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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9086592 No.9086592 [Reply] [Original]

How was everyone's time at AX this year?

>> No.9086595

5 D A Y S N E X T Y E A R

>> No.9086606

Fucking wat.

>> No.9086608

AX was shit. The staff was retarded, it was overcrowded, the AA was hell, and I honestly didn't feel like throwing more money for all the extra stuff. I didn't get many pics of cosplayers because it was too crowded. I honestly only went to 4 panels and the only one worth it was the trigger panel. Probably will avoid AX next year.

For those in Artist Alley did you rake in the cash or were you fucked by the tiny crowded walkways?

>> No.9086611

The 999 thing was a wonderful prank. Wish I could have done it.


>> No.9086622

Long line and retarded ax staff. It needs to be better. The panels weren't good for me and I saw nothing worth buying.

>> No.9086634

I'm local and just came down for parties this year. Kinda sad I missed out on the actual con, but it seems like maybe I shouldn't be.

I wanted to check out the AA for Overwatch stuff but I heard that was a hellhole too.

>> No.9086637

What was even the point of being 4 days long if everything fucking closed at T H R E E. Complete waste of my time and money.

>> No.9086646

AA was a fucking nightmare, should've used more space for the artists and less for table top gaming. Walk space was way too narrow.

If I hadn't spent literally 5 hours trying to do a run though of the AA I might have had time to wait in line for another line to maybe see a panel.

Fashion show in Saturday was fun!

Also whoever threw up on Sat night on bus 4, you're a douche.

>> No.9086650

Guesses on to how much premier is next year.

>> No.9086656

$395. I just asked them. They will be on sale tomorrow 12 PM PST. Regular 4 days will raise in price again tomorrow.

Gulls, is it even worth going to AX anymore? I never went to AX, but I've been watching the previous thread.

>> No.9086663
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Bought some zines at AA, had a great time. Forced my boyfriend to cosplay Jon Snow, sewing that vinyl was actually hell, so my dress only got 5 am level of work. This is the only con I attend though. Lines were much better than 2014. Anyone talking about big crowds and etc didnt go to 2014. Bought my first Real Wig from Epic Cosplay Wigs, they were pretty damn good. Helped me put it on and all that.

Very fun Con, lots of photos were taken of us. Feet are tired.

>> No.9086674

Do you know how much regular cost?

>> No.9086675

I'm starting to feel more and more like it's not worth it for most /cgl/ types.

AX is turning more and more into an "Expo" and losing its "Convention" roots, if that makes sense. If you're into the official side of things, the panels, the limited merchandise, the live programming, autographs, etc, then it's the con to be at. If you're there to cosplay, hit the AA (or have a booth), or just for general socializing and partying, though, it's hard to make a case for it these days.

I think next year I'll save my money and put it towards SDCC instead, even though I'm mostly an anime fan.

>> No.9086677

Right now it's $50 + $4 for fees. Not sure how much it will go by tomorrow.

>> No.9086690

Since when was 2017 passes on sale?

>> No.9086698
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>the good
Went to an academic panel and had an okay time, the Japan Super Live and had a good time, and the BONES panel and had an excellent time. Took some pictures, walked around with my boyfriend, met some cool people during the con. Ate food ranging from mediocre to delicious. The hotel was really nice and allowed easy access to the con, even though we didn't get the official shuttle service.

>the bad
AX had no idea what it was doing. The line to Japan Super Live was fucking atrociously designed. The Artist Alley was not a lot of fun, as it was far too small for people to move around in. I couldn't find any obscure merch in the Exhibition Hall, which was a bit of a disappointment. Wish I didn't miss the official Sailor Moon panel, but the timing was bad.

>the loot
A big Okami plush that I'll be selling ($35 cash right now, if anyone's interested), a small Okami plush that I'll be keeping, an official AX shirt, an official AX hat, an official AX keychain, and a Hamilton keychain from the AA for a friend.

7/10. I had a pretty good time.

>tfw just had extremely kinky sex with my sub bf in the hotel

>> No.9086702

>AX too mainstream and caters to official shit
>save money for SDCC instead

>> No.9086705

Missed most of Day 4 since I have work, but it was an okay con. Honestly only two panels was worth the trip and I could have just waited to hear the news later.
I haven't been in years and jfc it's so crowded what happened to it?
Had a wierd mental breakdown night of Day 3 and couldn't stop crying in hotel's bathroom as my roomies tried to give me space.

Would go again next year?

Extremely doubtful.

>> No.9086709

Some of the people there shouldn't even cosplay.

>> No.9086710

SDCC has way better nightlife, a better venue, and does a much better job of being an official/mainstream con. If I'm going to spend a bunch of money on an "expo"-style con, might as well go to the best one.

>> No.9086713

I love some of the salt people have been throwing around how AX is losing its fan roots by pushing away fan panels and fan events in favor of more industry and guests.

This is a welcome change for me. I love going to SDCC for the previews, swag, exclusives, merchandise and autographs. I hate how most cons just push a majority of a fans experience on the fan themselves, do nothing and rake in the profits.

I don't need to see shit like gatherings, fan panels as I go from event to event and see something actually new and exciting as opposed to just stand around and taking selfies with people in costumes

>> No.9086718
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Not a single /cgl/ gril bullied me

>> No.9086720
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I had a good time for my first time.

I mean, I had a sense of what to expect such as expensive anime merch that I can get cheaper online and an overall crowded environment followed by a mildly bad odor in the area.

One thing I did not like was how the Artist Alley was more like "Undertale & Steven Universe" alley, followed by artists who were either aping omocat's art style or plain and simply doing their usual tumblr nose art tropes. No creative diversity overall.

And most of the cosplays were pretty meh, nothing really stood out for me. It was a good experience nonetheless

I hope to come back again and see what's new.

>> No.9086723

Good to hear someone say this because I am interested in going to AX. I never have but when I see all the commercial booths I get really excited? Sounds awesome. Only thing that doesn't sound good to me is the crowding but I've dealt with that before.

>> No.9086724

Guy who brought some alcohol to the Westin last night here.
What did you Skegulls think of last nights kickback? I had a lot of fun and I am looking forward to messaging some of you when I get home.

>> No.9086730

Did he die?

>> No.9086741

anyone have a picture of Trump Chan and her boyfriend the American eagle? I need it for shitposting purposes.

>> No.9086746

>rushed a cosplay for AX panel
>left it at home
>drive 2 hours back home, then back
>missed the panel due to crap con management

Got a lot of people coming out of the panel taking pictures though
Speaking of which, any one have pictures of a Tio cosplay? I hope it's one of the ones with my cosplay shoes on

>> No.9086751
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Yeah. He took off the armor at the end of today and his long sleeve had a "farmers tan" of sweat. He's all the GoT from today.

>> No.9086752

Where's a good place to watch fireworks in LA? Bonus points if it is near/on a beach.

>> No.9086754

Had a lot of sex. A lot of sex.

>> No.9086757

It's the opposite of a beach, but I'm driving up to Mt. Wilson, which has a huge panoramic view of the city. (Pic is the view from there.)

I've been wanting to go do some long exposure shots of the fireworks for years, and AX always gets in the way.

>> No.9086770

Huntington, Elysian Park or as the other anon said, Mt. Wilson

>> No.9086773
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Oh shit, forgot the pic.

>> No.9086775

Hope you guys enjoyed the Stroh and booze I rolled out with each night, thanks for putting up with me

>> No.9086776

Who was the tall white guy with the pink shirt at the meetup? He was the only decent looking guy.

>> No.9086778

It's so lame that the last day of AX pretty much ends at 3.

>> No.9086780

Maybe AX should just say fuck it and use the SDCC location.

>> No.9086793

Enough of this already stale meme

>> No.9086794

Do you know the best way to get to Huntington without access to your own car? Also, do you know when the show officially starts?

>> No.9086797

what do you get with a premier pass?

>> No.9086802

they had a parade earlier, fireworks should be starting around 8:30

as for travel, no clue. I live 45 minutes away so I usually just drive; maybe get an Uber/Lyft?

>> No.9086803

so happy i got one of those qt fakku shirts. the girl at the fakku booth was so funny and nice.

>> No.9086806

Yeah but if you're not into the medium and content then all the guests will not hype you up.

AX knocked it out of the park with its guests and concerts and I was more hype for this lineup than anything comic-con has churned out in the past

>> No.9086811

What about Seaside Lagoon - Redondo Beach? Is that any good?

>> No.9086812

Is it the galaxxy x ax hat?
I thought that wasn't available

>> No.9086817

Tfw no bf or attractive guys.

