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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 272 KB, 1440x2151, _20160411_234555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8957393 No.8957393[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Unnecessary triggering edition

Old thread >>8950429

>> No.8957401

I can't stop laughing at this photo holy shit, especially after seeing how assblasted the one secret this week was about anime collaboration dresses

>> No.8957408

i didn't know this existed, but now i desperately need it. well there goes all my savings

>> No.8957409

Only been in lolita for about a year, built up a wardrobe and got some coords together and decided to join my local comm.
Turns out they're not really active anymore. I'm not super outgoing so hosting a meet up is not really something I'm interested in. Also I feel old and it's weird trying to make new friends when I've already got some.

I still want to wear the fashion and I'm sure I'll wear it to cons but, what else should I do with it?
Like when is this shit appropriate to wear other than meets and cons and going shopping.
Also going out to eat in lolita sounds like a disaster waiting to happen so I'm not interested.

Any ideas?
Would it be stupid to wear it to a game store to play magic with a bunch of gross sweaty nerds?

>> No.8957419

It comes in a few colourways, and there were two OPs. The bonnet that matched the series was hella cute. I got the brown colourway of the tiered OP and the bonnet in an oddments pack and love it. It's so comfy and doesn't scream 'COLLABORATION!' like most of their anime crossovers.

>> No.8957427

>Also going out to eat in lolita sounds like a disaster waiting to happen
Why? Only if you're a sloppy fuck

>> No.8957428

wow, some of the items were in oddments? lucky! i really want one of the ops + bonnets too, this series was so tasteful. ahhhh i hope i get my bid in time

>> No.8957435

wear it wherever you like, they're just clothes.

>> No.8957439

I mean, comms go out to eat all the time. Afternoon tea and going out to lunch is a really common meet activity. That said, really you can do whatever the heck you want. If you feel like wearing lolia to go play magic, then do it. People wear lolita to all sorts of things. The only inappropriate places I can think of would be maybe to obviously any "official" or important things, or events where it is frowned upon to draw attention to yourself (weddings, funerals, off the top of my head). I don't see why you can't wear lolita to play magic at a game store, just be mindful of your petticoat maybe.

>> No.8957440

Lolita is just clothing so I mean, you can wear it whenever you need to wear clothes?
There's not any particularly inappropriate time to wear it except maybe work if your profession doesn't accommodate it.

>> No.8957451
File: 40 KB, 250x333, 09_62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite a few, yes. Mine had a tiny tear in part of the skirt, but the bonnet was pristine. I'm pretty sure a few other people likewise received sets, but theirs didn't have any obvious damage.

>> No.8957454


I seriously found some stuff between the thousands of JAVs. But most of them were meh.

>they buy Bodyline to have autentic stuff for rather cheap price
>mfw these cheap asses can't spend another few yen for a fucking Yanners petti
>all the magic gone

Lolita without petti just isn't right.

>> No.8957481
File: 512 KB, 249x223, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Other Magic playing lolitas exist
Sorry anon, that's most of what I got from that. Seriously though, sweaty nerds already stare enough at girls, who gives a shit if they stare a little more because of your clothes. They're just clothes.

>> No.8957496
File: 596 KB, 500x600, 04062003_5704ecf4e35c8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's a fair number of lolita dresses that can be styled almost normally if you take away the petti/use a flat petti, regular shoes instead of tea parties, no giant head-eating bows. Takes a bit of practice and experimentation to find what looks good, and it does lack the poof to be properly lolita, but you'll be able to wear your lolita dresses without attracting too much attention, so it's an easy way to still be collecting and wearing pretty dresses. Then when the rare meetup or con rolls around, just dress things up with the right petti, blouses, headbows, etc, and you'll still have a full lolita outfit. You can take a look at otome styling (where they overlap with casual lolita) if you want to go this route to continue wearing your dresses casually.

If your thing is the full lolita look or OTT lolita then I guess you could try doing it like the cosplayers, arrange for photoshoots and have a really nice collection of photos for yourself instead of focusing on socialising and meetups.

>> No.8957520

I wore St Vitus to my grandfather's funeral. He loved stained glass and church things.

>> No.8957532

My statement was a generalization to give an example; I know things like weddings/funerals will vary from person to person. Some people's families won't mind while others do.

