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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.9410364

Seeing a good # of artists posting their pre-AB self-advertisements

advertising the stickers they will be selling
at a convention that clearly says stickers are not allowed, period

How can I be the biggest bitch and get these people in trouble for blatantly disregarding rules?

>> No.9410550

>at a convention that clearly says stickers are not allowed, period
wait, what? Have conventions started to ban stickers???

>> No.9410558

There was a rash of attendees buying stickers and sticking them all over the walls, floors, doors, etc. Basically a small handful of assholes ruined it for everyone else

>> No.9410698

I don't know if I'm being picky over nothing but since flavors.me is shutting down, I was thinking of making my portal website on neocities instead. Would that look ugly/unprofesional on a business card.....?

>> No.9410754

weebtrash likes to give people bad/sketchy sources, and yet she posted in the AANI group asking for prices that would get people to switch from artsmoo to a new printing service. i'm just putting two and two together... if she doesnt want to share her printer, she's going to be the middleman.

>> No.9410899

Spent 10-20 dollars and buy yourself a domain. (yournamehere.com, or whatever other .thing you want to use.)
You have to pay to refresh the domain yearly, but like 15 dollars a year isn't bad at all (That's what I pay.) You can usually register your domain to free web hosting sites, like neocities. Alternatively you could make a tumblr and create a page that looks like your flavors.me layout, and register your domain to that.
Having your own domain is super clean and I think it's more than worth it. I do think that using a neocities domain will look kind of strange, but it mostly depends on how professional of an image you want to maintain.

>> No.9410927

I honestly think even a deviantArt URL would look more professional. If you're not making enough to buy yourself a domain, it's not time to make a personal website yet.

>> No.9410940

Yeah, those hoodies left a really bad taste in my mouth. She's going to be selling them at WonderCon too which has a huge industrt presence? I honestly think it would be counted as a bootleg item because she's in the vendor's hall.

I saw that on AANI and rolled my eyes. I honestly wouldn't trust her to be able to meet people's deadlines or do quality control when shehas a history of spreading bad information to "cut the competition". I feel bad about the suckers that are going to pay her the inflated prices when they could be looking for local sublimation sources themselves.

>> No.9410955

i just bought one of the $12/yr google domains and hooked it up to my tumblr page. they let you do a custom email to forward to a regular one too. looks infinitely more professional with very little work. if you can find a nice free portfolio layout (and there's a lot) it saves you even more work.

>> No.9411058

AB has had a ban for as long as i've been doing it (4+ years now)

As you can see, a lot of people just straight aren't aware. Don't be an asshole just tell them. Last year they did polite sweeps on the first day too so it's not like they're going to be punished at the con in any severe way lol, so trying to "get them in trouble" will literally do nothing and let them sell for at least one day

>> No.9411133 [DELETED] 

>This sounds fucking stupid
Last thing you want is someone actually drawing images tabling next to them pearler art booths, sticking them colorful beads is hard work man.
Not to mention your con favorite university grad selling his orginal art using his abstract techniques and calling it japanese inspired illustrations.

>> No.9411135

>This sounds fucking stupid
Last thing you want is someone actually drawing images tabling next to them pearler art booths, sticking them colorful beads is hard work man.
Not to mention your con favorite university grad selling their orginal art using an abstract technique and calling it japanese inspired illustrations.

>> No.9411441

Oh good lord, I saw those guys advertised in a local con. I bet they have to change their banners over a lot with how quickly memes die.

Are HAMA beads general seen as terrible tat? If they're cheap and something I like I'll buy something small at cons.
I just have a load in a jar and I wanna use them up.

>> No.9411444

I actually got a roll of stickers stolen at a con :(. This was during staff/sellers only time too...

>> No.9411787

to me i group them with the shitty licensed fabric bow people and the people making 'jewelry' from aliexspress shit
they're tacky and involved very little skill, and in an ideal world wouldn't go in ARTISTS alley,
however normies will still buy them and i'm not here to forcibly stop you from selling what you want to sell
also is anybody amused by the whole 'bawww don't be so mean gaiz' because people are FINALLY being the tiniest bit non-spoonfeedy on AANI about enamel pins? It's not even like you have to search the group anymore, just scroll down 10 posts.

>> No.9411974

Wow fanime finally figured out their AA payment system.

>> No.9412041

I can't find the post in AANI, would you mind posting a screencap of these activities? It would also help spread the word more

>> No.9412056

>also is anybody amused by the whole 'bawww don't be so mean gaiz' because people are FINALLY being the tiniest bit non-spoonfeedy on AANI about enamel pins? It's not even like you have to search the group anymore, just scroll down 10 posts.
I'm glad people have finally started being this way. It takes five minutes to find the information, people are just lazy

>> No.9412123

>Last thing you want is someone actually drawing images tabling next to them pearler art booths, sticking them colorful beads is hard work man.

You sound salty. The fact you think pearler art booths are your enemy is saying something. But my point still stands that there is no perceived value to what you proposed.

>> No.9412139
File: 78 KB, 501x701, weebtrash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the anon you're responding to, but the actual post itself wasn't really anything inflammatory. It's just when you couple this with the history of her giving out shitty sources in person at cons, it seems kind of shady. That's obviously hearsay with no concrete proof/screencaps as those conversations/recs happened in person and not online. But if you look in the archives several anons have discussed her and ArsenicxCyanide on multiple occasions for their shady business practices/spreading bad info.

>> No.9412144
File: 515 KB, 488x657, hoodies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here are the knockoff hoodies the other anon was talking about. It's straight up just a vector of the in-show costumes down to the V and belt on the front. Voltron's IP holders heavily police fanmerch sales so I hope someone tips them off.

>> No.9412233

If anyone truly wants to, the IP holder is WEP (WEP.com) I believe, their contact info is right on their site.

>> No.9412265

>not instinct

>> No.9412683

It's certainly lazy and not actual fan art, but there's no official version of these, so they're not really knockoffs technically and I don't see what's so wrong with it.
It seems weird they're cracking down so hard on Voltron stuff when they're not making much of anything other than toys, so it's not like it's competing with official merch.

>> No.9412772

I guess a better word would be bootleg and not knockoff. If you vectored the Superman logo or the Triforce symbol onto clothing it wouldn't be acceptable either. Also the thing with official merchandise is that licensing and approvals take time so you never know what's in the works/planned. What they're doing is shady because it could be miscontrued as official product instead of being an obvious fan product.

>> No.9412778


It strikes me as the same as all those bootleg T-shirt ads you see on Facebook. Just seems like something for a quick buck and it blurs the lines between official and fanmade.

>> No.9412804

Ok so I'm growing a tiny fanbase and now I've had a few actual fans come talk to me at my table and I have no idea how to react. I'm legitimately very flattered, but I'm afraid my reactions come of as snooty or something because I just don't know how to deal with the interaction.

Any advice?

>> No.9412813

That honestly sounds pretty scary anon. Do you have anyone table with you?

>> No.9412815

Just act normal and say thank you? The most awkward AA experience I had was an artist I'm a big fan of asking if they knew me when I complimented their work and was excited to see it in person. I get why they asked, but I still felt weird. So, don't do that basically.

>> No.9412831

Has anyone flown with a button maker in their checked luggage before? I'm not concerned about weight, just if the TSA will flag it or not as a 'dangerous item'.

>> No.9412832

Kind of having a hard time visualizing, I guess the theoretical situation you're scared of is a fan saying "Thank you for making these amazing drawings!" and you saying something like "You're welcome." which maybe can come off as odd to some people.
If you're worried about that, when someone says "I love your work!", say "Thank you for enjoying my work! Your support really helps me! I appreciate it!"
Return gratefulness with more gratefulness and everyone is happy.

>> No.9412838

I'm confused why artists don't want to do stuff for exposure and yet constantly post their work for free on their social media?

>> No.9412846

Many artist share their work but also sell it. Because often you get people offering "exposure" are just cheap assholes who don't have the numbers to actually jump up the artists numbers. So basically they're just trying to get free stuff. At least sharing it on social media is doing exposure on your own terms.

>> No.9412852

I'm probably getting baited, but artists usually have some personal investment in whatever shows/characters they're drawing and putting online for free (or they know the content will boost their following). Drawing free shit for someone means the artist has to invest their personal time that could've gone to something they could've actually monetized or done for fun to put online.

Also most of the time I've had people offer me exposure instead of payment they're no-names whose exposure wouldn't anything for me.

>> No.9412854

I've never had trouble bring a button maker through the airport. I think you'll be fine.

>> No.9412869

Here's the thing. I could do work, for you, for free ("exposure"). Or I could spend that time to work on my own personal projects that I derive joy from.

Not everything is about money, but the things I do without monetary incentive I do because I enjoy it. And I guarantee that I enjoy drawing self indulgent fan art or my original characters more than I would enjoy working on a project for someone I don't know and have no emotional investment in.

Sage for bait.

>> No.9412911

Do you guys like 5x7 prints? I want to offer a smaller size but I feel people will go for 11x17 over an 8.5x11 if given a choice. I know when I get a chance to go around the alley I like to get 5x7 prints from other artists because my walls are already full of posters. I've also had a lot of people at cons tell me that they want my 11x17s but they don't have room for the larger prints so I'm trying to find a size that works well.

>> No.9412917

Thanks anon, is yours the Tecre band?

>> No.9412918

How do you even do AA if you don't know how to interact with people? Like, if you need advice on how to have a normal conversation, you are kinda far behind. Just verbally talk to friends more often to get better at conversations.
When people say they like you table, talk about your table. Talk about new stuff you made, cons you've been to and going to, etc. Treat them like a human being.

Seriously, someone talking to you is the least awkward thing possible. Once you get more popular expect to get a lot of regulars and people wanting hugs. I've even had a girl lick my face once.

Your twitter account with 50 followers isn't going to give us any more followers. Come back when you have 50k+
I give people things for free for exposure, it works, but i'm the one who contacts them. Don't contact me asking for free stuff.

