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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9612756 No.9612756 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever show your power level in public?

>> No.9612859

thanks for letting us know you're a f/a/ggot, but absolutely not.
I wear jfash though, but given the amount of "little bo peeps" i've gotten, normies don't care/know it's japanese fashion anyways.
also, that girl looks like a reject touhou character

>> No.9612863

Taking creepshots of spergs is worse than being a sperg. Bad show, anon.

>> No.9612879

I've heard "power level" from at least 20+ people who do not frequent 4chan, let alone /a/. It's an actual term.

>> No.9612881

NAYRT but god forbid an /a/ user happens to use /cgl/ too. Almost like their interests go hand in hand huh. What does it matter what words they use?

>> No.9612885
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I hide my power levels as much as possible with strangers and I tone them down even with friends. Many people don't understand that anime has different genres like movies and books do, so they tend to label all of it based on the small knowledge they have of it.

>> No.9612902

Hiding your power level is like being a preteen embarrassed of childish displays, trying to be accepted by her peers. It shows insecurity.

No, I don't really hide mine. I don't act like a retarded who expects normies to understand my hobbies not do I scoff at people who have lower power levels, but I also do not hide it.

>anime backpack to class while getting a masters degree

>> No.9612911

Seconding this.
Plus, showing a bit of it can lead to interesting encounters and discussions you wouldnt have if you shamefully keep it all to yourself.

>> No.9612917

I don't sperg out and I'd like to think I'm not socially retarded, but I don't bother to hide my power level - in fact, I carry my itabag around.

As far as I see it, I work my ass off to pay for my shit and if other people want to judge me, they're welcome to pay for my hobbies instead.

>> No.9612919

Yup, I have an anime inspired tattoo, but it hides it pretty well, and carry a keychain with my favorite character. I have a few Jrock band shirts but not more than that.

Quit being a newfag.

>> No.9612925
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Nah I let it fly, senpai. Only one life to live.

>> No.9612927

I'll tone it down but I won't totally hide it mostly because I like my itabag too much to not wear it as much as possible.

>> No.9612937

Yes and no? I don't go out in cosplay during a random day of the week, but I don't try to hide that I like anime/manga either. Personally, I think that trying to hide it makes it seem weirder as opposed to just treating it like any other hobby. If people can wear the football jersey of their favourite player, why can't I carry around a bag with merch of my favourite character? If people don't want to be friends with me after finding out about something I'm passionate about, then I don't need them in my life.

>> No.9612942

No. I don't give a fuck. Whoever's going to look down on me for my interests is someone I wouldn't really hang out with anyway.
I'm not an obnoxious sperg who brings it up all the time, though. I just like to wear jfash.

>> No.9612943

I once brought my Joseph Joestar dakimakura to school while wearing a Monokuma kigurumi and asked my art teacher for Pocky when she offered to get us snacks. I don't even try to hide my power level.

>> No.9612948

I hide it well until people start discussing anime and manga, then it just goes downhill from there. Usually when people find out how much shit I've read and watched I become the source for recommendations, I have a notepad document saved because I'm asked far too often.

Otherwise, whenever I wear something remotely weeby, my boss often asks me where I get my clothing and I have to write down the brands because her daughter is also a weeb. I feel like I'm indirectly corrupting her daughter.

>> No.9612950

In other things that never happened your parents told you they were proud of you and then burst into treats.

>> No.9612953

>burst into treats

how do i gain parentals like this

>> No.9612962

All about balance. In high school, I was the Hot Topic weeb with a Death Note shirt and anime printouts on all of my folders and a billion pieces of flair, now I dress a lot more professional but I still have my Stocking keychain and the Jojo shirt I wear from time to time.

>> No.9612964


ranka-chan I know you're a quarter Zentraedi but I thought they got taller when the macronized, not wider...

>> No.9612966

No, but it’s kinda leaking out as of recent, but That’s because I’ve been starting to do it intentionally.

>> No.9612967


These. I'm not going to wear a full-on cosplay randomly to something that isn't a con or wear anime shirts every day or anything, but I don't try to hide it when it comes up.

>> No.9612969

i wear jfash every day i leave the house so yeah

however i'm thrown off whenever people ask me if i'm into anime, 1) because i'm not and 2) because i hate that the clothes i wear are immediately confused with costumes and chinese cartoons. they seem put off or confused whenever i say no.

>> No.9612975
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Speaking of power levels... would it be unacceptable to wear this shirt on a college campus? What would you think if you saw someone wearing this to class?

>> No.9612984

Lurk moar? I guess.

>> No.9612985

>college campus
no1currs unless you're going to college in some hicktown

>> No.9612986

Almost no one will care, the ones who do will either;
A) Want to be your friend
B) Call you a faggot.

Chances are it's a combination of the two.