>> No.8957572

>If your thing is the full lolita look or OTT lolita then I guess you could try doing it like the cosplayers, arrange for photoshoots and have a really nice collection of photos for yourself instead of focusing on socialising and meetups.
I guess this is what will happen? I already blog about my experience becomming a lolita so to speak and I'm probably very much still an ita (I do wear brand tho and try to coord and take critique).

I really don't like otome or larme for some reason. Just doesn't appeal to me, don't know why.

I was thinking about getting back into it after I quit for like a year or so now.
The game store I go to has a lot of people who go every week and I have a bit of drama with them but my friend really wants someone to play magic with her and her boyfriend and I like them and want to do it. They won't care I'm just worried someone might have a problem with me or think that I'm attention seeking. I just want to dress up and play a card game I swear.

Also do you play standard? I only really play EDH.

I am. I'm also super paranoid about getting stuff on my clothes so whenever I eat I'm constantly wiping my mouth off with a napkin and I can't really eat sugar so eating at meets would be awkward for me cause I hate explaining my stupid teeth stuff to people.
What can I say? Most of the savory stuff I eat is messy.

>The only inappropriate places I can think of would be maybe to obviously any "official" or important things, or events where it is frowned upon to draw attention to yourself (weddings, funerals, off the top of my head). I don't see why you can't wear lolita to play magic at a game store, just be mindful of your petticoat maybe.
Cool, thank you! I often read in past threads that sometimes lolita is not always appropriate but never really saw examples of when it wasn't appropriate to wear and was curious what those things were.

>> No.8957615

Can someone link me that interview that Misako did where she said that lolita doesn't have a masculine counterpart, or did I make that up in my head?

>> No.8957668
File: 57 KB, 304x680, casual1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>really don't like otome or larme for some reason

Nah, I get what you mean. Neither fashions appeal to me either, nor does gyaru, nanchatte, dollykei, fairy kei or any of the others. Lolita's something I truly love, I'm not going to trendhop into other jfashions just because they're jfashions either.

What I meant was that if you search for terms like "casual lolita otome" you're likely to find some toned down coords where you can almost pass for a very dressy sort of near-normal look. If you're worried about people staring at you it's certainly an option to keep in mind, so your choices aren't limited to only either "dresss like a bum" or "be OTT eye magnet", there's a middle road you can try and explore.

The coords look nicer when you throw in the word otome when you search. I don't know why, searching for casual lolita alone seems to bring up a lot of really weird outfits and replicas.

>> No.8957693

Really? I saw lots of girls wearing Baby and full coords

>> No.8957743

>there's a middle road you can try and explore.
Ah yeah, I get what you mean!
And I will use the otome keyword - I'm so glad I taught myself to search stuff in Chinese and Japanese using Google translate. Makes auction hunting so much easier.

>> No.8957744

Is any of it newer or do they blur stuff?

>> No.8957771

What are good platforms to hunt down your dream dress? So far I'm checking
>closet child blogs
>violet blue

Am I missing something?

>> No.8957775

Tokyo Alice
Grand Bazaar
Maiden Clothing
Fairy Angel
Alice Fururun
Usagi Youhinten

>> No.8957776

Alice Fururun, Tokyo Alice, Fairy Angel, Usagiyouhinten, Maiden Clothing & Girly Cute.

>> No.8957790

Thanks! I compiled a list. It's really a piece of work looking for a dress on every site.

>> No.8957795

I had to pay 100$ for my BODYLINE Jsk just because of the fucking customs (40$) and shipping fees (30$)
Fuck being european really. Never gonna order from USA again.

>> No.8957801

Not their fault you didn't research your country's custom policies.

>> No.8957805

>implying i didn't know about that already
They are overpricing because they are greedy bitches.
Come on, the package isn't even big or heavy at all and the value is 40$.

>> No.8957813

>40$ for a JSK

do you live in fucking icelandic countryside? because you got ripped there

>> No.8957815

France. Sweet,sweet France.

>> No.8957834

>styled almost normally
When you say that do you mean accepted alternative styles or normie wear?

>> No.8957851

Well "moi" thinks "vois" should ask for a picture of the mail receipt.

>> No.8957854

I play Magic in Lolita, but if the event is really big, I save my most expensive dresses.
Nerds in MtG are open mind IMO

>> No.8957856

Looking at the AP site, I just thought of something. How come that nearly all print replica dresses are AP replica, yet the still have the print plastered as background all over their page?
Baby does the same, even though I can only think of two prints of them being replica (merry seewts castle and that alice book cat thingie). Shouldn't they be more careful? Why does no replica maker care for Baby Stuff?