>> No.9412931

the free stuff i post is stuff i want to draw, not some idiots 'totally amazing comic idea' i get no input on

>> No.9412933

>even had a girl lick my face once
what the shit though

>> No.9412935

>I've even had a girl lick my face once.

....do you do lewd art or some niche alt stuff that would lead her to think such a thing would be appreciated?

>> No.9412938

My main problem with those are that it's uncredited and uncompensated fanart for the most part. If it was only official vectors printed on shirts, it wouldn't bother me nearly as much.

>> No.9412957

If you're talking about Teefury/Teeturtle, those actually have fanart on them. They're not carbon copies of the logos or existing canon designs.

From what I've gathered from the anons here and on AANI, this person has a factory source and is mass producing these sublimated hoodies. If you're going into mass production territory with hoodies that don't actually have any art that you did other than a shitty vector copy - that is absolutely shady bootleg territory. Fanart is generally allowed because there's usually a clear distinction between fan merch and official merch. It's the reason why Funimation is so hard on logos and titles but doesn't care about print sales otherwise.

She's also in the vendor hall and is trying to establish herself as an apparel brand. A lot of cons consider AA and Vendors Hall two separate beasts and consider fanmerch to be unlicensed bootleg items if sold in mass quantities in the Vendors Hall. If she really wants to be a legitimate brand, she should be applying for licenses for her fandom-related clothing.

Thanks, anon. I shot them an email.

My friends have had no trouble, but if you're worried - consider writing a note for the TSA agent explaining what it is and what it does. I know a couple of artists who always include an itemized list + explanations of their con set-up materials when flying. Asking them to be gentle with it in the notes helps also!

>> No.9412974


>> No.9412980

It is!

>> No.9412997

SO. I love collecting images for inspiration and I would love to share mine and hopefully some of you will share yours as well! Im posting them in imgur albums because there are way too many images that it will just clutter up the thread. Please if you feel inclined make your own imgur album and share, I would love to see

Also I hope its obvious that I dont save these images to rip them off, I like to look at them for inspiration or referencing how to make composition work on different types of merchandise

http://imgur.com/a/yPpov - washi tape

http://imgur.com/a/hFD9j - vograce examples

http://imgur.com/a/XPZ2d - acrylic keychains

http://imgur.com/a/SffFE - packaging and table inspo

>> No.9413003
File: 134 KB, 340x340, laug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck I thought she wrote instict on the post but when I didnt see it in the fb text...

>> No.9413014

These are awesome, thanks anon! Most of your Vograce examples are from an imgur album I shared a while back I think? It was smart to put the text directly on the images though because I just put them in as text descriptions. It makes it way easier to read.

>> No.9413016

Wow! Those are awesome, thank you for doing that. I also had an AA picture folder of stuff posted here in the past, all gone but it was helpful and motivating at times.

>> No.9413018
File: 10 KB, 167x155, 21314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! A lot of them were from a shared imgur album but there are a few I saved on my own mostly from the AA threads. I put the text on the image itself so the image can be saved easily and shared around. Thank you so much for sharing that album way back when

>> No.9413035

Thank you for this anon. I LOVE table inspo and working to improve mine. Thankfully a shop at my mall was going out of business and I managed to get one of their spinning displays.

>> No.9413063

I'm trying out 4x6" prints at my next convention this month since it seems like a pretty standard small size. I'm hoping they go over well. Do you find that 5x7" are more common?

>> No.9413181

>how to interact with ppl???
>lol omg interact so ez someone lick my face it's fine anon geez

different types of autism

>> No.9413434

I've been experimenting with different thickness for my prints, I personally think thicker feels alot better but in anyone's experience does that help with sales at all?

>> No.9413462

Oh lawd my first batch of charms is in there. How... mediocre.

Thanks for this anon! Lots of good inspo in here.

>> No.9413467

I should be more specific. I'm fine interacting with people, I don't know what to do when a fan is gushing and giving me compliment after compliment in a row. Do I just say 'thank you' five times? They are very excited and I feel weird not meeting their level of excitement. I'm fine with the calm fans.

>> No.9413526

she was a furry and I sell tails and ears. Furries like to lick people, so it wasn't totally unexpected.

the point is that talking to fans is the least awkward thing that'll happen.

like I said in my post, just talk about your products and what you have planned and what cons they'll see you at next and etc. They like you, so they want to hear more about you.

>> No.9413650

I'll admit, I am one of those gushy fans over artists I love. Every once in a while it's a little awkward when an artist doesn't know how to respond and just kind of... stares?

For the most part though it goes like this:
> Oh my god, I love your stuff! I follow you on [social media]! I adore your [fanart/webcomic/etc]!
> Wow, thank you so much for your support! I'm happy you like it! Have you seen my new [print/buttons/comic/etc]?

So basically, acknowledge the compliment & support, and then funnel your fans towards new sales. We'll eat it up, I promise.

>> No.9414636

Why not just mind your own business

>> No.9414665

I tried 5x7 prints but they didn't sell very well, but 4x6 and 8x11 prints fly off the table ? I guess 5x7 is a weird size.

>> No.9414698

Customer perspective. 4x6 and 8x11 are both very easy to store. 4x6 is your average photo print size. 8x11 is your average document size. I can easily buy sheets to store my prints in binders with these sizes. 5x7 isn't so easy, though.

>> No.9414722

I'm not that anon but i can understand that if they have sticker inventory and they are following the rules, they are probably annoyed/bitter that other people are profitting off their inability to compete. But like i said, they should just tell those people so they don't have an excuse for not knowing.

>> No.9414758


2nd anon has it right. I normally have a lot of stickers as part of my inventory, but I'm following the rules and not having any because I can read. I don't think it's fair that other people should get to ignore the rules and profit off an item that's not allowed without any repercussions while people who follow the rules don't get to.

>> No.9414814

How many of you have a day job alongside doing conventions? How do you manage?

>> No.9414821

Really? I've never had an issue but, then again, 5x7 is the smallest size I have

>> No.9414826

I work in retail, and I feel very fortunate to land one at a sort of arts/crafts/stationery kinda store so it's not all soul-sucking. They are very accommodating with my days off for this and that event as long as I let them know early, and I would just make it up for working extra days else where. Also it makes it easy that I don't do a lot of 3-day ones, mostly single day events, so it works for both sides. I would do AA stuff around work time, days off, even while on commute.

>> No.9414836

It doesn't really matter. In general, artists sell their products at a certain quality more out of personal pride. I know a lot of artists who use thinner prints simply because they fly around a lot and it's a lot lighter to fly with thinner paper than with 50+ copies of heavy cardstock.

Smaller prints work well if they're a different size of a larger print. Use the larger prints for displays and sell multiple sizes (usually one big, one small is ideal) to meet different price points, especially since smaller sized prints are pretty cheap.

>> No.9414891

I work as an in-studio artist, and the toughest part is having time to draw new stuff. My boss is pretty flexible with days off for cons but I only ever manage to get a couple new prints done every few months on top of my job.

>> No.9414896

well I was laid off last year - but collected about 20k of ui..and it was a soul sucking job.

>> No.9414903

6months of ui to be exact...anyway have to retool portfolio etc in the meantime and doing cons as therapy lolol

>> No.9414936

I don't really agree with your advice that having regular conversation skills is going to completely save you in these situations. It seems like you're more of an exceptional people person and salesman, and not a regular person with regular conversation skills. I'm also an artist who gets these "I follow you on xx *scream* " types, and I've realized they're saying that because they have no idea what else to say. It IS unusually difficult to carry on with people who are in that headspace. My experience trying to start regular conversations with people who are scared shitless of you because they think you're famous or something has been... bad. Basically me trying to talk to them like a human and them completely freezing up and mumbling or running away. I've literally had people run away from me before when I've spoken to them. I swear I'm not actually scary. Feels very bad, man.

My point is, >>9413467 , I know where you're coming from, and I think a lot of people are like you. It takes a lot of energy to talk to people like that when it doesn't come to you naturally, and I don't think it's a bad thing to say thank you five times everytime if that's the easiest way for you to get through the day. Trying to carry on with every person will drain you super fast.

>> No.9414943

Do what I do and act super mellow. They generally get the idea and calm down naturally. Are you somehow interacting with them in a way that causes them to ramp up the weirdness or do they just start off from there?

>> No.9415222

Question for print artists that have or had prints in many different styles (Realistic, anime, chibi, etc)- Do you feel like this has ever effected your brand? Did you ever make a conscious effort to redraw your prints in a similar style?

I have two general styles of prints at my table- A painting style (which I'm better at), and an anime style (which I use when I want to get a print out within a week, since my painting style is slow.)
I noticed that my painted pictures do better in sales, so I'm slowly making an effort to file out the anime-style prints, but at the same time wondering if I should completely retire the anime prints or just keep them in a folder.

Just looking for other people's experiences. Thanks for reading!

>> No.9415443

What do you guys do when you're having a bad con season? To preface, I finally started tabling last year and I got into most of the shows I applied to (all juried if that matters). But, I have never felt like my work fit with anime cons since it's mostly original so I wanted to find shows that I thought might be better.

Well, I've been waitlisted/rejected from nearly everything this year (trying local art shows turned out to be a terrible idea) so now I'm stuck

>> No.9415472

I like designing my own outfit variants when I draw characters. Such as different outfits for Steven universe characters (though I don't change the body type or basic colour scheme). Do you think this would sell ok? Or do buyers prefer characters to be the same as they are in the original?

>> No.9415484

From what I've seen, people eat this up if the outfits are designed well and if the composition is trendy. Obviously characters should be very easily recognizable as their original, but I find that alternate outfits can be super popular since it lets you stand out from other people with the same characters on their prints. (I notice that the general public tends to like punk fashion a lot. Just an observation though since I don't have any prints of characters in punk outfits,)

>> No.9415486

I'm pretty sure street fashion prints do pretty well as long as the style of the outfits are generic and nice enough. It's a nice way to distinguish your prints when the fandom is oversaturated in AAs.

