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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9199671 No.9199671 [Reply] [Original]

How do you all feel about the rise of cosplayers turning into "models" (outside of cosplay) on instagram, and the use of Patreon becoming more and more popular for cosplayers (especially the well known ones?) any good/bad examples of "models" or Patreon users/abusers?

>> No.9199731

lewd are fine

but I dont like "get 10% off my print store" type rewards

>> No.9199903

I don't mind the cosplayers using Patreon, but when they have steady backers and still beg or complain for money, I'm like, "Bitch! Shut the fuck up!"

Not going to name names, but saw one cosplayer bitching about how expensive a gym is for her to even go at $25/month, when she's collecting $500/month on her Patreon alone. Saw another cosplayer/photographer bitching about camera equipment and asking people to donate to her Gofundme, when she's collecting $650/month.

That's the shit that irks me!

>> No.9199935
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If they have a loyal fanbase who they can make money off of then good for them. They'd be a fucking idiot not to.

Just look at the crazy amount of money Jessica makes. Who would be stupid enough to waste this opportunity? Not Jessica.

>> No.9199950


What are people getting out of this? She has no personality, she isn't an entertainer. She doesn't teach people how to cosplay. Its not even porn, just lewd cosplay. Literally why

>> No.9200008

Yeah, I don't get this. There's a certain cosplayer patreon making over $4k and she is still begging for badges and churning out mediocre as fuck cosplay.

It's like they want to make a hobby into a job... which would be okay if they actually had something to contribute other than sleazy "boudoir" shots.

>> No.9200022

JNig is laughing all the way to the bank with the amount of money she makes from Patreon, Twitch, Youtube, and whatever else she's whoring herself on. That's not even including con appearances, print sales, and whatever else there is.

>> No.9200032


I suspect it might be because they're not actually making that 4K a month or they're just terrible with money

>> No.9200038
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You're only mad because you don't like her and are jelly she's more successful than you. Are there any cosplayers you like? If they were in Jess's position you wouldn't care, would you?

Yep lol. Though she probably has less money than the amount of fatty tears seagulls are shedding.

>> No.9200058

>Hurrdurr u jus jelly fatty mcfatfat :''')))))))))

Why do people keep using this as if it's a honest and valid reason for why somebody does not like something? Is it that hard to stomach that they make a good point?

>> No.9200143

Because thirsty neckbeards are dumb enough to pay for it? Sex appeal will ALWAYS sell no matter how "niche" people think a market is. JNigs was smart enough to jump on the idea first. Now everyone and their mom is trying to get the same amount of success/profit but it's an over-saturated market.

I don't get how certain people make a lot of money based on their bad cosplays but you don't really have to look that good in this case, from what I've seen.

I don't understand why everyone's trying to sell cosplay prints now but that's a different side of it.

>> No.9200151

>all your fav cosplayers wont do patreon lewds

its not fair

where are the big NATUTAL boobs on patreon?

>> No.9200262

I actually think it's a smart move. If you've got the fanbase willing to shell out $$$ go for it. I'm not a fan of a lot of the girls, but they're making money and I honestly can't shit on that.

>> No.9200301

Props to Jnig for making that much money through it but I cringe at all the new cosplayers setting up a patreon before they even have 1000 fans. It takes some serious entitlement to expect people to fund your hobby.

>> No.9200342

You can find everything she posts about to patreon about an hour later on Reddit. It's not like she keeps half of this content "exclusive" unless you count the reward tiers. She doesn't even keep half of the promises she has made to the patreon users. If she's confronted about these broken promises, she'll ban the subscriber or Ryan will white knight her. It's obvious she believes she just deserves this money for whatever shit she decides to peddle out in between her constant vacations. I guess she finally moved out of her parent's house though.
>inb4 jealous
Hell yes I am. I wish I had half of the money she has available for a costume.

>> No.9200393

I have a lot of varring opinions on patreon. On one hand, you're your own boss, you get money for your costumes, and well you're just making money off of something you like and have fun doing. I'll admit, I'm pretty jealous of that much.
I am not subacribed to her, but Mango Sirene's patreon seems to be more geared towards people who want to get a more "behind the scenes" look at her techniques. I think that's a neat idea because people are paying money to learn something, that's nothing new.
I can't help but remember when a lot of the content these patreon cosplayers offer in their tiers was basically free to look at awhile ago. They would post tutorials and such just for the fact that they wanted other people to have an easier or different way of learning to do something for free. Some of the cosplayers I follow that recently decided to get a patreon post a lot less public content. I can't decide if it's smart on their part to make money off of what they enjoy doing and interacting more with the fans that actually seem to give a shit, or if it's a little sad every little thing has a price to it now. Cosplaying can't just be a hobby anymore. Everyone wants cosplay pay the rent so bad now. Ex: Envy Us. She is going to crash and burn so hard, it's kind of already happening.
I kind of get the impression that a lot of the people buying into this kind of feel like they're "friends" with the cosplayer? I think a good hunk of jnigs's subscribers are in that mindset.
And then there is the whole "nsfw" patreon thing. Genuinely curious, do the people that do this not care about future employers/family/anyone else that you don't really want to finding this content? Sex/cam work is still frowned upon in plenty of places. But it seems like easy money. Wish I was brave and accepting enough I guess.

>> No.9200476

I agree. There are girls in my area that have probably 1000 followers and are trying to get more people to support them on Patreon. Pretty ballsy, not to mention their cosplays are really bad/mediocre. You've gotta do something right to pull in fans before you start trying to get money from them.

