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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9476955 No.9476955 [Reply] [Original]

Summary of last thread (found here: >>9470627)

>More discussion of the wanky politics Rufflechat post
>The status of lolita as a legitimate subculture
>Wunderwelt has a blog with articles on lolita
>How to switch your wardrobe from sweet to classic
>Coping with sellers overpricing dresses
>Which shopping services mark down parcels
>Fancy Hospital is not "Rare" what the fuck are you scalpers doing
>There was a DailyMail article on an infamous trans lolita
>Discussion of the newest AP print: Dreamy Perfume
>How to properly store lolita skirts
>New sailor lolita release by a brand called MerryGoRound is met with mixed consensus by seagulls
>Subsequent discussion on what makes good sailor lolita
>What association is worse for lolita: anime or living doll?
>New video from Last Week Lolita News (https://youtu.be/aWGFU_BX9z4))
>Seagulls weigh in on how they feel when a friend buys the same dress in the same cut or colorway as them.
>A kind anon contributes scans from illustrator Ran Wakewaka

>> No.9476972

Nah, I do this too. I wouldn't have a problem with wearing them (unlike accessories that say "Lolita", "Baby" or "brandwhore"), since I think normies would think of Alice in Wonderland first, but I do think of the innuendo.

>> No.9477063

A lot of brands put their logo at the top of the tights, and I have a pair of IW ones that make me snicker every time I put them on because it says 'Innocent World' riiiiight on the crotch.

>> No.9477327

I don't either, I wear them because it's cute but gosh. I always feel kinda dirty for thinking about this

Lmao oh boy

>> No.9477374

Someone in Lolita Updates is saying their bust is 80cm and the Fancy Hospital JSK they bought doesn't fit despite that. Anyone more familiar with recent AP jsks confirm or does it sound fake?

>> No.9477387

It could be depending on the cut and how it fits on the body. Bodies are different after all, someone with a longer torso will have fit issues that another girl with a shorter torso won't.

>> No.9477484

Yeah, she might just be tall or long in the torso, I've got a long torso and there are high-waisted AP OPs that I'm well under max for that still hit partway down my bust.

>> No.9477576 [DELETED] 

what's up with the influx of /pol/tard and tumblrinas going on about politics and transgenders?

>> No.9477631

I think ap might have cancelled my order from the misty sky mto. They didn't send my an email saying anything about them cancelling it, and I did received the confirmation emails, but I'm pretty sure the money I spent on it is back on my bank account. Is that possible?

>> No.9477649

No, I've had them charge once to make sure the money is there, and stay pending then disappear. They'll eventually charge you again.

>> No.9477663

probably not the right thread to ask, but how do I contact lacemarket mods?

>> No.9477670

What's the difference between black peace and black peace now? And why is it more affordable than secondhand Sheglit?

>> No.9477689

They have a Facebook page.

Not sure about the difference, but BPN has always been seen as a kind of teenage brand (not to as large a degree as cheap brands like Putomayo, but you can see it in their punky aesthetic and the fact a lot of their sizing is shorter/smaller than other brands), with a cheaper price point. They had a lot of physical stores and were sold through various other outlets before they went bust, so there was a lot of stock on the market. Whereas Sheglit have always been an indie brand, which have never even had their own shop IIRC, with higher initial prices and smaller releases resulting in less on the second-hand market.

>> No.9477699 [DELETED] 

Bombardment has gotten them attention so far, ignore them and they'll seek other boards.

>> No.9477702

a buyer backed out of an auction due to sudden car bills.
they messaged me a few hours before the auction ended but still won the auction.
should i leave negative or neutral feedback?

>> No.9477721

depends on how bad you feel about it. personally I would take in the buyer's feedback and how much the listing was. like, if the listing was cheap and the buyer has very few feedback, I would give them negative, if it was a more experienced buyer and an expensive dress, I could believe the whole story and just give neutral.

personally, I'm more prone to give negative, but that's just me.

>> No.9477727

I was thinking that might be it but I don't own any newer AP so I wasn't sure, thank you guys.

>> No.9477731

don't be a dick, if they apologized and explained themselves just leave neutral and relist the item, it's not that hard

>> No.9477744

How tall are you anon, and what are your measurements? At 163cm tall and 85cm bust a lot of recent-release AP OPs fit weirdly on me despite the official max being 92cm.

Check their feedback. If they've done this before, I'd say give a negative. If they otherwise seem like a fine buyer, give a neutral and explain what happened.

>> No.9477824

Its safe buy from Anna House? how is the quality? I dont wanna look like an ita.

>> No.9477832

It's fine, but you'd be better off looking for cheap second hand brand IMO. Costs about the same and worth more in the long run.

>> No.9477884

I'm so fucking tired of LM sellers who put their dresses in the wrong colour/style category to increase hits. Whip Magic is not fucking gothic, and Dolly Cat isn't fucking green. People who are looking in those tags aren't going to buy your shit, because they're looking for specific things; all you're doing is annoying people.

>> No.9477892
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>Dolly Cat isn't fucking green

God, could you imagine that print in a green color way?

>> No.9477968

Princess Fancypants talked about being harassed in lolita. Thoughts?


>> No.9477971

I'm really sick of this too. I noticed some sellers doing it so persistently that I considered reporting them to mods. I'd say check that seller's listings, and if they do it for everything report them.

>> No.9478005

What the fuck is wrong with people? I get making fun of someone because of the way they look, it sucks but I get that. But the fact that you approach to someone, anyone, regardless of what they're wearing, and make a sexual comment about them in fucking public it's just a new kind of low and it makes me so angry for some reason.

>> No.9478010

As someone who's been in that position please give them neutral feedback, had a really horrific blowout on the highway a day or two after winning an auction and had to back out, girl gave me negative feedback and left a nasty message about flakes. Like sorry my tire decided to fucking explode.

>> No.9478018

I loved this video. I'm so glad that it wasn't another 'just do this and you'll totally be fine 100% of the time' advice videos. It was very grounded, and her being able to recognize that she had let it affect her in such a negative way and change her perspective shows that she's mature. It's a refreshing look at how alternative style wearers come to terms with the shortcomings of standing out.

>> No.9478041

It's tricky anon, the problem is that persistent scammers will give out this kind of sob story to multiple people repeatedly so it's hard to know who to believe. I do think neutral is fairest unless they have a history of cancelled transactions.

>> No.9478083

So i posted in some sales groups saying like "Selling Items on Lacemarket!" and then a list of the items and their prices, and then my lacemarket link. Since then, I've gotten half a million people asking for prices, sizes, measurements, damage, you name it, in the facebook comments. All of which is information in the lacemarket listings. Did I do something wrong or do people need literally everything spoonfed to them?

>> No.9478087

Where do you live where you've never seen or experienced this because I've had this happen ever since puberty and so have plenty of women around me. It's not something limited to lolita.

>> No.9478088

A lot of lolita's on FB often ignore anything about lacemarket and just want to talk directly to the seller. You didn't do anything wrong, people are just stupid.

>> No.9478108

It's actually a pain to relist if someone won the auction. You have to fill in a new listing again and you lose all the people who had it in their favorites.

>> No.9478128

I never said I hadn't heard of it or experienced it before, which I have just not in lolita, also didn't said it was limited to lolita. I just don't get the need to be such a dick. I remember when I was in middle school and I attended a catholic school with knee-lenght skirts and often I would get gross comments from older men on my way home. Didn't get it then, still don't get it now.

>> No.9478177
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Meow_tan and girlonsunday did an interview together. She talks about cgl in it. Thoughts?