I'd imagine if you're picking fotm trends the prints will get difficult to sell once the fad dies. If you avoid fast fashion garbage, I'm sure you'll be fine.

>> No.9415563
File: 397 KB, 1014x1263, Screenshot_20170330-085245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think any part of the convention crowd overlaps with the planner/bullet journal crowd? I'm thinking of making an anime/game themed bullet journal inspiration blog and planner stickers and stamps in the future.

>> No.9415717

I use to have a part time job working 25 to 30 hours week. I had the weekends off so I only ever really had to take friday and maybe thursday off. I was never able to make as much inventory and new items like I wanted to, but it was a nice steady income while I worked on growing my business. I also sometimes paid friend to help me when I was far behind.

I'm definitely not great at speaking, I'll sometimes stutter and not 100% what to say. Just general awkwardness. Not that out going. That changes when I'm talking about my shop though. I'm super comfortable in my space and know almost exactly how most people will react since I've seen it all before. When people get excited over my shop, *I* get excited too, because I also love my stuff, we share excitement.

It is a lot easier in bigger convetions since that energy stays up, rather than like in smalls con where there long periods of nothing that can make you bored. Also gets easier the longer you do it as you learn what to say that works best and how other react and etc.

If you aren't preparing for your next convention, you should be working on improving your online shop and working on new ideas.

Yes, for sure.

>> No.9415915

absolutely!! I just bought a little $7 journal at a con over the weekend from an artist (pepperonccini) who designed some cute cat art for the cover. if they're cute, packaged with a little pencil or something, they'll sell.

>> No.9415984
File: 22 KB, 522x212, uhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9416031

I'm so embarrassed for this person.
Git gud or gtfo

>> No.9416056

Is this real? Who would think this is a good idea?

>> No.9416058

>I cant afford to go buy a ticket
but she'll bring you money

>> No.9416066

Is this even allowed at the convention center?

>> No.9416070
File: 1.21 MB, 1200x800, DSCF6948-kawaii-hobonichi-diary-rainbowholic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe, I hope so. I want to be able to sell cute stationary stuff because stationary is my life.

There is also a weeb version called Hobonichi.

>> No.9416112

Good to know that there's interest! I'm making stickers and spreads like "Kanji of the day" and "cosplay fabric comparison."

>> No.9416139

Please link your blog/shop once you get it going. It's nice to see bullet journal stuff that's not geared towards parents and/or students.

>> No.9416385

i love stationary

>> No.9416415

Definitely, and I honestly would like to see more stationery stuff in AA. I personally want to do a little envelope/card set and greeting cards but I still got ways to go.

>> No.9416690

Yeah, I gathered. It's3 ltr jar of them and if I can make a bit of cash off them from normies that's fine by me.

I get irked when I see shitty chinese jewellery sold at shows that, that's even lazier. :/

>> No.9417402

I need some assistance. I'm thinking of selling pouches with my design on them, but I don't know any supplier that customizes pouches other than the ones at alibaba. I'm also having a hard time differentiating who the reliable suppliers are for that site. So I must ask, what suppliers are reliable for making pouches?

>> No.9417581

they're not an alibaba but art of where does pouches but their wholesale price starts at 6$. Their pouches are pretty good tho, canvas https://artofwhere.com/info/pricing

>> No.9418970

Do zap's acrylic keychains need to be sealed?

>> No.9419278

How's everyone's sales going at AB?

>> No.9419368

Fellow Akon anons, are y'all setting up bright and early on Thursday? I'm trying to figure out booking and flights for my crew and the room blocks start Thursday night, but if I were trying to sell/set up Thursday I'd like to be flying in Wednesday night. Just not sure how worth it the extra night/day is.

>> No.9419382


I work as a graphic designer in the anime industry. My boss is pretty good about approving time off so as long as I'm meeting my deadlines and not going over my allotted vacation days, it's easy to take off for a con. My only real struggle is having to balance my vacation time with cons for AA, cons I want to attend for fun, true vacations, and if my parents come to town. Otherwise it's just personal time management and telling myself I have to come home and draw at least part of the week during off season and if it's con season, buckling down and drawing almost every night and all weekend. I've got 2 months until my big con for the year and I'm about to go on lockdown for social things, meaning I'll have to skip game night at work and weekly karaoke with coworkers.

>> No.9419385


I'm waiting to see how long the Wednesday setup period is but I'd really like to do that. I can leave work early and beat the rush hour down there hopefully. I'd really just rather do the grunt work Wednesday and know Thursday I can wake up and get cute and just worry about packing my suitcase for the hotel and NOT having to load a card with tons of AA stuff. Last year I had to load in the rain and it was gross. Praying for no rain this year.

Basically I'll setup Wednesday, show up Thursday and just have a friend watch my table for 30 minutes while I do hotel check in and then come back and table the rest of the day. It's not worth a hotel Wednesday night.

>> No.9419591

I made $0 because I couldn't get a table.

>> No.9419667

What tends to sell better between art of the current fad fandoms and non-fandom cute/kitsch type stuff?

>> No.9419675

Fandom stuff by a lot.

>> No.9419778

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind for my first table this summer
It does surprise me though since I tend to buy a lot more non-fandom stuff (hides powerlevel and there's no risk of cringing at everything I bought years later because the show's writing went to shit)

>> No.9419791

If you made some commission limited quantity item - would the con get up your ass if you happen to add the cons name on items label because it was only made during that con.
On the edge to remove it cuz of any headaches - just the thought of calling it an exclusive if it doesn't say when/where it was made at.

>> No.9419803

>It does surprise me though since I tend to buy a lot more non-fandom stuff
Right, but you're not the average customer. Never forget that. If you're trying to make money, don't consider what you would buy. Consider what 15 year old you would buy. Think about what that cringey weeblord on your FB friends would buy. They are the big money spenders.

It honestly depends on the convention. Ask them. Most don't care. Some might even want to promo you. A couple will probably not want it. E-mail them and figure out which one the con you're talking about is.

>> No.9419889
File: 33 KB, 340x270, il_340x270.705922452_qud2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need an honest opinion. So my family and I sell sewn and yarn work plushies and they are good sellers. Since Cheyenne Comic con is coming up on mother's day weekend. Without me knowing they want to start making baby dresses out of crochet yarn of the super hero colors (red/blue for superman, black/yellow for batman) and they really are sure that they would sell for $25.

DESU I think it's a stupid idea cause no one's going to a comic con and shop for baby dresses.

Do crochet baby dress like pic related construction are good sellers or are they just in over their head with baby bullshit?

>> No.9419890

>>9419889 same op
>desu is not suppose to be there, it's supposed to be "to be honest"
>my laptop is being a weeaboo

>> No.9419910

I'll be honest, it's a really stupid idea and you'll be under cutting yourself for selling them at $25 (looks cute by the way). Like you said, no one is going to a comic con to buy baby clothes. Don't put yourself through that, anon. Maybe crochet something else, like characters into plushies or even themed hat?

Also that's 4chan's filter for ya, changing certain words to other weeb words.

>> No.9419914

>not knowing about autocorrect
Where have you been, mi amigo?

>> No.9419934

What the fuck? Why would you think this sells? Consider this:

What's the amount of people at a con who have babies? Out of that number, how many of those people went to the con to shop for their babies? Out of that number, how many are going to spend $25 for a crochet baby outfit that 1) their baby may be allergic to and 2) may or may not fit the baby that they probably did not even bring to the con in the first place?

This is the most retarded post I've seen on /cgl/ as a whole in quite some time.

>> No.9419935

Well, to be fair, I think the fact that this is an item that literally no one else will be selling is worth considering. Do I go to anime cons to buy toys for my cats? No. Did I buy nerd-themed catnip toys at an anime con because a seller had them available? Yup.

I do agree that $25 is way too low for these though, unless they're very easy for you to make/only take maybe an hour or so to make.

>> No.9419937

Holy shit anon calm your salt.
>What the fuck? Why would you think this sells?
OP literally said
>I think it's a stupid idea cause no one's going to a comic con and shop for baby dresses

>> No.9419967

Hm, point taken about the catnip toys.

I think for this particular example of a crocheted baby clothing, it is a stretch... but now you got me thinking nerdy bibs. Even crocheted hats for babies is better, though I think it is a lot better and safer to use natural yarns like cotton and bamboo for baby use. And again with the other suggestions to crochet, OP would stand a better chance at selling those than baby clothes, unless the dresses have an obvious comic theme? This >>9419889 example is too simple, would work better at a generic craft market.

>> No.9419992

So I offer free bookmarks with any purchase of a print/commission. I am far from a print wall, and I don't have many to choose from. I sell 5x7 for $7 or 12x18 at $15/$20.

What is best to do if you get pushy people wanting to buy the bookmarks but not the prints? I feel like people want to buy my bookmarks because they think I will say something cheaper than $7 when they ask how much for just a bookmark.

Due to that I only have about 10 different prints, I feel like selling the bookmarks for $4 or something will lessen the chance that someone will pay $7 for the print.

However, I'm also wondering if the $4 would be better than nothing at all from people who ask. It's a gamble...either I hesitate and say $4 and they throw their money at me, or I say they only come with a print and they end up buying a print to get the bookmark, or they walk away.

>> No.9419995

I think nerdy bibs would be super cute, and honestly more popular than you might initially think. People of all ages attend cons, and lots DO have babies, or at least know someone who has a baby. Crocheted hats might be cute too, plus if OP/OP's family did both they could encourage people to buy a hat/bib as a set.

>> No.9420000

Offer the bookmarks for sale on a web store and say they're only available there on their own and the buyer has to pay for shipping, or whatever, have business cards on hand to give to them, etc. Bookmarks are nice to sell online because shipping them out is relatively hassle free, plus that way you can talk up the print + bookmark deal as a "con exclusive" thing.

>> No.9420001

Has anyone else noticed an odd trend in AA with many customers paying in quarters and not having any bills on them?

