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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 67 KB, 630x473, punk moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9037249 No.9037249 [Reply] [Original]

What is your opinion on different "versions" of characters in cosplay? I mean like, "Punk [insert character], Goth [insert character], etc

>> No.9037257

Some of them are fine, but a lot of them suck and aren't even recognisable as the character. Like your picture- you only know it's Sailor Moon because of the hair and the giant patch on the back. Other than that, it's just a generic, rather bad, punk outfit. I really dislike the trend for "punk sailors"- almost every single one is a hot mess.

>> No.9037261

I like them if they're cool, interesting, and recognizeable. Unfortunately, these days, 95% of the time alternative outfits has become code for "I don't have either the time, the money, or experience to try and create a cosplay of this character's regular outfit, so I'm going to closet cosplay it/buy a bunch of random things and pretend it's an AU outfit"

>> No.9037265

I made the thread because I ran into a punk Madoka this past weekend. She did a REALLY good Godoka and a couple of other good cosplays though, so I didn't hold it against her or anything, but it made me want to try a gederbend punk Luna ans a sort of casual cosplay for Sundays at cons and such. I just can't figure out how to do it without it seeming super lazy.

>> No.9037270

They're annoying to me but if you think you'll have fun making/wearing it, then go for it.

I think it would only impress me if it was something super creative and very well made.

>> No.9037284

Basically what what has been said so far, if it makes sense, well made and is recognizable.
But I tend to hate AUs like punk, lolita or steam punk because they tend to be the least creative.

>> No.9037291

I hate them most of the time. Especially if the alternative version clashes with the original theme. I could understand the sailor senshi wearing cute j-fashion, but punk doesn't work with it.

>> No.9037297
File: 460 KB, 500x750, cinderella2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These. If it's clever, I'll like it, but I ignore the vast majority of "original" versions of characters. For example, I loved the historical dress versions of Disney princesses because they were recognizable designs that simultaneously stayed true to both historical fashions and the color schemes and personalities of the characters. There have also been some clever crossovers.

Generally speaking, if your idea has anything to do with steampunk, punk/rocker, slave Leia/Star Wars-ified, sailor-ified, bikini/swimsuit/lingerie, or hurp durp WoW-ripoff warrior versions, you should probably not bother. Those have all been done to death and most long-term congoers are tired of them. Best case scenario you'll be ignored by everyone but newbie congoers and hardcore obsessive fans, so might be best to invest your time and energy into something canon or at least more unique.

>> No.9037302

i hate it when people do that punk emo shit for cute magical girls like madoka and stuff. why not do a jfash interpretation of the character instead? for example: fairy kei madoka would be way more in character and less trashy than a punk madoka. most of the time it's just a miss for me

>> No.9037349

i did a sailor moon one once and it is my #1 cosplay regret, never again.

>> No.9037371

I hate this as much in cosplay as I hate it in fanart. Most of the time it's this punk shit and all it does to me is scream "so edgy desu".

>> No.9037425
File: 108 KB, 736x1104, 74b00af815976309d5484b09e98587be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this. AUs -- especially punk AUs -- scream "I couldn't make the actual costume for some reason. If you're wearing it as a slow day cosplay or to a late night meet, I get it, but don't expect other people to care about it.

But 100% percent agreed on cleverness. If there's a clear, smart animating principle, it can be fucking fantastic. This picture should be everything wrong with AU cosplay (being a Disney plus Star Wars mashup), but "Hans Solo" makes me laugh every time I think about it. (It doesn't hurt that the costumes are good.)

>> No.9037463

Don't mind if they're well put together and it makes sense for the character/series but some are just sloppy, random Hot Topic clothes and barely resemble the character

>> No.9037670

Your forgot belly dancer versions. Fuck belly dancer versions of characters

>> No.9037695

>i hate it when people do that punk emo shit for cute magical girls like madoka
Have you even watched Madoka, anon?

>> No.9037710

yes, and the characters themselves aren't like that. have you even watched madoka, anon?

>> No.9037729
File: 401 KB, 800x1047, madokaichibankuji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the anon you're talking to, but there's tons of alternate outfits for Madoka that show them in different types of outfits. For all you know that stuff could be based on official art.