>> No.9613007
File: 91 KB, 640x640, Anime-Free-Iwatobi-Haruka-Nanase-Cosplay-Costume-Jacket-Unisex-Hoodie-High-School-Sportswear.jpg_640x640 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This jacket is easily the most comfortable thing I own. It's fairly well made, durable, and the lining feels good on my skin. I get compliments for it all the time from rando weebs and normies likely assume its just some sports wear for a team they've never heard of. Also the colors make it go with anything.

So yes, I practically flaunt my power level but literally no one cares but people who go autismo online about wearing animu gear.

>> No.9613020

A big part of no one caring is that you picked something that actually blends in. It's basically just a normal jacket. It's not like you're wearing a furry tail and ears or anything truly odd.

>> No.9613022

I'm triggered that a possible female would choose Ranka over Sheryl

>> No.9613023

this made me laugh but then i realized that in 2007 my friends and i were bullied in middle school because we fucking wore naruto headbands around our necks to school.

i don't usually wear a lot of jfash but i regularly carry my itabag around.

>> No.9613026

>and normies likely assume its just some sports wear for a team they've never heard of
I wear my sohoku jacket and that's exactly what happens. People just think I'm into foreign teams.

>> No.9613028
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I'll wear my cosplay pieces frequently just because they're well made and I like getting more use from the clothing I make than just cons. It's part of the reason I like picking costumes that have normal enough skirts/jackets/whatever as a part of their design.

Pic related same character as OP; I wear this dress with my natural hair all the time just because it's a hella cute dress.

>> No.9613041

>ears or anything truly odd.
There's actually a club wear store close to where I live that sells lace bunny/cat ear headbands, and caps with cat ears on them. They're normie tier now and incredibly cute.

The tails though, that's still a stretch.

>> No.9613044

Seems like anime streetwear is an emerging trend? This excites me.

>> No.9613048

More like fashion sense and not having your mother dress you into your twenties. It's easy to mix j-fash and/or cosplay pieces with normal clothing and blend in or stand out without looking like a freak show to the ignorant. You just need to stop, look in a mirror and think about how others perceive you if you truly care.

>> No.9613049

>Seems like anime streetwear is an emerging trend?
no. it'll never be cool
idk why people even wear omocat. its pure shit, both style and content wise

>> No.9613055

i only wear or show off subtle anime related paraphernalia. i think a majority of anime gear is quite ugly so it falls in line with my subtle approach. only tru fans will even notice it.

>> No.9613130

fucking blessed shirt

>> No.9613133

You like what you like no need to be embarrassed. Just don't let it be your whole identity and the only thing you can talk about. That's when you cross from a hobby to weeb trash.

>> No.9613301

Not often. I try not to appear like a massive weab outside of cons and /k/ meet-ups mainly because I"ve heard too many cringe stories.

>> No.9613307

I agree with this and i don't hide it either, however i've met so many cringy weebs that don't even know how to behave in the real world that i went back into normie mindset for a while. Now i'm trying to balance it so that i don't go insane or sperg mode, if that makes sense.
TL;DR i don't want to be cringy but i don't want to be normie either.

>> No.9613309

Reminds me of that teenage boy I saw one wearing a full face bootleg hatsune miku t-shirt, an attack on titan bag and ash ketchum's hat, while walking around playing Pokemon go.

All I could think was "he must be really lonely actually"

>> No.9613354
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Being handsome and tall helps but people tell me they love this

>> No.9613360

I sometimes go to cosplay meets and everyone I know (co workers etc included) knows I cosplay. They don't care

>> No.9613382

I sometimes wear parts of my larp costumes as everyday wear because they're well-made and people don't really do the difference between a fancy elf tunic and a fancy tunic.

>> No.9613437
File: 258 KB, 1003x1024, Ahegao casual short sleeve T-Shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sorta want one of these ironically
>saw a youtuber wearing it at crunchyroll expo

>> No.9613449

This. I don't act like an autistic retard, because I'm not. But you can show your love for something in everyday life without acting like a moron or making a fool of yourself.

>Casually wearing t-shirts or casual cosplay clothes (I like buying jackets and sweaters that look like my favorite characters' casual clothes, for example)
>Having keychains or even using itabags
>Tattoos (If that tickles your fancy, anyway)
>Other jewelery or accessories that can pass for normie, but still shout back to your characters

It's essentially the same as
>wow I like this band, I'm gonna buy their merch and wear it

>> No.9613481

>sorta want one of these ironically
The problem is that other people can't tell and you just look retarded.

>> No.9613491

I might wear a t-shirt. I've taken an Ita bag to an amusement park fairly recently. Otherwise, my power level is very well hidden and I blend in as a professional, middle class, home owner wife. Until I walk out of my house in lolita for a meet or cosplay for a nearby convention.

fifteen years ago I was the gigantic cringey weeb walking around with cat ears in the decked out hello kitty car with the hello kitty bag hanging out at the mall in suncoast, borders books and in the arcade playing DDR and went out in public in cosplay for no other reason than "because I can".

