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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9032846 No.9032846 [Reply] [Original]

larp thread, previous one in autosage, etc etc

also, larp tip of the day
>Undead are, by and large, losers who got killed. Not scary.

>> No.9032911

>Cute fauns in bloomers
>Real life larpfag meetups
>Hitler giving larp advice

Larpthread is best thread

>> No.9032942
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Should make this "LARP thread, NPC appreciation edition"

>> No.9032947

let's be honest here. Hitler mostly gives advice on /k/

>> No.9032966
File: 238 KB, 1024x685, sweetest_larp_girls_ever_by_mactator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler is only good at giving cleaning advice, he sucks at everything else.

Now, more npc posting!

You can't enter a discussion about fawns and telling us that you have done it yourself before without posting pics!!!

>> No.9032971
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nah, he knows a lot about gas chambers too

>> No.9032989
File: 220 KB, 450x581, fawnbullshit1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go, for archival and research purposes. I've got some other pictures too, of a different outfit, if y'all are interested.

>> No.9033006

Nice antlers

>> No.9033022

>of a different outfit, if y'all are interested.

If you feel like it, just post away as much as you'd like to share, I save everything (decent and up) for archival purposes.

By the way, very artistic photo. I think you should definitively continue on that character and see how far you can go.

>> No.9033060
File: 175 KB, 929x1651, EveryClericBeginsWithK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From last thread, new fantasy larper.
Hows the outfit? I'm a cleric of the god of mercy/sun.
Any tips on how to look better? The sword in the belt is just a placeholder and I'll have a shield.

>> No.9033070

What's your budget?
That t-shirt under too small tabard combination makes me cry I'm afraid

>> No.9033085
File: 228 KB, 1156x651, tunicish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its sort of medieval.

And budget is like maybe 50 bucks? I don't want to invest a ton before I know if I like the larp or not.

>> No.9033113
File: 285 KB, 650x650, viking-tunic-cotton-natural-[2]-2430-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The material kind of gives it away, people usually ignore pants if they are discrete as well as boots, but your shirt is kind of important since its hard to ignore that piece.

I would recommend investing in a good tunic, its a solid piece of clothing that you only need a belt to make it complete with and then you can build up on it in time. It also helps with covering your pants if they aren't perfect.

>I don't want to invest a ton before I know if I like the larp or not.

Liking the larp or not is the third thing on my list for reasons to go there, as long as I get to camp with good friends for a few days and walk around in cool armor then I'm good. If I get some good role-playing off or manage to slice down a good number of orcs/undeads/demons/cultists/peasant rebells I just consider that a bonus.

Its also a good way to take a small holiday since you cant push the date away and it really doesn't cost that much apart from your gear.

>> No.9033141

The problem is the modern stitching on the sleeves. Those scream t-shirt, even with the work you've done on the neck.

Here's a site with good tutorials for making low-budget costumes that looks decent: http://tutorials.abbott.me.uk/costume/no-excuses

The linked page has a good guide for making a tabard that fits properly, and personally I would recommend making a long-sleeved shirt instead of short-sleeved--more versatile, since you can always roll up the sleeves if it's hot, and looks more period. If you do want to stick with a short-sleeved shirt though, check out the Rome costume guide on that same page. That should give you something approximating what you want.

>> No.9033166

Ditch the boot covers, go to a thrift store and get some old work boots/hiking boots. Footwear is harder to get 'authentic' so don't stress out having modern boots, but anything will be an improvement on your boot covers.

>> No.9033212

I swear the covers don't look as bad when I'm wearing actual shoes under them. But I'll see if I can get a decent pair of shoes cheap.
Do you mean the stitching between the sleeve and the torso? I don't understand how that is much different.
Buying a tunic sounds like a good idea.

And for me, I enjoy chilling in the woods with friends, but there are lots of larps in my area. Looking for the one thats maximum enjoyment, because Im gonna have friends at any of them.

>> No.9033383

Im sorry bro, but I would scrap the whole thing and start from scratch.

Do you have any art or pictures that help describe the look your going for? Historic or fantasy, its good to have a rough idea.

We can help you assemble a set of clothes cheap and easy

>> No.9033478

To be honest, I was going for what I had laying around and leftover from random costumes. It turned out to be mostly old stuff, I figured it'd be fine for one game. Then, if I was into it, figure out a proper kit.
Though, I like the aesthetic of something like Warhammer's sigmar priests. Probably build into something like that look.

>> No.9033484

if you half-ass things from the beginning you won't have as much fun. Basic garb doesn't cost a fortune, especially if you're not doing nobility.

>> No.9033500
File: 165 KB, 900x675, warhammer_greenskiens_and_priest_by_bigbubbasstuff-d51ed1j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. You have picked easy mode. Monks robes as your base, and build it up with talismans and armour.

The pattern itself is easy, or you can buy one fairly inexpensive. Here is a link to a poly/cotton one that I have seen in person. Obviously, poly/cotton isn't *great* but the quality to price is decent for a first game cotsume. Slap on some purity seals and partchment, along with donated armour and you're set to smite!


The best part is, you don't NEED to base a lot of armour on the kit. Low ranked, humble, warrior priest take what they can get or are given, even an old, hole filled maille shirt. As you progress in skill and stature you can get better kit to fit your character growth.

Also, long robes cover a lot of sin.


>> No.9033541

It was kinda of a last minute decision to go. Friend invited me with little over a week to go.
But Ill definitely scrap the costume for next time.
And thanks. Ill probably end up buying those robes, pretty cheap if they don't look too bad.

>> No.9033559

Im sure you can get them on Amazon for slightly more, but faster shipping.

>> No.9033573

>Do you mean the stitching between the sleeve and the torso? I don't understand how that is much different.

Mainly the hem of the sleeves. That double stitch is very modern.

>> No.9033617

Oh, thats my confusion. The sleeves don't have a hem. Same as the collar it was chopped off

>> No.9033648
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Heyo, I've never LARPed before, but have been lurking /tg/ and playing Tabletop Games for a while now, and am interested in getting into the scene. My main area of concern just lies in that I'm absolutely terrible with my hands, I've never particularly learned to sew or do anything in that regard, so my main interest would be in trawling thrift shops and finding clothes that I could modify to fit the setting.

That said the setting in Dystopia Rising, which seems to be a lucky break for me in regards to getting a costume together.
Can anyone point me in the right direction in regards to even getting slightly started in the physical aspect of the hobby?

>> No.9033886

Military surplus and thrift stores are a good place to start with costuming. IMO you should try to customize it a bit beyond that, just so you're not another tacticool who looks like all the other tacticools, but that's just me.

Whereabouts are you located? DR is one of those games that varies a lot in quality from chapter to chapter, so if somebody here has been to yours before, they might be able to give you some more specific advice.

>> No.9034052


My first concern would be those trousers.
They just scream dollar store pirate costume to me. I'd replace those with something brown and inconspicuous for the time being.

Same with the shoes to be honest. You can make pleather shoe covers, but there's better patterns out there to follow. Nobody is going to take notice if you just show up in combats, for now.

The upper body has its own issues, tabard is too small, a modern t-shirt just doesn't have the same fit as historical clothing (especially the sleeves are far too loose), but depending on where you're larping, there's certainly worse on the field.