>> No.9478227

I don't get why tempest paige is trying to become relevant again. Her style looks stuck in 2010 and not in a good way too.

>> No.9478243

Men are disgusting piggus, what's new?
>inb4 but anon not all men...
Yeah, I know that, but still. Those dudes are fuckers. I had it happening several times from when I was a 13yo to now as a 20yo (and I am commonly mistaken for 17 so it pains me to know they might openly hit on actual teenage girls). If I ever I witnessed one harassing an underage girl or any girl for that matter I would get mad for real. Fuck them. Yes I'm salty.
I just wish we could exist without some retards thinking that the way we dress has something to do with pleasing their dick. Whether it's lolita or gyaru or whatever. I'm tired of this shit.

>> No.9478406

Are there any websites I should avoid buying off of? I heard of my lolita dress and obviously malanoo or whatever but I don't know of any others

>> No.9478413

I've bought from my lolita dress and everything worked out fine, it's just a taobao reseller.

>> No.9478431

I was reading some posts that they steal images

But I figured I'd just stick with the stuff that has reviews

>> No.9478432

I love the 2010 Ott sweet look, but I agree she just doesn't do it quite right

>> No.9478487

MLD when it works well it works. When it doesn't though it can be hell to get your money back

>> No.9478582

Japonica is in the process of trying to get a few things for me on Mercari and doing the whole polite thing of asking the seller if it's okay for them to buy before actually buying the items.

>> No.9478634

Agree. Anna house is better than bodyline bit their shipping is expensive.

>> No.9478847

I'm 173cm lmao so yeah it might not be for me...

>> No.9478943
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Besides dresses what accessories/items do you gulls prefer to have the most of? Purses? jewelry? shoes etc..?

>> No.9478981

>Purses? jewelry? shoes
All of the above.

Though I have a lot of jewelry, could use more. I have a lot of oddball shaped purses and just a few simpler ones. But I wear a lot of AP, I only really try to invest in the matching purse if I have a lot of main pieces with that theme. Then I have shoes for all the color combinations I wear along with most main piece colors (which is a lot, my wardrobe is a rainbow)

>> No.9479031

I think you mean Peace Now and Black Peace Now. BPN is mostly straight up gothic whereas PN often is more punky/colorful/cutesy depending on which item you are looking at (think teenage Visual kei fan). Although the divide was not always very clear, there is a good number of items where you would think "ok that must be Peace Now" and then you look at the tag and it is actually BPN, and vice versa, so that was always interesting.
I'm not quite sure why BPN is generally not worth much secondhand because many of their items are great (just not necessarily usable for Lolita), but both lines always having a ton of releases (especially for peace now, many of them made from cutsew material and therefore basically having next to no resale value), being widely available, and also having massive sales (up to 80% off during the Laforet Grand Bazaar for example) probably all have something to do with it.
Sheglit on the other hand is much smaller, only releases a couple of things at a time, is more expensive than BPN was, and only does sales occasionally at their atelier shop (as far as I'm aware).

>> No.9479141

I've seen AP dresses run small lately but not 20+ cm small. That type of cut is less forgiving though so they may have wide shoulders or arms that's making the dress not fit.

>> No.9479144

Thanks Anons!

>> No.9479152

Amen! I hate searching in the gothic tag, and just seeing black colorways of sweet prints. >_<

>> No.9479156

nayrt but I think it's a cultural thing, too. I'd never gotten a single gross comment for 23 years (save one time from a super drunk guy at a party who might've been talking to the chair I was on) until I moved to a different area, and suddenly I get random guys coming up to me with their phones in my face asking me how much I charge for a blowjob. I think it's a macho thing, combined with the fact that certain groups consider girls of my description "easy" even when not dressed in alternative clothing. Where I lived initially this kind of behaviour would be considered trashy and stupid even by fratboys but in my new neighbourhood it's like harassing girls is a regional sport.

I'm a huge sucker for cute purses and keep buying new ones even though I really don't need them, and I wish I had more blouses and boleros. Shoes-wise I have like ten pairs and that's actually more than enough for my wardrobe so I've stopped buying those for now.

>> No.9479185

Bags and shoes, I have a new bag and pair of shoes for every 2 dresses I own. They're really hard to store though and I think it confuses people who come into my room, because my dresses are all in the wardrobe so they assume I wear these shoes and novelty bags with my everyday wardrobe. They make kawaii room decoration but people usually make comments like "Wow, you really love handbags!" or something similar, which makes me feel kind of awkward for some reason. I hate jewellery so I have barely any, I have a few brand necklaces I wear over blouses and things but the sensation of rings and bracelets on bare skin really bothers me.

>> No.9479187

Shoes. They can really change up an outfit

>> No.9479202

AP kind of had a smash-hit spring with Creamy Cherry, Ribbon Berry Bunny, and Fancy Hospital. Do you think we'll be getting rereleases of those?

>> No.9479206

Maybe not rereleases but AP might release special sets of those prints.

>> No.9479207

What would you do if you found out that the mods of a couple major comms were screening, blocking, or banning members based on their political affiliations or views and not anything they'd ever said in a lolita community? I'm really bothered by this and it's been going on for a while. It's not even like Heil Hitler 1488 /pol/ bullshit either. It's "oh this person didn't vote for my favorite party or isn't a third wave feminitist" type deals. I could just out them for their shit, but I'm moderately sure they'd just be praised for being intersectional.

>> No.9479216

Bags and hair accessories. I've got so many fucking bows and combs and shit to put on my head it's outrageous. I've got two boxes filled with small accessories and a wall of large headbows. They're just so much fun!

>> No.9479220

There's nothing you can do about people like that, they're locked into that immature mindset and will constantly cull people to keep their echo chamber pure. Out them if you want, it won't do anything.

>> No.9479226

>Coping with sellers selling overprised dresses
People like this are insufferable. You can get a good enough sewing machine for eighty bucks, and sewing isn't even remotely difficult.

But noo, >I'm gonna buy an already espensive dress from japan that was made in china and then am gonna proceed to making threads trying to shame people who wear slightly different stuff than I do, sitting on my fat ass. and wasting my life away instead of actually bothering to work for my hobby or excercise despite the fact that I look like Chris fucking Chandler in the dress made for slender japanese women.

>> No.9479240
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This is the funniest post I've read in a while.

>> No.9479245

I'd say collect evidence and post it anonymously or on an alternate account somewhere, anon. I'd like to see what you have.

>> No.9479283


>> No.9479287

I agree. Shoes and bags are one of the most obvious things to change up the substyle of a simple dress. I honestly don't understand people who say changing accessories changes the look, accessories aren't even visible from a distance so changing jewellery doesn't do anywhere near as much. I have a *lot* of blouses and cardigans as well.

>> No.9479291

>for being intersectional.
What political views are you talking about here?

>> No.9479337
File: 279 KB, 220x145, BOB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a bot, or someone pretending to be retarded, or something? There were two posts in the Ita thread with the exact same words... Wtf?


>> No.9479355

Where do people find those big ornate victorian like hats? I know a lot of people make them but are there any well known etsy sellers that make them?

>> No.9479359

One example I heard through the grape vine was a girl who had some "pro-life" stuff on her Facebook. Another voted Leave in the British referendum. Another voted Tori or had pro-Tori posts on Facebook. Same with a Trump voter. Like they ARE "unpopular" in the online world and some maybe even hold "backwards" opinions. But how should what political opinions they hold personally effect their membership of online lolita communities?

>> No.9479361

This is my hat list

>> No.9479370

thank you anon this are fantastic.

>> No.9479411


Boleros and cardigans. I'm pretty into lolita as daily wear.

