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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9049076 No.9049076[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel when a flat chested girl cosplays as a character with obviously large breasts?

For example; this lovely redhead yoko

>> No.9049080

unless she's stunning to look at I don't think a lot of people are going to pay her any mind regardless. do whatever you want, dawg.

>> No.9049085
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>this lovely redhead yoko

Git out

>> No.9049089

I have pretty normal sized boobs so when I cosplayed Yoko in her space outfit I just padded to the high heavens. I don't care when people don't cosplay to their body shape, but obviously it looks much better when they do

>> No.9049097 [DELETED] 
File: 832 KB, 840x1200, b08cfc3c3f4e9504adfae76e9a77ca81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to assume this isn't a thread you made just to start arguments. I wouldn't unless you don't care about constant comments. I get them despite only ever cosplaying canon completely flat chested characters and from normies in everyday life though, so no matter what if you're as small as I am you'll probably get them. With that in mind if you really like the character why not. Cosplaying obvious fap material characters like Yoko when you're small busted is pointless and stupid though.

It also depends on what you mean by small, on cgl and to guys anything below a d-cup gets called small and anything below a b-cup is "completely flat". I'm way flatter than pic related and don't even have mosquito bites, so other "flat" anons may have had different experiences.

>> No.9049100
File: 832 KB, 840x1200, b08cfc3c3f4e9504adfae76e9a77ca81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to assume this isn't a thread you made just to start arguments. I wouldn't unless you don't care about constant comments. I get them despite only ever cosplaying canon completely flat chested characters and from normies in everyday life though, so no matter what if you're as small as I am you'll probably get them. With that in mind if you really like the character why not. Cosplaying obvious fap material characters like Yoko when you're small busted is pointless and stupid though.

It also depends on what you mean by small, on cgl and to guys anything below a d-cup gets called small and anything below a c-cup is "completely flat". I'm way flatter than pic related and don't even have mosquito bites, so other "flat" anons may have had different experiences.

>> No.9049103

I think most people cosplay with an 'acceptable' body type for their character, so not totally accurate, but it looks okay. If someone has a really accurate body type, that's the icing on the cake imo. A flat-chested Yoko is like a moderately muscular Joseph Joestar- it's not quite right but it's passable.

>> No.9049105


Its a lot easier (and comfortable) for flatties to ramp up their assets, where as their bustier counterparts have a crappy time reducing theirs to emulate younger or flatter characters.
But the bottom line is no one really cares unless they're really petty people.

>> No.9049242
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padding small boobs is like blackface

>> No.9049537

>How do you feel when a flat chested girl cosplays as a character with obviously large breasts?
Turned on.

>> No.9049542 [DELETED] 

This girl is too fat to be showing this much skin.

>> No.9049547

>obvious fap material characters like Yoko
Now wait just a gosh darn minute there. Just because a character is scantily dressed doesn't make them fap bait, and Yoko (at least in the original anime) is the penultimate example of this. Yoko is a badass sniper chick who spends the entire series getting shit done and then becomes a school teacher. She's hot as hell, sure, but she's a three-dimensional character through and through, not just fap bait.

>> No.9049548

You shut your whore mouth.

>> No.9049549
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>Yoko isn't just fap b8

>> No.9049550

Clearly I'm not the one who needs to shut my mouth when food appears to be flying into hers constantly.

>> No.9049558

Yeah, she isn't.

The term fap bait describes a character who's only purpose to the medium is to be ogled by horny guys. While Yoko certainly was (and is) ogled by horney guys, she serves a much deeper purpose to the show, making her a poor candidate for the title of fap bait.

>> No.9049561

shes even fap b8 for the characters in the show. I dunno what to tell you if you are really defending one of the most generic and commonly known fap b8 characters as not fap b8.



>> No.9049565

yoko was literally only there to make simons boner confused.

>> No.9049574

Whatever you say, mate.

Just know that some 75% of the population considers her body type the ideal and your's is one that desperately needs a sandwich or 10.

>Captcha: Select all the cookies
Even Captcha knows whats up. Eat a cookie, please. Your parents are scared.
Protip: most people find too chubby much more attractive than too skinny

>> No.9049578

>a woman with that little of a difference from her waist to hips

literally laughed out loud

>> No.9049579

She isn't fat but she isn't shaped for the "ideal" figure.