>> No.9086821

Really needs to be on a bigger location. Shit's getting way too crowded.

>> No.9086823

ax this year was utter shit. heavily doubt i'll be going again next year but at least i made some new friends

>> No.9086824
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>Go to Anisong Matsuri with watch motherfucking JAM Project perform
>Everyone hype as fuck when they come on stage
>dumb mother fuckers sitting in front of me sitting down with their heads down asleep

why even go when you're not a fan and not hype?

>> No.9086826

Either that or a cap on number of badges sold.

>> No.9086829

Personally I could pretty much care less about guests anyway. I go to cons for cosplay and to see old friends and meet new ones.

>> No.9086836


You can be anonymous so there is no reason to be shy.

>> No.9086841

I thought Shy was cute.

>> No.9086843
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>First con I ever went to
>Dressed up as Mars from Sailor Moon
>Spent the last 2 years getting in shape, finally made it
>Slutty costume
>Shaves my legs, chest, back, balls, everything except my face
>Mostly went to parties and fucked con sluts
I don't think I can go back to normal sex anymore. Fucking a slutboat is the hottest thing I've ever done.
Shit was way too crowded though.

>> No.9086849

I wish =(

Actually it's weird, I pretty much always leave a con having met somebody I want to see again, but that didn't happen at all this year.

>> No.9086852

>Still no picture of her cosplay as Trump posted

>> No.9086857

I-if the really adorable Asian Allen Walker who had the sword and had a friend as Lavi comes here, you were cute as fuck and were my con crush. I'm sorry I was so shy and awkward at you.

>> No.9086861

That mixed race meme spouter Shy would cosplay a fucking meme

>> No.9086866

never been to Seaside for fireworks, Redondo is ok but won't beat Huntington

>> No.9086869

>not knowing all of /pol/ is either a race mixer, gay or not white
Her boyfriend is pretty cool too.

>> No.9086876

crossboarder here, how do I get to meet people from here? first time going and had fun but didn't meet people really. I have no knowledge of cosplay but enjoyed seeing the cosplays

>> No.9086877
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I didn't see how popular the tabletop gaming area was next to AA, but I don't think it needed all that room. Trying to walk through AA, let alone actually shop at AA was a nightmare.

>> No.9086878

There was this person dressed as Asuka, sitting in one of the halls who I was asking where the AA was on friday. I forgot what I was gonna say so I just left.

>> No.9086879
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Aftermath in the hotel room after gf's cosplay..

>> No.9086887
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i went to ax with my friend she would get asked to take photo and i would be left just carrying evreyhting. post the pic if one of you guys took it

>> No.9086891

liked all the folks at the random sunday pizza box circle

a fun gang, especially the tall white guy in the pink shirt

>> No.9086892


>> No.9086893

Remilia from Saturday meetup here. Was wondering if the anons from fgc are here and going to EVO.

>> No.9086894

Pink shirt guy was the best.

>> No.9086897
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Anyone else gonna post pictures from the meet? Anyway, I only went Fri/Sat, but everyone minus space dandy/cirno was great. Shoutout to Shy and her crew, Mark, ManMiku, and any other little shits I met.

>> No.9086898

I play fighting games but I ain't good enough or have the money to go to evo.

>> No.9086902

What even happened with them? I heard a little bit, but it was really vague.

>> No.9086907
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>My back is turned in the image

>> No.9086908

that's probably me

>> No.9086916

Definitely not an anon but hell, I'll be there and suffering during my 8 am pool play. Say hi if you're there!

>> No.9086918


Do you not want to go? Because SDCC is about 1/6th the size of LACC and Comic Con tickets sell out within seconds

>> No.9086920

Shoulda just jumped in the pic man!

Can't say the other days, but me and my friend left early sat, and I think they did as well.Did they not do anything the other days?

>> No.9086921

Go for less attractive guys?

>> No.9086925

T-to the ripped white guy with the six pack you should have made a move, we could have fugged.

>> No.9086928

Oh hey man, I was talking to you on the bus/meet about EVO and stuff. Not sure if i'll go, were you thinking about it?

>> No.9086933

to the girl at the Westin pool deck who revealed to everyone that she waxes by walking around with unzipped shorts and nothing but fishnets underneath:

I like your style.

>> No.9086934

Aww that sucks.

I'm not so sure about going this year to compete. SF has over 5k entrants and it's hard enough playing both SF and GG. If I do go, I'll say hi before you drown. :^)

At this rate, probably not and just watch the streams.

>> No.9086936

We promised not to start drama on /cgl/ so most people kept quite.

>> No.9086938

tfw the only girls that give me the time of day weigh more than me despite being 6+" shorter

>> No.9086952


>> No.9086959
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Holy shit what a con folks.

My complaints were minimal, mainly rude staff as usual.

Met so many new peeps this year and had a lot of fun with the gulls. My best year ever to be honest. Sorry I didn't get to see everyone, but there's always next year!

>> No.9086961
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Despite prior complications, I overall enjoyed myself. Though, the staff and organization of panels and line control was complete shit.

Aside from that, it was a much-needed good time. Dressed as Kylo Ren, I had lots of children run up to me with their contagious excitement, asking for pictures with the biggest smiles. Made me quite happy.

It adds a whole new dimension to the experience when people compliment your cosplay, telling you they love you, and hunt you down for pictures.

Here I am standing next to Phasma, who was cool as hell.

>> No.9086962

No. All I got is the fat MAGA people.

>> No.9086965

First time doing a meetup, and honestly it wasn't bad at all. Thanks for doing it, I'll be sure to bring drinks right from the get go next time.

>> No.9086968


There was that Crystal Maiden cosplayer I saw yesterday. I should have asked for her Steam ID, at the very least. This is one of my biggest con regrets.

>> No.9086969

>That booze journey
It was tiring but probably the most memorable and enjoyable thing I did at AX.

I used the left over Booze the next night for a smaller /cgl/ meet.

>> No.9086971

post em

>> No.9086973

Go to ALA if you want to experience it again but with a good likelyhood of it happening in a hotel instead of having to do it outside.

>> No.9086976

Or Anime California

>> No.9086994


So what is this Anime California thing? It's nice that there's a con inbetween AX and ALA in SoCal, and to be honest, the former is already getting too stuffed of people.

>> No.9087008

>AA was a fucking nightmare
You got good foot traffic. I agree though less tables for Table Top and more for people looking to rest and chill.

I pre-reg already for next year. It was $54 including the Eventbrite fee.

>> No.9087009
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Regarding Dandy/Cirno for the need to know, it's being taken care of off the board, so don't worry about it. I think he's a good guy but some things got out of hand. I hope he uses the experiences to learn from what you should and shouldn't do at cons.

>> No.9087012

What songs did they perform?
This is important to me.
And if you can, tell me what songs the other artists performed that you could recognize.
I want to know if I missed a good show.

>> No.9087014
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It was my first AX so I dont know how to judge it against others, but I honestly had a fantastic time.

It was my first time seeing a dealers hall so big so I was really impressed and had a blast looking at all the official booths and seeing things like the new Sakura figure. The AA was to huge for words, it was pretty overstimulating. I supposedly missed the bad days (folks said the air ventilation was worse on day one and two than three and four, but I only made it in yesterday and today so I cant really say) but it was still a bit uncomfortable in there. Got some cute stuff though and got to meet an artist whose work I'd been following for years!

I was also really happy with all the places to sit like the chairs every where, and I thought the line for reg on day 0 went super fast which was nice. I think we were in and out of there with our badges in less than half an hour. Oh I also really liked the entertainment hall, the sets were really fun!

I mostly just had a good time hanging out with my friends and admiring all the cosplays, they were all pretty cool. I think my one big hang up is the pokemon meet (the only meet I ended up attending) was really poorly put together. The location kept changing, there were too many people and they could organize them all, and the whole thing was just a mess.

Over all had a blast, very little to complain about on my end.

>> No.9087015

Oh man, what now?

>> No.9087017

Apperantly they kept having people pass out from the heat in the AA
mostly on day one since for some damn reason they didn't turn on the Air conditioner until much later in the day

>> No.9087021

>tfw exhausted
>tfw starving
>tfw nothing is open and moving my body is a pipe dream

I sent the bf to go see fireworks without me. I was just upsetting him. I did not expect existential despair and a desire for sudoku to come after the end of the con, but here we are.

>> No.9087023

Maybe rolling+overwhelmed, so they put down their heads for a bit

peaking 2 hard

>> No.9087028

To G19 from Artist Alley

Thanks for the 2 free pins for my niece and her friends

They really appreciated them. And I did after I had almost no cash cept for some lunch after the con.