>> No.9037734
File: 635 KB, 1006x669, 1864805_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not. i've seen the alternate outfits, and they're all pretty in-character jfash stuff like i was saying would look better in the first place. the people who make the alternate outfits know better than to put them in bullshit like this.

>> No.9037737

I've been slowly amassing a punk FFVII group, and if you're doing it right that shit isn't cheap or simple. I made patches out of all the limit breaks and a few in-game quotes, and there's so many spikes on the jacket that I have trouble bringing it through airport security. When the grungy-looking road warrior dudes that you would usually only see at wasteland weekend compliment your shit at con, you're doing it right. It's a really fun way to exercise my graphic design skills to make band names out of otherwise-mundane titles and phrases, instead of just painting FIGHT LIKE A GIRL on every flat surface of my body.

Otherwise, yeah, 99% of "punk" cosplays are just people in goodwill jean jackets with the sleeves ripped off and booty shorts. Not terribly imaginative. I feel kinda bad that I was in that huge punk Sailor Moon group at Fanime all those years ago now, it kinda opened the floodgates.

>> No.9037739


Also, at least being a bunch of freaky crust punks fighting against the man actually makes sense for Avalanche, fighting against Shinra.

>> No.9037740

Kind of in the same vain: how do you guys feel about people that base cosplays off of fanart? A lot of these "punk ___" cosplays are inspired by fanart.

>> No.9037745


I don't know why NoFlutter designs are so popular, they're fucking ugly as sin and people keep making them.

The historical Disney Princesses are great though, even if some of them are super fudged. Elsa is super fudged if you do even the vaguest amount of research.

>> No.9037761
File: 107 KB, 685x960, sayakahawaiian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't all J-fashion. The outfits you posted are ugly as fuck, though.

>> No.9037768
File: 272 KB, 924x900, 9a496c8f96b8f510cc4e943e799f5b4a-d5z2652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't really know why you're trying to defend them, then. basically all the punk madoka outfits look like that. i'd rather people cosplay the card outfits that you're posting than Super Edgy Punkdoka, because it's all ugly and doesn't fit the series at all. (philosophical =/= max edge xD)

>> No.9037773
File: 86 KB, 600x900, 1405707997-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sailor Moon is a whiny teenager not a derby dyke

Not nearly as stupid as this crossover though

>> No.9037777

Uncomfortably phallic gun holding Snow White returns

>> No.9037879

They can be really cool if done well, but when they are half assed or cliche they are super annoying.

>> No.9037885

Like why would you do this? In what universe does this make sense?

My friend recently did a mermaid version of a character that would never be a mermaid and it looked cute but ???

>> No.9037886

Why is her armor so tiny?

>> No.9037907

I think what erks me the most is when it's out of character. Why would the shy loli girl have a punk outfit?

>> No.9037995


There was a whole group. They're kind of the laughingstock of the Mercs, but nobody gives them any actual shit. Just "lol careful with your design scheme or you might look like one of those Disney Princess Mandos!!!"

>> No.9038016

Im just tired of punk versions in general. I think they're the most frequent because people literally pull stuff right out of their edgy closets, throw on a wig, and call it a cosplay. Im tired of the "edge" in general.

Im also sick of bunny suit and slave versions because of "teh sex".

Im more tolerant of steampunk and lolita versions cause those tend to look a bit cuter and be more creative.

>> No.9038057
File: 597 KB, 500x200, 320.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw my friend and I are doing punk Flareon and 80s goth Umbreon for an upcoming con. I don't care though. They'll look way better than ops pic.

>> No.9038092

I have a girl in my comm who made a mermaid version but was just a bikini.

>> No.9038137


>> No.9038154

Oh no. My friend at least made a tail and everything but it was still very out of character and weird. I get liking multiple things but that doesn't mean you have to smash them all together

>> No.9038199

>They'll look way better than ops pic.

No, they won't.

>> No.9038205

Remember anon, everyone else posted in this thread thought they looked great too, people are just too polite to say anything negative to your face.

>> No.9038221

I like seeing new takes on familiar characters, but if it's just done for the sexy factor it drives me nuts.

>> No.9038230
File: 311 KB, 600x400, Inner-Senshi[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this looks so sloppy
I'm worried now because a friend wants to do a revamped Powerpuff Girls next but now I'm worried that we'll all look too different and it'll be a mess

>> No.9038232

Dat Sailor Moon wig.