>> No.9200652

If multiple people keep saying it then there must be some truth to it.

>> No.9200741

to the people who are mad, realize you are just jealous of the person making the money and it´s retarded to be angry with the backers because they spend money on sth you don´t like

>> No.9200850

Jnig didn't start this, it was actually a non-cosplayer who isn't nearly as famous as jnig. she started doing well with lewd photos, people cried about it and posted about it on the patreon encyclopedia dramatica page and tons of girls copy pasted her.

>> No.9200862

Employers and shit will probably not find out unless you're tagged with your real name, like in a Mineralblu video or something. That guy just doxx's everyone he can

>> No.9200865

Whoever you're referencing didn't start it either. People have been selling lewd photos for years by any means possible. Same with EXCLUSIVE Polaroid photos that are ONE OF A KIND

>> No.9201005

Itt jealous fatties.

>> No.9201112

No one said a thing about weight but ok lmao

>> No.9201288


>> No.9201315
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>> No.9201376


Censorship and Abuse from Patreon Mod:


>> No.9201532
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Patreon's been pretty desperate on hitting on fanbases to leech off their talent. Why would you want to bog down successful Cosplayers with toxic communities like Patreon when filled with exploit and easy for users to steal rewards from Patreon Creators without paying. It gives artist false hope and they get taken advantage of. All those empty promises of fixing things still exist today.


"95% of people who quit had IQ's well below the 50's and had Nothing to contribute to this world." -98172u3kljh(The white knight of Patreon)

>> No.9202240

Patreon is for supporting artists, so cosplayers are ok there.

I have seen worse people there. Like MGTOW's youtube accounts ripping off money out of men's missery. MGTOWs aren't artists, wtf are they doing there? They just rant on youtube videos insulting women and forums while posting random stolen images online.

>> No.9202260

I personally subscribe to something Lindsay Ellis said a while back - if you like the content someone does, either accept that it's going to take second priority to real life jobs as a hobby, or pay them. In that sense I really like Patreon. I will still do cosplay, but if you really like me and want me to do MORE cosplay, you can throw me a few dollars.

I don't really like most rewards, to me part of the cosplay community I liked when I started was that everyone was eager to share process, or con logs, or WIPs, so when that is put behind a paywall that's a bit offputting to me. Good rewards to me might be stuff like previews of shoots, maybe a vote on which of the cosplayers cosplans should be prioritized, patreon exclusive live streams (where screengrabs of cosprogress might still be made public afterwards), Q&A stuff...

IDK, I don't really like the way most cosplayers use it because I feel like it might be damaging to the community in the long run, but I'm not at all opposed to it being a thing.

>> No.9202284

I read that shit and Patreon has nothing to do with it, those "artists" didn't know how to use it. WTF.

They don't even know that the rewards must not be posted PUBLICLY and openly for everyone before receiving the money and where offering their shit for free publicly.

How about reading the faq before opening a Patreon page? Are they blind and never used the rewards system? Jesus Christ, their retardedness is demential.

>> No.9202290

I think it's smart for them to do process videos and work logs as reward tiers. Mango Sirene has a lot of success with that (from what I've seen) and it makes sense. If I'm going to be spending x amount of hours working on a cosplay then having to film/edit that on top of videos that are already being made for Youtube, etc then of course I'd want to be paid an extra bit of money. A lot of the people that are on Patreon are still producing content that's shared publicly but they want to offer more of a 'behind the scenes' peek for those that are interested. I also really enjoy that she's been offering photoshoots and a "Meet The Cosplayers" segment for people since it's helping to get some other cosplayers out there.

I like Patreon for what it is and I think it can be very useful for cosplayers/artists/creators. What annoys me is when people use it for shit that they still post publicly or their 'rewards' are something like cosplay prints. If I was a subscriber, I'd feel like my money was being wasted.

>> No.9202366

Well Jnig has some pretty good cosplay accomplishments on her checklist

>Official cosplay model for Lolipop Chainsaw
>Anime voice actor for Super Sonico
>VA for Cinder Fall in RWBY which is a multi million viewer series
>Official Gearbox cosplayer

>> No.9202445

“They don't even know that the rewards must not be posted PUBLICLY and openly for everyone before receiving the money and where offering their shit for free publicly. How about reading the faq before opening a Patreon page”

Nah, Patreon faq encourages hope labour and free samples to entice pledges. You pitching a contradiction. Looks like you didn't read. The shit hits the fan when Patreon exploits even private rewards or deliberately hides when theft happens so creators can't even protect themselves better. It's common for even Top professionals on graphtreon lose out around 25 % on income due to theft reward, exploits on Patreon. Even Jessica Nigri the cosplayer loses out around $5,000 from Patreon fees and exploits. But going what you say she's a retard too. Nice spin on victim blaming. How about Patreon get their act together fixing source of problem or exploits.


>> No.9202446


When you list it out like that I can see why yaya would be salty over jnig

>> No.9202454

JNig is a lot more successful than people want to admit (which is honestly why so many people constantly rage about her). You may not like how she got to where she is but nobody can deny that she didn't make smart business moves.

>> No.9202463
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You are pretty right anon. She did make smart business moves and as long as she doesnt piss away all her money each month shes set for a long time. She could jump into voice acting when shes a bit older but i also think people dont like her because of more personal reasons. Its like how girls hate on the popular girl in highschool because shes got so many things she ends up taking for granted or says shit behind her friends backs and isnt a very good person. Yeah jnig is getting tons of money and is super popular but i wouldnt want to be her or be in her line of work. Selling herself like she does seems gross to me. Its like another version of being a stripper at a bar that just doesnt make the girls do it topless.

