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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9305621 No.9305621 [Reply] [Original]

Happy New Year gulls! Lets start this year off with an annoucnement; https://www.churi.nl is live and will act as a companion site to the Dutch Threads. You can find the con agenda, the store list (https://churi.nl/stores)) and more there from now on!

Previously, in our thread about cosplay and cons >>9293567
>Going to a con as an artist
>How to find new con buddies
>WIP shots, and plenty of them!
>"Cosplay is fetish related"
>TomoSpamming the store list, Tomo suddenly "listening" to us, and Animecon is suddenly the worst con ever.
>Dutch Cons vs International Cons
>tfw no tall dutch weeb gf
>Anon's sister and how to deal with her BF who is not really her BF
>Subs, doms, brats, cucks and switches
>Sealing your armours
>Hot glue can be okay, if you use the strong stuff
>Viencon is going to happen
>Kelly and Jack from Parle Productions broke up
>Firework warzone
>DR meet fight
>Merry Christmas!
>Happy New Year!

Next 5 events:
Next five major events:
>TomoFair Amsterdam (January 7th, Amsterdam NH), will it be their first edition without a bouncy castle?
>Dynamic Con (January 29th, Eindhoven NB), another newcomer on the scene targetted at everything cosplay.
>Yaycon (February 19th, Amersfoort UT), yaranaika?
>Showmasters Comic Con Rotterdam (March 4th & 5th, Rotterdam ZH), a con exactly like ACC only in Rotterdam.
>Dutch Comic Con (March 25th & 26th, Utrecht UT), a con exactly Like X-mas DCC, only with more stands and people.
The full /cgl/ con calendar can be found at https://www.churi.nl/agenda

Friendly reminders
>Ignore shitposts and attention whores. Attention is what they want, so let's not give them any.
>Defending yourself on /cgl/ only makes things worse. Best is to not take things posted here seriously and just move on.
>Posts made in Dutch are against the global rules and will be removed.
>Posting WIP pictures is still encouraged

>> No.9305656

>Also a special thanks to OP, you are the real mvp.
Thanks anon, it's nice to see these Dutch Threads still being an active thing after all this time. Honestly I never imagined these threads would be here for this long and it's great I've found a new outlet after the gaming clan I co-ran died after 6 years.
And on the subject of thanking people, a huge shout out to Prop-Anon for contentiously posting WIP shots and sharing her knowledge with us. You really inspired me to get serious with my own crafting, which is refreshing after being told "don't bother, you'll never be able to make anything decent" by certain cosplayers in the past.
Another shout-out goes to Schedule-chan. I feel like you making your presence known changed most of our mindless bashing into actual feedback. The same also goes for the con staff members/volunteers, keep up the good work and I'll be bound to bump into you without you even knowing who I am.
And yet another shout-out goes to the mysterious Tully-anon for introducing us to Tully and everything Huis Ten Bosch. Having our own mascot does make things easier whenever I'm out of OP images.
The final shout-out goes to the rest of you! Without you these threads would had never been here for this long and quite boring to say the least. Let's keep it up and I'll see you at the next meet!

>> No.9305664

Who /Viencon/ here?

>> No.9305677

Opportunities, dangit.

>> No.9305702

>And on the subject of thanking people, a huge shout out to Prop-Anon for contentiously posting WIP shots and sharing her knowledge with us. You really inspired me to get serious with my own crafting, which is refreshing after being told "don't bother, you'll never be able to make anything decent" by certain cosplayers in the past.

Aww thanks man. That made me feel good. I love sharing my knowledge. In class I'm often being asked how to do things and my lecturer told me I could basically become a great teacher if I wanted. I want to share as much knowledge as I can because I just want people to be able to create what they want and get better at it. The attitude you describe always irked me because it doesn't teach you anything. It doesn't tell you anything. I had teachers like that at the art academy, telling me my photography was shit, but refused to tell me why. You do not grow or learn anything that way and I said to myself that I'd never withold such information to people, because I want them to grow.

So in all of this, what I truly want to say; If you (everyone) EVER have a question, or EVER want to know anything, do not be afraid to approach me, both on here, on facebook or in real life. Wherever you will find me, I may not always have time or be able to reply instantly, but remind me and I will come back to you. I will try to help you as best as I can and if I can't, I'll try to point you in the right direction.

Prop-Anon out!

>> No.9305704

>Make-up and fashion accessories
>Your local store
ICI Paris XL and Douglas for the high quality stuff. HEMA + Kruidvat + Etos + H&M + Primark for the medium quality/cheap stuff. Action for the real budget cheap skates.

And then there's the internet with a whole lot more options.

>> No.9305748
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>And yet another shout-out goes to the mysterious Tully-anon for introducing us to Tully and everything Huis Ten Bosch. Having our own mascot does make things easier whenever I'm out of OP images.

Thanks for the shout out, and giving Tully + Huis Ten Bosch attention and a place here in this thread. And also thanks for, again, picking my suggestion as OP image.

>> No.9305885

Cheers to you too mate! I've grown quite fond of the Dutch thread, thanks for all your effort!
And yea, I'm glad that even if we're all still anonymous the value of feedback is remembered.

I see a few of my store suggestion on there, though I do have some more. Can I still submit 'em to the same form from last topic?

>> No.9306202

Indeed thanks for these Dutch threads and the website!

I would be very interested in stores for Artist Alley products. I've heard of Vograce for charms and would very much be interested in good printing offices for nice prints

I 'm also very interested in Korean skincare and make up thanks to the regular skincare thread on cgl and would love to hear more recommendations from fellow Dutch seagulls
Two sellers I can recommend are
I can recommend products from skinfood and tonymoly
When I was at abunai, I also saw a stand form a webshop that sold Korean stuff, does anyone know it's name? (ebay buying goes fine, but it takes almost a month for the product to arrive)

Also does anyone have experience with AHA and BHA?

>> No.9306242

I'll likely attend if I can find friends who have money left after abunai.

>> No.9306276
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>I see a few of my store suggestion on there, though I do have some more. Can I still submit 'em to the same form from last topic?
Sure, for now you can keep submitting stores at the old link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeXr1RV9XvBYHrXEZfvBBGNvpOjfzXXENx877hia7OU6zjqHQ/viewform

Thanks, I'll add the sellers later. As for shipping times, that all dependents on where the seller ships their products from and how (sea vs air). But basically everything from China takes 3 to 6 weeks, EU one week and US air 2 weeks. Japan was the best shipping experience I've had so far, I once ordered a guitar strap (pic related) from Kyoto which arrived in 4 days flat with priority air mail. Even unregistered air mail from Japan is fast, 2 weeks tops every time.

>> No.9306279

Most people from AAs I know use printenbind for their prints, myself included.

>> No.9306427

Happy new year everyone!
My New years resolution is that I'm going to start posting w.i.p.s here! And just be more active here.

>When I was at abunai, I also saw a stand form a webshop that sold Korean stuff, does anyone know it's name?

Was it shop Ichigo?

>> No.9306470

Yeah probably The Ichigo Shop, they had Korean beauty stuff at Abunai.

>> No.9306627

I want to buy a prosthetic goat/sheep nose/mouth area. I can only find this one Canadian shop (see picture). Are there any Dutch/Belgian/french (aka nearby) shops selling this? I can't imagine not, but I also can't find it.

>> No.9306631

Anon, your picture isn't working. Try again?

>> No.9306659
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Oops, I forgot my picture!

>> No.9306702

I don't think there's any full-prosthetics shop in the Benelux, but I can have a look around in the UK if you like?

>> No.9307252

Immortal masks should have a few UK retailers.

>> No.9307293

Best site to print my first cosplay cards? I'm going to work harder on my cosplays so it would be nice to recieve pictures of them.

>> No.9307321

Ok so I found this http://www.teampixie.co.uk/p/grimas-latex-lion-nose.html

it's a lion's nose but if you were to fill up the whiskers with acrylic (flexible) sealing caulking (available in hardware stores like gamma, praxis etc) and then cover it with a few layers of latex, you could then paint it or use make-up on it to make it look like that. I assume you're doing an undertale character?

>> No.9307404

... That picture terrifies me to the core, more than any good LARP monster has ever done.

Somehow the "NorthFur" mark only makes it worse.

>> No.9307457

Please don't but there. Everything is crazy overpriced and from aliepxress and free sample you get when you order from stores like ruby ruby shop

>> No.9307462

...... I have no idea what you're trying to say mate.

>> No.9307495

Not sure if stroke or another Google Keyboard user with the same issues I'm having...

>> No.9307505


I chuckled

>> No.9307528

Oops, maybe I underestimated the price a bit. Also I want to make a sheep character for Elfia, not really an undertale fan, but that one Toriel has exactly the nose I mean but that's the one from my OP pic.

