the other colors without having to find patterned tights that don't clash