>> No.9202500

they clearly meant started it on PATREON, you autist.

>> No.9202502

>She could jump into voice acting when shes a bit older but i also think people dont like her because of more personal reasons

She's terrible and literally the only reasons he got the job was because she's cosfamous, so I don't think she'll be able to make a career out of that.

>> No.9202653

Does anyone on /cgl/ have a patreon?

>> No.9202699

I feel like if people are stupid enough to pay for something they used to get for free than more power to the seller. However it is a little frustrating when you follow someone who you genuinely like and then their feed starts to become flooded with "if you follow me on Patreon" and "my Patreons get the full shot of this" it gets annoying. I'm not gonna pay to see cosplay.
Also I feel like its a breeding ground for stalkers. it leads certain types of people to believe they are more "special" to these cosplayers because they give more money and sometimes they can turn demanding. I've seen it happen before on a Go Fund me so I image Patreon is full of it.

>> No.9202721

I'm not hating, but it's hard to believe people get away with this shit.

Good for anyone who can though.

>> No.9202729

She's an asshole, yes, but so are a lot of people. Especially in this community. Everyone's out for themselves now that things have started to turn into who has the most followers and who can get the most attention. I definitely don't envy her or anybody else that's in the same boat because it has to be just constant stress. I'd love to have that kind of income but I definitely wouldn't want to be in her shoes.

People get this way about any "famous" cosplayer. They start to think that they know them because they share content and they can get weirdly invasive. It sucks because it's fun to share work online but there's always those people that can't understand that an internet persona is just that. These cosplayers definitely aren't your new best buddy.

>> No.9202748

At least I don't have to have the fact of being a literal lying whore on my conscience.

>> No.9203757

I liked her more when she made accurate cosplays. Now she it's just "lets see which pokemon I can make sexy THIS time!" I understand why she is successful I just don't really care.

>> No.9203808

Any other snowflakes other than Jessica have Patreons?
I know a lot of nobodys on Instagram who do it and it's so embarrassing to click them and they have like $5-10 or even $1-$0 a month

>> No.9203977

Alexandria the Red makes a pretty penny off Patreon. Not nearly as much as JNig but $24,000 a year isn't bad when all you do is post underwear pics + an occasional cosplay.

>> No.9203990

My friend/sorta ex-friend has a Patreon for his YouTube animations, and only makes $14 a month off two patrons, both of which are other friends of his. It's pretty embarrassing to watch because he advertises it all over his social profiles and in every video yet after an entire year no one else has donated.

Then again, he barely has over 1,000 subscribers which is nobody-tier by today's standards. I think Patreon is pointless unless you have at LEAST 100,000 followers + worthy content, because even people who have that many are only making $100-200 a month or less. The fact that JNig's fanbase is over 4,000,000 and rapidly increasing definitely helped her case. She's only making $30,000 off that many people, after all.

>> No.9204004

As much as people like the fantasy of making big bucks on Patreon. Reality majority don't even make zero or barely $50 for a month of effort. What existing fans you do have, gets shuffled or spammed to creators who more established.


On this list of 300...it's a ghost town. Even a professional will have it hard time convincing people to donate to something they would otherwise give for free.


>> No.9204017
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Exactly Patreon can be a Trap and waste of time unless your are established even though Patreon spin hype that every creator is empowered and gets rich.

In reality Patreon is like a meat grinder of creators that needs fresh blood to bring in their little fan base to feed the bigger fish on Patreon. Hence why they spam their recruitment ads so much yet ignore more serious issues like fixing exploits.

Cosplaying or animation is expensive. Getting $14 a month isn't going to cut it.

>> No.9204155

When was that? The first time i saw her was her "teemo" cosplay. Which was inacurate and gross. The only way i recognized it was teemo was the weapon.

>> No.9204175

when it's all said and done decades down the road, she'll be the most polarizing figure in cosplay community (provided anyone still manages to remember her)

Frat-boy party-all-night fetish-jerk-off community will see her as greatest cosplayer of all time

Cosplayer who's been in the hobby before 2009 will see her as catalyst for why this community went shit and how her gross business method brought in more creepers and unsavory people

>> No.9204183
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i can understand why no one wants to donate to some mediocre girl..

>> No.9204272
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This girl makes bank on patreon for wearing swimsuits. She doesn't get nude or anything. On top of patreon she also has a website where she sells photos and god knows how much she makes from that.
Kinda wish more "cosplayers" would just admit they're selling sex like she does instead of falling back on "im a real pro cosplayer buy my budoir, no i'm not like those camwhores i'm a cosplayer". No one would care as much if they'd stop acting like they aren't whoring.

>> No.9204275


I believe this one use to be an escort or cam girl...

>> No.9204277

>360k a year from desperate fanboys
I can't lie, I wish I could basically get that much free money from lingerie shoots and polaroids. This isn't even the money she makes from endorsements and being a guest at cons. I can't imagine how much she has at this point.

>> No.9204279

Taking bikini photos beats doing either of those things. Most cam girls I know don't make close to that in a month destroying their holes.
Also it makes more sense to make money supplying people with jerk off fuel rather than doing what these cosplayers do and begging for money to pay for their con trips and only offering photos of them in shitty cosplay as a reward.

>> No.9204280

Come to think of it the only cosplayer I see making more than this girl is Jnig. Most people don't want to pay just to enable someones hobby.

>> No.9204282

How does Jnig get so much money for having fake tits, caked on makeup, no ass and a receding hairline?

