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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9327362 No.9327362 [Reply] [Original]

We all have a friend that does something that makes you cringe or just enrages you. Share stories. I'll start off with a little one.

>Rooming with friend H, L, R, K, and N at con
>H and R have celiac
>No biggie, we make sure they have plenty of gluten free food to eat.
>One night K and I want to order pizza
>R checks out website to see if they offer gluten free
>They don't but he doesn't care, he'll just have something else
>H does care
>H throws a hissy fit
>H cries and accuses us of not caring about her disease and how we just want to eat pizza in front of her and brag that we can
>We don't order pizza
>H feels happy but then starts complaining about having nothing to eat in the room
>There is so much gluten free food for her to eat
>But she doesn't want any of that
>Asks if we can go to the store and buy her something else
>No, suck it up and eat something here
>She pouts and complains the rest of the night

>> No.9327522

Cringe moment: hanging out at the gameroom, watching some dudes play soul calibur, my friend sneaks up on me and flips my skirt up in front of loads of people. I now wear shorts under every outfit.

>> No.9327527

>Friend says that it is cool that I'm going to a con with another group
>few weeks pass
>he messages me that I am cutting him out of my life
>Says he's loved me for years, and that I am a total bitch to him for not fucking him on the reg
>I'm sitting playing Skyrim and I can't deal so I ignore him
>Shows up at my place and starts banging on the door crying
>mfw the cops have to be called because he won't stop
>mfw he tells them I am a lying bitch who led him on for four years
Well I guess it's time to move out and away from where he could find me

>> No.9327604

>mfw go to con with a friend
>she makes me wait for her for almost an hour the second day of the con because she was late, I decide to eat something
>soon after she arrives, she tells me she'll hang out with her brother and his wife
>ok, fine, I'll check the booths and we'll see each other later
>she makes them come while I'm eating
>friend doesn't introduce them to me, they notice me being next to her and act all awkward
>she doesn't notice they're looking at me while I'm the only one at the table eating for minutes

>meet a cool jrock band, wants to take a photo with them
>hand my phone to friend, she doesn't take it and uses her shitty phone instead
>posing with the band for at least 5 minute and friend finally takes a shitty photo
>mfw she waited until someone walked right in front of the camera and completely ruined the photo

If only it was just this one time, but I think she just can't take photos at all. Me and a second friend wanted to take photos for the new year, the first friend kept waiting 5 minutes until she took photos and all of them were ruined. It's all nitpicking though, in the end.

The worst one though is another friend, a total normie pretending to be an hardcore nerd just because she watches the exact same things as everyone else beven though she's barely invested in her favorite shows:
>whenever something not mainstream and too "otakuish" is in sight she acts visibly uncomfortable and embarrasses everyone else in the friend group
>same thing with anything aimed at a female audience, regardless of how girly it is, because "she's one of the guys, girls are inferior and weak!!1!"
>passes in front of an official booth selling BL and GL manga, whine that it's gay,weird and gross like a child
>go to screening of the first episode of yoi, bitches about the main characters being pussies
>loses it when she discovers Victor's voice actor is the same one as her husbando's in Bleach, says he's a pussy and gay in an insulting way all the time

>> No.9327606
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>don't go out much
>use cons as a supplement to a normal social life
>only really talk to other seagulls at seagull meets
>try to match everyone else's level of socializing
>feel like I'm talking too much and bringing too much attention to myself after the conversations already ended
>repeat for the entire con
>tfw you might be that embarrassing/annoying guy of the group

>> No.9327612

Now one of my favorite /cgl/ stories

>> No.9327622

Why are you friends with these people? I guess first girl isn't egregious but seriously why does anyone put up with the second cunt?

These threads remind me why I don't bother making friends.

>> No.9327642

That's not cringe. That's just embarrassing, and rude.

>> No.9327643

>mfw he tells them I am a lying bitch who led him on for four years
Who did the cops side with?

>> No.9327651

If you don't mind me asking, why?

This douche lord had a knife on him and me not opening the door might have saved my life. thank god the landlord called the police, I would have just waited until he went away. He was charged with trespassing and harassment. Fuck yeah I pressed charges.

>> No.9327652

>This douche lord had a knife on him and me not opening the door might have saved my life. thank god the landlord called the police, I would have just waited until he went away. He was charged with trespassing and harassment. Fuck yeah I pressed charges.

Holy shit.

>> No.9327654

Jesus are you me? I haven't been to a meetup but I have the same fears whenever I have conversations with people.

>join a discord group with other local cosplayers I'm becoming friends with
>tell a lot of good jokes, make people laugh
>one joke doesn't land
>rarely active in the group anymore

>> No.9327661
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I mean, he worked with his hands and maybe it was on him because of what he did. But it looks pretty bad on him, considering he was saying a ton of crazy shit to try and get me to open the door. I'll never know what could have been, and I am happy about that.

>> No.9327697

>Occasionally consider actually going to cons with other people instead of just doing my usual "room with people I've known for a very long time but we're not like super close and everyone does their own thing" arrangement
>Read these types of threads

Why is it impossible to find someone who is mentally stable, not clingy, and rational AND is interested in the same stuff as you? I think my ideal con buddy would just be a clone of myself.

>> No.9327745

> GF and I rooming with friends at a con
> we're running a panel together, I have all the tech stuff and am responsible for the second half of the panel
> Going to check in with event staff, when she says she gotta go back to the room because she forgot the candy prizes
> 15min before panel so I'm like okay, i'll set things up and everything
> doesn't show up, doesn't answer phone
> does entire panel by self without prizes, panel goes decently
> goes back to hotel room
> walks in on now ex-gf shoving a dildo up friend were rooming with.
> Well... okay.
> walks out and goes home. Friends' BF drops off my shit the next day

In other news, I just go to cons alone now because who really needs friends.

>> No.9327840

>Rooming with four friends at our annual con
>First time rooming with two of them but everything's going well
>they brought tons of food, alcohol, extra cosplay supplies
>let me have part of their dinner even though I arrived late
>very funny and willing to help with anything people need
>My best friend starts getting increasingly annoying as the weekend goes on
>no room on the floor because her stuff is everywhere
>gets REALLY angry when someone says 'triggered' and makes a big deal out of people joking
>Spends all of her money the first day on con photos
>Has no money for food or merch
>Whines and complains about not having any money
>bad mouths the guy she took the photos with even though she offered to pay/she asked him to be in them
>Acts like she's starving even though the room is well stocked with snacks/dinner ordered out from the night before in the fridge
>Three of us spend the weekend hanging out together, avoiding her
>Having a great time
>Start to feel bad because she's my best friend
>Try to check up on her periodically
>Still bitching about being broke
>Eventually whines so much that someone's sister buys her food
>Everyone is pissed off/sick of her by Saturday evening
>Does this every con

She's terrible at managing her money and every con ends with her completely broke and crying. I usually end up being the one that has to deal with it but, this time, I'd had enough. Managed to save my con by spending time with other friends.

>> No.9327870

When I was still in university I had this weeby friend who wore a pink leopard print Hello Kitty bathrobe/roomwear from H&M as a cardigan/outerwear for class. I had it too but I used it as it was intended, you know, AS A BATHROBE inside my own four walls. It had a zipper instead of a belt so I guess that's something. Please also note that this was in Germany where we are not in the habit of going to class in sweatpants and such.
Then she got an h.NAOTO skirt and wore that practically every day.
I was ashamed to be seen with her, so be it if that makes me a cunt.

>> No.9327926

>have friend who is a few years older than me, in her late twenties
>friend is usually pretty chill irl
>at cons, turns into an obnoxious 14 year old weeb
>literally runs around screaming
>hiding under tables and behind curtains to scare people for a laugh
>love the shit out of the "raves"
>does shitty closet/crossover cosplays, half of the time their some kind of Harley Quinn disaster
>says awkward/cringey things to cosplayers
>hits on clearly underaged cosplayers
>occasionally decides to wear lolita to cons
>you guessed it, she's an ita with a mostly replica wardrobe

Aside from cons and cosplay and lolita, she's truly a fun, funny person who is actually pretty socially adept, but for some reason as soon as we hit a con, she morphs into my personal nightmare, and I can barely stand to be seen with her.

>> No.9327968

>If you don't mind me asking, why?
Its one of the stories that goes from 0 to
>This douche lord had a knife on him and me not opening the door might have saved my life. thank god the landlord called the police, I would have just waited until he went away. He was charged with trespassing and harassment. Fuck yeah I pressed charges.

>> No.9327976

Sounds brutal. Maybe cons are her outlet, and that's how she's able to be functional for the other 300 and something days of the year.

>> No.9327978

Anon mind name dropping? I think I might know who this is

>> No.9327985

>doesn't know how to take photos

what the fuck? it's point and shoot. is she actually retarded?

>> No.9327987

You're obviously on the autism spectrum.

>> No.9327992

Any updates on Colouring Chan?

>> No.9328003

>walk in on now ex-gf shoving a dildo up friend were rooming with

>> No.9328006
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>> No.9328034

Ever hear of a lesbian, anon?

>> No.9328073

Well, I assume it was for sexual pleasure. They're both female and both were naked. I didn't take much else of the scene because I saw them and just walked out.

Like my ex didn't even try to explain herself to me? I think she just couldn't find a better way to break up with me honestly. Shitty friend agreed to it.

>> No.9328150

if you don't mind me asking, what city are you from?

>> No.9328153

>H throws a hissy fit
>H cries and accuses us of not caring about her disease and how we just want to eat pizza in front of her and brag that we can
>We don't order pizza
Why did you let this stop you?

>> No.9328158

Don't worry anon everything could turn out just fine, my friend who has an illness couldn't make it to a con, and I was on vacation and had no internet. She found a guy online that didnt have a roommate, so she asked me if he could have my number so we can see if we can get along. End up talking for half an hour, sounds like a cool dude. End up meeting at the con, ocassionaly talk/hang around while doing our own thing. Slept very well and no drama/snoring/whatever happened to some unfortunate souls.

>> No.9328190

>friend has a shopping problem so is always broke in some manner
>dread going to first con in quite a while with her
>fears realised as she blows her load on absolute crap
>cries about how she can't afford to eat and we need to think about her needs
>causes us to go to some suspicious looking place that makes one of our friends sick due to an illness she has but tries never to complain about
>feel bad because we can hear her flushing the toilet all through the night
>friends and I are determined to screw it and enjoy ourselves since we have money and we wanted to do fancy stuff anyway
>go to a nice restaurant and dessert bar
>broke friend comes along so she can complain the entire time about our choices and beg for food
>friend that was sick buys her an entree
>broke friend complains that it's not enough and sick friend should have bought her a full meal
>another friend tells her to be thankful to sick friend after what happened the night before and she shuts up
>get to dessert bar and she goes back to complaining that it's unfair we're eating chocolate in front of her
>sick friend offers to buy her a small hot chocolate but she tries to guilt her to buy something more expensive
>at this point we all lose our cool and tell sick friend to not bother and broke friend can just deal with it
>broke friend sulks and when we get back she immediately goes to bed without even getting changed or taking off her shoes
>next morning she gets up and starts lamenting about how she can't inconvenience us any longer so won't take a shower (I dunno)
>sick friend finally snaps and tells her to grow the fuck up because she wants at least one good day
>get to con and broke friend finds something she desperately "needs"
>expect she'll pass on it because she's broke
>she takes her phone out and transfers money from a side account to buy it
>trip home is very quiet

>> No.9328201

not every socially awkward introvert is autistic. gotta have those repetitive motor behaviors, devotion to sameness, freakouts over change, obsessiveness over hobbies that INCLUDES obvliousness to people... a lot of gulls are hyper-aware of people and focused on them to the detriment of our hobbies, even or especially if we do not know how to interact. like this anon:

>>tell a lot of good jokes, make people laugh
>>one joke doesn't land
>>rarely active in the group anymore

good old fashioned social anxiety and insecurity, not necessarily ASD

>> No.9328213

I don't really wanna say but I'd be surprised if you knew. Don't think anyone I know uses /cgl/

>> No.9328237

TFW when your friends with the people who were on "my life is anime" and they are nothing but cringy, annoying and were embarrassing on national tv, and even worse when you know that they are exactly as they were portrayed in the show

>> No.9328255
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My date for the day-con started grabbing dogpoop and throwing it at the wall outside the convention center.