>> No.9613512
File: 86 KB, 600x732, bnf2s8-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NGL i went full autismo and bought this, but it fits my shitty aesthetic so nobody thought it was weird, really. A couple of people have complimented me on it (normies, that is) which surprised me.

>> No.9613537


ngl I need more friends like this

>you keep on shouting youuuuu keep on shouting

>> No.9613541

>if other people want to judge me, they're welcome to pay for my hobbies instead.

What kind of logic is that?

>> No.9613543

I disagree. I like to think that the "so random XD!" era is fading, since kids all have insta accounts and follow meme pages where cringy weebs are shamed. I think if you see someone wearing this shirt there's a 75% chance they're a cool dude.

>source: old ass looking back on those kids who ran around in HS wearing naruto headbands

>> No.9613558

hhh this post hit so fuckin home
This was so so me in middle school
I would print and cut out death note, katekyo hitman reborn, and hetalia garbage on my binder hoping someone would take notice and talk to me about it

>> No.9613573

It means that if they want me to care about their opinion, they'd better be the ones giving me the money. Otherwise, it's my money and I'll blow it whatever way I want.

>> No.9613622
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Eh, I wear this to work from time to time and nobody really cares save for the ones who get it.

>> No.9613629

I wear casual Jfash but most people either think it's just overly girly stuff or that I'm super religious and conservative. So far only other weebs have been able to sniff me out. Usually this works out okay, but not always.

Same. I'm also a bit wary of attracting clingy weebs to me because they're annoying and drag me down with them.
>Bsc. internship
>wear Jfash occasionally and have a hime cut but powerlevel is otherwise concealed
>other girl in program catches on that some of my clothes are from Glorious Nippon and gloms on to me, suggests I should come to an anime con with her and wear kawaii rorita cosplays
>tell her I actually wear lolita fashion too
>she spends the next several months following me around, constantly squealing at me about all the cosplays we should do together, trying to show me anime on her phone before and sometimes even during meetings, and generally being friendly but in an extremely obnoxious way
>other people soon started to avoid me and looking at me strangely
>girl eventually flunked out of program, leaving me completely alone because nobody else wanted anything to do with me after all that
>yay, thanks
Funnily enough, her powerlevel was completely hidden until she started sperging at me. She did a complete 180 from quiet normie girl to screaming weeb over the course of several days.
Meeting people with similar interests is fun, but I've definitely become more careful of who I let in on my weeb side, especially in a professional context.

>> No.9613644

Nice job, faggot.
Enjoy being a degenerate.
What are you getting a master's in, philosophy?

>> No.9613664

i go to an art college and everyone wears anime merch or has pins and badges on their bags, so I could if I wanted to and no one would give a fuck
but i don't

>> No.9613679

>You don't care what people think about you?
What a retard, what are you studing? Thinking about meaning of life and stuff? I knew it, stupido.
Nayrt, but I just can't get over this conclusion.

>> No.9613698

No, I think this level of individualism is cancerous and hurts society.

>> No.9613777


>> No.9613786

Agreed. It is so childish to think that power levels have to be hidden shows insecurities I shed as I got older. Don't push interests on others, don't let it interfere with your responsibilities, but don't be ashamed because that is so immature. Geek culture has become acceptable and honestly it is becoming more and more mainstream to show one's geeky interests, and being in the closet about it is rather against the trending norm.

>> No.9613788
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Sure. However, I don't overdo it like in OP's photo. I don't like the thought of catching unwanted attention from annoying weebs or normalfags. If anything, I wear more toned down jfash when I go outside. As for accessories, I have a 2hu keychain on my backpack and a Lain phone case. All I've gotten from that was "cute keychain" and that's about it.

Pic related.

>> No.9613790

I wear lolita casually, but I'm mostly gothic so it might as well be goth fashion to most normies. Even in my most tame normie outfits, I wear my lolita bags. Treasure chests, books, hearts, etc.

>> No.9613791

1/10 for making me respond but enjoy being forever miserable because of caring of what people think of you too much.
I mean, if you're so embarassed of your interests that even what this anon said seems like too much for you, then you should probably quit it all and go full normie. You sound like you need some self confidence.
>inb4 u need self awareness
i work in an office,i have an animu mug,cute shaped bags and sometimes accessories and nobody gives a shit,they're interested if anything. And if some dipshit mock me i just let them, i am aware of my interests being "unusual" and idgaf if becky or stacy think my hobbies are weird. I like that and that's all that matters.

