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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 178 KB, 750x737, IMG_7145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9659610 No.9659610 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is sage

With Halloween just around the corner, I'm seeing more OC so let's try not to post old itas and keep from tanking this thread with useless arguments about who's autistic and who isn't. Just post very bad shit it isn't that hard.
So, starting off, I don't even fucking have words for how many levels of disbelief I'm in about this picture and its existence.

>> No.9659612
File: 111 KB, 750x744, IMG_7146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes the ita staple: Nasty lace and shitty ribbon

>> No.9659615
File: 27 KB, 500x333, 17619194_422127138139307_306709964_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petition to kill all of them.
Why must these degenerate bitches always go for sweet or pastels? They're ruining a cute style with their disgusting degeneracy.
But I've seen a fair share of kinksters in gothic too though, sadly.

>> No.9659616
File: 131 KB, 747x736, IMG_7147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cohesion is so important in lolita and this coord really has no direction at all. It could've been pretty passable I guess without the peignoir. The style is just way too casual-cute for it.

>> No.9659626

Extreme nitpick. Go with your vendetta a another lado, anon.

>> No.9659628

Idk fampai but it really kills my soul. Especially that one bitch from the last thread who actively sucks pacifiers while in Lolita. I feel like being fucking kinky is fine because while I'm sweet for sure, and i like sex, I don't walk around in fucking collars and leashes making people in public uncomfortable while tainting the reputation of an already eyeballed alt fashion, nor do I post that shit on my blogs with my cutesie stuff??

I guess I just really get heated when people think it's fine to publicly sexualize a fashion that they obviously know nothing about.
First off it's really not a good coord and I don't see the "extreme" nitpick. Why does she need the peignoir and the tacky flower crown? It just doesn't fit the look she was going for. It would've been much cuter with a short-sleeve pink cardi and a headbow.

>> No.9659629

It does suck that they latch onto Jfash (of any kind) for their kink but it's even worse when they're public about it. They can do whatever in the privacy of their bedrooms, doing shit like this in public is deplorable though.

>> No.9659634
File: 151 KB, 750x870, IMG_7144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she really was going for lolita (there are other girls in the bg with handfans) which kills me inside.

I'm just so confused as to how this is what she got out of seeing the fashion.

>> No.9659640

This is the product of people conflating cosplay and Lolita at a broad level. You can have themed and inspired coordinates, but this is just a shitty shitty cosplay with a sort of poofy dress

>> No.9659642

I saw her on Misako's insta last night and just thought? bitch why?

>> No.9659662
File: 33 KB, 435x512, Amino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would you post this

>> No.9659665

Fetish? Complete lack of self awareness? An alarming combination of both?

>> No.9659667

If you can change one or two things and it's better, it's not ita.

>> No.9659677

I'm into sweet and doesn't care for sex (never did it because it's spooking me,don't have much interest in it or having a relationship atm) and I'm totally fine with girls that like sex,kinky stuff,... That doesn't make them sloots. The problem is that they're public about it like >>9659629 said. That's the worst. I hate ddlg with a burning passion. 90% of the community just can't stay a minute without posting about their daddy uwuwu giving them the cummies and sucking either pacifiers or dongs.
They're gross and unwelcome in the fashion if they're not gonna act properly and keep that shit in the bedroom.

>> No.9659683

I agree that the peignoir is unnecessary, but why a short sleeved cardigan on top of a short sleeve blouse? The flower crown doesn't look that bad and it matches the theme of the print. It's not a spectacular coord but far from ita.

>> No.9659687

Hate this word, people who use it are disgusting and degenerated.

>> No.9659695

Why is it so hard for kink scum to keep nonconsenting people out of their scenes?

>> No.9659698

I agree with this pic but that rule really doesn't hold for something like >>9659612 She could perfect otherwise and the jsk would still make her ita. "Rules" for something like this don't really work. If it's ita it's ita. Even the worst will get defended regardless of any rules and even the best will occasionally get put here despite that as well.

>> No.9659736

Nitcpick af

>> No.9659737

I use it ironically (like i did in my post) but dear god, some people legit use it?
And I agree,it's really gross,just like when they use "squishy". They turned a cute word into something revolting.

>> No.9659741

Because it's kinkshaming anon, it's not fair to call them out because that's not sex positive. You must be one of those depressing incels or something. Obviously if she wants to drink yummy cummies from her daddy while watching Arthur on PBS and eating milk and cookies, that's her right. It's a fantasy and it's not hurting anyone, that's why I parade it around in public in front of young children.

>> No.9659742

Fucking degenerates.

>fatty chan tryna look ethereal
It's super ineffective, not in the least because of the fuck ass shoes and cheap ass overthrow curtains.

>> No.9659746

I get the sarcasm, but how can they tote being sex positive when they constantly drag people into their kink that don’t want to be involved? I don’t fondle my girlfriend in public because that would make others uncomfortable and it’s fucking gross to force other people to be a part of your sexual shit. They’re delusional if they think it doesn’t hurt people, you’re forcing uncomfortable, unwilling people to partake in your sexual fantasies.

>> No.9659747

my boyfriend started using baby talk and referring to himself as daddy ironically but I'm not really sure how ironic it is anymore. At this point /cgl/ would probably assume we're in an ageplayer relationship but at least we aren't degenerates in public and I'm not an ita

>> No.9659749

>I’m not an ita


>> No.9659752
File: 9 KB, 245x193, 18222137_10209243562552908_5560038719168436973_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dump his ass girl
if he's for real, he's a filthy degenerate

but what if my kink is kinkshaming?

>> No.9659762

Deadass, if any of you kinksters are in here can you explain to me why you think you have to right to force people into your sex-play? Genuinely curious why you people think you can do that, then turn around and cry about being kinkshamed and how oppressed your daddy issues are.

>> No.9659766

Wow the fact that you know all the lingo is frightening. I didn't need to know any of this disgusting info even if it is sarcasm

>> No.9659771

I mean this coord does look a little all over the place

>> No.9659772

I'm not fat, ugly, and I dress well. We don't behave like retards in public but I'll make sure he fucks me while I'm wearing misty sky just for you anon.