>> No.9049581 [DELETED] 

Which is a show about growing up and taking on the responsibilities of a man is a pretty damn big deal.

>> No.9049582

You really need to get over the fact that yoko is fapb8 both in and out of the show.

>> No.9049583

Which is a show about growing up and taking on the responsibilities of a man is a pretty damn big deal.

No shit that's the point. Love is more important than lust.

It's like it's amateur hour over here!

>> No.9049587

>so stupid he double posts
>defending yoko as something other than fap b8

not surprised at all.

>> No.9049588

And 94% of doctors in the US think you pulled that number out of your ass.
Please fuck off

>> No.9049600


Hey he said at least in the orginal anime. In the manga shes total fapbait

>> No.9049604

She's fap b8 in the original anime too.

>> No.9049606


Sure are a lot of touchy cunts in here.

>> No.9049609

>having a normal debate over a character
>touchy cunts

kek I bet you come from tumblr

>> No.9049615

Nah, just a humble fa/tg/uy browsing some boards for other things that mildly interest me.

>> No.9049621

so why would you look at a relatively typical debate on 4chan and call people touchy? it makes you sound like a raging newfag that expects everyone to baby eachother

>> No.9049626

Proportions like Yoko's are rare af. Finding a Yoko with a waist that small and chest that large without surgery is like finding a midget at Woodstock.

Cosplaying a larger chested character with small tits is fine as it is, but it's better if they at least try to pad or use boob magic.

>> No.9049631

I'd rather a girl with a small bust and a more accurate hip/waist ratio use padding to achieve a yoko bust than something like

where doughy girls with a large chest cosplay obviously fit characters.

>> No.9049644
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, ObviousDeafeningConch.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoko looks silly when cosplayed by someone with small boobs

>> No.9049647

This, too many chubby and fat girls with "big breasts" (fat not breast tissue) cosplaying as girls with waists a good foot smaller than their own. It's the same as someone completely flat cosplaying them. That girl is overweight and box shaped, nothing like Yoko.

>> No.9049652
File: 2.87 MB, 3011x2239, yoko_littner_cosplay___space_yoko_cosplay___by_aliceblacfox-d7pec0h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you saw a Kamina cosplayed by a fatass or a beanpole, you'd think it looked ridiculous, right?

>> No.9049654

This girl is at least thin and fit enough, still not enough waist/hip ratio but since it's an anime character I can give her a pass. Makeup and hair are garbage though.

>> No.9049655

She has a good body for it but it would be nice if she actually tried.

>> No.9049657

This the above "debate" is one step away from degrading into nothing but name calling. That may pass for debate on cancerous boards like /b/ and /v/ but I was under the impression that most boards were more like /tg/ and generally cooler with each other.

>> No.9049660

looks even sillier when chubs cosplay her seeing as she's obviously meant to be fit



finally someone has common fucking sense on this board.

>> No.9049661
File: 419 KB, 1365x2048, IMG_1727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she does have proper yoko cosplay

>> No.9049662

what a disgusting navel

>> No.9049664

If only she'd take that disgusting cow ring out of her nose.

>> No.9049667

It does look ridiculous but the same can be said on the flip side. A flat chested character being played by someone fat or big boobed is equally as awful.

Ruined by the piercings though, such a shame.

>> No.9049673
File: 311 KB, 680x681, 1463568247736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will cgl ever stop following for such obvious bait? OP is trying to spam it until someone tries to do a dfc vs cowtits debate.

Flat chests are already aware no one wants them unless they look 13, generic "flatties are so gross" and cowtit pictures aren't going to trigger anyone.

>> No.9049675

I might be nitpicking but the horrendous skull and gloves throw it off a bit.

>> No.9049676
File: 61 KB, 960x557, 1623667_631075340293771_259055083_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoko's breast size is more important than her slim waist

You ask a bunch of people to describe how Yoko looks, they will all say "Big boobs" before "small waist"

And so, as her breasts are the defining feature for the character, it is the same for the cosplayer.