>> No.9204312

Because men are idiots. They pretend they don't like "fake" women but all they can jerk off to is photoshop and implants and clown makeup.

>> No.9204338


Well where are all the big natural boobs on patreon?

>> No.9204347

it's because me don't realize that the bigger the boob (natural) the saggier they are. And men (and some women)want to see perky boobs and they live in a fantasy world but natural breasts that are a DD or bigger hang down from the weight of the breast. it still surprises me that people don't know this.

>> No.9204372

I think part of the reason they don't know this is because most of the boobs they see in the media/porn are fake, gravity defying clown boobs so they honestly don't know how real, large, free hanging breasts behave.

>> No.9204376

protip: If you donate enough you can fuck her.

>> No.9204380

Neckbeardology 101

>> No.9204381

>she doesn't get nude or anything

My fucking tumblr dashboard was obsessed with this girl, she indeed gets naked in her photos.

I wish I had her body, but glad I dont have her face

>> No.9204384

She doesn't do nudes. She says it all the time and patreon doesn't allow nudity and porn featuring real people. I don't know why but that's just how the site is. I'm looking at her tumblr and all the nude photos are reblogs of other women.

>> No.9204387
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>she indeed gets naked in her photos.

>> No.9204406
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I hate the ones that pretend they're selling cosplay but are just outright whoring. Case in point Luna Lanie aka ghetto jessica nigiri
Another breast implant bimbo.

>> No.9204498

I'm blowen away by how much support some untalented whales get like Mariah Mallad....at least Jnig you can argue is skinny/has big boobs but some of these whales on Patreon just how???

>> No.9204500
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Forgot image

>> No.9204524

the way she advertises her sets with her parts censored had me thinking otherwise

THICC is a meme.

but she is chubs AND has an awful looking face

I keep thinking its a meme when I see people "all you have to do is have big tits and be white/white passing/asian to get $$$ from neckbeards" but when shit like this pops up you can't deny there's some facts behind that'

you got that fat monstrosity, you have Yumi "DDlg" King, Yaya Han looking like a $2 whore, Jessica Nigri looking like a retired wrinkly trophy wife

The standards are so damn low someone for the love of god raise the bar

>> No.9204534
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Yes, but for artwork and not cosplay. It isn't a particularly large Patreon either, but I do appreciate my fans giving some extra.

>> No.9204559

Can't raise the bar when that's all people wanna see. It doesn't help that a lot of new people see that as an easy way to make money and the cycle continues.

>> No.9204611

She's been doing of "sexy Pokemon" cosplays for awhile (sexy cubone was the most recent one). I think the worst offender was her in Lingerie with a Veigar hat. She sold the prints as "Boudoir Veigar"

>> No.9204639

>She's terrible and literally the only reasons she
got the job was because she's cosfamous

You'd be surprised at how many people have successful careers in their fields that they are bad in. Really if she plays up her connections and generates momentum for roles she could make a bit more cash. Things could play out in three ways

A: She's bad and just stops
B: She keeps getting work and gets better and thus land more gigs
C: She doesn't get better but because she gets cast in so many projects she'll be pulled into more for name recognition

>> No.9204642
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Latest example I can think of was when she did battleborn

>> No.9204647

A bunch of my friends have decided they want to start patreons but they don't really do anything. And they keep promoting it expecting all their friends to donate. Does anyone else have this problem?

>> No.9204661

"A bunch of my friends have decided they want to start patreons but they don't really do anything. And they keep promoting it expecting all their friends to donate. Does anyone else have this problem?"

Well you can be a "buddy" nod your head, walk away and let them have delusional fantasy of scoring big patreon, but never amounting to anything.


Be a good friend and hurt their feelings with reality check. Tell them to stop spamming, get a real job or at least have something genuine to offer something in return. Otherwise they are wasting their everybody time and Patreon will play them for a fool.


>> No.9204691


lewds are what sell

also they need to be somwhat hot, have big ass/tits or whatever

>> No.9204819

How humble. Your art is pretty good. If I had the extra cash laying around I'd support you.

>> No.9204876
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She could buy a new fucking car every month with that kind of money.

>> No.9205204

and that's just from Patreon!

>> No.9205228

lol you should learn about paying taxes.

>> No.9205232

Patreon takes 5% of that and unless she's a charity, her quarterly tax rate is probably around 30ish percent. Still excellent money, though.

>> No.9205242

It's not as much as you think. 30% state and fed? c'mon...

not sure what cut NZ is getting either. i'll have to look into NZ taxes.

she's not a registered charity that I can find. haven't looked up her business yet.

it's not bad money but not great for a model's short career span. looks only last so long.

>> No.9205257

turns out i was wrong. she can get up to 14K per donor per year without paying taxes. ...if it's a donation. Providing pics for cash is a service.

it's still a bit of a gray area. if the IRS *wants* a piece it can get it by saying it's not a gift but a payment.

>> No.9205293

She may not be paying any NZ taxes if she doesn't go back there.

"Am I still a tax resident when I have left New Zealand?

Yes until you have been out of New Zealand for 325 days in any 12-month period and you don't have a permanent place of abode in New Zealand. If you're here for only part of a day it's counted as a whole day.

The 325 days don't have to be consecutive."

>> No.9205335

the amount shown on her page is what she gets after Patreon takes their 5%

>> No.9206094

NJig lives in New Zealand?
The fuck?

I thought she was from Arizona.

>> No.9206096

No she grew up in NZ then went to Arizona. I think her mum is from NZ. So she has dual citizenship, and could actually be required to pay tax in both countries if she spends time in both.