>> No.9659775

They don't think they're forcing others into it, that's the problem. They think "I have a right to be in public and live my life and you live yours" without considering any of the consequences or ramifications.

That's the worst part, I'm a fucking virgin. And yet here I am knowing more about this shit than actual vanilla. These people are deranged, again I don't care about your personal life or EVEN if you want to run a blog, but keep it in designated and appropriate spaces. It's the same as a dom/sub relationship, you shouldn't run around in a gimp suit at the public park.

>> No.9659776

Uh-huh, I’m sure you’re a beautiful lolita and that you own all the super popular prints <3 :)

>> No.9659781

>using emoticons on an image board
>being this mad

>> No.9659785

>a little
You said it
Dump him

>> No.9659786
File: 18 KB, 300x400, 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime I see this stuff I die a little more
Nitpick or vendetta?

>> No.9659794

I have no words. Lolita night at the sauna?

>> No.9659802

She didn’t wear that to school, did she?

>> No.9659810

Haha, if any of you knew what I've done in public, I'd be hated for life.
I'm a filthy degenerate, I'm a lolita, and I do make an effort to keep those lives seperate. In any case, ddlg is awful, furries are awful, but gulls have never been very picky about 'gross' stuff consenting adults do. I get off on the public aspect, so we'll just always disagree.

>> No.9659811


>> No.9659817

Dear god, this is an authentic 2007 ita right there.
The weeb parasol,the hot topic clearance bin tier dress,...
At least she looks happy. Even if it looks like complete shit, i never can bring myself to hate on awful coords if the wearer looks genuinely happy

>> No.9659819
File: 1.50 MB, 540x378, bd4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good for you anon
that's great

>> No.9659820


>> No.9659821

Speaking as a Domme, most kinksters don't force others into their play and those that do shouldn't. Save the collar and leash for parties/festivals/home. Don't wear your collar in public, ask your Dom to get you something less obvious to wear day to day if you're a sub. Or get a tattoo. Whatever.

My partner is really aroused by the thought of getting it on in public spaces, but the reality is that you're involving people who are likely to be disgusted, possibly children (which would be awful) and risking arrest. That's why it will always be a fantasy.

>> No.9659822

I really think that just describes this girl in general if you look at anything at all she posts.
>bitch why
My exact reaction as well thank you
Geez sorry then I guess I didn't know that the whole squad was going to defend this
I don't know who this poor unattractive girl even is? Is she efamous? I haven't really been on Tumblr or whatever lately so I'd appreciate it if you'd tell me who she even is for me to have vendetta against.

>> No.9659828
File: 151 KB, 750x761, IMG_7149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say I'm being nitpicky because the socks look cute with that dress, and she needs a loliable blouse. But that wig just needs to go and pushes it into ita territory.

>> No.9659845

She looks like she's dead on the inside

>> No.9659852
File: 419 KB, 750x873, IMG_7152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last thread was wrong. Asians apparently can be ita.

>> No.9659854

>mfw that's probably my country

Frankfurter Buchmesse? At least then it's a con-ita and I don't have to see her face at a teaparty.

>> No.9659857
File: 213 KB, 750x984, IMG_7154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh it is.
But I just had to leave the caption there this time because it's too good.

Girl nobody else wants him

>> No.9659870

>My daddy, not yours!

Dont think you need to worry about anyone stealing away your scraggly neckbeard.

>> No.9659872
File: 76 KB, 666x960, IMG_4274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9659873
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>> No.9659901

that doesnt look bad at all


>> No.9659908

If you got rid of the two on the far left and the black girl, I don't think it's so bad. I don't know why the girl on the far left thought that makeup was a good idea.

>> No.9659915

I feel bad for the goth lolita.

>> No.9659951

This looks far from cohesive. But she seems to understand the basics. I'm thinking baby's first coord.

>> No.9659985
File: 426 KB, 1366x768, 1499302991426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me there are other pictures of the Egyptian coord lolita somewhere. I really like what she did with this look, though I would say it would actually be fitting for her to use more eye liner to complete it.

On the other hand, I can't believe there are more pictures of this.

Dump his ass, Anon. This is only the beginning. Soon he will be commanding you to ask permission before you can do simple things like eat snacks, and start "punishing" you when you don't listen to him. Last thing you want is to get spanked for not brushing your teeth when he told you to.


>> No.9659991

>They can do whatever in the privacy of their bedrooms, doing shit like this in public is deplorable though.
Honey I hope you know that you're saying the same kind of shit that homophobes spout nonstop. Like, yikes.

>> No.9660008

Are you seriously comparing public fetish play to homosexuality

>> No.9660035
File: 193 KB, 831x1107, tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having to ask permission for trivial things
>not being allowed to eat snacks without asking
>getting spanked
>mfw this already started happening
I guess it's worse than I thought?
I really love him though. I don't know what to do now.

>> No.9660061

rule one of kink is dont involve people in your kink without consent. DONT DO SHIT IN PUBLIC.

plz dump him, unilaterally forcing kink is abusive and it will get worse. its not even kink, its just straight abuse. he'll start cutting you off from your friends and family and then you'll have no one BUT him. you can ALWAYS find someone new to love, just imagine all that excitement that comes with fresh love again. Youll find someone to respect and love you who doesnt abuse you.

Staying in an abusive relationship will fuck you up for years, more than just a little heart break you'll be over in a couple days or a week when you're not getting beaten and abused anymore

>> No.9660064

just talk to him, anon. he may not even know that it's bothering you. next time he does something that makes you uncomfortable, say something like "look, i know you started this dynamic kind of ironically, but now it's really intrusive and doesn't feel like a joke anymore. if this is a kink of yours that you want to explore then we can talk about exploring it but i want it to be a joint effort. i'm not sure how to handle when you act like this so i've just kind of been going along with it but i'm really not into it the way it stands right now"

if he really loves you like you love him he'll listen to what you have to say and be open with you

if he doesn't take it well, THEN dump his ass

>> No.9660087

Who is taking these pictures?