>> No.9049678

>a fit character doesn't have to be portrayed as fit

hilarious. you do know if her waist wasn't slim her defining feature would be she's chubby right?

>> No.9049679
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>> No.9049681

No one wants fatasses either. The perfect girl should have a waist smaller than 23-24 inches and a large chest.

This girl is chubby, borderline overweight. Look at the arms. Yoko is fit, not a fatass. The small waist defines her breasts even more, a wide waist would make them look smaller.

>> No.9049684
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or average

>> No.9049687
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>> No.9049690

>that doughy

where the fuck do you live?

>> No.9049691

I can't tell if you're an angry fatty claiming to be "busty" and that's why you hate waist comments so much. Or if you're a robot trying to bring your "make chestlets insecure" thread and getting frustrated that it's not working.

I'm not defending fatties, I'm saying OP isn't going to trigger any flat girls like they're trying to. It's nothing you don't see and hear literally everyday.

>> No.9049695

American average is 5'4ft and around 170lbs, which is close to obese, well into overweight. However a lot of Europe countries are right around that too, and I think Mexico surpassed that.

>> No.9049697


does everyone just have heart attacks walking up the stairs or what?

I'm 5'6" and 106~, I can't imagine ever being 170 at my height let alone 5'4"

>> No.9049698
File: 1.72 MB, 1920x1080, LoathsomeRemorsefulAyeaye.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she has a default anime waist, its nothing to note

might as well say her important characteristics are her eyes because without them she'd be blind and that would define her

>> No.9049699
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>> No.9049700

>a character who prides herself on her combat abilities
>her being fit isn't a defining feature

what drugs are you on?

>> No.9049703
File: 580 KB, 1920x1080, DSC00651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could anyone find this disgusting blob attractive

>> No.9049706


Yeah, ensuring certain doom for anyone she falls in love with. Such a turn on.

>> No.9049708

I only know that I do.

>> No.9049710

She looks more fit than most of the fatties thas have been posted in this thread.

>> No.9049712


>>9049684 is the only one more fat than her, and just barely. She's fit to stuff her face. Theres even zits on her tits for fucks sake.

>> No.9049730

her tits look like her nipples are pointing straight down. how sad.

>> No.9049738
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>> No.9049741

Not only is she doughy, but her face is below average.

>> No.9049745
File: 356 KB, 850x1041, 56aa90a5bf4f891589f207f5fefcb340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you insist on bumping the thread I'll try to make it actually relevant. Since OP is so offended by small busted women cosplaying Yoko I'll list some characters with similar costumes for them to cosplay.

Etna from Disega

>> No.9049747
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Mina Tepes from Dance in the Vampire Bund

>> No.9049749
File: 338 KB, 630x830, f2e771c4f915308ddd7de3d59c021811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Rock Shooter

>> No.9049751

man, nobody with a adult human body would be able to cosplay Etna... she is impossibly tiny, maybe only the tiniest of the japanese girls would manage it. not even ana-chans.

>> No.9049754

>not even Ana-Chans

you challenging me?

>> No.9049756
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This girl I can't remember the name of.

Probably Op, but they exist. I'm one of them.

>> No.9049758
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Lilith from Darkstalkers

>> No.9049763
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Shimikaze's outfit is skimpy.

>> No.9049768
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>> No.9049797

That's such a bad angle. She still looks too big for Etna.

>> No.9049818

I know a chick that is flat chested like Etna and small. She could do it.

>> No.9049831
File: 44 KB, 257x327, 1417080765002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is why eating disorders are fucking everywhere

>> No.9049836

As someone with huge boobs I'd much rather take the small boobs and pad them up instead of having to bind.

>> No.9049837

Yeah, eating disorders like over eating, fatass.

>> No.9049838
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>> No.9049839

rectangular torso shape =\= fatty.

>> No.9049845
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>> No.9049847

Is this your new bait or are really just fat as fuck?

>> No.9049851

This whole thread is bait anon kun

>> No.9049853

>way flatter than pic related

Do you even have boobs?

>> No.9049856

I know but if they won't stop bumping the thread might as well interact with them.

>assuming cgl posters are male

Nope, literally flat chested.