>> No.8957858

I don't know what to tell you about brands using prints as backgrounds, but I imagine that replica makers care less for BTSSB and other brands because generally there's less demand for them. It seems that many replica-chans are after cute AyyPee prints more than anything else.

>> No.8957879
File: 8 KB, 236x295, a697e183e6c4f5a7ceb0d417ed95b152[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Normie. More or less like pic related.

>> No.8957906

I should do so, yes.

>> No.8957937
File: 106 KB, 299x597, Coordinate-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else have a dress they just can't let go?

Every once in a while I consider selling my Honey Cake. It's a tad too sweet and bright for me, doesn't fit with my mostly red/wine wardrobe and I'm leaning towards Otome lately. Also, I feel like I already did every coord I could with it (and I only did two very similar ones). Maybe I need to try new things with it?
It's just that one piece in my closet that sticks out. But I just can't sell it. The theme with pancakes, the cute bear bottle and the retro waffle mix boxes are just too cute!

Would it be stupid to keep it and only display it on my dressform? It feels like a waste, but it's still one of my dream dresses..

>> No.8957982

I mostly wear lolita when I go on dates with my boyfriend so I wear it mostly to the movies and out to eat. Just be careful while eating and you'll be fine. Or just wear all black haha

>> No.8957987

Displaying it would be pretty stupid, unless you don't mind damage from dust, sunlight, etc. Either keep it in your closet, sell it, or let it get shitty and gross on a mannequin. Your call

>> No.8957989

Those of you who have problems with people lifting skirts: have any of you tried to lift their skirt or blouse afterwards? And what happened?

>> No.8957996

honestly, it's super shitty but i've noticed it helps 100% to have a guy around me when i'm wearing lolita. that seems to deter people from approaching me inappropriately or touching my things.

when people lift my skirts/pettis i usually say "don't do that" or "excuse me" in my angry babysitter voice before motioning my clothes out of their hands. most people apologize immediately but sometimes i get people who call me a bitch in passing too lol.

>> No.8958002

You should do what you want with it. It's your dress.

Maybe what you need is to look at other coordinates for inspiration to get out of the rut.

>> No.8958008
File: 24 KB, 480x480, b46fa856179845c9cc326031b4821e9c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not all that far off from being an otome jsk, if you're willing to take off the front waist bow and wear it without waist ties you're probably nearly there. Does lower the resale value a bit to do that, though, and I don't know if it fits in your otome wardrobe.

As for the mannequin, I treat my mannequin like an extra BJD and frequently change its clothes just for the fun of it anyways, so it'd definitely be worth it for me as I enjoy dressing up the mannequin just as much as I enjoy wearing the clothes. If you don't really enjoy that, for you, it might not be worth hoarding the dress.

If you can't make a decision, why don't you try keeping it in a box for a month or two, pretend you've sold it, then see how you feel. You might start to miss it when you see it on other girls, or you might not care at all (in which case it's definitely time to sell it).

>> No.8958009

I would sell my CEL St Augustine's Abbey JSK because it is literally the only gothic/black thing in my mostly pink and mint wardrobe. But I went through heartache to get it, and I love having a stained glass print. Maybe when I get another stained glass print that better fits my wardrobe, I'll let it go.

>> No.8958016
File: 30 KB, 354x354, x354-q80 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anyone else have a dress they just can't let go?
Yep, pic related.
>CT could only get me long ver and it's too damn long on me
>would have to get it taken up
>sold the otks and blouse because I didn't like them
>would have to buy all new things to coord it with since nothing in my wardrobe fits with it aesthetically and color wise
>can't bring myself to sell it even though it fits one of my friends perfectly
It was a dream print ever since I started lolita, and selling it feels like I'm turning my back on it in a way.

>> No.8958027

for me it's chess chocolate and milky planet, i just can't let go of these two no matter how much i try. they're both too bold and busy for me as prints, so i haven't worn either more than once since i got it... but i've loved these prints since release so it's hard to let it go.

>enjoy dressing up the mannequin just as much as I enjoy wearing
this is totally me too, i usually dress my mannequin in fancier outfits i wouldn't typically wear and it's super fun.

>> No.8958060
File: 125 KB, 438x800, wunderwelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I ordered a pair of gloves from Wunderwelt via Lacemarket and I gotta say I'm disappointed with their packaging. They were quick to invoice me and ship it out, but considering I paid extra for EMS they could've at least bought an envelope.