>> No.9613803
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this just looks like normie memecore fashion. no one is going to assume you are an anime nerd when they see this, they are going to think you stalk bloomingdales sales

>pic related: this shirt was probably $250

>> No.9613826
File: 540 KB, 837x960, PS Paul Smith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look it up
>those tshirts

>> No.9613832

it's ironic to spend $95 dollars on a children's dinosaur shirt, don't you know?

>> No.9613864

I don't hide it, but I don't go out of my way to talk about it.
I don't have graphic shirts in general, but if someone notices my wallpaper i just say its a cool image. when you're a stem major its pretty accepted to be a nerd. I'm more than happy to have discussions about anime and weeb shit with other people though if they bring it up. never understood the people who vehemently deny it, literally everyone knows about the popular shit like hal's moving castle or spirited away, bring that up for reference instead of jumping to the deep weeb shit.

>> No.9614068

I work in the toy design field and went to school for industrial design, so there's no point in hiding it. Most of my proffs, classmates/coworkers, and bosses have known enough about animation not to associate ALL anime with creeps, and we pull a ton from it for inspiration so it's better to show some powerlevel than none.

>> No.9614153

What part of the country is your industry in, and are opportunities good for mechanical engineers? Silicon Valley is killing my soul

>> No.9614175

>mechanical engineer
>looking for a job
Stand outside and shout your field, someone will pay you

>> No.9614185

Very true.
Whenever I see a decent weeb I almost always say something along the lines of, "Hey faggot let's be friends" lol

>> No.9614188

Not that anon, but a good opportunity and an opportunity are very different.
Its 1 thing to get a job, or even a decent paying job as an engineer. Its another to get a job that isn't shit and doesn't suck your soul out and forces you to live in california.

>> No.9614192

A little bit. I'm a college student and there are a bunch of nerds/alt-fashion people there but I try to limit my weeb to pop culture graphic tees, a single Pokemon charm on my bag, and having kawaii pens/pencils/sticky notes for my classes. Like my pen and pencil cases are Gudetama and I've got some Gudetama themed pens.

>> No.9614197

>forces you to live in California
Dude I live in Ohio. I know plenty of engineers here and none of them hate their lives. Sometimes you gotta decide if you want the "cool" job vs the job you enjoy

>> No.9614210

Do you know anything about drones?

>> No.9614245

This is a term multiple boards use, don't be such a stupid fucking cunt.
This is cgl where a lot of fashion is inspired from anime in the first place so I don't see your point here in trying to turn a potentally good thread into a cuntfest in your first post.
Congrats on ruining the first post you judgemental ball of bird shit. I hope a seagull shits on your burando.

>> No.9614248

I work in anime so no, I don't hide my power levels. My cube is 110% decked out in fujoshit, my car has weeb bumper stickers, and I carry my itabag to work every day. If I hid my power level I would have missed out on some A+ comments from Japanese guests. Worth every rotten bit.

The catch is staying professional even though you're a huge nerd about what you work on.

>> No.9614251

>work in anime
the fucking dream

>> No.9614262
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A lot of the manga/anime shirts I wear are a bit obscure (for example, I have a few Kitaro shirts), so at most I get some weeaboos cocking their heads and probably wondering if they should approach or not. Same thing with having clear files for Litchi Hikari Club, using a Dorohedoro tumbler, etc. They just look like illustrations.

>> No.9614265

Wow, you are really really angry aren't you....

>> No.9614267

>things that definitely happened

>> No.9614283

life is too short not to wear what you love.

>> No.9614286

You're one of those faggots at the Crunchyroll office in SF aren't you? Tell Miles to quit being a piece of shit, fix your fucking port settings, and I swear to god if I have to come out there to fix your network one more fucking time I'm going to set it to WPA and the password to "FUCKINGDILDOS" and let them wreak holy hell on your office LAN.

>> No.9614302

It happened.

Nope, though it sounds like you have an interesting story (and job).

>> No.9614331

>lychee hikari club
My nigga, my nigga.

>> No.9614355

The Bay Area lol

Also yes, lots of invention firms out here.

>> No.9614555

ok but there's a difference between being in the closet and rolling up in public

>shitty converse / plastic weeby taobao shoes
> thigh highs
>shitty graphic tee
>fox tail
>shitty felt cat ear hat
>hello kitty backpack

or some variation of this

>> No.9614557
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Go on

>> No.9614571
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Yeah, don't be this person.

>> No.9614580
File: 2.35 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to get the high score.

>> No.9614591

I've seen worse, that's almost restrained for that type of person.

>> No.9614598

>a lot of fashion is inspired from anime
Not only are you unreasonably angry you're also completely and entirely wrong.

>> No.9614606

I used to try to hide my power level but I feel like anime has nearly reached normie acceptance levels in the west, so now I don't care anymore.

>> No.9614640

Wrong,dickwad. Anime is inspired by fashion,not the other way around.