>> No.9420039

I've never had more than one person at a con pay in coins.

>> No.9420048

I had it happen once. But it was the end of the con and it was a repeat customer wanting to buy a $1 sticker. She was a bit short but fuck it.

>> No.9420055

As a parent who had to do the baby clothing shopping. Avoid dresses and most clothing. Go for things like hats, stuffed animals, nerdy bibs, and accessories. I hated the idea of dropping $20 on a piece of clothing that my kid outgrew in just a few months (because some kids grow like fucking beanstalks) but way more comfortable on the idea of spending more on something that will be useful longer. Something like >>9419995
Suggested with the bib and hat combo is good if they want to focus on baby items. But really, stuff like that is better suited to fairs, craft events, and online sales.

>> No.9420061

If your sales are contingent on giving away bookmarks you are doing something wrong. This whole situation is just silly, bad strategy in the first place.

>> No.9420073

well I saw a customer literally digging for every loose bill and change to buy a print. She was soo happy..I was standing behind watching it happen *cringe* a first for me to see that act of desperation to buy a print. (I was wondering if the girl doing that was hoping she'd get a deal by making that show..idk)
The person taking the money I later found out wasnt the artist but a helper and just took it in stride without flinching.

>> No.9420075

I tabled next to a group of girls, one was just selling baby bibs various marvel/dc iconic logos/colors - thought it was bright and colorful. Don't think she sold any. Felt bad man, watching even as those with strollers rolled right past her.

>> No.9420097

So did anyone hear that the artist table auction at Anime Boston for next year sold for $4000? Crazy.

>> No.9420103

I'm op, I personally don't think it'll sell, my mom thinks it will as well as my baby-obsessed sister. I think it's a stupid idea in the first place.

>> No.9420110

You should look to get more sales, not just to get bigger sales. A sale is still money your way, regardless of if it's a small sale or a big one.

The nice thing about small items like bookmarks or small prints is that they're impulse buys. People can easily justify throwing down $2-$5 for a bookmark they like. Harder to do so with a $15 print (for example), but you're also more likely to get 5-10 people buying a $2 bookmark than 2-3 people buying a $15 print, so it's prudent to sell the bookmarks along with the prints.

If you have different price points, it's more likely that people will buy from your table. Your strategy should be to maximize the number of sales, not to maximize the money made off a sale.

>> No.9420119

Are there any males here that table? Not just as a helper but as the artist.

There was a guy 2 rows from me who had such great art and he was super cute. Is it okay to ask for your guys numbers or do you already get that so much from attendees that you'd rather I not?

>> No.9420130

Whether male or female, I think it's better to ask for their card and contact them that way, and anything more than email/social media I would ask for after AA and not during working hours.

>> No.9420138

I don't really think anything's cringe about that, especially if it's the end of the day or weekend. Maybe a bit worried if she was taking a long time and a line was building up, or if she was making a $20 purchase in 25 cents... but otherwise, I'm just happy I'm getting a sale lol.

>> No.9420179

Good. Hold on to that logic and don't let them sway you otherwise. You're going to lose money. Ask them the questions in my post if they really won't budge. Sometimes, there's a reason no one has tried a certain idea yet.

>> No.9420221

This happened at one of the amazing comic cons 3 day..on a saturday morning before opening to the rest of the general public. I was just doing a stroll to peak around the other artist tables when I stumbled into that juggling act.. i was wtf, stood watching for 5 mins, then went on my way lol.

>> No.9420224

I just counted my con earnings for this weekend and I broke $10k for the first time. I remember seeing another anon talking about making $10k+ at Otakon last year and I was wondering if that was actually possible, but holy shit I guess it is.

I've heard from a couple of friends that it was slow/sluggish due to the snowstorm? I'm not sure if it's picked up throughout the weekend though.

>> No.9420235

decent! I need to seriously revamp my prints because right now they just can't compete with people who have a really polished animu style, but all my new merch sold really well.

I am an ugly guy so my response doesn't count for much, but I am assuming cute guys still have the same problem, which is being way too busy during aa hours to properly respond. I would recommend getting their contact info from theor business card and contacting them outside of aa when they aren't busy trying to be a good salesman!

>> No.9420247

keep in mind that baby shit will dissuade certain customers as well as mess with the impact of your display. it's supposed to be an artist showing off their work not a flea market

>> No.9420249

Anon, thats incredible! Congrats on breaking that, its seriously impressive.
Question if you don't mind me asking, but what do you think is the greatest contributing factor to your success? Are you a kickass artist, huge merch selection, maybe a fantastic space at the con you were at, or a combination of everything? Definitely no pressure to answer if you don't want to, but I admit I'm really curious.

>> No.9420376

For AB I did about 60% of last year. Not a bad show by any means but would have liked to match or meet last year. I'll definitely do it again of course, since it's my home convention and always a good one.

AB Always has shit weather so I feel like the attendance suffered from everyone being sick of the security. This year was actually the most lax they've been in the past 4 despite sending out so many announcements and newsletters about it beforehand..

>> No.9420412

10k total or 10k profit? either way incredible work, i'm getting towards 6k profit 'regularly' (as in its how much i assume i make at a decent sized con) but 10k is amazing.

>> No.9420421

Yeah I've heard mixed reviews. A few did great and a lot of people(like me and my friends) did lower than the usual. I got 25% less than last year but it's still a good amount of profit.

>> No.9420499

I just text her that I ask the community about them and everyone thinks it's a stupid idea and they won't sell. If they want to sell them, they can sell them on their own accord/etsy shop. I won't risk losing reputation and money for it.

I'll update for the anons that are interested

>> No.9420560

There are probably more people who break 10k than you think, there are several in that artist alley survey alone, and probably many more who don't talk about it because they don't want people to know. Welcome to the non-scrub club.

>> No.9420572

thought it went slowish Fri-Sat but sunday was great and I beat my sales record! (only by a few hundred, but small steps)

>> No.9420581
File: 110 KB, 550x572, IMG_20170403_091001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you guys see the akon map? they just straight up threw in the jury list as is, holy shit.

>> No.9420624

If you want to get someone's info, just ask. I love talking to people who are interested in what I sale. I typically give people my card and encourage them to message me on etsy if they want to talk to me.
Also, as the others said, if you want to talk its best to do once AA has slown down. If you really want to get to their heart, offer to buy them food. We usually don't bring very good food to eat, and too busy to actually go to fresh warm food.

I'm a craft artist so I can't even imagine transporting over $10k in merchandise. I think the most I can even carry with me is around $6k worth.

>> No.9420628

what is this, drama for ants

>> No.9420638

>I'm a craft artist so I can't even imagine transporting over $10k in merchandise.
I feel this so much.

>> No.9420641

all you need is the colors, it's pretty straightforward? bright red for artists at the top of the list, dark red next, dark purple, going to light purple for the people at the bottom of the ranks. I don't know if I should be happy with their transparency or mad that they've laid out tables so obviously that even congoers will figure it out and have no reason to go past the very front

>> No.9420654

but i want to know exactly who the judges determined were shit-tier ):

>> No.9420662

Not to mention, print artists can do a quick run to Kinko's if they're running low on prints, while craft artists would just have a commissions list or crafting things frantically in their hotel room?

>> No.9420663

Oh man, this is fantastic. Imagine being in the empty, sad part of the AA. This is some serioud git gud motivation for me. I'm in the good section, but I'll be working hard to make sure I stay there next year. The crowding is going to be insane.

The entire jury list was posted in the thread before last. Just look up A-Kon artist alley in the archives.

>> No.9420664

.. did you take the time to color code everything yourself? wow.

>> No.9420683

I am in the empty, sad section, so I won't have to imagine how shitty it is. Not feeling great about this and I wish they had said from the start this is how placement would be determined so I could've passed on it entirely.

Nah, grabbed an image someone else made, which is why it got tinified, sorry.

>> No.9420688

Does Acorn Press generally take this long to ship out orders? I ordered my batch of charms the beginning of March.

>> No.9420699

No, they're usually 2-3 weeks maximum, although right now things are probably lagging behind if they don't have a specific convention deadline. Send them an email asking what's up.

>> No.9420702

>tfw dark purple table, good placement by doors

feels p good, but i'll do my best to get those coveted reds next year

>> No.9420707

Does anyone have a recommendation for book/doujin printing? Is alibaba any good? I've sourced out some of the local printing services and I'm currently in contact with one of them via email but honestly I'm terrified of sending my file and picking up the books considering how the content is pretty....suggestively gay. My country's very conservative where sodomy is a criminal offense and I'm lowkey afraid that I'll get reported and bring shame to my family lol

>> No.9420716

Good to know. I sent them an email.

Also holy shit! Is Fera the only person that runs Acorn Press. Poor thing how does she do it!

>> No.9420752

Its nice to see the thread explode with activity after the con weekend.

Question to those of you who have gotten bad table spots in the past, how much did it affect your sales? This past con I had a really low profit turnout compared to what i'm used to, and I'm wondering if it really was because of my table placement, or if I just did bad because my stuff didn't appeal to that crowd.

>> No.9420829

It's run by two people, but yeah, it's a tiny business!

>> No.9420844

I do have a huge merch selection and I honestly think it helps a lot! My offerings are pretty varied in terms of both merch type and fandoml. I cover anime, video games, cape comics, and TV shows so I usually end up having people tell me that they can always find something they like at my table. One of the most repeated lines I heard this weekend was"Oh, I can actually use that!" A good chunk of people passed up buying prints and bought other stuff from me instead (lanyards, zipper pouches, etc) because of their practical use. It's something I keep hearing over and over again as of late so I'm wondering if offering a broader merch selection is helping me stay competitive as opposed to offering just prints alone. I've also been doing cons for about 6 and a half years now so I get a lot of repeat customers and built up a small fan base.

10k profit after taking out all the costs. I've been at $6k profit regularly for a while too so I was super surprised when I counted my money for this weekend. Good luck, anon! I'm sure you'll be at $10k soon.