>> No.9087032

>japan super live
>battle of the bands
>music and dance in concourse hall all day everyday

>linecon wasted most of my time
Fucking shuttle line and concert lines.
>no time for photography, concerts, dancing, and getting fucked up at pool parties
There is literally not enough time!

>> No.9087033

Should have worn that to the /cgl/ meet instead of a pink shirt imo

>> No.9087034


>> No.9087035

Everyone wanted to anal the Cirno (male)

>> No.9087036

It was just the bullshit he pulled with the drinks right? Regardless, thanks for trying to fix it.

>> No.9087040

I'm not sure if this was posted here.


>Rent-a-cops think they are actual cops
>Skinny as fuck AX Staffer

I doubt anyone here has the story on this.

>> No.9087041

Well, I know one seagull was trying to help handle the situation, but now it looks like they've either blocked me from as their contact or deleted their profile. I don't know. We got this. There's no reason to be upset with him unless you have your own personal reasons.

>> No.9087046

shit now i wnna know what happened

>> No.9087047
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What happened?

>> No.9087049

Best open late Chinese food place in Chinatown? Stoned and starving, recommend an anon out

>> No.9087050

999 thing?

>> No.9087051

He got cucked by pink shirt dude and tried to steal his drink.

>> No.9087052

I know that feel, bruh. Sometimes when I go to AX, I get too busy to even eat. I think all I had to eat on day 3 were granola bars. I knocked the fuck out after the dance that night. Now I'm just binge-eating pocky like a depressed fatty.

>> No.9087054

you had to be there.

>> No.9087056 [DELETED] 


>when can we expect a dump of images y'all took?

Soon as I start a load of laundry and sort my phone, I'll commence a dump.

Gotta say first of all, for every day of the convention, I would be wearing a shirt that attracted unexpected attention. The Megalovania shirt and the black V-neck with the arc reactor were a given, but I also had a techno-schematic in the pattern of a pokeball and a Powerline World Tour shirt (from A Goofy Movie), so if any of the gulls here were among the ones that took a photo of a guy with a cool shirt (?), then thank you for that ego boost, it was fun.

>> No.9087058

Thank you for cosplaying my favorite GoT ship, anon!

>> No.9087059

I met a really cute Asuna on wheels today, she was really cute but she said he had a boyfriend when I asked for her number, I know she didn't but meh, she was the first girl I've actually ever had the courage to just straight as for her number face to face, so thank you if you're reading this.

>> No.9087060

let me guess

they either tried to take drinks that weren't theirs or drug someone

>> No.9087062


>when can we expect a dump of images y'all took?

Soon as I start a load of laundry and sort my phone, I'll commence a dump.

Gotta say first of all, for every day of the convention, I would be wearing a shirt that attracted unexpected attention. The Megalovania shirt and the black V-neck with the arc reactor were a given, but I also had a techno-schematic in the pattern of a pokeball and a Powerline World Tour shirt (from A Goofy Movie), so if any of the gulls here were among the ones that took a photo of a guy with a cool shirt (?), then thank you for that ego boost, it was fun.

>> No.9087065

>All these cute Asian cosplayers everywhere
>They smile and pose
>Reveal crooked ass teeth doing so

Don't they know what a fucking Dentist is?

>> No.9087066
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I remember going to 2006 AX. I would just walk into premiers and panels like it was nothing. Now I line up an hour before they start and still can't get in.

I guess I might as well still go to next year's. Given the only good thing that happened to me all con was winning a badge for the next one.

>> No.9087068

nice joke

>> No.9087069

People can die from that. What happens then?

>> No.9087072

I was there and even i don't know what happened.

>> No.9087077

Thanks Freeman.
I want to still like Dandy because he seems like a cool guy minus the event.
I hope this ends well and we can all hang one day.

>> No.9087079

Just tell us.

>> No.9087080

Sounds dumb.
I'm a 300lb hairy fat fuck and stood in line for 3 hours with no fucking shade but didn't pass out.

got burnt though

>> No.9087081

Was anyone at Little Tokyo during the lock-down?

>> No.9087083

STFU honky.

>> No.9087085

We pretty much all promised freeman not to tell.
I know /cgl/ LOVES drama but I don't want a shit storm.

>> No.9087089

>I have no issue so other people shouldn't either

>> No.9087092

Are you talking about the girl convincing people that 999 is the best Visual novel on the 3DS? If so that is a fact and not a prank.

>> No.9087094

Maybe people shouldn't be retarded as fuck and not drink any water.

>> No.9087097

The 999 room at the hotel.

>> No.9087098

Considering that a good chunk of AA artists are girls that are much smaller than you and that they're stuck in there for 6-8 hours, it don't know why it doesn't sound plausible to you that they would pass out from heat.

>> No.9087102
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Pics or it didn't happen

>> No.9087104

They tried drug pink shirt guy's gf's little brothers drink twice but the little brother actually had that anticreeper nail polish on and busted him. Before getting kicked out of the party he tried stealing the squeeky pink dolphin's drink and all hell broke loose. Don't worry though the oilled up cat girl squirted all of the extra oil on the floor and everyone flocked to him and gave him what he deserved.

>> No.9087105

>has enough fat saved to go weeks without food
>doesn't understand why others can't

>> No.9087110

AA and exhibit hall were both disappointing IMO. Some of the panels were really good. Partying with my cross boarder buddies was fun, and meeting pink shirt guy was the highlight of last night

>> No.9087111

Sounds like they should have got some food and water then. I don't see how that excuses them for being retarded.

>> No.9087112

Nurse sakuya and nurse Remilia wished I got their number and insta but they seemed spaced out

>> No.9087114

Related, we went through eight bottles of baby oil :|

>> No.9087120

The part where you needed to register weeks in advance to play the escape room.
Extremely sad bois about it.

>> No.9087122

To be honest, I don't understand why anyone wants to be cool with dandy/cirno. He did it on purpose, and you guys are being pushovers by trying to be nice about it. You're a cool guy freeman, but that guys a faggot.

>> No.9087123

who got pics of tasha and doremi? They make me harder than diamonds.

>> No.9087126

Just a friendly reminder that I hope you don't want to kill yourself via a numbers puzzle but seppuku yourself samurai style suicide instead

>> No.9087128

Did what on purpose?

>> No.9087130

He beat up pink shirt guy

>> No.9087131

I don't think there is any way to not beat someone up on purpose.

>> No.9087132

Pink shirt guy was a faggot, who cares.

>> No.9087133

It was fun, lots of cute girls and my feet were sore most of the time.
Not sure if I wanna cosplay though.
Next time I'll do a better job at socializing though, I got the hang of it on the last day.

>> No.9087134

I met some cool people I follow on YouTube and Instagram. This year was a pretty star-struck year for me. It was a little disappointing walking around the dealer's hall alone but, I got to buy whatever I wanted to buy on my own time. My friends and I all sorta did our own thing this year.

>> No.9087135

I'm going to cosplay next year so I can fuck more girls in cosplay.

>> No.9087136


>> No.9087142

Were there parties after they closed things at 6pm?
Friends and I just went back to the hotel.

>> No.9087143

Stop vague posting and just say what the fucker did. You trying to hide it proves that the fucker is dick face and you are only being a cuck to avoid drama.

>> No.9087145

Are you guys talking about the Cirno with the stains on the dress?

>> No.9087148

I watched that cringy meet up at a distance. It was such an autistic sausagefest.The only cute girl was the Remilia. All the other ones were fucking landwhales. What happened to /cgl/ being full of hot chicks?

>> No.9087149

there is every reason to be upset with him. this sounds like major shit everyone else needs to know.

>> No.9087151

Can you faggots stop being cucks and just say what these people did?

>> No.9087152
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>tfw you linked arms with a girl this AX

>> No.9087153
File: 568 KB, 240x291, 1348990042953.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hot chicks

>> No.9087154

>The only cute girl was the Remilia
Almost fell for it until this part

>> No.9087155

>That one drunk slightly auts guy from ALA who got a cute gf
What is your excuse /cgl/?

>Breaking a promise to Freeman

>> No.9087158

im ugly and i cant even talk to people drunk

>> No.9087159
File: 42 KB, 533x738, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this small rant on Facebook today
What does /cgl/ think?

>> No.9087160

Only talks about games/anime/movies/memes/job.
Skinny fat.

>> No.9087169


>> No.9087170

being /fit/ doesn't mean it'll fix my face. but i'm glad i didn't get /fit/ for relationships though because i would have stopped long ago.