>> No.9328295

You 'friend' sounds autistic

>> No.9328300

Who's colouring chan?

>> No.9328302

Been friends with person for over 10 years, absolute embarrassment. Totally lives in their own head, constantly doing stupid dangerous shit. The kind of person to think they could fend someone off with a fucking katana <which they have several of>, has zero responsibilities and has become a total neet. They're constantly making up physical and mental illnesses they seemingly have, always bringing it up in conversation
>had a nasty sinus infection
>never took medicine
>made self 1000x worse
>now brags about amount of medication and doctor visits

>anon I want to go back to school!
>awesome, friend!! What do you think you want to study?
>video game design!

>> No.9328311

I don't know why but the second friend, while she's usually very nice and all, is really a tryhard sometimes. She won't stop talking about how she likes super manly and muscular men and men who aren't manly are worthless, how women who aren't tomboys like her are boring, etc.

She's nice and all that, but no, she can't do something as simple as that. I'll never see that band again and the only souvenir I have is a photo with more than half of the picture showing some random woman's greasy face. Fuck.

>> No.9328314

>got into a hotel bed with her shoes on
>refused to take a shower
>wah wah wah, over shit that's her fault anyway

What a disrespectful sack of shit. Should have kicked her out of the car 1/3 of the way home for laughs.

>> No.9328315

She sounds extremely insecure

>> No.9328316

I've never wanted to murder someone based on a story but this has changed me. I hope you all cut that manipulative cunt out of your lives.

>> No.9328322
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Yeah I had no idea it was coming from him. This guy had asked me out one time, and when I explained to him I didn't date or fuck anyone, he was like 'oh okay' and moved on.

Phoenix Arizona. I moved up into the mountains and am WAY happier with my choice. About three hours from PCC.

Sage sorry for the blogpostin

>> No.9328323
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Wasted an hour of my time scouring the archive but here's the lot of it. Latest updates at the bottom. Colouring is a convention staffer.

>> No.9328334

>have friend from my highschool days
>we don't talk much but she's one of the few from that long ago that I have on facebook
>cosplay positivity, anyone can cosplay! "fat chicks cosplay too" type posts all over her feed
>posts her attempts at decora nails sometimes or gyaru inspired makeup
>posts pictures of her mediocre cosplays/makeup or wig tests that make me cringe
>iirc she's 27 or so this is all sandwhiched by talking about politics and her job as a teacher
>but she's having such a good time and I envy her naivete; I wish I could go back to the days where I was having fun even if I looked like shit
I can't bring myself to ruin her fun, even to offer concrit or steer her towards better materials. She's nice, and she doesn't deserve it, but it still takes all my willpower to not post her in the bad cosplay threads sometimes

>> No.9328346
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Missed one where Colouring tries to get her stepdad to spend his inheritance on her trip to South Korea.

>> No.9328347

Honestly whenever I see people like this I'm a little envious. She's enjoying herself and she has a "real" job/career, clearly not trying to make a career out of cosplay/makeup/etc (or at least I don't think she is from your post).

>> No.9328350

Yeah, I miss the days when I didn't care what I looked like and I was just excited to have fun and go to cons. I'm trying to recapture that feeling but it's tough

>> No.9328351

Sounds like PT a bit but hopefully your friend doesn't start posing for panty shots outside the school like she did.

>> No.9328353

>get invited to go to convention with friend from uni
>been to a few cons always low key
>consider self a closet nerd and keep interests on downlow
>agree to go, haven't seen friend in awhile
>friend is extrovert and usually rely on her to point me in the right direction at cons/meet new people/show me the best merch deals
>get to con, find friend and meet her group, all seem pretty chill but one
>L completely decked out in anime gear, has one of those bags that are plastered in anime keychains and stickers, AOT chibi shirt, chunky scarf from some anime I'd seen in passing, red checkered skinny jeans, black butler vans, the whole package
>wanted to be comfy, in sneakers, yoga pants, and sweater, look basic af. L has noticed my basic bitchness
>L glares me down whole time introductions are being made
>' are you a REAL nerd!'
>"nah not really"
>'hmph! I could TELL' saunters off, her love handles jiggle sassily with every step
>entire time L keeps telling me I'm not a real nerd, interjects anytime I talk to a vendor saying since I'm not a real nerd I shouldn't be buying stuff
>friend not really noticing and having a blast talking with her con friends
>L has latched onto me since I'm not a real nerd so I have no idea what I'm doing and need real nerd guidance
>being loud af anytime she tells someone I'm not a real nerd, makes sure to let me know where the nearest Starbucks are every once in awhile
>can tell shes getting louder every time I've been ignoring her, pull out phone and immediately get remarks about selfies and hashtags
>see Ghibli merch
>"oh hey, spirited away was my favorite mango."
>L nearly has stroke
>totally spergs out literally screaming how stupid I am
>dramatically throws hands up and storms off to find friend, wants to relay how much of a not-nerd I am
>love handles jiggle angrily at me as she stomps away
>go get coffee

10/10 would go again

>> No.9328382

I had a friend who did the same thing to me. her name was C. C pretended like she knew Japanese, when it amounted to shouting kawaii desu na!!1!

like, this girl ate sushi for every meal and god help you if you ate rice with a fork. She would go fucking ape on your ass 'NO YOURE DISRESPECTING THE CULTURE!!!". Now, I am not someone who thinks white people can't appreciate other cultures. But this girl. Oh my god. She screamed at people who wore kimonos and all that. you like anime but don't want to learn japanese? She thinks you should neck yourself. So, I got tired of all of this, and I told her about my grandfather, who is japanese. And you want to know how hard this girl did a 180? Even the whole "my friend is japanese!" angle (even though I am the whitest person you have ever met).

I apparently also need to be appreciating my own culture, and learn about where I come from (which is Ironic, considering I speak German fluently due to my dad literally being fucking german) she says that I shouldn't embrace being white, because being white is the worst thing ever. She's fallen down the SJW rabbit hole, and I really want to cut ties with her, so I started to drift away. but she keeps coming back. She messages me "look at this asian culture festival GO WITH ME AND BE MY ASIAN BF" and she won't stop saying she's my 'perfect little geisha wife' it's starting to get creepy

TL;DR A friend is obsessed with me having an asian grandfather and won't leave me alone

>> No.9328427

10/10 good troll anon.

>> No.9328465

I like you anon.
>favorite mango
I lolled, lolled hard.

>> No.9328485

Tell her to stop appropriating your culture.

>> No.9328528

Holy fucking shit how did I not think of this

I am so going to say that to her

>> No.9328549

>brought a friend along to a con cause fav VA was there
>not only did I have to spend half the one day I could go doing errands cause she forgot half her things at her house when she left
>but once we got to the VA she acted completely infantile
>not omg I'm a fan shy, but complete mumbling, baby talking and like she was 6 years old
>entirely certain the poor VA thought she was mentally incompetent and I was her caretaker.
>once that was done she whined the 2 hours we stayed about being overwhelmed and being completely done
>ended up leaving way earlier than I wanted

I dunno if I'm just salty but it really bothered me how she did the whole interaction bit. I felt like I was there to make her life easier too. I have other stories on her but that's the one that made me really consider wanting out of the friendship

>> No.9328553

I have this friend who is way too good for everyone, taking care of all those that look lonely, depressed and gets involved into bitch fights trying to solve their problem, while becoming totally drained and sad herself in the end. I might be a cunt for saying this but she should not ruin her and my day by keeping angsty teens around incase they might get a panic attack.

>> No.9328576
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>> No.9328905
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>> No.9329019
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>My date for the day-con started grabbing dogpoop and throwing it at the wall outside the convention center.

>> No.9329039

I'm periodically checking this thread to make sure I don't see stories about myself here.

>> No.9329055

CC Anon if you're paying attention, cut all ties, you updating us isn't worth hanging around this amount of crazy

>> No.9329067

We didn't talk to her for quite a while after. She's one of those people where going to a con turns her into a cunt but outside of that she's more reasonable. She's gotten better since that con though. If she can't afford to come out to the movies and that she'll straight up say she can't come. Our sick friend is the nicest person on earth so seeing her snap for the first and only time ever was a real shock for all of us, especially broke friend. I think she's afraid of her now.

We sure considered it, I'll tell you that.

>> No.9329085
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She hates the con organizer. When she found out he was in charge, she decided to shit the wall.

>> No.9329090

Did the date go well after that, anon?

>> No.9329098

She spent like 20 minutes telling me about memes she saw on Facebook, and then I told her I was too tired to go to the weeaboo barhop.

>> No.9329145
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>that friend that doesn't know their drinking limit and can't pace themselves and ends up looking like an idiot at any con party he walks in to

>> No.9329387

Believe me, she's absolutely sincere when she says that. It's hard to explain but it seems very obvious she isn't being insecure when she says things like that.

>"oh hey, spirited away was my favorite mango."
kek, but seriously, why was she so salty.

>> No.9329398

I think my Northface pissed her off, but in all seriousness I think it's that whole thing where weeabs constantly talk shit about basic girls because they're normies. I used to be like that back in middle school, I had blue hair, wore stupid shit, and was always talking shit about how it must suck to be ~normies~. Only in the past few years did it hit me that I'm allowed to like things that are considered mainstream like Ugg looking boots, Starbucks, holo, and those fluffy keychains while still enjoying nerd culture/CGL stuff/things that genuinely interest me. I had only hated that stuff because girls who I perceived as bitchy (but never bothered to get to know them) wore it or liked it, so I felt like I was supposed to hate them. And if I didn't hate them then I would be made fun of for being like them.
So whenever I see someone who is like L I try to be patient with them, I feel it's just an immaturity thing that most people grow out of. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.9329429

'Member when r9k had beta orbiter stories?

I 'member...

>> No.9329462
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>have only 1 friend to go to a con
>we're at the con, having a great time, chatting with people
>ended up making friends with one girl who came alone and felt lonely so I wanted to make it up for her bc I know how boring it is to be alone
>my friend is obviously pissed, doesn't talk much. I assume she doesn't like the girl we just met, I keep acting like I'm having so much fun and always try to cheer her up
> say goodbye to our con friend
>arrive at the hotel, my friend has a mental breakdown, tells me that I didn't pay her enough attention and she was jealous
>"then you should've said so"!!
>we get in a fight, I go outside to have a smoke and calm down
>come back, find her in the bathroom with a broken glass , tried to "kill herself" over something so stupid.
>i tell her to fucking pay for that glass because the room is booked under my name.
>I make peace with her but still pissed about this thing and her acting like a fucking child
>still go to cons with her because I have no one else to go with, we're from a small town.
>svery.fucking.time she ends up ruining the trip and acting like a fucking child

>> No.9329463

jfc I would've slapped the shit out of her

>> No.9329469

forgot to mention that she thought it's totally okay to break things that are in a hotel room and just said to leave it and that no one will notice that 1 glass is missing. like bitch, that's called stealing

>> No.9329472

Well she's right, nobody would notice, and if they did they wouldn't really care. People break and steal those glasses all the time.