>> No.9206289

She doesn't go to NZ even for conventions from what I've seen. I know she and her boyfriend just bought a house together, too. That's where all the Patreon money is going. Congrats neckbeards you just bought her a house.

>> No.9206417

There's probably no profit in NZ conventions. The whole country is only like 4 million people, statistically there'll be less suckers paying to see her compared to the audience she has in the US

>> No.9206448

A fool and his money are soon parted

>> No.9206468

As someone who regularly attends NZ conventions... this is absolutely true. The only guests we get are the old doctor whos, inexplicable wrestling guests and forgettable dwarf #7 from the Hobbit.

>> No.9206960

If I were to start a Patreon...what would be good rewards?
What would be a base following to have on social media when I started Patreon - I don't want to be that asshat who starts with only 50 followers on Instagram.

>> No.9206967

If you need other people to come up with that for you, then you probably aren't doing or making anything worthwhile to begin with.

>> No.9206968


sexy boudoir/cosplay photosets

>> No.9206979

If you were to start a Patreon, you wouldn't make any money. People who have to ask these questions do not have the fanbase or following to make money out of Patreon, if you have enough fans and followers they will already be asking you for stuff, or you should be able to see from likes, comments and reblogs/shares which is the most popular stuff - this is the point at which you get them to put their money where their mouth is and put that stuff on Patreon.

>> No.9207069

she has a unique, sexy body that sets her apart from other ``whores'', especially in the swimsuits, which is how i found out about her. i'm surprised to see a patreon donation scheme with 10 bux a month as the maximum you can give. seems like a sensible strategy

>> No.9207080

Wait, only $10? I assumed it was $50 like all the other patreon cosplay whores are charging

>> No.9207171

Gotta agree with the other anons. If you can't get a good idea based on views/likes or comments then you don't have a large enough following to even consider it.

>> No.9207190

Yea but some of her goals are a little off base imo. Like a past goal was that she'd start doing public twitch streams of progress but now that shes a partner you have to pay to watch anything you might have missed if you weren't able to catch it while live. So like, how can you offer public streams as a goal reward if you then have to pay for those as well?? Otherwise her tier rewards for $5, $10 etc. are pretty well balanced.

On the topic of JNig there are 100x reasons to hate her or what she does/represents and 100x reasons people love her and what she does/represents. At the end of the day she makes bank. Whether her 'personality' is faked or not for the masses doesn't matter because people are still funding a pretty comfortable lifestyle for her. So no reason to change what she's doing now.

>> No.9207499
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Then you have girls like her, she originally didn't do nudes and would bash on girls who do nudes. She decided to turn a new leaf suddenly and now people just pay her to see her naked. Her cosplays are so-so, mostly her just being half naked.

>> No.9207527

Never say never. Funny how this seems to be happening a lot lately. people who were like "I'm modest, nudity isn't for me" suddenly are naked in their photos. It always seems to start with one risky costume or a semi risky selfie and then once they see the amount of attention that comes they change their minds. I've noticed this with a lot of girls I started following for their cosplays when they weren't as popular, and now had to unfollow because every picture turned into a selfie ft. Tits and ass. Even more annoying are the BP warriors who like to yak about everyone being beautiful at any size but only post model photos of themselves with perfect makeup and if they don't have makeup on (to show how daring and "comfortable they are with their true selves") its almost always with a sexy body shot. it's like the cosplay community is slowing turning into a mini porn industry. -sorry mini rant-

>> No.9207777
File: 374 KB, 1073x1250, ginny mcqueen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worst of all are the man hating feminists who still resort to using their bodies for money

>> No.9207781

Because men are so stupid.

>> No.9207883

How is she getting 1071 dollars a month?! Dude...

>> No.9207903

>$4000 a month
>for social media
Fuck right the fuck off

>> No.9207949

She wasn't exactly a saint to begin with. this girl has slept with so many people in the east coast con scene its not funny

>> No.9208032


Keep in mind that also she refuses to find work as well

>> No.9208036

"Medical Issues"

>> No.9208038

I fucking got taken out of work in a gurney because I had a panic attack in the middle of rush time. I still went back to work. Fuck people with 'medical issues'. They really make everyone actually with them look fucking bad.

>> No.9208067

I still think she shoulda taken the bone Yaya threw her for Heroes of Cosplay. Least then she'd of brought in a new crowd before going SJW mad and losing a shit ton of followers.

>> No.9208069

I agree with you %100. I wouldn't mind if they were just opened about nudity. I don't understand slut shaming. Basically from what I have seen, most girls are all like "Oh, i am way better than those cam whores because it's cosplay!" Lots of these girls are self entitled.

>> No.9208076

haha,how do you know that anon? i knew she was scantly, but didn't know she was slutty too.

>> No.9208083

I do a patreon for ASMR videos and...drinking water videos. Don't understand the appeal of it but it's some nice extra income

>> No.9208088

>[work] also takes up most of my time. The more time I have to put towards my own projects, the happier I am.
Welcome to reality, you dumb pair of tits. No one save for spoiled, entitled little shits gets to spend the majority of their time doing whatever they feel like. All of us have to use the majority of our time to work, and most of us are smart enough to save money for what makes us happy and not use it to spoil some internet whore. Fuck right out of here with that.

>> No.9208111


Attractive cosplayers can have people who really want to... see them, so why not make money while they're at it?

>> No.9208143

Seriously? That's like the least offensive thing you could be doing for money so kudos

>> No.9208260


Was that the reason? dang

All I rememebr was her lawyer husband divorcing and she went full on crazy

>> No.9208268

I remember that too, she just went bonkers after he took their pets and left.

