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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 82 KB, 638x577, freddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9681789 No.9681789 [Reply] [Original]

What would you think if you saw somebody cosplay a character with their stomach out, but their stomach wasnt 'perfect'.
Would you say it would ruin the whole cosplay?
It's not about having a chubby or thin stomach, I've had 2 kids and my stomach has stretch marks around my navel.
Would seeing a freddy krueger stomach put you off your lunch, are people with these stomachs forever doomed to cosplay with their stomach hidden or is it not a very big deal?

>> No.9681793

That picture puts me off my lunch so seeing it in real life probably would be disturbing to say the least. Honestly though more than anything it puts me off having children.

Besides there are so many awesome fully clothed characters to cosplay why bother?

>> No.9681795

Personally? I don't care. It doesn't even cross my mind, nor do I pay attention to it.

>> No.9681818

1- Sally Hansen
2- Dermablend

Sorry you ruined your body with shrieking crotch droppings.

>> No.9681824

Kill yourself or get plastic surgery

>> No.9681859


Is there really any need? Don't you realise people already feel insecure about this happening to them? Plastic surgery wont fix stretch marks because they're permanent but not everyone is extremely vain and too obsessed with their image and paranoid about this happening to them to settle down and have kids with their husband

>> No.9681862

This is very gross. Sure, it might be natural, but so are a lot of other disgusting shit like hairy bodies. Please just hide it.

>> No.9681865

> look at me, I'm so edgy
I don't like kids either but people trying to sound cool while doing it is cringy af.

>> No.9681875 [DELETED] 

I'm trying sound like anything, that's just how I see children. They're disgusting little monsters, and the people who keep making more of them are stupid.

>> No.9681879

I'm not trying to sound like anything, that's just how I see children. They're disgusting little monsters, and the people who keep making more of them are stupid.

>> No.9681880

that image is literally triggering me.. god if that happened to me i would just kill myself
how the fuck does that even happen, genetics? yikes

>> No.9681884

She carried triplets and was previously very thin, so the stretching her stomach had to do to accommodate the babies was intense

>> No.9681888
File: 15 KB, 480x360, fgfghf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here, that picture is a really bad one i admit and i doubt someone like that would ever want to get their stomach out again.

Mine are more like this persons (picture). Would seeing someone like this put you off?

>> No.9681894

I'm glad you don't breed.

>> No.9681895

That's not so bad, and desu I wouldn't be too put off by it. Stretch marks happen and there's not much you can do about it. Get some good makeup coverage and you should be able to hide them fine if you're worried about it. I'd be more put off by fat rolls bulging over a cosplay than stretch marks, since they're something that can happen to any for various reasons, nothing you can control.

>> No.9681896

Little issue with her stomach sticking out doesn't bother me at all if they really have good costumes. In fact I really don't care if

>> No.9681897

Yes, that's still disgusting.

>> No.9681900

Not at all, people here are extremely nit-picky and get triggered over every little thing. My sister has had a kid 4 years ago and she was nearly underweight, so naturally her stomach has some stretch marks, but mostly around her belly button making it look like a sun of some sort. Anywhere there is nothing wrong with it, if you want to cover it up sure go ahead, but you shouldn't do something about it because others might not like it;

>> No.9681901
File: 17 KB, 600x348, devilbaby16n-4-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, anon! I love having money and freedom.

>> No.9681902

>she fell for the child-free meme
>she contributed to the white genocide

>> No.9681905

You must be just a swell person to talk to IRL.

>> No.9681906

I know plenty of people who think that about kids irl, And I won't be around anymore at that time so I won't be able to give a shit.

>> No.9681907

>Being a 12 year old in an adult's body

>> No.9681908

Stop derailing the thread, retards. OP, you look fine. Use tea tree oil on those marks and it’ll be gone in no time.

>> No.9681920

Also cocoa butter. As an ex-obese, I can confirm it works a treat, and leaves your hands smelling nice all day.

>> No.9681935

Does this happen only when you don't use lotions and oils during pregnancy? I've never seen such stretch marks irl.

>> No.9681952

Just get spray makeup and primer.
Do it for the sake of perfectionism. Why not try to get the better version?

>> No.9681956

My SO has very white and dry skin. He never used creams before we met because he thought it was not manly (lel), and the feeling of dry skin made him scratch. The scratching got him stretching.
Not he used creams because of me and they are getting better.
Excercise and getting muscles also cause this

>> No.9681959

How does scratching cause stretch marks? Seems like they would be scratch marks

>> No.9681967

Ehhh I'm actually rather skinny and I tried this (i finally grew an ass at age 22 so I have some marks on my upper butt and thighs) and this didn't do jack shit for me. I'm not really bothered by them that much anymore but at firts I was freakin.

OP, everyone has stretch marks. I literally weigh 106 and I have them. If they bother you personally, cover them with makeup. If they don't, fuck it, just wear whatever cosplay you want. They aren't usually very noticeable unless you're up close, and you can shoop them out of photos if you want as well. Another option would be a skin tone leotard under your cosplay if you're uncomfortable. It looks gross when fatties do it because it stretches over their stomach, but on an average person it doesn't look bad.

>> No.9681968

By pulling the skin. His marks look like OP. (Not that many)
I remember one day I noticed he used to scratch in a specific place, always, and there he got the marks. Some creams are helping, but is not absolutely

>> No.9682130

How did you convince him to use creams? My bf has super dry skin too to the point where the skin on his legs just spontaneously cracks and bleeds sometimes but he refuses to do anything about it. I’m tired of dealing with his gross skin flakes and washing blood out of his jeans, and now that Winter is Coming it’s just going to get worse. He says he doesn’t like creams because they’re too greasy and stick to his body hair, but I get the feeling there’s a fragile masculinity aspect to it as well. He thinks skincare is for women.

>> No.9682154

There isn't some procedure you can take? ew that looks disgusting af, please don't show your belly on public

>> No.9682162


>> No.9682170

Smear it on his body when he’s asleep.

>> No.9682172

A decent portion of the posters here are lesbian, anon.