For lolita proper I'm trying to accumulate pairs of perfectly matched shoes and bag. Much easier to do coords when the bags perfectly match the shoes. So long as the dress colour doesn't clash they automatically balance out as one colour block on top and another matching colour block below. Though I probably need to collect some perfectly matching bow clips so I can throw it on my head if I need to as well.


The accessories advice sounds like it would have been more relevant maybe 5 years ago. The blouse cuts were generally simpler, it's usually a matter of round or high collar, and then long or short sleeves, so wearing them with a large necklace or a smaller one would have made a difference. Nowadays there's so much variety in blouses that it's easier to change blouses to change the look than change a necklace.

>> No.9479453
File: 335 KB, 1023x619, gab on desk transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realise one of these people in your links to the ita thread is copypasting the other, don't you?

Learn to read

>> No.9479524

>The accessories advice sounds like it would have been more relevant maybe 5 years ago. The blouse cuts were generally simpler, it's usually a matter of round or high collar, and then long or short sleeves, so wearing them with a large necklace or a smaller one would have made a difference. Nowadays there's so much variety in blouses that it's easier to change blouses to change the look than change a necklace.
You might be right on that one, I got into lolita four years ago. I wear oldschool though and that as well is not accesory-centric and changing a blouse (e.g. princess sleeves and low neck vs long sleeves and peter pan collar) changes the look more than accessories on that too. I guess it's really specific to the 2010s when AP was releasing a lot of different prints in similar cuts when accessories mattered more than blouses.

>> No.9479526

diff anon but they started to sell straight up replicas two years ago though so I personally stopped using them

>> No.9479529

necklaces necklace and more necklaces!
also headwear

>> No.9479606

Gently call it out? When they inevitably argue back 'we don't need that kind of toxicity' explain that they shouldn't exclude anyone without giving them a chance first to prove they aren't drama mongers. THEN explain that those kinds of people probably don't have progressive friends and being welcoming to them might change their viewpoints. If politics is super important to them, play to that angle instead of disregarding it.

>> No.9479612

I wish I had a huge variety of shoes, I just hate ordering such an important staple online when it's not guaranteed to fit. Socks are what I have most of.

>> No.9479632

This. Better to go for actual shopping services. I think MLD is a bit shady, not like Milanoo tier but if and when they think you are a stupid foreigner they will try and fuck you over. For example, if something is out of stock and you decide to change it to something cheaper they won't refund the difference unless asked. They will lie about the shipping and processing times or forget to meantion the item was out of stock and needs to be made. Everything is always going to ship next week and they will be happy to charge you extra for nothing with custom orders. Not worth the extra money and possible hassle imo.

>> No.9479633

Shoes and bags. 100%

>> No.9479640

I have lots of socks/tights too but always end up wearing the same ones with certain main pieces. I bought them so I could mix and match but I always end up wearing the same few pairs because even though the others look nice too, those ones look the best. They're not from matching sets but in practice they might as well be. Does anyone else get this?

>> No.9479645
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>claims to have never worn dress
>she wore is previously in a coord


>> No.9479656

Yeah, I noticed that later... My bad. Though excluding the quote in this thread, the other two made me quite confused, sage for OT.

>> No.9479657
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I love all the the pretty and strange jewelry, so I took up another hobby entirely just to learn to make myself some.

>> No.9479666

maybe she had two, anon

>> No.9479670

And she fucking put shoes on top of it as well.. No excuse for that.

>> No.9479695

Who the fuck buys two of the SAME dress?

>> No.9479702

wannabe lolita 2ch chatter:

I try to counteract that by doing multiple coords with the same piece and having different legwear in each. So I have a black and white print JSK that I bought a pair of whitexblack OTKs and a pair of blackxwhite OTKs for, and I think the whitexblack ones look better and give you more leeway for coording, but I still made the effort to make a coord with a lot of black in it to go with the blackxwhite ones as well. Both turned out nice and it pleases me to have opposite coords like that.

>> No.9479704

Could have been new at the time the photo was taken, I'd bet money she's using an old pic and that floordinate is from before she wore it out.

>> No.9479706

anyone could
>to twin
>in a set that seller won't split but accessories are rare so worth it
>accidentally put 2 through cart but can't cancel order (more common with AP)
>found one cheaper that you feel better about altering so you can sell your 1st
>friend, SO, or family member bought it for you from wishlist as surprise when you already have it or you buy it before the surprise gift is revealed

the possible situations are many...though I'm not sure how scrupulous GH is so, it may just be a case of lying westerner

>> No.9479716

people who are getting them altered.

>> No.9479718

>to twin
How many people buy dresses and let others wear them? How many horror stories have we had?

>in a set that seller won't split but accessories are rare so worth it
I'm sure a seller would split if you offered them a considerable amount for the set

>accidentally put 2 through cart but can't cancel order (more common with AP)
Fair enough

>found one cheaper that you feel better about altering so you can sell your 1st
It's the same dress which holds the same value.

>friend, SO, or family member bought it for you from wishlist as surprise when you already have it or you buy it before the surprise gift is revealed
An expensive dress like that? Doubt it.

>> No.9479733

Are there any indie brands that produce/have produced things similar to VM/MM?

>> No.9479739

maybe, but the proof photo is the same coord in the photo of her wearing it.

>> No.9479837

J/Asian indie or western indie?

VM & MM have been pretty dedicated to that solid, single/dual color Anne of green gables type of design which not a lot of other brands do. I'll try to recommend things with nice fitted, long bodices.
>Physical Drop: has made some nice cuts and simple classic dresses.
>Lief: a bit more modern and bolder with colors/prints but very nice classic stuff.
>Excentrique: a bit more late than early Victorian inspired but nice silho
>Millefleurs: absolutely dynamite floral OPs with cap sleeves in almost identical cuts to MM. Their chiffon stuff is like an AtelierPierrot and VM lovechild
>taobao brands you could get lucky with: Miss Point, Dear Celine (top tier Taoboa imo), older HMHM
on the western side:
>lily of the valley on etsy makes very good looking jsks for classic. the prints are bolder than VM/MMs muted modus operandi but the silhos are on point.
can't think of any other western indie that makes rococo style things

hope this helps!

>> No.9479879
File: 216 KB, 500x600, fancy hospital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone gotten the fancy hospital set? I really like how well everything goes together, but the nurse hat seems super cheaply made? Its so super tiny and it only has one small clip in the front so it tends to tump over and not want to stay on your head..... Im scared to bobby pin it since it seems so delicate.. has anyone else experienced this?

>> No.9479889

Weird af question but I've thinking about this for days. My mom is very superstitious and believes that I'm getting other people's karma by buying clothes second hand. Does anyone else believe this? Because I don't even believe in karma but I didn't think it worked like that

>> No.9479891

Legwear, shoes, and blouses. I feel like those three things totally dictate the style of your main piece. Since I'm a mostly casual lolita who uses the same 2 boring headbands/bow clips/flower clips with everything jewellery and accessories aren't as important to me

I LOVE BPN blouses. They're a gothic wardrobe staple

>> No.9479902

Karma doesn't work like that, by definition it's the whole "what goes around comes around" thing based on your actions. For some people that idea extended into your intents and thoughts - like if you end up doing a bad thing for what you thought was good reason then it's less bad for your karma than doing a bad thing with ill intent. Some people think there is bad luck/bad vibes or good luck/vibes attached to possessions but that's different from karma.

>> No.9479904

I have literally never heard of this, but I'm not an expert on Hindu philosophy.