>> No.9307555

Yeah my next question was: what's your budget? I know a place that sells sheep foam masks, but again, what's your budget? what are you willing to pay? And I'm willing to order it for you and ship it to you, in case that's cheaper.

>> No.9307890

reminds me of the puss in boots and roger rabbit cosplayers, they are creepy as fuck.

>> No.9307907

Yeah they scare the fuck out of me. Always make me think that they're perverts

>> No.9307933

I think we're well past the stages of thinking they're creeps and steadily steaming into knowing they are.

It's some next level uncanny valley, only toppled by full on fat people body painting and maintaining eye contact while in the queue for Elfia.

Fuck that was a terrible few minutes.

>> No.9307979

Assuming you meant 'buy', I think it kind of depends? I don't use aliexpress, but I have ebayed some of the stuff I was interested in, and actually the ebay price wasn't that different. I think in overall it's a nice shop, at least for the standards of dealers on Dutch anime conventions. That all typed, I will be checking out that ruby ruby shop though, thanks for the tip!

>> No.9308503

Anons, I was wondering something. There are more and more cosplayers ( also from the Netherlands) that are starting a patreon and such, but do any of you support anyone on patreon (worldwide)? If yes, what do you like about it/why did you support?

I dont at this moment, but im seriously considering on becoming one for Danielle Beaulieu because the stuff she makes is amazing and i want to see her tutorials. Dont really care for the prints.

>> No.9308531

I don't support anyone yet, but I'm following Birgirpall, Volpin Props and Punished Props on Patreon. If I had more money, I'd consider supporting them.

>> No.9308548

I don't support anyone because I rather spend my money on myself but also because most are just so hungry for money they sell underwear pictures or even nudes. If I want to support a cosplayer I rather buy prints from them. It annoys me that people rather beg for money instead of work for it (doesn't apply to everyone on pantreon but yeah)

>> No.9308560

I've been setting up mine, but I'm not even thinking of prints. More like tutorials, tips, small props and how-to's-on-request. But because a lot of stuff is already available, I haven't launched my patreon yet and feel like figuring out what I can offer at all. Until I am not certain on what I can and have the time for to offer, I will not launch it. It may never get launched...

>> No.9308598

I don't support anyone on Patreon, nor will I. There is nothing that guarantees that they will deliver content, nothing that prevents them from spending the money on unrelated items and quite frankly, the rewards cosplayers have to offer are pointless. Exclusive pictures and prints, tutorials you can probably already find elsewhere or figure out yourself, the satisfaction for making a girls dream possible? Don't make me laugh!

>> No.9308619
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It was an uncertainty for a while, but airbrushing on top of the dark fabric worked out pretty well. Cool, then I can go ahead and sew stuff together once I got the electrics going.

>> No.9308683

I personally think it's a bad development. A lot of mediocre to bad cosplayers are getting on patreon, begging for money for not that expensive cosplay. Just gives the vibe they don't want to pay for their materials. It's like the next best thing now that sponsors are getting more picky

>> No.9308707

I understand, yet at the same time; if people are willing to pay for mediocre or bad stuff, then that's their loss I'd say.

>> No.9308711

Doesn't take away the need to complain about it for us, I mean, if people do something I'd consider stupid it's my holy duty as a Dutchie to complain about it.

>> No.9308716

Yeah, why is our national sport even football? I think we're much better at complaining. Heh

>> No.9308718

Because it'd take the sport out of sports, it'd just be the Brits versus us. Year in, year out.
Atleast with sportsball we get to lose every once in a while, makes it fair to the world. (Dutch rugby top level when?)

>> No.9308844

True but it gives actual good cosplayers artists a bad rep for using patreon because it's used by beggars or people who don't deliver on the rewards which makes people weary. Just like how everybody's starting up a go fund me because their dog died or something stupid

>> No.9308877

I'm not currently paying anyone but if I did start, it would be someone who makes tutorials and puts out informative and interesting content. I have no patience for cosplayers who are borderline camwhores begging for money for 'boudoir' pictures aka them in their underwear with a character wig on.

>> No.9308882

Speaking of sponsors, isn't there a rule set by the "Reclamecode Commissie" that makes it mandatory to let people know a post/blog/video features sponsored content? Just curious as I saw a "tutorial" posted by Paraluna today which was nothing but an advertisement for Minque and one of their products.

>> No.9308885

Hence why I follow the people mentioned here >>9308531 and why I speak here about what I was thinking of myself but refuse to launch until I'm certain I can deliver quality content regularly.

>> No.9308892

I'm with you on this, the videos by Evil Ted and Punished Props helped me out a lot and Insure wouldn't mind forwarding them some money. Still, my biggest issue with most tutorial people is that they end up catering more towards the "cosplay hype of the season" rather than releasing genuinely interesting content. Not that I blame them, after all that where the real money is.

>> No.9309035

Prop anon how is the larp paint working out for you? I'm going to make armor soon and I'm still looking at different types of paint.

>> No.9309645
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you mean the latex coating? Because I haven't really painted anything yet. But the 60% vulcanised latex with black pigment works pretty well, but the hardest part is to not let the parts touch each other when the latex is on, because latex sticks to itself. That went wrong for me somewhere. No way to fix it really...

>> No.9309646

I forgot to add; I didn't do all steps 100% correctly and only realised that after i sealed several parts. Use a spray adhesive beforehand to make the latex stick to the foam even better.

>> No.9309750

Ugh I need 'funny' gifts for a game we're going to play at work. Any ideas? There are loads of sex themed funny things in stores but thats just embarassing as I'm the only virgin.

>> No.9309766
File: 51 KB, 525x679, HuubHuubHuubBarbafuuuuuuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old are you/the general co-worker?
Also how banal are we supposed to think? Is benis really the level you're going for?

>> No.9309786

I'm 25, average age is about 35 the boss is over 50. I have no idea what they think is funny, only that most of em enjoy drinking a lot

>> No.9309796

Ah, I'd say give like a beer tasting package or something. Those things cost a tenner if you're lucky, and they're always a good inbetween.

You get half points from tokkies because "heuj, free beer" and you get half points from adults since it's about actually tasting drinks rather than just slamming them down.
It's not so much a funny item though, but I'm really not sure what you mean by that; you guys are adults who are about to give each other plastic dicks?

>> No.9309800

Tomo just announced that their cosplay compo is still open for contestants.

Totally not going to be a train wreck, no sirree.

>> No.9309809

I was thinking more like make a set with dick shaped pasta, pasta sauce etc. I think my boss would be like 'wtf..'

>> No.9309833

Guess that works too haha. If it's just straight up weird shit you're allowed to give big black dildo's always do well too.

>> No.9309841

I think it's that way in most western countries but people get away with it because no one complains or knows? I'm guessing a lot of dutch cosplayers are sponsored by minique since they always say to buy there when I see people complain about here a lot

>> No.9309882

Yes that's exactly what that law states, as well as the contract. It's not a one-way street.

>> No.9309943


>> No.9310246

Patreon is more a means for people (artists,cosplayer,even actors) to actually be able to have a platform where they can upload and share things that are exclusive to those who support them. Not only that but there are a lot of people who don't even care about the content but just donate because they want to support these people and their passion. Some people just seem to want to help others achieve their succes

>> No.9310487 [DELETED] 

>they sell underwear pictures or even nudes.

But just like some girls get sugar daddy's in real life, which is obviously their choice. Would you say that girls that show underwear or nudes on Patreon cater to cyber-sugar daddy's? Or aunts, I don't want to exclude anyone of course.

>> No.9310492

>they sell underwear pictures or even nudes.

But just like some girls get sugar daddies in real life, which is obviously their choice. Would you say that girls that show underwear or nudes on Patreon cater to cyber sugar daddies? Or sugar aunts. Even without judging there is a likeness between the two no?

>> No.9310705

Not all Patreon sell underwear pictures or nude but even if they did that's their choice and if people want to pay for in that heck good job on getting money for it.

But most patreons don't do that. They deliver legit stuff and besides you can even ask your money back if a Patreon holder doesn't deliver. It's whitin a patreons right to do that.

>> No.9310784

On all of Patreon "lewds" are certainly a minority but if you search specifically for cosplayers it seems to be like 50% of female cosplayers who mostly post bikini or lingerie pics. Maybe my view is skewed. If I had more time I'd scroll though all cosplay patreons and divide them into categories to see how many of them are really doing legit cosplay and how many of them are just getting paid for showing (man)tits and ass.

>> No.9310801 [DELETED] 

Oh, you are referring to those "cosplayers".


>> No.9310803
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Oh, you mean those "cosplayers".
I love some good tits and ass so I'm not even complaining.