>> No.9660089

Far right seems fine

>> No.9660092

The cuck best friend. He also likes saying "Please give it to my little sister, daddy. Please give it to her hard, she's been a bad girl!" while jerking off feverishly in the corner of the room.

>> No.9660102

gotta quit "yucking their yum"

>> No.9660103


>> No.9660104

>If you got rid of ... the black girl
Honey no.

>> No.9660106

Oh shit everyone WATCH OUT
Someone criticized a black person, clear the way everybody this a serious matter, only the SJW police through here at this time.

>> No.9660127

I don't really like the socks with that dress. The shade of pink matches, but the pattern of the socks doesn't really have anything to do with anything on the dress, and it turns her entire bottom half into one solid pink block of color. I think white socks with pink details would have looked more balanced.

>> No.9660184
File: 72 KB, 594x585, 1493432403357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question though. Are there any fetish gulls who just happen to be lolitas and are cool about it? I feel like I'm the only one in my com. I don't feel the need to tell anyone or ask anyone, because doing so would make me not cool about it. But I'm always curious when everyone is hating on them, including myself, is there anyone in the conversation who is kinky and just chill about it.

>> No.9660186

If it starts to bother you, then talk to him, don't just listen to /cgl/. Gulls are notorious for giving awful relationship advice.
If it's an issue and he refuses to make any attempts at changing, then you might want to consider ending it, unless you're willing to reach a compromise that works for you both.
No relationship is perfect, but you get closer to it by making it through rough patches together.

>> No.9660189

i'm kinky but nobody knows, which is how it should be

i don't understand people who force fetish to define them

>> No.9660190

I don't touch the fet topic with people that I don't know are actually into it themselves.

>> No.9660192

Me and I know a ton of other people like this too. Generally I meet them outside of lolita at a kink event. "Oh hi you're here too what do you know." cause we aren't obnoxious about it.

>> No.9660205

I know this is the wrong thread for this discussion so I won't harp on. But it's nice to see some like-minded gulls. I'm very much a loner because my local fet community is notorious. But it's also not the kind of thing I need to bring up at the tea party table. Still, I get curious who's who.

>> No.9660219

I also don't tell anyone, unless they are in a relationship with me of course

>> No.9660224

>comparing wearing a fucking leash in public to homosexuality
Like, yikes.

>> No.9660227

seconding all other anons point. I'm kinky but I keep it very separate from lolita. No one knows or should. I would be so ashamed if they did. what is wrong with these people doing that shit in public

>> No.9660229
File: 50 KB, 480x720, tumblr_n6bd5u84G61ry0upno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the worst mess of aydyn fakebois and weeaboo autogynephiles ever. why does everyone on tumblr look like a grown version of either a horse girl or the musty dude that asks for hugs?

>> No.9660233

dude just talk to him like a normal person and ask whats up with the daddy shit. If he just likes being called that or what. I think what that anon said is dramatic. Its not really common to want to be called that but more common than full blown age play.

>> No.9660284

kill yourself. youre not making a good enough effort to keep it separate if youre posting about it

>> No.9660293

Yep. Very involved in my local kink scene as a player and performance artist and practice BDSM at home.

Have never mentioned it to a single lolita. Nobody's asked, and it's not a polite topic of conversation for meets.

I'm known for being shy and quiet, too, so. :P

>> No.9660311
File: 540 KB, 933x1920, tumblr_oxu2weHdiR1rml5tho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ughhh this chick

>> No.9660314

>I get off on the public aspect
No. Please stop involving strangers in your sex life.

It's such a fallacy but idiots still fall for it. Kinksters are the ones comparing homosexuality to getting off on pissing in diapers, they're the ones who are ignorant and homophobic.

>> No.9660322
File: 141 KB, 436x297, Screen Shot 2016-10-18 at 12.03.58 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>little sister

>> No.9660348
File: 25 KB, 349x349, 1506409737738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you complain on the feels thread instead of here? TA
What fetish exactly? I'm a S, does that count?

>> No.9660359
File: 188 KB, 702x1352, 83CF08BB-7C95-452B-B116-3D3F603DF9CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hehe, not the best staged photo in the world here. Since I've been in a pony mood, I tried going for a Pinkie Pie theme. Been looking for an excuse to use the purse anyway. I had taken my shoes off by this point.

Dress, headbow: Bodyline
Jacket: Dillard's
Purse, socks: Five Below
Bracelet (hard to see but it's there): Claire's
Brooch: Handmade
Phone case: Disney Store Japan I think? It was an Amazon import though"

>> No.9660361


>> No.9660364

>Involving strangers in my sex life
Only for the thrill of being caught ayy

>> No.9660398
File: 87 KB, 540x482, 1449168963319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow! It's almost like being kinky is the new vegan. You people can't for the love of god just keep it to yourselves and every time kinks are mentioned, everyone feels the need to talk about their own. Geez, we get it: you like getting fucked in weird ways. Take it elsewhere.
>I don't feel the need to tell anyone or ask anyone
You clearly do since you're posting it here.

And yes, I like it when daddy fists my anus while I'm licking his feet. But god am I better than everyone because I don't need to talk about it.

>> No.9660403

>because I dont need to talk about it
B-but you just did

>> No.9660420

Dump. His Ass.

Fetish is mean to be negotiated between all parties involved, and must be consensual and discussed, or it's straight up abuse/assault. He might not realise what he's doing wrong, so explain it to him as you leave, but if he can find out about the "fun" bits, he damn well can and should know about the whole respecting your partners boundaries and communication thing.
Good luck anon.

>> No.9660426
File: 381 KB, 426x574, jesus fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip: if you have to think this junkyard trash sun t-shirt dress is Mary Magdalene, it's not. As if your chubass would even fit.