>> No.9034159

actually what is way more important is that short sleeves weren't a thing. add to that that material is kind of strange and pattern is modern, But those two can be ignered with long sleeves somehow (although change of color might help a lot to hide some stuff).

That said while everyone has high standards here they like to forget that even their first costume was shit. So yours is fine for the very first larp (although you can forget the boot covers, it really draws attention to your legs when it isn't the best part of your costume)
But heed the advice and improve it later

>> No.9034178

Hey, speak for yourself. My first garb was a 10/10 potato sack.

>> No.9034346

What's the consensus on the performance of worbla armour in larp?

>> No.9034353

Define what you mean by performance.

>> No.9034354

>consensus on anything in larping
that was a good one.

the opinion will be different from game to game and from person to person. If it's done right I would allow in games. Some would say it's pig disgusting. Others would say it can't be done right. Yet again some would argue it would be destroyed by someone who is manly enough looking at it, etc.

>> No.9034361

The amount of punishment it can take, weight, durability and such.

>> No.9034362

think about this: they made armour out of eva foam+latex. Worbla could probably take the damage too but depends on how you make it and in what kind of structure.

And there is a question if the game you go to allows it or not

>> No.9034371

If you reinforce it with a glued on cloth layer it could probably take a decent beating, but obviously not as much as proper armour. Consider heat shaped plastic as an alternative if you're worried about shit breaking.

Also what hungarian said

>> No.9034380

I always assumed foam+latex was a purely cosplay armor.
But I'll experiment.

>> No.9034392

there are a few fantasy armour that are made this way, the trick is that they use very thick foam, and sometimes put in some other stuff to strengthen it but heavily depends on the armor. It's not that common not becuase of how fragile it is but because you wear insulation foam so you actually insulating yourself that's a good way to get a heat stroke if you make a full armour out of this.

With similar methods there are a lot of larp shields made out of foam and latex

>> No.9034403

All shields I've ever seen are latex. It makes sense because I met people who've lost teeth to the edge of a wooden shield.

>> No.9034409

there are shileds made of wood, metal, various kinds of plastic like ABS and of course the cardboard ones

>> No.9034489
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Is there a doc/video explaining what LARPs are?
I need one to show to a large group of people.

>> No.9034494

There are several videos out there. All of them are shit and I can't recommend any of them.

There might be a better chance to find a proper doc but it's simply a very broad subject

>> No.9034541

Seconding that they're all embarassing shit.

You're probably better off just explaining it with pictures and words.

>> No.9034563


Probably best to make a powerpoint with pics and just explain it.

>> No.9034639


"But if we don't kill nature.... How will we build our houses?!"

>> No.9034707

Just make a slide yourself, you can't possibly find a video or any other presentation that gives a fair view of larping.

In case you don't trust us then here is the three cliches of larp explanations you will find
>The sunshine and rainbows larper:
>Deeply exaggerated on the epicness of larps, often containing false information and is almost always presented solely from the view of the presenter. Denies or disregards negative aspects of it, and usually ends up with some self promotion.

>The uninformed plebian:
>Sometimes a journalist, sometimes a student with a school project. It doesn't matter, they wanted to cover something that no one knows about and that doesn't take more work than sending out a few emails and composing a bunch of quotes to complete the task. Problem is that the person has not experienced larping to its fullest and is basing everything off what the most enthusiastic people they can find had to say, which usually ends up with a sunshine and rainbows larper or a LARPISLYFE hermit getting interviewed. Bonus points if they combine the article with their own reaction.

>The autist commentator:
>Most common to have a neutral tone in their descriptions and trying to be accurate, but that might be because its impossible to get a full comprehension of what they are trying to describe since they loose the red line every other sentence and thus can't drive their own agenda. Good for collecting facts but its rather difficult to pick up all the pieces without your own 2x1m pinboard.

I think #2 is the better one since its better at getting the attention of other non-larpers.

>> No.9034766

don't forget that sunshine larpers most of the time only know about one psecific larp and MAYBE heard about another similar one and they think every fucking larp ever goes like that and rules are the same everywhere.

Same problem with "how to larp" "tips for larping" "larp 101" and stuff like that. People make it look like that those tips works for every larp ever when in reality it's just a questionable advice for one specific kind of larp (and most of the time it's pretty retarded advice)

>> No.9034782

This is one that's not too bad, it's more interviews with players/crew/Refs rather than commentary from the documentary creator.

>> No.9034821

and yet again that deals with specificly one kind of larp

>> No.9034913

Is there any link/video which properly explains what is LARP (Baby don't hurt me.. Don't hurt me.. No more) to newbs? Would really help me to introduce new guys into it. Thanks!

>> No.9034937


look at this one >>9034494

>> No.9035124

>tfw I failed at sewing a tabard

Fuck, shouldn't it be like the easiest thing to sew? It's my first time using a sewing machine or making anything, but still.

>> No.9035162

I don't know why, but this was awesome.
Maybe I should go to bed.

>> No.9035172

What did you fuck up on? If you're using a lining or have never put on bias tape its ok to fuck up. They're not as easy as they sound.

>> No.9035193

I'm not sure what it's called in English, but you know how you sew the edge of the fabric to itself to create a better-looking finish? Then this.
What are lining or a bias?

>> No.9035206

Because they are genuinely having fun, obvious have at least tried in their production, and the beholder was damn cool.

>> No.9035218

Its called hemming or a hem.
Lining is a inside layer of fabric, like fleece if you wanted a warm tabard.

>> No.9035239

Bias tape is sort of like a ribbon of fabric that you use to cover up the edges if you didn't hem. Usually a different color than the garment, that's the most common way you see people doing, say, black tunics with gold trim.

>> No.9035268

If you sew a loose straight stitch where you want the hem to be it makes it really easy to fold on the line and iron the hem back. Don't backstitch and you can just pull the stitches out after you iron it flat. Once it's ironed you can finish the hem by hand or with a machine. I can take some pictures that might help if this is confusing!

>> No.9035270

I've been itching to get into larping for a little while, but I'm not exactly sure where to start. Would anyone around here know if there's any groups or events in the San Antonio area (or just Texas is general)? Or at least some further places to look. Preferably historical or fantasy settings.

Before I begin though I want to have at least a basic kit/outfit to start out with. Would a linen tunic/belt with pouch/sturdy pants/boots/misc. accessory be appropriate or is it too simple? I figure I can add pieces or change it up when I get a better grasp of the character I want to play. Plus I don't have a ton of money to spend just yet.

>> No.9035290

Games have different costume standards. But if you get all that shit looking period, you'll look better than lots of people in america.

>> No.9035316

Listen to >>9035290. Go for simple and quality, and don't settle for the shit other people wear.

>> No.9035389

San Antonio is known for Amtgard, a well-rounded larp with 30 odd years of history. They meet weekly as opposed to monthly, and are generally less cost intensive

>> No.9035446

How well does Poetry sit in a LARP?
I've been writing short shitty poems as a passtime activity recently, and I'm going to a big LARP this summer (Drachenfest). Should I add the 'poet' element to my character or would that just feel weird/creepy/etc to people?

>> No.9035488

Amtgard is really only a larp in the loosest sense, isn't it? Everything I've heard suggests that it revolves around combat, with the roleplaying being a token flavor element at most.