>> No.9087176

It's a pretty nice con that kinda reminds me of ALA before it got big. It has decent panels and had a really sweet stage set up for bands. The cosplay isn't too crazy it's more of a laid back.

>> No.9087179

AC, at least year 1, was pretty much a party con and it was great

>> No.9087184
File: 109 KB, 641x772, IMG_4549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kudos To the sexy Cosplayers that came this weekend

>> No.9087187

So is anyone actually seriously staying in contact with anyone from the meets? Or are you more just spontaneous?

>> No.9087189
File: 35 KB, 587x197, ax 2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preview night?

>> No.9087191

>Anime Expo taking things from Comic Con

What's next? RFID badges?

>> No.9087195

I friended some people and will see how it goes.

>> No.9087197

Don't know if you are him but the /fit/ guy from the meet up at the Westin looked pretty nice.

>> No.9087203

You know what's the most worthless concept that AX came up with this year? The Safe Spaces. What a fucking waste of money and resources to set those up.

>> No.9087204

End this pink shirt meme.

>> No.9087206

I met a couple people that I hope to keep in contact with, already have plans to meet at a future con

>> No.9087207

Saw this adorable girl, asked her what she cosplayed as, turned out to be luluco. I was exiting and had to catch up with my friends but she was the most adorable thing I saw all weekend.

>> No.9087223
File: 329 KB, 397x397, sendai2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to leave monday morning so I deffo couldn't have gotten completely shitfaced like I did on saturday. It was fun tho. Just chill for a while talking and seeping in the con air.

Wish I did more partying on Friday, though. All I did was do some shit with a cute Kratos cosplayer and they dragged me to the rave. Zuikaku wig + dancing = didn't last very long :(( and that shit takes forever to put on. So I just went home.

But if I'm gonna be completely shitfaced on a day, I'd rather be in my Sendai outfit anyway. YASEN BAKA

>> No.9087224

I've got a couple people I would like to stay in touch with! I know I can be pretty excitable at times though and I hope that it didn't overwhelm them.

>> No.9087225

Getting closer and closer to comiket which isn't a bad thing.

>> No.9087226
File: 1.42 MB, 1000x1334, IMG_0916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you met a qt but forgot to ask her for twitter

>> No.9087228

Except outside has air circulation? We were in a parking garage with no ventilation. I was literally wearing shorts and a tank top on Day 2 and still felt dizzy and short of breath. Most of us are in there from 8-9 AM until 6 PM. Didn't matter how much water we drank, the heat was not safe.

>> No.9087232

It was fine.


>> No.9087233

Is that in Vegas??


>> No.9087234

There was air conditioning every day, I never once felt like it was too hot indoors or outdoors

>> No.9087235

That girl looks the good kinda curvy.

>> No.9087236

Well, I wasn't saying it was the best since I haven't played a bunch of visual novels, but I was definitely super hyped. I had so many good experiences because of all the 999 at this con. I don't think I would have enjoyed AX as much if I didn't bring my Clover cosplay, honestly.

I'm glad you agree, though!

>> No.9087238
File: 203 KB, 962x1372, 1462328754169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fooled me

>> No.9087240

nice joke

>> No.9087243

Yeah but I don't think I can make it at this rate.

>> No.9087244

I understand it. I disagree (it might be the female bathroom lines were worse), but some things like not showering, or having a schedule are like.. This is a Captial class anime con. You do not go in without some sort of plan. I came to see love live and take photoshoots, and hang out with friends, and I planed my schedule. There were plenty of water fountains so you would not die. I understand and agree with the Disney a analogy though.

>> No.9087250

i never thought they'd actually let us through with like 10 bags LOL

>> No.9087253

boys can't love other boys
it's forbidden love

>> No.9087254

I don't understand why you didnt come to the better meetup on sunday? why choose to hangout with the people the rest of us intentionally avoided?

we knew they weren't right from the saturday meetup

>> No.9087258

There was not any air conditioning in the AA on Friday.

>> No.9087260

>m-muh inner circle

>> No.9087261
File: 3.09 MB, 2268x3024, 20160701_1058202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, here we go.

Do you all mind a few reposts from a past thread?

>> No.9087262

It was horrible. I nearly passed out as well. Especially on Friday. Things seemed to get better on Saturday, but then got worse as the day got on.

>> No.9087263

Oh you're probably right, I forgot that I didn't go there until the end of the day when it was empty

>> No.9087265

I felt like I was getting heat stroke at one point in there in the midst of all those people

>> No.9087268
File: 1.83 MB, 2268x3024, 20160701_1100152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9087269

Some of you are shallow and petty.
Hope you ebjoyed the con ib sone form or another, though

>> No.9087272

>wanted to find a Galko cosplayer
>never could

>> No.9087273

You say that but you clearly didnt meet them

>> No.9087274

What are you talking about? Explain.

>> No.9087276
File: 735 KB, 645x637, unknown (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found at least 4, but none of them came close to this one. She was also really nice.

bonus selfie in case she browses /cgl/

>> No.9087278
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>> No.9087280
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>> No.9087286
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>> No.9087285

i got heat stroke just looking at these photos

>> No.9087287

Martial Arts Hero Tailman! Missed my chance to get a picture because I only saw her in AA

>> No.9087292

luckily I entered AA that day with 2 large bottles of water. Felt sorry for the people working there

>> No.9087293
File: 2.01 MB, 2268x3024, 20160701_1110032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9087297

There was no "regular" meetup supposed to happen on Sunday, at the friday and saturday meetups we already found everyone worthwhile for inviting to meetups and parties in the future.

That the leftovers and losers that weren't meant to come to meetups actually organized something is surprising

>> No.9087299

you were that group of manlets with the top nep hats?

>> No.9087300
File: 47 KB, 150x150, yelling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people complaining about how much time they spend waiting in line
>people complaining about AX being less and less of a "social" con or whatever
Did any of you dumb weebs ever stop to consider that you could try talking to all these people also just sitting and waiting in line right there next you tfw pretty much everyone I tried chatting with in lines treated me like I had the fucking plague or something ;_;

>> No.9087302

im an equal opportunity lover

>> No.9087305

The only people I was hanging out with was industry people, and none of them had hats

I don't want to be with anyone who unironically bought this hat.

>> No.9087307
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>> No.9087311
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>> No.9087312

Shallow and insecure desu

>> No.9087313

I was the black shirt dude that bummed a smoke off of you.

I will never understand shit like >>9087254

Sunday was a chill meet it was fun to just shoot the shit

>> No.9087314

Pics please

>> No.9087315
File: 1.85 MB, 2268x3024, 20160701_1125152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9087316

Oh. there was a group of them tiny asians wearing that hat in day 1 or day 2(I forgot)? I cringed hard.

>> No.9087318

Saya no Uta, Higurashi, Umineko and Danganronpa are all pretty good VN in the same realm.

For games, The World Ends with You, Hotel Dusk and the Siren series are entertaining.

My friend didn't know about the other meetup I guess and I never went on this board at all really until this con. I just scan over some threads -extremely- rarely but since I came here, I was interested.

>> No.9087319
File: 1.42 MB, 3024x2268, 20160701_1117062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9087320

hope my coat kept you warm enough~

>> No.9087321

Sounds like the booth? I dunno. I didn't really see many people with the hat.

>> No.9087324
File: 1.79 MB, 2268x3024, 20160701_1119582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9087326

>/cgl/ once again confirms that most of their users have not mentally left high school

>> No.9087327

Nah it wasn't a booth. They weren't near the exhibit hall and they looked like regular attendees.

>> No.9087328
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, 1446325093005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a great time with you gulls even though it was one night. As a long time lurker and occasional shitposter it's still fun meeting with all you.

> did everything I wanted to do
> expected the other stuff I wasnt able to attend
> hung out with Asian check post battle band seagull meet up
> is set to fly up north in 2 weeks

>> No.9087329
File: 1.57 MB, 2268x3024, 20160701_1126382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9087330

Who is this bitch?

>> No.9087331
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>> No.9087332

Kek, I am happy I went to the "Worse" meet up. I met 4 really cool people instead of the same people I hang out with every gathering.

>> No.9087334

>treated you like you had the plague
Idk... did you?

>> No.9087335

>being an old person
why are they even here lmao

>> No.9087336
File: 383 KB, 2048x1374, IMG_0915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't see anything like that, thankfully.

The most cringe I had to deal with was the opening ceremony and the galgun panel tho.

>> No.9087338
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>> No.9087340
File: 970 KB, 1600x1330, google_search_maldraw_patreon_for_more_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to clarify go up north to meet her at a concert in 2 weeks

Man I'm too tired.