>> No.9310812 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9310813
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>> No.9310829
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*Only Patreon Gold users can see these nudes.*

>> No.9310891

>heck good job on getting money for it.

Heck I find it a good job if they suc a cock and get money for it. More power to them. I love me a good BJ video especially before going to bed.

>> No.9310899

wow! Such edgy, much angst. That being said, I don't judge people for going naked or half naked for money. It's the fat neckbears and horndogs that enable this behavoir and pay for it. You would be stupid not to exploit it.

>> No.9310911 [DELETED] 

>don't judge people
I like how you selectively "not judge" people. Good job on being edgy yourself.

>> No.9310913

>don't judge people
I like how you selectively "don't judge people". I'm sure all the people in the convention community that have a beard because they just like it, feel great about how edgy you are yourself.

>> No.9310920

>You would be stupid not to exploit it.
How are you stupid not to exploit it?

>> No.9310923

Think he mixed up stupid and having morals.

Kids do that more often, he'll grow out of it I hope.

>> No.9310927

Pretty sure annon is reffering to the stereotype neckbeard person, not the actual beard on a neck. Also pulling the don't judge part out of context does not help :P

Porn is the biggest industry in the world and soft porn is a big part of it. I can see how girls would like to make a quick buck. Guys do it too. Just look at Leon Chiro or Maul cosplay. Buy my half naked poster now, you can almost see my dick.

>> No.9310934

Before this thread turned into another endless discussions I would like to ask us what we are working on?

>> No.9310940

Trying to size up my chainmail, it still got the outstretched oversized sleeves that I need to work on. And a hole near my armpit, gonna go 2 on 1 and just use the bits I cut out from my sleeve to fix it though. Saves me 'n hour or more on ringing.

>> No.9310957

Just got my battery in for the LED's so I'm going to test that out asap (probably tomorrow)

and for uni I'm working on a lifesize spiderman...

>> No.9310971

Ringing chainmail sucks major balls, such a tedious job.

Spiderman as in the leotard toting superhero or are talking about something completely else?

>> No.9310977

We're talking lifesize statue for a comic book shop, full fibreglass resin, airbrushed, mounted on ceiling thing.

>> No.9310992

Ah nice! Do you perchance have some pictures of this? I always wondered how these things get made.

>> No.9311007
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We're currently in the design stage but I've got this sneak peak of what happens in my mind (I'm leading the project) so it's made clear to my teammates. At the moment it's just me and another 2nd year, but in a few weeks we'll get like 5 1st ears or something.

>> No.9311023
File: 2.62 MB, 4532x3399, IMG_20170103_203807602-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HEV Suit, although progress is still slow as I still have to take things easy with my wrist.
Also the gloves came in today, let's see what magic I can do to make the top look orange/metallic.

>> No.9311035

Had the glorious idea to make a chainmail of my own. 5 Hours in I said fuck it and bought one. That is 5 hour of ringknitting I'm never getting back.

Also because of that I'm kinda scared to taille up my current shirt, because if something goes wrong I'm kinda fucked and I have no experience with this whatsoever.

>> No.9311050

I did it for Smaug and eventually went 'fuck it' too. It was scalemail + ringmail basically and I just went 'I'l just go for some parts.'
That costume never came out the way I wanted it to be.

>> No.9311147

Fuck me scalemail ontop of chainmail/ringmail is a Hell. I know a girl who does a whole lot of the stuff and makes some seriously cool looking items but even a monk would throw it down after a day or two and go "fuck this, Imma copy books". Respect if you can keep it up, but it ain't for us mortals.

>> No.9311165
File: 82 KB, 720x960, ohjesusthepainandembarrassement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't. I just....covered the parts I needed to cover. And then still not everything. But I kind of gave up somewhere.

>> No.9311169

You came further than me though, so grats on that. It still looks like an easy couple of hours you could've sunk into that.

What was it a cosplay of, anyway?

>> No.9311196
File: 481 KB, 2048x1366, smaug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smaug. Though I added the chainmail after Animecon because I didn't finish it on time for Acon. Here it is sans the scalemail. (looking back on this, I really hate how it came out. The head was the only noteworthy thing. It's destroyed now, except the tongue, which is signed by Mr. Cumberbatch himself)

>> No.9311204

So I just had a brainfart. We all know the morning hangovers/brakheid that come with conventions, so why not have a massage stand to remedy this? Just imagine, you get to sip cucumber water like you're Saul fucking Goodman while having your neck and back massaged by a maid/butler/fat Russian girl named Olga. Best idea ever or what?

>> No.9311225

I feel like a massive pleb now if that is something you'd hate as an outcome. That is some sweet as fuck shit.

Best way to cure a hangover is drinking a whole lot of water before going to bed and just when you wake up. And then, just after your hearty breakfast, you slam down one gin (jenever) or schrobbeler.

Boom, you're good to go again. Though gotta say, even though I ain't a big fan of massages I could use one after a heavy day or two of walking around in clanking armour.

>> No.9311227

I've seen these stands at MCM London. But I've never actually done their service because I'm a frugal Dutch person and it costs money. Hehe

>> No.9311232

I hate it because I know I can do so much better. My budget hasn't increased, in fact, it has decreased. I've just learnt how to work stuff better and get more out of my money. I wasted hundreds on that costume. In total it's €2000 of materials on that costume. I could do much better now for less. That's why I resent it I guess.

>> No.9311294

Anyone else at Tomofair tomorrow? Or am I the only one to witness the trainwerck?

>> No.9311756

Knowing Acon staff you probably will get Olga, just to troll you.

>> No.9311801

Tomofart appears to be bootleg free, that is a first! OTOH, more people inside than is allowed by the looks of it so it is a good thing that there is no neck breaking bouncy castle this time.

>> No.9311806

All I read on Tomofail is: Super crowded, nothing to do, I'm off to the city.

>> No.9311811

Who's going to Dynamiccon? Anyone interested in a meetup?

>> No.9311814

Haha you mean Akuma's girlfriend? She perfectly fits the Olga part.

>> No.9311817

Where the fuck is this coming from?

>> No.9311863

vendetta much

>> No.9311876

Footfetish guy was busted at Tomofair.

>> No.9311877
File: 1.02 MB, 1200x1161, IMG_8763-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yey! This works. But I also found out that my original idea in the horns won't work so...meh. I'll have go find an alternative. I already have one in mind but I'm going to need to re-do my money calculations on that... eep.

>> No.9311884

That's so cool! Could you maybe explain what materials you used? I've been wanting to do something like that for so long!

>> No.9311885
File: 186 KB, 227x415, minderjarigen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean everyone's favourite pedophile from Kerkrade? I'm surprised he still hasn't committed sudoku by now...

>> No.9311887

Cool stuff, how are you planning on diffusing the light? I've had some great results with both floor isolation foam and packaging foam but always open for different solutions.

>> No.9311890

At the moment it's just strong cotton I dyed purple and LED strips.

That's what I'm going to need myself for the cloak and tabbard. I know what stuff it is, I just need to figure out where to get the cheapest ones.

>> No.9311891

Oh man, my brain's not functioning. I also used green organza in several layers. At the moment only the left side has it, hence >>9311887
asking about diffusion, as the right side is 'naked'.

>> No.9311897 [DELETED] 

The floor isolation foam I used for my project (not Propanon btw) were scrap pieces from IKEA from way back, although I can't find it anywhere on the website anymore. My advice, check stores like IKEA, Leenbakker and such. If you only need a small piece then odds are they have scraps around which you may take with you for free.

>> No.9311917

The floor isolation I use are left-overs from IKEA after reflooring my room. I believe a roll of 5 meters cost me €5 back then, although I can't find it on the site anymore. I suggest asking around at places that sells and installs floors. Odds are they have some scrap pieces or strips laying around which you can take home either for free or at a dirt cheap price. If all else fails I still have two rolls left so I could always send some your way as, although I imagine the shipping fee to the UK would be higher than you buying a several rolls there.

>> No.9311922

Most likely. We might have some of the stuff at uni. I'll have a look around. Thanks for the offer though!

>> No.9311926

Very subtile. This is definitely one of Siasity's friends.

>> No.9311936

Exactly what I was thinking. I hope they know what they're doing is very low.

>> No.9311940

Yeah because what happened to Siasity wasn't low.

>> No.9311943

Tell us more

>> No.9311945

I couldn't care less. It's low to attack someone who has nothing to do with it.

P is very cute inside and outside.

R is also very cute.

Now put an end to this crap because it's useless.

>> No.9311966

Doesn't matter, got a massage.

>> No.9311968

>not wanting Olga's sweet knuckle loving.

>> No.9311969

Anythin..well almost anything for a massage. I love 'em.