All the games I've been to have been very welcoming of poets, singers, dancers, etc. Don't try to shoehorn it into every situation, but keeping a few poems handy when you're all sitting around the fire at night is great.

>> No.9035548

>Everything I've heard suggests that it revolves around combat, with the roleplaying being a token flavor element at most.
Sounds like half the players at my non-Amtgard game

>> No.9035553

>How well does Poetry sit in a LARP?

Depends on the LARP. If you're playing a good RP group, and you're playing something themantic like a bard or something, it'll be gold.

You could also look into a the SCA and do some bardic circles, or even compete if you feel up to it. Obviously more history inclined.

>> No.9035846


Don't force it on people and it will be fine.
Music, songs and poems are generally welcome, but you always have to keep in mind those people are there to LARP, they didn't come to watch you perform, or god forbid, join you in a performance at your urging.

Sometimes their idea of larp will incorporate your skills, sometimes it won't. Don't sweat it. Visibly write when you have down time and people will come check out what you're doing. Mention it, let them choose to roll with it or no.
If you have a group to go with, you can simply roll along as "their bard" if they want it, and you'll find they'll introduce you to people as such.

When it becomes known, you can expect people to want to hear your poems, or write them one or recite it for rituals, etc., etc.

But whatever you do, do not go the middle of the makebelief town square and start reciting at above conversation volume at nobody in particular just to get attention.
Or move up to a private conversation of three like some awkward rose peddler at a bar.

>> No.9035891

The faction I normally play with doesn't have bards or poets but we have a oral tradition that keeps our history and legends alive. As has already been mentioned by the above posted - don't try to force it. The times that storytelling have been most appreciated for us have been during downtime, after meals or during the nights firewatch.

>> No.9035932

personally I'm prejudiced about bias tape

>> No.9036071

As in you don't like it or you really like it?
I'm a big fan of bias tape, but I loath making my own. Unfortunately, that's what I end up doing as the trim on most tabards is wider than most comercially available bias tapes.

>> No.9036076

Requesting pictures of rogues in all their glory. Hoods, ridiculous amounts of knives, all that jazz.

>> No.9036131

as in terrible puns

>> No.9036322
File: 20 KB, 500x500, larpexchange.com-dark-elf-armor-extended-FF-dark-ext-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9036396
File: 118 KB, 960x960, 11393196_930624770313618_6080759684571401442_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like this?

>> No.9036409

Making my first latex weapon. When painting on the latex, the paintbrush is making it lined. Should I use a sponge brush instead? Or something else?

>> No.9036411

Yeah, sponge it if it's getting streaky, I do the same with masks.

>> No.9036763


This is actually nicer than a good portion of the garb I've seen at Amtgard.

>> No.9036788
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>> No.9036816

>This is actually nicer than a good portion of the garb I've seen at Amtgard.

And therein lies the problem.

>> No.9036826


I want to check out some other groups, but unfortunately, there isn't a lot near me. :(

>> No.9036841

Groups like Amtgard are not /bad/, but the culture of gamesterisms and minimum effort overshadow those that try.

So be a burning beacon of awesome and do better. Attract and hang with like minded folks.

>> No.9036845

Yes. Exactly like that.

>> No.9036984 [DELETED] 

I appreciate the sentiment but yeah i want to look better.

>> No.9036987

I appreciate the sentiment but i want to look better.
This is kinda why. The guy who invited me to play where full plate with some awesome accessories to pull together his kit. Looks awesome.

>> No.9037020

does anyone know where i could find decent (accurate) patterns for women's period clothing? i'd like to have my grandma teach me sewing and i think period pieces would be excellent bonding projects, but i don't want boob-heavy halloween type stuff. sorry for my blatant newfag status, i just don't want to fuck up and use shit resources
(it's larp relevant because once my health permits i'd like to larp in some of them locally)

>> No.9037025

Sure. What period? Look up SCA womens costuming sites.

>> No.9037041

These two are my favourite sites, theres loads more out there.
first is more or less 14th century and the second is mostly 16th century germany
If you're interested in like, style and design but not really a tutorial I can post the timeline I've made of mid 14th to early 16th century french fashions

>> No.9037080

Building a medical pouch for high fantasy game.
Got bandages, some powder for making "potions", vials of water. What else should be in it?

>> No.9037127

Anyone have experience with Underworld LARP?

Trying to figure out if they're a bunch of faggots.

>> No.9037296

you could put the paint in the latex too

search for medieval tailors assistant pdf, that's the best start

knife, saw, a stick big enough to comfortably fit into a mouth, maybe covered in leather, rope

with a name like that? it's a possibility. But post a few pics so we can decide

>> No.9037304

No experience with that campaign but a quick google search brought up cat anthros, shitty face paint and dickswords.

>> No.9037397

>No boffer strike can hit the same location of the body twice in a row. Your strikes must hit different armour locations (Ch.7)in order to be considered valid damaging strikes.
>Huge list of different damage types and calls
>High numbers
>Have to take proficiency skills to use weapons

At a cursory glance, that rule system has me cringeing, but it seems par for the course for most American larps. Can't speak to the player base; the costumes I'm seeing on Google images look halfway decent, at least.

>> No.9037400

Water down your latex slightly.
And if it gets streaky it's too late. I found that imperfections are amplified as you keep painting

>> No.9037468

SCA fag here. Im trying to work on improving my soft kit for Pennsic this year, and I could use some suggestions for new garb/accessories for my Viking/Varangian. Ive replaced all of my cotton tunics and pants with linen, but it feels like Im missing something.

>> No.9037469

Pics are necessary if we're to give any decent assessment.

>> No.9037475

Do you have any phots you'd mind sharing so we can have a look at your kit?

Also do you have any particular preference for dateline or culture within vikingdom (Dane, Swede, Hiberno-Norse, Rus etc), and how accurate are you hoping to be?

I can go all authenticity nazi, but the important thing is that you get what you want out of the kit.

>> No.9037489

>that guy who always has to tell you your outfit sucks in some way and x/y/z could be improved

Fuck these faggots and they're "Well, there's always room for improvement" bs. What's worse is that they always rag on footwear, no matter how good it is, because it's not as great as the $6000 one-of-a-kind shoes they saw on pintrest.

>> No.9037490

I dont have any photos on hand but I can see about taking one when i get home from work.

Basically the persona I take on is that of a 2nd son of a Swedish Jarl who decides to travel down through the Rus to earn his fame and fortune as a Varangian. I figure that gives me a lot of room and plenty of different cultures for me to draw inspiration from.

As far as accuracy goes, I want to be moderately convincing from about 10/20 feet away while still retaining some level of comfort in the 80 to 90 degree weather of Pennsic.

>> No.9037495

I don't know how actively you lurk in these threads but I have to point out half of us are those guys

>> No.9037500

You have no idea how comfy and stylish my $600 handmade boots are.

>> No.9037569
File: 122 KB, 600x770, ember_s_throne_by_fairyfrog-d6my8tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to spend much money and/or time to get a decent looking set going, and when you are planning for weeks/months ahead to go to a larp and pay money to be there with others who have also done that (and probably more so than you), then the least you can do is to make sure you look okay for the setting, so that everyone there can focus on having a good time instead of thinking about how shitty some guy looks. Its like when you go to a fancy restaurant in your pjs.