Thankfully the gloves were in a plastic back but I'm still disappointed they sent my stuff across the Pacific in a folded paper bag.

>> No.8958067

Whoa, WTF? Did this really come from wunderwelt? I'm stunned. I've made two purchases from them before and the packaging was just fine. That is not appropriate at all, this makes me hesitant to buy something from them again.

>> No.8958071

Anon, I was in your situation. I bought Honey Cake for $350 (this was back in 2012 when this price was considered high). I wore it almost every week and felt that I was growing out of sweet. I sold it for $550 2 years later and regretted it.

Sure it was nice to pocket the cash but I ended up buying it for almost that much a year later. Now I don't wear it as often but I don't feel it's a waste sitting in my closet either.

>> No.8958072

Yeah I couldn't believe it myself. I still left them a good review on LM but I didn't leave this out. I'll give them another chance but if they do this again I'll be more vocal.

>> No.8958177

I guess I'll do that.

I really enjoy dressing up my mannequin and trying out looks before I wear them! That's why I'll probably just try new things and see how it goes. I think part of me is thinking my coords are 'not living up to it'. The idea with the box is really good, but I already know that I get really excited when I see other girls wearing it and get the urge to wear it again.
I'm definitely not at a point to sell it yet. I just need to try more new stuff, maybe making the waist bow detachable.

>> No.8958220

>Nerds in MtG are open mind IMO
Ah, you're lucky then. I've met a lot of spergy retards playing that game which is why I'm hesitant to go back.

>> No.8958238

I have a white dress that was so expensive I'm too scared to wear it so I keep it on a dressform as a decoration

>> No.8958244

Yeah they sent me an OP like that lol. The bag held up better than their shitty cardboard boxes

>> No.8958252

Email them and complain. The bag looks tattered and since it had to travel a considerable distance, it had better have been padded with lots of bubble wrap or paper (and it doesn't look like it is). Even if it was insured, it's a hassle to deal with the post office or a company to get your money back for any damages. This is shameful.

>> No.8958287
File: 340 KB, 500x670, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gulls please talk me out of this dress. I really like it for some reason. Deep down I'm wondering if it's really a tacky clusterfuck...

>> No.8958323

I'm not saying it to be a jerk but it's really tacky imo. Please don't anon.

>> No.8958331



I love the dress, too. But I'm not able to coord it and will look like an ita mess. So I'm resigned to just admiring it from afar.

If the bright, gaudy print doesn't scare you off, you might want to look for reviews on TF's quality. There's one on egl talking about crooked lines of sewing and really thin fabric. We talk about burando, but keep in mind that TF isn't burando, it's Japanese indie, well known for the quality of their bonnets, not their dresses. Considering the price tag of the dress, you should make sure you're okay with receiving that kind of quality before you buy it.

>> No.8958333
File: 60 KB, 280x373, RoyalChocolateLowWaistJSK-ivory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me determine the sizes of AP dresses? My SS messaged the seller and they said they weren't sure and gave flat measurements. The length sounds like it could be either M or L.

>length: 82cm
>width: 70cm


>> No.8958339

82 cm in length is on the average side for AP. Most of their dresses from a few years ago (specifically the ones I have from the 2009-2011 era) are ~80-83 cm. The newer ones are about 85 cm long on average. If you're under 5'6" it should fit you fine.

>> No.8958350

I'd be needing the M for this specific dress as the L would be too big in the bust. Flat measurements for the width seem to be for M, but the length is what's throwing me off

>> No.8958397

Wow I've never received anything like that from them in that condition, was it one of their marked down pieces? Did you purchase via ems? I usually receive my stuff in an ems bag or cardboard box.

>> No.8958410

I have a bit of a moral dilemma
>Girl I my comm is selling a pair of Bodyline shoes
>Her price is based off the current price of the shoes and not the price she bought them at (they were from the s# and not the new shoes#)
>Another girl commented about buying them first, so I'm next in line if she doesn't want them
>Do I tell the other girl that she should ask that the price be lowered to reflect the price they were bought at?
>Do I see if she decides against buying the shoes because of the price and then talk to the seller myself?
I know the seller can choose whatever price to sell at but it's misleading to set a price because "they sell on Bodyline for X amount" when they actually sold for about 15$ less.