Source: I work at a hotel that's affiliated with a big con

>> No.9329489

My biggest pet peeve is poor con friends who only want to eat McDonalds or Taco Bell as opposed to KBBQ, etc. my favorite was when a group of friends were complaining about how poor they were and how they could only afford McDonald's, so we drop them off at McDonald's and go to get gas. On the way we see an ice cream place so we grab ice cream. We get back and they're like "awwee I want ice cream too!!1 why'd you get it without us!", so they persuade us to go to this expensive ice cream place again and suddenly they have more than enough money to spare. If you're going to travel don't you want to experience some of the cool things? I don't get it.

>> No.9329495

I get what you mean, I was surrounded by girls like that in high school because I was in a class that was studying Japanese, I had to pretend I was a weaboo to not be treated like a total outsider and weirdo, it was weird as fuck. Like, I love nerd shit and being a fujo but that mentality is just plain weird.

>> No.9329530

Anon where do you live?

>> No.9329584

I still don't want to take any chances lmao

>> No.9329612

>Be at con
>Cosplays on stage
>They're shit, admittedly, but that goes for just about everything in this third world country of mine
>One tries to sing the Mekakucity Actors OP while cosplaying the blue-haired floating girl (haven't actually seen the show)
>Her singing's bad, costume's kinda cute tho, good for her
>I'm not gonna be a dick and laugh at her or anything tho
>Turn to my side
>Friend laughing his everloving ass of at her
>People notice
>She notices
>She loses all confidence
>At the end she just kind of mumbles through the last couple seconds, drops the mic and walks off stage
>Looked seriously hurt

Dude's just a massive dick sometimes,. even though I know he isn't intentionally trying to bully anyone. He's lucky he's a really fun guy to be around or he'd be hated by absolutely everyone.

The only time I ever laughed at a cosplay (hearty giggle, not loud laughter like my autistic buddy) was when a fat 20-something took to the stage in a cheap-as-chips Naruto get-up and started failing spectacularly doing tricks with a string attached to a prop kunai. But that guy kinda had it coming. And I also take solace that I wasn't the only one who just fucking couldn't and lost it.

>> No.9329630

I did, believe me. Haven't spoken to her after she blocked me and my friend for not liking her Mystic Messenger husbando.

>> No.9329836

>Dude's just a massive dick sometimes,
There is a time and place for such shenanigans. It's called Uni.

>> No.9329923
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>had a friend do exactly this
>was trying to hit on girls and get his dick wet but failed so he resorted to vodka and gin mixed together
>had to pick him up onto his feet to get him out of the now closed bar
>instantly pukes on the just-cleaned floor
>all 8 bar staff look at us
>quickly drag him out apologising

>> No.9329944
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>> No.9329949

This. I busted my face at a hotel and the staff gave me ice in a hot glass from the washer.

It shattered. I just went back for a dustpan and no-one batted an eye.

>> No.9330030

Uni is totally the place for massive dicks....

>> No.9330037

I'm going to order a pizza and eat it right now just for her. ;)

>> No.9330041

Did you pull down his pants and show off his micropeen to the room?

>> No.9330049

yo order me some breadsticks

>> No.9330071

That's one raging case of yellow fever.

>> No.9330085

You got it. Dinner in 20 at my place!

>> No.9330088

I feel like most of these stories posted here can be explained with "my friend is gay for me and super jealous/spastic".

>> No.9330125

Your mom is totally the place for massive dicks

>> No.9330129

>Comm meet at dinner followed by drinks
>Everyone is being civil and enjoying eachother's company
>Member is actively bitching about the new mods
>Says she's on cgl only for the salt
>Says she's on Amino only for the salt
>Gets piss drunk
>Obnoxiously loud
>Inappropriately loud laughing

I really wanted to leave, I felt too embarrassed to be associated with her

>> No.9330130

I mean, that's why I'm alive today... sooooo.....

>> No.9330131

i'll bring the beer, friendo

>> No.9330138

I'm monitoring a facebook group chat for an upcoming con and can spot 3 insufferable meme spouters posting in the group already

Having second thoughts on meeting up with them to avoid any annoying people

>> No.9330139

trust your instincts anon....

Or option B:
Go and video it for us

>> No.9330144

I agree with what you say. I think that change of mentality is part of growing the fuck up.

>> No.9330180

This story gave me secondhand cringe. Thirdhand cringe? It hurt to read. It's like the less time someone has been on /cgl/, the louder they have to be about it.

>> No.9330223

Was she hot at least?

>> No.9330227

>Con a few years back, nothing going on but a jrock band playing
>Convince friends to go cause why not
>One friend, J, really enjoyed the band's music, buys one of everything they were selling
>She because obsessed with the band, namely the guitarist
>Post photo after photo of him from the con, plans cons around where the band is a guest, stalking them on facebook and irl, fucking messages the guitarist asking for a date
>Guitarist can't speak English and has a girlfriend already
>She continues to stalk the man
>tfw you also introduced her to kpop and made her a Koreaboo

She went 2 cons last year just to stalk this man. At each con, she was a roadie. Handed out flyers all con long at both and got jealous when the band called our friend T pretty. Her plan is to save up for a car so she can become a official roadie and stalk him all over the U.S.

>> No.9330331

No. She has fewer than five damn teeth.

>> No.9330367

I have a friend who's always using a walker or a cane or a fucking wheelchair.
Its pathetic, they're like 24. grow the fuck up already.

>> No.9330380

Which jrock band was it?

>> No.9330383
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I know a girl who got pregnant at Dashcon.

I repeat: Their son was conceived at fucking Dashcon.

>> No.9330389

If you take it away from them, will they crawl?

>> No.9330390

They'll fall down and shit, they have some fucked up unstable legs but honestly they need to get over it and learn to walk like everyone else.

>> No.9330410

l̵̴̴̜̜̬̃̓ͯ̀͛ͣ̾o̗͉̒̊̔ͩ͌̃̄̕w̖̼͚̔͗̈́ͫ̓̒̂̀͢ ̝̼̠ͨ̕͜q̩̭̱̳̙͖͆̓ͧͤ͆͠͞ư̭̱̪̞̭̙̺̾̔̍̏̎ă̯̣͙̠̈̆̀̂͞l̡̫̭̞̫̈̚i̶͈͉̖̺̪̫̜̊̓ͫ͑̆͡t̤̲̦̼̣̖̘̮͖̉ͬͫ͒͌̃̎̾y̧̖̤̘̜͙̦͙͑͐̋̽ͬ́͠ ͕͈̱̻͓̠̦͔̘̓̂̆̍ͪb̧̛̪͓̺̘̖̺̭̌ͪͫ͌̄̇a̸͚̝͔̬̺ͤ͒ͧͩ̓͡i̟͕͒́͠t̵̸̶̰̞̣̱̹̭͉̹̉

>> No.9330423

It will be very painful.

>> No.9330435

op here.
They have issues with fatigue, chronic pain, hip instability and probably some other minor shit. they can walk without all the equipment, so i think they're using it as an excuse to be lazy.

>> No.9330451 [DELETED] 
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I'm dying to find this somewhere

>> No.9330452

Wrong thread?

>> No.9330462

I have a friend that supposedly has issues with their feet but it conveniently only comes up at cons so they can get themselves a disabled badge and have first dibs on the elevators. Made no mention of feet or leg problems when we spent a whole day walking around the city.

>> No.9330507

In the ballpit?

>> No.9330508

I always found NEETdom interesting in that they can survive without doing anything. It sounds nice if the option is available.

>> No.9330564

This time the balls were in HER.

>> No.9330573

I know your pain, anon. I have a friend who is just like that, they can walk just fine but if we go out and about they HAVE to bring their cane with them. It's so fucking embarrassing, they have all these illnesses that you can't prove and they're the same age as your friend

>> No.9330703

I know people like that. then again, my mom can walk fine too but she takes her cane with her when she goes out anyway, because she doesn't know if her knee is gonna crap out in the middle of getting groceries or whatever. she'd rather carry it around and not need it than need it and not have it.

that does sound suspicious. I'm guessing they probably get away with it because with a lot of less visible disabilities, it's possible to have good days and bad days. but then if that's the case, you still have to be careful on your good days as well or you end up paying for it the day after. but it's easy to get carried away and ignore the pain if you're having a good time. so I could see someone being legit disabled and looking like they're faking because of that.

then again, some people are just fakers.

>> No.9330919

Dude goes to a con that has grass and a small park, brings his helper dogs. Then they go shit en piss everywhere near the entrance of the con. I saw where they shit, never going near that tree again.
The fuck raise your dogs or clean up their poo, mine even poops on command.

>> No.9330925

You sound like a good person who tries to give people the benefit of the doubt, but I think these cases are either fakers or people over exaggerating to the extreme for attention.

>sprained knee slipping in ice a few years ago
>had a limp for a month
>crazy hypochondriac friend treated me like I was crippled
>makings big deal out of helping me into cars, walking down stairs, and anytime we were out in public
>most embarrassing month of my life

>> No.9330961

You're a big guy!

>> No.9330977

For you.

>> No.9331351

Well it looks like there were two mistakes made that day.

*slide whistle*

>> No.9331906

Shoulda laid them out desu

>> No.9331911

Drop that homophobic asshole immediately. Bigots don't get to have friends

>> No.9331914

The fact that you have any awareness of this at all means you probably aren't as annoying as you think. A good way to engage in conversation without talking about yourself is to ask lots of questions, really listen to their answers and be interested in them.
People love talking about themselves and will like you more if you seem genuinely interested in them.

>> No.9332007


You didn't try to fuck them both?

You pussy.

>> No.9332083
File: 184 KB, 640x960, tmp_19754-32a7a6173de28a988083a75d56841958-1542420523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ever not liking Holo


>> No.9332341

I'm like this btw and it's just as embarrassing for us to carry around shit to help us. You're a shitty fucking friend.

>> No.9332343

Bless you for saying things like this. I have several legit things happening with me atm that don't have one set "illness" all my cosplay friends think I'm making shit up and that I actually don't have anything wrong and it upsets me to no end because I am trying to be normal but can't. I've stopped even telling my friends how I'm doing because like the asshole above make me seem like I am some hypochondriac vs any sort of support.

>> No.9332355

>one friend thinks at cons it's acceptable to yell randumb things and memes all weekend
>not to anyone in particular, just projection to anyone able to hear
>doesn't do this otherwise
Why. Sometimes it's when I'm trying to put in dinner orders over the phone or listening to my GPS too. I tell her to stop every time but she thinks I'm messing around.

>> No.9332426

Does she have a Effie cosplay?

>> No.9332438 [DELETED] 

... Is the last bit bait?

I really hope it's bait. You're being a tryhard nerd here mate, being visibly uncomfortable at something heavily otaku sounds like some good old fashioned values. And not liking gay stuff is childish now?
Go back to Tumblr you fat landwhale.

>> No.9332442

I mean... you can just get it checked out by a doctor, and if it's undiagnosable you still get a whole lot of names thrown at you of diseases or disease families so to say to use.