>> No.9208398

>drinking water videos
Is this a fetish thing...?

>> No.9208540

Probably for like... You know how in hentai girls tilt their heads back and they animate the throat super detailed to see the girl swallow? Probably along those lines, but with water. Definitely a fetish. I'm pretty sure of it.

>> No.9208550

Either the sound, or the throat, or the lips, or all three. Literally everything is a fetish.

>> No.9209442

>You know how in hentai
No, I don't, you filthy anon

>> No.9209447

I might have to break into this market

>> No.9211645

gonna need evidence for this claim

>> No.9211657

Tell me about your setup and how you got into it. I'm interested in doing this too.

What camera do you use? What mic? Do you ever show your face? How did you get your name out?

>> No.9211704

>tell me your whole setup and also tell me how to start.
Damn, do something yourself.

>> No.9211707

I'm asking for tips on how to be successful. I want to know how much I should invest to get that extra income

>> No.9211713


be a qt girl
if you dont show your face at least show your lips

>> No.9211717

I have nice lips, but I have a lisp

>> No.9211732


i dont think it matters in fact if you are doing ASMR whispering and stuff people will find it cute

>> No.9212161

Just my iPhone camera propped up on my desk. I never, ever show above my lips - just lips and throat.
I just set up a youtube account and then uh, shilled myself a bit anonymously to establish a fan base. I make a few hundred dollars a month and the only cost is buying bottled water. And my pride.
For "technical" stuff - no light sources behind me cause that makes it look bad. Make sure it's in focus before recording - they want to see fine details in hi res. Anyone can do it, I'm not special. Good luck anon.

>> No.9212459

more like cunning tactics 101
just make it some absurdly high amount and then add in "with a condom"

>> No.9212464

>BP warriors who like to yak about everyone being beautiful at any size but only post model photos of themselves with perfect makeup

so many girls, even the thicc ones are usually that cream of the crop of thicc. you can't just have ANYONE doing cosplay and be thicc because that low % that has a nice face to go along with those huge tits and wide hips unlike the same, but like way uglier face.

there are limits to what people will care about even if you have a nice figure. i've seen it so many times at cons going "yeah, but if she had a nicer face or lost X lbs she would be stunning" and then they get mad at you for "changing them" or some shit.

sorry im trying to fucking help.

>> No.9212503

Is she what you consider a "successful" cosplayer? She is a glorified booth girl.

>> No.9212506

in all fairness you're not really helping by telling someone "get a nicer face".

>> No.9212510

As shocking as it is to believe, some of us would prefer not to have our friends and family know us for being softcore pornstars. Maybe we'd prefer not to enter a career that has no positive impact on the world besides helping nerds jack off, and will be thrown out the window as soon as we show signs of age. I'm all for women dressing how they want but disliking someone doesn't mean we're "jus jelly" of being nearly nude in the public eye.

>> No.9212943
File: 125 KB, 750x1000, raf,750x1000,075,t,fafafa-ca443f4786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I read that shit and Patreon has nothing to do with it, those "artists" didn't know how to use it. WTF. [...]Jesus Christ, their retardedness is demential.

I agree Patreon seems corrupt or “retarded” at times. Why pay or make original content when Pateron enables to theft rewards or exploit users. There are sneaky fox creators who made over $20k off Patreon, duping sponsors for months with stolen artwork and game content. As long as Patreon profits off gullible users, who cares right? Posers can do the same idea and upload stolen cosplayer albums for profit?



Maybe TaxCup is just a misunderstood genius? So what if creators do illegal activities, break TOS of Patreon, or bully people into silence make them money. They don't care, they even made such people as Mods of Patreon so they can do please as long as they profit.

Yeah, looking through his history, he's pretty much a piece of shit all the time. “ -snowman334

“Holy shit, the mod on that subreddit.” - WolfDemon

>> No.9212950


The Marble Syrup issue is exactly why I'll NEVER give money to any patreon, ever. The fuckers even pretended to have permission from the originals devs and acted offended any time they called them on it.

>> No.9212951

She's made enough money to not have to give a shit about that nonsense. When she finally does quit, she'll be living comfortably. It's fine to have morals but don't try to act like it's stupid of her. She's successful.

>> No.9214625
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Can this Cratejoy qualify?

>> No.9218663


>> No.9220253
File: 60 KB, 750x238, IMG_8168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about cosplayers that don't make their own costumes?

>> No.9221035

"improving my cosplays in other ways" ??? like....what?

>> No.9222907

She doesn't even style her own wigs.

>> No.9223026

This is the final form of any business, anon.

Success, yes. Quality, no. McDonalds is the most well known Burger joint in the US. But is it the best burger you've ever had? Far from it.

>> No.9226506

Wow, i can' believe she's still making money.
I stopped pledging because she's EXTREMELY inconsistent. She re-nigs on goals saying she would show more and she ALWAYS ends up posting everything you pay for on her tumblr, Instagram or twitter. So you are paying for nothing special or exclusive.

also, She doesn't make bank. 5,000 a month is only 60k a year, plus they take 35% or earnings for taxes and their fee.

>> No.9226512

$5000 a month for sitting around taking pictures sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me

>> No.9226527


>> No.9227957


Come on, we all have That Coworker. That one guy who doesn't do shit, comes in late, but does just enough to keep earning his paycheck and not get fired. It's the same reaction. You're simutaneously pissed that he does less work than you do and still gets paid, impressed by the fact that he gets away with it, jealous that he not only gets away with it but doesn't even feel BAD about it, but you also know that you could never bring yourself to be That Guy.