>> No.9311983

What happened to Tsunacon? Last year I couldn't go but when I checked their site it hadn't been updated in a while. Anyone any ideas?

How can I get a qt cosplay gf now? baka

>> No.9311993

I know right! I mean who wouldn't want to get a massage after days of con? At that point I really dont care about who massages me, as long as they do a proper job and don't offer me a happy ending I'm fine.

>> No.9312012

I was supposed to get a massage this month but I'm not sure if I want to spend £30 on one atm... need to save up some money. Spent too much already (for my liking). Got paid on the 5th. :')

>> No.9312040

>tfw no one ever offers you a happy ending

>> No.9312057
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, DeSausPaus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw somebody says tfw without posting a face

>> No.9312062

>not knowing tfw can also mean that feel when

>> No.9312065
File: 3 KB, 125x122, DeWaarheid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having feelings
>current year meme
Step it up.

>> No.9312194

So, am I the only one annoyed by people cosplaying things they don't know a thing about?

>> No.9312204

Definitely not the only one, that's a pretty popular opinion around here.

>> No.9312225

Yeah, I hate those kind of people

>> No.9312762

Exactly the reason why I'm not cosplaying things people suggest to me, despite it looking cool. If I don't like or know a character, I don't get into it and half-way through I give up. It's more fun to work on a character I know and love, than on something that just looks fancy

>> No.9312795

Yeah, there should be a cosplay examination before you are allowed to enter a convention.

"Don't know anything about." How much should someone know? I am actually sick of the pretentious people questioning me about fandoms once I pull on a costume.
When I started cosplaying a long time ago, I went to the UK. Me being happy in my Star Trek TNG costume, untill some couple started questioning my knowledge. It was not even questioning, it was a search to find something to put me down."You probably don't know that extra actor x in episode y played also in z" type of questions.
It was so embarrassing. I was not bothering anybody, but these two just wanted to prove some superiority. To them it was not enough that I was a fan, minding my own business and getting some photos taken with other people. For some weird reason I was there to fulfill their standards. It took a year before I went to another convention in costume again.

When you are talking about knowing nothing, you just project your own insecurity and lack of skills on another. When you say that this person knows nothing about the character, you mean that the person does not get to your subjective bar of knowledge. Quite a sad position to take, to assume that a cosplayer is their to satisfy you.

>> No.9312815

Not bothered by it. Those people can do whatever. It's like entertainment to me.

>> No.9312850

Same, it reminds me of that one guy obsessed with Goofy... Which is not exactly a pleasant connotation.

>> No.9312852


>> No.9312878

>being so #triggered you can't even 4chan

>> No.9312930
File: 95 KB, 685x1023, nopenopenoooooope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Untangle your panties, anon clearly meant the kind of person who just sees an image of a character and decides to cosplay it, not like in your case when you do know about the show but maybe not autistically so.
Personally, when you do the first, it's a bit annoying, because I love to talk to people about their cosplay. Conversation stops really soon when they go "oh I don't know anything about the character but he/she looked really fucking cool so...".
In the end, you do what you want, but it takes away an element of socializing.

100% sure >>9312850 meant pic related.

>> No.9312938

Why would you even waste an ounce of your mood on such randomness?

I think it is frigging hilarious when people start pretending they are such devoted fans but clearly don't know shiit about it.

Like Sakuraflor consequently mispronouncing her character's name D.Va.

Cracks me up.

>> No.9312984


And like Akuro cosplay with her dc cosplays

>> No.9312987

I know, I´m just always looking for an excuse to post that vid. I fucking love that video.

>> No.9312998

Anything noteworthy on Tomofair?

Drama or impressive stuff?

>> No.9313009

Other than that it was complete crap while Wilbert was pretending that it was all good and stuff. Saw him commenting on several people and stuff trying to promote tomofair. It was pitiful. It looked empty, everything was overpriced and foot fetish guy obviously followed a cosplayer walking around on bare feet. I seriously don't get why that guy is still allowed on conventions. I literally SAW him taking pictures of a small girl with bare feet! It was disgusting! After this event I'm boycotting Tomo. I wish I had stayed at home yesterday.

>> No.9313018

Which foot fetish guy are we talking about?

>> No.9313020

... There's more than guy as creepy as that?
Shit man, there's something legit wrong with a community if we're asking questions like that.

>> No.9313021

The one with the white hair and talking to his small hamsters or whatever they are. Fat little Asian?

>> No.9313028

Yes, I have to admit I also have a foot fetish, but I would like to believe that I am not a creeper.....

Are there are any fem anon foot fetish girls?

>> No.9313034

Cute. You really think it's not common? It's laughable how many perverts are walking around on conventions nowadays. I can only chuckle when I see another girl getting harassed.

>> No.9313035

Having a fetish is one thing, but just being a twat and going around making pictures. Espescially of little girls, that's what I was going for. Most communities don't have cunts as openly weird as this.

Christ bruv, I almost cut myself on your edge. I mean I get it, cons have a whole lot of the weird kids running around. And I guess we have to take that for granted, but not punishing behaviour like this will only make it turn rampant.

>> No.9313052

>And I guess we have to take that for granted, but not punishing behaviour like this will only make it turn rampant.
Agreed. How hard is it for people to just behave? What happened to the understanding of respect? I mean, the word gets thrown around like it's a curseword...but rarely anyone even seems to understand what it entails.

>> No.9313065

I won't go as far saying I know what respect encroaches, but I think it's the freedom of the individual taken to the extreme that we face today. Commentary on a person's unwanted behaviour quickly strikes into their idea of self-expression. You see it back in all kinds of groups from extreme right-wingers covering up hate-speech as expression of free will, to SJWs hiding behind racism as if it were a buzzword.

And to an extent, people 'expressing' themselves like this feel attacked on their freedom when you tell them it's simply not done to behave in such a way.

>> No.9313106

She has dc cosplays?

>> No.9313153

>I can only chuckle when I see another girl getting harassed.
Wow, we are on the opposite sides of the spectrum. You actually enjoy this behavior when you see it.
Call me a SJW, but usually I tend interfere, including physically if needed, when I see it happening. You really disgust me.

>> No.9313176

The small, fat asian one like >>9313009
Said (ironically, his name also starts with Chris). Security took his camera and looked at his memory. He had to come with them, so I don’t know what happend next.

He was on a low for a few years (because he got kicked out of most old cons). But he's back thanks to all the new cons who can't ban him without evidence.

>> No.9313222

I saw him at amsterdam comic con stalking a cosplayer that wore shoes with his bare-foot character. The new cons make it a playground for him, wouldn't be suprised to see him at dynamicon (?)

>> No.9313225

I know she wears Chanco her harley quinn.

>> No.9313239

I don't think that is SJW behaviour at all anon! I'm glad that there are people willing to help out when somebody is in trouble.

>> No.9313291

Chairman quit, noone to take it over.

And they need a new location as the university has installed desks in the groundfloor rooms. And having them removed for the con costs a ton of money

>> No.9313396

Fucking hell I'm so tired of not fitting into overbust corsets. I finally got one I thought was decent but my boobs are too big and will cause a nipslip. Also how do people make it look so easy when I can't even walk with all those leaves glued on my shorts.

>> No.9313653

Fake is Sad was checking for bootlegs,I heard, and now that you mention it, I recall something being said at Henk's booth about stuff being taken out of sale.

Other than that, it was a typical Tomo event: noisy, shitty compos, long lines at the food stands and crampt crowded walkways.
I did notice the absence of cooking odour, though, despite fries and fried snacks being sold, so I don't know where the food stands had their kitchen, but it wasn't on location.

>> No.9313797

Spideypool happened and now I'm off to work with the only positive thought for today.

>> No.9313814

She didnt miss pronounce it lol there are two way to saying her name and both are right depending on written of spelled pronouncetion.

Either way I don't know if she knows all other characters she has cosplayed but I think it's pretty obvious that overwatch is one thing she knows more about than most of the community. Probably the reason why they only cosplay overwatch anyways

>> No.9313817

Was I the only one or did it smell like weed in there?

>> No.9313836

I'm sorry but it was everything but bootleg free. Everywhere you looked there were bootlegs to be sold. I'm actually surprised there were a few legit figures being sold.

>> No.9313872

Where? I'm no figure expert, but apart from what I saw at Henk, the others looked fine.

>> No.9313873

Apart from the sweaty odours, yes. I smelled weed aswell, inside for that mather. Makes me wonder

>> No.9313880

Henk always has bootleg. plus they really suck now their prices went up like crazy

>> No.9313900

FB /tomoconventie/posts/1841162209437584

>> No.9313908

yes it was busy, but by going yourself you're actually part of the problem you know....

>> No.9313929

Anyone going to Viencon is a fucking retard. Why the fuck would anyone except his cuckold friends go to that shitty con.