It costs money and it requires time and effort to larp, thats the basics of it. You don't need, or are required, to put down hundreds up on hundreds of hours and your entire paycheck to make your outfit look good. Some people do however, and its their choice alone to do so.

But its not fair for them or even the casual larper to show up at an event in a 15$ pirate costume you found on amazon the week before. Your outfit is part of your character, your character is part of you and everyone else's experience, if you look like shit it will lower the experience for everyone. We don't comment on others outfits to be mean like the rest of this site does on whatever topic they have, we do it everyone's sake.

>> No.9037583

And that makes sense. But I mean those guys who rag on any outfit, even the better-looking ones. The type that would walk up to the girl in your pic and be like "Well, the bodice could be more intricate. Is that genuine gold? You should use that instead of costume jewelry for a more authentic feel."

Fuck those folks.

>> No.9037595

That doesnt exactly sound like the kind of people that frequent these threads, criticism around here might be harsh but it's atleast constructive. We all want our games to be as good and immersive as possible.

>> No.9037656

I'm not sure changing a costume to fit someone else's taste counts as an improvement.
But I'm fairly sure those kind of people are cunts

>> No.9037665

Apologies in advance if this is a silly question. I'm female, but really want to create a kit around masculine styles or garments since I tend to prefer them better. For instance, I've been thinking about building a viking peasant sort of kit (inb4 I get the feeling you guys find vikings kind of dumb. That's fine) and making it as accurate as possible. Except you know, I'm a grill.

Would that be weird? Is it actually kind of normal? Does it vary between each group? I'm thinking about making it part of my character if I can do so.

>> No.9037674
File: 35 KB, 500x375, tumblr_inline_mq4w2hg6Ec1qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drag King Viking then?

Yeah its not a big deal unless its about participating in reenactment (historically accurate theater grade shit).

Making a male viking outfit is easier than a female one (I believe), the richer your character the more details and color you add.

>> No.9037676
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>Would that be weird?
You are talking to humans who dress as elves, males who wear skirts, people who hit each other with padded sticks for fun and guys who think it's a genuinely good idea to throw massive amount of cash on random pieces of clothing.
No, it won't be weird, and it's not normal only because females who like to dress as vikings aren't that common. Other than that you will be fine as long as you don't encounter massive faggots

>> No.9037680
File: 168 KB, 1280x960, FB_IMG_1464975406935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey folks. Anyone recognize the maker of the armour worn by the guy on the left?

>> No.9037687

I would say either one of the larp shop suppliers or battle ready. But truth to be told it's just way too generic machine made to my eyes

>> No.9037691
File: 465 KB, 544x820, 1317410753496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ehh, fuck. Not battle ready but Battle Heat. Too many Battle whatever named shops out there...

>> No.9037708

A jar of rubber fishing lure leeches in water.

Like >>9037397 mentions: a million rules.

Accessories: Belt, purse, jewelry etc

....You can get historically accurate shoes for most periods offline for less than $170

>> No.9037717


>> No.9037728

ahh yeah, one of the suppliers of the dein larp shop, among other things.

>> No.9037747


Anyone know him? Tennessee, USA.

>> No.9038104

I think it's important to distinguish here between whether the person asked for opinions or not. If you didn't ask for opinions and somebody starts going off about how bad your costume is, yeah, they're kind of a faggot, even if they might mean well. But if you ask for critiques and get mad when you get them, it is you who is the faggot.

>> No.9038633

The main reason many of us find vikings kind of dumb is probably because of the vikingboos that jerk off to viking culture.

As long as you put effort into your garb no one should care, and bonus points if you actually tailor it to your characters story. A woman in the local group made a kit based on male garment because her character breeds and trades horses and pants simply made more sense for that profession.

>> No.9038840

By my power, I summon the Gropey!

Hey man, if I were to make a gambeson out of layered linen in the future rather than stuffed, do you have any tips on what weight to use?

In grams per square meter, if you could.

>> No.9038841

Yeah, I have an interest in the myths, culture, and clothing of the era but I'm not going to pretend that the vikings were any more perfect than other cultures.

I'm also interested in trying my hand at making parts of the kit myself. My sewing skills are enough that I can probably draft a tunic pattern by hand, and maybe do some embroidery or simplified card weaving if I have the patience.

>> No.9038853

Then you have your head screwed on right. Viking garment and accessories are pretty hard to mess up if you just do the research. Don't be afraid of strong colors for tunics and kaftans. Leg wraps, bags and a hat are good ways to add detail/color to any character, no matter the role.

>> No.9038894

doesn't really matter, if you use a lighter one you will just need more layers.

>> No.9038940

I can dig out rresources for Viking embroidery and tablet weaving designs if that would help. I'm busy for the next while but could do it later tonight or tomorrow.

>> No.9039139
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should I?
fuck man want it so badly

>> No.9039144

That would awesome, thanks. Post them whenever you're free.

>> No.9039317

Don't you have enough armor already?

>> No.9039554

Honestly couldn't tell you. I have never actually used, or seen layered vs stuffed gambesons used in person, mostly because by their nature they tend to be less cost effective, heavier, and worse on heat dissipation.

It depends. Is your SCA harness finished?

>> No.9040067

Looking for a 14C woolen hood, not wanting it dagged. Need it in my hands by june 20th. Can anyone help me out? Preferably in either maroon, or dark grey.

>> No.9040096


Anyone got any tips on making weapons?
I'm making a heater shield. I've used a cardboard core and some thick fitness mats for the covering but what should u use to seal it? I've read about plasti dip and modge podge but does anyone have any experiences or tips they'd like to share?

>> No.9040173

Anyone got any ideas for small/neat items that help add to a character's kit/personality? I've got my base layers, but I'm trying to think of items to throw on my person that'll help give it more of an individualized feel. So far, I'm thinking of a small coil of rope and a chalkbag, but I don't know.

>> No.9040174

Well whats your character like?

>> No.9040183

Starting off with embroidery. Two things to note are that firstly embroidery on clothing was rare in Scandinavia until the 10thC and before this tablet-weaving was much more common, and secondly that while the cuffs and neck could have facings decorated with embroidery/tablet-weaving for most of the period there was no decoration around the hem of the tunic which is a very common error in reconstructions.

http://heatherrosejones.com/mammen/ : details on embroidery from the Mammen-grave. Scrolls down to the bottom for breakdowns of the designs. Easily my favourite extant examples of embroidery for this period.

http://www.cs.vassar.edu/~capriest/vikembroid.html : article with general overview of history, techniques and designs.

http://needleprayse.webcon.net.au/research/embroidery_for_clothing_Anglo_Saxon.pdf : Article on Anglo-Saxon embroidery which not only influenced native embroidery in Scandinavia but was one of the major exports from England supplying luxury clothing to the rich and powerful all over Europe.

>> No.9040188

Tablet weaving.

Variety of reconstructions of specific finds, with instructions on how to make them.



Details on a variety of Scandinavian tablet weaving finds with context and designs.


>> No.9040264

A guardsman from a pirate port. Seeing as the game's out of combat stuff is pretty much "if you know how to do it, your character can too" I was thinking of incorporating my training in swiftwater rescue and rock climbing, but I'm having trouble thinking of small, cheaper objects that can signify this stuff, seeing as it would be dumb to bring out my full, obviously modern kit to a fantasy LARP.