Unless you got it checked out and confirmed by a prof nobody is buying you limp-dicked bullshit though. :^)

>> No.9332452

Its not quite that easy. They treat symptoms but never give full diagnosis and you never get 100% better. At least that's how it's been for me. Sometimes finding a true diagnosis takes years of symptoms until they match up especially if you have several different things that are all very serious. You dont really get to say someone is faking it if you dint know all the facts and chances are most Ppl aren't like Misa on wheels and all that throwing around their shit. Most of us who deal with it don't want to upset our friends or make them feel pity for us and we push ourselves to act happy and act normal. Call me limp dicked if you want.

>> No.9332474

>they never give full diagnosis

If it's a purely speculative disease, or something existing in between several diseases then sure... but you'd still get some complicated names to throw at your pals. In most cases that should suffice, I mean there's something legit wrong with you right?
Not just a case of the a-bloo-bloo's? I mean, if it's all very serious as you said, then once again; there are over encompassing terms to use for that.

If people are thinking you're making up shit there's usually something not checking out.

>> No.9332524

I'm trying to think of what band might be in america year after year and the only one that comes to mind is dir en grey but they would not be playing at a con. maybe one ok rock since they're getting pushed by wb but same thing with them not being at a con.

>> No.9332549


I'm like >>9332452
in that i've got health issues and shit friends.
Many doctors dont like to put a name to things if its something uncommon or weird. It took me 5 years of active fighting with doctors to diagnose me with fibromiyalgia and CFS, and i'm still fighting to get things figured out.

Many people just dont get any sort of health issue. Depression? stop being sad. Anxiety? calm down. chronic fatigue? Sleep normal hours. Widespread nerve pain? Take an asprin and get over it.

>> No.9332724

Thank you that poster above is uninformed and doesn't realize how things work because they haven't lived it. I Def have four or five active symptoms and none of them line up so they treat each one individually and sometimes like my joint pain they don't want to say it's arthritis but gives me meds anyway

>> No.9332732

>friend that knows his limit too damn well, hits it at noon, and maintains that level all weekend until he intentionally wrecks his own ass with tequila Saturday night

>> No.9332739

Getting this diagnosis is only hindering, not helpful. It's only diagnosed when they can't give you a real answer, it's not even a condition in the true medical sense, all it says is that you have a bunch of possibly completely unrelated symptoms that they can't actually pin to anything else. Pretty sure a bunch of doctors also use it as note code for malingerers too.

>> No.9332761

I don't see what makes you think I'm a tumblrina in this post. I guess you never had to deal with someone like her before. I don't get why she goes to anime cons if she dislikes most things that are in anime cons either. And she doesn't just dislike gay tv shows, just anything gay and not manly in general, including real people, I think that's a valid complaint.

I can't because we have a lot of mutual friends. I already don't see her all that much nowadays anyway, now that we're in different colleges.

>> No.9332764

>friend can walk around her house with stairs no problem
>friend can hike around her woods no problem
>friend has no problem getting in and out of cars
>we're going out in public??
>suddenly needs to bring cane, suddenly has problems walking, needs help getting down tiny platforms

If you're like this you're a lying piece of shit detracting from people who actually have problems, and you damn well fucking know it. Get fucked.

>> No.9332849

Man, I don't know. Maybe she likes hanging out with you guys? You just came across real salty to me, like one of those N33T's who complained that his/her was being riddled with fucking normies.

Which meant he was called out on behaving like an annoying sperg, and then blamed the rest of the world for it.

I mean, I dislike gay shit too. I'm a guy from a conservative background, gay things make uncomfortable as fuck. And openly engaging in sexually tinted stuff is something I look down at.

>> No.9332850

At the time we were not very assertive, we didn't want her to be upset. Now I tell H to suck it up and deal with it.

>> No.9332851

>that friend who drinks one can of beer and then is yelling with a stool on his head and eventually falls asleep.

>> No.9332950

I'm not saying anyone is or isn't like this but being in public with any issue is scary and maybe they are playing it up for attention but it doesn't necessarily mean they are faking it entirely.

So anyway let's get back to stories

>> No.9333290

Yeah the only reason I keep checking this thread is to see if they answered

>> No.9333294

No, you're thinking of someone else.

>> No.9333350

> Con-Alt-Delete 2016
> Had some dude I met at a smaller con ask to carpool and room with me
> He seemed alright when I first met him
> Cash in hand for share of room and gas
> Usually go alone, but okay
> Things seem fine til we get to the Hyatt
> Decides to tag along with me
> Alright, cool
> Meetup with the group I usually hangout with and start walking around
> Things are cool at first but things start going downhill with him
> Hear him making comments to cosplayers that put me on the edge
> Give him a heads up to be careful of what he says
> Go to panels and he happens to be "that guy" who keeps cutting of the guest speakers with pretentious remarks
> Would not stop asking me to spot for his costume when he really didn't need a spotter
> impulsive all around
> people in the group start expressing their annoyance to me
> Make it through to the last day
> Playing a Werewolf game with him along with part of the group in the hotel basement
> Thinking how I managed to cope with it and still had a fun time
> Could have been worse
> Nope
> Serenity broken by someone screaming "Get the fuck off of me!!!!"
> It's him
> Ugh, Goddammit!
> People are shouting "Hey, let go of him!!!" "Get off of him!!!!" "Stop!!!"
> look up and see that a teenage girl, who was cosplaying Ness, had him in a rear naked choke and was in the process of trying to choke him out
> WTF is going on??!!
> I don't know what the hell is happening, but if he retaliates, this is going to be BAD
> Game moderator finally gets her to let go of him
> he doesn't retaliate
> Girl explains that she tried to choke him out because he grabbed her yo-yo after she playfully hit him with her foam bat
> So embarrassed because he told everyone at the game that he was with me
> never. ever. again

In the end, I cut my time at the con short and left several hours early. It sucked because I had to drive 3 hours back home with him and explain to him how his impulsive behavior got him in that situation.

>> No.9333363

have you tried pulling a knife on her yet? tends to get the point across

>> No.9333399

someone's going to have to explain werewolf to me where touching something equals getting choked out

>> No.9333405

Werewolf has nothing to do with it. Werewolf is literally just Mafia but with werewolves and townsfolk instead of mafia and FBI.

>> No.9333430

>Go to con with now ex bf
>His first time cosplaying, so I help him out a bit
>Fairly recognizable character from a currently airing anime
>Says he's going to act like the character all day
>"Haha! What a good joke!"
>Hes not joking
>Literally all day acting like said character, who happens to be very loud and obnoxious at times
>Goes up to other cosplayers acting like this character, making a lot of them uncomfortable
>Explain to him why maybe he should just talk to them like people
>He doesn't get it
>Says I'm just trying to ruin his fun
>Spends the entire weekend semi-embarrassed because of his behavior

Like I'm all for joking in character or whatever sometimes. But literally ALL WEEKEND. And I could see that a ton of the cosplayers he did this at were really uncomfortable. I tried to have a conversation with one of them, and he pretty much yelled character quotes over me the entire time. They're people, not characters.

>> No.9333500

just pass off shitty jokes as irony

>> No.9333644

>They're people, not characters.
I don't think neets, weebs and teenagers understand this.

>> No.9333699

Shit, this was my nightmare when Heath Ledger styled Joker was popularity and all the edgy neckbeards were doing it. I was seated in line for an event two people behind one and the whole time he was acting in character and making creepy comments towards any female that accidentally made eye contact with him.

>> No.9333750

Les Loups-Garou de Tiercelieux is the greatest party quick table game of all the time

>> No.9333877

I definitely feel that, honestly.
Man it was really frustrating, and I did feel bad because for a bit I thought I was being uptight, but after seeing how uncomfortable it was making like 90% of the people he walked up to, I was like...nah. He needs to tone it down. Also, added bonus: trying to bancho walk the entire time and silently going up behind people with his arms crossed until they noticed him. Just. Everything was a mistake.

>> No.9333888

At least he's not my local con's L. I started in 2012 and there's this guy who vomes ever. single. year dressed as L with the same trash wig, same make up, same everything. Walks around hunched over, always silent, never talks to anyone, and may your god have mercy if you make eye contact. He's walked up to people, invaded their space bubble, and just stared before walking away.

I've only seen him using his phone once, and even still he was doing L's hunched in sit.

>> No.9333890

Do you seriously audibly whine every time you see something you dislike? That's more what I would expect out of a tumblrina.

>> No.9334121
File: 209 KB, 461x521, tumblr_o1bh9mbMPq1tgb6wyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this on tumblr. What the fuck.

>> No.9334136

>What the fuck.
Richard is a stud, I don't know what you want to hear really.

>> No.9334142
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most of 4chan is otaku and/or pornographic, what do you even do here?

>> No.9334146

Bro, if somebody is doing something inappropriate or completely socially uncalled for I will call them out on behaving like a pubescant child.

Or do you think being open about what arouses you in a public setting is an adult thing to do?
Stop acting like a "lol quirky" tween.

>> No.9334148

i think "yo-yo" was a euphemism in this scenario

>> No.9334181

>Be in sophomore year highschool long time ago
>Am a weeb but I keep that shit quiet and in check. But I attract weird people/weebs.
>One friend is really sweet and cosplays hetalia.
>Her freshmen friends are horrible.
>Name each other after their countries.
>Sweet friend is Spain since she's mexican.
>One time say goodbye to sweet friend.
>Starts walking away when I hear running.
>See her tackle hug my friend in the middle of a crowded hall.
>This happens all the time.
>Some wear their wigs to class.
I didn't say anything since they were freshmen but this continued on for a good two years. Not sure if they fully calmed down, but I know at some point they hated the guts of the "SPEEN" girl.

>> No.9335123

When I was a senior, we started an anime club (so that we could watch Akira) and a shit ton of freshman showed up and complained it was too violent. one started crying because it was 'too innoproprate' and her parents were going to kill her for watching something so violent. We got kicked out of our own fucking movie club by freshman. We went back right before we graduated, and they were watching my little pony.

I am so glad we left

>> No.9335134

Trigger word for me; COPS.
My last ex called the cops on me at least 4 times.
First time was at my workplace, so I basically got my 2 week notice thanks to him.
>don't deal drugs
>don't steal
>don't do anything illegal
ex still saw good reason to call cops, because
>"it was for your own good"

>> No.9335145

>Sweet friend is Spain since she's mexican.

It's funny how akira is a somewhat renowned movie, yet most weebs have never watched it.

>> No.9335148

Are you that anon that had the psychotic bf that didn't want you to work and that's why he called the cops? Trying to isolate you or some crazy shit?

>> No.9335270
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A+ my niggy

>> No.9335314

Not person you replied to but I ran a club for a bit while a bunch of new people joined. You can probably imagine my reaction when I found out none of them had even heard of Evangelion before.

>> No.9335390

>Or do you think being open about what arouses you in a public setting is an adult thing to do?
Anime cons are places where you can buy and sell any sort of 2D debauchery you're into. It's immature to knowingly go to a place that sells adult things and then complain when you see them.

>> No.9335397

>Decide to take friend and friends of friend to first proper convention
>Friend gushes about how much she's excited to go
>Suddenly a week before con, "Anon I really don't think we can afford train fare!!"
>"Anon getting to this con is going to be really hard"
>Ok well I told you where this con is and how much roughly it will cost to get there, if you don't want to go you could have just told me.
>"No no anon we still REAAAALLY want to go!!!"
>End up having to ask dad for lift to con, dad has zero interest in this cosplay nonsense, very serious person
>Friends make a cringy weeby embarassment of selves the moment they step in car
>Spend most of journey in silence basking in shame
>Finally get to con
>Everything seems to be okay, no problems during day
>We need to get train back and I told them the costs several times before
>Get to station, they suddenly have meltdown over train fare
>Literally almost crying over paying a small amount of money
>Probably expected me to pay for them. I instead sat in the lobby cultivating my inner burning anger
>"I'm sorry anon but we're really poor and we didn't realise it would be so expensive"
>I told them again and again. And again and again.
>Not even that much money
>Ignore them and spend most of journey back in silence

The key thing I want to point out is that they constantly complain about being poor however they spend every bit of money they get on rare anime figurines and custom anime prints, they also bought a large amount of merch at the con. I don't understand how their minds work but I later discovered one of them is fictionkin.