>> No.9682192

If you are ashamed of your belly (honestly it looks fine, relax) just use some high waisted pantyhose or something like that.

>> No.9682193

Unfortunately theres nothing you can do to prevent stretch marks in pregnancy, your stomach will stretch and even if you ate a controlled diet it wouldnt make a different to the size of the baby or the amount of amniotic fluid or the size of the placenta. A lot of people swear by creams during pregnancy but theres not a lot they will do other than keep the skin hydrated and moisturised, even then its only a few layers deep and wont make a difference if they run in the family.

>> No.9682234
File: 636 KB, 540x632, 3A3CE450-0382-4641-B238-67434C050ECE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP’s photo is not a typical case of stretch marks and is probably due to a connective tissue disorder. Normal run of the mill stretch marks aren’t a big deal when it comes to cosplay since stretch marks are so common. Source: I have EDS and have stretch marks like these in my breasts. And yes they make me hella depressed and my cosplays never show cleavage because of this.

>> No.9682239

I'd be fine with it

>> No.9682243

I'm sure you would, FatFetishGuy

>> No.9682277

You can get laser treatments

>> No.9682280

Why don't you, I don't know, actually improve yourselves by eating right and strengthening your body?
I know VERY few of you could come close to Based Nigri in terms of looking good in cos, but that's no reason to do your best.

>> No.9682283

Neck yourself white knight faggot.

>> No.9682288

You can eat right and become fit as fuck but you can’t do anything about scarring unless you get laser treatments, which are expensive as fuck if you have a lot of scars.

>> No.9682300

I'm very fit and healthy but I was also very thin before having my first and my stomach had absolutely no excess skin which meant it wasn't used to being stretched out.

>> No.9682303

Guess who's fault that is. Nobody made you have kids. Have you considered giving up? This hobby is (should be) for attractive people who take care of themselves.

>> No.9682307

I wanted kids and even if they gave me stretch marks on my stomach I still dont regret it, just because some sensitive people might get offended by my stomach it doesnt mean I should give up something i've been doing for 10 years. Just makes the other people seem like a whiny pissbaby for not understanding basic biology and that not all bodies look like photoshopped perfection.

>> No.9682337
File: 472 KB, 500x473, 969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying jnig looks good

>> No.9682338

I never had kids brah
My boobs grew very fast when I was a teenager and I now have permanent gouges because the collagen in my skin is defective due to EDS. I was considering laser removal but my doctor advised against it because there’s no studies on how effective laser treatment is on EDS.

People really need to get this idea out of their heads that it’s not just fatasses and pregnant women get stretch marks and how their body scars is their fault.

>> No.9682339

*that get

>> No.9682344

Nah that's totally fine, if you're that worried about it maybe try makeup?

>> No.9682345

Compared to 96% of the other cosplayers?
No question about it.
If your autism lets you nauseate others and provide kek fuel for /fit/, /pol/, /s/, and cuckbook without an ounce of shame, let your rolls ooze out then.
That's not a get, newfag. Lurk moar.

>> No.9682348

>That's not a get, newfag. Lurk moar.

I was correcting a error in my post ya dingus

>> No.9682350



>> No.9682374

I dont have rolls. My stomach is flat, there is just faded out white stretch marks around my navel. Thats the point of the post, would people be offended by visible stretch marks. Nothing to do with weight.

>> No.9682379

Life is too short to not do what you want. If you have stretch marks but want to do a cosplay that shows them, then just do it. But don’t do it if you can’t handle any criticism about it.

>> No.9682440

Same, I'm underweight but just from puberty growth spurts I've had stretch marks on the back of my thighs since I was 15 or so. Didn't even quite know what they were for a while, honestly.

Truthfully they don't bother me on myself or others but people on cgl in particular are super sensitive to how people look so

>> No.9682442
File: 292 KB, 300x168, 1482299600810.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9682447

you look fine, if they aren't too textured use makeup but this level isnt even that noticable

>> No.9682449

>tfw I have gross red stretch marks
Does applying the stretch mark cream eventually make them more flesh-colored so they don't stand out as bad or is laser treatment the only way?

>> No.9682452

This is the best response to this question.

>> No.9682458

not that this thread is gonna last much longer, what do people think about self harm scars? my stomach and thighs are covered in them. they are really old at this point like 4+ years and completely white but they are noticeably raised. would you consider that very off putting?

>> No.9682468

Warning you now that some people will make it obvious they noticed them and try to make you feel bad for having them, (glaring at them, looking disgusted, pointing them out, rolling eyes at you, you probably dealt with all this bs before) most people won’t even notice, or they’ll notice but politely ignore them. If you’re sensitive about them I’d cover them with clothing or makeup, otherwise you’ll more than likely be fine, just be prepared for the occasional asshole.

>> No.9682470

It's really not that bad. If you feel self conscious you can always apply make-up, but you should do the cosplays that make you feel happy.

Actually, stretch marks are mostly genetic, it really depends on your skin's elasticity. Lotions that just go on the upper layer really won't do much for you, though they can help you feel more comfortable because your skin can get itchy while stretching.

My mother had three kids, not a single stretch mark. She's always been petite. I have no stretch marks on my stomach but my butt and thighs are covered with them. They don't have a texture, and they're pretty faint, but they're absolutely everywhere.

As far as treating them IIRC the only clinically proven thing that can fade them are laser treatments. They're expensive, though not as bad as paying for plastic surgery ($100/visit or something like that).

Get him something non-greasy like natural aloe vera, and if he still refuses, boycott his laundry. Why should you have to clean a mess he's basically causing with stubbornness?

All this is accurate.

They might fade on their own, but it depends on genetics. Cream might not 100% but it won't hurt, it's to keep skin moisturized anyway.

It's something that makes me go "huh, I hope this person is doing okay" but I don't find them off-putting personally.

>> No.9682474

The stretch marks on my left boob have depth and are a deeper color, while the stretch marks on my right boob are almost shiny and white with no depth. I use that expensive ass tattoo cover-up stuff on my left boob for cosplay, anyone else have this issue or do I just have breast cancer or something?

>> No.9682476

Should of aborted one of them.