>> No.9479906

>I'm getting other people's karma by buying clothes second hand
I smell a one-shot comic here

>> No.9479923

I'm interested in any indie, really! I'm coming to terms with the fact that I'll likely never fit into VM/MM (thanks ribcage), and I noticed a dearth in alternatives with their style. Your list is excellent though, thanks!

>> No.9479959

I'm bad about buying socks and blouses. I have way to many of both.

>> No.9479968

Someone who wants a new release from AP and has an SS try to get it, and they try to get it themselves as well and wind up with two.

Someone who reserved two SS to try for the dress to have a better shot at nabbing it and both got one.

>> No.9480090

Girlytoot is up and about, listing dresses on LaceMarket as NWOT when she posted photos of herself in them just days ago.

>> No.9480138

Read the rest of the thread

>> No.9480148
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my bad, here I thought I had breaking news

>> No.9480150
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Wow Chinese lolitas are vicious

>> No.9480153
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>> No.9480154
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>> No.9480156
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Someone raised the question in the comments section.

>> No.9480159
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>> No.9480163
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>> No.9480164
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And is no longer being sold as "never worn".

>> No.9480167
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>> No.9480183

I feel personally attacked

>> No.9480187

Damn I lost a bet now. I guessed these would show up tomorrow and my friend said tonight. Now I owe her brand socks.

>> No.9480191

Negative. If you don't have enough money to be paying for emergencies like this, you don't have enough money to be bidding on lolita dresses. Fuck everyone who flakes out like this.

>> No.9480201

Mods edited it

>> No.9480204

Yes. My mom is religious (a mix of asian superstition and protestant christian beliefs) and she said that I might want to be careful with the things I buy secondhand. I do believe things "absorb" good/bad energy but not enough to not buy dresses. Never buying secondhand vintage mirrors though.

>> No.9480208

Second hand mirrors and second hand shoes. You don't want to walk a mile in their place.

>> No.9480210

I think these are hilarious... There's a plus size lolita in my area that is exactly like this.

>> No.9480213

There are various ways to cleanse items, (saging, crystals, sound bowls, etc) it's completely up to your preference.

Has your mom not ever bought anything second hand? If you think you need to purify/cleanse the items you receive, go for it, I never have done lolita items personally

>> No.9480217
File: 31 KB, 600x471, CcWR6INUcAQ3vkN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently the weibo is run by one of those assholes who shit on women who don't fit their standards. And those who do qualify are called prostitutes. I'm cool with lolitas shitposting about other lolitas, but when normies do it it's gross.

>> No.9480264

i find these true and hilarious. anyone who is butthurt must be fat and ugly

>> No.9480270

I kind of get the vibe that it's drawn by a guy from the fetish-y facesitting content, but I could be wrong.

>> No.9480277

Someone on RCU said the account is owned by a guy whose whole wall is full of porn.

>> No.9480284


Most of these comments about using two SS to reserve don't fly when it's JetJ.

JetJ does reservations of one week. At any point you could waltz up to their website and reserve the dress. About six months later it ships out to you. You don't need an SS to stand in line for you and while you try and reserve it online, there's no real shop for them to stand in line at. Even if you saw it in Atelier Pierrot's shop blog six months later you basically just need one to call in and buy it, two SS are going to meet at the shop door and battle it out there over who gets to buy the dress in that single shop.

And besides, who leaves out this kind of crucial info when making their sales post? Their first line should have been "used an SS and ended up with two", not a floordinate photo and then you have to bend over backwards making up her excuses for her.

>> No.9480295

I'm thin and average and i relate to a good amount of these. The face-sitting one confuses me though.

>> No.9480306

>what is praying over something and covering it with the blood of Jesus
problem solved

>> No.9480314

lemme cleanse this retardation with some sage of my own

>> No.9480412

This is how I feel using meitu lol

Seriously they're blowing this way out of proportion. Everyone in that thread who is ~triggered~ needs to chill tf out

>> No.9480413

As if the popular chinese lolitas don't shoop themselves to death as well

>> No.9480414
File: 64 KB, 600x600, and romeo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your thoughts about the And Romeo japanese indie brand?
I've fell in love with their kuro releases

>> No.9480416

Tbh some chinese students I met were uglier than every fat white chick I know. Like inbred-level ugly.
Every race has more uglies than pretty people, asians just have better apps and shoop their stuff to hell and back.

>> No.9480468

So where do people get their A-line pettis from? Is classical puppets still good for them? I got a bell one from them a few years ago and its still going strong.

>> No.9480485

Honestly think a lot of their stuff is kind of ita and their poof is excessive and silly looking for their designs, but some pieces are nice.

>> No.9480492

Never heard the thing about mirrors, anon. What's the root religion of that belief? Why not secondhand vintage mirrors in specific?

>> No.9480498

I think they're nice and a good alternative to Bodyline, since a lot of their stuff is cheap but well-designed. I definitely prefer their solid colors.

>> No.9480502
File: 61 KB, 730x730, IMG_20170516_125929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best petticoat is from them. I wear lolita almost daily so I'm always looking for affordable solid pieces that are easy to wash. Also quite liked pic related.

I don't understand the problem.

>> No.9480516

my bodyline a-line is incredible and I've had it for almost 3 years now!

>> No.9480524

oh snap, forgot to add Surfacespell the Taobao brand. best of luck!!

>> No.9480579
File: 71 KB, 490x655, a2f26a85b2288b6ed40456617c31e692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys have any suggestions for cute bags/backpacks that would go with Lolita and actually fit a laptop/notebook/etc.?
I love the style of bags that Axes Femme has but sadly most of those are too small to fit all of my school stuff. Thank you!

>> No.9480595

For designs like that one the huge poof looks fine but a lot of their stuff the last time I checked was kind of old school in design but had the sane huge silhouette. It looked really off.

>> No.9480597

I have the Restyle briefcases and they're huge but they're difficult to carry heavy stuff like laptops in because you'll be unbalanced to one size. Wish they were 3-way bags.

>> No.9480603

>tfw when good prices for rare dresses and can twin with someone

>> No.9480604

If it's an old listing then why does she have the Coord photo from this weekend as the proof photo

>> No.9480610

I am not that surprised - I saw the headband in person and I was quite disappointed that it's a piece of cheaply embroidered pad on a headband.

>> No.9480613

When will she fuck off? Why is everyone acting like nothing happened with her and swooning over her CoF posts? Did everyone get magical amnesia or what

>> No.9480617

honestly all that shit happened so long ago some of us don't really give a fuck anymore
let it go, anon
as long as she doesn't keep listing dresses like that

>> No.9480677

Did you make that? I love it

>> No.9480688
File: 286 KB, 456x640, 1456366904526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you find your personal signature in your Lolita style?
My wardrobe is decent, big enough to make decent coords. But all of them scream basic to me. There is no distinction between one of my basic coords and another's person, the sameprint, same colors, same formula.
Sometimes I have seen people wearing a popular print, but with a characteristic appereance, as if they made it their own.
I want to flesh out my coords, find my signature, but I don't know where to look, how to look. I don't want to be a copy, and perhaps I have been copying all the time from what I like, ending up in just another cute coord.
What do you think, gulls?

>> No.9480699

I'm a lolita and someone who wears a lot of otome as well. I need to cobble together a work wardrobe for next year. I'm in healthcare so nothing too crazy expensive or nice, has to be easily washable, has to be professional. I like a lot of Jane Marple and Axes Femme, what other non-lolita brands should I shop at?