>> No.9660431

>most kinksters don't force.

nah you fuckers just isolate your targets from their friends and then make them think they want your kink so they feel included again.

>> No.9660434
File: 508 KB, 1200x1149, shh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shush anon

>> No.9660446


>> No.9660457

That look of apathy mixed with that filter
I'm expecting something at least moderately cheerful with that filter.

>> No.9660465

Kink is definitely the new vegan since you all love to bring it up at any possible chance.

>> No.9660470
File: 102 KB, 743x960, 1459893595058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else hate how fetishists have to extrapolate their own fetishes to everyone else around them in an effort to feel more normal? For example, DDLG types claiming that most girls like some form of DDLG, or girls who are into asian guys trying to claim that it's something most white/non-asian girls are into. I knew a cosplayer in my wider group (I'm Canadian) who would claim that most girls want to do revealing cosplays every time but don't have the guts... That kind of shit annoys me.

Just admit you're in a minority and weird.

>> No.9660478

DDLGs are the worst. I love how they pretend that lesbians dont exist
>all girls wish they had a daddy uwu

Im good with my gentle girl love.

>> No.9660483

Unlike with most genderspecials, I can genuinely not tell which sex this person actually is. Is it an ugly girl or an ugly boy?

>> No.9660492

Those socks are triggering me

>> No.9660508

If you have not dressed like a girl your entire life then I think you should practice normie clothes before jumping into the most feminine subculture there is desu

>> No.9660514

WTF does squishy mean in a kinkster context?

>> No.9660519

Sorry you had a bad experience, but I'd personally rather my subs have their independence, else they tend to become too needy.

>> No.9660528
File: 731 KB, 478x597, 1763838470094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tags contain lolita, erololita and daddykink.

>> No.9660533
File: 126 KB, 720x725, _20171016_162238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I thought she was finally improving her coords, but then I looked at her instagram to check

>> No.9660541

basically every DDLG ive been "friends" with. "you like lolita/kawaii things/baby pooh/disney....i like those things too,.... youre basically a little without a daddy/care taker"

>> No.9660551

Is that fucking grass and dirt coming out of that dresser drawer????

>> No.9660563

You don't want that filling up brainspace anon. Trust me.

>> No.9660568

We're only talking about it because OP is a spurg and made it a relevant topic.

>> No.9660569


>> No.9660579
File: 116 KB, 939x950, 1494846819289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9660585

>that entire tumblr

Lolita can be super formulaic and most brands release sets, so if you have the funds its actually one of the easier feminine fashions to get into if you have no sense of style. If youre trying to cobble together a wardrobe from random offbrand and sketchy eBay stores though... nah.

>> No.9660588

please tell me the thing in the middle is a wax figure

>> No.9660593

Cakes and Couture, right?

>> No.9660611

>that make up and wig

>> No.9660624


This is strangely endearing.

>> No.9660646


My parents found this and almost banned me from lolit.ta

>> No.9660664
File: 40 KB, 736x592, 0aea6b1098e904d49ff576bd5fbe61c3--faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my daddy not yours
Yeah nobody's gonna try to steal that girlie, don't worry about it.
A gross weeb with daddy issues (and probably mental issues) and a gross neckbeard with a, awful haircut and dyejob.
Guess trash goes with trash.

>> No.9660678

lel, everytime.
Black people are preshus widdle beans you can't touch just like trans people.

>> No.9660686

I strongly disagree.

>> No.9660689

It's called androgynous, not agender.

>> No.9660690


i want these cunts to stay away from anything kawaii but sadly it probably won't happen.
ddlg isn't kawaii,you're fucked up and disgusting

>> No.9660692

That one is calling itself agender, though. Being androgynous or simply gender non-confirming is never good enough for these types.

>> No.9660735
File: 31 KB, 297x197, rapenerds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is this shit??!

>> No.9660745

I wasnt going to watch it because i cringed from the thumbnail and title...
Only 30 secs i can endure...
At first i couldnt understand why anyone would post this.. but then looking at their other videos i got sad because what if this was a private video to her boyfriend or something and it was shared/posted.

>> No.9660751

i was looking up cgl memes and "cgl" search is basically only "CareGiver/Little" stuff

>> No.9660758

You're basically implying that homosexuality is a fetish.

>> No.9660762

Sucks to be her.

>> No.9660773

Cute face, shame she has a mental disorder/daddy issues
Nah, it's a terrible fabric.

>> No.9660774

My biggest question is how the hell did back row, far right get that much poof?

>> No.9660781

Probably a cage skirt under it or layering pettis.

>> No.9660794
File: 42 KB, 400x600, IMG_0675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddammit, Taobao.

>> No.9660818

I know. I've been through the same and I hate them even more for it.

>> No.9660835

How does it feel to have no waist ?

>> No.9660844

this literally happened to me and im still mad over it. stop sending me the fucking kinksters you follow on instagram, no i dont like her wrinkled fucking bodyline dress, and no im not sharing my AP with you.
ageplay is pedophilia.

>> No.9660870

There's definitely work to be had but nobody here offends me to the point of wanting to die. Belongs here though don't worry I'm not gonna call "nitpick" like other tards
How did she do diner doll so poorly I love this jsk..
Gulls it's a troll
Germany actually
Yeah I know I hope the bby gets better but she is a lost cause right now.

>> No.9660891

Ugh, I had the misfourtune of something like that happening to me once.

>On tumblr a couple years ago
>Decided to see if there was a tumblr that was specifically for posting /cgl/ screenshots
>Fucking almost nothing but ageplay shit
>Only seagull related thing is one deactive blog with a few pages that blog owner needed to input her opinion on every post.
>Mistakes were learned from

Fucking ageplayers, can't we at least have our fucking weeb board name without ageplayers shitting it up? Some of them are trying really hard to have lolita. Leave us with something, damn.

>> No.9660895

Next time I think my wig is ratty because it was windy or something, I will think of this monstrosity and quit my bitching. Does she not know wigs need to be styled and maintained?

