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8924577 No.8924577[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fox interviews random cosplayers; it goes about as badly as you'd expect


>> No.8924580
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just as bad as i expected it to be

>> No.8924582

There's also a lolita in the mix

>> No.8924626

This is disgusting, and the way they edit things just makes a fool out of everyone who doesn't agree with fox news

>> No.8924635

Are the people the same for each question? I'd be surprised that tumblry people like trump.

>> No.8924641

Oh jesus christ I thought this was some parody site. Jesus. Christ.

>> No.8924687
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Oh good there's a comments section too

>> No.8924730

I wish I could say I thought this was a troll... but I know better than to hold out any hope about Fox's viewer base...

>> No.8924734
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You could say that about the comment section of any Fox news article and it would still work

>> No.8924756

I couldn't even finish I am so upset

>> No.8924776

>time to end the public education system

Yes, let's end 88% of America's education because of differing opinions kek

>> No.8924793

That editing and the random movie scenes already gave me cancer.

>> No.8924799

Lol, I'm the lolita. They took 5 or 10 minutes filming to post like 6 seconds of content so of course it doesn't matter how well formulated a response is if they clip it down to when you stutter :p

>> No.8924804

This is why convention attendees should never ever accept interview offers from journalists.

>> No.8924812


Ah, my Adblock blocked the video.

This is like Buzzfeed: The Movie.

>> No.8924814

For real. >>8924799 's comment backs it up.

There is NO WAY TO WIN against editing. You could have delivered a perfect answer to every question and they'll still cut you to look like a moron.

>> No.8924831

Can you post a pic of your outfit? The video won't load for me

>> No.8924833

What the fuck is this? It's a collection of terrible interviews interjected by buzzfeed-style clips of pop culture. Was this actually on the news? This guy makes money?

>> No.8924877

So much this. No matter what channel, NEVER accept an interview offer from a TV channel. No matter what you say they'll edit it as they want.

>> No.8924881

just how i mentioned earlier >>8924626 , they'll edit you to look stupid, NEVER accept interviews of this sort, especially fox news. Cmon guys.

>> No.8924891

Local newspaper journalists are better at it; They usually don't know anything about anything but they're polite and usually try to portray us in a neutral to good light. Radio and TV journalist are generally way less respectful in my experience.

>> No.8924954

yeah, most local journalists where im from are polite and do the same.. but we dont have too many big events here, so im not suprised that it changes when you attend something like sxsw... not that it makes this """interview"""" any less horrific...

>> No.8924959

A reminder to never do random interviews...immortalized as a tool on someone else's site.

>> No.8924993

Man you wanna see something really golden?
RT at a con

>> No.8924998

Newspaper journalist are there to present news as it happens, whereas the TV and radio feels the need turn it sensationalize a notch...*cough ratings cough*

>> No.8925584

>Why is transphobia the biggest issue facing the country

But in all seriousness Fox is and always will be trash. This "interview" - with the movie clips and crap - was so... cancer-inducing.

>> No.8925599
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Why did I watch this? I knew nothing good would come out of it.

>> No.8925698

> this is why people should never accept interview offers from anyone in general

>> No.8925703

To elaborate: from anyone in general who has a camera and claims to be interviewing for a company or a cause

>> No.8925792

They don't even allow the people to ellabroate on their answers. Being put on the spot and asked questions in front of a camera without any real preperation makes people say, "Uh'" a lot and seem unsure. Instead they snap in clips of bullshit lines from movies. Fox is garbage. Everyone knows Fox is garbage. Issues like what were said take more than just a quick response, sometimes even a great deal os discussion like when the one girl said ISIS. Its more complex that a sudden jab. Half the stuff I doubt even the interviewer can hold a discussion about off the top of his head. For those of you who don't know, people thrown into the interviewing side of this are usually low level reporters given these tasks as newbie jobs, not legit reporting. Doesn't make Fox any less of a shitty new source, but the cut aways really do show his interview style is crappy and his editor in charge of the segment don't know how to report and do their jobs properly.

>> No.8925795

I really want to beat the shit out of the guy doing the interview. He was such a rude smart ass. Any comments that fox news disagrees with he immediately insulted the person he was interviewing. Not to mention pointing a sword to the guys neck. He was easily the cringyest thing in the video.

>> No.8925803

It looks kind of ita from the top up. You aren't missing anything.

>> No.8925872 [DELETED] 
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They wear their ignorance of culture like a badge of honor to humilate the public in an effort to shame their own communies. I will never understand that backwords thinking.