>> No.9480706

try experimenting? you might find something that could count as your signature.

honestly I think that just basic coords are okay too, you can't reinvent the wheel constantly. as long as a coord isn't bad, it's okay to be a tad bland or basic.

though if you have a coord within all the same color, you might want to try a splash of color. maybe even that will help

>> No.9480707

Well, it's difficult to be unique in lolita, due to how easy it is to slip into something that's not lolita anymore. Not impossible tho, I suppose.

>> No.9480719

Why don't you try just enjoying yourself and your dresses? Your signature comes faster if you act natural instead of acting like you're trying to make a brand name, efame or something.

>> No.9480727

It's from Suppurate System.

>> No.9480729

But then that's because of the way you perceive it. You have a bias that tells you oldschool Lolita should look like x and modern Lolita should look like x, but And Romeo isn't even trying to be oldschool, they just design basic Lolita dresses.

>> No.9480734

Maybe you have to let yourself be inspired by other things you love or find beautiful, and incorporate that into your style. Don't worry about looking similar to other lolita's as long as it feels like your personal style to yourself.

>> No.9480735

Fi.n.t and Milk

>> No.9480745

I have an a line petti coming from Aurora and Ariel, should be here by the end of the week. I'll review it then!

>> No.9480777
File: 36 KB, 480x356, 6cdfc29agw6dcnh7iu8gaj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using this style of bag (large size) from Loris nearly daily for a couple years now and it's held up very well. It can fit my Microsoft Surface 3 easily.

>> No.9480787

Fatasses to merge together to fit them

>> No.9480794

Are the type of girls who go to Lolita meet ups generally rude? I'm going to my first one in a few months

Is there any ettiquett I should know about?

>> No.9480882


Not to your face, usually.

>> No.9480888

Seconding this, I'm in a similar situation and don't want to make any faux pas.

>> No.9480892

Wear your biggest bonnet to assert your dominance

>> No.9480900

Nah, not in my experience. It's more likely to be the other way around, with people being super sweet to your face and bitchy behind your back or here on /cgl/. Probably not, though, in my experience lolitas are a pretty nice lot and not as bad as a handful of online dramallamas make us seem. I've experienced much more rude and dramatic people in other communities, especially ones with a more balanced gender ratio so there's relationship drama too.

>> No.9480906

This. And if someone at a lower rank fluffs their petticoat at you, fluff yours back and make the loudest screeching noise you can manage. If the person is a higher rank you should defer to her and offer to tie any loose ribbons she may have on her dress.

>> No.9480955

My personal experience was really good, despite the snobby and bitchy attitude our country's lolitas have.
People are either really nice and chill or really nice and nervous like you. Some might be a bit socially awkward though, like some weebs and such.

>> No.9480982

So she is a confirmed liar. Worn "for a few hours" is still fucking worn, not new.

>> No.9481028

blouses/cardis, socks and hair accessories!
I don't have much shoes but the 5 pairs I have are pretty versatile with what I have and comfy to wear. I have sensitive feet so it's such a pain, which is why i don't have more of them.

>> No.9481081

Also, who wears clothing they are currently selling? I always pack everything away once it's listed so nothing will happen and they will stay clean. Stuff like parfume and deodorant will stick so easily.

>> No.9481092

Do you think we should use Western words with the original meaning in mind or keep using the 'lolita meaning'? Examples:
- Saying substyle instead of theme/inspiration/concept of a coord
- Pic related is called a canotier in lolita, but in my country canotier is a type of hat.
- Saying JSK instead of sleeveless dress.
- Cutsew instead of top or t-shirt.

And somewhat related, if you're not in an English speaking country, do you say things like meet-up and comm in your own language or in English?

>> No.9481095
File: 236 KB, 500x600, 7229258650b6fb9dc139335fe6a0775e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic. Btw I'm bringing it up here because I don't want the steampunk thread to go off-topic.
In my comm, these words are just accepted the way we learned about them on lj/GLB/lolita guides ages ago, we never thought about the original meaning and just thought ''in lolita context, it means this, so this is how we use it''.

>> No.9481108

I like how lolita has its own lingo. It also makes it a lot easier to talk about the fashion across different countries, for example on /cgl/.
I live in a western European country and I almost always use the English words for lolita-related things.

>> No.9481123

>canotier in lolita, but in my country canotier is a type of hat
That's just AP. Most brands call the hats canotiers.

>> No.9481131
File: 107 KB, 425x567, 84787077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's interesting, we call pic related canotier as well, and otherwise headdress (in English when speaking in our own language)

>> No.9481149
File: 86 KB, 480x640, tmp_8108-264c4525-4ff1-52b8-a7c6-863855b794a22102144083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? What would you call a hat like this?

>> No.9481157

I just started getting into the fashion and by far the thing I have the most is leg wear. I just love printed tights so much, plus I like to incorporate it into normie outfits.
However right now what I really need is more blouses and boleros, so I'm probably going to inadvertently start buying them as often as I can.

>> No.9481158

Tbh I'm not sure because I don't know anyone who owns one like that, but when it comes to lolita hats in general we say hat in our own language. Idk why. But if a normie heard me talk about a canotier, they would just think of the straw type.

>> No.9481173

There was a one off sailor moon villain that plays on this superstition. Or at keast I think it was sailor moon. It was deff an older maho shojo anime.

>> No.9481202

I'm really, really into brand blouses. It makes me kind of sad some girls cheap out on blouses with taobao or just buy thrifted vintage ones. Some blouses make me almost more happy than main pieces I've gotten. A nice blouse can be worn with anything, but a lot of lolita dresses can be limited.

>> No.9481206

It's like not even 2 years old is it? I'm not googling it idc

>> No.9481208

Same! And I use them for work too.

>> No.9481224

My bank charges me a foreign currency conversion fee on purchases made in other currencies (like buying directly from closet child or a shopping service). Its not very much, but I'm tired of paying it. What bank/credit card do you use when making purchases in other currencies?

>> No.9481239

Question for everyone who bought a Fancy Hospital dress from AP JP and USA.

Did yours come with a fabric swatch and extra button? Mine didn't and every time I have ordered a new dress, it did. I ordered from AP USA so I am wondering if I should be concerned. I got a blue JSK and it just came with the tags. (Also, no AP bag and no imai kira card/print mirror, although I'm not sure if that was given to all JP orders too.)

>> No.9481258

I don't think you can really get around that unless you have something like Bitcoin. I use PayPal and it always charges me a buck or so

>> No.9481358

Having an awesome credit/debit card without any foreign transaction fees is wonderful!

There are a number of cards that offer this feature. Do your research and see which one will be the best.

>> No.9481370

If you have a relative that was in the military you can get USAA which does not charge that, and it gives you back any ATM fees too.

I love USAA

>> No.9481378

To be clear, these are not foreign transaction fees (which I've gotten when I've traveled abroad) these are currency conversion fees. There is a difference and I want to know what "awesome credit/debit cards" other people use specifically to avoid them.

>> No.9481392

I got a postcard but no fabric search or button and I ordered from the JP site, what kind of extras you get probably just depends on what they have on hand

>> No.9481410

American Express. It just charges me in yen and gives me a much more accurate rate and no conversion fees ever.

>> No.9481446

Would love to find out which banks in the UK don't charge that fee either!

>> No.9481451


I considering doing this.

>> No.9481493

It's finally up.

>> No.9481517

Charles Schwab Visa Platinum Debit Card

>> No.9481542

I ordered from AP USA and no fabric swatches either. I guess certain dresses just don't come with one. In the Bay Area, we have to pay $.10 for a bag so that's probably why you didn't receive one. The novelty fair was for Japan only, in-store and online shop. If AP USA gets novelties, they're usually much later and if there's remaining stock.

>> No.9481567

Thanks anons. Bummed I didn't get the imai post card but what can you do.