>> No.9660903
File: 164 KB, 750x733, IMG_7156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honey no

>> No.9660925
File: 196 KB, 750x678, IMG_7153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe the only two who look good here have the same exact face

>> No.9660930

the "sweet lolita print skirt combined with boring and unfitting normie shit" itas somehow trigger me the most

>> No.9660942
File: 129 KB, 750x924, IMG_7155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmfao someone actually bought that sad, shitty fucking Usakumya replica... I kind of feel bad. Not for her. For it.

>> No.9660945
File: 19 KB, 148x149, hoboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I opened the pic and I bursted out laughing thank you anon.

>> No.9660949

Dude, I saw this on my IG feed today and had to zoom on those two on the far right to make sure I was not stroking out.

>> No.9660961

You're welcome fampai
I can tell you what they're all thinking desu. Far right always looks like that. I think she may be autitistic. She's just happy to be there tho. Right next to her knows she fucked the fuck up. Kiss Me Cat girl knows she looks good, knows everyone else doesn't. Squirrel Party Bike Shorts girl thinks she looks great. She's very wrong.
Merry Making Party girl thinks she looks the best but she doesn't. Strawberry Whip girl knows she and KMC girl are the only two who know what they're doing.

>> No.9660966

it looks retarded but in a kinda cute way

>> No.9660974

Your pic has me cracking up. Wish it was bigger but my monitor might actually break if it was.

>> No.9661002

this looked really cute until I actually expanded the image

>> No.9661006

this. I kept seeing "cgl dont interact" on lolita coord posts and I always laughed like yeah as if that's gonna keep people from posting you on here
I only just realised what it actually meant like a couple weeks ago

>> No.9661012

I really am not sure that this is THAT bad of quality... The lace near the top could be better for sure, and the bottom lace is too long. The fabric doesn't seem too shiny, just satiny, and the bows aren't sad or deflated. Things look evenly sewn. I would have made improvements before selling that, and it's not terribly impressive, but it's not complete ita garbage either.

>> No.9661014

A swing and a miss.

>> No.9661089


I do not have words

Oh no.

>> No.9661113

It's kind of hard to stomach.

>> No.9661114

I agree actually. Holy Lantern girl looks so happy and guy in the middle looks like he had a hard life but one currently filled with love, pink lady seems so motherly.

>> No.9661115

If they weren't fucking huge it would be pretty cute

>> No.9661146

Bust a gut laughing at this one.

>> No.9661236

Stop. Using. Kid's. Purses. As. A. Regular. Purse.

Carrying one of those tiny kid purses as an adult looks ridiculous, just use them to store stuff. They usually can't even hold your stuff anyway.

>> No.9661241
File: 357 KB, 600x433, cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a gap in age is equivalent to liking prepubescent children
>someone with daddy issues is a prepubescent girl

Calling 1-800-come-on-nigga

>> No.9661269

>why does everyone on tumblr look like a grown version of either a horse girl or the musty dude that asks for hugs?
Because if they weren't those people they wouldn't need to be on tumblr, they could do real shit and have actual fun in their lives.

>> No.9661272

Kind of reminds me of polandball

>> No.9661274
File: 13 KB, 528x404, dd7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9661275
File: 167 KB, 750x666, IMG_7159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yikes. The only one even presentable is the right, and she's just in casual jfash... the one on the left is in a replica bc apparently she can't fit fully shirred Meta.

I can see why well-dressed chubby-chans and fatty-chans get tired of this shit...

>> No.9661364

I wouldn't call them ita, they seem to have an idea of what they're doing but they still kind of miss the mark.
I'm more appalled by their sizes.

>> No.9661408

these are so accurate wtf

>> No.9661412

This makes me want it in an unironic way. It looks so sad and retarded, I just want to take care of it forever

>> No.9661414

>rping CSA and "Daddy sneaking into his little girl's bedroom"
>always listing "ages" like 5-10
>not simulating pedophilia

Unlike rape pedophilia literally just means being attracted to prepubescents. You can try to explain it away, but why would a grown man get off and specifically request someone "with a little age of 6-9" and etc? NYART but I don't see how ageplay of that kind can be done for any other reason. Maybe an edgelord trying to be edgy as possible, but that doesn't change the person pretending it's real.

Ddlg is just special snowflake bdsm and some of the things associated with it are fairly innocent, but if you get off on literally rping CSA and "dark ageplay" I have some news for you. Even being obsessed with 1,000yo dragons is less pedo-y.

Inb4 "but tits" pedos being exclusively attracted to children is a bit of meme. It happens but they're not mutally exclusive by a long shot.

>> No.9661467

Run, run far away and never ever look back.

>> No.9661469

I'm not sure how and why she thought that drag makeup was a good idea....

>> No.9661473

one of the comments says it was posted without permission. Pretty scummy desu.

>> No.9661540

There's a girl in my comm whose entire ~aethetic~ is wearing things meant for actual children. AP just isn't unique enough for her. One meetup I ended up alone with her and she dragged me into a clothing store for 4-8 year old girls, bought a bunch of tacky cheap hairclips, and spent the entire time inside complaining about how nothing there fit her. Of course it fucking won't, you're an adult and this is made for little children. The hairclips fell apart almost immediately, as did my soul.

>> No.9661543

>stop using kids purses

>> No.9661547
File: 750 KB, 500x310, tacky.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9661596
File: 264 KB, 489x472, yamete-re-zero-plot-owning-rem-4083842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9661602

The all black colourway of this seems mostly fine, I think it's the weird white bodice that ruins it for me.

>> No.9661605

this might have been a cute outfit if she changed out the skirt for something fitting with mori?

>> No.9661611

What is this from? I want to watch something with a little snappy fashionisto.

>> No.9661616

School of Rock

>> No.9661632
File: 32 KB, 113x112, prayforher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be young if your parents can ban you from lolita.

>> No.9661743


>> No.9661856

>She hasn't seen the cummies song before
Do you live under a rock or something honey?