>> No.8925876
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They wear their ignorance of culture like a badge of honor to humilate the public in an effort to shame their own communities. I will never understand that backwards thinking. How bitter do you have to be to enjoy this shit?

>> No.8925889

My buddy was talking for 15 minutes to the news lady about a robbery he witnessed and it got edited down to a 12 seconds response about there was a group of black kids and a latino. The Latino was the robber but the group was just bystanders yet they felt the need to leave the description of them along with the robber in there. I couldn't stop laughing at him when we all sat down to watch it at his house with him thinking he was getting his 15m of fame

>> No.8925891
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>These comments

>> No.8926443

Wow that was cringey. "They only care about 'ism's like racism, sexism, transphobiaism, they don't care about important stuff".

I think I finally understand what tumblr users mean by "white privilege".

>> No.8926444

>'You're Dressed Like That, But Trump is a Clown?'

Well, one is running for president, the other is at a music festival.

>> No.8926555
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>> No.8927221

He has a point. These are things pretty much kids living with their parents fight for.

>> No.8927230

Is-is that Jonathan Pie? I usually like his stuff.

>> No.8927242

What should they be fighting for, then?

>> No.8927263

Do kids living with their parents deserve less rights and representation or something?

People caring more about politics that affect them isn't a crazy reality.

>> No.8927278

Of course they don't have less rights, but with a lack of responsibility they don't understand hardships adults are expected to face. They have time to be mad about gender neutral pronouns and demisexyality and self diagnosis because they don't have to deal with a full time job, or rent, or unexpected bills.

>> No.8927369

I don't get it though, I truly do not. Like I said before, of course, they care more about politics that affect them most. You can just turn it around and say "Oh, you only care about economics because you have a full time job! It is because of white privilege that you don't care about social issues.".

>> No.8927486

No, it's because I have more important things to worry about than how the world sees me. I know who and what I am, I don't need to waste my time convincing anyone anything, which is all these kids try to do all day. They are obsessed with lables that mean Jack shit.

Also economics effects everyone, even if they are giant parent leeches, so they should care about it.

>> No.8927627
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This. On the school yard is when I first encountered racism, boys beating eachother up over their skin color starts early thanks to bad parenting, those Fox News viewers, who are SO much more responsible. Anyways, they bank on creating friction between communities so I wouldn't let it get to anyone.

>> No.8927932

I'm not American so I don't know if that's just this guy's schtick, but I was surprised how rude the host was to the interviewees.

Also lol at the editing acting like the only person interviewed who cared about jobs was the Trump supporter.

>> No.8928035

>implying you need to edit anything to make cosplayers look like fools

autismus maximus

>> No.8928040

holy fuck kill yourself you fat cunt

>> No.8928088

We are talking about social issues, not specifically labels. Social issues like equality is important for many people.

>Also economics effects everyone, even if they are giant parent leeches, so they should care about it.

I'm sure they do care about economics, but the age you are depends on what you care about economically. While young people are focused on unrealistic min wage increase, I'm sure Bill o'riley is focused on unrealistic retirement, social security, and health care options.

Seriously, they are old white straight men, of course they don't think social issues are important. It doesn't affect them.

>> No.8928113

Social issues in America are not nearly as pressing as legitimate threats such as foreign policy, job creation, immigration...because these legitimate political issues effect social issues. Will underprivileged minority communities be so desperate if they can get good jobs and move out of bad neighborhoods? Will Muslims face discrimination if the American people feel safe and secure and like their government is actually actively eliminating terror threats? American people are not oppressed. People complaining about oppression have likely never experienced true oppression in their lives. Christians in the middle East are being killed because they are Christian. John Kerry finally called Isis on what it is commuting, mass genoside. There are cultures in this world where women are literally sold as property. Women aren't allowed to own property/go out in public without a man. The government won't pay for my abortion though, so I'm OPPRESSED!!!!?!?!?!!!???!!!!??;!?!

Please move out of your mom's basement and into the real world. Then we can continue this conversation.

>> No.8928317

What you seem to be missing is that all that stuff you write off as "meaningless" or "tumblr" is something that could affect someone in "real life" and does.
> They should be worrying about their jobs or their rent or etc
You do realize in the "real world" there are people that are in high places that use that position to shut people out of those very same things you are worried about for those very same reasons you write off. You might be the best worker, have enough money in the bank to never miss a rent payment, went to school and got your phd and someone could still fire you/not hire you/or even give you the benefit of the doubt just because you asked for gender neutral pronouns or to be treated fairly in general (things adults should be able to understand).