I'm not saying that it's impossible and I'm sure there are plenty of people who pull in that number regularly. I was just pleasantly surprised because it's a 300% jump from what I made at this same con last year.

This was a local con for me, so I didn't have to worry about transport costs. A lot of big craft artists I've seen just vaccuum seal and mail all of their stuff to the venue beforehand to cut down on lugguage. I can understand >>9420662 though. My crafter friend said a large bulk of her profits are from commissions that she gets at cons and she treats cons more as an opportunity to bring in commissions because she's unable to restock on the spot.

I've found that being active on social media really helps when you're assigned to a shitty spot. (Posting photos/table number + using con tags) I also try to post in the con FB group if sales are particularly bad.

>> No.9420849

I love fera and acorn press, but man, I think it's overdue getting another hire on board given the rise in popularity? if only an email person cause communication has been slow for a year.

>> No.9420852

yeah, but then they need to charge more to cover the costs of the extra person );

>> No.9420859

I kinda appreciate A-kon ranking us, it lets me know where I stand as an artist.

I'm still surprised I even got in desu

>> No.9420860

I'm assuming you're not going to, but can you post some of your merch or your social media or anything?
It's awesome you made so much and it gets me curious about your work.

>> No.9420871

It is fine if they want to rank but that AA map is so unbalanced. I am really doubting it is going to be profitable for anyone stuck back in the shame zone with me.

>> No.9420872


AB has shit weather sure but anyone coming in from up north totally got snowed in if they didn't come down before Friday. I had a good 4-5 friends in NH who had to drop because they got hit so bad by midday friday

>> No.9420919

I agree with letting people know how the jury ranke them, but setting a table layout with good artists in one front and meh artists in the back is hilariously petty. Like another anon said though, it's pretty good incentive to git gud.

>> No.9420920

I think profits will DEFINITELY take a hit for lower tiered artists, but I also think this was a shit decision on the con's part in general. The lower half of the roster might not be as technically proficient as the upper half, but they probably bring variety in fandom and characters. I also think that having the upper and lower divisions separated like that will lower the amount of wandering and crowd circulation in overall.

Although I don't go to this con, I'm interested in hearing how it turns out afterwards.

>> No.9420928

That's fair, but eh whatever I've had shittier spots in other alleys, and still did ok. Not like the convention attendees are gonna know. And I have very little inventory overlap with the other artists thankfully.

>> No.9420938

How do you feel about parents who pay for their kid's shit?

I have a super rich conservative father who thinks that work is the meaning of life and without it you are nothing, etc.

I'm a poor fuck who is physically handicapped and could never get/hold a "real job", so I was constantly facing ridicule and degeneration from my father. The past year I got into selling my shit art in AA's....and my dad is so elated that I'm actually working for once, that he basically pays for all the tables/hotel/etc.

I don't even ask him...he just denies the money when I hand it to him when the bill comes (shared credit card).

I feel terrible, because if my dad wasn't paying for tables and such, then I wouldn't be breaking. I'd just barely be making back the cost of production/lodging/ and so on.

However, because Daddy pays for it, I end up "making money".

So I feel kind of discouraged, because if I was like anyone else, then I wouldn't be breaking.

>> No.9420943

Who cares? Just do you, it sounds like you have a pretty sweet setup. If you feel guilty about not being as good as other artists, don't, because some genuine hot garbage gets into AA. And if you want to allay your own guilt you could always view it as a challenge to push yourself to get better.

>> No.9420946


>> No.9420955

Don't feel guilty about it. If anything, I think it's great he's actually supporting you after not being supportive.

>> No.9420966

I agree. I'd actually even argue on the technically proficient portion, I find that many artists lower on the list are better than some of the top artists. The middle-bottom of the list makes no sense to me, honestly. And I'm not talking out of salt, I got into the top 30, and I honestly think I'm less proficient in AA-ing than some artists that scored lower than me.

>> No.9420976

Do not feel guilty. Your father is probably quite proud of you. He might not want to admit it, but his actions say he's proud. Let him support you. It's something he wants to do. Take this time to work improve your art/selection of goods so you can work on making more of a profit. Someone is supporting you. It's not a bad thing. Don't let jealous people convince you otherwise.

>> No.9420978


Absolutely! I'm one of the lower tiered artists, and I work my ass off to make up for my lesser skills by having a huge variety of kinds of merchandise that other artists don't tend to have. People are always happy to see and buy from me because I have unique products that I put a lot of thought into, but it's not the kind of thing I can show on a portfolio that's based on judging for prints. That big gap in the middle is definitely what worries me the most, it's like, "look, we've segregated all the shitty ones over here so you know where to stop browsing."

>> No.9421051

I remember a thread or 2 ago someone asked about a con called boroughcon. I remember there was some sketchy buainess with the con head or something. Anymore news on that? A friend just asked be about it and i want to help him.

>> No.9421052

I don't think people particularly care about parents who pay for anything so long as the artist is working hard and not taking it for granted or showing it off to others. If you aren't going around bragging, it's no one's business who you pay for your table.

>> No.9421140

As a workaholic, he probably respects that you're going the business route and trying to make something of yourself. If you feel bad about it, then really invest yourself into doing the best you can, and once you can comfortably turn a profit, even with covering all your costs, pay him back. The best payback is to succeed, so don't get hung up on the guilt and use that to just boost your motivation and productivity.

>> No.9421182

your "daddy" or your real biological father?

>> No.9421201

>How do you feel about parents who pay for their kid's shit?
reading comprehension

>> No.9421207

I feel like this has probably been discussed before, so I'm sorry for asking... But how long until people generally see profits? I've read before that you don't break your first few cons. How many does it usually take?

>> No.9421214

What's the tag for this on tumblr? I'm nowhere near akon, but I want to read people's views/meltdowns about this

>> No.9421226

It really depends. I've seen rookies hit 1k+ on their first try and so-called veterans sell nothing at large cons. I personally broke even my first con, but that's because it was a dinky, $20 local con and I spent like $10 at Staples making shitty laminated bookmarks and printing photo prints at home. The only thing you can do is keep researching, try a couple of things, and figure out what works for you through trial and error.

If you wanna think about it like an RPG/MMO, your most solid "base stat" should be your general business sense. Knowing how to weigh costs and risk, being reasonable in how much you invest based on a lot of research and seeing what has worked for other people, being smart about where you buy your shit (i.e not paying $3 for a print at Kinko's), etc. From there, things like inventory, skill level, fanbase, etc. kind of act as multipliers that can dramatically increase sales or not.

If you aren't breaking even yet, reflect on what you were able to accomplish from your first couple of cons, and build from there. If you need resources, check the AA threads or AANI. Go to cons that you aren't tabling at and take note of which artists are doing well or are popular and which ones aren't.

>> No.9421235


One factor to keep in mind is travel costs. Some people are lucky to live in an area where there are tons of cons, so their costs are really minimal and it's easy to make profit even if they don't sell a lot. Some people have to travel really far for good cons and have a lot more expenses because of that. Someone who says they made profit at a local con isn't necessarily selling more than somebody who only broke even at a con they had to fly out to. It might not even be a matter of time as much as finding a con that has the right balance of costs to participate vs. what you can sell.

>> No.9421242

I live for drama like this, but I couldn't find anybody saying shit about the map, which is why I had to drag it in here. I'm really surprised at the lack of reaction since it seems like the kind of thing people would get pissed off about. Maybe they just don't realize?

>> No.9421273

This absolutely varies from person to person. At my first con I made 2.5k profit, it was local and I had prepared my ass off.

What I did that I think helped me out was REALLY researching sales tactics and what series' to produce prints for. I knew that there would be an oversaturation of prints of main characters, so I drew popular side characters from mainstream cartoons and anime. I also looked up the people who were placed around me prior to the con, and made prints of things they didn't have.

I think what honestly was the biggest factor was engaging the customer. As I've done more and more cons I've gotten lazier about this, but I used to be very proactive about calling people over and advertising them deals and yelling excitedly about whatever they were pasaionate about. It's amazing how many prints someone will buy when they like you as a person.

Of course sometimes it just comes down to art quality, so if you're not breaking, don't feel bad. Keep trying to improve your own work, expand your merch, and research the market. If its been a few years though and you're still not turning a profit, it might be time to hang it up and try something else.

>> No.9421301

Has anyone found it advantageous to report your competitors to Funimation and others?

>> No.9421308

try harder with the bait next time anon

>> No.9421315

I know this is bait, but I have a confession. I've done this before. I'm sorry. I might even do it again. Funimation doesn't give a shit about regular fan art, and neither do I, but you can't just slap the Attack on Titan uniform symbols on buttons/pins and make a profit like that. I'm absolutely reporting it.

>> No.9421319

logo rips are shit/straight theft anyway, even worse than pearler bead art since it takes less time.

>> No.9421322

desu I'm ok with the gap because I'm next to it and that means i can put a dressform in my space without my manequin's arms attacking someone's table

I was really unprepared for my first con and still did double costs. It really depends on the con too as sometimes there just are bad cons.

If you aren't making double costs before your 4th con though, I'd take a hard look at what you're selling and what cons you're choosing to go to.

>> No.9421332


I don't think just setting 2x costs as a random starter goal is good because different cons have very different costs.

Local con where you just had to pay for a table? Almost impossible not to hit that goal.

Con on the opposite side of the country you had to fly to and get a hotel room for, with high-priced table? Very different.

I think if you're just starting out, it's more important to set a goal that's not so dependent on external costs, which can fluctuate wildly.

>> No.9421339

Not the same, but I report certain stuff that doesn't belong in AA but suits better in DH. Like one time I saw someone selling their nendoroids along with their prints and stuff, so I told an AA staff about it and then they put a stop to it. It's one thing if you are selling cute clothes for nendos, it's another if you're trying to resell stuff you bought from other places and trying to treat AA like a flea market.

>> No.9421364

Most cons don't allow you to put things in the aisles if you're a corner table. Prints facing outward toward the aisle are fine but physically putting something in that space (like a dressform in your case or photography stands "spilling out" into the aisle) is not allowed because it's a fire hazard and messes with their floor plan.