>> No.8958418

If the purpose is to knock her our if the running, you're a dick. If it's in warning in good faith, good on you.
Either way, all is fair in love and lolita ( as long as no one knows your real name ).

>> No.8958431

That's fugly, dude

>> No.8958433


It's going to look bad if you tell the buyer to bargain for a lower price, the deal falls through (for any reason, may have nothing to do with you), and then later on the buyer sees that you, the person who egged her into getting into some kind of bargain war, swooped in and bought the shoes.

If you really want to tell the buyer, I'd do it either anonymously, under another account, or indirectly (like if you were already talking with the buyer, bring up that you know the shoes are actually overpriced and you were hoping to get the seller to lower the prices anyway).

>> No.8958444

That's the dilemma, the girl buying is kinda new so she probably isn't aware that she's being overcharged, but I don't want to be blamed if the seller gets upset by her haggling. On the other hand, if she decides not to buy them because of the price and I haggle for them later it is a very dick move. I was thinking of maybe asking on the sales post exactly when she bought the shoes because Mr. Yan upped the price over the last year so the price she set might be over what she remembered buying them for, but pretty sure the seller is aware of what she's doing... which is also a dick move but her choice. I'm already buying some other stuff from her so I don't want her to be mad at me for cutting down her profits.

>> No.8958459

I don't own this dress so I could be wrong, but isn't the sizing information (M/L) on the care tag? At least, that's how it is on my MRC items, so it may be worth a shot to ask the seller to check.

>> No.8958481

She might be going by the US prices. OR the original price have been lowered because Bodyline is trying to get rid of the leftovers. If the size and color is still available on the website, why not just buy them new?

>> No.8958482

Thank you!! That's exactly what I needed.

>> No.8958483

You're thinking too hard about this. Let it play out, and if the other buyer doesn't want them, offer the seller the price you're willing to pay. If they don't accept, just move on, you'd be a dick to point out that the shoes aren't worth the price she wants.

>> No.8958536

It would be different had she been selling it at list price Vs it being what she actually bought it at

Can you loudcap with like "I'm interested but I can get it from Bodyline new for the same price"?

Either way, the seller call choose to sell it at whatever price and it's the other buyers fault for not knowing better

>> No.8958593

Does anyone have lolita info cards to pass out to normies? I'm terrible at formating things on Word and I was hoping someone would have some premade. The ones I found on EGL from a decade ago don't work.

>> No.8958624
File: 44 KB, 450x570, 162601-m-01-pl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this new release from iw and it's super cute and perfect for casual but I'm already getting it altered, the chest was way too big at 95cm for my 86 chest which is so uncommon.

I'm also not sure I'm really happy with the overall quality, it's nice but I'm not sure the price is worth it, has iw gone downhill? I'll keep it but the material feels like it could be better.

Have any of you gulls ever gotten something brand new that you were a little disappointed with?

>> No.8958640

Curious to see what you gulls think about buying secondhand items that have listed damages; what's the farthest damage you would deal with or attempt to fix yourself?

I found quite a few things on LM for under $40 but they do all have some sort of damage to them so I'm wondering if it's even worth it.

>> No.8958644

I'm already a princess about buying second hand because I'm an extreme germaphobe so I have to be absolutely in love with something to buy second hand

if it was a stain there's no way I'd get it but if it were like a hole in an obscure place I could fix maybe if it was one of my two dream dresses in preferred cut and color

>> No.8958645

I just put in an order for this too. Can't be too mad since all the iw ops I like second hand end up being expensive anyway.

>> No.8958646

Absolutely. I have a Baby dress, thought it was made with cotton. Turns out, it's a really thick polyester of some sort. It's shiny. Really turned me off and I still haven't worn the dress. It just feels cheap to me.

>> No.8958649

You'd be surprised by how much brand actually don't take damage from being thrown in the washer.

I usually stay away from yellowing and sweat stains.

>> No.8958674

Nah man I love this dress. It is a bit of a clusterfuck but if you're talented you can make a beautiful coord with it

>> No.8958681

I am fine with dirt stains and pulled threads for significant discounts. However, what I can't stand is missing pieces such as waist ties or damaged shirring. Those are generally a no go for me.

>> No.8958695

It's normal in JP to send items in bags. Looks sturdy and got to you safely

>> No.8958706

The resolution isn't good enough for it do be enlarged to real life size and put in a dress.
Replica makers just buy the dress. Oo Jia even had girls lining up to send her their originals so she could make copies.