There is nothing wrong with worrying about these issues and better for kids and young adults to start worrying about it now while they still have the safety net that is their parents to help them should they face this when they try to move forward. Good for you for apparently never dealing with any hardships like that but they are legitimate concerns. Regardless of the site they are being talked about on.

>> No.8928318


>> No.8928327

Fox is so blatant with propaganda, I don't know why you're all upset at the plain con autism. The one normal looking girl who is eloquent is a very normal looking girl who just so happens to be a Trump supporter and blatant Republican. This is really transparent fodder to make old Republicans scowl at the crazy liberal young folk and to make the only "right" looking kids in our nation random normie Trump supporters that were clearly planted.

>> No.8928375

You realise thats a joke, right?

>> No.8928451

No they can't. We have anti discrimination laws. If that happens take it to court. Don't wine about it on tumblr.

The problem is that you shouldn't have a god dammed safety net when you are 30. Activism won't pay for your groceries. Sitting on the internet all day and bitching won't pay for your rent. (Yes I see the irony)

>> No.8928501

I know you want to believe that the world is precious and perfect and that "justice is always served" but it truly doesn't work like that.
The burden to prove it is on you and if there is even a shadow of a doubt that no discrimination took place, they're off the hook. You better have some proof and most people (if there were any witnesses) aren't going to go to bat for you and its highly unlikely that they wrote down their prejudice or that you randomly recorded it.
> [...] when you're 30
I said young adult. Since when does 30 count as a damn young adult. There are older people who blog about this thing as well and they still have a reason to complain - these problems affect more than young adults, truth be told but we were talking about the youths that are upset, not them.
> Activism won't pay for your groceries
No, it most likely won't but it sure as hell can bring attention to the problems people in society face so they can be eradicated and people can live their lives and better deal with their "adult hardships".

Most people that complain about things do actually attempt to remedy their problems, but continue to strawmen other shit in. I'm sure you know since you saw a couple people on Tumblr that don't, right?

>> No.8928513

You do realize that racism and homophobia doesn't stop when you graduate high school right? People still get killed over that stuff in the US. It might not be as bad as other places but we should fix our problems here too. Just because you don't experience fear and oppression in your everyday life doesn't mean other people don't. It's been proven that unconcious biases and discrimination still makes it harder to get jobs and housing.

As for anti discrimination laws, they'll only exist in liberal states soon since they're being repealed everywhere with republican majorities....

Only having to worry about economics and foreign policy is like the definition of white male privilege.

>> No.8928520
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>We have anti discrimination laws.
>Actually having faith in our justice system
Our laws only work when your jury isn't filled with ignorant racist dumbasses or when cops actually give a shit about justice

>> No.8928526

Please site the sources where that is proven. Thank you.

Lol, being concerned about finding a job and the state of our security are "white male" issues? Literally all people worry about the job market. Pretty sure most people are concerned about national security after Tuesday too, or did you miss the second major terror attack in Europe? I suppose being afraid of another domestic terror threat isn't nearly as important as being able to use any bathroom you want though, is it? FIGHT THE OPPRESSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.8928531

So bitching about it on social media is the way to solve the problem? Yes, that must be way more effective!!! #blacklivesmatter #abortionforallwomen #callmexir

>> No.8928533

I'm not American either but US 'news' and politics are a fascination of mine. Practically all US news stations are shit sensationalist trash that use shiny graphics and even shinier teeth on their anchors to distract viewers from the complete lack of substance that results from a 24-hour news cycle, but Fox News is undeniably the shittiest of the shit. All their programming is like this. I'm pretty sure that any reporter who shows the tiniest bit of integrity is fired on the spot. It never fails to make me lose faith in humanity.

>> No.8928543

Actually, yeah it is.
The fact that you even know about black lives matter means that bitching on social media works. Nowadays, how else do you expect to get your message across effectively or to gather support countrywide? Send a letter? Publish an ad on the newspaper?

Protests only work when a shit ton of people know about them, and trust me BLM wouldn't had blown up the way it did if it just stuck to radio

>> No.8928563

Is BLM working though? I know tons of people who know about it and show hostility towards it because of their actions. Some of which were even in support of black causes who are now starting to dismiss anything because of their violent and disruptive actions.

On topic though, its sad to see cosplayers playing into this kind of thing. its cool to talk politics but its a bit hard to think anyone is going to take you seriously dressed as a character from a children's cartoon.

>> No.8928582

We don't get Fox her, so i only really know it from reputation, but that has to be the least professional "news" video i have ever seen.

I guess it confirms that Fox's audience is mouth breathers.