That is exactly how I feel about girls who make a living basically doing cosplay hostess work via the internet.

>> No.9227993

60k a year is what some people go to college for

>> No.9228355

Why would the amount of money she makes on patreon just keep growing if everything is posted for free like you say? Why does she have a store where she sells photosets then if it's all free? Also taxes are 15% of your total earnings, i know because I pay taxes on my etsy store where I make cosplay products. Her whole thing is "no nudes just lewds" so how is she going to somehow show more? just sounds like made up shit you're spouting because you don't like how she makes money.
I wish I wasn't ugly, I'd be doing the same shit as girls like Jnig and making big bucks.

>> No.9228358

if you're not willing to bare ass for money then why bitch about people who are willing to do it and profit? Why not hate on everyone who pays for it? They're the reason these girls make more money than you.

>> No.9228365

Everyone complaining is just jealous. You act like all these girls never worked a regular job or something. I'm a dude therefore I can't hop on the sexy cosplay bandwagon but if I could I would in a flash. Minimum wage in america sucks and if you don't want to make shit wage you have to either get fucked in the ass by college debt or bust your ass for minimum wage until the boss desides to pay you a dollar more. This sexy cosplay is the same as all these "professional gamer" guys making millions to sit on their balls and click away on the computer yet no one gives as much of a shit over that.

>> No.9228367

The only option for sexy cosplay guys have is cosplay deviants and even then you have to be totally ripped while the women look like blobs and you get paid shit.

>> No.9228369

Lol she still makes 20k a month. "Glorified booth girl" or not that's great money.

>> No.9228371

I'd double fist my own asshole for 20k

>> No.9228374

would you let me double fist your asshole for 20k?

>> No.9228377

I would put nearly anything in my asshole for 20k

>> No.9228379

would you put a rabid squirrel in your asshole?

>> No.9228381

You'd have to be a litteral retard not to capitalize on that. The hate is simply envy talking.

>> No.9228386

Complains that girl whose slogan is "no nudes only lewds" doesn't show more.

>> No.9228775


Women live life on easy mode

>> No.9228784

yeah let me know next time you see an ugly homely chick "living life on easy mode".

>> No.9228792

Attractive people live life on easy mode FTFY

>> No.9228797
File: 128 KB, 786x1017, 527557-crossplay_nami[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only if they're white or asian with big/fake tits will they be rewarded for being ugly or homely (pic related)

>> No.9228857


How many attractive males get money from girls just from posing in their undies?

>> No.9228878

Are you for real?

>> No.9228893

Leonardo DiCaprio, before he made it as a movie star in Titanic, was a nude model for European mags.

>> No.9228895

That's because a large amount of dudes give it away for free. So in order to make money off of girls for this you have to be wildly attractive.
So if you want to be valued more, stop being such whores. Dudes are such where's sending unsolicited nudes is a legitimate problem.

>> No.9228912

Even if you're a guy, you'd have better luck finding a SD then a SM.

>> No.9229028

>Why would the amount of money she makes on patreon just keep growing if everything is posted for free like you say
not everything is. but a lot is and like >>9228386 said "just lewds"

because of that the pics don't really vary, so you're paying for nothing exclusive. all you have to do is follow her social media and you'll see all the new cosplays and get free pics.

go have a look at her tumblr/twitter she'll post a couple of pics from each set. and if you just wait on a few occasions she's posted almost all the pics from older sets.

The $10 really isn't much that's why i joined in the first place but after she started re-nigging on goals of showing more and never releasing sets when she said she would it was a waste of time

if you are on patreon you're wasting money because she'll also have bulk sales on sets once they are a few months old. so while you are paying $10 a month to see the pics when they're first released. she does sales of like 4 combined sets to $20

I understand it's to makes as much money as she can but then you screw anyone who is on patreon

>> No.9230828
File: 47 KB, 565x900, Cosplay 9065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason I would be salty is becaus some cosplayers hide high def and nude/lewd cosplays behind a paywall. Jannet is so god damn sexy but fuck me if I will ever part with my money for any of her ludacris patreon reward levels.

>> No.9233198

Being a"geek/nerd" the guys that go to comic con sees her as one of them making her their queen.

>> No.9233218

Is there a board that posts bought patreon pics?

>> No.9233237

There's fetish videos of women in heels getting their cars stuck.

Just remember that somewhere in the world, at least one person is getting off to it.

>> No.9233238

Most Patreon "models" are very eager to DMCA the shit out of someone for sharing their paid stuff, so you're going to have to look for sketchy ass torrents.

>> No.9233243

>10 years ago
>oy noice, cosplay, i really like to see my favourite cartoon, anime, manga characters come to life

>whores, whores everywhere that make mad dosh with virgin nerds

>> No.9233250

420chan isn't hosted in America, so they don't give a shit about DMCA requests. Ask there.
Anon-IB generally doesn't care but they do have to respect DMCA, so threads get deleted and restarted almost daily.

>> No.9233324


Why should she show you her tits for free?

Dont be so entitled

>> No.9233356
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$150/month for a couple nudes is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.9233541
File: 220 KB, 500x801, americans-for-a-secure-and-better-future-for-everyone-destroy-3695178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be jelly, just ignore it. If you see these cosplays irl they're the same hack-together eva foam and worbla you see everyone else wearing, except for the real high-budget stuff. You can literally walk past these people on accident.

Lean back in your chair, have a chuckle that beta males are pathetic, and move on with your life. Most of these people are making welder money, except when this trend dries up they won't know how to weld.