>> No.9040274

Still doesn't really give a lot to go off of. Think of things you like doing or would like your character to do and build off of that. I'm a seamstresse by trade and while my character isn't a seamstresse, I've still got a little period sewing kit that I carry around.

>> No.9040319

Well here are a few things I've had in mind.

Small Telescope (Typical Seafarer/Watchman Item.)
Rope Coil (Giving off that explorer vibe, ala Uncharted 4, and useful for water rescues)
Shoulder Holstered Notebook+Throwing Knives (For the guardsman keen to note observations/rules, and to have a physrep for the much uglier foam knives made out of flip flops.)
Grappling Hook Gauntlet (Not a real one, obviously. Microfractures are a very real thing, and shockloading an forearm is a good way to pop it out of the joint or break it entirely. Plus there's nothing to really climb in the game area anyway. But still, It would look neat.)
Chalkbag (Essential for climbing, but also decent to leave marks and detect intruders.)
Monkey's Fist (Neat little rope knot. Purely decorative)
Compass. (I mean, both a guardsman or a sailor should know how to navigate around.)

However, I guess I want to avoid the too clunky feeling, and being loaded down with a bunch of stuff I'll never use. A few is fine, but I'd rather not look cluttered.

>> No.9040466

Does any weapon manufacturer have a LARP Pudao, or a weapon with the same proportions? I would really like one, preferrably durable and high-quality luke Calimacil and such

>> No.9040510

Check Forgotten Dreams and Epic Armoury.

Otherwise you will just have to satisfy yourself with a naginata or a glaive, or make your own special snowflake design.

>> No.9040546

Or see if there's any local larp weapon makers that do custom work. Certainly in the UK there's multiple makers that can do custom work.

>> No.9040551

calimacil has a naginata, that's the closest I can think of from the top of my head

>> No.9041319

The more I hang out with people from LARP outside of game, the more I think this is going to turn into a swingers group.

>> No.9041326

I don't have any experience with it myself, but plastidip is the go-to for most people at my larp who make their equipment.

>> No.9041341

In general, a couple of purely decorative thing are a good idea. A charm, a picture of a loved one, a religious symbol, etc. My character wears a red sash even though it doesn't serve any practical purpose and doesn't match his ensemble, because a friend gave it to him as a token of cameraderie just a few hours before dying in a major battle.

>> No.9041571


Alright, no worries, thanks for the reply.
I thought linen was rather good at temperature regulation, though. Or do you mean it's just worse than filled with batting?

Well, true.

>> No.9041645

The more I interact with people from my larp outside the game the more I'm convinced that the only people who like rules heavy aliance/nero style systems are the kind of tumblrites who wouldn't know physical ability if it bite them and refuse to allow for player skill because something something ableism tumblr talk.

>> No.9041676

Hello Larpfags,
I've got a problem here, a huge bag of tent poles fell on my foam sword and arquebus, but i didn't notice it immedialtely, and now there are large deformities in the latex where the poles pressed. I tried to wait some time, to let the foam go back to its form, but the deformities are still there. How can i repair this?

>> No.9041692

redone the whole stuff.
Sorry but that's the truth.
99% of the larp weapons use closed cell foam which is mostly designed to sustain pressure for a short duration, and even then it's slowly degrading.
Any kind of longer pressure damage it more (on of the reasons you shouldn't use your sword as a walking stick, tip will degrade more and more)

So tl;dr: foam underneath is deformed permanently, you have to change it.

Also this is why I prefer calimacil weapons.

>> No.9041702

Damn, i really liked that sword, it's the Noble Sword from Epic Armoury. The only part damaged is the the blade, so that looks really off, but all the rest is fine. Is there a way i could save that?
The Arquebus is less damaged, and i'm glad because it's custom-made.

>> No.9041709

well technically you can cut out the deformed foam part and replace it with good one but that's a lot of work to do it right and you have to repair the latex too. Also depends on what part it is, but post a photo to be sure

>> No.9041720

Pretty much, where else would all the glorious drama come from?

>> No.9041729
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>> No.9041730
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Here, that's the worse ones

>> No.9041731


You could paint around it and turn it into battle damage...

>> No.9041732

meh, leave it as it is. it's on the flat and not that big deformation. The weapon is still safe.

>> No.9041737

That's... Not a bad idea, in fact. After all it's an old sword, as much a symbol of my rank than a weapon.

Yeah, maybe i'll still try to get the tip straight again, and leave the rest.

>> No.9041877

So I should start setting up a slaanesh cult?

>> No.9041970
File: 272 KB, 680x300, larp-giochi-di-ruolo-dal-vivo-680x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone mind posting good examples of 'civillian' clothing for fantasy LARPs?

>> No.9041975

Worse compared to the batting. The denser fibers with less air trap heat.

You have achieved elites enlightenment.
Soon you shall namefag, and hassle people about their shoes.

You have to register with Frenadian and I.

>> No.9041980
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I do, but its a mix of larp and living history, as it actually sadly rare for people to not want to play a flat out adventuring type.

Starting with a classic....

>> No.9041993
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>> No.9041996
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>> No.9042007
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>> No.9042018
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>as it actually sadly rare for people to not want to play a flat out adventuring type.
That's only because you don't have enough image saved from larps, and know mostly shit larps

>> No.9042025
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I have tons of living history though

>> No.9042032
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who doesn't?

>> No.9042044
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Would this be good for some base to a generic fantasy archery?

>> No.9042047

I dig it.

>> No.9042048
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only if you have a bow too

>> No.9042053


Ayy dank. I recently got some extra cash and since i finished one kit i was thinking something newer. I got 3 bows actually

>> No.9042057
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>> No.9042077

I'd figure even the adventuring type would like to go pubbing from time to time, and would rather not do that in full plated armour or something?

And thanks for the photos!
Where else can I draw inspiration from?

>> No.9042083

Negotiators be like, "these are my simple and fair terms of your surrender".

>> No.9042085

Yeah, but people don't realize that.

>> No.9042094

That guy on the right made me laugh so hard hahah. Amazing.

>> No.9042096
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then they get off the plate and go pubbing. Armor isn't clothing, it's an equipment.
I mean let's face it, the whole "X kind of people should weare Y kind of clothing" is all good and dandy for stereotypes but consider this: you can wear whatever the fuck you want.
Are you a wizard? do you want to dress as a pirate? the fashion police won't stop you, because you are a motherfucking wizard.
Are you a knight? do you want to dress as wizard? then end righteously anyone who talks shit about your cloths.

I say anyone can wear anything and let Darwin sort them out

>> No.9042101
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he is a real asshole but he can always make retarded faces

>> No.9042104

His character is an asshole or him?

>> No.9042111


>> No.9042112

Well at least he is entertaining I guess. I hope.

>> No.9042149
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kind of. Lot of stories going around about him

>> No.9042182
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>soon you shall namefag, and hassle people about their shoes.
I have before but not often, and we've had the shoe discussion before, only barbarians don't know how to walk on smooth surfaces in caligae.