>> No.9682479


>should of

Someone else should have been aborted.

>> No.9682480

I bet you say ‘supposably’ too, you illiterate fuckwit.

>> No.9682484

>implying anon is white

>> No.9682486

I only really have them under my boobs. My aren't even big.

>> No.9682491

This the interweb guys. Chill.

>> No.9682507


I mean to be quite frank I assume every single person at an anime convention has self-harmed at least once, because that’s just the kind of crowd the western culture around anime seems to attract, so I honestly expect to see self harm scars, a shitload of ugly body mods, and/or some truly heinous stretch marks on any given person.

So honestly I don’t think it matters THAT much.

>> No.9682531

>OMG u guise its just Le Internet xDD

>> No.9682533

t. doesn't know about the "delete" button
In the words of that other Anon, lurk moar.

>> No.9682549 [DELETED] 

I'd rather my White Brothers and Sisters™ go child-free than crank out some shitty future methhead because they're not at a point in their life to effectively raise a child.

>> No.9682563


I don't really think offended is the right word.

>> No.9682573

exactly, for instance, you were definitely a mistake

>> No.9682622
File: 7 KB, 480x360, oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you retarded?

>> No.9682642

Holy shit that fucking sucks for people whose bodies get to that point. Even with intensive moisturizing and care, would it still have gotten that bad for this specific lady? Or are stretch marks completely unavoidable for some people?

>> No.9682651

She had triplets, there is no way to avoid massive stretch marks if you have twins or more

>> No.9682655 [DELETED] 
File: 381 KB, 1837x2048, 1495908819373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if a white person has a child they'll grow up to be methheads
Not if you actually raise them correctly. Not something you'd know how to do , though.

>> No.9682715

>I assume every single person at an anime convention has self-harmed at least once
>some truly heinous stretch marks on any given person.
Anybody can get stretched marks, not just fat weebs. Just growing up can result in stretch marks which is why many people have them, although they most likely aren't as bad as OP picture

>> No.9682719
File: 97 KB, 461x526, A4171AFB-8FCA-4851-AF59-3AB6149EF5F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also estrogen weakens collagen even more than testosterone which is why women’s stretch marks are usually much worse than men's. She might have already had weaker skin to begin with and her skin couldn’t handle the rapid growth and size of her belly. I’ve also seen this happen to people with Cushing’s. I knew this dude who developed Cushing’s due to a tumor on his adrenal gland and got red, deep stretch marks from the sudden weight gain. He managed to lose the weight after getting the tumor removed but his stretch marks remained. Pic related, an average sized dude with horrible stretch marks.

>> No.9682760

It's not that bad, but if you really need to ask Some strangers on the internet for approval, just don't do the cosplay. You definitely need to get over your insecurity and stop giving a shit what random people think of you first.

>> No.9682761
File: 301 KB, 4000x3684, i tried.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was younger I was a bit more judgemental of strangers, but I've always been way more judgemental of myself than I have been of others. I've always had big thighs, had stretch marks on my butt since puberty, a little bit of a lazy eye sometimes, and a slight case of some keratosis pilaris on my skin. Idk if it's just because I got older but I just don't care nearly as much anymore.
Even some of the skinniest/in shape/pretty people can have stretch marks, KP, acne and scaring, whatever. You have to ask yourself eventually if you're going to let these trivial things get in the way of yourself and others having fun. I think there is a certain point when you have to ask if it's flattering and if you feel confident in what you're wearing though.
>Always been skinny
>Not all that toned though
>Secretly have always wanted to try being a lil cosplay thotty
>Said fuck it and made a Rikku costume
>Sticking to a regular work out regime as well as I can
>probably one of the best times I've had in a costume besides the wig being super heavy
Use the costumes as motivation for fitness.

>> No.9682778

If your stomach is repulsive then don't shove that shit in other people's faces. Have some common fucking courtesy for your betters.

>> No.9682794

>looking good
I expected /cgl/ to have higher standards.

>> No.9682902

Honest question, if someone is just standing at a con you happen to be at and they have stretch marks showing, how is that shoving it in your face? I feel like that’s a bit more of an issue on your part than theirs.

>> No.9682926 [DELETED] 

This isn't nearly as off putting as the top one. Sure it's a bit disappointing but not a deal breaker. OPs pic however is 100% a deal breaker. Like I want to vomit when I see it.

>> No.9682932 [DELETED] 

NAYRT but I personally feel people like this should go out of their way to hide their gross bodies

>> No.9682936

Okay but why does it affect you so much? Like why do you care?

>> No.9682937

Why don't you hide your face then?
jk, you're kind of a cunt though. They can't just stop to live just because it hurts your feefees

>> No.9682939 [DELETED] 

Because I feel physically ill looking at people with stretch marks so bad as the OP, and I really don't want to randomly be vomiting during the day because some gross girl can't cover her stomach. It looks diseased.

>> No.9682944

Right but that’s a -you- problem, it’s not that chick’s fault you can’t handle yourself out in the real world. Do you bug out like that if you see a burn victim? It’s like how a kid reacts before they learn how to act in public.

>> No.9682946 [DELETED] 

Children are honest in their reactions like that, just because you've been conditioned to lie and stifle your true feelings doesn't mean everyone else has to be that way too.

I see people like that as lesser and pretending I don't doesn't do anyone any favors.

>> No.9682970

This. It's not their fault, they probably know they look bad but they're trying to be confident and live how they want. Jfc, have some decency as a human being. And if that's enough to make you vomit you're pretty fragile. Get a hold of yourself.
I'm the first one to shame people that let themselve go for everyone to see (aka back boobs,fupa hanging out of their shirt,...) but some people really can't help it

>> No.9682995

This one's fine. You can't even see it in the thumbnail, similarly most people won't even be close enough to notice it IRL.

The OP though, that's a bridge too far. It seriously looks like her skin's just ripped right open, I never knew that stretchmarks could get that bad.

>> No.9683009

It's totally ok and anyone being shitty about it is a huge cunt. It's honestly nothing awful.
Though try to use Tea Tree oil (careful though,dilute it, it can irritate your skin if pure) on them? It reduces it a bit apparently.
Good luck with your cosplay anon!