I don't go to cons with them anymore.

>> No.9335406 [DELETED] 
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listens to rap.

>> No.9335443

>befriend people at college's anime club
>turns out one of them is a panelist at local con
>throughout the year, his panels became more and more sjw friendly
>turns out he is transitioning
>last I've heard, she is studying in woman studies and a full sjw
>regularly shares sjw friendly articles on fb
I believed I was progressive until I met actual progressives. Then I realized I unknowingly red pilled myself
Good thing my contacts with her is almost non-existant nowadays.

>> No.9335526

Dude, you are getting shafted hard.

Take this from a person who has been there before, stop organizing their rides and paying for their shit. Don't rely on them to share the cost of a hotel room - find other, reliable people or pay for your own so if they freak out about transport it's their problem.

I used to be the kind of friend that would pick up the tab if someone didn't realize how much they'd spent, or pay for that extra movie ticket, or con pass and such. The people I spent time with (as much as I enjoyed their company when they weren't mooching) got so used to and comfortable with me keeping their arses covered that they started pulling the kind of shit your friends are.

Just stop enabling them.

>> No.9335529

>We all have a friend
Haha, oh boy. I really am in the wrong neighborhood aren't I.

>> No.9335531

Yeah, as someone who has a lifelong, chronic and ultimately fatal condition that flares up and down, fuck people that make assumptions like that.

Yeah, there are fakers out there, but if it's sincerely making you uncomfortable or bothering you then just don't hang out with disabled-chan. You're less of an asshole by dropping the friendship than bitching about her needs behind her back desu.

>> No.9335533


>> No.9335598

I feel exactly the same way anon. I think of myself as a generally liberal and open minded person but jesus these last 5 years have really been testing me

>> No.9335714
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post results

>> No.9335769

You're a shit friend.

People who suffer from stuff like that are usually fine with minor walking and standing but extended walks they struggle.

>> No.9335772

It's such a non-diagnosis. I feel like it's a way for docs to go "welp. It's incurable. Nothing we can do. Off you trot"

Had a friend with it. Only thing the doctor offered was a cane to help elevate the pain whilst walking.

>> No.9335780

Seriously chronic pain diagnosis is such bullshit. I've gone through several doctors and medications and literally its just "Hmm, not sure, good luck." For-fucking-real. I feel like I've wasted more time in a doctor's office than on cgl.

>> No.9335809

>I've wasted more time in a doctor's office than on cgl

Its like, ok than you for figuring out what the problem is, now can you fix it? Nah, you say? I dont deal with chronic pain patients, you say? Then what the fuck am i doing here?

>> No.9335882

My friend is always whining about not having enough money for lolita. But she is always wasting her money eating out, drinking, and doing drugs. Honestly I wish she would get out of the fashion. Unsurprisingly she is pretty ita too.

>> No.9335907

one of my classmates is kinda into j-fash/mori-ish styles and I was very hyped about getting to talk to her about it, do two-person orders off taobao and ali etc until I realised she's a druggie and has 0 money for anything
back to being lonely it is

>> No.9335933

Realizing you might be "that guy" means you probably aren't as much of a "that guy" as you think! Try to watch body language more. Do people start to look away from the group? Maybe time to change topic. Did someone try to add something but get cut off? Maybe stop yourself and ask them to repeat.

Most people will completely forget a bad joke as soon as you tell the next good one. Keep at it, and try to never repeat the same joke twice with the same group of people even if it's good. There is an exponential decay in humour with every subsequent use.

DO IT. Tell her it's wrong for a cracker like her to appropriate Japaneseness. POST REACTION.

>> No.9335936
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not exactly my friend but whatever

>in class
>offer the seat next to me to this new kid
>look at tea party shoes i'm planning to get as well as a couple other auctions on my phone
>he sees
>carefully explain lolita to him
>"anon, i think you'd look cute as a doll. I want to turn you into a doll."

>> No.9335985

Legit I am feeling that, as time goes by and as all those protest goes by, I am slowly leaning to the right of the political spectrum

>> No.9336036
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Same. I considered myself more of a libertarian a few years ago but more conservative now. I'm not gonna go all 14/88 or anything, I love freedom and muh guns, but fascism looks pretty good when you've got a bunch of rude cunts advocating for violence against people who say certain things and nothing else. I just roll with it when people call me a Nazi now.

To keep it on topic
>one of my first cons
>I'm going as Hoxton from payday, with my friends fat Corvo and swole Darth Revan
>Revan eventually bails to go for some star wars shoot and Corvo wants to go meet up with a lady friend.
>we go meet his friend, lolipop chainsaw.
>but she's got a friend too
>black power ranger costume that looks pretty good.
>guy has a serious moose knuckle going on
>lolipop says she's so glad they could meet, we all take our masks/helmets off
>the black power ranger is a black guy
>fat Corvo is visibly disturbed, clearly thinks she's getting fucked by this melanin enriched power ranger
>they were kind of all over each other but nothing was explicit
>just awkward convo and merch browsing together
>we go our separate ways and fat Corvo says "fucking niggers" loudly enough that people notice and start staring.

I got us out of there fast because he was just starting to rant and I thought it might become more of a scene.

I told Swole Revan and he was laughing pretty hard, making cuck jokes. I don't know if the exact word 'cuck' was ever used but it's the first time I'd heard it used outside of a history textbook.

>> No.9336202

Sorry, but what's a cuck?

I only know it from cuckold but I'm not sure if that's the same thing...

>> No.9336209

One time I saw a Sheryl Nome cosplayer. Even if it was when Frontier was new and probably not the rarest thing in the world, I was so excited to see her I told her I wanted to take her home and put her on my shelf.

>> No.9336219

You are on a machine with google you retard

>> No.9336225

lol based, also embrace nazism you cuck

>> No.9336334

>fascism looks pretty good when you've got a bunch of rude cunts advocating for violence against people who say certain things and nothing else
You....do realize that's what fascism is right? I feel like everyone on both sides of the spectrum is a damn idiot

>> No.9336416

Gosh, I wish I could pull a normie look and just troll the fuck out of people.
Too bad I am asian and people can automatically assume that I have interests in geek culture so everytime I say shit like that, people would be like "harharhar anon, you are such a troll"

>> No.9336437
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>> No.9336442

Aw, that's sadcringe.

>> No.9336444

Honestly, I consider myself pretty left, but these people are so far gone that they're veering around and pretty much going to the exact same behaviours of the extreme right wing people - aka the people they 'hate'.
It's pretty ironic when you think about it.

>> No.9336448


>>9336334 took the words out of my mouth

>> No.9336449

I think that I might have veered that far left if I hadn't been on 4chan for so long. On the other hand, tumblr's influence has kept me from going full redpill too.
>in the end just feel awkwardly alienated from both sides of the spectrum

>> No.9336464
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>> No.9336480

>in the end just feel awkwardly alienated from both sides of the spectrum

I feel this so hard, I feel like I'm losing my mind whenever I go on social media and see the latest political shitstorm.

>> No.9336485

lol...why is this so funny

>> No.9336492
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I introduced anime to Hasani.
>I watched my childhood bbf grew from being fun to utter cancer.
>Completely obvious of what her online autism
>My only knowledge is that she pretended to be a tranny or Korean (?) and got a tattoo to be some stupid looking character from homestuck
I am scared to ask but can anyone please green text a run down of her drama?
I need to know how deep the rabbit hole goes.

>> No.9336496

Keep in mind that only the extremes are yelling the hardest. The vast majority of the people (the rational middle) doesn't feel the need to convince everyone of a radical point of view.

Sage for OT

>> No.9336588
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>doing first crossplay soon
>really excited, putting in a lot of work
>suddenly have the constant fear of being shit and having some glaring mistake or flaw
>thinking about dropping the cosplay

I just want to have fun haha

>> No.9336735

>tfw i have a multitude of lolita friends who ramble about their sugar daddies all damn day
i'm not jealous because i'm well off myself, i just have absolutely no interest in hearing about their degeneracy. why brag about being that desperate for cash? about literally whoring yourself out for maybe one or two brand new dresses a month? i just don't get it. keep that shit to yourself.

>> No.9336745

i hate when 4chan collectively gloms onto a new self-righteous buzzword

when will the moralfag invasion end

>> No.9336746

found the sugar baby

>> No.9337018

>She spent like 20 minutes telling me about memes she saw on Facebook,

People like that make my brain melt out of my ears.

>> No.9337023

I did, dipshit. Came up with lots of different meanings. Cuckold being one of them

SO in this situation, what's a cuck?

>> No.9337025

I'm left wing, but I'm LibDem left wing. Not stupid shit left wing.

When you're so far left you're in the realm of communism, there's gonna be a problem.

>> No.9337027

what a sheltered soul i am...I had to google what fiction kin is...also, yeah listen to first anon, just stop associating with them, if they get pushy about it just slow fade.

>> No.9337031

man its moments like these that i wish you could get a restraining order for

>> No.9337036

im kinda jealous of them though...at most i will probably only be able to get a Splenda daddy

>> No.9337061
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fuck that. what you need is a salt mama.

>> No.9337222

>>"anon, i think you'd look cute as a doll. I want to turn you into a doll."

Do not get into his panel van.

>> No.9337226

It's NEET, not n33t.

It stands for No Employment, Education, or Training.

>> No.9337243

This sounds exactly like a friend of mine, except instead of ita lolita and Harley Quinn she always wears godawful costumes that are supposed to represent her original character (donut steel), who is a beautiful, skinny 14-year old magical girl/Mary Sue. She herself is morbidly obese and turns 32 this year.
Wonderful person most of the time, but more likely than not features in at least one con horror story. As soon as she gets to a con, the concept of indoor voices and personal space flies out the window.

>> No.9337272

There's a girl just like this in my comm except she's doesn't even need to be drunk to be incredibly loud and obnoxious. In fact, she apparently hates alcohol, and even having a chocolate praline with cherry liqueur near her on the table at a high tea sets her off to start screaming about how much she hates alcohol and how people who do drink are stupid normies who aren't worthy of being around her. I'm not much of a drinker myself but sitting next to her when she's yelling about who knows what makes me want to down a bottle or two myself.

>> No.9337286

.... All of this said, guys, I DO think it's important to stand up for right. America was founded on the basis of freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and freedom of opinions that aren't fueled by pure hate. I think it's important to speak out against hate and its consequences. And I don't consider myself a leftwing extremist for thinking this.

>> No.9337289

When my docs and I were trying to figure out what was wrong with me (lupus, yay) I asked them about fibromyalgia and they all but said that it's a non-diagnosis, and that they didn't think I had it because they believed whatever was wrong with me was "physical". Like apparently fibro is indeed code for something that they believe only exists in the mind of malingerers and munchausen types.
sage for ot

>> No.9337302

if you're still there.

cuck almost always is used in the sense of cuckoldry fetishism, but lately it has started to gain mass appeal as a blanket insult.