>> No.9614697

If I saw someone walking around wearing sports anime cosplay I would be cringing so much, not from how it looks but from knowing what kinds of people enjoy those shows.

>> No.9614794
File: 131 KB, 1024x519, zettai_ryouiki_by_fanored-d7v6xpw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thigh highs
Do tell what's wrong with zettai ryouiki.

>> No.9614819

>thigh highs
Gull, please.

>> No.9614853
File: 662 KB, 748x2368, Jofuu1386536954.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yooo Dorohedoro has the best clothes line, low-key references and stylish designs.
I'd love to buy some merch someday when im out of my country, the post over here is fucked up (these are also expensive too, and I think they were limited ed)

>> No.9614878

nayrt but as a Jfashion wearer, I've noticed that thigh high socks attract way more negative attention from "normies" than anything else I wear. A lot of people seem to think it's a fetish thing and that makes it okay for them to solicit me, take pictures, take me aside to tell me my clothes are inappropriate, etc. I never wear skirts shorter than knee-length so my thigh highs or otks usually look like tights, but as soon as I sit down and people realize they're socks I get shit for it. My thighs are pretty skinny too, I imagine this is even worse for people with larger thighs.

>> No.9614886

This. OTKs/UTKs and certain headwear are the two things gaurunteed to get me shit. If I avoid those two things im usually golden. it's bizzare

>> No.9614898
File: 44 KB, 353x341, 1434820993352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take me aside to tell me my clothes are inappropriate, etc.
>I imagine this is even worse for people with larger thighs.
Do you live in a city of nuns anon? Or a super conservative suburb? I live in Chicago, far from a fashion capital but I can guarantee literally no one cares. Especially downtown where there's plenty of art schools. If you want negative attention you'd have to dress like the definition of a ratchet thot. And even still, no one will actually say anything unless they're hitting on you.

I've seen lone lolitas and one of the students at my school is decked out in full fairy kei all the time. Thigh highs dont even register on normie radar here.

>> No.9614900

t-thanks windows

>> No.9614907
File: 91 KB, 750x1000, ra,unisex_tshirt,x2950,fafafa-ca443f4786,front-c,648,590,750,1000-bg,f8f8f8.lite-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. I wear the fake thigh high stockings (just plain not with the cats or whatever) that don't even show skin and it's like people see a little thigh and go all puritan burn the witch on you.

Meanwhile my friend right next to me is wearing this fucking shirt and no one says shit about it.

>> No.9614934

the dick in my heart is erect

>> No.9614961
File: 199 KB, 800x800, peluca-yuri-on-ice-cosplay-costume-victor-yuri-plisetsky-jacket-victor-poster-anime-wig-yuri-on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a jacket from yuri on ice which my russian dad bought me because he thought it was from some russian sport and wanted me to represent my heritage or some shit haha

thankful i havent run into any of the mad fans from that show yet honestly

>> No.9614965
File: 8 KB, 220x252, DHU-vL3XcAAB9VC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I normally don't wear much anime merch clothing wise but I do have low key things such as keychains on my bag or phone cases which I swap around to show my different interests

>mfw swapping it around has backfired and atm everything is naruto

>> No.9614980

Me too holy shit those were the days
(Ayrt) jesus christ, the horror.
Low quality bait
What the fuck? And i thought my city was bad. I wear my thigh highs proudly (until they start to fall)
This made me kek

Forgot to mention it before, but i have the junji ito raincoat so when it rains (which happens quite often) my powerlevel is out in the open, and i haven't gotten one single negative comment from normies.

>> No.9615021

Source on the shirt tho

>> No.9615054

Redbubble has it and a few other variations of it.

>> No.9615089
File: 367 KB, 2048x2048, FD_Prev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work from home so I don't really hide my powerlevel that much.
I have a shit ton of stickers on my car, and I wear anime shirts frequently.
>I own pic related for example.
But desu normally I'm in a normie dress and some tights, other than the charms on my phone/keys and my car ofc, most people can't tell.

I didn't know there were so many gulls into the anime sticker scene. ayyyyy

>> No.9615132

i power level pretty hard...
>anime stickers covering half my laptop
>wear my itabag to school and in public
>anime pins on my jacket
>menhera tshirts

I want to go full out menhera or lolita/otome sometimes but im a bit afraid. I've never gotten shit for any of the other stuff and I've actually had people compliment my stickers and buttons and strike up conversations about the shows

>> No.9615133

Wearing otome will get much better reception than an ita bag and a jacket full of pins. Otome looks cute and mature, and in my experience normies either love it or are indifferent. Start there and then try new, bolder things after

>> No.9615486

Where do you live?
I live in a decent sized college town in the Midwest and I've never gotten a negative comment on my thigh highs. In fact, I get compliments about them pretty regularly.