>> No.9683031

What’s childish is freaking out about it and potentially vomiting, that’s what a tumblrina does when she gets triggered.
>stifling your true feefees
So do you go apeshit at the market when there’s a crazy long line or freak out in traffic when you’re in stop-and-go traffic? Part of being an adult is controlling your emotions and outbursts lmao

>> No.9683153


It helped to put the cream in a kind of "I'm going to give you a back massage". Kind of like a lovely or sexy thing to do. Or shower with him and then cream him as part of the ritual. Find not so greasy creams. If he has lots of shedding, he might have allergies. So look for hypoallergenic creams without smell.

Another option, if he is absolutely against it, after shower ask him to cream you as a Sexy gift. He will start to associate cream with good cozy stuff
With time ask him if he feels dry and he will learn to know how it feels, and need cream.

>> No.9683174

>What would you think if you saw somebody cosplay a character with their stomach out, but their stomach wasnt 'perfect'.

A brief moment of internal judgement and then forget about it for the rest of the convention.

>Would you say it would ruin the whole cosplay?
Depends on the overall quality of the cosplay.

Someone can be overweight but compensate with good shapewear, dancer tights, makeup, and good wig styling.

>I've had 2 kids
I'm more worried that your children will see their mother as an insecure person who can't do anything without first getting approval from others.

>Would seeing a freddy krueger stomach put you off your lunch?
No, but why is it your problem even if it did?

>Are people with these stomachs forever doomed to cosplay with their stomach hidden or is it not a very big deal?
It's not a big deal, but since you're clearly uncomfortable with your stomach I'd recommend a covered cosplay until you save up for a tummy tuck.

I get the impression you're fishing for compliments and asspats. These aren't even bad or red/purple looking like the OP.

>> No.9683196

Jealousy is an ugly thing. Fits that it's this board it seeps from.

>> No.9683202

Not that anon, but you're using false equivalency. Those things you pointed out are uncontrollable.
Being a fat pig is (for 97% of the population).

>> No.9683208

We’re talking about stretchmarks, which like my ‘false equivalencies’ are uncontrollable. Nice try changing the subject though seeing as it’s clear you’re a stupid troll who can’t even keep up your own imaginary argument.

>> No.9683285

All the other (mostly male) boards that you can get away with posting cosplay on agree that she's an ugly, balding, plastic whore who puts on too much makeup.
Why can't you?

>> No.9683335 [DELETED] 

>being so delusional you think that was me

Look, we get it, your body is disgusting and you're mad people are repulsed by you

>> No.9683365

i've never been over 115 lbs and i still have stretch marks.

>> No.9683532

>Would you say it would ruin the whole cosplay?
Yes it would, which is why you can just wear a skintone matching leotard or alternatively pick a different cosplay.

Stretch marks make my own skin crawl, jfc.

>> No.9683550

You sound like a snowflake

>> No.9683559 [DELETED] 

Why? Because I have standards? Fuck off you fat cunt

>> No.9683563

I don't have any on my boobs (I barely have any lmao) but I DO have scars all over my chest from my cats that LOOK like stretch marks. Trying to bathe them and such, they don't like it, they use my chest as a springboard.

Every living human being has stretch marks, anyone who says they don't have them is lying. Simple growth spurts as a kid cause stretch marks. They're not controllable. Whether they happen to be on your stomach, or maybe on your bingo wings, on your butt or thighs or chest or wherever. If you grew quickly in any direction at any time in your life, you have stretch marks.

>> No.9683565

I can understand shitting on a fattie with no self control having stretch marks but the levels of perfectionism on this board is out of control. Even if you filter out the trolls they’re people on here who are totally disconnected from reality when it comes to how imperfect a human body actually is.

Cosplay has always been a place for people to express themselves and gatekeeping it because someone has scars or a slight physical deformity is your god damn problem. Either you allow people to cosplay as they are or turn it into industry with strict beauty standard like modeling.

All I hear you guys is bitch and moan about coswhores and photoshopping but then you demand that no one has any imperfections like stretch marks or visible pores. I’d much rather cosplay be a hobby that has all different kinds of people flaws or no flaws because it makes the community of cosplay feel more genuine. End of blog post.

>> No.9683567

Ugly people are a sin.

>> No.9683571

if people give me shit for having burn scars on my arms at cons and I have to wear long sleeve cosplays, then you shouldn't show off your belly if you have stretch marks

>> No.9683587

Why are you letting people give you shit for something you can't control, or letting yourself even give a flying fuck?

If a dude can't handle some burn marks or stretch marks, I wish them the best of luck when they can't find a date. It gets better after 30 when you want to settle down and all the decent people are taken, or have kids (and stretch marks).

It's trivial. Everyone has them. Get over it. If you don't want stretch marks, look at anime.

>> No.9683591

you don't have to wear long sleeves though? If you aren't competing, then you're just having fun dressing as a character and if someone doesn't like it they can move on. If you choose to wear sleees because it makes things easier, I get that, but not everyone has to do that.

>> No.9683597 [DELETED] 

Pretty much this. You know ugly people were thought of as witches for a reason right? Because they're the filth of society

>> No.9683629

thanks for the responses, i'm just gonna go for it. i'm going to colossal and i'm not gonna let some dumb shit i did in middle-school/high-school ruin the con for me. honestly i'm more worried about people posting photos of me where they are visible than saying things in person but i guess I can just turn down photos. people as a whole are less rude about things like that in person where I feel like people might be nasty online

>> No.9683655

Don't lie.

>> No.9683664

Depends - if you have her figure I could live with it, but if you're fat, then no, keep your guts covered, it's disgusting.

>> No.9683673

it definitely puts people in a weird position about whether to acknowledge it or not.
self-ham scars are not that common anon, even if you have them. Not everyone, in fact, very few people had issues like that where they would make visible scars like that

>> No.9683685

Am I the only one that thinks this looks pretty freaking neat? Like from an aesthetic pov. Probably only because she's skinny and has a good skin tone but still. Looks cool

>> No.9683692 [DELETED] 

She doesn't look skinny? She's average isn't she? There's no bone sticking out

>> No.9683712

That's skinny in my eyes due to the fact the average is chubby/skinny fat. She's slim.