>> No.9233678

You could always be the cosplayer who charges $100 for baked goods as a reward.

>> No.9234034
File: 75 KB, 900x900, Cosplay 9095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She isn't required to, of course she isn't. All I said was the only reason I would be salty about patreon. She could be generous enough and post pics of her none-nude cosplays in not-shit resolution, or rather not-shit quality.

>> No.9234593

this one is basically doing cam girl pictures, her ig is not much different
but she's getting into cosplayer pannels at a few local cons. and doesn't make anything

>> No.9234598

wife cosplays but isn't popular or have a patreon and she's similar body to momokun
>untalented whales
attitude just pushes a lot of people away who do this as a hobby. so then I figure people respond and support the thicc girls because hey if youre sitting at home playing video games and watching anime then you probably have other similar interests.
and become friends, why wouldn't you support friends

on the other hand i wish i was getting 5k a month, dang i had no idea momo was making that much

>> No.9234694
File: 26 KB, 400x492, KtrUeyOeXjzln2HOxZVmATXRTjMDo19ZA15xVKS78ulfkb7k66mYfqta0jYuxFRh_large_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ash Princess Midna, the best investment i've made.
if they are all like her then im 100% ok with cosplayers on Patreon

>> No.9234761

>become friends
Don't be delusional. They want your money, not your friendship. It's a business exchange and nothing more.

>> No.9234913

There's some on the Jessica Nigri 2 subreddit

>> No.9234941


convince your wife to start a patreon

>> No.9239731

Steffvonscheeetz now does patreon only nudes.

>> No.9239751

Her camera work is awful and she ruins it even further by blurring shit out.

>> No.9239882

Any girls do custom stuff?

>> No.9239891
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>> No.9239893
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>> No.9239895
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>> No.9242365

This is honestly the most disgusting thing. She's a ridiculous immature douchebag. She's mean to anyone who slightly detests her. Anyone who is her Patron is an idiot.

>> No.9242367

This whole fucking Patreon thing is ruining cosplay. Like cosplay was already being flooded with money grubbing attention whores but this just plummeted it.

>> No.9242368

Just don't. Stop.

>> No.9242369


>> No.9242628

To much green eyed monster ITT

face it if you looked as good as these girls, you'd start a patreon too, its free money

but hey, you have your "dignity" right?

>slightly detests


>> No.9242734

I always thought this character was drawn with a fucked up head to body ratio so this seems pretty right to me.

>> No.9242806

I used to admire ginny a lot as a cosplayer. It's a pity, if she played her cards right she could have been big but she's not known anymore.

>> No.9242814

Can anyone recommend patreons from cosplayers with quality content that are actually worth supporting? Who do you anons support?

>> No.9242921

I love Angela's work but I was kinda upset when she started to do 'sexy' photoshoots.
Girl, you have talent, you don't need to sell your body

>> No.9242954

Half these girls don't even look good. You don't have to be attractive, most of the guys in the cosplay community are fine with average/plain girls so long as they're half naked.

>> No.9243193


People dont pay for "talent"

But making money off sexy pictures means she can make more quality stuff in future

>> No.9247694

that's how I feel about most of the cosplayers these days. I followed them because they have amazing talent, then BOOM random sexy photos to pull in followers. it kind of sucks they feel they need to do that to be popular.

>> No.9247751

What kind of rewards would you expect from a photographer's Patreon?

>> No.9247757


boudoir/lingerie/after dark photos

>> No.9250455

I would say realistically if it's a cosplay photographer prints of their top photography (you'd probably have to partner with the shown cosplayer of course for permission) and maybe some Skype call discussing photograph technique or something like that.

If you do both cosplay and normal photography you could also send scenic shots. You could also offer small photoshoots with high up supporters if they'd be into that kind of thing.

kind of a hard one.

>> No.9254938

nothing unless she's hot

>> No.9255248

>I don't mind the cosplayers using Patreon, but when they have steady backers and still beg or complain for money, I'm like, "Bitch! Shut the fuck up!"
>Not going to name names, but saw one cosplayer bitching about how expensive a gym is for her to even go at $25/month, when she's collecting $500/month on her Patreon alone. Saw another cosplayer/photographer bitching about camera equipment and asking people to donate to her Gofundme, when she's collecting $650/month.

Depending if their photography/modelling full time it isn't that much better than minimum. Cosplayer models pretty much devote 2/7 days for photoshoots only and then the rest is either school and work. They don't have time for full leisure activities and once you take up Cosplaying and Cosplay photography as a crowdfunder it stops being fun and more of a side job

>> No.9256721

Lightroom presets, prints, and uhhhhh... Editing livestreams I guess.

>> No.9257207

Nobody wants to subscribe to your patreon

>> No.9257419

>>I don't mind the cosplayers using Patreon, but when they have steady backers and still beg or complain for money, I'm like, "Bitch! Shut the fuck up!"
>>Not going to name names, but saw one cosplayer bitching about how expensive a gym is for her to even go at $25/month, when she's collecting $500/month on her Patreon alone. Saw another cosplayer/photographer bitching about camera equipment and asking people to donate to her Gofundme, when she's collecting $650/month.
>Depending if their photography/modelling full time it isn't that much better than minimum. Cosplayer models pretty much devote 2/7 days for photoshoots only and then the rest is either school and work. They don't have time for full leisure activities and once you take up Cosplaying and Cosplay photography as a crowdfunder it stops being fun and more of a side job

Also to add, if modelling is her only job, 1150 isn't that great of a wage.