>> No.9615576

Then I've got no beef with you. Secure your networks, change your password regularly, don't click links.

Job is simple; Do IT, fix shit, deal with cunts, that's basically it. I've moved on from that a little bit ago, but I did the CR office once. Weebshit all around but everyone is a soulless drone. Fuck that place.
Did two services there for mass network outages and upgrading, dunno who did their network first but it was trash. Network attenuation is nothing to fuck with, and the AP's they had in the ceiling were right next to active lines, which fucks wifi.
Get better slaps.
Why you gotta laugh at my pain anon? Being IT Meguka is suffering.

>> No.9615594

I see thigh highs and thigh high boots on a regular basis around here as completely casual wear for normalfags. where the fuck are you from?

>> No.9615699

You're on 4chan.

>> No.9616073

The closest to revealing my power level would likely be morale patches on my work gear or bag.

>> No.9616339

>I wear my thigh highs proudly (until they start to fall)
Have you tried sock glue?

>> No.9616362
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I personally use double sided tape. Though I wish they came with that gummi stuff used in higher quality/older stockings.

>> No.9616616

My backpack has a bunch of anime keychains on it, I wear anime shirts and will talk about jfash and cosplay if prompted: I don't really care much if people know I'm into that stuff. I'm here for a degree, my anime bullshit is irrelevant to most people.

>> No.9616882

Are we talking quadcopters or unmanned areal vehicles in general?

>> No.9616895


>> No.9616945
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Back in high school, I had to decorate the front and back covers of my notebooks. Each notebook I had was assigned to a different teacher so all the covers of my notebooks varied, depending on the teacher's specifications. Every once in a while, I would get a teacher that didn't care as to how we designed the covers so long as they were neat and presentable. Obviously, I took the oportunity to plaster the notebook with anime screenshots, official art, and fanart. It made me happy, making a "shrine" to my favorite shows - I still have the covers today actually.

>> No.9616954

it's omocat, you're probably fucked

>> No.9616957

My dude, I love the absolute boundary

Basically what >>9614878 said, but I tend to get looks/flak for it and it makes me look like I'm 16, I feel like it's hard to get taken seriously in them at school, and I rarely encounter them being done tastefully IRL, it's usually with a bad weeaboo outfit

If it's worth noting I'm in the south US

>> No.9616972
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>power level

>> No.9616975

Mine mine mine mine
Mine! Mine mine

>> No.9617035

look, if I'm not out here repping well styled j-fash to my fashion job every day, normies are going to continue thinking we're all NEETs. Take off that kigu, tuck that anime tee in to a fitted skirt, lace up those rocking horses, and just lik... try not to be too spergy?

>> No.9617051
File: 841 KB, 751x998, votoms shirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear this shirt sometimes.

>> No.9617878

Move to Michigan and build cars like possibly every mechanical engineer I've ever met.

>> No.9617901

Wtf? I wear thigh highs with my shorts all the time and I've never even gotten a side eye for it.
Do you guys actually wear and match them fashionably or just slap them on whatever you want?

>> No.9617927

>rocking horses
>anime tee
>not spergy
id fucking chuckle at u if i saw u on the streets. just because you put on a skirt doesnt make it look any less embarrassing.

>> No.9617935

nayrt but in my experience it's never an issue with younger people it's mostly the old catholic farts who have no filter and the occasional soccer mom making petty comments.
But then again those two groups bitch about everything anyway so it's probably not an issue with thigh highs themselves just the idea of showing ~tantalizing skin~ in general.

>> No.9618032

>normies wear video game shirts and anime shirts (mostly DBZ shirts with a fitness theme to it) without any problem

>people who are actually really into said subject matter are scared to wear that kind of stuff out in public

i never understood this.

>> No.9618035

as with many other things in life, being attractive and confident will let you get away with things that pallid, socially awkward nerds cannot

>> No.9618113

It's the same with /v/'s taboo on playing handhelds in public. Mostly just invented awkwardness that doesn't actually exist.

>> No.9618157

And the old /lit/'s taboo regarding reading in public
I'll never, ever understand this. I mean, I why it happens but not how people can be so dumb as to care about this kind of thing

Wait another 5 years to post here kiddo, this site is 18+

>> No.9618183

aw did my post hurt you that much?

>> No.9618223

it's fine my only beef with that is that i am so. fucking. sick. of the appropriated supreme logos

just buy a shirt with an anime girl on it. there are good ones on village vanguard's online shop. the psuedosupreme nonsense makes you look like a new money fob who wastes parents money on tacky shit

>> No.9618230

I feel this. UK if it's relevant.

Once had a friend ask me to change because I looked "too much like a slutty schoolgirl" wearing OTKs, converse and a jumper.