>> No.9683765

I’m so tired of people thinking being skinny means your bones have to stick out.

>> No.9683847 [DELETED] 

>average is chubby

Where are you from?

Skinny IS bones sticking out, slim is more healthy.

>> No.9683851

why would you acknowledge it?do you go around asking everyone what their scars are from?

>> No.9683856

60% of American women are either overweight or obese.

>> No.9683861 [DELETED] 

The entire world isn't america

>> No.9683862

Where did I say it was you prissy fuck?

>> No.9683864 [DELETED] 

Chill fatty, your diabetes is flaring up and making you irritable

>> No.9683872

looks like someone attacked her with a cheese grater

>> No.9683873

Used to have some stretchmarks near my butt, but they mostly dissapeared with lots of exercise, avoiding sugar and using a dermaroller + moisturize and drink at least 3L a day. TPA peelings can help too though.

>> No.9684180

i personally couldnt handle looking at it but then again im easily squirmy over appearances i cant handle big moles, huge birthmarks and acne, i can handle freckles but nothing bigger than a spot

>> No.9684182

Jnig has ruined all other women for me
No one could ever compare to her beauty even with all that makeup

>> No.9684280

she looks like a goddamn foot lmao what are you smoking

>> No.9684985

>absolutely seething

>> No.9685059

dang you bounced right back from kids, your tummy is so skinny and toned! I would honestly jst slap a bit of make-up on it and call it a day, noone can judge you for things you can't control

>> No.9685109

You obviously didn't read the part where that is not anon's tummy.

>> No.9685125

Fat does not look good in cosplay. Period. If you are overweight and are serious about cosplay your first goal should be to lose weight. Anyone telling you anything otherwise is just trying to not hurt your feelings.

Lose weight. Do it now.

>> No.9685182

>>9681888 (checked)
Try some makeup to cover up the color differences and it should be ok.

This stuff is more easy to hide than fucked up proportions...

>> No.9685285

>white genocide
Do people care about that outside of /pol/? Because I care about that but I'm 200% woke

>> No.9685301

Not gonna lie, that pic is fucking nightmare fuel.

>> No.9685353

you can easily tell which posts were made by men because of all the incredibly ignorant suggestions they come up with to fix stretch marks.

>> No.9685563

Um. How is that ignorant if those remedies are known to be used by ex-pregnant women with stretch marks?

>> No.9685668

Because they don't work and because nobody should feel as if they have to change their body

>> No.9685689

>Because they don't work
Plenty of posts in this thread are personal recommendations, or ones which have been vouched for by others.
>nobody should feel as if they have to change their body
Some sincerely want to though.

>> No.9685693

There is no cure for strech marks. Period.
Red strech marks are naturally changing into white ones and cosmetics can only make them smaller but cannot make them dissapear.

The only solution is skin transplant.

You can read about it almost everywhere and if you don't believe me you can check pubmed.

>> No.9685696


>> No.9685698

Are you stupid enough to think guys don't get stretch marks too?

>> No.9685776 [DELETED] 

I second this but if you don’t have kids then fucking immigrants from poverty stricken countries will flood our countries because the lack of us not having kids
I think that’s a little worse then stretch marks

>> No.9685996

Back to /pol/ with you

>> No.9686012

Back to >>>/reddit/ with you.

>> No.9686033

Pick one lol

>> No.9686040

Well, that doesn't look as bad. You could probably slap on some mattifying foundation to camouflage it a lil' bit.

>> No.9686043

Shit, those a gnarly...

>> No.9686686
File: 69 KB, 322x340, guts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW your back skin has been going to shit after a breakup because too hard to reach with cream

>> No.9688136

Along with the kids, she probably didn't use cocobutter every day which helps the skin a lot. It won't prevent them but it helps a lot. My mom was huge with both mr and my brother and she used it every day and didn't get a single stretch mark from us.

get some charcoal soap and use a soft back scrubber with it.

>> No.9688151


My wife keeps bringing up the idea of kids and evryr time I start to warm up to the idea, I have to deal with a child in real life.
No fucking way am I doing that to myself.

The fucking noise, the mess, I could not cope with having rats like that.

>> No.9688474

Man those are some harsh stretch marks.

But you have a great shape so I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.9688518

You look fine. What I can't stand is people trying to cosplay a character with a bare belly and being WAY to big to be doing it

>> No.9688521

Everyone? I don't think I have, any, not yet at least.

>> No.9688531

What's the point if you're not going to procreate with her, don't you want to see a couple of mini versions of you two growing up? I'll never understand your kind.

>> No.9688541

>mini yous
Children are not mini yous. They're their own people you have to try to help teach right and wrong and not fuck it up. People like you are why children end up with mental problems. People like you shouldn't breed.

>> No.9688555

Because I love her, not some theoretical person.

>> No.9688887

Whenever I get any irrational charm by kids, it helps to look at videos on YouTube about kids puking on their parents head.

Would love to have young adults as friends, the same way I hang out with my parents at my age, tho.
>Proceeds to watch puke videos

>> No.9688942

That isn't any more rational. It's not like children are constant puke machines (maybe infants are a bit worse, but their mobility is fortunately limited), you're watching a bunch of worst case events and telling yourself that's what having kids is like, when in reality most parents have a few gross stories but "kid puking on your head", is far from the normal everyday experience of parenting.

>> No.9689104

This looks pretty ok to me, wouldn't ruin a cosplay at all.

If you are worried about competing, I guess you could try make up, but I don't see any jury taking points of you because of it.

tl;dr if pic is you then is no issue, go cosplay

>> No.9689115

Yes, but they have no redeeming qualities.
They scream, they shit, they puke, they burn money like there's no tomorrow.

One hour with someone else's child is enough to tell me I don't ever want kids.

>> No.9689133

Mine used to be really red and angry in highschool, but now they've kind of faded. I heard coconut oil lotion can help fade them. Mine were caused just by genetics, so I don't know if that's a factor in how they fade.

