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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 463 KB, 593x890, 6b9a46bc1c1a61cca2e3f9b9fea32cdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9669206 No.9669206 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get some boys in costume please?

>> No.9669207
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>> No.9669208
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>> No.9669215


>> No.9669326

Prepare for fakebois storming in.

>> No.9669563

Like girls doing boy cosplay?

>> No.9669716
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>> No.9669733

well, if it isn't saucy Jack

>> No.9670728

You're pretty good

>> No.9670954


>> No.9670971

Isn’t this Erotibot the hentai artist?

>> No.9670976
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>> No.9670977
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>> No.9670980
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I guess all of my link is at the top of my cosplay folder

>> No.9670982
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>> No.9670984
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>> No.9670985
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>> No.9670986
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>> No.9670987
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>> No.9670988
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>> No.9670990
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>> No.9670991
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>> No.9670993
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Just finished watching The Cube on Netflix.
Didnt give many answers to the plot

>> No.9670995
File: 1.63 MB, 2832x4256, 1431274319335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was interesting, neat enough concept. I might run a dungeon based on it in dnd.

>> No.9670997
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DnD, maybe my LARP. I couldnt construct the whole thing, it would be a dungeon crawl in a building or something.

>> No.9670999
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Different rooms with monster encounters, Puzzles, traps, etc

>> No.9671000
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>> No.9671001
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(One of my favorite in my collection)

So, Diary,
One of my biggest issues is I have to many dnd games I want to run.

>> No.9671003
File: 269 KB, 1280x918, 1468535052237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to scrap my plans of sending my players to a Monster Isle esc place, like Kong, Skull Island

>> No.9671005
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>> No.9671008
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I just had to many ideas and designs for it, and I couldnt do it justice in only one part of this much larger setting.

>> No.9671011
File: 95 KB, 1080x1080, 1472363690211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My players are on a fairly time sensitive goal at the moment, so they would just be rushing to get off the island

>> No.9671015
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They wouldnt take the time to enjoy it, even if they wanted to, and I dont know if theyre going back to the island nations. (Sandbox game problem)

>> No.9671017
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>> No.9671021
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>> No.9671022
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>> No.9671025
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>> No.9671026
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>> No.9671027
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>> No.9671033
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>> No.9671036
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>> No.9671037
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>> No.9671291

Did this ever happen in the comics, or is it a fan creation?

>> No.9671394 [DELETED] 

Encourage them to leave but leave a reason to come back. Like giant moster sized for that's locked. Then drop the key later when they have time

>> No.9671395

Encourage them to leave but leave a reason to come back. Like a giant moster sized door that's locked. Then drop the key later when they have time

>> No.9671407

Oh jeez the details are really good, love it

>> No.9671641

This is a Disney face character. Not cosplayer.

>> No.9671928

I was at nyccc 2013 and there was a guy cosplaying the kid with the plank. Average cosplay but once you saw Plank immediately made it. Bonus points when I asked him for a picture I got to sign Plank for knowing who he was. Second best that year to Bananerine.

>> No.9674885
File: 486 KB, 2048x1536, 8B91F5C3-D092-4792-BC5E-A5BCC0B54CCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9675537

is he missing a foot? i am v confuse

>> No.9675694

How the fuck does he move?

>> No.9676427

Just wanna say this thread is A++

>> No.9676851

batman, show me batman

>> No.9677711
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>> No.9677848

I call a guy at work "Ed boy" and he has no clue why.

>> No.9677888

Power Boy can do all the shit he wants to me, ill be obedient unffff

>> No.9678066
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>> No.9678068
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>> No.9678069
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>> No.9678096
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>> No.9678371
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>> No.9678416

That’s a woman. What are you doing?

>> No.9678566

This board really is reverse /r9k/

>> No.9678593


>> No.9679726

is that Dwayne Johnson

>> No.9679756


>> No.9679810

Oh so Dwyane Johnson is the opposite of r9k

>> No.9680314
File: 254 KB, 1024x1536, portgas_d_ace_one_piece_cosplay_althair__3__by_althairlangley-d5jmfiy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9680507

No, his leg is just at an angle where his bent knee obscures most of it.