>> No.9087341
File: 1.55 MB, 2268x3024, 20160701_1143032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9087343

I didn't know there was a better meetup! I didn't talk much to the people I didn't care for, so it wasn't too big of a deal.

>> No.9087344

....you must have really low standards to consider those people 'cool'

>> No.9087345

And you're better than them how?

>> No.9087346

This. I went to the pink shirt guy meet up and it was great.

>> No.9087349

>pink shirt guy

what did he mean by this?

>> No.9087351
File: 1.73 MB, 2268x3024, 20160701_1145122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9087352

Nice catch. I was hoping to see a Desert Punk.
Would be cool if he had tricks or other friends with similar costumes.

tfw I see comments of people being 'too old' for stuff when they are 24

who's bitch this is

>> No.9087353

Do I know you?

>> No.9087356

so dandy got drunk and almost got into a fight with a guy over a girl

is what i think happened.

>> No.9087360

>miss out on all /cgl/ meets because hotel is 5 million miles away

Next year I'll book early and closer. At least I got rem and ram car decal.

>> No.9087361

>tfw 33 and still anime con attending

>> No.9087362

Anyone have pics of The Flash and Reverse flash?
Those were my favorite cosplays of the event but my phones battery died so I couldn't take a pic.

>> No.9087363

Shit, I don't know why I didn't see this for my last post. I don't play much on my handhelds anymore, so I really appreciate the suggestions. TWEWY is easily one of my favorite games, so you've got some good taste. Making a note of the other games/VN! Thank you!

Yes! Thank you again! Definitely going to have to remember to plan ahead.

>> No.9087364

thirsty dandy

>> No.9087365

im not even convinced there was a 2nd meet

>> No.9087366

Really nice. I was busy with commissions all weekend but Aniki snuck into the con for an hour or so and a p/a/l got his autograph for me.

Always happy to make miney drawing all weekend to finally go to slewp in my own bed. Still, the foot traffic was a shitshow. Fuck that noise.

>> No.9087368

he really broke character

>> No.9087369

>tfw 1.5 hrs drove to the con all days
I wish I knew people to room with.

>> No.9087374

I assume everyone who posts trump is either shy or her boyfriend shitposting.

If so post fucking pics of your cosplay already.

>> No.9087376

>I assume everyone who posts trump is either shy or her boyfriend shitposting.
After AX, I imagine all the trumpposters as fat/ugly guys.

>> No.9087378
File: 2.78 MB, 2268x3024, 20160701_1146102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9087380

Sounds more like ket senpai rolling makes you hyper, ketamine or other dissos make you unable to stand up wen you're in a khole.

Fuck I missed out on that shit I couldve scored some ket.

>> No.9087381

>One group full of elitist tripfags getting so rustled that people had fun without them

>> No.9087382

>tfw i'm fat and ugly :(

>> No.9087383
File: 3.75 MB, 3024x4032, 20160701_1146312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9087384

i did see a wheelchair and a paramedics dude being rushed through aa on day 1? that might've been it

>> No.9087386

are you sure they're a tripfag group?

>> No.9087387

did you at least steal his drugs never waste good benzos my friend.

why dont people ever try to spike my drinks

>> No.9087390
File: 2.26 MB, 2269x3023, Mett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9087391

Yeah, an artist got wheeled out.

>> No.9087393
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>> No.9087396
File: 106 KB, 960x960, 13566995_632401633595524_3604258388087786557_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 4 was one of the most fun last days of a con I ever had but it was because I was chilling with friends for most of it.

I am very pissed at AX for fucking up the lines for my JoJo panel but it went well. CWF was hype as fuck but we need a much larger room. As usual the experiences out of the con were the best (lit af Westin). If Araki-sensei comes to AX 2017 I'm for sure going.

Was not expecting those feels at the Bebop panel also.

>> No.9087397
File: 3.70 MB, 3024x4032, 20160701_121651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9087399

srsly the staff needs better training.

>> No.9087401
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>> No.9087402
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>> No.9087403
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>> No.9087405
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>that Uranus

>> No.9087406
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>> No.9087407

Yes there's a penis.

>> No.9087410
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>> No.9087412
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>> No.9087413
File: 1.48 MB, 1944x2592, 20160701_135136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>See a guy with a Conker costume
>Ask for a quick picture
>Tells me he's on break; for me to put it on

>> No.9087417
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>> No.9087419

how was it?

>> No.9087420
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>> No.9087422
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I am a 6'4 guy with a head not made for wearing hats. It was awkward as hell, like trying to balance a salad bowl on a beach ball.

>> No.9087423
File: 3.00 MB, 3024x2268, 20160701_1107492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9087424

>TFW Freeman let me keep all the excess alcohol

>> No.9087425
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>> No.9087426
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>> No.9087429
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There was an excessive amount of Clouds here this weekend, and I was wondering why until I realized it was a culmination of his inclusion in Smash and the remake.

>> No.9087430
File: 155 KB, 640x840, 1384689533017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tripfags getting mad when I didn't know who they were

>> No.9087431
File: 3.34 MB, 3024x4032, 20160701_184343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9087433

>Come to AX for the panels
>Every panel was shit, delayed, severse technical issues or all 3

>> No.9087434
File: 2.26 MB, 2268x3024, 20160702_1152502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9087435

Maybe if I'm still over here I can do TWEWY or JSRF cosplay.
Maybe 999 and do Santa (I never did a good wig beyond an decently shitty Reno one).

>> No.9087436
File: 2.79 MB, 2268x3024, 20160702_1153392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9087438

The last time I went was 1996.

I went today on a whim.

It used to be such a sausage fest 20 years ago.

Not anymore.

>> No.9087439
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>> No.9087440
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>> No.9087442
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>> No.9087444

I had considered doing a 999/vlr/ztd cosplay but I have no idea who id pick.
Maybe after I finish ztd I'll have a better idea

>> No.9087445

That's how it is every year, though.

>> No.9087448

I took a video of you posing with Dio in the front. I have the part where he says 'this is too memey' and fucks off.

>> No.9087449
File: 39 KB, 500x316, face down snow 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm the only one not flying the bird
fuck me i just want to go home and ride my motorcycle stg.

>> No.9087451
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>> No.9087453
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>> No.9087454
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this guy to be specific, I caught him right as he was walking up.

>> No.9087455
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>> No.9087456
File: 75 KB, 720x960, 13592324_1393780513982379_5475872174260011670_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet. Do you have a FB page or MEGA or something?

>> No.9087457
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>> No.9087458
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>> No.9087460
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>> No.9087463
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>> No.9087464
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>> No.9087465

So Anime California is the next con, right?

>> No.9087466
File: 1.64 MB, 2268x3024, 20160702_1342412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If anyone else took a picture of this Shirahoshi, was it my imagination or was she seriously bummed out about something?

>> No.9087468
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>> No.9087470
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>> No.9087471
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>> No.9087472


>> No.9087474
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>> No.9087476
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>> No.9087477

Do it, anon! I was going to cosplay Rhyme a while back, but never found a good fabric for her sweatshirt.

Next year, I'll probably have Q and I obviously have Clover, so you won't be alone!

>> No.9087478
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>> No.9087480
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>> No.9087481
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>> No.9087482
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>> No.9087483

Add me on league my dude.

>> No.9087484

hell yeah!

>> No.9087485
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>> No.9087487
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>> No.9087488


Probably gonna go down as one of my favorite years personally.

I loved seeing TM Revolution, Teddyloid and the Bebop Jazz experience. The shows this year really got me. I'm already missing everything.

>> No.9087489
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What say you guys; Should I

-Keep dumping here
-Wait for a new thread and continue
-Stop, no one cares

>> No.9087492

Keep going then switch to a new thread when its up

>> No.9087493

Band battle was great too! If you missed it, it was really something.

I'd say wait for a new thread.

>> No.9087494
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>> No.9087495

I don't really care if it's in a new thread or not but keep dumping!! I'm living vicariously through these pics since I couldn't attend myself

>> No.9087499


You know what, nuts to this, I have work tomorrow.

I'll continue in the new thread tomorrow morning

>> No.9087501
File: 272 KB, 1014x900, 1457858335981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw hung out with my fellow 2hu gulls
>got my hat signed by ZUN
You guys were the best especially yelling in a safe space

>> No.9087503

>Asked people to add me on overwatch
>Forgot that you need to have a name and a number after that name to add someone

Well if either of you are reading the thread the number is #1625

>> No.9087505

Add me on overwatch and stop meme posting Shy.