>> No.8958718

That's pretty much exactly why I got it, I think you'll like it a lot, I'm just nit picky when it comes to these things, I feel like it could be slightly better but it's fine.

>> No.8958728

Have you been looking at all the damaged stuff WW puts up too? Some of it's got me tempted.

I've bought 2 pieces listed as having damages, one with some underarm yellowing and one with underarm pilling. When I got them neither were really noticeable at all, so I'm glad I got the cheap price without sacrifice.

I wouldn't buy anything with major staining, missing pieces (how tf do people lose waist ties and head bows so easily anyway), stretching, and probably even rips since I'm no seamstress.
If you're questioning the worth then maybe message the seller with offers or something if it's a piece you really want.

>> No.8958729

How beige is the beige? It looks white in the photo but I know iws stock photos are misleading. I ordered the black one. I hope it doesn't sell out before iw responds because it's just what I was looking for.

>> No.8958732

>how tf do people lose waist ties and head bows so easily anyway

I've always wondered this

can anyone give a reason besides pure retardation?

>> No.8958737
File: 580 KB, 849x1196, tmp_11336-pop(2)377882723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8958752

>AP strawberry print
Spring is officially here, guys.

>> No.8958755

I hate strawberry prints with a passion

I guess my wallet is safe for now

>> No.8958758

Bleh. I don't like the strawberries running all the way up into the sleeves. Like, the whole dress is just strawberry overkill.

I think the socks are cute but I don't like the dresses.

>> No.8958766

aw fuck I love AP's strawberry prints

>> No.8958767

Lots of lolita's place MTG, and many of them do while wearing it. I've been to many shops for FNM or an event wearing lolita. I've been at events, not in lolita, but saw lolita's there.

Literally do whatever the fuck you want anon. They're your clothes, fucking wear them or don't.

>> No.8958774

aww, i love ap's strawberry prints! but i don't like how busy this one is.

>> No.8958775

Seriously? I'd be pissed if I'd spent OP money and received a paper bag.

Even though I'm disappointed I believe >>8958695 is right. However they should have the sense to not do this for international orders. Rain happens, humidity happens, there's no guarantee this "package" will stay dry it's entire journey. If it tore, the gloves could've easily slipped out. I left a review on their LM, and posted here. So if Wunderwelt continues to package items sub-par then I'll be more vocal.

It was not a marked down or a damaged item. It was a pair of gloves with "slight sign of use" though I'd consider it like new condition. I purchased the item via Lacemarket and handled the rest through email.

I'm happy with the service they offer, and I'll purchase from them again. However this was really disappointing.

>> No.8958778

When does AP typically do chocolate themed releases?
>bought chocolate themed dress
>no chocolate for ages
Did I miss the fad or something?

>> No.8958783

Man I'm not into sweet but I want to see this coorded with like a big ass whipped-cream pile looking marie antoinette wig or some shit. OTT strawberry shortcake.

>> No.8958790

Usually ap did it in the fall. Whipped Jacquard is the most recent chocolate print, which came out in October. You did miss the fad though.

>> No.8958791

are you new or retarded? chocolate prints are usually released later in the year

>> No.8958804

I also only play EDH. Standard feels too much like tossing money into a hole to me. Also, EDH is fun.

Sage for OT though. Go in lolita and crush people in frills.

>> No.8958808

>whipped jacquard was the print
It's as I feared...
I'll keep an eye out come fall time.
I never gave a shit about jumping on the chocolate train until I got a chocolate print, I just haven't been paying attention.

>> No.8958810

so retarded?

>> No.8958817

Whatever you say, anon.

>> No.8958828

you should just accept it anon

it's very clear you have some sort of mental retardation since you can't google chocolate prints to look at the release dates to get an idea of when they are released

>> No.8958835

Or I could just ask and get a direct answer.
Sorry to have triggered you anon, I didn't mean to.

>> No.8958838

Can anyone remember the name of that site that has modern jfashion magazine scans? They water mark the images?

>> No.8958839

>le ebin triggered meme

I'm yelling at you so you learn to do things for yourself and not be such a fucking newfag

how hard is it to google something? are you that dumb? here let me wipe your ass for you while I'm at it

>> No.8958843

>here let me wipe your ass for you while I'm at it
I like a little tongue while you're on top of that, anon ;^)

>> No.8958846

no thanks, I have standards and don't want to lick some fat retards asshole

>> No.8958850

You read my mind, anon.