>> No.9042202

try walking on not deep but slippery mud with smooth sole leather shoes. It's way harder

>> No.9042315
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finally got home from work (so I can work a little more at home) anyway I have time to post moar pics of civilian outfits on larps. But I still think it's kind of retarded because of the wide range of things that could be count as civilian

>> No.9042328
File: 411 KB, 2048x1365, 13305153_1325364957491466_403524140990982063_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Few pictures surfaced of my characters last stand, impending death. Still waiting for pre-execution shiv one though :(

>> No.9042332
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>> No.9042334
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>> No.9042335
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The obvious result....

>> No.9042337
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I hope you were important enough for a statue

>> No.9042346
File: 50 KB, 528x960, 13325698_10154866302943452_5390706972697131660_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did get a tiny memorial in an IC pub

>> No.9042355
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alright, here is the plan: your next character should be your previous character's twin who looks exactly the same, has the same stuff and acts the same. He wants revenge AND a fuckhuge statue.

>> No.9042358
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>> No.9042359

What are you planning on playing now?

>> No.9042365

Highguard Unconqured. Left in Reikos and is fucking super salty about it.

>> No.9042366
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>> No.9042374

Nice, there should be plenty of game around that.

>> No.9042394
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>> No.9042406
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>> No.9042408
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>> No.9042482
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>> No.9042567

I'm going to troll several players with "open if dead" letters that say to organise such a statue to be made, but it will be paid for by the other players etc.

>> No.9042574

Get a Great Work built in your name. Or at worse, a Sinecure/Ministry.

>> No.9042594
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>> No.9042633
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I am going to assume you meant "danke", and are not an absolute faggot.

As such, bitte.

Here in the US, most characters don't have a "costume" outside of their adventuring gear.

I know, right? A fucking waste of air.


In the same way you keep the village retard around as a joke.

>try walking on not deep but slippery mud with smooth sole leather shoes.
That is literally exactly what pattens were designed for. Pic related.



I approve


>> No.9042635

Speaking of fashion-What's the coolest sort of hat in your opinion, everyone? (Excluding helmets, obviously.)

>> No.9042655

In particular period, or in general?

>> No.9042660

Nothing in particular, just not modern stuff. Until 16th-17th century.
Fantasy works too I guess

>> No.9042669

>do you want to dress as a pirate?
What if I'm a pirate in game? Do I need a different outfit for bar time, or can I stick to pirate 24/7?

>> No.9042683

The answer is always a tricorn

>> No.9042693

those stupid italian reneisance pancake hats

>> No.9042739
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A simple stocking cap goes a long way, and can be as fancy or simple as you like.

Because people who "dress like a pirate" always look like they are either going to a gay club or a halloween party.

If you want to dress up like a pirate, you're really just dressing up like an 18thC sailor who made some bad life choices.

I will fucking kill you.

>> No.9042745

Ironically, I was working a friend's booth this weekend at the Hampton Blackbeard fest.... The difference between history crews and show crews is the difference between a rugged sailor and Tim Burton's cabin boy.

>> No.9042887

Anyone going to be at Winterfest or the St Ives festival this year?

>> No.9042903
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>I will fucking kill you.
While you tip one of those stupid floppy-brimmed hats with a feather through it, congratulating yourself on being such an reddit-tier le enlightened gentleman?

>> No.9042927

>floppy-brimmed hat
what are you talking about?

Also: >>9042660 > Until 16th-17th century.

I have a custom fitted, beaver felt tricorn from working at CW... And I STILL hate tricorns. They are the fedora of the LARP world.

>> No.9043490

Does anyone know why certain games make you learn a skill to wear armor? Ive seen some games where to have a larger shield you need to learn the skill and waste point on smaller shield skills. What is this?

>> No.9043506

I guess it would be an attempt to balance the game. After all, the weight difference between a buckler and a tower shield for larp isn't that much big, compared to what it was in reality.

>> No.9043522

But it goes for weapons too. You have to get skills to use a longer sword after using a spear

>> No.9043525

>That is literally exactly what pattens were designed for. Pic related.
those are made by the No Fun Allowed Inc.

M'uh captain

anything a landsknecht would wear. Preferably with a lot of feathers. chaperons are acceptable too

>> No.9043535

Most of the Larp I've played were like that, you had to get a skill to use a category of weapons/armor/shield. Maybe it's an old habit, back from the Pen and Paper?
The only one i've played who didn't use that skill system, was the Katacombs at Koeln, where you can wield pretty much anything you want to, but it's more a tavern where you hang out in full garb than a combat-heavy game.

>> No.9043561

that's because some tabletop RPGs back in the day did this and some of the larp organizers are mentally handicapped retards who also think a larp rule system should be made in the same way as old tabletop rpg rules were made

>> No.9043580


Something something balance something.

It's mostly persistent in skill heavy games, where they want you to sacrifice something in order to be good at something else. From what I've seen, it's mostly because they want warriors to be viable stand alone professions, as opposed to wizards and rogues doing their thing -and- doing what the warrior does.

It's all a load of bull, to be honest. They could give the warrior more abilities or tell people "warrior" is the baseline and encourage them to add in different skills.

Or, and this is the craziest, create a skill-light game.

>> No.9043640

>join a LARP that does this
>goes one step further

"To get heavy armour as a skill, you must first buy light armour as a skill"

>> No.9043654

I have a story about this problem of "you can only wear the garb of your profession!"

It was a small event, just the celebration of the overthrow of the tyrant who ruled us since then. As a knight, i kinda worked like a bouncer, and since it was a party juste wore my civilian clothes. One of the player was a lolrandumb, and since he was causing trouble, i had to arrest him. He resisted, and just stabbed me thinking he could got away with his shit longer.
Big mistake, when i recovered i came back, but this time in full plate armor and armed to the teeth. He just had the time to shriek a "Oh shit" before I cut him to pieces, made a medic heal him and THEN threw in the dungeon.

>> No.9043682

Dumb question about a specific system-I'm building my first character for an Alliance LARP, and I was wondering if I should go Melee+Ranged(One-hand edged weapons and archery) or just focus on one or the other.

>> No.9043688

what's the difference?

>> No.9043695
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Me thinks every once in a while, everyone needs to release his inner peasant and just go on a drunk nightgown tour around camp.

That aside, having plain clothing should be the foundation for every character. Armor and accessories are to be applied after that or even added gradually over time. This then guarantees the character had time to evolve along with his garb and will give every piece of equipment it's very own piece of story.

>> No.9043697
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Can we have some silly pictures? You know the kind I'm talking about.

>> No.9043700
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Somehow, those moments (sometimes in shortlived outtime bubbles) provide the most lasting memories in our group. Many anecdotes were to be had thusly.

>> No.9043701
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Like this?

>> No.9043704

Is that a sallet? I've never seen one with a faceplate like that, where did it come from?

>> No.9043706
File: 317 KB, 960x640, not even once.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you are talking about

>> No.9043708
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I approve.
Do you mean the visor or the chin protection on the neck? I have some more pictures, somewhere.

>> No.9043712

The visor, sorry. It looked like you were wearing a sallet but the visor is much longer than I'm used to

>> No.9043716
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Here you are

>> No.9043725

It's one of those games where you call out damage, so I don't know if later on, you get enough points to be viable in both, or have to pick one to be a viable build. I

>> No.9043726
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>> No.9043731

What the fuck does this crossbow fire?