>> No.9421371

I've reported logo rips like >>9421315 has as well as blatant tracing/vectors. I've also reported those "splatter" artists that just run a filter/put some paint splatter PS brushes over existing official images. I do a fair amount of comic book conventions so I tip off Bleeding Cool fairly often.

>> No.9421445

>One of the most repeated lines I heard this weekend was"Oh, I can actually use that!" A good chunk of people passed up buying prints and bought other stuff from me instead (lanyards, zipper pouches, etc) because of their practical use.

Yep, prints are nice but they don't do much except look pretty. Stuff with practical use are definitely more appealing. I remember seeing a group of people forming around this one booth in the AA that sold almost entirely cute weeby shirts

>> No.9421476

Do you ever laminate the prints for your display since it's easier to hang, and then get a customer who gets pissy when they realize the print they get is not actually laminated and asks for it cheaper?

>> No.9421485

I just stick mine in clear folder file holders, then there's no confusion and it's easy for me to modify my display

>> No.9421536

its only happened once and it was fcking weird

>> No.9421594

I'll definitely vouch for interacting with customers. I've noticed a distinct difference between being engaged and lively and barely interacting. Sales just feel noticeably slower.

You don't even have to be a super charismatic salesperson or anything, just a simple "let me know if you have questions" or "Let me know if you're interested in anything" is enough. It really does make a difference.

>> No.9421598

A friend of mine just gets them printed on thicker cardstock, like the really nice stuff. That way the texture is the same, but it's still more durable.

>> No.9421627

What size are the prints you use the folders for? All my prints are 11x17 and I'm not sure if those come in that size.

>> No.9421671

As long as you're not bragging about going to 'The bank of Mom and Dad', there's nothing to be ashamed of. I bet he's proud of you and this is his way of boosting you up to do it completely solo one day.

>> No.9421773

My point though is that if they are flying across the country and not making double costs, they should probably not do that con until they've grown more. And hey if their stuff sucks but they are going to a local con and still making a profit, keep going to that local con.

>> No.9421803

can you make complicated/delicate linework stickers, or does everything work better simple with exaggerated proportions like people say about charms? i have some sketchy drawings that i'm not sure about

>> No.9421811

Stickers can be as delicate as your printer / manufacturer. Printing on paper is far easier than on acrylic, so its just up to your style

>> No.9421816

that's good advice for people who have local cons, but some states are a barren wasteland, and everybody has to start somewhere.

>> No.9421820

I think my numbers still hold. Sucks if your state sucks, but if you can't make it worth it for you, don't do conventions, stick to online sales.

>> No.9422255

thanks, i'll try it!

>> No.9422266

Hey if it makes you feel any better Anon, I'm halfway in that situation myself.

I've actually done pretty well at conventions and can cover all my costs (production, hotel, flight) but whenever I tell my dad this, he gets kinda...huffy? And insists on covering my flight costs at minimum.

I want to be sort of independent, and making enough profit to cover all of my expenditures helps me feel that way, but I think my dad doesn't want to feel all that obsolete when it comes being the breadwinner so he insists on covering costs that I want to handle by myself.

I just let him do it at this point, (but I still pay for my own merch costs without him knowing) and I save the money I didn't spend towards future rent when I get a job that requires me to move out.

If you're in a situation where you don't have to spend as much as you need to b/c your parents are covering for it, just consider it an advantage on your part and save your money, and work on getting better so you can start profiting instead of just breaking even.

>> No.9422289

Does anybody know where to buy transparent self adhesive holographic foil/laminate from, which has a sparkle effect when held up to the light? I want to use it to put over my sticker designs to make them stand out. I've tried using Google, but can only find Alibaba stores selling mimimum amounts of 2000 metres?! Anywhere that ships to the UK would be useful.

>> No.9422310

Someone posted a very long rant review about a place called JPS print on AANI and it is um.....

Well it's quite the read.

>> No.9422322

Good she's long winded in all her posts.

Also from what I can read, she had multiple warnings and reviews saying the place sucked and went with them anyway.

>> No.9422366

That's to be said about most businesses. There was only one negative recorded publicly that could warn people and it was buried. She really got fucked and i'd be pissed too about being out $500 and overcharged for a shit binding job.

>> No.9422386
File: 153 KB, 1058x349, cmyk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've really wanted to make prints for a long time now and do a table or start an online shop at least, but I'm having major trouble with CMYK colors. I've tried googling this issue but maybe I'm looking up the wrong thing because I can't seem to find any answers.

Why does it do this? I can't get a consistent color palette when I start a new file in photoshop in cmyk. And then saving it just completely changes everything. I'm even using swatches from a cmyk palette to make the first set of lines.

Any help would be super appreciated, I have no idea what to do at this point.

>> No.9422389

How long does it usually take for Acornpress to respond? (I'm on my phone now but) I remember someone saying that because they only have two staffers, it takes them awhile. If I'm trying to get charms done as soon as possible/ before the end of April, should I try inquiring elsewhere? I just checked the inkit turnaround time, and it'll barely make it, but should I try with them? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

>> No.9422398

I'd say go with Inkit if you're strict about time, when I went with acorn I hardly had any communication and when I did get it, it was after 4+ days. However, I also didn't mention any sort of deadline to acorn when placing my order.

>> No.9422405

Send Acorn an email asking if they can meet your deadline, they're typically pretty honest and open about that.

>> No.9422408

inkit used to be two people only too but they never had problems like this. They did hire a helper since then so they should be able to give you a yes or no quicker.

>> No.9422418

Con list doesn't seem to have Megacon on it, Is this on purpose?

>> No.9422430

Thanks for the advice! I did include my con deadline in the form, but it's easily missed. I guess I'll shoot them another email asking if they can meet it. I'll be more generous with timing next time.

>> No.9422438

saving in different file formats will convert the colors, as will viewing them outside of photoshop anon. not really sure what to tell you, other than them's the breaks when working with color (which even looks different across different screens) and not to be too picky about them (because wait 'till you see what different printers do to your art...) honestly, I just work in RGB and then convert to CMYK. Don't use bright cyans or purples too much. Do more research about what colors are lost in RBG>CMYK conversion.

>> No.9422448

Photoshop is still very much a mystery to me most of the time but I think the last result just comes from opening a CMYK file in something that doesn't support them and tries to convert it to RGB. I can replicate that exact result by opening a Photoshop-made CMYK image in a web browser - not supported so it looks really neon - but the same file looks normal and dull when opening in something like Preview or Clip Studio. I've read you might be able to mitigate this in some cases by making sure you embed the color profile when you save (but I think that option is checked by default anyway).

The second result could just come from the jpg format being lossy? You shouldn't really be saving to jpg at any point unless you're posting it online, and for that you can just convert to RGB first and do any color correction needed, I don't think a CMYK jpg is a thing you'll ever need.

>> No.9422457

The jpg is probably a bad example--this happens no matter what file format I save it in, even an uncompressed pdf.

>> No.9422459

I'm mid tier and it's whatever. Motivation to bring some great new stuff bc I applied with a pretty outdated portfolio and know I can do better. No reason to get mad.

>> No.9422484

What I just do is work in RGB to begin with. Using Ctrl+Y you can toggle between RGB and CMYK modes so I'm always sure to adjust colors and shit as I'm working so they look similar between the two modes. Shitsux but u just gotta learn to work with it.

>> No.9422491

Alright, I guess I'll try. I've got shitty anxiety over it because I got into a zine once and submitted my art (in CMYK awkwardly adjusted), and then my art ended up being the only one with horribly weird, off colors compared to everyone else in the zine. It might have been a fluke but it really scared me off from printing for a while.

>> No.9422492

i think people are more mad about the potential impact on sales

>> No.9422609


I'm not mad about my placement in the ranked list because, whatever, juries judge how they judge and if my stuff isn't to their taste, that's fine. I'm mad about the ranked list being the sole determining factor in placements and my sales likely being garbage because nobody's going to go to the back when they've jam-packed the front with all the top artists.

I can bring all the great new stuff I want, but if nobody comes to see it at my table, it doesn't matter.

>> No.9422619

It's not like it's advertised that better artists are in front and I doubt most convention weebs will happen upon the information, so I don't think this table placement will affect your sales. Or at least not this year.

>> No.9422628

Hobby Lobby carries them, I think they ship internationally, if not try Taobao.

>> No.9422648

Seriously, you guys are overthinking it. Most convention goers don't even know that the selection was jury based at all, let alone that the placement was based on that. You think customers actually give a shit about that stuff either? They're going to walk around anyway. Stop freaking out and bring your A game to the con.

>> No.9422745
File: 261 KB, 1000x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people make things like this using some kind of fabric printing service? I always like them at cons and want to try making my own.

>> No.9422753

probably spoonflower or something similar

>> No.9422767

Are most AA thread posters from the American West? It feels like very few other areas are represented in thread

>> No.9422770

Looking at the Discord, probably.

>> No.9422781

A few years ago I feel like this and AANI had a much more prominent US East Coast population, but it's shifted since then to West Coast.

>> No.9422791

Does anyone else feel like a fan taking up time at a table reeling off their sappy story about how your art has made them "feel" is just the same as those annoying fans at guest panels who tell a guest how their work "saved" them from their depression?

Also it's kind of insulting when they waste time like that and then buy nothing anyway.... it's like what even was the point then? I'm not your therapist. You like everything enough to gush but procede to buy nothing???

>> No.9422796

I'm a musician that does a lot of cons, any tips for making a better booth? I currently have some poster designs, a couple albums and a T-Shirt design.

Anything else I can sell? I was thinking of getting a small, vinyl sign with a list of my prices.

>> No.9422801

>taking up time at a table

Unless you're super popular, have a small table or they're being gross and driving off other costumers, it's literally a non issue.