>> No.9661881
File: 217 KB, 724x1280, I&#039;m so putting this in my next Dark Heresy game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody posts the magnificent beardita

>> No.9661882

It’s like Lisa Frank and a Brony fucked and had this.

>> No.9661901

Is his necklace a pink turd

>> No.9661912
File: 321 KB, 1158x827, tumblr_oxxh3n8qjm1tvaxkjo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9661915
File: 118 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_oxwbakazp41sah65eo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9661942

This looks like a still from a really bad Comedy Central show

>> No.9661953

pretending to be a child getting raped by her dad is glorifying pedophilia. theres no way around that
girl in question has a toddler as well, i dont trust a fucked up person like that not to be molesting her kid

>> No.9662014

his lash and eyeshadow application so flawless tho

>> No.9662042

Seems nitpicky, other than left's godawful wig

>> No.9662055


>> No.9662078

The left one is the only one whos really ita here. The middle one, while bigger isn't too bad. Needs to rethink their piercing and glasses choices though. Right needs a better hair accesory and a necklace.

>> No.9662081

They're watching their Uber driver flee because he doesn't want to be seen with that clusterfuck of a hot mess

>> No.9662082

You know what else is tacky?Using Tumblr gifs with captions. I hate that Tumblr has spread all these low quality reaction gifs everywhere because of their upload constraints. They clutter Google search results.

>> No.9662105

>tfw I have this posture
shit I'm working on it but pics like this pain me

>> No.9662124

Not really.
Eyeshadow is alright but looks messy. The top lashes are also too far away from the natural lashline where he failed to coat his natural lashes, which just look like an awful gap. The bottom lashes should also be flipped outwards. A lot of people make this mistake when using bottom lashes and it looks really bad.

Just my opinion from working as a professional MUA doing both runway and theatrical looks. The idea is there but is poorly executed.

>> No.9662206

I'm the one on the right. I agree, I'm woefully lacking in the accessory department :) working on my next accessory order.

>> No.9662232
File: 70 KB, 339x600, B138E2AC-2EC0-4D02-8823-24B492BEFA8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on anon-chan at least post the monstrosity that is his and his bf’s coord!

>> No.9662260

Why would you go so OTT on your head and have the rest of your coord be boring and generic as fuck? From the neck down it’s a baby’s first coord, what a waste.

>> No.9662264
File: 85 KB, 720x584, received_10213470550094897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replica wearers are litterally the worse.

>> No.9662266

Please don't be retarded. Pedos don't get their rocks off to adults playing pretend, they're into real children.

>> No.9662272

anon, for good posture I highly recommend ballet classes. If you can't afford them, no problem, there's a metric shitton of free class videos for beginners on YouTube. It'll take a while to get the hang off, but if you do it in your own home no one will laugh at you (except for yourself when you look in the mirror)

Right is skinny and has that level of boob unleashed. Why?

I'd really prefer no one over size eight to force themselves into shirred brand, it's just not made for it. Support taobao's custom sizing. And don't wear lavender with purple dangerhair.

>> No.9662279

holy fuck, did they get attacked by bees or something?

>> No.9662283
File: 126 KB, 492x492, 1477074516612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dress: Second-hand
>I think it's mary magdalene.

>> No.9662288
File: 84 KB, 643x523, 5970-1-1450152376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl on the right

>> No.9662305

I'm going to have to ask you not to insult my ghoul daddy like that fampai
I don't know whether to cry or be impressed

>> No.9662308

Sorry my choice of gifs is unsatisfactory, I'll try harder for you, anon.

>> No.9662310

Using the ‘it’s 2017’ argument in favor of replicas is just about the stupidest thing I’ve seen all day.
Yes, fatass, it is 2017 so how are you still finding excuses to buy replicas? Girls who are 200 lbs can fit into shirred brand now and there are MANY full shirred dresses out there on the secondhand market for less than the price of replicas. Deadass how fucking stupid is this bitch? Like go ahead and wear replicas but don’t cry when girls rightfully rip you to shreds.

>> No.9662329
File: 211 KB, 1536x2048, FB_IMG_1508298455788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9662348
File: 437 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_5041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9662350
File: 72 KB, 628x960, IMG_5066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9662353

Why not invest in shoes, some make up, and conditioner?

Why not invest in some bras, concealer, and less food?

>> No.9662378

It's 2017, how about you lose some fucking weight!?

>> No.9662387

This girl’s morphology is fucking bizarre.

>> No.9662399

this board is truly the female equivalent of /r9k/

>> No.9662401

It's 2017, how about you understand that print replicas are art theft?

>> No.9662442

Kiss me cat Girl is a Boy/trans/lgbt blah blah, ficksalaram or something like that on IG

>> No.9662473

Obese hoverloli hovering in front of normal-sized girl?

>> No.9662488
File: 623 KB, 645x365, Cae&#039;s granny style.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was watching Dodo's last yt vid and saw this monstrosity.

>> No.9662489
File: 278 KB, 646x372, imma pretty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonus : the best brolita out there.

>> No.9662495

Put your dad in Lolita day at the mall?

>kitchen sink chin kei

>> No.9662496
File: 260 KB, 397x302, this is your GF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the people playing pretend are the pedos anon

>> No.9662547

How so? Please don't insult us in such a way.

Oh my god please tell me that's not a real penis coming out of this korilakkuma kigu.

>> No.9662635

What the fuck is this body type? Yikes.

>> No.9662689
File: 580 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171018-100735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny that you bring her up

>> No.9662692

Ugh... I think it might be. Brb going to throw up

>> No.9662699


>> No.9662710

Double yikes
I guess being ugly and infamous is how you get AP for free now

>> No.9662712
File: 25 KB, 500x446, 22228461_1891311347552220_3371355836063470307_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup that's a real penis.
The girl next to him is on lolcow for being a weird ageplayer and she put her daddy uwu in a kigurumi with his dick out for some reason then thought it was a good idea to take a pic.
A part of me think they fugged while the kigurumi was on and that's why it's out but i really wanna believe otherwise. I can't forgive someone dirtying a korilakkuma kigu like that.