>$.10 for a bag
>Spent About $300 and they couldn't be assed to include a freaking $.10 cent bag

>> No.9481575

Is this a new thing, or does it not apply to MTOs? I ordered a couple of AP MTOs in 2016 and none of them came with fabric swatches or postcards, although I think I did get buttons.

>> No.9481580

I guess it depends on your body type, since I think fit is really important with blouses. I own about 50:50 brand:Taobao blouses and I kind of prefer the higher-end Taobao ones just from them being much better fitted due to having more size ranges and/or custom sizing. A lot of my brand blouses are either baggy and frumpy or gap at the bust on me.

>> No.9481594

stfu my god

>> No.9481891
File: 983 KB, 500x300, 1494559104100.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>- Saying substyle instead of theme/inspiration/concept of a coord

You can't equate a substyle with a theme or concept. A substyle is a whole different kind of style that doesn't fit into any other category. There are much less substyles than any guide claims. I'd even wager to say there are only 3 substyles, sweet, classic and gothic.
Themed outfits like pirate, country or sailor can mostly be put into one of the three main styles.
Like AP's Fairy Marine is sweet lolita, but many of IW's sailor OPs are classic lolita.

Things like ero, qi or wa lolita are so rarely well done, I'd reconsider listing them at all.

And I mean, there are people who have a full closet consisting only chocolate and sweets themed dresses and they still don't have a 'chocolate lolita' substyle, because they are essentially sweet lolitas.

>> No.9481910

What kind of petticoat should you wear with a sack dress? A-line?

>> No.9481932

I think you are missing the point of the conversation here. In lolita, substyle is often used for themes and the original English meaning is ignored.

>> No.9481950

Do you mess canotier with boater anon?

>> No.9482053

yeah, A line is most logical

>> No.9482081

Anyone to translate it? My moonrunes are so basic I still suck at translating anything

>> No.9482109

Baguettelita here, we call meetups "meetings" and comms "communauté" or "commu/comm" for short.

>> No.9482116

They keep calling it loli

>> No.9482211

When does AP show all their summer stuff? We just went through all of springs, right?

>> No.9482257

I translated it through Google Translate, it's not interesting enough to be worth translating properly.

>> No.9482267

Wasn't there someone who offered to translate Misako's history of lolita? What happened to that?

>> No.9482354
File: 88 KB, 850x1200, C__pTGYUAAA7miV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any information about this book titled Misako Doll? Maison de Julietta has been promoting it on their Twitter account.

>> No.9482363

nayrt but I've always seen substyle used to differentiate between sweet/classic/gothic, not for themes. Themes are just called themes.

>> No.9482365

Where do you gulls buy your basics? I want to buy something as simple as a pair of plain pink socks (with or without lace top idc too much) but they're always sold out on brand webshops and never seem to come up second hand. I'm also not too crazy about buying worn socks (unless they're from CC because everything seems immaculate).
Are there any indie or accessory brands who do socks? Or where could I find any?

>> No.9482369

I emailed Baby about a reservation item on Sunday and have not heard back from them yet. I sent a follow up message just now.

How long do they normally take to reply? Last time I reserved an item it was a one day turnaround

>> No.9482371

Have you tried searching in aliexpress or taobao?

>> No.9482391
File: 204 KB, 1134x968, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this gross ita have yet another article written about her for the normies? Was one not enough? Why are the fame whores always itas that reflect badly on us?

Does she seriously just keep contacting reporters that have nothing else to write about that week?

>> No.9482404

I'm pretty sure she hunts down reporters to do these things. And the good Lolitas don't want to risk their careers so they avoid publicity

>> No.9482406

I have but I mostly get socks with those really sad, droopy lengths of lace on them or just ankle socks. I'm trying to hunt down OTKs if possible.

>> No.9482413

This is the same article that was posted in the last general twice

>> No.9482418

My bad, I just happened to see it on Rufflechat. I am just so sick of her and the hijab lolitas weaseling themselves into so much normie media attention. They don't represent the community at all and just make us all look bad.

>> No.9482422

Heart E and Swimmer

>> No.9482425

Nobody I care about cares about clickbait articles so I don't care, but that must suck for you.

>> No.9482437

get the fuck over it.
no one gives a melting shit

>> No.9482454

You're absolutely right about fit. There are some high quality taobao blouses if you can't fit into brand that are great, too. I just don't like the flimsy or poorly constructed cheaper ones or Bodyline ones a lot of girls get.

>> No.9482491
File: 96 KB, 1024x666, IMG_4912_zps609eb371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally have a nice Meta bag that fits my 15 inch laptop. It fits just barely though and it's clearly not meant for carrying heavy things like a laptop, but if you want to make it work, you can. Picture is not mine but similar.

>> No.9482499

I hate how whiny and sensitive some of the people in Lolita Updates are being about the sheep and noose print. Calm down, fuck, it's just an illustration but "uwu my mental helff ishoos omg glorification of suicide lolita is my safe space"

>> No.9482523

Has anyone ever come across a gothic sailor coord? Just curious.

>> No.9482528

Someone should introduce them to menhera k e k

>> No.9482534

One of my friends wants to wear menhera but won't because they don't want tumblr heat.

This is why you don't use tumblr.

>> No.9482546

I hate the dress itself even more

>> No.9482554

Black Peace Now and h.Naoto have released sailor dresses

>> No.9482559

I haven't seen anyone older than 17 care about that kind of stuff even on tumblr

>> No.9482565

Yeah, it's not a great dress by any means, looks like typical low-range taobao dresses. I just don't get the big stink, considering brands like JetJ have huge prints of a man being crucified with blood dripping down which is literal torture versus a noose loosely drawn around a sheep's neck.

>> No.9482578

>She knows that you will be discussing her article at your next Dairy Queen meetup?

>> No.9482592

Pics? I don't follow taobao releases and don't have fb.

>> No.9482596

I have a jsk from them and it's one of my favorites. Good for concerts and such because it's sturdy and cheap. Beware if you have a long torso, theirs are really short.

>> No.9482609
File: 93 KB, 400x533, tumblr_n91ps0MPBk1r2qk48o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count?

>> No.9482623
File: 941 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_3318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else thinks that adding bustles to make a dress bigger looks really off? I think it can be done well but more for classic lolita.

>> No.9482629

Is there an SS for Taobao that lets you pay the preorder price then asks for the remaining balance once it's due?

>> No.9482713
File: 382 KB, 750x937, BQnhcf3DyWa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So apparently Hizaki released a photobook in collaboration with Atelier Pierrot. Has anyone seen/bought it?

>> No.9482732

the facebook group is open to the public and anyone can read it without a fb account???

>> No.9482735

I don't think it looks good in this pic but there's a girl in my com who does it really well, mostly for gothic coords

>> No.9482736

It's fine when done right. The pic you posted is aweful because the color does not match at all, and there should be fewer, but longer layers in the bustle.

>> No.9482739
File: 394 KB, 493x494, wq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have pics of the Shanghai AP tea party?

RinRin posted a video on her twitter and it shows all the new 2017 brilliant dress collection, and then she cuts off just as she gets past a Wonder Queen OP in wine.

>> No.9482746

Sorry, not the 2017 brilliant dress collection, but some other recent ott dress collection they recently announced. I can't remember when I saw it, but it wasn't too long ago.

>> No.9482766

Homemiro posted two photos on Instagram, but that's all I got. There are probably more pictures if you troll the social media of chinese lolitas.

>> No.9482796

That's helpful to find without a name of brand and a vague description. What are image boards for anyway. Why bother talking about it without a link or pic.