>> No.9043736

Taped foam tubes. We were just the nightshift manning the tower - someone else left it there, so we had some fun firing into the darkness. When ammo ran low, we drew straws and the loser had to run outside the gates and recollect the bolts as quickly as possible. Occasionally undead would shuffle along the palisade. The things you do to kill time on nightwatch...

>> No.9043925
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>those are made by the No Fun Allowed Inc.
Larpfags on Ice!

>chaperons are acceptable too
Totally blanked on them. Always awesome.

>"you can only wear the garb of your profession!"

Look them dead in the eyes and remind them: Armour is equipment, not clothing.

Welcome, unrecognized namefag!

And yeah, people forget that they are portraying a living person when they make a character. Clothes are important.

Can do.

Because it is designed incorrectly

>> No.9043931
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>> No.9043957

>Look them dead in the eyes and remind them: Armour is equipment, not clothing.

I prefer to teach them the hard way, when they realise i'm battle-ready that shit just got real.

Also, some question: Where do you guys find good feathers? I aim to be the most magnificent bastard on the battlefield, but can't get big enough feathers for the plummet of my morrion

>> No.9043960
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>> No.9043969
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Craft stores mostly, though a while back I had a stroke of luck that a local resort's peacock got hit by a car.....

That was last year, andI still got half the damn thing

>> No.9043975

Yeah, i tried a lot of craft stores already, and it looks like feathers are out of fashion for the moment.
And now i'm jealous, because that's the kind of plummet i would need.

>> No.9043985

ostrich farms. Male ostrich has the best feathers but two problems there. First that they really want to kick the shit out of you and can easy break your ribcage without trying, so I advise to bring armour.
Second problem is that only 1 male ostrich per big bunch of females on a farm.

But I heard there are ostrich feathers on Ebay for reasonable prices.

Also Plan B: go to the lansknecht camp, drink with them, get some friends and they give a few feathers to you free.

>> No.9043991

> Battling to the death in full plate against an ostrich to become even more splendid.
I really want to do this now.

>> No.9043994

don't be an idiot. If you kill the ostrich then it can't grow another batch of feathers and one ostrich really doesn't have enough feathers for a REALLY good plummet.
tl;dr: battle to death is not an option

>> No.9044000

I meant it more like i'll fight to grab a few feathers while a giant murder bird try to kill me in fact

>> No.9044010

I wouldn't call them murder birds, they are just aren't really into the concept of sharing and as little brain they have is countered by the mass of muscle in their legs.

>> No.9044015
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"Murder bird" has to go to the Cassowary. It actually has a long history of disemboweling people, and the reinforced beak and bony head crest dent mental. Gif related

>> No.9044121

>After all, the weight difference between a buckler and a tower shield for larp isn't that much big, compared to what it was in reality.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, tower shields didn't really exist in reality--the closest you get is pavises, which IIRC were used exclusively by archers and crossbowmen as portable cover.

I always figured it was a legacy rule from tabletop games, yeah. I think a lot of game creators are lacking in imagination and don't realize that playing your character live means you can do a lot of things that are impossible in tabletop, and that most tabletop abstractions aren't necessary any more.

>> No.9044137

Well, the legionary Scutum seems to nearly be a tower shield, but i also think some neckbeards at the start of RPG saw some pavises and thought "damn, what a big shield!"

Still, it's a shame about the Armor/Weapon skills, it's always a pain in the ass for me to choose which weapon i'll have to stick with

>> No.9044165

God damn it, i realised there's a huge Ostrich farm near my place! Wish me luck, lads, for i go to war!

>> No.9044179

So passes Anon, the first of his name. May he be remembered.

>> No.9044198

if he will be killed by an ostrich I won't make the effort of remembering him

>> No.9044201

Today is a good day! Just got the phone call back, and I am now back into military programs at Colonial Williamson!

Hand held shields got big, and pavaises are a style of shield shape with a central channel, not a specific shield. Certainly the largest would be braced on the ground, but throughout history, a large, heavy shield would always be a welcome defense to infantry.

Follow the cock and swallow, anon!

>> No.9044208
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>> No.9044210

Assuming you're the same anon from earlier, who asked about building an Alliance character--yeah, that's a big problem with systems that use weapon skills to begin with. They tend to force you to stick to only one fighting style to be viable, and then in situations where that style isn't useful, you end up being useless. Which is really no fun for anybody.

>> No.9044374

It's not, but thanks for the advice. Guess I can either go with the foam sword I brought pre-emptively, or the neat foam crossbow I planned on crafting. Course, I could always make the investment so I can use both, and just never spend points on one again.

>> No.9044522

To be fair, I don't know if that same issue holds true for Alliance. I would assume it does, because it's a very difficult problem to avoid, but I don't have any actual experience with the system so that's just speculation.

>> No.9044885


Man, I love playing football at larps.

>> No.9044888

I've wanted to get into LARPing for a while, but I havent found any group nearby. Do you guys know of any LARP communities in the St. Louis area? How can I find/join one of these groups? (I'm a dipshit and will probably be told to just use Google but I can't find anything that seems very newfag friendly, or anything at all, for that matter.)

>> No.9044892

>tower shields didn't really exist in reality

I'd say Norman kite shields fall into towershield territory.

>> No.9044895
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Would it be possible to make Chaos Warrior armor for the SCA, or would that be frowned upon?

>> No.9044911
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We already explained the matter

Possible, and has been done as a joke, but as your main harness, would be strictly against the rules as it is still blatant fantasy.

That said, for joke events its cool, and there are several small splinter groups that are fantasy themed, use SCA rules and even show up at Pennsic war (which is not strictly an SCA event.

>> No.9044927

I also wonder though if it would even be possible to do outside the ye olde chaos dudes who just wore mutated 16th century grotesque armor. Would be a whole lot of fucking metal and plastic.

>> No.9044968
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Of course its possible, its just not efficient.

And fuck plastic. Leather and metal bro.

As far as I am aware in the rattan-fighting world, there are a few dwarf clans, a few chaos groups, at least one elf group, a couple of fantasy barbarian groups (most famous being the Tuchux), and the one weird samurai-elf-vampire tossers who got super buttmad when people got sick of their shit and wrecked them on the field.

The chaos guys are super rare now, the various dwarves are bro as hell though.

>> No.9045000

Jep, bring armor if you're going to mess with those birds. They are dangerous. Even their little cousins, the emus, had to be fought by the military.

>> No.9045005
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Anyone know where I could get a pair of Visby gauntlets like pic related? I found a swedish website that appears to be selling them, but I don't read it and frankly they chose a nigh unintelligible font

>> No.9045008

Purpose and location?

>> No.9045014

Well, needed gauntlets firstly. it's for Empire in the UK, one of their factions is distinctly 12/13th century. Figured plate ones would look out of place considering I'm not going for a full harness. Might be a bit cheaper too, if someone made it without the metal underneath.

>> No.9045022

So Larp, England. Budget?

My kneejerk is to try Age of Craft, Sharukan Market and Steel Mastery. All eastern Euro guys who do good, historic work for cheap. Its mostly focused on combat sports, but would seriously cost you the same for larp gaunts.