Sometimes people are called cuck when they allow or tolerate something that is not supposed to be tolerable according to the person uttering the insult. E.g. your romantic partner cheats on you, but then regrets it and comes back to you crying, and you accept them back. It can also be euphemistically used non-sexually. Like when you accept a store's shitty deal because you can't find an alternative. In this sense cuck is more like 'grow a spine'.

Other times they are called cuck because it's becoming a shock value blanket insult. Like the way 'gay' was being used but it's losing popularity because once you over-use an insult it takes the edge off.

Polite cuck sage.

>> No.9337353

You need to better your google-fu if you can't even find urbandictionary.com

>> No.9337368

Cuck means cuckold. It's just that the Internet, /pol/ in particular, uses it as a generic insult, usually with the connotations that the person has no self-respect and an emphasis on "race traitorism" or liberalism

>> No.9337391

Don't be, anon. None of the ones that I know make any substantial cash and I honestly haven't heard them talk about getting brand. They probably have Sweet n Low Daddies, which makes me even more confused as to why they feel the need to talk about it so damn much

>> No.9337398

>Sweet n Low Daddies

Unironically lol'd

>> No.9337443
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>> No.9337450

I think most lolitas have met this kind of friend at one point

>friend has been admiring fashion from afar for years, even has some english GLBs
>friend excited to learn that I wear this fashion
>every attempt at me supporting her in actually wearing it ends in excuses
>"my parent's wont let me!" (she is 26)
>"its too expensive!" as I send her links for burando sales, full coord packs, Taobabo resellrs with actual nice cheap dresses
>"its too small" I'm plus size and too and i offer links upon links of fitting dresses
>wears skater dress and tries to call it lolita
>glomps me
>touches my dresses non stop
>poses super close next to me every time people ask me for a photo of my outfit
>wants to go to all the meet ups while wearing normal clothes, so I have to keep making excuses to have her not go

I used to think that I could help her become the lolita she always wanted to be, but I'm starting to realize it will never happen, and even if she got a dress I would be completely ashamed of taking her to a meetup with me.

>> No.9337459

Where the hell do you all meet these people and why are you friends with them?

>> No.9337466

Thanks - I don't know if I'm showing my age by not knowing or if it's just something not used in the UK

>> No.9337468

I think a lot of people are friends with people from middle school or high school, and that friend never grows up. Call me a sorry sap but it's hard to break off a friendship with someone you've known for years even if they're a total drain

>> No.9337469
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It's posts like these that make me wish I had friends. I know they're all kinda 'horror stories' but it'd be nice to have moments like these.

The picky friend who only eats from certain places and needs a special late-night adventure from the hotel to some obscure place to get food. The crazy friend who terrorizes some poor Japanese guest with their intense fandom. The 'cosplay anything' friend who doesn't give a shit and will cause untold commotion to event staff with a hugely impractical prop or costume.

Standing in line at someplace you never wanted to be making jokes about something or seeing some crazy shit while a friend waits for an meet and greet. Missing the last train home and being stuck out somewhere because a friend lost their ticket. Hearing everyone's crazy views and opinions and stories at inappropriate times.

It all sounds so golden. I wish I had friends.

>> No.9337478

>be me
>have serious trouble hearing
>had lots of severe earaches as a kid pretty sure those must have done something
>have deeper, booming voice
>always get strange looks from people when I talk while in lolita
>always on edge if I'm being too loud or if I sound too overbearing
>afraid I'm that annoying loud friend

>> No.9337479

Why don't you?

>> No.9337513


I dunno, maybe I don't make a good impression or something. I'm usually a really extroverted person but when I meet cosplayers I get really scared.

I can speak to any random person on the street without any issue, I'm socially fearless, but when it comes to cosplay it's the total opposite - I'm intimidated because I know they're potential friends, it's like a terrifying job interview or something. I'm a cosplayer myself, but I always feel like I'm gonna be rejected for some reason - maybe my costume won't be perfect or I'll offend someone or something.

I know it sounds silly but while I find girls easier to talk to, I'm terrified of them thinking I'm a creeper or something which is ridic because I'm gay anyway. I don't even look creepy, I look like a 14 year old weeb.

I would say maybe I come across as standoffish or unapproachable in attitude but I have no problem with people coming up to me and talking to me outside of cons so I dunno.

Maybe I'm just overthinking it.

>> No.9337776


Oh er, I feel awkward asking this but if anyone has any advice for me it'd be appreciated.

>Go up to someone or people
>Make conversation/some kind of joke or something
>They laugh and respond, SOCIAL INTERACTION SUCCESS
>Awkward silence is on the horizon, time to vanish into the crowd ASAP

I feel like I don't know how to go from social icebreaker to 'please be my bff'. I'd feel too desperate asking them if I can tag along with them, especially if it's just one person because it'd sound like a bad pickup line. Is it actually fine to say that and I just need to get over it, or is it actually kinda desperate and I should take a more subtle approach somehow?

>> No.9337779

No, I think asking someone if they wanna tag along to check out a booth you both want to go to is fine. That's pretty normal I think, if the interaction is going well at least. Don't be afraid to ask and don't be devastated if someone passes on the offer. Be strong, anon.

>> No.9337788

>don't be devastated if someone passes on the offer

Oh my gosh, that really would be terrible.

I did a thing before actually called rejection therapy, which is from a famous TED talk where you basically put yourself in a situation to be turned down and you remove your fear of people rejecting you. It's not related to dating and stuff, it's just for doing things that would normally be difficult, like asking people on the street for interviews and stuff.

But being turned down at an attempt to make a friend would be devastating, it's like being rejected on a deeper level.

This'll make me sound so bad, but I've even had successful interactions that have gone worse.

>Have a successful interaction with cosplay group from the same series, they're really cool
>Dash off quickly before things can go wrong
>Decide it was a stupid idea and try to find them so I can 'casually' bump into them again
>Find them, they were looking for me too

I must have something wrong with me, this doesn't happen to normal people.

>> No.9337809

Don't think of it as a rejection to be friends! Some people might be on a massive time crunch, have a large group they don't want to lose, and people probably feel your same anxiety about screwing up a social interaction!

>> No.9337818

>full coord packs,

I need these. I have terrible fashion coordination but I want to dress cute.

>> No.9337931

I have some pretty A+ rooming/con friends. We do our own thing, do photoshoots, drink, party, get each other breakfast, share bobby pins and hairspray. It's great.

>> No.9337933


>> No.9337956

#Blessed to have read this. You are my idol.

>> No.9338072

Wait around for lucky pack/special set season.

>> No.9338187


Thanks anon, though I'm not sure if I'd be able to reassure myself with that at the time.

Can I ask you (and anybody else ITT) a question? If you currently have friends you've met at a con, how did you go from first meeting them to being friends? I'm thinking I should take the well worn path.

>> No.9338208

The friends I made at cons it was just bumping into them a few times at the con, striking up a conversation, realizing we had a lot in common, walking around together, meeting up the next day, and after finding each other on social media the people I've met have become good friends. Always a bonus when the person you befriend has a group of friends that you can vibe well with.
I think it's bumping into someone that's way to talk to that you have a lot in common and then a little bit of luck.

>> No.9338250

Oh man you JUST missed lucky pack season, but there are still some floating around.


This AP pack is the last I could find but sometimes people resell happy packs on Lacemarket

>> No.9338379

I usually end up asking if they have a twitter or some other social media I can find them on, and then just actively like/comment on some of their stuff that I find interesting. If they reply back and comment on your stuff as well, you can ask them if they're going to the same cons as you and if they'd like to meet up. If things go well you can share actual contact information and talk more outside of cons and social media too. A nice rule of thumb is to talk to them when you have some reason to do so, for example ask them about future cosplay/con plans or discuss something they've posted in more depth, the regular "how are you" can end up super awkward if you can't figure out how to continue from there, so keep that in mind.
A lot of people are happy when someone pays attention to them, especially if it's obvious that they want to be friends. Just keep in mind to give them some space too, it's perfectly normal to go a couple of weeks or more without having a proper converstation.

If the two of you click, you'll eventually get closer. Just keep in mind that turning from strangers to bff's doesn't happen immidiately, so be patient and don't try to force it.

>> No.9338424

I have a friend is is a total Japanophile/weeaboo and quite elitist about it. She has studied the language at university, has lived there for a year and has made many other shorter trips, is obsessed with tea ceremonies and other more traditional cultural aspects of Japan, and even more obsessed with kimono. However she's too fat to wear genuine Japanese kimono, so she makes them herself. Out of cheap quilting cotton. Stiff, see-through novelty quilting cotton with Santa or superheroes on it. She then wears these kimono to the mall and gets upset when people stare at her.
I love her, but I desperately want to take away her Joann's privileges.

>> No.9338732


Eh, that's kind of a problem too. I have no facebook or twitter - just tumblr. I feel like somehow that de-legitimizes my identity somehow, as though I'm more creepy for not having one. I tried a few times but it kept being found by people and now I really really don't want one.

>> No.9338748

Kek, anon where are you from? I'll be your friend.

>> No.9338763


The UK, sorry fampai

>> No.9339293

At least with twitter you can keep it private so that you can choose who follow you, so not everyone can see your tweets. And with tumblr having the new chat feature I'm sure that it works just as fine for communication these days as twitter and facebook do.
Also asking for Skype/Line/etc contact information is a lot less heavy than just asking their phone number out of the blue, so if social media is out of the question maybe try that?

>> No.9339451
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I was very much the embarrassing friend at the last event I went to and, looking back, I feel really bad about it.
>At Jump Festa in Japan
>English Shonen Jump editor-in-chief kindly let me tag along with one of my editors (I do freelance work for SJ)
>Got to meet Japanese editors, a few manga artists, DREAMS ARE COMING TRUE
>My editor and I get to interview Yuki Tabata, the creator of Black Clover
>I work on this title, I love it, I am excited beyond belief
>Tabata-sensei is as sweet as can be, seems to like the gift I gave him, at times the interview turns into a roundtable discussion and I get to throw in my two cents about character developments
>Finish interview, step outside of interview room, walk three steps, collapse onto ground
>I'm so overcome what just happened, I can't get up and just cover my face and scream soundlessly into my hands for several minutes
>My poor editor has no idea what to do
>One of the Japanese SJ higher-ups comes over to make sure I'm not dying
>People start looking at my editor like it's his fault (he said people thought he had broken up with me)
>He's getting really uncomfortable
>I eventually get over the pure joy of the encounter and recover
>It's a wonder he still lets me work with him

>> No.9339551

Hah weeb.

>> No.9339609

How did you even get that position?

>> No.9339642

That's so cute haha. Good on you for having the chance to meet with him. [spoiler]At least you didn't have a mental meltdown while talking to him like I did with the person I was excited to meet.[/nospoilersoncgl]

>> No.9339674
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Ah, that reminds me of when I met a VA I really love recently

>Was nice enough to stay longer than he needed to sign everyone
>Waited atleast two hours with friends
>We start getting closer and I start getting really nervous but trying to keep my composure
>Finally get there, my words are all over the place
>Pretty sure he sensed my nervousness as I handed him the book I wanted him to sign
>Laughs and tells me its okay
>Friend sighs while my other friend took a bunch of pictures of me panicking
>I quickly run off and sat on the floor outside being super excited

He was so nice, but those pictures and how I acted was so embarrassing.