>> No.9038291

As long as you're having fun with it then I'm cool with it. Don't expect me to like it, but this hobby is supposed to be fun, do your own thing by all means.

>> No.9038421
File: 93 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of pic related.

>> No.9038430

>"Wouldn't the Sailor Scouts be a perfect 80s rock band?"

Kill me

>> No.9038504

When people say that Eugene is attractive, I show them this picture.

>> No.9038506

But Eugene looks good here.

>> No.9038539


>> No.9038546

>Mercury and Venus so OOT
kill me

>> No.9038577
File: 18 KB, 315x274, apathy pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't care if someone does alternative versions of characters, even if I don't personally like their idea. Live and let live and all that.

People ITT need to realize that cosplayers aren't friggin obligated to please randos with differing tastes. Why do you think that you're entitled to decide what'as ok and not ok for someone else to do? Are any of you hearing yourselves.

Discussing your dislike for something isn't terrible in itself but encouraging eachother to be mean is pretty shitty.

>> No.9038580

but cosplayers usually do this for the attention they receive from it. not necessarily as for attention whoring but they want a positive response. Plus the point of the thread was to ask our opinion about it lmao. I doubt any of these people actually go up to these cosplayers and tell them they suck to their face, theyre likely just ignored by them. Also I don't really see people actually encouraging each other to be mean, just relating and venting.

>> No.9038583

>but cosplayers usually do this for the attention they receive from it.

Or maybe they also do it because it's a form of creative expression/ they like cosplaying? People are motivated by more than just a narcissistic desire for admiration.

Saying that such and such ideas are inherently ugly or whatever is not exactly nice.

>> No.9038585

shit i meant ooc

>> No.9038599

So you think someone genuinely thought the idea of mixing Snow White and Boba Fett was a good idea? Or Slave Leia version of anything?

>> No.9038601

As further proof that he is hot?

The rest is a hot mess tho.

>> No.9038603

Anything is better than "slut" versions of characters, where they just throw on a wig and underwear.

>> No.9038605

People are allowed to think it's a shit form of self-expression. If you want to do that, why not just make an original punk outfit? You don't have to shitty up a character for ~* muh creativity *~

Yeah people are being mean about it. So what? Not everyone has to get on their knees and kiss someone's ass because they tried.

>> No.9038649

It doesn't matter what I think, because I wasn't the creator of said costume. Are you implying that cosplayers should only work on projects with proven popular appeal? As long as they aren't ripping off someone else's ideas and passing it off as their own or breaking the law they can do whatever they want.

So you don't like it when a character's design is altered a la the "AU" versions?

So friggin what. Is being salty 'cause people do shit you don't like benefiting you in any way?

We all have our gripes, I'm no exception but looking at these threads makes it apparent that certain attitudes are infectious. I'd rather not feed a mindset that I don't want.

>> No.9038656


So you were posted? I mean it's okay, it happens and you learn from it.

>> No.9038665

>the characters themselves aren't like that
Who is Sayaka
Who is Homura
Who is Kyouko (as far as punk goes)

>> No.9038670

Are you serious? This just proves my point. You don't care about how the effects of your actions or in this case, carelessly flung opinions. Anyone who doesn't agree with the judgmental crap is obviously butthurt. I mean who even tries to be a decent human being nowadays, amirite? never change, ceeg.

>> No.9038753

You can't stop people from having negative opinions just like we can't stop you from having yours. You want to cosplay an AU version of a character? Go ahead. But like others have already said, don't expect everyone to love it or get mad if people ignore you. Say what you want but nobody just cosplays to not get at least some attention, it's human nature

>> No.9039081

Again, I really don't care. We're doing it for fun after all. If we get posted here all we're gonna do is laugh about it.

>> No.9039297
File: 169 KB, 333x311, Smugleo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw doing swimsuit cosplay
Fite me I'm gonna have fun.

>> No.9039341

>hot topic goth
yeah totally

>> No.9039363

I did a punk Ryuuko for a smallish local con that I couldn't be fucked to cosplay properly for but didn't want to be a buzzkill in normie shit. I basically just wore the wig and scissorblade from my actual Ryuuko cos with my everyday metalhead-ish clothes in a vaguely Senketsu-esque colour scheme. It was a thrown together, not particularly well thought out cosplay but it was fun and comfortable and in the spirit of a weeb con so I guess I enjoyed wearing it. Probably wouldn't go doing shoots and shit of it and labelling it as an actual cosplay though as if I'd put work into it.