>> No.9618236

>wearing anything porn-themed in public

>> No.9618241

No, because I'm not an autist. Except when it comes to music. But less than most other /mu/ users.

>> No.9618256

I hide my power level as much as possible because I'm in that awkward in-between zone where I'm not really weeby and not really normie. I was a massive weeb in high school but haven't watched anything but 1-2 of the most popular FOTM anime each year since about 2014, so I'm really behind the times and real weebs tend to get sniffy and assume I'm a fake geek. But I still have enough taste to look down on casuals and hate associating with them (a lot of my friends are still high-level weebs hiding their power level so I hear a lot about different series from them).

Also to be honest, most of the manga/anime I read/watched back in the day was either fanservicey ship-bait or outright yaoi/yuri porn, which I'd rather not talk about in public. It's easier to pretend I'm not really into anime apart from normie-friendly things like Studio Ghibli than it is to admit I'm a closet pervert. I watched YOI recently but everyone I know that was discussing it on Facebook was so cancerous I never talked about it with anyone.

I feel this, a lot of people I know assume lolita is cosplay.

>> No.9618257

The guy who does these shirts is a god.

>> No.9618258
File: 211 KB, 1154x2048, 19621028_10158844020425007_7742372071775293399_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Head to airport after con
>Had plushies out cause didn't fit in carry-on
>Still decked out in school uniform cosplay
Kids were mesmerized by the plushies but the actual students were probably laughing at me. I gave zero fucks and relaxed till my flight.

My desk is decorated with random weeb blind box stuff but as long as I get my work done, no one cares,

Pic related, one of the plushies I had out at the airport.

>> No.9618666


Link to buy this shirt? Im new here

>> No.9618675

I like wearing clothes that characters wear from anime, and I get a fair amount of inspiration for clothing from anime.

ex. Bought a white hoodie after Durarara, bought a short sleeve white dress shirt after EVA.

it's extremely subtle, but as I get better with the sewing machine I'll probably tailor more specific pieces that are still subtle

>> No.9618741

Only at cons.
It got revealed at work but I hide it well enough still.

>> No.9618759


>> No.9618763
File: 52 KB, 508x678, JPEG_20170616_153731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have custom grips on one of my handguns.
I normally switch it out with "normie" grips whenever I do anything involving other people, but I forgot once for a 3-gun fun match.

>> No.9618767


>anime stickers
>on a Porsche
>Not on a jap car


>> No.9618783

>"I <3 ANIME" bumper
>still only three small stickers
If you're gonna have that numberplate you should at least commit to an itasha.

>> No.9618785

a shitty porsche at that

>> No.9618822

Seriously. That'd be badass with a full itasha.

>> No.9621980
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>mfw extremely outwardly normie but getting an itasha next year

>> No.9621985
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I wear these pretty often but because they're vans nobody gives a fuck

>> No.9621986

That shit is no less embarrassing than the star wars shirt the nappy-headed whore in the background has on.

>> No.9621987

If it was legal to do, I would seek you out and kill you.

>> No.9621994
File: 47 KB, 680x499, kym_entry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here anon.

>> No.9622008

No, anon. A regular ol' t-shirt, even a "lulz, I'm soooo nerdy! XD" flavored one like that is miles better than obvious wig and poorly made cosplay dress.

>> No.9622012

/lit/ won't read in public? that's the most average, normal thing in the entire fucking world. like... how maladjusted do you have to be to not notice 50% of the bus is reading in the morning

>> No.9622015
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there's power level and then there's this

>> No.9622110

Wearing these would be like wearing those Marvel shirts from Target. Every toddler and their dad have them and they're all normies.

>> No.9622159

>hal's moving castle

>> No.9622166

>work in a turbo normie office in Atlanta, GA
>wear black every day and full skirts but would never wear lolita to the office for fear of my coworkers spilling something on it
>our last HR rep teased me about wearing mostly black but he was fired after a few months
>since then virtually no one has made a single negative comment about my clothing, get nothing but good comments
>wear lolita at home frequently
>my birthday is tomorrow, going to wear an OTT coord around the house because I rarely go out and would feel uncomfortable wearing such an elaborate white outfit in a city
>might go to a craft beer bar and would still not want to get beer on a $450 dress
being a lone lolita is hard when you don't do much

>> No.9622174

Well, this is a power level thread. Anon is just showing their low level. That's all.

>> No.9622177
File: 20 KB, 704x400, latest-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your dad is a weeb, anon.

>not stealth cosplaying in public all the time
Trying to put together outfit for pic related in time for winter

>> No.9622178

I have a sports jacket that looks exactly like that that I bought from fucking Target. This would make you look like a normie. There is no power level to be expressed unless you're styling your hair the same way.

>> No.9622181

My scouter just exploded senpai

>> No.9622189
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Lookimg like a normie is 100% the point for me. Might wear pic related to work tomorrow, for example.