"Hey, my name is Vien, you know what. Let's call is Viencon"

Jesus Christ, the audacity this egotripper has.

>> No.9313938
File: 355 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170109-151208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9313940

they' ll probably go down due to their own success.

>> No.9313961

lol, so simply because the organisation was egotripping when choosing the name, the con is doomed to be shitty?

But I shall remain retardfree, I want to go to the Campzone event. The cosplayers that went there last year seem so positive about it, but 2 holiday/events is a bit too much.

>> No.9313978

What is Campzone?

>> No.9313987

Google says to me the following: The Outdoor Gaming Festival

>> No.9313995

Campzone = LAN party meets Glamping.
Last summer they started inviting cosplayers and adding activities to appeal to cosplayers.

>> No.9314005

>Compensation for those who bought a ticket during the pre-sale
Tomo taking responsibility? Did someone open a portal to Bizarro Earth or something?!

>> No.9314015

I am one of those cosplayers. By far the best event I went to last year.
I might be overselling it but I liked it heaps more than I liked animecon.

>> No.9314020

Hey beautiful humans! If you don't feel like spending your sour earned money on a convention like dynamicon then spend it on a real convention like Tomocon! Tickets are already for sale and the hotel rooms are still online! Tomocon will be held in the weekend of the 8th and 9th of April! Take a note in your agenda and see you at Tomocon!

>> No.9314024

I think it's a bit hard to compare it to a convention, because Campzone has been around for quite a while but is indeed basically a bit LAN party with tents (or at least, that's what it used to be, not sure what it is now.)
Or would you say it's comparable? I've never been, but was interested in it, way back in 2008 or something. Or I may be confusing it with another camping + gaming event.

>> No.9314026


>> No.9314030

No, it is not comparable to a cosplay convention.

But for me personally it is making the choice between two geeky/cosplay holidays. And between those 2, I am definitely want to go to Campzone.

Viencon is a few weeks too late since in September I actually no longer have summer holiday. And first time conventions usually have too many ailments.

>> No.9314032

We totally ubderstand you wouldn't want to go to Viencon! For guys and girls like you we fortunately have Tomocon! You're going to love it! Order your tickets fast because op=op!

>> No.9314035

I'm not sure if you're trolling or not but I'm laughing so hard.

>> No.9314037
File: 195 KB, 722x491, AyWelPlayed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ironic shilling
My snagga.

>> No.9314044

If you want more laughs, come to Tomocon! Or any of the other Tomo events! We'll bring you lots of entertainment and something to actually do!

>> No.9314113

>overwatch is one thing she knows more about than most of the community
How so? Everybody and their mothers plays Overwatch these days. Why would she know more about it than others.

>> No.9314132

No.... it is just pronounced as Diva. Not D V A. Why would there be 2 ways? If you mean 2 ways by one being the RIGHT way and one being the WRONG and poorly informed way, then okay, then there are 2 ways.

Also wondering why she would know more than anybody else? She barely even plays the game.Totally understandable, because she is so busy with everything. But making her out to be anything more than just a random player is silly.

>> No.9314187

Not the mention how they haven't announced any events or actual content. Anyone buying tickets for an event without having even the slightest idea on what there will be to do is an idiot in my book.

>> No.9314195

Hi guys,

Sorry to hijack your Thread op.
i was wondering of you guys feel like helping me with a small survey?
All information is for personal use :)

>> No.9314219

Event experience and security is our highest priority...
Like when they said: Okay, she almost killed herself with the bouncy castle, but our papers are in order so no security risk at all!
Event experience? I have never linked that with any Tomo event....

What are these guys smoking, since they really have a different reality.

>> No.9314247

That's why we're trying to get event experience with people like you! The bouncy castle incident is something we'd like to leave in the past. There was more to it than what the visitor told everyone. Such incidents won't happen in the future! So come to Tomocon to see how we manage our new events! You will all love it!

Keep in mind, Ticket are for sale and op=op. Tomocon will be held from the 8th untill the 9th of April. Be fast and see you at Tomocon!

>> No.9314250

I don't know how many levels of irony we're on right now.

>> No.9314288

So who's going to yaycon?
I want to go but it's so damn expensive..
Like.. 17,50 for a small convention where you spend most of your time just hanging out with friends..
Sure it's nice and you can go to the events if they interest you, but 17,50 to just spend with friends? I dont know..
What do you guys think about it?

>> No.9314312

Yaycon is not the best con ever, but it is pretty solid and if you are into the genre, it is money well spent.
Maybe it is just me, but I do not thing 17,50 is that much. Most people will spend more traveling, so I do not see the big issue. I just wonder if it is worth my time. A day well spent is worth more than that price. In the case of Yaycon, probably. In the case of Tomoevents, there is a reason will not go again, even if they gave me free tickets and transport.

>> No.9314319

>So come to Tomocon to see how we manage our new events! You will all love it!
Why would you assume I'd get a kick out of watching disasters? Or that I am a masochist? Or is this the irony I am missing....

>> No.9314327

Why go to yaycon while you can also cosplay Yaoi couples at our amazing event?! Come to Tomocon! We would love to have you!


>> No.9314363

No problem Anon, these threads are much mine as they are yours. However I do have a couple of suggestions for you to improve your survey.
First off are the "How much are you willing to spend" questions. To me (and many people) the answer to this question greatly depends on the quantity and quality of content a convention has to offer. For instance I don't mind spending €60 to €70 on a weekend ticket for Animecon, but I would never spend the same on a weekend ticket for DCC or TomoCon. Without knowing the actual convention or "con scenario" there is no way anyone could give you a real answer to this question, essentially making your collected data useless for any serious use.
Secondly, age tends to play a huge role in the answers you will get. Younger people tend to be less willing/unable to spend a lot and may have different interests than older people. By knowing the age of those who respond you can prioritise answers given by those who belong in your convention's main age group as their replies are what matters. Even if you're not planning on using or anything serious, being able to filter by age group makes data a lot more fun to play with.
And finally, always go full grammar Nazi on your shit before posting anything like this. Even if it's a survey for "personal usage" (or Tinfoil TomoUsage) the typos and poor/weird grammar make it look extremely unprofessional which often results in people taking the survey less serious. Just read through it, I'm sure you can spot the typos and weird sentences.

>> No.9314447

Tomocon, I not quite convinced if I want to go on not. So I was wondering, what does Tomocon do to put the dutch cosplay scene on the map?

>> No.9314759

Sorry bout the typo's. Was a long day at work and have been working for a foreign company. It's funny how quickly your word choices change when you are working with non-native English speakers.
The question serve exactly the purpose i need OP-chan.
well working with Top of mind principality and abusing the fact that most people given too many choices choose less items.
Also correlating the type of event and the prices named i can A determine what age group a person belongs to and B what the price/quality range is.

No worries Op i do this for a living.

>> No.9314899

Sell cheap tickets so that even the normies go there to look at people in costumes. Seriously don't go there unless you have a group of friends with a car (because fuck waiting for hours on the little bus) that can entertain themselves because there is not much to do there.

>> No.9314916

>not picking fights with Marrocans while on a terrace or bus stop after
Why even wear armour then, bro?

>> No.9314948

Tomocon is better organized than most conventions and has one of the biggest dealer rooms. There is also a friendly atmosphere all around you! And unlike most conventions like Animecon who have to invite foreign judges in order to have fans buy their over-priced tickets, we invite judges from our own country!

Don't forget! Tomocon will be held from the 8th until the 9th of April and tickets and Hotel rooms are still for sale! www.tomocon.nl

Don't forget to follow us on Facebook too!

>> No.9314963

you know they actually got kudo's from the police and ambulance personnel for handling this incident so well.

the bus is included in the ticket price this year.

hey, that's my line!!

>> No.9314981

I think the joke has stopped being funny after about 2 posts.
Good for them.

>> No.9315014

It's not a Joke!

>> No.9315015


>> No.9315017

I don't feel taken serious by this board. But that's part of life, if you want to take it a little less serious and just have fun; try Tomocon! Meet up with your favorite celebreties, like me, Tomocon-man!

Don't forget Tomocon will be held from the 8th of April, right up until the 9th! For tickets and more information on this dastardly daring event check out our website at www.tomocon.nl

See you soon, at Tomocon!

>> No.9315025

I love how I started this as a troll and everyone is joining in hahahahah

>> No.9315032
File: 18 KB, 282x326, WENEEDTOGODEEPER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.... Or are you, maybe it's not an actual troll.


>> No.9315034

>When you pretend to be representing a con and trashtalk another.. oh my!

On a different note. does anyone have experience with making costumes from bathingsuit fabric.. lycra, right? If you would like to share your wisdom, I'd appreciate it.