>> No.9680888

That's a boy

>> No.9680944

As in, a person with a penis? Or a """""boy""""""?

>> No.9680964

Hypercube is better plot-wise I think.

>> No.9681081

Boys have a penis and girls have a vagina

It's just the angle/lighting that gives that effect in the photo.

>> No.9681102

Obviously, but this wouldn't be the first female cosplayer claiming to be totally legit male trans uwuwuwu for fujoshi attention.

>> No.9684027

Good cosplay

>> No.9684153

The foot isn't connected to the rest of the piece.

>> No.9684380
File: 119 KB, 2000x1333, 15002368_1116908895024289_1320453074960603286_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9685849


>> No.9685942

Hey guys, I'm interested into looking into actually trying this hobby. Do you have any basic readmes or advice on how to make costumes, track events, or finances required? Sorry for asking here, but I'm new to this board and don't know where else to really start.

>> No.9686020

If you read the sticky you'd see a whole page full of guides. Ask in the help thread, but be specific and don't expect people to spoon-feed you.

>> No.9686055
File: 20 KB, 373x469, toplessgeralt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are all of these so gay?
I wanna cosplay as geralt and i'm gonna grow my hair and get ripped in the mean time.

>> No.9686096

>So gay
Because it's women and gay men posting make cosplays they like? Are you fucking new here?

>> No.9686111

Or men and reverse traps self posting for attention.

>> No.9686137

well yes i just came here to see what you guys are up to because someone posted on fit

>> No.9686151

>fit post leads to cgl
>goes to male thread
I think this says more about you than anyone else.

>> No.9686159

you don't visit fit too often do you?

also i came here to see how male cosplayers look like, not sluts.

>> No.9686162

That was their whole point you fruitcake

>> No.9686223

so was mine.

>> No.9686262

Anyone got Bloodborne Hunter stuff? Or Skitarii/Guardsmen from 40K?

I haven't been to a con in years but I might make some costumes for Halloween or fancy dress stuff because I've got a reputation as the costume guy now (meaning I'm one of the two who don't just throw on some shitty facepaint and black clothes).

Thanks for any help anons.

>> No.9686336

y'all, that raiden's a girl.

>> No.9687065

OP here, also a straight man. I think you're projecting a bit.

>> No.9687614

>tfw you can't even speak about "male cosplay" without tumblr transbois coming in to post their shit claiming they're male

>> No.9687771

There's more people complaining about transbois than actual transboi posting lol

>> No.9687900

What if they just had a transbois thread then?
Or did it turn into people just complaining instead of actual transbois posting.

>> No.9695064
File: 213 KB, 960x1280, shadykanjii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"What does it mean to be a guy? What does it mean to be manly?" - Shadow Kanji

>> No.9695211

Idk, but I assume we had a male cosplay thread because male cosplay in general is under appreciated
Trannies and crossplaying have this "UWU pretty trap" stuff going for them and girls have thirsty guys.
But for guys, there isn't a whole lot of love unless they have an OTT armor setup or are ripped and shirtless.

>> No.9695224
File: 3 KB, 125x120, 1507933934663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat photoshop

>> No.9695235

Traps are a subset of male though?

>> No.9695270

They seem to be separate, since there are a large group of people at whatever con you go to who will tell even the worst crossplayers that they're cute and great, even ones who are only store bought cosplays.
Non-crossplay make cosplays like I said are pretty undervalued unless they're either muscle cosplays or OTT armor. Even in this thread, a majority are one or the other.

>> No.9695329
File: 340 KB, 1277x855, tumblr_ms5m4lyy1l1r37truo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9695965

Based treasure planet. Also checked

>> No.9696923

Isn't that the same for girl cosplayers though? Either they have to be slutty or some kind of well made/super accurate costume.

>> No.9697511

Not from what I've seen at cons. Females I know at cons definitely get stopped more frequently for plain cosplays than guys do. Even plain Jane bought cosplays will get stopped by more people than a decent male cosplay.

It honestly sucks that men have to either have a muscle cosplay, OTT armor, or crossplaying or they get ignored. I mean look at the posts here. Almost all of them are in one of those three categories

>> No.9697517

This weirds me out too much. Bright classic cartoony robin next to SUPER ANGER Batman with the tdk plating.