>> No.9087508

>tfw amwf isnt a meme at AX

>> No.9087514

shut up Cirno/Dandy

>> No.9087516

you jumping caused me to step on someone's foot, you can see him in pain at the end

>> No.9087521

how can I get invited to the inner circle meets?

>> No.9087523
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Be female

>> No.9087524

Or be "female"

>> No.9087526

I got in a fight with a group of cosplayers, fun times. One girl tried to punch me and all I did was say that the character she cosplayed was worst girl.

>> No.9087530

Or be "be female"

>> No.9087533

What does that even mean?

>> No.9087537

off topic, but when's ALA putting their hotel reg up?

>> No.9087539

joking aside, who do i prove myseld too at the regular meetups?

>> No.9087541
File: 40 KB, 414x465, 1453498709087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>joking aside

I wasn't joking. It's too late for you if you're a guy. You'll just be seen as a thirsty loser desperate to fit in with old blood in search of popularity and a sense of belonging to a group of people that browse a chinese cartoon forum.

>> No.9087542

Don't be a dick.
Don't come and expecting to get boi pussi.
Don't start drama.
Bring booze.

>> No.9087543

If you don't know what it mean then you don't know what it mean.

>> No.9087547

Yes. Also nothing new. Literally 0 info. Now reveal something relevant.

>> No.9087549
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My only hope is that if I made it into any images, that my face isn't in them.

I did enjoy the small meetup with that guy with the striped socks and his buddy.
Guy from /v/ and /r9k/ was alright too.

Cant help but feel im a fucking boring person

>> No.9087552

>guy with the striped socks
From the sunday meetup?

>> No.9087553
File: 2.14 MB, 4160x2340, 0701161718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was asian. If it's the same guy he took a seat for a bit.

I threw a "If you wanna sit back and relax" meetup post and only 3 came. Striped sock guy and his buddy left once the /r9k/ poster showed up.

Either way it was nice to just sit and shit.

>> No.9087555


I missed it. How's that like?

In all my years I haven't ever caught it but maybe it's time for a new tradition next year.

>> No.9087557

Are you the faggot I saw standing in line solving a rubics cube? If so you are pretty good.

>> No.9087560

was that the 10pm pizzabox meetup?

>> No.9087565
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yes, and thanks, but id like to let you know im garbage for how long ive been in that autistic hobby.

at least my vidya autism was satisfied this year. bandai literally leaving the door open for anyone to steal the tekken 7 disc was pretty fucking bad

no but i keep hearing about it.

>> No.9087570

Either way I was impressed. My strategy for Rubicks cubes since a kid was to slam the thing on the ground until it breaks into a ton of pieces and then put the pieces back in the right order.

>> No.9087573
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i want to buy this helmet

>> No.9087576

Rumchata fag from Sunday night here
Thanks for the kind words guys even though it's weird to have been complimented that much.
I'll see how things go and if I can attend ALA, but how would you rate it in relation to AX? I hear it's more for party scenes and it's also smaller

>> No.9087577
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in the entertainment hall with some of the glass cases with figures, animation cells, and other neat stuff there was a rubik's cube in one themed after the anime the area was showing off.

Was a pleasant surprise to see one in a case like that. Didn't get a pic but was still alright.

on the left is a fully functional one i drew up in solidoworks and 3d printed. the goal was get the one on the right to be as small as possible and still have it work. it can go smaller for a fact, but theres a point where I have to think about cost and if it's reasonable to even print it.

the left cost 3 times as much as the right if that gives any idea on figures.

Ive been told to try and sell these but thats a really small market with really low success. its not like I cant, but it's still something that has too little payoff.

if i could cheaply make anime themed ones, I would.

AX is industry and bigger
ALA is social and smaller

>> No.9087581

Finally made it home even though dead tired - next year I think I might book an extra night as recovery time to make it more relaxing at the end of con.

I was the one at the Friday and Saturday meetups with the Stroh and rye whiskey along with other alcohol, you guys enjoy that and what me to bring it again next year?

>> No.9087591
File: 2.76 MB, 4160x2340, 0703161640a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what happened in the end for the bloke over in Little Tokyo with the gun and katana?

>> No.9087594

>make new grill buddy
>hug her at the end of the day when we leave
>didnt realize window was open at night
>allergies going to fuck my shit up
>wake up with cold
>probably caught something from her

>> No.9087595

He's in custody

>> No.9087596

wasn't dandy a faggot?

>> No.9087597

do we know why he did it?
do we know why he didnt commit sudoku?

as serious as this is i just cant take it seriously

>> No.9087598

>Got into the CWF

You are the lucky 1%

>> No.9087599

Also wanna say thanks to Clover and the others that came to my attempt at us having a meet on Sunday when it seems everyone else discarded it. Totally worth the waiting around for everyone to trickle in by 10. Glad you all enjoyed looking at my penis display as well and sampled the beverages I brought along, you were all really chill folks and made me feel accepted even with my age and creep factor. It really helped to make my con this year memerable and one of the best AX yet!

>> No.9087600
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is that the same as this dandy from last year?

>> No.9087601
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Met a bunch of really sweet people. Cool persona cosplayer when taking a lift, artist lady outside lunch that lost her badge, some girl who walked up to me outside the protest line and asked for my fb, the guy in the tactical gear for the airsoft booth who I was smoking with, guy in the line for FLCL I let his friends skip ahead of me etc.

I think the only real reason I go to this shitshow anymore is because of all the fun people in the convention center that are nice to talk to. Some of my group members got in arguments for a few days so I just walked around little tokyo at night talking to people when I wasn't drinking. That alone made the trip for me really.

SPJA/AX staff are seriously fucked, the lack of organization is readily apparent. FLCL line got shafted because none of the staff knew they were *SUPPOSED* to be in the Production IG line an hour earlier (Complained to staff and managed to get one of 5 leftover posters), on Day 4 they let three or four Route 2 bus drivers fuck off and do whatever and let some drumkass motherfucker who literally got out of the bus in the middle of fucking traffic to go grab a bag of onion rings while driving like a fucking idiot and running red lights.

Next year I'll probably visit the seagull meetup and share some drinks. Need more buddies more than I need more alcohol. apparently. Spare this fat bearded sandnigger a cigarette next year and I'll pour you a shot.

>> No.9087602


>> No.9087603

Not yet

>> No.9087608
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maybe he lost his badge and lost his shit

>> No.9087609

>but now it looks like they've either blocked me from as their contact or deleted their profile. I don't know. We got this. There's no reason to be upset with him unless you have your own personal reasons.
It wasn't because of you I'd like to talk to to directly but some other people have other motives

>> No.9087610

<3 ilu2

>> No.9087612

No. This didn't happen at all...

>> No.9087614

I think I know the guy on the far right.
god i hate that fuck

>> No.9087615

Stop talking about dandy and instead lets talk about how fucking well we scored

i wanted to hug that Kneesocks so bad...
that guy on the right passed that Panty the COCK hat

>> No.9087616

Did anyone fug at the boneadventure after the party?

>> No.9087617
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Would you that Bina?

>> No.9087620
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the asian cosplayers were fucking bitches mayne

>> No.9087621
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Because I would
Same for Rach even if these tits arent real

>> No.9087622

Do you want a tl;dr?

>> No.9087625

No. Different Dandy.

>> No.9087626

Sorry as a dirty cross-boarder I don't recognize trips, who were you at the meetups?

>> No.9087628

Would you give a reach-around handy to a big bad Dandy?

i didnt have this issue for some reason. maybe its because im not drooling or checking them out. i see a blotch of colours and think "i need a pic of this" and be on my way

>> No.9087629

I want it all

>> No.9087631
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I thought it was etiquette to ask for a picture, people seemed the most creeped out when I didn't, the burst shots came out like shit anyway so I didn't bother after the first day

>> No.9087633

so wtf happened

did he poop himself or something?

>> No.9087634
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i take them fast i dont try and take too long. the longer i take the more chance they get creeped out.

though the person carrying the trash can asked if i wanted her in the can, and i declined

>> No.9087637

No one would be this cryptic and vague over someone shitting themselves

If this is something legit serious, it should be told to people and have it be known if this is someone that should be avoided

>> No.9087642
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Nah here is what happened, I will admit I was drunk, that is fair game since I went to hooters a bit too much. I drank too much there so THAT is my wrong doing
>went to hooters before hand and got some adoius mother fuckers
>walked around the con to not be so drunk
>ended up in lounge 21
>got a few more free drinks
>as a drunken retard at the meetup
>proceed to be an idiot
>some people gave me money
>some other cgl's wanted to party bus it out
>then got pic related somehow

I never tried to deceive anyone here. I will not be going to any more /cgl/ meetups just because I do not wish to avoid drama. I went to a wedding because people were like "OH ELVIS!"