>> No.9315035

(On a serious note: no, not a clue, sorry.)

>> No.9315070

What's the best store for buying thick EVA foam tiles?

>> No.9315079

Floor tiles? Ali Express. 2m*1m*1cm mats? Poly Props. Also we have a list for this now at https://www.churi.nl/stores

>> No.9315091

Not a very complete list but thanks anyhow!

>> No.9315098

>Not a very complete list but thanks anyhow!
It's a list of stores put together from recommendations that have been submitted by your fellow gulls. So if you know any stores that should be added to it feel free to submit them with the form at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeXr1RV9XvBYHrXEZfvBBGNvpOjfzXXENx877hia7OU6zjqHQ/viewform or post them in the thread.

>> No.9315128

lel I actually love Animecon. I personally think it's the best organized convention here in the Netherlands.

Wilbert actually really trask-talks Animecon. Just listening to his complaining is funny. That's why I used it.

>> No.9315133

I can see where you're going with this, although personally I wouldn't flat out assume that people who go to X and spend Y are roughly Z years old. Then again I always followed beta classes classes where "meten is weten" so my mindset might be a bit different. Still, it is interesting to see how much people are willing to spend on a price: quality ratio. Data like this would be a blessing for all the new cons that have been popping up.

I know chan is sometimes used for guys, but well, you know...

>> No.9315138

Any other stores other than Aliexpress? I'd love to start this week on my project.
I'm keeping it in mind though, thanks!

>> No.9315142

cosplayshop.be is also a good one. Smaller sheets than Poly-Props, but maybe cheaper in shipping.

>> No.9315162

If you only need a few tiles you can try bol.com, Marktplaats (second hand tiles can be good) or looking around on Google Shopping. But honestly most Dutch stores are overpriced and if you need a large quantity I'd highly suggest ordering from the UK (Poly-Props, UK based eBay sellers). I mean what would be a +€300 order at Minque is only a €70 order at Poly-Props, and saving €230 is totally worth waiting a week or two.

Looks promising, plus shipping from Belgium usually happens within 2 days. I'll add it to the list once I'm done making dinner.

>> No.9315249


well it's still very much a large LAN party which is in tents (haha). Since last year people have been making an effort to make it appealing to cosplayers as well.
They did well.

Anon already said it somwhere but it's best to look at it like a miniature holiday with some cosplay, gaming, drinks and weird activities tucked in there.

>> No.9315292

So what exactly are they doing to make it more appealing to cosplayers? Mind you, I'd love the idea of just sitting infront of a tent in a funny outfit while getting drunk.

But I got reenactment for that.

>> No.9315328

Dude she even won several quizzes about overwatch with blizzard itself..

>> No.9315396

Gotta love how Tomocon is talking down on Animecon when they can't even organize a proper event.

>> No.9315443

Competitions big ones and small, prizes that appeal to cosplayers in other events.
Arranging for work with pc providers such as MSI etc. Take a look at ThePartyNL smaller event also geared towards gamers but also has a cosplay event going on as well :)

>> No.9315468

what kind of horns? I managed to make mine from cardboard, hot glue, shiny varnish and acrylic paints

>> No.9315492

Yep, or LARP.

>> No.9315495

Glowing horns on her helmet. It's not the construction that's the problem, but getting them to glow. The electronics are simple enough. But I'm going to need to order PET plastic or acrylic or something.

>> No.9315502

My local hobby store sells sheets of coloured semi-transparant A2 sized plastic. Quite the sturdy material, and if you use a green sheet combined with the previously mentioned floor isolation foam it delivers a solid green glow. Or well, it should as it works wonders with the orange glow I obtained from it.

>> No.9315512

I need a local hobby store like that

>> No.9315539

That sounds like PET, comes in various thicknesses. Either way, I'll figure something out. I've got loads of access to vacuform plastic too.

>> No.9315837

We get it by now. Sakuraflor her Overwatch knowledge is over 9000 and no one can match her genius. You can fly off now white knight

>> No.9315884

I stayed gender neutral on purpose
the use of ~san ,~kun , ~chan and ~sama. ... These honorifics are gender-neutral and can be attached to first names as well as surnames.

>> No.9315967

De Foamtastische Huiskamer has to order their worbla through Minque. So if you order there you sometimes also get Minque's infamous shipping times.

>> No.9315990

Yes, that too. But gotta wait 'till late in the evening before I can start drinking. Esp with my latest pesky character who doesn't drink on the job.

His job is being a squire. That shit runs 24/7. Worst decision ever.

>> No.9316007

can you be more specific?
The only complaint I read so far is that there were too many people, which is partly your fault for going in the first place.

Tomo CAN set up an event properly... they just don't do it every time.

>> No.9316008

how about this?

>> No.9316016

Lol not white knighting anyone. I'm not particularly fan of her or her team but just stated some facts. If you're going to trash on someone make sure you do it right and say things that are actually true.

>> No.9316024

Come to think of it I'm not even sure as what these sheets were sold. All I saw were thick plastic sheets available in different colours and they also happened to let light through it. Odds are I just butchered a placemat or something...

That would be pretty pointless don't you think? The goal here is not to have a subtle "glow in the dark" effect but to make all the individual LED's appear as one solid light source. Besides why spend €32,50 on filament, only to spend more time on on creating a (flat) 3D model and printing when all you really need is a €2,50 sheet of plastic or placemat?

>> No.9316026

Didn't you know: She put overwatch on the map.

>> No.9316034


We're not talking down on Animecon. Just stating some facts. Animecon is way too over-priced for what they give.

>> No.9316035

wow you're even bigger douches than I thought you were...

>> No.9316036

What would you like to know

>> No.9316046

pls do explain how you would organize an event for 10000+ people in a location like the world forum, with a top Japanese band and like 10 international cosplay contests?
oh and don't forget 3 video rooms and 100 + events for free.

>> No.9316048

Oh please complain more about how much better your venue, gameroom, dealerroom, quality workshops, good concerts, guests, judges and quality competitions are.

Please don't complain about the pricedifference when you cant even see the difference between quality and quantity

>> No.9316050

Replace all of that with a bouncy castle, obviously.

>> No.9316073

Would love to have a bouncy castle on Animecon though

>> No.9316075

I don't, the last thing I want is being put on bouncy castle duty. You know, because unlike Tomo we are responsible people.

>> No.9316076
File: 6 KB, 320x180, TooAfraidToevenAsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get the whole bouncy castle thing, and at this point I'm too afraid to even ask.

>> No.9316077

cons already have everything but anything worthwhile related to cosplay or anime

>> No.9316078

it's still true that animecon spends way too much money on so called "artists" which are basically cosplayers who get paid to come. leave those at home please, and use that money to give your volunteers some travel-costs compensation!

>> No.9316079

I don't understand why cons have dealer rooms just buy online like always and it's cheaper too.

Which band? I doubt it's a top one.

>> No.9316080

At tomocon we had a bouncy castle / inflatable slide. there was a women who acted stupidly and dropped down. The staff immediately called for an ambulance because it was not clear whether she broke her neck (which she didn't). But our dutch government doesn't send an ambulance, they sent a helicopter. eventually all went well and the fallen person only had some strain injury, nothing major. This was the ultimate stress test for the team and the tomo-board actually got compliments from the local police and ambulance staff because they handled the situation perfectly. but yeah, trauma helicopter so everyone pissing on the board that tomo should have prevented it.
shit like this happens you know!

>> No.9316081

Eh, I get it, neck injuries are a bitch and can need immediate intervention, also they're vague as fuck so you always gotta play it safe.
I'm a little surprised the EHBO'er at hand didn't just secure the neck and waited for an ambu though, seems more legit than requiring a trauma heli. Mainly since those cost a bitch to fly in.

>> No.9316083

Which things did she win then? Where are those facts you speak of?

>> No.9316084

there wasn't an ambulance available immediately, so a helicopter was flown in. the EHBO did secure the neck though.

>> No.9316085

Why even have a bouncy castle it's just stupid and a distraction for the fact the con has no real purpose.

>> No.9316086

No, we're giving you shit for continuously boasting about "how well you handled the situation" and doing anything to prevent this in the future. Having a gopher monitoring the place and calling her out for being an idiot could had eadily prevented this accident, but no by all means let's just slap a piece of paper on there stating you are not responsible for any accidents. Guess what, as an organiser you are legally responsible for the safety of all people on site and whatever events you offer.

>EHBO'ers at hand
You mean Mark, the same guy who also handles the security and runs the place? You don't expect Tomo to actually get in touch with the Red Cross in Oss and have them be at their event, right?