>> No.9339814

Haha reminds me of a story a staff bro told me
>Line staff
>tells the next group of people to come towards the guest's table
>guest are a band
>girls litterally shaking
>got autographs and where seen crying when they left

>> No.9339848

>friend asks if I can help him with something cosplay related at con
>I say sure bro
>Saturday he busts it out, it needs to be taken in several inches everywhere and hemmed
>needle and thread
>no machine
>he's pissed because I said I could help and he wants the garment fitted
>I say I didn't realize he meant several hours of help altering and tailoring his fucking cosplay


>> No.9339868

Just do it! Mistakes if they happen are just experience to build on. No one just woke up and was amazing at it.

>> No.9339880

Aww I understand, I worry I'm that person too. But my voice is that nasally geeky teenager voice and I'm in my 30s. I try to control it but I've been told it's still really annoying, even if friends got used to it. fml

>> No.9339882

>I must have something wrong with me, this doesn't happen to normal people.

No you don't, that's just social anxiety. You're not the only one.

Flip it around though, instead of asking if you can go with them, invite them to do something with you. In the end though, when people say no it doesn't mean THAT'S IT EVERYTHING'S DONE NO MORE INTERACTION. Sometimes it's just that they had something else to do. Sometimes they're private people and keep a tight circle due to anxiety (me). Sometimes they might just want to catch up later.

Don't shoot yourself down so soon. I know that's easier said than done, but I believe in you! And with practice you'll get better at feeling out social situations, but you gotta experience the good and the bad to understand them more easily.

>> No.9339887


Yeah don't underestimate social media. Sometimes you just serial add all the people you meet at a con, and gradually figure out through online interaction who you hit it off best with. I don't think any friend I've become close to was an instant good friend overnight, they all grew into better friends through several experiences.

>> No.9340062


Is that why Jessi Salughter says that she has it?
Sagefor moronic OT

>> No.9340266

thank you, blessed anon

>> No.9340420

I wouldn't really say weeb, but embarrassing fujoshi? VERY much so.

The freelance gig I got after I interned at Viz. I had to letter a couple Naruto pages and had a lot of fun doing it, so took a test, was allowed into the letterer pool, and gradually was given enough series to do it as my fulltime job. I've been working on SJ titles for about ten years now, and know the SJ crew fairly well because of it (plus it probably helps I live close enough to the Viz offices that I visit regularly). Plus, the editor-in-chief is a really nice guy, so that's (probably?) why they let me tag along. I paid my way, of course, but TOTALLY WORTH EVERY CENT AND MORE.

I highly recommend the Viz internships to anyone looking for a job in the industry!

It was reeeaaaal close!

Awww, that's so cute! I think I would've been a lot more embarrassing during the interview if I could speak Japanese better, haha…

>> No.9340466 [DELETED] 
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My cringey friend won't listen when we tell her she's bad at makeup and shouldn't be selling it.

>> No.9340472

posting your friend's face is a little bit much anon,and isn't a friendly thing to do at all

not to say i don't agree with you because it looks like she's hardly put any effort into her face

>> No.9340872

I'm human garbage.

>> No.9340877
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>"my parent's wont let me!" (she is 26)

>> No.9340894


>meet artist of a series i love
>try to say hello at her table
>just weep while i thank her for existing
>she stares, seems annoyed
>i stagger away and weep uncontrollably behind a curtain partition, alone and confused

i had no idea my feelings for her work were so strong. i was able to go back after composing myself but my voice and hands shook as i all but groveled in her presence. she was not actually annoyed, but i still wept even more after our interaction

>> No.9341193

You didn't finish reading that post, did you?

Not the op but it irritates the shit out of me when people project their past experience with unwarranted advice, too

>> No.9341197

I'm with you anon

>go to super fancy art exhibit
>have actual Van Gogh and Monet paintings
>see paintings up close
>start crying
>people glaring at me while I shuffle to the restroom

Cgl relatedness:
>was wearing lolita

>> No.9341272

He's mostly harmless. He's a fat manlet that claims to have a weapon collection including katanas, and that he's fluent in Japanese, yet he refuses to speak a word of it to anyone

>> No.9341280
File: 7 KB, 308x164, weaboo jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat manlet
>weapon collection
>including katana
>fluent in Japanese
Just run

>> No.9341286

This is exactly why I just gave up on her. She has the resources if she wants to use them. Not my problem anymore.

I will still continue to be normal friends with her though.

>> No.9341291

>seeing Swan Lake in lolita with bf
>suddenly start sobbing in the middle of it not because it's sad, but because everything is so beautiful
>the sobbing obviously bothers people around me
>getting up to flee to the bathroom turns out to be even worse because a bunch of people had to stand up to let me and my petticoat pass

>> No.9341306

I feel like there is an untapped Thomas Kinkade-like market for paintings of crying lolitas in full regalia.

>> No.9341307
File: 216 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mek2sbpcuc1qkzj0go1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, is this the embarrassing yourself in front of talented people you admire thread now?
>Walking around dealers room at con, do a double take at a Stupid Fox table
>Ask girl "This.. is yours? You made this?" comes out accusingly by accident, she seems insulted
>Used to read Stupid Fox comics back in HS when I was depressed bc they're silly
>Really loved it and seeing it made me nostalgic, buy a couple keychains and thank her for making it
>Probably the weirdest interaction she had all weekend

>> No.9341309

Relatable though, I live by myself except for some weekends I spend at my moms place and she still tells me not to dress like a man or get piercings (I'm 25)

>> No.9341318

I tend to get really nervous around good cosplayers and I thought I'd gotten better at socialising till I met a dredd cosplayer (movie not comic, must have been around 40 years old) finally gather the courage to ask for a picture, he accidentally drops his beer in his helmet, then shakes it and and wears it for the sake of the picture. Then I see him around a couple of times, and awkwardly smile.

>> No.9341424

FUCKING SAME. I'll be at a con with a group of friends, and at the end of the day we'll be looking to go to a bar or restaurant for dinner/night out, but one or two people in the group will shoot down all suggestions except fast food because they can't afford it, and we'll be excluding them if we pick anywhere else. That's part of the fun of conventions though, and if we're already paying to be there, taking off of work, buying shit, etc, we might as well include food and drink in the budget?

>> No.9341427

I've stopped letting people like that dictate where we're eating. You decided to spend all your money in the Dealer's Room? Fine, the rest of us will be going to a restaurant and you can eat McDonalds. It's not fair to the rest of the group and it's nobody's fault but their own

>> No.9342012

>going to anime Iowa
>booked a hotel for our friend group
>done this sort of thing before with them, they always help pay
>on the way there they tell me they're all going to stay with another person
>for free
>they don't invite me
>spend entire weekend penniless because all of my money went to the room
>they were completely oblivious as to why I was so pissed at them the entire time
>cut off contact with all of them after the con

Not exactly embarrassing or annoying, but I feel like it's worthy.

>> No.9342019

I know that feeling so damn well, anon. You're better off.

>> No.9342020
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Added the missing pieces in for you. This gal is a major train wreck.

>> No.9342079

>on the way there
Ow. And I can also assume that none of them made any attempts at contacting you either.

Now, being on 4chan everyone's only getting one side of the story. But this seems like something that would or should have reasoning on the other. Because this seemed rather intentional on their part.

>> No.9342146

he says he's not a weeaboo and has never watched an anime in his life though. I try my hardest to annoy him by shouting random Japanese phrases at his as he's "so fluent", and he gets so angry he starts shaking and muttering how he's going to kill me under his breath

and he's told me that he considers me a friend


>> No.9342176

I've seen friends do this shit. Then try to cover their asses with "But we called/texted you" when everyone knows they didn't.

It's usually because you've got something they need (Like a car) or they don't want to be friends anymore but "muh mental illnesses" means they're scared to say so.

>> No.9342178

>agitating a large weeaboo on purpose
playing a dangerous game there, anon
don't go crying to people if he legit attacks you one day

>> No.9342180

>agitating a large weeaboo on purpose
>fat manlet

Don't worry.

>> No.9342188

Haha top kek. Continue to shitpost irl. He is trying to hide is power level but his cover has been blown.
>Considers me a friend
Just follow my advise. RUN
Eh I shitpost on my SJW friend's posts. I know that the next time I meet her, I might get punched but it is worth the shitpost
ps:i know how to defend myself
Besides anon said he is a manlet what are the chances that he brings a katana to school?

>> No.9342238

I must also add, he CLAIMS to have a katana collection. This is also the same guy that claims he owns a £5000 gaming pc but is too lazy to go to the other side of his room to use it, and the same guy that claims he bought a helicopter for his cousin, and the same guy that said he has a girlfriend "but in another country" and that he "never talks to her" and is "thinking of breaking up with her". It's sad and I do feel bad that he feels like he has to lie about all that stuff, but I doubt he'll come and slice me in half with his supposed ninja skills

>> No.9342255

>local area having Festival of Lights, pretty big deal around the area
>decide to wear lolita and wear more accessories than usual
>tell friend what I'm wearing and encourage them to dress up as well
>'dress up'
>friend shows up at house
>he's wearing a giant trench coat, has his fake cane, is wearing giant ass boots, random belts, and is wearing awful guyliner
>discount FF15 character
>think he's joking at first
>he's all dolled up and ready to go
>internally scream the entire festival

>> No.9342301

>he's all dolled up and ready to go
Instantly thought of this. Also that sounds unbearably awkward and I'm sorry for your experience.


>> No.9342340


Does he always talk about his Uncle? I swear every crazy liar like this that I've known has some amazing Uncle who does everything for them.

>"What did you do last weekend?"
>"Flew to San Diego in my Uncle's stuntplane"
>"Wow, even over the Atlantic? What did you do about fuel?"
>"We stopped off at oil rigs along the way, my Uncle knows a load of people there and they give us free refuels"

And yet somehow, no matter how extravagant the lies, nobody ever chooses to call these people out on it.

Oh and also his 'Uncle' was an avid street car racer with all these Fast and the Furious cars he raced and drifted around San Diego and personally knew Paul Walker and would tell these stories about how they had a grand time racing around America in Japanese import cars.

>> No.9342379

Ouch, people who claim that they are connected. Reminds me of the backstory on how Jlaw got her chinese nickname (roughly translates to big cousin)
Anyway continue what you are doing and/or be ready to run

>> No.9342441

>And yet somehow, no matter how extravagant the lies, nobody ever chooses to call these people out on it.

Honestly there's nothing you can say to argue against it, either they have more lies to throw on top of it or they just break down and call you a bully.

>> No.9342448

Ah man I feel you, esp. because I used to be much like that. I was never rude to anyone's face but I did certainly avoid people I didn't think were as "deep" as me. First I reveled in the fact that I did drawing and writing and liked real music, ROCK, not this rap and hip hop stuff! So deep! Then I went through a gamer grrrrl phase, then a "not like those other girls" phase and then I had this epiphany, gtfo'ed tumblr and just chilled out. I still joke around that I could never date a "normie" (I just love my husband so much and we're disgusting weebs together) but it honestly feels liberating to let everyone enjoy what they enjoy and not shame people for liking nerdy shit, or liking "basic normie" shit. That kind of attitude is definitely part of growing up, shame it took me that long.

Anyway, bless you and your 10/10 trolling, it's pretty great.

>> No.9342912

Not a con story, but cringy friend story.

>Joins an anime club in high school (mistake, i know)
>Everyone calls each other "chan" and "senpai", ect
>I never got into saying it, it was too weird.
>Club ends blah blah
>Sees friend from club during school
>They still add "chan" to the end of my name even though we arent in club
>fml its so embarassing.
>They continued to do it all throughout my highschool years

>> No.9343231

This is my new favorite aesthetic.