>> No.9087646
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>that guy in the middle

>> No.9087648

Thought the money was from buying PREVIOUS drinks; not FOR.

Hence the huge mixup

>> No.9087649
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That is the Groom, on the right is the bride.

not even joking they were wearing my cosplay and drinking a fuck load with me

>> No.9087651

Yeah it feels like old school ala, because of how big ala has gotten. I ended up bringing the whole cgl meetup up to my room last year because less of my long time con friends were there, so I didn't need to be as selective for space reasons. I am not sure how things will go with the new venue but the con heads seem to have their shit together.
Thats pretty much why most of the trips didn't go the the meetups. Ppl were over in my room at the westin and didn't wanna go all the way back to the con center with the long shuttle waits.
Yeah we were talking about it at Tough Crowd after. If the panel has a big name attached to it AX gives them everything they want, but the popular fan panels that legit draw people to conventions get fuck all.

>> No.9087653

>the groom
i see why she wants him
now do me a favor and address >>908759 because fuck dude id rather be drunk pissing myself over dealing with a cold

>> No.9087657

>sneezed and fucked up the post
>>9087594 is the post i directed you at

>> No.9087663
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guess I fucked up meeting people at starbucks last day.....

>> No.9087672

why do people allow this establishment to be here still?

>> No.9087674

>why do people allow this establishment to be here still?
capitalism ;^)

>> No.9087676

Also repaided everyone

>> No.9087677

youre drunk, go home

>> No.9087682

>fucked up
I'm in that picture and none of us there had a problem with you, I didn't even know there was drama until I read the thread

>> No.9087691


Yeah dude I didn't realize it till I got told I fucked up then I was like "okay here is how to correct it" then did... Whatever man. The important thing is having a good con then ending the drama here and talking about fun times we had.

>> No.9087695


Marie Claude was there?

I wish I had gone now. Did anyone take more pictures of her? Her Ranchera cosplay is amazing since she made it herself

>> No.9087697

Forgot to addon, not going to any mor cgl meetups this was my last one.

>> No.9087710

no offense, you seem like a nice guy,
but i smell bullshit.
I feel like there are omitted parts of the story. but w/e

>> No.9087719

Apparently the heads of AX dun fucked up. Friend got into staff thanks to her friend who was a translator for one of the guests of honor.

They barely had any escorts for the guests of honor and they pissed off the "One Punch Man" people by somehow losing track of them... Twice.

Who the hell thought it was a good idea to not give these guys one or two staff in a English speaking dominant new area is beyond me, but they pissed off their guests of honor.

>> No.9087729

I saw Luna Haruna on day 0. She looked like a really sad girl.

>> No.9087743

Stop being a lying druggie you creep. You know what you did.

>> No.9087757


Well, it's a bad time telling you that they had surprise openings during AX.

>> No.9087833

can anyone explain that photo?

>> No.9087868
File: 219 KB, 511x428, 1453776724254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post con blues is real. Next one is anime California?

>> No.9087928

Not sure how true. Guy was cringy as fuck forcing people to take pics with him.

>> No.9087932

A really cute nico yazawa in the school outfit. Big green bow. She had chubby cheeks and a cute voice

>> No.9087938

How much drugs are you on to actually believe that? Want to explain all the other fucked up shit you did after that?

>> No.9087983

Just like getting an 18 year old drunk despite him saying no alocohol? Or how about doing drugs and giving a girl shit about her weight and when told to let her go you refused to until you threw her on the floor?

>> No.9088008

to the 6'4 white dude I wish I could have said hi to you

Instead, I got stuck with a bunch of mexicans

>> No.9088011

That Dva fucked the Miku, btw

>> No.9088013

if there were so many mexicans im glad i didnt go
im half asian and hate it when people think im mexican

>> No.9088029

Fuck up, self hating mixed race Shy

>> No.9088055
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Not thirsty (have my own gf) but I did meet a lot of cool bros I added on steam/discord.

I just wish I didn't forget Shy's Battle.net info because I want to show her that Winston is objectively better than D.va

>> No.9088056

>What's your excuse?
I'm 5'6

The /cgl/ meetup made fun of manlets, constantly

>> No.9088057
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>Mfw I came home to a copy of Zero Time Dilemma

There is no post con depression

>> No.9088063


>You will never have your own cuckchan gf to get other women to sleep with you then pay you for sleeping with said other women

>> No.9088064

5'11 master race.

>> No.9088070

I might go but it's date isn't the best. I will probably be working and going to school the hardest during September. Anime expo and ALA just hit the sweet spots where I am doing the least amount of work.
>TFW you didn't cum in Shy's hat

>> No.9088071

How many /cgl/ meetups were on Sunday? How did I miss them all? Why don't people post these things? ~_~

>> No.9088072

Got the shit I wanted from GSC. Did Japan Super Live. Did Band Battle Battle.

Stood in no lines really. Idk what ppl are complaining about. I mean there were lines, but nothing to bitch about.

>> No.9088081

You're mixing up Anime Expo (AX) and Anime California (AC).

>> No.9088082

You could have met at the usual spot (west hall) at 9-10 and then later I posted bringing Alcohol to a Westin meet up.

>> No.9088087

Anyone get triggered over your Trump Cosplay Shy?

>> No.9088098

Was Kazue Kato cis?

>> No.9088107

Was out in front of west hall at 9, even waited 15 minutes but no one showed

>> No.9088112

So was I. Apparently we didn't spot each other since neither of us have a GUISE I'M FROM 4CHAN T-shirt on.

>> No.9088123

So they're counting Day 0........

>> No.9088125

alayne stone! I don't get on much anymore because I had spotty wifi, but I just moved, so hopefully this one's better.

>> No.9088147

Curly hair guy on Sunday. Was in cosplay other days

>> No.9088161
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dumping people I cocked

>> No.9088166
File: 2.73 MB, 4781x2690, 20160701_164313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shut up Senpai, I know who you are

I asked who wanted to wear this and Panty yanked it away from my hand and said "This is sooo me"

>> No.9088194

I'm in this pic and I don't even remember it being taken lol

You guys really were so much fun, I don't care about whatever drama other people are talking about, everyone there seemed chill to me

>> No.9088201

Dude you were great, wish you could have stayed out with us longer

>> No.9088206

ur a fuck :^)

>> No.9088207

Group of seven people split off from the end of the pizza circle to go check on E girl and go to a 2hu party, stopped by starbucks, ended up going to the Westin. Really fun and interesting group of seagulls


>> No.9088218
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>> No.9088225

The year Anno went? I didn't start going until the following year, what was that year like?

>> No.9088228

Went to the /cgl/ meet on Friday and was given a Kazoo which I played the fuck out of. Hangar 18 anyone?

Artist Alley was cramped and hot, but that didn't stop my brother from spending upwards of $700 on prints alone. I bought a few Jasper pieces and a excellent Korra print which came already framed. All of the artists were super accomodating/friendly and it honestly looked like every single booth was making fuckloads of money. They deserve it for having to put up with the muggy atmosphere for 4+ days.

Exhibit hall was pretty meh, but that's mostly because I'm a stingy faggot who only wants Gohan/18/Rei figures. Again, each booth looked like they were getting massive amounts of attention.

Panel-wise. Wow. Abhorrent is the best word to describe it. Prod IG panel wasn't worth. FLCL2 panel was ABSOLUTELY NOT WORTH THE BULLSHIT SURROUNDING IT. Mega64 panel time was cut in half and their experience was apparently so bad that they might be contemplating dropping AX from their panel circuit (good fucking job AX).

CWF Panel had the smallest room despite having the largest buzz and the longest fan-panel line. Utter horseshit. The entire upper floor panel rooms of West Hall was made up of unused empty space. If you honestly think the manga lounge or the rest area deserves two 700 seat capacity rooms each, you're stupid.

Food was great. Cosplay was excellent. Every D.va cosplay I saw was qt as fuck and the /cgl/ gatherings were maximum comf.

Didn't go to any parties this year, but I heard they were ok.

Overall this con was 10/10 for buying stuff, 3/10 for panels, 8/10 cosplay, and 10/10 for potential bromancing between attendee's.

Also, shouts out to the Gremlin D.va with the Dorito Purse. Fucking nailed it.

>> No.9088229

Rye yes plz, hope to see you then!