>> No.9039834

this is just a guess, but maybe it's a pun (like "snow-ba fett" or something), and because disney owns star wars now

>> No.9039853
File: 38 KB, 500x500, 4084fc3ad7cd22a099b043e76bf74ced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always kinda wanted to do a Slave Leia version of Princess Peach if I could get a friend to be Bowser the Hutt

I dont think I've seen it done yet (a few slave peachs but never with a bowser) and it actually kinda makes sense considering the power dynamic and size difference between the two. I'd want to play the whole thing very tongue and cheek though, but still do good on the costume construction, no skimping there.

Probably wont ever get around to it though if I'm being honest with myself.

>> No.9039927

Went to Fan expo Dallas and let me tell you it got really old, real quick, seeing so many 'Joker' themed cosplay.

>> No.9040447

Duck does anyone have a pic of that creepy ass Joker themed Kenpachi at Fanime?

>> No.9040909
File: 150 KB, 960x960, 13343125_1304046709608767_4547407233265367281_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I lurked a little bit before posting about this same exact topic. I think it can be done really well however I feel as though a lot of the times when someone does it the execution is just awful. If it wasn't for Sailor Moon I wouldn't of recognized these girls from DCC this weekend.

>> No.9040918

Pics of the patches? I love FFVII

>> No.9040919

tfw they couldn't even get the outfits from the art right. this is lazy x1000

>> No.9040922

I think people should stick to weird alternate official figures/ merch if they want to do other versions of characters. Sailor Moon has other outfits in the artbooks, concept art, etc. so it's stupid to do the AUs people cosplay from.

>> No.9041001

Leia is easy because you can buy the metal parts pre-made. I assume that's why there's so many slave Leia AUs.

>> No.9041014

LOL i literally just watched that episode for the first time and came here to mention it

>> No.9041126

Sailor Thots

I'd just think they were normies who bought con merch to fit in.

>> No.9041130

>so it's stupid to do the AUs people cosplay from.
I don't think it's stupid at all. No one but Takeuchi truly owns the character, so everyone is free to do as they want as long as it's fun. I only see it as an irritation when it's just outright done wrong or if the cosplayer is being too lazy to even stay recognizable.

>> No.9041196

Some can be cool, but what I really hate seeing is like some twist on a cosplay going viral, then seeing like 12 people horribly trying to imitate it at a con, or doing a twist on something with a twist on it already.

>> No.9041207


Being emotionally distressed and dressing like an emo kid are not the same thing.

>> No.9041989
File: 182 KB, 478x745, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creepy Ass Joker Kenpachi here. Managed to find a pic where my hair-helmet wasn't looking too awful. Unfortunately no pics of the rest of the group, as the heat that day managed to drive them out of costume earlier than expected.

>> No.9042012

Did you make this yourself? I really like the pinstripe detail and color coordination.

>> No.9042038

Yes, the fabric was a blue-and-white-striped mattress fabric that I dyed purple, while the yellow was bought online. Unfortunately I left the facial prosthetics and makeup I bought at home, and had to get some replacement makeup locally, but overall I was happy with how it was received (especially the reaction I got from a couple of Jason Todd Cosplayers when they saw the crowbar >:D )

>> No.9042084
File: 118 KB, 1278x960, FB_IMG_1465233204742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is up with the tighs on the girl to the far right?

>> No.9042185

Super tacky & bordering on 2edgy4me

It screams, "I couldn't make the actual costume so I used my closet".

>> No.9042407

Now this is something I have never seen before.

This, I am alright with. Just give me crossovers that I havent seen yet. Everyone seems to do the same thing: either slave Leia, Punk Sailor Moon, or warrior princess.

Im eager for crossovers of stuff I havent seen before. Even if it doesnt make sense like Snowba Fett, it'd be a refreshing change from all the usual costumes.

>> No.9042428

People do the popular things because they want the recognition and attention. I was walking with some friends and one of them gushed over a Deadpool being obnoxious. If the majority praise it, there's little to be done really. No effort needed and not everyone is willing to be like KenJoker and try to make something memorable.