>> No.9697526

someone's pissy their bad cosplays don't get noticed

>> No.9697528

That's a pretty shitty retort considering it's a well known fact people in the cosplay community pass over any guy who dis have one of those three types of cosplays. Also given the huge anti male sentiment on this board and the cospoay community in general

>> No.9698166

>Also given the huge anti male sentiment on this board and the cospoay community in general

I have been cosplaying for over 12 years now and I have never noticed any anti male sentiment in the cosplay community or on this board.
There is an anti "spoon feeding you through your cosplay" sentiment, and an anti "dudes who just want to fuck cosplay chicks" sentiment, but no anti male sentiment.

>> No.9698317

I've been cosplaying and attending cons at least 2-3 times per year since 1997, so perhaps I can offer some insight.

Within the past decade, attention towards and the popularity increase of simply being female has risen dramatically. I mean yeah in the early days of MySpace (and before the rise of social media and camera phones) sex sold, and that is true today as well. However, the amount of bias inclined in the favor of women at cons and cosplay in general has expanded by several orders of magnitude.

A less-than-average quality cosplay being worn by a average or slightly above average looking female will be swarmed with 'togs and GWCs at a con. Same as on social media: thousands of likes for a mediocre cosplay that features any amount of skin or cleavage.

Despite far outnumbering women at con attendance, male nerds and cosplayers have to go above and beyond (in both costume construction and physical appearance) to get noticed at any capacity. It's been a sad scene these last 15 or so years.

>> No.9698319

women and thirsty incels were a mistake

>> No.9698366

once upon a time, fidelity and costume construction actually mattered. Now it's T&A > craftsmanship

>> No.9698833

You're right.
It seems that if you want to cosplay as a male in a big con you have to be either a obnoxiously overdone armoured character or just a slut with a six pack.

>> No.9698857

Honestly that's the way it feels for female cosplayers most of the time nowadays as well, if you want any attention

>> No.9698864

that seems like a load of shit. I've been hanging around mid sized cons and honestly the more modest cosplays get more attention there than the slutty ones. At huge cons, yeah the thirsty guys swarm them, but at smaller cons people hate slutty cosplays for the most part.

>> No.9699037 [DELETED] 

Really? It seams any female cosplayer who's not fat get all the attention even if they're not that attractive or good at it.
It really diminishes the quality of the others cosplays, people stop caring because who cares about your efforts with bikini Catwoman over there is getting mobbed.

>> No.9699040

Really? It seams any female cosplayer who's not fat get all the attention even if they're not that attractive or good at it.
It really diminishes the quality of the others cosplays, people stop caring because who cares about your efforts with bikini Catwoman over there is getting mobbed.

>> No.9699827
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>> No.9699831
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>> No.9699834
File: 212 KB, 1600x1068, Witch_Mercy_Cosplay_by_Knitemaya-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9699836
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>> No.9699850

wrong thread, mate

>> No.9699866

The best cosplay in the thread so far

>> No.9699875

I made one, part of a Toy Story group with 4 soldiers, both feet attached to the base, to move we simply jumped like the actual toy soldiers.

>> No.9699879

Doesn't belong here
Go post in the crossplay thread

>> No.9699883

Are you sure, Anon? They're all men in a costume. OP should've been more specific, I guess.

>> No.9700188

nigga batman looks pretty cool ngl

>> No.9700229
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>> No.9700233


>> No.9700514

I like Bailey, but that's an awful cosplay

>> No.9702865
File: 78 KB, 512x768, IMG_1549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9703089

can't place the character

>> No.9703279

Chris Redfeild, Resident Evil one

>> No.9703286


>> No.9703758
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>> No.9703761
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"Kill him. Kill him now."

>> No.9703782

Is it possible to be seen as a good male cosplayer if you aren't tall, asian or have a six pack?

Just curious.

>> No.9703785


Do you really need that question answered for you? If you are tall, asian, or have a six-pack they'll call you a man-whore, if you don't you won't even exist outside of bad cosplay threads

>> No.9706057
File: 109 KB, 730x1095, noctis_from_ffxv_by_shunsukecosplay-dbhdujp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9706067

See >>9677888