>> No.9088235

>people from /cgl/ gave me their contact info
>Wrote it down
>Lost the paper

>> No.9088254
File: 3.47 MB, 2929x5206, 20160702_100532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ur a cute but ur also a fuck :^)

did u hav a nice bday

>> No.9088258

>tfw post con depression settling in and only avoiding it because of thread

itll be sad when this thread gets pushed off the board finally

>> No.9088259
File: 3.97 MB, 2959x5259, 20160702_104935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9088262

>Trump chans bf is mexican

>> No.9088263
File: 3.87 MB, 2959x5259, 20160702_125643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw can no longer shitpost in real life

>> No.9088267

>TFW found out some of those faggots live near me
Now I can shitpost IRL all I want

>> No.9088279

>if you could describe in one word how you feel

>> No.9088281

Nigger, Anime California is only in a few months if you have the budget and free time.

>> No.9088285

fresh new thread in the catalog for easier visibility

>> No.9088291

Which day/group?

>> No.9088294

Disregard this, I'm the one who got mixed up.

>> No.9088348

>Panel had the smallest room despite having the largest buzz and the longest fan-panel line.

CWF is a big fish in a small pond. The biggest buzz generated were from actual industry events like the love live concert and the Bebop Jazzcat experience. While I didn't see the line for CWF I can bet good money that the Funimation panel was way larger.

The reason why CWF got pushed aside is that the con is pushing for more guests and industry events as those things actually push tickets. People buy badges and tickets to get autographs and meet guests and only a tiny TINY fraction do it for fan panels.

Take Love Live or Funimation out of the picture and you would have tons of disappointed fans. Meanwhile if the CWF would be gone then people would barely notice.

I keep saying it in other threads but AX should get rid of fan panels in favor of more industry. Already we've seen people praise the new guests and concerts and barely anyone raised a stink over it. If you got rid of fan panels, all the people who would be angry would be drowned out by all the buzz and excitement generated from more guests and industry events

>> No.9088394


Except the industry panels without a major brand at the beginning of their panel name were largely overlooked. Vertical Manga's panel was held in LP 4, yet the room was 1/3'rd of the way full. Not only that, when the marketing director asked how many of the panel attendee's had visited the booth, there was a resounding 'huh?' followed by a hushed 'I didn't even know they had a booth' whisper. WHOOPS.

All of the IG related panels were a god damn embarrassment in terms of delivery. Instead of teasing AoT S2, they spent the entire panel talking up the Live-Action GITS moviewhile also giving fans nothing in terms of teasers, trailers, pictures, or even insider info. It all amounted to 'Hey guys, this is happening.'

FLCL2 was cut 30 minutes short due to the IG panels horrifically managed QnA session going way too long coupled with the 20 minutes of time it took to staff to finally go outside and tell the people waiting in line to fuck off. Like IG, the only news we got from this panel was 'The Pillows are doing the music, ok QnA.'

You seriously want AX to switch over to a full industry panel model when we only have shit like that to look forward to? No thanks.

Oh last note, there were other industry panels that were handing out Concert tickets to the attending panelists at the end of their resepctive panels. Almost all of these panels were so under attended that everyone ended up getting a free ticket.

>> No.9088412


I saw the line for CWF. Staff were lining up people a full 2 panels before it on the main line-up area and it held roughly enough people to fill up LP 2. That's not counting the amount of people staff were turning away from the line after they capped it, nor is it counting the Premiere Badge line which filled up half the room by itself. Mega 64 was also relegated to LP2 despite nearly filling LP1 the year before.

>> No.9088448

This year was a disappointment for me. Didn't take a lot of pictures and I had to take the long way back to the shuttle because of the lockdown. All these awesome guests and I didn't get a single autograph.

>> No.9088522


The issue then is due to some sub optimal industry guests as opposed to fan panels. As stated before industry guests push badges not fan events.

Compare the badges and lines of panels like Mega 64, Love Live and Fumination and compare them to the CWF. The CWF's absence would be a drop in the bucket as a good 95% of the con hasn't even heard of them.

>> No.9088672

>He beat up pink shirt guy
AHAHAHAHA. pink shirt guy turns out to be a limp wrist faggot.

>> No.9088679

none of the guys ever made eye contact with pink shirt guy, let alone touch him. he got booze for people, left with some seagull's girl, and told some guy to shut up when he was sperging out. everyone loved him

>> No.9088681

sure. meme on, buddy.

is this what entails the promise to this freebird guy? lie about what really happened to pink shirt guy so that he doesn't get embarrassed?

>> No.9088700

>try talking to all these people also just sitting and waiting in line right there next you

panels lines are uncomfortable and not the best place to socialize. You cannot sit down comfortably, you are essentially imprisoned in this one spot for maybe an hour, and it's sometimes baking hot when in the sun.

Unlike, say, tables with chairs that dot the convention area inside and out. At a table you can sit down, adjust your chair if needed, or even get up and leave at any time if the person you're chatting with is not into it. It's total freedom and relaxation compared to the pressure of panel lines.

>> No.9088729

possibly a for real amputee. possibly highly uncomfortable having a tail but not legs, a la Ariel.

>> No.9088737

and to think, if you punched her back, you would've been the bad guy. what a world we live in.

>> No.9088747

if you can slap an anime or video game image on each side of a rubik's cube, im sure someone will buy it for maybe 10 bucks.

>> No.9088847

try this https://youtu.be/h-nH9WsNieM?t=10s

>> No.9088855

>Mega64 panel time was cut in half and their experience was apparently so bad that they might be contemplating dropping AX from their panel circuit (good fucking job AX).
as an audience member i thought the mega64 panel was awesome. highlight of my convention. always fun hearing the audience reactions to their intro videos. they did not disappoint this time, with a tron themed intro.

>> No.9088866

>CWF Panel had the smallest room despite having the largest buzz and the longest fan-panel line.
from youtube, it looks like CWF is just autists insulting each other. is this accurate?

>> No.9088876

>AX should get rid of fan panels in favor of more industry
but aren't all industry panels just long-ass advertisements? what good does it do knowing a series is getting a dub when you could just read about that news online?

>welcome to panel
>videos of our product
>watch it on streaming service, pls
>buy the bluray, pls
>short Q&A
>random winner determined by seat number wow

>> No.9088880

>from youtube, it looks like CWF is just autists insulting each other. is this accurate?

You pretty much described wrestling fans in general.

>> No.9088897

You can apply that to any industry convention

>What good does it do knowing a certain comic is being adapted when you can the news online

>> No.9089018

no probs man, im glad you liked them!

i did pretty well, but it was my first AX artist alley so I dont know what people used to make before they moved it away from the exhibit hall. we did have a pillar almost in front of us though and the bottle necked crowds really screwed us, people were so busy trying to moved through the crowd they didnt look at our table a good chunk of the time

>> No.9089033

>pillar alley
I am sorry, that was absolute hell and I dont think I stopped by because pillar alley was hell

>> No.9089107

i feel worse for the people trying to navigate it, we had tons of space behind our booth so at least there was that.
the table next to us was directly behind a pillar and got swamped

>> No.9089588

Did anyone get a picture of the Satsuki cosplayer from Kill la Kill wearing a c thong?

>> No.9089697

someone has to post this

>> No.9090451

I must be getting old because I don't get this meme.

>> No.9090505

>Fucking a slutboat is the hottest thing I've ever done.
Wait, which one did you fucked?
Because I hooked up with a boatslut too.

>> No.9090544
File: 401 KB, 500x708, to nep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9090548
File: 68 KB, 640x640, forty top keks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9090589

>making money off public memes

>> No.9090699

Cant complain, did a lot of photoshoots.

>> No.9090726


>> No.9090732

Sadly I missed this.

>> No.9090739

This was my first time attending the convention, it was pretty good and tiring but worth it. Cancelling an expensive hotel and going for a airbnb apartment with a lot of comfortable space. Staying two days outside for junichi and kato for autographs, attending one punch man event, blasting myself with Teddyloid while my wife was recording the whole show and having a damn good fun with japan battle concert we both really enjoyed it.
I can't believe I was hanging out with our roomates at Little Tokyo when the sword incident happened people were scared for their lives on what was going on but we had to move for the japan battle concert and ended up knowing later the more updated news.
I was cosplaying Archer for 3 days except casual on the final day while my wife cosplayed both Saber and Tohsaka, it was fun finding an armored Saber who wanted to take pictures with us which was actually really cool and made my day! Sorry for my english, I'm here since November since I married my wife and a lot has happened, I will see you guys next year for another AX

>> No.9090744

who premiere for 2017 here?

>> No.9090775

Damn man sounds like you had a great time.