>> No.9316088

Eh, seems legit then. Con-go'er's own mistake and the reaction sounds decent if this is true. >>9316086
Kek if that's true this thing better be small. Also how should I know this shit, I'm one of the LARP anons. My con knowledge starts and ends with Midwinterfair/Elfia/Castlefest.

>> No.9316093

Those so called "cosplayers on stage" or whaever you feel like calling the bands are all stadium level bands in japan.
That mean they are top selling, top of the Oricon charts, tokyo dome filling bands.
Do you know how much the Fripside concert costs in Japan? ¥110.500 per ticket, if you get it via an oficial route. If you unlucky enough to get them via a scalper prepare to pay up to 250 euro for a ticket.
Animecon is the only chance most of hs will actually have to visit one of these concerts.

>> No.9316095

>Having a gopher monitoring the place and calling her out for being an idiot could had easily prevented this accident.

they had 2 gophers monitoring the place.
You know that people can be stupid sometimes right? You can't blame the staff for everything!

I gophered at abunai and a few years ago we had some people climbing out of their hotel room and started dancing on the roof... eventually we warned them and if they did it again they would be sent home. But staff doesn't come up with shit like this!

>> No.9316096

That was a zero too much.
Tickets cost about € 100-150

>> No.9316097

i'm not talking about fripside you idiot. i'm talking about reika or that solid snake guy they fly in from hungary. basically "professional cosplayers" who just get paid to attend the con.

>> No.9316102

Pls do inform me of ANY dutch convention giving free train tickets and travel conpensations for gophers beacause in my momory i have never had that for ANY of the cons i have gopherd for.

>> No.9316105

Dont think those people are getting paid for that.
Maybe tickets and flight but no salary.
So reika would be 400 for a room and like 500 for a plane ticket. Dont see how tickets would get cheaper by not having her.
Plus all the shit they would get about "vriendjes politiek" with cosplay winners.

>> No.9316107

Does nobody use or know about NS groepsretour or something? Travelling is really not expensive

>> No.9316108

Elf fantasy and castle fest are probably the only good cons in the Netherlands so you're lucky but they're not anime cons.

>> No.9316112

Wait they cost over a thousand per ticket but if you get them from a reseller they're only 200? LMAO

>> No.9316114

Hi Jimmy!

>> No.9316116

See second comment ;)
The cost 100- 150.
Reseller cost 250>

>> No.9316117

Hahaha thats true

>> No.9316119

As you've been out of the loop, they had 3000 visitors over two days at TomoCon Berghem and 6620 visitors over two days at TomoFair Nijmegen. Their tickets are cheap, the locations are small and crowded, and most of their audience is young. Their dealers sell a lot of bootleg material and they always refused to do something about it, although it appears they finally allowed the free to hire anti-bootleg organisation Fake is Sad to do something about it which is a plus. As for events, they are pretty mediocre even going as far as having people with little experience hosting workshops.
Mark and Wilbert are the main organisers, they have ties with Brian from GameRoomS (kinda-sorta former GamePit) and are known for stroking their ego at every opportunity and don't take criticism well.
Anyway our TomoDiscussions originally started off with us laughing at how bad their events are, but after a salty Mark replied to us way back everything Tomo quickly turned into "the cons we love to hate". Tomo (and Brian) probably feel like we're unfair and hateful towards them, but I prefer to believe we are giving Tomo a lot of tough love. Judging by how things are slowly improving at Tomo I'd say it is working...

Oh and someone likely related to Tomo tried to rig our second /cgl/ survey by making mock entries that lowered the average rating of all other cons while increasing their average rating. Pretty sad really...

>> No.9316120

Still isn't that impressive then. Just a dance club with nothing but a house DJ can cost over $20 there.

>> No.9316124

Ah, got'cha. Thanks for the quick lesson anon. So it's (in short) an up-and-coming event that's just fumbling over a whole lot of organisational rookie mistakes and hosters who aren't prone to learn from their mistakes 1, 2, 3?

>> No.9316126

It's the epitome of the Dutch anime con. Bad organization, lackluster events, big ego talk but ultimately a waste of time.

>> No.9316129

Dealerrooms bring in quite some money for cons, and people bring in quite some money for dealers. And most people actually like the dealerroom, for figures you haven't seen before, manga's you didn't knew about and all the stuff you didn't need, but decide you need it and spend money on it to show your love for anime.

>> No.9316134

No I don't understand. Example, a nendo goes on sale for $5 online and a dealer room tries to sell a bootleg of it for $80. Do people actually fall for this?

>> No.9316137

>NS Weekend Vrij: unlimited travel from Friday 18:30 to Monday 04:00, and a 40% discount during weekdays out of rush hours. Up to 4 people who travel with you also get to travel with a 40% discount. €32 a month for second class or €40 for first class.
>OV Fiets: rent 1 or 2 well maintained bikes at nearly every train station for €3,85 per 24 hours.
Traveling is cheap indeed.

>> No.9316147

I said groepsretour. Which is 7eu for a dagretour. There's tons of groepsretour fb groups where you find people to/from the same city you intend to travel and you bundle up together to get that 7eu (70eu 10 people) ticket.

Tbh it might be worthwhile to set up one of those groepsretour tickets fb group specifically for conventions

>> No.9316148

Pretty much yes, I probably should had mentioned they only started organising events in 2014.

>> No.9316149

Yeah, that checks out.

>> No.9316151

Also, for a nendo in japan you would pay around 25 euro, to get in to the Netherlands you would pay a fair amount of shipping and possibly taxes. A nendo on cons goes for around 45 euro. So, i do agree that something can be cheaper on the internet. But, inexperience, not willing to wait, not having paypal. There are allot of reasons for people to buy stuff at cons and not on the internet. Enough to make it worth for dealers to stay in business and cons to have dealerrooms.

>> No.9316153

32 a month for 40% discount means you need to spend a minimum of 80 on travel before you actually break even. So cheap guys you need to spend hundreds of euros to even get the weekend discount.

>> No.9316160

No you don't pay that much in Japan and shipping is not that expensive. They only cost $25 at recommended retail but sales happen often and prices drop a lot, at one point you could get Black Rock Shooter nendo for only $5 new retail and not even through mandarake. If your order is under $22 I think you don't pay any import taxes either. Taxes go up to 33% for big orders with a flat fee of about $20. Sometimes it's better to order big sometimes small is better. Shopping service sometimes even prices it lower or at estimated degraded market value instead of what was paid.

I don't understand how someone can't have paypal today. It takes less than 5 minutes to set up and you can even use iDeal to charge it up. If you actually like Japanese goods you have no use for a dealer room, so who is it really for?

>> No.9316165

Quick not well-thought out purchases. Also since I'm aforementioned LARP anon I'd say clothes if they got 'em. Most people want to have an actual IRL fit and it's easier to check quality when you can touch the fabric et. etc.

Though I think impulse purchases are the biggest flow. I know people buy ridiculously expensive LARP weapons for just a one or two day usage at fairs because "hey these people all got one".

>> No.9316166

And I said NS Weekend Vrij which is a dirt cheap solution if you travel a lot during the weekend. For reference a return ticket to Amsterdam alone would cost me €35 and I make that trip at least once a month just to say hi to my grandparents. Combined with all my other weekend travels and it truly is the best deal for me.

Read again Anon, it's unlimited travel during weekends AND a 40% discount during week days. So like I said above, all I need is a single Sunday visit to my grandparents to break even.

>> No.9316173

If you don't understand basic marketing and finances. And are only using the exceptions as arguments, then maybe, just maybe. Try to understand it.

And not having paypal? Any idea how old the average group of people is who are actually spending there money at cons.

Like said before, most people like the deallerrooms. It brings in money for cons and if done right it would possibly lower your tickets cost. Also part of the events and workshops are being hold by dealers who don't ask money for those (they do sometimes get discount on their stand) and those events/workshops wouldn't be there if it wasn't financially interesting for dealers.

And for the 'BUT THE INTERNET IS CHEAPER' argument against dealerroom, go buy you stuff online. Alot of people don't want to go trough the trouble of finding what they want online for a cheap price, ordering, possibly losing a package, possibly having taxes, or any other thing they see as an effort, and just don't care about spending a couple of bucks extra. And there comes your dealerroom.

>> No.9316174

Ok fair enough. I don't have grandparents anymore and I don't visit my parents so this is my solution for incidental convention travel :)

32eu per month is really not that much for quite useful long distance travel if you dont have a car and you put that on top of regular bills anyway. I just wish they unified all public travel methods, both bus metro train etc...