>> No.9482809
File: 806 KB, 742x489, suicidal sheep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is.

>> No.9482856

>snowy steampunk jeweler penpal suicide

the shapes on this are so random. like, what kind of story is this print supposed to be telling?
as far as the colourways, the soft greyscale print only looks marginally good on the second to left. terrible on the others.

Taobao is such a great way to sell indie brands, but the downside is all the talentless wannabe brands hopping onto lolita as a trend for business. this print sucks.

>> No.9482857

Is this referencing something like a figure of speech? It just seems like a very odd mix of things going on here

>> No.9482868

what the fuck

>> No.9482871

That's hideous; I love it.

>> No.9482980

I just noticed this was posted a while ago. https://youtu.be/5RdwxrKHUig
I wonder what the context of this is. Is Misako retrying the whole music career thing? If so, it's a step up from Lolitina. At least it's chill and involves less auto-tune.

>> No.9483045

29 here and I wear menhera to go shopping at normie stores and people love it. Like they don't like me, just what I'm wearing.

There's no heat to be had. People give way too many fucks about what is said online.

>> No.9483046

>this print sucks.
that's your opinion. The art is well done which leads me to think that you just don't know how to interpret things?

It's open to interpretation beyond how much you dislike it. Those images don't have to be random. They appear random to you because you lack whatever part of the brain you need to be able to see something for more than what is in front of your eyes.

Sheep are seen as symbol, ie, lamb of god.
The rest of it is letter/stationary themed.

Suicide note. GET IT.

>> No.9483053

Clobbaonline. Generally you pay 50% upfront, 50% later, (and I think about and 8-10% surcharge), but I've used them a few times and have no complaints.

You can also search the Taobao thread spreadsheet to see if any other company will work for you.

>> No.9483055

It's so bizarre and fits the "spooky doll" lolita aesthetic from back then. Not something I would add to my playlist but it's chill and a step up as you said

>> No.9483056

autism is real with this one

>> No.9483057

>autism meme
>being able to interpret imagery

I think you have that backwards.

>> No.9483064

it's a fucking dress, it's supposed to be pretty to the eye and not a fucking caricature sherlock.
This fugly print is all over the place, gears, letters, snowflakes, stars, it's just horrid to look at.

>> No.9483067

seems like a collab with the girls (Idol?) band Merry Merli. Misako's appeared in one of their other music videos too iirc, and there are also videos of her showing those girls how to lolita.
Lolita girl group + Misako incoming?

>> No.9483069

The way the song sounds actually reminds me a lot of the Mimikyu song that was made to promote Pokemon Sun/Moon, lel.
(Not that there's anything wrong with that)

>> No.9483070

Her face makes me want to puke

>> No.9483073

Is it just me, or do most lolitas on here lack a sense of art?

It is a dress, but with artwork on it. Like most print dresses are.

Art is open to interpretation. Even some people pick apart AP prints.. but it's still subjective.

Quit being upset over your own fucking opinion.

>> No.9483077

My boyfriend is an accredited spiritual cleanser, if you send your items to him plus postage plus $29.95, he will return them to you fully cleansed.

>> No.9483078

Looks even worse than Bodyline, also in person

>> No.9483081

yeah, but Jesus didn't commit suicide.
even if you can see into the future and know what's going to happen to you people still have the choice to make, and in this world of free choice, everyone gets to make their choices.
how you're seeing this as Christian religious symbolism is ridiculous though...especially as the sheep (grown enough btw to have wool, unlike lambs) are usually humans and Jesus the shepherd. the Lamb of God metaphor is not here.

Making up your own story is one thing, but it doesn't make a successful print when the audience is forced to project into it so that it makes sense. That's lazy, confusing, failed art.

what the hell do gears, snowflakes, broken(how?) gems, and clip-art stars have to do with a sheep at the gallows?

>the artist failed. deal with it.

>> No.9483083

Substyles and themes are different things. Eg sailor themed gothic.

>> No.9483089

How is this anything other than the sheep being lassoed? If you were to hang it, you wouldn't have the rope placed around the middle that is for sure.

>> No.9483100

I love you both.

>> No.9483101

I'm an artist and I hate the print. You can have a sense of art and still have an opinion, you know. It's ugly and the theme is reaching.

>> No.9483177

Sailor lolita is called a substyle in my comm, see >>9481932

>> No.9483197

Yes and anon's point is that is incorrect.

>> No.9483201

well sailor is a substyle and can be a theme too.

Getting confused

>> No.9483204

The post she was replying to is about using words incorrectly, so saying substyle means something else is missing the point of the post

>> No.9483242

Yea, I just see her trying to pitch herself to every news outlet available

>> No.9483243

Angie does that. I don't pay the balance until its due

>> No.9483268

How the fuck do you get accredited to do spiritual cleansing

>> No.9483303

Can someone tell me for real what the theme of this is? I'm just so confused.

>> No.9483340

I always assumed Clobba was a reseller that upcharged a lot so I never paid attention to them but I'll look into it. Thank you!

Sorry, Angie? Does she have a website or anything?

>> No.9483395

You might as well be hung for a sheep as for a lamb

>> No.9483424
File: 1.52 MB, 1069x1157, she22134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of the new Sheglit collection? Are you getting anything?

>> No.9483428
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>> No.9483429
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>> No.9483430
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>> No.9483431
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>> No.9483437

>Jesus didn't commit suicide

I don't know what fucking religion you grew up in - but that's not what I was referring to.

>even if you can see into the future and know what's going to happen to you people still have the choice to make, and in this world of free choice, everyone gets to make their choices.
What the ever loving fuck are you talking about here?

>Making up your own story is one thing
It's not making up a story. It's interpreting the imagery.

You're right, though. The sheep with wool are usually humans, in which case what I said would make even more sense. It's a sheep as a symbol of someone killing themselves.

I think you guys hate it because you failed to see this at first and now you have to stick to your guns cause that's the cgl way.

>I'm an artist
Let's see what you got.

>> No.9483469

That's a slip knot you goof.

>> No.9483489
File: 144 KB, 500x600, 04291033_5903ed7fc64dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Deja vu, I think someone asked about this a couple of months ago too.

AP still has a few OTKs with lace tops in their webshop. Actually most of the brand shops will roll around to making more, they always make more of the basics like petticoats, bloomers, OTKs, and old school. You just have to be patient and keep checking. Or be patient and keep checking secondhand.

>> No.9483515
File: 111 KB, 480x640, back-ribbon-off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bustle back dresses are perfectly fine.

There's about a million things wrong with the coord in your photo. It looks bad because the girl is an ita (sorry, girl) and not because of the bustle back.

>> No.9483534

I hate it because it's ugly, not because it's 3deep5me.

>> No.9483590

I'm eyeing more than one thing. Sheglit is such an amazing gothic brand and it keeps me through Moitie droughts. Furthest right, top and bottom.

>> No.9483592
File: 1.25 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20170518_161337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help??! I'm doing my lolita laundry and my skirt bled???????? The print doesn't seem to be damaged (I think, yet) but it turned the water pink. I immediately took it out and hung it up to dry, but it's still dripping pink water.I had read that older prints with red would bleed, so I tried a corner of the skirt first and there was no problem. I put it in the water and left for a minute to get a drink and when I came back the water was pink.It's an older IW skirt, I don't know what year. I got it from wunderwelt recently. I'm relatively new to lolita, I've been wearing it for about 6 months but this is the first time a skirt or print has bled while washing it and I don't know what to do. Is the skirt damaged, or is this normal?