>> No.9689388

Don't listen to breeders. They know they fucked up, and the only solace they have is trying to get other couples to ruin their lives as well.
Do what we did and cut these cancerous things out of your lives and social circles.

>> No.9689396

That's the plan.

Guy at work just had a kid and it's ruined his life.
His wife isn't working anymore, barely scraping by, he's lost focus and isn't hitting the gym as often, always tired.

No fucking way I'm doing that to myself, can't even imagine how it must be from the perspective of a woman - you ruin your body, your career and every moment of peace you will have for the next two decades.

>> No.9689412 [DELETED] 

There has been study after study showing people are more miserable after having kids aside from all the anecdotal evidence and shit that anyone can see. People just keep having them because of biology and because they"feel"like it, for stupid reasons lIke "I want to see a mini version of me!". It's not exactly a secret that stupid people breed more and their reasons are also stupid and shallow.
I think there is some small percentage of people who actually are happier with kids and not just saying it but not most.

>> No.9689419 [DELETED] 

Which is why the majority of suicide is singles without kids, right? Which is why women after 30 without children have a huge spike in suicide, right?

>> No.9689430

Pfft, correlation versus causation.

>> No.9689667

I don't have kids and I don't ever want to have kids. but I think this mindset is really silly. Life is pretty miserable all around. Having kids piles on more responsibilities, so I think more unhappiness isn't unusual. Whether you have kids or don't have kids isn't a guarantee of happiness, and the reason a lot of parents are unhappy aren't necessarily because the experience of raising kids is so terrible, but because of other factors like an unhappy marriage, being a single parent, not being able to economically support your family, having trouble balancing your job with the time you need to spend with your kids. Those are legitimate factors to worry about before you have kids.

Also worth noting that a lot of these studies focus on NEW parents, as in baby to toddler years. Those are definitely the most miserable, babies suck and I'm pretty sure most people are only able to put up with it because of those child-love chemicals that activate in the brain, but once that's over the kid is generally both less chaotic and more capable of engaging with you. I suspect parents can find some more enjoyment in dealing with the kid at that point. Especially once the kids are in school and not home all the time.

Part of the reason to have kids is also just an investment for old age. You might be lucky and have a great lifelong partner is always be there for you, doesn't die before you, and a close circle of friends who live about the same age as you, but not everyone is. Old age has the potential to be pretty lonely without a family, in addition to possible complications with taking care of yourself financially.

This is kind of rambling but regardless of happiness or not, kids aren't just things, they're people. Most parents do really love their kids, and that's why the feel what they do is worth it, more happiness or not. To regard someone's love for another human being as a mistake is just very callous to me, I don't know. It just seems too sad.

>> No.9689679

What’s the fucking point of this thread if the OP is long gone and everyone is talking about something unrelated to the thread now? This is not /cgl/ anymore, go share your opinion of babies somewhere else like Reddit.

>> No.9689685

Suicide has no correlation to a persons depression/misery? Seriously?

>> No.9689690

I wouldn't care as long as you're not obese and have a good body type for skimpy clothes. If your stretch marks are THAT bad, makeup, or flesh tone tights, will do you a lot of favors if you are self conscious. I'm not at all repulsed by stretch marks, women seem more bothered by them than men. Most men understand they aren't really preventable and girls get them from rapid growth spurts during puberty or she had children. Not things like the OP are disturbing, but I doubt the lady in the picture had much of a choice aside from not having children. But women who don't want to have children are probably the most useless things on the planet sooo..

>> No.9690105

Are you saying its a mystery why miserable people with kids don't commit suicide more often and just leave them with no support? You're fucking dumb.

>> No.9690113

Kids aren't a very good investment for old age, though. Many don't take care of their parents. The $100,000s spent raising children could just as easily be saved and invested as a far more secure guarantee of care in old age. How many people complain their kids don't visit them in the nursing home, etc.?
Personally with the rate of autism there is now I wouldn't risk having kids. Not all autists are like this but it is not something I would ever want to risk. There is a phenomenon of parents dumping their adult autistic children off on the state when they turn 18.
There are plenty of parents who admit anonymously online they hate their kids too, so I'm just skeptical of the overworked divorcing parents who claim they love their kids, really, you'd understand if you had them, etc. this happens a LOT...

>> No.9690123 [DELETED] 

So why are singles committing the most suicide at all? What do they have to be sad about if they are in the perfect child free life and the world was their oyster? ',:^) why are women especially suicidal after 30 without children? Hmmmm...

>> No.9690130

Are you saying it's a mystery that people with loved ones they care about stay in this world while people who have no one kill themselves? Romantic partnership and children are the absolute height of a human relationship, people who realize they'll spend the rest of their lives without it are quick to the rope neck tie.

>> No.9690141

Same here. Another couple used to insist on bringing their kids to our bbqs, but always with their "conditions".
No swearing or adult topics, "inappropriate" music should be avoided, and "dangerous" stuff can't be out. No allergens (their girls are allergic to cats and nuts) and the stupid little things become suicidal if nobody pays attention to their shitty drawings/antics.
Don't associate with parents.

>> No.9690157

Yeah, nah - I'd tell those guys to go fuck themselves.

I'm living child free, that includes everyone else's kids.

>> No.9690165

I've only personally known 2 adults who took their life and they both had kids. One was a mother struggling with addiction to pain pills and the other was a father who was suffering from ptsd. I did know of one teen at my youngest brother's highschool who attempted it twice and was successful on the third. Obviously she didn't have kids but she still added to statistics. It's not really an accurate representation to say most people who kill themselves don't have children and to infer it's a cause. It's because most people who commit suicide are very young.

>> No.9690169

Women after thirty who commit suicide are typically childless because they're mentally ill and men probably noticed that at some point, nutsack.

>> No.9690172
File: 26 KB, 441x330, 67349248927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>child free

>> No.9690173

>the absolute height of a human relationship

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.9690179

The height of narcissistic expression.

>> No.9690180 [DELETED] 

>becoming a single crazy cat lady who rode a cock carousel throughout her youth
>making you happy
keep telling yourself this.