>> No.9343330

>tfw I'd probably pass out of shock and joy on the spot if I got to intimately meet Hirohiko Araki

>> No.9343437

Are you from Michigan?

>> No.9344312

"going to AI"
did you mean "omw to get date raped by people at ragbrai"

>> No.9344598

Hey. Dude who posted that originally here. Honestly there should be another side of the story, a good reason why a group of friends I've known for 5+ years would do that.

There wasn't. Believe me, I asked.

>> No.9344600

You mean that biking group a few years back? Yeah they were assholes.

>> No.9344639

>go to larger con with friendos
>oldest friend brings younger sister
>basically carbon copy of me a decade ago
>chubby, starry eyed weeb desperate to be a manga artist sprinkled with just the right amount of cringe
>be super nice to her and show interest in what she talks about
>really nice girl, just misguided, sure she'll grow out of the weeb phase like most of us
>wearing super casual lolita, friends are all casual cosplay, lil'weeb in sugoi kawaii neko-chan maid
>oi vey
>take lil'weeb around the cuter vendors and show her lolita stuff
>lil'weeb seems more chill the longer we're there, actually having fun, kinda like having a little sister
>browsing the con floor checking out all the cosplays
>"oh hey, lil'weeb, didn't you say you were really into Resident Evil? There's a great Albert Wesker over there!"
>before I can turn, lil'weeb is on the move like she just go fired out of a cannon
>I didn't tell her you can't glomp people
>she glomped me earlier and I just laughed it off
>she thinks it's a cute thing to do
>she leaps
>her kawaii neko ears catch the light of the fluorescent bulbs
>Wesker turns to meet his fate
>lil'weeb straight up DDT'd this poor sob
>sprint over to the point of impact and like the jaws of life, pry lil'weeb off the victim
>flee back to the hotel practically dragging lil'weeb
>call older friend and tell him what happened
>last time lil'weeb ever went to a con

>> No.9344721

i like this post

>> No.9345357

Story time?

>> No.9345646

I loved it until "usually some kind of harley quinn disaster"
then cried at "hits on clearly underaged cosplayers"
Aside from that, pretty sure >>9327976
is right...

>> No.9345671

I work at a hotel too and we count the glasses. I have to phone the people if something is missing or broken. If you don't take notice of it how do you know you have to take new glasses to a room, are there just a bunch of rooms without glasses?

>> No.9345748

Alright, I guess I'll share my first con fail, which was mostly my fault
>be me finding out I can go to ALA
>next to no money for cosplay
>tfw not quite into it but sister decides we're gonna do rwby with some of her friends
>lazy because working with mostly-not-my-money (I tend to be that way because I'm aware that I'm lazy), decide to cosplay jaune from rwby using some sintra i had from a failed armor set
>it's the week of the con and i have nearly no progress because im lazy
>sisters are mostly done, it's night of day 1
>still a couple things that need to be done that night and into the morning
>did i say a couple i meant a bunch of wig styling and some painting
>change into kigu in the restroom friday night and realize i left something in the car, figure why not just throw what I changed out of into the car
>lock door using door
>walk back from the far end of the parking lot
>screw around for a while
>it's finally time to go
>get to the car
>reach for keys
>oh cra- where are they
>dig frantically through bag
>send sister back in to see if con ops noticed me dropping them
>luckily still have my phone
>finally make sure the keys aren't in the bag by taking everything out
>realize I threw other pants into car
>look in
>keys are in the backseat
>call sister tell her what's up, have to call parents for spare car key
>get home, it's freaking midnight basically
>still stuff to do
>end up falling asleep thinking I can do it early
>wake up at 8 AM whoops
>open new episode of rwby since it's saturday and im just waking up and it's freaking 8
>second scene is Yang spraypainting her arm
>sister as a result ends up with the only up to date cosplay of Yang in existence as a result (which as of this weekend is obsolete again but that's beside the point)
>get to con at 1:30, group already over
>armor falling off all day
>shield handle breaks 5 times
>but only succeeded in ruining my own, both sisters were good
and that's how i failed so hard i became jaune

>> No.9345755

Not gonna lie
As cringey as it is, I sort of have a soft spot for that stuff at cons...
This might be a bit too far but for a first time cosplayer the excitement might get to them...
>every year
>manages to put up that act
I'm not sure whether to be disturbed or amazed at his dedication

>> No.9345758

oh man that is cringe but it's my favorite kind
>wear wigs to class
On different spirit weeks over junior and senior year, there were at least two Homestuck invasions, maybe more.
Anime club was fun.

>> No.9345763
File: 923 KB, 500x281, abort mission.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm torn as to whether this would be cute to watch or incredibly difficult to deal with
Results when
>pic related

>> No.9345774

>stay longer than he needed to sign everyone
Was it Todd at ALA last year
im sort of glad i didnt go that far when i met hebert
though im not sure how i'll react to crispin freeman or wendee lee if i ever meet them

>> No.9345777

That's the best kind of in-joke at a party though
oh damn
Part of me wishes I was around for the random surprise glomping days of cons
But threads here have also taught me better than that

>> No.9345920
File: 237 KB, 938x316, FT_IDoNotUnstandThisGIrl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meet up with friends from high school from time to time
>We're all still goddamn nerds, so our discussions are usually about anime, games, movies, etc
>Except one friend
>She's a goddamn nerd too, but she's stuck in high school still
>Maybe she's different in her professional life, but when I see her, it's high school all over
>Talk to friends about something like Iron Blooded Orphans, she brings up something like Gundam Wing
>Talk about upcoming cosplay and conventions, she brings up when she cosplayed that one character in high school
>If we show each other art we've done, it's clear she really hasn't improved since high school
>Please, stop telling me the same jokes from high school, they're not funny the millionth time
It's really weird. I thought maybe she just wasn't interested in the things we talk about so had to find a common ground and that meant high school, but I don't think that's the case. I talked to her husband and he said that she seems to still have an interest in art and cosplay and they watch anime together all the time, so????????

It's not really embarrassing, but it's frustrating. Reminiscing is fine, but I don't want our relationship to be just remembering goddamn high school.

>> No.9345936

Oh god I know some shitlord that fits this description exactly. Poor bastard thinks everyone believes his uncle got him a part in some big movie and let's him stay in his Hollywood mansion.

>> No.9345952

I hope you got your shit together anon. I am disappoint

>> No.9346342

The biggest deal is getting a job I guess
This was my first true fail so I made a joke of it
And made it into a rite of passage thing in my head
Never again tho

>> No.9346352

I want to say I know her feel but like
Maybe dial it back a little...

>> No.9346782

>first time my okay friend goes to a con
>my bf me and like 8 other girls in the room so not that bad with a 2 bed and a couch bed thing
>friday night (the first night) there she finds some dude
>im thinking okay she found a friend cool and his room is like 4 doors down
>i go for ice to keep out drinks cool and i come back to everyone out in the hall
>im thinking something bad happens
>just the opposite, they were waiting for me because the dude (hes 21 ill call him H) wanted my friend ( shes young so ill call her A) to sleep in his room cause of how many people we had in ours
>immediately thinks "no we just met this dude" but my friend insists she wont go with out me and knowing me i didnt wanna leave her alone with that guy
>that night i bring my bf, A, and another close friend ill call her G
>we get to his room (its like 4 am) and i brought my blanket to sleep on the floor but H wanted me to get in the bed along with A and G
>think no you fucking creep just goto bed
>through out the night H would make sexual remarks about A and me kissing and being lesbian
>my bf had fallen asleep or was trying to (hes awful at staying up late) and tells me he only remember bits and pieces
>finally fall asleep only to be woken up at 5 am to hear H and A kissing with G in the bed, awful
>stay up a bit to hear H begging A to have sex (im a light sleeper so even talking wakes me up)
>A tells him "no im saving it for marriage" (side note she is muslim so she shouldnt even let a guy see her hair let alone kiss her)
>Smh, i go back to sleep
>i wake up at like 8, pack all my shit (blankets pillows tooth brush etc) and since i had a key to the room i had went back to drop off my things
>come back to see A sitting in H's lap and G sitting there awkwardly

Cont? It onky gets worse through out the con.

>> No.9346832

Please do.

>> No.9346857

Gotchu give me a moment

>> No.9346881

> (on saturday didnt witness much cause i tried to avoid A so me and my Bf went shopping in the vendors room and cosplaying, but my friend G stayed with A like a good friend was)
>Sunday morning (G made me come along with her as a witness of A's actions)
>im like sure why not i already did some of my shopping, took pictures, cosplayed alittle.
>G tells me A told her to get her badge from her room, G wanted A to come with. A says no and while G gets her badge. H locks the door leaving G knocking and for A to only answer the door, snatch the tag and lock G out again.
>Later on...
>A follows H around like a puppy, laughing with him, holding hands and all this other stuff
>G constantly tells A to leave H but A says she wants to hang with him and his friends drinking and stuff
>around lunch time since theres a mall connected to the hotel A followed H and his friends, A sits there awkwardly not even saying anything just watching them talk. (Shes 5'2 to this 6'4 man, sigh) so she looks like H's sister
>A gets mad at us following her (me and G detective agency)
>Claims we're the ones making it awkward between her and H's friend
>I iust so happened to meet one of H's friends Saturday walking around and hes an okay guy so me and him talk casually
>A gets really angry because i talked to H's friend
>A screams at the sweetheart G in the middle of the food court about how she can handle herself and that she doesnt need anyone watching her
>I see whats happening
>G runs off crying all the way back to the room which is a 10 minute walk from the mall
>i run uo to G asks if everythings okay give her a hug and walk her back to the room and talk
>Knowing G she only cared so from there i go back to find A

>> No.9347255

>AI in 2014
>Marriott that's hosted AI for a few years also has a huge alcohol fueled bicycle fest called Ragbrai
>you bike across Iowa for a whole weekend and they have designated stops for drinking/resting etc.
>Marriott agrees to let Ragbrai run through and have a huge festival outside the hotel the same weekend as AI
>Security was not buffed up for this and Ragbrai folks would find ways to sneak into the hotel and harass con goers
>Going outside the hotel would guarantee a bunch of drunk adults pushing or asking really inappropriate questions (even to minors)
>I heard a few people had their props broken by the Ragbrai assholes after they asked to see it and they fought with the props like they were real weapons and not foam
>The main thing to take away from this shit show was the rave and the patio party
>Ragbrai jerks would sneak into the rave target minors or anyone that was at the patio party and not paying to close attention to their drink and slip DR into it
>after saturday there was over 16 cases of rape reported to the police
>AI gets the shit end of the stick since minors were drinking and no blame is put on the ragbrai event
>Marriott terminates AI contract and has to find a new location after this year
>AI 2015 the ragbrai event is passing through the hotel again... the same weekend as AI AGAIN
>Security is buffed majorly you can only enter through the front door with security checking for badges you can exit through side doors but can't re-enter through them
>it works for the most part (rule gets more lax as the weekend goes on)
>Ragbrai assholes break parking ramp glass door and are caught on camera as well as being caught on camera starting fights with con goers and slipping DR drugs again
>marriott realizes they fucked up but still won't renew AI's contract

>> No.9347643

Not who you're replying to, and a bit late to the party.
But I'm from the UK and happy to make a new friend. Even if we don't mesh well/have things in common I'm sure I could introduce you to people who do!

Feel free to drop me an email if you feel up to it!

>> No.9347751

Woops, just realised I forgot to include my email.

>> No.9349576

Jesus christ, I expected something bad but holy shit