>> No.9045024

Not as fancy, but http://www.steel-mastery.com/en/brigandine-armour/brigandine-gauntlets/brigandine-gauntlets---mid-14th-century

>> No.9045030

Yeah, just saw those. They're not too bad but I'm not convinced about the lack of fingers. I don't have them to try on but they look like they'd just flap around.

Might just look for something more common, or perhaps ditch it entirely for now

>> No.9045033
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...Are you drunk or retarded?

That is how brig style fingers come. You sew them to the fingers of the gloves you're wearing.

Pic is Brian Brown armoury, an American armourer.

>> No.9045038

Have yall heard of the " larp box" thats going to start selling stuff?

>> No.9045045

I heard of it, and I am intrigued, depending on whats in it. Little fiddly "living items" like runes, coins, charms and all the other things that might find its way into a living character's pockets, are awesome.6031

>> No.9045047

Yo faggots.
Another general curiosity question for you lot.
My local system's monster crew is mainly composed of creeps (one guy literally snuck into a girls tent to ejaculate on her whilst she was sleeping), proper weirdos and 'nice guys'. I was wondering if you lot had similar experiences around your monster crew or if my local system is just good at attracting dickwads. Cheers.

>> No.9045058

Don't be an ass, he probably just doesn't know any better.

>> No.9045064
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>(one guy literally snuck into a girls tent to ejaculate on her whilst she was sleeping)

If the game wasn't immediately stopped to have the guy beaten to pulp before having the cops called on him, then you are either making this up, or are in a supremely shit game.

In my experience, the NPC/Monster folks are the chillest and coolest folks at the event, as they don't have character ego or a need "win"

>> No.9045102

...wut. Don't think that has anything to do with them being NPCs, any player can be just as fucked in the head.
Apart from that, the guy either tried to brag to you with something completly made up (and fucked up), actually knew the girl or he was led of the premises in handcuffs. Or any combination of the aforementioned.

>> No.9045104
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I'll dump some more pictures whenever I'm rendering. Today's folder: Conquest of Mythodea (Germany, 2011). Anyone been to Conquest?

>> No.9045106

will they sell the Dystopia Rising "pronoun badges" too?

no such experience for two reasons.
First of all, there is no such thing around here as monster crew.
Secondly creeps like that either dealt with or they try to do it in more or less secret or in extreme cases try to represent themselves as leader figures. There are always a few guys who try to organize a larp for the sole purpose to impress a girl, even if the girl isn't interested in them.

>> No.9045107
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>> No.9045110
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Sup. Been here a couple of times, though ages ago. Nice to see the inhabitants haven't changed much.
By the way, how did you perceive the community here over the last few years? Growing, shrinking, stable?

>> No.9045112

only on Drachenfest

>By the way, how did you perceive the community here over the last few years? Growing, shrinking, stable?
it's stable but a part of it constantly changing

>> No.9045114
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Much to the enjoyment of the spectators, shopkeepers and inhabitants, there are frequent brawls in the town streets between rival gangs. Resulting of course in florishing business over at the Meltese infirmary as well as the bookies.

>> No.9045117
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>> No.9045125
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>> No.9045127
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>> No.9045129
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>> No.9045130

Pics of the Samurai-Elf-Vampire thing? It sounds like one of those things that could either be awesome or, most likely, terrible.

>> No.9045135
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I can't imagine how hot these suits get on a sunny summer day. Wonder what's worse - being clad head to toe in metal and leather full armor or wearing a full body fur suit.

>> No.9045137
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Mad props though! They look thouroughly well made!

>> No.9045138

there is one thing worse that those: if you are in a foam armor.

>> No.9045142

Like a golem you mean?

>> No.9045146

golems, some chaos armours, and other fantasy stuff. Dressed in insulation foam in the summer sucks big time

>> No.9045166

Sure. Chaos armor is just plate armor. Just model your armor off of the plastic models that at least vaguely look like historical plate and not heavily mutated armoe features in the artwork.

Bonus points if you live in AEthelmaerc, their insignia looks suspiciously close to a Chaos star.

>> No.9045202
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>> No.9045205

Ostrich fag here.
I come back empty-handed, the felons flooded the valley, i can't reach the farm.

>> No.9045272

In the market for knee high boots, but I can't seem to find any that don't have a zipper. Where would you all buy such stuff?

>> No.9045274

And I should add, my budget's around $100-$120. So, decent, but not exactly the greatest.

>> No.9045278

I always envy women for their selection of nice knee high leather boots in regular shoe stores. Try finding those with shoe size of 47...

>> No.9045280

Where do you live? Do you mind ordering from other countries?

If you're on a budget, you could check out www.historische-schuhe.de (at their Larp and historical section)

>> No.9045283

I'm kind of lucky, with US Mens 9.5. Still, I just hate searching for them, because adding LARP or Medieval makes all the prices jump by like $50. It's ridiculous, honestly.

>> No.9045284

USA. And no, as long as I don't have to do anything special for customs or wait 3+ months.

>> No.9045305

Can somebody post some 14/15 centruy generic outifts?

>> No.9045406

It's a supremely shit game. I was awoken to her screaming because he had his cock out and ended up witnessing it firsthand.

She declined to press charges and he wasn't kicked out despite mass protests because the head ref doesn't like conflict.
I stopped attending after that.

>> No.9045416

>because the head ref doesn't like conflict.
>I don't like conflict so I allow more conflict to happen!
I see no way that this carefully laid out plan could ever go wrong

>> No.9045435

So, as it happens, I'm pretty good at Flyting.
Is it something acceptable in LARPs? Or does it have too much of a 'modern rap battle' feel to it to work?


>> No.9045436

Ikr? 10/10 gr8 reffing.
On a related note decent UK larp reccs? I'm gonna try empire but any more suggestions would be good.

>> No.9045441

what's your problem with the plain old cursing?

>> No.9045452

That'd be like the difference between whacking dudes with a stick and fencing.
Sure, anyone could say something about how ugly you are or naughty things involving your mother and Frenchmen.
But saying those as you rhyme them, in the form of a verse, possibly surrounded by a crowd and actually letting your rival a chance to reply? Now that'd be a little more impressive.

>> No.9045461

if you make it rhyme you are putting way more effort into being artsy than properly cursing the other guy.
Also it would give the impression that you can't curse properly. It's not the rhymes that count but how many words you use without repeating any.
Trust me, I'm from eastern europe

>> No.9045465

I don't know... Feel free to enlighten me or give me some decent examples, but I've never heard like a really decent insult standing by itself. as far as I've seen, it usually comes with some context and such. King of the Dot guys do this really well, but I'm not quite sure that's your thing.

>> No.9045531

sadly most of my examples would be in hungarian. Although the brits/scots do the best this on the english language in my opinion.

>> No.9045559

Stargate LRP
No Rest for the Wicked (Rogue Trader 40k larp)
I've crewed or played these, and had fun at all of them.

These ones are those that I have had friends who go and have said good things about them.
Curious Pastimes
Futures End
Death Unto Darkness

>> No.9045571

I've had good luck finding knee high boots in women's 10+ sizes at shoe department and DSW. 9.5 is what, 11? 11.5 in womans? it's doable.

>> No.9045621

Meanwhile, yet again we are in autosage so here is the new thread


>> No.9046517

Whats wrong with whacking people with sticks?