>> No.9690184

Not her, but there's nothing stopping you from having a committed, life long relationship, without ruining your life with kids.

I'm married, to my high school sweetheart.
Here we are, 10 years later with good jobs, our own house and a happy life.

There is no way that our lives would be improved by kids.

>> No.9690185

If you are investing into children for what YOU can get out of it you really shouldn't have children because you are mentally a child yourself and want the world to revolve around you.

>> No.9690186 [DELETED] 

Most men want to be in a life long relationship with a woman who wants to bear offspring. Its why the majority of divorces are childless couples. I'm not saying its impossible, but its not a very common to happen and you will probably have more difficulty finding a partner in the long run. There are of course plenty of fish in the sea, not every needs to have children but that doesn't mean having children isn't a wounderful experience and thus it is something most men and women wish to have in their lifetimes which is why suicide and for singles without children are high, its a very strong and natural want in a human to have.

>> No.9690191

Another anon here, also in a ten year long relationship, getting married next year. Boyfriend got a vasectomy because he hates children. Most dudes I know RL aren't really into having kids either. I think it's a reaching to say most divorces are because of not having children. If there really is any correlation it's easier to get a divorce since you don't have to stay together for the kids.

>> No.9690199

Like I said, its not that is impossible, its uncommon. anecdotal evidence doesn't change the fact that most men and women want children. Men especially on average want children more than women want children.

>> No.9690208

I'm the original anon you replied to. I've been in my current relationship for 7 years, getting married next year. We both don't want kids. We get to travel, we're happily employed, we're just into eachother. If you think your relationship is incomplete without kids, maybe it's your relationship.

>> No.9690212

I'm a man.

I have not met a single guy, in a relationship, who actually wants kids.
It's something you generally accept as coming with the territory.

Most divorces are because people either get shotgun weddings, or marry too young.
Kids generally keep a couple together because of obligation - not because it makes them happy.

>> No.9690213

>Most men
Purely curious, are you a male?

>> No.9690216


>> No.9690218

Probably an incel from /pol/.

>> No.9690221

Yes. But it doesn't matter because we are talking numbers and statistics as a whole, not anecdotal evidence.

>> No.9690223

>Most men want to be in a life long relationship with a woman who wants to bear offspring. Its why the majority of divorces are childless couples
Correlation does not equal causation. The reason why more divorces are childless couples is because nothing is forcing them to stay together in loveless relationships.

>> No.9690225

Real talk though, what other reasons are there to have a child? To bring it into this wonderful joyous world that totally doesn't have any war and poverty?
Almost all reasons I hear about why to have kids focus on what the parents want and the happiness or perceived happiness of the parents. Think about the reasons people give for wanting children. They think babies are cute, they think it will complete their family, they think it will always love them, and so on. Which is why it's so funny to hear parents call people who don't want kids "selfish."
>Men especially on average want children more than women want children.
Yeah because men do jack shit to help with children most of the time so why wouldn't they want them? who cares? lol.

>> No.9690227
File: 389 KB, 620x343, triggered children.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh /pol/

>> No.9690228

What makes you believe most males want children? Because couples have children? You're assuming one party didn't just go along with whatever the other wanted and you're also negating accidents. I think your "most males" statistic is mostly based off of your personal feelings.

>> No.9690241

Yeah because not having children means riding tons of cock and no monogamy, right? Why do all breeders assume this? Oh wait it's because their relationship is only on lock down because of kiddies! Nayrt but I don't need a baby to hold my S.O. hostage.

>> No.9690247

This +1, christ i fucking hate breeders, so pathetic, the same type of people who would cheat on their SO instead of just talking shit out because they bought into monogamy

>> No.9690262 [DELETED] 

If you have a problem in the world, then its more than likely because you don't have a place in it either by you or your parents fault, I won't judge beyond that though. If you are in a first world country, your life can be lived comfortably with plethora of opportunity for the opportunistic and intelligent. Even a plumber can make a good living in this world.

What do children have to offer? The next generation for our society. If you are complaining about a rotten society but at the same time want people to stop being parents or feel like you have no obligation to raise a child into a fine and upstanding person yourself, you are only contributing the the problems of this world so really shouldn't have room to bickers. Its like a fat person complaining about their weight while stuffing their face with cake. What children offer is the future. Its priceless, important and can not be replaced.

>> No.9690265

Google you moron.

Men go above and beyond for children by creating and maintaining a stable society. Of course they want children, whats the fucking purpose of a hedonist life style if your society gets destroyed the moment it becomes a consensus that children arent important for the future.

>> No.9690269 [DELETED] 

Also, if you look it up, only 1/3 of millennials today don't want children, thats hardly the majority. Its rising, sure, but most people, especially men, want children. Barren wombs are a deal breaker for a lot of men

>> No.9690280

Just so you know, three of those articles referenced the same article and all of them are not arguing points you'd like to agree with. They're points like men are free to want children because they don't have to sacrifice anything and men want women to bear children because it keeps the women trapped in a patriarchal institution. So be careful there, moron.

>> No.9690281

The world is already overpopulated, ya dummies
who has kids to "better society"? that's some weird state propoganda shit.

>> No.9690291

Because the world is great FOR ME does not mean the world is great. Individuals not wanting children isn't going to lead to the death of society, drama llama. Some will still reproduce by choice and some will have happy accidents. Let's worry about foster kids and getting all children adopted before insulting the people not contributing to that particular problem. Maybe you haven't noticed the planet's overpopulation? We could stand to lose a few hundred million.

>> No.9690304

Am I wrong, though?

>> No.9690306

If you cheat, you're absolute fucking scum.
No excuse.

>> No.9690347

Is it wrong to bring up a meaningless buzzword? Yes.

>> No.9690353 [DELETED] 

As long as they are the minority sure, and there are not enough foster children to fill the future Job market worldwide idiot. Unless you're not white, getting adopted is almost guarantee.

>> No.9690359

>Unless you're not white, getting adopted is almost guarantee
The majority of the world isn't white anon, and this is completely untrue.

>> No.9690395

but white babies are statistically more likely to get adopted even though they're the minority. Did you even read the post?