>> No.9422816

Maybe they already bought stuff before and only had the guts to talk to you now? I don't think those fans are annoying at all unless they're being weird about it like >>9422801 said. It's nice to hear that the stuff I created had some sort of strong impact on others.

>> No.9422866

Im west coast Canadian and I have yet to travel far for a con yet. Im thinking of trying some further cons across canada in the future though

>> No.9422870

Ive considered reporting my competitors etsy shops for things that are not handmade like acrylic keychains, enamel pins, etc.
I havent done it though and decided to not be so petty

>> No.9422923

I'm from east coast, but I think you're right that most people here are west coast. I wonder why it shifted over the last few years like >>9422781 said.

>> No.9422926

There's generally a higher concentration of artists in the west anyway, from SoCal up to Vancouver. PNW, Bay Area, and Los Angeles are all pretty high-volume areas for conventions and, as a result, artists, so I feel like it makes sense for them to be more represented in any community.

>not being able to engage with a customer/fan
>not being able to politely tell them, "hold on a second, let me help this person first"
>not being able to manage traffic at your table
>also just being salty and a shitty person

>> No.9422948

Don't be a cunt, anon.

>> No.9422996

so vograce doesn't do free samples anymore? I messaged them asking about getting a sample of each technique and I'm getting a $2/1pc quote.

>> No.9423017

I've never had an issue, they usually only charge me shipping. I just asked for samples and few days ago even.

>> No.9423075

i know we're both replying to bait but no one would consider doing this to their "competitors" unless they really feel inferior.
i've definitely been picking up that reporting for infringement is a thing people are doing more now, between AA and shit fandom drama, and i'm wondering where this moral highhorse is coming from? i'm not talking about logo rips either. chill out y'all, it's AA.

>> No.9423102

It's not a moral highness i think. More likely, it's a vendetta against an artist (or a group of artists( they personally don't like for whatever reason. Instead of confronting them or venting to their friends, they feel like they should make that artist lose income or whatever.

Like who bothers to take time out of their day to do this unless they're unsuccessful and have no friends to vent to?

>> No.9423122

>Like who bothers to take time out of their day to do this unless they're unsuccessful and have no friends to vent to?

I think you've forgotten the website you're on, anon.

>> No.9423123

fair enough, though i know a good number of artists who browse this thread because it's the only thing out there other than aani and no one wants that mess.

>> No.9423176

Enamel pins are allowed as long as you designed them yourself.

>> No.9423192

maybe too many people abused the system, or they do it when you want a sample of everything?

>> No.9423223

wow you are rude. learn to AA.

>> No.9423265

>annoying fans at guest panels who tell a guest how their work "saved" them from their depression?

Sage because hella off topic, it's a weirdly public declaration but I don't mind these people. I was able to catch a guest between panels to thank them for creating something that helped me immensely in a bad time in my life, and it was a very genuine moment where the guessed seemed equally as touched as I was thankful. But I know getting a chance to have that 1-on-1 time with a guest is a rare opportunity, and I don't blame someone for the driving need to express gratitude for something that important.

Media, art, and storytelling are a powerful tool. One day I want to be able to create comics that inspire the kind of hope that my predecessors have given me, and I'd never be anything but glad to hear that my work has had a positive influence on someone's life.

>> No.9423286

I'd rather have that than the drive-by "oh that's cute" from people who don't stop to take a proper look.

>> No.9423293

The recession and upper middle class people who want to be artist. They have pushed out the regular con folk. They cant hack it so they pretend to be into x,y, and z. Most of the the type of people who use to go to cons dont have the time to post to twitter all day. So they just show their friends irl. I wish those people would take a chance. The single show/comic fans are the best. Seeing them light up can brighten the day.
Canada/uk/aus/western usa they own the internet cringe.

>> No.9423312

>tfw european
>tfw you'll never make 10k profit at a con

Don't get me wrong I think it's amazing that even more then 1k profit is possible over there but looking at the barren wastelands the AA's are in my country. I just get sad.

>> No.9423327

You sound like a female model. If you are posting kinda lewd then your dad doesnt want you to be dependant on men or for you to get desparate(sp). So he wants you to always have an exit.

>> No.9423342

are you the same person because neither of these posts make any sense.

>> No.9423351

I thought Europeans are more into art and the bohemian lifestyle than American Capitalists?

>> No.9423353

Nah, at least in my country it's more an issue of not so great art and people being frugal as fuck

I'd much rather have american capitalists if that meant the chance for thousands of dollars in profit

>> No.9423433

I just asked last night and was given that quote. Can I ask what exactly you wanted a sample of that you didn't get charged for?

>> No.9423469

I understand them. They wrote their thoughts in a roundabout way. Maybe you have tunnelvision.

>> No.9423547
File: 86 KB, 720x585, 1491068843246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I do this when I'm running low on bags, but what the fuck is with this attitude?

>> No.9423556

Oh, wow, I usually have an ok opinion of this girl but this is such a bizarrely shitty thing to say. I seal my clear bags because I want to help my customers protect their purchases. What the fuck.

>> No.9423574

Knowing this artist, I think this might be some environmental thing. Sealed print bags=more likely that artists will just give the customer another print bag=more plastic bags used=more plastic bags wasted. Or maybe she just has this opinion because it's one of a million tiny factors that an inconvenience people at conventions and she's neurotic as hell about small things that are not actually an issue.

>> No.9423662

Uh I'm not a model lol and surprisingly enough
I go out of my way to not draw T&A in any of my work.

Are you sure you're replying to the right post anon

>> No.9423681

Some of us will give bags out no matter what because our prints are larger/differently sized, and most customers are careless enough that if we don't seal it shit will fall out.

I didn't have any opinions about this person before but holy shit if her name ever comes up among my freelance circles I'm blacklisting her.

>> No.9423687

lol didn't get enough milk on lolcow so you had to try and create drama here?

Customers often request you to put prints in the same bag. It's a hassle for every artist to stick and unstick bags (because the flap basically just folds back down almost immediately). If you have a sealing bag, be kind to everyone else (including the poor customer fumbling with the bag) and leave it unsealed

>> No.9423711

ohhhhh. I had no clue what the twitter user meant. I never would have thought about it. I doubt customers even think about it either and seal it themselves.

>> No.9423714

That's possible too, though it's obvious if it's a certain artist because you'll tend to notice a pattern in which prints are in what bags.

Either way, anon must be desperate for some drama to drag a tweet from a nobody who got 3 likes.

>> No.9423733

I get recycling but sounds kinda cheap. That artist wants to make their items special. Covering their logo is wrong.
* I just stick everything in the same bag. Saves time but dont knock the artist trying to create an experience.

>> No.9423747

>pointing out shitty behavior=creating drama

lol okay have fun with your salt susan/tim

>> No.9423762

I totally understand this salt but also I've had customers pull the seal right in front of me after buying. So assuming the artist is the one who sealed it and doling out this AA street justice isn't always appropriate.

>> No.9423764

Not the anon you're replying to but it seems like a genuinely shitty thing to do. I know some artists will pre-pack their prints with backing boards and sealing bags because they feel it's more professional. I don't have sealing bags myself but I've had customers ask me to bag all of their prints separately when they buy multiple prints because some customers like hanging them up in the bags. It's kind of like how comics are stored boarded and bagged. It's not some malicious intent on those artists' part, trying to make it harder for everyone else in the artist alley. How someone packages their own damn prints should be a non-issue. I can understand how it might be annoying but going out of your way to put your prints in front of the other artists' as retaliation is petty and stupid.

>> No.9423771

this. I prepackage my prints and seal them so they're watertight and thus less likely to get damaged (aka the whole point of packaging them in the first place?)

It's not my fault some other artist cheaped out on bags.

>> No.9423787

it's kinda by definition you starting drama because you could have just told the artist these things if they hadn't considered these points instead of posting about them on lolcow and then here when lolcow didn't get angry enough for you... why do you always post about them anyway

>> No.9423804

If you are so unconcerned with drama why are you hanging out on lolcow anyway? What she said is legitimately shitty and I'm glad that anon brought it to my attention.

>> No.9423900

this!! presentation is everything, the method described by the person in the image is just cheap and immature. don't trample over other artist's work because of your ignorant, frugal perceptions.

>> No.9423975

But this isn't even a huge, recurring problem that actually causes that significant an inconvenience to anyone. A little annoying, sure, but not the worst thing in the world. I don't like how mean-spirited she gets about it. It could've been a passive aggressive statement like "I love it when other artists seal their bags (insert passive aggressive emoji here)," but the expression of outright malice towards another artist's work is what really bothers me, especially since it appears that she relies on artist alley for a living.

>> No.9423979

I live in a state where it rains often, especially during con season. I would be pretty salty if my customers now has to risk water damage on prints because some artist tampered with my bag by purposely unsealed it.

>> No.9423981

That sounds petty as fuck.

If she has an issue, just use eco friendly bags for your own stuff and don't act like a passive aggressive twat waffle about it.

>> No.9423990

>It's not my fault some other artist cheaped out on bags.

Exactly. I hate how entitled that artist feels towards the packaging materials a completely /different/ artist gave to the customer to house the /other/ artist's artwork. When you're shopping at the mall, another store's employee wouldn't get salty that the merchandise a customer purchased at another store was in a sealed bag, and they definitely wouldn't proceed to unseal that bag and place the merch from their store inside of it. Artist alley is also a business, and the artists should treat it with a professional attitude.
Though the act itself is small, it's just a downright rude and entitled thing to say and think, and probably says a lot about that particular artist and their disrespect for the other artists in AA.

>> No.9424046

>another store's employee wouldn't get salty that the merchandise a customer purchased at another store was in a sealed bag, and they definitely wouldn't proceed to unseal that bag and place the merch from their store inside of it

Cried from this imagery, thanks for the laughs anon

>> No.9424060


I'm salty. I'm the last row (but on the dealer's hall side so I guess that's good?) and I'm next to an infamous artist I really dislike. I wasn't in the bottom third either.

>> No.9424242

Rows don't really matter much as the numbers. If you're closer to the dealer's side that's fine because all the entrance/exits are that way if you look at the map.