>> No.9042756

I like them. I've done a steampunk and a hipster version of the same character before. Just no slutty versions of things that aren't supposed to be slutty. And sometimes gender bent annoys me too. I feel like people do that when they like a character but feel insecure dressing as that character when they are of the opposite sex. Who cares? What's wrong with just cross playing? It's especially annoying when the genderbent is made more sexy for women, as if these girls feel like they HAVE to cosplay sexy even if it means fucking up a character

>> No.9042763

I was with you until the genderbent thing. Who cares if someone wants to do that so long as they're staying true to the character? Not all genderbent cosplays are slutty

>> No.9043009

Sounds like the only insecure here is you.

>> No.9043030


As long as it's done well, I think it's neat.

>> No.9043645
File: 133 KB, 702x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically, my Russell cosplay is like that (originally it was gonna be a AX explorer, altered patch and all, but I scrapped that), it's pretty much the same from the movie but when I go to AX, the sash is gonna be empty and just go to the Artist Alley and "earn" some badges to pin on my sash (might get the Persona 4 anime LE bluray set to get Chie's pins)

>> No.9043775

I really dig these vests

>> No.9043777

but why, anon... they look so crappy

>> No.9043790

Not anon but it can depend. A lot of the time a female genderbend is way too skimpy for the characters or there's nothing really different about it except you didn't want to bind your boobs and have a long, usually unstyled wig.

>> No.9043798
File: 463 KB, 694x858, Shichibukai_Genders_Swapped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see so many genderbent One Piece girls but none of them follow the ones Oda designed himself, except Crocodile. I don't see an issue with it being sexy so much as it's usually sexy without being creative.

>> No.9043805

Hate it, especially steampunk versions.

>> No.9043823

Seconding request for pics - this seems really cool. I tried drawing the FF7s as 1977-style Soho punks, but it didn't come out right.

>> No.9043835

That's just lazy cosplay, period.

>> No.9044141

I actually really like seeing original/silly/slutty character outfits for con raves and stuff. I was absolutely enchanted by the 'trash prince' Dio and the 80s Dio at Kita this year. Sure, it's not quality costuming, but it's a bit of silly fun and it means you don't risk messing up a proper costume drinking and dancing. Imma try one myself this year.

>> No.9044202

That's a cool idea

>> No.9044254

Not a fan. Sometimes it's OK, but like others mentioned it sometimes clashes with the personality of the character. If you change the character that much, you could argue it's not the original character anymore but a different one.

>> No.9044255

raves and like day 0's are the good days to do something silly like a cross over, especially if its an easier construction and means less effort getting in and out of things. Thats the only time I bring out any odd version of a character.

>> No.9044265

I agree. I've got a rave cosplay idea that's going to be absolutely ridiculous but I'm going to enjoy it

>> No.9044580

>what is facial structure

>> No.9044596

diff anon. they look handmade and cute to me. id wear it

>> No.9044751

Not gonna lie, in that pic mercury is pretty hot

>> No.9046182


>> No.9047675

whyyyyy are her hands so dirty??????

Why is it salve Elsa and not Anna????
Hans Solos did make me laugh, but all else no.

>> No.9047679

Well fuck me silly.
This shit is damn clever.

>Madokas outfit though

>> No.9047706
File: 179 KB, 779x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanna cosplay Mercy, but my cosplay skills aren't up to par yet. (I excel in wigs and props, but def not armor)
>wanna cosplay pic related, maybe with friends, it's fun and fandom will get it.
>will probably be called lazy, even if I do make her prop.

>> No.9048260
File: 141 KB, 375x500, 3760498841_159f54d30f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally prefer joke/clever cosplays
>pic related example
over alternate versions that seem to all become the same kinda forgettable thing after awhile

>> No.9048288

> can do props
> can't do armor


>> No.9048436
File: 70 KB, 540x608, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9048612
File: 307 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just surfaced on my Facebook wall in a sailor moon group I'm in. I don't know how I feel any more.

>> No.9049235


I think that's a fun idea; it's not too serious and seems more in character. More like an in-house than an attempt at attention for being omg different. Then you'll have the wig and prop ready when you start the real costume.