>> No.9690406 [DELETED] 

>Maybe you haven't noticed the planet's overpopulation?
Of niggers white people keep feeding because they aren't having kids like they used to and replaced taking care of and raising children with minorities

>> No.9690433

Just because they're statistically more likely to get adopted doesn't mean "getting adopted is almost a guarantee." Did you even read your own post and check statistics to back it up? Don't be a retard, there's a reason why there's a ton of unadopted kids in the foster care system these days.

>> No.9690434

Did you? Tell me the percent of non Hispanic whites left unadopted vs adopted

>> No.9690446

I'll just leave this here

>> No.9690464

given the thread is steadily trending toward "society will collapse if white people stop breeding" /pol/ is a likely suspect

>> No.9690476 [DELETED] 

And? Let me guess. It's "bait" because you don't like seeing political opinions brought up on 4chan

>> No.9690480

It's as if they think that if non-whites were off the table that they'd become a preference.
Any self respecting woman would go gay/abstinent before she fucks a fat ugly polack.

You're ugly, fat and you have the personality of a week old pastrami sandwich.

>> No.9690482 [DELETED] 

So no argument? All you did was describe the majority of seagulls.

>> No.9690484 [DELETED] 

Oh god that was tumblr as fuck. Go back and stay there. /pol/ belongs on 4chan, you and your shitty insults clearly dont.

>> No.9690486

>self respecting woman
Sounds about right.

I'm a white man, I'm married to a white woman; we're not having kids, especially not to please some 60% Americlap from /pol/.

Just remember, you're not being passed over for Jamal or Hakim, you're being passed over because you're undesirable.

>> No.9690496 [DELETED] 

You are retarded, I'm married to a white woman too. We plan to have three children at least, and are on our way to the second one right now. Just because you see an opinion you don't like doesn't mean you win any arguments by painting a caricature of them. You are forced to do this instead of ignoring or properly arguing them because you are insecure and want to pray on those emotions in others like a desperate highschool whore. It's pathetic. If you can't handle the chaotic and off topic nature that exists on 4chan leave it because it isn't for you if you throw a shit fit every time a thread gets derailed here.

>> No.9690510


I don't go on /pol/ to discuss cosplay, stop shitting this board up.

>> No.9690517 [DELETED] 

The only thing that can save you os thread deletion and you know that is only a temporary treatment. No one is going anywhere, you are throwing a tantrum for nothing. Get used to it or get out

>> No.9690522 [DELETED] 

>implying any self respecting woman would be posting here
Seagulls are the bottom of the barrel of women. To actually be here for any reason other than to watch the train wreck is really pathetic.

>> No.9690524

Do you want to know how I know you're crossboard filth?

>> No.9690525

Kids should be a first month discussion in any decent relationship.
If your plans don't match up, one or more of you will be miserable.

>> No.9690528 [DELETED] 

Yeah, why would I ever dedicate my time to lurking only /cgl/? A slow and terrible board that derails worse than any other board?

>> No.9690536

>Restricting yourself to only one board

>> No.9690539

Nothing wrong with lurking multiple boards, but fucking learn the board culture before you shitpost.

>> No.9690540 [DELETED] 

If this bothers you youre the one that needs to learn board culture. This happens on practically every board that i can think of expect maybe the ones were people are too busy fapping and even then i doubt doubt that it slips in.

>> No.9690542

>Can't even post the board moniker.
Lurk more.

>> No.9690544 [DELETED] 

i think "holes" is more fitting for the lot of you than "gulls"

>> No.9690546

>learn board culture
then show us those tits

>> No.9690675

Once I was at a mcdonalds and I saw this younger girl wearing shorts and she had what I could swear were 3 inches of self harm scars on her legs. I must have audibly gasp and looked away real fast.

I felt like I saw something I shouldn't of had and knew something I shouldn't of had. I'll probably never see this person again but I'm pretty sure the fact that some random stranger knows she self harmed at one point might be a little weird.

>> No.9690679

Wow you really are stupid. If there were less people, obviously future job market isn't growing. Jfc you have to be a troll.

>> No.9691789

So you're saying there is a correlation between childless women and mental illnesses? Got it.

>> No.9693621
File: 22 KB, 355x355, 71bSqSrujPL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm curious OP, did you use topical treatments, creams to try to reduce the scars? I know there are some surgical procedures to help reduce the scaring (which are pricey) or did you just heal that way on your own?

>> No.9693625

>shouldnt of
>should of

>> No.9694054

But I’ve been here way longer then pol...

>> No.9694277

Yeah, poverty stricken countries are overpopulated. Chances are the country you live in will face underpopulation in the near future if more first worlders don't start reproducin

>> No.9694278

If you don't believe in monogamy why does it even matter if you cheat on your SO?

>> No.9694280

Yep. When it comes to population, density is the most important factor. Not to mention the dwindling first world population is supporting the others in the first place

>> No.9694284
File: 66 KB, 419x249, 1472079701774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something something feelings and loyalty suddenly matter and its mean to upgrade without warning

>> No.9696028


Cute tummy

>> No.9696031

OP, everyone has stretch marks.

>skin tone leotard under your cosplay if you're uncomfortable.

Best fix

>> No.9696327
File: 76 KB, 549x465, 1335179610472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9698455

i have a fetish for stretch marks and blemishes

>> No.9698484

>What's the point if you're not going to procreate with her,
You're a bit far from Utah, aren't you?

>> No.9699292

I would take care of my dad in a heart beat. My mom? I wouldnt touch her with a 10 ft pole and hope she suffers.

>> No.9699301

Thats because parents stopped investing in their children as a whole and handed over child care to socialized institutions like public school and think that things like a large inheritance is shaming and spoiling to receive. No duty to each other both parent and child basically because the government does most of the raising.

>> No.9699303 [DELETED] 

How about a future generation idiot. and no, there are not nearly enough orphans to fill that gap that would be left behind if most people stopped breeding ESPECIALLY in the first world.

>> No.9703033

Damn, never seen anyone with stretch marks as disgusting and deep looking as these... what the fuck is wrong with their body?