>> No.9424249

I asked for samples of their clear with double acrylic, and their clear w/ layer of epoxy. They sent me three samples and charged me $16 and something cents for shipping.

>> No.9424510

I guess missing hashtag something please-save-my-earth.

>> No.9424539

I'm east~

>> No.9424590

Yeah. You only have to worry if you're towards the left side of the rows where all the guest tables are. If you're just at the bottom but on the right half, that doesn't mean anything.
In other news, Crunchyroll Expo's tables will be going for $250, which I think is kind of questionable for a first year convention that isn't probably going to have that many attendees. Do they really anticipate having that much traction?

>> No.9424774

It's the Bay Area, that's why.

Also keep in mind MagWest is occuring LITERALLY next door on the same weekend.

>> No.9424896

Speaking of holographic. Has anyone every seen holographic art prints that actually looked good as a holographic print.

Maybe I'm not a fan of it because it never looks good on any artwork.

>> No.9424935

And it's also juried, but with no indication of what the jury's looking for...
I was thinking about applying here for babby's first AA since I'm local, but the price is a little off-putting.

>> No.9424978


If it's actually designed for holographic it's fine, problem is most people just slap it on whatever random art because they've seen it so much and think it's going to elevate their art. I've seen some shinydesu sparkly artworks that look nice with them, like Steven Universe/ Sailor Moon/space stuff.

>> No.9424979

Ah, I think it's because of the epoxy that I'm being charged. Oh well. I'd rather pay to have every type of sample physically, then to only have the free ones and wonder "what if"?

>> No.9425015

Isn't it Juried, costs $250 per table and also you must have all original prints to be considered?

If that isn't off-putting for a first year animecon, I don't know what is.

>> No.9425038

Oh, I didn't even notice the all originals thing. Passing on this for sure then, lol.

>> No.9425099

Can you sell artesianal soaps at AAs?
Those little handmade bar soaps hipsters love so much?

>> No.9425111

It depends on the cons. Some conventions have rules against them and other ones are fine with them. Just double check the guidelines to whatever event you're applying to.

>> No.9425113

Depends on the con. Some cons don't allow things that aren't FDA approved, most don't care.

>> No.9425127

I've seen some. It really depends if it fits the idea. Magical girl stuff seems to fit really well.

I use it, but for stickers. People seem to like it and it gives them a bit more protection. I don't have prints that would work with it though.

>> No.9425132

gross, i saw these when i went and i think they're hideous. seems like they were a huge hit though because i saw quite a bit of people wearing them.

>> No.9425159
File: 140 KB, 1280x1440, 17362e1621ab8b03a7b524332dabe3a57892c8194fbf2b92a3ea77bcc2826fb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wah wah I have a loving father who wants me to succeed in life, and has the means to help
wow anon, that must suck so bad

>> No.9425225

I see at least one stand with soaps/candles/perfumes at every con I go to

I'm a huge sucker for household products that smell good, so I love that booth

>> No.9425260

Hey seagulls, what are some things you've done that you've found have helped you improve sales at cons? IE changes to display, changes to what types of products you sell, etc.

I've been frustrated with my sales margins lately, and I tried to stop stocking things that moved too slowly just for consistency and that's helped some, but I'm still not where I'd like to be. I hit 3k at my first Fanime my first year doing cons, and now I'm on year three of tabling and haven't had any luck hitting 3k at a con since. I'm no godtier artist and I certainly don't expect to get 6-10k like some anons on here, but I do feel like if I can manage 3k once, I should be able to hit that again, and more regularly, and doing even better than that even. If anyone has any specific advice, I sell prints, keychains, zipper bags, and notebooks currently.

>> No.9425287

Changing your display and how you arrange your products will only do so much, if you're already selling that wide of a variety of merch and your sales are still low then your art itself probably needs work lol

>> No.9425290

Post your art, anon. It's your art. At least let us help you. You're probably not getting honest critique from friends and family. It's all anonymous here so we'll tell you what they won't.

>> No.9425302

I'd like to second what >>9425290 said. Show us your work. Yeah it's scary because this is /cgl/ and people will be overly critical and downright rude sometimes, but if you want to seriously improve, let us take a look at it. Many of us here want to actually help, so we'll be as honest as possible.

If you hit that mark one time, then honestly my speculation is the fandoms you're selling for. Give us a tip as to what series' you make merch for. Sometimes the fandoms make all the difference, as well as what timeframe you create the merchandise and how much competition you have. I can distinctly remember a print I did of a series that had just got big, and I sold 80 copies of it at the first con I had it at. Every con after that, I sold maybe ~10 copies or less of it per con. Time and competition can make a world of difference, so if you're not mixing up your fandoms, then that can also work against you.

>> No.9425307

Im looking for a photo of a cartoon lolita firing a machine gun. Anyone have it?

>> No.9425636

I bought a print of Eleven from Stranger Things that was holographic because it was the first one I ever saw that worked. If your work is already busy/colorful I don't think it's really useful.

>> No.9426228

Where can I get vinyl stickers done for a good price? I've been printing them on sticker paper from my canon pro-100 but I'm looking for something with more quality.

>> No.9426287

Check the Resources my dude

>> No.9426293

Who's the infamous artist anon? Spill that tea

>> No.9426389

I think that you should just worry less about making sales but draw more prints that you are passionate about.

I whip up a bunch of new prints every year for series / characters I really liked. it always blows me away when they sell really well. I think that people can really tell when an artist draws something because they actually love the series vs. just in it for money.

>> No.9426393

spill the shade, anon. Who's this infamous artist

>> No.9426542
File: 881 KB, 1260x945, njcomicshow11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this. Why does this get to be a thing. Why does this have 2k+ likes on Facebook. Why is there fanart of this?? Why.
I'm just feeling some kind of way, because this picture is from a con I will be selling at and I am just upset that he gets to sell his prints for $10 and I could barely make sales with prints for $5.

>> No.9426543

Is fate/stay night a thing still? I just got into watching it recently and quite like it, so I'd like to make merch but not sure if there's a market for it. I know FGO, on the other hand, is pretty big, but they seem pretty different and I haven't had the time/patience to play it yet...

>> No.9426556

Have you lived under a rock? Have you ever met a Fate fan? They are rabid. Fate merch is always a big seller for me. There's always some spin off or another coming out to keep it fresh on everyone's mind.

>> No.9426585

Hell yes. I currently have fate merch that always moves (people love the classics), and I'm currently making FGO merch to satiate my own need for the stuff (Official things are cool and all, but there's like nothing for the FGO characters other than like two lines of blind boxes.)
.... If you ever do play FGO and make merch for it though, consider me a potential customer.

>> No.9426589

Thanks guys. I guess I have been living under a rock LOL, I haven't really seen it much (then again, I probably just didn't recognize it before I watched it). I do see a bunch of Saber stuff though.

I've been wanting to start FGO forever, but the text-heaviness has been putting me off since I can only take so much Japanese at a time before getting tired haha. I might restart it over the weekend! I really like the character designs.

>> No.9426621

This looks exactly like the shit you'd see on the "newest" tag on deviantart from a person with a gallery full of foot fetish art.

Putting that aside, I'm genuinely impressed he found a jacket with the same texture as a dodgeball.

>> No.9426931
File: 47 KB, 443x332, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I'm looking into buying a roll of holographic film for the first time to but on badges/stickers. I'm in Australia so hobby lobby isnt an option and I'm mostly only finding places online that sell in bulk. The most promising site I've found is Spick Global, does anyone have experience with them or any other reccomendations?

>> No.9427037

This guy was banned from AANI a while back for breaking the rules often.

>> No.9427177

my exact thought. Those people probably buy his art as inspiration.
What even is this art style called?

>> No.9427202


Well, to do so would really spill my store name too but I think if you look at the last row dealer's side you'll catch my drift.

>> No.9427220

Thumbcramps? Ew..

>> No.9427274


>> No.9428197


Not to start drama, but has anyone tabled next to her? I just wonder if her online persona comes out in person.

>> No.9428529
File: 121 KB, 1242x779, IMG_1890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was near her once and she was pleasant enough in person and wanted to trade. She's absolutely intolerable online though. She might be nice to you in person but talk shit online. I've seen her ridicule customers on her Twitter for asking if her skirts came in non-plus sizes. She's also been on an online crusade recently about Killing Stalking and McElroy content and harassing artists who do fanart for those fandoms. The creator of KS asked for no fanmerch afaik but the McElroys just said not to ask them for permission but didn't ban it outright. Either way though, she's being ridiculous about policing other artists.

>> No.9429154

Connecticon Yay or Nay?

>> No.9429240

I read somewhere that the McElroys were okay with fanmerch of their IP as long as at least half profits went to charity.

>> No.9429317

It is super fuckin annoying seeing artists make merch for indie stuff though. I wouldn't say anything to their faces but I sure as hell wouldn't buy their stuff. Recently the developer for Night In The Woods, a new indie game, has been receiving dozens of messages a week from people justifying themselves for making fanmerch despite him asking us not to. it's embarrassing to read about, but I can't even imagine how he feels and it reminds me a lot of seeing Toby fox's resignation being taken as permission. I get wanting to stay ontop of the game but there's other IPs out there to make merch of that aren't taking for granted the years of hard and underpaid work from your "favorite" artists.

>> No.9429359

I haven't read that but I know Clint has bought stuff from fans off Etsy and RTs people's merch posts. The McElroys seem like pretty cool people.

I feel like in those two cases, there were clear statements from the creators that they do not want fanmerch made and sold. As >>9429240 mentioned the McElroys haven't said anything to that effect. I get where you're coming from but there's a difference between being annoyed by something and choosing not to participate in it vs. going out of your way to harass other artists on social media. Like sure, report them to the con head or don't buy from them but don't leave aggro comments on rando artists' works and subtweet them.

>> No.9429454

New thread >>9429453

>> No.9429867

she literally polices everyone, i hate people like this