>> No.9662722
File: 550 KB, 978x1393, Screenshot_20171018-101847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't this here yet?

>> No.9662724

Is that the girl who said "ageplay is nothing sexual for me" then posted,and i quote: "daddy and i are gonna fucc in my little baby asshole" later on her twitter?

I fucking hate ageplayers and littles. They ruin everything. I don't even like all the sugary sweet lolita dresses but I'm feeling sorry for any sweet lolita being associated with these degenerates. This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.9662729

People like that just need to be taken out back and shot.

>> No.9662731
File: 550 KB, 1536x2048, FB_IMG_1508340689889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9662736

They did fuck while he was wearing that, anon. I think there's a video too

>> No.9662737

I miss the days where those people were just heard about on "freak shows" tv shows and were middle aged men doing this in secret

>> No.9662739
File: 14 KB, 480x363, 6jbTM5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9662745

Great? No. Ita? Not really, it’s more otome/normiestyle than lolita

>> No.9662746

This is a cute outfit, not lolita but it’s not a disaster or anything.

>> No.9662747

is not OTT so is ITA

>> No.9662759

Lmfao thinking that's actually AP. It's Bodyline

>> No.9662761

it's AP's cotton candy shop, newfag

>> No.9662764

It is AP. It's the cotton candy shop salopette

>> No.9662765

>being this proud of owning cotton candy shop
it's a staple sweet print that everyone and their mother has and it's worth <$100. name brand!!!!

>> No.9662796

>Usually around 200$ a dress!!
>bragging this much
she's so tacky. It's a lucky pack print that sells for 100$ at the very most.

>> No.9662799

Thanks, I've been wearing back braces and sitting with back supports lately but will definitely check that out!

>> No.9662800

They're adults fucking other adults please stop clutching your pearls. If they keep their shit out of the general public and mark their online posts as NSFW the only people who care are probably children or emotionally stunted.

>> No.9662805

>If they keep their shit out of the general public
That's the point though, they don't keep their shit away from the general public.

>> No.9662810


>> No.9662816

If you had read the thread you’d know the entire point of us bitching about it is because these people don’t keep anything to themselves and are constantly invading other spaces (including EGL) to talk about their kink shit. They love to brag about it and we’re all fucking sick of it

>> No.9662828

I read the thread. Read the chain of replies of the post you're responding to - this person is claiming that anyone roleplaying lgdd shit in the bedroom is a pedo despite being an adult and fucking an adult. Yes the people who do it in the open are gross as shit but that doesn't make them kiddie-fuckers. It's like calling someone a pedo is the only way people know how to express disgust with someone these days.

>> No.9662830

Gotcha, I mean I’d honestly be pretty sus of someone that likes to pretend they’re fucking a little boy/girl because that’s honestly pretty fucking weird, but I agree; it’s a bs generalization to say all people in the ddlg are pedos, and I think you’re right that a lot of people just go straight to pedo because it’s something that envokes disgust in others so it’s a good/easy way to express revulsion.

>> No.9662843

Not trying to defend but I've seen cotton candy shop sell for over 100, on the western market though

>> No.9662873

The western market is almost always overpriced, to be fair.

>> No.9662922

cotton candy shop is one of my favorite prints I own and I literally just gasped in horror

>> No.9663010

Was this tagged as lolita? It doesn’t look lolita at all, just like a frumpy normie outfit with an ugly skirt.

>> No.9663034

The problem is that the online has sort of become the public domain. Plus they invade spaces on the internet that were originally lolita and Japanese fashion specific with they’re fetish and it makes everyone enjoy the fashion look bad to the public. Like they can keep they’re fetishes on Fetlife or some other obscure fetish site but it’s fucking grinds my gears when I go into the lolita fashion tag on instagram or tumblr and it’s filled with porn.

>> No.9663035


>> No.9663071

Literal grandma-kei.

>> No.9663153

I feel bad for the handful of lolitas on that blog that actually have decent coords. Ironically, they were also the ones that covered their faces.

>> No.9663154

If you're crediting Five Below and Dillard's in your coord list then you need to take a step back and reevaluate your choices

>> No.9663163

This hurts me so much more than any other ita content I've seen. Good job being the worst.

>> No.9663165

Where's this skirt from? Because it's lovely and deserves so much better than this monstrosity.

>> No.9663167
File: 284 KB, 700x1200, 6b831c9d-3ed8-5b60-abfe-49bbe710f64e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually from Bodyline.
I think it was only released as a JSK though, not sure if she turned it into a skirt herself.

>> No.9663168

Thank god somebody already posted this. I saw this disaster earlier and was about ready to post it myself. I get it those socks are great but god they belong NOWHERE near a lolita coord ever.

>> No.9663173

At least her bra isn't showing, like it is in half the outfits this girl wears to meets. Really wish I could unsee her chest acne.

>> No.9663178

It was posted to everyday Lolita fashion snapshots

>> No.9663220

I'm screaming I own this jsk and you're trying to tell me it isn't AP
Okay buddy
I feel so sorry for you anon-chan
Eh when I bought my jsk it was around 110 bucks with the headbow and socks. I really like this print but it's not like it's the holy grail or super valuable or anything, especially the salopette.

>> No.9663222

As not Lolita but alternate fashion I do lile the area from her neck to the hem of her skirt.

>> No.9663251

looks like if chrischan had an equally autistic sibling

>> No.9663253
File: 269 KB, 750x917, IMG_7228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>... 9/10 times I end up thinking I look like crap at Disneyland lolita day...
>.... Dude this time I looked GOOOOD
I don't know about that
I feel sorry for that poor burando dress too... Those alterations are tacky as all hell

>> No.9663256

Oh no baby what is you doing?

>> No.9663257

Oh god, that's incredibly tacky and does her body type zero favors.

>> No.9663261

that's burando? wtf?!