>> No.9483597

I can't tell if the skirt is damaged by looking at the water. I just want to say I know what you're going through and I wish you good luck :(

>> No.9483598
File: 98 KB, 612x491, 1486469771174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> a sheep that kills itself symbolizes someone that kills themself

huh... really stimulates my brain.

>> No.9483599
File: 1.21 MB, 1836x2891, IMG_20170518_161507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, its the skirt

>> No.9483612

I'm also new to lolita laundry, is it safer to just get my lolita dry cleaned?

>> No.9483614

Truly something only an artiste could possibly grasp.

>> No.9483616

Maybe? I don't know. What I've been doing up until now is filling the bathtub with cold water and submerging my pieces in the water one at a time for about 10 minutes. I use a couple squirts of handsoap as well. Then I hang them up to dry. Once they are dry, I iron them. Its a day-long endeavor, but it's worked so far.

>> No.9483626

I machine wash nearly all of my lolita clothes. It's raelly just a few prints that bleed.

>> No.9483650

I like these two a lot! Never owned any piece by Sheglit so I'm a bit hesitant but these might tempt me enough to go for it.

>> No.9483652

It could just be excess dye. My black dresses make the water change color too sometimes but their dye doesn't actually bleed.

>> No.9483653

not the original anon, but which brands' OTKs are the best for tall girls?
I'm about 176cm/5'9" and have rather long but slim legs, are there any OTKs that would actually go well over my knees? and if not, any off-brand suggestions? thank you in advance!

>> No.9483681
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, gg_kimi_ni_todoke_2nd_season_-_09_1c7d99df-mkv_snapshot_17-59_2011-04-11_22-08-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, these are so pretty. I'm torn between the navy and green

>> No.9483709

I'm 5'8" with thick calves and Meta's OTKs go up past my knees.

>> No.9483735

Its up to your judgement honestly. Most pieces that are cotton or polyester can be machine or handwashed, while things that are velvet or have a flocky print should definitely be left to dry cleaning.

>> No.9483744 [DELETED] 
File: 2.20 MB, 2604x1892, Screen Shot 2017-05-18 at 4.42.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

f yeah

>> No.9483912

He runs his own course to accredit others, only $199.99

>> No.9483982

Red dye is really unstable, and it's not uncommon for red prints to bleed their entire lifespan. If you're worried about dye transfer, go to Joann's or order from Dharma Trading a bottle of Synthrapol. It's an industrial textile detergent that is super good at removing and preventing loose dye particles from taking hold. The only thing to note about that is that it is a touch rough on the fabric, so follow with a gentle leave-in fabric softener/conditioner. I like Soak best!

>> No.9484135

It's a troll you fuckwit. Jesus Christ you're the type of person who sends money to fallen Nigerian Princes via Western Union, aren't you?

>> No.9484197

Really like two of the blouses and might spring for the Wednesday Addams dress as well

>> No.9484203

>types on about Lamb of God
>doesn't understand why someone would be calling you out on being ignorant and mixing up Christian metaphors

the print is a terrible mix of unfinished sketches and random clip art. sorry. if you want to see actually good prints check out Dark Box, Krad Lanrete, Little Dipper, etc..

or you could just accept people have diff opinions and still buy it if you like it. it's probably better for you that it won't be popular.
>imagine the finished product irl tho...terrible stiff quality on top of shitty print and poorly chosen colourways. yikes. not worth it at all

>> No.9484213

IW is best
>t. 180cm tallita

>> No.9484225

>b-but the imagery!!!

Anon just wants to feel superior for "getting" the print while everyone else rightfully shits on it for trying to be six badly-executed prints all at once.

>> No.9484261

I thought dry cleaners can mess up flocky print items?

>> No.9484282

Look at these plebs. You're just jealous you're not an acclaimed artiste like the visionary who created that glorious print.

>> No.9484304


Handwash? Is it still wet? Actually the colours are prone to bleeding most when it's wet, there's loose dye that the white bits like to absorb.

When it comes out wet you should sandwich it between two towels. Then roll the towel tightly, pressing to remove as much water as possible. When the towel(s) is/are soaked through, use a fresh, dry towel to soak up more water.

Keep going until the skirt is mostly dry, and leave it someplace where you can keep checking back on it. First sign of any bleeding in the white areas, put it back into a tub of cold water.

I usually wash my burando in the washing machine on delicate cycle, in a delicates bag, with colour catches. The spin cycle does the equivalent of the towel-pressing and the dye catcher soaks up the dye before it can transfer to other parts of the dress. So long as there's no weird unusual trims it's worked out pretty well, IW especially is one of the more durable, higher end stuff out there.

>> No.9484306


Dry cleaning messes up screeprint.

Water cleaning has a high tendency to mess up velvet and flocked items.

>> No.9484308


Sorry, this meant to reply to >>9484261

>> No.9484315

First of all you need a bit of common sense because most of the lolita clothing says it can't be machine washed at all but you will learn pretty quickly to see if the dress can be washed. Most of the time, as the other anon said, if the dress is polyester or cotton you should be fine. There is also a good list of which dresses can and can't be washed in Livejournal so if you are in a doubt check there. Also remember to take out bows etc. that attach with safety pin. Most of the time I use max. 30°C gentle cycle but if there is an overlay of different material, for example, I use cold cycle just in case it would shrink or something. If it has a print or multiple colors I throw in a color catcher sheet so it doesn't bleed. If you still doubt if it's too rough for your dress you can put it into a laundry bag. Imo if you wear lolita frequently you should learn or get used to washing it. Lolita is like any other clothing and should be cleaned and as a someone with larger wardrobe I could never think about getting everything only dry cleaned.

>> No.9484438

Eh, they mark all their replicas as such, even the shoes, and straight up admit which brands that they carry that aren't the best quality. they're my favorite Taobao reseller at this point. Then lady who runs it even helped me out by buying a secondhand dress from Taobao's used section for me about a year ago.

>> No.9484540

I've handwashed my velvet screen printed stuff and it was fine

>> No.9484553


Velvet can be made with either glue that's waterproof, or it's .... not waterproof, in which case the little fuzzy bits that make up the velvet will start to come lose and fall out because the glue dissolved in water once you wash it. Since the fuzzy stuff is held on with glue, it's also possible to damage it if you rub it too hard. Some of the not-so-waterproof glues do take damage from water washing, but dissolve much slower, so you'd think you're fine on the first ten washings and then one day the velvet won't stop shedding.

Most lolita brands do have the sense to use the waterproof kind, especially if they're going to screen print it (because the screen print paint definitely should not be dry cleaned, the solvent dissolves a lot of different types of paint.)

Hence the advice I gave.

Dry cleaning messes up screenprint.

Water washing has *a high tendency* to mess up velvet and flocked.

>> No.9484588

New thread


>> No.9486405

>mixing up Christian metaphors
Oh look. It's a religious person on 4chan.

>> No.9486406

>pepe tier memes
go back to r9k fagtron.

>> No.9486762

Not Fancy hospital, but I'm 80 cm and tall and had issues with Daydream bed. Fancy Hospital looks like it has a similarly short bodice, after I lengthened the straps it was fine though.

>> No.9486769

I'm really curious what exactly the guy said...

>> No.9486770

I wouldn't waste time answering their questions, those people are probably flakes anyways, or otherwise a pain to sell to

>> No.9486775

Buy the wrong size, doesn't fit, buy the other size, then sell off the first one
I don't think she's likely a size 2, anon

>> No.9486794

You should use an actual gentle, colorsafe detergent, not hand soap. Your skirt is probably not damaged if you can't see the print bleeding. I have many darker colored pieces that will bleed into the water but not stain anything unless it's left to soak too long.