>> No.9622472

I'm generally not a big fan of obvious fandom merch when it comes to wearables, but I love the obscure prints, pins and jewelry that only another fan will even recognize as fandom stuff and that look like normal clothes/accessories to normies.
So, I guess, I am kinda hiding my power level, but I don't lie about it and when asked about my hobbies or weekend plans I answer truthfully. It helps that I don't act like a 13 year old on energy drinks.

>> No.9622504
File: 243 KB, 500x500, font-b-yowamushi-b-font-font-b-pedal-b-font-sohoku-cycling-jersey-short-sleeve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally don't hide it, but I don't go out of my way to flaunt it either. I live in an area with a high concentration of young asian people and asian families so seeing bags decked with keychains, cat ears and even lolita from time to time isn't odd.

I don't personally buy weeb shirts, but I do use my itabag regularly and I get nothing but compliments and friendly acknowledgment of my tastes.

The only cosplay thing I wear regularly besides small accessories is my yowapeda cycling uniform because it actually functions well (wicks away sweat, has crotch support, etc.). The group of japanese grandmas and grandpas that jog together around here love seeing me bike past them every morning. My roommate and I affectionately call them the "baa-chan squad".

>> No.9622556

keep checking /fa/ if you don't want to look like an uggo

there is an art in looking effay in this style

>> No.9622564

Why not wear a not-black, not OTT coord and go out to do something fun for your birthday? Even if you're on your own, you can still have fun. Go out to get some coffee or cake or macarons, find someplace nice to sit in (a cute cafe? a park?), browse Closet Child or Wunderwelt and buy yourself something you like. I hope you're not afraid to, anon, wearing lolita alone is fun.

>> No.9622566

Honestly, I'm the same but mostly because I enjoy dressing nicely and most fandom gear looks like cringe-y garbage. These days, I mostly wear Jfashion so I guess that's pretty high on the power level scale, but at least I look pretty

>> No.9622576

I have anime pins and keychains on my bags. My daily/work bag is Loris and I wear an old school Baby head now to work daily. I speeded out a bit when we had a Japanese work experience girl because none of the other staff had a clue about the stuff I could discuss with her. I sometimes wear lolita for random errands/solo picnics and wear a lot of nerdy tees with Pokémon etc including a 'I Japan' shirt from Neo magazine. I also have had a photoshoot wearing car ears, with 15 issues of Neo and 30 empty Pocky boxes as set decoration. I like to think the studio found it charming because they gave me the CD with 200+ shots on it when they were only meant to do 10 and give me one or two prints.

>> No.9622583


I wore tights like that with shorts to my bf's parents' house once (they usually complain about me wearing 'childish' clothes so I thought they'd be fine/better than actual thigh high socks) and he had to take me aside after to tell me never to wear them again. Even regular tights or any skirt above knee length look slutty on me because I have big thighs. I wish I could pull off a lot of cute j fashion but on my body, it sends completely the wrong message and I don't want to reinforce the stereotype that all anime/anime fans is/are perverse.

I live in London and either got lot of dirty looks or unwanted sexual attention in knee high school or longer. I haven't worn bare legs in public for 8 years since.

>> No.9623009

Nayrt but I live in Chambana and wear jfashion (lolita fashion), and I'd love to make cgl/jfashion friends! My discord is lieselfogel#2494, you should message me!

>> No.9623031

>some russian sport
It's actually a jacket from the official russian olympic uniform

the show surprisingly got it right and now everyone is walking around wearing shit handmade or awful bootlegs of legitimate sportwear and it's double cringey

>> No.9623108

Saw someone wearing a button up version of this at PAX West. One of the Squeenix ladies running the FF14 event asked him about it.

>> No.9625121

Is that fatty a male or female?

>> No.9625125

It's fat

>> No.9625173

Hope you got out of there, anon. He and his parents sound really shitty

>> No.9625189

I used to hide it, but then I realised that was stupid. I have made more friends this way, and more job opportunities. Turns out people want to work with people they like, and it also turns out a lot of people are nerds.

Be free dude, so long as you are not actively bothering someone on purpose. Don't walk up to your boss and be all "BRUH I WATCHED SOME HARDCORE HENTAI LAST NIGHT HIGH FIVE!" but when people ask what your interests are feel free to say, "I was going to watch this new anime I found," and expand upon it if you are asked to. Just like any other normal conversation.

>> No.9625191

Your boyfriend sounds like he should be an ex boyfriend, post haste.

>> No.9625224

Tights, shorts/skirt and practical ankle boots with heavy socks/legwarmers are "fun".

Try heavy tights, then hiking or paddock boots with thick socks.

But "perverse"?

No. That's "Yama", and girls into hiking /climbing don't care that much about looking slutty.