>> No.9663266
File: 18 KB, 385x336, oh-thats-nasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9663274

>halloween themed meetup
>dressed as a grandma Lolita
>had aged up makeup on

It was a tacky coord on purpose. You missed the point entirely.

>> No.9663281

"it's almost like being kinky is the new vegan"
truuuu and then the kinky people act like they're discriminated against (there's a bdsm "pride" flag) for what's ultimately a personal choice, just like vegans.

>> No.9663282

Pretty sure it was just a Lush meet up.

>> No.9663285

> vid's title : Meetup | Lush Parrty
>nothing mentioning Halloween on the description

Don't try to defend yourself, anon. Even if it were a grandma coord on purpose, this is fugly.

>> No.9663302

Learn how to quote people here so you don't look like an embarrassing newfag you fucking obvious normie

>> No.9663339
File: 119 KB, 750x1334, ck94ed819osz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't even cut bangs

>> No.9663341

The skirt is, it looks like AatP

>> No.9663346

>looking for platonic friends who'll buy me things
I know it's probably sarcasm but you never know with people.

>> No.9663374

I thought you had to have at least one recognisably lolita piece on to post there even if you’re not wearing it in a lolita way.

>> No.9663380
File: 137 KB, 565x960, F78C886C-AAE4-4D65-9F84-419550B56C8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9663383
File: 288 KB, 800x533, tumblr_n5ut1oGRGl1qfo6gto2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9663391

God, you know it's bad when you can SEE the hyper-caked makeup in a photo.

>> No.9663398

we got some smart guys over here

>> No.9663466

THIS shit right here. This is ita. Not the nitpicky shit people post; when you open up an image and physically cringe, perhaps mutter a "Jesus Christ" unintentionally under your breath, you've got it. Let's remember that the word comes from "itai"

>> No.9663470

Laughed harder than I should have.

>> No.9663504
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9663555

Hey, she outright says she's lazy...

>> No.9663558

Kind of hard to see what the fuck anyone is wearing when they’re all sitting down. This smells like vendetta.

>> No.9663572

It's Baby, yeah. She butchered it.
I was going to say the same... I can't even see details. I'd rather have a close up picture where I know the girl is ita (i.e. bad wig, gross lace, shiny fabric) than faraway muddled ones that may or may not be passable.

>> No.9663603

I think the person who posted before had an issue with the wording I guess "shrugs". To be fair though her outfit is bad.
- from a black girl

>> No.9663606

The girl in black is textbook ita.

>> No.9663613

I mean the girl in Fantastic Dolly has some pretty unkept hair and from this potato quality pic it looks like she’s wearing kind of plain tights and maybe a plain blouse? The bat socks are kind of dumb looking but because of the shit lighting you can’t tell what else she’s wearing and whether the tights look good with the coord or not. The sweet’s wig doesn’t have the bangs cut, I know that’s a trigger for some people
I don’t see anything that screams ita, just nitpicks and meh coords

>> No.9663623

I like some select Taobao brands but the rest is stuff like this. 50% effort. like, you couldn't think to incorporate vertical pintucks in that weird bodice design? or edit down the amount of lace on the bodice? or not do the drooping underlayer of tulle lace?
poorly constructed, poorly designed.

>> No.9663664

The living embodiment of the letter "H".

>> No.9663677

Venus Angelic's mom?

>> No.9663707

300+ pounds is auto ita

>> No.9663735

I believe this photo is already a few years old, so definitly vendetta. The girl in the middle even left the comm.

>> No.9663738

It's less attractive for sure, but if they would get decent custom-sized, non-replica shit, I really wouldn't label them as ita or even judge them as much
I laughed but now I feel bad

>> No.9663739
File: 213 KB, 750x737, IMG_7229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I have to say is yikes.

>> No.9663780

the way you post is terrible. lrn 2 greentext, and show your feelings with images, anon.

black lolita's outfit is not bad. missed opportunity to style her hair nicely (trim ends, oil, brush out...) but, assuming the leg/foot wear is blk w/white accents, her coord looks comfy and wearable.
>t. another black girl

>> No.9663817

That kid in the back says it all.

>> No.9663950
File: 328 KB, 1536x2128, A051FAB0-EF3D-4D39-90C9-6E6E559F49C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was submitted for the Kawaii International Fashion contest..,,

>> No.9663957

I'm confused by all of this but mostly the fucking fruit roll up hair.

>> No.9663959

Cluster fuck

>> No.9663974


Regardless of nitpick or not that girl in the black and white photo is putting her cooch on display...it isnt worth being defended. Why would you take that photo and think it was ok to post online.

>> No.9664076
File: 14 KB, 225x234, 1503436240385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a tray of food on the ground with fairy lights on it??

>> No.9664423

thought she looked familiar
I was correct

>> No.9664617

Half of the coords have a Halloween theme to them, it doesn’t take much to put two and two together. Stop being so salty for drama and itas that you forgot about common sense.

>> No.9664662

Gold digger

>> No.9664668

I-is that a giant crib and a baby bottle in the background?


>> No.9664751
File: 32 KB, 360x518, 1493990403378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9664791
File: 141 KB, 543x405, man looking at noose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking know it.

>> No.9665180

Kind of confused on the terrible posting bit but, I'll try to make a note of the greentext stuff, thanks hun!
I agree to disagree on that statement

>> No.9665233

>in current year

>> No.9665359

Is this the apex of boobloaf?

>> No.9665426
File: 59 KB, 470x810, tumblr_oqmoityJlo1v0g0zdo2_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9665431

this was actually tagged as "gothic lolita" wtf
>not the only trainwreck this person has tagged as gothic lolita

>> No.9665508

You know, the whole DD/LG stuff isn’t that bad to me if there’s an actual wide age gap or if it translates into something like a student/teacher thing. But the whole adult baby shit and calling some neckbeard nu-male ‘daddy’ is just so cringe to me. If you’re into that (or any kink for that matter), please don’t subject me and other normies to your debauchery.

>> No.9665849

New thread >>9665848