>> No.9316190

Thoughts on prices for comissions? I've thought about getting things 3d printed, but I feel like I would be better off getting a random somebody with a 3d printer than a cosplayer that asks minimum wage on top of material costs. Love, a typical dutch cheapass cosplayer

>> No.9316193

there's something thats called the 3D hub that lists private 3d printer owners in your neighbourhood that are willing to print your shit for cheap
if you know how to make your own files that seems like a cheap way to do it.
Myself i'm going to intern at a 3d print shop next period. You can also try universities they offer cheap printing especially if you're a student (fablabs)

>> No.9316194


Wilbert and Mark handle the critism very well so might I know where this is coming from? I highly have the feeling most of this "tomo-hate" is spread by Animecon staff. They must know they're in a dangerous zone since Tomocon came.

Also a defense, we have several events each year which are all visited by over 3000 fans. For all 5/6 events we have each year that makes 15.000/18.000 fans which is more than Animecon WITHOUT foreign "judges", bad organised events or "international" competitions.

So whose the better convention now? I think Wilbert and Mark did a great job.

>> No.9316198

I like to browse dealer rooms to kill time, see what they have for sale and maybe make a few purchases if the price is "fair" and comparing them online. Sometimes I'll come across a hard to find item I've been wanting and buy it instantly, although the last time that happened was years ago.
Aside from that I also write down or take business cards from interesting dealers and often end up visiting their (physical) store afterwards. I feel this last bit is often overlooked, but for a dealer being at a con is a way of marketing and a good way to have new people find their way to your store.

>> No.9316210

I understand LARP that's reasonable and it's things from people in Europe and not all standard retail products. It's just not reasonable to buy something from the most expensive seller, like would you go to ebay to buy a game for $80 if it's on steam sale for $10.

It's not basic marketing and finances it's reseller market and overpriced goods. There are people that spend hundreds at these conventions you said yourself too. Then they go to many conventions too. For as much as people spend... $500 you have a plane ticket to Japan and about $500 tax free luggage, the trip to Japan is a freebie.

>> No.9316213

>3000 visitors at TomoCon
>2100 visitors at TomoPlay
>550 visitors at TomoParty
>6220 visitors at TomoFair
>TomoTaste is nothing but a food court at TomoFair and not worth being count as a own major event
>Total 11870 visitors in 2016, not unique visitors. Numbers taken directly from your own website.
Don't lie Anon. Also yes, Tomo has no international guests, judges or competitions that actually mean something to the rest of the world. If you feel like that makes you the better con then there's obviously something wrong with you. And don't even get me started on the quality of the events...

But with that being said, Tomo does do a somewhat okay job considering how young they are. But to claim you are the best con is just plain silly and somewhat narcissistic to say the least. It's this behaviour that makes me dislike you guys so much.

>> No.9316214

Yeah I don't get the hate either.
For example last tomofair everyone pisses over the fact that it was crowded. nobody mentioned the karaoke, main stage or DDR which were actually done right! I loved the smash melee competition on stage, too bad it wasn't a CRT though, but even then the sound was perfect, even when I was playing against others on stage. It was as if they aimed another speaker at the contestants.

>> No.9316216

Your grandparents must live on the other side of the country then. To break even means that you aren't PAYING MORE than without the card. So you have to visit your grandparents every month and then travel a lot on top of that. To save 40 you need to travel for 100 worth every month ON TOP of the 80 to break even.

For most people how much they save from travel on a card is pocket change or they're actually paying more. Plus the government subsidizes and spends many millions on the NS too, so even if you don't use it you're spending money on them as a hidden cost, you're spending money so you can spend more money. It's not very cheap at all.

>> No.9316217

>Tomo has no international guests, judges or competitions that actually mean something to the rest of the world.
Neither does animecon and the ticket price is ten times more. Step it up Holland.

>> No.9316225

Nah, it's marketing. The people that spend hundreds at cons are again more the exception. Most buy some snacks, drinks, few small goodies, possibly figure or something else that's expensive. If you would other that online you would have to order it at a few different shops, pay shipping for all of them. Ofcourse, it could be cheaper. But, like said before. Most people don't feel the need to go through what they see as an effort and just pay a few bucks extra for those products at a con.
And yes, there are some dealers that you could consider overpriced AF.
But there are factor's like mentioned, impulse purchases, convenience and wanting to see the product irl before buying.

And for your ebay/steam comparison. Those require the same kind of effort.

But it would be interesting to see what would happen if you have a cons without a dealerroom.

>> No.9316233

I dont get it.. People want to state that a convention like, for example, tomocon is great, but feel like they have to bring other conventions down by doing so.. You know it's possible to like tomocon AND Animecon all together right? You don't have to hate on one if you like the other..

>> No.9316235

What part of €32 per month for unlimited travel during weekends do you not understand? I would normally spend €35 just to visit my grandparents on Sunday, which alone saves me €3 a month. Now let's add the average €22 I would spend to visit friends during the other weekends and we're up at €101 worth of tickets, or a saving of €69. I barely travel by train during weekdays, but when I do I always go on Friday meaning I only pay the trip there with a 40% discount (whopping €2 total) and get to go back home free of charge. But sure by all means, tell me how I'm somehow spending more money this way...

>> No.9316239

Hi Wilbert/Mark

>> No.9316240

I'm not wilbert OR mark... somehow nobody was able to uncover my true identity yet.

>> No.9316243


>> No.9316244


>> No.9316246

close... but not quite ;)
But yes I am part of the crew running around and fixing events for you guys to enjoy, so it might be weird that we defend wilbert and mark that much, but it's mainly because we've put a lot of hours into tomo and we hate to see that it's being pissed on continuously.

>> No.9316247

Yeah because international preliminaries are not something to the world. How about following >>9316233 that anon's advice? You sound like an offended 15 year old.

>> No.9316249

Manon, "that guy" is just a cover-up just like how OP has newfags assume he's a girl.

>> No.9316250

>>Defending yourself on /cgl/ only makes things worse. Best is to not take things posted here seriously and just move on.
>>Defending yourself on /cgl/ only makes things worse. Best is to not take things posted here seriously and just move on.

>> No.9316262

I find it quite unprofessional of Tomocon to trash-talk animecon like that.

>> No.9316271

If it even is someone from Tomo to begin with. Don't forget anyone can post whatever they want here using whatever name they fancy. Unless this person identified himself and starts using a tripcode it could be a bit Anon for all I care.

>> No.9316274

Putting myself on thin ice here and certain that im getting a call from someone because of this.
But Firstly as far as i know most AnimeCon staff just stalks here, i mean some interesting and usefull information gets posted here.
Secondly we have stopped caring about being the biggest in years. More visitors mean we can do more fun stuff the next year. We actualy like the idea of smaller cons ,they atract young people.
All we do is try to make our event as fun as posible. And in 100% earnest most of the time after AnineCon all we see are the things that went wrong. We read the surveys and discuss the results and some brisk walks and whiskey later, we discuss how were going to do it beter next year.
In the end were still a group of friends organizing a big party filled with the things we like for zero profit beyond : here is a free T-shirt and keychain.
So yeah well, we dont hate Tomo or Abunai or any other event, I dont understand why people would want to insinuate diffrently.

~a totaly unimportant AnimeCon person.

>> No.9316277

If you don't like your con being insulted, maybe you should spend more time on making it not suck and less time on defending it on 4chan.

>> No.9316280

This has been bothering me a bit because he types EXACTLY the way Bart does...

>> No.9316338
File: 138 KB, 299x346, shinji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current thread is on auto-sage. The new thread can be found at >>9316337

>> No.9316442

I know it's not a dutch event, but I think it's funny how a lot of people are talking about con prices and the quantity and quality of events you get, when a 4 day ticket for an event like Japan Expo is cheaper than a weekend ticket for AnimeCon and it's WAY bigger with more content!
A TON of artists performing without you having to pay extra for it.
Don't like having to be wary of bootleg? No problem, just buy it directly from Square Enix or Goodsmile! :D

>> No.9316952

On instagram I got an ad for littlewonderland.nl, a (new?) Shop that sells Korean skincare. Had anyone ordered here before?

>> No.9317015

Uh its the other way around Siasity went bad on Akuma. Get your facts straight. But anyway they are already on good terms with each other. Ur fighting a war thats already over ages ago.

>> No.9317215

Oh boohoo! So the con is named after its creator. Who the fuck cares! Since the con hasn't launched yet let's judge it when its done ok? Maybe it will be fun. Maybe it'll suck. Who knows.

>> No.9317217

You can only cosplay there on invite by the organisation?

>> No.9317226

no one cares!

>> No.9318494

>>9316213 not all people come or arent intereset in the japanese culture, last tomofair there was illigal activities inside the building. there were also people who event didnt care about the event just harrasing people.
Tomocon is just getting alot of people inside a small building, there are no lines and such, just push your way to the front. if there's fire break out, i bet most of the people get hurt and nobody knows what to do. if this day comes, tomo is down.