Yeah, I went through all of the sets and found one with the least damage that I'm considering getting. It makes me feel better hearing what you and the other reviews said about the damage not being as bad; if it is bad, it won't be a huge loss of money.

>> No.8958852
File: 559 KB, 498x614, autistic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>offers to wipe butts for free
>draws the line at a tongue job
Whatever you say, anon <3

>> No.8958854

I love strawberry prints but this looks a lot like Melty Berry Princess...

>> No.8958861

try harder in pretending you don't understand sarcasm you idiot

you got called out for being a newfag like the newfag you are so either kill yourself to stop posting or show some self restraint

lazy people like you should be culled

can you seriously not use google??

>> No.8958867

Not even who you're shitposting, but control your autism or nobody will take you or your sarcasm seriously.

>> No.8958869

make me faggot

>> No.8958872
File: 107 KB, 460x367, tumblr_mlpnruP4mS1s1ygkuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes, they should just google the season a random motif comes out from a specific brand because that's something that someone can google easily.

Lolibrary doesn't store season info, and unless you know the name of prints in Japanese, and the blogging platform AP uses, and how to do a limited search by url, it's not going to just magically come up in google. If I didn't know the answer to that, it would probably take me a good 20min to calculate and average date.

What are you, six? Calm yourself and sit down.

>> No.8958873

Same. Damaged shirring is a pain in the ass. I received a dress that was supposed to have some mild stains on the lining and "a general feeling of age", but when it turned up, the shoulders were completely stretched out, and a line of the shirring in back was popped.

Seller gave me a partial refund, but it just sat in my closet for a year waiting to be fixed, before I just sold it to a friend for like $10. I don't think she's gotten around to fixing it, either.

>> No.8958874

Enjoy your timeout <3

>> No.8958877

do you not know that Google has images with release dates on them?? two seconds of scrolling and you will probably find it

it's not my fault you aren't smart enough to think of this because of your incomprehensible levels of retard

>> No.8958879

I'd enjoy a spanking much more

>> No.8958880

looks like shit anon

>> No.8958883

does anyone have that "AP print name generator" pic cuz I'm feeling it with this name

>> No.8958884
File: 1.78 MB, 1401x753, no-dates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you perhaps circle the dates since you are so much smarter than everyone else, oh wise anon?

>> No.8958891

if you're so retarded that you don't google specific prints this is obviously what you will get

I don't know why you're THIS fucking stupid but I feel sad for you

drink bleach or eat glass or something for fucks sake it must be miserable being this god damn stupid

>> No.8958899
File: 80 KB, 500x228, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for example I googled baked sweets parade release date and got this image! it's fucking amazing isn't it???

it must have been a fucking stroke of genius for me to figure out this system!!

>> No.8958908

>implying you're talking to the same person
More than two people think you're being a sensitive autist, anon. Either answer the question or don't, nobody gives a shit and people will still ask simple questions regardless if they can be found on Google. Mayhaps you need a break from the internet.

>> No.8958911

I have a similar OP and was extremely disappointed, the fabric had an interesting weave pattern that snagged easily. IW is one of my favorite brands but the quality isn't that great. I prefer baby

>> No.8958913

if they didn't even include "release date" in the search they are beyond saving

you shouldn't encourage this spoon feeding bullshit

you should kill yourself alongside the original retard, too

this level of stupidity is beyond help

>> No.8958916

Not that anon but it sounds like the fabric on my biscuit jsk. Gets pulls everywhere.

>> No.8958921

I've gotten really good at getting stains/yellowing out.
I also sew so if it something minor such as loose buttons or a hole at a seamline I can fix it easily I have no problems buying slightly damaged things.

>> No.8958922
File: 1.03 MB, 1415x729, slider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That style slider image only started being made in 2014, so anything older than that won't have a corresponding image. So if you search for most of their iconic chocolate prints by name, there is no image with the date in the results.

Since the person was asking for a trend, which indicates a multi-season repetition, they would need data from more years than your method would give them.

>> No.8958927

and in that case there are still other simple ways to find out the date and the excuse for this level of retardation/lazy doesn't exist

it is not fucking hard to use google to find out information like this

anon is just a lazy cunt

>> No.8958933

This isn't about whether or not the answer could be found anon, this is just the "MUH SPOONFEEDIN!111!" shitposter making their usual rounds in the LG, which is why I'm not taking the autism seriously at all.
Ignore and report it, silencing her is the only way.